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Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

The aim of the question and answer manifesto was to provide detailed descriptions for each of our values
of action. These values of action were meant to be central organising principles which I hoped to use for
our own thoughts, so that they are in some kind of order. However, I found it extremely irritating going
back through all the pages just to look for one value of action. Due to this, I have created a compact
manifesto which has 8 pages. The main aim of this manifesto is to provide a quick reference for members on the tenets of the values of action of Azadidome. As a general rule of thumb, for every brochure
or pamphlet, you should generate some general question which your pamphlet is trying to answer or
solve. The question which looks like a subordinate of the general question

Our main values of action are

1. Peer-feedback and Criticism

2. Knowledge annexation
3. Protracted revolution
4. Science and technology
5. Efficiency
6. Work and innovation

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

1. Peer-feedback and Criticism

How can my comrades improve themselves? How could I
improve myself?
Criticism and Action
Internal Conflict
Good and Bad Habits

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

2. Knowledge annexation
How could I collect and connect facts and information
from different fields?
Knowledge Pyramid
Now Yourself
Infliction of knowledge
Environmetal Studies

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

3. Protracted revolution
How could I continuously make changes in the world and
within my organisation?
Right it Yourself
Eternal foors

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

4. Science and technology

How could I use both science and technology to my advantage?
Source Movement

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

5. Efficiency
How could I use both science and technology to my advantage?
Kraft Kamera Kite
Yolk of goals
Charts against
Hectic Hexagon
Ivy Ignorance Illusion
Number Shelling.

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

6. Work and innovation

How may I conduct the tasks of the organisation so that
my projects get completed in a shorter time period and

Group or not
group that is
the question
Incisive Web
Necessary Work
Enhanced Work

Azadidome Manifesto

July 2nd of 2015

provided to you by
Bringing you the truth
You may use any part of the brochure provided you cite that it comes from

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