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2012: Should We Be Concerned?

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

"Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system
body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun."
- NASA Press Release, 1992


1. Current and Upcoming Astronomical Events (Facts only, no speculation)

 Ending of Earth's Current Precessional Wobble on 21 Dec 2012
 Galactic Alignment on 21 Dec 2002
 Current Weakening of Earth's Magnetic Fields
 Increased Sun Activity
 Magnetic North Pole Moves
 Approach and System Pass Through of Planet X (Suspected)
2. Possible Consequences
 Increased Tectonic Activity
 Pole Shift (Einstein supported theory)
 Earth Crust Displacement (Einstein supported theory)
3. Evidence of Previous Events (Both physical and legend)
 Ancient Knowledge of Planet X and Survivor Descriptions of Previous
System Pass Throughs
 Sumerian Epics of Nibiru
 Christian Bible
 Egyptian Texts of the Bronzebook
 Celtic Texts of the Coelbook
 Pole Shifts and ECD: Physical Evidence
 Magnetically-charged Lava
 Alaska Muck
 Rancho La Brea Tar Pits
 Frozen Mammoth
 Ancient Knowledge of Poles and Descriptions of Pole Shifts
 Kolbrin and Christian Bibles
 Eskimos, Pawnee, and Hopi
 Peruvian and Brazilian
 Chinese
4. Preparing for 2012
5. Conclusion
6. Recommended Reading


(Note: I am providing this information to my friends and family, in the sincerest hope that you will
take it seriously and not simply ignore it. The scientific evidence supporting the likelihood of a
serious catastrophe in 2012 is undeniable.)

Periodically, some religious cult comes forth claiming that "the end of the world is near".
(Remember the Y2K hype?) Many people have heard about the latest- the Mayan prediction that
the world is ending on Dec 21st, 2012. However, the calendar is misunderstood, and that
characterization is incorrect. What is actually being referred to is the end of the current Mayan
"Long Year", and the beginning of the next. The Mayans, like many cultures, believe that time, and
the world, is cyclical- in contrast to the western linear viewpoint.

So, is this transition anything to be concerned about? In and of itself, the answer is no, since the
Mayan calendar is simply marking an event. It does not mention any horrible, global catastrophes.
However, there are both current scientific happenings, as well as some rare celestial events occuring
in 2012 that are of concern. We will discuss them on this page.


1. Ending of Earth's Current Precessional Wobble.

“In astronomy, precession refers to the movement of the rotational axis of a body, such as a planet,
with respect to inertial space. In particular, it refers to the precession of the Earth's rotational axis,
also called the precession of the equinoxes. Like a wobbling top, the orientation of the Earth's axis
is slowly but continuously changing, tracing out a conical shape in a cycle of approximately 25,765
years (the so called Great or Platonic year, and also the determining factor in the length of an
astrological age). This movement is caused by the gravitational forces of the Sun and the Moon,
and to a lesser extent other bodies, on the equatorial bulge of the spinning Earth. The term
"precession" typically refers only to this largest periodic motion; other changes in the alignment of
Earth's axis — nutation and polar motion — are very much smaller in magnitude.”[1]

Basically, the Earth is spinning on its axis, similar to a spinning top. It takes 25,765 years for it to
finish one wobble, and then it starts another. Why is this important? Well, most researchers believe
the earth is going to be completing its current wobble soon- "coincidentally?" on Dec 21st, 2012, to
be exact.

What is concerning is that geological evidence indicates some previous pole shifts and earth crust
displacements have occurred at the same time as the ending/beginning of a precessional wobble.
Some researchers believe that the earth is somehow vulnerable at this point in its wobble, and
particularly so to gravitational influences (such as the one mentioned in the next sections).

2. Galactic Alignment.

“The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic

In other words, our galaxy (the Milky Way) has a center. All the stars revolve around it. During
each precessional wobble (25,765 years), there are four occasions when our galactic center aligns
with the sunrise of a solstice or equinox.

Once again, why is this important? Well, once again, "coincidentally?" and amazingly enough, we
have a galactic alignment occuring on Dec 21st, 2012...

3. Weakening of Earth's Magnetic Fields. The earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10% in the
past century, is continuing to decrease, and the rate of that decrease accelerating. Many scientists
believe, and the evidence supports it, that the weakening of the magnetic field heralds a pole shift.
The reason being is that in flipping, it "recharges" the earth's magnetic field- imagine a battery,
where positive is on one end, and negative the other. The question is at what point during the earth's
weaking magnetic field that the shift will occur, and the answer is unknown.
4. Magnetic North Pole Moves Rapidly From Canada Towards Siberia. In 2005, it was
reported that the earth's magnetic north pole, which has been in Canada since the 1600s, had left
Canada towards Siberia. Also interesting in the report was the following:

"Curiously, the speed with which the pole moves could be related to dramatic events like the
massive earthquake that caused last December's devastating tsunami. That quake was big enough to
alter the shape of Earth and jar the planet into a slightly different axis of rotation. It also had
enough power to jolt the molten iron that powers the magnetic field, and could be partly
responsible for magnetic 'jerks' that are propelling the magnetic North Pole, Newitt said."

Oh boy... the driving force behind pole shifts is supposedly the earth's magnetic inner core and it's
field, both the need to "recharge" and the impetus from the sun's magnetic flares. So now we not
only have a weakening magnetic field, but the report that the molten iron that powers said field has
been jolted and is responsible for "jerks"...

5. Increased Sun Activity. It is known that the sun's activity has increased significantly over the
past century. It is believed that there is a correlation between the sun's cycle and magnetic
fluctuations, and pole shifts. On 31 Jul 08, a sun spot appeared on the sun, a normal occurrence-
except it was magnetically backward. Recently, scientists stated that the solar activity had
reached a new high, and that "the Sun is more magnetically active now than it has been for over a
1000 years". They went on to state that this unprecedented level of activity needed to be
understood, to determine if this was a rare event or a new dynamic state.

In 2005, "So massively and constant have these unknown solar blasts been affecting our entire solar
system that even the worlds top scientists are becoming increasingly alarmed, especially with the
effects these blasts are having upon our sun, and as we can read as reported by the United States
Space Agency NASA in their report titled 'New solar storm shakes space weather theory' and
which says;

'January 2005 was a stormy month--in space. With little warning, a giant spot materialized on the
sun and started exploding. Between January 15th and 19th, sunspot 720 produced four powerful
solar flares. When it exploded a fifth time on January 20th, onlookers were not surprised. They
should have been. Researchers realize now that the January 20th blast was something special. It has
shaken the foundations of space weather theory and, possibly, changed the way astronauts are going
to operate when they return to the Moon.'"

6. System Pass Through of Planet X. [SUSPECTED]

“Perturbation is a term used in astronomy to describe alterations to an object's orbit caused by

gravitational interactions with other bodies.”[3]

Contrary to what most people believe, some planets in our solar system were not found by
telescope, but because of their gravitation effects on known planets- in other words, not from direct
observation, but from mathematical prediction. For example, Neptune was found in 1846 due to its
effects on Uranus. Then peturbations were found for Uranus, prompting the search for the body
affecting it. In 1905, Percival Lowell started an extensive project in search of a possible ninth
planet, which he termed "Planet X”.[4] In 1930, Pluto was discovered; however, it was determined
that its mass (approximately .2% of Earth’s) was far too little to be responsible for Uranus’

In a NASA press release in 1992, it was confirmed that there was an unknown body affecting
Uranus: "Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar
system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun."
The New York Times did an article on Jan 30, 1983 titled “Clues Get Warm in the Search for
Planet X” where it discussed the issue: “Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the
known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps
perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a
presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X... Recent
calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation
exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the
observatory, says could be explained by 'a single undiscovered planet.' He and a colleague, Dr.
Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than
Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto –
hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun..”

Planet X is believed to have been "unofficially" spotted in 1983 by the Infrared Astronomical
Satellite (IRAS) at a distance of 51 AU (1.3 times further away from Pluto) from Earth, in an orbit
that puts it at 37 degrees below the ecliptic. The U.S. News and World Report did an article on Sep
10, 1984 titled "Planet X — Is It Really Out There?", discussing the IRAS spotting. It stated that
"Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the
Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense
speculation. 'All I can say is that we don't know what it is yet,' says Gerry Neugebaur, director of
the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the
one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body."

Based upon current ambiguities that have begun recently in our solar system, and its unofficial
spotting, several astronomers believe that it is beginning its approach for its pass through the inner
solar system. In their book “Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide”, authors Jacco van der
Worp and Marshall Masters (both Mensa) present evidence towards this position. If their
calculations are correct, then amateur telescopes should be able to detect this planet in late 2009 or
early 2010, and that it'll pass through in our solar system will be in... 2012.

What does this mean, and why is it important? Planet X is massive and the effects of its periodic
pass through our solar system are unknown but presumed to be disastrous. The consequences of its
pass through cannot be understated; gravity is an extremely powerful force for celestial bodies and
should not be underestimated. For example, our moon is less than 1/4 the size of earth, yet its
gravity influences the earth to a high degree- such as our tides. Imagine a planetary body that is 4-8
times LARGER than earth; it's effects are bound to be much greater.

However, the answer might be right under our nose- by survivors who witnessed its passage
previously. Several ancient cultures KNEW of this body, identified it as a second red sun in the sky
(which it would indeed look like), and associated it with great catastrophes such as increased
tectonic activity.. For example, the ancient Sumerians describe it in their epics; amazingly, not only
did they know of all the planets in our solar system, but what they describe of its orbit (both length
and orientation) corresponds exactly with what NASA describes. Below, in the evidence section,
we will describe in detail some of the other ancient legends regarding Planet X.


Note: This section pending completion

1. Increased tectonic activity

2. Pole Shifts [Supported by Einstein]. What is a pole shift? It is when the earth flips its axis of
rotation. It used to be believed that due to the earth's size and inertia, that such an event could not
occur. However, scientists have known since the 1970s that the earth DOES periodically shifts its
poles- they have even identified some locations of previous poles, such as the Hudson Bay in

Much credit for proving the theory belongs to Charles Hapgood, who methodically presented the
evidence in his book "Path of the Pole". In the early 60s, he engaged in correspondence with Albert
Einstein, who became such an ardent supporter of the theory that he ended up writing the preface to
Hapgood's book.

Both believed it would take a long time to occur, but also acknowledged the evidence a pole shift
could occur in a short span of time as well; they speculated that the approach of a hugely magnetic
celestial body, or the impact of large enough meteor could induce a fast pole shift. Evidence of a
fast pole shift has been found, such as huge numbers of warm-blooded, temperate adapted mammal
species that were instantly frozen and then their bodies preserved in the permafrost- a prime
example is the frozen mammoth found in Siberia with buttercups in its mouth and undigested
grasses in its stomach.

We KNOW pole shifts occur; the question is how often and when is the next one? Based upon the
available evidence, pole shifts occur approximately every 11,500 - 12,000 years. It is believed that
the previous pole shifts occurred in 9792 B.C and 21,312 B.C. Some of the precursor events prior to
a pole shift are a weakening in the earth's magnetic field and the sun's cycle which causes huge
CME's that affect the earth.

3. Earth Crust Displacement (ECD) [Also supported by Einstein]. Albert Einstein was also
involved in Charles Hapgood’s formation of a theory called Earth Crust Displacement (ECD). The
basic concept of the theory is that the earth’s lithosphere, although composed of individual plates,
can at times move as a whole over the asthenosphere. Einstein wrote that “one can hardly doubt that
significant shifts of the crust have taken place repeatedly and within a short time”.[5]

ECD is almost invariably associated with pole shifts, and is the only logical explanation for certain
problematica, such as: ancient detailed maps of Antarctica accurately detailing coastline that
currently lies under a mile of ice, flash frozen mammoth like the one previously mentioned, various
oral legends and myths (discussed below) describing the sun changing direction and the stars their
positions, and frozen animals found with vegetation in their stomachs that currently do not exist in
that climate.


Note: This section pending completion.

1. Ancient Knowledge of Planet X and Survivor Descriptions of Previous System Pass


• According to researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerians had

numerous epics where they explicitly reference Planet X, referred
to as Nibiru.
• Many believe that references in the Christian Bible by Elijah to
“The Destroyer” (Jeremiah 25:32 and 48:8) are to Planet X-
"Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come
like a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth... The
Destroyer will come against every town, not one town will escape."
• A previous pass was described extensively in the Kolbrin Bible, as
"The Destroyer/Frightener". For example:
o Egyptian Texts of the Bronzebook
 Creation 4:5- "..God caused a sign to appear in the Heaves, so that men
should know the earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a strange star."
 Manuscripts 3:10- "...the hour of the Destroyer is at hand...".
 Manuscripts 33:5- "... four times the stars have moved to new positions and
twice the Sun has [appeared to] change the direction of his journey. Twice
The Destroyer has struck Earth and three times the heavens have opened and
shut. Twice the land has been swept clean by water." [See below about the
associated pole shift with Planet X's pass through.]
 Manuscripts 3:3- "When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the
Heavens. Their ways change; there is movement and restlessness, they are
no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies."
 Manuscripts 3:4- "When blood drops upon the Earth, the destroyer will
appear, and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees
will be destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be swallowed up
by the land, and seas will boil."
 GLN:4:28- "The swelling waters swept up to the mountain tops and filled
the valleys. [They] came in great surging torrents... the Destroyer passed
away and the gread flood remained seven days afterward. Then the waters
spread out calmly. There was brown scum and debris".
o Celtic Texts of the Coelbook
 Silver Bough 7:18- "...I am the prophet to tell men of The Frightener, though
many generations will pass before it appears. It will be a thing of monstrous
greatness arising in the form of a crab.. its body will be red... It will spread
destruction across the Earth, running from sunrise to sunset.".

2. Ancient Knowledge of Poles and Descriptions of Pole Shifts. Many primitive tribes describe
not only poles explicitly, but also pole shifts:

• Kolbrin Bible, Manuscripts 33:5 - "... four times the stars have moved to new positions and
twice the Sun has [appeared to] change the direction of his journey. Twice The Destroyer
has struck Earth and three times the heavens have opened and shut. Twice the land has
been swept clean by water."
• The Greenland Eskimos told early missionaries that long ago the Earth "turned over".
• The Pawnee Indians tell the same story of a time when the north and south polar stars
changed places and "went to visit each other".
• Brazilian myth describes how the heavens burst and fragments fell down killing everything
and everyone as heavens and Earth changed places.
• The Hopi tribe have a legend that explains the death of the second world. There were
supposedly two twins, Poqanghoya and Plongawhoya, who were guardians of the north and
south axes of the world. They were ordered by Sotuknang, a nephew of the Creator, to
abandon their posts since people had become evil. This would allow the destruction of the
second world, and allow a new world to form. According to the legend, when the twins left
their posts, the world went crazy in space. Eventually Sotuknang ordered [the twins] to their
stations at the poles of the world axis. With a great shudder and a splintering of ice the
planet began rotating again. When it was revolving smoothly about its own axis and stately
moving in its universal orbit, the ice began to melt and the world began to warm to life.
Sokutnang set about creating the Third World.[6]
• Some researchers believe that the description of the Flood in the Christian Bible is
describing the tidal surges associated with an ECD. This is also described in the Kolbrin
Bible, as seen above, seemingly in association with a pass of Planet X:
o OGS:3:22,23- "Then... came a high wave wall of dark, white-fang-edged waters...
carried everything... as a broom sweeps the floor... fruits of the land, house debris,
trees, bloated dead animals and humans floated upon the wild, wide waters...
earthy, brown, foamy scum... great downpouring of rain which stopped after seven
days, surging seas tore even between the high mountains.. [Their ancestors] saw
the swimming house, made fast against the sea, come up to the land, and out of it
came men and beasts from Tirfola [North American continent]".
o Gleanings 4:24- "The Destroyer... opened its mouth and belched forth fire, hot
stones, and a vile smoke. It covered the whole sky above and meeting place of Earth
and Heaven could no longer be seen. In the evening, the places of the stars were
changed, they rolled across the sky to new stations; then, the floodwaters came".
o Gleanings 4:28- "The swelling waters swept up to the mountain tops and filled the
valleys. They did not rise like water poured into a bowl, but came in great surging
• Old Chinese texts describe how the pillars supporting the sky crumbled; of how the sun,
moon and stars poured down in the northwest where the Earth sank and a great
conflagration was quenched by a raging flood.
• North American traditions refer to great clouds appearing and a heat so powerful that the
waters boiled.
• Peruvian legends say that the Andes Mountains were ripped apart when the sky made war
with the Earth.

3. Pole Shifts and ECD: Physical Evidence. Pending completion

• Magnetically charged lava (this is who previous locations of the poles have been identified).
• Frozen Alaskan "Muck". "In Alaska, thick frozen deposits of soil, boulder, plant and animal
(commonly known as "muck") exist. Prof. Frank C. Hibben of the University of New
Mexico described these deposits: "In many places, Alaskan muck is packed with animal
bones and debris in trainload lots. Bones of mammoths, mastodons, several kind of bison,
horses, wolves, bears and lions tell a story of a faunal population. within this frozen mass lie
the twisted parts of animals and trees intermingled with lenses of ice and layers of peat and
mosses. It looks as though in the midst of some cataclysmic catastrophe of ten thousand
years ago the whole Alaskan world of living animals and plants was suddenly frozen in mid-
motion like a grim charade.twisted and torn trees are piled in splintered masses . at least four
considerable layers of volcanic ash may be traced in these deposits, although they are
extremely warped and distorted." This suggests that although volcanoes were erupting, other
forces were required to dismember these animals - with mighty floods and hurricanes being
the most likely."[7]
• Rancho La Brea tar pits. "In the heart of Los Angeles are one of the richest sources of fossils
discovered to date- more than 565 species all got stuck in the tar. There is no explanation for
the incredible density of animals that "got stuck" there. During the first University of
California excavations in 1906, they found a "bed of bones" which contained over seven
hundred sabre-toothed tiger skulls. These combined with wolf skulls averaged twenty per
cubic yard.[15] Almost more bones than tar. They are not the bones of animals that merely
got stuck and waited to die. They are "broken, mashed, contorted and mixed in a most
heterogeneous mass", just like in the muck of Alaska. And we mustn't overlook the
fossilised birds that have been dug up, 100,000 of them, including over 138 species, 19 of
which are extinct. The George C. Page Museum suggests that the 3,000 birds that are
predators and scavengers may have been attempting to feed on other trapped animals, when
they themselves got stuck. As sensible as this idea sounds, it fails to explain the presence of
the further 97,000 birds that were non-carnivorous. Or three species of fish! At the end of
the last ice age (circa 10,000 BC) many North American species became extinct, including:
mammoths, camels, Pre-Columbian horses, ground sloths, peccaries, antelopes, elephants,
rhinoceroses, giant armadillos, tapirs, sabre-toothed tigers and giant bison. All of these
animals are relatively large. How did they all become trapped in pits of asphalt? Or were
they wiped out by a terrible catastrophe?"[7]
• Siberian Mammoths. "It has been estimated that more than half a million tons of mammoth
tusks were buried along Siberia's Arctic coastline, which equates to roughly five million
mammoths. Several dozen frozen mammoth carcasses have been found with the flesh still
intact. They died suddenly. In their stomachs can be found undigested vegetation, including
grass, bluebells, wild beans and buttercups[19] - food typically available in the summer.
Scientists examining them have concluded that three of the mammoths died of asphyxiation.
The cause of death of the others has not been determined. Regardless of cause, they froze
within days of dying, and when unfrozen the flesh has been fresh enough to feed to dogs.
With the previous pole positioned at Hudson Bay, the North Siberian coastline would have
had the same latitude as Japan does today, well outside of the Arctic Circle. But when the
poles shifted, the climate would have rapidly changed, from a summer savannah where
mammoths munched on buttercups, to a frozen wasteland. But wait a minute; weren't the
woolly mammoths suited to living in a cold climate? They are described as woolly due to
their hairy coat, but this is only hair, greaseless hair. To help protect them from the cold, all
of today's Arctic mammals have glands that make their hair oily to retain warmth - the
mammoths had no such gland. Although thicker, a mammoth's hair is the same as that of
elephants, and they live in the tropical regions. Many animals found in equatorial jungles
also have thick hair, the tiger being one such example. Anyone still unconvinced could
consider this - bones of tigers, rhinoceroses and antelope were found alongside the
mammoths, and these are obviously not Arctic creatures."[7]


At this point, if you believe the evidence, you may be thinking "should I even try to prepare for it...
what kind of life would I have?" The answer is YES! All the archeological evidence shows that
there is critical period of 3-4 years of tribulation and struggle to survive, but then the earth will
bloom and it triggers an evolutionary jumpstart for mankind. There will be abundant and new
vegetation, as old climates are revived and blended with the new climate. Also, historically, man
tends to be revitalized, and dealing with the change spurs innovation.

In preparing for 2012, I highly recommend you read "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide"
by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters, and Janice Manning [Members of Mensa!]. It has
wonderful information.

You need to be prepared to survive on your own for a 3-4 year period; items such as food, water
source, survival gear, medical and first aid, defense, etc. Also, consider your geographical location-
high altitude areas are HIGHLY recommended, given the scientific supposition (and historical
eyewitness accounts) of tidal surges that cover entire continents.


Worrying about vague predictions that have no substantiated reasons is nonsensical- look at how
many times Christians believed the end of the world was coming, the end of world predictions by
Nostradmous, or even the Y2K scare. However, in contrast, the above IS cause for concern as
current and upcoming events are known scientific facts. Let's look at some of these facts:

• The earth goes through periodic pole shifts and earth crust displacements.
• The earth's magnetic field has been unexplicably weakening.
• The earth's molten iron (that powers the magnetic field) was jolted, and is "jerking" the
magnetic north pole- which has begun moving at an accelerated rate.
• The sun's activity has reached a new high, and is more magnetically active now that in the
last 1,000 years.
• Recently a sun spot appeared on the sun- magnetically backward.
• In 2005, NASA has been so concerned with solar blasts and the effects on the sun (such as
the unprecedent solar flares) that they claimed the space weather theory scrapped.
• The earth is finishing its current precessional cycle in 2012.
• Geological evidence (such as magnetically charged lava) has shown that pole shifts occur at
the ending/beginning of precessional cycles.
• Primitive peoples specifically describe pole shifts and earth crust displacements.

The above is alarming, since they are what scientists believe are the precursors to a pole shift. This
is even more worrisome when you take into consideration that it is believed pole shifts occur every
11,500-12,000 years ago, and the last one is believed to have occurred in 9792 BC- 11,800 years
ago... And yet no one wants to consider that a pole shift could be imminent! Why? I believe it has
to do with the mentality of not expecting disasters to happen to you personally. Look at people
whose homes are devestated by a tornado- despite living in a region where they are KNOWN to
happen, they invariably say something like "I never thought this would happen to me!"

Given that the Mayan were acknowledged genius of astronomy and mathematics, and probably
survivors from a previous pole shift and ECD, it is no coincidence that their long "year" calendar is
the same as the suspected time span between pole shifts. They based their prediction on their
knowledge of these astronomical events and the survivors' knowledge of the consequences. We
ignore such a warning at our own peril.

In the end, as a result of studying the scientific facts and antedoctal evidence, I believe that we
are facing a dual threat- the imminent return of Planet X as well as a pole shift with likely
ECD. This is truly not "the end of the world" as both the earth and man has survived these events
before; however, neither should it be dismissed because many will die and civilization regress
significantly. We must begin preparation NOW.

I urge my family and friends to start preparation; after all, what can it hurt? I believe that our
government DOES know about these events and their consequences, and are taking them seriously;
however, I doubt we will be lucky enough to be some of the "chosen few". I believe that the events
of 2012 are the reason for the events of 9-11; on my companion site I detail the facts that show our
government either allowed (or caused) the events of 9-11 to happen in order to provide the
justification to pass unconstituitional legislation that free-spirited Americans would normally never
allow. An example is the John Warner Defense Authorization Act and Martial Law Presidential
Decision Directive 51, authorizing the President to declare martial law without the involvement of
Congress and allowing the President to take total control over all levels of government. Up until
now, I simply did not know WHY; what could possibly be so serious as to necessitate and justify
such a horrible action like 9-11, and what will this legislation (such as the martial law) be used
FOR? Now I know- for the events of 2012. It is believed they have prepared both land and sea arks,
and identified critical personnel (both military, civilian, govermental and non- in some cases,
people don't even know they've been selected) for inclusion. The average citizen will not be saved,
but the human race will survive- a cold comfort.


** "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide" by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters, and
Janice Manning [Members of Mensa!]
 ** "How to Survive 2012" by Patrick Geryl
 "Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age" by Charles
H. Hapgood
 "The Path of the Pole" by Charles H. Hapgood (with foreward by Albert Einstein)

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