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"If you could choose the type of house you would like to live in and its location, where would you live, what sort of house would it be and what features
would it have?
Write your article for a college magazine"
Since when I was small, I've always dreamt of living in Australia.
I love the country's climate and I would truly like to have a house near both the beach and a big city, in a small town to the North of Sydney, perhaps.
Of course everyone prefers to have a big house, or a mansion. I would be but content even if it's not that huge, but it has to be set in a nice place and
have certain features.
It must be, for instance, very lightful, with many windows.
Also, it should have two bedrooms, for sometimes I may host friends who come visit me from Italy (the country where I live now).
I want it to be in a relaxed area, but not cut out of the world.
On the contrary, I'd like to have neighbours, if they're polite. But, anyhow, who can choose them his own?
A couple of suggestions. The rest seems OK to me.
Quote: a small town at to the North of Sydney, perhaps.
If you mean that the town is a part of Sydney then it should be 'in the North', but since it's unlikely I assume 'to the North' is what you meant to say.
Desde cuando era pequeo, siempre he soado con vivir en Australia.
Me encanta el clima del pas y realmente le gustara tener una casa cerca de la playa y de una gran ciudad, en un pequeo pueblo al norte de
Sydney, tal vez.
Por supuesto, todos prefieren tener una casa grande, o una mansin. Yo no sera ms que contenido, incluso si no es tan enorme, pero tiene que
establecerse en un lugar agradable y tener ciertas caractersticas.
Debe ser, por ejemplo, muy luminosas, con muchas ventanas.
Adems, deben tener dos dormitorios, pues a veces I podr acoger amigos que vienen a visitarme de Italia (el pas donde vivo ahora).
Yo quiero que sea en una apacible zona, pero sin cortar fuera del mundo.
Por el contrario, me gustara tener vecinos, si son educados. Pero, de todos modos, que pueden elegir su propia?

I love like antique furniture, old coins, estate

jewellery, and oil paintings, etc
My bedroom (shown below) is sparse and simple. No fancy Queen-size bed or water bed to sleep on. Mine is more a cot than a bed, I guess. But,
that's fine with me. I sleep well on it and I wouldn't want to upgrade to something big and showy. No, sir. Give me a practical pillow and clean bed
sheets and I can sleep soundly without any further ado. I sleep, after all,for little more than 4 to 5 hours at night. That does me fine! Whatever, I sleep
well no matter what.
My kitchen (shown below) is compact and rather small as kitchens go, but I get invited out quite abit to sup with friends or to have lunch at The Strand
and elsewhere with mygood friends like Colin Campbell, Heidi Johnson, Arlene Browne,Bronwyn Curry, and Elizabeth Middleton, whenever theyre in
Olde London Towne. Generally, I buy pre-cooked chicken, and cooked Argus meatballs along with buying fresh haddock and a variety of soups. Such
doesn't require one to be any kind of cook and least of all to be a hotel chef to feed one's self. In my little kitchen, I oftentimes talk or sing to myself
with my many cuppas of good Irish and Welsh tea that I so enjoy. I neither smoke, drink nor take illicit drugs, so my home is always neatly taken care
of and is smoke, alcohol, and drug-free at all times - period. Smokers, drinkers, and dope heads are not at all welcome at my ideal home.
Me encanta como muebles antiguos, monedas antiguas, bienes
joyas y pinturas al leo, etc
Mi dormitorio (que se muestra a continuacin) es escasa y simple. No hay camas de lujo Queen size o cama de agua para dormir. La ma es ms
una cuna que una cama, supongo. Pero, eso est bien conmigo. Duermo bien en l y no me gustara actualizar a algo grande y llamativo. No, seor.
Dame una almohada prctico y sbanas limpias y puedo dormir bien sin ms prembulos. Yo sueo, despus de todo, por poco ms de 4 a 5 horas
por la noche. Eso me hace bien! Lo que sea, duermo bien, no importa qu.
Mi cocina (que se muestra a continuacin) es compacto y bastante pequeo como cocinas ir, pero me invit a salir muy Abit a cenar con amigos o
para almorzar en The Strand y en otros lugares con los amigos mygood como Colin Campbell, Heidi Johnson, Browne Arlene, Bronwyn Curry y
Elizabeth Middleton, siempre que estn en Olde Towne Londres. En general, puedo comprar pre-cocida de pollo, albndigas y cocido Argos junto con
la compra de abadejo fresco y una gran variedad de sopas. Estos no requiere que se vaya a cualquier tipo de cocinar y mucho menos a ser un chef
del hotel para alimentar a uno mismo. En mi pequea cocina, yo muchas veces hablar o cantar a m mismo con mi cuppas muchos de buen t
irlandeses y galeses que lo disfruten. Yo no fumar, beber ni tomar drogas ilcitas, as que mi casa est siempre bien cuidado y es el humo, el alcohol
y las drogas en todo momento - y punto. Los fumadores, los bebedores, y los jefes droga no son del todo bienvenidos en mi casa ideal.
My backyard would consist of topical like plants such as palm trees and have a space for my helicopter to land.( Mi patio trasero consistira en
tpicos tales como plantas como palmeras y tener un espacio para mi en helicptero a la tierra.)
Black house design, Casa Negra is one of beautiful that using modern and black white color schemes for the exterior decoration. Located in an
amazing natural environment Buenos Aires, Argentina, this is wonderful house architectures design with luxury and contemporary design. When we
entrance the house, we can see some innovative decorating, minimalist interior design combine with luxury furniture design. It can be most

comfortable and elegant home living ideas. The house designer, Andres Remy Architects had to deal with several of the circumstances of the local
setting. For the first setting is they had full responsibility and full freedom in constructing the project plans for the home. Second off, they had to
create it so they would get advantage of the landscapes around the space. The house design has amazing natural views because it is near the lake.
Here it is the best sample modern luxury black house design pictures Casa Negra.
diseo Negro casa, Casa Negra es uno de los bonitos que el uso de sistemas modernos blanco y negro de color para la decoracin exterior. Situado
en un entorno natural sorprendente Buenos Aires, Argentina, esta es la casa maravillosa arquitectura de diseo con el lujo y diseo
contemporneo. Cuando la entrada de la casa, podemos ver algunas innovadora decoracin, interiorismo minimalista combinan con el diseo de
muebles de lujo. Puede ser ms cmodo y elegante casa ideas de vida. El diseador de la casa, Andrs Remy Arquitectos tuvo que lidiar con
varias de las circunstancias del entorno local. Para el primer ajuste es que asuma la responsabilidad total y plena libertad en la construccin del
proyecto se prev para el hogar. En segundo lugar apagado, tuvieron que crear lo que obtendran provecho de los paisajes de todo el espacio. El
diseo de la casa tiene hermosas vistas naturales, ya que est cerca del lago. Aqu est la mejor muestra de lujo moderno diseo negro fotos Casa
Glamour style of modern and minimalist apartment interior decoration design innovation ideas. This is fresh design by Stanic Harding presents
to us as an apartment decorating ideas. With white wall paint, this apartment looks simple, ultra modern, glamour but luxury in design. This
apartment is placed on level 16 of a round 18 storey high tower in Darling Point, Sydney and gets up the entire floor. Minimalist interior decorating
living room through a modern and classic design presents a relaxed and all elegant experience. The central core reacts to the border by the curved
exterior finished of wonderfully panels upholstered in a padded wool fabric. These are moreover flat or are secret doors to storage space or robe
areas. Vertical strip lighting positioned at set centres split panels and provides characteristic or atmosphere illumination. This is best sample
apartment decorating interior pictures for modern minimalist apartment interior design glamour luxury style.
Glamour estilo de apartamento moderno y minimalista decoracin ideas innovacin en diseo. Se trata de un diseo fresco por Stanic Harding nos
presenta como un apartamento de ideas de decoracin. Con pintura de la pared blanca, este apartamento parece simple, ultra moderno, el
glamour, pero de lujo en el diseo. Este apartamento est situado en el nivel 16 de una ronda de 18 pisos de altura de torre en Darling Point,
Sydney y se levanta todo el piso. Minimalista decoracin interior saln a travs de un diseo moderno y clsico presenta un ambiente relajado y
toda la experiencia elegante. El ncleo central reacciona a la frontera por las curvas exteriores maravillosamente acabados de paneles tapizados
en una tela de lana acolchada. Se trata por otra parte plana o puertas secretas del espacio de almacenamiento o reas bata. Vertical franja de
iluminacin colocado en los paneles de separacin centro de conjunto y proporciona caractersticas o la iluminacin ambiente. Este es el mejor
apartamento de la muestra de decoracin de interiores para fotos apartamento moderno y minimalista diseo de interiores estilo de glamour de
Fantastic and very luxury Russian hill apartment interior decorating design ideas designed by Zack|de Vito Architecture is look modern and
comfortable styles. This luxury big apartment design architectures completed the remodel of a 3,400 sq. ft, 19th floor apartment in San Franciscos
Russian Hill neighborhood, for a young couple with an extensive collection of contemporary art decor. We think that this is modern apartment with
pretty amazing choice of paints color schemes that use wood finishes and complete success in terms of succeeding with executing the brief -art
display is indeed well done. It is on the edge of feeling a bit too much like an expensive and exclusive suite but wecould easily enjoy it as my pied-atire in San Francisco! Great job to the Zacklde Vito team. Here it is best sample lavish Russian hill apartment interior architectural photos gallery for
our inspiration
Fantstico apartamento de lujo y muy colina del Interior de Rusia ideas de diseo de decoracin diseados por Zack | Arquitectura de Vito es buscar
los estilos moderno y confortable. Este lujoso apartamento de diseo de grandes arquitecturas complet la remodelacin de un 3.400 pies
cuadrados, apartamento piso 19 en ruso de San Francisco, barrio de la colina, para una pareja joven con una amplia coleccin de la decoracin del
arte contemporneo. Pensamos que se trata de apartamentos modernos con la eleccin bastante sorprendente de los regmenes de las pinturas
de color que utilizan acabados de madera y el xito completo en trminos de xito con la ejecucin de la pantalla breve-el arte es de hecho bien
hecho. Es en el borde de sentir un poco demasiado a un conjunto caros y exclusivos, sino disfrutar de ella con facilidad cuales podramos vernos
como mi pied-a-neumticos en San Francisco! Gran trabajo para el equipo Zacklde Vito. Aqu es mejor muestra prdiga apartamento colina de
Rusia galera interior fotos de arquitectura para nuestra inspiracin
wood furniture eversible side tables house accessories For your home interior decorating you need some furniture to improve your quality and the
beauty of home interior decorating. What do you need is some modern table. If you are looking for the best ultra modern table furniture
muebles de madera tablas eversible lado los accesorios Para el interior de su casa la decoracin del hogar que necesita un poco de muebles para
mejorar su calidad y la belleza del interior de la decoracin del hogar. Qu es lo que necesita es alguna mesa moderna. Si usted est buscando la
mejor mesa moderna ultra muebles
Warkworth House is designed like a cozy environment for a single family. It is designed as a series of stick pavilions made of glass and timber.
They have the simple shape and planing but with unusually shaped roofs. The kitchen is backbone of the house which connects private and public
spaces with opening to the pool areas. Children wing is separated from the main areas by a wide corridor in order to make it more quite and
relaxing. Materials choice and color theme make the house looks quite minimalist and definitely contemporary without being too aggressive and
cool. The house is perfect for relaxing New Zealand lifestyle and for family with several children which like to play all day long.
Warkworth House est diseado como un entorno acogedor para una sola familia. Est diseado como una serie de pabellones palo de cristal y
madera. Tienen la forma simple y alisado, pero con techos de forma inusual. La cocina es la espina dorsal de la casa que conecta los espacios
privados y pblicos con la apertura de la piscina. Los nios del ala est separada de las principales reas por un amplio corredor con el fin de
hacerlo ms tranquilo y relajado. eleccin de materiales y el tema de color que la casa se ve muy minimalista y contemporneo definitivamente sin
ser demasiado agresivo y fresco. La casa es ideal para relajarse Nueva Zelanda y el estilo de vida para las familias con varios nios que les gusta
jugar todo el da.
Make your room atmosphere more warmth and comfortable with this simple mentalist fireplace indoor design ideas by Julien Bergignat. The French
creative furniture designer has been made this modern curv indoor fireplace that can suite with any luxury and contemporary interior decor. Very
useful and functional Curv fireplaces which are meant to keep your interiors warm through the harshest of winters season, in beautiful style. This
furniture is carved in cast iron and steel, they tout a smooth finish to mimic the interior decorating design of every space. These fireplaces furniture
can be blending with your house modern interior design because the Curv fireplaces smoothly come out of the wall to take the minimalist spirit to the
entire room. For the detail, here it is best sample modern luxury fireplace design photos gallery
Haga que su sala de ambiente ms clido y cmodo con esta chimenea mentalista simples ideas de diseo interior de Julien Bergignat. El diseador
francs de muebles creativa se ha hecho presente curv moderna chimenea de interior que puede con cualquier suite de lujo contemporneo y
decoracin de interiores. Muy chimeneas Curv tiles y funcionales que tienen el propsito de mantener sus clidos interiores a travs de las ms
duras de la temporada de invierno, en el bello estilo. Este mueble es tallado en hierro fundido y acero, que tout un acabado liso para imitar el
diseo de la decoracin interior de cada espacio. Estos muebles se pueden mezclar chimeneas con su casa de diseo interior moderno, porque las
chimeneas Curv sin problemas salen de la pared para llevar el espritu minimalista a toda la sala. Para los detalles, aqu est la mejor galera de
fotos muestra el lujo moderno diseo de la chimenea

here's a preview of the first 150 words of this essay with formatting removed for you to read

Have a little read: ... An isolated island with stimulating, gold beaches or the elegance and serenity of the peace in a
glorious forest. A special place could be as extravagant as those or as simple as your favourite cosy sofa. They reach out
with much more than striking or comforting quality. Some of our dearest memories happen to us in these places; one of
the places is my ideal home. A definition of a home is: A home is a place where a person, family, or group of people live
together. A home usually acts as a place to sleep and store personal property, and contains sanitary facilities and a means
of preparing food. However gradually a home will affect a person personality or the way they behave, therefore a home is
seen as an important aspect of our life apart from having all our personal items it has all our personal memories

Una isla aislada en la estimulacin, las playas de oro o de la elegancia y la serenidad de la paz en un bosque glorioso.
Un lugar especial podra ser tan extravagantes como las que o tan simple como su cmodo sof favorito. Llegan con
mucho ms que la calidad en huelga o reconfortante. Algunos de nuestros recuerdos ms queridos nos suceden en
estos lugares, uno de los lugares es mi casa ideal. Una definicin de una casa es: Un hogar es un lugar donde una
persona, familia o grupo de personas que viven juntos. Un hogar suele actuar como un lugar para dormir y almacenar
los bienes personales, y contiene las instalaciones sanitarias y un medio de preparar la comida. Sin embargo poco a
poco una casa afectar a una personalidad de la persona o la forma en que se comportan, por lo tanto de una vivienda
es vista como un aspecto importante de nuestra vida adems de tener todos nuestros artculos personales que tenga
todos nuestros recuerdos personales

An Ideal Home
Nowadays, house owners and designers emphasize immensely on greenery
and capaciousness. Plants adorn the area and embellish the freshness of air,
while open space creates an ambient and spacious feeling. However, I feel
that an ideal home needs to have a theme as its base to enforce it into a
conducive environment for both studying and enjoying. An ideal home does
not need to have an ambitious framework. I think simplicity is archetypal.
Personally, I like a house which collaborates a tinge of both Italian and
Japanese styles. Therefore, I like a house which uses a lot of natural wood
like pine and bamboo. I have a great affinity towards wood because it not only
enhances the freshness of air, but also reinvigorates the sense of depression
and stress

However, all of the above mentioned are insufficient in creating a unique house.
My personal preference of color is extremely fastidious. I like bright colors like
yellow, orange and turquoise, yet they have to synthesize into an amalgam of
optimism. Therefore, using lavender, maroon and sea green would abate our
anxiety and qualm.
In conclusion, having a house which is amicable, alleviating and hygienic is
definitely an ideal environment for any individual of any age. However, to evoke
those effects, the right methods and preferences have to be selected decently
and genuinely.
. I believe trees form the core of nature, and thus, it is also seen as a
representative of existence and vigour.

Part 1 of my ideal school essay.?

I wrote this essay for a contest. hows my ideal school?

My ideal school would be a boarding school, placed in a great city named Venheimen, far-far in the future. My
ideal school would have around 2000 students and be named Morgan Aniston Secondary Boarding School,
after the great man who founded the city.
In my fictional universe, education starts at the age of 6 and ends at 16, with the option of university for the
graduates. Students from the age of 6 to 11 go to primary school, where they would take the Primary School
Examination (PSE) which will decide which secondary school they would go to. Students 12 to 16 go to
secondary school and take the Secondary School Examination (SSE) at the age of 16.
In my ideal school, classes start at 9am and finish at around 4pm, with lunch at noon lasting 1 hour. Friday
classes end 1 hour early. Students study compulsory subjects such as English, Mathematics, Additional
Mathematics, Science, Astrology, Computer Technology, World History, Basic Geography and Creative Art
and have a choice to study elective courses such as French, Chinese, German, Biology, Chemistry, Advanced
Computer Technology, Advanced Geography, Space Research, Business Studies, Music and Professional Art.
Students are required to take at least 2 elective courses.
Creativity is highly encouraged among students in the school. Students create an endless stream of new
inventions, letting their dreams come to life, though not all of which are positive and work well. Once, a group
of boy students built a war robot to battle against another teams robot. The robot went awry, grabbing a hair
design and fashioning machine made by a group of girl students and started hitting everyone on the head with
it. To end the situation, a group of teachers and students hit the robot on the head with sledgehammers and
mallets. The robot returned the hair design and fashioning machine to its creators, who were given such a bad
haircut they had to be warded for shock.

There is a computer room with virtual-reality computers where the internet is an interactive space one can
delve in. Antivirus programs are virtual rifles held in ones hand shooting corrupt files and viruses. Games are
played with eye goggles and motion sensor gloves. The virtually unlimited number of games forced the school
to limit computer time to 2 hours a week on weekends because students were spending 20 hours a day in the
computer lab. This has upset many students. There is a hair salon for girls where they change their hair to any
style and colour they want.
Every Friday there are arms training lessons given to all students at 3pm. This is because all healthy 17 years
olds have to go for military service for 1 year. They are taught the art of Gunkata, martial arts with weapons,
the notoriously difficult art of avoiding an enemys weapon fire and firing your gun, practiced with click guns.
Unarmed combat training is also given, causing a worrying trend of kung fu fights in the halls and full
hospital wings every Friday. The secondary objective for arms training is to relieve the stress the students feel
after a weeks worth of classes and homework. Students are free to leave the school on weekends and wander
around the city or return home as long as they are back by 8pm on Sunday. Students are strictly forbidden
from borrowing live weapons from the arms locker at all times.
Breakfast consists of buttered toast, oatmeal, porridge, cereal, eggs, sausages and jam with coffee. Lunch,
Steamed rice, cornmeal, bread, chicken, fish, vegetables and potatoes, whereas dinner is a hearty affair of
lamb chops, roast chicken, vegetables and potatoes with Yorkshire pudding. The students select their desired
meal on computer screens and their order will be served within 2 minutes. Students are allowed to be creative
with their food as well, creating many awkward, strange and downright disgusting combinations of food.
Instant noodles were served when there was a feast and everyone finished everything in the kitchens save for
nissin noodles. A breakdown in communication (the telephone broke, and no one could call telecoms) ensured
hearty meals of noodles 3 times a day for a week. There was a decrease in interest in noodles among all
Students are also allowed to cook their own meals during cooking classes once a week to improve their skills.
Many students found their hidden talent, creating exceptional meals of great taste, while many others find that
their talents lay elsewhere, because their cooking was utterly repulsive. Once some students made Beef
Wellington using a real, stinking Wellington boot stuffed with old beef they bought from a bargain bin and
fried in mashed potato gravy, the smell of which caused 5 students to faint and 1 teacher poisoned because she
was forced to try it, and let us not talk of the time someone tried to make a Baked Alaskan.

I dream of living in a fantastic and elegant house. Of course everyone

prefers to have a big house, or a mansion. I would be but content even if
it's not that huge, but it has to be set in a nice place such as Peru.56

It could have, for instance, many windows and it would be surrounded by

plants, flowers because they adorn the area and embellish the freshness of
air. It would be conveniently close to supermarkets, hospital, cinemas,
pharmacies and I hope Id have my family and good friends living nearby.
Also it should have four warm bedrooms, one of them for
sometimes I may host family or friends who come visit me and
well-equipped kitchen. 80
Additionally, I feel that the interior decorating of wood furniture would be
great. I have a great affinity towards wood because it not only enhances
the freshness of air, but also reinvigorates the sense of depression and
In conclusion, having a house which is amicable, alleviating and hygienic is
definitely an ideal environment for any individual of any age. If I had a
house with an atmosphere of love and peace, Id be very happy for

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