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Stimulation(Example: Build Car, Build Aeroplane)

operation of a model, which is a representation of that system. It is amenable to manipulation

can be test and studied the behaviour and performance of an actual or theoritical systemmore
Real system
Economic reasons , Political reasons, Time
Stationary robot : It control programs are stored on disc or tape. It can be reprogrammed to do
a different task e.g. used on factory assembly lines.
Mobile Robots: tracks ). Mars robot.
Humanoid Robots:combine mobility and manipulation. They can apply their effectors
further than anchored manipulators. These robots may include prosthetic
devices(arms, legs..).

ACO: user test all ability, report quality -> get better solution
Routing in networks : It is capable of finding shortest path in routing services.
ABC: only take the solution that by deterministic selection(employed bee) the
probabilistic selection(onlooker bee)
Positive feedback: As the nectar amount of food sources(quality) increases, the number of onlookers
visiting them increases, too.
Negative feedback: The exploitation process of poor food sources is stopped by bees.
Negative Selection Algorithms: use negative to respond
Clonal Selection Algorithm:
Initialization: randomly initialize a repertoire of attribute string
Population loop: selection(affinities) , reproduction(copies immune), affinity evalution,Cycle
The higher the affinity, the higher the number of offspring generated.
More effective attribute strings (immune cells) produced.
The higher the affinity, the smaller the mutation. : Reproduction / mutation of immune cell would be
lesser, with better performance and more reliable immune cells.
Anomaly Detection: The normal behavior of a system is often characterized by
a series of observations over time. The problem of detecting novelties, or
anomalies is meanFinding deviations

Machine learning:
Supervised learning : agent observes some example input-output and learns a function that maps from
input-output. For example, the camera system capture an object earned and recognizes the object

classes are predetermined


Unsupervised learning : Agent learns patterns in the input even though no explicit feedback is supplied.
Simple example is like
Reinforcement learning(learns patterns from series of reinforcement rewards/ punishment.)
Clustering ( determine the intrinsic grouping in a set of unlabeled data.)

Lemma: grouping together the different inflected words

Stem process that chops off the ends of words in hope achieve the meaning correctly
4 stage Unconcious Incompetence() ci() cc() uc()

sentence, the top-level structure in this example

noun phrase. The first (leftmost) NP, a single
noun "John", serves as the subject of the
sentence. The second one is the object of the
verb phrase, which serves as the predicate
verb. In this case, it's a transitive verb hit.
determiner, in this instance the definite article "the"
N for noun

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