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General Meeting – February 1, 2010

Attendance: 43 members attended

Call to order: President Jean Levihn called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. She
welcomed all and introduced new members: Mary Lodes, Christine March, Joan
McGoldrick, Nancy Krienz, Anita (Nini) Klutz, Sandy Dagon, Sandra Clapper, and
Midge McDermott ( to be welcomed with a special election at this meeting). Jean also
asked members to keep Deb Ellsworth, and Sandy Knoll in our thoughts for their
surgeries, and to keep Sue Otis’ father who suffered a massive stroke in our prayers.

Recording Secretary: In the absence of Mary Gray, Mary Almasi will be acting
secretary. January minutes were accepted as posted.

Treasurer: Carol McLean

Checking Account Balance: $14,771.99
Total receipts: $5,461.43
Total disbursements: $ 892.70
Checking account balance 1/31/10 $18,559.68
Savings account balance: $ 5,579.17
Special Gifts CD: $11,940.94

Cash on hand 1/31/10 $36,079.79

Corresponding secretary: Andrea Leih read a letter of appreciation from Ed Olson,

President of Waukesha Memorial Hospital, for the WSC pledge of $500,000 for the
Waukesha County Community Health Center campaign. The club favorably accepted the
leave of absence request from Bobbi Rosenmerkl for May 1, 10 to Oct. 31, ’10. Mary
Elliot, a devoted member of WSC for many years will be moving to Senior League.

1st V.P. Mary Sue Eichsteadt handed out the annual preference sheet forms. They are to
be returned by March 1 to Mary Sue. Please consider the importance of taking a position
at one of the shops, committees, and/or Ways and Means. Mary Sue thanked Karen
Pfeffer for assisting her with distributing the forms.

2nd V.P. In the absence of Jane Weber, Mary Sue Eichsteadt again welcomed the new
members and noted the special election for Midge McDermott sponsored by Mary
Spiering and Darlene Holmstrom. Ballots were distributed. (the vote was favorable).
All members were reminded that nomination forms are available at both shops and at the
general meeting each month. It was emphasized that a WSC member must fill out
nomination forms and that two sponsors are required. Please, never give out the phone
number of the 2nd V.P. to a prospective member.
Scheduler: Emily Lorenz: The new Feb 16 to June 15 schedules have been distributed.
An error was made with Elsie Armstrong’s schedule having given her all afternoon dates
when in fact she requested morning dates. All dates are at the thrift shop. Please, if
possible, check Elsie’s dates and trade with her. Emily is preparing to move the WSC e-
mail list to G-mail (google). The list will be in two sections to accommodate g-mail’s
requirement of a 99-name restriction. The larger list will include all members that are
actively taking a schedule. The second list will include those on leave, and those with
schedule exemptions. Emily will initially inform members in leadership of the password.

** Important reminder** A six month leave at any one time is the maximum allowed by
WSC by-laws. After the six months, should one be unable to return to active service in
the club, a written (or e-mail) letter of resignation must be sent to the President. A
member may at any time request, in writing, reinstatement to the club.

Marilyn Goecke requested a trade for April 21st at the gift shop. She is scheduled for
both shifts.

Ways and Means: No report

Thrift shop: Mary Spiering, sporting a lovely jacket from the shop, reported sales for
January of $6,423.99 with winter related expenses of $4, 184.01 allowing $3,000 to be
returned to the club. Donations to date from the thrift shop total $21,700.
Mary also reported on two new initiatives for the shop: 1. a sound system that will play
background music. The system is a collaboration of equipment donated by Darlene
Holmstrom’s friends Steve and Judy Rubert, and two additional refurbished speakers
purchased for $200,00 from Audio Ventures on Sunset. Bill from Audio Ventures
donated consultation as to installation of the system. 2. Introduction of a credit card
terminal predicted to bring a 20% increase of sales to the shop. Money from the credit
card transactions will be sent directly to Sunset Bank. A friend of Mary Spiering’s will
provide the terminal and set-up at cost as a charitable donation from his business.
Barbara Eash once again donated her appraisal services for a number of antiques that
have been donated to the shop.
Mary thanks the members for their excellent donations.
The thrift shop is grateful to Lacy Ballman’s daughter who gave the thrift shop some
new items from Lang to be sold.

Hospital Gift Shop: Sue Lacy reported an unofficial total for the month of $25,500.
With the distribution of Preference sheets, Sue encourages members to consider a
position as a buyer ( 3 year commitment) or display committee member. She offers to
talk with anyone interested.
IMPORTANT: when entering a sale into the cash register, please try to put the item sold
into the correct category rather than just “logging” it into miscellaneous. The
miscellaneous sales have increased by 3% and therefore it is difficult for the other
departments to have accurate information. Thank you.
ALSO: If a customer asks you to further discount an item on sale, please consult with a
buyer from that department or with a gift shop chair – we are not in the “garage sale”
mode of taking whatever price a customer offers.
ALSO: Please do not accept Canadian coins – the bank will not accept them.

The official “garage sale” – annual Lobby Sale will be Thursday May 6th.
Sue thanks everyone for their dedication to the gift shop.

Family Assistance: Marcia Weidler reports that F.A. served five families this month at a
total expenditure of $878.00. The remaining balance is $6,777.17. Fred Garcia, at
WCH&HS is submitting a nomination to WI Family Based Service Association for a
award for WSC for the service we offer the county based social workers. We are
complimented by his consideration of our club. Jean Levihn has contacted Fred to
provide a speaker for our March meeting re: the work we do with their clients.

E&F: Mary Almasi reports that the spring allocation requests will arrive by the end of
February, the committee will then meet to make recommendations for a vote In April on
funds to be distributed.

Yearbook and Hot Flash: Barb Cleveland reminded members that Hot Flash articles
were due Feb. 1.

Hostess Scheduler: Jean Levihn thanked Millie and Mary Richmond for the treats and
coffee for the meeting.

Members at Large: Jean thanked Jean Coshun and Mary Fortier for keeping the name
tags current and for making calls to those who do not receive e-mail.

WMH has graciously offered to print and maintain a supply of our new member manuals
and brochures. Maggie Merian of the Foundation office will arrange for this service to
the club.

Jean Levihn was asked by Dean Ryan of the WMH Foundation to prepare a statement of
WSC history and function. Ellen Langill thoughtfully agreed to write the statement that
will be used for a press release re: WSC support of the Waukesha County Community
Health Center.

Jean Levihn closed the meeting with her reflections on “Love” for Valentine’s Day. She
shared the definition of love as – on going steady way of supporting each other, and a
feeling of benevolence and sisterhood. She reminded us of the many ways members care
for and support one another and the functions of the club. She is continually grateful.

Respectfully submitted; Mary Almasi

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