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1Ill n ) O !II 3 59 101 1l.,...ood Stow<
~ ... H.C l8IOl
Van Duncan, Sher iff

JIIiy 20, :roo?

us I_""_.nd
...... iMant s..:n.1ary.Julie Mye..
0.'""," EnfoJa,mont
4iG I SU'eet ~'W. Room 7100
W..JllnctoD. DC 20r.36

1 am W"I.I"II to !'e<!""""' partic:ipauon ,n 1.ha Oeleptoon or Audloril,)' J'ro&:nIm pu..uanl to 267 (I> of
lhIlm.miantion and NatUJ'&liutlon Acl. Thill partne..rup with tCE will enable ... to be""r .."""
and m~t the nHd. ohhe ..... idenuo or AIltMIville and BUDOOmbe Count,y , North Carolma.

I mel w,th repreBOlmati"". rro... both your Charlotte .nd Atlanuo of!i<:M on July 18, 2007. and mund
!.hem be ve ry helpful ftnd ena>Ul' • . It \II w,th u..,U' ad ....... I am Propollinc the rollowins:

E.t.abliahm.... t of an ldenuficalicm Revie .. omo.r at ow Buncombe Counl,)' Ileu!ntion

Yaality. looated m A8hevi1l11. TI\ltI it nutnenmol P'""_ _'" aM pre-1nIl\ ~nUon r.,illl,)'.

'T'Ni.n e ..lll (8) Dewation Clffine.. I·;aned I:Ii!nmol p.ooe 'nc. With .. IIUlmnum or tWO
,e ... "p"""'nne, who ba.. p.-d .. backpou.nd ac:ceplllblB ICE.
.er:urol.y to

Trtiainc faci!i!lm ant Il.ailabll .1 lbt Lany T • .JUOItua W..... m .J\IItiot AQld.:...,. Ioc&ted
eJo.e by in. Edneyville, North Carol".... wbere inHnrdo-rt CIUI uldille COlIIp .. let tninmc ......
vio-ilDlllUI]' <>thu materiat. !.hay may Med in iDJIIJ."1lCtioM.

Thll Prorrtm wiU .Ikrw ... to entet mto .. Memorandum of U...u. that wtll llUIble ... to
penic,pll"" with ICE in wentifying criminlli iIlepl alie"" who ~ a ri, k to tlla citi»"" 01 Buncombe
eounty. I look fo ....ard to your -.peed,y endoI'Mmenl of W , requ"n and QlovmlJ m....atd with Lhi.
prorrau> ror In. be_fitohll.

cc:; s.,,,,,tor Elizabeth Dole

Service. Accountability * Integrity * Professionalism * Dignity

D( I}Il ami Remoml Operatiolls

U.S. Departmenf of Homeland Security

425 I Streel, NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

Sheriff Van Duncan

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
202 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 2880 I

Dear Sheriff Duncan,

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. The 287(g)
Program Management Office (PMO) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are in receipt of your request for training for the
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office.

On September 27, 2007, the 287(g) PMO at ICE Headquarters forwarded your request to the
Field Office Director (FOD) of Detention and Removal Operations, Atlanta, GA, and the
Special Agent in Charge Atlanta, GA. Local representatives from these two divisions will be
in contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment and determine whether the
287(g) program is the appropriate application to address your local law enforcement

The local ICE point of contact regarding the 287(g) program is Assistant Field Office Director
(AFOD) Paige Edenfield, who can be reached at 980-7~e1.ll?2ill (C)


(b)(6) . (b)(7)(C)
287 (g) Unit Chief
Detention and Removal Operations

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