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Assessment item 4

Case Study
Value: 50%
Due date: 08-Jun-2015
Return date: 29-Jun-2015
Length: 3,500 words
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Case Study
A business owner of a small jewellery store 'Eye of the Jewel', (focusing on unique and
hand made jewellery), approaches you about broadening their business through an online
presence and potentially sourcing materials and selling their products online. Selling
online is not their complete focus but a direction they ultimately wish to pursue.
They currently operate completely offline except for an email address that customers
occasionally email with custom made jewellery enquires. They are currently quite
successful but wish to expand without losing their unique and 'handmade' image.
Write a report stating the various options available to the business owner and elements
they need to consider in creating an online presence that will benefit their business.
Within this analysis, consider all the facets learned including (but not limited to): online
marketplaces, portals, payment mechanisms, security, social commerce and legal
Finally based on your analysis conclude with what you consider an appropriate first set of
steps toward creating an online presence and how this may fit within wider
business/strategic goals.


0% - 49%

50% - 64%

65% - 74%

75% - 84%

All the required

Most of the required All the required
eCommerce facto
eCommerce factors are eCommerce factors are explored with
Coverage of relevant The report is unclear or
covered and/or the
are covered with
multilevel insight
required eCommerce omits some of the key
depth and relevant
relevant and insightful how they relate to
factors as they relate to factors of reference
connection of these
connections between the case including
the case.
factors to this case is the case and each
risk and
The report addresses
The report is high
The report addresses
some aspects of the
relevant to the
the key aspects of the
The report does not
scenario raised by the
business with littl
case but overlooks
correctly address the client but overlooks
to no omission of
Relevance of the report
some smaller aspects
case presented, by use key aspects of the
any relevant aspe
to the business case.
that could affect the
of high quality
business case and/or
of either the case
longer term
reference material.
the current
the environment i
effectiveness of the
environment in which
which the busines
the business operates.
The report provides
The report provides
The report provides a
little to no actionable some value to the
The report provid
well articulated and
value to the client or client but could have
a very clear, argu
output driven path
the advice provided is included other key
and actionable pa
that covers all
not based on the critical elements and/or higher
for the business to
relevant areas of the
Value of the report to analysis of
quality reference
take covering all
case through the use
the business.
materials in making
relevant issues wh
of relevant reference
researched academic the case for advice
being fully
material. The advice
reference material.The provided. No
reinforced by
provided is sound and
advice provided
assumptions are made
does not overlook key
overlooks key elements about the effectiveness
reference materia
risk factors.
relevant to the case.
of any advice.
Quality and depth of The core reference
The key reference
The key reference
The reference
the reference material material used is from a material used is not material cited is of
material used is o
and application of this non academically based from independently high quality (and
high quality, rece
material to the case. source, or a limited
amount of independent academically based
researched) and for independently
academically based
source (i.e. was from most part is well
researched and is
research is undertaken provided materials) or applied however its overall well linke
in arriving at the
there is a limited
recency or relevancy to the argument
conclusions reached. linkage between the to the case could have being made.
high quality reference been improved.
material and the advice


0% - 49%

50% - 64%

65% - 74%

75% - 84%

being provided.

Use of relevant
referenced real world
business examples
reiterating the
reasoning for the
advice provided.

No business sources
used or the quality or
relevance of these
examples are limited.

An incomplete or
Professional language,
referencing style
style and
and/or an
correct referencing
style used.
language or style is

The business
example{s} used are
The business sources
The business
of value to case
while relevant, are of
examples used ar
scenario however
limited value to the
great value to the
these could have been
business or
report and clearly
more strongly linked
state the need for
to the argument or
connected to the
action in the advi
more relevant
argument being
provided within t
examples exist in
articulating a similar
Referencing is missing
some key components
The report is fully
or included errors or
The referencing i
omissions and/or
flawless and the
professional, (in both
some parts of the
language and styl
language and style)
report lack a
professional with
and only contained a
very few errors.
few errors.
professional language
and/or style.

The objectives of this assignment are to allow you to :

o Evaluate applications of electronic commerce in an organisation and analyse the
barriers to successful implementation of these technologies
o Identify the effects of technology on business results and measure the contribution
of technology to firm performance
o Discuss electronic commerce planning processes and the managerial and
organisational contingencies affecting the relationship between technology and
the organisation.
Marking criteria


The style of the report is open to choice. The only stipulation is that standard essay rules
exist i.e.:
o 10-12 point text
o 1.5-double line spacing
o Do not use first person e.g. I or We.
o Professional language is to be used throughout. No colloquial language/slang.
o Always expand acronyms in first use and state how they will be know in future
contraction. e.g. Charles Sturt University (CSU).
o Correct referencing is required. See the APA guide for advice.

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