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Reaktor Kimia:

pemilihan dan desain






Plug flow


Mixed flow

Plug flow

Fixed bed

Pemilihan reaktor dipengaruhi oleh:

Jenis reaksi:
Tunggal? Paralel? Seri?

Efek panas
Isotermal? Adiabatic? Direct/indirect heating?

Kondisi reksi:
Suhu? Tekanan? Fase reaksi? Katalisator?

Sebagian kondisi reaksi dibatasi oleh

hasil penelitian




Fase reaksi

Multi fase

beda fase
multi fase

Design guidelines for reactors

1. Single irreversible reactions (not autocatalytic)
a. Isothermal

always use a plug flow reactor

b. Adiabatic:
i. Plug flow if the reaction rate monotonically decreases with conversion
ii. CSTR operating at maximum reaction rate followed by a plug flow section
2. Single reversible reactions adiabatic
a. Maximum temperature if endothermic
b. A series of adiabatic beds with a decreasing temperature profile if exothermic
3. Parallel reactions composition effects
a. For A

R (desired) and A

S (waste), where the ratio of the reaction rates is

i. If a1 > a2, keep CA high

Use batch or plug flow
High pressure, eliminate inerts
Avoid recycle of products
Can use a small reactor
ii. If a1 < a2, keep CA low
Use CSTR with a high conversion
Large recycle of products
Low pressure, add inerts
Need a large reactor
b. For A + B

R (desired) and A + B

S (waste), where the ratio of the rates is

i. If a1 > a2 and b1 > b2, both CA and CB high

ii. If a1 < a2 and b1 > b2, then CA low, CB high
iii. If a1 > a2 and b1 < b2, then CA high, CB low
iv. If a1 < a2 and b1 < b2, both CA and CB low
4. Consecutive reactions composition effects

R (desired); R

S (waste, minimize the mixing of streams with different different

5. Parallel reactions temperature effects
a. If E1 > E2, use a high temperature
b. If E1 < E2, use an increasing temperature profile
6. Consecutive reactions temperature effects
a. If E1 < E2, use a low temperature
b. If E1 > E2, use a decreasing temperature profile not very sensitive

Proses Batch
(R. Smith, Chemical Process Design)
1. Ekonomis untuk kapasitas kecil
2. Fleksibel untuk perubahan/variasi produk
3. Dapat menggunakan peralatan multipurpose standard (untuk memproduksi bermacam-macam
4. Sesuai untuk peralatan yang cepat mengalami fouling, sehingga perlu regular cleaning
5. Mudah untuk direct scale-up dari skala laboratorium
(R. Smith, Chemical Process Design)
Dipilih proses batch jika:
1. Production rate
a. Mungkin batch jika kapasitas < 10 juta lb/tahun
b. Selalu batch jika < 1 juta lb/tahun
c. Multi produk
2. Market forces
a. Seasonal production
b. Short product lifetime
3. Scale up problems
a. Very long reaction time
b. Handling slurries at low flow rates
c. Rapidly fouling materials
Langkah-langkah merancang proses batch:
1. Susun proses sinambung/kontinyu
2. Ganti bagian unit yang harus dibuat batch
a. Alat mana yang perlu operasi batch?
b. Bila ada beberapa proses yang berurutan (processing step) bisa digunakan
i. Ssatu tangki untuk beberapa proses yang urut
ii. Stu tangki untuk setiap proses
c. Perlu menggunakan unit batch yang paralel?
d. Dimana letak intermediate storage?
3. Perlu diperhatikan jadwal operasi

time-event chart (Gantt chart), terdiri dari pengisian

reaksi pengosongan pembersihan

4. Q harus diambil Q max

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