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20 Section A September 2007 The Woodside News


Noah’s Flood— duced ocean waves detected

around the world. During
as the cause of earth’s sedimentary
strata and fossils. The hypothetical
have accounts of earth’s total destruc-
tion by a flood except for one family
Key to the Past Noah’s Flood, the “fountains multi-billion-year geological column saved in a boat. Even peoples living
of the great deep burst open” “proving” evolution exists only on far inland, such as the Hopi Indians

W hich came first, the

river or the valley?
Several years ago my son
worldwide for five months.
It took five more months for
the waters to recede and
paper. Layers of sediment actually
were deposited within a year by
Noah’s Flood. Incredibly, these
of the American Southwest and the
Incas high in the Peruvian Andes, tell
of a global Flood covering the highest
Daniel and I spent days hik- then two months for the effects of the Flood were dismissed mountains, extinguishing almost all
ing Cuyahoga Valley earth to dry. Post-flood geo- and instead attributed to evolution to life. Such accounts provide independ-
National Park south of WILLIAMPH.D. T. PELLETIER
logical adjustments contin- promote that theory. ent testimony to a worldwide Flood.
Cleveland. Cuyahoga is an ued for centuries. The original explanation in terms Chronologically Noah’s Flood is
Indian word meaning The oceanic, atmos- of Noah’s Flood has never been dis- fundamental. It is critical to the “age
crooked, and it aptly describes the pheric, and geological upheavals of proved. It was simply rejected of the earth” which directly impacts
river in that valley. Noah’s Flood defy imagination. The because it did not fit the preferred Creation-Evolution controversies.
Park geologists and I both saw Flood destroyed the world (2 Peter evolutionary worldview. The Biblical Noah’s Flood contradicts the sup-
precisely the same facts: a deep broad 3:6). worldview properly attributes these posed evolutionary history of the
valley with steep side ravines dwarf- geological effects to Noah’s Flood world. Fossils and sedimentary strata
ing a crooked little river. Yet we had THEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE and recognizes the Flood as God’s found around the world were
totally different explanations of those What a dramatic, unforgettable judgment on a sin-soaked world. deposited in about one year by the
facts stemming from radically diver- demonstration of God’s character and Flood and then solidified over the
gent worldviews. Signs claimed the His judgment on sin! Both Jesus and HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE following decades. Rock layers sup-
valley resulted from millions of years the Apostle Peter refer to the world- Noah’s Flood dramatically impacted posedly proving an ancient earth are
of gradual river erosion. However, I
thought the valley formed quickly by
turbulent run-off from a massive
flood—probably Noah’s Flood 4500
Towering tidal waves hundreds
years ago. After a flood carved the
valley, water collecting in the bottom of feet high washed across
formed the Cuyahoga River.
The river did not make the valley.
The valley came first and caused the
continents. Horrific hypercanes
river. This is exactly what happened
with the North Fork of the Toutle
pounded earth with 300 mph
River at Mount St. Helens in 1982
when a mudflow carved an enormous winds, raining 10 inches per hour.
canyon in one day. The Grand
Canyon’s formation was similar.
Who cares about an ancient
flood? What difference does it make? wide Flood as historic fact when mankind’s history, including the more accurately understood as results
The Bible vividly underscores Noah’s teaching about the end of the world. development of cultures and races. of Noah’s Flood, not representing
Flood. The first eleven chapters of In Hebrews Noah’s Flood illuminates History cannot be correctly under- millions of years of imaginary history.
Genesis cover the first two millennia faith and obedience. stood apart from the Flood’s devasta- Evolutionists blindly claim this with-
of world history, yet four of those Prior to the evolution craze, tion and earth’s repopulation by out sound scientific basis.
chapters detail Noah’s Flood. It was Noah’s Flood was almost universally Noah’s descendants.
foundational geologically, historically, recognized to be global and credited Hundreds of cultures worldwide GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE
and theologically, affecting every Noah’s Flood is the pivotal geological
individual on earth ever since. event of all time because it utterly
transformed the globe. Mountains,
WHAT WAS NOAH’S FLOOD LIKE? ravines, ocean basins, and continents
Towering tidal waves hundreds of probably all date from the time of the
feet high washed across continents. Flood—they were either formed or
Horrific hypercanes pounded earth drastically altered by the Flood.
with 300 mph winds, raining 10 Peeks and valleys are beautiful,
inches per hour. but they greatly complicate the build-
Scripture reports the Flood ing of cities and roads. Land compo-
occurred when the fountains of the sition and contours strongly influence
great deep burst open, and the floodgates the type of cultures which develop.
of the sky were opened (Genesis 7:11). Land forms also profoundly affect
The waters above the expanse (Genesis weather patterns all over the world.
1:7) precipitated and no longer The Ice Age most likely resulted
shielded man from cosmic radiation. from the Flood in ensuing centuries.
Thus life spans declined after the Turbulent Flood waters caused
Flood. massive erosion worldwide. Swirling
A small-scale example of the sediments were hydraulically sorted
forces involved is the undersea erup- and settled in layers, solidifying dur-
tion of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. ing the following decades. The Flood
Ocean waves totally covered nearby laid down vast extents of biomass
islands and inundated Java and worldwide making coal and oil
Sumatra 130 feet above sea level 6 reserves for most of today’s energy.
miles inland. Waves killed 36,000 Sedimentary rock layers are
people, destroyed 5,000 boats, and water-borne sediments of mud and
obliterated 295 towns. Waves trav- sand which have solidified. Some
eled 400 mph in the open ocean. sedimentary layers tens of feet thick
Surges were recorded on tide gauges extend multi-state; others span conti-
5,000 miles away in South Africa, nents. Only a global flood would have
6,000 miles away in Alaska, and the power to erode, transport, and
11,000 miles away in the English deposit such immense quantities of
Channel. sediment. Such regional and conti-
Krakatoa’s brief eruption pro-
SCIENCE continued on page 21
The Woodside News September 2007 Section A 21

SCIENCE continued from page 20

nental deposits are found worldwide
and imply a global flood.
Often sedimentary strata are not
flat. Very thick layers have been bent
and folded without any cracking or
breaking. This folding must have
occurred before mud and sand layers
hardened, implying rapid deposition
by a flood. Great mountain chains
such as the Himalayas, Alps,
Appalachians, and Rockies are sedi-
mentary rock deposited by the Flood
which buckled up afterwards. (Psalm

Noah’s Flood explains fossils—petri-
fied remains of once-living plants
and animals. The Flood would have
laid down great deposits of water-
borne sediments full of plant and ani-
mal remains. As the sediments solid-
ified into rock, the remains fossilized.
Remains must be buried quickly in
order to fossilize instead of decaying.
Sometimes tree trunks pass
through many layers. These poly-
strate fossils prove rapid deposition
of the layers, for otherwise the trees
would have rotted away. Rapid depo-
sition of successive layers is also evi-
denced by razor-sharp demarcations
between layers—there is no erosion,
no roots between layers, no soil for-
mation. Animal tracks, surface rip-
ples, and raindrop marks have all
been preserved as fossils. This means
they were quickly covered by sedi-
ments; otherwise they would not
have been preserved.
Deep-sea limestone (containing
ocean-bottom fossils) crowns Mt.
Everest. How did it get there?
Marine fossils atop all mountain
ranges worldwide relentlessly pro-
claim, “Global Flood!” Fossil-laden
sedimentary strata worldwide are
indelible records of a global flood.
What outcome would you expect
based on the Genesis report that a
worldwide flood destroyed every liv-
ing thing on the face of the earth? Ken
Ham of Answers in Genesis quips,
“Billions of dead things buried in
rock layers laid down by water all
over the earth!” In fossil graveyards,
buried under layers of mud, billions
of animal and marine fossils lie jum-
bled together in death.


Evolutionists love pronouncing, “The
present is the key to the past.” This is
exactly backwards. The truth is, “The
past is the key to the present.” A Bibli-
cally-informed understanding of the
past explains the present geological
condition of the earth by Noah’s Flood.
Was the Flood a catastrophic
worldwide deluge, or was it only
local? Your answer profoundly affects
Creation/Evolution perspectives and
radically impacts worldview. Only
one answer fits the geological evi-

Dr. Pelletier may be contacted by email

©2007 William T. Pelletier

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