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A Brief History of Orgone Research

In the 1930's and 1940's, Dr. Wilhelm Reich was able to detect and measure the existence of etheric
energy (life energy, chi, etc.), which he called orgone, using a modified geiger counter.
Dr. Reich determined that stacking alternating layers of fiberglass (an organic substance) and steel wool (an
inorganic substance) would actually attract and collect orgone/etheric energy of both the life-beneficial
positive form (which Reich called "OR" or "POR") and harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly orgone" or
He constructed large boxes
called orgone
accumulators or "oracs"
using this simple layering
principle and was able to
successfully heal his patients
of various ailments, including
various forms of cancer, by
having them sit inside the
box for periods of time.
In 1986, scientists at the
University of Marburg,
Germany published the
results of a blind study1 which
showed that 30-minute
orgone accumulator
treatments caused
consistent, positive psychophysiological effects not seen
with the all-fiberglass box
used for a control, stating
"the results received in our
investigation furnish evidence
for the assumption that the
physical properties of the
orgone accumulator and its
psychophysiological efficacy
on human organisms, postulated by Reich and his associates, factually exist."
Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960's by more open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr.
Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983), who also scientifically proved that such unseen energies indeed exist all around
us, and who's Reich-inspired work led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military defense
applications which utilized principles of so-called "torsion fields" (e.g., etheric energy). Kozyrev's work, which
indeed confirms both Reich's research and our empirical experiences with orgonite, was classified until the
fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D.-level researchers from both sides of the Iron Curtain
spanning multiple generations have continued Kozyrev and Reich's pioneering work, slowly forcing
mainstream Western science to finally, "officially recognize" the concept of a universal, unseen energy
medium they call "dark matter," "vacuum flux" or "zero-point energy," depending on who you ask. It is
commonly understood among orgonite enthusiasts that these are all essentially describing the same thing,
which Reich called "orgone".

The Advancements of Orgonite

Reich built his research lab, dubbed Orgonon, in rural Maine, USA, as this location was at the time very
isolated from sources of "deadly orgone," which his accumulators would collect indiscriminantly. Operating an
orgone accumulator near sources of DOR (such as nuclear power plants, radio towers, etc.) has the potential
of harming anyone receiving treatment inside it, so geographical location was and is an important factor for
orgone accumulator operation.
In 2000, a couple named Don and Carol Croft discovered through some Internet research and empirical
observation that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings, poured into small
molds such as paper cups and muffin pans, would produce a substance which would attract etheric energy
similarly to Reich's accumulators.
Carol Croft, gifted with a keen sense
of discrete energies, realized the
significance of this finding and took it
a step further by adding small quartz
crystals to the mixture for their
ability to efficiently collect,
transmute and emit etheric energy.
This addition to the resin/metal
matrix creates a substance which
functions as a self-driven,
continuously-operating, highly
efficient DORPOR (negative to
positive) energy transmutation

which are totally defenseless against the effect.

When orgonite is within range of a

source of DOR/negative energy, it
will efficiently and continuously
transform it into POR/positive energy
as it is being transmitted, which
essentially creates positive energy
transmitters out of any and all
emitters of harmful negative energy,

The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside
which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized
electrically. It is believed this is also what causes the orgonite to function so effectively as a positive energy
Thus orgonite represents a very significant improvement over Reich's early work with orgone accumulators,
since Reich's "oracs" attract deadly orgone energy as well as positive and do nothing to transmute it into a
purely beneficial form, which orgonite does inherently and continuously.
Within a year of this development, Don began publishing reports of his and his wife's experiences in, among
other things, the tactical deployment of small pieces of orgonite near any and all sources of DOR, or lifenegative energy, such as cellphone towers, nuclear power plants, underground bases and natural Earth
energy gridlines and vorticies. Don included in his reports the specific life-positive, cleansing, healing,
confirming effects they would notice following such "gifting" activities, causing Don to strongly encourage his
readers to replicate his efforts in their own communities.

Cloudbusting: Then and Now

In addition to his effective health treatments, Dr. Wilhelm Reich also utilized
his advanced knowledge of discrete energies to build and successfully test a
weather modification device called a "cloudbuster", which operated on the
principle that clouds are held together by orgone energy, and removing this
energy causes clouds to rapidly disintegrate. Reich developed a superior
weather prediction model which took into account the otherwise-ignored
etheric component of our weather and produced more accurate weather
predictions than the popular and incomplete "pressure system" model.
Reich's cloudbuster consisted of a set of turret-mounted metal pipes
connected by rubber tubing to a body of water for energetic grounding which
would dissipate clouds by draining the orgone energy holding them together
and, with careful and time-consuming effort, significantly alter overall
weather patterns, in some cases intentionally causing the complete reversal
of drought conditions in the desert in a matter of months.
Reich's design was proven very effective as intended, but could also be very
dangerous if mis-handled. Large amounts of DOR
accumulate in the pipes during operation, and even
momentary contact with bare skin has caused some operators everything from intense
pain to long-term paralysis, simply from brushing past the pipes with a bare leg.
Don Croft has invented a more advanced, effective and safer version of Reich's
cloudbuster called a chembuster which combines the original cloudbuster's basic
operating principles with the advantages of orgonite.
A typical chembuster consists of 6 six-foot copper pipes embedded in a base of orgonite
(typically poured in a paint bucket) with double-terminated quartz crystals in the
base of each pipe to create an etheric energy vacuum effect which literally sucks the
negative energy from the sky within a several mile radius into the orgonite base where it
is then transmuted into harmless, beneficial positive energy. Unlike Reich's cloudbusters,
chembusters can be safely left in continuous operation where they will quickly restore
and maintain atmospheric energy balance within an area. In drought-stricken regions of
the globe, this always occurs in the form of rain sufficient to end the drought conditions.
This has been successfully demonstrated in variuos parts of Africa, California and in many
other locations around the world by various dedicated individuals.
The infallibly-beneficial nature of orgonite eliminates the need for special training, safety precautions, or
rigorous effort to operate a chembuster, since it simply transmutes any negative energy it attracts from the
atmosphere while the rest of the device functions as an etheric vortex generator, actively balancing the
energy between sky and ground, eliminating smog/air pollution and negatively-charged artificial cloud
formations called "chemtrails", replacing their spreading blanket of poisonous DOR clouds with the deep
blue skies and puffy white natural clouds we all remember from childhood.
Detailed instructions for building your own chembuster (which costs about $150 USD using all new materials)
can be found in our section on How to Make Orgonite.

The Orgonite Gifting Movement

It has been the experience of many chembuster enthusiasts that the widespread
deployment of digital cellular communications towers across the populated areas of
the world in the last several years has created a thick blanket of DOR/negative
energy which saturates our homes and communities, promotes drought, negativity,
fear, etc., and significantly hinders chembuster operation (among many other
detrimental effects).
However, it has been widely experienced that these negative effects can be disabled
and chembusters can be made to start working properly again simply by tossing or
burying small muffin-sized chunks of orgonite called TowerBusters (TB's) near all
the cellphone towers in their area, an increasingly-popular activity which has become
known as "gifting", and is conducted literally all over the world now by thousands of
selfless and highly-dedicated individuals and Internet-organized groups.
This site is intended to provide a basic, accurate, efficient introduction to orgonite for
those interested in learning more about it. If you wish to perform further research,
we have a comprehensive list of informational resources in our Further Reading section.
The positive, self-empowering effects of working with orgonite quickly become obvious to those who choose
to make and use it. If you are interested in seeking your own confirmations of it's effectiveness, please visit
our section on How to Make Orgonite to find out how you can begin to improve the energy and create real
beneficial changes in your home and community.

How to Make Orgonite

Basic orgonite is simply fiberglass resin, metal shavings and a quartz crystal, cured in any mold you like.
There's no one "right" shape or size for orgonite, and its range of effect seems to scale linearly with volume,
but there are specific, time-tested, widely-used and repeatedly-confirmed effective designs for both personal
and field devices which have grown and continue to grow out of the steadfast work of talented and dedicated
gifters from around the world. These designs comprise the basic tools of the orgonite gifter as discussed on
numerous orgonite Web boards and offered pre-made by many reputable orgonite vendors.

What You'll Need

Metal Shavings: You don't want fine metal filings, nor do you want
large pieces of metal. Quarter-inch-wide aluminum curls are very
common and very effective for use in orgonite, but any kind of copper,
iron, brass (including brassed aluminum), bronze, nickel or even steel
shavings will work fine. Just bring a bucket and some work gloves to a
local machine shop and ask them if you can fill your bucket with metal
shavings. Before giving them to you for free, they will probably ask you
what it's for (typically more out of curiosity than anything), so why not
tell them? If you don't feel comfortable explaining orgonite to them,
simply tell them about this site, or give them the simplest honest
answer you can, such as a "public service," "art
project," or even "science experiement". However, you may be surprised what people will
understand if you take the time to explain it meaningfully and from the heart.
Quartz Crystals: Any funky, ugly, smokey pieces of quartz
will work perfectly for orgonite field devices. You can usually
find this grade of quartz crystal very inexpensively at most
decent gem and mineral shops, or you can buy quartz online from orgoniteaware vendors at appropriate sizes and grades.
Fiberglass/Epoxy Resin: The most expensive component of orgonite, typically
retailing for US$18-$25/gallon at marine supply stores and hardware stores. Any
kind of organic resin will work fine, but liquid resin (as opposed to "body fill"
paste) has been found to be easiest to work with for creating orgonite. Resin
requires a chemical additive called a hardener, typically included if purchased by
the gallon, in order to catalyze the curing (hardening) process, which may take
from mere hours in hot, arid weather to multiple days in wet, cold weather.
Molds: This depends on the specific type of orgonite device you wish to create,
but any mold which can withstand boiling temperatures should work fine. Avoid
plastics unless they are oven-safe, as the chemical reaction which occurs during
the catalyzation process heats the resin to temperatures which can easily melt normal plastics. Generally,
metal molds seem to work best for most purposes, but cheap field devices can also be made from large
paper bathroom cups or paper sno-cone cups. Use your imagination!
Other Stuff: You will want a mixing container such as a bucket (preferably with a pouring lip), a wooden
stirring stick, some old rags or paper towels for splashes and spills, and a large, flat surface for leaving the
orgonite to cure.
Safety: Organic resins emit toxic fumes before and during the curing process, so working in a well-ventilated
area such as a backyard or porch/deck is ideal. You may also want to use protective gloves and wear clothing
you don't mind getting catalyzed resin splashed on, as it will go everywhere, especially your first few times
pouring. Putting down a tarp first can help tremendously with cleanup, as the hardened resin should pop
right off the tarp.

Common Orgonite Designs

TowerBusters (TB's)
Holy Handgrenades (HHg's)
EarthPipes (EP's)
ChemBusters (CB's)

How to Make "Chembusters" (CB's)

From Don Croft & Ken Adachi's "Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies!" on

What Is a Chembuster?
History of the Cloudbuster
The Wilhelm Reich Cloudbuster was well known for its ability to create rain. But a problem existed with its
continued use, in that the deadly orgone energy that it absorbed could in fact hurt the operator if it was not
correctly "drained off". This "draining off" of deadly orgone energy was accomplished by 1. Connecting the
Cloudbuster to a body of running water (difficult) or 2. Connecting the Cloudbuster output to an orgone
accumulator. However, the orgone accumulator would soon become saturated with the deadly orgone energy
which in turn caused more problems for the operator. So the Cloudbuster, as good a technology as it is, has
lain dormant for many years.
The Cloudbuster Re-Invented
By utilizing the research of Wilhelm Reich, we have created a cheap, portable and easy-to-build device that
consistently destroys Chemtrails and heals the
atmosphere. The Chembuster is the answer to these
ongoing attacks. Unlike the original Cloudbuster, the CB
changes the deadly orgone energy to good orgone
energy and does NOT become saturated or dangerous to
the operator. You can build one for about $150.
Join The Battle - Now!
It is human nature to sit on the sidelines and think that
one person cannot change the things that are happening
to our country. You now have no excuse for inaction. For
a few dollars and a few hours of your time YOU can
make a difference.
A properly constructed CB unit should be able to greatly
reduce the effects of chemtrails for about 45 miles in all
directions (90 mile diameter) from the unit. If used with
Slim Spurlings environmental tools, and a few extra
crystals, the diameter can be increased to about 120
miles in all directions.
With this device a mere few hundred concerned citizens
can SHUT DOWN the multi-billion dollar chemtrail
program. The Chembuster cannot do any damage. It can
only help and heal. Its up to you to join the fight to save
Chembuster Construction Details

Chembuster Materials

Set pipes in bottom spacer

Middle Plywood Spacer

BUCKET: Base: 9" in dia., 9" deep. I use two-gallon plastic buckets from the Home Depot paint department,
but two-gallon food buckets, available from restaurants, or two-gallon spackle buckets from drywall
contractors are fine. Leave the buckets on, as the handles make it easier to move the finished Chembuster.
COPPER PIPES: Six standard Type M, 1" copper pipes, 6' long, open at one end, the capped ends submerged
to within an inch or so of the bottom of the bucket before casting. For portability and shipping, you can use
12 sections of pipe in the base, adding five-foot lengths by putting couplers between the 12 and five-foot
pieces. You wont need to buy as much copper pipe this way, too.
CRYSTALS: I glued a double-terminated (two pointed ends) quartz crystal, about 2" long, into a .75 section
of garden hose, (or use electrical tape) then, glue to the inside of each of the six copper end caps, pointing in
the same direction as the pipe will be after the cap is glued on. I use 'Goop' glue. Tape, or solder around the
cap where it joins the pipe to prevent resin from leaking into the cap during casting. (Note) Another option
is to add one citrine gemstone to each pipe before adding the crystal, this smoothes the CBs energy and
helps to transmute negative energies. However, citrine does not seem to make the CB any more effective at
eliminating chemtrails.
METAL PARTICLES: Get some metal particles from a machine shop, recycling yard or a place where they saw
a lot of aluminum (sign shops and aluminum fabrication shops are good places to look). I use aluminum for
weight considerations, but ANY metal will do. Very fine particles (such as filings from a key-making machine)
arent quite as good as ones that will easily go through a screen are okay. There really is a wide margin
of suitability!
PLYWOOD: Template 1 - 3/4 exterior plywood is used to make the base for the copper endcaps/pipes. I
arrange the six pipes evenly around a 2 1/2 radius circle, which makes the pipes 2 1/2 apart on centers. A
flat, 1 1/4 auger bit drills a suitable hole for each end cap.
Template 2 - Make another piece to fit inside the rim of the bucket. Remember to cut a section away so you
can fit your fingers under it to remove it from the bucket. This piece is not part of the finished CB, just used
to get the spacing for the pipes right during construction. Cut the holes in this with a 1 1/8 flat bit so that it
will fit well over the six pipes. This piece will hold the pipes in position while the second batch of resin
Template 3 - I make a circular plywood spacer for the top ends of the pipes, 4 radius with 1 1/8 holes on
the same 2 1/2 radius circles for the pipe ends. This keeps the pipes parallel with each other and fairly rigid.

Not to scale Widest circle is 9 1/8

RESIN: I use polyester resin (used to build fiberglass boats), but epoxy also works, as does Envirotech resin
from (this sets up very quickly, so you need to be proficient with it). If you are going to
construct many of these units, try to purchase your resin in 5 gallon buckets over the internet, possibly from
a surfboard or boat manufacturing supply company. Home Depot gets $24 per gallon for resin.
On a level surface, pour an inch or so of catalyzed resin into the bottom of the bucket and stir in metal
particles until the surface is uniform and flat. CAUTION: Resin fumes are flammable; use in a warm, but well
ventilated area.
The ratio that seems to work is approx. one part resin to one part metal particles (equal volume of resin to
metal particles). Put the base Template 1 onto that before it hardens, so that it just touches the surface and
doesn't sink in much. Pour a half gallon of catalyzed resin into the bucket after the six pipes are set into the
holes in the base template. Use the dowel to stir in handfuls of metal particles in the same ratio as before.
Note that the wood Template 1 should not be pushed down to the bottom of the bucket with the resin
squishing over the top.

Carefully move the Template 2 down on to the six pipes until it is snugly within the rim of the bucket. Put the
top Template 3 onto the top of the pipes and move them until the pipes are parallel. After the resin has
hardened, remove the second template and set it aside. This is only used during construction, as I
You can finish off putting the resin/metal mixture in now in two stages if you want, up to within a half inch of
the rim of the bucket. Now its finished (wait until it hardens before you move it. You will actually use about
one gallon of metal shavings and 1 gal. of resin.
Cut six pipes, 12" long, and put the crystals/endcaps on them for the base. Buy six coupler joints which allow
a pipe to come into them from both directions and stop at the middle. This allows you to make the rest of the
pipe assembly from three pipes, 10' long, cut in half. The finished product leaves you with only one piece of
pipe, four feet long leftover.
When positioning the 12" pipes for pouring the second layer of mix, temporarily tape the top ends of the 12"
pipes so no metal particles are dropped in them by mistake.
After the mix is made, take off the tape and push the rim plywood piece down onto the pipes so that it fits
into the rim of the bucket.
Put the spacers (soldered if desired), then the 5' pipes onto the 12" base pipes, then put the third (top)
plywood piece onto the 5 copper pipes.
The pipes will look skewed, most likely, so just twist the top plywood piece around until the pipes line up
parallel. As you do that, the rim plywood piece will move around. You need to do this expeditiously, though
not in a hurry, so that the resin doesn't harden before you're done.
We experimented with 5' extensions to the pipes to increase the range. It had a strong effect on the moon
and on the upper atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. We also apparently shut down the weather
warfare facility under Homestead Air Force Base by leaving the extended Chembuster pointing at the dead
orgone field above it for a week.
We found that we don't need to point it in any particular direction in order to clear the atmosphere of bad
orgone, and the longer it's left standing, the nicer it feels for a longer distance from the Chembuster (many
miles). We just stand it on its bottom, pointing straight up. We did once eliminate a belt of smog, which was
just off the coast by aiming at it for a few minutes, so direction can be a factor.
Chembusters destroy chemtrails consistently. It may take a few days for your Chembuster to activate the
environment enough to do this, but after that point the spew will disappear within seconds of leaving the UN
jets and dissipated trails that drift within range of the Chembuster will also disperse, but more slowly. The
ones that are made up of solids take longer to dissipate, but weve found that these only make up about
10% or so of the spewing episodes.
Dr. Reichs Cloudbusters were extremely dangerous when in operation since he had no orgone generator
attached to them. Bad orgone does carry a charge which can quickly drain ones life force away when its
concentrated in one spot. It's similar to a strong positively charges static electrical field. When cloud cover is
unproductive or unbalanced (too much lightning, for instance, or too much rain) the Chembuster busts it up.
It also may help stop drought. Overall, it just balances the weather, I think it sort of mediates between the
ground and the atmosphere somehow. The one in Namibia, Africa finally brought heavy rain to the desert
there. It happened 9/5/01, and continued for several days. Gert, the fellow who made the Chembuster and
reported the occurrence ( ), told me that this
had simply never happened in the Namib desert before to the best of anyone's knowledge. It's arguably the
driest region on the planet.
WARNING: If you touch the pipes when theyre drawing in strong unbalanced or dead orgone and dont put
your hand on the base after that, you may experience headaches, even into the next day, as a friend of ours
did recently.
Mind you that our efforts, though somewhat pioneering, should be seen mainly as a springboard for further
developments rather than the last word.
SUGGESTION: If you want even more rain, try putting water on top of the material in the bucket and/or
hosing down the whole apparatus daily. In freezing climates, cover the top of the six pipes with mini
umbrellas so water cant freeze and shatter the crystals. The CB appears to effect chemtrails equally well
whether its placed indoors or out. Up to seven crystals can be placed in each pipe to improve performance.

How to Make Orgonite "Holy Handgrenades" (HHg's)

From Don Croft's Gifting Compendium:
1. Fold a piece of typing paper twice and then open it into a cone shape.
Tape the overlap and underlap with masking tape to help it hold its shape.
2. After you've shaped it into a cone, put the opened cone upside down in
a paper cup.
3. We cut a 26" length of 18 gauge copper wire and form it into a
clockwise cone spiral (it resembles the tip of a big screw) so that it fits
loosely inside the paper cone. You can make it pretty rough or get one of
Christy Murphy's nifty conespiral bending forms from Quebec Orgone.
Orgone simply loves to run along and thru curved, orderly pathways. 26 works well for us but there's no
specific reason for the length except [Don's psychic wife] Carol likes it. We haven't seen any evidence that
'lost cubits' or other specific measures are relevant to this work, by the
4. Put a big pinch of metal particles into the pointy end of the cone, right
on top of the little end of the copper spiral. I like to use BBs (small,
copper or zinc-coated ball bearings that American kids shoot from air
rifles) for the tips of my HHgs but they're very heavy and expensive if
you're making a lot of HHgs and TBs. The spherical form and also the
plated zinc and copper over steel provide some pretty dynamic energy
qualities but any meta waste from a machine shop is more than sufficient.
5. Shove a fat xtal (my abbreviation for 'crystal'), point down, into the
metal so that it's standing up, then put a little more metal in to hold it in
place. I use very cheap, funky-looking crystals for this which have one distinct end. Any form of quartz works
fine, by the way, for any of the items mentioned in this document - amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, etc. Save
the nice ones for personal devices, though, if you feel inclined to experiment with the dynamics of
gemstones. For an HHg I'll use anything that's at least an inch long and a half inch thick with one distinct
point. Gladys puts plenty of these in her 'per pound' orders, along with the towerbuster crystals.
6. Now pour enough catalyzed resin in to saturate the metal. If your metal particles are too fine for the resin
to pour thru before it hardens, mix the stuff before you put it in the inverted cone - don't learn this the hard
way, as I did (and still do ;-)! The level of resin and the level of metal after it's saturated needs to be about
the same, otherwise you're wasting some resin. It's better to have metal sticking out of the bottom of the
finished product than to have less metal than resin. It's the metal that does the work, apparently; the resin
is the matrix.
7. We add a bit of garnets, hematite and crushed pyrite to the orgonite, sometimes; it's an optional process
for this device but this is a tried and true combination of minerals for enhancing and grounding the effects of
the material. If you've got a talent for this process, add whatever you like. If you don't have a feel for it, be
aware that the improper combination of elements will reduce the effectiveness of your devices. There are
books that can teach you the properties of gemstones and minerals and these properties are greatly
enhanced by orgonite. My favorite, because it's based on a combination of intuitition and empirical testing, is
Michael Gienger's CRYSTAL POWER, CRYSTAL HEALING. I don't personally care much for channeled literature
because there's no science behind it. Science and spirituality are inseparable, in my opinion. Leaving one or
the other out of our personal life leaves us either materialistic or superstitious but when they're in harmony,
we're empowered and intelligent.
8. Fill to the brim, in stages if necessary, with orgonite and when it's hard, it's finished. You can leave the
paper on or peel it off. I leave the paper on and sometimes paint them green and brown with spraypaint if I
won't be burying it and you'd be surprised how hard it is to see a camouflaged HHg once it's been put in a
bush or other hiding place.
Notice that I'm not putting any additional crystals in the mix as we'd advised in earlier instructions. I simply
found that using one bulky xtal in the point makes the other ones extraneous. I think the coil is important in
this case. Save the fancy efforts for your personal devices.

How to Make New Orgone Devices

Part 1, 9-28-2005
By: Ryan McGinty
This is an essay explaining basic techniques I have used for creating
new Orgone Generating devices. It will cover; brief introduction to Orgone,
sensing the stones with noticing which chakra the stone activates, getting to
know the stones, how to find positive and negative charges, using a pendulum
to find energy balances or imbalances, using your hands to find the direction
or energy.
Disclaimer: This essay is for educational purposes only. By creating your own
Orgone devices you are responsible for own devices. You must test your device
to see whether it works the way you want it to. Not doing so my cause you or
others harm. If you do not know how your body reacts to energies then I
suggest building devices that are tried and true, such as: Towerbuster, Holy
Hand Grenade, Earth Pipe or Cloudbuster. Once you start to notice the subtle
energies at play and how your body reacts then begin experimenting building
your own devices.
Part 1: Brief Introduction to Orgone.
Orgone is a name given by Wilhelm Reich for vital health or life energy.
Orgone also is the same energy know as Chi or Prana from Eastern cultures.
To read more about orgone click here:
D.B. explains, Orgone or etheric energy is a type of solar fire, one of three
primary force energies in existence, the other two being fire by friction and
electrical fire, known as electricity. Prana is solar fire. It comes directly from
the sun, and is softened for humans by the so-called, Van Allen Belt. Orgone
often, and esp as emitted by orgone devices, will appear as heat waves:
ripples of clear, fiery energy that burns brightly, but does not consume
matter. Understand? Orgone devices are based upon Solar Fire, and affect
only those things and such (humans are based upon this form of fire). The
combination of electricity with orgone devices might allow the energy to effect
electrical systems.




There are three different types of Orgone devices, Accumulators,

Generators and Interactive. Don Croft states, Orgone Accumulators draw in
and concentrate orgone and send it back out again. When they draw in
unbalanced orgone, they send it back out as unbalanced orgone, so one
needs to use them in a place where there is more good orgone than the bad
stuff. Orgone Generator is a term Im using advisedly, of course, since all
things are generated from orgone. In fact, these devices primarily draw in
unbalanced orgone, revitalize it, and send it back out again. Interactive
orgone devices are devices which a person or operator must be in contact with
in order for the device to operate. Interactive orgone device uses a persons
thought form then amplifies it with orgone. Radionics is a good example of an
Interactive Orgone device.
Wilhelm Reich created Accumulators; Karl Welz created the first basic
Orgone Generator and Interactive devices; Don and Carol Croft created a
better Orgone Generator by adding crystals, gems and stones. When adding
stones to an Orgone generating device it begins to operate by itself without the
addition of electricity or operator. This is helpful because you can create a
generator and it will keep working on its own.
Orgone generating devises are composed of half metal and half organic
(epoxy or resin) material mixed with stones, gems or crystals used to direct
the energy and add their energetic characteristics. On some occasion oils,
herbs and dye colors have been used to add their properties. Orgone devices

take the properties of orgone and added material magnifying them into the
environment. Don and Carol Croft were the first to place a crystal in metal and
organic matrix then provide proof how effective Orgone Generators can really
be. To read more about is experiences click here:
Part 2: Sensing the energy of the stones.
Knowing a stones basic properties is a necessity when creating a new
device. Two good books on their properties are; Love Is In The Earth, by:
Melody and Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, by: Michael Gienger. Melody
uses a more spiritual tone while Gienger used a scientific method, both giving
you a good balance on either side. Once you become familiar with stones you
will be able to pick up a new stone and; tell if its emitting or absorbing, what
part of your body is being activated, is it lower or higher vibration just by
listening to your bodys reactions.

The properties of stones are based on historical evidence, personal

experiences, mythological and metaphysical. The metaphysical properties
cover an area called the chakras. When Prana enters the body it is broken into
seven parts. Each part of broken down Prana has its own unique color and
characteristic. Prana has seven points of entry into the physical body called
chakras. The seven chakras transmit the broken down Prana to where the
energy is needed to maintain health. The seven locations are: base of spine,
just bellow the belly button, Solar Plexus, heart, throat, brow and 18 inches or
so above the top of the head. Certain colors represent each chakra and broken
down Prana. Red: base of spine, Orange: near the belly button, Yellow: Solar
Plexus, Green and Pink: heart, Blue: throat, Indigo: brow, Violet and White:
above the head. Get to know these centers well because they will come in
handy when noticing a stones reaction to your body and quickly figuring out a
stones characteristics. To read more about the chakras click here: or read Cyndi
Dales: New Chakra Healing, for a great intro and overall chakra info; A.E.
Powells: Etheric Double, for specific chakra and Prana workings.









Seven Chakra General Information

Above the head. Higher self, divine awareness,
spiritual, understanding path and
Vision, visualization and insight.
Linked to clairvoyance.
Truth, Wisdom, Responsibility,
verbal expression, receiving info
from hearing or reading. Linked to
Love, healing, compassion,
relationships. Energy type: Etheric,
Solar Plexus






Base of spine.

Power, judgments, discernment,

understanding thoughts and ideas,
Energy type: mental, thought and
Feelings, creativity and expressing
them through the appropriate
physical outlet: laughing, crying,
Empathy for self and others. Female
Source of: passion, primal feelings,
aggression, terror, survival, will to
live and material energy for
achieving life purpose. Male

Info from: Cyndi Dale. New Chakra Healing, MN: Llewellyn Publications,
Colors and their meanings are a must know when building a device.
Stones and objects the same color as a chakra activate that chakra because of
similar color vibration. For great info on color, meanings and usages read:
Charles Klotsche. Color Medicine, AZ: Light Technology Publishing
Here is a basic on color meanings:




Sexual, vitality,
aggression, passion

Power, energy,
hot, danger, stop,

Light Properties
Stimulant, increases
endurance and muscle,
physical strength,
improves circulation.

Orange Emotion, Health,

Warm, energy
sociability, openness

Produces life energy that

radiates through the
body. Releases trapped or
blocked energy.


Intellect, learning,
attracting attension

Optimism, hope,
caution, coward

Stimulates digestion and

lymphatic system, raises
lower energy thoughts.


Healing, balance,
caring, growth

Nature, healthy,
renewal, go, safe,

Tension reliever,
balances, builds cell and
tissue, healing, quieting.


Wisdom, perceptive,
loyalty, truth, trust,

order, cool, male


Spiritual awareness,


intuitive, teacher


Stimulates, calms and

clears thought processes
and intuitiveness,
strengthen aspiration and
Calms respiratory
system, reduces swelling,
improves emotional
states. Strengthens
purpose, ambition and
determination. Will
Healing energy neutralize
infection and promote
recovery then followed by
white to remove excess
violet. Relaxes muscles,
calms nerves and

metabolic processes.


Purity, perfection

precision, death


Love, compassion,


Healing missunderstandings and

cleavages, harmony, love
and goodwill.


Wisdom, intellect


Powerful protection, lifts

raises and eliminates that
which hinders .


Idealism, honest

Nourishing, sustaining
energy, promotes growth


Malice, Strongwilled, opinionated,

hatred, diseased,
lack of imagination,

Power, mystery,
fear, death,
modesty, sadness

ambition, down to

Earth, reliability,



Info from: Charles Klotsche. Color Medicine, AZ: Light Technology

Publishing. Two Disciples, The Rainbow Bridge, CA: The Triune Foundation,
Rainbow Bridge Productions. Color Wheel meaning link.
Increasing Sensitivity
One way of getting your body more sensitive is by holding a crystal in
one hand, pointing at your other hand's palm moving it clockwise over the
palm. After a minute begin to move the crystal back and forth from the palm.
You should notice a pulling or tugging sensation.

This second exercise will help you determine how large the energy field
is, if its emitting or absorbing energy. First lay the stone on the table out in
front of you. Second hold your open palm over the stone about two feet above.
Third begin to lower you palm closer toward the stone. Youll want to be
taking notice either the resistance/pressure or absorption/becomes easier
when lowering your palm. This will take several tries to notice. It feels like a

slight pressure being applied to your skin. Its very subtle at first until you
being to recognize it. The distance you first begin to notice it is usual the edge
of the energy field. People who first begin to notice the energy notice when the
energy field becomes stronger and a denser feeling. With practice youll notice
the subtle beginning energy field edge. A known absorbing stone is Selenite.
When you move your palm closer youll notice it becomes easier. Quartz has
emitting properties.
Now that you notice the emitting and absorbing energy from a crystal
its time to try the third exercise. Clasp a stone in your palm; relax your body
then notice which parts of your body are being excited, stimulated, notice the
mood and feelings. The point for this exercise is to listen to what your body is
telling you. One of the best guides is listening to what your own body tells you.
Feelings, emotions, reactions, sensations, etc This exercise can take the
longest to develop this skill. If you are busy minded or dont know your bodys
reaction then this may take some time. The trick to sensing energies is to
listen how your body reacts to nouns: persons, places, things, events,
substances or qualities. To help build trust in yourself create blind tests. An
example, have someone place the stone in a bag you cannot see into. Make
sure the person does not tell you which stone it is. Then hold the bag and take
note of the sensations. Remove the item and see if the sensations you noticed
matched when you could see the stone. By practicing blind tests like this youll
pick up on how different stones feel and begin to trust in what you feel.
If you find that using your hands to sense energy causes them to ache
or feel uncomfortable I suggest moving your consciousness around the stone
to sense the energy. To explain how this work for me I look at an area on the
stone then move my mind to that area. So where I look is where my mind is
concentrating. When I look away to the side of the stone Im listening to
feelings I get if I were holding the stone. When I dont notice the energy
feeling I know that is where the energy field ends. With practice you will be
able to tell if the energy is spinning a certain direction, if theres breaks in the
energy field and which way the energy is moving toward or away.
Once you notice how a crystal or gems feel its now time to see how
other items feel. What I find interesting is when you place your palm over a
flower. The flower emits a loving pleasant feeling, kind of a hidden reason we
give flowers for love.
Practice, practice, practice to build up your sensitivity. It builds
knowledge with experience using stones, gems, crystals and different objects.
It will also allow you to notice the orgone flame coming off different objects.
Developing sensitivity to stones takes time. Be patient, make it like a game to
keep from becoming frustrated if you do not notice anything immediately.
Part 3: Finding Positive and Negative Charges.

When I notice positive or negative charged energy from a device or

stone the placement of the feeling on my body and emotion lets me know what
type it is. (See Chakra Diagram) When I come into contact with positive
charged energy my upper body from the heart to above the head feels
activated or excited. The stronger the positive the higher on my body feels
excited. The strongest positive activates above my head feeling vibrant, tingly
with a pleasant happiness or loving feeling. When I come into contact with
negative charged energy my lower body from Solar Plexus to hips feels
activated. The more negative the lower on my body. The strongest negative
will make my body feel like its being pulled down; pain will begin in my head
then a feeling of the need to get away as quick as possible. Lower emotions
and thoughts will also appear.
Both positive and negative charged energy can have pleasant to
unpleasant feeling. An example is when positive energy feels too strong for
the body to handle and then becomes painful. Another example is when the
negative energy is subtle and feels relaxing or grounding.

In Richard Gordons, Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience

he explains that the human body has certain charges. The top of the head has
a positive charge, the bottom of the feet has a negative charge, the right side
has a positive charge and the left has a negative charge. These charges can be
confirmed from using sensitive voltage meters. Gordon mentions Dr.
Randolph Stone was one of the originators of modern polarity system in
western culture.
Here is an exercise to help identify positive and negative charges using
a single terminated crystal. The reason for using a single terminated for this
exercise because you know which end is positive and negative charged. First
get yourself a good size single terminated crystal thats at least three inches
long. Second hold the crystal between your thumb and fingers making sure the
ends are not pointing toward the palm you are holding it with. Third move
your other hands palm over the pointed crystal tip and take note of where you
feel the energy reacting on your body. Fourth flip the crystal around so the
broken end is facing your other hands palm. Take note of where you feel the
energy reacting on your body. There should be a difference when you flip the
crystal around. Do this several times to get a sense of what is going on. To
eliminate the possibility of the holding hand affecting what you sense place
the crystal on a table in front of you. Now move your palm in front of either
end pausing to take note where the energy is reacting on your body. Doublecheck the feeling by using a different single terminated crystal to test yourself.
If youre not noticing a reaction like a tingling sensation, pressure on the body
or a sensation either emotional or physical dont worry. Developing sensitivity
to stones takes time. Be patient, make it like a game to keep from becoming
frustrated if you do not notice anything immediately.
The safest way to check if a device is emitting positive or negative
charged energy is by putting your mind or consciousness on the object. This
will keep your body out of harms way and is also helpful in allowing you to
check out people, places and objects from a distance. The same chakra
activation and feelings occur for me.
You can also use a pendulum to find positive and negative charged
energy ends. First you must know how Yes and No answers are conveyed with
your pendulum. Ask the question then move the pendulum over the device.
The pendulum will help you learn the subtle energies once you recognize how
your body reacts with the answers the pendulum provides. The pendulum can
only give a Yes or No and counting answers. It is a basic tool. Once you have
developed your sensing abilities you will find the energy will be a lot more
complex than a Yes or No answer.


Here are two websites to learn more about dowsing: and
A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing. Remember to keep your elbows tucked
in tight to your side so no external or arm movement effect the sway.
Part 4: Finding and figuring out stones to use.
When creating a new device you must first figure out what resources
are available. Some of the stones mentioned in the books are rare and hard to
find. Choose stones that are accessible to you. You may need to make more
than one device to get it right. Check the local phone book for rock shops,
metaphysical stores or even science stores. Online venders are a great
resource too.
If you find a stone and your not sure what it is remember to test if its:
emitting or absorbing, take into account the color, the chakra activation, if its

positive or negative charged energy emitting and the emotions you feel while
handling it.
Now you know what is available, figure out what type of device you will
be making. Take also into consideration what part of the body the stone
activates. If a stone jumps out at you when handling it take note it just might
be a stone youll need for your creation. Remember black, gray, brown, red,
yellow and orange stones activate the three lower chakras. Green and pink
stones activate the heart. Blue to violet activate the higher chakras. Clear or
white stones can work on all chakras. Gold amplifies the affect of orgone
Clearing stones.
Once you have your stones youll need to clear them from any built up
negative charge they might of come into contact with. Here are four
techniques that you can use to clear them.
First: Incenses or Smudging.
Either hold or place the stone on a mesh to let the smoke drifter over.
As the smoke drifts over visualize the stone becoming clearer and negativity
floating away with the smoke. Continue as long as you feel is needed. Usually a
couple minutes clears the stone.
Second: Sea Salt Water.
Do not use this on stones that dissolve when placed in water or contain Iron.
Mix in a couple tablespoons of Sea Salt into a bowl of water. Place the stones
into water and let them set for a few days. When done dry.
Third: The Sun.
Place the stones in a bowl or plate preferably white or clear so color charging
does not affect the stones. Next set them out in the morning sun light thru to
evening. Bring them in at night and repeat the process if needed.
Fourth: Blessing with love.
Place the stones in your left palm facing up. Next place your right palm over
the top clasping the lower left palm. Now begin to activate the heart by
thinking of loved ones, family, friends etc You want to feel that love vibe
inside. Once you have it visualize it coming from your heart to your palms.
Make sure you keep the vibe going while visualizing going to the palms. This
will only take a minute or two for clearing. If you feel it needs more time then
repeat the process.
Use your hands sensitivity to see if they need more clearing time.
Laying out the stones.
Because there are so many possible combinations to laying out stones I
prefer to spread the stones out on the table before me allowing me to see how
the stones react before pouring.







When making the new device youll have to decide on the shape of the
device. Will the alignment be in a line, a two-dimensional flat layout or a
three-dimensional shape? An example of a line would be a wand. A plate, disk
or cross would be a two-dimensional. Finally a three-dimensional would be a
cone, sphere or any polygon form. You can also mix a multiple of the various
dimensions but this adds more complicity and you must really sense the
energy workings in order to know if your device is emitting safe positive
charged energy. It is advised you create simpler alignments then once familiar
with the stones and orgone progress from there.
Using a pendulum.
Lay the stones out before you on the ground in the alignment you think
will work best. Make sure the stone are spaced the same distance they will be
placed into the device. Next take a pendulum and slowly move it about 3 to 6
inches above the length of the configuration. The pendulum will show you
where the energy blockages are and where the energy flows properly. For me
this done by getting a YES (clockwise motion swing) and NO (back and forth
motion) this may be different for you. The NO motion of the pendulum lets
you know the energy has stopped or blocked. When you move the pendulum
over again you want to get a good YES answer over the whole thing. Every
time you move a stone around it changes the balance in the alignment.
By watching how strong the pendulum moves in a YES motion, either
faster or bigger you can tell which area is stronger. You may notice one end
will be stronger with energy flowing out.
Using your hands.

Using your hands is similar to the pendulum only you move your open
palm over the stone alignment. You will want to notice the subtle sensation of
the energy either pushing or pulling your palm. Youll be looking for an even
pushing feeling against your hand. The reason is energy blocks have a break in
energy so youll feel a dead spot or feel no resistance. When moving your hand
over again listen to your body if it has any uncomfortable feelings. Take note
of any uncomfortable places then rearrange the alignment so its a nice
pleasant pushing feeling.

End Part One, Continued with Part Two to be completed in a few

[back] Orgone generator tutorials

HOLY HANDGRENADE (approximately 12 fl oz) by Don Croft

1. Fold a piece of typing paper twice and then open it into a cone shape. Tape the
overlap and underlap with masking tape to help it hold its shape.
2. After you've shaped it into a cone, put the opened cone upside down in a paper cup.
3. We cut a 26" length of 18 gauge copper wire and form it into a clockwise cone
spiral (it resembles the tip of a big screw) so that it fits loosely inside the paper cone.
You can make it pretty rough or get one of Christy Murphy's nifty cone spiral bending
forms from Orgone simply loves to run along and thru
curved, orderly pathways. 26" works well for us but there's no specific reason for the
length except Carol likes it. We haven't seen any evidence that 'lost cubits' or other
specific measures are relevant to this work, by the way.

Christy coil forms available from
4. Put a big pinch of metal particles into the pointy end of the cone, right on top of the
little end of the copper spiral. I like to use BBs (small, copper or zinc-coated ball
bearings that American kids shoot from air rifles) for the tips of my HHgs but they're
very heavy and expensive if you're making a lot of HHgs and TBs. The spherical
form and also the plated zinc and copper over steel provide some pretty dynamic
energy qualities but any meta waste from a machine shop is more than sufficient.
5. Shove a fat xtal (my abbreviation for 'crystal'), point down, into the metal so that
it's standing up, then put a little more metal in to hold it in place. I use very cheap,
funky-looking crystals for this which have one distinct end. Any form of quartz works
fine, by the way, for any of the items mentioned in this document-amethyst, rose
quartz, citrine, etc. Save the nice ones for personal devices, though, if you feel
inclined to experiment with the dynamics of gemstones. For an HHg I'll use anything
that's at least an inch long and a half inch thick with one distinct point. Gladys puts
plenty of these in her 'per pound' orders, along with the towerbuster crystals.
6. Now pour enough catalyzed resin in to saturate the metal. If your metal particles
are too fine for the resin to pour thru before it hardens, mix the stuff before you put it
in the inverted cone-don't learn this the hard way, as I did (and still do ;-)! The level
of resin and the level of metal after it's saturated needs to be about the same,
otherwise you're wasting some resin. It's better to have metal sticking out of the
bottom of the finished product than to have less metal than resin. It's the metal that
does the work, apparently; the resin is the matrix.
7. We add a bit of garnets, hematite and crushed pyrite to the orgonite, sometimes; it's
an optional process for this device but this is a tried and true combination of minerals
for enhancing and grounding the effects of the material. If you've got a talent for this
process, add whatever you like. If you don't have a feel for it, be aware that the
improper combination of elements will reduce the effectiveness of your devices.
There are books that can teach you the properties of gemstones and minerals and these
properties are greatly enhanced by orgonite. My favorite, because it's based on a

combination of intuitition and empirical testing, is Michael Gienger's CRYSTAL

POWER, CRYSTAL HEALING. I don't personally care much for channeled
literature because there's no science behind it. Science and spirituality are inseparable,
in my opinion. Leaving one or the other out of our personal life leaves us either
materialistic or superstitious but when they're in harmony, we're
empowered and intelligent.
8. Fill to the brim, in stages if necessary, with orgonite and when it's hard, it's
finished. You can leave the paper on or peel it off. I leave the paper on and
sometimes paint them green and brown with spraypaint if I won't be burying it and
you'd be surprised how hard it is to see a camouflaged HHg once it's been put in a
bush or other hiding place.
9. Notice that I'm not putting any additional crystals in the mix as we'd advised in
earlier instructions. I simply found that using one bulky xtal in the point makes the
other ones extraneous. I think the coil is important in this case. Save the fancy efforts
for your personal devices


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