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Year 5 Newsletter

June 2015
Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing half term break. We are
continuing to work on our new termly targets which were sent home at the end of
term. If you require any information on these then please do not hesitate to contact
This half-term we will begin by learning the structure of various nonchronological reports. We will then progress onto using these skills to write
different non-chronological reports based around our cross curricular topics.
We will then continue to extend our vocabulary by exploring different authors
and their language choices and using a thesaurus and dictionary to develop our own vocabulary
choices. Following this we will then end the year on a persuasive writing topic using various
forms such as reports and letters.
Ways to help: In lessons, we will be focussing on using more challenging vocabulary in
descriptive writing and how to expand ideas to explain points in non-fiction writing. When your
child is reading, encourage them to locate challenging vocabulary, discuss the meaning and how
they could use these words in their writing.
We will be starting this half term by revisiting place value and written
calculations using all four operations so all children have a secure knowledge
of these processes. Then we will revisit fractions where we will compare and
order fractions with the same and different denominators and add and
multiply fractions and mixed numbers while calculating fractions of
amounts. Following this we will then focus on measuring capacity and volume and solving problems
using various scales. Finally we will end the term learning about shape, translations and
calculating angles.
Ways to help: Continue to practice instant recall of all multiplication tables. Please talk to your
child when they are completing their homework and ask the children to explain how they have
calculated an answer or solved a problem. Consistently reinforce key mathematical vocabulary
such as multiples, factors, prime numbers and digits to assist children with their independent
problem solving.

TThhee W
Whhoollee S
Scchhooooll tthheem
mee ffoorr tthhiiss hhaallff tteerrm
m iiss......
Heeaalltthhyy M

Science All Living Things

We are going to begin this topic by learning about flowering plants and non-flowering plants. We
will label parts of the plants and explore our surroundings and investigate what grows on our
school grounds. We will then progress onto learning about mammals, with a specific starting
focus on humans, and we will then compare and contrast with other mammals. Following this we
will explore the life cycle of mammals and compare them to the life cycle of birds and

amphibians and insects. Finally, we will finish this topic being naturalists or behaviourists and
take a different viewpoint on the learning throughout this topic.
In geography we will be focusing on orienteering. We will use the areas close to the school and
the school grounds to learn about symbols on a map, how to read a map correctly using the axis
and how to write four and six figure grid references.
Art and DT
In Art and DT, we will be continuing to complete our moving toy designs and create our toys. We
will then progress onto designing healthy biscuits and looking at taste combinations and ease of
making. This will support our Healthy Me school topic and we will use our literacy skills to
advertise and persuade people to try our biscuit designs.
In music, we continue to develop our recorder playing with the help
of Mrs Holt. We will be learning how to read and write music with the correct notations and we
will also be extending our knowledge of notes and the correct hand positions on the recorder.
In French, we will be learning all about healthy eating and naming
different foods.
In computing, we will begin to explore data using computers. We will learn how to
create tables and graphs, how to interpret data and explore the purpose for this
technology relating to our literacy, DT and geography topics.
In RE we will be learning about Christianity with a focus on learning about churches. We will
explore different parts of a church and how they are sacred places for many people.
Our PE lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday so please ensure
that your child brings their PE kit to school on this day and that earrings are
taken out. Please also ensure that your childs PE kit is clearly labelled with
their name. This half term we will continue to focus on the skills needed to
play striking and fielding games as the weather hasnt been too kind to allow
us out much last half term. We will also be going swimming every Monday so
please ensure that your child has their swimming kit with them each Monday.
I am looking forward to enjoying the final term with Year 5 as we have lots of exciting
learning opportunities planned. Thank you for your support. Miss Murray

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