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Council of
Unitarians and

Office of the Secretariat

345 Addiscombe Road
Croydon, Surrey
+44 20 8407 2866

ICUU announces the 142nd in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to
use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the ICUU Global Chalice
Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Indian Union of Unitarian

Today, when we light the chalice, may the world be filled with God's holiness. May we feel His
presence, His love, His compassion, His bounteous blessings. May we always be ready to be
grateful to Him, to glorify Him and to pray to Him, with holy hearts and with thirst in our spirits.
Let us direct our thoughts to God with purity of the heart that we may receive His peace from
Whom it springs forth and fills the world to eternity.
Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891 Unitarian Union of North East India

Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891

Aujourdhui en allumant cette flamme, puisse la Grandeur de Dieu remplir le monde. Puissionsnous
ressentir Sa prsence, Son amour, Sa compassion, Ses bndictions infinies. Puissions-nous
toujours tre prts (tes) Lui rendre grce, Le glorifier et Le prier avec un coeur saint et un
esprit assoiff. Cest avec un coeur pur que nous dirigeons nos esprits vers Dieu, pour recevoir de
Lui Sa paix, celle qui dcoule de la Source de toute vie et qui remplit le monde jusquaux bords
de lternit
Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891 Unitarian Union of North East India


Wenn wir heute diesen Leuchter entznden:mge die Welt erfllt sein von der Heiligkeit Gottes.
Mgen wir seine Gegenwart spren, seine Liebe, seine Barmherzigkeit und seinen grenzenlosen Segen.
Mgen wir immer bereit sein, ihm zu danken, ihn zu verherrlichen und zu ihm zu beten, von ganzem
Herzen und einem durstigen Geist. Lasst uns unsere Gedanken reinen Herzens auf Gott richten, damit
wir seinen Frieden, der die Welt bis zur Ewigkeit erfllt vom Ursprung her empfangen knnen
Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891 Unitarian Union of North East India

Ha kane ka sngi, ha kaba ngi tbeh ding ia kane ka khuri,ai ba ki mynsiem jongngi baroh hangne
mynta, kin dap da ka jingkhuid U Trai. Ai ngin sngew ia ka jingdap jong U, ia ka jingiaidon
ryngkat jong u bad ngi; bad ai ngin sngew ia ka jingiej, ka jingisynei, bad ka jingaiei bakhraw
jong U iangi kiba duna.Ai ngin long kiba la khreh lypa, mynta, ban ainguh, bad ban pyndon
burom, bad ban duwai ia U, da ka jingkhuid ka dohnud bad da ka jingsliang bad jingkwah ka
mynsiem. Ai ngin ia pynleit jingmut sha U da ka jingsngur ka mynsiem.Kumta ngin ioh ia ka
jingsuk na U Blei, na Uba ka kyrsoi bad shlei sha ki bymjukut.
Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891
submitted by the Unitarian Union of North East India

Hoy al encender el cliz, deseamos que el mundo se llene con la santidad de Dios. Que podamos
sentir Su presencia, Su amor, Su compasin, Sus abundantes bendiciones. Que estemos siempre
preparados para darle gracias, glorificarle y rezarle, con el corazn santificado y con sed de
Dirijamos nuestros pensamientos hacia Dios con pureza del corazn para poder recibir Su paz,
de quien emana y que llena el mundo hasta la eternidad.
Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891, Unin Unitaria de India del Nordeste.

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Adam Hargrove (Chinese), Lucie-Marie
Castonguay-Bower & Jo-Anne Elder (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German) and Jaume de
Marcos (Spanish).)

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