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Research Connection for my Expository ElementThe Expository Essay The Mayan Retention depicts the evidence of how

extraterrestrial may have influenced or visited the Mayan cities and help them accomplish
all of their discoveries. It shows evidence of the religious, architectural, astronomical and
mathematical aspects of the Mayans and relate them to how they may have been
something related to extraterrestrial life. In the line Some of the Authors that have written
many books on extraterrestrial existence and examined many Mayan related scripts and
art to see if they had any correlation. The quote coming from Giorgio A. Tsoukalos says,
People came that instructed people of different cultures, different societies in certain
scientific disciplines. This is not a coincidence, this is evidence for ancient alien
encounters in the remote past, and there is no other way. This showed how the religious
aspect of how the Mayans obtained the idea of gods of the sun, sky, water, earth and fire
were all works of aliens and obtained such behaviors such as ceremonial sacrifices and
having gods similar to other gods from places across the globe at his such time proves
that aliens influenced them in some way shape or form. From the research I've conducted
as well I used some of the videos from which inputs a video from about the "Mayans Conspiracy" which provides the same basic topic of
evidences that I used to support my thesis in my expository.
Research Connection for my Narrative ElementThe Narrative Essay The last of the Past shows a story of a boy who lived in
Chichen Itza and treks across the four major cities of the Mayans to recover his dads
major project that he worked on before the Spanish ventured the lands of Palenque and
killed him. He tries to find clues and evidence of what his dad was working on from the

city of Cob, which after they reached there they had learned all of the people were
perished by the Spanish as well. Overtime his mother became ill and died and he fled
back to his city and in the story the quote conveys a message that "Time is longevity of
our world" which portrays the message that when his dad was in his dream this quote
showed what his dads project was objectively about. He had learned that his dad was
trying to finish a mathematical type of work that involved calculations of many sorts. He
had learned this through some of his dreams that involved his dad trying to relay some
messages to him, but he soon picked up on them and had found and finished the project,
which was the Holy Mayan Calendar that marked the beginning and end of the world
according to the Mayan religious beliefs. He kept it safe and would use it in the future to
help his civilization revive in the future because of what the Spanish did to them. My
research involved in my narrative was a story similar to the storyline of "The Percy
Jackson series" and involved some of the information about the Holy Mayan Calendar
involving the dates from which they performed some calculations of the beginning to
infer the ending of the world and showed how some of their Mayan calendar work seeped
into some of their works in astronomy as well. The information was used from an article
about the Mayan Calendar which was written by John Kinsella and showed how the
Mayan calendar helped dingy their civilization from other and attracted them more to the
Spanish then other civilizations in the Mesoamerican territories.
Research Connection for my Poetry ElementOn the poetry element I made on the Mayans, "The Red Ruins" and "We The
Mayans" attempts to display imagery and mostly purpose to the Mayans culture. The first
poem was a Hortian Ode, which conveyed a message about the basic Mayans life and

how they displayed such curiosity and creativity throughout their life and works. The
Haiku, "The Red Ruins" displayed such imagery and sound to display what the Mayans
city of Chichen Itza looked and felt like. It shows how peaceful of a day the Mayans have
worked through until the Aztecs rush through the forests of the Yucatn and show how
the people run away and how it's such a horrid scene as the sun does down. I used an
article titled "En Busca de Los Mayas" to create my Haiku which told one of the
expeditions that Rodolfo Ruiz Mendez went to in Central America to study the land and
discovered some of the first aspects of the Mayans. He described the land of which
helped me synchronize some ideas of how to describe the Mayans topography. The
Horatian Ode involved some of the description of that article but mostly involved some
of the ideas about architecture. I used some of the information from how they related
their cultural aspects to architecture by constructing such amazing structures with
perfection. The line "In the equidistant people give homage to K'inich Ajaw with
prosperity" shows how people made these structures and made it to convey that it was to
their gods.
Research Connection for my Visual ElementMy visual Element was a very important aspect of my research, which displayed
many themes about the Mayan Culture. My drawing represents the Mayan city of
Chichen Itza during the expedition era time period and It's shows how the city thrived
with life and was a pure sight of beauty as nature bloomed at every corner. In this
drawing the Mayan city is showing all of its amazing architecture they used as well and
shows how in depth they went to creating on the most advanced architectural
monumental structures in history involving complex mathematics and engineering. The

Mayans had developed many things such as using nature as a source to live as well. The
nature represents the way the Mayans lived off and had sustained such a large population
with a volume of different environmental aspects. My research that was involved in this
involved some from the expedition of Rodolfo Ruiz Mendez, which was written as a
journal and described the land of the Mesoamerican territory.
Research Connection for my Choice ElementFor my choice element I compiled a video made on Powtoons to wrap up all of
my evidence conducting my research over the time period of the last couple of weeks. I
used some of the information on astronomy that was covered by a page of research by
Timothy Watts who wrote about ancient and medieval era knowledges on astronomy and
showed how their studies of engineering correlated with their research in astronomy. The
video showed many evidence of how the Mayans could have disappeared by either
"drought, overpopulation, disease, famine, warfare or even alien influence." I showed
how over the time period of the past couple of weeks I conclude that Mayans left their
cities because if aliens influence and show some of the most interesting evidences I
conducted as directly stated, "The Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza are directly parallel
to the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt running along the equator." This shows how my
research was supported by my evidence and was all collected from mostly
which gave me aspirations of conducting this topic and this site also helped me give basic
knowledge of how their life was and some their old works that still remained today such
as the "Popo Vuh". I used as much research as I could to compile this video and conveyed
the message that aliens influence Mayans heavily and also talks about how this idea could
lead and break boundaries into the future.

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