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Instance & Static Method :

if u declare one method as a static then we can call that method using class name, that method is independent of that object.You declare
them using the CLASS-DATA statement.

if u declare one method as a instance then we can call that method using object name, that method is dependent of that object.You declare
them using the DATA statement.


Instance & Static Attribute :

if u declare one attribute as a static then we can use that attribute through class name, that attribute is independent of that object.You declare
static methods using the CLASS-METHODS statement.

if u declare one attribute as a instance then we can use that attribute through object name, that attribute is dependent of that object.You
declare instance methods using the METHODS statement.

Instance Constructors
Every class has an instance constructor called constructor. This is an exception to the rule that states that component names
within an inheritance tree must be unique. However, the instance constructors of the various classes in an inheritance tree are
fully independent of one another. You cannot redefine the instance constructor of a superclass in a subclass, neither can you call
one specifically using the statement CALL METHOD CONSTRUCTOR. Consequently, no naming conflicts can occur.
The instance constructor of a class is called by the system when you instantiate the class using CREATE OBJECT. Since a
subclass contains all of the visible attributes of its superclasses, which can also be set by instance constructors, the instance
constructor of a subclass has to ensure that the instance constructors of all of its superclasses are also called. To do this, the
instance constructor of each subclass must contain a CALL METHOD SUPER->CONSTRUCTOR statement. The only
exception to this rule are direct subclasses of the root node OBJECT.

Static Constructors
Every class has a static constructor called class_constructor. As far as the namespace within an inheritance tree, the same
applies to static constructors as to instance constructors.
The first time you address a subclass in a program, its static constructor is executed. However, before it can be executed, the
static constructors of all of its superclasses must already have been executed. A static constructor may only be called once per
program. Therefore, when you first address a subclass, the system looks for the next-highest superclass whose static constructor

has not yet been executed. It executes the static constructor of that class, followed by those of all classes between that class and
the subclass you addressed.


Difference between Local Class and Global Class ?

Global class

Classes in ABAP Objects can be declared either globally or locally. You define global classes and interfaces in the Class Builder
(Transaction SE24) in the ABAP Workbench. They are stored centrally in class pools in the class library in the R/3 Repository.
All of the ABAP programs in an R/3 System can access the global classes. Local classes are defined within an ABAP program.
Local classes and interfaces can only be used in the program in which they are defined. When you use a class in an ABAP
program, the system first searches for a local class with the specified name. If it does not find one, it then looks for a global
class. Apart from the visibility question, there is no difference between using a global class and using a local class.

Local classThere is, however, a significant difference in the way that local and global classes are designed. If you are defining a local class
that is only used in a single program, it is usually sufficient to define the outwardly visible components so that it fits into that
program. Global classes, on the other hand, must be able to be used anywhere. This means that certain restrictions apply when
you define the interface of a global class, since the system must be able to guarantee that any program using an object of a
global class can recognize the data type of each interface parameter.


What are the Advantages of OOABAP in SAP Development environment ?

LESS CODING TIME....(when comparing Tranditional)



Difference between OOABAP and abap ?


O ABAP (ABAP Objects) is a superset of normal ABAP.


ABAP Objects supports most normal ABAP statements (it's almost downward compatible) and also ads all object orientation
language elements, providing for example class definitions, object instantiation, inheritance.


What ABAP objects doesn't support is obsolete ABAP elements like using internal table header lines.

What is the Transaction code for Global class and Global Interfaces ?


Difference between Implicit Objects and Explicit Objects ?

Explicit means done by the programmer. Implicit means done by the tool


What are the Examples of Implicit objects ?


What is Final Class ?

Final Class: A class that is defined as final class can not be inherited further. All Methods of a final class are inherently
final and must not be declared as final in the class definition. Also, a final method can not be redefined further.
If only a method of a class is final then that class can be inherited but that method cannot be redefined.


What is Final Method ?


What is the use of Creating Final Class ?


creating a class as a final means you can stop polymorphism. A class that is defined as final class can not be inherited further.
All Methods of a final class are inherently final and must not be declared as final in the class definition. Also, a final method can




If only a method of a class is final then that class can be inherited but that method cannot be redefined.


What is the use of Creating Final Method ?


What is Friend Class ? When we use Friend Class ?

Friend classes: - By default outside the class a object can access only public
components of the
class directly.
By using friend classes to enable the object to access any components of the
class directly
irresponsibility of the visibility for this consider the following session.
Consider two independent classes A and B.
If class A considers class B as friend by inside class B methods we can
instantiate class A
and use the instance we can access all the component of class A directly
irrespective of
the visibility.

How to Stop/Restrict Inheritance in OOABAP ?


How to Stop/Restrict Polymorphism in OOABAP ?


What is Inheritance ?

Inheritance: It is the process o acquiring the properties of other entity (class). The
advantage of
inheritance is reusability. They are three types of inheritance.
1) Single
2) Multiple
3) Multilevel
The class which gives the properties is called as super class are base class
and the class
which takes the properties is called as subclass (or) derived class.
Only public and protected components can be inherited.
In local classes we need to use the keyword inheriting from for achieving
1) Single inheritance: -

A class derived from single super class.

2) Multiple inheritance: A class derived from more than one super class.
Note: - In ABAP we cannot implement multiple inheritance directly we can
implemented indirectly
through the concept of interface.
3) Multilevel inheritance: A class derived from another derived class.

Can we have Multiple Super Classes for one SubClass in OOABAP ?


What is Inheritance Hierarchy ?


Difference between Abstract Class and Interface ?


What is the similarity between Abstract class and Interface ?


What is the use of Abstract Class ?


What is the use of an Interface ?


What is the purpose of creating Aliases ?


What is Abstract method ? When we create Abtract Method ?


What should be the visibility of Abstract Methods in Abstract class ?


What should be the visibility of methods in an Interface ?


What is the use of Constructor ?


What are the types of Constructors ?


Difference between Static Constructor and Instance Constructor ?


What is the purpose of Destructor ?


What is the Use of "REDEFINITION" keyword ?


What is the use of "SUPER" keyword ?


In Which situation we use "REDEFINITION" keyword ?


In Which situation we use "SUPER" keyword ?


Can we make Sub class as Super Class or not ?


What is the Difference between "Method" and "Constructor" ?


What are the various parameters we use for Method in OOABAP ?


Can we create method to have multiple return type Parameters ? How ?


Can we restrict a method to have only single return type parameter ? How ?


In how many ways we can call "Instance method" in OOABAP ?


In how many ways we can call "static method" in OOABAP ?


Can we access instance attributes from Static constructor ?


What is Type Casting ?


How many types of TYpe Casting Exists in OOABAP ?


Difference between Narrow Casting And Wide Casting in OOABAP ?


Difference between UPCasting and Downcasting in OOABAP ?


Can we Implement Multiple Interfaces in single Class ?


How to achieve Multiple Inheritance in OOABAP ?


What is Polymorphism ?


What are the Various techniques used to Achieve Polymorphism ?


What is Method Overloading and Method Overriding ?


Can we use Method Overloading in OOAABAP ?


How to Achieve Polymorhism in OOABAP ?


What is the difference between CLASS , OBJECT and INTERFACE ?


Can we create an Object for Abstract Class ? If No, Why ?


Can we create an Object for Interface ? If No, Why ?


What are Concrete methods in OOABAP ?


What are Non-Concrete methods in OOABAP ?


For What type of Classes we create an Object in OOABAP ?


Can we create an Object for Final Class ?


Can we Override the Final Method in OOABAP ?


What are Exceptions ?


How to Handle Exceptions in OOABAP ?


Difference between Design Time errors and Runtime Errors in OOABAP ?


What is the use of TRY-CATCH Blocks in OOABAP ?


Can we have Multiple Catch Blocks in OOABAP ?


Can we define Abstract Methods in Private section? If No, Why ?


Can we define Interface Methods in Private section or Protected section? If No, Why?


Difference between "Returning Parameter" and "Exporting Parameter" ?


How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Exporting parameters" ?


How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Returning parameters" ?


In which situation we use "Receiving Parameter" in method call ?


Can we have Exporting Parameters in Constructor definition ?


Can we have Importing Parameters in Constructor definition ?


What are CLASS Attributes or CLASS Variables? Static attributes are also called as Class variables?


What are CLASS Methods ? Static Methods are also called as CLASS Methods ?


What is singleton Class ?


Can we access Protected section Methods of Se24 class in WebDynpro ABAP ?


What are the various components of a Class ?


Can we Design ABAP Interactive Reports using OOABAP ? How ?


Can we access Static methods of class without creating Object or not ? If Yes , How ?


Can Contructor return values ?


What are the main features of OOABAP ?

What is the Use Of "ME" keyword ? It's a Self Reference.What is the use of ?= ( Type cast operator ) in

Can we Inherit Final class in Sub class or not ?


Can we Call Constructor explictly?


What is the difference between "Public section" , "Protected Section" & "Private Section"?


Difference between procedural oriented and object oriented approach.


Advantages and use of Object oriented concept related to ABAP.


Different features of OO ABAP.


Analysis of OO ABAP related to development work.


Brief description about Class and objects.


Description about types of class.


Idea about attribute visibility mode and access specifier.


Idea for class visibility.


Brief description for reference data object .


Details about interface, abstract class, final class, friend class , deferred class, load class.


A brief idea about local and global (class , interface ).


Idea for object and interface reference.


Different method calling procedure(static,dynamic) in OO ABAP.


Idea about constructor in OO ABAP.


A brief description about Events and their use in a class.


Use of super keyword.


Concept of overriding.


Concept for static and non-static related to (attributes , events, constructor).


Description about ME refrence.


Idea about parameters type related to ( methods , constructor , events ).


Details of inheritance mechanisim in OO ABAP.


A brief Concept of narrow and widening casting related to OO ABAP with suitable real time examples.

The handling mechnisim for class(friend,final,abstract), interface, events, constructor, methods
,inheritance ,data objects related to SE24 TCODE.

Mechanisim for exceptional handling concept related to OO ABAP.


Class hierarchy details for exceptional handling.


A brief idea about RTTS , RTTI , RTTC mechanisim related to OO ABAP.


Brief idea about transient data object and persistence data object.


A brief description about Test class and Persistence class.

A brief description about Pseudo-code comment( Risk level and Duration)and handling

Mechanisim of unit testing for methods using test class.


Creation mechanisim for test class and persistence class.


Description about different mechanisim(Business key,GUID) to create a persistence class .

1. Explain about Object oriented programming?
Object oriented programming is one of the most popular methodologies in
software development. It offers a powerful model for creating computer programs.
It speeds the program development process, improves maintenance and enhances
re-usability of programs.
2. Object oriented Concepts?
It means combining data and code that acts up on data into one single unit of
organization, so that both are safe from out side interference. In OOAbap
encapsulation is achieved through classes.
It means many forms that mean the same method behaves differently in different
method calls.
It means deriving a child class from base class; child class acquires all the
properties from base class.
Abstraction simplifies a complex problem to a simpler problem by specifying and
modeling the class to the relevant problem scenario.
It simplifies the problem by giving the class its specific class of inheritance.

Composition also helps in solving the problem to an extent.

3. What is a class?
Classes are templates for objects. Conversely, you can say that the type of an
object is the same as its class. A class is an abstract description of an object.
You could say that it is a set of instructions for building an object. The attributes
of objects are defined by the components of the class, which describe the state
and behavior of objects.
4. What is an object?
An object is a combination of messages and data. Objects can receive and send
messages and use messages to interact with each other. The messages contain
information that is to be passed to the recipient object.
5. How many types of classes are there in OOAbap?
a) Public class
b) Private class
c) Final class
d) Single-ton class
e) Abstract class
f) Persistent class
g) Friend class
6. What is the difference between function group and classes?
We can create many instances of the same class with in a program, but we cannot
create many instances of function group.
7. What are the differences local & global classes?
Local classes are defined locally with in a program and the other programs cant
access the same classes directly.
But global classes are not like that they are globally accessible from ABAP
environment. Global classes are centrally defined in a repository. Transaction code
for global classes is SE24(class builder).
8. What are the Components of a class?
Attributes and methods are components inside a class.
9. How to define a class locally?
class <cl_name> definition.
Public section.
Methods: m1 importing p1 type <c>
Exporting p2 type <i>
Changing p3 type <n>
Returning p4 type <i>
Exceptions <e1>.
Protected section.
Private section.
Class <c1_name> implementation.
Method m1.
10. What is a constructor & types of constructors?
Constructor is a special method, which will be called automatically as and when the
object is created for a class, it can have only importing parameters but not
exporting, it is generally used to give some initial state to the object.
A class can contain have two types of constructors static and instance
11. Difference between static and instance constructors?
Static constructor will be called only once, i.e. at the time of loading class in to
memory. Instance constructors are instance specific, these constructors will be
called as and when the new object is created for that class.
12. How to a create object for the class?
Data: ref type ref to <cl_name>.
Create object ref.
13. how to call a method?
Call method ref->method_name <exporting x = 1>.
14. What is static attribute & method?
Static attributes & methods are class specific, memory will be allocated only once
for Static attributes & methods irrespective of no. of objects created.
We can access the components with a reference variable i.e. by using class name
Call method <cl_name>=>menthod_name.

15. Can we instantiate a class within implementation of other class?

16. Can we put non declarative statement e.g. START-OF-SELECTION within a
No, we cant use.
17. How to create a global class?
With tcode SE24
18. How can we pass importing parameter?
Pass by value/pass by reference
19. Can we pass returning parameter by reference?
only pass by value
19. Can a method call itself?
21. What is me variable?
It just like a self-reference, by this we can call methods that are with in same class
with out creating object.
22. Can we have export parameter in Instance constructor?
22. What is an abstract class?
Abstract class contains both abstract methods and normal methods, abstract
methods cannot implement in side abstract class, and instead these methods will
be implemented by child classes of that abstract class.
24. What is final class & Method?
Final classes cant be inherited that means it can not have child classes and final
method of a class cannot be redefined.
25. What is an interface?
Interfaces contain only public methods with no implementation; these interfaces
are included in public section of classes and implement the methods of interfaces.
26. Can we implement interface in private section of any class?
26. What is alias?
Instead of specifying full name of interface methods, we can assign it a name
which can directly trigger.
28. What is a friend class?
Friend class is a class it can access private components of its friends class.
29. How to create an object for private class?
In general we can not create object for a private class, but we can access static
method of a private class so call that method using its class name and import that
For example take one static method with an exporting parameter inside private
class and write object creation code in that static method and export that object.
30. What is a Single-ton class?
Single-ton classes can be instantiated only once, i.e. only one object is created for
Single-ton classes.
31. What is a Persistent class?
A special class, the attributes of which are linked to database tables via objectrelational
mapping. Since Release 6.10 they can be created using the Mapping
Assistant of the Class Builder.
The objects of persistent classes are managed by Object Services. An object in a
persistent class, the attributes of which are saved as database content after the
run time of an ABAP program.

32.What is OOPS ABAP ?

Object orientation (OO), or to be more precise, object-oriented programming, is a problem-solving method in

which the software solution reflects objects in the real world.
A comprehensive introduction to object orientation as a whole would go far beyond the limits of this introduction
to ABAP Objects. This documentation introduces a selection of terms that are used universally in object orientation
and also occur in ABAP Objects. In subsequent sections, it goes on to discuss in more detail how these terms are
used in ABAP Objects. The end of this section contains a list of further reading, with a selection of titles about
object orientation.

33.What is the Difference between Class and Object ?

A Class is actually a blueprint or a template to create an Object. Whereas an Object is a an actual instance of a
Class. For example Employee ia a class, while John is a real employee which is an Object of Employee Class.
34.How polymorphism can be implemented ?
Some examples to implement polymorphism:
Method Overriding
Method Overloading
Operator Overloading
35.What is Inheritance ?
In OOPs terminology, inheritance is a way to form new classes using classes that have already been defined.
Inheritance is intended to help reuse existing code with little or no modification. The new classes, known as
derived classes, inherit attributes and behavior of the pre-existing classes, which are referred to as base classes.
36.What is Method Overriding ?
Method overriding allows a subclass to override a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by
one of its super classes.
A subclass can give its own definition of methods but need to have the same signature as the method in its super
class. This means that when overriding a method the subclass's method has to have the same name and parameter
list as the super class's overridden method.
37.What is Method Overloading ?
Method overloading is in a class have many methods having same name but different parameter called overloading
or static polymorphism
38.What is Aggregation ?
Aggregation is a special form of association. Aggregation is the composition of an object out of a set of parts. For
Aggregation represents a "Has" relationship like a car has a engine.
39.What is object oriented programming language ?
Object oriented programming language allows concepts such as abstraction, modularity, encapsulation,
polymorphism and inheritance. Simula is the first object oriented language. Objects are said to be the most
important part of object oriented language. Concept revolves around making simulation programs around an
40. What are the core ABAP oops concepts ?
Inheritance: Inheritance is the ability of an object to inherit the properties and methods of another object. This
characteristic leads to the creation of families of objects (just like families exist for humans) with parent objects
and child objects.
Polymorphism: Polymorphism is about an objects ability to provide context when methods or operators are called
on the object.
41. Definition: Polymorphism
In object-oriented programming, polymorphism (from the Greek meaning "having multiple forms") is the
characteristic of being able to assign a different meaning to a particular symbol or "operator" in different contexts.
The simple example is two classes that inherit from a common parent and implement the same virtual method.
42. Definition: Encapsulation
Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the ability that an object has to contain and restrict the access to its members.
Encapsulation is a key concept of object programming that ensures the autonomy and integrity of the objects.
Abstraction: Another OOPS concept related to encapsulation that is less widely used but gaining ground is
43. Definition: Abstraction
Through the process of abstraction, a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce
complexity and increase efficiency. In the same way that abstraction sometimes works in art, the object that
remains is a representation of the original, with unwanted detail omitted. The resulting object itself can be referred
to as an abstraction, meaning a named entity made up of selected attributes and behavior specific to a particular
usage of the originating entity.

44. What is UML ?

UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standardized modeling language. It is used for the specification,
construction, visualization and documentation of models for software systems and enables uniform
communication between various users.
UML does not describe the steps in the object-oriented development process.
SAP uses UML as the company-wide standard for object-oriented modeling.
UML describes a number of different diagram types in order to represent different views of a system.
45. What are the types of Objects and Classes ?
In general there are two types of Objects: Instance Object and Static Object and as such there are two types of
Classes: Instance class and Static Class. Specifically when it comes to visibility, Private class, Protected class and
Public classes are the types of classes one can have.
46. What are the types of classes which can be created ?
We can create four types of classes under final and only modeled category(optional) with the private, protected,
public and abstract instantiation.
Usual Abap Class.
Exception Class(With/Without messages).
Persistent Class.
Test Class(ABAP Unit).
47. What is a reference variable ?
Objects can only be created and addressed using reference variables. Reference variables allow you to create and
address objects. Reference variables can be defined in classes, allowing you to access objects from within a class.
48. What is a reference variable ?
Objects can only be created and addressed using reference variables. Reference variables allow you to create and
address objects. Reference variables can be defined in classes, allowing you to access objects from within a class.
49. What is the difference between Abstract method and a Final method ?
Abstract method
Abstract instance methods are used to specify particular interfaces for subclasses, without having to immediately
provide implementation for them. Abstract methods need to be redefined and thereby implemented in the subclass
(here you also need to include the corresponding redefinition statement in the DEFINITION part of the subclass).
Classes with at least one abstract method are themselves abstract. Static methods and constructors cannot be
abstract (they cannot be redefined).
Abstract (instance) methods are defined in the class, but not implemented
They must be redefined in subclasses.
50. What is a super class ? How can it be implemented ?
A super class is a generalization of its subclasses. The subclass in turn is a specialization of its super classes.
51. What is a Narrowing Cast ? How can you implement it ?
The assignment of a subclass instance to a reference variable of the type "reference to superclass" is described as a
narrowing cast, because you are switching from a more detailed view to a one with less detail.
52. What is a Widening Cast ?
The widening cast is, as with inheritance, the opposite of the narrowing cast: Here it is used to retrieve a class reference
from an interface reference.
53. What is a singleton ?
If it is to be impossible to instantiate a class more than once (for example, because it serves as a data administrator
or data container), you can use the singleton concept. The class is defined with the addition CREATE PRIVATE and
FINAL and instantiated using its static constructor. A public static component could then make the reference to the
class available to an external user.
54. What are the limitations of redefining a method ?
Inherited methods can be redefined in subclasses Redefined methods must be re-implemented in subclasses. The
signature of redefined methods cannot be changed Static methods cannot be redefined. In inheritance, static
components are "shared": A class shares its non-private static attributes with all its subclasses. In ABAP Objects,
you can not only add new components, but also provide inherited methods with new implementations. This is
known as redefinition. You can only redefine (public and protected) instance methods, other components (static







methods, attributes and so on) cannot be redefined. Changes to method parameters (signature changes) are not
What are static components? What is a component selector ?
In inheritance, static components are "shared": A class shares its non-private static attributes with all its
subclasses. => and -> are the component selectors used to refer.
What are component instance ?
A component instance is a running component that can be run in parallel with other instances of the same
How is Encapsulation implemented in OOPs ?
Encapsulation means that the implementation of an object is hidden from other components in the system, so that
they cannot make assumptions about the internal status of the object and therefore dependencies on specific
implementations do not arise.
What are BADIs? What are BADI filters ?
BADI - Business Add Ins are enhancements to the standard version of the code of SAP.
Filter Badi- Business Add-Ins may be implemented on the basis of a filter value. If an enhancement for countryspecific versions is provided for in the standard version, it is likely that different partners will want to implement
this enhancement. The individual countries can create and activate their own implementation.
What are the types of Exception classes ?
a. Global
Local Exceptions Class.
Where can a protected method be accessed ?
Protected components Only visible within the class and its sub classes.
What is a signature of a method ?
Methods have a parameter interface (called signature ) that enables them to receive values when they are called
and pass values back to the calling program.
In ABAP Objects, methods can have IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, and RETURNING parameters as
well as exception parameters.

62. What is a functional Method ?

Methods that have a RETURNING parameter are described as functional methods. These methods cannot have
EXPORTING or CHANGING parameters, but has many (or as few) IMPORTING parameters and exceptions as

63. What is a de-referenced variable ? What is a garbage collector ?

To go to an address before performing the operation a dereference variable is a pointer to the variable, not the variable
itself. A pointer can be re-assigned any number of times while a reference cannot be reassigned after initialization. Field
symbols are similar to dereference pointers. Thus, you can only access the content of the data object to which the field
symbol points. (That is, field symbols use value semantics). If you want to access the content of the data object, you
need to dereference the data reference first.
64. Can a class be defined without a constructor ?
Yes, class can be created without any constructor. Default constructor will be created when we define a class
without constructor.

65.Can we instantiate a class with in implementation of order class.

66.How can we pass importing parameter.
67.How can we pass returning parameter by reference.
68.Can a method call itself.
69.What is me variable.

70.Can we have export parameter in instance constructor.

71.What is an abstract class.
72.What is final class and method.
73.What is interface
74.Can we implement interface in private section of any clkass.
75.What is alias.
76.What is a friend class.
77.How to create a object for private class.
78.What is a single-ton-class
79.What is a persistent class.
80.What is inheritance.
81.What are the visibility section visible to sub class of superclass.
82.Can we declare same name for components of subclass as components of super
83.What is single inheritance
84.Does ooabap supports multiple inheritance.
85.What is the root node of all inheritance trees.
86.How can we re-implement super class method in subclass.
87.Can we change the parameter interface of the redefined method
88.How to call original method from redefined method
89.What is an abstract class.
90.Can abstract method be redefined.
91.Can final class methods be redefined in sub class.

92. Can static method be redefined?

93. Can we change the visibility of the redefined method?
100.Does the instantiation of Subclass depend on the super class?
74.Can the constructor be redefined?
75.Does the parameter interface of the instance constructor be changed in the subclass?
76.Do we need to call the super class instance constructor in the subclass when instance
constructor is redefined?
77.In which order the constructors execute in inheritance tree?
78.Can we call the instance constructor of the super class in sub class?
79.Can we call the static constructor of the super class in sub class?
80.What is polymorphism?
94. What is Narrowing cast(Upcast)? Explain briefly?
95. What is the use of Narrowing cast?
96. Which components of sub class can be accessed from super class reference
using narrowing cast?
97. What is Widening cast ( Down casting)?

98. What is the use of Widening cast?


.What is constructor & types of constructors?

Difference between static and instance constructors?
How to a create object for the class?
how to call a method?
What is static attribute & method?
Can we instantiate a class within implementation of other class
Can we put non declarative statement e.g. START-OF-SELECTION within a class?
How to create a global class?
How can we pass importing parameter?
Can we pass returning parameter by reference?
Can a method call itself?
What is me variable?
Can we have export parameter in Instance constructor?
What is an abstract class?
What is final class & Method?
What is an interface?
Can we implement interface in private section of any class?
What is alias?
What is a friend class?
How to create an object for private class?
What is a Single-ton class?
What is a Persistent class?
What is inheritance?
What are the visibility sections visible to subclass of superclass?
Can we declare same name for components of subclass as components of super
What is single inheritance?
Does OOABAP supports multiple inheritance?
What is the root node of all inheritance trees?
How can we re-implement super class method in subclass?
Can we change the parameter interface of the redefined methods?
How to call original method from redefined method?
What is an abstract class?
Can abstract methods be redefined?
Can final class methods be redefined in the subclass?
Can static method be redefined?
Can we change the visibility of the redefined method?
Can the private and protected classes can be inherited?
Does the instantiation of Subclass depend on the super class?
Can the constructor be redefined?
Does the parameter interface of the instance constructor be changed in the
41) Do we need to call the super class instance constructor in the subclass when
instance constructor is redefined?
42) In which order the constructors execute in inheritance tree?
43) Can we call the instance constructor of the super class in sub class?
44) Can we call the static constructor of the super class in sub class?
45) What is polymorphism?
46) What is Narrowing cast(Upcast)? Explain briefly?
47) What is the use of Narrowing cast?
48) Which components of sub class can be accessed from super class reference
using narrowing cast?
49) What is Widening cast ( Down casting)?
50) What is the use of Widening cast?
1) What is an Interface?
2) Can we instantiate the interface?
3) Can we achieve multiple inheritance using Interfaces?
4) Can we assign values to attributes of interface inside interface?
5) Does polymorphism achieved through interfaces?
6) Where can an interface be implemented in the class?
7) Is it mandatory to implement all methods of interface in the class which includes
8) What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
9) What is alias?
10) Can we make methods of interface as abstract and final?
11) Can we do upcast and downcast using interface references?
12) Can we declare events in interface?
13) Can we raise events in interface?
14) Can abstract class can only be accessed using its static components or its
15) What is a single-ton class?
16) What are the differences between Abstract Class and Interface?
17) What is the purpose of the Read-only addition on the data statement in a class

75) 18) What is the difference in attributes defined in the public versus private section
76) of a class?
77) 19) What is the keyword used to define static attributes?
78) 20) What is the difference in an instance method and a static method?
79) 21) What statement is used to instantiate an object?
80) 22) what is the purpose of garbage collector?
81) 23) When is the constructor method is executed?
82) 24) Is multiple inheritance is possible in ABAP objects?
83) 25) Static methods can be redefined ?
84) 26) A constructor method can be redefined ?
85) 27) What is a redefined method?
86) 28) What is a SUPER reference?
87) 29) What is class?
88) 30) What is object?
89) 31) Can we instantiate a class within implementation of other class?
90) 32) What is deferred key word ?
91) 33) Can static method use instance attribute ?
92) 34) Can a method call itself?
93) 35) What is preferred parameter ?
94) 36) can we pass returing parameter by reference ?
95) 37) What is ME variable?
96) 38) What are type of constructor and explain them?
97) 39) Can we have export parameter in Instance constructor?
98) 40) Can instance constructor raise exception ?
99) 41) Can we have static methods in interface?
100) 42) What is interface ?
101) 43) Is it mandatory to implement all the methods of interface ?
102) 44) What is alias ?
103) 45) What is Friendship?
104) 46) Can we have more than one event handler method for same event ?
105) 47) Can event have import parameter ?
106) 48) Can we call static constructor more than once in a program?
107) 49) How can we pass importing parameter ?
108) 50) Can we implement interface in private section of any class ?
109) 5 which of the following are correct ?
2) Static attributes are visible in all classes in the inheritance tree?
110) Can we put non declarative statement e.g. START-OF-SELECTION within a class?
Dear ABAPers if you know any answers please provide in the below

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