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Rendimiento Nominal H

Una medicin de rendimiento popular de un sistema de estable lineal

invariante en el tiempo es el H de funcin de transferencia. Es definida por las
siguientes funciones de transferencias asociadas con (2.2.1) de la siguiente
G ( S )=C( IsA )1 B + D
Donde s C. Desde el sistema suponiendo su estabilidad, G(s) es
delimitada para toda s C con los nmeros reales positivos.
Por eso el valor singular ms grande es mx. (G(s)) es finito para todo s C con
s > 0.
El espacio H consiste de todas las funciones analticas en s > 0 y para los
_G_ := sup

< .
The left hand side of this expression satisfies the axioms of a norm and defines the H norm of G.
It can be shown that each function in H has a unique extension to the imaginary axis and that in
fact the H norm is given by
_G_ = sup

In words, the H norm of a transfer function is the supremum of the maximum singular value of the
frequency response of the system.
Remark 2.21 Various graphical representations of frequency responses are illustrative to investigate
system properties like bandwidth, gains, etc. Probably the most important one is a plot of the singular
values i(G(j)) (i = 1, . . . , min(m, p)) viewed as function of frequency R. For single-input
single-output systems there is only one singular value and (G(j)) = |G(j)|. ABode diagram is
a plot of the latter and provides information to what extent the system amplifies purely harmonic input
signals with frequencies R. In order to interpret these diagrams one usually takes logarithmic
scales on the axis and plots 2010 log(G(j)) to get units in dB. TheH norm of a transfer function
is then nothing else than the highest peak value occuring in the Bode plot.
The connection between time-domain and frequency-domain norms is most clearly expressed in the
following standard result.
Proposition 2.22 Let G H be the transfer function of the asymptotically stable system (2.2.1).
Then for all initial conditions x(0) = x0, u L2 implies y L2 and with x(0) = 0 there holds that
_G_ = sup

Interpretation 2.23 For a stable system, the H norm of its transfer function is the L2-induced
norm of the input-output operator associated with the system.
This yields a simple relation between the Bounded Real Lemma, Lemma 2.20 and bounds on the H
norm of transfer functions:
Proposition 2.24 If the system (2.2.1) is asymptotically stable then _G_ < whenever there exists

a solution K = K

> 0 to the LMI


K + KA + C





D 2I
< 0. (2.3.2)
Proof. Apply Lemma 2.20 with x0 = 0, Qyy = I , Qyu = 0, Quy = 0 and Quu = 2I to infer
that the existence of a solutionK >0 to the LMI implies that for all u L2


y(t)dt _ ( 2 _)


< 2


u(t)dt = 2_u_22
Proposition 2.22 then yields that _G_ < as desired.
Interpretation 2.25 We can compute the smallest possible upperbound of the L2-induced gain of
the system (which is the H norm of the transfer function) by minimizing > 0 over all variables
andK >0 that satisfy the LMI (2.3.2).

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