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Evento importante

Los inicios de Internet nos remontan a los aos 60. En plena guerra fra, Estados Unidos
crea una red exclusivamente militar, con el objetivo de que, en el hipottico caso de un
ataque ruso, se pudiera tener acceso a la informacin militar desde cualquier punto del
Esta red se cre en 1969 y se llam ARPANET. En principio, la red contaba con 4
ordenadores distribuidos entre distintas universidades del pas. Dos aos despus, ya
contaba con unos 40 ordenadores conectados. Tanto fue el crecimiento de la red que su
sistema de comunicacin se qued obsoleto. Entonces dos investigadores crearon el
Protocolo TCP/IP.
Internet tiene un impacto profundo en el mundo laboral, el ocio y el conocimiento a
nivel mundial. Gracias a la web, millones de personas tienen acceso fcil e inmediato a
una cantidad extensa y diversa de informacin en lnea. Este nuevo medio de
comunicacin logr romper las barreras fsicas entre regiones remotas, sin embargo el
idioma contina siendo una dificultad importante.
Una excusa que us cuando estaba en los primeros aos del colegio fue que mi to se
muri, y esa excusa la utilice para faltar a clases e ir a jugar play station con mis
amigos. Falte todo el da a clases.
Otra excusa que utilice en el colegio es decir que me senta enfermo, as me quede en la
casa todo el da acostado descansando, viendo televisin y escuchando msica.
Es aconsejable no hacer un hbito de esto, a menos que no te preocupen tus
calificaciones y ests dispuesto a aceptar las consecuencias negativas de descuidar tus
Situacin hipottica
Si yo no hubiera decidido estudiar en la universidad, yo estara en el exterior trabajando.
Si yo no hubiera dejado de estudias por 18 meses, yo ya tendra mi ttulo de ingeniero y
estara trabajando.
Si yo hubiera escuchado a mi padre, yo hubiera aprendido a jugar futbol en una escuela
Propsito de la accin
l est buscando un trabajo a tiempo parcial para ahorrar un poco de dinero de bolsillo y
ahorrar para su boda

Mi hermana ejerce regularmente para no engordar, adems lleva una dieta de verduras y
Yo estoy estudiando mucho para poder terminar mi carrera y poder graduarme, para
poder casarme y tener una familia.
Important Event
The beginnings of Internet take us back to the 60s during the Cold War, the United
States created an exclusively military network, with the objetive that in the unlikely
event of a Russian attack, he could have access to military information from anywhere
from the country.
This network was created in 1969 and was called ARPANET. In principle, the network
had 4 computers distributed among different universities. Two years later, he had about
40 computers. Such was the growth of the network communication system became
obsolete. Then two researchers created the TCP / IP Protocol.
Internet has a profound impact on the world of work, leisure and knowledge worldwide.
Thanks to the Web, millions of people have easy and immediate access to a vast and
diverse amount of online information. This new media managed to break the physical
barriers between remote regions, but the language remains a major challenge.
An regrets that I used when I was in the first years of school was that my uncle died,
and the use that excuse to skip classes and go play Play station with my friends. Missing
classes all day.
Another regrets that you use in school is that I was sick, so I stay home all day lying
resting, watching TV and listening to music.
It is advisable not to make a habit of this, unless you do not care about your grades and
are willing to accept the negative consequences of neglecting your studies.
Hypothetical situation in the past
If I had not decided to study at university, I would be working abroad.
If I had not stopped studying for 18 months, I already have my degree in engineering
and would be working.
If I had listened to my father, I had learned to play football at a vocational school.
Reasons for success
Purpose of action

He is looking for a part time job to save some pocket money and save for your wedding
My sister exercises regularly to prevent weight gain also carries a diet of vegetables and
I am studying hard to finish my career and to graduate, to marry and have a family

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