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Vital Signs of Various


Submitted by:
Cherry Luz L. Rezaga
Submitted to:
Dr. Tomas J. Fernandez Jr.

Rezaga, Cherry Luz L.

VMed 182 Clinical Orientation
Vital Signs
Criteria of Reporting
1. Thorough research (20%)
1.1. Number of literature cited more than five (5)
1.2. Completeness of the topic (5)
1.3Principle discussed (5)
1.4Literature should be cited in the text (5)
2. Confidence (15%)
2.1. Eye to eye contact (5)
2.2. No reading(5)
2.3. Proper handling of visual aids (2.5)
2.4. Magnified voice (2.5)
3. Appropriateness of visual aid (15%)
3.1. Appropriateness of visual aids (2.5)
3.2. Clarity of pictures, figures, etc (2.5)
Readable from a distance of 1.5 meters (2.5)
Appropriate use of color (not glaring) (2.5)
Correctness of words spelled (2.5)
Slide not crowded (2.5)
4. Knowledge of the subjected matter (15%)
4.1. Thorough explanation of subject matter (5)
Ability to answer questions (5)
Only relevant topics discussed/included (5)
5. Grammar (25%)
5.1. Organization of thoughts (5)
Coherence of paragraph (5)
Tenses, preparation (grammar) (5)
5.4. Syntax/Choice of words (5)
5.5. Sentences translated in the way it is understood (5)
6. Promptness of submitting report (5%)
6.1. Main criteria written on a sheet of paper
attached to hard copy of report (2.5)
6.2. Hard copy & soft copy submitted(2.5)
7. Uniform (5%)
7.1Complete uniform(5)
Total score:


Vital Signs
Three of the most important parameters in this process are the
traditional "vital signs" the temperature, pulse and respiration (TPR) which is
considered as the signs of life.6
I. Temperature
One of the most important measurements of the physiological state of
the patient is the body temperature. The best site to take the temperature in
animals is at the rectum. Other areas used include (in small animals) the
axilla (armpit), inguinal region, ear canal (special thermometer or probes are
needed for these locations). The patient's temperature is lower at these
peripheral sites by 1 or 2 degrees. The temperature normally fluctuates
slightly hour to hour and is affected by many things. It is recommended that
for the most accurate evaluation the temperature be measured several times
to look for trends.1, 4, 6
The body temperature normally is highest in the late afternoon and
lowest during deep sleep at night.5
Hyperthermia is the elevation of temperature past critical point. 7, 8
An increase in temperature can be caused by many things including:
- Fear
- Pain
- Infectious disease
- Exercise
- Increased environmental temperature
Hypothermia indicates a low body temperature2
- A decrease in temperature can indicate cold environmental
temperature and the physiological condition of shock, among
other things.
is a febrile condition where the body temperature exceeds the

normal range for the particular age and species.2

Materials and Method Used in Taking the Temperature 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Mercury thermometers
These are supplied in various sizes, the large sizes often have an eye at
one end to tie a string on for use in large animals. The purpose of the string
is it is easy to pull out if "swallowed" by the rectum. Thermometers are
calibrated on the side in either degrees Centigrade/Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Digital or electronic thermometers
This technology enables much faster, easier and very accurate
readings. In some models the probes or plastic probe covers are disposed
between patients. These thermometers are more expensive, and some can
be used in alternative sites.

Technique for temperature evaluation using Mercury and Digital/electronic

1. Restraint of patient standing or lying lateral.
2. Lubricate the thermometers bulb end and gently insert it with a
rotary action through the anal sphincter into the rectum. Ensure that
the bulb is inserted to a relative constant depth of 2.5cm, one inch in
each species and that it makes contact with the mucous membrane
of the rectum.
3. Wait for reading (2 minutes).
4. Remove thermometer, record reading.
5. Shake down thermometer (mercury thermometer) and clean and
disinfect it.

Auricular infrared device

More practical anatomical location of the ear and the much faster result
but not as accurate as the rectal temperature. After being positioned in the
ear canal descending to the eardrum, the activation push-button was
pressed and the auricular infrared thermometer provided readings within
Species variations: 6
Cats dislike having their temperatures taken. Be sure to lubricate the
thermometer well. The small size and quick readings of digital
thermometers work well in cats.
With livestock and horses the challenge is to avoid getting kicked.
Sometimes the patient is not used to having their tail manipulated.
Always stand next to the body, facing backwards, and to the side when
taking the temperature of a horse. By being next to the body if the
animal does kick there is less "power" when the leg is not fully extended
and less chance of serious injury. Gently lift and move the tail to one
side to insert the thermometer.
Cattle generally kick to the side so it is safer to stand directly in back of
them. Their tail muscles are not as strong as those of a horse and the
tail can be lifted upward to insert the thermometer. This will make the
cow move forward so it should be confined before using this technique.
II. Pulse
The pulse is a measurement of the blood pulsations through an artery
(arterial pulse). A normal pulse should equal the number of heartbeats. The

pulse gives an indication of the strength of blood flow to peripheral tissue.


6, 7

The pulse is evaluation for:

Rate or pulsations per minute
Rhythm or regularity of the pulsations
Terms used to define pulse frequency:
Frequent quick or rapid
Infrequent slow
Consistency or strength, a weak pulse is sometimes described as
"thready" the blood volume and or blood pressure is low.
The pulse is best monitored using the fingers, not the thumb.
Species Variation2, 4, 5, 6
Dog and cat
The easiest site to evaluate the pulse is the femoral artery at the
medial aspect of hind leg. The animal can be standing or in lateral
recumbency. It should be still. The fingers are placed high in the inguinal
area and the vessel is pressed between the index and second fingers and the
femur. Count the number of pulses in 15 seconds and multiply by 4. This will
give you the pulse rate in beats per minute.
The sub-mandibular artery, also termed mandibular artery which runs under
the jaw is the preferred site to monitor the pulse. Pulse rate can also be
taken from the transverse facial artery. This is palpated just back from the
The most frequently used pulse point on the cow is the facial artery (just
mentioned in the horse).
Goat and Sheep
Also the femoral artery is used.
No pulse is palpable. Heart rate is used.
Heart rate is the number of contractions of the cardiac ventricle per unit of
Tachycardia is an abnormal rapid heart rate.
Bradycardia is the slowness of heartbeat.
Procedure in taking the heart rate:1, 6, 9
1. Palpation is most easily done with the palm at both sides of the
2. Increased cardiac impulse or movement of the heart against the
thoracic wall can be felt at both sides.
3. The 5th intercostal space on the left side is the best point for palpating
the heartbeat.
4. Use a stethoscope to listen and get the time for the beats.

In dogs and cats, resting heart rates listed are for healthy animals at rest
at home and not for animals that are evaluated in a veterinary clinic
where heart rates are higher due to excitement, stress or disease.
Relaxed or athletic dogs tend to have slower heart rates.
The heart rate can be measured at the same time the pulse is palpated to
check for a pulse deficit. If the heart beats more often than the pulse is
felt (a pulse deficit) this can signify a serious heart disorder.

III. Respiration8, 9
Respiration is recorded as the number of breaths in one minute.
Compositions of respiratory cycle:
- Inspiration or expansion of chest or thorax (inspiratory phase)
- Expiration or expulsion of air from lungs (expiratory phase)
Respiratory frequency is the number of respiratory cycles per
Respiratory depth is the intensity or indication of straining.
Rhythm is the change in duration of inspiration and expiration.
Breath sounds are any sounds that accompany air movement
through the tracheobrachial tree.
Crackles and wheezes indicate adventitious sounds.
States of breathing
Eupnea Normal quiet breathing with no deviation in
frequency or depth
Dyspnea Difficult breathing
Hyperpnea Increased depth, increased frequency, or both
Polypnea Rapid, shallow breathing
Apnea Transient state of cessation of breathing
Bradypnea Abnormal slowness of breathing
Procedure for Taking the Respiratory Rate: 6, 8, 9
Respirations can usually be evaluated in two ways, at the nostril or the
The easiest way is to watch the movement (rising and falling) of the
chest wall, remember, one breath includes both inspiration and
In some species the respiratory rate may be hard to monitor by watching
the chest. In these cases it might be possible to detect breathing directly
at the nostril. By holding your hand, or a piece of tissue or hair in front
of the nostril, each expiration can be detected.
It is difficult to count the number of breaths while a dog (or rarely a cat)
is panting, most veterinarians will accept "panting" or TNTC (too
numerous to count) written in the record.
Table1. Normal values for adults of different species6, 7, 8


in C




Adult: 38.5
Calf: 39.0
Adult: 38.5
Calf: 39.0







Pulse rate in beats

per minute (bpm)
Adult; large breed: 6080
Small breed: 80120
Young: 110-120
Adult: 100-120
Young: 130-140
Adult: 60-80
Calf: 80-120
Adults: 30-40
Foals; 2 weeks: 80-120
3-5 mos: 65-80
6-12 mos: 50-75
1-2 years: 40-60
Adult: 70-80
Kid/Yearling: 80-120
Adult: 70-80
Kid/Yearling: 80-120
220-360 (based on
heart rate)

Respiratory rate in
breadths per minute (bpm)
Adult: 14-16
Young: 20-25

Adult: 25
Calf: 30
Beef: 10-30
Dairy: 18-80
Adult: 9-10 bpm
Foal: 14-15 bpm

12-37, inspiration louder and
shorter than expiration,
minimalist movement, closed

There are three other evaluations that can be done quickly to help
determine the physical status of a patient:
IV. Mucous Membrane Color 2, 3, 6, 8
Traditionally color is checked at the gums, but other mucous
membranes can be used.
The color helps evaluate the blood perfusion (function of the cardiovascular
system) and respiratory function (oxygenation) as reflected in the peripheral
The different "shades of color" of the mucous membranes can provide
information about the status of the patient, here are some conditions
associated with certain colors of mucous membranes.
Pale: anemia, often due to blood loss or shock
Blue: cyanosis, due to a lack of oxygenation caused by various problems
primarily associated with respiratory system.
Yellow: jaundice or icterus, can reflect either liver pathology or hemolysis
of circulating red blood cells

Bright red: hyperemic, may reflect

Muddy: membranes have abnormal
heart failure, or sepsis
Brown: membranes appear brown
caused most often by poisoning from
Pink: normal

compensatory phase of shock or

"grayish" tinge caused by shock,
tinged due to methemoglobinia,
toxins such as Tylenol (in cats).

V. Capillary Refill Time (C.R.T.)6, 8

Capillary refill time (CRT) reflects the perfusion of peripheral tissues.
The C.R.T. is checked by pressing on the gums with a finger or thumb firmly
to blanch the area then measuring the time it takes to return to normal color.
The normal C.R. T. is considered 1 - 2 seconds. Prolonged CRT greater than 2
seconds may indicate compromised circulation due to cold, shock,
cardiovascular disease, anemia or other causes.
VI. Hydration3, 6, 8
Skin turgor test may be the most helpful one to determine whether an
animal is well hydrated and can help make a rough determination of an
animals hydration status. This can be affected by other several factors such
Weight loss
General skin condition
Procedure for skin turgor test:
1. Pull the skin over the chest or back into a tent and release it quickly.
Avoid the skin of the neck because it is too thick for the test.
2. Observe the skin as it returns to its resting position.
In dogs and cats, the skin snaps back into position quickly as a normal
result for the skin turgor test. If the skin returns slowly of remains
slightly tented, a possible sign of dehydration is indicated.
Other ways to determine dehydration include checking mucous
membrane (gums) for moistness and noting if the eyes are sunken.

1. Blood, D.C. 2007. Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary. 3rd
Ed. WB. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2. Clinical examination of Farm Animals Peter G. G. Jackson BVM&S, MA,
DVM&S, FRCVS University of Cambridge
3. Dr. Teresa Y. Morishita DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. ACVP OSU Extension-Veterinary
Medicine & Avian Disease Investigation Laboratory
4. Edward A. Le Viness, Area Livestock Specialist, University of Arizona
5. How to Check the Respiratory Rate of Dogs and Cats |
7. Physical exam Checklist for Pets Authored by: The VIN Emergency
medicine folder staff
8. SUSAN SCHOENIAN Sheep & Goat Specialist Western Maryland
Research & Education Center University of Maryland Extension
9. UK & Peter D. Cockroft Ma, VetMB, MSc, DCHP, DVM&S, MRCVS,
University of Cambridge UK

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