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From your visit to the Glenelg Museum, answer the following

a) what is the name of the original founder of Glenelg?
the original founder of Glenelg is William Light.
b) how was the land originally used and what kind of people lived at
the koruna aborigines people were used to live at Glenelg.
c) Explain the historical significant of the Buffalo ship to Glenelg.
What is it used for today? Include a photo of the ship.
The Buffalo ship is an important history to the British and Australian
nation. The Buffalo helped to discover a new content, which is
Australia. The buffalo was built of teak, which makes it the strongest
ships at that time. The buffalo was constructed in 1813 and can
carry up to 200 passengers and she was able to sailed long
destination. In the 28th of December 1836 the Buffalo arrived at the
Holdfast Bay by the captain John Hindmarsh and 176 passengers
were on board. Hindmarsh discovered the new colony of south
Australia. Once then he became the first governor of south
Australia. Today the Buffalo used as a restaurant in Glenelg.
However, the real Buffalo was gone and the one in Glenelg
represent the real Buffalo ship.
2. what evidence is there of change in coastal development at
Glenelg from the museum exhibition? include three photographs
from the museum.
From the past to present Glenelg has changed a lot in term of
coastal development. Glenelg has a long history of attraction the
tourists in term of its beach, its shops and accommodations. Back in
time, Glenelg was a flat region with nothing but the beach and
indigenous people who lived in. One of the evidences of changing
costal development at Glenelg would be the jetty. In 1857 the
government of south Australia had announced to construct the first
jetty in south Australia Glenelg. The construction of the jetty took
approximately two years, later then, the jetty was open in 25 April
1859. The jetty was used not just for fisherman but also used to
import and export the goods and cargo and also used for mail
service. There was amusement park called Magic Mountain. This
was built in 1982 and all the recreation was provide to the public,
which include, water slides, mini golf, bumper boats and restaurant.
In 2004 the House Beach came along and took place the Magic
Mountain. The House Beach replaced by Magic Mountain and it was

modern designed and it is more convenient than the old one. In

2006 the house beach was opened.

development of Glenelg
1. from the jetty, looking back at the memorial statue, draw a
transect of the foreshore development of Glenelg.

2. provide at least three photos as evidence of human coastal

development at Glenelg. ie hotels, shops, apartments etc.

coastal processes affecting Glenelg.

1. draw a labeled diagram of the long shore drift and explain how it
affects the Glenelg beach.
it affect the Glenelg beach by moving large amount of sand from
place to another which is to Glenelg beach due to wave action so
there will be a huge amount of sand build up the beach.
2. draw a sketch of the Groyne and explain how this has helped to
create a beach for people to use.
The Groyne helped to create beach for people to use by long shore
drift. Waves move in an oblique direction, which move all the
sediment and sand from place to another. So by this process the
beach builds up by sand. Moreover the Groyne prevents erosion.

3. explain the importance of having a healthy beach to social

activity such as swimmers and the surf life saving club and the
competition that develops between the natural coastal processes
and human activity. include photos of both Glenelg beach and the
Surf Life Saving Club.
Having a healthy and clean beach is something very important to
the individual of the community. A healthy beach provides a good
atmosphere where the people can engage in a Varity of activities
such as swimming, surfing, netball, fishing and exercising. Moreover,
a healthy beach can create aware generation who love and respect
any kind of sports. For instance, there is a club called Glenelg surf
life saving club. This club encourages people to participate in sports
of different kind, no matter what age you are and in what nationality
you come from. Their aim is to create a healthy beach full of
activities that develops the natural coastal processes.

4. what evidence is there of the local council trying to protect sand

dunes and the beach? take photo or draw a sketch of this.
Some beaches have the lack of sand that is available to coastal
processes which has the ability to respond naturally to storms. The
local council had a unique mark in protecting the sand dunes by sand carting. There
are a lot of sand drifting from other beaches like Brighton beach to Glenelg so the

local council had to do something about, which by trucking back all the sand every
year in winter.

5. explain how human development of Glenelg, in particularly the marina, has created
lasting effects on all level of the marina environment. provide photos of the marina
development at Glenelg.
The development of Glenelg has created a significant impact on all
levels of the marine environment, in particularly the development of
the marina. The marine was full of live. Zooplankton, sea grass and
fish were existed. However, when they want to create the marina to
serve peoples need they did not think about the life under the sea.
The action of dredging which is remove all the sediment and sand
away from the earth to create extra space for ships has destroyed
the habitats of benthic and the food that all fish feed of, so they end
up dying. As a result of this the fish population has decreased. After
the marina has completed there are two effects on the marine life,
which are chemical and noise pollutions. Toxic substances that
released from ships like oil and smoke (CO2) affected the population
of fish by poisoning them and because of this they die. The noises
that released from the ships that coming in and going out all the
time make the fish move out and find another place to live that has
a clean and quiet environment. Most clearly, that the life of the
marine has changed forever so it will never be the same as before.

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