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A story of inequity.

1. Palolithic
Long time ago, in the Palaeolithic, humans lived much like wild animals:
hunting and gathering to survive. Everyone in the tribe had to work the
same amount as the others. There was no differences between the
members of the same tribe. The only difference was that men were
responsible for hunting, because they were physically stronger and women
were responsible for gathering. They lived a simple and quiet life travelling
from one place to another looking for food.
Rossinis william tell overture
2 protas (chico y chica)
- Have you caught something?
o Only a couple of rabbits, and you?
- I got some fruits and vegetables.
o Thats more than enough then. Lets cook!
2. Neolithic
In the Neolithic, humans started to use metal. Metal was scarce, so, the
ones who had it treasured it as their most valuable possession. People
abandoned nomadic live and started to work the land to grow food. Cereals
where easy to grow and lasted longer than meat and fruit, so those who had
more grain, weapons, or both, became more important than the rest.
conan theology
3 en la cola, 2 guardias 2 protas
- Lets share the harvest!
o Ok, I will split it up.
- Why do you keep more than me?
o Do you have a sword?
- No
o Well, thats why! Keep Moving!!!
3. Ancient and Clasical Era
With time, those who had weapons had power, and used that power to rule
over the rest of the people, and to get slaves to work for them. They created
empires, built pyramids, huge temples and tombs, all for themselves while
their slaves starved.
Spartacus blood and sand
Emperador en su trono, 2 guardias, capataz, esclavo trabajando
(arrastrando algo)
o This is to heavy!
- Keep working slave! (whipping)
o Why do we have to work so hard?
- For the glory of the emperor of course!
o This is not fair!
- Silence! (Whip)

4. Feudalism.
Slaves were unhappy with all of this. They revolted many times, and little by
little, governors started to think on changing the way they treated slaves. In
Europe Christianism spread and along this new religion a new way of
organizing society. Feudalism. Slaves and workers were no longer slaves,
now they were "serfs", and their live had to be respected. They served
Nobles and Kings, who were the owners of the land they worked and
supposedly protected them.
Bard song instrumental
Noble (horse) and serf, and monk
o Good day serf.
- Good day to you my lord.
o Im here for my taxes.
- again? The harvest has been very poor my lord!
o I'm sorry, but it is your duty.
- Well, here it is, thats all i have...
x Dont forget my part!
- Ok, here is the 10% of everything I have
x God bless you son! Keep the good work!

5. Modern times.
At the end of the XVIII century, a new social class emerged, the bourgeoisie,
they were merchants and bankers, together with the peasants, they revolted
in France and killed their king, nobles and clerics. This revolution changed

everything, and served as a start for modern democracies. It seemed for a

brief period of time that there would never be inequity in the world again.
2 Campesinos, burgus, noble y clrigo.
o Cut their heads!!!
-Please nooo!!! -chopo Bring the next one!!!
- Oh, god save me! -chopo Freedom, Equality and brotherhood!!!!

6. Contemporary Era.
After the revolution, slowly but steady, the bourgeoisie took control over
society, they are the new rulers, and they rule by earning money from
others work.
Money Pink Floyd
Rich man, worker, public (he watches while they work)
- Work harder fella!
o what did you say?
- I told him to work harder.
o How much do you pay him?
- Around 20 a day.
o Where do you get the money to pay him from?
- Selling merchandise and stuff.
o And who produces that merchandise?
- Him obviously (pointing at the worker)
o How much does he produce per day?
- Around 100
o Then you dont pay him 20 he pays you 80 for being his boss!
- But Im the owner of the machines!
o And how did you buy those machines?
- Selling merchandise and stuff.
o And who produced that merchandise again?

- Shhh, shut up or they will hear you!!!!

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