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Mauricio Reyes Aguilera
Kevin Diaz Vindas
Carlos Ramirez Monge
Juan Diego Cruz Koo

Ing. Leonardo Moya Gonzales



Table of Contents

1. Introduction.....

2. Development of the Investigation...

3. Conclusions....

4. Bibliography..

Across the time, the water is vital for the survival of the human being, animals and
plants. Also, it shapes vital part in the wealth of a country, consequently, we must
learn not to waste it and use it in an efficient way.
We use the water in almost all our daily activities, for example: to prepare food,
personal cleaning, to wash clothes or frets, cultivation irrigation, baby of animals,
production of energy, between others.
The water is indispensable for the life of the people, nevertheless, it skimps as the
population increases and also because regrettably it is wasted by persons ignorant
or / and lacking in sense of responsibility and human solidarity.


To comprehend and understand the consumption of the water based on the

needs of the population at national level.


The water consumption is variable for a person or / and group, for which, it is
important to analyze and to determine the water quantities that it needs from itself
to satisfy the current and future conditions of the projected cities, consequently,
one recommends a detailed study of the community to be investigated.
The endowment is the water consumption used by a person per day and it
expresses itself particularly in liters for inhabitant and per day.
Next, there are detailed the determinant factors of the water consumption:
1. Temperature
The temperature plays an important role since major the temperature is, major will
be the water consumption.
2. Water Quality
The water supply will be raised to measurement in which the persons demand and
verify that they are provided by good quality of water and service.
3. Socioeconomic Qualities
The level of education and the level of income of the population depends the
consumption of the water. Consequently, in developed cities, the water supply is
major than in small villages.
4. Sewerage Service
The service of a network of sewerage raises greatly the water consumption to
difference with systems of evacuation of black waters.
5. Pressure in the network of water distribution
In case that high pressure exists in the network the water flow will be major on
having opened the keys of the washbasins, faucets, sprinkling cans and other
gadgetry. On the other hand, it is possible to present escapes or breakdowns
inside the domicile or in the same distribution network; consequently, it would
cause an increase of the water volume loss.
6. Administration
An organized and efficient administration will handle better the water consumption
minimizing the escapes and garbage, and controlling the illegal connections.

7. Measurer and Rates

The installation of measurer and the establishment of rates produce a better
control in the consumption of the water to the users. Nevertheless, in case that
either measurer or rates existed then the persons would not have knowledge of the
water consume and would not value the resource of using big amounts of water.

It is important to bear in mind that the water consumption in the population qualifies
in diverse uses:

1) Domestic: It refers to the water supply in the housings. The water there is used
for personal stuff washed of clothes, irrigation of plants, general cleanliness,
between others. Nevertheless, the determination of the domestic consumption is a
variable that dependents on the economic level of the consumers and the size of
the city.
2) Industrial and commercial: it expresses itself like the water supply in factories,
offices and stores. For example: in commercial use, the water is used in shops,
bars, service stations, etc. On the other hand, in industrial use, the water is used in
facilities of refrigeration, sanitary, others.
3) Public: it is defined as the water consumption to state buildings and other public
services. For example: cleanliness of public routes, irrigation of gardens,
cleanliness of network of sewerages, public swimming pools, fights against fires,
between others.
4) Losses or / and waste: it produces losses to itself in the distribution network of
the waters. For example: you escape in deposits and conduction of the tubes due
to the poor condition, illegal connections, bad count of meters or / and bombs,
between others.

Now, the daily water consumption of housing is detailed according to the AYA in
order to understand the water consumption in every daily activity:

Shower: Every minute that happens with the open pipe consumes 12 liters
of water.
Washing: In every minute that happens with the open pipe it will consume 6
liters of water.
Kitchen: Washing and/or rubbing the plates, or washing the food, etc. In
every minute that happens with the open pipe it will consume 8 liters of
Restroom: Every time the chain gets pulled 10 liters of water are consumed
in average.

A technical fact is that in Metropolitan areas and coast zones 350 liters spend /
person / day. In the rest of areas it is a less value, about 200 l/p/d.

Next, there is described the process of treatment of the water:

In conclusion, it is possible to appreciate that the water is vital for the life of the
human being; nevertheless, it is not necessary to waste the water of an
unnecessary way because it is a scarce resource of that we must take care.
Also, we learned that the water is used for diverse uses (domestic, industrial,
commercial), for which, it is essential that the persons are conscious and balance
the water consumption in order to improve the quality of life and to optimize
The water is fundamental for the development of the species in the ground,
nevertheless, due to the contamination and the activity of the human being it is
turning into a limited resource that will have to be preserved across effective


Mott, Robert L., Mecnica de Fluidos, 2006. Editorial Pearson Prentice Hall.
Mxico D.F., Mxico

Charla breve de los Factores en los diseos de sistemas de aguas potable

y proveniencia del agua en el proceso de potabilizacin y distribucin en el
GAM en las oficinas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados en Rohrmoser
(distrito de Pavas) el 02/02/2015

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