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________________ abortion has signs and symptoms of bleeding and cramping

and the cervix begins to dilate and may rupture.

A missed abortion means that the fetus __________ but is ________________.

A miscarriage is also known as _________________ abortion.

______________ abortion means to have any other abortions occuring in 3

consecutive pregnancies.

The signs and symptoms of pre eclampsia are ___________ blood pressure,
_____________in the urine, ___________________ pain, and edema.

Keeping the room/environment quiet is the treatment for


A __________________ is performed when hydatiform mole because it shows

that the _____________ is completely _____________.

Placenta previa is implantation in the _________ uterine segment with the

placenta lying over or near the ____________ ______.

Painless, bright red bleeding are symptoms of __________ _____________.

A _______________ placenta previa means it completely covers the internal

cervical os opening.

Premature seperation from the wall of the uterus is known as _______________


Symptoms of abruptio placenta are _________ red bleeding, __________

abdomen, and ____________ uterus.

PIH, hydramnios,and ___________ are complications that can happen in a

_____________ mother.

Erythroblastosis fetalis can happen with _____ incompatability.

Erythroblastosis fetalis is a life threatening ____________ disorder when mother

is Rh__ and baby is Rh______ and the mother does not get vaccinated.

The _________ trimester is the ________ time to get germans measles/rubella.

IF mother is diabetic some complications of the fetus are macrosomia,

__________, possible respiratoy distress, _______________.

Some nursing interventions with a PIH mother include monitoring VS,

______________, protein urea, blurred vision, ________ ____________, epigastric
pain, dyspnea.
Premature seperation from the uterine wall is known as _________

__________________ pregnancy is ovum implants outside of the uterine cavity.

Excessive vomitting during pregnancy is known as _____________


Incomplete cervix means that the _____________ begins to ____________ in the

2nd trimester.

____________ _______________ is implantation in the lower uterine segment with

placenta lying on cervial os.

Miscarriage is also know as ____________ abortion.

How do you prevent infection in the new born with teh following diseases:


______________________-none/no treatment

Herpes Virus___________________________

________________ _____-after birth give vaccine

_____________________-avoid cat litter and raw meat

Groupd B Strep-___________________

If a mother never had Rubella or the anitbodies after birth you give the

The 2 main risks for a fetus with a mother with heart disease are
_______________ and _______________.

Long term for a ________________ mole is neccesary because you have to

make sure it doesnt _________ back.

Main difference between preeccalmpsia and ecclampsia is that in

______________ there are ________________.

During a ________ ________ test the mother pushes a button when the baby

Poor Nutrittion and No prenatal care are the primary nursing concerns with
an ____________ mother.
Main difference between hyperemesis gravidum and morning sickness is that
in __________________ _______________ vomitting ________________ subside.

Macrosomic baby occurs with the __________ mother.

Mother needs to take ______________ instead of oral tabs when diabetic

because the oral could reach the fetus.

Decreases _____________________ is the puroose of magnesium sulfate.

Before administering mag sulafte you need to make sure that the respirations
are greater than ____________, normal ________ ___________ reflexes, at least
30ml of __________ output.

Symptoms of PIH worsening insclude increasingling high blood pressure,

__________ ______________, and ______________ pain and deep tendon reflexes
are absent.

____________ _______________ is that drug for mag sulfate toxicity.

If the fetus is showing undesirable fetal heart patterns some ways to help are
to rposition to side lying, stop ________________ if infusing, give IV fluids, call
the doctor, and VS.

Purpose of ultrasound is to visualize the ______________ contents and rule out

fetal __________.

___________ _______________ causes variable decelerations.

Development of fetus outside of the uterus is known as _________ ___________.

A complication that can occur with ____________ placenta where the fetus may
die is known as _____________.

Proteinurea, hypertension, and edema are most typical signs of ____________.

Problems that can happen with a mom who is pregnant with heart disease
are __________ or _________ _____________.

Physical inactivity and side lying position are precautions for mom to take
with _______________ _______________.

If the mother has Rubella the fetus may have cataracts, ___________ ,IUGR,
MR, hyperbilirubinemia.

Fetus will have FASyndrome, IUGR, preterm birth, and tremors if mother
______________ _____________.

Lung maturity is determined by the _____________ ratio.

You see ___________ _____________ with external monitoring.

___________ ___________ is the most common site for ectopic pregnancy.

Nonreactive NST measns that the fetus is either sleeping or has ____________.

_______________ method os fetal movement documentation is fewer than 10

movements in 12 hours, no moveements for 8 hours, and sudden violent
movements followed by decreased movements.

Fetoplacental function is shown by the __________ test.

A decrease in FHR that __________ early with the contraction and typically
mirrors the contraction is known as ____________ decelerations.

____________ _________________ can cause tachycardia, hypovolemia,

hypotension, _______ BUN, metabolic changes, _______________.

_______________________ test is done on mothers who have heart diasease,

hypertension, PIH, sickle cell anemia, previous still birth, Rh sensitive.

At ___________________ weeks the fetus is viable.

__________________ method is treatment for incompetant cervix.

____________ abortion is beeding and cramping, memranes may rupture, and

cervix begins to dilate.

Severe pain, vaginal bleeding and signs of ___________ are signs and
symptoms of ______________ pregnancy.

Bedrest, ____ environment, monitor VS, and FHR are interventions with a
mother with ___________ __________.

Compliance with mother who has preeclampisa is very impotartant because

any ______________ __________ could increase her __________ ____________

Epigastric pain, urine _____________, irritability, cerebral _____________, are

signs of preeclampsia moving to eecalmpsia.

If the mother cannot regulate her PKU it can cause __________, MR,
microcephaly, and _________ defects.

Fundal height that is greater than expected is the first clue of a ____________

If thw mother is 36wk prgnant with contractions 5cm dilated and has
ruptured membranes you immediatly _______________ the baby.
At 28 weeks pregnant and ______ hours after birth ___________ is given.

Lab value greater than ________ may indicate that the mother has
______________ diabetes.

Limiting activites for 24-48 hrs, avoiding ____________, fatigue,

________________ intercourse are instructions given to a client who had a
_______ abortion.

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