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ceph (cef)

Vinca-alkyloid antineoplastic. derived

from periwinkle. interferes with cell
division ex: vinblastine use: CA- affects
every rapid producing cell in body adfx:
CNA Depression, stomatitis, alopecia,
bone marrow suppression check reflexes,
give with Zyloprim to reduce uric acid and
adfx risk of extravasation. check IV

antihypertensive alpha
1-adrenergic blockers in
peripheral vasculature use: HTN,
BPH adfx: orthostatic hypo tn,
reflex tachycardia, Nasal
Congestion, periph edema first
dose at HS-causes fainting

beta-adrenergic agonists
(bronchodilator, increase vasc
resist) ex: norepinephrine
(Levophed ), dopamine
(Inotropin) used cardiac arrest,
COPD adfx: anticholinergic,

antiparkinson. essentially
replace dopamine (also
parlodel) adfx: ataxia,
anticholinergic, dizziness B6
can reverse effects, avoid
CNS depressants

beta blocker

benzodiazepine adfx:
depression, CNS depression,
addictive. d/c slowly caffeine
and nicotine decreases

prophylaxis, meningitis-bacterial
wall inhibitor adfx: bone marrow
depression, GI upset, cross
allergy w/pcn, protein/glucose in
urine do not drink etoh, take
with food

protein synthesis gram
neg adfx:oto and
nephrotoxic check cranial
nerve 8 (ear)




sulf, zulf,



-cyclovir -dronate

macrolide-cell membrane
binder used in pcn allergy. used
for dental prophylaxis in valve
disorders adfx: confusion,
increases effects of coumadin,
theophylline take without food

fluoroquinalones- dna inhibitor

anthrax tx, e. coli adfx:
decreased WBC, hct.
elevated liver enzymes don't
take with food

sulfonamide-antagonizes folic
acid synth UC, crohn's, uri adfx:
peripheral neuropathy,
photosensitive, crystalluria,
stomatitis take with food,
encourage fluids, mouth care

penicillin-inhibits synthesis
of cell wall severe
infx-syphillis, lyme disease...
adfx: stomatitis, allergy take
without food

antipsychotic-block dopamine
receptors adfx: akathisia,
dyskinesia, dystonia,
parkinsonian, tardive
dyskinesia, leukopenia, can
stunt growth in kids avoid etoh
and caffeine

tetracycline-prevents protein
synthesis baby eye drops, acne
adfx: discoloration of primary
teeth in utero or in early
childhood, phototoxic, toxic
when expired take without food

biophosphenatesantiosteoporosis inhibit
bone resorption adfx:
esophagitis, arthralgia

antiviral, inhibits DNA and

RNA (includes non
-cyclovirs too) use in herpes,
HIV adfx: HA, dizziness, GI
doesn't cure.

-tropium, -ol,






-etine, -aline


anti-glaucoma, decreases
production of aqueous humor
adfx: blurred vision, lethargy,
depression, anorexia,
decrease potassium

bronchodilators uses:COPD,
asthma (terbutaline for
preterm labor) adfx:
tachycardia, dysrhythmias,
palpitations, anticholinergic
take bronchodilator first

cytoprotective agents form

barrier on duodenal ulcers
adfx: constipation, vertigo,
flatulence take without food

cardiac glycoside-increase force of myocardial

contraction, slow HR Left heart failure adfx:
bradycardias, N/V, visual disturbance hold if
pulse <60 in adult, <70 in older kids, <90 in
infants, young kids check K+ levels- low
potassium increases risk of toxicity. eat plenty of
potassium loading doses--- 0.5, then 0.25, then
0.125 for daily dose antidote: digibind

anticoagulant adfx: bleeding, hematuria heparin blocks

conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, used in PE, venous
thrombosis, after acute MI. PTT: 30-75? antidote for heparin:
protamine sulfate warfarin interferes with vit k clotting
factors. used in PE, vt, prophylaxis after acute MI. adtl adfx:
alopecia. takes 5 days for therapy to work PT: 14-35 INR:
2-3 vit c decreases effectiveness antidote for warfarin: vit k.
avoid vit k while taking it. AVOID GARLIC, GINKO,
GINGER w/ anticoags

antidiabetic (also Dymelor) for

type II only adfx: skin reaction,
hypoglycemia take prior to
eating- EAT. alcohol, aspirin,
sulfonamides, oral birth control,
maois affect action

glucocorticoids uses: asthma,

COPD, some leukemias,
Addison's, Crohn's adfx: infxn,
mask s/s of infxn, insomnia,
hypoglycemia, hypokalemia,
psychosis, depression, stunted
growth wean over time

SSRI antidepressant- 4 weeks

for effect adfx: anxiety,
urinary/bowel retention,
insomnia at hs, pink urine
suicide risk on upswing








cholsalide (Colchicine), benemid

(Probenecid), Zyloprim (Allopurinol)
decreases uric acid Probenecid increases
action of Cipro Colchicine used only in
acute gout syndrome Probenecid for
chronic adfx: agranulocytosis, renal
calculi-flush kidneys at treatment may
take with food/milk/antacids

antidiarrheals (also
imodium) adfx:
constipation cxn in
unknown abd pain

antihypertensives ACE
arteries-vasodilation in whole
body use for HTN and CHF
adfx: lethargy initially,
orthostatic hypotension take
without food

antihyperlipidemia- statins block

synthesis of cholesterol and
absorption) adfx: constipation,
fat-soluble vitamin deficiency take
hs or at least 30 minutes before
meals. assess diet cannot take with
other meds

antihypertensives also diltiazem,

verapamil calcium channel
blocker-inhibit calcium influx across
cell membrane to slow conduction and
dilate coronary vessels and decrease
HR uses: angina, HTN, interstitial
cystitis adfx: hypo tn, GI upset SR-do
not chew, crush, open

antihypertensives beta adrenergic

blockers- decreases excitability of
heart, decreases oxygen
consumption use: angina, SVT,
HTN adfx: bronchospasm, HR
changes take with food, taper off to
avoid rebound HTN

antihypertensives angiotensin
II-receptors uses: HTN, heart
failure, MI, neuropathy, stroke
prophylaxis adfx: dizziness,
GI distress SR-do not chew,
crush, open

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