You are on page 1of 26

This page will only have sentences in Spanish with main words from A-G in order minimize the

time, for the rest of the list click here: H-Z

Spanish Phrases
He is very able
I'm able to do this work
Round about
Whats it all about?
to dream about something
I'm about to
Absence of mind
In accordance with
According to
He is accused of...
she lives across the street
To act the fool
In addition to
two adjoining rooms
To adjourn the meeting
A piece of advice
give someone an advice
take someone's advice
I advice you to leave
take advantage of ...
I'm afraid of (things /to do things)
I'm afraid of cats
he's afraid of the dark
Im afraid she wont come
Not your affair (business)
Your affectionate niece
I cannot afford it
after passing the bridge
after...turn to...keep straight on
The day after.
After all
The after life
Never again
I never saw him again
What do you have against her?
At the age of ten...
10 minutes ago
long time ago
I agree with you
in the open air
all at once

Tiene mucho talento

soy capaz de hacer este trabajo
En los contornos
De qu se trata?
soar con algo
estoy en camino de
De acuerdo con
El es acusado de....
vive al otro lado de la calle
Hacer el tonto
Fuera de, adems
dos habitaciones contiguas
Suspender la sesin
Un buen consejo
dar un consejo a alguien
seguir el consejo de alguien
te aconsejo que te vayas
Aprovecharse de.../ sacar ventaja
tengo miedo a/de
tengo miedo a los gatos
Le da miedo la oscuridad
Me temo que no venga
No es cosa tuya
Su afectuoso sobrina
Es superior a mis recursos
despus de pasar el puente
Despus degire a...siga todo recto...
el da siguiente
Despus de todo
La vida futura
Nunca jams
no lo volv a ver
Qu tienes contra de ella?
A los diez aos...
hace 10 minutos
hace mucho tiempo
estoy de acuerdo
al aire libre
A la vez

All but
All the better
he is allergic to
it's not allowed
Talking not allowed
Almighty God
it will be alright
Is it alright to leave now?
What do you do for amusement?
to be angry with someone
Why don't you answer?
Do you have any idea at all?
Anyone wants to chat with me?
if I can help you anyhow, let me know
make an appointment with the Dr
I would like to make an appointment
he is as tall as John
I work full time as a ...
to be ashamed of
I asked him for money
I asked him where he lives
Can I ask you something?
she is an asset to our company
be good/bad at something
I don't like dogs at all
be aware of something
Do you have rooms available?

Tanto mejor
el es alrgico a
no est permitido
No se permite hablar
El todopoderoso
saldr bien
Puedo irme ahora?
Qu haces para entretenerte?
estar enojado con alguien
Por qu no contestas?
Tienes alguna idea?
Alguien que quiera hablar conmigo?
si puedo ayudarte de alguna manera, dmelo
pedir hora con el doctor
me gustara hacer un apunte
el es tan alto como Juan
trabajo a tiempo completo como manager
estar apenado de, estar avergonzado de
le ped dinero
le pregunt dnde viva
Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
es un gran valor para la compaa
ser bueno/malo haciendo algo
no me gustan nada los perros
ser consiente de algo
Tienes habitaciones disponibles?

she will be back tomorrow
I'll be right back
When are you coming back?
they wrote back (letters)
I'm bad at math
he is going bald
go bankrupt
language barrier
Dont be sad!
to beat someone up
go to bed
I've never been to Spain
I've been studying Spanish for...
I don't believe you
you will have to do without
do one's best
All the best!

volver maana
regreso en un momentito
cundo volvers?
contestaron a la carta/la llamada
se me dan mal las matemticas
se est quedando calvo
ir a la quiebra
barrera lingstica
No ests triste!
dar una paliza a alguien
ir a la cama
no he estado en Espaa
tengo tres aos estudiando Espaol
No te creo. Me crees verdad?
te las tendrs que arreglar
hacer todo lo posible
buena suerte! Que te vaya bien!

I bet he doesn't come

I'm getting better
you had better ask for permission
The bill please!
The land of my birth...
Date of birth?
Happy birthday!
let's chat for a bit
I'll be there in a bit
blame someone for something
Bless you!
in cold blood
Bon apptit!
I booked a room
I'm bored
Where were you born?
I was born in 1979
I was born in Italy, but go often to Mex
I was born in France but live in the US
Does it bother you if I smoke?
at the bottom of the screen
Please, bring us..!
I'm just browsing
be on a budget
I'm here for business
it's none of your business
buy a ticket
Where can I buy...?
I did it by myself
by the way
long distance call
Whats that called?
we must call for an ambulance
I will call back later/tomorrow
there is a call for u
I'll give you a call tomorrow
he called him a liar
they called you gay
this stupid calls me bitch
but they call me John
And who's calling?
Calm down!
I came from work
Can you call again later?
Can you hear me?
that can't be right
Can I...?

apuesto a que no viene

estoy haciendo progresos
sera mejor que pidieras permiso
la cuenta por favor
Mi tierra natal...
Fecha de nacimiento?
Feliz cumpleaos!
platicamos un rato/ ratito
estar all dentro de un rato
culpar a alguien de algo
Jess! qu Dios te bendiga!
a sangre fra
Qu aproveche! Buen provecho!
tengo una habitacin reservada
me aburro, estoy aburrido
Dnde naciste?
nac en mil novecientos setenta y nueve
yo nac en Italia pero voy muy seguido a Mx
yo nac en Francia pero vivo en los EU
Te molesta si fumo/ si mi siento aqu?
en la parte inferior de la pantalla
Nos trae (ms pan)!
slo estoy mirando
tener un presupuesto limitado
estoy aqu por razn de trabajo
no es asunto/cosa tuyo/a
sacar una entrada
dnde venden tarjetas telefnicas?
lo hice yo solito
a propsito
una llamada interurbana
Cmo se llama a esto en espaol?
debemos telefonear a una ambulancia
le volver a llamar ms tarde/maana
tienes una llamada, te llaman
te llamar maana
le llam mentiroso
te dijeron maricn de mierda
ese estpido me llama perra
pero me llaman Juan
De parte de quin?
estoy llegando del trabajo
Puede volver a llamar ms tarde?
Me oyes?
debe haber un error

Take care!
Be careful!
in that case
pay in cash
catch up on one's sleep
I'm not taking any chances
for a change
Will that be cash or charge?
Cheer up!
it's chilly today
I had no choice
Merry Christmas!
Is it close?
no clue
I'm cold
I have a cold
Come here!
How come?
Come in!
come on, you're exaggerating
Come on! tell me
have something in common
Compared with...
we're not compatible
I have a confession to make
congratulations on
Its considered to be...
take something into consideration
I'm a good cook
Is it correct to say...?
you're correct
it costs too much
I'd like to visit your country one day
Of course!
Do you accept credit card?
I was cut off
I had my hair cut
we were cut off
it looks really cute on u
you're damaging your health
I don't give a damn!
damn it
How dare you!
Yes my darling!

Cudate! Cuidados!
Ten Cuidado!
en ese caso
pagar en efectivo
recuperar sueo
no voy a correr ningn riesgo
para variar
Pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta?
hace fresquito hoy
no tuve alternativa
Feliz navidad!
est cerca?
no tengo ni idea
tengo fro
estoy resfriado, tengo un resfriado
venga aqu! ven ac!
Cmo es eso? Por qu? y eso?
entre! adelante!
vamos, hombre! ests exagerando
anda! Dime.
tener algo en comn con alguien
comparado con
no somos compatibles
Por lo que toca....
tengo algo que confesar
felicidades por
Se considera que es.........
tomar algo en consideracin
soy un buen cocinero
Es correcto decir....?
tienes razn
cuesta demasiado
Me gustara visitar algn da tu pas
Claro! Claro que si! Por supuesto!
Aceptas tarjetas de crdito?
se me ha cortado la comunicacin
me he cortado el pelo/dedo
se ha cortado
eso te queda muy mono
Spanish Phrases D-E
ests perjudicando tu salud
Me importa un pimiento!
Maldita sea!
Cmo te atreves!
s cario

out of date
Whats today's date?
day after day
it's a good deal
dear Rosa
there will be a 5 min delay
the meal was delicious
you're deluding yourself
I don't deny it, I'm proud of being ...
that depends
it depends on the weather
deprive someone of something
Dial the number ....for...
it doesn't make any difference
with difficulty
a four digit number
Is there any discount on...
I find it disgusting
do not disturb
I don't know what to do
That will do!
Well done!
with double bed
I'm going downtown
it's drafty here
she is a good drawer
I dreamt about you last night
I don't drink
Youre driving me crazy
he is driving me mad
10 minutes driving
we love each other
take it easy
I can't eat food that have pork
effective May 1
you speak in an elegant way
Anything else?
I was embarrassed to ask
to encourage someone
When does it end?
at the end of July
Do you enjoy it?
Enjoy the meal!
goodbye and enjoy your time
hope you enjoy the meal
I don't have enough money
Enough talk! That's enough!

pasado de moda (ropa), caducado (passport)

Qu fecha/da es hoy?
Da tras da....
es una ocasin
querida rosa
habr una demora de 5 minutos
la comida estuvo deliciosa
te ests engaando a ti mismo
no lo niego, soy muy orgulloso de ser latino
depende del tiempo
privar a alguien de algo
Marque el numero...para...
no cambia nada
con dificultades
un nmero de 4 dgitos
Haces descuento a...
me da asco
no molestar
no s qu hacer
Ya vale!
bien hecho!
con dos camas
voy al centro
hace mucha corriente aqu
dibuja muy bien
anoche so contigo
no bebo
Me vuelves loco
l me est volviendo loco.
diez minutos en carro
nos queremos
no consumo alimentos que contienen jamn
a partir del 1 de mayo
hablas con cierta elegancia
algo ms? no eso es todo, gracias
me daba vergenza preguntar
dar nimo a alguien
a que hora termina?
a finales de julio
te gusta?
Comer con gusto!
adis y que disfruten su tiempo
espero que disfruten la comida
no tengo suficiente dinero
Esto es. Basta ya

I've had enough!

envy someone something
you envy Cubans
the word escapes me
even if he begged me
in the evening
Have you ever been to NY?
take an exam
with the exception of
excuse me (to pass by)
take exercise
at the company's expense
could you explain that please
to a certain extent
keep an eye on

estoy harto!
envidiar a alguien por algo
t lo que tienes envidia de los cubanos
no consigo recordar la palabra
aunque me suplicara
por la tarde
Has estado alguna vez en Nueva York?
hacer un examen
a excepcin de
disculpe! Oiga! perdone! (for attention)
hacer ejercicio, ejercitar
a cargo de la empresa
puedes explicarlo, por favor
hasta cierto punto
esta pendiente de

Spanish Expressions F-G

Face to face
yours faithfully
be faithful to one's partner
I fell of the wall
I have fallen
be falsely accused of something
that looks familiar
be famous for
Is it far?
How far is...?
as far as I know
you've gone too far (in behavior)
so far so good
fast food restaurant
it's your fault
it wasn't my fault
do me a favor
I'm fed up with my job
I don't feel well
I don't feel like it
I feel sick/tired
Howre you feeling today?
I don't feel like it
fill it up please
Where can I find a good restaurant?
that's fine, I will take it (room)
have a fight (argue)
How did you find the hotel?

Frente a frente. Cara a cara

le saluda atentamente
ser fiel a la pareja
me ca del muro
me he cado
ser acusado falsamente de algo
eso me resulta familiar
ser famoso por
est lejos?
a qu distancia est...?
que yo sepa
te has pasado
por ahora muy bien
restaurante de comidas rpidas
es culpa tuya
No tuve la culpa. no tengo la culpa (pres)
haga me un favor!
estoy harto de mi trabajo
no me siento bien
no me da la gana
estoy mareado/cansado
Cmo te encuentras hoy?
no me apetece
lleno , por favor, llena esta hoja
dnde puedo encontrar un buen restaurante
esta bien, la tomo
Qu te pareci el hotel?

it fits you perfectly
meet/see s.o in the flesh
he speaks Spanish fluently
sorry, I'm not free
Its foggy!
follow this road
follow me
I'm fond of....
I'm very fond of him
I've been on my feet all day
on foot/by car
this is for you
What is this for?
please get it done for Monday
let me do it for you
I bought it for $15
How much did you sell it for?
I'm here for 6 months
happy for you
I worked for 3 years in.....
I forgot his name
to forget to do something
to be on form/shape
it's 15 degrees below freezing
don't be frightened
from today on
from here to there
I work
Where are you from?
Anyone from Maryland?
I'm frozen
Fuck off!
sorry, we're full
Bye. Have fun!
make fun of
we're having a lot of fun
that's not funny
gain 20 pounds
she gave me a lift to my house
I'm getting old
Excuse me, can I get by?
I get along very well with him
get on the bus/my bike
How are you getting along at school?
give her my love
give a present to someone

te queda perfectamente
conocer/ver a alguien en persona
habla espaol con soltura
lo siento mucho, pero no estoy libre
hay niebla
siga esta calle/carretera
soy un gran aficionado al ajedrez
le tengo mucho cario
llevo todo el da de pie
a pie/en carro
esto es para ti
para qu sirve esto?
por favor tenlo listo (para) el lunes
djame que te lo haga
lo compr por 25 dlares
por cuanto lo vendiste?
voy a estar aqu 6 meses
me alegro por ti
Trabaj durante tres aos para....
se me olvid su nombre
olvidarse de hacer algo
estar en forma
diez grados bajo cero
No te asustes! No tengas miedo!
a partir de hoy
desde aqu hasta all
trabajo de nueve a cinco
de dnde eres tu?
alguna persona de Maryland?
estoy helado
Que se joda! vete a la mierda!
lo siento pero estamos completos
Adis que los pasis bien!
burlarse de
nos estamos divirtiendo mucho
eso no tiene gracia
engordar 20 libras
ella me llev a mi casa
me estoy haciendo mayor
perdname, puedo pasar?
el me cae muy bien
montarse en el autobs/mi bici
Cmo te van las cosas en el colegio?
dale recuerdos de mi parte
hacer un regalo a alguien

I'm glad to see you

Where would you like to go?
it's to go (food)
I have to go, goodbye
How is it going?
Where are you going?
be all gone (finished)
Can I? Sure, go ahead!
ok little friend, I've got to go
thank God (goodness)
good morning, evening, night
good night and sweet dreams
he is good at chess
Oh! That's good!
I'll graduate in two weeks
I'm grateful to him
How was it? Great!
That would be great!
I guess so
Hey, you guys!

me alegro de verte
adnde quieres ir?
es para llevar
me tengo que ir, adis
como te encuentras?
adnde vas?
haberse acabado
puedo? por supuesto , adelante
bueno, mi amiguito me retiro
gracias a Dios
Buenos das! buenas tardes!..noches!
Buenas noches y dulces sueos!
se le da muy bien el ajedrez
Oh, qu bien!
en dos semanas me gradu
le estoy agradecido
cmo fue? Estupendo. genial
lo ira grande!
me imagino que s
Eh, gente!

This page will only have sentences in Spanish with main words from H-Z in order minimize the loading
time, for the rest of the list click here: A-G

Spanish Expressions
have short/long hair
half bottle
half a pound
at half price
half way
on one hand...on the other hand
Hands up!
on your right hand
let me handle this
Do you have (in restaurant)?
What happened?
What happened to my question?
What has happened to you?
this place is haunted
Can I have a coffee?
I had my hair cut
Do you have anything on tonight?
you're funny, he is not
Have you heard of Mike?
know something by heart

tener el pelo corto/largo

media botella
media libra
a mitad precio
a mitad de camino
por una parte....por otra parte
arriba las manos!
a mano derecha
deja me que me ocupe yo de esto
qu ha pasado?
Qu pas con mi pregunta?
qu te ha pasado?
en este lugar hay fantasmas
me da un caf?
me cort el pelo
Tienes algo planeado para esta noche?
t tienes gracia, l no
Te has enterado de lo de mike?
saber algo de memoria

turn on the heater

there is heavy traffic
what the hell you doing/want
Go to hell!
say hello to someone
I can't help it
Help yourself!
Can you help me?
thank you for your help
Can I help you? (shop)
I know her
this is for her
here is the key to your room
here you're
Here you go!
by herself
Hi all!
high blood pressure
highly paid
hitch a ride
hold on please
Have a good holiday!
take a holiday
Anybody home?
New York is my home
make yourself at home
Everything ok at home?
I hope you like it
I hope so
take someone hostage
I'm hot
it's hot
How come?
How are you?
How do you say a cup en Spanish?
How do I get to..?
How much is it per night?
I give you a hug
sense of humor
I'm hungry
I'm in a hurry
Hurry up! you make yourself late again
my/his back hurts
I've hurt my hand
my feet hurt

enciende la calefaccin
hay mucho trfico
qu demonios estas haciendo/quieres
vete a paseo! mejor vete al diablo!
saludar a alguien
no puedo evitarlo
puede ayudarme?
gracias por tu ayuda
podra ayudarse?
la conozco
eso es para ella
aqu est la llave,
aqu tienes!
aqu tiene!
sola (alone), ella sola (without any help)
Hola a todos! Saludos a todos
la tensin alta
estar muy bien pagado
hacer autostop
no cuelgue, por favor
buenas vacaciones!
tomarse vacaciones
hay alguien en casa?
Nueva york es mi hogar
ponte cmodo
todo bien en casa?
espero que te guste
espero que si
tomar a alguien como rehn
tengo calor
hace calor
Cmo es eso? Por qu?
cmo ests?
Cmo dices una taza en Ingles?
cmo se va a...?
qu precio tiene por noche?
te doy un abrazo
sentido del humor
tengo hambre
tengo prisa
date prisa, vas a llegar tarde otra vez
me/le duele la espalda
me he hecho dao en la mano
me duelen los pies

Spanish Sentences I-N

you're crazy I'm not

t ests loco, yo no

I have no idea
Good idea!
if only
fall ill
are you implying I lied
in a loud voice
be incapable of doing something
incidental expenses
incite someone to do something
it's important
She speaks 5 languages, impressive!
In 10 minutes
you're not being very informative
he injured his leg
inquire into something
please keep it, I insist
for instance
I'll have milk instead of coffee
I have insurance
intend to do something
I'm not interested in politics at all
be interested in something
I don't see anything interesting
on the internet
I'm Moroccan
Is breakfast included?
That it!
he is in jail
be jealous of
it' s no joke
I'm joking!
have a safe journey
judge for yourself
the last judgment
have just done something
Just two
I was just about to leave when
I've just arrived
you can keep it
keep a promise
keep the change
Keep straight on until you get to...
when I was a kid
I was only kidding
you're kidding
that's very kind of you
king size bed
there was a knock on the door
I don't know

no tengo ni idea
buena idea!
caer enfermo
Insinas que ment?
en voz alta
ser incapaz de hacer algo
gastos varios
incitar a alguien a que haga algo
es importante
habla 5 idiomas, es impresionante!
dentro de 10 minutos
no ests dando mucha informacin
se lesion la pierna
investigar algo
por favor insisto en que te lo quedes
por ejemplo
tomar leche en vez de caf
tengo seguro, estoy afiliado al seguro
tener la intencin de hacer algo
no me interesa la poltica en absoluto
estar interesado en algo
no veo nada interesante
en Internet
soy marroqu
Es con desayuno?
(Thats right) eso es!, (finished) ya est!
est en la crcel
tener celos de
no tiene ninguna gracia
estoy bromeando
buen viaje!
jzgalo por ti mismo
el juicio final (rel)
acabar de hacer algo
solamente dos
estaba a punto de salir cuando
acabo de llegar
te lo puedes quedar
cumplir una promesa
qudate con la vuelta
Siga todo recto hasta llegar a...
cuando era pequeo
estaba bromeando
ests de broma
gracias por tu amabilidad
cama de matrimonio
llamaron a la puerta
no lo s

I have known him for a long time

I have a good knowledge of Spanish
he lacks confidence
Any lady from New York?
How long does it last?
last week
sorry I'm late
the train is late
see you later
Come back later ok.
Do you know the latest?
When does it leave?
Where does it leave from?
When do we have to leave the room?
Can we leave out luggage here?
I'm leaving tomorrow
Leave me alone!
there is nothing left
less than 200$
let me know ok,
Thats life!
like you
I really like it
like I said
like this
I don't like you going out with them
stand in line
she's is a good linguist
Listen to me!
a little milk
a live broadcast
Where do you live?
What do you do for a living?
Are you local?
Where is it located?
I locked myself out
for a long time
don't be long
I'm looking for John
it looks it's going to rain
I look forward to hearing from u
I'm just looking
I'm lost
we're lost
Get lost!
I've lost my wallet
lost and found
a lot of books/butter
love (letter endings)
be in love with

le conozco desde hace mucho tiempo

tengo una buena base de Espaol
le falta confianza
Alguna dama de Nueva york?
cunto tiempo dure?
la semana pasada
siento llegar tarde
el tren viene con retraso
hasta luego
venga un poco ms tarde
Sabes la ltima?
a qu hora sale?
de dnde sale?
a qu hora debemos desocupar el cuarto?
Podemos dejar nuestro equipaje aqu?
me voy maana
djame me en paz!
no queda nada
menos de 200 dlares
hzmelo saber,
as es la vida!
como t
me encanta
como dije
no me gusta que salgas con ellos
hacer la cola
se le dan bien los idiomas
escuche a me! Escuche!
un poco de leche
una retransmisin en directo
dnde vives?
a qu te dedicas?
eres de aqu?
dnde queda....?
me dej las llaves dentro
por mucho tiempo
no tardes mucho
estoy buscando a Juan
parece que va a llover
a la espera de sus noticias
slo curioso, gracias
me he perdido
nos hemos perdido
vete a paseo!
he perdido la cartera
la oficina de objetos perdidos
muchos libros/mucha mantiquilla
un fuerte abrazo (or) besos
estar enamorado de

I love swimming/nature
Good luck!
bad luck
I'm lucky
drive someone mad
make a decision
it makes me hungry
it makes me sad/upset
Make yourself home!
What is it made of?
I've made 3 phone calls
I'm male and have 25 years old
have no manners
be married to
get married
it doesn't matter
Whats the matter?
it may rain
Whats in this (meal)?
he knows me
The meal is great!
What does this mean?
You know what I mean?
You mean me?
in the mean time
taller than me
What can you do for me?
he is in a meeting
Nice to meet you!
have a good memory
don't mention it (you're welcome)
Waiter! The menu please!
What a mess!
be a mess
Would you like to leave a message?
Is there any message for me?
Have you two met?
in the middle of
in the middle of the night/winter
at midnight/midday
Do you mind?
change one's mind
have something in mind
I don't mind
would you mind leaving it till tomorrow
it's mine
in a minute
Just a minute!
my son is missing
I missed you (lost contact)

me encanta nadar/la naturaleza

que tenga suerte!
mala suerte
tengo suerte
volver loco a alguien
tomar una decisin
me da hambre
me da pena/lstima
ests en su casa!
de qu material es la mesa? es de madera
hice 3 llamadas telefnicas
soy hombre y tengo 25 aos
ser un maleducado
estar casado con
no importa
que pasa?
puede que lleva
este plato, qu lleva?
me conoce
La comida es genial!
Qu quiere decir esto? Qu significa esto?
Sabes lo que quiero decir?
A quin te refieres? A m?
mientras tanto
ms alto que yo
Qu puedes hacer por me?
est reunido
Tanto gusto! Medio gusto conocerte!
tener buena/mala memoria
no hay de que
Mesero! La carta por favor!
qu lo!
estar desordenado
quiere dejar algn recado?
Hay algn recado/carta para m?
se conocen?
en medio de (room,floor)
en plena noche/invierno
a medianoche, al medioda
te importa?
cambiar de opinin
tener algo en la cabeza
no me molesta
te importara dejarlo para maana
es el mo
en un momento
un momento!
se ha perdido mi hijo
te saco

make a mistake
by mistake
there's been a misunderstanding
To be mixed up (emotionally)
To be mixed up (confused)
just a moment
one moment please
how much do you pay a month
be in a good/bad mood
more than 5
more or less
he earns more than I do
more than me
the more I study, the more I learn
I don't live there any more
in the morning
She is the most hardworking...
I've read most of her novels
at the most
move house
go to a movie
Its not moving!
I'm moving to a new house
as much as
I must be on time
Whats your name?
My name is.....
Under what name?
to have a nap
in the near future
it's necessary to
Its not necessary to...
You live in Spain, don't you?
Did you need anything? (store)
If you need anything just let me know?
there is no need to be rude/upset
I need to talk to you
I need money
it means we're neighbors
get on someone's nerves
Whats new?
I never drunk wine
Whos next?
be nice to your sister
that's nice of you
P.r is a very nice island
but I wouldn't live there, only to visit
To work nights
don't talk nonsense
you're talking nonsense

cometer un error, equivocarse

por error
ha habido una equivocacin
tener problemas emocionales
estar confundido
un momento
un momento por favor
cuntos pagas al mes?
estar de buen/mal humor
ms de 5
mas o menos
gana ms que yo
ms que yo
cuanto ms estudio, ms aprendo
ya no vivo all
por la maana
ella es la mujer ms laboriosa de la tierra
he ledo la mayora de sus novelas
como mucho
mudarse de casa
ir al cine
no se mueve
voy a mudarme de casa
tanto ......como
debo llegar a la hora
Cmo te llamas? Cual es tu nombre?
Me llamo.......
A nombre de quin, por favor?
dar/echar una cabezada
en un futuro prximo
es necesario, hay que
No hace falta que...
Vives en Espaa, no? or verdad?
qu deseas?
si necesita algo, dgamelo
no hace falta ser grosero/que te enfades
tengo que hablar contigo
me falta dinero
pues somos vecinos
sacar de quicio a alguien
qu hay de nuevo?
nunca bebo vino
quin es el siguiente?
trata bien a tu hermana!
es muy amable de tu parte
puerto rico es una isla muy linda
pero no vivira ah, slo para visitar
trabajar de noche
no digas disparates/tonteras
estas hablando basura

to the north
not now
it's not ready
I noticed that...
from now on
just now (a little while ago)
just now

al norte de
ahora no
no est listo
Me he fijado que...
de ahora en adelante
hace un momento
en este momento

Spanish Phrases O-Z

be obsessed by/with
take a day off
off line
he is ok (good guy)
How old are you?
he is getting old
I'm ... years old
she is older than me
my oldest brother
and so on
all at once
Once you have finished...
Which one?
not only... but also
At what time does... Open?
in the open air
have an operation
in my opinion
in order to
quite the opposite
You ready to order?
originally from Connecticut
the other day
Have you any others?
every other day
the others
he is out
stay overnight
room overlooking the lake
work overtime
be overweight
owe s.o 100$
How much do I owe you?
I owe you
my own house
a pain in the neck
Dont panic!
a piece of paper

estar obsesionado con/por

tomarse un da de fiesta/un da libre
estar desconectado
es buena persona
Cuntos aos tienes?
est hacindose mayor
Tengo... Aos
tiene ms aos que yo
mi hermano mayor
al mismo tiempo
una vez que hayas acabado
no slo ... sino tambin
a qu hora abre el museo?
al aire libre
ser operado
en mi opinin
al contrario
deseas ordenar?
originalmente de connecticut
el otro da
tienes otros?
cada dos das
los otros
ha Salido
quedarse a pasar la noche
una habitacin que d al lago
hacer horas extras
estar demasiado gordo
deber a alguien 100 dlares
cunto te debo?
te debo
mi propio casa
una lata/ un tostn
que no cunda el pnico!
un trozo de papel

Where can I park?
pass an exam
the past few days
Just be patient!
How would you like to pay?
pay attention
be pending
I don't want to, period!
perhaps we could go next week
ask someone permission to
permit someone to do something
in person
don't take it personally
be on the phone
I want to make a phone call
pick one's noise
What a pity!
Its a pity that...
place an order
pleased to meet you
at 6.00 pm
at 11.00 pm
get to the point
Theres no point in waiting...
poke one's nose into
be positive
in power
practice makes perfect
long time I haven't practiced my Spanish
Do you practice any sport?
as a precaution
I'd prefer to play tennis
it's for a present
he pretends to know everything
to pretend to be someone
prevent s.o from doing something
Lets go to a private room! (chat)
no problem
make progress
Do you promise?
How is it pronounced?
it's not proper
be proud of
Are you proud of yourself?
I'm not psychic
in public
on purpose
That was quick!

dnde puedo aparcar el carro?
aprobar un examen
los ltimos das
ten paciencia!
cmo deseas pagar?
prestar atencin
estar pendiente
no me da la gana y punto!
quiz podemos ir la semana prxima
pedir permiso a alguien para
permitir a alguien que haga algo
en persona
no te lo tomes como algo personal
estar hablando por telfono
Quiero hacer una llamada telefnica
meterse el dedo en la nariz
qu pena!
Es una pena que...
hacer un pedido
encantado de conocerte
las 6.00 de la tarde
las 11.00 de la noche
ir al grano
no vale la pena esperar
meter las narices en
estar seguro
en el poder
base de prctica se aprende
hace mucho tiempo que no tengo la oportunidad
De hablar espaol
Haces deporte?
como precaucin
prefiero jugar al tenis
est cmo regalo
pretende saberlo todo
hacerse pasar por alguien
impedir que alguien haga algo
vamos al privado!
no fue nada!
hacer progresos
lo prometes?
cmo se pronuncia?
no est bien
estar orgulloso de
Ests orgulloso de ti mismo?
no soy vidente
en pblico
a propsito
qu rpido!

speak quietly
it's quite good
it's quite Expensive
I will race you
it's raining
get ready
I realized that
I didn't realize something
I'm really sorry
Can you give me a receipt?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
give s.o a refund
refuse to do something
best regards
give my regards to Juan
regardless of
Relax! Don't get angry
Whats your religion?
be reluctant to do something
rely on s.o to do something
Do you remember John?
I don't remember
you remind me of James
feel renewed
for rent
can you repeat that please
have a good/bad reputation
he needs a rest
the rest
he is retired/married/single
take one's revenge
get rid of
I like riding
do you want a ride to town
I'm right
I'm in Bogot right now
turn to the right
I've been robbed
Theres no room for...
5 days in a row
I didn't mean to be rude
It is rumored that....
time has run out
do something in a rush
my Spanish is pretty rusty
for sale (sign)
be on sale
the same

hablar en voz baja

es bastante bueno
bastante caro
te echo una carrera
est lloviendo
me di cuenta de que
no me di cuenta de algo
lo siento en el alma
me podra dar un recibo?
puede recomendarnos algn buen (restau)
devolver el dinero a alguien
negarse a hacer algo
un abrazo
dale saludos/recuerdos a Juan de mi parte
sin tener en cuenta
tranquilzate! No te enfades
qu religin tienes?
ser reacio a hacer algo
contar con alguien para hacer algo
recuerdas a Juan?
no recuerdo/no me acuerdo
me recuerdas a Jaime
sentir como nuevo
se alquila
puedes repetirlo, por favor
tener una buena/mala reputacin
necesita descansar
el resto
est jubilado/casado/soltero
deshacerse de
me gusta montar a caballo
quieres que te lleve al centro
estoy correcto
estoy en Bogota en este momento
gira a la derecha
me han robado
no hay sitio para
5 das seguidos
no pretenda faltar al respeto
se rumorea que
se ha acabado el tiempo
hacer algo con prisas
tengo el Espaol muy abandonado
se vende
estar de rebajas
lo mismo, igual

same here
I hope you're satisfied!
I have to work and save to buy it
be scared of
be on schedule (work as planned)
Whats the score? (match)
start from scratch
Screw you!
by the sea
I see
you should see a doctor
See you!
it seems that (none wants to chat)
it seems to me
I'm serious
Is service included?
have sex with
in the shade
Thats a shame!
Shame on you!
I need a shit
do one's shopping
in short
What should I do?
take a shower
Shut up!
I'm on your side
be similar to
since last week
Since when?
yours sincerely
excuse me, sir
Sit down!
What size is it?
sleep late
have a sleepless night
I'm sleepy
Sleep well!
get smart with
she had smelly feet
I miss you so
I hope/think so
So what?
he sobered up
some countries
Would you like some?
Is something wrong?
let's have lunch sometimes
as soon as
as soon as possible

yo tambin
Estars contento!
tengo que trabajar y ahorrar para comprrmela
tener miedo de
ir segn lo previsto
cmo van?
empezar desde cero
Chinga tu madre!
junto al mar
ya veo
deberas ir a que te viera un mdico
hasta la vista! chao!
parece que (nadie quiere platicar)
me parece
lo digo en serio
en serio?
est incluido el servicio?
acostarse con
a la sombra
qu lstima!
debera darte vergenza
tengo que cagar
hacer la compra
en resumen
qu debera hacer?
cllate la boca! cllate!
estoy de parte tuya
ser parecido a
desde la semana pasada
desde cundo?
saludos cordiales
perdone, caballero
qu talla est?
dormir hasta tarde
pasar la noche en blanco
qu sueo tengo ahora!
que duermes tranquilo!
hacer el listillo con
le olan los pies
te echo tanto de menos
eso espero/ creo
y qu?
se le pas la borrachera
algunos pases
pasa algo?
quedemos para comer un da de stos
tan pronto como
lo antes posible

the sooner the better

I feel sorry for her
I'm sorry ,I'm bit late
I'm sorry but...
could you speak slowly
Do you speak a foreign language?
we're not speaking (quarreled)
Can I speak to...?
I was left speechless
Is it spelt this way?
How is it spelt?
my head is spinning
it smells bad
Smoking or non-smoking?
it's snowing
What sort of car?
we're sold out
in spite of
I can't stand John
I can't stand onions
Stand still!
stare at
I'm starving
I'm staying at hotel
We want to stay from... till ...
Stop making that face!
Stop the music!
Go straight! When you reach...
straight ahead
I'm hardly struggling with Spanish
I'm still studying
I still don't understand
Do you still want it?
stop doing something
be under stress
be on strike
struggle to do something
it's stuck
Ok...any subject (to talk about)?
Whats the subject?
succeed in doing something
it sucks
Can you suggest a place to eat?
it doesn't suit me
I'm not sure
make sure that
surf the Net
surrounded by
I swear
covered in sweat

cuando antes mejor

siento pena por ella
lo siento, llego un poco tarde
lo siento pero...
puedes hablar ms despacio
hablas alguna lengua extranjera?
no nos hablamos
puedo hablar con...?
me qued sin habla
se deletrea as?
cmo se escribe?
me da vueltas la cabeza
huele mal!
fumadores o no fumadores?
est nevando
qu clase de coche?
esta agotado, esta todo ocupado
a pesar de
no soporto a Juan
le dan asco las cebollas
no te muevas!
mirar fijamente
me muero de hambre
me quedo en el hotel
Quisiramos quedarnos del..,al...
Deja de poner esa cara!
Pare la msica!
vaya Ud derecho, hasta que llega a
todo recto
yo apenas estoy batallando con Espaol
todava estoy estudiando
sigo sin entenderlo
todava lo quieres?
dejar hacer algo
estar estresado
estar en huelga
luchar para hacer algo
esta atascado
Bueno..... Algn tema?
cul es el tema?
conseguir hacer algo
es una mierda
Puedes sugerir mi sitios para comer/visitar?
no me queda bien, no me sienta bien
no s exactamente/no estoy seguro
asegurarse de que
navegar por Internet
rodeado de
lo juro
empapado de sudor

How long does it take?
Ok take care, and have a nice day!
he took her out to dinner
he is very talented
Which whom I'm talking?
I will take it/them
this seat is taken
get a tan
Can I taste it?
he has no taste
Can you call a taxi for us?
I'm a teacher/doctor
You must be telepathic!
I will tell him
Tell me!
thanks to
thank you for the info
in theory
Is there a hotel here?
I think that...
this one
then you'll the end of this street
I (don't) think so
I'm thirsty
this is Mario speaking
this is my father
round trip ticket
for the first time
this time
all the time
take your time
Is this seat taken?
on time
What time is it?
be tired of something
to be honest with you
I won't tolerate it!
go to the toilet
be in training
it's my treat (I'm paying)
How can I trust you?
I've tried it, it works
Can I try it on?
turn left/right
it's my turn
it's your turn
Then turn to the left...
What type of....?

Cunto tiempo se tarda? cunto tiempo lleva?

Adis cudate y qu tengas un lindo da!
la llev a cenar
tiene mucho talento
con quin hablo?
lo/los tomar
esta plaza es ocupada
ponerse moreno
puedo probarlo?
tiene mal gusto
Podra pedirnos un taxi, por favor?
soy profesor
debes tener telepata!
se lo dir
gracias a
le agradezco su informacin
en teora
Hay algn hotel por aqu?
Creo que...
Entonces extremo de este camino
creo que si/no
tengo sed
Soy Mario al habla
quiero presentarle a mi padre
boleto de ida y vuelta
por primera vez
esta vez
todo el rato
tomate tu tiempo
est ocupado este asiento?
qu hora es?
estar cansado de algo
para ser sincero
no lo tolerar
ir al bao
estar entrenndose (sp)
yo invito
es Verdad
Cmo puedo confiar en ti?
lo he intentado, se puede hacer!
podra probarme?
gire a la izquierda/derecha
me toca a m
te toca
pues tuerza Ud por la derecha
qu tipo/clase de..?

the ultimate car

I feel uncomfortable with him
that's unfair
he is at university
What are you up to these days?
it's up to you
Whats up?
get upset about something
turn something upside down
Its urgent!
it's of no use to me
it's no use
be not used to something
I don't know how to use this
be useless (person)
I used to like him
as usual
be/go on vacation
do you have any vacancies
I'm here on vacation
he was very vague about it
in vain
Do you have a vegetarian meal?
I'm vegetarian
Whats your verdict?
with a view to (hotel)
What can we visit in the area?
Have you been waiting long?
Wait for me!
Can you wake me up at...?
Can we walk there?
Do you want to go for a walk?
go for a walk
it's within walking distance
walking is one of the best exercise
be at war
it's a waste of money/ time
By the way, what's your name?
No way!
way of life
Watch out!
do a wee-wee
How much do you weigh?
it's weird
you're welcome
Get well soon!
welcome to New York
What is it?
Whats the capital of..?

lo ltimo en coches
me siento incmodo con l
eso no es justo
est en la universidad
Qu es de tu vida?
t eliges/ t decides
qu onda?
disgustarse por algo
poner algo al revs
es urgente!
no me sirve
no sirve de nada
no estar acostumbrado a algo
no se como se usa ste
ser un intil
antes me gustaba
como de costumbre
estar/ir de vacaciones
tiene alguna habitacin libre?
estoy aqu de vacaciones
no fue muy preciso
en vano
tienes una comida vegetariana?
soy vegetariano
Qu te parece? Qu opinas?
con vistas a
Qu podemos visitar en esta zona?
llevan mucho rato esperando?
podra despertarme a las...?
se puede ir andando?
quieres dar un paseo?
salir a dar un paseo
se puede ir caminando
caminar es uno de los mejores ejercicios
estar en guerra
es una prdida de dinero/tiempo
por cierto cmo te llamas, a propsito
ni hablar!
modo de vida
ten cuidado!
hacer pip
cunto pesas?
es raro
de nada
Ponte bueno! que te mejores!
bienvenido a nueva york
qu es?
Cual es la capital de...?

what's it to you : (
What is it about?
What part of New York are you from?
I'll do whatever you want
Which day?
when I was a child
call me whenever you want
Where are you from?
Where are you chatting from?
I lived in Moscow for a while
I will wait a while longer
Whose is it?
it's windy
No wonder!
it doesn't work
go around the world
Dont worry!
Whats wrong?
you have a wrong number
Who can I talk to?
Who I'm talking to?
Who does it belong to?
Whose is this?
The girl I live with.
Are you with me?
he is a womanizer
I wonder if you could help
you have my word
How does it work?
the sound doesn't work here
don't worry, I will get it (door)
the worst
be worth it
I'd like to book a room
Wed like to go to...
I'd like to confirm/change/cancel...
I would like to be a doctor
I would like coffee with milk
What work do you do?
Would you write that down?
Write it down please!
be wrong
I've known him for years
my youngest sister
Happy new year!
Have you finished yet?
not yet
he hasn't arrived yet

A ti qu te importa?
de qu se trata?
De qu parte de Nueva york eres?
har lo que quieras
qu da?
cuando era nio
llmame cuando quieras
de dnde vens?
De dnde chateas? -- yo desde Ohio
viv en mosco una temporada
esperar un rato ms
de quin es?
hace viento
No me extraa. No me sorprende
no funciona , esta roto/rota
dar la vuelta al mundo
no te preocupes! todo saldr bien
qu pasa?
se ha equivocado de nmero
con quien puedo hablar?
Con quien tengo el gusto?
de quien es esto?
de quin es esto?
la chica con quien vivo
me sigues?
l es mujeriego
Le importara ayudar me?
tienes mi palabra
cmo funciona?
no sirve el audio aqu
no te molestes, ya respondo yo
lo peor
valer la pena
quera reservar una habitacin
Nos gustara ir a...
Quisiera confirmar/cambiar/cancelar...
quiero ser mdico
quisiera un caf con leche
En qu trabajas?
puedes escribirlo, por favor
Escrbalo, por favor!
estar equivocado
la conozco desde hace aos
mi hermana menor
feliz ao nuevo!
has acabado ya?
todava no
todava no ha llegado

Prepositions are a vital part of a language and it's hard to build a sentence without them. In Spanish
prepositions are easy to understand, since they are used the same way as in English, the only tricky part
is how to use them, especially because one preposition in Spanish can mean many prepositions in
English. Like the preposition "en" which means not only (in, on) but also (at, about, by, on top of, upon,
inside of...) lets first understand what a preposition is.
A preposition is a type of little word that is placed in front of an object usually a noun in order to
indicate a relationship between that noun and the verb, adjective, or noun that follows and used to form a
clause; the clause in turn functions as an adjective or adverb. The object also can be a pronoun or verb
that functions as a noun. You will understand prepositions better when you go through the types and

List of Spanish Prepositions

a (to, at)
en vez de (instead of)
al (upon)
en (in, at)
al lado de (beside)
encima de (above, on top)
ante (before)
enfrente de (in front of)
antes de (before)
entre (between, among)
bajo (under)
fuera de (outside)
cerca de (near)
hacia (towards)
como (like)
hasta (until)
con (with)
lejos de (far from)
contra (against)
menos (except)
de (from, of, about)
para (for)
debajo de (under, beneath)
por (for, on account of)
delante de (in front of)
salvo (except)
dentro de (inside)
segn (according to)
desde (since)
sin (without)
despus de (after)
sobre (about, above/on)
detrs de (behind)
tras (after)

These are some common prepositions used in a sentence to understand their meaning and the position
they take better:
Examples of Spanish Prepositions
a (to, at) : voy a Marruecos y las Islas canarias (Im going to Morocco & Canaries Islands)
a personal: espero a mi hermano (Im waiting for my brother) busca a alguien (Im looking for
al (upon) : Al llegar a mi casa, voy a dormir (Upon arriving home, I'll go to sleep)
al lado de (beside, by): Vivo al lado del ro (I live by the lake)
antes de (before): bebo agua antes de dormir (I drink water before sleeping)
bajo (under): juega bajo la lluvia(he plays under the rain), busque bajo la mesa!(look under the table)
cerca de (near) : trabajo cerca del banco (I work near the bank)
como (like, as): dormir como un tronco (to sleep like a log), como postre tomo...( as a dessert I will

con (with) : salgo con Maria (Im going out with Maria), huevos con queso (eggs with cheese)
contra (against): estoy contra la Guerra (Im against war)
de (from, of, about): compr una mesa de mrmol (I bought table made of marble)
debajo de (under, beneath): los hombres por debajo de los 30 aos (men under 30 years old)
delante de (in front of): Delante de Dios (in front of God). Creo que Atlantis est delante de Gibraltar.
dentro de (inside): tengo sentimientos dentro de m (I have feelings inside me)
desde (since): trabajo en la biblioteca desde 1998 (I work in the library since 1998)
despus de (after): la vida despus de la muerte (the life after death)
detrs de (behind): el campo de ftbol est detrs de la escuela (the football field is located behind the
en vez de (instead of): en vez de enfadarte, deberas perdonarlos (instead of getting mad, you should
forgive them)
en (in, at) : estoy en cama ahora(Im in bed now). Vivo en argentina (I live en argentina).
encima de (above, on top): las cartas estn encima de la mesa (the letters are on the top of the table)
enfrente de (in front of): el hombre enfrente de m es un hroe (the man in front of me is a hero)
entre (between, among): vive en la frontera entre los EE.UU y mexico (he lives at the border between
the U.S & Mexico)
fuera de (outside): comes fuera de casa mucho( you eat outside the house a lot)
hacia (towards): busco la carretera hacia Madrid (I'm looking for the road towards Madrid)
hasta (until): ayer trabaj hasta las diez (I worked until 10 oclock yesterday)
lejos de (far from): est muy lejos de aqu? (is it far from here?)
para*(for): trabajo para Global7 (I work for Global7). para prendir un idioma es necesario praticar (to
learn a language...)
por * (for, on account of): por eso no quiero hablar con l ( for this reason I don't want to talk to him)
segn (according to): segn la previsin del tiempo, brillar el sol todo el da (according to the
sin (without): eh! cunto tiempo sin verte! (hey, its be a while, literally: long time without seeing you)
sobre (about, on):colecciono todo sobre las monedas (I collect everything about coins),sobre la mesa(on
the table)

Some prepositions rules:

Preposition + noun: Sin corazn (without heart). Sobre la mesa (on the table).
Preposition + pronoun: cmo yo (like me). para m (for me).
Preposition + infinitive: para variar (just for a change). para empezar (first...)
Verb + preposition: trabaj hasta las ocho (I worked until 10). trabajo para la embajada (I work for the
Sometimes it's hard to pick which preposition to use in certain cases, that's why we're going to go
through examples of prepositions that you may have hard time to chose, like (por and para), they both
mean the same thing in English, but still in Spanish each one of them is used in a certain situation.
A: -connects a verb of motion + infinitive: voy a bailar (I'm gonig to dance) -joins any verb (except
tener) + a person: busco a mi hijo (I'm looking for my son).

De: descriptively links two nouns: el hroe de la historia (the hero of the story) expresses possession: el
perro de perdo (Pedros dog).
En (in, on): Estoy en Madrid. (I'm in Madrid). empeczo en 30 minutos. (I'll start in 30 minutes). la
tarjeta en la mesa (the letter on the table).
Para vs Por: por is more common than para, so to make it easy, try to learn the rules of para and for the
rest you can just use por. In most cases para refers to a goal or destination.
Para: (in order to + infinitivo): Para aprender, hay que practicar (in order to learn, we must practice).
(For: for the benefit of, to be given to): eso es para t (this is for you). (For: by (deadline): Hay que
hacerlo para el jueves (it must be done by thursday). (for: towards, in the direction of): voy para la
escuela (I'm going to school). (For: to be used for): una taza para caf. (For: in one's opinion, compared
to others): Para m, no me gusta el jamn (I dont like pork) (for: like to work for): Trabajo para
Lingualogy Inc.
Por: (by, via, by means of):Viaj por tren.(I traveled by train) (through, along): Voy a NY por
Washington DC ( I go to NY through DC). (Because of, due to): no lo hice por dinero (I didnt do it for
money). (During, in (time of day). estudio por la maana. (For: in exchange for): Pagu 40 dlares por
el libro. (For: for a period of time: estudi por 6 horas. (For: for the sake of, on behalf of) Lo hizo solo
por ella (I only did it for her).
Por is also used in idiomatic expressions; here are the most common ones:

por supuesto!
por qu?
da por da
estar por
palabra por palabra
por adelantado
por ahora
por all
por amor de Dios
por aqu
por casualidad
por ciento
por cierto
por completo
por correo
por dentro
por desgracia
por Dios
por ejemplo
por eso
por favor
por fin

Spanish Idioms
Of course!
Why? For what reason?
Day by day
To be in the mood to
Word for word
In advance
For now
Around there, that way
For the love of God
Around here, this way
By chance
By mail/post
For heaven's sake
For example
Therefore, that's why

por la maana, tarde

por la noche
por las buenas o por las malas
por lo comn
por lo dems
por lo general
por lo menos
por lo mismo
por lo que a m me toca
por lo tanto
por lo visto
por medio de
por mi parte
por motivo de
por ningn lado
por orden
por otra parte
por poco
por primera/ltima vez
por separado
por si acaso
por su propio mano
por suerte
por supuesto
por telfono
por todas partes
por todos lados
por ltimo
por un lado, por otro
una vez por todas

In the morning, afternoon

At night
Whether you like it or not
Generally, in general
At least
For that very reason
As far as I'm concerned
By means of
For my part
On account of
In order
On the other hand
For the first/last time
Just in case
By one's own hand
Of course
On the phone, by phone
On all sides
On one hand, on the other hand
Once and for all

Preposition para:
estar para
para entonces
para qu?
para siempre
para variar

To be about to
By that time
Why? For what purpose? What for?
Just for a change

Some Compound prepositions:

a causa de (because of, due to)

a excepcin de (with exception of)
a fuerza de (by dint of)
a menos de (without (with infinitive)

despus de (alter)
detrs de (behind, in back of)
en frente de (in front of)
en vez de (instead of)

a pesar de (in spite of)

acerca de (concerning)
adems de (moreover)
adversamente a (adverse to)
al travs de (across from)
alrededor de (around)
antes de (before)
cerca de (close to)
contrario a (contrary to)
correspondiente a (corresponding to)
debajo de (under, beneath)
delante de (in front of)
dentro de (in, inside of)

en virtud de (by virtue of)

frente a (before, in front of)
fuera de (outside of)
junto a (next to, beside)
lejos de (far from)
por causa de (by cause of, because)
por parte de (on account of)
por razn de (by reason of)
relativamente a (relative to)
respeto a (with respect to)
sin embargo de (however)
tocante a (about, concerning)


A preposition is a type of little word that is placed in front of an object usually a noun in order to
indicate a relationship between that noun and the verb, adjective, or noun that follows and used to
form a clause; the clause in turn functions as an adjective or adverb. The object also can be a pronoun or
verb that functions as a noun, this is a table showing the most common prepositions with their translation
into English.

a (to, at)
al (upon)
al lado de (beside)
ante (before)
antes de (before)
bajo (under)
cerca de (near)
como (like)
con (with)
contra (against)
de (from, of, about)
debajo de (under, beneath)
delante de (in front of)
dentro de (inside)
desde (since)
despus de (after)
detrs de (behind)

en vez de (instead of)

en (in, at)
encima de (above, on top)
enfrente de (in front of)
entre (between, among)
fuera de (outside)
hacia (towards)
hasta (until)
lejos de (far from)
menos (except)
para (for)
por (for, on account of)
salvo (except)
segn (according to)
sin (without)
sobre (about, above/on)
tras (after)

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