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;A.lbev+ville Police Depo.vtJ1"\e!

po. B"x 1248 .. S"vdh B"Dad S're..:!
Albed,.ille, AL 35950

P..,,,lll A. ~"'~5,'"
1'1\N e' .'it» Cl91-B221J

June 5. 2008

Assistanl Secretary Julie Myers

425 I Sl1eel, NW
Washinglon. DC 20536

D€ar Madam Secretary,

I am the Chief of Police in Albertville, AJabama. We have a very large populaliOrl of Hispanic
Immigrants in our city thai many have estimated as high as eight to ten thousand. It is my opinion
Iha! .at least 80% of these individuals in our country and our city are here illegally. As a resul!.
criminal activity such as gang activity and narcotics trafficking has increased in OUf community.

Our departmenl has a very close working retaHonship with J.eE Detention and Removal
Operalion~ Center!l"l Gadsden, Alabama which is only about twenty miles {rom our city.

In Ap!"il. 2007 I enacled a new policy within OUf department. which requires US 10 contad J.C.E
when we have in custody an individual (0( unrelated charges that we believe is an illegal
immigrant. I was pleased to find that I.C.E. would respond in these cases and custody Is oflen
transferred to their facilily. where hopefully removal procedures would begin.

Having stated all of this the reason for Ihis leller is to respecHully request 287(g) status to;' a
portion of my employees. II is my personal and professional belief thai in doing so. we can
greatly increase and expedite the removal of many of the illegal Immigrant population in our
community, especially those that choose to victimize our citizens and even their own communHy
through many types of criminal activity. The partnership that we have already established wilh
I.C.E. would be greatly enhanced with this training.

It is my hope !hat you would seriously consider my reques! for assistance.

Cc: Jim Pendergraph. Executive Direclor

Office of Slate and Local Coordination

Albertville Police DI?p-.

I II I I $ 005.32',:
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7007 1490 OD04 3717 0459

Jim Ponderg.::lph, El(~cuti .... c Direc.tor

425 I Stl'eet NW
Wi:lshington. DC 20536
From: (bt(6)'Jb)W(g
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 3:58 PM
To: b 6 b 7 C
Cc: (~®~~QL~~______~____~

Subject: Alabama 287(g)/ICE Access Presentation


At 900 am on Thursday, July 24, 2008, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -("b"""

(7,,,, C), .,----------------. and I met with
representatives from the Marshall County AI epresentatives from the
Following Departments were in attendance:

Boaz, AL Police Department

Marshall County Alabama Sheriff's Department
Albertville, AL Police Department
Arab, AL Police Department
Douglas, AL Police Department
Grant, AL Police Department
Guntersville, AL Police Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Marshall County Prosecutor's Office

We discussed the 287(g) and ICE ACCESS programs in detail and answered questions pertaining to both programs. Each
department addressed their particular needs and was provided information concerning both 287(g) and ICE ACCESS programs.
(b)(6Ull)(7)(g), provided an overview of the CAP program and discussed pending ORO plans to enhance the local CAP program with
additional officers and resources and the creation of a Fugitive Operations Team in the area. Contact information for 01 and ORO
was provided to each of the departments. At the conclusion of the presentation, each department was provided the opportunity to
complete a field survey and provided information about the formal request process.

Each of the departments declined to complete the field survey and opted to partner with ICE under the ACCESS program in
lieu of 287(g). The departments requested ICE provide LESC training for their dispatchers and fraudulent document identification
training to their officers. ( )(6), ( )('1)(C) and (b)(6l Jll)(7)(C) addressed several questions pertaining to ICE 01 and ORO participation in
local enforcement initiatives and provided to the departments on how to request ICE support.

Boaz, AL Police Chief M(6) , (b)(I)sC)was asked to determine the number of dispatchers requesting to receive LESC training and
provide the numbers to m mination. Fraudulent document identification training for officers assigned to these
departments will be provided by the SAC.

Formal letters of declination were not rendered by the departments in attendance.

b (6), (b)(7)(C;-=l
287(g)fTraining Program Manager
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
1250 Poydras Street, Suite 2200
New Orleans, LA 70113
(504) 31 (h-j(6), (b)(l)~C)
(504) 91 ~)(Qk(W(l)(C)
W(Q), (b)(lJ(C)


4,.. DISTRICT, A LADAMA :o t\.. ' .: _ RI,·. ~"'·'G Ml " aL~ .
,.\teffJI LlG't!;1.Af fE 8 11,, · .'C1l


TEL£ r ' iO NE : (2021 225-4876
W~1l PI.G~: VMIW.houso.oov/adcrholt
1!Chc 111 th ltonllrrsS
ti .~ . '1A.ousc of lRcprcscnmtiDcS
October 9, 2009 ICll! 013saAA

OCT 15 2DD9
Mr. John P. Torres
Acting Assistant Secretary
United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement
500 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20536

Dear Mr. Torres:

Please find enclosed a letter from Mayor Lindsey Lyons and

Chief of Police Benny Womack of Albertville, Alabama that was sent
to you regarding their request for 287g training for officers in
their police department. Albertville is a city in my district that
has faced major crime and other concerning issues related to illegal
immigration. The city has tried to take a.n active and responsible
role in addressing these problems, but more resources and assistance
are needed.

Mr. Torres, I hope you will give their request your utmost
consideration. If my office can be of any help to you in addressing
this need, I hope you will not hesitate to calIon me.


Robert B. ~derholt
Member of Congress

cc: Mayor Lindsey Lyons

Chief of Police -----...,

( X6l . (b FW3 )

2/107 Cf\!lL huon BU I LlJ\~I G :w~ FO UJlTI ~ A VENUr: NE 107 FE!) 1I,\l, B UI LD iNG MortCIoN CO UN I V C OU I, I HOUSE
'7 \ 0 !U.A£lAMA AVENUe SUIT e 10<1 000 13 110;<0 S 111 ~ ET P.O. [J o 668
JASPER . AL 3550 1 CUU.Mf. N. A L 350 55 G AO~O (N . AL 35901 ~/W'jlt"' L 3560~
TnEPl{o 'e: (205) 221-231 0 TW ::PHO NE: (256) 7"> 6Q.r03 THEP ItO f. : (256) 546-020 1 . , ,. '"""?/.'j 6) 350-4093
WASHINGTON, DC 20515-010Ll


OFFICIAL BUSINEs.sF~DS i C ..... i.:3 .···2C·:iS :J?::= i. : ':';"i...;

Mr. John P. Torres

Acting Assistant Secretary
United States Immigration And Custom
500 12th Street, Sw
Washington, D.C. 20536

111111111,1,.1.1,,11,1 •• •11 HAP~.JSP i 20535 IJ J J J JJ I" II J ' JIJ I IJJ I' II J' I" I,) I' IJJ'11111111' ,"
I J 11I11 \ I ,, I"
Albettvi/le Police Oepal11nent
201 South Broad Street
Albertville, AL 35950
"To Protect and Serve"

ChIef of Police
( .
• I'

April 27.2009

Mr. John P. Torres

Acting, AssislllIH Secretary
'.5. Immigrn1ion and CUS10m EI~ lrorcc:m(;nr
500 I ~lh Sir I S W
\ a -hington. DC ~05}(j

RE: 287G Traill in g.-A Ibenvi lIe. A lab'lnli!

Dcar Assistant Sccretar:' Torres.

Our city Albel1\·ille. Abbam a is cllrrt: ntl~ and has been (;"Icin g a tremendous cha llenge in regard to a large
popul<:l! ion of H isp:lIIic imm igrams, th e' majori~' of \\ hich we believe 10 be here illega lIy. As 3 direct re u11 the
isslles Ihilt come with Ihis have Ihe pOlcntiallo cripple our city. [\llexican drug cartel presence. illicit dnlg
tmrficking. g~llg prest!llce. bl."Otht:l s and other underlying !'''etions arc indeed present in Ollr city.

Our police depal1lnent ha5 \'cr:.' cJ ' e working relationship with I.e.£. Detention and Removal Opcr.-I!iolls
Center in Gad dell. A lab:unn. Ho\\evcr. we feel that 287G Trainillg for 6-8 of" our oflicer-; \\ ould grcatl~
en hanee the effect jvcness of our bw en forcemellt in rcgilrd to the IIlcga I A IjCll issues.

We respectfully request this crilicJI need ror our police uepJrLmcllI. It \\·i11 cmpl'\\\'er us 10 increase <lod expedite
the rClI10va 1or In:llly or the II legal A lien populatiol1 in our community, c"pee inlly Ihose I h<ll viet im i2e our
citizens and c:vt:'o rlle;r OMI cOnllllunily. nH~ partllcrship llral \\'C lJa\c aJrcild~' establishcu \\ irll I.CE. \\Quld be
grc:\tly enhanced with this rcqut!:>1.

(bX6 ). (bX7)(C)

Rc pee!fully. ~

, 1ayor Lind$C~~
Ci~' or Albertville

AL8ERTVIUE POUCE DEPART ~. IEI T I PH ~ 256} 3iB·1 212 / FAX t256189 1: - ' ~
and Local Coordination

U.S. Dep:uimcl1t of Homeland

500 12th Street, SW
Washington. DC 20536

r,"·~ 2 8 2009

We received a copy of your letter dated April 27, 2009, through a letter from Representative Robert
Aderholt dated October Unfortunately, prior to this, our office was not of
your letter. We appreciate your interest in the 287(g) Authority program by
the U.S. hnmigration Customs (ICE), the Department of Hon1eland

within the of (DHS), 1$

and ensuring public safety through the aggressive
customs across more million
miles that make up our great nation. ICE recognizes, however, that we share the
safety with over state local Jaw enforcement officers.
th,is joint is by building partnerships state loca.l
facilitate these partnerships and work more closely with our stare and loca.l
Safety and Security (ACCESS) program.

state and local to partner with

to specifically imn1igration customs their communities.
To accomplish this, ICE ACCESS offers an umbrella of services and programs to assist local
interior 287(g) referenced is onJy one
component. Other programs that fall within ACCESS include: the Customs
(Title 19), Task Forces, the Enforcement
Support Center (LESe), Operation Community Shield, the Criminal Alien Program (CAP),
Fugitive Operations, and Rapid For more find enclosed a of
the ICE ACCESS Fact Sheet.

wruch programs your corrununity's

that will be sent by your lCE ACCESS liaison. Investigations,
and in the Office of Detention and Removal Operations,
at (504)
Page 2

Thank you again for your interest in ICE.


u ,d4." '0
William F. Riley
Acting Executive Director
Office of State and Local Coordination


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