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Henry Wiebe

Green Group

CAP 9 Weekly Boulevard News

Skill- Photoshop and Media
Media and Communication

2014- freshman
Portfolio Category

For the Boulevard News project, I made a parody of the popular magazine covers, Weekly Weird News. In the
original magazine, editors and artists would create images that would look real, but in fact were preposterous and fake, for
example, one issue suggested that there was a Bat Boy hybrid living on one of the old buildings in New York. My News
used a picture of the varsity football team, where I inserted an enlarged picture of one of the players, making it look as if
there was a player on the team who was ten feet tall. During this project, my sense of diction became more acute and I
started to become aware of how the words that I chose in my writing effected the tone. My writing skills have changed
for the better as a result of learning more about and practicing my diction. Among the many important things that I learned
over the duration of this project is that I learned that it is very important to pay attention to word choice and how those
specific words create different tones. If I were to do write it all over again, I think that I might change a few of the words
to make them portray the themes and tones better. I believe that it is important to include this piece in my portfolio
because it is a good representation of my abilities as a writer at this point in my academic career. Writing is a skill that I
will be able to use almost on a daily basis over the course of my life. In the future, I see myself working in a field that
involves writing; whether it may be creative writing, as an author, or as a journalist, but I definitely believe that the skills
that I learned in this assignment will help me achieve my goals. I successfully wrote and performed a play where I utilized
diction to convey tones, and I think that doing this made me most proud. I hoped that my peers and teachers really
enjoyed my project.
This project really helped me to develop my skills in Photoshop, because we learned how to perform many new
actions that we werent able to perform prior to this project. I also was able learn more about the original Weekly Weird
News, which provided an insight into the comedy of that particular time period. I am putting this in my portfolio because I
am proud of the final product that I created and I am proud of the work and time that I put forth in order to be successful
with this project.

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


Henry Wiebe
Green Group

Assignment/Activity Title
SkillWriting, Media, Research.
Reasoning, Ethics.


Metacognitive ReflectionThe following questions ARE NOT A

SCRIPT!! Use the ideas within the questions to reflect on the
assignment and its significance to you.
Your reflection MUST use Times New Roman font, size 11, single
How does this assignment reflect your growth in the category in which you are
placing it?

My sense of diction became more acute and I started to become aware...

How have you changed as a result of this assignment?

My writing skills have changed for the better as a result of learning more
about and practicing my diction.
Why is it important to include this piece in your portfolio?

I believe that it is important to include this piece in my portfolio because it is

a good representation of my abilities as a writer

How and where does this fit in with your prior knowledge?

How do you think that others will react to this product?


I hoped that others enjoyed my performance at the end of the week.

What process did you use to complete the product?

What did you learn by doing this assignment?


I learned that it is very important to pay attention to word choice and how
those specific words create different tones.

Henry Wiebe
Green Group
How does the portfolio product illustrate the connection(s) you've made
between yourself and the course material?

I really felt as if I was connecting to my characters, the impoverished

immigrants in the late 19th century, because I dug deeper into my research
to find what immigrants lives were actually like. I incorporated these
sentiments of the real immigrants into my characters in order to make my
play as realistic as possible.
In what ways would you do things differently if you could do it over again?

If I were to do write my play all over again, I think that I might change a few
of the words to make them portray the themes and tones better.

What did you discover about yourself?

How does it relate to your future?


In the future, I see myself working in a field that involves writing, whether it
may be creative writing, as an author, or as a journalist, but I definitely
believe that the skills that I learned in this assignment will help me achieve
my goals.

How does it illustrate your strengths and/or weaknesses?

What obstacles and challenges did you have to deal with, and how did this
struggle change you?

How does the portfolio product show that your perspective on the world has

How does it relate to your understanding of the world around you?

Which of your accomplishments makes you feel most proud?

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


Henry Wiebe
Green Group

Advisor Signature


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