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Your Life 2.0

Your Life 2.0 is an organization created by Nicolas Norton. Our sole purpose
is to make its member's lives awesome ones!

We have put together an expert team of coaches, mentors, NLP master

practitioners, hypnotherapists, brain entrainment engineers, marketers and
designers; that is dedicated to taking you by the hand in the process of building
the life of your dreams.

Make sure you are getting our regular e-mails and to like our Facebook page. In
them you will find a wealth of awesome free information and access to great
resources that will supercharge your life.


About the Author

Nicolas Norton is a life, wellness and executive coach, with
profound studies in psychology, western and oriental
philosophies and religions, metaphysics, martial arts and

He lives in Quito-Ecuador with his beautiful family, and

enjoys a life of joy, abundance and "eternal spring" (due to
Ecuador's springlike year round weather).

Throughout the past 14 years he has helped hundreds of

people achieve successful and happy lives, through his one
on one coaching and his various courses and seminars.


Ch 1: Finding the Formula

If you are anything like me, you have been on a quest to find success and
happiness throughout your life. I am sure you have achieved a certain degree of
success and that you have plenty of reasons to be happy.

You might not see this in yourself or in your life, but I know its there. How do I
know this? I know it because success and happiness are part of your basic
rights as a human being.

Yes! You have every right to be as happy and successful as you want. You just
need to exercise this right in a responsible way, and there is no limit to what you
can achieve.

This idea might seem new and strange to you, or it might sound like the usual
B.S. you've been hearing from so many "Gurus". No matter what you might think
at this point, I can personally guarantee it is true (although for a long while I did
not believe it myself).

As a young boy I was very lucky to have loving and nurturing parents. I was
often told and reminded that I deserved anything and everything that I wanted
out of life. However, I wasn't told what it would take or what I needed to do in
order to transform those loving words into a reality.

Then when I was 11 years old, my father died after a long battle with diabetes
and a bad liver. This event was very sudden and crushing for me and most of all
for the idea that life was great and beautiful, and that anything was possible.

In the months following my father's death, something strange started to happen.

People started giving me things that I never asked for, and everyone cut me a
lot of slack both at home and at school. I didn't understand this sudden change
until I realized that I was getting all this stuff and special treatment out of pity!

At first I didn't mind this at all. It felt great to get stuff with no effort on my part.
The problem with living like that is that I became a bit lazy and always settled for
the minimum result needed to get by in school, then in college and later in adult

Pretty soon I became an adult (legally speaking) and in the blink of an eye I had
a wife, 2 kids, no college degree, and no real prospect for a job. Life suddenly
became real and I had no clue what to do. I just thought I could easily get
anything I wanted out of life.

As you might have guessed, it didn't turn out to be that simple. I held on to tough
jobs that paid between $300 to $800* per month (*not a typo, those used to be
standard wages in Ecuador at the time), and struggled to sustain my family like
this for years.

During my free time I devoured every "self help" and personal development
book, audio an video I could find. I was in a desperate search to fulfill my
parents' childhood promise. I didn't understand why it was so hard to be

So there I was, applying all the positive thinking in the world and visualizing my
perfect life in order to manifest it, while getting farther into debt and eroding the
relationship with my wife.

Yet I kept on my quest to find the formula for success. All the authors I read
promised the ultimate solution. Some claimed it was the Law of Attraction, others
assured it was to reprogram my mind, develop my emotional intelligence,
become financially independent, embrace the present moment, ect...

It was like running in a maze of empty promises!

Finally one day when I was packing up our house (we had to move because rent
was too expensive) I saw all my books and tapes on the floor and suddenly it hit

"All these authors hold different pieces of the puzzle. Each one promotes only
one ingredient to the formula for success". "I'm sure they all know the whole
formula but they don't share it with their students". Why? Is it somehow

I still don't know if it is, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that the formula was
there and I was going to figure it out.


Ch 2: The Forbidden Success Formula

It took me a while to sort out all the information I had, and to determine what
worked and what was just hype and temporary "feel good in your misery stuff".
Then all I had to do was place the pieces in a way that made sense and
produced exponential results.

This was the result...

It might look complicated but its actually quite simple once you understand the
variables and their interactions.

Su = Success
Mm= Mind mastery
Sj= State of joy
%Pr= % of time spent in the present
Loa = Law of attraction
Bh = Bad Habits
Up = Unproductive behaviors and influences

These are the ingredients that are combined to create massive success or
devastating failure. It all depends on the proportions you are currently managing
in your present state.

If you learn to combine them correctly, achieving a very successful life in all of its
aspects is not only possible. Its guaranteed!

The variables in the formula are all placed in the specific order you need to work
on to achieve success in a short period of time.

You probably have worked to increase or decrease the proportions of some or
all of these ingredients but in a separate or uncoordinated way. Thus your results
have been limited by the amount of effort you placed on your personal

With the "Forbidden Success Formula" the amount of effort you have to place
into creating a successful life is greatly reduced because you will learn to
leverage the ingredients of the formula in a way that they will catapult you to
success as if you were using a jet pack!

Let me go deeper into each ingredient and show you how this is a step by step
process you can follow in just a few minutes every day.

Step 1: Mind Mastery

The first step to building a successful life is to become the master of your mind.
mind master is someone who is in full control and awareness of his
conscious thoughts; and who can quickly and effortlessly identify and
reprogram his automatic or unconscious thoughts.

It is very important to make this step your number one priority. The better
command you have over your mental processes, the more efficient you will be at
tapping into the true power and magic of the Universe.

There are 3 tools you can use immediately in order to increase your level of
mental mastery.

Mind Mastery Tool # 1!

The first tool is meditation. Meditation is proven to be the most powerful tool to
master your mind, and you can do it in as little as 5 minutes per day.

Meditation can enhance your creativity, improve your cognitive function, reduce
you anxiety and depression, among other benefits. In addition to this, meditation
can increase neuroplasticity, which will allow you to virtually rewire your brain.
This technique can optimize and change your brain in ways you cannot foresee.

If you have never tried it or if you have and it didn't work for any reason, try the
following exercise:

Just take five or ten minutes, breathe deeply and slowly (inhale through your
nose and exhale trough your mouth), and repeat a word or phrase each time
you dispel that deep breath. Each time I release a deep breath I alternate
between saying the words thank you and now.

Within less than 5 minutes, Im ready to start my day with an attitude of gratitude
and peaceful enthusiasm. It works every time!

Mind Mastery Tool # 2!

The second tool is mindful thought cancelation. This is a very simple yet
powerful technique that allows you to interrupt dysfunctional thought processes
in their tracks, and transform them into functional and powerful thoughts.

But what are these dysfunctional thought processes? In neurological terms, they
are vast neural networks that fire together automatically in response to
predetermined and similar stimuli. This definition is precise but it might not be
very helpful for you to paint a good mental picture of what you are up against.

Instead I want you to imagine that you have some squatters inside your mind.

The first squatter is your inner critic. This person is a conglomeration of other
people's words, thoughts you have just created based on other people's
expectations or your own, comparing yourself to anyone out there, among other
things. He is just motivated by lack of self-love, lack of self-acceptance, low selfesteem, and by pain.

The worrier is another squatter, and he is always building what-if scenarios. He

is mostly motivated by fear. The reactor is another squatter who triggers
frustration, anger and pain. The sleep depriver is a mix of many other
squatters including the ruminator, and the inner planner.

These are all characters you have created and that manage your internal
dialogue wether you are aware of them or not. Of course there are many more
characters, but I just wanted you to get the idea.

Now that you understand how your dysfunctional thought processes work, let me
show you how to shut them up and transform them into something powerful that
is at your service.

Every time you catch yourself talking or thinking like one of your squatters, I want
you to stop for a second and mentally say "I cancel this thought". As soon as you
do this, you will find that the thought stops and disappears. If it comes back, say
it again "I cancel this thought".

Keep doing this often and you will see your squatters grow thin and weaken until
they are no more.

The second step after canceling a thought is substituting it for a different one. I
suggest that every time you cancel a thought, you find a reason to be grateful at
that very moment.

Do this for a month and you will be impressed with the changes. Do it for a year
and you won't recognize your self!

Mind Mastery Tool # 3!

The third tool is to go on a healthy emotional diet. What I mean by this is that just
as with nutrition if you eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes
unprocessed foods from all food groups, you will have a healthy body. If you
only eat junk food you will get sick and die prematurely.

Emotions are just the same. You need to create and experience a wide array of
emotions every day in order to have a healthy and successful life.

In order to do this you need to be able to recognize what you are feeling and
decide if it benefits you in every situation you encounter. An other important
thing is to recognize if you are only experiencing one or two emotions all the
time or on a regular time of the day.

Being on a set emotional state for sustained periods of time is not healthy for you
and will lead to an emotional addiction. If you are angry all the time or live with
anxiety or fear every day, pretty soon your body will start to demand that you
keep experiencing those feelings on a regular basis.

As you begin to observe your emotions, you will find that there are thought
patterns that come with them. When this starts to happen you will be able to use
Mind Mastery Tool # 2, to not only change the way you think but also the way
you feel.

When you are in command of both your thoughts and your feelings, you will be
at a level of mind mastery that will allow you to tap into the infinite potential of the
Universe and create the awesome life you deserve.

Step 2: State of Joy

As you work on your mind mastery, the next step is to develop a state of joy in
your life. Joy is commonly defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
So a state of joy would be a state of great pleasure and happiness.

Living in a state of joy starts with a decision and is carried out with consistent
action and determination. Decide right now that you will find the beauty in every
moment of your life and that you will find a reason to enjoy it.

When you are in a state of joy, your whole being is vibrating at the frequency of
Love. Everything that you do while you are vibrating at this frequency will be
amazing and you will be able to achieve it with very little physical and mental

There are 2 very important tools yo can use to start creating longer states of joy
in your life.

State of Joy Tool # 1!

I learned this secret from a great friend of mine who is also my most important
life mentor. His name is Francisco Rosero and he has developed an amazing
personal development program that some day I hope I can share with you.
The secret is that "the pathway to a state of joy and love is paved with gratitude".

Gratitude is an emotional state that elevates you instantly to a stale of joy and

So every time you meditate or find yourself in a quiet moment between your daily
tasks, think of simple things you may take for granted (like the fact that you are in
good health, or that you are better off than a big percentage of the world
population, etc...) and thank your version of God for the fact. Say thank you until
you feel it deep in your bones.

You are guaranteed to enter a sate of joy 100% of the time.
State of Joy Tool # 2!

Remember that joy and happiness is not only about you, it is also about the
people that live around you.

If people around you are feeling miserable, it will be very difficult for you to
maintain a state of joy. On the other hand if every one around you is enjoying the
moment, you will find it very easy to create and sustain a powerful state of joy.

The best tool to do this is called "kindness". You might have heard about it...

Performing random acts of kindness, smiling and being courteous to those

around you is unbelievably powerful. So just go ahead and do it!

Hold the door for other people, make eye contact with others and smile, surprise
your couple with flowers, call your parents just to say hi and see how they are
doing, give up your seat in the bus or train to someone who looks tired, donate
some time to a charity, pick up some trash from the street as you walk around.

Every time you do this you will feel great!!

And the greater you feel, the more you are in the frequency of Love and the
easier it will be to manifest the life of your dreams.


Step 3: % Of Time Spent In the The Present

The next step in the Forbidden Success Formula is to increase the percentage of
time you spend in the present.

If you live in the present, you will be free from time, which is very powerful.

Living in the present is not 100% possible, as the mind needs to think about the
past and the future. We learn from the past, and thinking about the future helps
us get prepared for it.

Since our brains need to keep track of decisions and any outcomes they
produce, it is not possible to live in the moment at all times as we need a
continuity of thought. There are areas of the brain that store past decisions and
their outcomes to guide our future behavior, according to scientists at the
University of Pittsburgh, so living in the moment at all times might be really

If you think too much about the past or the future, you will be less happy over
time, according to psychologists. However, thinking about the past and the
future is not bad. The problem is thinking too much about the future and the

If you become anxious about what comes next, you will start to lose ground. So
strive to live in the present moment as much as you can, and embrace your life
as you live it. You can live in the present when you accept the moment as it is
and respond to it with care and intelligence. When you learn to be happy with
the things you have, you will start to live in the now.

You can change any aspect of your life, but you must do it now, as the present is
all that exists. Living in the present will give you the power of becoming the
observer of your own mind.

You will become an objective person looking at the things that consume your
mind such as anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear in a different way. Remember that
the future is yet to come and the past is gone, and everything that really exists is
the present.

If you want to focus on something and unleash your creative energy, you have to
live in the present. If you observe your mind, you can cancel and replace
unwanted thoughts over time as you learned earlier in this book.

Back to the present tool # 1!

The best and simplest tool I know to bring all of my attention back to the present
moment is to focus on my breathing. Its that simple!

At the beginning you might forget to do this but with time and practice you will
find it to be easier.

Personally I like to have the discipline of breathing in and out exclusively through
my nose. This not only helps me stay focused on the present and the task at
hand, but it also increases my cardiovascular resistance and it slows down

You can breathe however you feel more comfortable just as long as you do it
consciously. When you do so you will find it easier to stay focused on what you
are doing and on whats going on around you.

Back to the present tool # 2!

The second tool I want you to use to increase the % of time you spend in the
present is to take constant action.

When you are active on any given task you need to place your focus on what
you are doing. This keeps your mind from wondering off into the past or the

This tool can be ineffective on repetitive tasks you perform often. If this is the
case, anchor your self by focusing on your breathing.

With that disclaimer in place, I need you to understand than when I talk about
taking action I mean new and different kinds of action. Remember that you can
not expect to get different results by repeating the same behavior.

When you change things up, you challenge your mind to stay focused and to
dedicate all of its processing power on one thing. This will catapult your results.

Step 4: Law of Attraction

This is the final step of the top part of the Forbidden Success Formula and if you
have really worked on the 3 previous steps, you will be more than ready to turn
on the full power of the Law of Attraction.

Maybe you've heard of it. If not, I want to tell you that it is one of the single most
effective processes that influence your life, whether you want it to be or not!

The Law of Attraction is always at work, behind the scenes. It influences how our
lives unfold, in either a positive or negative fashion. Most of what comes your
way is in some way or another a byproduct of this law at work.

So, what is the Law of Attraction? Just as importantly, how can YOU use it to
achieve your goals and live the life of your dreams?

First and foremost, let's start by briefly defining what the Law of Attraction is.
"The Law of Attraction states that you attract energy similar to the
vibrational frequency of the thoughts that you put out into the
universe. Your thoughts are a type of energy and they can attract or
repel other types of positive and negative energies."!

Confused? Let's use an example.

Let's say that you need to get to an important meeting across town and just
when you are about to get into your car, you realize that you have lost your car

The first thought in your mind is that you are going to be late and that you need
to quickly find a cab. So you go out to the street and feel a little more anxiety
because traffic seems heavier than usual and there are no cabs to be seen.

Now you think that you are definitely going to be late and that you desperately
need a cab. So you walk down the street filled with anger, frustration and
anxiety; until you spot an empty cab and you rush to get in it.

As soon as you get in you give the driver the address and you ask him to hurry
up because you are going to be late to your very important meeting. He nods in
agreement and starts driving as fast as he can legally drive. After a few blocks
he decides to try a detour he knows where there is never any traffic.

You find a little relief as you feel the ride moving along at a good pace, yet all
you can think of is that you are going to be late and how bad that is for such an
important meeting. So sure enough, in just a few minutes the driver needs to
stop because there is a tree blocking the only road that can get you to the place
of the meeting.

At this point you decide that you are close enough to your destination and that
you'll get there faster by running. So you pay the driver, you get your things and
you get some inspiration from Forest Gump to start running like a maniac! All
you can think of is that you are going to be really late and that you are doing
your best to get to your meeting as soon as possible.

Finally as you get to the last few feet of your journey, an old lady carrying two
huge paper bags filled with groceries comes out of nowhere and you slam into
her. Eggs and tomatoes fly up into the air as both of you crash to the ground. On
the way down all you can think of is "How can this be happening to me! I'll never
get to my meeting!!!!!"

So you quickly get up and you pick up the old lady and plant her on her feet.
You say you are sorry but you are really late and you have to run. Just as you
turn around to get to the building entrance you find your self face to face wit a
cop. Before you can say anything, he has you in handcuffs and he is reading
you your rights and putting you under arrest for assaulting the old lady.

Wait, what just happened? Well, you just saw the Law of Attraction at work! And it
wasn't pretty...

Most people in this situation will blame their bad luck, the traffic, the cab driver,
the tree, the old lady and the cop. What they don't see is that the thoughts they
focused upon with the highest emotional intensity, acted as clear and loud
instructions to the universe.

In this case thinking "I'm going to be late", "I'm definitely going to be late", "I'll
never get to my meeting!!!"; actually plays a major role in you never getting to
the meeting.

With the Law of Attraction, anything you set your mind to, anything you want (or
don't want) badly enough, you will find a way to get.

Now, a couple thoughts with this realization...

First, if you simply think of something, it may not be enough. You really have to
hone in on these thoughts and amplify them to a level that the universe can
really hear you. We will get to how to do that in a moment.

Second, this includes negatives thoughts and feelings. They actually may be
even easier to amplify! People get what they think they deserve and if they think
they deserve a terrible life, that's what the universe gives them.

It is important to make sure that you are using the Law of Attraction correctly and
for positive, not negative!
Alright, so let's get to it!

Law of Attraction tool # 1: Clearly Identify Your Goals !

The first and maybe most important thing you can do to start harnessing the
power of the law of Attraction is to clearly identify your goals.

We all have goals, but most of ours are lofty or undeveloped. We all want to have
a nice family, good friends, be in shape, make good money...all of the things that
make for a strong and fulfilling life.

The difference is, we all want them in different ways. Because of this, we all must
find different ways to achieve our dreams. This is where setting defined and
clear goals comes into play!

The more specific you are when defining your goals, the stronger the chances
will be of achieving your goals and activating the Law of Attraction.

When you focus on one specific aspect of a larger problem, the answer seems
to become more obvious. Instead of trying to solve your life by the bigger
picture, instead work on the details until the bigger picture takes shape.

So, what are your goals? What is it that you want more than anything?

I'd like you to take a moment now to find a pen and a piece of paper. On that
pieces of paper, I'd like you to begin to brainstorm your goals.

This may include:

Becoming financially independent

Losing weight
Finding a significant other
Getting a promotion

Getting a new car

...or any other goal

Now, I'd like you to take a look at your list and really evaluate what is important to
you. A lot of the things on your list may be important, but figure out what is really
a priority.

Rearrange your list to reflect how important you find each item. After you've
rearranged your list, take the top two items on that list.

Let's explore those a little bit. We will get into the "why" in a moment, but for now,
let's take those top two goals and develop them a little more.

Let's say the # 1 goal on your list is to lose weight. That's a great goal, but it's
also a little vague. To flesh it out a bit, you should make it more specific (like "I
want to lose 30 punds in 90 days") and you should also create some smaller

These will be the steps you will want to take to achieve your overall goal. Going
with the example of losing weight, here are some ideas of smaller goals:

Cut out processed food

Stop drinking soda
Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
Jog for 30 minutes each day.
...and so on

These bite-sized goals will help you to see your bigger goal as more
manageable and simple to accomplish.

Before you know it, you will have knocked out these smaller goals and your main
goal will be achieved!

This is the first aspect for creating goals. The other aspect, of course, is
activating the Law of Attraction.

Having goals gives your mind something to focus on and with all of your thought
energy focused in one direction, you will begin to attract similar energy.

You will see new opportunities begin to open up where you hadn't seen them
before, like a new gym opening up across the street or a sale on fresh veggies
at your local supermarket.

It is amazing what kinds of doors begin to open up when you allow the Law of
Attraction to take hold!

Law of Attraction tool # 2: Create a Compelling "Why" for Your Goals and Remind
Yourself Daily!

Once you have defined your goals, it is time to define the "why" of your goals.
So, what does this mean? Why a "why?"

Your why is the reason you want to achieve your goals and will serve as
motivation and a constant reminder to keep working towards them.

This added focus will help the Law of Attraction to take hold even stronger in
your life and will bring you that much closer to reaching your goal!

So, let's take a look at the "why" behind your goal. We are going to take another
look at the example of weight loss and break down why it may be that you want
to lose weight.

Remember (and this is important!) that everyone has their own reason why they
want to make changes in their lives and no "why" is less important or significant
than any other.

Don't let people tell you that your reason isn't good enoughwe all are
motivated and driven by different things. Whatever the reason may be, as long
as you are making positive changes in your life, is your reason and yours alone.

So, back to weight loss!

Let's say you are getting overweight and you know you need to drop the weight
for health reasons. Your uncle just died from heart disease and you really don't
want to go down the same path.

This is just as good of a "why" as any other! Your "why" for losing weight may be
preventative; to keep yourself from reaching an early grave due to a food related

Your why doesn't even have to be that severe, though! You may just want to fit
into a sexy swimsuit for summer. Remember, all reasons are valid, as long as
you are making positive change!

Keep this reason at the front of your mind and remind yourself daily. When you
consider your goals, always consider the forces in the background driving them.

This will help to keep you motivated and to keep the Law of Attraction working in
your favor.

Law of Attraction tool # 3: Create a Vision Board!

One of the best ways to keep your goals at the front of your mind and to
constantly remind yourself of your goals is to create a vision board.

I find vision boards to be extremely helpful! They motivate me and keep me

pushing forward to my dreams, whatever they are! It's crazy how much having a
visual representation of your goals can affect positive change.

Vision boards are extremely effective and they are also so easy to make! They
take minimal supplies and very little money. Really, they just take a little of your
time and a whole lot of your imagination!

If you have never heard of a vision board or have never created one, don't
worry! They are really simple and anyone can make one!

Take a goal from your list and break down some of your mini-goals. Think about
physical representations of these mini-goals and begin to search for these
images online or in magazines.

Now, cut out these representations and arrange them by how important they are
to achieving your overall goal.

Begin to arrange these images on your board in whatever way you find the most
effective. If your eye is naturally more drawn to the center of the board, put your
most important images there. If it's the top of the board, put them there.

Take a step back. You now have a vision board!

Now, keep in mind that creating a vision board isn't enough to get the Law of
Attraction to kick into high gear.

You have to make sure that your vision board is somewhere extremely visible,
where you will see it every day.

There's no point in going through all of the effort to create a vision board if you're
never going to see it!

If we continue with the example of weight loss, you may want to cut out images
of people working out, healthy food and images of people in good shape.

Customize your board for your specific goals and let the Law of Attraction kick in
to help you in achieving them!

Law of Attraction tool # 4: Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts with Good

One of the biggest obstacles standing in your way and keeping you from
harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction is negativity.

Negativity is like a coldit is easy to catch and can really wear you down. You
don't want to become infected with negativity or all of your goals and practices
will be dulled and diminished.

So, getting rid of negativity is obviously easier said than done, right? Actually, it's
not that hard. You just need to practice being mindful.

One of the easiest ways to ease yourself into mindfulness is through practices
such as meditation.

This will help you to have a better hold of the present. Thinking too much of the
past and the future cause us most of our stress, which is where most of our
negativity stems from.

Meditation will help to remove this stress by keeping you in the present moment.
Remember, the less negativity in your life, the better the Law of Attraction can
take hold.

Step 5: Change Your Bad Habits

After you have worked on balancing the top part of the formula lets look at the
bottom ingredients. The bottom ingredients are the parts of the formula that drag
you down. The bigger, stronger or more numerous they are, the harder it will be
for you do achieve success.

This is why if you have only been focusing on some or all of the top ingredients
of the formula, you probably haven't achieved the results you want.

So don't give up just yet!

Work through the entire formula and you will be amazed at how quickly and
exponentially your results sky rocket.

So back to bad habits.

What is a habit? A habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially

one that is hard to give up. This tendency or practice originates from an
profound and automatic thought process (remember the mind mastery step) that
is attached to an emotional addiction. This is why its so hard to give up.

You have to identify any bad habits that you need to stop. Stop thinking that you
do not have bad habits, when you know this is not true.

Habit Busting Tool # 1!

The firs tool I want you to use is a very powerful set of questions. Identify a habit
that you want to change and ask yourself the following:

What am I doing this for?

What reward do I get out of acting this way?
What pleasure do I get out of it?

With this questions you are trying to discover the the guilty pleasures you get
from your bad habits. What you find out is the most powerful information you will
have and use to change your habits.

Lets take procrastination for example. I was huge on this one!

When I asked these questions about what do I get out of procrastinating and
getting everything done at the last minute the answer was shocking and

What I got out of procrastinating was the rush of adrenaline that came from
working under immense pressure to meet the deadline and the sense of
accomplishment for being able to deliver quality work on such a short time.

The next step on this process is to figure out functional alternatives to get the
same reward without the negative outcomes of the bad habit.

In my case I decided that I could get the same rush of adrenaline and the
massive sense of accomplishment from fun physical exercise aimed at
improving my overall health ad fitness.

Answer the questions, figure out what your guilty pleasures are and find
functional ways to replace the behavior without going "cold turkey" on the

Habit Busting Tool # 2!

Now that you understand what you love about being bad (just kidding)..., I want
you to make a list of all the unpleasant and negative feelings and outcomes that
come from your bad habits. This will be your pain list.

This list will be a powerful motivator to avoid repeating the same actions. We are
emotional beings hardwired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. So in this case I
want you to paint a very clear and graphic picture of the painful experiences you
want to avoid and keep it close for when you need it.

Every time you catch yourself engaging in your bad habit, bring up your pain list
and let your survival mechanism do its work.

Habit Busting Tool # 3!

The third step in this process is to understand that your bad habits come from a
different time and space. They are part of your past, and your brain reenacts
them because it doesn't know any better.

You have the authority to cancel what your brain is doing and command it to
stop using its learned responses and to use brand new ones.

To do this I want you to combine the tools you learned on steps 1 and 3 of this

Remember, the only place where you have the power to do or change anything
is in the present.

Habit Busting Tool # 4!

The final step in this process is to be mindful and discover and focus on the new
rewards you are getting from the process of changing your habits.

On average it takes 21 days of constant repetition and work to change a habit.

Its the average time your brain needs to completely rewire its long term neural

If you fall of the wagon on any given time during this period, you will have to
pretty much start over.

In order to avoid this, you have to recognize the unfamiliar and subtle
experiences that begin to manifest in your life. You are slowly but literally
becoming a different person in this process. So be grateful in every step of the
process and learn to love your new self.

Step 6: Eliminate Unproductive Behaviors and

and Influences

True productivity comes from planning accordingly and disciplined execution.

For the final step of the formula I'm going to share with you the best productivity
tips I learned and apply religiously from Dan Kennedy. In my opinion and
personal experience, he is one of the most productive men alive.

The key to productivity revolves around effective time management. If you read
every time management book ever written or go to every time management
seminar offered, you'll be able to boil all the "technique stuff down to just a few
things worth doing.
Let me save you some time and talk about a few key time management tools:

Extreme Productivity tool #1: !
Make and use lists. There is not a single time management discipline or system
that doesnt revolve around making and using lists. You cannot rely on your
memory to keep track of everything you have to do (Trying to remember wastes
a lot of time and makes you lose fous). There are four basic lists you should use:

1. Your Schedule. This is for the entire year, day by day.

2. Things-to-Do List. This is a basic Things-to-Do list organized by month,
week, and day, prioritized as As, Bs and Cs.
3. People-to-Call List. My third list is a People-to-Call list, also prioritized
4. Conference Planner. This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot,
where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in
between meetings or conversations.

You have to get some sort of regimented, regularly used list-making system
working for you. If you arent making lists, you probably arent making a lot of
money or getting much done either.

Extreme Productivity tool #2: !

Tickle the memory with tickler files. The idea is simple: You have 90 file folders:
red ones numbered 1 through 30, blue ones numbered 1 through 30, and white
numbered ones 1 through 30 that represent the current month, next month and
the month after that.

Lets assume you agree to follow up with a client on a particular matter on the
10th of next month. Take either that clients whole file or that piece of
correspondence or a handwritten note, and plop it into the blue file folder
numbered 10. And forget it. On the 10th of next month, itll pop up all by itself
and remind you to do it.

Used right, tickler files reduce clutter, serve as automatic memory, and help
organize daily activities.

Yes, I'm well aware that there are all sorts of contact management programs
for computers, pads and phones that can substitute for the file folders in a

drawer. If you prefer that, by all means, be my guest. But manual, automated,
physical, virtual, or hybrid, a tickler file system can be a very good friend.


Extreme Productivity tool #3:!

Minimize meetings. Nothing ever got done in a meeting. I hate meetinings. For a
lot of people, meetings are a place to hide out. Or preen and be important. But
they're not a place to actually do work or get anything done.

You need a strategy to avoid them. If you lead meetings, you need a strategy to
abbreviate and focus them. If you must attend meetings, you need a strategy to
escape from them at will.

Extreme Productivity tool #4:!

Block your time. Most peoples schedules only have their locked-in-stone
appointments with others. Mine also has my pre-allocated, locked-in-stone
appointments with myself and my work.

For each year, a lot of time gets locked down months ahead. For example, I
clump most of my necessary phone appointments during a month into one day
and book my Phone Day in each month a year ahead.

Month to month, I book in various work appointments: speaking engagements,

coaching meetings, the time blocks for writing my monthly newsletters or for
work on a book or video.

My goal is to have as little unassigned time as possible. If you lay your calendar
out before you and pre-assign or block as much of your time as possible, as
much in advance as possible, you will then leave yourself only a small amount of
loose, unassigned time.

By blocking time for important, high-value functions, you prevent the demands of
others from moving your best-value activities from number one to number ten on
your list, over and over again.

Extreme Productivity tool #5:!

Profit from odd lot time. Everything is now portable. A seminar by a great
speaker, just about any book ever published (including this one), how-to

information of every variety--it's all on audio CDs and DVDs, accessible through
online media, inside your Kindle or Nook or iPad. You can use YouTube for
something other than watching kittens water ski or babies being cute.

Or you can make sure you have an actual book with you at all times. There is no
excuse to simply waste time while waiting in an airport, stuck in traffic, parked in
a reception room.

Some people give their odd-lot time to returning calls, texts or emails, or to
talking on the phone.

This is a mistake for three reasons. One, youll be doing it hurriedly and without
proper preparation, and if any of it is important, its too important to do poorly.
Two, its a bad precedent to set with those who have access to you and with
whom you communicate. If you inject randomness, you lose the ability to impose
organization. Three, it steals time you need to think, to read, to listen, to get and
process input.

Disciplined use of the time everybody else wastes can give you an edge. The
now rich and famous writer of legal thrillers, Scott Turow, wrote his first novel
using only his morning commutes into New York City on the train. All around
him, others just killed the same time. For most people, these minutes dont
matter. But they do. So when you say to yourself its only 10 minutes, you miss
the entire point of time.

One more thing...

As my way to thank you for downloading and reading this book I have a special
bonus for you. During the next 30 days you will get a daily email containing what
I call "e-mail coaching sessions" during each session I will coach and guide you
in following through on the steps to apply the Forbidden Success Formula in
your live.

I wish you all the success in the world and I urge you to take massive and
immediate action on everything you've learned.

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