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Project Brief:

DSA NIGHT PRO BLOOD BANK system simulates and automates all
the main activities performed by a blood bank.
The main aim of the project is to manage all the information regarding
Donor, Receivers, Blood Bottles and Blood Donation Camps/Activities in
efficient way. All the data are stored in organized way making
transaction of blood bottles easy and accurate.
The Blood Bank consists of three main modules:
1. Donor
2. Receiver
3. Administrator
It also consists of two sub modules:
4. Blood Bottle inventory
5. Activities/Blood Donation Camp



Donors are registered in the Blood Bank. On registration they are assigned
a unique DONOR ID through which they are distinctly identified. The Donor
Id is used for future donations and also to search for their information.
Each Donor has the following functionalities:
1. Registration of Donor
2. Re-Donation of Blood
3. View all activities/Blood Donation Camps
For the above mentioned functionalities the options our Blood Bank
provides are:
1/2: Create Donor List/ Add New Donor: Add new donor or register new
donors with details and their information.
3: Add New Bottles to Existing Donor This option is used when existing
Donor comes for re-donation.
19: View activity according to name Search activity based on the name
of Activity
20: View all the activities according to date Search activity according to
the date at which it is/was being held
21: View activity held at a particular place Search activity being held in a
particular area



Receivers are the acceptors who require the blood bottles and put the
demand for the same in the blood bank. Receivers alike Donors are also
registered with the Blood Bank. The receivers are also assigned with their unique

RECEIVER ID. Receiver places the demand in the Blood Bank. It can view all the
activities and has a feature of contacting the Donors. The receiver class
implements all the various options that a receiver can perform and they are
mentioned below.
1/2: Create Receiver List/ Create new Receiver Add new receivers or
register new receivers with details and their information.
6: Request by Receiver for blood bottles Query/Request fired by receiver
and admin is requested to supply blood bottles depending on its stock
8 : See My Compatibility graph Receiver can see that which blood
groups are compatible with its blood group and according to blood group it
can see all the donors to which they can contact.
19: View activity according to name Search activity based on the name
of Activity
20: View all the activities according to date Search activity according to
the date at which it is/was being held
21: View activity held at a particular place Search activity being held in a
particular area



Administrator acts as a controller of the Blood Bank. Administrator

has access to all the operations and information provided by the Blood
Bank. It has all the data of Donors, Receivers, Bottle Stock and Activities.
Administrator adds Donor, their donated bottles and Receivers to Blood
Bank. It processes all the request/queries of the Receiver demands for
Blood. It creates all the Blood Donation Camp/Activities. As administrator
performs this entire critical task therefore, administrator class will be Login
1 : Create Donor List - Create a new linked list for the donor class
2 : Add New Donor - Add new donor with details
3 : Add New Bottles to Existing Donor - add donated bottle details
4 : Display All Donated Bottles By a given donor Display Bottle details
5 : Display All Donors Display all the donor details
6 : Blood Group Wise Donor List Search Donor by blood groups and
display result
7 : Bottles availability at given time for a given blood group No of
bottles available for a given blood group
8 : Donor Details through Bottle ID Details of the donor by the bottle Id
9 : Total number of blood bottles at given date Search the no. Of
bottles available at a particular date
18 : Create an activity
19 : View activity according to name Search activity based on the
name of it
20 : View all the activities according to date Search activity according
to the date at which it is being held
21 : View activity held at a particular place Search activity being held
in a particular area


It consists of all the Blood Bottles donated by Donor. All the queries by
Receivers for the blood is directed over here. All the Blood Bottles have
Expiry Date after which they are no longer valid/useful for Blood Donation.


All the activities are created by Administrator. Only Donors can take part in
this activity. Each Activity is identified by its Name, Location, Date, Time
and the number of Donors registered into it. The Donors which are
registered in the Activity are added to the Donors Log.

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