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Anterior View

Pul. Artery Pul. Artery

Right – CO2 blood - thinner Left – Oxy blood – thicker
walls walls

Superior Vena Cava – Coronary Sinus – Interatrial septum -

head/shoulder/arm drains blood to heart sep. atria

Right Atrium Left Atrium

-receives blood -receives blood

Inferior Vena Cava – Ligamentum arteriosum -

below diaphragm fetal rem.

Tricuspid Bicuspid atrioventricular

atrioventricular Valve – Valve (mitral) – close
close vent. contraction vent. contraction

Thinner walls

Chordae tendinae Right Ventricle Left Ventricle

-discharges blood -discharges blood
-goes to lungs (pulmonary)

Pulmonary Aortic Semilunar Valve

Trunk – sends Oxy blood to

L. Vent has the thicker Wall

Papillary muscles Pulmonary Semilunar

Trabeculae Carneae - Valve – sends CO2
septum – separates
ventricles blood to lungs

 Arteries – carry (CO2) blood away from heart (except the

lungs for gas exchange)

 Veins – bring (oxy) blood back to the heart

 Cardiovascular (blood, heart, blood)
o Location : Thoracic cavity
 Apex – points towards the hip
 Base – points towards the shoulders
 Heart is located in the mediastinum region between the 2 pleural (lungs) areas.
 Double membrane surrounds the heart – pericardium around the pericardial cavity.
o Pericardial Cavity - surround by pericardium double membrane
 Parietal pericardium (outer) – loose layer, prevents friction and shock
 Visceral pericardium (inner) – close to the heart

 3 layers of heart wall – pericardium (epicardium - outer), myocardium (middle), endocardium (inner)
o Pericardium (epicardium) – collagen and fibrous – Serous which make up…


Parietal peri. - Pericardial Visceral (inner) –

tough fluid sticks to heart

o Myocardium (outer) – thickest layer, contains cardiac muscle

o Endocardium (inner) – simple Squamous epithelium cells, like the inside of cheek
o Endocarditis – bacterial disease
 Ventricles contract at once (together).
o Blood has no other option to enter the pulmonary trunk, when ventricle contract.
o After relaxation the blood will flow back into the pulmonary trunk but the pulmonary Semilunar valve closes to
prevent back flow into the ventricle – This the heavier sound “Dupp”
 Left atrium
o Bicuspid valve – LA does most of the work of work pumping. When it sends blood out to body and heart filled
with Oxy.
o Aortic Semilunar valve – fills and pushes blood to body and heart. This valve gives a lighter sound of the

Heart valves

Aortic Semilunar valve Pulmonary Semilunar valve

Lupp Dupp

 Valves – every contraction follows a relaxation

o Heart murmur – is a leak in the valve either or valves
o More obvious to detect is the Bicuspid AV valve because they do the most work.
 Blood Circulations

Pulmonary - lungs Coronary - heart

Systemic – brains and


o Thrombosis – Blood clot

o Embolus – moving blood clot

o Pulmonary circulation - Blood Flow

Heart – Lungs – Heart



SVC-co2 CS - heart Aortic semi valve

IVC – co2

L. Ventricle
R. Atrium

Bicuspid AV Valve

Tricuspid AV valve
R. lungs – gas R. Pul. Veins (2)
exchange - oxy

L. Atrium
R. Ventricle Pul. Trunk – co2

L. Lungs - L. Pul. Veins(2)

capillaries -oxy

 Systemic Blood flow : Heart – body – heart

 arterial anastomoses - Where 2 arteries meet
 capillaries – The less we use the heart, lose capillaries – healthier person has a lower heart rate.
 End artery – where the atery ends at an organ, (kidney, spleen – spleenic artery, renal artery)
 Heart attack – lack of oxy getting to the heart areas.
Coronary Circulation

Ascending Aorta – Oxy


R. Coronary Artery Left Coronary Artery

Arterial Anastomoses

Posterior Interventricular Marginal Artery Anterior Interventricular Circumflex Artery

Artery Artery

Capillaries of the Heart

Cardiac Veins Cardiac Veins

Cardiac Veins

Coronary Sinus Right Atria

 Arterial Anastomoses – Where two arteries meet (interconnect), stabilize blood supply to cardiac muscle. (posterior
Interventricular artery and anterior Interventricular artery)

 Cardiac Muscles – 2 types, rich in mitochondria (aerobic respiration), need allot of Oxy (hemoglobin), intercalated
discs – help conduct electrical impulse (action potential) – polarization and depolarization.
o Contractile - 99%
o Autorhythmic – 1 % (boss)
 Blood flow and pressure
o Bflow = ΔP / R
o Starling law of capillaries – exchange of gas at capillary bed.
 Capillaries filter more than they absorb and any excess fluid enters the lymphatic vessels (system)
 Loss of blood, venous response is to constrict – venoconstriction (arterial flow is constant despite
blood loss)

- COP / BCOP (Blood Colloid osmotic pressure) = 25 mhg

- CHP (Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure) = pressure within the capillary beds
- NFP (Net Filtration Pressure) = CHP – COP
- Edema - Fluid retention, build up pressure (can rupture)
o Due to high blood pressure, not enough RBC, Liver problems
Lymphatic System – Drains
left over waste

Same pressure at both ends

of capillary beds.

COP = 25mhg
COP = 25mhg

RBC - Plasma RBC - Plasma

Tissue : CO2, H20 ,

nutrients, Ions,
hormones Venous End
Arterial End
CHP / BHP = 35 mhg (arterial end) CHP / BHP = 18 mhg (venous end)

CHP/BHP(35 mhg) > COP (25 mhg) = CHP/BHP(35 mhg) < COP (18mhg) =
filtration Filtration absorption filtration

NFP (Net Filtration Pressure) = CHP NFP (Net Filtration Pressure) = CHP
(35) – BCOP (25) = 10 (18) – BCOP (25) = -7
Blood Pressure Drops
(Blood flow slows down)

Amount of Oxy to Kidney


BP (Blood Pressure) drops

Produces Enzyme - Renin Enters Blood Enters Liver – Produces
in Kidneys (Can’t filter)
Angiotension I

Increase Heart Rate

and Cardiac Output Angiotension I goes to

Lungs produce ACE

(Angiotension) enzyme that
ADH (Anti diuretic Hormone) –
converts to Angiotension II
conserves water and raises
(Strong vasoconstrictor –
blood pressure)
constricts vessels and raises Blood

Triggers the release of

Aldostrone (Retains Sodium /
Tells Brain to Drink to water (conserves) – increases
increase Blood Volume blood volume and blood

 Kidney’s need good blood flow

 All this puts pressure on the heart
o Creates a protein enzyme ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide)
o Stop release of hormones, epi, ADH, etc
o ANP to help balance other hormones.

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