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Unidad III.

Estructura de la oracin

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 2

Tcnicas de lectura: scanning y skimming

Lectura 1.
Mira el siguiente recuadro y predice sobre qu ser la lectura.
Diario Personal de Adinan Asim
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 3

Ahora lee el siguiente texto y compara si lo que pensaste est expresado de alguna
manera en el mismo.

A blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of

commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be
used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as
more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to
other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to
leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs
(photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting) are part
of a wider network of social media. Micro-blogging is another type of blogging which
consists of blogs with very short posts.
As of December 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112
million blogs. With the advent of video blogging, the word blog has taken on an even
looser meaning of any bit of media wherein the subject expresses his opinion or simply
talks about something.
Texto tomado de Wikipedia.
Imagen tomada por hyku de Flickr.

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 4

Lectura 2:

A continuacin se encuentra un prrafo acerca de las ventajas y desventajas del
Internet. Antes de leerlo selecciona los adjetivos que a tu juicio mejor definen










Ahora haz una lista de las ventajas y desventajas que a tu juicio tiene Internet


Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 5

Ahora lee el texto y verifica tus predicciones


The biggest target of internet has always been the communication. Now we can
communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is in the other side of the
world. Today we have the facilities of e-mail and we can chat for hours with lots of
people. Besides, we can also explore other unknown cultures. Some other uses people
have discovered are: games, chat rooms or just surfing the Web. Chat rooms are
becoming more popular because users can meet new and interesting people.
However, not everything is perfect. Spending long amounts of time on line may have a
negative effect on studies, work and even social or marital lives. To make matter
worse, the Internet is replacing T.V., music and other types of home entertainment.
Pornography is perhaps the worst threat related to children`s behavior

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 6

Significado de palabras

Completa las siguientes oraciones. Escoge la palabra correspondiente de la lista.
Usa una palabra de la lnea (1) para la oracin 1, una palabra de la lnea (2) para la
oracin 2, y as sucesivamente.

























1. The biggest target of internet has always been the

2. The ability for readers to leave comments in an format is an important part of many
3. Today we can other unknown cultures
4. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully

Global Navigation

Satellite System
Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 7

Lectura 3

EJERCICIO 2: De acuerdo al texto, selecciona el significado ms apropiado para las

siguientes palabras.

Before deciding upon the hosting provider, it is important that you check out their
control panel. It is a very important decision to make as this will be a long term
decision and you will have to live with it through out. Most of the web sites have an
option that will actually let you test the option on their site as you browse.
A web hosting control panel is software that helps you to control your web hosting
account. Each web hosting service provider offers some type of control panel,
generally this control panel helps you to add email accounts, change your password,
access your files, and also back up your site. cPanel server, Plesk server and other
dedicated servers are used as interface by customers.
Some of the control panels that are on offer are difficult to use as they are clunky,
thee are others that are too graphical and take time to load. The control panel is the
backend of your web page that is this is the part that can be seen by only you and no
one else. Here you can set up MySQL database and email accounts, you can also check
the number of visitors here.

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 8

Choosing a control panel for your dedicated server. Submitted by Jack on Friday
Mar 07, 2008.

1. Hosting provider

a. providing server space

b. receiving information

2. Browse

a. close examination

b. reading superficially

3. Back up

a. to delete a file

b. to duplicate a file

4. Web server

a. processes requests

b. give information

Ejercicio 3: Responde las siguientes preguntas.

1. A qu se refiere el texto con dedicated servers?

2. Qu entiende usted por web hosting?

3. Qu entiende usted por hosting provider?

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 9

4. Cul es la idea general del texto?

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 10

Skimming: Bsqueda de informacin general
Lectura 3
CONSUMERS like large displays on the mobile devices they use for reading an e-mail
message or an e-book, but they also like to tuck those devices into their pockets.
But the bigger the screen on a cellphone or an e-reader, the sooner it outgrows
pocket size.
Now a hallmark feature of these screens their rigidity is changing. New
technologies are developing that make displays flexible, foldable or even as
rollable as papyrus, so that large screens can be unfurled from small containers.
One new mobile device, the Readius, designed mainly for reading books,
magazines, newspapers and mail, is the size of a standard cellphone. Flip it open,
though, and a screen tucked within the housing opens to a 5-inch diagonal display.
The screen looks just like a liquid crystal display, but can bend so flexibly that it
can wrap around a finger.
The Readius will be introduced in England, Italy and Germany this fall and in the
United States early in 2009, Mr. McGoldrick (the chief executive of Polymer Vision,
the company in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, that created the device) said. Its
battery lasts for about 30 hours of reading long enough to get through The Red
and the Black, and possibly a chunk of War and Peace. Pages can be read under
a variety of lighting conditions, even including full sunlight, he said. The price is
not yet set, but Thomas van der Zijden, vice president for marketing and sales,
said the Readius would be more expensive than the Kindle, which now is selling for
Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 11

The New York Times. Electronic Papyrus: The Digital Book, Unfurled
By ANNE EISENBERG.Published: July 6, 2008

Ejercicio 1. Lee el texto (lectura 3). Recuerda que lo debes hacer de manera
rpida. Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

1. Cul es el tpico de la lectura?

2. Que palabras se repiten?

3. Que palabras se parecen al espaol?

4. Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o grficos que te ayudan
a entender el texto?

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 12

5. De que trata el texto? Lee el primer prrafo y el ltimo o la ultimas ideas del
ltimo prrafo.


Ejercicio 2. Lee de nuevo el texto y contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Qu es un Readius?

Cules son las principales caractersticas de esta nueva tecnologa?

Cules son los pases que ser presentado en el otoo del 2009?

Cuntas horas le dura la batera al Readius?

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 13


Ejercicio 1

Lee el siguiente texto (lectura 4). Recuerda que lo debes hacer de manera rpida.
Selecciona tus respuestas


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation
Satellite System that enable GPS receivers to determine their location, speed,
direction, and time. GPS was developed by the United States Department of Defense.
Its official name is NAVSTAR-GPS.

GPS receivers come in a variety of formats, from devices integrated into cars, phones,
and watches, to dedicated devices. Since its arrival, GPS has become a widely used
aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying,
commerce, and scientific uses.

Adapted from:

Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 14

1. GPS
a. Is the third functional Global Navigation System
b. Is the only functional Global Navigation System
2. GPS receivers
a. Come in one format
b. Come in a variety of formats
3. GPS
a. is a useful tool for map-making only
b. is a useful tool for map-making land surveying, commerce, and scientific

Ejercicio 2
Lee las preguntas y busca las respuestas en el texto anterior (lectura 4)

1. Qu es un GPS?

2. Quin desarroll el GPS?


Unidad III. Ejercicios - Pg. 15

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