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Velocidad media

La 'velocidad media' o velocidad promedio es el cociente del espacio recorrido entre el

tiempo que tarda en hacerlo. Se calcula dividiendo el desplazamiento (r) entre el tiempo
(t) empleado en efectuarlo:

Esta es la definicin de la velocidad media entendida como vector (ya que es el resultado de
dividir un vector entre un escalar).
Por otra parte, si se considera la distancia recorrida sobre la trayectoria en un intervalo de
tiempo dado, tenemos la velocidad media sobre la trayectoria o rapidez media, la cual es
una cantidad escalar. La expresin anterior se escribe en la forma:

La velocidad media sobre la trayectoria tambin se suele denominar velocidad media
numrica aunque esta ltima forma de llamarla no est exenta de ambigedades.
El mdulo de la velocidad media (entendida como vector), en general, es diferente al valor
de la velocidad media sobre la trayectoria. Solo sern iguales si la trayectoria es rectilnea y
si el mvil solo avanza (en uno u otro sentido) sin retroceder. Por ejemplo, si un objeto
recorre una distancia de 10 metros en un lapso de 3 segundos, el mdulo de su velocidad
media sobre la trayectoria es:

Velocidad instantnea

La velocidad fsica de un cuerpo en un punto o velocidad instantnea es la que tiene el

cuerpo en un instante especfico, en un punto determinado de su trayectoria.
Se define la velocidad instantnea o simplemente velocidad como el lmite de la
velocidad media cuando el intervalo de tiempo considerado tiende a 0. Tambin se define
como la derivada del vector de posicin respecto al tiempo. Su expresin viene dada por:

v =limt0v m=limt0r t=dr dt


v m : Vector velocidad media. Su unidad de medida en el Sitema Internacional es

: Vector velocidad instantnea. Su unidad de medida en el Sitema Internacional

es el metro por segundo ( m/s )

el metro por segundo ( m/s )

r : Vector desplazamiento. Su unidad de medida en el Sitema Internacional es

el metro ( m )

t : Intervalo de tiempo que tiende a 0, es decir, un intervalo infintamente

pequeo. Su unidad de medida en el Sitema Internacional es el segundo ( s )
Rapidez media

La rapidez media o rapidez promedio es el trmino que se suele usar para referirnos a la
celeridad media. La rapidez en s, es una magnitud escalar que relaciona la distancia
recorrida con el tiempo. La rapidez media de un cuerpo es la relacin entre la distancia que
recorre y el tiempo que tarda en recorrerla. Si la rapidez media de un coche es 80 km/h,
esto quiere decir que el coche recorre una distancia de 80 km en cada hora.
La rapidez media o promedio de una partcula es una cantidad escalar, y se calcula
dividiendo la distancia total recorrida entre el intervalo total de tiempo necesario para
recorrer esa distancia.No confundir con velocidad promedio:
La velocidad media o promedio se calcula de la siguiente manera:
v = (x2 - x1) / (t2 - t1)
donde: x2 = posicin final x1 = posicin inicial t2 = tiempo final t1 = tiempo inicial.
Si partes de tiempo cero y posicin cero la ecuacin de arriba se reduce a:
v = d / t.

1 m/s = 3,6 km/h
1 mph = 1,609 km/h
1 knot = 1,852 km/h = 0,514 m/s

Aceleracin Media
Se define la aceleracin media entre dos puntos P1 y P2 como la divisin de la variacin
de la velocidad y el tiempo transcurrido entre ambos puntos:

m=v 2v 1t2t1=v t


m : Es la aceleracin media del punto material

1 ,v 2 : Vectores velocidad en los puntos P1 y P2respectivamente

t1,t2: Instantes de tiempo inicial y final respectivamente

v : Variacin de la velocidad entre los puntos inicial y final P1 y P2

t : Tiempo invertido en realizar el movimiento entre P1 y P2


En fsica, la aceleracin es una magnitud vectorial que nos indica el cambio de velocidad
por unidad de tiempo. En el contexto de la mecnica vectorial newtoniana se representa
normalmente por o y su mdulo por . Sus dimensiones son
. Su unidad en el
Sistema Internacional es m/s .
En la mecnica newtoniana, para un cuerpo con masa constante, la aceleracin del cuerpo
es proporcional a la fuerza que acta sobre l mismo (segunda ley de Newton):

donde F es la fuerza resultante que acta sobre el cuerpo, m es la masa del cuerpo, y a es la
aceleracin. La relacin anterior es vlida en cualquier sistema de referencia inercial.

1. I wish it was Christmas already.
2. I need to have some water.
3. The weather is really good today.
4. Johns dad is a doctor.
5. I can swim very well.
6. My sister studies in Germany.
7. Lucas i a great swimmer.
8. Lucy loves ice cream.
9. Peruvian flag is really pretty.
10. Mona Lisa was italian.
11. Van Goghs famous "Sunflowers" is one of the most expensive paintings in
the world.
12. I want to work as a cpywriter.
13. There is an owl on the tree behind the window.
14. Situation in Gaza is very difficult right now.
15. Malasian plane have crushed in Ucraine.
16. We work really hard to get our bonus.
17. Anna speaks portuguese.
18. Bruno is from Brasil.
19. Today it is my mothers birthday.
20. I need to buy a new laptop.
21. I like this show a lot.
22. I hardly ever listen to the radio.
23. Michael and Odeta are going to divorce.
24. He is so rude to me with no reason.
25. I cant wait to go for a holidays.
i'm working
he was studyng.
they are swimming
we are talking
she is slepping
they were climbing
she saw a ghost
he is watching tv
i did the homework yesterday
i am screaming
they are walking
we are playing football.
they are sitting.

he is smoking
she is shouting.
they are dancing.
you are having a shower
he is shaving itself
it is running
it is raining
it is cloudy
he is eating
they are having tea
he is drinking water.
1. I dont like peas.
2. I dont think he is going to join us.
3. He is not jewish, he is catholic.
4. I am not planning to go out tonight, I am too tired.
5. I am not russian, I am polish.
6. I do not feel well today.
7. I dont do dishes, my boyfriend does it.
8. I cant see well.
9. I dont think you need a new shoes.
10. I am not looking forward to change my job.
11. Thank you but I am not hungry.
12. I do not eat meat, I am a vegetarian.
13. He cant have milk, he is allergic.
14. My mother is not a dentist, she is a vet.
15. I dont like Madonna.
16. I cant swim.
17. I wont join you for a holidays.
18. I dont speak chinese.
19. Bruno is not from Brasil, he is from Portugal.
20. He shouldnt work too much.
21. I didnt mean to hurt you!
22. I have not been to England.
23. I havent heard you calling.
24. I wasnt at home yesterday.
25. I wont be able to help you tomorrow.
he is not working
they are not dancing
he didn t see a ghost
we didn t see a movie
he is not playing football
she didn t see a film.
he doesn t play
she doesnt like milk

he didnt watch tv
i didn t go to school yesterday
we doesn t like rock music
she didn t play
he doesn t go
we don t shave
we don t eat
they don t feel
he is not slepping
she is not swimming
he is not reading
she didn t paint
they are not having dinner
we are not tired
she is not boring
he is not ready
we are not drinking
1. How are you doing today?
2. How old are you?
3. Were you out last night?
4. Where are you going?
5. Is he Brasilian?
6. What is your mother doing for living?
7. What would you like to do this weekend?
8. Do you speak polish?
9. Can you swim?
10. Have you ever tried ski jumping?
11. Do you know this show?
12. Who is your favourite actor?
13. What type of music do you like?
14. What do you think about the conflict in Gaza?
15. Is he smoking?
16. Would you ask her for a date?
17. Does she have a boyfriend?
18. Have you ever been to France?
19. You do not find Paul handsome?
20. Did you ask your boss for a rise?
21. Is your boyfriend from Argentina?
22. How tall are you?
23. Are you going to vote in teh elections?
24. Did you have your passport picture taken already?
25. What did you study?
1. How are you doing today?
2. How old are you?
3. Were you out last night?

4. Where are you going?

5. Is he Brasilian?
6. What is your mother doing for living?
7. What would you like to do this weekend?
8. Do you speak polish?
9. Can you swim?
10. Have you ever tried ski jumping?
11. Do you know this show?
12. Who is your favourite actor?
13. What type of music do you like?
14. What do you think about the conflict in Gaza?
15. Is he smoking?
16. Would you ask her for a date?
17. Does she have a boyfriend?
18. Have you ever been to France?
19. You do not find Paul handsome?
20. Did you ask your boss for a rise?
21. Is your boyfriend from Argentina?
22. How tall are you?
23. Are you going to vote in teh elections?
24. Did you have your passport picture taken already?
25. What did you study?

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