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Appendix Decision of MUNAS VI PPNI

No: 09/MUNAS VI/PPNI/2000

As a professional who participated striving for the physical, material and spiritual to
human beings in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, the life of the nursing profession in
Indonesia is always guided by the original source which is the need of Indonesian people on
nursing care.
Indonesian Nurses in Indonesia realized that the need for nursing is universal for clients
(individuals, families, groups and communities), therefore, the services provided by nurses are
always based on the ideals are lofty, pure intention for the safety and welfare of the people
without distinction of nationality, ethnicity, skin color, age, gender, political and religious
affiliations and social status.
In carrying out the task of nursing services to clients, liability coverage of Indonesian
nurses is to improve the health, prevent disease, reduce and eliminate the suffering and restore
health services implemented on the basis of the plenary.
In performing professional task which is efficient and effective, capable and sincere
nurses provide quality services to maintain and enhance personal integrity with knowledge and
skills that meet the standards as well as the awareness that the services provided are part of the
overall health efforts.
In the guidance of Almighty God in carrying out the duties of devotion for the benefit of
humanity, the nation and homeland, Indonesia National Nurses Association realize that
Indonesian nurses with the spirit of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution felt called to fulfill
obligations in the field of nursing with full responsibility, guided by the basic as shown below:


1. Nurses provide nursing services in respect of human dignity, uniqueness of the client, and
are not influenced by considerations of nationality, ethnicity, skin color, age, gender,
political and religious affiliations and social status
2. Nurse in providing nursing services always maintain an atmosphere that respects cultural
values, customs and religious viability of clients
3. The primary responsibility of the nurses is to those who require nursing care
4. Nurses must keep everything in mind with respect to the tasks entrusted to it except if
required by the authorities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
1. Nurses maintain and increase competition in the field of nursing through continuous learning
2. Nurses constantly maintain a high quality of nursing service with professional honesty that
apply nursing knowledge and skills in accordance with the needs of clients
3. Nurses in making decisions based on accurate information and consider the capabilities and
qualifications of a person when doing consultations, received the delegation and gave
delegates to others
4. Nurses always uphold the good name of the nursing profession to always show professional
Nurses assume responsibility with the community to initiate and support a variety of activities in
fulfilling the needs and public health

1. Nurses always maintain good relations with fellow nurses and other health personnel, and in
maintaining harmony and atmosphere of the work environment in achieving the goals of the
health care
2. Nurses act to protect clients from health professionals who provide health services
incompetent, unethical and illegal.
1. Nurses have a major role in determining the standard of education and nursing services as
well as service activities and apply them in nursing education
2. Nurses play an active role in the development activities of the nursing profession
3. Nurses actively participate in efforts to establish and maintain professional working
conditions conducive for the realization of high-quality nursing care

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