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The only people who are mad at

you for speaking the truth are those who
are living a lie
Keep speaking the truth! The
truth shall sit you free!
The December 2014-March 2015 issue was loaded with messages for change- for
reform, for transformation. Such issue was meant to stir or awaken our level of social
consciousness to shake off parochialism and pharisism in our midst. That article on Filipino
Value System was meant to all and sundry that was not only for our church. So with
breaking the Aquarium Glass because the aquarium existence still permeates in our
organization- whether local, regional, national or even in divisional levels.
That was meant for us to be aware (consciously aware) of the pitfalls of
parochialism and familism, the negative side of our value system since values are bipolar. It
has both good and bad effects. I desired that after awareness comes acceptance, followed by
release and then, transformation.
I qualified my article how contextually withpret it by defining what culture is which
constitutes the social, political, financial and religious institutes. We can not isolate one
institution from the other because they are interrelated , interconnected and or such, they
influence each other.
But why the indifferent and negative reaction? Truth hurts, yes. But truth, like
surgery; hurts. It hurts but it cures. This truth was addressed in a universal sense- meaning
all, not some, nor one.
It was an appeal to stop the double standard implementation of policy, of rules, and
discipline. That sauce for the goose is also for the gander in contrast to the status quo of
sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander| because of the culture of familism.
When we talk of familism, it is the Extended Family System from the single unit
family, it becomes joint family of three generations; grandparents, children and
grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and parents in law.
Then their joint family expands to an extension of nephews, nieces, cousins, cousins
in law, godparents-godchildren whether of baptism or of wedding, padrinos and madrinas. So
close kint that the extended family is caught in a web, in a net that they can not see
objectively the others outside their net.
Hence, I unequivocally affirm without fear of contradiction nor mental reservation
that my pronouncements were meant as charity for all and malice towards none.

A Cutique on Jonathan
Livingstone Seagull
By: Dr. Bern C. Cortes

This is the book from where Dr. Cherry Malaque had drawn implications in her
speech Journey to Excellence.
This New York Bestseller novel, written by Richard Bach struck me so much for I
identified with the hero of the novel, Jonathan Seagull-an idealist-reformist whose desire for
radical change met resistance and rejection from the traditionalists of their flock.
The novel as a literary genre derives its roots from the fable. A fable is a literary piece
which has animals as its characters as means to teach a moral lesson. In this novel, the
characters are flock of birds-the seagulls, the low flying birds which feast upon the fish. They
swoop upon a fish in sight at sunrise and just before sunset.
Our hero is Jonathan Livingstone seagull who had an epihanic awakening, a sudden
flash of insight that after all his existence is not just to eat fish- a lonely gut level
existence. Henceforth he resolved to explore the skies, fly higher where only eagles dare
Through persistence and perseverance, he reached the high heavens. He transcended
or went beyond his lowly nature. He attained spirituality and self fulfillment. He was
transformed and became one with the universal self-one with the creator and the creation. His
spiritual guest to attain spirituality was achieved.
He came back to earth more determined to convince the younger flock of seagulls that
they too can be transformed with spiritual if only they would transcend or g beyond their
greet level existence of just catching and eating fish. No goals, no higher, loftier and nobler
ideals in life, but plain crass materialism.
When he shared his ideas with the younger ones in their flock and taught them flying
lessons, the elders in the flock panicked. They felt threatened.
Jonathan, stand at the center, ordered the chief elder. To stand at the center means
to place one on trial. He was charged as a rebel for defying the traditions of their flock of
disrupting the status quo with his novel and radical ideas. It meant facing accusation,
shame and humiliation.
Jonathan faced a kangaroo court from where a swift, hasty and ill-considered
judgment is pronounced. He faced an Inquisitorial Court wherein he is presumed guilty
unless his innocence is proven beyond reasonable doubt. This is opposite to the settled
jurisprudence rule of presumption of innocence which states that an accused is presumed
innocent unless his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt.

As expected, Jonathan was condemned a rebel for defying tradition and the rule of
the thumb of the flocks. So he was ostracized/ banished and Jonathan had no choice except
to go back to his friends in the skies flying high.
Lifting beyond the literal meaning solely on what is printed, Jonathan is a metaphor, a
symbol. He exists not just a gull as is, but a symbol of something else. He is in reality an
idealist reformer, a pioneer, the first man to stand over the rest, hence, misunderstood
because his ideas are inacceptable though much better and wiser. His ideas are beyond their
grasp/ understanding cause these are not within their intellectual level to comprehend.
This is the painful isolation, the loneliness of a reformer. He stands alone although
among his flock. He is so near, but far. Near in proximity , but far in thoughts and feelings.
Jonathan is a type of the many firsts-the Reformers, Pioneers, Discoverers, Innovators in the
likes of Jesus Christ hated and crucified on the cross by the Pharisees, of Mahatma Gandhi,
Indias spiritual leader who fasted for 91 days to gain Indies freedom from British rule, but
in return, was assassinated, of Henry David Thoreau who advocated Civil Disobedience
and sent to prison by refusing to pay the poll tax in U.S. But his sacrifice paid because the
U.S. Constitution was revised with this provision no one shall be imprisoned for nonpayment of poll tax, of Abraham Lincoln who emancipated the Negro slaves from slavery
and assassinated because of this, of Rizal executed in Bagumbayan for his propaganda
against the Spanish tyrants; and of Ninoy Aquino who gave up his life saying that the
Filipinos are worth dying for (or are we, really?). Yet his death spurred the EDSA
Revolution which liberated us from the Marcos dictatorship; of Martin Luther, the protestant
reformer and Martin Luther King, the Negro Evangelist who fought against the Apartheid
policy (racial discrimination) of the whites and for this, assassinated by the fanatical
Apartheidists-the klu klux klan. The list goes infinitum.
I am writing this to create awareness and stir our level of consciousness because
many of us would prefer to swim with current, have the bandwagon mentality-of being
one with the majority even if they are wrong, of staying put with the status quo out of
reverential fear of reprisal from the Demigods of our organization, of compromisors, fence
sitters and opportunists. This reminds me of the immortal lines of Dante Allegheri (in his
masterpiece, the divine comedy). The hottest part in hell is reserved for opportunists, the
middle roaders and fence sitters.
Why not? Because if we do not stand and fight for the right and keep an
compromising with the wrong majority for fear of being isolated, we have not strengthened
our will to stand for the right though the heavens will fall. We are not ready for the
greet persecution unleashed by the Beast and his minions. Habits die hard. It is hard to
break a bad habit.
So are we that strong and ready? Would we be not like Peter who denied Jesus
Christ? When just before Christ will come Sabbath Keepers will be relentlessly pursued and
tortured, would we deny that we are Sabbath Keepers in the same way Peter denied Jesus
Christ three times?
I have experienced many times the pain of isolation for being different from the
majority. I have paid the price, but I am consoled with Henry David Thoreaus immortal
lines: any person more right than others constitutes a majority of one.

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