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My name is Hermes. I am an Olympian.

I am God of trade,
thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings. I am son of
Zeus and Maia. I am messenger to the gods, intercessor between
mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. I keep
busy. I have recently been feeling overworked and underappreciated.
I am talking to Apollo. He is my older half-brother. He is God of
music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and
knowledge. We didnt get along when we were growing up, but now he
is my confidante. He is slightly taller and more built than I am.
We are in my bedchamber. It is located on Mount Olympus, where
all of the Gods live, as do I. I am lying around in bed, and Apollo is
sitting on a comfy chair by the window, where the surrounding land can
be seen. On my bedside table, sits a chalice filled with water. The
windows are draped with transparent lavender curtains.
It is the evening, a little bit before sundown in the springtime. I
just got back from running errands for my father, Zeus. I had been
working all day and Apollo came to fetch me to run another errand.
Today is special because I have had just about enough of being treated
like a servant. Today is the day where I am going to stand up for myself
and fight for my rightful place as a God.
I want Apollo to see how unfairly our father has treated me. I
want him to take my side so I can come to Zeus about the amount of
work I have to do everyday. Apollo has been convinced that we all have
duties to perform, but he is unaware that mine is abundantly copious.
He needs to support me in my quiet little rebellion.
I am simply tired of endlessly working like a mortal slave. I need
to get him to see things my way or I will die from exhaustion. I am sick
of living like my destiny is to serve other people. If I am not given my
rightful place, I might create chaos among earth and no one would
want that.
My first tactic would be to wail. Maybe if Apollo sees how
depressed I am, he will align with me right away. My next tactic would
be to illustrate. If I list down everything that I do everyday, maybe he
would start agreeing that I deserve a permanent break, being noble
and all. My third tactic would be to aggravate. If I remind him that we
are both superior, he will see that I do not deserve to be given all of

these chores. Reminding him that even mortals do less work will anger
him into taking my side and supporting me in trying to relief myself of
the work. My last tactic would be to implore. I am finally going to beg
for him to see my point of view of why all of these works are below me.

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