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Latin text and English translation

Auctoritatae Ioannis Pauli PP. II Promulgatus

Datum Romae, die xxv Ianuarii, anno MCMLXXXIII
Original Latin text 1983 Libreria Editrice Vaticana
English translation 1983 The Canon Law Society Trust

The integration of the Latin and English canons

into a single text and formatting in Word 97 by

A Pinsent
Pontificio Collegio Scozzese
Via Cassia 481
00189 Roma
Tel: 06 3366 8075

Venerabile Collegio Inglese

Via di Monserrato, 45
I-00186 Roma
Tel: 06 68 68 546

Table of Canons










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The Code of Canon Law 1983 The Canon Law Society Trust

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Art. 1
Art. 2





Art. 1
Art. 2
Art. 3
Art. 1
Art. 2
Art. 3
Art. 4











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Art. 2


Art. 2 DE SANATIONE IN RADICE: ARTICLE 2 Retroactive Validation






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This document is intended as a private study aid for work on Canon Law. It is intended to combine the benefit of the authoritative
Latin text with the accessibility of an English translation on a canon-by-canon basis.
Please note that the original Latin text is 1983 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana and that the English translation is 1983 The Canon
Law Society Trust. The text here has been downloaded from the Internet for private use. It is not to be re-copied or sold on.

the term to describe a person when he or she is actually present in the place where he or she has a quasidomicile.

ferendae sententiae the term to describe one of the two forms of penalty, namely, that which is imposed by the judgement of a court
or by the decree of a Superior, when a person has been found guilty of an offence. (cf latae sententiae below.).

the term to describe a person when he or she is actually present in the place where he or she has a domicile.

inter vivos

the term to describe a legal arrangement whereby, during lifetime, a person at once transfers property to another
person or corporate body. (cf mortis causa below).

latae sententiae

the term to describe one of the two forms of penalty, namely, that which is automatically incurred on
committing an offence, without the intervention of a judge or Superior. (cf ferendae sententiae above.).


the term to describe the teaching authority of the Church.

mortis causa

the term to describe a legal arrangement made by a person during lifetime, whereby only after his or her death
property is transferred to another person or corporate body. (cf inter vivos above.)

motu proprio

the term to describe a rescript (cf can. 59 I) which grants a favour not on the request of a petitioner, but on the
sole initiative of the granting authority .


the term to describe a person when he or she is outside the place where he or she has a domicile or quasidomicile, while still retaining that domicile or quasi-domicile. The plural is peregrini.


the term to describe the body of priests who are dedicated to the service of a particular Church, under the
authority of the Bishop or other Superior equivalent to a Bishop.


the term to describe a person who has neither a domicile nor a quasi-domicile anywhere. The plural is vagi.
This version was printed 06/10/2001 05:19:00 PM

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The Code of Canon Law 1983 The Canon Law Society Trust

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Canones huius Codicis unam Ecclesiam latinam respiciunt.

The canons of this Code concern only the Latin Church.

Codex plerumque non definit ritus, qui in actionibus liturgicis celebrandis sunt servandi; quare leges liturgicae
hucusque vigentes vim suam retinent, nisi earum aliqua Codicis canonibus sit contraria.
For the most part the Code does not determine the rites to be observed in the celebration of liturgical actions.
Accordingly, liturgical laws which have been in effect hitherto retain their force, except those which may be contrary
to the canons of the Code.

Codicis canones initas ab Apostolica Sede cum nationibus aliisve societatibus politicis conventiones non abrogant neque
iis derogant; eadem idcirco perinde ac in praesens vigere pergent, contrariis huius Codicis praescriptis minime
The canons of the Code do not abrogate, nor do they derogate from, agreements entered into by the Apostolic See
with nations or other civil entities. For this reason, these agreements continue in force as hitherto, notwithstanding
any contrary provisions of this Code.

Iura quaesita, itemque privilegia quae, ab Apostolica Sede ad haec usque tempora personis sive physicis sive iuridicis
concessa, in usu sunt nec revocata, integra manent, nisi huius Codicis canonibus expresse revocentur.
Acquired rights, and likewise privileges hitherto granted by the Apostolic See to either physical or juridical persons,
which are still in use and have not been revoked, remain intact, unless they are expressly revoked by the canons of
this Code.

1 Vigentes in praesens contra horum praescripta canonum consuetudines sive universales sive particulares, quae ipsis
canonibus huius Codicis reprobantur, prorsus suppressae sunt, nec in posterum reviviscere sinantur; ceterae quoque
suppressae habeantur, nisi expresse Codice aliud caveatur, aut centenariae sint vel immemorabiles, quae quidem, si de
iudicio Ordinarii pro locorum ac personarum adiunctis submoveri nequeunt, tolerari possunt.
1 Universal or particular customs which have been in effect up to now but are contrary to the provisions of these
canons and are reprobated in the canons of this Code, are completely suppressed, and they may not be allowed to
revive in the future. Other contrary customs are also to be considered suppressed, unless the Code expressly
provides otherwise, or unless they are centennial or immemorial: these latter may be tolerated if the Ordinary
judges that, in the circumstances of place and person, they cannot be removed.
2 Consuetudines praeter ius hucusque vigentes, sive universales sive particulares, servantur.
2 Customs apart from the law, whether universal or particular, which have been in effect hitherto, are retained.

1 Hoc Codice vim obtinente, abrogantur:

1 When this Code comes into force, the following are abrogated:

"Codex Iuris Canonici" anno 1917 promulgatus;

the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1917;

aliae quoque leges, sive universales sive particulares, praescriptis huius Codicis contrariae, nisi de particularibus
aliud expresse caveatur;
other laws, whether universal or particular, which are contrary to the provisions of this Code, unless it is
otherwise expressly provided in respect of particular laws;

leges poenales quaelibet, sive universales sive particulares a Sede Apostolica latae, nisi in ipso hoc Codice
all penal laws enacted by the Apostolic See, whether universal or particular, unless they are resumed in this
Code itself;

ceterae quoque leges disciplinares universales materiam respicientes, quae hoc Codice ex integro ordinatur.
any other universal disciplinary laws concerning matters which are integrally reordered by this Code.

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2. Canones huius Codicis, quatenus ius vetus referunt, aestimandi sunt ratione etiam canonicae traditionis habita.
2 To the extent that the canons of this Code reproduce the former law, they are to be assessed in the light also of
canonical tradition.



Lex instituitur cum promulgatur.

A law comes into being when it is promulgated.

1 Leges ecclesiasticae universales promulgantur per editionem in Actorum Apostolicae Sedis commentario officiali,
nisi in casibus particularibus alius promulgandi modus fuerit praescriptus, et vim suam exserunt tantum expletis
tribus mensibus a die qui Actorum numero appositus est, nisi ex natura rei illico ligent aut in ipsa lege brevior aut
longior vacatio specialiter et expresse fuerit statuta.
1 Universal ecclesiastical laws are promulgated by publication in the 'Acta Apostolicae Sedis', unless in particular
cases another manner of promulgation has been prescribed. They come into force only on the expiry of three
months from the date appearing on the particular issue of the 'Acta', unless because of the nature of the case they
bind at once, or unless a shorter or a longer interval has been specifically and expressly prescribed m the law itself.
2. Leges particulares promulgantur modo a legislatore determinato et obligare incipiunt post mensem a die
promulgationis, nisi alius terminus in ipsa lege statuatur.
Particular laws are promulgated in the manner determined by the legislator; they begin to oblige one month from
the date of promulgation, unless a different period is prescribed in the law itself.

Leges respiciunt futura, non praeterita, nisi nominatim in eisde praeteritis caveatur.
Laws concern matters of the future, not those of the past, unless provision is made in them for the latter by name.


Irritantes aut inhabilitantes eae tantum leges habendae sunt, quibus actum esse nullum aut inhabilem esse personam
expresse statuitur.
Only those laws are to be considered invalidating or incapacitating which expressly prescribe that an act is null or
that a person is incapable.


Legibus mere ecclesiasticis tenentur baptizati in Ecclesia catholica vel in eandem recepti, quique sufficienti rationis usu
gaudent et, nisi aliud iure expresse caveatur, septimum aetatis annum expleverunt.
Merely ecclesiastical laws bind those who were baptised in the catholic Church or received into it, and who have a
sufficient use of reason and, unless the law expressly provides otherwise, who have completed their seventh year of


1 Legibus universalibus tenentur ubique terrarum omnes pro quibus latae sunt.
1 Universal laws are binding everywhere on all those for whom they were enacted.
2. A legibus autem universalibus, quae in certo territorio non vigent, eximuntur omnes qui in eo territorio actu
2 All those actually present in a particular territory in which certain universal laws are not in force, are exempt
from those laws.
3. Legibus conditis pro peculiari territorio ii subiciuntur proquibus latae sunt, quique ibidem domicilium vel quasidomicilium habent et simul actu commorantur, firmo praescripto can. 13.
3 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 13, laws enacted for a particular territory bind those for whom they
were enacted and who have a domicile or quasi-domicile in that territory and are actually residing in it.


1 Leges particulares non praesumuntur personales, sed territoriales nisi aliud constet.
1 Particular laws are not presumed to be personal, but rather territorial, unless the contrary is clear.
2. Peregrini non adstringuntur:
2 Peregrini are not bound:

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legibus particularibus sui territorii quamdiu ab eo absunt, nisi aut earum transgressio in proprio territorio
noceat, aut leges sint personales;
by the particular laws of their own territory while they are absent from it, unless the transgression of those
laws causes harm in their own territory, or unless the laws are personal

neque legibus territorii in quo versantur, iis exceptis quae ordini publico consulunt, aut actuum sollemnia
determinant, aut res immobiles in territorio sitas respiciunt.
by the laws of the territory in which they are present, except for those laws which take care of public order, or
determine the formalities of legal acts, or concern immovable property located in the territory.

3. Vagi obligantur legibus tam universalibus quam particularibus quae vigent in loco in quo versantur.
3 Vagi are bound by both the universal and the particular laws which are in force in the place in which they are

Leges, etiam irritantes et inhabilitantes, in dubio iuris non urgent; in dubio autem facti Ordinarii ab eis dispensare
possunt, dummodo, si agatur de dispensatione reservata, concedi soleat ab auctoritate cui reservatur.
Laws, even invalidating and incapacitating ones, do not oblige when there is a doubt of law. When there is a doubt
of fact, however Ordinaries can dispense from them provided, if there is question of a reserved dispensation, it is
one which the authority to whom it is reserved is accustomed to grant.


1 Ignorantia vel error circa leges irritantes vel inhabilitantes earundem effectum non impediunt, nisi aliud expresse
1 Ignorance or error concerning invalidating or incapacitating laws does not prevent the effect of those laws,
unless it is expressly provided otherwise.
2. Ignorantia vel error circa legem aut poenam aut circa factum proprium aut circa factum alienum notorium non
praesumitur; circa factum alienum non notorium praesumitur, donec contrarium probetur.
2 Ignorance or error is not presumed about a law, a penalty, a fact concerning oneself, or a notorious fact
concerning another. It is presumed about a fact concerning another which is not notorious, until the contrary is


1 Leges authentice interpretatur legislator et is cui potestas authentice interpretandi fuerit ab eodem commissa.
1 Laws are authentically interpreted by the legislator and by that person to whom the legislator entrusts the power
of authentic interpretation.
2. Interpretatio authentica per modum legis exhibita eandem vim habet ac lex ipsa et promulgari debet; si verba legis
in se certa declaret tantum, valet retrorsum; si legem coarctet vel extendataut dubiam explicet, non retrotrahitur.
2 An authentic interpretation which is presented by way of a law has the same force as the law itself, and must be
promulgated. If it simply declares the sense of words which are certain in themselves, it has retroactive force. If it
restricts or extends the law or resolves a doubt, it is not retroactive.
3. Interpretatio autem per modum sententiae iudicialis aut actus administrativi in re peculiari, vim legis non habet et
ligat tantum personas atque afficit res pro quibus data est.
3 On the other hand, an interpretation by way of a court judgement or of an administrative act in a particular case,
does not have the force of law. It binds only those persons and affects only those matters for which it was given.


Leges ecclesiasticae intellegendae sunt secundum propriam verborum significationem in textu et contextu
consideratam; quae si dubia et obscura manserit, ad locos parallelos, si qui sint, ad legis finem ac circumstantias et ad
mentem legislatoris est recurrendum.
Ecclesiastical laws are to be understood according to the proper meaning of the words considered in their text and
context. If the meaning remains doubtful or obscure, there must be recourse to parallel places, if there be any, to
the purpose and circumstances of the law, and to the mind of the legislator.


Leges quae poenam statuunt aut liberum iurium exercitum coarctant aut exceptionem a lege continent, strictae subsunt
Laws which prescribe a penalty, or restrict the free exercise of rights, or contain an exception to the law, are to be
interpreted strictly.

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Si certa de re desit expressum legis sive universalis sive particularis praescriptum; aut consuetudo, causa, nisi sit
poenalis, dirimenda est attentis legibus latis in similibus, generalibus iuris principiis cum aequitate canonica servatis,
iurisprudentia et praxi Curiae Romanae, communi constantique doctorum sententia.
If on a particular matter there is not an express provision of either universal or particular law, nor a custom, then,
provided it is not a penal matter, the question is to be decided by taking into account laws enacted in similar
matters, the general principles of law observed with canonical equity, the jurisprudence and practice of the Roman
Curia, and the common and constant opinion of learned authors.


Lex posterior abrogat priorem aut eidem derogat, si id expresse edicat aut illi sit directe contraria, aut totam de integro
ordinet legis prioris materiam; sed lex universalis minime derogat iuri particulari aut speciali, nisi aliud in iure
expresse caveatur.
A later law abrogates or derogates from an earlier law, if it expressly so states, or if it is directly contrary to that law,
or if it integrally reorders the whole subject matter of the earlier law. A universal law, however, does not derogate
from a particular or from a special law, unless the law expressly provides otherwise.


In dubio revocatio legis praeexistentis non praesumitur, sed leges posteriores ad priores trahendae sunt et his, quantum
fieri potest, conciliandae.
In doubt, the revocation of a previous law is not presumed; rather, later laws are to be related to earlier ones and,
as far as possible, harmonised with them.


Leges civiles ad quas ius Ecclesiae remittit, in iure canonico iisdem cum effectibus serventur, quatenus iuri divino non
sint contrariae et nisi aliud iure canonico caveatur.
When the law of the Church remits some issue to the civil law, the latter is to be observed with the same effects in
canon law, insofar as it is not contrary to divine law, and provided it is not otherwise stipulated in canon law.




Ea tantum consuetudo a communitate fidelium introducta vim legis habet, quae a legislatore approbata fuerit, ad
normam canonum qui sequuntur.
A custom introduced by a community of the faithful has the force of law only if it has been approved by the
legislator, in accordance with the following canons.


1 Nulla consuetudo vim legis obtinere potest, quae sit iuri divino contraria.
1 No custom which is contrary to divine law can acquire the force of law.
2. Nec vim legis obtinere potest consuetudo contra aut praeter ius canonicum, nisi sit rationabilis; consuetudo autem
quae in iure expresse reprobatur, non est rationabilis.
2 A custom which is contrary to or apart from canon law, cannot acquire the force of law unless it is reasonable; a
custom which is expressly reprobated in the law is not reasonable.


Nulla consuetudo vim legis obtinet, nisi a communitate legis saltem recipiendae capaci cum animo iuris inducendi
servata fuerit.
No custom acquires the force of law unless it has been observed, with the intention of introducing a law, by a
community capable at least of receiving a law.


Nisi a competendi legislatore specialiter fuerit probata, consuetudo vigenti iuri canonico contraria aut quae est praeter
legem canonicam, vim legis obtinet tantum, si legitime per annos triginta continuos et completos servata fuerit; contra
legem vero canonicam, quae clausulam contineat futuras consuetudines prohibentem, sola praevalere potest consuetudo
centenaria aut immemorabilis.
Unless it has been specifically approved by the competent legislator, a custom which is contrary to the canon law
currently in force, or is apart from the canon law, acquires the force of law only when it has been lawfully observed
for a period of thirty continuous and complete years. Only a centennial or immemorial custom can prevail over a
canonical law which carries a clause forbidding future customs.


Consuetudo est optima legum interpres.

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Custom is the best interpreter of laws.


Firmo praescripto can. 5, consuetudo, sive contra sive praeter legem per contrariam consuetudinem aut legem
revocatur; sed, nisi expressam de iis mentionem faciat, lex non revocat consuetudines centenarias aut immemorabiles,
nec lex universalis consuetudines particulares.
Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 5, a custom, whether contrary to or apart from the law, is revoked by a
contrary custom or law. But unless the law makes express mention of them, it does not revoke centennial or
immemorial customs, nor does a universal law revoke particular customs.





Decreta generalia, quibus a legislatore competenti pro communitate legis recipiendae capaci communia feruntur
praescripta, proprie sunt leges et reguntur praescriptis canonum de legibus.
General decrees, by which a competent legislator makes common provisions for a community capable of receiving
a law, are true laws and are regulated by the provisions of the canons on laws.


Qui potestate exsecutiva tantum gaudet, decretum generale, de quo in can. 29, ferre non valet, nisi in casibus
particularibus ad normam iuris id ipsi a legislatore competenti expresse fuerit concessum et servatis condicionibus in
actu concessionis statutis.
A general decree, as in can. 29, cannot be made by one who has only executive power, unless in particular cases
this has been expressly authorised by the competent legislator in accordance with the law, and provided the
conditions prescribed in the act of authorisation are observed.


1 Decreta generalia exsecutoria, quibus nempe pressius determinantur modi in lege applicanda servandi aut legum
observantia urgetur, ferre valent, intra fines suae competentiae, qui potestate gaudent exsecutiva.
1 Within the limits of their competence, those who have executive power can issue general executory decrees,
that is, decrees which define more precisely the manner of applying a law, or which urge the observance of laws.
2. Ad decretorum promulgationem et vacationem quod attinet, de quibus in 1, serventur praescripta can. 8.
2 The provisions of can. 8 are to be observed in regard to the promulgation, and to the interval before the coming
into effect, of the decrees mentioned in 1.


Decreta generalia exsecutoria eos obligant qui tenentur legibus, quarum eadem decreta modos applicationis
determinant aut observantiam urgent.
General executory decrees which define the manner of application or urge the observance of laws, bind those who
are bound by the laws.


1 Decreta generalia exsecutoria, etiamsi edantur in directoriis aliusve nominis documentis, non derogant legibus, et
eorum praescripta quae legibus sint contraria omni vi carent.
1 General executory decrees, even if published in directories or other such documents, do not derogate from the
law, and any of their provisions which are contrary to the law have no force.
2. Eadem vim habere desinunt revocatione explicita aut implicita ab auctoritate competenti facta, necnon cessante lege
ad cuius exsecutionem data sunt; non autem cessant resoluto iure statuentis nisi contrarium expresse caveatur.
2 These decrees cease to have force by explicit or implicit revocation by the competent authority, and by the
cessation of the law for whose execution they were issued. They do not cease on the expiry of the authority of the
person who issued them, unless the contrary is expressly provided.


1 Instructiones, quae nempe legum praescripta declarant atque rationes in iisdem exsequendis servandas evolunt et
determinant, ad usum eorum dantur quorum est curare ut leges exsecutioni mandentur, eosque in legum exsecutione
obligant; eas legitime edunt, intra fines suae competentiae, qui potestate exsecutiva gaudent.
1 Instructions, namely, which set out the provisions of a law and develop the manner in which it is to be put into
effect, are given for the benefit of those whose duty it is to execute the law, and they bind them in executing the law.
Those who have executive power may, within the limits of their competence, lawfully publish such instructions.

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2. Instructionum ordinationes legibus non derogant, et si quae cum legum praescriptis componi nequeant, omni vi
2 The regulations of an instruction do not derogate from the law, and if there are any which cannot be reconciled
with the provisions of the law they have no force.
3. Vim habere desinunt instructiones non tantum revocatione explicita aut implicita auctoritatis competentis, quae eas
edidit, eiusve superioris, sed etiam cessante lege ad quam declarandam vel exsecutioni mandandam datae sunt.
3 Instructions cease to have force not only by explicit or implicit revocation by the competent authority who
published them or by that authority's superior, but also by the cessation of the law which they were designed to set
out and execute.





Actus administrativus singularis, sive est decretum aut praeceptum sive est rescriptum, elici potest, intra fines suae
competentiae, abeo qui potestate exsecutiva gaudet, firmo praescripto can. 76, 1.
Within the limits of his or her competence, one who has executive power can issue a singular administrative act,
either by decree or precept, or by rescript, without prejudice to can. 76 1.


1 Actus administrativus intellegendus est secundum propriam verborum significationem et communem loquendi
usum; in dubio, qui ad lites referuntur aut ad poenas comminandas infligendasve attinent aut personae iura aliis
quaesita laedunt aut adversantur legi incommodum privatorum, strictae subsunt interpretationi; ceteri omnes, latae.
1 An administrative act is to be understood according to the proper meaning of the words and the common
manner of speaking. In doubt, a strict interpretation is to be given to those administrative acts which concern
litigation or threaten or inflict penalties, or restrict the rights of persons, or harm the acquired rights of others, or run
counter to a law in favour of private persons; all other administrative acts are to be widely interpreted.
2. Actus administrativus non debet ad alios casus praeter expressos extendi.
2 Administrative acts must not be extended to cases other than those expressly stated.


Actus administrativus, qui forum externum respicit, scripto est consignandus; item, si fit in forma commissoria, actus
huius exsecutionis.
An administrative act which concerns the external forum is to be effected in writing; likewise, if it requires an
executor, the act of execution is to be in writing.


Actus administrativus, etiam si agatur de rescripto "Motu proprio" dato, effectu caret quatenus ius quaesitum laedit
aut legi consuetudinive probatae contrarium est, nisi auctoritas competens expresse clausulam derogatoriam addiderit.
An administrative act, even if there is question of a rescript given Motu proprio, has no effect in so far as it harms
the acquired right of another, or is contrary to a law or approved custom, unless the competent authority has
expressly added a derogatory clause.


Condiciones in actu administrativo tunc tantum ad validitatem censentur adiectae, cum per particulas "si," "nisi,"
"dummodo" exprimuntur.
Conditions attached to an administrative act are considered to concern validity only when they are expressed by the
particles 'if', 'unless', 'provided that'.


Exsecutor alicuius actus administrativi invalide suo munere fungitur, antequam litteras receperit earumque
authenticitatem et integritatem recognoverit, nisi praevia earundem notitia ad ipsum auctoritate eundem actum edentis
transmissa fuerit.
The executor of any administrative act cannot validly carry out this office before receiving the relevant document
and establishing its authenticity and integrity, unless prior notice of this document has been conveyed to the
executor on the authority of the person who issued the administrative act.

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Exsecutor actus administrativi cui committitur merum exsecutionis ministerium, exsecutionem huius actus denegare
non potest, nisi manifesto appareat eundem actum esse nullum aut alia ex gravi causa sustineri non posse aut
condiciones in ipso actu administrativo appositas non esse adimpletas; si tamen actus administrativi exsecutio
adiunctorum personae aut loci ratione videatur inopportuna, exsecutor exsecutionem intermittat; quibus in casibus
statim certiorem faciat auctoritatem quae actum edidit.
The executor of an administrative act to whom the task of execution only is entrusted, cannot refuse to execute it,
unless it is quite clear that the act itself is null, or that it cannot for some other grave reason be sustained, or that
the conditions attached to the administrative act itself have not been fulfilled. If, however, the execution of the
administrative act would appear to be inopportune, by reason of the circumstances of person or place, the executor
is to desist from the execution, and immediately inform the person who issued the act.


Exsecutor actus administrativi procedere debet ad mandati normam; si autem condiciones essentiales in litteris
appositas non impleverit ac substantialem procedendi formam non servaverit, irrita est exsecutio.
The executor of an administrative act must proceed in accordance with the mandate. If, however, the executor has
not fulfilled essential conditions attached to the document, or has not observed the substantial form of procedure,
the execution is invalid.


Actus administrativi exsecutor potest alium pro suo prudenti arbitrio sibi substituere, nisi substitutio prohibita fuerit,
aut electa industria personae, aut substituti persona praefinita; hisce autem in casibus exsecutori licet alteri
committere actus praeparatorios.
The executor of an administrative act may in his prudent judgement substitute another for himself, unless
substitution has been forbidden, or he has been deliberately chosen as the only person to be executor, or a specific
person has been designated as substitute; however, in these cases the executor may commit the preparatory acts
to another.


Actus administrativus exsecutioni mandari potest etiam ab exsecutoris successore in officio, nisi fuerit electa industria
An administrative act can also be executed by the executor's successor in office, unless the first had been chosen
deliberately as the only person to be executor.


Exsecutori fas est, si quoquo modo in actus administrativi exsecutione erraverit, eundem actum iterum exsecutioni
If there has been any error in the execution of an administrative act, the executor may execute it again.


Actus administrativus non cessat resoluto iure statuentis, nisi aliud iure expresse caveatur.
An administrative act does not cease on the expiry of the authority of the person issuing it, unless the law expressly
provides otherwise.


Revocatio actus administrativi per alium actum administrativum auctoritatis competentis effectum tantummodo
obtinet a momento, quo legitime notificatur personae pro qua datus est.
The revocation of an administrative act by another administrative act of the competent authority takes effect only
from the moment at which the person to whom it was issued is lawfully notified.





Decretum singulare intellegitur actus administrativus a competenti auctoritate exsecutiva editus, quo secundum iuris
normas pro casu particulari datur decisio aut fit provisio, quae natura sua petitionem ab aliquo factam non supponunt.
A singular decree is an administrative act issued by a competent executive authority, whereby in accordance with
the norms of law a decision is given or a provision made for a particular case; of its nature this decision or
provision does not presuppose that a petition has been made by anyone.


Praeceptum singulare est decretum quo personae aut personis determinatis aliquid faciendum aut omittendum directe
et legitime imponitur, praesertim ad legis observantiam urgendam.
A singular precept is a decree by which an obligation is directly and lawfully imposed on a specific person or
persons to do or to omit something, especially in order to urge the observance of a law.

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Antequam decretum singulare ferat, auctoritas necessarias notitias et probationes exquirat, atque, quantum fieri
potest, eos audiat quorum iura laedi possint.
Before issuing a singular decree, the person in authority is to seek the necessary information and proof and, as far
as possible, is to consult those whose rights could be harmed.


Decretum scripto feratur expressis, saltem summarie, si agaturde decisione, motivis.

A decree is to be issued in writing. When it is a decision, it should express, at least in summary form, the reasons
for the decision.


Decretum singulare vim habet tantum quoad res de quibus datum est; eas vero ubique obligat, nisi aliud constet.
A singular decree has effect in respect only of those matters it determines and of those persons to whom it was
issued; it obliges such persons everywhere, unless it is otherwise clear.


Si decreta inter se sint contraria, peculiare, in iis quae peculariter exprimuntur, praevalet generali; si aeque sint
pecularia aut generalia, posterius tempore obrogat priori, quatenus ei contrarium est.
If decrees are contrary one to another, where specific matters are expressed, the specific prevails over the general;
if both are equally specific or equally general, the one later in time abrogates the earlier insofar as it is contrary to


1 Decretum singulare, cuius applicatio committitur exsecutori, effectum habet a momento exsecutionis; secus a
momento quo personae auctoritate ipsius decernentis intimatur.
1 A singular decree whose application is entrusted to an executor, has effect from the moment of execution;
otherwise, from the moment when it is made known to the person on the authority of the one who issued it.
2. Decretum singulare, ut urgeri possit, legitimo documento ad normam iuris intimandum est.
2 For a singular decree to be enforceable, it must be made known by a lawful document in accordance with the


Firmo praescripto cann. 37 et 51 cum gravissima ratio obstet ne scriptus decreti textus tradatur, decretum intimatum
habetur si ei, cui destinatur, coram notario vel duobus testibus legatur, actis redactis, ab omnibus praesentibus
Without prejudice to cann. 37 and 51, whenever a very grave reason prevents the handing over of the written text of
a decree, the decree is deemed to have been made known if it is read to the person to whom it is directed, in the
presence of a notary or two witnesses- a record of the occasion is to be drawn up and signed by all present.


Decretum pro intimato habetur, si is cui destinatur, rite vocatus ad decretum accipiendum vel audiendum, sine iusta
causa non comparuerit vel subscribere recusaverit.
A decree is deemed to have been made known if the person to whom it is directed has been duly summoned to
receive or to hear the decree, and without a just reason has not appeared or has refused to sign.


1 Quoties lex iubeat decretum ferri vel ab eo, cuius interest, petitio vel recursus ad decretum obtinendum legitime
proponatur, auctoritas competens intra tres menses a recepta petitione vel recursu provideat, nisi alius terminus lege
1 Whenever the law orders a decree to be issued, or when a person who is concerned lawfully requests a decree
or has recourse to obtain one, the competent authority is to provide for the situation within three months of having
received the petition or recourse, unless a different period of time is prescribed by law.
2. Hoc termino transacto, si decretum nondum datum fuerit, responsum praesumitur negativum, ad propositionem
ulterioris recursus quod attinet.
2 If this period of time has expired and the decree has not yet been given, then as far as proposing a further
recourse is concerned, the reply is presumed to be negative.
3. Responsum negativum praesumptum non eximit competentem auctoritatem ab obligatione decretum ferendi, immo
et damnum forte illatum, ad normam can. 128, reparandi.
3 A presumed negative reply does not relieve the competent authority of the obligation of issuing the decree, and,
in accordance with can. 128, of repairing any harm done.

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1 Decretum singulare vim habere desinit legitima revocatione ab auctoritate competendi facta necnon cessante lege ad
cuius exsecutionem datum est.
1 A singular decree ceases to have force when it is lawfully revoked by the competent authority, or when the law
ceases for whose execution it was issued.
2. Praeceptum singulare, legitimo documento non impositum, cessat resoluto iure praecipientis.
2 A singular precept, which was not imposed by a lawful document, ceases on the expiry of the authority of the
person who issued it.



1 Rescriptum intellegitur actus administrativus a competenti auctoritate exsecutiva in scriptis elicitus, quo suapte
natura, ad petitionem alicuius, conceditur privilegium, dispensatio aliave gratia.
1 A rescript is an administrative act issued in writing by a competent authority, by which of its very nature a
privilege, dispensation or other favour is granted at someone's request.
2. Quae de rescriptis statuuntur praescripta, etiam de licentiae concessione necnon de concessionibus gratiarum vivae
vocis oraculo valent, nisi aliud constet.
2 Unless it is otherwise established, provisions laid down concerning rescripts apply also to the granting of
permission and to the granting of favours by word of mouth.


Rescriptum quodlibet impetrari potest ab omnibus qui expresse non prohibentur.

Any rescript can be obtained by all who are not expressly prohibited.


Nisi aliud constet, rescriptum impetari potest pro alio, etiam praeter eius assensum, et valet ante eiusdem
acceptationem, salvis clausulis contrariis.
Unless it is otherwise established, a rescript can be obtained for another, even without that person's consent, and it
is valid before its acceptance, without prejudice to contrary clauses.


Rescriptum in quo nullus datur exsecutor, effectum habet a momento quo datae sunt litterae; cetera, a momento
A rescript in which there is no executor, has effect from the moment the document was issued; the others have
effect from the moment of execution.


1 Validitati rescripti obstat subreptio seu reticentia veri, si in precibus expressa non fuerint quae secundum legem,
stilum et praxim canonicam ad validitatem sunt experimenda, nisi agatur de rescripto gratiae, quod "Motu proprio"
darum sit.
1 Except where there is question of a rescript which grants a favour Motu proprio, subreption, that is, the
withholding of the truth, renders a rescript invalid if the request does not express that which, according to canonical
law, style and practice, must for validity be expressed.
2. Item validitati rescripti obstat obreptio seu exposito falsi, sine una quidem causa motiva proposita sit vera.
2 Obreption, that is, the making of a false statement, renders a rescript invalid if not even one of the motivating
reasons submitted is true.
3. Causa motiva in rescriptis quorum nullus est exsecutor, vera sit oportet tempore quo rescriptum datum est; in
ceteris, tempore exsecutionis.
3 In rescripts of which there is no executor, the motivating reason must be true at the time the rescript is issued; in
the others, at the time of execution.


Salvo iure Paenitentiariae pro foro interno, gratia a quovis dicasterio Romanae Curiae denegata, valide ab alio eiusdem
Curiae dicasterio aliave competenti auctoritate infra Romanum Pontificem concedi nequit, sine assensu dicasterii
quocum agi coeptum est.
Without prejudice to the right of the Penitentiary for the internal forum, a favour refused by any department of the
Roman Curia cannot validly be granted by another department of the same Curia, or by any other competent
authority below the Roman Pontiff, without the approval of the department which was first approached.

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1 Salvis praescriptis 2 et 3, nemo gratiam a proprio Ordinario denegatam ab alio Ordinario petat, nisi facta
denegationis mentione; Ordinarius gratiam ne concedat, nisi habitis a priore Ordinario denegationis rationibus.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of 2 and 3, no one is to seek from another Ordinary a favour which was
refused by that person's proper Ordinary, unless mention is made of the refusal. When the refusal is mentioned, the
Ordinary is not to grant the favour unless he has learned from the former Ordinary the reasons for the refusal.
2. Gratia a Vicario generali vel a Vicario episcopali denegata, ab alio Vicario eiusdem Episcopi, etiam habitis a Vicario
denegante denegationis rationibus, valide concedi nequit.
2 A favour refused by a Vicar general or an episcopal Vicar cannot be validly granted by another Vicar of the same
Bishop, even when he has learned from the Vicar who refused the reasons for the refusal.
3. Gratia a Vicario generali vel a Vicario episcopali denegata et postea, nulla facta huius denegationis mentione, ab
Episcopo dioecesano impetrata, invalida est; gratia autem ab Episcopo dioecesano denegata nequit valide, etiam facta
denegationis mentione, ab eius Vicario generali vel Vicario episcopali, non consentiente Episcopo, impetrari.
3 A favour refused by a Vicar general or an episcopal Vicar and later, without any mention being made of this
refusal, obtained from the diocesan Bishop, is invalid. A favour refused by the diocesan Bishop cannot, without the
Bishop's consent, validly be obtained from his Vicar general or episcopal Vicar, even though mention is made of the


Rescriptum non fit irritum ob errorem in nomine personae cui datur vel a qua editur, aut loci in quo ipsa residet, aut
rei dequa agitur, dummodo iudicio Ordinarii nulla sit de ipsa persona vel de re dubiatio.
A rescript is not rendered invalid because of an error in the name of the person to whom it is given or by whom it is
issued, or of the place in which such person resides, or of the matter concerned, provided that in the judgement of
the Ordinary there is no doubt about the person or the matter in question.


1 Si contingat ut de una eademque re duo rescripta inter se contraria impetrentur, peculiare, in iis quae peculiariter
exprimuntur, praevalet generali.
1 If it should happen that two contrary rescripts are obtained for one and the same thing, where specific matters
are expressed, the specific prevails over the general.
2. Si sint aeque peculiaria aut generalia, prius tempore praevalet posteriori, nisi in altero fiat mentio expressa de
priore, aut nisi prior impetrator dolo vel notabili neglegentia sua rescripto usus non fuerit.
2 If both are equally specific or equally general, the one earlier in time prevails over the later, unless in the later
one there is an express mention of the earlier, or unless the person who first obtained the rescript has not used it by
reason of deceit or of notable personal negligence.
3. In dubio num rescriptum irritum sit necne, recurratur ad rescribentem.
3 In doubt as to whether a rescript is invalid or not, recourse is to be made to the issuing authority.


Rescriptum Sedis Apostolicae in quo nullus datur exsecutor, tunc tantum debet Ordinario impetrantis praesentari, cum
id in iisdem litteris praecipitur, aut de rebus agitur publicis, aut comprobari condiciones oportet.
A rescript of the Apostolic See in which there is no executor must be presented to the Ordinary of the person who
obtains it only when this is prescribed in the rescript, or when there is question of public affairs, or when it is
necessary to have the conditions verified.


Rescriptum, cuius praesentationi nullum est definitum tempus, potest exsecutori exhiberi quovis tempore, modo absit
fraus et dolus.
A rescript for whose presentation no time is determined, may be submitted to the executor at any time, provided
there is no fraud or deceit.


Si in rescripto ipsa concessio exsecutori committatur, ipsius est pro suo prudenti arbitrio et conscientia gratiam
concedere vel denegare.
If in a rescript the very granting of the favour is entrusted to the executor, it is a matter for the executor's prudent
judgement and conscience to grant or to refuse the favour.


Nemo uti tenetur rescripto in sui dumtaxat favorem concesso, nisi aliunde obligatione canonica ad hoc teneatur.

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No one is obliged to use a rescript granted in his or her favour only, unless bound by a canonical obligation from
another source to do so.

Rescripta ab Apostolica Sede concessa, quae exspiraverint, ab Episcopo dioecesano iusta de causa semel prorogari
possunt, non tamen ultra tres menses.
Rescripts granted by the Apostolic See which have expired, can for a just reason be extended by the diocesan
Bishop, but once only and not beyond three months.


Per legem contrariam nulla rescripta revocantur, nisi aliud in ipsa lege caveatur.
No rescripts are revoked by a contrary law, unless it is otherwise provided in the law itself.


Quamvis gratia oretenus sibi concessa quis in foro interno uti possit, tenentur illam pro foro externo probare, quoties id
legitime ab eo petatur.
Although one who has been granted a favour orally may use it in the internal forum, that person is obliged to prove
the favour for the external forum whenever this is lawfully requested.


Si rescriptum contineat privilegium vel dispensationem, serventur insuper praescripta canonum qui sequuntur.
If a rescript contains a privilege or a dispensation, the provision of the following canons are also to be observed.



1 Privilegium, seu gratia in favorem certarum personarum sive physicarum sive iuridicarum per peculiarem actum
facta, concedi potest a legislatore necnon ab auctoritate exsecutiva cui legislator hanc potestatem concesserit.
1 A privilege is a favour given by a special act for the benefit of certain persons, physical or juridical; it can be
granted by the legislator, and by an executive authority to whom the legislator has given this power.
2. Possessio centenaria vel immemorabilis praesumptionem inducit concessi privilegii.
2 Centennial or immemorial possession of a privilege gives rise to the presumption that it has been granted.


Privilegium interpretandum est ad normam can. 36, 1; sed ea semper adhibenda est interpretatio, qua privilegio aucti
aliquam revera gratiam consequantur.
A privilege is to be interpreted in accordance with can. 36 1. The interpretation must, however, always be such
that the beneficiaries of the privilege do in fact receive some favour.


1 Privilegium praesumitur perpetuum, nisi contrarium probetur.

1 A privilege is presumed to be perpetual, unless the contrary is proved.
2. Privilegium personale, quod scilicet personam sequitur, cum ipsa extinguitur.
2 A personal privilege, namely one which attaches to a person, is extinguished with the person.
3. Privilegium reale cessat per absolutum rei vel loci interitum; privilegium vero locale, si locus intra quinquaginta
annos restituatur, reviviscit.
3 A real privilege ceases on the total destruction of the thing or place; a local privilege, however, revives if the
place is restored within fifty years.


Privilegium cessat per revocationem competentis auctoritatis ad normam can. 47, firmo praescripto can. 81.
Without prejudice to can. 46, a privilege ceases by revocation on the part of the competent authority in accordance
with can. 47.


1 Nullum privilegium per renuntiationem cessat, nisi haec a competendi auctoritate fuerit accepta.
1 No privilege ceases by renunciation unless this has been accepted by the competent authority.
2. Privilegio in sui dumtaxat favorem concesso quaevis persona physica renuntiare potest.
2 Any physical person may renounce a privilege granted in his or her favour only.
3. Privilegio concesso alicui personae iuridicae, aut ratione dignitatis loci vel rei, singulae personae renuntiare
nequeunt; nec ipsi personae iuridicae integrum est privilegio sibi concesso renuntiare, si renuntiatio cedat in Ecclesiae

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3 Individual persons cannot renounce a privilege granted to a juridical person, or granted by reason of the dignity
of a place or thing. Nor can a juridical person renounce a privilege granted to it, if the renunciation would be
prejudicial to the Church or to others.

Resoluto iure concedentis, privilegium non extinguitur, nisi datum fuerit cum clausula "ad beneplacitum nostrum" vel
alia aequipollenti.
A privilege is not extinguished on the expiry of the authority of the person who granted it, unless it was given with
the clause 'at our pleasure' or another equivalent expression.


Per non usum vel per usum contrarium privilegium aliis haud onerosum non cessat; quod vero in aliorum gravamen
cedit, amittitur, si accedat legitima praescriptio.
A privilege which does not burden others does not lapse through non-use or contrary use; if it does cause an
inconvenience for others, it is lost if lawful prescription intervenes.


1 Cessat privilegium elapso tempore vel expleto numero casuum pro quibus concessum fuit, firmo praescripto can.
142, 2.
1 Without prejudice to can. 142 2, a privilege ceases on the expiry of the time or the completion of the number of
cases for which it was granted.
2. Cessat quoque, si temporis progressu rerum adiuncta ita iudicio auctoritatis competentis immutata sint, ut noxium
evaserit aut eius usus illicitus fiat.
2 It ceases also if in the judgement of the competent authority circumstances are so changed with the passage of
time that it has become harmful, or that its use becomes unlawful.


Qui abutitur potestate sibi ex privilegio data, privilegio ipso privari meretur; quare, Ordinarius, frustra monito
privilegiario, graviter abutentem privet privilegio quod ipse concessit; quod si privilegium concessum fuerit ab
Apostolica Sede, eandem Ordinarius certiorem facere tenetur.
A person who abuses a power given by a privilege deserves to be deprived of the privilege itself. Accordingly, after
a warning which has been in vain, the Ordinary, if it was he who granted it, is to deprive the person of the privilege
which he or she is gravely abusing; if the privilege has been granted by the Apostolic See, the Ordinary is obliged to
make the matter known to it.




Dispensatio, seu legis mere ecclesiasticae in casu particulari relaxatio, concedi potest ab iis qui potestate gaudent
exsecutiva intra limites suae competentiae, necnon ab illis quibus potestas dispensandi explicite vel implicite competit
sive ipso iure sive vi legitimae delegationis.
A dispensation, that is, the relaxation of a merely ecclesiastical law in a particular case, can be granted, within the
limits of their competence, by those who have executive power, and by those who either explicitly or implicitly have
the power of dispensing, whether by virtue of the law itself or by lawful delegation.


Dispensationi obnoxiae non sunt leges quatenus ea definiunt, quae institutorum aut actuum iuridicorum essentialiter
sunt constitutiva.
In so far as laws define those elements which are essentially constitutive of institutes or of juridical acts, they are
not subject to dispensation.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus fideles, quoties id ad eorundem spirituale bonum conferre iudicet, dispensare valet in legibus
disciplinaribus tam universalibus quam particularibus pro suo territorio vel suis subditis a suprema Ecclesiae
auctoritate latis, non tamen in legibus processualibus aut poenalibus, nec in iis quarum dispensatio Apostolicae Sedis
aliive auctoritati specialiter reservatur.
1 Whenever he judges that it contributes to their spiritual welfare, the diocesan Bishop can dispense the faithful
from disciplinary laws, both universal laws and those particular laws made by the supreme ecclesiastical authority
for his territory or his subjects. He cannot dispense from procedural laws or from penal laws, nor from those whose
dispensation is specially reserved to the Apostolic See or to some other authority.

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2. Si difficilis sit recursus ad Sanctam Sedem et simul in mora sit periculum gravis damni, Ordinarius quicumque
dispensare valet in iisdem legibus, etiam si dispensatio reservatur Sanctae Sedi, dummodo agatur de dispensatione
quam ipsa in iisdem adiunctis concedere solet, firmo praescripto can. 291.
2 If recourse to the Holy See is difficult, and at the same time there is danger of grave harm in delay, any Ordinary
can dispense from these laws, even if the dispensation is reserved to the Holy See, provided the dispensation is
one which the Holy See customarily grants in the same circumstances, and without prejudice to can. 291.

Ordinarius loci in legibus dioecesanis atque, quoties id ad fidelium bonum conferre iudicet, in legibus a Concilio
plenario vel provinciali aut ab Episcoporum conferentia latis dispensare valet.
The local Ordinary can dispense from diocesan laws and, whenever he judges that it contributes to the spiritual
welfare of the faithful, from laws made by a plenary or a provincial Council or by the Episcopal Conference.


Parochus aliique presbyteri aut diaconi a lege universali et particulari dispensare non valent, nisi haec potestas ipsis
expresse concessa sit.
Parish priests and other priests or deacons cannot dispense from universal or particular law unless this power is
expressly granted to them.


1 A lege ecclesiastica ne dispensetur sine iusta et rationabili causa, habita ratione adiuctorum casus et gravitatis legis
a qua dispensatur; alias dispensatio illicita est, nisi ab ipso legislatore eiusve superiore data sit, etiam invalida.
1 A dispensation from an ecclesiastical law is not to be given without a just and reasonable cause, taking into
account the circumstances of the case and the importance of the law from which the dispensation is given;
otherwise the dispensation is unlawful and, unless given by the legislator or his superior, it is also invalid.
2. Dispensatio in dubio de sufficientia causae valide et licite conceditur.
2 A dispensation given in doubt about the sufficiency of its reason is valid and lawful.


Qui gaudet potestate dispensandi eam exercere valet, etiam extra territorium exsistens, in subditos, licet a territorio
absentes, atque, nisi contrarium expresse statuatur, in peregrinos quoque in territorio actu degentes, necnon erga
In respect of their subjects, even if these are outside the territory, those who have the power of dispensing can
exercise it even if they themselves are outside their territory; unless the contrary is expressly provided, they can
exercise it also in respect of peregrini actually present in the territory; they can exercise it too in respect of


Strictae subest interpretationi non solum dispensatio ad normam can. 36, 1, sed ipsamet potestas dispensandi ad
certum casum concessa.
A strict interpretation is to be given not only to a dispensation in accordance with can. 36 1, but also to the very
power of dispensing granted for a specific case.


Dispensatio quae tractum habet successivum cessat iisdem modis quibus privilegium, necnon certa ac totali cessatione
causae motivae.
A dispensation capable of successive applications ceases in the same way as a privilege. It also ceases by the
certain and complete cessation of the motivating reason.



1 Statuta, sensu proprio, sunt ordinationes quae in universitatibus sive personarum sive rerum ad normam iuris
conduntur, et quibus definiuntur earundem finis, constitutio, regimen atque agendi rationes.
1 Statutes properly so called are regulations which are established in accordance with the law in aggregates of
persons or of things, whereby the purpose, constitution, governance and manner of acting of these bodies are
2. Statutis universitatis personarum obligantur solae personae quae legitime eiusdem membra sunt; statutis rerum
universitatis, iiqui eiusdem moderamen curant.

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2 The statutes of an aggregate of persons bind only those persons who are lawfully members of it; the statutes of
an aggregate of things bind those who direct it.
3. Quae statutorum praescripta vi potestatis legislativae condita et promulgata sunt, reguntur praescriptis canonum
de legibus.
3 The provisions of statutes which are established and promulgated by virtue of legislative power, are regulated by
the provisions of the canons concerning laws.

1 Ordines sunt regulae seu normae quae servari debent in personarum conventibus, sive ab auctoritate ecclesiastica
indictis sive a christifidelibus libere convocatis, necnon aliis celebrationibus, et quibus definiuntur quae ad
constitutionem, moderamen et rerum agendarum rationes pertinent.
1 Ordinances are rules or norms to be observed both in assemblies of persons, whether these assemblies are
convened by ecclesiastical authority or are freely convoked by the faithful, and in other celebrations: they define
those matters which concern their constitution, direction and agenda.
2. In conventibus celebrationibusve, ii regulis ordinis tenentur, qui in iisdem partem habent.
2 In assemblies or celebrations, those who take part are bound by these rules of ordinance.





Baptismo homo Ecclesiae Christi incorporatur et in eadem constituitur persona, cum officiis et iuribus quae christianis,
attenta quidem eorum condicione, sunt propria, quatenus in ecclesiastica sunt communione et nisi obstet lata legitima
By baptism one is incorporated into the Church of Christ and constituted a person in it, with the duties and the
rights which, in accordance with each one's status, are proper to christians, in so far as they are in ecclesiastical
communion and unless a lawfully issued sanction intervenes.


1 Persona quae duodevigesimum aetatis annum explevit, maior est; infra hanc aetatem, minor.
1 A person who has completed the eighteenth year of age, has attained majority; below this age, a person is a
2. Minor, ante plenum septennium, dicitur infans et censetur non sui compos, expleto autem septennio, usum rationis
habere praesumitur.
2 A minor who has not completed the seventh year of age is called an infant and is considered incapable of
personal responsibility; on completion of the seventh year, however, the minor is presumed to have the use of


1 Persona maior plenum habet suorum iurium exercitium.

1 A person who has attained majority has the full exercise of his or her rights.
2. Persona minor in exercitio suorum iurium potestati obnoxia manet parentum vel tutorum, iis exceptis in quibus
minores lege divina aut iure canonico ab eorum potestate exempti sunt; ad constitutionem tutorum eorumque
potestatem quod attinet, serventur praescripta iuris civilis, nisi iure canonico aliud caveatur, aut Episcopus dioecesanus
in certibus casibus iusta de causa per nominationem alius tutoris providendum aestimaverit.
2 In the exercise of rights a minor remains subject to parents or guardians, except for those matters in which by
divine or by canon law minors are exempt from such authority. In regard to the appointment of guardians and the
determination of their powers, the provisions of civil law are to be observed, unless it is otherwise provided in
canon law or unless, in specific cases and for a just reason, the diocesan Bishop has decided that the matter is to
be catered for by the appointment of another guardian.


Quicumque usu rationis habitu caret, censetur non sui compos et infantibus assimilatur.
Whoever habitually lacks the use of reason is considered as incapable of personal responsibility and is regarded as
an infant.

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Persona dicitur: "incola," in loco ubi est eius domicilium; "advena," in loco ubi quasi-domicilium habet; "peregrinus,"
si versetur extra domicilium et quasi-domicilium quod adhuc retinet; "vagus," si nullibi domicilium habeat vel quasidomicilium.
A person is said to be: an incola, in the place where he or she has a domicile; an advena, in the place of quasidomicile; a peregrinus, if away from the domicile or quasi-domicile which is still retained; a vagus, if the person has
nowhere a domicile or quasi-domicile.


1 Locus originis filii, etiam neophyti, est ille in quo cum filius natus est, domicilium, aut, eo deficiente, quasidomicilium habuerunt parentes vel, si parentes non habuerint idem domicilium vel quasi-domicilium, mater.
1 The place of origin of a child, and even of a neophyte, is that in which the parents had a domicile or, lacking
that, a quasi-domicile when the child was born; if the parents did not have the same domicile or quasi-domicile, it is
that of the mother.
2. Si agatur de filio vagorum, locus originis est ipsemet nativitatis locus; si de exposito, est locus in quo inventus est.
2 In the case of a child of vagi, the place of origin is the actual place of birth; in the case of a foundling, it is the
place where it was found.


1 Domicilium acquiritur ea in territorio alicuius paroeciae aut saltem dioecesis commoratione, quae aut coniuncta sit
cum animo ibi perpetuo manendi si nihil inde avocet, aut ad quinquennium completum sit protracta.
1 Domicile is acquired by residence in the territory of a parish, or at least of a diocese, which is either linked to the
intention of remaining there permanently if nothing should occasion its withdrawal, or in fact protracted for a full
five years.
2. Quasi-domicilium acquiritur ea commoratione in territorio alicuius paroeciae aut saltem dioecesis, quae aut
coniuncta sit cum animo ibi manendi saltem per tres menses si nihil inde avocet, aut ad tres menses reapse sit protracta.
2 Quasi-domicile is acquired by residence in the territory of a parish, or at least of a diocese, which is either linked
to the intention of remaining there for three months if nothing should occasion its withdrawal, or in fact protracted
for three months.
3. Domicilium vel quasi-domicilium in territorio paroeciae dicitur paroeciale; in territorio dioecesis, etsi non in
parochia, dioecesanum.
3 Domicile or quasi-domicile in the territory of a parish is called parochial; in the territory of a diocese, even if not
in a parish, it is called diocesan.


Sodales institutorum religiosorum et societatum vitae apostolicae domicilium acquirunt in loco ubi sita est domus cui
adscribuntur; quasi-domicilium in domo ubi, ad normam can. 102, 2, commorantur.
Members of religious institutes and of societies of apostolic life acquire a domicile in the place where the house to
which they belong is situated. They acquire a quasi-domicile in the house in which, in accordance with can. 102 2,
they reside.


Coniuges commune habeant domicilium vel quasi-domicilium; legitime separationis ratione vel alia iusta de causa,
uterque habere potest proprium domicilium vel quasi-domicilium.
Spouses are to have a common domicile or quasi-domicile. By reason of lawful separation or for some other just
reason, each may have his or her own domicile or quasi-domicile.


1 Minor necessario retinet domicilium et quasi-domicilium illius, cuius potestati subicitur. Infantia egressus potest
etiam quasi-domicilium proprium acquirere; atque legitime ad normam iuris civilis emancipatus, etiam proprium
1 A minor necessarily retains the domicile or quasi-domicile of the person to whose authority the minor is subject.
A minor who is no longer an infant can acquire a quasi-domicile of his or her own and, if lawfully emancipated in
accordance with the civil law, a domicile also.
2. Quicumque alia ratione quam minoritate, in tutelam vel curatelam legitime traditus est alterius, domicilium et
quasi-domicilium habet tutoris vel curatoris.
2 One who for a reason other than minority is lawfully entrusted to the guardianship or tutelage of another, has the
domicile and quasidomicile of the guardian or curator.

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Domicilium et quasi-domicilium amittitur discessione a loco cum animo non revertendi, salvo praescripto can. 105.
Domicile or quasi-domicile is lost by departure from the place with the intention of not returning, without prejudice
to the provisions of can. 105.


1 Tum per domicilium tum per quasi-domicilium suum quisque parochum et Ordinarium sortitur.
1 Both through domicile and through quasi-domicile everyone acquires his or her own parish priest and Ordinary.
2. Proprius vagi parochus vel Ordinarius est parochus vel Ordinarius loci in quo vagus actu commoratur.
2 The proper parish priest or Ordinary of a vagus is the parish priest or Ordinary of the place where the vagus is
actually residing.
3. Illius quoque qui non habet nisi domicilium vel quasi-domicilium dioecesanum, parochus proprius est parochus loci
in quo actu commoratur.
3 The proper parish priest of one who has only a diocesan domicile or quasi-domicile is the parish priest of the
place where that person is actually residing.


1 Consanguinitas computatur per lineas et gradus.

1 Consanguinity is reckoned by lines and degrees.
2. In linea recta tot sunt gradus quot generationes, seu quot personae, stipite dempto.
2 In the direct line there are as many degrees as there are generations, that is, as there are persons, not counting
the common ancestor.
3. In linea obliqua tot sunt gradus quot personae in utraque simul linea, stipite dempto.
3 In the collateral line there are as many degrees as there are persons in both lines together, not counting the
common ancestor.


1 Affinitur oritur ex matrimonio valido, etsi non consummato, atque viget inter virum et mulieris consanguineos,
itemque mulierem inter et viri consanguineos.
1 Affinity arises from a valid marriage, even if not consummated, and it exists between the man and the blood
relations of the woman, and likewise between the woman and the blood relations of the man.
2. Ita computantur ut qui sunt consanguinei viri, iidem in eadem linea et gradu sint affines mulieris, et vice versa.
2 It is reckoned in such a way that the blood relations of the man are related by affinity to the woman in the same
line and the same degree, and vice versa.


Filii, qui ad normam legis civilis adoptati sint, habentur ut filii eius vel eorum qui eos adoptaverint.
Children who have been adopted in accordance with the civil law are considered the children of that person or
those persons who have adopted them.


1 Ecclesiae latinae per receptum baptismum adscribitur filius parentum, qui ad eam pertineant vel, si alteruter ad
eam nonpertineat, ambo concordi voluntate optaverint ut proles in Ecclesia latina baptizaretur; quodsi concors
voluntas desit, Ecclesiae rituali ad quam pater petinet adscribitur.
1 Through the reception of baptism a child becomes a member of the latin Church if the parents belong to that
Church or, should one of them not belong to it, if they have both by common consent chosen that the child be
baptised in the latin Church: if that common consent is lacking, the child becomes a member of the ritual Church to
which the father belongs.
2. Quilibet baptizandus qui partum decimum aetatis annum expleverit, libere potest eligere ut in Ecclesia latina vel in
alia Ecclesia rituali sui iuris baptizetur; quo in casu, ipse ad eam Ecclesiam pertinet quam elegerit.
2 Any candidate for baptism who has completed the fourteenth year of age may freely choose to be baptised
either in the latin Church or in another autonomous ritual Church; in which case the person belongs to the Church
which he or she has chosen.


1 Post receptum baptismum, alii Ecclesiae ritualis sui iuris adscribuntur:

1 After the reception of baptism, the following become members of another autonomous ritual Church:

qui licentiam ab Apostolica Sede obtinuerit;

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those who have obtained permission from the Apostolic See;


coniux qui, in matrimonio ineundo vel eo durante, ad Ecclesiam ritualem sui iuris alterius coniugis se transire
declaraverit; matrimonio autem soluto, libere potest ad latinam Ecclesiam redire;
a spouse who, on entering marriage or during its course, has declared that he or she is transferring to the
autonomous ritual Church of the other spouse; on the dissolution of the marriage, however, that person may
freely return to the latin Church;

filii eorum, de quibus in nn. 1 et 2, ante decimum quartum aetatis annum completum itemque, in matrimonio
mixto, filii partis catholicae quae ad aliam Ecclesiam ritualem legitime transierit; adepta vero hac aetate, iidem
possunt ad latinam Ecclesiam redire.
the children of those mentioned in nn. 1 and 2 who have not completed their fourteenth year, and likewise in a
mixed marriage the children of a catholic party who has lawfully transferred to another ritual Church; on
completion of their fourteenth year, however, they may return to the latin Church.

2. Mos, quamvis diuturnus, sacramenta secundum ritum alicuius Ecclesiae ritualis sui iuris recipiendi, non secumfert
adscriptionem eidem Ecclesiae.
2 The practice, however long standing, of receiving the sacraments according to the rite of an autonomous ritual
Church, does not bring with it membership of that Church.



1 Catholica Ecclesia et Apostolica Sedes, moralis personae rationem habent ex ipsa ordinatione divina.
1 The catholic Church and the Apostolic See have the status of a moral person by divine disposition.
2. Sunt etiam in Ecclesia, praeter personas physicas, personae iuridicae, subiecta scilicet in iure canonico
obligationum et iurium quae ipsarum indoli congruunt.
2 In the Church, besides physical persons, there are also juridical persons, that is, in canon law subjects of
obligations and rights which accord with their nature.


1 Personae iuridicae constituuntur aut ex ipso iuris praescripto aut ex speciali competentis auctoritatis concessione
per decretum data, universitates sive personarum sive rerum in finem missioni Ecclesiae congruentem, qui singulorum
finem transcendit, ordinatae.
1 Aggregates of persons or of things which are directed to a purpose befitting the Church's mission, which
transcends the purpose of the individuals, are constituted juridical persons either by a provision of the law itself or
by a special concession given in the form of a decree by the competent authority.
2. Fines, de quibus in 1, intelleguntur qui ad opera pietatis, apostolatus vel caritatis sive spiritualis sive temporalis
2 The purposes indicated in 1 are understood to be those which concern works of piety, of the apostolate or of
charity, whether spiritual or temporal.
3. Auctoritas Ecclesiae competens personalitatem iuridicam ne conferat nisi iis personarum aut rerum universitatibus,
quae finem persequuntur reapse utilem atque, omnibus perpensis, mediis gaudent quae sufficere posse praevidentur ad
finem praestitutum assequendum.
3 The competent ecclesiastical authority is not to confer juridical personality except on those aggregates of
persons or of things which aim at a genuinely useful purpose and which, all things considered, have the means
which are foreseen to be sufficient to achieve the purpose in view.


1 Personae iuridicae in Ecclesia sunt aut universitates personarum aut universitates rerum.
1 Juridical persons in the Church are either aggregates of persons or aggregates of things.
2. Universitas personarum, quae quidem nonnisi ex tribus saltem personis constitui potest, est collegialis, si eius
actionem determinant membra, in decisionibus ferendis concurrentia, sive aequali iure sive non, ad normam iuris et
statutorum; secus est non collegialis.

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2 An aggregate of persons, which must be made up of at least three persons, is collegial if the members decide its
conduct by participating together in making its decisions, whether by equal right or not, in accordance with the law
and the statutes; otherwise, it is non-collegial.
3. Universitas rerum seu fundatio autonoma constat bonis seu rebus, sive spiritualibus sive materialibus, eamque, ad
normam iuris et statutorum, moderantur sive una vel plures personae physicae sive collegium.
3 An aggregate of things, or an autonomous foundation, consists of goods or things, whether spiritual or material,
and is directed, in accordance with the law and the statutes, by one or more physical persons or by a college.

1 Personae iuridicae publicae sunt universitates personarum seu rerum, quae ab ecclesiastica auctoritate competenti
constituuntur ut intra fines sibi praestitutos nomine Ecclesiae, ad normam praescriptorum iuris, munus proprium
intuitu boni publici ipsis commissum expleant; ceterae personae iuridicae sunt privatae.
1 Public juridical persons are aggregates of persons or of things which are established by the competent
ecclesiastical authority so that, within the limits allotted to them in the name of the Church, and in accordance with
the provisions of law, they might fulfil the specific task entrusted to them for the public good. Other juridical persons
are private.
2. Personae iuridicae publicae hac personalitate donantur sive ipso iure sive speciali competentis auctoritatis decreto
eandem expresse concedenti; personae iuridicae privatae hac personalitate donantur tantum per speciale competentis
auctoritatis decretum eandem personalitatem expresse concedens.
2 Public juridical persons are given this personality either by the law itself or by a special decree of the competent
authority expressly granting it. Private juridical persons are given this personality only by a special decree of the
competent authority expressly granting it.


Nulla personarum vel rerum universitas personalitatem iuridicam obtinere intendens, eandem consequi valet nisi ipsius
statuta a competenti auctoritate sint probata.
No aggregate of persons or of things seeking juridical personality can acquire it unless its statutes are approved by
the competent authority.


Personam iuridicam publicam repraesentant, eius nomine agentes, ii quibus iure universali vel particulari aut propriis
statutis haec competentia agnoscitur; personam iuridicam privatam, ii quibus eadem competentia per statuta tribuitur.
Those persons represent, and act in the name of, a public juridical person whose competence to do so is
acknowledged by universal or particular law, or by their own statutes; those persons represent a private juridical
person who are given this competence by their statutes.


Ad actus collegiales quod attinet, nisi iure vel statutis aliud caveatur:
In regard to collegial acts, unless the law or the statutes provide otherwise:

si agatur de electionibus, id vim habet iuris, quod, praesente quidem maiore parte eorum qui convocari debent,
placuerit parti absolute maiori eorum qui sunt praesentes; post duo inefficacia scrutinia, suffragatio fiat super
duobus candidatis qui maiorem suffragiorum partem obtinuerint, vel, si sunt plures, super duobus aetate
senioribus; post tertium scrutinium, si paritas maneat, ille electus habeatur qui senior sit aetate;
in regard to elections, provided a majority of those who must be summoned are present, what is decided by
an absolute majority of those present has the force of law. If there have been two inconclusive scrutinies, a
vote is to be taken between the two candidates with the greatest number of votes or, if there are more than
two, between the two senior by age. After a third inconclusive scrutiny, that person is deemed elected who is
senior by age;

si agatur de aliis negotiis, id vim habet iuris, quod, praesente quidem maiore parte eorum qui convocari debent,
placuerit parti absolute maiori eorum qui sunt praesentes; quod si post duo scrutinia suffragia aequalia fuerint,
praeses suo voto paritatem dirimere potest;
in regard to other matters, provided a majority of those who must be summoned are present, what is decided
by an absolute majority of those present has the force of law. If the votes are equal after two scrutinies, the
person presiding can break the tie with a casting vote;

quod autem omnes uti singulos tangit, ab omnibus approbari debet.

that which affects all as individuals must be approved by all.

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1 Personae iuridica natura sua perpetua est; extinguitur tamen si a competenti auctoritate legitime supprimantur aut
per centum annorum spatium agere desierit; persona iuridica privata insuper extinguitur, si ipsa consociatio ad
normam statutorum dissolvatur, aut si, de iudicio auctoritatis competentis, ipsa fundatio ad normam statutorum esse
1 A juridical person is by its nature perpetual. It ceases to exist, however, if it is lawfully suppressed by the
competent authority, or if it has been inactive for a hundred years. A private juridical person also ceases to exist if
the association itself is dissolved in accordance with the statutes, or if, in the judgement of the competent authority,
the foundation itself has, in accordance with the statutes, ceased to exist.
2. Si vel unum ex personae iuridicae collegialis membris supersit, et personarum universitas secundum statuta esse
non desierit, exercitium omnium iurium universitatis illi membro competit.
2 If even a single member of a collegial juridical person survives, and the aggregate of persons has not, according
to the statutes, ceased to exist, the exercise of all the rights of the aggregate devolves upon that member.


Si universitates sive personarum sive rerum, quae sunt personae iuridicae publicae, ita coniungantur ut ex iisdem una
constituatur universitas personalitae iuridica et ipsa pollens, nova haec persona iuridica bona iuraque patrimonialia
prioribus propria obtinet atque onera suscipit, quibus eaedem gravabantur; ad destinationem autem praesertim
bonorum et ad onerum adimpletionem quod attinet, fundatorum oblatorumque voluntas atque iura quaesita salva esse
When aggregates of persons or of things which are public juridical persons are so amalgamated that one
aggregate, itself with a juridical personality, is formed, this new juridical person obtains the patrimonial goods and
rights which belonged to the previous aggregates; it also accepts the liabilities of the previous aggregates. In what
concerns particularly the arrangements for the goods and the discharge of obligations, the wishes of the founders
and benefactors, and any acquired rights must be safeguarded.


Si universitas, quae gaudet personalitate iuridica publica, ita dividatur ut aut illius pars alii personae iuridicae uniatur
aut ex parte dismembrata distincta persona iuridica publica erigatur, auctoritas ecclesiastica, cui divisio competat,
curare debet per se vel per exsecutorem, servatis quidem in primis tum fundatorum ac oblatorum voluntate tum iuribus
quaesitis tum probatis statutis:
When an aggregate which is a public juridical person is divided in such a way that part of it is joined to another
juridical person or a distinct public juridical person is established from one part of it, the first obligation is to
observe the wishes of the founders and benefactors, the demands of acquired rights and the requirements of the
approved statutes. Then the competent ecclesiastical authority, either personally or through an executor, is to


ut communia, quae dividi possunt, bona atque iura patrimonialia necnon aes alienum aliaque onera dividantur
inter personas iuridicas, de quibus agitur, debita cum proportione ex aequo et bono, ratione habita omnium
adiunctorum et necessitatum utriusque;
that the divisible common patrimonial goods and rights, the monies owed and the other liabilities, are divided
between the juridical persons in question in due proportion, in a fashion which is equitable and right, taking
account of all the circumstances and needs of both;

ut usus et ususfructus communium bonorum, quae divisioni obnoxia non sunt, utrique personae iuridicae cedant,
oneraque iisdempropria utrique imponantur, servata item debita proportione ex aequo et bono definienda.
that the use and enjoyment of the common goods which cannot be divided, be given to each juridical person,
and also that the liabilities which are proper to each are the responsibility of each, in due proportion, in a
fashion which is equitable and right.

Extincta persona iuridica publica, destinatio eiusdem bonorum iuriumque patrimonialium itemque onerum regitur iure
et statutis, quae, si sileant, obveniunt personae iuridicae immediate superiori, salvis semper fundatorum vel oblatorum
voluntate necnon iuribus quaesitis; extincta persona iuridica privata, eiusdem bonorum et onerum destinatio statutis
On the extinction of a public juridical person, the arrangements for its patrimonial goods and rights, and for its
liabilities, are determined by law and the statutes. If these do not deal with the matter, the arrangements devolve
upon the next higher juridical person, always with due regard for the wishes of the founders or benefactors and for

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acquired rights. On the extinction of a private juridical person, the arrangements for its goods and liabilities are
governed by its own statutes.



1 Ad validitatem actus iuridici requiritur ut a persona habili sit positus, atque in eodem adsint quae actum ipsum
essentialiter constituunt, necnon sollemnia et requisita iure ad validitatem actus imposita.
1 For the validity of a juridical act, it is required that it be performed by a person who is legally capable, and it
must contain those elements which constitute the essence of the act, as well as the formalities and requirements
which the law prescribes for the validity of the act.
2. Actus iuridicus quoad sua elementa externa rite positus praesumitur validus.
2 A juridical act which, as far as its external elements are concerned, is properly performed, is presumed to be


1 Actus positus ex vi ab extrinseco personae illata, cui ipsa nequaquam resistere potuit, pro infecto habetur.
1 An act is invalid if performed as a result of force imposed from outside on a person who was quite unable to
resist it.
2. Actus positus ex metu gravi, iniuste incusso, aut ex dolo, valet, nisi aliud iure caveatur; sed potest per sententiam
iudicis rescindi, sive ad instantiam partis laesae eiusve in iure successorum sive ex officio.
2 An act performed as a result of fear which is grave and unjustly inflicted, or as a result of deceit, is valid, unless
the law provides otherwise. However, it can be rescinded by a court judgement, either at the instance of the injured
party or that party's successors in law, or ex officio.


Actus positus ex ignorantia aut ex errore, qui versetur circa id quod eius substantiam constituit, aut qui recidit in
condicionem sine qua non, irritus est; secus valet, nisi aliud iure caveatur, sed actus ex ignorantia aut ex errore initus
locum dare potest actioni rescissoriae ad normam iuris.
An act is invalid when performed as a result of ignorance or of error which concerns the substance of the act, or
which amounts to a condition sine qua non; otherwise it is valid, unless the law provides differently. But an act done
as a result of ignorance or error can give rise to a rescinding action in accordance with the law.


1 Cum iure statuatur ad actus ponendos Superiorem indigere consensu aut consilio alicuius collegii vel personarum
coetus, convocari debet collegium vel coetus ad normam can. 166, nisi, cum agatur de consilio tantum exquirendo, aliter
iure particulari aut proprio cautum sit; ut autem actus valeant requiritur ut obtineatur consensus partis absolute
maioris eorum qui sunt praesentes aut omnium exquiratur consilium.
1 When the law prescribes that, in order to perform a juridical act, a Superior requires the consent or the advice of
some college or group of persons, the college or group must be convened in accordance with can. 166, unless, if
there is question of seeking advice only, particular or proper law provides otherwise. For the validity of the act, it is
required that the consent be obtained of an absolute majority of those present, or that the advice of all be sought.
2. Cum iure statuatur ad actus ponendos Superiorem indigere consensu aut consilio aliquarum personarum, uti
2 When the law prescribes that, in order to perform a juridical act, a Superior requires the consent or advice of
certain persons as individuals:

si consensus exigatur, invalidus est actus Superioris consensum earum personarum non exquirentis aut contra
earum vel alicuius votum agentis;
if consent is required, the Superior's act is invalid if the Superior does not seek the consent of those persons,
or acts against the vote of all or of any of them;

si consilium exigatur, invalidus est actus Superioris easdem personas non audientis; Superior, licet nulla
obligatione teneatur accedendi ad earundem votum, etsi concors, tamen sine praevalenti ratione, suo iudicio
aestimanda, ab earundem voto, praesertim concordi, ne discedat.

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if advice is required, the Superior's act is invalid if the Superior does not hear those persons. The Superior is
not in any way bound to accept their vote, even if it is unanimous; nevertheless, without what is, in his or her
judgement, an overriding reason, the Superior is not to act against their vote, especially if it is a unanimous
3. Omnes quorum consensus aut consilium requiritur, obligatione tenentur sententiam suam sincere proferendi atque,
si negotiorum gravitas id postulate, secretum sedulo servandi; quae quidem obligatio a Superiore urgeri potest.
3 All whose consent or advice is required are obliged to give their opinions sincerely. If the seriousness of the
matter requires it, they are obliged carefully to maintain secrecy, and the Superior can insist on this obligation.

Quicunque illegitime actu iuridico, immo quovis alio actu dolo vel culpa posito, alteri damnum infert, obligatione
tenetur damnum illatum reparandi.
Whoever unlawfully causes harm to another by a juridical act, or indeed by any other act which is deceitful or
culpable, is obliged to repair the damage done.



1 Potestatis regiminis, quae quidem ex divina institutione est in Ecclesia et etiam potestas iurisdictionis vocatur, ad
normam praescriptorum iuris, habilis sunt qui ordine sacro sunt insigniti.
1 Those who are in sacred orders are, in accordance with the provisions of law, capable of the power of
governance, which belongs to the Church by divine institution. This power is also called the power of jurisdiction.
2. In exercitio eiusdem potestatis, christifideles laici ad normam iuris cooperari possunt.
2 Lay members of Christ's faithful can cooperate in the exercise of this same power in accordance with the law.


Potestas regiminis de se exercetur pro foro externo, quandoque tamen pro solo foro interno, ita quidem ut effectus quos
eius exercitium natum est habere pro foro externo, in hoc foro non recognoscantur, nisi quatenus id determinatis pro
casibus iure statuatur.
Of itself the power of governance is exercised for the external forum; sometimes however it is exercised for the
internal forum only, but in such a way that the effects which its exercise is designed to have in the external forum
are not acknowledged in that forum, except in so far as the law prescribes this for determinate cases.


1 Potestas regiminis ordinaria ea est, quae ipso iure alicui officio adnectitur; delegata, quae ipsi personae non
mediante officio conceditur.
1 Ordinary power of governance is that which by virtue of the law itself is attached to a given office; delegated
power is that which is granted to a person other than through an office.
2. Potestas regiminis ordinaria potest esse sive propria sive vicaria.
2 Ordinary power of governance may be proper or vicarious.
3. Ei qui delegatum se asserit, onus probandae delegationis incumbit.
3 One who claims to have been delegated has the onus of proving the delegation.


1 Facultates habituales reguntur praescriptis de potestate delegata.

1 Habitual faculties are governed by the provisions concerning delegated power.
2. Attamen nisi in eius concessione aliud expresse caveatur aut electa sit industria personae, facultas habitualis
Ordinario concessa non perimitur resoluto iure Ordinarii cui concessa est, etiamsi ipse eam exsequi coeperit, sed
transit ad quemvis Ordinarium qui ipsi in regimine succedit.
2 However, unless the grant has expressly provided otherwise, or the Ordinary was deliberately chosen as the
only one to exercise the faculty, an habitual faculty granted to an Ordinary does not lapse on the expiry of the
authority of the Ordinary to whom it was given, even if he has already begun to exercise the faculty, but it passes to
the Ordinary who succeeds him in governance.


1 Delegatus qui sive circa res sive circa personas mandati sui fines excedit, nihil agit.

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1 A delegate who exceeds the limits of the mandate, with regard either to things or to persons, performs no act at
2. Fines sui mandati excercere non intellegitur delegatus qui aliomodo ac in mandato determinatur, ea peragit ad quae
delegatus est, nisi modus ab ipso delegante ad validitatem fuerit praescriptus.
2 A delegate is not considered to have exceeded the mandate when what was delegated is carried out, but in a
manner different to that determined in the mandate, unless the manner was prescribed for validity by the delegating

1 Nomine Ordinarii in iure intelleguntur, praeter Romanum Pontificem, Episcopi dioecesani aliique qui, etsi ad
interim tantum, praepositi sunt alicui Ecclesiae particulari vel communitati eidem aequiparatae ad normam can. 368,
necnon qui in iisdem generali gaudent potestate exsecutiva ordinaria, nempe Vicarii generales et episcopales; itemque,
pro suis sodalibus, Superiores maiores clericalium institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii et clericalium societatum
vitae apostolicae iuris pontificii, qui ordinaria saltem potestate exsecutiva pollent.
1 In law the term Ordinary means, apart from the Roman Pontiff, diocesan Bishops and all who, even for a time
only, are set over a particular Church or a community equivalent to it in accordance with can. 368, and those who
in these have general ordinary executive power, that is, Vicars general and episcopal Vicars; likewise, for their own
members, it means the major Superiors of clerical religious institutes of pontifical right and of clerical societies of
apostolic life of pontifical right, who have at least ordinary executive power.
2. Nomine Ordinarii loci intelleguntur omnes qui in 1 recensentur, exceptis Superioribus institutorum religiosorum et
societatum vitae apostolicae.
2 The term local Ordinary means all those enumerated in 1, except Superiors of religious institutes and of
societies of apostolic life.
3. Quae in canonibus nominatim Episcopo dioecesano, in ambitu potestatis exsecutivae tribuuntur, intelleguntur
competere dumtaxat Episcopo dioecesano aliisque ipsi in can. 381, 2 aequiparatis, exclusis Vicario generali et
episcopali, nisi de speciali mandato.
3 Whatever in the canons, in the context of executive power, is attributed to the diocesan Bishop, is understood to
belong only to the diocesan Bishop and to those others in can. 381 2 who are equivalent to him, to the exclusion
of the Vicar general and the episcopal Vicar except by special mandate.


1 Potestas regiminis distinguitur in legislativam, exsecutivam et iudicialem.

1 The power of governance is divided into legislative, executive and judicial power.
2. Potestas legislativa exercenda est modo iure praescripto, et ea qua in Ecclesia gaudet legislator infra auctoritatem
supremam, valide delegari nequit, nisi aliud iure explicite caveatur; a legislatore inferiore lex iuri superiori contraria
valide ferri nequit.
2 Legislative power is to be exercised in the manner prescribed by law; that which in the Church a legislator lower
than the supreme authority has cannot be delegated, unless the law explicitly provides otherwise. A lower legislator
cannot validly make a law which is contrary to that of a higher legislator.
3. Potestas iudicialis, qua gaudent iudices aut collegia iudicialia, exercenda est modo iure praescripto, et delegari
nequit, nisi ad actus cuivis decreto aut sententia praeparatorios perficiendos.
3 Judicial power, which is possessed by judges and judicial colleges, is to be exercised in the manner prescribed
by law, and it cannot be delegated except for the performance of acts preparatory to some decree or judgement.
4. Ad potestatis exsecutivae exercitium quod attinet, serventur praescripta canonum qui sequuntur.
4 As far as the exercise of executive power is concerned, the provisions of the following canons are to be


Potestatem exsecutivam aliquis, licet extra territorium exsistens, exercere valet in subditos, etiam a territorio absentes,
nisi aliud ex rei natura aut ex iuris praescripto constet; in peregrinos in territorio actu degentes, si agatur defavoribus
concedendis aut de exsecutioni mandandis sive legibus universalibus sive legibus particularibus, quibus ipsi ad
normam can. 13, 2, n. 2 tenentur.
Persons may exercise executive power over their subjects, even when either they themselves or their subjects are
outside the territory, unless it is otherwise clear from the nature of things or from the provisions of law. They can

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exercise this power over peregrini who are actually living in the territory, if it is a question of granting favours, or of
executing universal or particular laws by which the peregrini are bound in accordance with can. 13 2, n. 2.

1 Potestas exsecutiva ordinaria delegari potest tum ad actum tum ad universitatem casuum, nisi aliud iure expresse
1 Ordinary executive power can be delegated either for an individual case or for all cases, unless the law
expressly provides otherwise.
2. Potestas exsecutiva ab Apostolica Sede delegata subdelegari potest sive ad actum sive ad universitatem casuum, nisi
electa fuerit industria personae aut subdelegatio fuerit expresse prohibita.
2 Executive power delegated by the Apostolic See can be subdelegated, either for an individual case or for all
cases, unless the delegation was deliberately given to the individual alone, or unless subdelegation was expressly
3. Potestas exsecutiva delegata ab alia auctoritate potestatem ordinariam habente, si ad universitatem casuum
delegata sit, in singulis tantum casibus subdelegari potest; si vero ad actum aut ad actus determinatos delegata sit,
subdelegari nequit, nisi de expressa delegantis concessione.
3 Executive power delegated by another authority having ordinary power, if delegated for all cases, can be
subdelegated only for individual cases; if delegated for a determinate act or acts, it cannot be subdelegated, except
by the express grant of the person delegating.
4. Nulla potestas subdelegata iterum subdelegari potest, nisi id expresse a delegante concessum fuerit.
4 No subdelegated power can again be subdelegated, unless this was expressly granted by the person delegating.


Potestas exsecutiva ordinaria necnon potestas ad universitatem casuum delegata, late interpretanda est, alia vero
quaelibet stricte; cui tamen delegata potestas est, ea quoque intelleguntur concessa sine quibus eadem potestas exerceri
Ordinary executive power, and power delegated for all cases, are to be interpreted widely; any other power is to be
interpreted strictly. Delegation of power to a person is understood to include everything necessary for the exercise
of that power.


1 Nisi aliud iure statuatur, eo quod quis aliquam auctoritatem, etiam superiorem, competentem adeat, non suspenditur
alius auctoritatis competentis exsecutiva potestas, sive haec ordinaria est sive delegata.
1 Unless the law prescribes otherwise, the fact that a person approaches some competent authority, even a higher
one, does not mean that the executive power of another competent authority is suspended, whether that be
ordinary or delegated.
2. Causae tamen ad superiorem auctoritatem delatae ne se immisceat inferior, nisi ex gravi urgetique causa; quo in
casu statim superiorem de re moneat.
2 A lower authority, however, is not to interfere in cases referred to higher authority, except for a grave and urgent
reason; in which case the higher authority is to be notified immediately.


1 Pluribus in solidum ad idem negotium agendum delegatis, qui prius negotium tractare inchoaverit alios ab eodem
agendo excludit, nisi postea impeditus fuerit aut in negotio peragendo ulterius procedere noluerit.
1 When several people are together delegated to act in the same matter, the person who has begun to deal with it
excludes the others from acting, unless that person is subsequently impeded, or does not wish to proceed further
with the matter.
2. Pluribus collegialiter ad negotium agendum delegatis, omnes procedere debent ad normam can. 119, nisi in mandato
aliud cautum sit.
2 When several people are delegated to act as a college in a certain matter, all must proceed in accordance with
can. 119, unless the mandate provides otherwise.
3. Potestas exsecutiva pluribus delegata, praesumitur iisdem delegata in solidum.
3 Executive power delegated to several people is presumed to be delegated to them together.


Pluribus successive delegatis, ille negotium expediat, cuius mandatum anterius est, nec postea revocatum fuit.

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If several people are successively delegated, that person is to deal with the matter whose mandate was the earlier
and was not subsequently revoked.

1 Potestas delegata extinguitur: expleto mandato; elapso tempore vel exhausto numero casuum pro quibus concessa
fuit; cessante causa finali delegationis; revocatione delegantis delegato directe intimata necnon renuntiatione delegati
deleganti significata et eo acceptata; non autem resoluto iure delegantis, nisi id ex appositis clausulis appareat.
1 Delegated power lapses: on the completion of the mandate; on the expiry of the time or the completion of the
number of cases for which it was granted; on the cessation of the motivating reason for the delegation; on its
revocation by the person delegating, when communicated directly to the person delegated; and on the retirement of
the person delegated, when communicated to and accepted by the person delegating. It does not lapse on the
expiry of the authority of the person delegating, unless this appears from clauses attached to it.
2. Actus tamen ex potestate delegat, quae exercetur pro solo foro interno, per inadvertentiam positus, elapso
concessionis tempore, validus est.
2 An act of delegated power exercised for the internal forum only, which is inadvertently performed after the time
limit of the delegation, is valid.


1 Potestas ordinaria extinguitur amisso officio cui adnectitur.

1 Ordinary power ceases on the loss of the office to which it is attached.
2. Nisi aliud iure caveatur, suspenditur potestas ordinaria, si contra privationem vel amotionem ab officio legitime
appellatur vel recursus interponitur.
2 Unless the law provides otherwise, ordinary power is suspended if an appeal or a recourse is lawfully made
against a deprivation of, or removal from, office.


1 In errore communi de facto aut de iure, itemque in dubio positivo et probabili sive iuris sive facti, supplet Ecclesia,
pro foro tam externo quam interno, potestatem regiminis exsecutivam.
1 In common error, whether of fact or of law, and in positive and probable doubt, whether of law or of fact, the
Church supplies executive power of governance for both the external and the internal forum.
2. Eadem norma applicatur facultatibus de quibus in cann. 882, 883, 966, et 1111, 1.
2 The same norm applies to the faculties mentioned in cann. 883, 966, and 1111 1.



1 Officium ecclesiasticum est quodlibet munus ordinatione sive divina sive ecclesiastica stabiliter constitutum in finem
spiritualem exercendum.
1 An ecclesiastical office is any post which by divine or ecclesiastical disposition is established in a stable manner
to further a spiritual purpose.
2. Obligationes et iura singulis officiis ecclesiasticis propria definiuntur sive ipso iure quo officium constituitur, sive
decreto auctoritatis competentis quo constituitur simul et confertur.
2 The duties and rights proper to each ecclesiastical office are defined either by the law whereby the office is
established, or by a decree of the competent authority whereby it is at one and at the same time established and





Officium ecclesiasticum sine provisione canonica valide obtineri nequit.

An ecclesiastical office cannot be validly obtained without canonical provision.


Provisio officii ecclesiastici fit: per liberam collationem ab auctoritate ecclesiastica competenti; per institutionem ab
eadem datam, si praecesserit praesentatio; per confirmationem vel admissionem ab eadem factam, si praecesserit
electio vel postulatio; tandem per simplecem electionem et electi acceptationem, si electio non egeat confirmatione.

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The provision of an ecclesiastical office is effected: by its being freely conferred by the competent ecclesiastical
authority; by appointment made by the same authority, where there has been a prior presentation; by confirmation
or admission by the same authority, where there has been a prior election or postulation; finally, by a simple
election and acceptance of the election, if the election does not require confirmation.

Auctoritati, cuius est officia erigere, innovare et supprimere, eorundem provisio quoque competit, nisi aliud iure
Unless the law provides otherwise, the provision of an office is the prerogative of the authority which is competent
to establish, change or suppress the office.


1 Ut ad officum ecclesiasticum quis promoveatur, debet esse in Ecclesiae communione necnon idoneus, scilicet iis
qualitatibus praeditus, quae iure universali vel particulari aut lege fundationis ad idem officium requiritur.
1 In order to be promoted to an ecclesiastical office, one must be in communion with the Church, and be suitable,
that is, possessed of those qualities which are required for that office by universal or particular law or by the law of
the foundation.
2. Provisio officii ecclesiastici facta illi qui caret qualitatibus requisitis, irrita tantum est, si qualitates iure universali
vel particulari aut lege fundationis ad validitatem provisionis expresse exigantur; secus valida est, sed rescindi potest
per decretum auctoritatis competentis aut per sententiam tribunalis administrativi.
2 The provision of an ecclesiastical office to a person who lacks the requisite qualities is invalid only if the qualities
are expressly required for validity by universal or particular law or by the law of the foundation; otherwise it is valid,
but it can be rescinded by a decree of the competent authority or by a judgement of an administrative tribunal.
3. Provisio officii simoniace facta ipso iure irrita est.
3 The provision of an office made as a result of simony, is invalid by virtue of the law itself.


Officium secumferens plenam animarum curam, ad quam adimplendam ordinis sacerdotalis exercitium requiritur, ei
qui sacerdotio nondum auctus est valide conferri nequit.
An office which carries with it the full care of souls, for which the exercise of the order of priesthood is required,
cannot validly be conferred upon a person who is not yet a priest.


Provisio officii animarum curam secumferentis, sine gravi causa ne differatur.

The provision of an office which carries with it the care of souls is not to be deferred without grave reason.


Nemini conferantur duo vel plura officia incompatibilia, videlicet quae una simul ab eodem adimpleri nequeunt.
Two or more offices which are incompatible, that is, which cannot be exercised at the same time by the same
person, are not to be conferred upon anyone.


1 Provisio officii de iure non vacantis est ipso facto irrita, nec subsequenti vacatione convalescit.
1 The provision of an office which in law is not vacant is by that very fact invalid, nor does it become valid by
subsequent vacancy.
2. Si tamen agatur de officio quod de iure ad tempus determinatum confertur, provisio intra sex menses ante expletum
hoc tempus fieri potest, et effectum habet a die officii vacationis.
2 If, however, there is question of an office which by law is conferred for a determinate time, provision can be
made within six months before the expiry of this time, and it takes effect from the day the office falls vacant.
3. Promissio alicuius officii, a quocumque est facta, nullum parit iuridicum effectum.
3 The promise of any office, by whomsoever it is made, has no juridical effect.


Officium de iure vacans, quod forte adhuc ab aliquo illegitime possidetur, conferri potest, dummodo rite declaratum
fuerit eam possessionem non esse legitimam, et de hac declaratione mentio fiat in litteris collationis.
An office which in law is vacant, but which someone unlawfully still holds, may be conferred, provided that it has
been properly declared that such possession is not lawful, and that mention is made of this declaration in the letter
of conferral.

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Qui, vicem alterius neglegentis vel impediti supplens, officium confert, nullam inde potestatem acquirit in personam
cui collatum est, sed huius condicio iuridica perinde constituitur, ac si provisio ad ordinariam iuris normam peracta
One who confers an office in the place of another who is negligent or impeded, does not thereby acquire any power
over the person on whom the office is conferred; the juridical condition of the latter is the same as if the provision of
the office had been carried out in accordance with the ordinary norm of law.


Cuiuslibet officii provisio scripto consignetur.

The provision of any office is to be made in writing.

Art. 1

Nisi aliud explicite iure statuatur. Episcopi dioecesani est libera collatione providere officiis ecclesiasticis in propria
Ecclesia particulari.
Unless the law expressly states otherwise, it is the prerogative of the diocesan Bishop to make appointments to
ecclesiastical offices in his own particular Church by free conferral.

Art. 2



1 Praesentatio ad officium ecclesiasticum ab eo, cui ius praesentandi competit, fieri debet auctoritati cuius est ad
officium de quo agitur institutionem dare, et quidem, nisi aliud legitime cautum sit, intra tres menses ab habita
vacationis officii notitia.
1 Presentation to an ecclesiastical office by a person having the right of presentation must be made to the
authority who is competent to make an appointment to the office in question; unless it is otherwise lawfully
provided, presentation is to be made within three months of receiving notification of the vacancy of the office.
2. Si ius praesentationis cuidam collegio aut coetui personarum competat, praesentandus designetur servatis cann. 165
- 179 praescriptis.
2 If the right of presentation belongs to a college or group of persons, the person to be presented is to be
designated according to the provisions of cann. 165 - 179.


Nemo invitus praesentetur; quare qui praesentandus proponitur, mentem suam rogatus, nisi intra octiduum utile
recuset, praesentari potest.
No one is to be presented who is unwilling. Accordingly, one who is proposed for presentation must be consulted,
and may be presented if within eight canonical days a refusal is not entered.


1 Qui iure praesentationis gaudet, unum aut etiam plures, et quidem tum una simul tum successive, praesentare
1 One who has the right of presentation may present one or more persons, either simultaneously or successively.
2. Nemo potest seipsum praesentare; potest autem collegium aut coetus personarum aliquem suum sodalem
2 No persons may present themselves. However a college or a group of persons may present one of its members.


1 Nisi aliud iure statuatur, potest qui aliquem praesentaverit non idoneum repertum, altera tantum vice, intra
mensem, alium candidatum praesentare.
1 Unless the law prescribes otherwise, one who has presented a person who is judged unsuitable, may within a
month present another candidate, but once only.
2. Si praesentatus ante institutionem factam renuntiaverit aut de vita decesserit, potest qui iure praesentandi pollet,
intra mensem ab habita renuntiationis aut mortis notitia, ius suum rursus exercere.
2 If before the appointment is made the person presented has withdrawn or has died, the one with the right of
presentation may exercise this right again, within a month of receiving notice of the withdrawal or of the death.

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Qui intra tempus utile, ad normam can. 158, 1 et can. 161 praesentationem non fecerit, itemque qui bis praesentaverit
non idoneum repertum, pro eo casu ius praesentationis amittit, atque auctoritati, cuius est institutionem dare, competit
libere providere officio vacanti, assentiente tamen proprio provisi Ordinario.
A person who has not presented anyone within the canonical time prescribed by can. 158 1 and can. 161, or who
has twice presented a candidate judged to be unsuitable, loses the right of presentation for that case. The authority
who is competent to appoint may then freely provide for the vacant office, but with the consent of the proper
Ordinary of the person appointed.


Auctoritas, cui ad normam iuris competit praesentatum instituere, instituat legitime praesentatum quem idoneum
reppererit et qui acceptaverit; quod si plures legitime praesentati idonei repertisint, eorundem unum instituere debet.
The authority to whom, in accordance with the law, it belongs to appoint one who is presented, is to appoint the
person lawfully presented whom he has judged suitable, and who has accepted. If a number lawfully presented are
judged suitable, he is to appoint one of them.

Art. 3



Nisi aliud iure provisum fuerit, in electionibus canonicis serventur praescripta canonum qui sequuntur.
Unless it has been otherwise provided in the law, the provisions of the following canons are to be observed in
canonical elections.


Nisi aliud iure aut legitimis collegii vel coetus statutis cautum sit, si cui collegio aut coetui personarum sit ius eligendi
ad officium, electio ne differatur ultra trimestre utile computandum ab habita notitia vacationis officii; quo termino
inutiliter elapso, auctoritas ecclesiastica, cui ius confirmandae electionis vel ius providendi successive competit, officio
vacanti libere provideat.
Unless it is otherwise provided in the law or in the statutes of the college or group, if a college or a group of
persons enjoys the right to elect to an office, the election is not to be deferred beyond three canonical months, to be
reckoned from the receipt of notification of the vacancy of the office. If the election does not take place within that
time, the ecclesiastical authority who has the right of confirming the election or the right to make provision
otherwise, is freely to provide for the vacant office.


1 Collegii aut coetus praeses convocet omnes ad collegium aut ad coetum pertinentes; convocatio autem, quando
personalis esse debet, valet, si fiat in loco domicilii vel quasi-domicilii aut in loco commorationis.
1 The one who presides over the college or group is to summon all those who belong to the college or group.
When it has to be personal, the summons is valid if it is made in the place of domicile or quasi-domicile or in the
place of residence.
2. Si quis ex vocandis neglectus et ideo absens fuerit, electio valet; attamen ad eiusdem instantiam, probata quidem
praeteritione et absentia, electio, etiam si confirmata fuerit, a competenti auctoritate rescindi debet, dummodo iuridice
constet recursum saltem intra triduum ab habita notitia electionis fuisse transmissum.
2 If someone who should have been summoned was overlooked and was therefore absent, the election is valid.
However, if that person insists and gives proof of being overlooked and of absence, the election, even if confirmed,
must be rescinded by the competent authority, provided it is juridically established that the recourse was submitted
within no more than three days of having received notification of the election.
3. Quod si plures quam tertia pars electorum neglecti fuerint, electio est ipso iure nulla, nisi omnes neglecti reapse
3 If more than one third of the voters were overlooked, the election is invalid by virtue of the law itself, unless all
those overlooked were in fact present.


1 Convocatione legitima facta, suffragium ferendi ius habent praesentes die et loco in eadem convocatione
determinatis, exclusa, nisi aliud statutis legitime caveatur, facultate ferendi suffragia sive per epistolam sive per
1 When the summons has been lawfully made, those who are present on the day and in the place specified in the
summons have the right to vote. Unless it is otherwise lawfully provided in the statutes, votes cast by letter or by
proxy cannot be admitted.

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2. Si quis ex electoribus praesens in ea domo sit, in qua fit electio, sed electioni ob infirmam valetudinem interesse
nequeat, suffragium eius scriptum a scrutatoribus exquiratur.
2 If an elector is present in the building in which the election is being held, but because of infirmity is unable to be
present at the election, a written vote is to be sought from that person by the scrutineers.

Etsi quis plures ob titulos ius habeat ferendi nomine proprio suffragii, non potest nisi unicum suffragium ferre.
Even if someone has a right to vote in his or her own name by reason of a number of titles, that person may cast
only one vote.


Ut valida sit electio, nemo ad suffragium admitti potest, qui ad collegium vel coetum non pertineat.
In order that an election be valid, no one may be allowed to vote who does not belong to the college or group.


Electio, cuius libertas quoquo modo reapse impedita fuerit, ipso iure invalida est.
If the freedom of an election has in any way been in fact impeded, the election is invalid by virtue of the law itself.


1 Inhabiles sunt ad suffragium ferendum:

1 The following are legally incapable of casting a vote:

incapax actus humani;

one incapable of a human act;

carens voce activa;

one lacking active voice;

poena excommunicationis innodatus sive per sententiam iudicialem sive per decretum quo poena irrogatur vel
one who is excommunicated, whether by judgement of a court or by a decree whereby this penalty is imposed
or declared;

qui ab Ecclesiae communione notorie defecit.

one who notoriously defected from communion with the Church.

2. Si quis ex praedictis admittatur, eius suffragium est nullum, sed electio valet, nisi constet, eo dempto, electum non
rettulisse requisitum suffragiorum numerum.
2 If any of the above persons is admitted, the vote cast is invalid. The election, however, is valid, unless it is
established that, without this vote, the person elected would not have gained the requisite number of votes.

1 Suffragium, ut validum sit, esse debet:

1 For a vote to be valid, it must be:

liberum; ideoque invalidum est suffragium eius, qui metu gravi aut dolo, directe vel indirecte, adactus fuerit ad
eligendam certam personam aut diversas personas disiunctive;
free; a vote is therefore invalid if, through grave fear or deceit, someone was directly or indirectly made to
choose a certain person or several persons separately;

secretum, certum, absolutum, determinatum.

secret, certain, absolute and determinate.

2. Condiciones ante electionem suffragio appositae tamquam non adiectae habeantur.

2 Conditions attached to a vote before an election are to be considered non-existent.

1 Antequam incipiat electio, deputentur e gremio collegii aut coetus duo saltem scrutatores.
1 Before an election begins, at least two scrutineers are to be appointed from among the college or group.
2. Scrutatores suffragia colligant et coram praeside electionis inspiciant an schedularum numerus respondeat numero
electorum, suffragia ipsa scrutentur palamque faciant quot quisque rettulerit.
2 The scrutineers are to collect the votes and, in the presence of the one who presides at the election, to check
whether the number of votes corresponds to the number of electors; they are then to examine the votes and to
announce how many each person has received.

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3. Si numerus suffragiorum superet numerum eligentium, nihil est actum.

3 If the number of votes exceeds the number of electors, the act is null.
4. Omnia electionis acta ab eo qui actuarii munere fungitur accurate describantur, et saltem ab eodem actuario,
praeside ac scrutatoribus subscripta, in collegii tabulario diligenter asserventur.
4 All the proceedings of an election are to be accurately recorded by the one who acts as notary. They are to be
signed at least by that notary, by the person who presides and by the scrutineers, and they are to be carefully
preserved in the archive of the college.

1 Electio, nisi aliud iure aut statutis caveatur, fieri etiam potest per compromissum, dummodo nempe electores,
unanimi et scripto consensu, in unum vel plures idoneos sive de gremio sive extraneos ius eligendi pro ea vice
transferant, qui nomine omnium ex recepta facultate eligant.
1 Unless the law or the statutes provide otherwise, an election can be made by compromise, that is the electors
by unanimous and written consent transfer the right of election for this occasion to one or more suitable persons,
whether they belong to the college or are outside it, who in virtue of this authority are to elect in the name of all.
2. Si agatur de collegio aut coetu ex solis clericis constanti, compromissarii in sacris debent esse constituti; secus
electio est invalida.
2 If the college or group consists solely of clerics, the persons to whom the power of election is transferred must
be in sacred orders; otherwise the election is invalid.
3. Compromissarii debent iuris praescripta de electione servare atque, ad validitatem electionis, condiciones
compromisso appositas, iuri non contrarias, observare; condiciones autem iuri contrariae pro non appositis habeantur.
3 Those to whom the power of election is transferred must observe the provisions of law concerning an election
and, for the validity of the election, they must observe the conditions attached to the compromise, unless these
conditions are contrary to the law. Conditions which are contrary to the law are to be regarded as non-existent.


Cessat compromissum et ius suffragium ferendi redit ad compromittentes:

A compromise ceases, and the right to vote reverts to those who transferred it, when:

revocatione a collegio aut coetu facta, re integra;

it is revoked by the college or group before it has been put into effect;

non impleta aliqua condicione compromisso apposita;

a condition attached to the compromise has not been fulfilled;

electione absoluta, si fuerit nulla.

the election has been held, but invalidly.


Nisi aliud iure aut statutis caveatur, is electus habeatur et a collegii aut coetus praeside proclametur, qui requisitum
suffragiorum numerum rettulerit, ad normam can. 119, n. 1.
Unless it is otherwise provided in the law or the statutes, the person who has received the requisite number of votes
in accordance with can. 119, n. 1, is deemed elected and is to be proclaimed by the person who presides over the
college or group.


1 Electio illico intimanda est electo, qui debet intra octiduum utile a recepta intimatione significare collegii aut coetus
praesidi utrum electionem acceptet necne; secus electio effectum non habet.
1 The election is to be notified immediately to the person elected who must, within eight canonical days from the
receipt of notification of the election, intimate to the person who presides over the college or group whether or not
he or she accepts the election; otherwise, the election has no effect.
2. Si electus non acceptaverit, omne ius ex electione amittit nec subsequenti acceptatione convalescit, sed rursus eligi
potest; collegium autem aut coetus intra mensem a cognita non- acceptatione ad novam electionem procedere debet.
2 The person elected who has not accepted loses every right deriving from the election, nor is any right revived by
subsequent acceptance; the person may, however, be elected again. The college or group must proceed to a new
election within a month of being notified of non-acceptance.

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Electus, acceptata electione, quae confirmatione non egeat, officium pleno iure statim obtinet; secus non aquirit nisi ius
ad rem.
If the election does not require confirmation, by accepting the election the person elected immediately obtains the
office with all its rights; otherwise, he or she acquires only a right to the office.


1 Electus, si electio confirmatione indigeat, intra octiduum utilea die acceptate electionis confirmationem ab
auctoritate competenti petere per se vel per alium debet; secus omni iure privatur, nisi probaverit se a petenda
confirmatione iusto impedimento detentum fuisse.
1 If the election requires confirmation, the person elected must, either personally or through another, ask for
confirmation by the competent authority within eight canonical days of acceptance of the office- otherwise that
person is deprived of every right, unless he or she has established that there was just reason which prevented
confirmation being sought.
2. Competens auctoritas, si electum repperit idoneum ad normam can. 149, 1, et electio ad normam iuris fuerit
peracta, confirmationem denegare nequit.
2 The competent authority cannot refuse confirmation if he has found the person elected suitable in accordance
with can. 149 1, and the election has been carried out in accordance with the law.
3. Confirmatio in scriptis dari debet.
3 Confirmation must be given in writing.
4. Ante intimatam confirmationem, electo non licet sese immiscere administrationi officii sive in spiritualibus sive in
temporalibus et actus ab eo forte positi nulli sunt.
4 Before receiving notice of the confirmation, the person elected may not become involved in the administration of
the office, neither in spiritual nor in material affairs; any acts possibly performed by that person are invalid.
5. Intimata confirmatione, electus pleno iure officium obtinet, nisi aliud iure caveatur.
5 When confirmation has been notified, the person elected obtains full right to the office, unless the law provides

Art. 4


1 Si electioni illius quem electores aptiorem putent ac praeferant impedimentum canonicum obstet, super quo
dispensatio concedi possit ac soleat, suis ipsi suffragiis eum possunt, nisi aliud iure caveatur, a competenti auctoritate
1 If a canonical impediment, from which a dispensation is possible and customary, stands in the way of the
election of a person whom the electors judge more suitable and prefer, they can, unless the law provides otherwise,
postulate that person from the competent authority.
2. Compromissarii postulare nequeunt, nisi id in compromisso fuerit expressum.
2 Those to whom the power of electing has been transferred by compromise may not make a postulation, unless
this is expressly stated in the terms of the compromise.


1 Ut postulatio vim habeat, requiruntur saltem duae tertiae partes suffragiorum.

1 For a postulation to have effect, at least two thirds of the votes are required.
2. Suffragium pro postulatione exprimi debet per verbum: "postulo," aut aequivalens; formula: "eligo vel postulo,"
aut aequipollens, valet pro electione, si impedimentum non exsistat, secus pro postulatione.
2 A vote for postulation must be expressed by the term 'I postulate', or an equivalent. The formula 'I elect or
postulate', or its equivalent, is valid for election if there is no impediment; otherwise, it is valid for postulation.


1 Postulatio a praeside intra octiduum utile mitti debet ad auctoritatem competentem ad quam pertinet electionem
confirmare cuius est dispensationem de impedimento concedere, aut si hanc potestatem non habeat, eandem ab
auctoritate superiore petere; si non requiritur confirmatio, postulatio mitti debet ad auctoritatem competentem ut
dispensatio concedatur.
1 The postulation must be sent, within eight canonical days, by the person who presides to the authority which is
competent to confirm the election, to whom it belongs to grant the dispensation from the impediment or, if he has

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not this authority, to seek the dispensation from a superior authority. If confirmation is not required, the postulation
must be sent to the authority which is competent to grant the dispensation.
2. Si intra praescriptum tempus postulatio missa non fuerit, ipso facto nulla est, et collegium vel coetus pro ea vice
privatur iure eligendi aut postulandi nisi probetur praesidem a mittenda postulatione iusto fuisse detentum
impedimento aut dolo vel neglegentia ab eadem tempore opportuno mittenda abstinuisse.
2 If the postulation is not forwarded within the prescribed time, it is by that very fact invalid, and the college or
group is for that occasion deprived of the right of election or of postulation, unless it is proved that the person
presiding was prevented by a just impediment from forwarding the postulation, or did not do so in due time
because of deceit or negligence.
3. Postulato nullum ius acquiritur ex postulatione; eam admittendi auctoritas competens obligatione non tenetur.
3 The person postulated does not acquire any right from the postulation; the competent authority is not obliged to
admit the postulation.
4. Factam auctoritati competenti postulationem electores revocare non possunt, nisi auctoritate consentiente.
4 The electors may not revoke a postulation made to the competent authority, except with the consent of that

1 Non admissa ab auctoritate competenti postulatione, ius eligendi ad collegium vel coetum redit.
1 If a postulation is not admitted by the competent authority the right of election reverts to the college or group.
2. Quod si postulatio admissa fuerit, id significetur postulato, qui respondere debet ad normam can. 177, 1.
2 If the postulation has been admitted, this is to be notified to the person postulated, who must reply in
accordance with can. 177 1.
3. Qui admissam postulationem acceptat, pleno iure statim officium obtinet.
3 The person who accepts a postulation which has been admitted immediately obtains full right to the office.




1 Amittitur officium ecclesiasticum lapsu temporis praefiniti, expleta aetate iure definita, renuntiatione, translatione,
amotione necnon privatione.
1 An ecclesiastical office is lost on the expiry of a predetermined time; on reaching the age limit defined by law; by
resignation; by transfer; by removal; by deprivation.
2. Resoluto quovis modo iure auctoritatis a qua fuit collatum, officium ecclesiasticum non amittitur, nisi aliud iure
2 An ecclesiastical office is not lost on the expiry, in whatever way, of the authority of the one by whom it was
conferred, unless the law provides otherwise.
3. Officii amissio, quae effectum sortita est, quam primum omnibus nota fiat, quibus aliquod ius in officii provisionem
3 The loss of an office, once it has taken effect, is to be notified as soon as possible to those who have any right in
regard to the provision of the office.


Ei, qui ob impletam aetatem aut renuntiationem acceptatam officium amittit, titulus emeriti conferri potest.
The title 'emeritus' may be conferred on one who loses office by reason of age, or of resignation which has been


Lapsu temporis praefiniti vel adimpleta aetate, amissio officii effectum habet tantum a momento, quo a competenti
auctoritate scripto intimatur.
Loss of office by reason of the expiry of a predetermined time or of reaching the age limit, has effect only from the
moment that this is communicated in writing by the competent authority.

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Art. 1



Quisquis sui compos potest officio ecclesiastico iusta de causa renuntiare.

Anyone who is capable of personal responsibility can resign from an ecclesiastical office for a just reason.


Renuntiatio ex metu gravi, iniuste incusso, dolo vel errore substantiali aut simoniace facta, ipso iure irrita est.
A resignation which is made as a result of grave fear unjustly inflicted, or of deceit, or of substantial error, or of
simony, is invalid by virtue of the law itself.


1 Renuntiatio, ut valeat, sive acceptatione eget sive non, auctoritati fieri debet cui provisio ad officium de quo agitur
pertinet, et quidem scripto vel oretenus coram duobus testibus.
1 For a resignation to be valid, whether it requires acceptance or not, it must be made to the authority which is
competent to provide for the office in question, and it must be made either in writing, or orally before two witnesses.
2. Auctoritas renuntiationem iusta et proportionata causa non innixam ne acceptet.
2 The authority is not to accept a resignation which is not based on a just and proportionate reason.
3. Renuntiatio quae acceptatione indiget, nisi intra tres menses acceptetur, omni vi caret; quae acceptatione non
indiget effectum sortitur communicatione renuntiantis ad normam iuris facta.
3 A resignation which requires acceptance has no force unless it is accepted within three months. One which does
not require acceptance takes effect when the person resigning communicates it in accordance with the law.
4. Renuntiatio, quamdiu effectum sortita non fuerit, a renuntiante revocari potest; effectu secuto revocari nequit, sed
qui renuntiavit, officium alio ex titulo consequi potest.
4 Until a resignation takes effect, it can be revoked by the person resigning. Once it has taken effect, it cannot be
revoked, but the person who resigned can obtain the office on the basis of another title.

Art. 2


1 Translatio ab eo tantum fieri potest, qui ius habet providendi officio quod amittitur et simul officio quod comittitur.
1 A transfer can be made only by the person who has the right to provide both for the office which is lost and at
the same time for the office which is being conferred.
2. Si translatio fiat invito officii titulari, gravis requiritur causa et, firmo semper iure rationes contrarias exponendi,
servetur modus procedendi iure praescriptus.
2 A grave reason is required if a transfer is made against the will of the holder of an office and, always without
prejudice to the right to present reasons against the transfer, the procedure prescribed by law is to be observed.
3. Translatio, ut effectum sortiatur, scripto intimanda est.
3 For a transfer to have effect, it must be notified in writing.


1 In translatione, prius officium vacat per possessionem alterius officii canonice habitam, nisi aliud iure cautum aut a
competenti auctoritate praescriptum fuerit.
1 In the process of transfer, the first office is vacated by the taking of canonical possession of the other office,
unless the law or the competent authority has prescribed otherwise.
2. Remunerationem cum priore officio conexam translatus percipit, donec alterius possessionem canonice obtinuerit.
2 The person transferred receives the remuneration attached to the previous office until the moment of obtaining
canonical possession of the other office.

Art. 3


Ab officio quis amovetur sive decreto ab auctoritate competenti legitime edito, servatis quidem iuribus forte ex
contractu quaesitis, sive ipso iure ad normam can. 194.
One is removed from office either by a decree of the competent authority lawfully issued, observing of course the
rights possibly acquired from a contract, or by virtue of the law in accordance with can. 194.

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1 Ab officio quod alicui confertur ad tempus indefinitum, non potest quis amoveri nisi ob graves causas atque servato
procedendi modo iure definito.
1 No one may be removed from an office which is conferred on a person for an indeterminate time, except for
grave reasons and in accordance with the procedure defined by law.
2. Idem valet, ut quis ab officio, quod alicui ad tempus determinatum confertur, ante hoc tempus elapsum amoveri
possit, firmo praescripto can. 624, 3.
2 This also applies to the removal from office before time of a person on whom an office is conferred for a
determinate time, without prejudice to can. 624 3.
3. Ab officio quod, secundum iuris praescripta, alicui confertur ad prudentem discretionem auctoritatis competentis,
potest quis iusta ex causa, de iudicio eiusdem auctoritatis, amoveri.
3 When in accordance with the provisions of law an office is conferred upon someone at the prudent discretion of
the competent authority, that person may, upon the judgement of the same authority, be removed from the office for
a just reason.
4. Decretum amotionis, ut effectum sortiatur, scripto intimandum est.
4 For a decree of removal to be effective, it must be notified in writing.


1 Ipso iure ab ecclesiastico amovetur:

1 The following are removed from ecclesiastical office by virtue of the law itself:

qui statum clericalem amiserit;

one who has lost the clerical state;

qui a fide catholica aut a communione Ecclesiae publice defecerit;

one who has publicly defected from the catholic faith or from communion with the Church;

clericus qui matrimonium etiam civile tantum attentaverit.

a cleric who has attempted marriage, even a civil one.

2. Amotio, de qua in nn. 2 et 3, urgeri tantum potest, si de eadem auctoritatis competentis declaratione constet.
2 The removal mentioned in nn. 2 and 3 can be insisted upon only if it is established by a declaration of the
competent authority.

Si quis, non quidem ipso iure, sed per decretum auctoritatis competentis ab officio amoveatur quo eiusdem
subsistentiae providetur, eadem auctoritas curet ut ipsius subsistentiae per congruum tempus prospiciatur, nisi aliter
provisum sit.
If by a decree of the competent authority, and not by the law itself, someone is removed from an office on which
that person's livelihood depends, the same authority is to ensure that the person's livelihood is secure for an
appropriate time, unless this has been provided for in some other way.

Art. 4


1 Privatio ab officio, in poenam scilicet delicti, ad normam iuris tantummodo fieri potest.
1 Deprivation of office, that is, as a punishment for an offence, may be effected only in accordance with the law.
2. Privatio effectum sortitur secundum praescripta canonum de iure poenali.
2 Deprivation takes effect in accordance with the provisions of the canons concerning penal law.



Praescriptionem, tamquam modum iuris subiectivi acquirendi vel amittendi necnon ab obligationibus sese liberandi,
Ecclesia recipit prout est in legislatione civili respectivae nationis salvis exceptionibus quae in canonibus huius Codicis

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Prescription, as a means of acquiring or of losing a subjective right, or as a means of freeing oneself from
obligations, is, apart from the exceptions prescribed in the canons of this Code, accepted by the Church in the
manner in which it is adopted in the civil legislation of each country.

Nulla valet praescriptio, nisi bona fide nitatur, non solum initio, sed toto decursu temporis ad praescriptionem requisiti,
salvo praescripto can. 1362.
No prescription is valid unless it is based on good faith, not only in its beginning, but throughout the whole time
required for the prescription, without prejudice to can. 1362.


Praescriptioni obnoxia non sunt:

The following are not affected by prescription:

iura et obligationes quae sunt legis divinae naturalis aut positivae;

rights and obligations which are of divine law, whether natural or positive;

iura quae obtineri possunt ex solo privilegio apostolico;

rights which can be obtained only by apostolic privilege;

iura et obligationes quae spiritualem christifidelium vitam directe respiciunt;

rights and obligations which bear directly on the spiritual life of Christ's faithful;

fines certi et indubii circumscriptionum ecclesiasticarum;

the certain and undisputed boundaries of ecclesiastical territories;

stipes et onera Missarum;

Mass offerings and obligations;

provisio officii ecclesiastici quod ad normam iuris exercitium ordinis sacri requirit;
the provision of an ecclesiastical office which, in accordance with the law, requires the exercise of a sacred

ius visitationis et obligatio oboedientiae, ita ut christifideles a nulla auctoritate ecclesiastica visitari possint et
nulli auctoritati iam subsint.
the right of visitation and the obligation of obedience, so that Christ's faithful could not be visited by an
ecclesiastical authority and would no longer be subject to any authority.




Nisi aliud expresse iure caveatur, tempus supputetur ad normam canonum qui sequuntur.
Unless the law provides otherwise, time is to be reckoned in accordance with the following canons.


1 Tempus continuum intellegitur quod nullam patitur interruptionem.

1 Continuous time means unbroken time.
2. Tempus utile intellegitur quod ita ius suum exercenti aut per sequenti competit, ut ignoranti aut agere non valenti
2 Canonical time is time which a person can so use to exercise or to pursue a right that it does not run when one
is unaware, or when one is unable to act.


1 In iure, dies intellegitur spatium constans 24 horis continuo supputandis, et incipit a media nocte, nisi aliud expresse
caveatur; hebdomada spatium 7 dierum; mensis spatium 30 et annus spatium 365 dierum, nisi mensis et annus
dicantur sumendi prout sunt in calendario.
1 In law, a day is understood to be a space of twenty-four hours, to be reckoned continuously and, unless
expressly provided otherwise, it begins at midnight; a week is a space of seven days- a month is a space of thirty
days, and a year a space of three hundred and sixty-five days, unless it is stated that the month and the year are to
be taken as in the calendar.

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2. Prout sunt in calendario semper sumendi sunt mensis et annus, si tempus est continuum.
2 If time is continuous, the month and the year are always to be taken as in the calendar.

1 Dies a quo non computatur in termino, nisi huius initium coincidat cum inito diei aut aliud expresse in iure caveatur.
1 The first day is not to be counted in the total, unless its beginning coincides with the beginning of the day, or
unless the law expressly provides otherwise.
2. Nisi contrarium statuatur, dies ad quem computatur in termino, qui, si tempus constet uno vel pluribus mensibus
aut annis, una vel pluribus hebdomadis, finitur expleto ultimo die eiusdem numeri aut, si mensis die eiusdem numeri
careat, expleto ultimo die mensis.
2 Unless the contrary is prescribed, the final day is to be reckoned within the total; if the total time is one or more
months, one or more years, one or more weeks, it finishes on completion of the last day bearing the same number
or, if the month does not have the same number, on the completion of the last day of that month.

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1 Christifideles sunt qui, utpote per baptismum Christo incorporati, in populum Dei sunt constituti, atque hac ratione
muneris Christi sacerdotalis, prophetici et regalis suo modo participes facti, secundum propriam cuiusque
condicionem, ad missionem exercendam vocantur, quam Deus Ecclesiae in mundo adimplendam concredidit.
1 Christ's faithful are those who, since they are incorporated into Christ through baptism, are constituted the
people of God. For this reason they participate in their own way in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ.
They are called, each according to his or her particular condition, to exercise the mission which God entrusted to
the Church to fulfil in the world.
2. Haec Ecclesia, in hoc mundo ut societas constituta et ordinata, subsistit in Ecclesia catholica, a successore Petri et
Episcopis in eius communione gubernata.
2 This Church, established and ordered in this world as a society, subsists in the catholic Church, governed by the
successor of Peter and the Bishops in communion with him.


Plene in communione Ecclesiae catholicae his in terris sunt illi baptizati, qui in eius compage visibili cum Christo
iunguntur, vinculis nempe professionis fidei, sacramentorum et ecclesiastici regiminis.
Those baptised are in full communion with the catholic Church here on earth who are joined with Christ in his
visible body, through the bonds of profession of faith, the sacraments and ecclesiastical governance.


1 Speciali ratione cum Ecclesia conectuntur catechumeni, qui nempe, Spiritu Sancto movente, explicita voluntate ut
eidem incorporentur expetunt, ideoque hoc ipso voto, sicut et vita fidei, spei et caritatis quam agunt, coniunguntur cum
Ecclesia, quae eos iam ut suos fovet.
1 Catechumens are linked with the Church in a special way since, moved by the Holy Spirit, they are expressing
an explicit desire to be incorporated in the Church. By this very desire, as well as by the life of faith, hope and
charity which they lead, they are joined to the Church which already cherishes them as its own.
2. Catechumenorum specialem curam habet Ecclesia quae, dum eos advitam ducendam evangelicam invitat eosque ad
sacros ritus celebrandos introducit, eisdem varias iam largitur praerogativas, quae christianorum sunt propriae.
2 The Church has a special care for catechumens. While it invites them to lead an evangelical life, and introduces
them to the celebration of the sacred rites, it already accords them various prerogatives which are proper to


1 Ex divina institutione, inter christifideles sunt in Ecclesia ministri sacri, qui in iure et clerici vocantur; ceteri autem
et laici nuncupantur.
1 By divine institution, among Christ's faithful there are in the Church sacred ministers, who in law are also called
clerics- the others are called lay people.
2. Ex utraque hac parte habentur christifideles, qui professione consiliorum evangelicorum per vota aut alia sacra
ligamina, ab Ecclesia agnita et sancita, suo peculiari modo Deo consecrantur et Ecclesiae missioni salvificae prosunt;
quorum status, licet ad hierarchicam Ecclesiae structuram non spectet, ad eius tamen vitam et sanctitatem pertinet.
2 Drawn from both groups are those of Christ's faithful who, professing the evangelical counsels through vows or
other sacred bonds recognised and approved by the Church, are consecrated to God in their own special way and
promote the salvific mission of the Church. Their state, although it does not belong to the hierarchical structure of
the Church, does pertain to its life and holiness.

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Inter christifideles omnes, ex eorum quidem in Christo regeneratione, vera viget quoad dignitatem et actionem
aequalitas, qua cuncti, secundum propriam cuiusque condicionem et munus, ad aedificationem Corporis Christi
Flowing from their rebirth in Christ, there is a genuine equality of dignity and action among all of Christ's faithful.
Because of this equality they all contribute, each according to his or her own condition and office, to the building up
of the Body of Christ.


1 Christifideles obligatione adstringuntur, sua quoque ipsorum agendi ratione, ad communionem semper servandam
cum Ecclesia.
1 Christ's faithful are bound to preserve their communion with the Church at all times, even in their external
2. Magna cum diligentia officia adimpleant, quibus tenentur erga Ecclesiam tum universam, tum particularem ad
quam, secundum iuris praescripta, pertinent.
2 They are to carry out with great diligence their responsibilities towards both the universal Church and the
particular Church to which by law they belong.


Omnes christifideles, secundum propriam condicionem, ad sanctam vitam ducendam atque ad Ecclesiae incrementum
eiusque iugem sanctificationem promovendam vires suas conferre debent.
All Christ's faithful, each according to his or her own condition, must make a wholehearted effort to lead a holy life,
and to promote the growth of the Church and its continual sanctification.


Omnes christifideles officium habent et ius allaborandi ut divinum salutis nuntium ad universos homines omnium
temporum ac totius orbis magis magisque perveniat.
All Christ's faithful have the obligation and the right to strive so that the divine message of salvation may more and
more reach all people of all times and all places.


1 Quae sacri Pastores, utpote Christum repraesentantes, tamquam fidei magistri declarant aut tamquam Ecclesiae
rectores statuunt, christifideles, propriae responsabilitatis conscii, christiana oboedientia prosequi tenentur.
1 Christ's faithful, conscious of their own responsibility, are bound to show christian obedience to what the sacred
Pastors, who represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith and prescribe as rulers of the Church.
2. Christifidelibus integrum est, ut necessitates suas, praesertim spirituales, suaque optata Ecclesiae Pastoribus
2 Christ's faithful are at liberty to make known their needs, especially their spiritual needs, and their wishes to the
Pastors of the Church.
3. Pro scientia, competentia et praestantia quibus pollent, ipsis ius est, immo et aliquando officium, ut sententiam
suam de hisquae ad bonum Ecclesiae pertinent sacris Pastoribus manifestent eamque, salva fidei morumque integritate
ac reverentia erga Pastores, attentisque communi utilitate et personarum dignitate, ceteris christifidelibus notam
3 They have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to
manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right
also to make their views known to others of Christ's faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity
of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors and take into account both the common good and the
dignity of individuals.


Ius est christifidelibus ut ex spiritualibus Ecclesiae bonis, praesertim ex verbo Dei et sacramentis, adiumenta a sacris
Pastoribus accipiant.
Christ's faithful have the right to be assisted by their Pastors from the spiritual riches of the Church, especially by
the word of God and the sacraments.


Ius est christifidelibus, ut cultum Deo persolvant iuxta praescripta proprii ritus a legitimis Ecclesiae Pastoribus
approbati, utque propriam vitae spiritualis formam sequantur, doctrinae quidem Ecclesiae consentaneam.

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Christ's faithful have the right to worship God according to the provisions of their own rite approved by the lawful
Pastors of the Church; they also have the right to follow their own form of spiritual life, provided it is in accord with
Church teaching.

Integrum est christifidelibus, ut libere condant atque moderentur consociationes ad fines caritatis vel pietatis, aut ad
vocationem christianam in mundo fovendam, utque conventus habeant ad eosdem fines in communi persequendos.
Christ's faithful may freely establish and direct associations which serve charitable or pious purposes or which
foster the christian vocation in the world, and they may hold meetings to pursue these purposes by common effort.


Christifideles cuncti, quippe qui Ecclesiae missionem participent, ius habent ut propriis quoque inceptis, secundum
suum quisque statum et condicionem, apostolicam actionem promoveant vel sustineant; nullum tamen inceptum nomen
catholicum sibi vindicet, nisi consensus accesserit competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae.
Since they share the Church's mission, all Christ's faithful have the right to promote and support apostolic action,
by their own initiative, undertaken according to their state and condition. No initiative, however, can lay claim to the
title 'catholic' without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority.


Christifideles, quippe qui baptismo ad vitam doctrinae evangelicae congruentem ducendam vocentur, ius habent ad
educationem christianam, qua ad maturitatem humanae personae prosequendam atque simul ad mysterium salutis
cognoscendum et vivendum rite instruantur.
Since Christ's faithful are called by baptism to lead a life in harmony with the gospel teaching, they have the right to
a christian education, which genuinely teaches them to strive for the maturity of the human person and at the same
time to know and live the mystery of salvation.


Qui disciplinis sacris incumbunt iusta libertate fruuntur inquirendi necnon mentem suam prudenter in iis aperiendi,
inquibus peritia gaudent, servato debito erga Ecclesiae magisterium obsequio.
Those who are engaged in fields of sacred study have a just freedom to research matters in which they are expert
and to express themselves prudently concerning them, with due allegiance to the magisterium of the Church.


Christifideles omnes iure gaudent ut a quacumque coactione sint immunes in statu vitae eligendo.
All Christ's faithful have the right to immunity from any kind of coercion in choosing a state in life.


Nemini licet bonam famam, qua quis gaudet, illegitime laedere, nec ius cuiusque personae ad propriam intimitatem
tuendam violare.
No one may unlawfully harm the good reputation which a person enjoys, or violate the right of every person to
protect his or her privacy.


1 Christifidelibus competit ut iura, quibus in Ecclesia gaudent, legitime vindicent atque defendant in foro competenti
ecclesiastico ad normam iuris.
1 Christ's faithful may lawfully vindicate and defend the rights they enjoy in the Church, before the competent
ecclesiastical forum in accordance with the law.
2. Christifidelibus ius quoque est ut, si ad iudicium ab auctoritate competenti vocentur, iudicentur servatis iuris
praescriptis, cum aequitate applicandis.
2 If any members of Christ's faithful are summoned to trial by the competent authority, they have the right to be
judged according to the provisions of the law, to be applied with equity.
3. Christifidelibus ius est, ne poenis canonicis nisi ad normam legis plectantur.
3 Christ's faithful have the right that no canonical penalties be inflicted upon them except in accordance with the


1 Christifideles obligatione tenentur necessitatibus subveniendi Ecclesiae, ut eidem praesto sint quae ad cultum
divinum, ad opera apostolatus et caritatis atque ad honestam ministrorum sustentationem necessaria sunt.
1 Christ's faithful have the obligation to provide for the needs of the Church, so that the Church has available to it
those things which are necessary for divine worship, for apostolic and charitable work and for the worthy support of
its ministers.

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2. Obligatione quoque tenentur iustitiam socialem promovendi necnon, praecepti Domini memores, ex propriis
reditibus pauperibus subveniendi.
2 They are also obliged to promote social justice and, mindful of the Lord's precept, to help the poor from their
own resources.

1 In iuribus suis exercendis christifideles tum singuli tum in consociationibus adunati rationem habere debent boni
communis Ecclesiae necnon iurium aliorum atque suorum erga alios officiorum.
1 In exercising their rights, Christ's faithful, both individually and in associations, must take account of the
common good of the Church, as well as the rights of others and their own duties to others.
2. Ecclesiasticae auctoritati competit, intuitu boni communis, exercitium iurium, quae christifidelibus sunt propria,
2 Ecclesiastical authority is entitled to regulate, in view of the common good, the exercise of rights which are
proper to Christ's faithful.





Christifideles laici, praeter eas obligationes et iura, quae cunctis christifidelibus sunt communia et ea quae in aliis
canonibus statuuntur, obligationibus tenentur et iuribus gaudent quae in canonibus huius tituli recensentur.
Lay members of Christ's faithful have the duties and rights enumerated in the canons of this title, in addition to
those duties and rights which are common to all Christ's faithful and those stated in other canons.


1 Laici, quippe qui uti omnes christifideles ad apostolatum a Deo per baptismum et confirmationem deputentur,
generali obligatione tenentur et iure gaudent, sive singuli sive in consociationibus coniuncti, allaborandi ut divinum
salutis nuntium ab universis hominibus ubique terrarum cognoscatur et accipiatur; quae obligatio eo vel magis urget
iis in adiunctis, in quibus nonnisi per ipsos Evangelium audire et Christum cognoscere homines possunt.
1 Since lay people, like all Christ's faithful, are deputed to the apostolate by baptism and confirmation, they are
bound by the general obligation and they have the right, whether as individuals or in associations, to strive so that
the divine message of salvation may be known and accepted by all people throughout the world. This obligation is
all the more insistent in circumstances in which only through them are people able to hear the Gospel and to know
2. Hoc etiam peculiari adstringuntur officio, unusquisque quidem secundum propriam condicionem, ut rerum
temporalium ordinem spiritu evangelico imbuant atque perficiant, et ita specialiter in iisdem rebus gerendis atque in
muneribus saecularibus exercendis Christi testimonium reddant.
2 They have also, according to the condition of each, the special obligation to permeate and perfect the temporal
order of things with the spirit of the Gospel. In this way, particularly in conducting secular business and exercising
secular functions, they are to give witness to Christ.


1 Qui in statu coniugali vivunt, iuxta propriam vocationem, peculiari officio tenentur per matrimonium et familiam ad
aedificationem populi Dei allaborandi.
1 Those who are married are bound by the special obligation, in accordance with their own vocation, to strive for
the building up of the people of God through their marriage and family.
2. Parentes, cum vitam filiis contulerint, gravissima obligatione tenentur et iure gaudent eos educandi; ideo parentum
christianorum imprimis est christianam filiorum educationem secundum doctrinam ab Ecclesia traditam curare.
2 Because they gave life to their children, parents have the most serious obligation and the right to educate them.
It is therefore primarily the responsibility of christian parents to ensure the christian education of their children in
accordance with the teaching of the Church.


Ius est christifidelibus laicis, ut ipsis agnoscatur ea in rebus civitatis terrenae libertas, quae omnibus civibus competit;
eadem tamen libertate utentes, curent ut suae actiones spiritu evangelico imbuantur, et ad doctrinam attendant ab
Ecclesiae magisterio propositam, caventes tamen ne in quaestionibus opinabilibus propriam sententiam uti doctrinam
Ecclesiae proponant.

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To lay members of Christ's faithful belongs the right to have acknowledged as theirs that freedom in secular affairs
which is common to all citizens. In using this freedom, however, they are to ensure that their actions are permeated
with the spirit of the Gospel, and they are to heed the teaching of the Church proposed by the magisterium, but
they must be on guard, in questions of opinion, against proposing their own view as the teaching of the Church.

1 Laici qui idonei reperiantur, sunt habiles ut a sacris Pastoribus ad illa officia ecclesiastica et munera assumantur,
quibus ipsi secundum iuris praescripta fungi valent.
1 Lay people who are found to be suitable are capable of being admitted by the sacred Pastors to those
ecclesiastical offices and functions which, in accordance with the provisions of law, they can discharge.
2. Laici debita scientia, prudentia et honestate praestantes, habiles sunt tamquam periti aut consiliarii, etiam in
consiliis ad normam iuris, ad Ecclesiae Pastoribus adiutorium praebendum.
2 Lay people who are outstanding in the requisite knowledge, prudence and integrity, are capable of being experts
or advisors, even in councils in accordance with the law, in order to provide assistance to the Pastors of the


1 Laici, ut secundum doctrinam christianam vivere valeant, eandemque et ipsi enuntiare atque, si opus sit, defendere
possint, utque in apostolatu exercendo partem suam habere queant, obligatione tenentur et iure gaudent acquirendi
eiusdem doctrinae cognitionem, propriae uniuscuiusque capacitati et condicioni aptatam.
1 Lay people have the duty and the right to acquire the knowledge of christian teaching which is appropriate to
each one's capacity and condition, so that they may be able to live according to this teaching, to proclaim it and if
necessary to defend it, and may be capable of playing their part in the exercise of the apostolate.
2. Iure quoque gaudent pleniorem illam in scientiis sacris acquirendi cognitionem, quae in ecclesiasticis
universitatibus facultatibusve aut in institutis scientiarium religiosarum traduntur, ibidem lectiones frequentando et
gradus academicos consequendo.
2 They also have the right to acquire that fuller knowledge of the sacred sciences which is taught in ecclesiastical
universities or faculties or in institutes of religious sciences, attending lectures there and acquiring academic
3. Item, servatis praescriptis quoad idoneitatem requisitam statutis, habiles sunt ad mandatum docendi scientias
sacras a legitima auctoritate ecclesiastica recipiendum.
3 Likewise, assuming that the provisions concerning the requisite suitability have been observed, they are capable
of receiving from the lawful ecclesiastical authority a mandate to teach the sacred sciences.


1 Viri laici, qui aetate dotibusque pollent Episcoporum conferentiae decreto statutis, per ritum liturgicum
praescriptum ad ministeria lectoris et acolythi stabiliter assumi possunt; quae tamen ministeriorum collatio eisdem ius
non confert ad sustentationem remunerationemve ab Ecclesia praestandam.
1 Lay men whose age and talents meet the requirements prescribed by decree of the Episcopal Conference, can
be given the stable ministry of lector and of acolyte, through the prescribed liturgical rite. This conferral of ministry
does not, however, give them a right to sustenance or remuneration from the Church.
2. Laici ex temporanea deputatione in actionibus liturgicis munus lectoris implere possunt; item omnes laici
muneribus commentatoris, cantoris aliisve ad normam iuris fungi possunt.
2 Lay people can receive a temporary assignment to the role of lector in liturgical actions. Likewise, all lay people
can exercise the roles of commentator, cantor or other such, in accordance with the law.
3. Ubi Ecclesiae necessitas id suadeat, deficientibus ministris, possunt etiam laici, etsi non sint lectores vel acolythi,
quaedam eorundem officia supplere, videlicet ministerium verbi exercere, precibus liturgicis praeesse, baptismum
conferre atque sacram Communionem distribuere, iuxta iuris praescriptas.
3 Where the needs of the Church require and ministers are not available, lay people, even though they are not
lectors or acolytes, can supply certain of their functions, that is, exercise the ministry of the word, preside over
liturgical prayers, confer baptism and distribute Holy Communion, in accordance with the provisions of the law.


1 Laici, qui permanenter aut ad tempus speciali Ecclesiae servitio addicuntur, obligatione tenentur ut aptam
acquirant formationem ad munus suum debite implendum requisitam, utque hoc munus conscie impense et diligenter

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1 Lay people who are pledged to the special service of the Church, whether permanently or for a time, have a duty
to acquire the appropriate formation which their role demands, so that they may conscientiously, earnestly and
diligently fulfil this role.
2. Firmo praescripto can. 230, 1, ius habent ad honestam remunerationem suae condicioni aptatam, qua decenter,
servatis quoque iuris civilis praescriptis, necessitatibus propriis ac familiae providere valeant; itemque iis ius competit
ut ipsorum praevidentiae et securitati sociali et assistentiae sanitariae, quam dicunt, debite prospiciatur.
2 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 230 1, they have the right to a worthy remuneration befitting their
condition, whereby, with due regard also to the provisions of the civil law, they can becomingly provide for their own
needs and the needs of their families. Likewise, they have the right to have their insurance, social security and
medical benefits duly safeguarded.





Ecclesia officium est atque ius proprium et exclusivum eos instituendi, qui ad ministeria sacra deputantur.
It is the duty and the proper and exclusive right of the Church to train those who are deputed to sacred ministries.


1 Universae communitati christianae officium incumbit fovendarum vocationum, ut necessitatibus ministerii sacri in
tota Ecclesia sufficienter provideatur; speciatim hoc officio tenentur familiae christianae, educatores atque peculiari
ratione sacerdotes, praesertim parochi. Episcopi dioecesani, quorum maxime est de vocationibus provehendis curam
habere, populum sibi commissum de momento ministerii sacri deque ministrorum in Ecclesia necessitate edoceant,
atque incepta ad vocationes fovendas, operibus praesertim ad hoc institutis, suscitent ac sustentent.
1 It is the duty of the whole christian community to foster vocations so that the needs of the sacred ministry are
sufficiently met in the entire Church. In particular, this duty binds christian families, educators and, in a special way,
priests, especially parish priests. Diocesan Bishops, who must show the greatest concern to promote vocations,
are to instruct the people entrusted to them on the importance of the sacred ministry and the need for ministers in
the Church. They are to encourage and support initiatives to promote vocations, especially movements established
for this purpose.
2 Solliciti sint insuper sacerdotes, praesertim vero Episcopi dioecesani, ut qui maturioris aetatis viri ad ministeria
sacra sese vocatos aestiment, prudenter verbo opereque adiuventur ac debite praeparentur.
2 Moreover, priests and especially diocesan Bishops are to be solicitous that men of more mature years who
believe they are called to the sacred ministries are prudently assisted by word and deed and are duly prepared.


1 Serventur, ubi exsistunt, atque foveantur seminaria minora aliave instituta id genus, in quibus nempe, vocationum
fovendarum gratia, provideatur ut peculiaris formatia religiosa una expedire iudicaverit Episcopus dioecesanus,
seminarii minoris similisve instituti erectioni prospiciat.
1 Minor seminaries and other institutions of a similar nature promote vocations by providing a special religious
formation, allied to human and scientific education- where they exist, they are to be retained and fostered. Indeed,
where the diocesan Bishop considers it expedient, he is to provide for the establishment of a minor seminary or
similar institution.
2 Nisi certis in casibus adiuncta suadeant, iuvenes quibus animus est ad sacerdotium ascendere, ea ornentur
humanistica et scientifica formatione, qua iuvenes in sua quisque regione ad studia superiora peragenda praeparantur.
2 Unless the circumstances of certain situations suggest otherwise, young men who aspire to the priesthood are
to receive that same human and scientific formation which prepares their peers in their region for higher studies.


1 Iuvenes, qui ad sacerdotium accedere intendunt, ad formationem spiritualem convenientem et ad officia propria
instituantur in seminario maiore per totum formationis tempus, aut, si adiuncta de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani id
postulent, per quattuor saltem annos.

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1 Young men who intend to become priests are to receive the appropriate religious formation and instruction in the
duties proper to the priesthood in a major seminary, for the whole of the time of formation or, if in the judgement of
the diocesan Bishop circumstances require it, for at least four years.
2 Qui extra seminarium legitime morantur, ab Episcopo dioecesano commendentur pio et idoneo sacerdoti, qui
invigilet ut ad vitam spiritualem et ad disciplinam sedulo efformentur.
2 Those who lawfully reside outside the seminary are to be entrusted by the diocesan Bishop to a devout and
suitable priest, who will ensure that they are carefully formed in the spiritual life and in discipline.


Aspirantes ad diaconatum permanentem secundum Episcoporum conferentiae praescripta ad vitam spiritualem

alendam informentur atque ad officia eidem ordini propria rite adimplenda instruantur:
Those who aspire to the permanent diaconate are to be formed in the spiritual life and appropriately instructed in
the fulfillment of the duties proper to that order, in accordance with the provisions made by the Episcopal

iuvenes per tres saltem annos in aliqua domo peculiari degentes nisi graves ob rationes Episcopus dioecesanus
aliter statuerit;
young men are to reside for at least three years in a special house unless the diocesan Bishop for grave
reasons decides otherwise,

maturioris aetatis viri, sive caelibes sive coniugati, ratione ad tres annos protracta et ab eadem Episcoporum
conferentia definita.
men of more mature years, whether celibate or married, are to prepare for three years in a manner
determined by the same Episcopal Conference.

1 In singulis dioecesibus sit seminarium maius, ubi id fieri possit atque expediat; secus concredantur alumni, qui ad
sacra ministeria sese praeparent, alieno seminario aut erigatur seminarium interdioecesanum.
1 Where it is possible and advisable, each diocese is to have a major seminary; otherwise, students preparing for
the sacred ministries are to be sent to the seminary of another diocese, or an inter-diocesan seminary is to be
2 Seminarium interdioecesanum ne erigatur nisi prius approbatio Apostolicae Sedis, tum ipsius seminarii erectionis
tum eiusdem statutorum, obtenta fuerit, et quidem ab Episcoporum conferentia, si agatur de seminario pro universo
eius territorio, secus ab Episcopis quorum interest.
2 An inter-diocesan seminary may not be established unless the prior approval of the Apostolic See has been
obtained, both for the establishment of the seminary and for its statutes. Approval is also required from the
Episcopal Conference if the seminary is for the whole of its territory; otherwise, from the Bishops concerned.


1 Seminaria legitime erecta ipso iure personalitate iuridica in Ecclesia gaudent.

1 Seminaries which are lawfully established have juridical personality in the Church by virtue of the law itself.
2 In omnibus negotiis pertractandis personam seminarii gerit eius rector, nisi de certis negotiis auctoritas competens
aliud statuerit.
2 In the conduct of all its affairs, the rector acts in the person of the seminary, unless for certain matters the
competent authority has prescribed otherwise.


1 In quolibet seminario habeantur rector, qui ei praesit, et si casus ferat vice- rector, oeconomus, atque si alumni in
ipso seminario studiis se dedant, etiam magistri, qui varias disciplinas tradant apta ratione inter se compositas.
1 In all seminaries there is to be a rector who presides over it, a vice-rector, if circumstances warrant this, and a
financial administrator. Moreover, if the students follow their studies in the seminary, there are to be professors who
teach the various subjects in a manner suitably coordinated between them.
2 In quolibet seminario unus saltem adsit spiritus director, relicta libertate alumnis adeundi alios sacerdotes, qui ad
hoc munus ab Episcopo deputati sint.
2 In every seminary there is to be at least one spiritual director, though the students are also free to approach
other priests who have been deputed to this work by the Bishop.

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3 Seminarii statutis provideantur rationes, quibus curam rectoris, in disciplina praesertim servanda, participent
ceteri moderatores, magistri, immo et ipsi alumni.
3 The seminary statutes are to determine the manner in which the other moderators, the professors and indeed
the students themselves, are to participate in the rector's responsibility, especially in regard to the maintenance of

1 Praeter confessarios ordinarios, alii regulariter ad seminarium accedant confessarii, atque, salva quidem seminarii
disciplina, integrum semper sit alumnis quemlibet confessarium sive in seminario sive extra illud adire.
1 Besides ordinary confessors, other confessors are to come regularly to the seminary; while maintaining
seminary discipline, the students are always to be free to approach any confessor, whether inside or outside the
2 In decisionibus ferendis de alumnis ad ordines admittendis aut e seminario dimittendis, numquam directoris spiritus
et confessariorum votum exquiri potest.
2 In deciding about the admission of students to orders, or their dismissal from the seminary, the vote of the
spiritual director and the confessors may never be sought.


1 Ad seminarium maius ab Episcopo dioecesano admittantur tantummodo ii qui, attentis eorum dotibus humanis et
moralibus, spiritualibus et intellectualibus, eorum valetudine physica et psychica necnon recta voluntate, habiles
aestimantur qui ministeriis sacris perpetuo sese dedicent.
1 The diocesan Bishop is to admit to the major seminary only those whose human, moral, spiritual and intellectual
gifts, as well as physical and psychological health and right intention, show that they are capable of dedicating
themselves permanently to the sacred ministries.
2 Antequam recipiantur, documenta exhibere debent de susceptis baptismo et confirmatione aliaque quae secundum
praescripta institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis requiruntur.
2 Before they are accepted, they must submit documentation of their baptism and confirmation, and whatever else
is required by the provisions of the Charter of Priestly Formation.
3 Si agatur de iis admittendis, qui ex alieno seminario vel instituto religioso dimissi fuerint, requiritur insuper
testimonium respectivi superioris praesertim de causa eorum dimissionis vel discessus.
3 If there is question of admitting those who have been dismissed from another seminary or religious institute,
there is also required the testimony of the respective superior, especially concerning the reason for their dismissal
or departure.


1 In singulis nationibus habeatur institutionis sacerdotalis Ratio, ab Episcoporum conferentia attentis quidem normis
a suprema Ecclesiae auctoritate latis, statuenda et a Sancta Sede approbanda novis quoque adiunctis, approbante item
Sancta Sede, accommodanda, qua institutionis in seminario tradendae definiantur summa principia atque normae
generales necessitatibus pastoralibus uniuscuiusque regionis vel provinciale, aptatae.
1 In each country there is to be a Charter of Priestly Formation. It is to be drawn up by the Episcopal Conference,
taking account of the norms issued by the supreme ecclesiastical authority, and it is to be approved by the Holy
See; moreover, it is to be adapted to new circumstances, likewise with the approval of the Holy See. This Charter is
to define the overall principles governing formation in the seminary and the general norms which take account of
the pastoral needs of each region or province.
2 Normae Rationis, de qua in 1, serventur in omnibus seminariis, tum dioecesanis tum interdioecesanis.
2 The norms of the Charter mentioned in 1 are to be observed in all seminaries, whether diocesan or interdiocesan.


Habeat insuper unumquodque seminarium ordinationem propriam, ab Episcopo dioecesano aut, si de seminario
interdioecesano agatur, ab Episcopis quorum interest, probatam, qua normae institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis
adiunctis particularibus accommodentur, ac pressius determinentur praesertim disciplinae capita quae ad alumnorum
cotidianam vitam et totius seminarii ordinem spectant.
In addition, each seminary is to have its own rule, approved by the diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an interdiocesan seminary, by the Bishops concerned. In this, the norms of the Charter of Priestly Formation are to be

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adapted to the particular circumstances and developed in greater detail, especially on points of discipline affecting
the daily life of the students and the good order of the entire seminary.

Alumnorum in seminario formatio spiritualis et institutio doctrinalis harmonice componantur, atque ad id ordinentur,
ut iidem iuxta uniuscuiusque indolem una cum debita maturitate humana spiritum Evangelii et arctam cum Christo
necessitudinem acquirant.
The spiritual formation and the doctrinal instruction of the students in a seminary are to be harmoniously blended.
They are to be so planned that the students, each according to his talents, simultaneously develop the requisite
human maturity and acquire the spirit of the Gospel and a close relationship with Christ.


1 Per formationem spiritualem alumni idonei fiant ad ministerium pastorale fructuose exercendum et ad spiritum
missionalem efformentur, discentes ministerium expletum semper in fide viva et in caritate ad propriam
sanctificationem conferre; itemque illas excolere discant virtutes quae in hominum consortione pluris fiunt, ita quidem
ut ad aptam conciliationem inter bona humana et supernaturalia pervenire valeant.
1 Through their spiritual formation students are to be fitted for the fruitful exercise of the pastoral ministry, and are
to be inculcated with a sense of mission. They are to learn that a ministry which is always exercised with lively faith
and charity contributes effectively to their personal sanctification. They are to learn to cultivate those virtues which
are highly valued in human relationships, in such a way that they can arrive at an appropriate harmony between
human and supernatural values.

2 Ita formentur alumni ut, amore Ecclesiae Christi imbuti, Pontifici Romano Petri successore humili et filiali caritate
devinciantur, proprio Episcopo tamquam fidi cooperatores adhaereant et sociam cum fratribus operam praestent; per
vitam in seminario communem atque per amicitiae coniunctionisque necessitudinem cum aliis excultam praeparentur
ad fraternam unionem cum dioecesano presbyterio, cuius in Ecclesiae servitio erunt consortes.
2 Students are to be so trained that, filled with love for Christ's Church, they are linked to the Roman Pontiff, the
successor of Peter, in humble and filial charity, to their own Bishop as his faithful co-workers and to their brethren
in friendly cooperation. Through the common life in the seminary, and by developing relationships of friendship and
of association with others, they are to be prepared for the fraternal unity of the diocesan presbyterium, in whose
service of the Church they will share.


1 Celebratio Eucharistica centrum sit totius vitae seminarii, ita ut cotidie alumni, ipsam Christi caritatem
participantes, animi robur pro apostolico labore et pro vita sua spirituali praesertim ex hoc ditissimo fonte hauriant.
1 The celebration of the Eucharist is to be the centre of the whole life of the seminary, so that the students,
participating in the very charity of Christ, may daily draw strength of soul for their apostolic labour and for their
spiritual life particularly from this richest of sources.
2 Efformentur ad celebrationem liturgiae horarum, qua Dei ministri, nomine Ecclesiae pro toto populo sibi commisso,
immo pro universo mundo, Deum deprecantur.
2 They are to be formed in the celebration of the liturgy of the hours, by which the ministers of God, in the name
of the Church, intercede with Him for all the people entrusted to them, and indeed for the whole world.
3 Foveantur cultus Beatae Mariae Virginis etiam per mariale rosarium, oratio mentalis aliaque pietatis exercitia,
quibus alumni spiritum orationis acquirant atque vocationis suae robur consequantur.
3 Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, including the rosary, mental prayer and other exercises of piety are to be
fostered, so that the students may acquire the spirit of prayer and be strengthened in their vocation.
4 Ad sacramentum paenitentiae frequenter accedere assuescant alumni, et commendatur ut unusquisque habeat
moderatorem suae vitae spiritualis libere quidem electum, cui confidenter conscientiam aperire possit.
4 The students are to become accustomed to approach the sacrament of penance frequently. It is recommended
that each should have a director of his spiritual life, freely chosen, to whom he can trustfully reveal his conscience.
5 Singulis annis alumni exercitiis spiritualibus vacent.
5 Each year the students are to make a spiritual retreat.

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1 Ad servandum statum caelibatus congrua educatione praeparentur, eumque ut peculiare Dei donum in honore
habere discant.
1 By appropriate instruction they are to be prepared to observe celibacy and to learn to hold it in honour as a
special gift of God.
2 De officiis et oneribus quae ministris sacris Ecclesiae propria sunt, alumni debite reddantur certiores, nulla vitae
sacerdotalis difficultate reticita.
2 The students are to be given all the requisite knowledge concerning the duties and burdens which are proper to
the sacred ministers of the Church, concealing none of the difficulties of the priestly life.


Institutio doctrinalis tradenda eo spectat, ut alumni, una cum cultura generali necessitatibus loci ac temporis
consentanea, amplam atque solidam acquirant in disciplinis sacris doctrinam, ita ut, propria fide ibi fundata et inde
nutrita, Evangelii doctrinam hominibus sui temporis apte, ratione eorundem ingenio accommodata, nuntiare valeant.
The doctrinal formation given is to be so directed that the students may acquire a wide and solid teaching in the
sacred sciences, together with a general culture which is appropriate to the needs of place and time. As a result,
with their own faith founded on and nourished by this teaching, they ought to be able properly to proclaim the
Gospel to the people of their own time, in a fashion suited to the manner of the people's thinking.


Institutionis sacerdotalis Ratione provideatur ut alumni non tantum accurate linguam patriam edoceantur, sed etiam
linguam latinam bene calleant necnon congruam habeant cognitionem alienarum linguarum, quarum scientia ad
eorum formationem aut ad ministerium pastorale exercendum necessaria vel utilis videatur.
The Charter of Priestly Formation is to provide that the students are not only taught their native language
accurately, but are also well versed in latin, and have a suitable knowledge of other languages which would appear
to be necessary or useful for their formation or for the exercise of their pastoral ministry.


Quae in ipso seminario philosophica et theologica studia ordinantur, aut successive aut coniuncte peragi possunt, iuxta
institutionis sacerdotalis Rationem; eadem completum saltem sexennium complectantur, ita quidem ut tempus
philosophicis disciplinis dedicandum integrum biennium, studiis vero theologicis integrum quadriennium adaequet.
The philosophical and theological studies which are organised in the seminary itself may be conducted either in
succession or conjointly, in accordance with the Charter of Priestly Formation. These studies are to take at least six
full years, in such a way that the time given to philosophical studies amounts to two full years and that allotted to
theological studies to four full years.


Philosophica institutio, quae innixa sit oportet patrimonio philosophico perenniter valido, et rationem etiam habeat
philosophicae investigationis progredientis aetatis, ita tradatur, ut alumnorum formationem humanam perficiat, mentis
aciem provehat, eosque ad studia theologica peragenda aptiores reddat.
Philosophical formation must be based on the philosophical heritage that is perennially valid, and it is also to take
account of philosophical investigations over the course of time. It is to be so given that it furthers the human
formation of the students, sharpens their mental edge and makes them more fitted to engage in theological studies.


1 Institutio theologica, in lumine fidei, sub Magisterii ductu, ita impertiatur, ut alumni integram doctrinam
catholicam, divina Revelatione innixam, cognoscant, propriae vitae spiritualis reddant alimentum eamque, in
ministerio exercendo rite annuntiare ac tueri valeant.
1 Theological formation, given in the light of faith and under the guidance of the magisterium, is to be imparted in
such a way that the students learn the whole of catholic teaching, based on divine Revelation, that they make it a
nourishment of their own spiritual lives, and that in the exercise of the ministry they may be able properly to
proclaim and defend it.
2 In sacra Scriptus peculiari diligentia erudiantur alumni, ita ut totius sacrae Scripturae conspectum acquirant.
2 Students are to be instructed with special care in sacred Scripture, so that they may acquire an insight into the
whole of sacred Scripture.
3 Lectiones habeantur theologiae dogmaticae, verbo Dei scripto una sacra Traditione semper innixae, quarum ope
alumni mysteria salutis, s. Thoma praesertim magistro, intimius penetrare addiscant, itemque lectiones theologiae
moralis et pastoralis, iuris canonici, liturgiae, historiae ecclesiasticae, necnon aliarum disciplinarum, auxiliarium atque
specialium, ad normam praescriptorum institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis.

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3 Lectures are to be given in dogmatic theology, based always on the written word of God and on sacred
Tradition; through them the students are to learn to penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of salvation, with St.
Thomas in particular as their teacher. Lectures are also to be given in moral and pastoral theology, canon law,
liturgy, ecclesiastical history, and other auxiliary and special disciplines, in accordance with the provisions of the
Charter on Priestly Formation.

1 Ad magistri munus in disciplinis philosophicis, theologicis et iuridicis, ab Episcopo aut ab Episcopis, quorum
interest, iitantum nominentur qui, virtutibus praestantes, laurea doctorali aut licentia potiti sunt in universitate
studiorum aut facultate a Sancta Sede recognita.
1 The Bishop or the Bishops concerned are to appoint as teachers in philosophical, theological and juridical
subjects only those who are of outstanding virtue and have a doctorate or a licentiate from a university or faculty
recognised by the Holy See.
2 Curetur ut distincti totidem nominentur magistri qui doceant sacram Scripturam, theologiam dogmaticam,
theologiam moralem, liturgiam, philosophiam, ius canonicum, historiam ecclesiasticam, aliasque, quae propria
methodo tradendae sunt, disciplinas.
2 Care is to be taken that different professors are appointed for sacred Scripture, dogmatic theology, moral
theology, liturgy, philosophy, canon law and church history, and for other disciplines which are to be taught by their
own distinctive methods.
3 Magister qui a munere suo graviter deficiat, ab auctoritate, de qua in 1, amoveatur.
3 A professor who seriously fails in his or her duty is to be removed by the authority mentioned in 1.


1 Magistri in disciplinis tradendis de intima universae doctrinae fidei unitate et harmonia iugiter solliciti sint, ut
unam scientiam alumni se discere experiantur; quo aptius id obtineatur, adsit in seminario qui integram studiorum
ordinationem moderetur.
1 In their lectures, the professors are to be continuously attentive to the intimate unity and harmony of the entire
doctrine of faith, so that the students are aware that they are learning one science. To ensure this, there is to be
someone in the seminary who is in charge of the overall organisation of studies.
2 Ita alumni edoceantur, ut et ipsi habiles fiant ad quaestiones aptis investigationibus propriis et scientifica methodo
examinandas habeantur igitur exercitationes, in quibus, sub moderamine magistrorum, alumni proprio labore studia
quaedam persolvere discant.
2 The students are to be taught in such a way that they themselves are enabled to research various questions in
the scientific way appropriate to each question. There are, therefore, to be assignments in which, under the
guidance of the professors, the students learn to work out certain subjects by their own efforts.


Licet universa alumnorum in seminario formatio pastoralem finem persequatur, institutio stricte pastoralis in eodem
ordinetur, qua alumni principia et artes addiscant quae, attentis quoque loci ac temporis necessitatibus, ad
ministerium Dei populum docendi, sanctificandi et regendi exercendum pertineant.
Although the whole formation of students in the seminary has a pastoral purpose, a specifically pastoral formation
is also to be provided there; in this the students are to learn the principles and the techniques which, according to
the needs of place and time, are relevant to the ministry of teaching, sanctifying and ruling the people of God.


1 Diligenter instruantur alumni in iis quae peculiari ratione ad sacrum ministerium spectant, praesertim in arte
catechetica et homiletica exercenda, in cultu divino peculiarique modo in sacramentis celebrandis, in commercio cum
hominibus, etiam noncatholicis vel non credentibus, habendo, in paroecia administranda atque in ceteris muneribus
1 Students are to be carefully instructed in whatever especially pertains to the sacred ministry, particularly in
catechetics and homiletics, in divine worship and in a special way in the celebration of the sacraments, in dealing
with people, including non-catholics and unbelievers, in parish administration and in the fulfilment of other tasks.
2 Edoceantur alumni de universae Ecclesiae necessitatibus, ita ut sollicitudinem habeant de vocationibus promovendis,
de quaestionibus missionalibus, oecumenicis necnon de aliis, socialibus quoque, urgentoribus.

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2 The students are to be instructed about the needs of the universal Church, so that they may have a solicitude for
encouraging vocations, for missionary and ecumenical questions, and for other pressing matters, including social

1 Alumnorum institutioni ita provideatur, ut non tantum Ecclesiae particularis in cuius servitio incardinentur, sed
universae quoque Ecclesiae sollicitudinem habeant, atque paratos se exhibeant Ecclesiis particularibus, quarum gravis
urgeat necessitas, sese devovere.
1 The formation of students is to ensure that they are concerned not only for the particular Church in which they
are incardinated, but also for the universal Church, and that they are ready to devote themselves to particular
Churches which are beset by grave need.
2 Curet Episcopus dioecesanus ut clerici, a propria Ecclesia particulari ad Ecclesiam particularem alterius regionis
transmigrare intendentes, apte praeparentur ad ibidem sacrum ministerium exercendum, ut scilicet et linguam regionis
addiscant, et eiusdem institutorum, condicionum socialium, usuum et consuetudinem intellegentiam habeant.
2 The diocesan Bishop is to ensure that clerics who intend to move from their own particular Church to a
particular Church in another region, are suitably prepared to exercise the sacred ministry there, that is, that they
learn the language of the region, and have an understanding of its institutions, social conditions, usages and


Ut apostolatus exercendi artem in opere ipso etiam addiscant, alumni, studiorum curriculo decurrente, praeserti, vero
feriarum tempore, praxi pastorali initientur per opportunas, sub moderamine semper sacerdotalis periti, exercitationes,
alumnorum aetati et locorum condicioni aptatas, de iudicio Ordinarii determinandas.
In order that the students may also by practice learn the art of exercising the apostolate, they are in the course of
their studies, and especially during holiday time, to be initiated into pastoral practice by suitable assignments,
always under the supervision of an experienced priest. These assignments, appropriate to the age of the student
and the conditions of the place, are to be determined by the Ordinary.


1 Episcopo dioecesano aut, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopis quorum interest, competit quae ad
seminarii superius regimen et administrationem spectant, decernere.
1 It belongs to the diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an inter-diocesan seminary, to the Bishops concerned to
determine those matters which concern the overall control and administration of the seminary.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus aut, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopi quorum interest, frequenter seminarium
ipsi visitent, in formationem suorum alumnorum necnon in institutionem, quae in eodem tradatur, philosophicam et
theologicam invigilent, et de alumnorum vocatione, indole, pietate ac profectu cognitionem sibi comparent, maxime
intuitu sacrarum ordinationum conferendarum.
2 The diocesan Bishop or, in the case of an inter-diocesan seminary, the Bishops concerned, are frequently to visit
the seminary in person. They are to oversee the formation of their students, and the philosophical and theological
instruction given in the seminary. They are to inform themselves about the vocation, character, piety and progress
of the students, in view particularly to the conferring of sacred orders.


Rectori, cuius est cotidianum moderamen curare seminarii, ad normam quidem institutionis sacerdotalis Rationis ac
seminarii ordinationis, omnes in propriis muneribus adimplendis obtemperare debent.
In the fulfilment of their duties, all must obey the rector, who is responsible for the day to day direction of the
seminary, in accordance with the norms of the Charter of Priestly Formation and the rule of the seminary.


1 Seminarii rector itemque, sub eiusdem auctoritate, moderatores et magistri pro parte sua curent ut alumni normas
Ratione institutionis sacerdotalis necnon seminarii ordinatione praescriptas adamussim servent.
1 The rector of the seminary is to ensure that the students faithfully observe the norms of the Charter of Priestly
Formation and the rule of the seminary;
2 Sedulo provideant seminarii rector atque studiorum moderatur ut magistri suo munere rite fungantur, secundum
praescripta Rationis institutionis sacerdotalis ac seminarii ordinationis.
2 under his authority, and according to their different positions, the moderators and professors have the same

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Exemptum a regimine paroeciali seminarium esto: et pro omnibusqui in seminario sunt, parochi officium, excepta
materia matrimoniali et firmo praescripto can. 985, obeat seminarii rector eiusve delegatus.
The seminary is to be exempt from parochial governance. For all those in the seminary, the function of the parish
priest is to be discharged by the rector of the seminary or his delegate, with the exception of matters concerning
marriage and without prejudice to the provisions of can. 985.


Episcopus dioecesanus vel, si de seminario interdioecesano agatur, Episcopi quorum interest, pro parte ab eis communi
consilio determinata, curare debent ut provideatur seminarii constitutioni et conservationi, alumnorum sustentationi
necnon magistrorum remunerationi aliisque seminarii necessitatibus.
The diocesan Bishop must ensure that the building and maintenance of the seminary, the support of the students,
the remuneration of the teachers and the other needs of the seminary are provided for. In an inter-diocesan
seminary this responsibility devolves upon the Bishops concerned, each to the extent allotted by their common


1 Ut seminarii necessitatibus provideatur, praeter stipem de qua in can. 1266, potest Episcopus in dioecesi tributum
1 To provide for the needs of the seminary, the Bishop can, apart from the collection mentioned in can. 1266,
impose a levy in the diocese.
2 Tributo pro seminario obnoxiae sunt cunctae personae iuridicae ecclesiasticae etiam privatae, quae sedem in dioecesi
habeant, nisi solis eleemosynis sustententur aut in eis collegium discentium vel docentium ad commune Ecclesiae
bonum promovendum actu habeantur; huiusmodi tributum debet esse generale, reditibus eorum qui eidem obnoxii sunt
proportionatum, atque iuxta necessitates seminarii determinatum.
2 Every ecclesiastical juridical person is subject to the levy for the seminary, including even private juridical
persons, which have a centre in the diocese. Exception is made for those whose sole support comes from alms, or
in which there is actually present a college of students or of teachers for furthering the common good of the
Church. This levy should be general, proportionate to the revenue of those who are subject to it and calculated
according to the needs of the seminary.





Quemlibet clericum oportet esse incardinatum aut alicui Ecclesiae particulari vel praelaturae personali, aut alicui
instituto vitae consecratae vel societati hac facultate praeditis, ita ut clerici acephali seu vagi minime admittantur.
Every cleric must be incardinated in a particular church, or in a personal Prelature, or in an institute of consecrated
life or a society which has this faculty: accordingly, acephalous or 'wandering' clergy are in no way to be allowed.


1 Per receptum diaconatum aliquis fit clericus et incardinatur Ecclesiae particulari vel praelaturae personali pro
cuius servitio promotus est.
1 By the reception of the diaconate a person becomes a cleric, and is incardinated in the particular Church or
personal Prelature for whose service he is ordained.
2 Sodalis in instituto religioso a votis perpetuis professus aut societati clericali vitae apostolicae definitive
incorporatus, per receptum diaconatum incardinatur tamquam clericus eidem instituto aut societati, nisi ad societates
quod attinet aliter ferant constitutiones.
2 A member who is perpetually professed in a religious institute, or who is definitively incorporated into a clerical
society of apostolic life, is by the reception of the diaconate incardinated as a cleric in that institute or society
unless, in the case of a society, the constitutions determine otherwise.
3 Sodalis instituti saecularis per receptum diaconatum incardinatur Ecclesiae particulari pro cuius servitio promotus
est, nisi vi concessionis Sedis Apostolicae ipsi instituto incardinetur.
3 A member of a secular institute is by the reception of the diaconate incardinated into the particular Church for
whose service he was ordained, unless by virtue of a concession of the Apostolic See he is incardinated into the
institute itself.

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1 Ut clericus iam incardinatus alii Ecclesiae particulari valide incardinetur, ab Episcopo dioecesano obtinere debet
litteras ab eodem subscriptas excardinationis; et pariter ab Episcopo dioecesano Ecclesiae particularis cui se
incardinari desiderat, litteras ab eodem subscriptas incardinationis.
1 To be validly incardinated in another particular Church, a cleric who is already incardinated must obtain a letter
of excardination signed by the diocesan Bishop, and in the same way a letter of incardination signed by the
diocesan Bishop of the particular Church in which he wishes to be incardinated.
2 Excardinatio ita concessa effectum non sortitur nisi incardinatione obtenta in alia Ecclesia particulari.
2 Excardination granted in this way does not take effect until incardination is obtained in the other particular


1 Clericus qui a propria Ecclesia particulari in aliam legitime transmigraverit, huic Ecclesiae particulari, transacto
quinquennio, ipso iure incardinatur, si talem voluntatem in scriptis manifestaverit tum Episcopo dioecesano Ecclesiae
hospitis tum Episcopo dioecesano proprio, neque horum alteruter ipsi contrariam scripto mentem intra quattuor
menses a receptis litteris significaverit.
1 A cleric who has lawfully moved from his own particular Church to another is, by virtue of the law itself,
incardinated in that latter Church after five years, if he has declared this intention in writing to both the diocesan
Bishop of the host diocese and his own diocesan Bishop, and neither of the two Bishops has indicated opposition in
writing within four months of receiving the cleric's written request.
2 Per admissionem perpetuam aut definitivam in institutum vitae consecratae aut in societatem vitae apostolicae,
clericus qui, ad normam can. 266, 2, eidem instituto aut societati incardinatur, a propria Ecclesia particulari
2 By perpetual or definitive admission into an institute of consecrated life or a society of apostolic life, a cleric who
in accordance with can. 266 is incardinated in that institute or society, is excardinated from his own particular


Ad incardinationem clerici Episcopus dioecesanus ne deveniat nisi:

A diocesan Bishop is not to incardinate a cleric unless:

necessitas aut utilitas suae Ecclesiae particularis id exigat, et salvis praescriptis honestam sustentationem
clericorum respicientibus;
the need or the advantage of his particular Church requires it and the provisions of law concerning the worthy
support of the cleric are observed;

ex legitimo documento sibi constiterit de concessa excardinatione, et habuerit praeterea ab Episcopo dioecesano
excardinanti, sub secreto si opus sit, de clerici vita, moribus ac studiis opportuna testimonia;
he knows by a lawful document that excardination has been granted, and has also obtained from the
excardinating Bishop, under secrecy if need be, appropriate testimonials concerning the cleric's life, behaviour
and studies;

clericus eidem Episcopo dioecesano scripto declaraverit se novae Ecclesiae particularis servitio velle addici ad
normam iuris.
the cleric declares in writing to the same Bishop that he wishes to enter the service of the new particular
Church in accordance with the norms of law.


Excardinatio licite concedi potest iustis tantum de causis, quales sunt Ecclesiae utilitas aut bonum ipsius clerici;
denegari autem nonpotest nisi exstantibus gravibus causis; licet tamen clerico, qui se gravatum censuerit et Episcopum
receptorem invenerit, contra decisionem recurrere.
Excardination can be lawfully granted only for a just reason, such as the advantage of the Church or the good of
the cleric. It may not, however, be refused unless grave reasons exist; it is lawful for a cleric who considers himself
to be unfairly treated and who has a Bishop to receive him, to have recourse against the decision.


1 Extra casum verae necessitatis Ecclesiae particularis propriae, Episcopus dioecesanus ne deneget licentiam
transmigrandi clericis, quos paratos scit atque aptos aestimet qui regiones petant gravi cleri inopia laborantes, ibidem
sacrum ministerium peracturi; prospiciat vero ut per conventionem scriptam cum Episcopo dioecesano loci, quem
petunt, iura et officia eorundem clericorum stabiliantur.

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1 Except for a grave need of his own particular Church, a Bishop is not to refuse clerics seeking permission to
move whom he knows to be prepared and considers suitable to exercise the ministry in regions which suffer from a
grave shortage of clergy. He is to ensure, however, that the rights and duties of these clerics are determined by
written agreement with the diocesan Bishop of the place to which they wish to move.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus licentiam ad aliam Ecclesiam particularem transmigrandi concedere potest suis clericis ad
tempus praefinitum, etiam pluries renovandum, ita tamen ut iidem clerici propriae Ecclesiae particulari incardinati
maneant, atque in eandem redeuntes omnibus gaudeant iuribus, quae haberent si in ea sacro ministerio addicti
2 A Bishop can give permission to his clerics to move to another particular Church for a specified time. Such
permission can be renewed several times, but in such a way that the clerics remain incardinated in their own
particular Church, and on returning there enjoy all the rights which they would have had if they had ministered
3 Clericus qui legitime in aliam Ecclesiam particularem transierit propriae Ecclesiae manens incardinatus, a proprio
Episcopo dioecesano iusta de causa revocari potest, dummodo serventur conventiones cum altero Episcopo initae atque
naturalis aequitas; pariter, iisdem condicionibus servatis, Episcopus dioecesanus alterius Ecclesiae particularis iusta de
causa poterit eidem clerico licentiam ulterioris commorationis in suo territorio denegare.
3 A cleric who lawfully moves to another particular Church while remaining incardinated in his own, may for a just
reason be recalled by his own Bishop, provided the agreements entered into with the other Bishop are honoured
and natural equity is observed. Under the same conditions, the Bishop of the other particular Church can for a just
reason refuse the cleric permission to reside further in his territory.

Excardinationem et incardinationem, itemque licentiam ad aliam Ecclesiam particularem transmigrandi concedere

nequit Administrator dioecesanus, nisi post annum a vacatione sedis episcopalis, et cum consensu collegii consultorum.
The diocesan Administrator cannot grant excardination nor incardination, nor permission to move to another
particular Church, unless the episcopal see has been vacant for a year, and he has the consent of the college of





Clerici speciali obligatione tenentur Summo Pontifici et suo quisque Ordinario reverentiam et oboedientiam exhibendi.
Clerics have a special obligation to show reverence and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff and to their own


1 Soli clerici obtinere possunt officia ad quorum exercitium requiritur potestas ordinis aut potestas regiminis
1 Only clerics can obtain offices the exercise of which requires the power of order or the power of ecclesiastical
2 Clerici, nisi legitimo impedimento excusentur, munus, quod ipsis a suo Ordinario commissum fuerit, suscipere ac
fideliter adimplere tenentur.
2 Unless excused by a lawful impediment, clerics are obliged to accept and faithfully fulfil the office committed to
them by their Ordinary.


1 Clerici, quippe qui omnes ad unum conspirent opus, ad aedificationem nempe Corporis Christi, vinculo fraternitatis
et orationis inter se uniti sint, et cooperationem inter se prosequantur, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta.
1 Since all clerics are working for the same purpose, namely the building up of the body of Christ, they are to be
united with one another in the bond of brotherhood and prayer. They are to seek to cooperate with one another, in
accordance with the provisions of particular law.
2 Clerici missionem agnoscant et promoveant, quam pro sua quisque parte laici in Ecclesia et in mundo exercent.
2 Clerics are to acknowledge and promote the mission which the laity, each for his or her part, exercises in the
Church and in the world.

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1 In vita sua ducenda ad sanctitatem persequendam peculiari ratione tenentur clerici, quippe qui, Deo in ordinis
receptione novo titulo consecrati, dispensatores sint mysteriorum Dei in servitium Eius populi.
1 Clerics have a special obligation to seek holiness in their lives, because they are consecrated to God by a new
title through the reception of orders, and are stewards of the mysteries of God in the service of His people.
2 Ut hanc perfectionem persequi valeant:
2 In order that they can pursue this perfection:


imprimis ministerii pastoralis officia fideliter et indefesse adimpleant;

they are in the first place faithfully and untiringly to fulfil the obligations of their pastoral ministry;

duplici mensa sacrae Scripturae et Eucharistiae vitam suam spiritualem nutriant; enixe igitur sacerdotes
invitantur ut cotidie Sacrificium eucharisticum offerant, diaconi vero ut eiusdem oblationem cotidie participent;
they are to nourish their spiritual life at the twofold table of the sacred Scripture and the Eucharist; priests are
therefore earnestly invited to offer the eucharistic Sacrifice daily, and deacons to participate daily in the

obligatione tenentur sacerdotes necnon diaconi ad presbyteratum aspirantes cotidie liturgiam horarum
persolvendi secundum proprius et probatos liturgicos libros; diaconi autem permanentes eandem persolvant pro
parte ab Episcoporum conferentia definita;
priests, and deacons aspiring to the priesthood, are obliged to carry out the liturgy of the hours daily, in
accordance with their own approved liturgical books; permanent deacons are to recite that part of it
determined by the Episcopal Conference;

pariter tenentur ad vacandum recessibus spiritualibus, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta;

they are also obliged to make spiritual retreats, in accordance with the provision of particular law;

sollicitantur ut orationi mentali regulariter incumbant, frequenter ad paenitentiae sacramentum accedant,

Deiparam Virginem peculiari veneratione colant, aliisque mediis sanctificationis utantur communibus et
they are exhorted to engage regularly in mental prayer, to approach the sacrament of penance frequently, to
honour the Virgin Mother of God with particular veneration, and to use other general and special means to

1 Clerici obligatione tenentur servandi perfectam perpetuamque propter Regnum coelorum continentiam, ideoque ad
coelibatum adstringuntur, quod est peculiare Dei donum, quo quidem sacri ministri indiviso corde Christo facilius
adhaerere possunt atque Dei hominumque servitio liberius sese dedicare valent.
1 Clerics are obliged to observe perfect and perpetual continence for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven, and are
therefore bound to celibacy. Celibacy is a special gift of God by which sacred ministers can more easily remain
close to Christ with an undivided heart, and can dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and their
2 Debita cum prudentia clerici se gerant cum personis, quarum frequentatio ipsorum obligationem ad continentiam
servandam in discrimen vocare aut in fidelium scandalum vertere possit.
2 Clerics are to behave with due prudence in relation to persons whose company can be a danger to their
obligation of preserving continence or can lead to scandal of the faithful.
3 Competit Episcopo dioecesano ut hac de re normas statuat magis determinatas utque de huius obligationis
observantia in casibus particularibus iudicium ferat.
3 The diocesan Bishop has authority to establish more detailed rules concerning this matter, and to pass
judgement on the observance of the obligation in particular cases.


1 Ius est clericis saecularibus sese consociandi cum aliis ad fines statui clericali congruentes prosequendos.
1 The secular clergy have the right of association with others for the achievement of purposes befitting the clerical

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2 Magni habeant clerici saeculares praesertim illas consociationes quae, statutis a competenti auctoritate recognitis,
per aptam et convenienter approbatam vitae ordinationem et fraternum iuvamen, sanctitatem suam in ministerii
exercitio fovent, quaeque clericorum inter se et cum proprio Episcopo unioni favent.
2 The secular clergy are to hold in high esteem those associations especially whose statutes are recognised by
the competent authority and which, by a suitable and well tried rule of life and by fraternal support, promote
holiness in the exercise of their ministry and foster the unity of the clergy with one another and with their Bishop.
3 Clerici abstineant a constituendis aut participandis consociationibus, quarum finis aut actio cum obligationibus
statui clericali propriis componi nequeunt vel diligentem muneris ipsis ab auctoritate ecclesiastica competenti commissi
adimpletionem praepedire possunt.
3 Clerics are to refrain from establishing or joining associations whose purpose or activity cannot be reconciled
with the obligations proper to the clerical state, or which can hinder the diligent fulfilment of the office entrusted to
them by the competent ecclesiastical authority.

1 Clerici studia sacra, recepto etiam sacerdotio, prosequantur, et solidam illam doctrinam, in sacra Scriptura
fundatam, a maioribus traditam et communiter ab Ecclesia receptam sectentur, uti documentis praesertim Conciliorum
ac Romanorum Pontificum determinatur, devitantes profanas vocum novitates et falsi nominis scientiam.
1 Clerics are to continue their sacred studies even after ordination to the priesthood. They are to hold to that solid
doctrine based on sacred Scripture which has been handed down by our forebears and which is generally received
in the Church, as set out especially in the documents of the Councils and of the Roman Pontiffs. They are to avoid
profane novelties and pseudo-science.
2 Sacerdotes, iuxta iuris praescripta, praelectiones pastorales post ordinationem sacerdotalem instituendas
frequentent atque, statutis eodem iure temporibus, aliis quoque intersint praelectionibus, conventibus theologicis aut
conferentiis, quibus ipsis praebeatur occasio pleniorem scientiarum sacrarum et methodorum pastoralium cognitionem
2 Priests are to attend pastoral courses to be arranged for them after their ordination, in accordance with the
provisions of particular law. At times determined by the same law, they are to attend other courses, theological
meetings or conferences, which offer them an occasion to acquire further knowledge of the sacred sciences and of
pastoral methods.
3 Aliarum quoque scientiarum, earum praesertim quae cum sacris conectuntur, cognitionem prosequantur, quatenus
praecipue administerium pastorale exercendum confert.
3 They are also to seek a knowledge of other sciences, especially those linked to the sacred sciences, particularly
insofar as they benefit the exercise of the pastoral ministry.


Clericis valde commendatur quaedam vitae communis consuetudo; quae quidem, ubi viget, quantum fieri potest,
servanda est.
Some manner of common life is highly recommended to clerics; where it exists, it is as far as possible to be


1 Clerici, cum ministerio ecclesiastico se dedicant, remunerationem merentur quae suae condicioni congruat, ratione
habite tum ipsius muneris naturae, tum locorum temporumque condicionum, quaque ipsi possint necessitatibus vitae
suae necnon aequae retributioni eorum, quorum servitio, egent, providere.
1 Since clerics dedicate themselves to the ecclesiastical ministry, they deserve the remuneration that befits their
condition, taking into account both the nature of their office and the conditions of time and place. It is to be such
that it provides for the necessities of their life and for the just remuneration of those whose services they need.
2 Item providendum est ut gaudeant illa sociali assistentia, qua eorum necessitatibus, si infirmate, invaliditate vel
senectute laborent, apte prospiciatur.
2 Suitable provision is likewise to be made for such social welfare as they may need in infirmity, sickness or old
3 Diaconi uxorati, qui plene ministerio ecclesiastico sese devovent, remunerationem merentur qua sui suaeque familiae
sustentationi providere valeant; qui vero ratione professionis civilis, quam exercent aut exercuerunt, remunerationem
obtineant, ex perceptis inde reditibus sibi suaeque familiae necessitatibus consulant.

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3 Married deacons who dedicate themselves full-time to the ecclesiastical ministry deserve remuneration sufficient
to provide for themselves and their families. Those, however, who receive a remuneration by reason of a secular
profession which they exercise or exercised, are to see to their own and to their families' needs from that income.

1 Clerici vitae simplicitatem colant et ab omnibus quae vanitatem sapiunt se abstineant.

1 Clerics are to follow a simple way of life and avoid anything which smacks of worldliness.
2 Bona, quae occasione exercitii ecclesiastici officii ipsis obveniunt, quaeque supersunt, provisa ex eis honesta
sustentatione et omnium officiorum proprii status adimpletione, ad bonum Ecclesiae operaque caritatis impendere
2 Goods which they receive on the occasion of the exercise of an ecclesiastical office, and which are over and
above what is necessary for their worthy upkeep and the fulfilment of all the duties of their state, they may well wish
to use for the good of the Church and for charitable works.


1 Clerici, licet officium residentiale non habeant, a sua tamen dioecesi per notabile tempus iure particulari
determinandum, sine licentia saltem praesumpta Ordinarii proprii, ne discedant.
1 Clerics, even if they do not have a residential office, are not to be absent from their diocese for a considerable
time, to be determined by particular law, without the at least presumed permission of their proper Ordinary.
2 Ipsis autem competit ut debito et sufficienti quotannis gaudeant feriarum tempore, iure universali vel particulari
2 They may, however, take a rightful and sufficient holiday every year, for the length of time determined by general
or by particular law.


Clerici decentem habitum ecclesiasticum, iuxta normas ab Episcoporum conferentia editas atque legitimas locorum
consuetudines, deferant.
Clerics are to wear suitable ecclesiastical dress, in accordance with the norms established by the Episcopal
Conference and legitimate local custom.


1 Clerici ab iis omnibus, quae statum suum dedecent, prorsus abstineant, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta.
1 Clerics are to shun completely everything that is unbecoming to their state, in accordance with the provisions of
particular law.
2 Ea quae, licet non indecora, a clericali tamen statu aliena sunt, clerici vitent.
2 Clerics are to avoid whatever is foreign to their state, even when it is not unseemly.
3 Officia publica, quae participationem in exercitio civilis potestatis secumferunt, clerici asssumere vetantur.
3 Clerics are forbidden to assume public office whenever it means sharing in the exercise of civil power.
4 Sine licentia sui Ordinarii, ne ineant gestiones bonorum ad laicos pertinentium aut officia saecularia, quae secum
feruntonus redendarum rationum; a fideiubendo, etiam de bonis propriis, inconsulto proprio Ordinario, prohibentur;
item a subscribendis syngraphis, quibus nempe obligatio solvendae pecuniae, nulla definita causa, subscipitur,
4 Without the permission of their Ordinary, they may not undertake the administration of goods belonging to lay
people, or secular offices which involve the obligation to render an account. They are forbidden to act as surety,
even concerning their own goods, without consulting their proper Ordinary. They are not to sign promissory notes
which involve the payment of money but do not state the reasons for the payment.


Prohibentur clerici per se vel per alios, sive in propriam sive in aliorum utilitatem, negotiationem aut mercaturam
exercere, nisi de licentia legitimae auctoritatis ecclesiasticae.
Clerics are forbidden to practise commerce or trade, either personally or through another, for their own or another's
benefit, except with the permission of the lawful ecclesiastical authority.


1 Clerici pacem et concordiam iustitia innixam inter homines servandam quam maxime semper foveant.
1 Clerics are always to do their utmost to foster among people peace and harmony based on justice.
2 In factionibus politicis atque in regendis consociationibus syndicalibus activam partem ne habeant, nisi iudicio
competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, Ecclesiae iura tuenda aut bonum commune promovendum id requirant.

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2 They are not to play an active role in political parties or in directing trade unions unless, in the judgement of the
competent ecclesiastical authority, this is required for the defence of the rights of the Church or to promote the
common good.

Diaconi permanentes praescriptis cann. 284, 285, 3 et 4, 286, 287, 2 non tenentur, nisi ius particulare aliud statuat.
Permanent deacons are not bound by the provisions of cann. 284, 285 3 and 4, 286, 287 2, unless particular
law states otherwise.


1 Cum servitium militare statui clericali minus congruat, clerici itemque candidati ad sacros ordines militiam ne
capessant voluntarii, nisi de sui Ordinarii licentia.
1 As military service ill befits the clerical state, clerics and candidates for sacred orders are not to volunteer for the
armed services without the permission of their Ordinary.
2 Clerici utantur exemptionibus, quas ab exercendis muneribus et publicis civilibus officiis a statu clericali alienis, in
eorum favorem leges et conventiones vel consuetudines concedunt nisi in casibus particularibus aliter Ordinarius
proprius decreverit.
2 Clerics are to take advantage of exemptions from exercising functions and public civil offices foreign to the
clerical state, which are granted in their favour by law, agreements or customs, unless their proper Ordinary has in
particular cases decreed otherwise.




Sacra ordinatio, semel valide recepta, numquam irrita fit. Clericus tamen statum clericalem amittit:
Sacred ordination once validly received never becomes invalid. A cleric, however, loses the clerical state:

sententia iudicali aut decreto administrativo, quo invaliditas sacrae ordinationis declaratur;
by a judgement of a court or an administrative decree, declaring the ordination invalid;

poena dimissionis legitime irrogata;

by the penalty of dismissal lawfully imposed;

rescripto Apostolicae Sedis; quod vero rescriptum diaconis ob graves tantum causas, presbyteris ob gravissimas
causas ac Apostolica Sede conceditur.
by a rescript of the Apostolic See; this rescript, however, is granted to deacons only for grave reasons and to
priests only for the gravest of reasons.


Praeter casus de quibus in can. 290, n. 1, amissio status clericalis non secumfert dispensationem ab obligatione
caelibatus, quae ab uno tantum Romano Pontifice conceditur.
Apart from the cases mentioned in can. 290, n. 1, the loss of the clerical state does not carry with it a dispensation
from the obligation of celibacy, which is granted solely by the Roman Pontiff.


Clericus qui statum clericalem ad normam iuris amittit, cum eo amittit iura statui clericali propria, nec ullis iam
adstringitur obligationibus status clericalis, firmo praescripto can. 291; potestatem ordinis exercere prohibetur, salvo
praescripto can. 976; eo ipso privatur omnibus officiis, numeribus muneribus e potestate qualibet delegata.
A cleric who loses the clerical state in accordance with the law, loses thereby the rights that are proper to the
clerical state and is no longer bound by any obligations of the clerical state, without prejudice to can. 291. He is
prohibited from exercising the power of order, without prejudice to can. 976. He is automatically deprived of all
offices and roles and of any delegated power.


Clericus qui statum clericalem amisit, nequit denuo inter clericos adscribi, nisi per Apostolicae Sedis rescriptum.
A cleric who has lost the clerical state cannot be enrolled as a cleric again save by rescript of the Apostolic See.

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Ad aptam presbyterorum distributionem promovendam aut ad peculiaria opera pastoralia vel missionalia pro variis
regionibus aut diversis coetibus socialibus perficienda, praelaturae personales quae presbyteris et diaconis cleri
saecularis constent, ab Apostolica Sede, auditis quarum interest Episcoporum conferentiis, erigi possunt.
Personal prelatures may be established by the Apostolic See after consultation with the Episcopal Conferences
concerned. They are composed of deacons and priests of the secular clergy. Their purpose is to promote an
appropriate distribution of priests, or to carry out special pastoral or missionary enterprises in different regions or
for different social groups.


1 Praelatura personalis regitur statutis ab Apostolica Sede conditis eique praeficitur Praelatus ut Ordinarius
proprius, ciu ius est nationale vel internationale seminarium erigere necnon alumnos incardinare, eosque titulo servitii
praelaturae ad ordines promovere.
1 A personal prelature is governed by statutes laid down by the Apostolic See. It is presided over by a Prelate as
its proper Ordinary. He has the right to establish a national or an international seminary, and to incardinate students
and promote them to orders with the title of service of the prelature.
2 Praelatus prospicere debet sive spirituali institutioni illorum, quos titulo praedicto promoverit, sive eorundem
decorae sustentationi.
2 The Prelate must provide both for the spiritual formation of those who are ordained with this title, and for their
becoming support.


Conventionibus cum praelatura initis, laici operibus apostolicis praelaturae personalis sese dedicare possunt; modus
vero huius organicae cooperationis atque praecipua officia et iura cum illa coniuncta in statutis apte determinentur.
Lay people can dedicate themselves to the apostolic work of a personal prelature by way of agreements made with
the prelature. The manner of this organic cooperation and the principal obligations and rights associated with it, are
to be duly defined in the statutes.


Statuta pariter definiant rationes praelaturae personalis cum Ordinariis locorum, in quorum Ecclesiis particularibus
ipsa praelatura sua opera pastoralia vel missionalia, praevio consensu Episcopi dioecesani, exercet vel exercere
The statutes are likewise to define the relationships of the prelature with the local Ordinaries in whose particular
Churches the prelature, with the prior consent of the diocesan Bishop, exercises or wishes to exercise its pastoral
or missionary activity.



1 In Ecclesia habentur consociationes distinctae ab institutis vitae consecratae et societatibus vitae apostolicae, in
quibus christifideles, sive clerici sive laici sive clerici et laici simul, communi opera contendunt ad perfectiorem vitam
fovendam, aut ad alia apostolatus opera, scilicet ad evangelizationis incepta, ad pietatis vel caritatis opera exercenda et
ad ordinem temporalem christiano spiritu animandum.
1 In the Church there are associations which are distinct from institutes of consecrated life and societies of
apostolic life. In these associations, Christ's faithful, whether clerics or laity, or clerics and laity together, strive with
a common effort to foster a more perfect life, or to promote public worship or christian teaching. They may also
devote themselves to other works of the apostolate, such as initiatives for evangelisation, works of piety or charity,
and those which animate the temporal order with the christian spirit.
2 Christifideles sua nomina dent iis praesertim consociationibus, quae a competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica aut
erectae aut laudatae vel commendatae sint.
2 Christ's faithful are to join especially those associations which have been established, praised or recommended
by the competent ecclesiastical authority.

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1 Integrum est christifidelibus, privata inter se conventione inita, consociationes constituere ad fines de quibus in can.
298, 1 persequendos, firmo praescripto can. 301, 1.
1 By private agreement among themselves, Christ's faithful have the right to constitute associations for the
purposes mentioned in can. 298 1, without prejudice to the provisions of can. 301 1.
2 Huiusmodi consociationes, etiamsi ab auctoritate ecclesiastica laudentur vel commendentur, consociationes privatae
2 Associations of this kind, even though they may be praised or commended by ecclesiastical authority, are called
private associations.
3 Nulla christifidelium consociatio privata in Ecclesia agnoscitur, nisi eius statuta ab auctoritate competenti
3 No private association of Christ's faithful is recognised in the Church unless its statutes have been reviewed by
the competent authority.


Nulla consociatio nomen "catholicae" sibi assumat, nisi de consensu competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, ad normam
can. 312.
No association may call itself 'catholic' except with the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority, in
accordance with can. 312.


1 Unius auctoritatis ecclesiasticae competentis est erigere christifidelium consociationes, quae sibi proponant
doctrinam christianam nomine Ecclesiae tradere aut cultum publicum promovere, vel quae alios intendant fines,
quorum prosecutio natura sua eidem auctoritati ecclesiasticae reservatur.
1 It is for the competent ecclesiastical authority alone to establish associations of Christ's faithful which intend to
impart Christian teaching in the name of the Church, or to promote public worship, or which are directed to other
ends whose pursuit is of its nature reserved to the same ecclesiastical authority.
2 Auctoritas ecclesiastica competens, si id expedire iudicaverit, christifidelium consociationes quoque erigere potest ad
alios fines spirituales directe vel indirecte prosequendos, quorum consecutioni per privatorum incepta non satis
provisum sit.
2 The competent ecclesiastical authority, if it judges it expedient, can also establish associations of Christ's faithful
to pursue, directly or indirectly, other spiritual ends whose attainment is not adequately provided for by private
3 Christifidelium consociationes quae a competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica eriguntur, consociationes publicae
3 Associations of Christ's faithful which are established by the competent ecclesiastical authority are called public


Christifidelium consociationes clericales eae dicuntur, quae sub moderamine sunt clericorum, exercitium ordinis sacri
assumunt atque uti tales a competenti auctoritate agnoscuntur.
Associations of Christ's faithful are called clerical when they are under the direction of clerics, presuppose the
exercise of sacred orders, and are acknowledged as such by the competent authority.


Consociationes, quarum sodales, in saeculo spiritum alicuius instituti religiosi participantes, sub altiore eiusdem
instituti moderamine, vitam apostolicam ducunt et ad perfectionem christianam contendunt, tertii ordines dicuntur
aliove congruenti nomine vocantur.
Associations whose members live in the world but share in the spirit of some religious institute, under the overall
direction of the same institute, and who lead an apostolic life and strive for Christian perfection, are known as third
orders, or are called by some other suitable title.


1 Omnes christifidelium consociationes, sive publicae sive privatae, quocumque titulo seu nomine vocantur, sua
habeant statuta, quibus definiantur consociationis finis seu obiectum sociale, sedes, regimen et condiciones ad partem
in iisdem habendam requisitae, quibusque determinentur agendi rationes, attentis quidem temporis et loci necessitate
vel utilitate.
1 All associations of Christ's faithful, whether public or private, by whatever title or name they are called, are to
have their own statutes. These are to define the purpose or social objective of the association, its centre, its

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governance and the conditions of membership. They are also to specify the manner of action of the association,
paying due regard to what is necessary or useful in the circumstances of the time and place.
2 Titulum seu nomen sibi eligant, temporis et loci usibus accommodatum, maxime ab ipso fine, quem intendunt,
2 Associations are to select for themselves a title or name which is in keeping with the practices of the time and
place, especially one derived from the purpose they intend.

1 Omnes christifidelium consociationes subsunt vigilantiae auctoritatis ecclesiasticae competentis, cuius est curare ut
in iisdem integritas fidei ac morum servetur, et invigilare ne in disciplinam ecclesiasticam abusus irrepant, cui itaque
officium et ius competunt ad normam iuris et statutorum easdem invisendi; subsunt etiam eiusdem auctoritatis
regimini secundum praescripta canonum, qui sequuntur.
1 All associations of Christ's faithful are subject to the supervision of the competent ecclesiastical authority. This
authority is to ensure that integrity of faith and morals is maintained in them and that abuses in ecclesiastical
discipline do not creep in. The competent authority has therefore the duty and the right to visit these associations,
in accordance with the law and the statutes. Associations are also subject to the governance of the same authority
in accordance with the provisions of the canons which follow.
2 Vigilantiae Sanctae Sedis subsunt consociationes cuiuslibet generis; vigilantiae Ordinarii loci subsunt consociationes
dioecesanae necnon aliae consociationes, quatenus in dioecesi operam exercent.
2 Associations of every kind are subject to the supervision of the Holy See. Diocesan associations are subject to
the supervision of the local Ordinary, as are other associations to the extent that they work in the diocese.


Ut quis consociationis iuribus atque privilegiis, indulgentiis aliisque gratiis spiritualibus eidem consociationi concessis
fruatur, necesse est et sufficit ut secundum iuris praescripta et propria consociationis statuta, in eandem valide
receptus sit et ab eandem non sit legitime dimissus.
To enjoy the rights and privileges, indulgences and other spiritual favours granted to an association, it is necessary
and sufficient that a person be validly received into the association in accordance with the provisions of the law and
with the association's own statutes, and be not lawfully dismissed from it.


1 Membrorum receptio fiat ad normam iuris ac statutorum uniuscuiusque consociationis.

1 The admission of members is to take place in accordance with the law and with the statutes of each association.
2 Eadem persona adscribi potest pluribus consociationibus.
2 The same person can be enrolled in several associations.
3 Sodales institutorum religiosorum possunt consociationibus, ad normam iuris proprii, de consensu sui Superioris
nomen dare.
3 In accordance with their own law, members of religious institutes may, with the consent of their Superior, join


Nemo legitime adscriptus a consociatione dimittatur, nisi iusta de causa ad normam iuris et statutorum.
No one who was lawfully admitted is to be dismissed from an association except for a just reason, in accordance
with the law and the statutes.


Consociationibus legitime constitutis ius est, ad normam iuris et statutorum, edendi peculiares normas ipsam
consociationem respicientes, celebrandi comitia, designandi moderatores, officiales, ministros atque bonorum
Associations that are lawfully established have the right, in accordance with the law and the statutes, to make
particular norms concerning the association, for the holding of meetings, and for the appointment of moderators,
officials, ministers and administrators of goods.


Consociatio privata quae uti persona iuridica non fuerit constituta, qua talis subiectum esse non potest obligationum et
iurium; christifideles tamen in ea consociati coniunctim obligationes contrahere atque uti condomini et compossessores
iura et bona acquirere et possidere possunt; quae iura et obligationes per mandatarium seu procuratorem exercere

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A private association which has not been constituted a juridical person cannot, as such, be the subject of duties
and rights. However the faithful who are joined together in it can jointly contract obligations. As joint owners and
joint possessors they can acquire and possess rights and goods. They can exercise these rights and obligations
through a delegate or a proxy.

Sodales institutorum vitae consecrate qui consociationibus suo instituto aliquo modo unitis praesunt aut assistunt,
curent ut eadem consociationes operibus apostolatus in dioecesi exsistentibus adiutorium praebeant, cooperantes
praesertim, sub directione Ordinarii loci, cum consociationibus quae ad apostolatum in dioecesi exercendum
Members of institutes of consecrated life who preside over or assist associations which are joined in some way to
their institute, are to ensure that these associations help the apostolic works existing in the diocese. They are
especially to cooperate, under the direction of the local Ordinary, with associations which are directed to the
exercise of the apostolate in the diocese.




1 Ad erigendas consociationes publicas auctoritas competens est:

1 The authority which is competent to establish public associations is:

pro consociationibus universalibus atque internationalibus Sancta Sedes;

the Holy See, for universal and international associations

pro consociationibus nationalibus, quae scilicet ex ipsa erectione destinantur ad actionem in tota natione
exercendam, Episcoporum conferentia in suo territorio;
the Episcopal Conference in its own territory, for national associations which by their very establishment are
intended for work throughout the whole nation;

pro consociationibus dioecesanis, Episcopus dioecesanus in suo territorio, non vero Administrator dioecesanus, iis
tamen consociationibus exceptis quarum erigendarum ius ex apostolico privilegio aliis reservatum est.
the diocesan Bishop, each in his own territory, but not the diocesan Administrator, for diocesan associations,
with the exception, however, of associations the right to whose establishment is reserved to others by
apostolic privilege.

2 Ad validam erectionem consociationis aut sectionis consociationis in dioecesi, etiamsi id vi privilegii apostolici fiat,
requiritur consensus Episcopi dioecesani scripto datus; consensus tamen ab Episcopo dioecesano praestitus pro
erectione domus instituti religiosi valet etiam ad erigendam in eadem domo vel ecclesia ei adnexa consociationem quae
illius instituti sit propria.
2 The written consent of the diocesan Bishop is required for the valid establishment of an association or branch of
an association in the diocese even though it is done in virtue of an apostolic privilege. Permission, however, which
is given by the diocesan Bishop for the foundation of a house of a religious institute, is valid also for the
establishment in the same house, or in a church attached to it, of an association which is proper to that institute.

Consociatio publica itemque consociationum publicarum confoederatio ipso decreto quo ab auctoritate ecclesiastica ad
normam can. 312 competenti erigitur, persona iuridica constituitur et missionem recipit, quatenus requiritur, ad fines
quos ipsa sibi nomine Ecclesiae persequendos proponit.
A public association or a confederation of public associations is constituted a juridical person by the very decree by
which it is established by the authority competent in accordance with can. 312. Moreover, insofar as is required, it
thereby receives its mission to pursue, in the name of the Church, those ends which it proposes for itself.


Cuiuslibet consociationis publicae statuta, eorumque recognitio vel mutatio, approbatione indigent auctoritatis
ecclesiasticae cui competit consociationis erectio ad normam can. 312, 1.
The statutes of any public association require the approval of the authority which, in accordance with can. 312 1,
is competent to establish the association; this approval is also required for a revision of, or a change in, the

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Consociationes publicae incepta propriae indoli congrua sua sponte suscipere valent, eaedemque reguntur ad normam
statutorum, sub altiore tamen directione auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, de qua in can. 312, 1.
Public associations can, on their own initiative, undertake projects which are appropriate to their character, and
they are governed by the statutes, but under the overall direction of the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can.
312 1.


1 Qui publice fidem catholicam abiecerit vel a communione ecclesiastica defecerit vel excommunicatione irrogata aut
declarata irretitus sit, valide in consociationes publicas recipi nequit.
1 A person who has publicly rejected the catholic faith, or has defected from ecclesiastical communion, or upon
whom an excommunication has been imposed or declared, cannot validly be received into public associations.
2 Qui legitime adscripti in casum inciderint de quo in 1, praemissa monitione, a consociatione dimittantur, servatis
eius statutis et salvo iure recursus ad auctoritatem ecclesiasticam, de qua in can. 312, 1.
2 Those who have been lawfully enrolled but who fall into one of the categories mentioned in 1, having been
previously warned, are to be dismissed, in accordance with the statutes of the association, without prejudice to
their right of recourse to the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312 1.


1 Nisi aliud in statutis praevideatur, auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, de qua in can. 312, 1, est consociationis publicae
moderatorem ab ipsa consociatione publica electum confirmare aut praesentatum instituere aut iure proprio nominare;
cappellanum vero seu assistentem ecclesiasticum, auditis ubi id expediat consociationis officialibus maioribus, nominat
auctoritas ecclesiastica.
1 Unless the statutes provide otherwise, it belongs to the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312 1 to
confirm the moderator of a public association on election, or to appoint the moderator on presentation, or by his
own right to appoint the moderator. The same authority appoints the chaplain or ecclesiastical assistant, after
consulting the senior officials of the association, wherever this is expedient.
2 Norma in 1 statuta valet etiam pro consociationibus a sodalibus institutorum religiosorum vi apostolici privilegii
extra proprias ecclesias vel domos erectis; in consociationibus vero a sodalibus institutorum religiosorum in propria
ecclesia vel domo erectis, nominatio aut confirmatio moderatoris et cappellani pertinet ad Superiorem instituti, ad
normam statutorum.
2 The norm of 1 is also valid for associations which members of religious institutes, by apostolic privilege,
establish outside their own churches or houses. In associations which members of religious institutes establish in
their own church or house, the appointment or confirmation of the moderator and chaplain belongs to the Superior
of the institute, in accordance with the statutes.
3 In consociationibus quae non sunt clericales, laici exercere valent munus moderatoris; cappellanus seu assistens
ecclesiasticus ad illud munus ne assumatur, nisi aliud in statutis caveatur.
3 The laity can be moderators of associations which are not clerical. The chaplain or ecclesiastical assistant is not
to be the moderator, unless the statutes provide otherwise.
4 In publicis christifidelium consociationibus quae directe ad apostolatum exercendum ordinantur, moderatores ne ii
sint, qui in factionibus politicis officium directionis adimplent.
4 Those who hold an office of direction in political parties are not to be moderators in public associations of the
faithful which are directly ordered to the exercise of the apostolate.


1 In specialibus adiunctis, ubi graves rationes id requirant, potest ecclesiastica auctoritas, de qua in can. 312, 1,
designare commissarium, qui eius nomine consociationem ad tempus moderetur.
1 In special circumstances, when serious reasons so require the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312 1
can appoint a commissioner to direct the association in his name for the time being.
2 Moderatorem consociationis publicae iusta de causa removere potest qui eum nominavit aut confirmavit, auditis
tamen tum ipso moderatore tum consociationis officialibus maioribus ad normam statutorum; cappellanum vero
removere potest, ad normam cann. 192-195, qui eum nominavit.
2 The moderator of a public association may be removed for a just reason, by the person who made the
appointment or the confirmation, but the Moderator himself and the senior officials of the association must be

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consulted, in accordance with the statutes. The chaplain can, however, be removed by the person who appointed
him, in accordance with cann. 192--195.

1 Consociatio publica legitime erecta, nisi aliud cautum sit, bonaquae possidet ad normam statutorum administrat sub
superiore directione auctoritatis ecclesiasticae de qua in can. 312, 1, cui quotannis administrationis rationem reddere
1 Unless otherwise provided, a lawfully established public association administers the goods it possesses, in
accordance with the statutes, and under the overall direction of the ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312
1. It must give a yearly account to this authority.
2 Oblationum quoque et eleemosynarum, quas collegerit, eidem auctoritati fidelem erogationis rationem reddere
2 The association must also faithfully account to the same authority for the disbursement of contributions and
alms which it has collected.


1 Consociationes a Sancta Sede erectae nonnisi ab eadem supprimi possunt.

1 Associations established by the Holy See can be suppressed only by the Holy See.
2 Ob graves causas ab Episcoporum conferentia supprimi possunt consociationes ab eadem erectae; ab Episcopo
dioecesano consociationes a se erectae, et etiam consociationes ex apostolico indulto a sodalibus institutorum
religiosorum de consensu Episcopi dioecesani erectae.
2 For grave reasons, associations established by the Episcopal Conference can be suppressed by it. The
diocesan Bishop can suppress those he has established, and also those which members of religious institutes have
established by apostolic indult with the consent of the diocesan Bishop.
3 Consociatio publica ac auctoritate competenti ne supprimatur, nisi auditis eius moderatore aliisque officialibus
3 A public association is not to be suppressed by the competent authority unless the moderator and other senior
officials have been consulted.





Consociationes privata christifideles secundum statutorum praescripta dirigunt et moderantur.

Christ's faithful direct and moderate private associations according to the provisions of the statutes.


1 Consociatio christifidelium privata personalitatem iuridicam acquirere potest per decretum formale auctoritatis
ecclesiasticae competentis, de qua can. 312.
1 A private association of Christ's faithful can acquire juridical personality by a formal decree of the competent
ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312.
2 Nulla christifidelium consociatio privata personalitatem iuridicam acquirere potest, nisi eius statuta ab auctoritate
ecclesiastica, de qua in can. 312, 1, sint probata; statutorum vero probatio consociationis naturam privatam non
2 No private association of Christ's faithful can acquire juridical personality unless its statutes are approved by the
ecclesiastical authority mentioned in can. 312 1. The approval of the statutes does not, however, change the
private nature of the association.


1 Licet christifidelium consociationes privatae autonomia gaudeant ad normam can. 321, subsunt vigilantiae
auctoritatis ecclesiasticae ad normam can. 305, itemque eiusdem auctoritatis regimini.
1 Although private associations of Christ's faithful enjoy their own autonomy in accordance with can. 321, they are
subject to the supervision of ecclesiastical authority, in accordance with can. 305, and also to the governance of the
same authority.
2 Ad auctoritatem ecclesiasticam etiam spectat, servata quidem autonomia consociationibus privatis propria,
invigilare et curare ut virium dispersio vitetur, earumque apostolatus exercitium ad bonum commune ordinetur.

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2 It is also the responsibility of ecclesiastical authority, with due respect for the autonomy of private associations,
to oversee and ensure that there is no dissipation of their forces, and that the exercise of their apostolate is directed
to the common good.

1 Christifidelium consociatio privata libere sibi moderatorem et officiales designat, ad normam statutorum.
1 A private association of Christ's faithful can freely designate for itself a moderator and officers, in accordance
with the statutes.
2 Christifidelium consociatio privata consiliarium spiritualem, si quemdam exoptet, libere sibi eligere potest inter
sacerdotes ministerium legitime in dioecesi exercentes; qui tamen indiget confirmatione Ordinarii loci.
2 If a private association of Christ's faithful wishes to have a spiritual counsellor, it can freely choose one for itself
from among the priests who lawfully exercise a ministry in the diocese, but the priest requires the confirmation of
the local Ordinary.


1 Christifidelium consociatio privata ea bona quae possidet libere administrat, iuxta statutorum praescripta, salvo
iure auctoritatis ecclesiasticae competentis vigilandi ut bona fines associationis adhibeantur.
1 A private association of Christ's faithful is free to administer any goods it possesses, according to the provisions
of the statutes, but the competent ecclesiastical authority has the right to ensure that the goods are applied to the
purposes of the association.
2 Eadem subest loci Ordinarii auctoritati ad normam can. 1301 quod attinet ad administrationem erogationemque
bonorum, quae ipsi ad pias causas donata aut relicta sint.
2 In accordance with can. 1301, the association is subject to the authority of the local Ordinary in whatever
concerns the administration and distribution of goods which are donated or left to it for pious purposes.


1 Extinguitur christifidelium consociatio privata ad normam statutorum; supprimi etiam potest a competenti
auctoritate, si eius actio in grave damnum cedit doctrinae vel disciplinae ecclesiasticae, aut scandalo est fidelium.
1 A private association of Christ's faithful is extinguished in accordance with the norms of the statutes. It can also
be suppressed by the competent authority if its activity gives rise to grave harm to ecclesiastical teaching or
discipline, or is a scandal to the faithful.
2 Destinatio bonorum consociationis extinctae ad normam statutorum determinanda est, salvis iuribus quaesitis atque
oblatorum voluntate.
2 The fate of the goods of a private association which ceases to exist is to be determined in accordance with the
statutes, without prejudice to acquired rights and to the wishes of donors.





Christifideles laici magni faciant consociationes ad spirituales fines, de quibus in can. 298, constitutas, eas speciatim
quae rerum temporalium ordinem spiritu christiano animare sibi proponunt atque hoc modo intimam inter fidem et
vitam magnopere fovent unionem.
Lay members of Christ's faithful are to hold in high esteem associations established for the spiritual purposes
mentioned in can. 298. They should especially esteem those associations whose aim is to animate the temporal
order with the christian spirit, and thus greatly foster an intimate union between faith and life.


Qui praesunt consociationibus laicorum, iis etiam quae vi privilegii apostolici erectae sunt, curent ut suae cum aliis
christifidelium consociationibus, ubi id expediat, cooperentur, utque variis operibus christianis, praesertim in eodem
territorio exsistentibus, libenter auxilio sint.
Those who head lay associations, even those established by apostolic privilege, are to ensure that their
associations cooperate with other associations of Christ's faithful, where this is expedient. They are to give their
help freely to various christian works, especially those in the same territory.


Moderatores consociationum laicorum curent, ut sodales consociationis ad apostolatum laicis proprium exercendum
debite efformentur.
Moderators of lay associations are to ensure that the members receive due formation, so that they may carry out
the apostolate which is proper to the laity.

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Sicut, statuente Domino, sanctus Petrus et ceteri Apostoli unum Collegium constituunt, pari ratione Romanus Pontifex,
successor Petri, et Episcopi successores Apostolorum, inter se coniunguntur.
Just as, by the decree of the Lord, Saint Peter and the rest of the Apostles form one College, so for a like reason
the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and the Bishops, the successors of the Apostles, are united together in

Art. 1



Ecclesiae Romanae Episcopus, in quo permanet munus a Domino singulariter Petro, primo Apostolorum, concessum et
successoribus eius transmittendum, Collegii Episcoporum est caput, Vicarius Christi atque universae Ecclesiae his in
terris Pastor; qui ideo vi muneris sui suprema, plena, immediata et universali in Ecclesia gaudet ordinaria potestate,
quam semper libere exercere valet.
The office uniquely committed by the Lord to Peter, the first of the Apostles, and to be transmitted to his
successors, abides in the Bishop of the Church of Rome. He is the head of the College of Bishops, the Vicar of
Christ, and the Pastor of the universal Church here on earth. Consequently, by virtue of his office, he has supreme,
full, immediate and universal ordinary power in the Church, and he can always freely exercise this power.


1 Plenam et supremam in Ecclesia potestatem Romanus Pontifex obtinet legitima electione ab ipso acceptata una cum
episcopali consecratione. Quare, eandem potestatem obtinet a momento acceptationis electus ad summum pontificatum,
qui episcopali charactere insignitus est. Quod si charactere episcopali electus careat, statim ordinetur Episcopus.
1 The Roman Pontiff acquires full and supreme power in the Church when, together with episcopal consecration,
he has been lawfully elected and has accepted the election. Accordingly, if he already has the episcopal character,
he receives this power from the moment he accepts election to the supreme pontificate. If he does not have the
episcopal character, he is immediately to be ordained Bishop.
2 Si contingat ut Romanus Pontifex muneri suo renuntiet, ad validitatem requiritur ut renuntiatio libere fiat et rite
manifestetur, non vero ut a quopiam acceptetur.
2 Should it happen that the Roman Pontiff resigns from his office, it is required for validity that the resignation be
freely made and properly manifested, but it is not necessary that it be accepted by anyone.


1 Romanus Pontifex, vi sui muneris, non modo in universam Ecclesiam potestate gaudet, sed et super omnes Ecclesias
particulares earumque coetus ordinariae potestatis obtinet principatum, quoquidem insimul roboratur atque vindicatur
potestas propria, ordinaria et immediata, qua in Ecclesias particulares suae curae commissas Episcopi pollent.
1 By virtue of his office, the Roman Pontiff not only has power over the universal Church, but also has preeminent ordinary power over all particular Churches and their groupings. This reinforces and defends the proper,
ordinary and immediate power which the Bishops have in the particular Churches entrusted to their care.
2 Romanus Pontifex, in munere supremi Ecclesia Pastoris explendo, communione cum ceteris Episcopis immo et
universa Ecclesia semper est coniunctus; ipsi ius tamen est, iuxta Ecclesiae necessitates, determinare modum, sive
personalem sive collegialem, huius muneris exercendi.
2 The Roman Pontiff, in fulfilling his office as supreme Pastor of the Church, is always joined in full communion
with the other Bishops, and indeed with the whole Church. He has the right, however, to determine, according to the
needs of the Church, whether this office is to be exercised in a personal or in a collegial manner.
3 Contra sententiam vel decretum Romani Pontificis non datur appellatio neque recursus.
3 There is neither appeal nor recourse against a judgement or a decree of the Roman Pontiff.

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In eius munere exercendo, Romano Pontifici praesto sunt Episcopi, qui eidem cooperatricem operam navare valent
variis rationibus, inter quas est synodus Episcoporum. Auxilio praetera ei sunt Patres Cardinales, necnon aliae
personae itemque varia secundum temporum necessitates instituta; quae personae omnes et instituta, nomine et
auctoritate ipsius, munus sibi commissum explent in bonum omnium Ecclesiarum, iuxta normas iure definitas.
The Bishops are available to the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his office, to cooperate with him in various ways,
among which is the synod of Bishops. Cardinals also assist him, as do other persons and, according to the needs
of the time, various institutes; all these persons and institutes fulfil their offices in his name and by his authority, for
the good of all the Churches, in accordance with the norms determined by law.


Sede romana vacante aut prorsus impedita, nihil innovetur in Ecclesiae universae regimine: serventur autem leges
speciales pro iisdem adiunctis latae.
When the Roman See is vacant, or completely impeded, no innovation is to be made in the governance of the
universal Church. The special laws enacted for these circumstances are to be observed.

Art. 2



Collegium Episcoporum, cuius caput est Summus Pontifex cuiusque membra sunt Episcopi vi sacramentalis
consecrationis et hierarchica communione cum Collegii capite et membris, et in quo corpus apostolicum continuo
perseverat, una cum capite suo, et numquam sine hoc capite, subiectum quoque supremae et plenae potestatis in
universam Ecclesiam exsistit.
The head of the College of Bishops is the Supreme Pontiff, and its members are the Bishops by virtue of their
sacramental consecration and hierarchical communion with the head of the College and its members. This College
of Bishops, in which the apostolic body abides in an unbroken manner, is, in union with its head and never without
this head, also the subject of supreme and full power over the universal Church.


1 Potestatem in universam Ecclesiam Collegium Episcoporum sollemni modo exercet in Concilio Oecumenico.
1 The College of Bishops exercises its power over the universal Church in solemn form in an Ecumenical Council.
2 Eandem potestatem exercet per unitam Episcoporum in mundo dispersorum actionem, quae uti talis a Romano
Pontifice sit indicta aut libere recepta, ita ut verus actus collegialis efficiatur.
2 It exercises this same power by the united action of the Bishops dispersed throughout the world, when this
action is as such proclaimed or freely accepted by the Roman Pontiff, so that it becomes a truly collegial act.
3 Romani Pontificis est secundum necessitates Ecclesiae seligere et promovere modos, quibus Episcoporum Collegium
munus suum quoad universam Ecclesiam collegialiter exerceat.
3 It belongs to the Roman Pontiff to select and promote, according to the needs of the Church, ways in which the
College of Bishops can exercise its office in respect of the universal Church in a collegial manner.


1 Unius Romani Pontificis est Concilium Oecumenicum convocare, eidem per se vel per se vel per alios praesidere,
item Concilium transferre, suspendere vel dissolvere, eiusque decreta approbare.
1 It is the prerogative of the Roman Pontiff alone to summon an Ecumenical Council, to preside over it personally
or through others, to transfer, suspend or dissolve the Council, and to approve its decrees.
2 Eiusdem Romani Pontificis est res in Concilio tractandas determinare atque ordinem in Concilio servandam
constituere; propositis a Romano Pontifice quaestionibus Patres Concilii alias addere possunt, ab eodem Romano
Pontifice probandas.
2 It is also the prerogative of the Roman Pontiff to determine the matters to be dealt with in the Council, and to
establish the order to be observed. The Fathers of the Council may add other matters to those proposed by the
Roman Pontiff, but these must be approved by the Roman Pontiff.


1 Ius est et officium omnibus et solis Episcopis qui membra sint Collegii Episcoporum, ut Concilio Oecumenico cum
suffragio deliberativo intersint.
1 All Bishops, but only Bishops who are members of the College of Bishops, have the right and the obligation to
be present at an Ecumenical Council with a deliberative vote.

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2 Ad Concilium Oecumenicum insuper alii aliqui, qui episcopali dignitate non sint insigniti, vocari possunt a suprema
Ecclesiae auctoritate, cuius est eorum partes in Concilio determinare.
2 Some others besides, who do not have the episcopal dignity, can be summoned to an Ecumenical Council by
the supreme authority in the Church, to whom it belongs to determine what part they take in the Council.

Si contingat Apostolicam Sedem durante Concilii celebratione vacare, ipso iure hoc intermittitur, donec novus Summus
Pontifex illud continuari iusserit aut dissolverit.
If the Apostolic See should become vacant during the celebration of the Council, it is by virtue of the law itself
suspended until the new Supreme Pontiff either orders it to continue or dissolves it.


1 Concilii Oecumenici decreta vim obligandi non habent nisi una cum Concilii Patribus a Romano Pontifice
approbata, ab eodem fuerint confirmata et eius iussu promulgata.
1 The decrees of an Ecumenical Council do not oblige unless they are approved by the Roman Pontiff as well as
by the Fathers of the Council, confirmed by the Roman Pontiff and promulgated by his direction.
2 Eadem confirmatione et promulgatione, vim obligandi ut habeant, egent decreta quae ferat Collegium Episcoporum,
cum actionem proprie collegialem ponit iuxta alium a Romano Pontifice inductum vel libere receptum modum.
2 If they are to have binding force, the same confirmation and promulgation is required for decrees which the
College of Bishops issues by truly collegial actions in another manner introduced or freely accepted by the Roman




Synodus Episcoporum coetus est Episcoporum qui, ex diversis orbis regionibus selecti, statutis temporibus una
conveniuntut arctam coniuntionem inter Romanum Pontificem et Episcopos foveant, utque eidem Romano Pontifici ad
incolumitatem incrementumque fidei et morum, ad disciplinam ecclesiasticam servandam et firmandam consiliis
adiutricem operam praestent, necnon quaestiones ad actionem Ecclesiae in mundo spectantes perpendant.
The synod of Bishops is a group of Bishops selected from different parts of the world, who meet together at
specified times to promote the close relationship between the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops. These Bishops, by
their counsel, assist the Roman Pontiff in the defence and development of faith and morals and in the preservation
and strengthening of ecclesiastical discipline. They also consider questions concerning the mission of the Church in
the world.


Synodi Episcoporum est de quaestionibus pertractandis disceptare atque expromere optata, non vero easdem dirimere
de iisque ferre decreta, nisi certis in casibus potestate deliberativa eandem instruxerit Romanus Pontifex, cuius est in
hoc casu decisiones synodi ratas habere.
The function of the synod of Bishops is to discuss the matters proposed to it and set forth recommendations. It is
not its function to settle matters or to draw up decrees, unless the Roman Pontiff has given it deliberative power in
certain cases; in this event, it rests with the Roman Pontiff to ratify the decisions of the synod.


Synodus Episcoporum directe subest auctoritati Romani Pontificis, cuius quidem est:
The synod of Bishops is directly under the authority of the Roman Pontiff, whose prerogative it is:

synodum convocare, quotiescumque id ipsi opportunum videatur, locumque designare ubi coetus habendi sint;
to convene the synod, as often as this seems opportune to him, and to designate the place where the
meetings are to be held

sodalium, qui ad normam iuris peculiaris eligendi sunt, electionem ratam habere aliosque sodales designare et
to ratify the election of those who, in accordance with the special law of the synod, are to be elected, and to
designate and appoint other members;

argumenta quaestionum pertractandarum statuere opportuno tempore ad normam iuris peculiaris ante synodi
at a suitable time before the celebration of the synod, to prescribe the outlines of the questions to be
discussed, in accordance with the special law;

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rerum agendarum ordinem definire;

to determine the agenda;

synodo per se aut per alios praeesse;

to preside over the synod personally or through others;

synodum ipsam concludere, transferre, suspendere et dissolvere.

to conclude, transfer, suspend or dissolve the synod.


Synodus Episcoporum congregari potest aut in coetum generalem, in quo scilicet res tractantur ad bonum Ecclesiae
universae directe spectantes, qui quidem coetus est sive ordinarius sive extraordinarius, aut etiam in coetum specialem,
in quo nempe aguntur negotia quae directe ad determinatam determinatasve regiones attinent.
The synod of Bishops can meet in general assembly, in which matters are dealt with which directly concern the
good of the universal Church; such an assembly is either ordinary or extraordinary. It can also meet in special
assembly, to deal with matters directly affecting a determined region or regions.


1 Synodus Episcoporum quae in coetum generalem ordinarium congregatur, constat sodalibus quorum plerique sunt
Episcopi, electi pro singulis coetibus ab Episcoporum conferentiis secundum rationem iure peculiari synodi
determinatam; alii vi eiusdem iuris deputantur; alii a Romano Pontifice directe nominantur; quibus accedunt aliqui
sodales institutorum religiosorum clericalium, qui ad normam eiusdem iuris peculiaris eliguntur.
1 The synod of Bishops meeting in ordinary general assembly is comprised, for the most part, of Bishops elected
for each assembly by the Episcopal Conferences, in accordance with the norms of the special law of the synod.
Other members are designated according to the same law; others are directly appointed by the Roman Pontiff.
Added to these are some members of clerical religious institutes, elected in accordance with the same special law.
2 Synodus Episcoporum in coetum generalem extraordinarium congregata ad negotia tractanda quae expeditam
requirant definitionem, constat sodalibus quorum plerique, Episcopi, a iure peculiari synodi deputantur ratione officii
quod adimplent, alii vero a Romano Pontifice directe nominantur; quibus accedunt aliqui sodales institutorum
religiosorum clericalium ad normam eiusdem iuris electi.
2 The synod of Bishops meeting in extraordinary general assembly for the purpose of dealing with matters which
require speedy resolution, is comprised for the most part, of Bishops who, by reason of the office they hold, are
designated by the special law of the synod; others are appointed directly by the Roman Pontiff. Added to these are
some members of clerical religious institutes, elected in accordance with the same law.
3 Synodus Episcoporum, quae in coetum specialem congregatur, constat sodalibus delectis praecipue ex iis regionibus
pro quibus convocata est, ad normam iuris peculiaris, quo synodus regitur.
3 The synod of Bishops which meets in special assembly is comprised of members chosen principally from those
regions for which the synod was convened, in accordance with the special law by which the synod is governed.


1 Cum synodi Episcoporum coetus a Romano Pontifice concluditur, explicit munus in eadem Episcopis aliisque
sodalibus commissum.
1 When the meeting of the synod of Bishops is concluded by the Roman Pontiff, the function entrusted in it to the
Bishops and other members ceases.
2 Sede Apostolica post convocatam synodum aut inter eius celebrationem vacante, ipso iure suspenditur synodi coetus,
itemque munus sodalibus in eodem commissum, donec novus Pontifex coetum aut dissolvendum aut continuandum
2 If the Apostolic See becomes vacant after the synod has been convened or during its celebration, the meeting of
the synod, and the function entrusted in it to the members, is by virtue of the law itself suspended, until the new
Pontiff decrees either that the assembly is to be dissolved or that it is to continue.


1 Synodi Episcoporum habetur secretaria generalis permanens, cui praeest Secretarius generalis, a Romano Pontifice
nominatus, cuique praesto est consilium secretariae, constans Episcopis, quorum alii, ad normam iuris peculiaris, ab
ipsa synodo Episcoporum eliguntur, alii a Romano Pontifice nominantur, quorum vero omnium munus explicit, ineunte
novo coetu generali.
1 There is to be a permanent general secretariat of the synod, presided over by a Secretary general appointed by
the Roman Pontiff. The Secretary is to have the assistance of a council of the secretariat, composed of Bishops,

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some elected by the synod of Bishops itself in accordance with the special law, others appointed by the Roman
Pontiff. The function of all these persons ceases with the beginning of a new general assembly.
2 Pro quolibet synodi Episcoporum coetu praetera unus aut plures secretarii speciales constituuntur qui a Romano
Pontifice nominantur, atque in officio ipsis commisso permanent solum usque ad expletum synodi coetum.
2 For each assembly of the synod of Bishops there are one or more special secretaries, who are appointed by the
Roman Pontiff. They remain in office only until the end of the synod assembly.





S. R. E. Cardinales peculiare Collegium constituunt, cui competit ut electioni Romani Pontificis provideat ad normam
iuris peculiaris; Cardinales item Romano Pontifici adsunt sive collegialiter agendo, cum ad quaestiones maioris
momenti tractandas in unum convocantur, sive ut singuli, scilicet variis officiis, quibus funguntur, eidem Romano
Pontifici praestando in cura praesertim cotidiana universae Ecclesiae.
The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church constitute a special College, whose prerogative it is to elect the Roman
Pontiff in accordance with the norms of a special law. The Cardinals are also available to the Roman Pontiff, either
acting collegially, when they are summoned together to deal with questions of major importance, or acting
individually, that is, in the offices which they hold in assisting the Roman Pontiff especially in the daily care of the
universal Church.


1 Cardinalium Collegium in tres ordines distribuitur: episcopalem, ad quem pertinent Cardinales quibus a Romano
Pontifice titulus assignatur Ecclesiae suburbicariae, necnon Patriarchae orientales qui in Cardinalium Collegium relati
sunt; presbyteralem et diaconalem.
1 The College of Cardinals is divided into three orders: the episcopal order, to which belong those Cardinals to
whom the Roman Pontiff assigns the title of a suburbicarian Church, and eastern-rite Patriarchs who are made
members of the College of Cardinals; the presbyteral order, and the diaconal order.
2 Cardinalibus ordinis presbyteralis ac diaconalis suus cuique titulus aut diaconia in Urbe assignatur a Romano
2 Cardinal priests and Cardinal deacons are each assigned a title or a deaconry in Rome by the Roman Pontiff.
3 Patriarchae orientales in Cardinalium Collegium assumpti in titulum habent suam patriarchalem sedem.
3 Eastern Patriarchs within the College of Cardinals have their patriarchal see as a title.
4 Cardinalis Decanus in titulum habet dioecesim Ostiensem, unacum alia Ecclesia quam in titulum iam habeat.
4 The Cardinal Dean has the title of the diocese of Ostia, together with that of any other Church to which he
already has a title.
5 Per optionem in Consistorio factam et a Summo Pontifice approbatam, possunt, servata prioritate ordinis et
promotionis, Cardinales ex ordine presbyterali transire ad alium titulum et Cardinales ex ordine diaconali ad aliam
diaconiam et, si per integrum decennium in ordine diaconali permanserint, etiam ad ordinem presbyteralem.
5 By a choice made in Consistory and approved by the Supreme Pontiff, Cardinal priests may transfer to another
title; Cardinal deacons may transfer to another deaconry and, if they have been a full ten years in the diaconal
order, to the presbyteral order: priority of order and of promotion is to be observed.
6 Cardinalis ex ordine diaconali transiens per optionem ad ordinem presbyteralem, locum obtinet ante omnes illos
Cardinales presbyteros, qui post ipsum ad Cardinalatum assumpti sunt.
6 A Cardinal who by choice transfers from the diaconal to the presbyteral order, takes precedence over all
Cardinal priests who were promoted to the Cardinalate after him.


1 Qui Cardinales promoveantur, libere a Romano Pontifice seliguntur viri, saltem in ordine presbyteratus constituti,
doctrina, moribus, pietate necnon rerum agendarum prudentia egregie praestantes; qui nondum sunt Episcopi,
consecrationem episcopalem recipere debent.
1 Those to be promoted Cardinals are men freely selected by the Roman Pontiff, who are at least in the order of
priesthood and are truly outstanding in doctrine, virtue, piety and prudence in practical matters; those who are not
already Bishops must receive episcopal consecration.

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2 Cardinales creantur Romani Pontificis decreto, quod quidem coram Cardinalium Collegio publicatur; inde a
publicatione facta officiis tenentur atque iuribus gaudent lege definitis.
2 Cardinals are created by decree of the Roman Pontiff, which in fact is published in the presence of the College
of Cardinals. From the moment of publication, they are bound by the obligations and they enjoy the rights defined
in the law.
3 Promotus ad cardinalitiam dignitatem, cuius creationem Romanus Pontifex annuntiaverit, nomen autem in pectore
sibi reservans, nullis interim tenetur Cardinalium officiis nullisque eorum gaudet iuribus; postquam autem a Romano
Pontifice eius nomen publicatum fuerit, iisdem tenetur officiis fruiturque iuribus, sed iure praecedentiae gaudet a die
reservationis in pectore.
3 A person promoted to the dignity of Cardinal, whose creation the Roman Pontiff announces, but whose name he
reserves in petto, is not at that time bound by the obligations nor does he enjoy the rights of a Cardinal. When his
name is published by the Roman Pontiff, however, he is bound by these obligations and enjoys these rights, but his
right of precedence dates from the day of the reservation in petto.

1 Cardinalium Collegio praeest Decanus, eiusque impediti vices sustinet Subdecanus; Decanus, vel Subdecanus, nulla
in ceteros Cardinales gaudet potestate regiminis, sed ut primus inter pares habetur.
1 The Dean presides over the College of Cardinals. When he is unable to do so, the sub-Dean takes his place.
The Dean, or the sub-Dean, has no power of governance over the other Cardinals, but is considered as first among
2 Officio Decani vacante, Cardinales titulo Ecclesiae suburbicariae decorati, iique soli, praesidente Subdecano si
adsit, aut antiquiore ex ipsis, e coetus sui gremio unum eligant qui Decanum Collegii agat; eius nomen ad Romanum
Pontificem deferant, cui competit electum probare.
2 When the office of Dean is vacant, those Cardinals who have a suburbicarian title, and only those, under the
presidency of the sub-Dean if he is present, or of the oldest member, elect one of their number to act as Dean of
the College. They are to submit his name to the Roman Pontiff, to whom it belongs to approve the person elected.
3 Eadem ratione de qua in 2, praesidente ipso Decano, eligitur Subdecanus; Subdecani quoque electionem probare
Romano Pontifici competit.
3 In the same way as set out in 2, the sub-Dean is elected, with the Dean presiding. It belongs to the Roman
Pontiff to approve also the election of the sub-Dean.
4 Decanus et Subdecanus, si in Urbe domicilium non habeant, illud ibidem acquirant.
4 If the Dean and sub-Dean do not already have a domicile in Rome, they acquire it there.


1 Cardinales collegiali actione supremo Ecclesiae Pastori praecipue auxilio sunt in Consistoriis, in quibus iussu
Romani Pontificis eoque praesidente congregantur; Consistoria habentur ordinaria aut extraordinaria.
1 Cardinals assist the Supreme Pastor of the Church in collegial fashion particularly in Consistories, in which they
are gathered by order of the Roman Pontiff and under his presidency. Consistories are either ordinary or
2 In Consistorium ordinarium, convocantur omnes Cardinales, saltem in Urbe versantes, ad consultationem de
quibusdam negotiis gravibus, communis tamen contigentibus, aut ad actus quosdam maxime sollemnes peragendos.
2 In an ordinary Consistory all Cardinals, or at least those who are in Rome, are summoned for consultation on
certain grave matters of more frequent occurrence, or for the performance of especially solemn acts.
3 In Consistorium extraordinarium, quod celebratur cum peculiares Ecclesiae necessitates vel graviora negotia
tractanda id suadeant, convocantur omnes Cardinales.
3 All Cardinals are summoned to an extraordinary Consistory, which takes place when the special needs of the
Church and more serious matters suggest it.
4 Solum Consistorium ordinarium, in quo aliquae sollemnitates celebrantur, potest esse publicum, cum scilicet praeter
Cardinales admittuntur Praelati, legati societatum civilium aliive ad illud invitati.
4 Only an ordinary Consistory in which certain solemnities are celebrated, can be public, that is when, in addition
to the Cardinals, Prelates, representatives of civil states and other invited persons are admitted.

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Patres Cardinales dicasteriis aliisve institutis permanentibus Romanae Curiae et Civitatis Vaticanae praepositi, qui
septuagesimum quintum aetatis annum expleverint, rogantur ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeant Romano Pontifici
qui, omnibus perpensis, providebit.
Cardinals who head the departments and other permanent sections of the Roman Curia and of Vatican City, who
have completed their seventy-fifth year, are requested to offer their resignation from office to the Roman Pontiff,
who will consider all the circumstances and make provision accordingly.


1 Cardinali Decano competit electum Romanum Pontificem in Episcopum ordinare, si electus ordinatione indigeat;
impedito Decano, idem ius competit Subdecano, eoque impedito, antiquiori Cardinali ex ordine episcopali.
1 It belongs to the Cardinal Dean to ordain the elected Roman Pontiff a Bishop, if he is not already ordained. If the
Dean is prevented from doing so, the same right belongs to the sub-Dean or, if he is prevented, to the senior
Cardinal of the episcopal order.
2 Cardinalis Proto-diaconus nomen novi electi Summi Pontificis populo annuntiant; item pallia Metropolitis imponit
eorumve procuratoribus tradit, vice Romani Pontificis.
2 The senior Cardinal Deacon announces the name of the newly elected Supreme Pontiff to the people. Acting in
place of the Roman Pontiff, he also confers the pallium on metropolitan Bishops or gives the pallium to their


Cardinales obligatione tenentur cum Romano Pontifice sedulo cooperandi; Cardinales itaque quovis officio in Curia
fungentes, qui non sint Episcopi dioecesani, obligatione tenentur residendi in Urbe; Cardinales qui alicuius dioecesis
curam habent ut Episcopi dioecesani, Urbem petant quoties a Romano Pontifice convocentur.
Cardinals have the obligation of cooperating closely with the Roman Pontiff. For this reason, Cardinals who have
any office in the Curia and are not diocesan Bishops, are obliged to reside in Rome. Cardinals who are in charge of
a diocese as diocesan Bishops, are to go to Rome whenever summoned by the Roman Pontiff.


1 Cardinales, quibus Ecclesia suburbicaria aut ecclesia in Urbe in titulum est assignata, postquam in eiusdem
venerunt possessionem, earundem dioecesium et ecclesiarum bonum consilio et patrocinio promoveant, nulla tamen in
easdem potestate regiminis pollentes, ac nulla ratione sese in iis interponentes, quae ad earum bonorum
administrationem, ad disciplinam aut ecclesiarum servitium spectant.
1 When a Cardinal has taken possession of a suburbicarian Church or of a titular Church in Rome, he is to further
the good of the diocese or church by counsel and patronage. However, he has no power of governance over it, and
he should not for any reason interfere in matters concerning the administration of its goods, or its discipline, or the
service of the church.
2 Cardinales extra Urbem et extra propriam dioecesim degentes, in iis quae ad sui personam pertinent exempti sunt a
potestate regiminis Episcopi dioecesis in qua commorantur.
2 Cardinals living outside Rome and outside their own diocese, are exempt in what concerns their person from the
power of governance of the Bishop of the diocese in which they are residing.


Cardinali, cui a Romano Pontifice hoc munus committitur ut in aliqua sollemni celebratione vel personarum coetu eius
personam sustineat, uti "Legatus a latere," scilicet tamquam eius alter ego, sicuti et illi cui adimplendum concreditur
tamquam ipsius "misso speciali" certum munus pastorale, ea tantum competunt quae ab ipso Romano Pontifice eidem
A Cardinal may be deputed by the Roman Pontiff to represent him in some solemn celebration or assembly of
persons as a 'Legatus a latere', that is, as his alter ego; or he may, as a special emissary, be entrusted with a
particular pastoral task. A Cardinal thus nominated is entitled to deal only with those affairs which have been
entrusted to him by the Roman Pontiff himself.


Sede Apostolica vacante, Cardinalium Collegium ea tantum in Ecclesia gaudet potestate, quae in peculiari lege eidem
When the Apostolic See is vacant, the College of Cardinals has only that power in the Church which is granted to it
by special law.

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Curia Romana, qua negotia Ecclesiae universae Summus Pontifex expedire solet et qua nomine et auctoritate ipsius
munus explet in bonum et in servitium Ecclesiarum, constat Secretaria Status seu Papali, Consilio pro publicis
Ecclesiae negotiis, Congregationibus, Tribunalibus, aliisque Institutis, quorum omnium constitutio et competentia lege
peculiari definiuntur.
The Supreme Pontiff usually conducts the business of the universal Church through the Roman Curia, which acts
in his name and with his authority for the good and for the service of the Churches. The Curia is composed of the
Secretariat of State or Papal Secretariat, the Council for the public affairs of the Church, the Congregations, the
Tribunals and other Institutes. The constitution and competence of all these is defined by special law.


Nomine Sedis Apostolicae vel Sanctae Sedis in hoc Codice veniunt non solum Romanus Pontifex, sed etiam, nisi ex rei
natura vel sermonis contextu aliud appareat, Secretaria Status, Consilium pro publicis Ecclesiae negotiis, aliaque
Romanae Curiae Instituta.
In this Code the terms Apostolic See or Holy See mean not only the Roman Pontiff, but also, unless the contrary is
clear from the nature of things or from the context, the Secretariat of State, the Council for the public affairs of the
Church, and the other Institutes of the Roman Curia.





Romano Pontifici ius est nativum et independens Legatos suos nominandi ac mittendi sive ad Ecclesias particulares in
variis nationibus vel regionibus, sive simul ad Civitates et ad publicas Auctoritates, itemque eos transferendi et
revocandi, servatis quidem normis iuris internationalis, quod attinet ad missionem et revocationem Legatorum apud
Res Publicas constitutorum.
The Roman Pontiff has an inherent and independent right to appoint Legates and to send them either to particular
Churches in various countries or regions, or at the same time to States and to public Authorities. He also has the
right to transfer or recall them, in accordance with the norms of international law concerning the mission and recall
of representatives accredited to States.


1 Legatis Romani Pontificis officium committitur ipsius Romani Pontificis stabili modo gerendi personam apud
Ecclesias particulares aut etiam apud Civitates et publicas Auctoritates, ad quas missi sunt.
1 To Legates of the Roman Pontiff is entrusted the office of representing in a stable manner the person of the
Roman Pontiff in the particular Churches, or also in the States and public Authorities, to whom they are sent.
2 Personam gerunt Apostolicae Sedis ii quoque, qui in pontificam Missionem ut Delegati aut Observatores deputantur
apud Consilia internationalia aut apud Conferentias et Conventus.
2 Those also represent the Apostolic See who are appointed to pontifical Missions as Delegates or Observers at
international Councils or at Conferences and Meetings.


Praecipuum munus Legati pontifici est ut firmiora et efficaciora in dies reddantur unitatis vincula, quae inter
Apostolicam Sedem et Ecclesias particulares intercedunt. Ad pontificium ergo Legatum pertinet pro sua dicione:
The principal task of a Papal Legate is continually to make more firm and effective the bonds of unity which exist
between the Holy See and the particular Churches. Within the territory assigned to him, it is therefore the
responsibility of a Legate:

ad Apostolicam Sedem notitias mittere de condicionibus in quibus versantur Ecclesiae particulares, deque
omnibus quae ipsam vitam Ecclesiae et bonum animarum attingant;
to inform the Apostolic See about the conditions in which the particular Churches find themselves, as well as
about all matters which affect the life of the Church and the good of souls;

Episcopis actione et consilio adesse, integro quidem manente eorundem legitimae potestatis exercitio;
to assist the Bishops by action and advice, while leaving intact the exercise of their lawful power;

crebras fovere relationes cum Episcoporum conferentia, eidem omnimodam operam praebendo;
to foster close relations with the Episcopal Conference, offering it every assistance;

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ad nominationem Episcoporum quod attinet, nomina candidatorum Apostolicae Sedi transmittere vel proponere
necnon processum informativum de promovendis instruere, secundum normas ab Apostolica Sede datas;
in connection with the appointment of Bishops, to send or propose names of candidates to the Apostolic See,
as well as to prepare the informative process about those who may be promoted, in accordance with the
norms issued by the Apostolic See;

anniti ut promoveantur res quae ad progressum et consociatam populorum operam spectant;

to take pains to promote whatever may contribute to peace, progress and the united efforts of peoples;

operam conferre cum Episcopis, ut opportuna foveantur commercia inter Ecclesiam catholicam et alias Ecclesias
vel communitates ecclesiales, immo et religiones non christianas;
to work with the Bishops to foster appropriate exchanges between the Catholic Church and other Churches or
ecclesial communities, and indeed with non-christian religions;

ea quae pertinent ad Ecclesiae et Apostolicae Sedis missionem, consociata cum Episcopis actione, apud
moderatores Civitatis tueri;
to work with the Bishops to safeguard, so far as the rulers of the State are concerned, those things which
relate to the mission of the Church and of the Apostolic See;

exercere praeterea facultates et cetera explere mandata quae ipsi ab Apostolica Sede committantur.
to exercise the faculties and carry out the other instructions which are given to him by the Apostolic See.

1 Legati pontificii, qui simul legationem apud Civitates iuxta iuris internationalis normas exercet, munus quoque
peculiare est:
1 A papal Legate who at the same time acts as envoy to the State according to international law, has in addition
the special role:

promovere et fovere necessitudines inter Apostolicam Sedem et Auctoritates Rei Publicae;

of promoting and fostering relationships between the Apostolic See and the Authorities of the State;

quaestiones pertractare quae ad relationes inter Ecclesiam et Civitatem pertinent; et peculiari modo agere de
concordatis aliisque huiusmodi conventionibus conficiendis et ad effectum deducendis.
of dealing with questions concerning relations between Church and State, especially, of drawing up
concordats and other similar agreements, and giving effect to them.

2 In negotiis, de quibus in 1, expediendis, prout adiuncta suadeant, Legatus pontificius sententiam et consilium
Episcoporum dicionis ecclesiasticae exquirere ne omittat, eosque de negotiorum cursu certiores faciat.
2 As circumstances suggest, in the matters mentioned in 1, the papal Legate is not to omit to seek the opinion
and counsel of the Bishops of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction and to keep them informed of the course of events.


Attenta peculiari Legati muneris indole:

Given the special nature of a Legate's role:

sedes Legationis pontificae a potestate regiminis Ordinarii loci exempta est, nisi agatur de matrimoniis
the papal Legation is exempt from the power of governance of the local Ordinary, except for the celebration of

Legato pontificio fas est, praemonitis, quantum fieri potest, locorum Ordinariis, in omnibus ecclesiis suae
legationis liturgicas celebrationes, etiam in pontificalibus, peragere.
the papal Legate has the right to perform liturgical celebrations, even in pontificalia, in all churches of the
territory of his legation; as far as it is possible, he is to give prior notice to the local Ordinary.

Pontificii Legati munus non exspirat vacante Sede Apostolica, nisi aliud in litteris pontificiis statuatur; cessat autem
expleto mandato, revocatione eidem intimata, renuntiatione a Romano Pontifice acceptata.
The office of papal Legate does not cease when the Apostolic See is vacant, unless otherwise specified in the
pontifical Letters- it does cease, however, on the expiry of the mandate, on receipt by him of notification of recall,
and on acceptance of his resignation by the Roman Pontiff.

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Ecclesiae particulares, in quibus una et unica Ecclesia catholica exsistit, sunt imprimis dioeceses, quibus
constet, assimilantur praelatura territorialis et abbatia territorialis, vicariatus apostolicus et praefectura
necnon administratio apostolica stabiliter erecta.
Particular Churches, in which and from which the one and only catholic Church exists, are principally
Unless the contrary is clear, the following are equivalent to a diocese: a territorial prelature, a territorial
vicariate apostolic, a prefecture apostolic and a permanently established apostolic administration.

nisi aliud
abbacy, a


Dioecesis est populi Dei portio, quae Episcopo cum cooperatione presbyterii pascenda concreditur, ita ut, pastori suo
adhaerens ab eoque per Evangelium et Eucharistiam in Spiritu Sancto congregata, Ecclesiam particularem constituat,
in qua vere inest et operatur una sancta catholica et apostolica Christi Ecclesia.
A diocese is a portion of the people of God, which is entrusted to a Bishop to be nurtured by him, with the
cooperation of the presbyterium, in such a way that, remaining close to its pastor and gathered by him through the
Gospel and the Eucharist in the Holy Spirit, it constitutes a particular Church. In this Church, the one, holy, catholic
and apostolic Church of Christ truly exists and functions.


Praelatura territorialis aut abbatia territorialis est certa populi Dei portio, territorialiter quidem circumscripta, cuius
cura, specialia ob adiuncta, committitur alicui Praelato aut Abbati, qui eam, ad instar Episcopi dioecesani, tamquam
proprius eius pastor regat.
A territorial prelature or abbacy is a certain portion of the people of God, territorially defined, the care of which is for
special reasons entrusted to a Prelate or an Abbot, who governs it, in the manner of a diocesan Bishop, as its
proper pastor.


1 Vicariatur apostolicus vel praefectura apostolica est certa populi Dei portio quae, ob peculiaria adiuncta, in
dioecesim nondum est constituta, quaeque pascenda committitur Vicario apostolico aut Praefecto apostolico, qui eam
nomine Summi Pontificis regant.
1 A vicariate apostolic or a prefecture apostolic is a certain portion of the people of God, which for special reasons
is not yet constituted a diocese, and which is entrusted to the pastoral care of a Vicar apostolic or a Prefect
apostolic, who governs it in the name of the Supreme Pontiff.
2 Adminitratio apostolica est certa populi Dei portio, quae ob speciales et graves omnino rationes a Summo Pontifice
in dioecesim non erigitur, et cuius cura pastoralis committitur Administratori apostolico, qui eam nomine Summi
Pontificis regat.
2 An apostolic administration is a certain portion of the people of God which, for special and particularly serious
reasons, is not yet established by the Supreme Pontiff as a diocese, and whose pastoral care is entrusted to an
apostolic Administrator, who governs it in the name of the Supreme Pontiff.


1 Pro regula habeatur ut portio populi Dei quae dioecesim aliamve Ecclesiam particularem constituat, certo territorio
circumscribatur, ita ut omnes comprehendat fideles in territorio habitantes.
1 As a rule, that portion of the people of God which constitutes a diocese or other particular Church is to have a
defined territory, so that it comprises all the faithful who live in that territory.
2 Attamen, ubi de iudicio supremae Ecclesiae auctoritatis, auditis Episcoporum conferentiis quarum interest, utilitas
id suadeat, in eodem territorio erigi possunt Ecclesiae particulares ritu fidelium aliave simili ratione distinctae.
2 If however, in the judgement of the supreme authority in the Church, after consultation with the Episcopal
Conferences concerned, it is thought to be helpful, there may be established in a given territory particular Churches
distinguished by the rite of the faithful or by some other similar quality.

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Unius supremae auctoritatis est Ecclesias particulares erigere; quae legitime erectae, ipso iure personalitate iuridica
It is within the competence of the supreme authority alone to establish particular Churches; once they are lawfully
established, the law itself gives them juridical personality.


1 Quaelibet dioecesis aliave Ecclesia particularis dividatur in distinctas partes seu paroecias.
1 Each diocese or other particular Church is to be divided into distinct parts or parishes.
2 Ad curam pastoralem per communem actionem fovendam plures paroeciae viciniores coniungi possunt in peculiares
coetus, uti sunt vicariatus foranei.
2 To foster pastoral care by means of common action, several neighbouring parishes can be joined together in
special groups, such as vicariates forane.

Art. 1



1 Episcopi, qui ex divina institutione in Apostolorum locum succedunt per Spiritum Sanctum qui datus est eis, in
Ecclesia Pastores constituuntur, ut sint et ipsi doctrinae magistri, sacri cultus sacerdotes et gubernationis ministri.
1 By divine institution, Bishops succeed the Apostles through the Holy Spirit who is given to them. They are
constituted Pastors in the Church, to be the teachers of doctrine, the priests of sacred worship and the ministers of
2 Episcopi ipsa consecratione episcopali recipiunt cum munere sanctificandi munera quoque docendi et regendi, quae
tamen natura sua nonnisi in hierarchica communione cum Collegii capite et membris exercere possunt.
2 By their episcopal consecration, Bishops receive, together with the office of sanctifying, the offices also of
teaching and of ruling, which however, by their nature, can be exercised only in hierarchical communion with the
head of the College and its members.


Episcopi vocantur dioecesani, quibus scilicet alicuius dioecesis cura commissa est; ceteri titulares appellantur.
Bishops to whom the care of a given diocese is entrusted are called diocesan Bishops; the others are called titular


1 Episcopos libere Summus Pontifex nominat, aut legitime electos confirmat.

1 The Supreme Pontiff freely appoints Bishops or confirms those lawfully elected.
2 Singulis saltem trienniis Episcopi provinciae ecclesiasticae vel, ubi adiuncta id suadeant, Episcoporum conferentiae,
communi consilio et secreto elenchum componant presbyterorum etiam sodalium institutorum vitae consecrate, ad
episcopatum aptiorum eumque Apostolicae Sedi transmittant, firmo manente iure uniuscuiusque Episcopi Apostolicae
Sedi nomina presbyterorum, quos episcopali munere dignos et idoneus putet, seorsim patefaciendi.
2 At least every three years, the Bishops of an ecclesiastical province or, if circumstances suggest it, of an
Episcopal Conference, are to draw up, by common accord and in secret, a list of priests, even of members of
institutes of consecrated life, who are suitable for the episcopate; they are to send this list to the Apostolic See. This
is without prejudice to the right of every Bishop individually to make known to the Apostolic See the names of
priests whom he thinks are worthy and suitable for the episcopal office.
3 Nisi aliter legitime statutum fuerit, quoties nominandus est Episcopus dioecesanus aut Episcopus coadiutor, ad
ternos, qui dicuntur, Apostolicae Sedi proponendos, pontificii Legati est singillatim requirere et cum ipsa Apostolica
Sede communicare, una cum suo voto, quid suggerant Metropolita et Suffraganei provinciae, ad quam providenda
dioecesis pertinet vel quacum in coetum convenit, necnon conferentiae Episcoporum praeses; pontificius Legatus,
insuper, quosdam e collegio consultorum et capitulo cathedrali audiat et, si id expedire iudicaverit, sententiam quoque
aliorum ex utroque clero necnon laicorum sapientia praestantium singillatim et secreto exquirat.
3 Unless it has been lawfully prescribed otherwise, for the appointment of a diocesan Bishop or a coadjutor
Bishop, a ternus, as it is called, is to be proposed to the Apostolic See. In the preparation of this list, it is the
responsibility of the papal Legate to seek individually the suggestions of the Metropolitan and of the Suffragans of
the province to which the diocese in question belongs or with which it is joined in some grouping, as well as the

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suggestions of the president of the Episcopal Conference. The papal Legate is, moreover, to hear the views of
some members of the college of consultors and of the cathedral chapter. If he judges it expedient, he is also to
seek individually, and in secret, the opinions of other clerics, both secular and religious, and of lay persons of
outstanding wisdom. He is then to send these suggestions, together with his own opinion, to the Apostolic See.
4 Nisi aliter legitime provisum fuerit, Episcopus dioecesanus, qui auxiliarem suae dioecesi dandum aestimet, elenchum
trium saltem presbyterorum ad hoc officium aptiorum Apostolicae Sedi proponat.
4 Unless it has been lawfully provided otherwise, the diocesan Bishop who judges that his diocese requires an
auxiliary Bishop, is to propose to the Apostolic See a list of the names of at least three priests suitable for this
5 Nulla in posterum iura et privilegia electionis, nominationis praesentationis vel designationis Episcoporum civilibus
auctoritatibus conceduntur.
5 For the future, no rights or privileges of election, appointment, presentation or designation of Bishops are
conceded to civil authorities.

1 Ad idoneitatem candidatorum Episcopatus requiritur ut quis sit:

1 To be a suitable candidate for the episcopate, a person must:

firma fide, bonis moribus, pietate, animarum zelo, sapientia, prudentia et virtutibus humanis excellens, ceterisque
dotibus praeditus quae ipsum aptum efficiant ad officium de quo agitur explendum;
be outstanding in strong faith, good morals, piety, zeal for souls, wisdom, prudence and human virtues, and
possess those other gifts which equip him to fulfil the office in question;

bona exsistimatione gaudens;

be held in good esteem;

annos natus saltem triginta quinque;

be at least 35 years old;

a quinquennio saltem in presbyteratus ordine constitutus;

be a priest ordained for at least five years;

laurea doctoris vel saltem licentia in sacra Scriptura, theologia aut iure canonico potius in instituto studiorum
superiorum a Sede Apostolica probato, vel saltem in iisdem disciplinis vere peritus.
hold a doctorate or at least a licentiate in sacred Scripture, theology or canon law, from an institute of higher
studies approved by the Apostolic See, or at least be well versed in these disciplines.

2 Iudicium definitivum de promovendi idoneitate ad Apostolicam Sedem pertinet.

2 The definitive judgement on the suitability of the person to be promoted rests with the Apostolic See.

Nisi legitimo detineatur impedimento, quicumque ad Episcopatum promotus debet intra tres menses ab acceptis
apostolicis litteris consecrationem episcopalem recipere, et quidem antequam officii sui processionem capitat.
Unless prevented by a lawful reason, one who is promoted to the episcopate must receive episcopal consecration
within three months of receiving the apostolic letters, and in fact before he takes possession of his office.


Antequam canonicam possessionem sui officii capiat, promotus fidei professionem emittat atque iusiurandum fidelitatis
erga Apostolicam Sedem praestet secundum formulam ab eadem Apostolica Sede probatam.
Before taking canonical possession of his office, he who has been promoted is to make the profession of faith and
take the oath of fidelity to the Apostolic See, in accordance with the formula approved by the same Apostolic See.

Art. 2


1 Episcopo dioecesano in dioecesi ipsi commissa omnis competit potestas ordinaria, propria et immediata, quae ad
exercitium eius muneris pastoralis requiritur, exceptis causis quae iure aut Summi Pontificis decreto supremae aut alii
auctoritati ecclesiasticae reserventur.

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1 In the diocese entrusted to his care, the diocesan Bishop has all the ordinary, proper and immediate power
required for the exercise of his pastoral office, except in those matters which the law or a decree of the Supreme
Pontiff reserves to the supreme or to some other ecclesiastical authority.
2 Qui praesunt aliis communitatibus fidelium, de quibus in can. 368, Episcopo dioecesano in iure aequiparantur, nisi
ex rei natura aut iuris praescripto aliud appareat.
2 Those who are at the head of the other communities of the faithful mentioned in can. 368, are equivalent in law
to the diocesan Bishop unless the contrary is clear from the nature of things or from a provision of the law.

1 Episcopus promotus in exercitium officii sibi commissi sese ingerere nequit, ante captam dioecesis canonicam
possessionem; exercere tamen valet officia, quae in eadem dioecesi tempore promotionis iam retinebat, firmo
praescripto can. 409, 2.
1 A person who is promoted to the episcopate cannot become involved in the exercise of the office entrusted to
him before he has taken canonical possession of the diocese. However, he is able to exercise offices which he
already held in the same diocese at the time of his promotion, without prejudice to can. 409 2.
2 Nisi legitimo detineatur impedimento, promotus ad officium Episcopi dioecesani debet canonicam suae dioecesis
possessionem capere, si iam non sit consecratus Episcopus, intra quattuor mense a receptis apostolicis litteris; si iam sit
consecratus, intra duos menses ab iidem receptis.
2 Unless he is lawfully impeded, one who is not already consecrated a Bishop and is now promoted to the office of
diocesan Bishop, must take canonical possession of his diocese within four months of receiving the apostolic
letters. If he is already consecrated, he must take possession within two months of receiving the apostolic letters.
3 Canonicam dioecesis possessionem capit Episcopus simul ac in ipsa dioecesi, per se vel per procuratorem, apostolicas
litteras collegio consultorum ostenderit, praesente curiae cancellario, qui rem in acta referat, aut, in dioecesibus noviter
erectis, simul ac clero populoque in ecclesia cathedrali praesenti earundem litterarum communicationem procuraverit,
presbytero inter praesentes seniore in acta referente.
3 A Bishop takes canonical possession of his diocese when, personally or by proxy, he shows the apostolic letters
to the college of consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who makes a record of the fact. This
must take place within the diocese. In dioceses which are newly established he takes possession when he
communicates the same letters to the clergy and the people in the cathedral church, with the senior of the priests
present making a record of the fact.
4 Valde commendatur ut captio canonicae possessionis cum actu liturgico in ecclesia cathedrali fiat, clero et populo
4 It is strongly recommended that the taking of canonical possession be performed with a liturgical act in the
cathedral church, in the presence of the clergy and the people.


1 In exercendo munere pastoris, Episcopus dioecesanus sollicitum se praebeat erga omnes christifideles qui suae curae
committuntur, cuiusvis sint aetatis, condicionis vel nationis, tum in territorio habitantes tum in eodem ad tempus
versantes, animum intendens apostolicum ad eos etiam qui ob vitae suae condicionem ordinaria cura pastorali non satis
frui valeant necnon ad eos qui a religionis praxi defecerint.
1 In exercising his pastoral office, the diocesan Bishop is to be solicitous for all Christ's faithful entrusted to his
care, whatever their age, condition or nationality, whether they live in the territory or are visiting there. He is to show
an apostolic spirit also to those who, because of their condition of life, are not sufficiently able to benefit from
ordinary pastoral care, and to those who have lapsed from religious practice.
2 Fideles diversi ritus in sua dioecesi si habeat, eorum spiritualibus necessitatibus provideat sive per sacerdotes aut
paroecias eiusdem ritus, sive per Vicarium episcopalem.
2 If he has faithful of a different rite in his diocese, he is to provide for their spiritual needs either by means of
priests or parishes of the same rite, or by an episcopal Vicar.
3 Erga fratres, qui in plena communione cum Ecclesia catholica non sint, cum humanitate et caritate se gerat,
oecumenismum quoque fovens prout ab Ecclesia intellegitur.
3 He is to act with humanity and charity to those who are not in full communion with the catholic Church- he
should also foster ecumenism as it is understood by the Church.

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4 Commendatos sibi in Domino habeat non baptizatos, ut et ipsis caritas eluceat Christi, cuius testis coram omnibus
Episcopus esse debet.
4 He is to consider the non-baptised as commended to him in the Lord, so that the charity of Christ, of which the
Bishop must be a witness to all, may shine also on them.

Episcopus dioecesanus peculiari sollicitudine prosequatur presbyteros quos tamquam adiutores et consiliarios audiat,
eorum iura tutetur et curet ut ipsi obligationes suo statui proprias rite adimpleant iisdemque praesto sint media et
institutiones, quibus ad vitam spiritualem et intellectualem fovendam egeant; item curet ut eorum honestae
sustentationi atque assistentiae sociali, ad normam iuris, prospiciatur.
He is to have a special concern for the priests, to whom he is to listen as his helpers and counsellors. He is to
defend their rights and ensure that they fulfil the obligations proper to their state. He is to see that they have the
means and the institutions needed for the development of their spiritual and intellectual life. He is to ensure that
they are provided with adequate means of livelihood and social welfare, in accordance with the law.


Episcopus dioecesanus vocationes ad diversa ministeria et ad vitam consecratam quam maxime foveat, speciali cura
vocationibus sacerdotalibus et missionalibus adhibita.
He must in a very special way foster vocations to the various ministries and to consecrated life, having a special
care for priestly and missionary vocations.


1 Veritates fidei credendas et moribus applicandas Episcopus dioecesanus fidelibus proponere et illustrare tenetur, per
se ipse frequenter praedicans; curet etiam ut praescripta canonum de ministerio verbi, de homilia praesertim et
catechetica institutione sedulo serventur, ita ut universa doctrina christiana omnibus tradatur.
1 The diocesan Bishop is bound to teach and illustrate to the faithful the truths of faith which are to be believed
and applied to behaviour. He is himself to preach frequently. He is also to ensure that the provisions of the canons
on the ministry of the word, especially on the homily and catechetical instruction, are faithfully observed, so that the
whole of christian teaching is transmitted to all.
2 Integritatem et unitatem fidei credendae mediis, quae aptiora videantur, firmiter tueatur, iustam tamen libertatem
agnoscens in veritatibus ulterius perscrutandis.
2 By whatever means seem most appropriate, he is firmly to defend the integrity and unity of the faith to be
believed. However, he is to acknowledge a just freedom in the further investigation of truths.


Episcopus dioecesanus, cum memor sit se obligatione teneri exemplum sanctitatis praebendi in caritate, humilitate et
vitae simplicitate, omni ope promovere studeat sanctitatem christifidelium secundum uniuscuiusque propriam
vocationem atque, cum sit praecipuus mysteriorum Dei dispensator, iugiter annitatur ut christifideles suae curae
commissi sacramentorum celebratione in gratia crescant utque paschale mysterium cognoscant et vivant.
Mindful that he is bound to give an example of holiness, charity, humility and simplicity of life, the diocesan Bishop
is to seek in every way to promote the holiness of Christ's faithful according to the special vocation of each. Since
he is the principal dispenser of the mysteries of God, he is to strive constantly that Christ's faithful entrusted to his
care may grow in grace through the celebration of the sacraments, and may know and live the paschal mystery.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus, post captam dioecesis possessionem, debet singulis diebus dominicis aliisque diebus festis de
praecepto in sua regione Missam pro populo sibi commisso applicare.
1 After he has taken possession of the diocese, the diocesan Bishop must apply the Mass for the people entrusted
to him on each Sunday and on each holyday of obligation in his region.
2 Episcopus Missam pro populo diebus, die quibus in, 1, per se ipse celebrare et applicare debet; si vero ab hac
celebratione legitime impediatur, iisdem diebus per alium, vel aliis diebus per se ipse applicet.
2 The Bishop must himself celebrate and apply the Mass for the people on the days mentioned in 1; if, however,
he is lawfully impeded from so doing, he is to have someone else do so on those days, or do so himself on other
3 Episcopus cui praeter propriam dioecesim aliae, titulo etiam administrationis, sunt commissae, obligationi satisfacit
unam Missam pro universo populo sibi commisso applicando.
3 A Bishop who, in addition to his own, is given another diocese, even as administrator, satisfies the obligation by
applying one Mass for all the people entrusted to him.

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4 Episcopus qui obligationi, de qua in 1-3, non satisfecerit, quam primum pro populo tot Missas applicet quot
4 A Bishop who has not satisfied the obligation mentioned in 1-3, is to apply as soon as possible as many
Masses for the people as he has omitted.

Frequenter praesit in ecclesia cathedrali aliave ecclesia suae dioecesis sanctissimae Eucharistiae celebrationi, in festis
praesertim de praecepto aliisque sollemnitatibus.
He is frequently to preside at the Eucharistic celebration in the cathedral church or in some other church of his
diocese, especially on holydays of obligation and on other solemnities.


Episcopus dioecesanus in universa sua dioecesi pontificalia exercere potest; non vero extra propriam dioecesim sine
expresso vel saltem rationabiliter praesumpto Ordinarii loci consensu.
The diocesan Bishop may use pontificalia throughout his diocese. He may not do so outside his diocese without the
consent of the local Ordinary, either expressly given or at least reasonably presumed.


1 Episcopi dioecesani est Ecclesiam particularem sibi commissam cum potestate legislativa, exsecutiva et iudiciali
regere, ad normam iuris.
1 The diocesan Bishop governs the particular Church entrusted to him with legislative, executive and judicial
power, in accordance with the law.
2 Potestatem legislativam exercet ipse Episcopus; potestatem exsecutivam exercet sive per se sive per Vicarios
generales aut episcopales ad normam iuris; potestatem iudicialem sive per se sive per Vicarium iudicialem et iudices ad
normam iuris.
2 The Bishop exercises legislative power himself. He exercises executive power either personally or through Vicars
general or episcopal Vicars, in accordance with the law. He exercises judicial power either personally or through a
judicial Vicar and judges, in accordance with the law.


1 Ecclesiae universae unitatem cum tueri debeat, Episcopus disciplinam cunctae Ecclesiae communem promovere et
ideo observantiam omnium legum ecclesiasticarum urgere tenetur.
1 Since the Bishop must defend the unity of the universal Church, he is bound to foster the discipline which is
common to the whole Church, and so press for the observance of all ecclesiastical laws.
2 Advigilet ne abusus in ecclesiasticam disciplinam irrepant, praesertim circa ministerium verbi, celebrationem
sacramentorum et sacramentalium, cultum Dei et Sanctorum, necnon bonorum administrationem.
2 He is to ensure that abuses do not creep into ecclesiastical discipline, especially concerning the ministry of the
word, the celebration of the sacraments and sacramentals, the worship of God and the cult of the saints, and the
administration of goods.


In omnibus negotiis iuridicis dioecesis, Episcopus dioecesanus eiusdem personam gerit.

In all juridical transactions of the diocese, the diocesan Bishop acts in the person of the diocese.


1 Varias apostolatus rationes in dioecesi foveat Episcopus, atque curet ut in universa dioecesi, vel in eiusdem
particularibus districtibus, omnia apostolatus opera, servata uniuscuiusque propria indole, sub suo moderamine
1 The Bishop is to foster various forms of the apostolate in his diocese and is to ensure that throughout the entire
diocese, or in its particular districts, all works of the apostolate are coordinated under his direction, with due regard
for the character of each apostolate.
2 Urgeat officium, quo tenentur fideles ad apostolatum pro sua cuiusque condicione et aptitudine exercendum, atque
ipsos adhortetur ut varia opera apostolatus, secundum necessitates loci et temporis, participent et iuvent.
2 He is to insist on the faithful's obligation to exercise the apostolate according to the condition and talents of
each. He is to urge them to take part in or assist various works of the apostolate, according to the needs of place
and time.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus, etiamsi coadiutorem aut auxiliarem habeat, tenetur lege personalis in dioecesi residentiae.
1 The diocesan Bishop is bound by the law of personal residence in his diocese, even if he has a coadjutor or
auxiliary Bishop.

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2 Praeterquam causa visitationis Sacrorum Liminum, vel Conciliorum, Episcoporum synodi, Episcoporum
conferentiae, quibus interesse debet, aliusve officii sibi legitime commissi, a dioecesi aequa de causa abesse potest non
ultra mensem, sive continuum sive intermissum, dummodo cautum sit ne ex eius absentia dioecesis quidquam
detrimenti capiat.
2 Apart from the visit 'ad limina', attendance at councils or at the synod of Bishops or at the Episcopal
Conference, at which he must be present, or by reason of another office lawfully entrusted to him, he may be
absent from the diocese, for a just reason, for not longer than one month, continuously or otherwise, provided he
ensures that the diocese is not harmed by this absence.
3 A dioecesi ne absit diebus Nativitatis, Hebdomadae Sanctae et Resurrectionis Domini, Pentecostes et Corporis et
Sanguinis Christi, nisi ex gravi urgentique causa.
3 He is not to be absent from his diocese on Christmas Day, during Holy Week, or on Easter Sunday, Pentecost
and Corpus Christi, except for a grave and urgent reason.
4 Si ultra sex menses Episcopus a dioecesis illegitime abfuerit, de eius absentia Metropolita Sedem Apostolicam
certiorem faciat quod si agatur de Metropolita, idem faciat antiquior suffraganeus.
4 If the Bishop is unlawfully absent from the diocese for more than six months, the Metropolitan is to notify the
Holy See. If it is the Metropolitan who is absent, the senior suffragan is to do the same.

1 Tenetur Episcopus obligatione dioecesis vel ex toto vel ex parte quotannis visitandae, ita ut singulis saltem
quinquenniis universam dioecesim, ipse per se vel, si legitime fuerit impeditus, per Episcopum coadiutorem, aut per
auxiliarem, aut per Vicarium generalem vel episcopalem, aut per alium presbyterum visitet.
1 The Bishop is bound to visit his diocese in whole or in part each year, so that at least every five years he will
have visited the whole diocese, either personally or, if he is lawfully impeded, through the coadjutor or auxiliary
Bishop, the Vicar general, an episcopal Vicar or some other priest.
2 Fas est Episcopo sibi eligere quos maluerit clericos in visitatione comites atque adiutores, reprobato quocumque
contrario privilegio vel consuetudine.
2 The Bishop has a right to select any clerics he wishes as his companions and helpers in a visitation, any
contrary privilege or custom being reprobated.


1 Ordinariae episcopali visitationi obnoxiae sunt personae, instituta catholica, res et loca sacra, quae intra dioecesis
ambitum continentur.
1 Persons, catholic institutes, pious objects and places within the boundaries of the diocese, are subject to
ordinary episcopal visitation.
2 Sodales institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii eorumque domos Episcopus visitare potest in casibus tantum iure
2 The Bishop may visit the members of religious institutes of pontifical right and their houses only in the cases
stated in the law.


Studeat Episcopus debita cum diligentia pastoralem visitationem absolvere; caveat ne superfluis sumptibus cuiquam
gravis onerosusve sit.
The Bishop is to endeavour to make his pastoral visitation with due diligence. He is to ensure that he is not a
burden to anyone on the ground of undue expense.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus tenetur singulis quinquenniis relationem Summo Pontifici exhibere super statu dioecesis sibi
commissae, secundum formam et tempus ab Apostolica Sede definita.
1 Every five years the diocesan Bishop is bound to submit to the Supreme Pontiff a report on the state of the
diocese entrusted to him, in the form and at the time determined by the Apostolic See.
2 Si annus pro exhibenda relatione determinatus ex toto vel ex parte inciderit in primum biennium ab inito dioecesis
regimine, Episcopus pro ea vice a conficienda et exhibenda relatione abstinere potest.
2 If the year assigned for submitting this report coincides in whole or in part with the first two years of his
governance of the diocese, for that occasion the Bishop need not draw up and submit the report.

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1 Episcopus dioecesanus, eo anno quo relationem Summo Pontifici exhibere tenetur, nisi aliter ab Apostolica Sede
statutum fuerit, ad Urbem, Beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli sepulcra veneraturus, accedat et Romano Pontifici se
1 Unless the Apostolic See has decided otherwise, in the year in which he is bound to submit the report to the
Supreme Pontiff, the diocesan Bishop is to go to Rome to venerate the tombs of the Blessed Apostles Peter and
Paul, and to present himself to the Roman Pontiff.
2 Episcopus praedictae obligationi per se ipse satisfaciat, nisi legitime sit impeditus; quo in casu eidem satisfaciat per
coadiutorem, si quem habeat, vel auxiliarem, aut per idoneum sacerdotem sui presbyterii, qui in sua dioecesi resideat.
2 The Bishop is to satisfy this obligation personally, unless he is lawfully impeded; in which case he is to satisfy
the obligation through the coadjutor, if he has one, or the auxiliary, or a suitable priest of his presbyterium who
resides in his diocese.
3 Vicarius apostolicus huic obligationi satisfacere potest per procuratorem etiam in Urbe degentem; Praefectus
apostolicus hac obligatione non tenetur.
3 A Vicar apostolic can satisfy this obligation through a proxy, even through one residing in Rome. A Prefect
apostolic is not bound by this obligation.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus, qui septuagesimum quintum aetatis annum expleverit, rogatur ut renuntiationem ab officio
exhibeat Summo Pontifici, qui omnibus inspectis adiunctis providebit.
1 A diocesan Bishop who has completed his seventy-fifth year of age is requested to offer his resignation from
office to the Supreme Pontiff, who, taking all the circumstances into account, will make provision accordingly.
2 Enixe rogatur Episcopus dioecesanus, qui ob infirmam valetudinem aliamve gravem causam officio suo adimplendo
minus aptus evaserit, ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeat.
2 A diocesan Bishop who, because of illness or some other grave reason, has become unsuited for the fulfilment
of his office, is earnestly requested to offer his resignation from office.


1 Episcopus, cuius renuntiatio ab officio acceptata fuerit, titulum emeriti suae dioecesis retinet, atque habitationis
sedem, si id exoptet, in ipsa dioecesi servare potest, nisi certis in casibus ob specialia adiuncta ab Apostolica Sede aliter
1 A Bishop whose resignation from office has been accepted, acquires the title 'emeritus' of his diocese. If he so
wishes, he may have a residence in the diocese unless, because of special circumstances in certain cases, the
Apostolic See provides otherwise.
2 Episcoporum conferentia curare debet ut congruae et dignae Episcopi renuntiantis sustentationi provideatur, attenta
quidem primaria obligatione, qua tenetur dioecesis cui ipse inservivit.
2 The Episcopal Conference must ensure that suitable and worthy provision is made for the upkeep of a Bishop
who has resigned, bearing in mind the primary obligation which falls on the diocese which he served.

Art. 3



1 Cum pastorales dioecesis necessitates id suadeant, unus vel plures Episcopi auxiliares, petente Episcopo dioecesano,
constituantur Episcopus auxiliaris iure successionis non gaudet.
1 When the pastoral needs of the diocese require it, one or more auxiliary Bishops are to be appointed at the
request of the diocesan Bishop. An auxiliary Bishop does not have the right of succession.
2 Gravioribus in adiunctis, etiam indolis personalis, Episcopo dioecesano dari potest Episcopus auxiliaris specialibus
instructus facultatibus.
2 In more serious circumstances, even of a personal nature, the diocesan Bishop may be given an auxiliary
Bishop with special faculties.
3 Sancta Sedes, si magis opportunum id ipsi videatur, ex officio constituere potest Episcopum coadiutorem, qui et ipse
specialibus instruitur facultatibus; Episcopus coadiutor iure successionis gaudet.
3 If the Holy See considers it more opportune, it can ex officio appoint a coadjutor Bishop, who also has special
faculties. A coadjutor Bishop has the right of succession.

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1 Episcopus coadiutor officii sui possessionem capit, cum litteras apostolicas nominationis, per se vel per
procuratorem, ostenderit Episcopo dioecesano atque collegio consultorum, praesente curiae cancellario, qui rem in acta
1 The coadjutor Bishop takes possession of his office when, either personally or by proxy, he shows the apostolic
letters of appointment to the diocesan Bishop and the college of consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the
curia, who makes a record of the fact.
2 Episcopus auxiliaris officii sui possessionem capit, cum litteras apostolicas nominationis ostenderit Episcopo
dioecesano, praesente curiae cancellario, qui rem in acta referat.
2 An auxiliary Bishop takes possession of his office when he shows his apostolic letters of appointment to the
diocesan Bishop, in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who makes a record of the fact.
3 Quod si Episcopus dioecesanus plene sit impeditus, sufficit ut tum Episcopus coadiutor, tum Episcopus auxiliaris
litteras apostolicas nominationis ostendant collegio consultorum, praesente curiae cancellario.
3 If the diocesan Bishop is wholly impeded, it is sufficient that either the coadjutor Bishop or the auxiliary Bishop
show their apostolic letters of appointment to the college of consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the


1 Episcopus coadiutor, itemque Episcopus auxiliaris, obligationes et iura habent quae determinantur praescriptis
canonum qui sequuntur, atque in litteris suae nominationis definiuntur.
1 The coadjutor Bishop and the auxiliary Bishop have the obligations and the rights which are determined by the
provisions of the following canons and defined in their letters of appointment.
2 Episcopus coadiutor et Episcopus auxiliaris, de quo in can. 403, 2, Episcopo dioecesano in universo dioecesis
regimine adstant atque eiusdem absentis vel impedit vices supplent.
2 The coadjutor Bishop, or the auxiliary Bishop mentioned in can. 403 2, assists the diocesan Bishop in the
entire governance of the diocese, and takes his place when he is absent or impeded.


1 Episcopus coadiutor, itemque Episcopus auxiliaris, de quo in can. 403, 2, ab Episcopo dioecesano Vicarius generalis
constituatur; insuper ipsi prae ceteris Episcopus dioecesanus committat quae ex iure mandatum speciale requirant.
1 The coadjutor Bishop, and likewise the auxiliary Bishop mentioned in can. 403 2, is to be appointed a Vicar
general by the diocesan Bishop. The diocesan Bishop is to entrust to him, in preference to others, those things
which by law require a special mandate.
2 Nisi in litteris apostolicis aliud provisum fuerit et firmo praescripto 1, Episcopus dioecesanus auxiliarem vel
auxiliares suos constituat Vicarios generales vel saltem Vicarios episcopales, ab auctoritate sua, aut Episcopi
coadiutoris vel Episcopi auxiliaris de quo in can. 403, 2, dumtaxat dependentes.
2 Unless the apostolic letters provide otherwise, and without prejudice to the provision of 1, the diocesan Bishop
is to appoint his auxiliary or auxiliaries as Vicar general or at least episcopal Vicar, in dependence solely on his
authority, or on that of the coadjutor Bishop or of the auxiliary Bishop mentioned in can. 403 2.


1 Ut quam maxime praesenti et futuro dioecesis bono faveatur, Episcopus dioecesanus, coadiutor atque Episcopus
auxiliaris de quo in can. 403, 2, in rebus maioris momenti sese invicem consulant.
1 For the greatest present and future good of the diocese, the diocesan Bishop, the coadjutor and the auxiliary
Bishop mentioned in can. 403 2, are to consult with each other on matters of greater importance.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus in perpendendis causis maioris momenti, praesertim indolis pastoralis, Episcopos auxiliares
prae ceteris consulere velit.
2 In assessing matters of greater importance, particularly those of a pastoral nature, the diocesan Bishop is to
consult the auxiliary Bishop before all others.
3 Episcopus coadiutor et Episcopus auxiliaris, quippe qui in partem sollicitudinis Episcopi dioecesani vocati sint,
munia sua ita exerceant, ut concordi cum ipso opera et animo procedant.
3 The coadjutor Bishop and the auxiliary Bishop, since they are called to share in the cares of the diocesan
Bishop, should so exercise their office that they act and think in accord with him.

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1 Episcopus coadiutor et Episcopus auxiliaris, iusto impedimento non detenti, obligantur ut, quoties Episcopus
dioecesanus id requirat, pontificalia et alias functiones obeant, ad quas Episcopus dioecesanus tenetur.
1 As often as they are requested to do so by the diocesan Bishop, a coadjutor Bishop and an auxiliary Bishop who
are not lawfully impeded, are obliged to perform those pontifical and other functions to which the diocesan Bishop
is bound.
2 Quae episcopalia iura et functiones Episcopus coadiutor aut auxiliaris potest exercere, Episcopus dioecesanus
habitualiter alii ne committat.
2 Those episcopal rights and functions which the coadjutor can exercise are not habitually to be entrusted to
another by the diocesan Bishop.


1 Vacante sede episcopali, Episcopus coadiutor statim fit Episcopus dioecesis pro qua fuerat constitutus, dummodo
possessionem legitime ceperit.
1 When the episcopal see falls vacant, the coadjutor immediately becomes the Bishop of the diocese for which he
was appointed, provided he has lawfully taken possession.
2 Vacante sede episcopali, nisi aliud a competenti auctoritate statutum fuerit, Episcopus auxiliaris, donec novus
Episcopus possessionem sedis ceperit, omnes et solas servat potestates et facultates quibus sede plena, tamquam
Vicarius generalis vel tamquam Vicarius episcopalis, gaudebat; quod si ad munus Administratoris dioecesani, qui
regimini dioecesis praeest.
2 Unless the competent authority has provided otherwise, when the episcopal see is vacant and until the new
Bishop takes possession of the see, the auxiliary Bishop retains all and only those powers and faculties which he
had as Vicar general or as episcopal Vicar when the see was occupied. If he is not appointed to the office of
diocesan Administrator, he is to exercise this same power of his, conferred by the law, under the authority of the
diocesan Administrator, who governs the diocese.


Episcopus coadiutor et Episcopus auxiliaris obligatione tenentur, sicut et ipse Episcopus dioecesanus, residendi in
dioecesi; a qua praeterquam ratione alicuius officii extra dioecesim implendi aut feriarum causa, quae ultra mensem ne
protrahantur, nonnisi ad breve tempus discedant.
The coadjutor Bishop and the auxiliary Bishop are bound, like the diocesan Bishop, to reside in the diocese. Other
than for the fulfilment of some duty outside the diocese, or for holidays, which are not to be longer than one month,
they may not be away from the diocese except for a brief period.


Episcopo coadiutori et auxiliari, ad renuntiationem ab officio quod attinet, applicantur praescripta cann. 401 et 402,
The provisions of cann. 401 and 402 2, concerning resignation from office, apply also to a coadjutor and an
auxiliary Bishop.

Art. 1





Sedes episcopalis impedita intellegitur, si captivitate, relegatione, exsilio aut inhabilitate Episcopus dioecesanus plane a
munere pastorali in dioecesi procurando praepediatur, ne per litteras quidem valens cum dioecesanis communicare.
The episcopal see is understood to be impeded if the diocesan Bishop is completely prevented from exercising the
pastoral office in the diocese by reason of imprisonment, banishment, exile or incapacity, so that he is unable to
communicate, even by letter, with the people of his diocese.


1 Sede impedita, regimen dioecesis, nisi aliter Sancta Sedes pro providerit, competit Episcopo coadiutori, si adsit; eo
deficiente aut impedito, alicui Episcopo auxiliari aut Vicario generali vel episcopali aliive sacerdoti, servato
personarum ordine statuto in elencho ab Episcopo dioecesano quam primum a capta dioecesis possessione componendo;
qui elenchus cum Metropolitana communicandus singulis saltem triennis renoventur atque a cancellario sub secreto
1 Unless the Holy See has provided otherwise, when a see is impeded, the governance of the diocese devolves on
the coadjutor Bishop, if there is one. If there is no coadjutor, or if he is impeded, it devolves upon the auxiliary

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Bishop, or the Vicar general, or the episcopal Vicar, or another priest: the order of persons to be followed is to be
that determined in the list which the diocesan Bishop is to draw up as soon as possible after taking possession of
his diocese. This list, which is to be communicated to the Metropolitan, is to be revised at least every three years,
and kept under secrecy by the chancellor.
2 Si deficiat aut impediatur Episcopus coadiutor atque elenchus, de quo in 1, non suppetat, collegii consultorum est
sacerdote meligere, qui dioecesim regat.
2 If there is no coadjutor Bishop or if he is impeded, and the list mentioned in 1 is not at hand, it is the
responsibility of the college of consultors to elect a priest who will govern the diocese.
3 Qui dioecesis regimen, ad normam 1 vel 2, susceperit, quam primum Sanctam Sedem moneat de sede impedita ac
de suspecto munere.
3 The person who undertakes the governance of the diocese according to the norms of 1 or 2, is to notify the
Holy See as soon as possible that the see is impeded and that he has undertaken the office.

Quilibet ad normam can. 423 vocatus ut ad interim dioecesis curam pastoralem gerat pro tempore quo sedes impeditur
tantum, in cura pastorali dioecesis exercenda tenetur obligationibus atque potestate gaudet, quae iure Administratori
dioecesano competunt.
Whoever is called, in accordance with can. 413, to exercise the pastoral care of the diocese for the time being, that
is, only for the period during which the see is impeded, is in his pastoral care of the diocese bound by the
obligations, and has the power, which by law belong to the diocesan Administrator.


Si Episcopus dioecesanus poena ecclesiastica a munere exercendo prohibeatur, Metropolita aut, si is deficiat vel de
eodem agatur, suffraganeus antiquior promotione ad Sanctam Sedem statim reccurat, ut ipsa provideat.
If the diocesan Bishop is prohibited from exercising his office by reason of an ecclesiastical penalty, the
Metropolitan is to refer the matter at once to the Holy See, so that it may make provision; if there is no
Metropolitan, or if he is the one affected by the penalty, it is the suffragan senior by promotion who is to refer the

Art. 2



Sedes episcopalis vacat Episcopi dioecesani morte, renuntiatione a Romano Pontifice acceptata, translatione ac
privatione Episcopo intimata.
The episcopal see becomes vacant by the death of the diocesan Bishop, by his resignation accepted by the Holy
See, by transfer, or by deprivation notified to the Bishop.


Vim habent omnia quae gesta sunt a Vicario generali aut Vicario episcopali, donec certam de obitu Episcopi dioecesani
notitiam iidem acceperint, itemque quae ab Episcopo dioecesano aut a Vicario generali vel episcopali gesta sunt, donec
certam de memoratis actibus pontificiis notitiam receperint.
Until they have received certain notification of the Bishop's death, all actions taken by the Vicar general or the
episcopal Vicar have effect. Until they have received certain notification of the aforementioned papal acts, the same
is true of actions taken by the diocesan Bishop, the Vicar general or the episcopal Vicar.


1 A certa translationis notitia, Episcopus intra duos menses debet dioecesim ad quam petere eiusque canonicam
possessionem capere autem captae possessionis dioecesis novae, dioecesis a qua vacat.
1 Within two months of receiving certain notification of transfer, the Bishop must proceed to the diocese to which
he has been transferred and take canonical possession of it. On the day on which he takes possession of the new
diocese, the diocese from which he has been transferred becomes vacant.
2 A certa translationis notitia usque ad canonicam novae dioecesis possessionem, Episcopus translatus in dioecesi a
2 In the period between receiving certain notification of the transfer and taking possession of the new diocese, in
the diocese from which he is being transferred the Bishop:

Administratoris dioecesani potestatem obtinet eiusdemque obligationibus tenetur, cessante qualibet Vicarii
generalis et Vicarii episcopalis potestate, salvo tamen can. 409, 2;

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has the power, and is bound by the obligations, of a diocesan Administrator; all powers of the Vicar general
and of the episcopal Vicar cease, without prejudice to can. 409 2;

integram percipit remunerationem officio propriam.

receives the full remuneration proper to the office.


Sede vacante, regimen dioecesis, usque ad constitutionem Administratoris dioecesani, ad Episcoporum auxiliarem, et si
plures sint, ad eum qui promotione si antiquior devolvitur deficiente autem Episcopo auxiliari, ad collegium
consultorum, nisi a Sancta Sede aliter provisum fuerit. Qui ita regimen dioecesis assumit, sine mora convocet collegium
competens ad deputandum Administratorem dioecesanum.
While the see is vacant and until the appointment of a diocesan Administrator, the governance of the diocese
devolves upon the auxiliary Bishop. If there are a number of auxiliary Bishops, it devolves upon the senior by
promotion. If there is no auxiliary Bishop, it devolves upon the college of consultors, unless the Holy See has
provided otherwise. The one who thus assumes the governance of the diocese must without delay convene the
college which is competent to appoint a diocesan Administrator.


In vicariatu vel praefectura apostolica, sede vacante, regimen assumit Pro- Vicarius vel Pro-Praefectus ad hunc tantum
effectum a Vicario vel a Praefecto immediate post captam possessionem nominatus, nisi aliter a Sancta Sede statutum
Unless the Holy See has prescribed otherwise, when the see is vacant in a vicariate or a prefecture apostolic, the
governance is assumed by the Pro-Vicar or Pro-Prefect who was designated for this sole purpose by the Vicar or
Prefect immediately upon taking possession.


1 Intra octo dies ab accepta vacationis sedis episcopalis notitia, Administrator dioecesanus, qui nempe dioecesim ad
interim regat, eligendus est a collegio consultorum, firmo praescripto can. 502, 3.
1 Within eight days of receiving notification of the vacancy of an episcopal see, a diocesan Administrator is to be
elected by the college of consultors, to govern the diocese for the time being, without prejudice to the provisions of
can. 502 3.
2 Si intra praescriptum tempus Administrator dioecesanus, quavis de causa, non fuerit legitime electus, eiusdem
deputatio devolvitur ad Metropolitam, et si vacans sit ipsa Ecclesia metropolitana aut metropolitana simul et
suffraganea, ad Episcopum suffraganeum promotione antiquiorem.
2 If, for any reason, the diocesan Administrator is not lawfully elected within the prescribed time, his appointment
devolves upon the Metropolitan. If the metropolitan see is itself vacant, or if both the metropolitan see and a
suffragan see are vacant, the appointment devolves on the suffragan who is senior by promotion.


Episcopus auxiliaris et, si is deficiat, collegium consultorum quantocius de morte Episcopi, itemque electus in
Administratorem dioecesanum de sua electione Sedem Apostolicam certiorem faciant.
The auxiliary Bishop or, if there is none, the college of consultors, must as soon as possible notify the Apostolic
See of the death of the Bishop. The person elected as diocesan Administrator must as soon as possible notify the
Apostolic See of his election.


1 Unus deputetur Administrator dioecesanus, reprobata contraria consuetudine; secus electio irrita est.
1 Only one diocesan Administrator is to be appointed, contrary customs being reprobated; otherwise the election
is invalid.
2 Administrator dioecesanus ne simul sit oeconomus; quare si oeconomus dioecesis in Administratorem electus fuerit,
alium pro tempore oeconomum eligat consilium a rebus oeconomicis.
2 The diocesan Administrator is not to be at the same time the financial administrator. Accordingly, if the financial
administrator of the diocese is elected Administrator, the finance committee is to elect another temporary financial


Administrator dioecesanus eligatur ad normam cann. 165-178.

The diocesan Administrator is to be elected according to the norms of cann. 165-178.


1 Valide ad munus Administratoris dioecesani deputari tantum potest sacerdos qui trigesimum quintum aetatis
annum expleverit et ad eandem vacantem sedem non fuerit iam electus, nominatus vel praesentatus.

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1 Only a priest who has completed his thirty-fifth year of age, and has not already been elected, appointed or
presented for the same see, can validly be deputed to the office of diocesan Administrator.
2 In Administratorem dioecesanum eligatur sacerdos, qui sit doctrina et prudentia praestans.
2 As diocesan Administrator a priest is to be elected who is outstanding for doctrine and prudence.
3 Si praescriptae in 1 condiciones posthabitae fuerint, Metropolita aut, si ipsa Ecclesia metropolitana vacans fuerit,
Episcopus suffraganeus promotione antiquior, agnita rei veritate, Administratorem pro ea vice deputet; actus autem
illius qui contra praescripta 1 sit electus, sunt ipso iure nulli.
3 If the conditions prescribed in 1 have not been observed, the Metropolitan or, if the metropolitan see itself is
vacant, the suffragan senior by promotion, having verified the truth of the matter, is to appoint an Administrator for
that occasion. The acts of a person elected contrary to the provisions of 1 are by virtue of the law itself invalid.

Qui, sede vacante, ante deputationem Administratoris dioecesani, dioecesim regat, potestate gaudet quam ius Vicario
generali agnoscit.
Whoever governs the diocese before the appointment of the diocesan Administrator, has the power which the law
gives to a Vicar general.


1 Administrator dioecesanus tenetur obligationibus et gaudet potestate Episcopi dioecesani, iis excludis quae ex rei
natura aut ipso iure excipiuntur.
1 The diocesan Administrator is bound by the obligations and enjoys the power of a diocesan Bishop, excluding
those matters which are excepted by the nature of things or by the law itself.
2 Administrator dioecesanus, acceptata electione, potestatem obtinet, quin requiratur ullius confirmatio, firma
obligatione de qua in can. 833, n. 4.
2 The diocesan Administrator obtains his power on his acceptance of the election, without the need of
confirmation from anyone, but without prejudice to the provision of can. 833, n. 4.


1 Sede vacante nihil innoventur.

1 While the see is vacant, no innovation is to be made.
2 Illi quid ad interim dioecesis regimen curant, vetantur quidpiam agere quod vel dioecesi vel episcopalibus iuribus
praeiudicium aliquod affere possit; speciatim prohibentur ipsi, ac proinde alii quicumque, quominus sive per se sive per
alium curiae dioecesanae documenta quaelibet subtrahant vel destruant, aut in iis quidquam immutent.
2 Those who have the interim governance of the diocese are forbidden to do anything which could in any way
prejudice the rights of the diocese or of the Bishop. Both they, and in like manner any other persons, are specifically
forbidden to remove, destroy or in any way alter documents of the diocesan curia, either personally or through


Administrator dioecesanus obligatione tenetur residendi in dioecesi et applicandi Missam pro populo ad normam can.
The diocesan Administrator is bound by the obligations of residing in the diocese, and of applying the Mass for the
people in accordance with can. 388.


1 Munus Administratoris dioecesani cessat per captam a novo Episcopo dioecesis possessionem.
1 The office of the diocesan Administrator ceases when the new Bishop takes possession of the diocese.
2 Administratoris dioecesani remotio Sanctae Sedi reservatur renuntiatio quae forte ab ipso fiat, authentica forma
exhibenda est collegio ad electionem competenti, neque acceptatione eget; remoto aut renuntiante Administratore
dioecesano, aut eodem defuncto, alius eligatur Administrator dioecesanus ad normam can. 421.
2 Removal of the diocesan Administrator is reserved to the Holy See. Should he perchance resign, the resignation
is to be submitted in authentic form to the college which is competent to elect, but it does not require acceptance by
the college. If the diocesan Administrator is removed, resigns or dies, another diocesan Administrator is to be
elected in accordance with can. 421.

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1 Ut communis diversarum dioecesium vicinarum, iuxta personarum et locorum adiuncta, actio pastoralis
promoveatur, utque Episcoporum dioecesanorum inter se relationes aptius foveantur, Ecclesiae particulares viciniores
componantur in provincias ecclesiasticas certo territorio circumscriptas.
Neighbouring particular Churches are to be grouped into ecclesiastical provinces, with a certain defined territory.
The purpose of this grouping is to promote, according to the circumstances of persons and place, a common
pastoral action of various neighbouring dioceses, and the more closely to foster relations between diocesan
2 Dioeceses exemptae deinceps pro regula ne habeantur; itaque singulae dioeceses aliaeque Ecclesiae particulares
intra territorium alicuius provinciae ecclesiasticae exsistentes huic provinciae ecclesiasticae adscribi debent.
2 From now onwards, as a rule, there are to be no exempt dioceses. Accordingly, individual dioceses and other
particular Churches which exist within the territory of an ecclesiastical province, must be included in that
ecclesiastical province.
3 Unius supremae Ecclesiae auctoritatis est, auditis quorum interest Episcopis, provincias ecclesiasticas constituere,
supprimere aut innovare.
3 It is the exclusive prerogative of the supreme authority in the Church, after consulting the Bishops concerned, to
establish, suppress or alter ecclesiastical provinces.


1 In provincia ecclesiastica auctoritate, ad normam iuris, gaudent concilium provinciale atque Metropolita.
1 The provincial council and the Metropolitan have authority over the ecclesiastical province, in accordance with
the law.
2 Provincia ecclesiastica ipso iure personalitate iuridica gaudet.
2 By virtue of the law, an ecclesiastical province has juridical personality.


1 Si utilitas id suadeat, praesertim in nationibus ubi numerosiores adsunt Ecclesiae particulares, provinciae
ecclesiasticae vicinores, proponente Episcoporum conferentia, a Sancta Sede in regiones ecclesiasticas coniungi possunt.
1 If it seems advantageous, especially in countries where there are very many particular Churches, the Holy See
can, on the proposal of the Episcopal Conference, join together neighbouring provinces into ecclesiastical regions.
2 Regio ecclesiastica in personam iuridicam erigi potest.
2 An ecclesiastical region can be constituted a juridical person.


Ad conventum Episcoporum regionis ecclesiasticae pertinet cooperationem et actionem pastoralem communem in

regione fovere quae tamen in canonibus huius Codicis conferentiae Episcoporum tribuuntur potestates, eidem conventui
non competunt, nisi quaedam specialiter a Sancta Sede ei concessa fuerint.
It is for a meeting of the Bishops of an ecclesiastical region to foster cooperation and common pastoral action in
the region. However the powers given to Episcopal Conferences in the canons of this Code do not belong to such a
meeting, unless some of these powers have been specially granted to it by the Holy See.




Provinciae ecclesiasticae praeest Metropolita, qui est Archiepiscopus dioecesis cui praeficitur; quod officium cum sede
episcopali, a Romano Pontifice determinata aut probata, coniunctum est.
An ecclesiastical province is presided over by a Metropolitan, who is Archbishop in his own diocese. The office of
Metropolitan is linked to an episcopal see, determined or approved by the Roman Pontiff.


1 In dioecesibus suffraganeis Metropolitae competit:

1 Within the suffragan dioceses, the Metropolitan is competent:

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vigilare ut fides et disciplina ecclesiastica accurate serventur, et de abusibus, si qui habeantur, Romanum
Pontificem certiorem facere;
to see that faith and ecclesiastical discipline are carefully observed and to notify the Roman Pontiff if there be
any abuses;

canonicam visitationem peragere, causa prius ab Apostolica Sede probata, si eam suffraganeus neglexerit;
for a reason approved beforehand by the Apostolic See, to conduct a canonical visitation if the suffragan
Bishop has neglected it;

deputare Administratorem dioecesanum, ad normam cann. 421, 2 et 425, 3.

to appoint a diocesan Administrator in accordance with cann. 421 2 and 425 3.

2 Ubi adiuncta id postulent, Metropolita ab Apostolica Sede instrui potest peculiaribus muneribus et potestate in iure
particulari determinandis.
2 Where circumstances require it, the Apostolic See can give the Metropolitan special functions and power, to be
determined in particular law.
3 Nulla alia in dioecesibus suffraganeis competit Metropolitis potestas regiminis; potest vero in omnibus ecclesiis,
Episcopo dioecesano praemonito, si ecclesia sit cathedralis, sacras exercere functiones, uti Episcopus in propria
3 The Metropolitan has no other power of governance over suffragan dioceses. He can, however, celebrate sacred
functions in all churches as if he were a Bishop in his own diocese, provided, if it is the cathedral church, the
diocesan Bishop has been previously notified.

1 Metropolita obligatione tenetur, intra tres menses a recepta consecratione episcopali, aut, si iam consecratus fuerit, a
provisione canonica, per se aut per procuratorem a Romano Pontifice petendi pallium, quo quidem significatur potestas
qua, in communione cum Ecclesia Romana, Metropolita in Propria provincia iure instruitur.
1 The Metropolitan is obliged to request the pallium from the Roman Pontiff, either personally or by proxy, within
three months of his episcopal consecration or, if he has already been consecrated, of his canonical appointment.
The pallium signifies the power which, in communion with the Roman Church, the Metropolitan possesses by law
in his own province.
2 Metropolita, ad normam legum liturgicarum, pallio uti potest intra quamlibet ecclesiam provinciae ecclesiasticae cui
praeest, minime vero extra eandem, ne accedente quidem Episcopi dioecesani assensu.
2 The Metropolitan can wear the pallium, in accordance with the liturgical laws, in any church of the ecclesiastical
province over which he presides, but not outside the province, not even with the assent of the diocesan Bishop.
3 Metropolita, si ad aliam sedem metropolitanam transferatur, novo indiget pallio.
3 If the Metropolitan is transferred to another metropolitan see, he requires a new pallium.


Patriarchae et Primatis titulus, praeter praerogativam honoris, nullam in Ecclesia latina secumfert regiminis
potestatem, nisi de aliquibus ex privilegio apostolico aut probata consuetudine aliud constet.
The title of Patriarch or Primate gives a prerogative of honour, but in the latin Church does not carry with it any
power of governance, except in certain matters where an apostolic privilege or approved custom establishes


1 Concilium plenarium, pro omnibus scilicet Ecclesiis particularibus eiusdem conferentiae Episcoporum, celebretur
quoties id ipsi Episcoporum conferentiae, approbante Apostolica Sede, necessarium aut utile videatur.
1 A plenary council for all the particular Churches of the same Episcopal Conference is to be celebrated as often
as the Episcopal Conference, with the approval of the Apostolic See, considers it necessary or advantageous.
2 Norma in, 1 statuta valet etiam de concilio provinciali celebrando in provincia ecclesiastica, cuius termini cum
territorio nationis coincidunt.
2 The norm laid down in 1 is valid also for a provincial council to be celebrated in an ecclesiastical province
whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the country.

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1 Concilium provinciale, pro diversis Ecclesiis particularibus eiusdem provinciae ecclesiasticae, celebretur quoties id,
de iudicio maioris partis Episcoporum dioecesanorum provinciae, opportunum videatur, salvo can. 439, 2.
1 A provincial council, for the various particular Churches of the same ecclesiastical province, is celebrated as
often as, in the judgement of the majority of the diocesan Bishops of the province, it is considered opportune,
without prejudice to can. 439 2.
2 Sede metropolitana vacante, concilium provinciale ne convocetur.
2 A provincial council may not be called while the metropolitan see is vacant.



Episcoporum conferentiae est:

It is the responsibility of the Episcopal Conference:

convocare concilium plenarium;

to convene a plenary council;

locum ad celebrandum concilium intra territorium conferentiae Episcoporum eligere;

to choose a place within the territory of the Episcopal Conference for the celebration of the council;

inter Episcopos dioecesanos concilii plenarii eligere praesidem, ab Apostolica Sede approbandum;
to elect from among the diocesan Bishops a president of the plenary council, who is to be approved by the
Apostolic See;

ordinem agendi et quaestiones tractandas determinare, concilii plenarii initium ac periodum indicere, illud
transferre, prorogare et absolvere.
to determine the order of business and the matters to be considered, to announce when the plenary council is
to begin and how long it is to last, and to transfer, prorogue and dissolve it.

1 Metropolitae, de consensu maioris partis Episcoporum suffraganeorum, est:

1 It is the responsibility of the Metropolitan, with the consent of the majority of the suffragan Bishops:

convocare concilium provinciale;

to convene a provincial council

locum ad celebrandum concilium provinciale intra provinciae territorium eligere;

to choose a place within the territory of the province for the celebration of the provincial council;

ordinem agendi et quaestiones tractandas determinare, concilii provincialis initium et periodum indicere, illud
transferre, prorogare et absolvere.
to determine the order of business and the matters to be considered, to announce when the provincial council
is to begin and how long it is to last, and to transfer, prorogue and dissolve it.

2 Metropolitae, eoque legitime impedito, Episcopi suffraganei ab aliis Episcopis suffraganeis electi est concilio
provinciali praeesse.
2 It is the prerogative of the Metropolitan to preside over the provincial council. If he is lawfully impeded from
doing so, it is the prerogative of a suffragan Bishop elected by the other suffragan Bishops.

1 Ad concilia particularia convocandi sunt atque in eisdem ius habent suffragii deliberativi:
1 The following have the right to be summoned to particular councils and have the right to a deliberative vote:

Episcopi dioecesani;
diocesan Bishops;

Episcopi coadiutores et auxiliares;

coadjutor and auxiliary Bishops

alii Episcopi titulares qui peculiari munere sibi ab Apostolica Sede aut ab Episcoporum conferentia demandato in
territorio funguntur.
other titular Bishops who have been given a special function in the territory, either by the Apostolic See or by
the Episcopal Conference.

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2 Ad concilia particularia vocari possunt alii Episcopi titulares etiam emeriti in territorio degentes; qui quidem ius
habent suffragii deliberativi.
2 Other titular Bishops who are living in the territory, even if they are retired, may be invited to particular councils;
they have the right to a deliberative vote.
3 Ad concilia particularia vocandi sunt cum suffragio tantum consultivo:
3 The following are to be invited to particular councils, but with only a consultative vote:

Vicarii generales et Vicarii episcopales omnium in territorio Ecclesiarum particularium;

Vicars general and episcopal Vicars of all the particular Churches in the territory;

Superiores maiores institutorum religiosorum et societatum vitae apostolicae numero tum pro viris tum pro
mulieribus ab Episcoporum conferentia aut a provinciae Episcopis determinando, respective electi ab omnibus
Superioribus maioribus institutorum et societatum, quae in territorio sedem habent;
the major Superiors of religious institutes and societies of apostolic life. Their number, for both men and
women, is to be determined by the Episcopal Conference or the Bishops of the province, and they are to be
elected respectively by all the major Superiors of institutes and societies which have a centre in the territory;

Rectores universitatum ecclesiasticarum et catholicarum atque decani facultatum theologiae et iuris canonici,
quae in territorio sedem habent;
the rectors of ecclesiastical and catholic universities which have a centre in the territory, together with the
deans of their faculties of theology and canon law;

Rectores aliqui seminariorum maiorum, numero ut in n. 2 determinando, electi a rectoribus seminariorum quae
in territorio sita sunt.
some rectors of major seminaries, their number being determined as in no. 2; they are to be elected by the
rectors of seminaries situated in the territory.

4 Ad concilia particularia vocari etiam possunt, cum suffragio tantum consultivo, presbyteri aliique christifideles, ita
tamen ut eorum numerus non excedat dimidiam partem eorum de quibus in 1-3.
4 Priests and others of Christ's faithful may also be invited to particular councils, but have only a consultative
vote; their number is not to exceed half of those mentioned in 1-3.
5 Ad concilia provincialia praeterea invitentur capitula cathedralia, itemque consilium presbyterale et consilium
pastorale uniuscuiusque Ecclesiae particularis, ita quidem ut eorum singula duos ex suis membris mittant, collegialiter
ab iisdem designatos; qui tamen votum habent tantum consultivum.
5 The cathedral chapter, the council of priests and the pastoral council of each particular Church are to be invited
to provincial councils, but in such a way that each is to send two members, designated in a collegial manner. They
have only a consultative vote.
6 Ad concilia particularia, si id iudicio Episcoporum conferentiae pro concilio plenario aut Metropolitae una cum
Episcopis suffraganeis pro concilio provinciali expediat, etiam alii ut hospites invitari poterunt.
6 Others may be invited to particular councils as guests, if this is judged expedient by the Episcopal Conference
for a plenary council, or by the Metropolitan with the suffragan Bishops for a provincial council.

1 Omnes qui ad concilia particularia convocantur, eisdem interesse debent, nisi iusto detineantur impedimento, de quo
concilii praesidem certiorem facere tenentur.
1 All who are summoned to particular councils must attend, unless they are prevented by a just impediment, of
whose existence they are obliged to notify the president of the council.
2 Qui ad concilia particularia convocantur et in eis suffragium habent deliberativum, si iusto detineantur
impedimento, procuratorem mittere possunt; qui procurator votum habet tantum consultivum.
2 Those who are summoned to a particular council in which they have a deliberative vote, but who are prevented
from attending because of a just impediment, can send a proxy. The proxy, however, has only a consultative vote.


Concilium particulare pro suo territorio curat ut necessitatibus pastoralibus populi Dei provideatur atque potestate
gaudet regiminis, praesertim legislativa, ita ut, salvo semper iure universali Ecclesiae, decernere valeat quae ad fidei

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incrementum, ad actionem pastoralem communem ordinandam et ad moderandos mores et disciplinam ecclesiasticam

communem servandam, inducendam aut tuendam opportuna videantur.
A particular council is to ensure that the pastoral needs of the people of God in its territory are provided for. While it
must always respect the universal law of the Church, it has power of governance, especially legislative power. It
can, therefore, determine whatever seems opportune for an increase of faith, for the ordering of common pastoral
action, for the direction of morality and for the preservation, introduction and defence of a common ecclesiastical

Absoluto concilio particulari, praeses curet ut omnia acta concilii ad Apostolicam Sedem transmittantur; decreta a
concilio edicta ne promulgentur, nisi postquam ab Apostolica Sede recognita fuerint ipsius concilii est definire modum
promulgationis decretorum et tempus quo decreta promulgata obligare incipiant.
When a particular council has concluded, the president is to ensure that all the acts of the council are sent to the
Apostolic See. The decrees drawn up by the council are not to be promulgated until they have been reviewed by the
Apostolic See. The council has the responsibility of defining the manner in which the decrees will be promulgated
and the time when the promulgated decrees will begin to oblige.




Episcoporum conferentia, institutum quidem permanens, est coetus Episcoporum alicuius nationis vel certi territorii,
munera quaedam pastoralia coniunctim pro christifidelibus sui territorii exercentium, ad maius bonum provehendum,
quod hominibus praebet Ecclesia, praesertim per apostolatus formas et rationes temporis et loci adiunctis apte
accommodatas, ad normam iuris.
The Episcopal Conference, a permanent institution, is the assembly of the Bishops of a country or of a certain
territory, exercising together certain pastoral offices for Christ's faithful of that territory. By forms and means of
apostolate suited to the circumstances of time and place, it is to promote, in accordance with the law, that greater
good which the Church offers to all people.


1 Episcoporum conferentia regula generali comprehendit praesules omnium Ecclesiarum particularum eiusdem
nationis, ad normam can. 450.
1 As a general rule, the Episcopal Conference includes those who preside over all the particular Churches of the
same country, in accordance with can. 450.
2 Si vero, de iudicio Apostolicae Sedis, auditis quorum interest Episcopis dioecesanis, personarum aut rerum adiuncta
id suadeant, Episcoporum conferentia erigi potest pro territorio minoris aut maioris amplitudinis, ita ut vel tantum
comprehendat Episcopus aliquarum Ecclesiarum particularium in certo territorio constitutarum vel praesules
Ecclesiarum particularium in diversis nationibus exstantium; eiusdem Apostolicae Sedis est pro earundem singulis
peculiares normas statuere.
2 An Episcopal Conference can, however, be established for a territory of greater or less extent if the Apostolic
See, after consultation with the diocesan Bishops concerned, judges that circumstances suggest this. Such a
Conference would include only the Bishops of some particular Churches in a certain territory, or those who preside
over particular Churches in different countries. It is for the Apostolic See to lay down special norms for each case.


1 Unius supremae Ecclesiae auctoritatis est, auditis quorum interest Episcopis, Episcoporum conferentias erigere,
supprimere aut innovare.
1 It is for the supreme authority of the Church alone, after consultation with the Bishops concerned, to establish,
suppress, or alter Episcopal Conferences.
2 Episcoporum conferentia legitime erecta ipso iure personalitate iuridica gaudet.
2 An Episcopal Conference lawfully established has juridical personality by virtue of the law itself.


1 Ad Episcoporum conferentiam ipso iure pertinent omnes in territorio Episcopi dioecesani eisque iure aequiparati,
itemque Episcopi coadiutores, Episcopi auxiliares atque ceteri Episcopi titulares peculiari munere, sibi ab Apostolica
Sede vel ab Episcoporum conferentia demandato, in eodem territorio fungentes; invitari quoque possunt Ordinarii
alterius ritus, ita tamen ut votum tantum consultivum habeant, nisi Episcoporum conferentiae statuta aliud decernant.
1 By virtue of the law, the following persons in the territory belong to the Episcopal Conference: all diocesan
Bishops and those equivalent to them in law; all coadjutor Bishops, auxiliary Bishops and other titular Bishops who

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exercise in the territory a special office assigned to them by the Apostolic See or by the Episcopal Conference.
Ordinaries of another rite may be invited, but have only a consultative vote, unless the statutes of the Episcopal
Conference decree otherwise.
2 Ceteri Episcopi titulares necnon Legatus Romani Pontificis non sunt de iure membra Episcoporum conferentiae.
2 The other titular Bishops and the Legate of the Roman Pontiff are not by law members of the Episcopal

Quaelibet Episcoporum conferentia sua conficiat statuta, ab Apostolica Sede recognoscenda, in quibus, praeter alia,
ordinentur conferentiae conventus plenarii habendi, et provideantur consilium Episcoporum permanens et secretaria
generalis conferentiae fini consequendo efficacius consulant.
Each Episcopal Conference is to draw up its own statutes, to be reviewed by the Apostolic See. In these, among
other things, arrangements for the plenary meetings of the Conference are to be set out, and provision is to be
made for a permanent committee of Bishops, and a general secretary of the Conference, and for other offices and
commissions by which, in the judgement of the Conference, its purpose can more effectively be achieved.


1 Quaelibet Episcoporum conferentia sibi eligat praesidem, determinet quisnam, praeside legitime impedito, munere
pro-praesidis fungatur, atque secretarium generalem designet, ad normam statutorum.
1 Each Episcopal Conference is to elect its president and determine who, in the lawful absence of the president,
will exercise the function of vice-president. It is also to designate a general secretary, in accordance with the
2 Praeses conferentiae, atque eo legitime impedito pro-praeses, non tantum Episcoporum conferentiae conventibus
generalibus, sed etiam consilio permanenti praeest.
2 The president of the Conference or, when he is lawfully impeded, the vice-president, presides not only over the
general meetings of the Conference but also over the permanent committee.


Conventus plenarii Episcoporum conferentiae habeantur semel saltem singulis annis, et praetera quoties id postulent
peculiaria adiuncta, secundum statutorum praescripta.
Plenary meetings of the Episcopal Conference are to be held at least once a year, and moreover as often as special
circumstances require, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes.


1 Suffragium deliberativum in conventibus plenariis Episcoporum conferentiae ipso iure competit Episcopis
dioecesanis eisque qui iure ipsis aequiparantur, necnon Episcopis coadiutoribus.
1 By virtue of the law diocesan Bishops, those equivalent to them in law and coadjutor Bishops have a
deliberative vote in plenary meetings of the Episcopal Conference.
2 Episcopis auxiliaribus ceterisque Episcopis titularibus qui ad Episcoporum conferentiam pertinent, suffragium
competit deliberativum aut consultivum, iuxta statutorum conferentiae praescripta; firmum tamen sit eis solis, de
quibus in 1, competere suffragium deliberativum, cum agitur de statutis conficiendis aut immutandis.
2 Auxiliary Bishops and other titular Bishops who belong to the Episcopal Conference have a deliberative or
consultative vote according to the provisions of the statutes of the Conference. Only those mentioned in 1,
however, have a deliberative vote in the making or changing of the statutes.


1 Episcoporum conferentia decreta generalia ferre tantummodo potest in causis, in quibus ius universale id
praescripserit aut peculiare Apostolicae Sedis mandatum sive motu proprio sive ad petitionem ipsius conferentiae id
1 The Episcopal Conference can make general decrees only in cases where the universal law has so prescribed,
or by special mandate of the Apostolic See, either on its own initiative or at the request of the Conference itself.
2 Decreta de quibus in 1, ut valide ferantur in plenario conventu, per duas saltem ex tribus partibus suffragiorum
Praesulum, qui voto deliberativo fruentes ad conferentiam pertinent, proferri debent, atque vim obligandi non
obtinent, nisi ab Apostolica Sede recognita, legitime promulgata fuerint.
2 For the decrees mentioned in 1 validly to be enacted at a plenary meeting, they must receive two thirds of the
votes of those who belong to the Conference with a deliberative vote. These decrees do not oblige until they have
been reviewed by the Apostolic See and lawfully promulgated.

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3 Modus promulgationis et tempus a quo decreta vim suam exserunt, ab ipsa Episcoporum conferentia determinantur.
3 The manner of promulgation and the time they come into force are determined by the Episcopal Conference.
4 In casibus in quibus nec ius universale nec peculiare Apostolicae Sedis mandatum potestatem, de qua in 1,
Episcoporum conferentiae concessit, singuli Episcopi dioecesani competentia integra manet, nec conferentia eiusve
praeses nomine omnium Episcoporum agere valet, nisi omnes et singuli Episcopi consensum dederint.
4 In cases where neither the universal law nor a special mandate of the Apostolic See gives the Episcopal
Conference the power mentioned in 1, the competence of each diocesan Bishop remains intact. In such cases,
neither the Conference nor its president can act in the name of all the Bishops unless each and every Bishop has
given his consent.

Absoluto conventu plenario Episcoporum conferentiae, relatio de actis conferentiae necnon eius decreta a praeside ad
Apostolicam Sedem transmittantur, tum ut in eiusdem notitiam acta perferantur, tum ut decreta, si quae sint, ab eadem
recognosci possint.
When a plenary meeting of the Episcopal Conference has been concluded, its minutes are to be sent by the
president to the Apostolic See for information, and its decrees, if any, for review.


Consilii Episcoporum permanentis est curae, ut res in plenario conventu conferentiae agendae praeparentur et
decisiones in conventu plenario statutae debite exsecutioni mandentur; eiusdem etiam est alia negotia peragere, quae
ipsi ad normam statutorum committuntur.
The permanent committee of Bishops is to prepare the agenda for the plenary meetings of the Conference, and it is
to ensure that the decisions taken at those meetings are duly executed. It is also to conduct whatever other
business is entrusted to it in accordance with the statutes.


Secretariae generalis est:

The general secretary is to:


relationem componere actorum et decretorum conventus plenarii conferentiae necnon actorum consilii
Episcoporum permanentis, et eadem cum omnibus conferentiae membris communicare itemque alia acta
conscribere, quae ipsi a conferentiae praeside aut a consilio permanenti componenda committuntur;
prepare an account of the acts and decrees of the plenary meetings of the Conference, as well as the acts of
the permanent committee of Bishops and to communicate these to all members of the Conference; also to
record whatever other acts are entrusted to him by the president or the permanent committee;

communicare cum Episcoporum conferentiis finitimis acta et documenta quae a conferentia in plenario conventu
aut a consilio Episcoporum permanenti ipsis transmitti statuuntur.
to communicate to neighbouring Episcopal Conferences such acts and documents as the Conference at a
plenary meeting or the permanent committee of Bishops decides to send to them.

1 Foveantur relationes inter Episcoporum conferentias, praesertim viciniores, ad maius bonum promovendum ac
1 Relations are to be fostered between Episcopal Conferences, especially neighbouring ones, in order to promote
and defend whatever is for the greater good.
2 Quoties vero actiones aut rationes a conferentiis ineuntur formam internationalem praeseferentes, Apostolica Sedes
audiatur oportet.
2 The Apostolic See must be consulted whenever actions or affairs undertaken by Conferences have an
international character.

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Synodus dioecesana est coetus delectorum sacerdotum aliorumque christifidelium Ecclesiae particularis, qui in bonum
totius communitatis dioecesanae Episcopo dioecesano adiutricem operam praestant, ad normam canonum qui
The diocesan synod is an assembly of selected priests and other members of Christ's faithful of a particular Church
which, for the good of the whole diocesan community, assists the diocesan Bishop, in accordance with the
following canons.


1 Synodus dioecesana in singulis Ecclesiis particularibus celebretur cum, iudicio Episcopi dioecesani et audito consilio
presbyterali, adiuncta id suadeant.
1 The diocesan synod is to be held in each particular Church when the diocesan Bishop, after consulting the
council of priests, judges that the circumstances suggest it.
2 Si Episcopus plurium dioecesium curam habet, aut unius curam habet uti Episcopus proprius, alterius vero uti
Administrator, unam synodum dioecesanam ex omnibus dioecesibus sibi commissis convocare potest.
2 If a Bishop is responsible for a number of dioceses, or has charge of one as his own and of another as
Administrator, he may convene one diocesan synod for all the dioceses entrusted to him.


1 Synodum dioecesanam convocat solus Episcopus dioecesanus, non autem qui ad interim dioecesi praeest.
1 Only the diocesan Bishop can convene a diocesan synod. A person who has interim charge of a diocese cannot
do so.
2 Synodo dioecesanae praeest Episcopus dioecesanus, qui tamen Vicarium generalem aut Vicarium episcopalem pro
singulis sessionibus synodi ad hoc officium implendum delegare potest.
2 The diocesan Bishop presides over the diocesan synod. He may however, delegate a Vicar general or an
episcopal Vicar to fulfil this office at individual sessions of the synod.


1 Ad synodum dioecesanam vocandi sunt uti synodi sodales eamque participandi obligatione tenentur:
1 The following are to be summoned to the diocesan synod as members and they are obliged to participate in it:

Episcopus coadiutor atque Episcopi auxiliares;

the coadjutor Bishop and the auxiliary Bishops;

Vicarii generales et Vicarii episcopales, necnon Vicarius iudicialis;

the Vicars general and episcopal Vicars, and the judicial Vicar

canonici ecclesiae cathedralis;

the canons of the cathedral church;

membra consilii presbyteralis;

the members of the council of priests;

christifideles laici, etiam sodales institutorum vitae consecratae, a consilio pastorali eligendi, modo et numero ab
Episcopo dioecesano determinandis, aut, ubi hoc consilium non exstet, ratione ab Episcopo dioecesano
lay members of Christ's faithful, not excluding members of institutes of consecrated life, to be elected by the
pastoral council in the manner and the number to be determined by the diocesan Bishop or, where this council
does not exist, on a basis determined by the diocesan Bishop;

rector seminarii dioecesani maioris;

the rector of the major seminary of the diocese;

vicarii foranei;
the vicars forane;

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unus saltem presbyter ex unoquoque vicariatu foraneo eligendus ab omnibus qui curam animarum inibi habeant;
item eligendus est alius presbyter qui, eodem impedito, in eius locum substituatur;
at least one priest from each vicariate forane to be elected by all those who have the care of souls there;
another priest is also to be elected, to take the place of the first if he is prevented from attending;

aliqui Superiores institutorum religiosorum et societatum vitae apostolicae, quae in dioecesi domum habent,
eligendi numero et modo ab Episcopo dioecesano determinatis.
some Superiors of religious institutes and of societies of apostolic life which have a house in the diocese:
these are to be elected in the number and the manner determined by the diocesan Bishop.

2 Ad synodum dioecesanam ab Episcopo dioecesano vocari uti synodi sodales possunt alii quoque, sive clerici, sive
institutorum vitae consecratae sodales, sive christifideles laici.
2 The diocesan Bishop may also invite others to be members of the diocesan synod, whether clerics or members
of institutes of consecrated life or lay members of the faithful.
3 Ad synodum dioecesanam Episcopus dioecesanus, si id opportunum duxerit, invitare potest uti observatores aliquos
ministros aut sodales Ecclesiarum vel communitatum ecclesialium, quae non sunt in plena cum Ecclesia catholica
3 If the diocesan Bishop considers it opportune, he may invite to the diocesan Synod as observers some ministers
or members of Churches or ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the catholic Church.

Synodo sodalis, si legitimo detineatur impedimento, non potest mittere procuratorem qui ipsius nomine eidem intersit;
Episcopum vero dioecesanum de hoc impedimento certiorem faciat.
A member of the synod who is lawfully impeded from attending, cannot send a proxy to attend in his or her place,
but is to notify the diocesan Bishop of the reason for not attending.


Propositae quaestiones omnes liberae sodalium disceptationi in synodi sessionibus subiciantur.

All questions proposed are to be subject to the free discussion of the members in the sessions of the synod.


Unus in synodo dioecesana legislator est Episcopus dioecesanus, aliis synodi sodalibus voto tantummodo consultivo
gaudentibus unus ipse synodalibus declarationibus et decretis subscribit, quae eius auctoritate tantum publici iuris
fieri possunt.
The diocesan Bishop is the sole legislator in the diocesan synod. Other members of the synod have only a
consultative vote. The diocesan Bishop alone signs the synodal declarations and decrees, and only by his authority
may these be published.


Episcopus dioecesanus textus declarationum ac decretorum synodalium communicet cum Metropolita necnon cum
Episcoporum conferentia.
The diocesan Bishop is to communicate the text of the declarations and decrees of the synod to the Metropolitan
and to the Episcopal Conference.


1 Episcopo dioecesano competit pro suo prudenti iudicio synodum dioecesanam suspendere necnon dissolvere.
1 If he judges it prudent, the diocesan Bishop can suspend or dissolve the diocesan synod.
2 Vacante vel impedita sede episcopali, synodus dioecesana ipso iure intermittitur, donec Episcopus dioecesanus, qui
succedit, ipsam continuari decreverit aut eandem extinctam declaraverit.
2 Should the episcopal see become vacant or impeded, the diocesan synod is by virtue of the law itself
suspended, until such time as the diocesan Bishop who succeeds to the see decrees that it be continued or
declares it terminated.



Curia dioecesana constat illis institutis et personis, quae Episcopo operam praestant in regimine universae dioecesis,
praesertim in actione pastorali dirigenda, in administratione dioecesis curanda, necnon in potestate iudiciali exercenda.
The diocesan curia is composed of those institutes and persons who assist the Bishop in governing the entire
diocese, especially in directing pastoral action, in providing for the administration of the diocese, and in exercising
judicial power.

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Nominatio eorum, qui officia in curia dioecesana exercent, spectat ad Episcopum dioecesanum.
The appointment of those who fulfil an office in the diocesan curia belongs to the diocesan Bishop.


Omnes qui ad officia in curia admittuntur debent:

All who are admitted to an office in the curia must:

promissionem emittere de munere fideliter adimplendo, secundum rationem iure vel ab Episcopo determinatam;
promise to fulfil their office faithfully, as determined by law or by the Bishop;

secretum servare intra fines et secundum modum iure aut ab Episcopo determinatos.
observe secrecy within the limits and according to the manner determined by law or by the Bishop.


Circa causas atque personas quae in curia ad exercitium potestatis iudicalis pertinent, serventur praescripta Libri VII
"De processibus" de iis autem quae ad administrationem dioecesis spectant, serventur praescripta canonum qui
The provisions of Book VII on 'Processes' are to be observed concerning cases and persons involved in the
exercise of judicial power in the curia. The following canons are to be observed in what concerns the administration
of the diocese.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus curare debet ut omnia negotia quae ad universae dioecesis administrationem pertinent,
debite coordinentur et ad bonum portionis populi Dei sibi commissae aptius procurandum ordinentur.
1 The diocesan Bishop must ensure that everything concerning the administration of the whole diocese is properly
coordinated and is directed in the way that will best achieve the good of that portion of the people of God entrusted
to his care.
2 Ipsius Episcopi dioecesani est coordinare actionem pastoralem Vicariorum sive generalium sive episcopalium; ubi id
expendiat, nominari potest Moderator curiae, qui sacerdos sit oportet, cuius est sub Episcopi auctoritate ea coordinare
quae ad negotia administrativa tractanda attinent, itemque curare ut ceteri curiae addicti officium sibi commissum rite
2 The diocesan Bishop has the responsibility of coordinating the pastoral action of the Vicars general and
episcopal Vicars. Where it is useful, he may appoint a Moderator of the curia, who must be a priest. Under the
Bishop's authority, the Moderator is to coordinate activities concerning administrative matters and to ensure that
the others who belong to the curia properly fulfil the offices entrusted to them.
3 Nisi locorum adiuncta iudicio Episcopi aliud suadeant, Moderator curiae nominetur Vicarius generalis aut, si plures
sint, unus ex Vicariis generalibus.
3 Unless in the Bishop's judgement local conditions suggest otherwise, the Vicar general is to be appointed
Moderator of the curia or, if there are several Vicars general, one of them.
4 Ubi id expedire iudicaverit, Episcopus, ad actionem pastoralem aptius fovendam, constituere potest consilium
episcopale, constans scilicet Vicariis generalibus et Vicariis episcopalibus.
4 Where the Bishop judges it useful for the better promotion of pastoral action, he can establish an episcopal
council, comprising the Vicars general and episcopal Vicars.


Acta curiae quae effectum iuridicum habere nata sunt, subscribi debent ab Ordinario a quo emanant, et quidem ad
validitatem, ac simul a curiae cancellario vel notario; cancellarius vero Moderatorem curiae de actis certiorem facere
Acts of the curia which of their nature are designed to have a juridical effect must, as a requirement for validity, be
signed by the Ordinary from whom they emanate. They must also be signed by the chancellor of the curia or a
notary. The chancellor is bound to notify the Moderator of the curia about these acts.

Art. 1



1 In unaquaque dioecesi constituendus est ab Episcopo dioecesano Vicarius generalis, qui potestate ordinaria ad
normam canonum qui sequuntur instructus, ipsum in universae dioecesis regimine adiuvet.
1 In each diocese the diocesan Bishop is to appoint a Vicar general to assist him in the governance of the whole
diocese. The Vicar -general has ordinary power, in accordance with the following canons.

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2 Pro regula generali habeatur ut unus constituatur Vicarius generalis, nisi dioecesis amplitudo vel incolarum
numerus aut aliae rationes pastorales aliud suadeant.
2 As a general rule, one Vicar general is to be appointed, unless the size of the diocese, the number of
inhabitants, or other pastoral reasons suggest otherwise.

Quoties rectum dioecesis regimen id requirat, constitui etiam possunt ab Episcopo dioecesano unus vel plures Vicarii
episcopales, qui nempe aut in determinata dioecesis parte aut in certo negotiorum genere aut quoad fideles determinati
ritus vel certi personarum coetus, eadem gaudent potestate ordinaria, quae iure universali Vicario generali competit,
ad normam canonum qui sequuntur.
As often as the good governance of the diocese requires it, the diocesan Bishop can also appoint one or more
episcopal Vicars. These have the same ordinary power as the universal law gives to a Vicar general, in accordance
with the following canons. The competence of an episcopal Vicar, however, is limited to a determined part of the
diocese, or to a specific type of activity, or to the faithful of a particular rite, or to certain groups of people.


1 Vicarius generalis et episcopalis libere ab Episcopo dioecesano nominantur et ab ipso libere removeri possunt, firmo
praescripto can. 406; Vicarius episcopalis, qui non sit Episcopus auxiliaris nominetur tantum ad tempus, in ipso
constitutionis actu determinandum.
1 The Vicar general and the episcopal Vicar are freely appointed by the diocesan Bishop, and can be freely
removed by him, without prejudice to can. 406. An episcopal Vicar who is not an auxiliary Bishop, is to be
appointed for a period of time, which is to be specified in the act of appointment.
2 Vicario generali absente vel legitime impedito, Episcopus dioecesanus alium nominare potest, qui eius vices suppleat
eadem norma applicatur pro Vicario episcopali.
2 If the Vicar general is absent or lawfully impeded, the diocesan Bishop can appoint another to take his place.
The same norm applies in the case of an episcopal Vicar.


1 Vicarius generalis et episcopalis sint sacerdotes annos nati non minus triginta, in iure canonico aut theologia
doctores vel licentiati vel saltem in iisdem disciplinis vere periti, sana doctrina, probitate, prudentia ac rerum
gerendarum experientia commendati.
1 The Vicar general and the episcopal Vicar are to be priests of not less than thirty years of age, with a doctorate
or licentiate in canon law or theology, or at least well versed in these disciplines. They are to be known for their
sound doctrine, integrity, prudence and practical experience.
2 Vicarii generalis et episcopalis munus componi non potest cum munere canonici paenitentiarii, neque committi
consanguineis Episcopi usque ad quartum gradum.
2 The office of Vicar general or episcopal Vicar may not be united with the office of canon penitentiary, nor may the
office be given to blood relations of the Bishop up to the fourth degree.


1 Vicario generali, vi officii, in universa dioecesi competit potestas exsecutiva quae ad Episcopum dioecesanum iure
pertinet, ad ponendos scilicet omnes actus administrativos, iis tamen exceptis quos Episcopus sibi reservaverit vel qui
ex iure requirant speciale Episcopi mandatum.
1 In virtue of his office, the Vicar general has the same executive power throughout the whole diocese as that
which belongs by law to the diocesan Bishop: that is, he can perform all administrative acts, with the exception
however of those which the Bishop has reserved to himself, or which by law require a special mandate of the
2 Vicario episcopali ipso iure eadem competit potestas de qua in 1, sed quoad determinatam territorii partem aut
negotiorum genus aut fideles determinati ritus vel coetus tantum pro quibus constitutus est, iis causis exceptis quas
Episcopus sibi aut Vicario generali reservaverit, aut quae ex iure requirunt speciale Episcopi mandatum.
2 By virtue of the law itself, the episcopal Vicar has the same power as that mentioned in 1, but only for the
determined part of the territory or type of activity, or for the faithful of the determined rite or group, for which he was
appointed; matters which the Bishop reserves to himself or to the Vicar general, or which by law require a special
mandate of the Bishop, are excepted.

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3 Ad Vicarium generalem atque ad Vicarium episcopalem, intra ambitum eorum competentiae, pertinent etiam
facultates habituales ab Apostolica Sede Episcopo concessae, necnon rescriptorum exsecutio, nisi aliud expresse cautum
fuerit aut electa fuerit industria personae Episcopi dioecesani.
3 Within the limits of their competence, the Vicar general and the episcopal Vicar have also those habitual
faculties which the Apostolic See has granted to the Bishop. They may also execute rescripts, unless it is expressly
provided otherwise, or unless the execution was entrusted to the Bishop on a personal basis.

Vicarius generalis et Vicarius episcopalis de praecipuis negotiis et gerendis et gestis Episcopo dioecesano referre
debent, nec umquam contra voluntatem et mentem Episcopi dioecesani agant.
The Vicar general and episcopal Vicar must give a report to the diocesan Bishop concerning more important
matters, both those yet to be attended to and those already dealt with. They are never to act against the will and
mind of the diocesan Bishop.


1 Exspirat potestas Vicarii generalis et Vicarii episcopalis expleto tempore mandati, renuntiatione, itemque, salvis
cann. 406 et 409, remotione eisdem ab Episcopo dioecesano intimata, atque sedis episcopalis vacatione.
1 The power of the Vicar general or episcopal Vicar ceases when the period of their mandate expires, or by
resignation. In addition, but without prejudice to cann. 406 and 409, it ceases when they are notified of their
removal by the diocesan Bishop, or when the episcopal see falls vacant.
2 Suspenso munere Episcopi dioecesani, suspenditur potestas Vicarii generalis et Vicarii episcopalis, nisi episcopali
dignitate aucti sint.
2 When the office of the diocesan Bishop is suspended, the power of the Vicar general and of the episcopal Vicar
is suspended, unless they are themselves Bishops.

Art. 2



1 In qualibet curia constituatur cancellarius, cuius praecipuum munus, nisi aliter iure particulari statuatur, est curare
ut acta curiae redigantur et expediantur, atque eadem in curiae archivo custodiantur.
1 In each curia a chancellor is to be appointed, whose principal office, unless particular law states otherwise, is to
ensure that the acts of the curia are drawn up and dispatched, and that they are kept safe in the archive of the
2 Si necesse videatur, cancellario dari potest adiutor, cui nomen sit vice-cancellarii.
2 If it is considered necessary, the chancellor may be given an assistant, who is to be called the vice-chancellor.
3 Cancellarius necnon vice-cancellarius sunt eo ipso notarii et secretarii curiae.
3 The chancellor and vice-chancellor are automatically notaries and secretaries of the curia.


1 Praeter cancellarium, constitui possunt alii notarii, quorum quidem scriptura seu subscriptio publicam fidem facit
quod attinet sive ad quaelibet acta, sive ad acta iudicialia dumtaxat, sive ad acta certae causae aut negotii tantum.
1 Besides the chancellor, other notaries may be appointed, whose writing or signature authenticates public
documents. These notaries may be appointed for all acts, or for judicial acts alone, or only for acts concerning a
particular issue or business.
2 Cancellarius et notarii debent esse integrae famae et omni suspicione maiores; in causis quibus fama sacerdotis in
discrimen vocari possit, notarius debet esse sacerdos.
2 The chancellor and notaries must be of unblemished reputation and above suspicion. In cases which could
involve the reputation of a priest, the notary must be a priest.


Officium notariorum est:

The office of notary involves:

conscribere acta et instrumenta circa decreta, dispositiones, obligationes vel alia quae eorum operam requirunt;
writing acts and documents concerning decrees, arrangements, obligations, and other matters which require
their intervention;

in scriptis fideliter redigere quae geruntur, eaque cum significatione loci, diei, mensis et anni subsignare;

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faithfully recording in writing what is done, and signing the document, with a note of the place, the day, the
month and the year;

acta vel instrumenta legitime petenti ex regesto, servatis servandis, exhibere et eorum exempla cum autographo
conformia declarare.
while observing all that must be observed, showing acts or documents from the archives to those who lawfully
request them, and verifying that copies conform to the original.


Cancellarius aliique notarii libere ab officio removeri possunt ab Episcopo dioecesano, non autem ab Administratore
dioecesano, nisi de consensu collegii consultorum.
The chancellor and the other notaries can be freely removed by the diocesan Bishop. They can be removed by a
diocesan Administrator only with the consent of the college of consultors.


1 Documenta omnia, quae dioecesim vel paroecias respiciunt, maxima cura custodiri debent.
1 All documents concerning the diocese or parishes must be kept with the greatest of care.
2 In unaquaque curia erigatur, in loco tuto, archivum seu tabularium dioecesanum, in quo instrumenta et scripturae
quae ad negotia dioecesana tum spiritualia tum temporalia spectant, certo ordine disposita et diligenter clausa
2 In each curia there is to be established in a safe place a diocesan archive where documents and writings
concerning both the spiritual and the temporal affairs of the diocese are to be properly filed and carefully kept under
lock and key.
3 Documentorum, quae in archivo continentur, conficiatur inventarium seu catalogus, cum brevi singularum
scripturarum synopsi.
3 An inventory or catalogue is to be made of documents kept in the archive, with a short synopsis of each


1 Archivum clausum sit oportet eiusque clavem habeant solum Episcopus et cancellarius; nemini licet illud ingredi nisi
de Episcopi aut Moderatoris curiae simul et cancellarii licentia.
1 The archive must be locked, and only the Bishop and the chancellor are to have the key; no one may be allowed
to enter unless with the permission of the Bishop, or with the permission of both the Moderator of the curia and the
2 Ius est iis quorum interest, documentorum, quae natura sua sunt publica quaeque ad statum suae personae
pertinent, documentum authenticum scriptum vel photostaticum per se vel per procuratorem recipere.
2 Persons concerned have the right to receive, personally or by proxy, an authentic written or photostat copy of
documents which are of their nature public and which concern their own personal status.


Ex archivo non licet efferre documenta, nisi ad breve tempus tantum atque de Episcopi aut insimul Moderatoris curiae
et cancellarii consensu.
It is not permitted to remove documents from the archive, except for a short time and with the permission of the
Bishop or of both the Moderator of the curia and the chancellor.


1 Sit in curia dioecesana archivum quoque secretum, aut saltem in communi archivo armarium seu scrinium, omnino
clausum et obseratum, quod de loco amoveri nequeat, in quo scilicet documenta secreto servanda cautissime
1 In the diocesan curia there is also to be a secret archive, or at least in the ordinary archive there is to be a safe
or cabinet, which is securely closed and bolted and which cannot be removed. In this archive documents which are
to be kept under secrecy are to be most carefully guarded.
2 Singulis annis destruantur documenta causarum criminalium in materia morum, quarum rei vita cesserunt aut quae
a decennio sententia condemnatoria absolutae sunt, retento facti brevi summario cum textu sententiae definitivae.
2 Each year documents of criminal cases concerning moral matters are to be destroyed whenever the guilty
parties have died, or ten years have elapsed since a condemnatory sentence concluded the affair. A short summary
of the facts is to be kept, together with the text of the definitive judgement.

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1 Archivi secreti clavem habeat tantummodo Episcopus.

1 Only the Bishop is to have the key of the secret archive.
2 Sede vacante, archivum vel armarium secretum ne aperiatur, nisi in casu verae necessitatis, ab ipso Administratore
2 When the see is vacant, the secret archive or safe is not to be opened except in a case of real necessity, and
then by the diocesan Administrator personally.
3 Ex archivo vel armario secreto documenta ne efferantur.
3 Documents are not to be removed from the secret archive or safe.


1 Curet Episcopus dioecesanus ut acta et documenta archivorum quoque ecclesiarum cathedralium, collegiatarum,
paroecialium, aliarumque in suo territorio exstantium diligenter serventur, atque inventaria seu catalogi conficiantur
duobus exemplaribus, quorum alterum in proprio archivo, alterum in archivo dioecesano serventur.
1 The diocesan Bishop is to ensure that the acts and documents of the archives of cathedral, collegiate, parochial
and other churches in his territory are carefully kept and that two copies are made of inventories or catalogues.
One of these copies is to remain in its own archive, the other is to be kept in the diocesan archive.
2 Curet etiam Episcopus dioecesanus ut in dioecesi habeatur archivum historicum habentia in eodem diligenter
custodiantur et systematice ordinentur.
2 The diocesan Bishop is to ensure that there is an historical archive in the diocese, and that documents which
have an historical value are carefully kept in it and systematically filed.
3 Acta et documenta, de quibus in 1 et 2, ut inspiciantur aut efferantur, serventur normae ab Episcopo dioecesano
3 In order that the acts and documents mentioned in 1 and 2 may be inspected or removed, the norms laid
down by the diocesan Bishop are to be observed.

Art. 3



1 In singulis dioecesibus constituatur consilium a rebus oeconomicis, cui praesidet ipse Episcopus dioecesanus eiusve
delegatus, et quod constat tribus saltem christifidelibus, in re oeconomica necnon in iure civili vere peritis et integritate
praestantibus, ab Episcopo nominatis.
1 In each diocese a finance committee is to be established, presided over by the diocesan Bishop or his delegate.
It is to be composed of at least three of the faithful, expert in financial affairs and civil law, of outstanding integrity,
and appointed by the Bishop.
2 Membra consilii a rebus oeconomicis ad quinquennium nominentur, sed expleto hoc tempore ad alia quinquennia
assumi possunt.
2 The members of the finance committee are appointed for five years but when this period has expired they may
be appointed for further terms of five years.
3 A consilio a rebus oeconomicis excluduntur personae quae cum Episcopo usque ad quartum gradum consanguinitatis
vel affinitatis coniunctae sunt.
3 Persons related to the Bishop up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity are excluded from the finance


Praeter munera ipsi commissa in Libro V "De bonis Ecclesiae temporalibus," consilii a rebus oeconomicis est
quotannis, iuxta Episcopi dioecesani indicationes, rationem apparare quaestuum et erogationum quae pro universo
dioecesis regimine anno venturo praevidentur, necnon, anno exeunte, rationem accepti et expensi probare.
Besides the functions entrusted to it in Book V on 'The Temporal Goods of the Church', it is the responsibility of the
finance committee to prepare each year a budget of income and expenditure over the coming year for the
governance of the whole diocese, in accordance with the direction of the diocesan Bishop. It is also the
responsibility of the committee to account at the end of the year for income and expenditure.


1 In singulis dioecesibus ab Episcopo, auditis collegio consultorum atque consilio a rebus oeconomicis, nominetur
oeconomus, qui sit in re oeconomica vere peritus et probitate prorsus praestans.

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1 In each diocese a financial administrator is to be appointed by the Bishop, after consulting the college of
consultors and the finance committee. The financial administrator is to be expert in financial matters and of truly
outstanding integrity.
2 Oeconomus nominetur ad quinquennium, sed expleto hoc tempore ad alia quinquennia nominari potest; durante
munere, ne amoveatur nisi ob gravem causam ab Episcopo aestimandam, auditis collegio consultorum atque consilio a
rebus oeconomicis.
2 The financial administrator is to be appointed for five years, but when this period has expired, may be appointed
for further terms of five years. While in office he or she is not to be removed except for a grave reason, to be
estimated by the Bishop after consulting the college of consultors and the finance committee.
3 Oeconomi est, secundum rationem a consilio a rebus oeconomicis definitam, bona dioecesis sub auctoritate Episcopi
administrare atque ex quaestu dioecesis constituto expensas facere, quas Episcopus aliive ab ipso deputati legitime
3 It is the responsibility of the financial administrator, under the authority of the Bishop, to administer the goods of
the diocese in accordance with the plan of the finance committee, and to make those payments from diocesan
funds which the Bishop or his delegates have lawfully authorised.
4 Anno vertente, oeconomus consilio a rebus oeconomicis rationem accepti et expensi reddere debet.
4 At the end of the year the financial administrator must give the finance committee an account of income and




1 In unaquaque dioecesi constituatur consilium presbyterale, coetus scilicet sacerdotum, qui tamquam senatus sit
Episcopi, presbyterium repraesentans, cuius est Episcopum in regimine dioecesis ad normam iuris adiuvare, ut bonum
pastorale portionis populi Dei ipsi commissae quam maxime provehatur.
1 In each diocese there is to be established a council of priests, that is, a group of priests who represent the
presbyterium and who are to be, as it were, the Bishop's senate. The council's role is to assist the Bishop, in
accordance with the law, in the governance of the diocese, so that the pastoral welfare of that portion of the people
of God entrusted to the Bishop may be most effectively promoted.
2 In vicariatibus et praefecturis apostolicis Vicarius vel Praefectus constituant consilium ex tribus saltem presbyteris
missionariis, quorum sententiam, etiam per epistolam, audiant in gravioribus negotiis.
2 In vicariates and prefectures apostolic, the Vicar or Prefect is to appoint a council composed of at least three
missionary priests, whose opinion, even by letter, he is to hear in the more serious affairs.


Consilium presbyterale habeat propria statuta ab Episcopus dioecesano approbata, attentis normis ab Episcoporum
conferentia prolatis.
The council of priests is to have its own statutes. These are to be approved by the diocesan Bishop, having taken
account of the norms laid down by the Episcopal Conference.


Ad designationem quod attinet sodalium consilii presbyteralis:

As far as the designation of the members of the council of priests is concerned:

dimidia circiter pars libere eligatur a sacerdotibus ipsis, ad normam canonum qui sequuntur, necnon statutorum;
about half are to be freely elected by the priests themselves in accordance with the canons which follow and
with the statutes;

aliqui sacerdotes, ad normam statuorum, esse debent membra nata, qui scilicet ratione officii ipsis demandati ad
consilium pertineant;
some priests must, in accordance with the statutes, be members ex officio, that is belong to the council by
reason of the office they hold;

Episcopo dioecesano integrum est aliquos libere nominare.

the diocesan Bishop may freely appoint some others.

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1 Ius electionis tum activum tum passivum ad consilium presbyterale constituendum habent:
1 The following have the right to both an active and a passive voice in an election to the council of priests:

omnes sacerdotes saeculares in dioecesi incardinati;

all secular priests incardinated in the diocese;

sacerdotes saeculares in dioecesi non incardinati, necnon sacerdotes sodales alicuius instituti religiosi aut
societatis vitae apostolicae, qui in dioecesi commorantes, in eiusdem bonum aliquod officium exercent.
priests who are living in the diocese and exercise some useful office there, whether they be secular priests not
incardinated in the diocese, or priest members of religious institutes or of societies of apostolic life.

2 Quatenus statuta id provideant, idem ius electionis conferri potest aliis sacerdotibus, qui domicilium aut quasidomicilium in dioecesi habent.
2 Insofar as the statutes so provide, the same right of election may be given to other priests who have a domicile
or quasi-domicile in the diocese.

Modus eligendi membra consilii presbyteralis statutis determinandus est, ita quidem ut, quatenus id fieri possit,
sacerdotes presbyterii repraesententur, ratione habita maxime diversorum ministeriorum variarumque dioecesis
The manner of electing the members of the council of priests is to be determined by the statutes, and in such a way
that as far as possible the priests of the presbyterium are represented, with special regard to the diversity of
ministries and to the various regions of the diocese.


1 Episcopi dioecesani est consilium presbyterale convocare, eidem praesidere atque quaestiones in eodem tractandas
determinare auta membris propositas recipere.
1 It is the prerogative of the diocesan Bishop to convene the council of priests, to preside over it, and to determine
the matters to be discussed in it or to accept items proposed by the members.
2 Consilium presbyterale gaudet voto tantum consultivo; Episcopus dioecesanus illud audiat in negotiis maioris
momenti, eius autem consensu eget solummodo in casibus iure expresse definitis.
2 The council of priests has only a consultative vote. The diocesan Bishop is to consult it in matters of more
serious moment, but he requires its consent only in the cases expressly defined in the law.
3 Consilium presbyterale numquam agere valet sine Episcopo dioecesano, ad quem solum etiam cura spectat ea
divulgandi quae ad normam 2 statuta sunt.
3 The council of priests can never act without the diocesan Bishop. He alone can make public those things which
have been decided in accordance with 2.


1 Membra consilii presbyteralis designentur ad tempus, in statutis determinatum, ita tamen ut integrum consilium vel
aliqua eius pars intra quinquennium renovetur.
1 The members of the council of priests are to be designated for a period specified in the statutes, subject
however to the condition that over a five year period the council is renewed in whole or in part.
2 Vacante sede, consilium presbyterale cessat eiusque munera implentura collegio consultorum; intra annum a capta
possessione Episcopus debet consilium presbyterale noviter constituere.
2 When the see is vacant, the council of priests lapses and its functions are fulfilled by the college of consultors.
The Bishop must reconstitute the council of priests within a year of taking possession.
3 Si consilium presbyterale munus sibi in bonum dioecesis commissum non adimpleat aut eodem graviter abutatur,
Episcopus dioecesanus facta consultatione cum Metropolita, aut si de ipsa sede metropolitana agatur cum Episcopo
suffraganeo promotione antiquiore, illud dissolvere potest, sed intra annum debet noviter constituere.
3 If the council of priests does not fulfil the office entrusted to it for the welfare of the diocese, or if it gravely
abuses that office, it can be dissolved by the diocesan Bishop, after consultation with the Metropolitan, in the case
of a metropolitan see, the Bishop must first consult with the suffragan Bishop who is senior by promotion. Within a
year, however, the diocesan Bishop must reconstitute the council.

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1 Inter membra consilii presbyteralis ab Episcopo dioecesano libere nominantur aliqui sacerdotes, numero non minore
quam sex nec maiore quam duodecim, qui collegium consultorum ad quinquennium constituant, cui competunt munera
iure determinata; expleto tamen quinquennio munera sua propria exercere pergit usquedum novum collegium
1 From among the members of the council of priests, the diocesan Bishop freely appoints not fewer than six and
not more than twelve priests, who are for five years to constitute the college of consultors. To it belong the functions
determined by law; on the expiry of the five year period, however, it continues to exercise its functions until the new
college is constituted.
2 Collegio consultorum praeest Episcopus dioecesanus; sede autem impedita aut vacante, is qui ad interim Episcopi
locum tenet aut, si constitutus nondum fuerit, sacerdos ordinatione antiquior in collegio consultorum.
2 The diocesan Bishop presides over the college of consultors. If, however, the see is impeded or vacant, that
person presides who in the interim takes the Bishop's place or, if he has not yet been appointed, then the priest in
the college of consultors who is senior by ordination.
3 Episcoporum conferentia statuere potest ut munera collegii consultorum capitulo cathedrali committantur.
3 The Episcopal Conference can determine that the functions of the college of consultors be entrusted to the
cathedral chapter.
4 In vicariatu et praefectura apostolica munera collegii consultorum competunt consilio missionis, de quo in can. 495,
2, nisi aliud iure statuatur.
4 Unless the law provides otherwise, in a vicariate or prefecture apostolic the functions of the college of consultors
belong to the council of the mission mentioned in can. 495 2.




Capitulum canonicorum, sive cathedrale sive collegiale, est sacerdotum collegium, cuius est functiones liturgicas
sollemniores in ecclesia cathedrali aut collegiali persolvere; capituli cathedralis praeterea est munera adimplere, quae
iure aut ab Episcopo dioecesano ei committuntur.
A chapter of canons, whether cathedral or collegiate, is a college of priests, whose role is to celebrate the more
solemn liturgical functions in a cathedral or a collegiate church. It is for the cathedral chapter, besides, to fulfil
those roles entrusted to it by law or by the diocesan Bishop.


Capituli cathedralis erectio, innovatio aut suppressio Sedi Apostolicae reservantur.

The establishment, alteration or suppression of a cathedral chapter is reserved to the Apostolic See.


Unumquodque capitulum, sive cathedrale sive collegiale, sua habeat statuta, per legitimum actum capitularem condita
atque ab Episcopo dioecesano probata; quae statuta ne immutentur neve abrogentur nisi approbante eodem Episcopo
Every chapter, whether cathedral or collegiate, is to have its own statutes, established by lawful capitular act and
approved by the diocesan Bishop. These statutes are not to be changed or abrogated except with the approval of
the diocesan Bishop.


1 Statuta capituli, salvis semper fundationis legibus, ipsam capituli constitutionem et numerum canonicorum
determinent; definiant quaenam a capitulo et a singulis canonicis ad cultum divinum necnon administerium
persolvendum sint peragenda; decernant conventus in quibus capituli negotia agantur atque, salvis quidem iuris
universalis praescriptis, condiciones statuant ad validitatem liceitatemque negotiorum requisitas.
1 The statutes of a chapter, while preserving always the laws of the foundation, are to determine the nature of the
chapter and the number of canons. They are to define what the chapter and the individual canons are to do in
carrying out divine worship and their ministry. They are to decide the meetings at which chapter business is
conducted and, while observing the provisions of the universal law, they are to prescribe the conditions required for
the validity and for the lawfulness of the proceedings.

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2 In statutis etiam definiantur emolumenta, tum stabilia tum occasione perfuncti muneris solvenda necnon, attentis
normis a Sancta Sede latis, quaenam sint canonicorum insignia.
2 In the statutes the remuneration is also to be defined, both the fixed salary and the amounts to be paid on the
occasion of discharging the office, so too, having taken account of the norms laid down by the Holy See, the
insignia of the canons.

1 Inter canonicos habeatur qui capituli praesit, atque alia etiam constituantur officia ad normam statuorum, ratione
quoque habita usus in regione vigentis.
1 Among the canons there is to be one who presides over the chapter. In accordance with the statutes other
offices are also to be established, account having been taken of the practice prevailing in the region.
2 Clericis ad capitulum non pertinentibus, committi possunt alia officia, quibus ipsi, ad normam statuorum, canonicis
auxilium praebeant.
2 Other offices may be allotted to clerics not belonging to the chapter, so that, in accordance with the statutes,
they may provide assistance to the canons.


1 Paenitentiarius canonicus tum ecclesiae cathedralis tum ecclesiae collegialis vi officii habet facultatem ordinariam,
quam tamen aliis delegare non potest, absolvendi in foro sacramentali a censuris latae sententiae non declaratis,
Apostolicae Sedi non reservatis, in dioecesi extraneos quoque, dioecesanos autem etiam extra territorium dioecesis.
1 The canon penitentiary both of a cathedral church and of a collegiate church has by law ordinary faculties, which
he cannot however delegate to others, to absolve in the sacramental forum from latae sententiae censures which
have not been declared and are not reserved to the Holy See. Within the diocese he can absolve not only
diocesans but outsiders also, whereas he can absolve diocesans even outside the diocese.
2 Ubi deficit capitulum, Episcopus dioecesanus sacerdotem constituat ad idem munus implendum.
2 Where there is no chapter, the diocesan Bishop is to appoint a priest to fulfil this office.


1 Episcopi dioecesani, audito capitulo, non autem Administratoris dioecesani, est omnes et singulos conferre
canonicatus, tum in ecclesia cathedrali tum in ecclesia collegiali, revocato quolibet contrario privilegio; eiusdem
Episcopi est confirmare electum ab ipso capitulo, qui eidem praesit.
1 It belongs to the diocesan Bishop, after consultation with the chapter, but not to the diocesan Administrator, to
bestow each and every canonry both in the cathedral church and in a collegiate church, any privilege to the
contrary is revoked. It is also for the diocesan Bishop to confirm the person elected by the chapter to preside over
2 Canonicatus Episcopus dioecesanus conferat tantum sacerdotibus doctrina vitaeque integritate praestantibus, qui
laudabiliter ministerium exercuerunt.
2 The diocesan Bishop is to appoint to canonries only priests who are of sound doctrine and life and who have
exercised a praiseworthy ministry.


1 Capitulo canonicorum ne amplius uniantur paroeciae; quae unitae alicui capitulo exstent, ab Episcopo dioecesano a
capitulo separentur.
1 Parishes are no longer to be united with chapters of canons. Those which are united to a chapter are to be
separated from it by the diocesan Bishop.
2 In ecclesia, quae simul sit paroecialis et capitularis, designetur parochus, sive inter capitulares delectus, sive non qui
parochus omnibus obstringitur officiis atque gaudet iuribus et facultatibus quae ad normam iuris propria sunt parochi.
2 In a church which is at the same time a parochial and a capitular church, a parish priest is to be appointed,
whether chosen from the chapter or not. He is bound by all the obligations and he enjoys all the rights and faculties
which by law belong to a parish priest.
3 Episcopi dioecesani est certas statuere normas, quibus officia pastoralia parochi atque munera capitulo propria
debite componantur, cavendo ne parochus capitularibus nec capitulum paroecialibus functionibus impedimento sit;
conflictus, si quidam habeantur, dirimat Episcopus dioecesanus, qui imprimis curet ut fidelium necessitatibus
pastoralibus apte prospiciatur.
3 The diocesan Bishop is to establish certain norms whereby the pastoral duties of the parish priest and the roles
proper to the chapter are duly harmonised, so that the parish priest is not a hindrance to capitular functions, nor the

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chapter to those of the parish. Any conflicts which may arise are to be settled by the diocesan Bishop, who is to
ensure above all that the pastoral needs of the faithful are suitably provided for.
4 Quae ecclesiae, paroeciali simul et capitulari, conferantur eleemosynae, praesumuntur datae paroeciae, nisi aliud
4 Alms given to a church which is at the same time a parochial and a capitular church, are presumed to be given
to the parish, unless it is otherwise established.




In singulis dioecesibus, quatenus pastoralia adiuncta id suadeant, constituatur consilium pastorale, cuius est sub
auctoritate Episcopi ea quae opera pastoralia in dioecesi spectant investigare, perpendere atque de eis conclusiones
practicas proponere.
In each diocese, in so far as pastoral circumstances suggest, a pastoral council is to be established. Its function,
under the authority of the Bishop, is to study and weigh those matters which concern the pastoral works in the
diocese, and to propose practical conclusions concerning them.


1 Consilium pastorale constat christifidelibus qui in plena communione sint cum Ecclesia catholica, tum clericis, tum
membris institutorum vitae consecratae, tum praesertim laicis, quique designantur modo ab Episcopo dioecesano
1 A pastoral council is composed of members of Christ's faithful who are in full communion with the catholic
Church: clerics, members of institutes of consecrated life, and especially lay people. They are designated in the
manner determined by the diocesan Bishop.
2 Christifideles, qui deputantur ad consilium pastorale, ita seligantur ut per eos universa populi Dei portio, quae
dioecesim constituat, revera configuretur, ratione habita diversarum dioecesis regionum, condicionum socialium et
professionum, necnon partis quam sive singuli sive cum aliis coniuncti in apostolatu habent.
2 The members of Christ's faithful assigned to the pastoral council are to be selected in such a way that the
council truly reflects the entire portion of the people of God which constitutes the diocese, taking account of the
different regions of the diocese, of social conditions and professions, and of the part played in the apostolate by the
members, whether individually or in association with others.
3 Ad consilium pastorale ne deputentur nisi christifideles certa fide, bonis moribus et prudentia praestantes.
3 Only those members of Christ's faithful who are outstanding in firm faith, high moral standards and prudence
are to be assigned to the pastoral council.


1 Consilium pastorale constituitur ad tempus, iuxta praescripta statuorum, quae ab Episcopo dantur.
1 The pastoral council is appointed for a determinate period, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes
drawn up by the Bishop.
2 Sede vacante, consilium pastorale cessat.
2 When the see is vacant, the pastoral council lapses.


1 Consilium pastorale, quod voto gaudet tantum consultivo, iuxta necessitates apostolatus convocare eique praeesse ad
solum Episcopum dioecesanum pertinet; ad quem etiam unice spectat,quae in consilio pertractata sunt publici iuris
1 The pastoral council has only a consultative vote. It is for the diocesan Bishop alone to convene it, according to
the needs of the apostolate, and to preside over it. He alone has the right to make public the matters dealt with in
the council.
2 Saltem semel in anno convocetur.
2 It is to be convened at least once a year.

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1 Paroecia est certa communitas christifidelium in Ecclesia particulari stabiliter constituta, cuius cura pastoralis, sub
auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani, committitur parocho, qua proprio eiusdem pastori.
1 A parish is a certain community of Christ's faithful stably established within a particular Church, whose pastoral
care, under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, is entrusted to a parish priest as its proper pastor.
2 Paroecias erigere, supprimere aut eas innovare unius est Episcopi dioecesani, qui paroecias ne erigat aut supprimat,
neve eas notabiliter innovet, nisi audito consilio presbyterali.
2 The diocesan Bishop alone can establish, suppress or alter parishes. He is not to establish, suppress or notably
alter them unless he has consulted the council of priests.
3 Paroecia legitime erecta personalitate iuridica ipso iure gaudet.
3 A lawfully established parish has juridical personality by virtue of the law itself.


1 Nisi aliud iure caveatur, paroeciae aequiparatur quasi-paroecia, quae est certa in Ecclesia particulari communitas
christifidelium, sacerdoti uti pastori proprio commissa, ob peculiaria adiuncta in paroeciam nondum erecta.
1 Unless the law provides otherwise, a quasi-parish is equivalent to a parish. A quasi-parish is a certain
community of Christ's faithful within a particular Church, entrusted to a priest as its proper pastor, but because of
special circumstances not yet established as a parish.
2 Ubi quaedam communitates in paroeciam vel quasi-paroeciam erigi non possint, Episcopus dioecesanus alio modo
earundem pastorali curae prospiciat.
2 Where some communities cannot be established as parishes or quasi-parishes, the diocesan Bishop is to
provide for their spiritual care in some other way.


1 Ubi adiuncta id requirant, paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum cura pastoralis committi potest pluribus in
solidum sacerdotibus, ea tamen lege, ut eorundem unus curae pastoralis exercendae sit moderator, qui nempe actionem
coniunctam dirigat atque de eadem coram Episcopo respondeat.
1 Where circumstances so require, the pastoral care of a parish, or of a number of parishes together, can be
entrusted to several priests jointly, but with the stipulation that one of the priests is to be the moderator of the
pastoral care to be exercised. This moderator is to direct the joint action and to be responsible for it to the Bishop.
2 Si ob sacerdotum penuriam Episcopus dioecesanus aestimaverit participationem in exercitio curae pastoralis
paroeciae concredendam esse diacono aliive personae sacerdotali charactere non insignitae aut personarum
communitati, sacerdotem constituat aliquem qui, potestatibus et facultatibus parochi instructus, curam pastoralem
2 If, because of a shortage of priests, the diocesan Bishop has judged that a deacon, or some other person who is
not a priest, or a community of persons, should be entrusted with a share in the exercise of the pastoral care of a
parish, he is to appoint some priest who, with the powers and faculties of a parish priest, will direct the pastoral


Paroecia regula generali sit territorialis, quae scilicet omnes complectatur christifideles certi territorii; ubi vero id
expediat, constituantur paroeciae personales, ratione ritus, linguae, nationis christifidelium alicuius territorii atque
alia etiam ratione determinatae.
As a general rule, a parish is to be territorial, that is, it is to embrace all Christ's faithful of a given territory. Where it
is useful however, personal parishes are to be established, determined by reason of the rite, language or nationality
of the faithful of a certain territory, or on some other basis.


Parochus est pastor proprius paroeciae sibi commissae, cura pastorali communitatis sibi concreditae fungens sub
auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani, cuius in partem ministerii Christi vocatus est, ut pro eadem communitate munera
exsequatur docendi, sanctificandi et regendi, cooperantibus etiam aliis presbyteris vel diaconis atque operam
conferentibus christifidelibus laicis, ad normam iuris.
The parish priest is the proper pastor of the parish entrusted to him. He exercises the pastoral care of the
community entrusted to him under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, whose ministry of Christ he is called to
share, so that for this community he may carry out the offices of teaching, sanctifying and ruling with the

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cooperation of other priests or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of Christ's faithful, in accordance
with the law.

1 Persona iuridica ne sit parochus; Episcopus autem dioecesanus, non vero Administrator dioecesanus, de consensu
competentis Superioris, potest paroeciam committere instituto religioso clericali vel societati clericali vitae apostolicae,
eam erigendo etiam in ecclesia instituti aut societatis, hac tamen lege ut unus presbyter sit paroeciae parochus, aut, si
cura pastoralis pluribus in solidum committatur, moderator, de quo in can. 517, 1.
1 A juridical person may not be a parish priest. However, the diocesan Bishop, but not the diocesan Administrator,
can, with the consent of the competent Superior, entrust a parish to a clerical religious institute or to a clerical
society of apostolic life, even by establishing it in the church of the institute or society, subject however to the rule
that one priest be the parish priest or, if the pastoral care is entrusted to several priests jointly, that there be a
moderator as mentioned in can. 517 1.
2 Paroeciae commissio, de qua in 1, fieri potest sive in perpetuum sive ad certum praefinitum tempus; in utroque
casu fiat mediante conventione scripta inter Episcoporum dioecesanum et competentem Superiorem instituti vel
societatis inita, qua inter alia expresse et accurate definiantur, quae ad opus explendum, ad personas eidem addicendas
et ad oeconomicas spectent.
2 The entrustment of a parish, as in 1, may be either in perpetuity or for a specified time. In either case this is to
be done by means of a written agreement made between the diocesan Bishop and the competent Superior of the
institute or society. This agreement must expressly and accurately define, among other things, the work to be done,
the persons to be assigned to it and the financial arrangements.


1 Ut quis valide in parochum assumatur, oportet sit in sacro presbyteratus ordine constitutus.
1 To be validly appointed a parish priest, one must be in the sacred order of priesthood.
2 Sit praeterea sana doctrina et morum probitate praestans, animarum zelo aliisque virtutibus praeditus, atque
insuper qualitatibus gaudeat quae ad paroeciam, de qua agitur, curandam iure sive universali sive particulari
2 He is also to be outstanding in sound doctrine and uprightness of character, endowed with zeal for souls and
other virtues, and possessed of those qualities which by universal or particular law are required for the care of the
parish in question.
3 Ad officium parochi alicui conferendum, oportet de eius idoneitate, modo ab Episcopo dioecesano determinato, etiam
per examen, certo constet.
3 In order that one be appointed to the office of parish priest, his suitability must be clearly established, in a
manner determined by the diocesan Bishop, even by examination.


Parochus stabilitate gaudeat oportet ideoque ad tempus indefinitum nominetur; ad certum tempus tantum ab Episcopo
dioecesano nominari potest, si id ab Episcoporum conferentia per decretum admissum fuerit.
It is necessary that a parish priest have the benefit of stability, and therefore he is to be appointed for an
indeterminate period of time. The diocesan Bishop may appoint him for a specified period of time only if the
Episcopal Conference has by decree allowed this.


Firmo praescripto can. 682, 1, parochi officii provisio Episcopo dioecesano competit et quidem libera collatione, nisi
cuidam sit ius praesentationis aut electionis.
Without prejudice to can. 682, appointment to the office of parish priest belongs to the diocesan Bishop, who is free
to confer it on whomsoever he wishes, unless someone else has a right of presentation or election.


Vacantem paroeciam Episcopus dioecesanus conferat illi quem, omnibus perpensis adiunctis, aestimet idoneum ad
paroecialem curam in eadem implendam, omni personarum acceptione remota ut iudicium de idoneitate ferat, audiat
vicarium foraneum aptasque investigationes peragat, auditis, si casus ferat, certis presbyteris necnon christifidelibus
The diocesan Bishop is to confer a vacant parish on the one whom, after consideration of all the circumstances, he
judges suitable for the parochial care of that parish, without any preference of persons. In order to assess
suitability, he is to consult the vicar forane, conduct suitable enquiries and, if it is appropriate, seek the view of
some priests and lay members of Christ's faithful.

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Sede vacante aut impedita, ad Administratorem dioecesanum aliumve dioecesim ad interim regentem pertinet:
When a see is vacant or impeded, it is for the diocesan Administrator or whoever governs the diocese in the

institutionem vel confirmationem concedere presbyteris, qui ad paroeciam legitime praesentati aut electi fuerint;
to institute priests lawfully presented for a parish or to confirm those lawfully elected to one;

parochos nominare, si sedes ab anno vacaverit aut impedita sit.

to appoint parish priests if the see has been vacant or impeded for a year.

1 Parochus unius paroeciae tantum curam paroecialem habeat; ob penuriam tamen sacerdotum aut alia adiuncta,
plurium vicinarum paroeciarum cura eidem parocho concredi potest.
1 A parish priest is to have the parochial care of one parish only. However, because of a shortage of priests or
other circumstances, the care of a number of neighbouring parishes can be entrusted to the one parish priest.
2 In eadem paroecia unus tantum habeatur parochus aut moderator ad normam can. 517, 1, reprobata contraria
consuetudine et revocato quolibet contrario privilegio.
2 In any one parish there is to be only one parish priest, or one moderator in accordance with can. 517 1; any
contrary custom is reprobated and any contrary privilege revoked.


1 Qui ad curam pastoralem paroeciae gerendam promotus est, eandem obtinet et exercere tenetur a momento captae
1 One who is promoted to exercise the pastoral care of a parish obtains this care and is bound to exercise it from
the moment he takes possession.
2 Parochum in possessionem mittit loci Ordinarius aut sacerdos ab eodem delegatus, servato modo lege particulari aut
legitima consuetudine recepto; iusta tamen de causa potest idem Ordinarius ab eo modo dispensare; quo in casu
intimatio dispensatio paroeciae notificata locum tenet captae possessionis.
2 The local Ordinary or a priest delegated by him puts the parish priest into possession, in accordance with the
procedure approved by particular law or by lawful custom. For a just reason, however, the same Ordinary can
dispense from this procedure, in which case the communication of the dispensation to the parish replaces the
taking of possession.
3 Loci Ordinarius praefiniat tempus intra quod paroeciae possessio capi debeat; quo inutiliter praeterlapso, nisi
iustum obstiterit impedimentum, paroeciam vacare declarare potest.
3 The local Ordinary is to determine the time within which the parish priest must take possession of the parish. If,
in the absence of a lawful impediment, he has not taken possession within this time, the local Ordinary can declare
the parish vacant.


1 Parochus obligatione tenetur providendi ut Dei verbum integre in paroecia degentibus annuntietur quare curet ut
christifideles laici in fidei veritatibus edoceantur, praesertim homilia diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto habenda
necnon catechetica institutione tradenda, atque foveat opera quibus spiritus evangelicus, etiam ad iustitiam socialem
quod attinet, promoveatur peculiarem curam habeat de puerorum iuvenumque educatione catholica omni ope satagat,
associata etiam sibi christifidelium opera, ut nuntius evangelicus ad eos quoque perveniat, qui a religione colenda
recesserint aut veram fidem non profiteantur.
1 The parish priest has the obligation of ensuring that the word of God is proclaimed in its entirety to those living
in the parish. He is therefore to see to it that the lay members of Christ's faithful are instructed in the truths of faith,
especially by means of the homily on Sundays and holydays of obligation and by catechetical formation. He is to
foster works which promote the spirit of the Gospel, including its relevance to social justice. He is to have a special
care for the catholic education of children and young people. With the collaboration of the faithful, he is to make
every effort to bring the gospel message to those also who have given up religious practice or who do not profess
the true faith.
2 Consulat parochus ut sanctissima Eucharistia centrum sit congregationis fidelium paroecialis; allaboret ut
christifideles per devotam sacramentorum celebrationem, pascantur, peculiarique modo ut frequenter ad sanctissimae
Eucharistiae et paenitentiae sacramenta accedant; annitatur item ut iidem ad orationem etiam in familiis peragendam

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ducantur atque conscie et actuose partem habeant in sacra liturgia, quam quidem, sub auctoritate Episcopi dioecesani,
parochus in sua paroecia moderari debet et, ne abusus irrepant, invigilare tenetur.
2 The parish priest is to take care that the blessed Eucharist is the centre of the parish assembly of the faithful. He
is to strive to ensure that the faithful are nourished by the devout celebration of the sacraments, and in particular
that they frequently approach the sacraments of the blessed Eucharist and penance. He is to strive to lead them to
prayer, including prayer in their families, and to take a live and active part in the sacred liturgy. Under the authority
of the diocesan Bishop, the parish priest must direct this liturgy in his own parish, and he is bound to be on guard
against abuses.

1 Officium pastoris sedulo ut adimpleat, parochus fideles suae curae commissos cognoscere satagat; ideo familias
visitet, fidelium sollicitudines, angores et luctus praesertim participans eosque in Domino confortans necnon, si in
quibusdam defecerint, prudenter corrigens; aegrotos, praesertim morti proximos, effusa caritate adiuvet, eos sollicite
sacramentis reficiendo eorumque animas Deo commendando; peculiari diligentia prosequatur pauperes, afflictos,
solitarios, e patria exsules itemque pecularibus difficultatibus gravatos; allaboret etiam ut coniuges et parentes ad
officia propria implenda sustineantur et in familia vitae christianae incrementum foveat.
1 So that he may fulfil his office of pastor diligently, the parish priest is to strive to know the faithful entrusted to
his care. He is therefore to visit their families, sharing in their cares and anxieties and, in a special way, their
sorrows, comforting them in the Lord. If in certain matters they are found wanting, he is prudently to correct them.
He is to help the sick and especially the dying in great charity, solicitiously restoring them with the sacraments and
commending their souls to God. He is to be especially diligent in seeking out the poor, the suffering, the lonely,
those who are exiled from their homeland, and those burdened with special difficulties. He is to strive also to ensure
that spouses and parents are sustained in the fulfilment of their proper duties, and to foster the growth of christian
life in the family.
2 Partem quam christifideles laici in missione Ecclesiae propriam habent, parochus agnoscat et promoveat,
consociationes eorundem ad fines religionis fovendo. Cum proprio Episcopo et cum dioecesis presbyterio cooperetur,
allaborans etiam ut fideles communionis paroecialis curam habeant, iidemque tum dioecesis tum Ecclesiae universae
membra se sentiant operaque ad eandem communionem promovendam participent vel sustineant.
2 The parish priest is to recognise and promote the specific role which the lay members of Christ's faithful have in
the mission of the Church, fostering their associations which have religious purposes. He is to cooperate with his
proper Bishop and with the presbyterium of the diocese. Moreover, he is to endeavour to ensure that the faithful are
concerned for the community of the parish, that they feel themselves to be members both of the diocese and of the
universal Church, and that they take part in and sustain works which promote this community.


Functiones specialiter parocho commissae sunt quae sequuntur:

The functions especially entrusted to the parish priest are as follows:

administratio baptismi;
the administration of baptism;

administratio sacramenti confirmationis iis qui in periculo mortis versantur, ad normam can. 883, n. 3;
the administration of the sacrament of confirmation to those in danger of death, in accordance with can. 883,
n. 3;

administratio Viatici necnon unctionis infirmorum, firmo praescripto can. 1003, 2 et 3, atque apostolicae
benedictionis impertiti;
the administration of Viaticum and of the anointing of the sick, without prejudice to can. 1003 2 and 3, and
the imparting of the apostolic blessing;

assistentia matrimoniis et benedictio nuptiarum;

the assistance at marriages and the nuptial blessing;

persolutio funerum;
the conducting of funerals;

fontis baptismalis tempore paschali benedictio, ductur processionum extra ecclesiam, necnon benedictiones extra
ecclesiam solemnes;

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the blessing of the baptismal font at paschal time, the conduct of processions outside the church, and the
giving of solemn blessings outside the church;

celebratio eucharistica sollemnior diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto.

the more solemn celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays and holydays of obligation.


Licet paroeciale quoddam munus alius expleverit, oblationes quas hac occasione a christifidelibus recipit ad massam
paroecialem deferat, nisi de contraria offerentis voluntate constet quoad oblationes voluntarias; Episcopo dioecesano,
audito consilio presbyterali, competit statuere praescripta, quibus destinationi harum oblationum necnon
remunerationi clericorum idem munus implentium provideatur.
Even though another person has performed some parochial function, he is to give the offering he receives from the
faithful on that occasion to the parish fund unless, in respect of voluntary offerings, there is a clear contrary
intention on the donor's part; it is for the diocesan Bishop, after consulting the council of priests, to prescribe
regulations concerning the destination of these offerings and to provide for the remuneration of clerics who fulfil
such a parochial function.


In omnibus negotiis iuridicis parochus personam gerit paroeciae, ad normam iuris curet ut bona paroeciae
administrentur ad normam cann. 1281-1288.
In all juridical matters, the parish priest acts in the person of the parish, in accordance with the law. He is to ensure
that the parish goods are administered in accordance with cann. 1281-1288.


1 Parochus obligatione tenetur residendi in domo paroeciali prope ecclesiam; in casibus tamen particularibus, si iusta
adsit causa, loci Ordinarius permittere potest ut alibi commoretur, praesertim in domo pluribus presbyteris communi,
dummodo paroecialium perfunctioni munerum rite apteque sit provisum.
1 The parish priest is obliged to reside in the parochial house, near the church. In particular cases, however,
where there is a just reason, the local Ordinary may permit him to reside elsewhere, especially in a house common
to several priests, provided the carrying out of the parochial duties is properly and suitably catered for.
2 Nisi gravis obstet ratio, parocho, feriarum gratia, licet quotannis a paroecia abesse ad summum per unum mensem
continuum aut intermissum; quo in feriarum tempore dies non computantur, quibus semel in anno parochus spirituali
recessui vacat; parochus autem, ut ultra hebdomadam a paroecia absit, tenetur de hoc loci Ordinarium monere.
2 Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, the parish priest may each year be absent on holiday from his
parish for a period not exceeding one month, continuous or otherwise. The days which the parish priest spends on
the annual spiritual retreat are not reckoned in this period of vacation. For an absence from the parish of more than
a week, however, the parish priest is bound to advise the local Ordinary.
3 Episcopi dioecesani est normas statuere quibus prospiciatur ut, parochi absentia durante, curae provideatur
paroeciae per sacerdotem debitis facultatibus instructum.
3 It is for the diocesan Bishop to establish norms by which, during the parish priest's absence, the care of the
parish is provided for by a priest with the requisite faculties.


1 Parochus, post captam paroeciae possessionem, obligatione tenetur singulis diebus dominicis atque festis in sua
dioecesi de praecepto Missam pro populo sibi commisso applicandi; qui vero ab hac celebratione legitime impediatur,
iisdem diebus per alium aut aliis diebus per se ipse applicet.
1 When he has taken possession of his parish, the parish priest is bound on each Sunday and holyday of
obligation in his diocese to apply the Mass for the people entrusted to him. If he is lawfully impeded from this
celebration, he is to have someone else apply the Mass on these days or apply it himself on other days.
2 Parochus, qui plurium paroeciarum curam habet, diebus de quibus in 1, unam tantum Missam pro universo sibi
commisso populo applicare tenetur.
2 A parish priest who has the care of several parishes is bound to apply only one Mass on the days mentioned in
1, for all the people entrusted to him.
3 Parochus qui obligationi de qua in 1 et 2 non satisfecerit, quam primum pro populo tot Missas applicet, quot
3 A parish priest who has not discharged the obligations mentioned in 1 and 2, is as soon as possible to apply
for the people as many Masses as he has omitted.

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1 In unaquaque paroecia habeantur libri paroeciales, liber scilicet baptizatorum, matrimoniorum, defunctorum,
aliique secundum Episcoporum conferentiae aut Episcopi dioecesani praescripta; prospiciat parochus ut iidem libri
accuratea conscribantur atque diligenter asserventur.
1 In each parish there are to be parochial registers, that is, of baptisms, of marriages and of deaths, and any
other registers prescribed by the Episcopal Conference or by the diocesan Bishop. The parish priest is to ensure
that entries are accurately made and that the registers are carefully preserved.
2 In libro baptizatorum adnotentur quoque confirmatio, necnon quae pertinent ad statum canonicum christifidelium,
ratione matrimonii, salvo quidem praescripto can. 1133, ratione adoptionis, itemque ratione suspecti ordinis sacri,
professionis perpetuae in instituto religioso emissae necnon mutati ritus; eaeque adnotationes in documento accepti
baptismi semper referantur.
2 In the register of baptisms, a note is to be made of confirmation and of matters pertaining to the canonical
status of the faithful by reason of marriage, without prejudice to the provision of can. 1133, and by reason of
adoption, the reception of sacred order, the making of perpetual profession in a religious institute, or a change of
rite. These annotations are always to be reproduced on a baptismal certificate.
3 Unicuique paroecia sit proprium sigillum; testimonia quae destatu canonico christifidelium dantur, sicut et acta
omnia quae momentum iuridicum habere possunt, ab ipso parocho eiusve delegato subscribantur et sigillo paroeciali
3 Each parish is to have its own seal. Certificates concerning the canonical status of the faithful, and all acts
which can have juridical significance, are to be signed by the parish priest or his delegate and secured with the
parochial seal.
4 In unaquaque paroeciae habeatur tabularium seu archivum, in quo libri paroeciales custodiantur, una cum
Episcoporum epistulis aliisque documentis, necessitatis utilitatisve causa servandis; quae omnia, ab Episcopo
dioecesano eiusve delegato, visitationis vel alio opportuno tempore inspicienda, parochus caveat ne ad extraneorum
manus perveniant.
4 In each parish there is to be an archive, in which the parochial books are to be kept, together with episcopal
letters and other documents which it may be necessary or useful to preserve. On the occasion of visitation or at
some other opportune time, the diocesan Bishop or his delegate is to inspect all of these matters. The parish priest
is to take care that they do not fall into unauthorised hands.
5 Libri paroeciales antiquiores quoque diligenter custodiantur, secundum praescripta iuris particularis.
5 Older parochial registers are also to be carefully safeguarded, in accordance with the provisions of particular


1 Si, de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani, audito consilio presbyterali, opportunum sit, in unaquaque paroecia constituatur
consilium pastorale, cui parochus praeest et in quo christifideles una cum illis qui curam pastoralem vi officii sui in
paroecia participant, ad actionem pastoralem fovendam suum adiutorium praestent.
1 If, after consulting the council of priests, the diocesan Bishop considers it opportune, a pastoral council is to be
established in each parish. In this council, which is presided over by the parish priest, Christ's faithful, together with
those who by virtue of their office are engaged in pastoral care in the parish, give their help in fostering pastoral
2 Consilium pastorale voto gaudet tantum consultivo et regitur normis ab Episcopo dioecesano statutis.
2 The pastoral council has only a consultative vote, and it is regulated by the norms laid down by the diocesan


In unaquaque paroecia habeatur consilium a rebus oeconomicis, quod praeterquam iure universali, regitur normis ab
Episcopo dioecesano latis et in quo christifideles, secundum easdem normas selecti, parocho in administratione
bonorum paroecia adiutorio sint, firmo praescripto can. 532.
In each parish there is to be a finance committee to help the parish priest in the administration of the goods of the
parish, without prejudice to can. 532. It is ruled by the universal law and by the norms laid down by the diocesan
Bishop, and it is comprised of members of the faithful selected according to these norms.

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1 Parochus ab officio cessat amotione aut translatione ab Episcopo dioecesano ad normam iuris peracta, renuntiatione
iusta de causa ab ipso parocho facta et, ut valeat, ab eodem Episcopo acceptata, necnon lapsu temporis si, iuxta iuris
particularis de quo in can. 522 praescripta, ad tempus determinatum constitutus fuerit.
1 A parish priest ceases to hold office by removal or transfer effected by the diocesan Bishop in accordance with
the law; by his personal resignation, for a just reason, which for validity requires that it be accepted by the diocesan
Bishop; and by the lapse of time if, in accordance with the particular law mentioned in can. 522, he was appointed
for a specified period of time.
2 Parochus, qui est sodalis instituti religiosi aut in societate vitae apostolicae incardinatus, ad normam can. 682, 2
2 A parish priest who is a member of a religious institute or is incardinated in a society of apostolic life, is removed
in accordance with can. 682 2.
3 Parochus, expleto septuagesimo quinto aetatis anno, rogatur ut renuntiationem ab officio exhibeat Episcopo
dioecesano, qui, omnibus personae et loci inspectis adiunctis, de eadem acceptanda aut differenda decernat;
renuntiantis congruae sustentationi et habitationi ab Episcopo dioecesano providendum est, attentis normis ab
Episcoporum conferentia statutis.
3 A parish priest who has completed his seventy fifth year of age is requested to offer his resignation from office to
the diocesan Bishop who, after considering all the circumstances of person and place, is to decide whether to
accept or defer it. Having taken account of the norms laid down by the Episcopal Conference, the diocesan Bishop
must make provision for the appropriate maintenance and residence of the priest who has resigned.


Cum vacat paroecia aut cum parochus ratione captivitatis, exsilii vel relegationis, inhabilitatis vel infirmae valetudinis
aliusve causae a munere pastorali in paroecia exercendo praepeditur, ab Episcopo dioecesano quam primum deputetur
administrator paroecialis, sacerdos scilicet qui parochi vicem suppleat ad normam can. 540.
When a parish is vacant, or when the parish priest is prevented from exercising his pastoral office in the parish by
reason of imprisonment, exile or banishment, or by reason of incapacity or ill health or some other cause, the
diocesan Bishop is as soon as possible to appoint a parochial administrator, that is, a priest who will take the place
of the parish priest in accordance with can. 540.


1 Administrator paroecialis iisdem adstringitur officiis iisdemque gaudet iuribus ac parochus, nisi ab Episcopo
dioecesano aliter statuatur.
1 The parochial administrator is bound by the same obligations and has the same rights as a parish priest, unless
the diocesan Bishop prescribes otherwise.
2 Administratori paroeciali nihil agere licet, quod praeiudicium afferat iuribus parochi aut damno esse possit bonis
2 The parochial administrator may not do anything which could prejudice the rights of the parish priest or could do
harm to parochial property.
3 Administrator paroecialis post expletum munus parocho rationem reddat.
3 When he has discharged his office, the parochial administrator is to give an account to the parish priest.


1 Vacante paroecia itemque parocho a munere pastorali exercendo impedito, ante administratoris paroecialis
constitutionem, paroeciae regimen interim assumat vicarius paroecialis; si plures sint, is qui sit nominatione antiquior,
et si vicarii desint, parochus iure particulari definitus.
1 When a parish is vacant, or when the parish priest is impeded from exercising his pastoral office, pending the
appointment of a parochial administrator the interim governance of the parish is to be undertaken by the assistant
priest; if there are a number of assistants, by the senior by appointment; if there are none, by the parish priest
determined by particular law.
2 Qui paroeciae regimen ad normam 1 assumpserit, loci Ordinarium de paroeciae vacatione statim certiorem faciat.
2 The one who has undertaken the governance of the parish in accordance with 1, is at once to inform the local
Ordinary of the parish vacancy.


Sacerdotes quibus in solidum, ad normam can. 517, 1, alicuius paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum cura
pastoralis committitur:

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The priests to whom, in accordance with can. 516 1[1 ],is jointly entrusted the pastoral care of a parish or of a
number of parishes together:


praediti sint oportet qualitatibus, de quibus in can. 521;

must possess the qualities mentioned in can. 521;

nominentur vel instituantur ad normam praescriptorum cann. 522 et 524;

are to be appointed in accordance with cann. 522 and 524;

curam pastoralem obtinent tantum a momento captae possessionis; eorundem moderator in possessionem mittitur
ad normam praescriptorum can. 527, 2; pro ceteris vero sacerdotibus fidei professio legitime facta locum tenet
captae possessionis.
obtain the pastoral care only from the moment of taking possession: their moderator is put into possession in
accordance with can. 527 2; for the other priests, the profession of faith lawfully made replaces the taking of

1 Si sacerdotibus in solidum cura pastoralis alicuius paroeciae aut diversarum simul paroeciarum committatur, singuli
eorum, iuxta ordinationem ab iisdem statutam, obligatione tenentur munera et functiones parochi persolvendi de
quibus in cann. 528, 529 et 530; facultas matrimoniis assistendi, sicuti et potestates omnes dispensandi ipso iure
parocho concessae, omnibus competunt, exercendae tamen sunt sub directione moderatoris.
1 Each of the priests to whom the care of a parish or of a number of parishes together is jointly entrusted, is
bound to fulfil the duties and functions of a parish priest mentioned in cann. 528, 529 and 530. They are to do this
according to a plan determined among themselves. The faculty to assist at marriages, and all the faculties to
dispense which are given to a parish priest by virtue of the law itself, belong to all, but are to be exercised under the
direction of the moderator.
2 Sacerdotes omnes qui ad coetum pertinent:
2 All the priests who belong to the group:

obligatione tenentur residentiae;

are bound by the obligation of residence;

communi consilio ordinationem statuant, qua eorum unus Missam pro populo celebret, ad normam can. 534;
are by common counsel to establish an arrangement by which one of them celebrates the Mass for the
people, in accordance with can. 534.

solus moderator in negotiis iuridicis personam gerit paroeciae aut paroeciarum coetui commissarum.
[2 ]in juridical affairs, only the moderator acts in the person of the parish or parishes entrusted to the group.


Cum cesset ab officio aliquis sacerdos e coetu, de quo in can. 517, 1, vel coetus moderator, itemque cum eorundem
aliquis inhabilis fiat ad munus pastorale exercendum, non vacat paroecia vel paroeciae, quarum cura coetui
committitur; Episcopi autem dioecesani est alium nominare moderatorem; antequam vero ab Episcopo alius nominetur,
hoc munus adimpleat sacerdos eiusdem coetus nominatione antiquior.
544 When one of the priests, or the moderator, of the group mentioned in can. 517 1 ceases to hold office, or
when any member of it becomes incapable of exercising his pastoral office, the parish or parishes whose care is
entrusted to the group do not become vacant. It is for the diocesan Bishop to appoint another moderator; until he is
appointed by the Bishop, the priest of the group who is senior by appointment is to fulfil this office.


1 Quoties ad pastoralem paroeciae curam debite adimplendam necesse aut opportunum sit, parocho adiungi possunt
unus aut plures vicarii paroeciales, qui, tamquam parochi cooperatores eiusque sollicitudinis participes, communi cum
parocho consilio et studio, atque sub eiusdem auctoritate operam in ministerio pastorali praestent.
1 Whenever it is necessary or opportune for the due pastoral care of the parish, one or more assistant priests can
be joined with the parish priest. As cooperators with the parish priest and sharers in his concern, they are, by
common counsel and effort with the parish priest and under his authority, to labour in the pastoral ministry.

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2 Vicarius paroecialis constitui potest sive ut opem ferat in universo ministerio pastorali explendo, et quidem aut pro
tota paroecia aut pro determinata paroeciae parte aut pro certo paroeciae christifidelium coetu, sive etiam ut operam
impendat in certum ministerium in diversis simul paroeciis persolvendum.
2 An assistant priest may be appointed either to help in exercising the entire pastoral ministry, whether in the
whole parish or in a part of it or for a particular group of the faithful within it, or even to help in carrying out a
specific ministry in a number of parishes at the same time.

Ut quis valide vicarius paroecialis nominetur, oportet sit in sacro presbyteratus ordine constitutus.
To be validly appointed an assistant priest, one must be in the sacred order of priesthood.


Vicarium paroecialem libere nominat Episcopus dioecesanus, auditis, si opportunum id iudicaverit, parocho aut
parochis paroeciarum pro quibus constituitur, necnon vicario foraneo, firmo praescripto can. 682, 1.
The diocesan Bishop freely appoints an assistant priest; if he has judged it opportune, he will have consulted the
parish priest or parish priests of the parishes to which the assistant is appointed, and the Vicar forane, without
prejudice to can. 682 1.


1 Vicarii paroecialis obligationes et iura, praeterquam canonibus huius capitis, statutis dioecesanis necnon litteris
Episcopi dioecesani definiuntur, specialius autem mandato parochi determinantur.
1 The obligations and rights of assistant priests are defined not only by the canons of this chapter, but also by the
diocesan statutes, and by the letter of the diocesan Bishop ; they are more specifically determined by the directions
of the parish priest.
2 Nisi aliud expresse litteris Episcopi dioecesani caveatur, vicarius paroecialis ratione officii obligatione tenetur
parochum in universo paroeciali ministerio adiuvandi, excepta quidem applicatione Missae pro populo, itemque, si res
ferat ad normam iuris, parochi vicem supplendi.
2 Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the letter of the diocesan Bishop, the assistant priest is by virtue of
his office bound to help the parish priest in the entire parochial ministry, with the exception of the application of the
Mass for the people. Likewise, if the matter should arise in accordance with the law, he is bound to take the place
of the parish priest.
3 Vicarius paroecialis regulariter de inceptis pastoralibus prospectis et susceptis ad parochum referat, ita ut parochus
et vicarius aut vicarii, coniunctis viribus, pastorali curae providere valeant paroeciae, cuius simul sunt sponsores.
3 The assistant priest is to report regularly to the parish priest on pastoral initiatives, both those planned and
those already undertaken. In this way the parish priest and the assistant or assistants can by their joint efforts
provide a pastoral care of the parish for which they are together answerable.


Absente parocho, nisi aliter Episcopus dioecesanus providerit ad normam can. 533, 3, et nisi Administrator paroecialis
constitutus fuerit, serventur praescripta can. 541, 1; vicarius hoc in casu omnibus etiam obligationibus tenetur
parochi, excepta obligatione applicandi Missam pro populo.
When the parish priest is absent, the norms of can. 541 1 are to be observed, unless the diocesan Bishop has
provided otherwise in accordance with can. 533 3, or unless a parochial administrator has been appointed. If can.
541 1 is applied, the assistant priest is bound by all the obligations of the parish priest, with the exception of the
obligation to apply the Mass for the people.


1 Vicarius paroecialis obligatione tenetur residendi in paroecia aut, si pro diversis simul paroeciis constitutus est, in
earum aliqua; loci tamen Ordinarius, iusta de causa, permittere potest ut alibi resideat, praesertim in domo pluribus
presbyteris communi, dummodo pastoralium perfunctio munerum nullum exinde detrimentum capiat.
1 The assistant priest is bound to reside in the parish or, if he is appointed for a number of parishes at the same
time, in one of them. For a just reason, however, the local Ordinary may permit him to reside elsewhere, especially
in a house common to several priests, provided the carrying out of the pastoral duties does not in any way suffer
2 Curet loci Ordinarius ut inter parochum et vicarios aliqua vitae communis consuetudo in domo paroeciali, ubi id
fieri possit, provehatur.
2 The local Ordinary is to see to it that, where it is possible, some manner of common life in the parochial house
be encouraged between the parish priest and the assistants.

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3 Ad tempus feriarum quod attinet, vicarius paroecialis eodem gaudet iure ac parochus.
3 As far as holidays are concerned, the assistant priest has the same rights as the parish priest.

Ad oblationes quod attinet, quas occasione perfuncti ministerii pastoralis christifideles vicario faciunt, serventur
praescripta can. 531.
The provisions of can. 531 are to be observed in respect of offerings which Christ's faithful make to the assistant
priest on the occasion of his exercise of the pastoral ministry.


Vicarius paroecialis ab Episcopo dioecesano aut ab Administratore dioecesano amoveri potest, iusta de causa, firmo
praescripto can. 682, 2.
Without prejudice to can. 682 2, an assistant priest may for a just reason be removed by the diocesan Bishop or
the diocesan Administrator.



1 Vicarius foraneus, qui etiam decanus vel archipresbyter vel alio nomine vocatur, est sacerdos qui vicariatui foraneo
1 The Vicar forane, known also as the dean or the archpriest or by some other title, is the priest who is placed in
charge of a vicariate forane.
2 Nisi aliud iure particulari statuatur, vicarius foraneus nominatur ab Episcopo dioecesano, auditis pro suo prudenti
iudicio sacerdotibus qui in vicariatu de quo agitur ministerium exercent.
2 Unless it is otherwise prescribed by particular law, the Vicar forane is appointed by the diocesan Bishop; if he
has considered it prudent to do so, he will have consulted the priests who are exercising the ministry in the


1 Ad officium vicarii foranei, quod cum officio parochi certae paroeciae non ligatur, Episcopus seligat sacerdotem
quem, inspectis loci ac temporis adiunctis, idoneum iudicaverit.
1 For the office of Vicar forane, which is not tied to the office of parish priest of any given parish, the Bishop is to
choose a priest whom, in view of the circumstances of place and time, he has judged to be suitable.
2 Vicarius foraneus nominetur ad certum tempus, iure particulare determinatum.
2 The Vicar forane is to be appointed for a certain period of time, determined by particular law.
3 Vicarium foraneum iusta de causa, pro suo prudenti arbitrio, Episcopus dioecesanus ab officio libere amovere potest.
3 For a just reason, the diocesan Bishop may in accordance with his prudent judgement freely remove the Vicar
forane from office.


1 Vicario foraneo, praeter facultates iure particulari ei legitime tributas, officium et ius est:
1 Apart from the faculties lawfully given to him by particular law, the Vicar forane has the duty and the right:

actionem pastoralem in vicariatu communem promovendi et coordinandi;

to promote and coordinate common pastoral action in the vicariate;

prospiciendi ut clerici sui districtus vitam ducant proprio statui congruam atque officiis suis diligenter
to see that the clerics of his district lead a life befitting their state, and discharge their obligations carefully

providendi ut religiosae functiones secundum sacrae liturgiae praescripta celebrentur, ut decor et nitor
ecclesiarum sacraeque supellectilis, maxime in celebratione eucharistica et custodia sanctissimi Sacramenti,
accurate serventur, ut recte conscribantur et debite custodiantur libri paroeciales, ut bona ecclesiastica sedulo
administrentur; denique ut domus paroecialis debita diligentia curetur.
to ensure that religious functions are celebrated according to the provisions of the sacred liturgy; that the
elegance and neatness of the churches and sacred furnishings are properly maintained, particularly in regard
to the celebration of the Eucharist and the custody of the blessed Sacrament; that the parish registers are
correctly entered and duly safeguarded; that ecclesiastical goods are carefully administered; finally, that the
parochial house is looked after with care.

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2 In vicariatu sibi concredito vicarius foraneus:

2 In the vicariate entrusted to him, the Vicar forane:

operam det ut clerici, iuxta iuris particularis praescripta, statutis temporibus intersint praelectionibus,
conventibus theologicis aut conferentiis, ad normam can. 279, 2;
is to encourage the clergy, in accordance with the provisions of particular law, to attend at the prescribed time
lectures and theological meetings or conferences, in accordance with can. 272 2[3 ].

curet ut presbyteris sui districtus subsidia spiritualia praesto sint, itemque maxime sollicitus sit de iis, qui in
difficilioribus versantur circumstantiis aut problematibus anguntur.
is to see to it that spiritual assistance is available to the priests of his district, and he is to show a particular
solicitude for those who are in difficult circumstances or are troubled by problems.

3 Curet vicarius foraneus ut parochi sui districtus, quos graviter aegrotantes noverit, spiritualibus ac materialibus
auxiliis necareant, utque eorum qui decesserint, funera digne celebrentur; provideat quoque ne, occasione aegrotationis
vel mortis, libri, documenta, sacra supellex aliaque, quae ad Ecclesiam pertine depereant aut asportentur.
3 When he has come to know that parish priests of his district are seriously ill, the Vicar forane is to ensure that
they do not lack spiritual and material help. When they die, he is to ensure that their funerals are worthily
celebrated. Moreover, should any of them fall ill or die, he is to see to it that books, documents, sacred furnishings
and other items belonging to the Church are not lost or removed.
4 Vicarius foraneus obligatione tenetur secundum determinationem ab Episcopo dioecesano factam, sui districtus
paroecias visitare.
4 The Vicar forane is obliged to visit the parishes of his district in accordance with the arrangement made by the
diocesan Bishop.

Art. 1



Ecclesiarum rectores hic intelleguntur sacerdotes, quibus cura demandatur alicuius ecclesiae, quae nec sit paroecialis
nec capitularis, nec adnexa domui communitatis religiosae aut societatis vitae apostolicae, quae in eadem officia
Rectors of churches are here understood to be priests to whom is entrusted the care of some church which is
neither a parochial nor a capitular church, nor a church attached to the house of a religious community or a society
of apostolic life which holds services in it.


1 Ecclesiae rector libere nominatur ab Episcopo dioecesano, salvo iure eligendi aut praesentandi, si cui legitime
competat; quo in casu Episcopi dioecesani est rectorem confirmare vel instituere.
1 The rector of a church is freely appointed by the diocesan Bishop, without prejudice to a right of election or
presentation to which someone may lawfully have claim: in which case the diocesan Bishop has the right to
confirm or to appoint the rector.
2 Etiam si ecclesia pertineat ad aliquod clericale institutum religiosum iuris pontificii, Episcopo dioecesano competit
rectorem a Superiore praesentatum instituere.
2 Even if the church belongs to some clerical religious institute of pontifical right, it is for the diocesan Bishop to
appoint the rector presented by the Superior.
3 Rector ecclesiae, quae coniuncta sit cum seminario aliove collegio quod a clericis regitur, est rector seminarii vel
collegii, nisi aliter Episcopus dioecesanus constituerit.
3 The rector of a church which is attached to a seminary or to a college governed by clerics, is the rector of the
seminary or college, unless the diocesan Bishop has determined otherwise.


Salvo praescripto can. 262, rectori non licet functiones paroeciales de quibus in can. 530, nn. 1-6, in ecclesia sibi
commissa peragere, nisi consentiente aut, si res ferat, delegante parocho.

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Without prejudice to can. 262, the rector of a church may not perform in his church the parochial functions
mentioned in can. 530 nn. 1--6, without the consent or, where the matter requires it, the delegation of the parish

Potest rector in ecclesia sibi commissa liturgicas celebrationes etiam sollemnes peragere, salvis legitimis fundationis
legibus, atque dummodo de iudicio loci Ordinarii nullo modo ministerio paroeciali noceant.
The rector can conduct liturgical celebrations, even solemn ones, in the church entrusted to him, without prejudice
to the legitimate laws of a foundation, and on condition that in the judgement of the local Ordinary these
celebrations do not in any way harm the parochial ministry.


Loci Ordinarius, ubi id opportunum censeat, potest rectori praecipere ut determinatas in ecclesia sua pro populo
celebret functiones etiam paroeciales, necnon ut ecclesia pateat certis christifidelium coetibus ibidem liturgicas
celebrationes peracturis.
Where he considers it opportune, the local Ordinary may direct the rector to celebrate in his church certain
functions for the people, even parochial functions, and also to open the church to certain groups of the faithful so
that they may hold liturgical celebrations there.


Sine rectoris aliusve legitimi superioris licentia, nemini licet in ecclesia Eucharistiam celebrare, sacramenta
administrare aliasve sacras functiones peragere; quae licentia danda aut deneganda est ad normam iuris.
Without the permission of the rector or some other lawful superior, no one may celebrate the Eucharist, administer
the sacraments, or perform other sacred functions in the church. This permission is to be given or refused in
accordance with the law.


Ecclesiae rector, sub auctoritate loci Ordinarii servatisque legitimis statutis et iuribus quaesitis, obligatione tenetur
prospiciendi ut sacrae unctiones secundum normas liturgicas et canonum praescripta digne in ecclesia celebrentur,
onera fideliter adimpleantur, bona diligenter administrentur, sacrae supellectilis atque aedium sacrarum conservationi
et decori provideatur, neve quidpiam fiat quod sanctitati loci ac reverentiae domui Dei debitae quoquo modo non
Under the authority of the local Ordinary, having observed the lawful statutes and respected acquired rights, the
rector of a church is obliged to see that sacred functions are worthily celebrated in the church, in accordance with
liturgical and canon law, that obligations are faithfully fulfilled, that the property is carefully administered, and that
the maintenance and adornment of the furnishings and buildings are assured. He must also ensure that nothing is
done which is in any way unbecoming to the holiness of the place and to the reverence due to the house of God.


Rectorem ecclesiae, etsi ab aliis electum aut praesentatum, loci Ordinarius ex iusta causa, pro suo prudenti arbitrio ab
officio amovere potest, firmo praescripto can. 682, 2.
For a just reason, the local Ordinary may in accordance with his prudent judgement remove the rector of a church
from office, even if he had been elected or presented by others, but without prejudice to can. 682 2.

Art. 2



Cappellanus est sacerdos, cui stabili modo committitur cura pastoralis, saltem ex parte, alicuius communitatis aut
peculiaris coetus christifidelium, ad normam iuris universalis et particularis exercenda.
A chaplain is a priest to whom is entrusted in a stable manner the pastoral care, at least in part, of some
community or special group of Christ's faithful, to be exercised in accordance with universal and particular law.


Nisi iure aliud caveatur aut cuidam specialia iura legitime competant, cappellanus nominatur ab Ordinario loci, cui
etiam pertinet praesentatum instituere aut electum confirmare.
Unless the law provides otherwise or unless special rights lawfully belong to someone, a chaplain is appointed by
the local Ordinary, to whom also it belongs to appoint one who has been presented or to confirm one elected.


1 Cappellanus omnibus facultatibus instructus sit oportet quas recta cura pastoralis requirit. Praeter eas quae iure
particulari aut speciali delegatione conceduntur, cappellanus vi officii facultate gaudet audiendi confessiones fidelium
suae curae commissorum, verbi Dei eis praedicandi, Viaticum et unctionem infirmorum administrandi necnon
sacramentum confirmationis eis conferendi, qui in periculo mortis versentur.

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1 A chaplain must be given all the faculties which due pastoral care demands. Besides those which are given by
particular law or by special delegation, a chaplain has by virtue of his office the faculty to hear the confessions of
the faithful entrusted to his care, to preach to them the word of God, to administer Viaticum and the anointing of the
sick, and to confer the sacrament of confirmation when they are in danger of death.
2 In valetudinariis, carceribus et itineribus maritimis, cappellanus praeterea facultatem habet, his tantum in locis
exercendam, a censuris latae sententiae non reservatis neque declaratis absolvendi, firmo tamen praescripto can. 976.
2 In hospitals and prisons and on sea voyages, a chaplain has the further facility, to be exercised only in those
places, to absolve from latae sententiae censures which are neither reserved nor declared, without prejudice to can.

1 Ad nominationem cappellani domus instituti religiosi laicalis, Ordinarius loci ne procedat, nisi consulto Superiore,
cui ius est, audita communitate, quemdam sacerdotem proponere.
1 The local Ordinary is not to proceed to the appointment of a chaplain to a house of a lay religious institute
without consulting the Superior. The Superior has the right, after consulting the community, to propose a particular
2 Cappellani est liturgicas functiones celebrare aut moderari; ipsi tamen non licet in regimine interno instituti sese
2 It is the responsibility of the chaplain to celebrate or to direct liturgical functions; he may not, however, involve
himself in the internal governance of the institute.


Pro iis qui ob vitae condicionem ordinaria parochorum cura frui non valent, uti sunt migrantes, exsules, profugi,
nomades, navigantes, constituantur, quatenus fieri possit, cappellani.
As far as possible, chaplains are to be appointed for those who, because of their condition of life, are not able to
avail themselves of the ordinary care of parish priests, as for example, migrants, exiles, fugitives, nomads and seafarers.


Cappellani militum legibus specialibus reguntur.

Chaplains to the armed forces are governed by special laws.


Si communitatis aut coetus sedi adnexa est ecclesia non paroecialis, cappellanus sit rector ipsius ecclesiae, nisi cura
communitatis aut ecclesiae aliud exigat.
If a non-parochial church is attached to a centre of a community or group, the rector of the church is to be the
chaplain, unless the care of the community or of the church requires otherwise.


In exercitio sui pastoralis muneris, cappellanus debitam cum parocho servet coniunctionem.
In the exercise of his pastoral office a chaplain is to maintain the due relationship with the parish priest.


Quod attinet ad amotionem cappellani, servetur praescriptum can. 563.

In regard to the removal of a chaplain, the provisions of can. 563 are to be observed.








1 Vita consecrata per consiliorum evangelicorum professionem est stabilis vivendi forma qua fideles, Christum sub
actione Spiritus Sancti pressius sequentes, Deo summe dilecto totaliter dedicantur ut, in Eius honorem atque Ecclesiae

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aedificationem mundique salutem novo et peculiari titulo dediti, caritatis perfectionem in servitio Regni Dei
consequantur et, praeclarum in Ecclesia signum effecti, caelestem gloriam praenuntient.
1 Life consecrated through profession of the evangelical counsels is a stable form of living, in which the faithful
follow Christ more closely under the action of the Holy Spirit, and are totally dedicated to God, who is supremely
loved. By a new and special title they are dedicated to seek the perfection of charity in the service of God's
Kingdom, for the honour of God, the building up of the Church and the salvation of the world. They are a splendid
sign in the Church, as they foretell the heavenly glory.
2 Quam vivendi formam in institutis vitae consecratae, a competenti Ecclesiae auctoritate canonice erectis, libere
assumunt christifideles, qui per vota aut alia sacra ligamina iuxta proprias institutorum leges, consilia evangelica
castitatis, paupertatis et oboedientiae profitentur et per caritatem, ad quam ducunt, Ecclesiae eiusque mysterio speciali
modo coniunguntur.
2 Christ's faithful freely assume this manner of life in institutes of consecrated life which are canonically
established by the competent ecclesiastical authority. By vows or by other sacred bonds, in accordance with the
laws of their own institutes, they profess the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. Because of
the charity to which these counsels lead, they are linked in a special way to the Church and its mystery.

1 Status eorum, qui in huiusmodi institutis consilia evangelica profitentur, ad vitam et sanctitatem Ecclesiae pertinet,
et ideo ab omnibus in Ecclesia fovendus et promovendus est.
1 The state of persons who profess the evangelical counsels in these institutes belongs to the life and holiness of
the Church. It is therefore to be fostered and promoted by everyone in the Church.
2 Ad hunc statum quidam christifideles specialiter a Deo vocantur, ut in vita Ecclesiae peculiari dono fruantur et,
secundum finem et spiritum instituti, eiusdem missioni salvificae prosint.
2 Some of Christ's faithful are specially called by God to this state, so that they may benefit from a special gift in
the life of the Church and contribute to its saving mission according to the purpose and spirit of each institute.


Consilia evangelica in Christi Magistri doctrina et exemplis fundata, donum sunt divinum, quod Ecclesia a Domino
accepit Eiusque gratia semper conservat.
The evangelical counsels, based on the teaching and example of Christ the Master, are a divine gift which the
Church received from the Lord and which by His grace it preserves always.


Competentis Ecclesiae auctoritatis est consilia e interpretari, eorundem praxim legibus moderati atque stabiles inde
vivendi formas canonica approbatione constituere itemque,pro parte sua, curare ut instituta secundum spiritum
fundatorum et sanas traditiones crescant et floreant.
It is the prerogative of the competent authority in the Church to interpret the evangelical counsels, to legislate for
their practice and, by canonical approval, to constitute the stable forms of living which arise from them. The same
authority has the responsibility to do what is in its power to ensure that institutes grow and flourish according to the
spirit of their founders and to their sound traditions.


Permulta in Ecclesia sunt instituta vitae consecratae, quae donationes habent differentes secundum gratiam quae data
est eis: Christum, enim, pressius sequuntur sive orantem, sive Regnum Dei annuntiantem, sive hominibus
benefacientem, sive cum eis in saeculo conversantem, semper autem voluntatem Patris facientem.
In the Church there are many institutes of consecrated life, with gifts that differ according to the graces given them:
they more closely follow Christ praying, or Christ proclaiming the Kingdom of God, or Christ doing good to people,
or Christ in dialogue with the people of this world, but always Christ doing the will of the Father.


Fundatorum mens atque proposita a competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica sanctia circa naturam, finem, spiritum et
indolem instituti, necnon eius sanae traditiones, quae omnia patrimonium eiusdem instituti constituunt, ab omnibus
fideliter servanda sunt.
The whole patrimony of an institute must be faithfully preserved by all. This patrimony is comprised of the
intentions of the founders, of all that the competent ecclesiastical authority has approved concerning the nature,
purpose, spirit and character of the institute, and of its sound traditions.


Episcopi dioecesani, in suo quisque territorio, instituta vitae consecrate formali decreto erigere possunt, dummodo
Sedes Apostolica consulta fuerit.

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Provided the Apostolic See has been consulted, diocesan Bishops can, by formal decree, establish institutes of
consecrated life in their own territories.

Aggregatio alicuius instituti vitae consecratae ad aliud reservatur competenti auctoritati instituti aggregantis, salva
semper canonica autonomia instituti aggregati.
The aggregation of one institute of consecrated life to another is reserved to the competent authority of the
aggregating institute, always safeguarding the canonical autonomy of the other institute.


Dividere institutum in partes, quocumque nomine veniant, novas erigere, erectas coniungere vel aliter circumscribere
ad competentem instituti auctoritatem pertinet, ad normam constitutionum.
It is for the competent authority of the institute to divide the institute into parts, by whatever name these may be
called, to establish new parts, or to unite or otherwise modify those in existence, in accordance with the


Fusiones et uniones institutorum vitae consecratae uni Sedi Apostolicae reservantur; eidem quoque reservantur
confoederationes et foederationes.
Fusions and unions of institutes of consecrated life are reserved to the Apostolic See alone. To it are likewise
reserved confederations or federations.


Immutationes in institutis vitae consecratae ea afficientes, quae a Sede Apostolica approbata fuerunt, absque eiusdem
licentia fieri nequeunt.
Changes in institutes of consecrated life which affect elements previously approved by the Apostolic See, cannot be
made without the permission of the same See.


Institutum supprimere ad unam Sedem Apostolicam spectat, cui etiam reservatur de eius bonis temporalibus statuere.
Only the Apostolic See can suppress an institute and dispose of its temporal goods.


Instituti partes supprimere ad auctoritatem competentem eiusdem instituti pertinet.

The competent authority of an institute can suppress parts of the same institute.


1 Singulis institutis iusta autonomia vitae, praesertim regiminis, agnoscitur, qua gaudeant in Ecclesia propria
disciplina atque integrum servare valeant suum patrimonium, de quo in can. 578.
1 A true autonomy of life, especially of governance, is recognised for each institute. This autonomy means that
each institute has its own discipline in the Church and can preserve whole and entire the patrimony described in
can. 578.
2 Ordinariorum locorum est hanc autonomiam servare ac tueri.
2 Local Ordinaries have the responsibility of preserving and safeguarding this autonomy.


1 Ad propriam singulorum institutorum vocationem et identitatem fidelius tuendam, in cuiusvis instituti codice
fundamentali seu constitutionibus contineri debent, praeter ea quae in can. 578 servanda statuuntur, normae
fundamentales circa instituti regimen et sodalium disciplinam, membrorum incorporationem atque institutionem,
necnon proprium sacrorum ligaminum obiectum.
1 To protect more faithfully the vocation and identity of each institute, the fundamental code or constitutions of the
institute are to contain, in addition to those elements which are to be preserved in accordance with can. 578, basic
norms about the governance of the institute, the discipline of the members, the admission and formation of
members, and the proper object of their sacred bonds.
2 Codex huiusmodi a competenti auctoritate Ecclesiae approbatur et tantummodo cum eiusdem consensu mutari
2 This code is approved by the competent ecclesiastical authority, and can be changed only with the consent of
the same.
3 In hoc codice elementa spiritualia et iuridica apte componantur; normae tamen absque necessitate ne
3 In the constitutions, the spiritual and juridical elements are to be aptly harmonised. Norms, however, are not to
be multiplied without necessity.

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4 Ceterae normae a competenti instituti auctoritate statuae apte in aliis codicibus colligantur, quae tamen iuxta
exigentias locorum et temporum congrue recognosci et aptari possunt.
4 Other norms which are established by the competent authority of the institute are to be properly collected in
other codes, but these can be conveniently reviewed and adapted according to the needs of time and place.

1 Status vitae consecratae, suapte natura, non est nec clericalis nec laicalis.
1 In itself, the state of consecrated life is neither clerical nor lay.
2 Institutum clericale illud dicitur quod, ratione finis seu propositi a fundatore intenti vel vi legitimae traditionis, sub
moderamine est clericorum, exercitium ordinis sacri assumit, et qua tale ab Ecclesiae auctoritate agnoscitur.
2 A clerical institute is one which, by reason of the end or purpose intended by the founder, or by reason of lawful
tradition, is under the governance of clerics, presupposes the exercise of sacred orders, and is recognised as such
by ecclesiastical authority.
3 Institutum vero laicale illud appellatur quod, ab Ecclesiae auctoritate qua tale agnitum, vi eius naturae, indolis et
finis munus habet proprium, a fundatore vel legitima traditione definitum, exercitium ordinis sacri non includens.
3 A lay institute is one which is recognised as such by ecclesiastical authority because, by its nature, character
and purpose, its proper role, defined by its founder or by lawful tradition, does not include the exercise of sacred


Institutum vitae consecratae dicitur iuris pontificii, si a Sede Apostolica erectum aut per eiusdem formale decretum
approbatum est; iuris vero dioecesani, si ab Episcopo dioecesano erectum, approbationis decretum a Sede Apostolica
non est consecutum.
An institute of consecrated life is of pontifical right if it has been established by the Apostolic See, or approved by it
by means of a formal decree. An institute is of diocesan right if it has been established by the diocesan Bishop and
has not obtained a decree of approval from the Apostolic See.


1 Instituta vitae consecratae, utpote ad Dei totiusque Ecclesiae servitium speciali modo dicata, supremae eiusdem
auctoritati peculiari ratione subduntur.
1 Institutes of consecrated life, since they are dedicated in a special way to the service of God and of the whole
Church, are in a particular manner subject to its supreme authority.
2 Singuli sodales Summo Pontifici, tamquam supremo eorum Superiori, etiam ratione sacri vinculi oboedientiae
parere tenentur.
2 The individual members are bound to obey the Supreme Pontiff as their highest Superior, by reason also of their
sacred bond of obedience.


Quo melius institutorum bono atque apostolatus necessitatibus provideatur, Summus Pontifex, ratione sui in universam
Ecclesiam primatus, intuitu utilitatis communis, instituta vitae consecratae ab Ordinariorum loci regimine eximere
potest sibique soli vel alii ecclesiasticae auctoritati subicere.
The better to ensure the welfare of institutes and the needs of the apostolate, the Supreme Pontiff, by virtue of his
primacy in the universal Church, and with a view to the common good, can withdraw institutes of consecrated life
from the governance of local Ordinaries and subject them to himself alone, or to some other ecclesiastical


1 Quo melius institutorum communio cum Sede Apostolica foveatur, modo et tempore ab eadem statutis, quilibet
supremus Moderatur brevem conspectum status et vitae instituti eidem Apostolicae Sedi mittat.
1 To promote closer union between institutes and the Apostolic See, each supreme Moderator is to send a brief
account of the state and life of the institute to the same Apostolic See, in the manner and at the time it lays down.
2 Cuiuslibet instituti Moderatores promoveant notitiam documentorum Sanctae Sedis, quae sodales sibi concreditos
respiciunt, eorumque observantiam curent.
2 Moderators of each institute are to promote a knowledge of the documents issued by the Holy See which affect
the members entrusted to them, and are to ensure that these documents are observed.


Firmo praescripto can. 586, instituta iuris pontificii quoad regimen internum et disciplinam immediate et exclusive
potestati Sedes Apostolicae subiciuntur.

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In their internal governance and discipline, institutes of pontifical right are subject directly and exclusively to the
authority of the Apostolic See, without prejudice to can. 586.

Institutum iuris dioecesani, firmo can. 586, permanet sub speciali cura Episcopi dioecesani.
An institute of diocesan right remains under the special care of the diocesan Bishop, without prejudice to can. 586.


1 Episcopi sedis principis est constitutiones approbare et immutationes in eas legitime introductas confirmare, salvis
iis in quibus Apostolica Sedes manus apposuerit, necnon negotia maiora totum institutum respicientia tractare, quae
potestatem internae auctoritatis superent, consultis tamen ceteris Episcopis dioecesanis, si institutum ad plures
dioeceses propagatum fuerit.
1 It is the Bishop of the principal house who approves the constitutions, and confirms any changes lawfully
introduced into them, except for those matters which the Apostolic See has taken in hand. He also deals with major
affairs which exceed the power of the internal authority of the institute. If the institute had spread to other dioceses,
he is in all these matters to consult with the other diocesan Bishops concerned.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus potest dispensationes a constitutionibus concedere in casibus particularibus.
2 The diocesan Bishop can grant a dispensation from the constitutions in particular cases.


1 Institutorum Superiores et capitula in sodales ea gaudent potestate, quae iure universali et constitutionibus
1 Superiors and Chapters of institutes have that authority over the members which is defined in the universal law
and in the constitutions.
2 In institutis autem religiosis clericalibus iuris pontificii pollent insuper potestate ecclesiastica regiminis pro foro tam
externo quam interno.
2 In clerical religious institutes of pontifical right, Superiors have in addition the ecclesiastical power of
governance, for both the external and the internal forum.
3 Potestati de qua in 1 applicantur praescripta cann. 131, 133 et 137-144.
3 The provisions of cann. 131,133 and 137-144 apply to the authority mentioned in 1.


1 In vitae consecratae institutum admitti potest quilibet catholicus, recta intentione praeditus, qui qualitates habeat
iure universali et proprio requisitas nulloque detineatur impedimento.
1 Every catholic with a right intention and the qualities required by universal law and the institute's own law, and
who is without impediment, may be admitted to an institute of consecrated life.
2 Nemo admitti potest sine congrua praeparatione.
2 No one may be admitted without suitable preparation.


1 Unumquodque institutum, attentis indole et finibus propriis, in suis constitutionibus definiat modum quo consilia
evangelica castitatis, paupertatis et oboedientiae, pro sua vivendi ratione, servanda sunt.
1 Each institute, taking account of its own special character and purposes, is to define in its constitutions the
manner in which the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience are to be observed in its way of life.
2 Sodales vero omnes debent non solum consilia evangelica fideliter integreque servare, sed etiam secundum ius
proprium instituti vitam componere atque ita ad perfectionem sui status contendere.
2 All members must not only observe the evangelical counsels faithfully and fully, but also direct their lives
according to the institute's own law, and so strive for the perfection of their state.


Evangelicum castitatis consilium propter Regnum coelorum assumptum, quod signum est mundi futuri et fons
uberioris fecunditatis in indiviso corde, obligationem secumfert continentiae perfectae in caelibatu.
The evangelical counsel of chastity embraced for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven, is a sign of the world to
come, and a source of greater fruitfulness in an undivided heart. It involves the obligation of perfect continence
observed in celibacy.


Evangelicum consilium paupertatis ad imitationem Christi, qui propter nos egenus factus est cum esset dives, praeter
vitam re et spiritu pauperem, operose in sobrietate ducendam et a terrenis divitiis alienam, secumfert dependentiam et
limitationem in usu et dispositione bonorum ad normam iuris proprii singulorum institutorum.

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The evangelical counsel of poverty in imitation of Christ who for our sake was made poor when he was rich, entails
a life which is poor in reality and in spirit, sober and industrious, and a stranger to earthly riches. It also involves
dependence and limitation in the use and the disposition of goods, in accordance with each institute's own law.

Evangelicum oboedientiae consilium, spiritu fidei et amoris in sequela Christi usque ad mortem oboedientis suspectum,
obligat ad submissionem voluntatis erga legitimos Superiores, vices Dei gerentes, cum secundum proprias constitutiones
The evangelical counsel of obedience, undertaken in the spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ, who was
obedient even unto death, obliges submission of one's will to lawful Superiors, who act in the place of God when
they give commands that are in accordance with each institute's own constitutions.


Vita fraterna, unicuique instituto propria, qua sodales omnes in peculiarem veluti familiam in Christo coadunantur, ita
definiatur ut cunctis mutuo adiutorio evadat ad suam cuiusque vocationem adimplendam. Fraterna autem
communione, in caritate radicata et fundate, sodales exemplo sint universalis in Christo reconciliationis.
The fraternal life proper to each institute unites all the members into, as it were, a special family in Christ. It is to be
so defined that for all it proves of mutual assistance to fulfil their vocation. The fraternal union of the members,
rooted and based in charity, is to be an example of universal reconciliation in Christ.


1 Praeter vitae consecratae instituta, Ecclesia agnoscit vitam eremiticam seu anachoreticam, qua christifideles arctiore
a mundo secessu, solitudinis silentio, assidua prece et paenitentia, suam in laudem Dei et mundi salutem vitam
1 Besides institutes of consecrated life, the Church recognises the life of hermits or anchorites, in which Christ's
faithful withdraw further from the world and devote their lives to the praise of God and the salvation of the world
through the silence of solitude and through constant prayer and penance.
2 Eremita, uti Deo deditus in vita consecrata, iure agnoscitur si tria evangelica consilia, voto vel alio sacro ligamine
firmata, publice profiteatur in manu Episcopi dioecesani et propriam vivendi rationem sub ductu eiusdem servet.
2 Hermits are recognised by law as dedicated to God in consecrated life if, in the hands of the diocesan Bishop,
they publicly profess, by a vow or some other sacred bond, the three evangelical counsels, and then lead their
particular form of life under the guidance of the diocesan Bishop.


1 Hisce vitae consecratae formis accedit ordo virginum quae, sanctum propositum emittentes Christum pressius
sequendi, ab Episcopo dioecesano iuxte probatum ritum liturgicum Deo consecrantur, Christo Dei Filio mystice
desponsantur et Ecclesiae servitio dedicantur.
1 The order of virgins is also to be added to these forms of consecrated life. Through their pledge to follow Christ
more closely, virgins are consecrated to God, mystically espoused to Christ and dedicated to the service of the
Church, when the diocesan Bishop consecrates them according to the approved liturgical rite.
2 Ad suum propositum fidelius servandum et ad servitium Ecclesiae, proprio statui consonum, mutuo adiutorio
perficiendum, virgines consociari possunt.
2 Virgins can be associated together to fulfil their pledge more faithfully, and to assist each other to serve the
Church in a way that befits their state.


Novas formas vitae consecratae approbare uni Sedi Apostolicae reservatur. Episcopi dioecesani autem nova vitae
consecratae dona a Spiritu Sancto Ecclesiae concredita discernere satagant iidemque adiuvent promotores ut proposita
meliore quo fiere potest modo exprimant aptisque statutis protegant, adhibitis praesertim generalibus normis in hac
parte contentis.
The approval of new forms of consecrated life is reserved to the Apostolic See. Diocesan Bishops, however, are to
endeavour to discern new gifts of consecrated life which the Holy Spirit entrusts to the Church. They are also to
assist promotors to express their purposes in the best possible way, and to protect these purposes with suitable
statutes, especially by the application of the general norms contained in this part of the Code.


Quae de institutis vitae consecratae eorumque sodalibus statuuntur, pari iure de utroque sexu valent, nisi ex contexu
sermonis vel ex rei natura aliud constet.
Provisions concerning institutes of consecrated life and their members are equally valid in law for both sexes,
unless it is otherwise clear from the context or from the nature of things.

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1 Vita religiosa, utpote totius personae consecratio, mirabile in Ecclesia manifestat conubium a Deo conditum, futuri
saeculo signum. Ita religiosus plenam suam consummat donationem veluti sacrificium Deo oblatum, quo tota ipsius
exsistentia fit continuus Dei cultus in caritate.
1 Religious life, as a consecration of the whole person, manifests in the Church the marvellous marriage
established by God as a sign of the world to come. Religious thus consummate a full gift of themselves as a
sacrifice offered to God, so that their whole existence becomes a continuous worship of God in charity.
2 Institutum religiosum est societas in qua sodales secundum ius proprium vota publica perpetua vel temporaria,
elapso tamen tempore renovanda, nuncupant atque vitam fraternam in communi ducunt.
2 A religious institute is a society in which, in accordance with their own law, the members pronounce public vows
and live a fraternal life in common. The vows are either perpetual or temporary; if the latter, they are to be renewed
when the time elapses.
3 Testimonium publicum a religiosis Christo et Ecclesiae reddendum illam secumfert a mundo separationem, quae
indoli et fini uniuscuiusque instituti est propria.
3 The public witness which religious are to give to Christ and the Church involves that separation from the world
which is proper to the character and purpose of each institute.





Communitas religiosa habitare debet in domo legitime constituta sub auctoritate Superioris ad normam iuris designati;
singulae domus habeant oratorium, in quo Eucharistia celebretur et asservetur ut vere sit centrum communitatis.
A religious community is to live in a lawfully constituted house, under the authority of a Superior designated
according to the norms of law. Each house is to have at least an oratory, in which the Eucharist is celebrated and
reserved, so that it may truly be the centre of the community.


1 Instituti religiosi domus eriguntur ab auctoritate competenti iuxta constitutiones, praevio Episcopi dioecesani
consensu in scripti dato.
1 A house of a religious institute is established, with the prior written consent of the diocesan Bishop, by the
authority competent according to the constitutions.
2 Ad erigendum monasterium monialium requiritur insuper licentia Apostolicae Sedis.
2 For the establishment of a monastery of cloistered nuns, the permission of the Apostolic See is also required.


1 Domorum erectio fit prae oculis habita utilitate Ecclesiae et instituti atque in tuto positis iis quae ad vitam
religiosam sodalium rite agendam requiruntur, iuxta proprios instituti fines et spiritum.
1 In establishing religious houses, the welfare of the Church and of the institute are to be kept in mind, and care
must be taken to safeguard everything that is necessary for the members to lead their religious life in accordance
with the purposes and spirit proper to the institute.
2 Nulla domus erigatur nisi iudicari prudenter possit fore ut congrue sodalium necessitatibus provideatur.
2 No house is to be established unless it is prudently foreseen that the needs of the members can be suitably
provided for.


Consensus Episcopi dioecesani ad erigendam domum religiosam alicuius instituti secumfert ius:
The consent of the diocesan Bishop for the establishment of a religious house carries with it the right:

vitam ducendi secundum indolem et fines proprios instituti;

to lead a life according to the character and purposes proper to the institute;

opera instituto propria exercendi ad normam iuris, salvis condicionibus in consensu appositis;
to engage in the works which are proper to the institute, in accordance with the law, and subject to any
conditions attached to the consent;

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pro institutis clericalibus habendi ecclesiam, salvo praescripto can. 1215, 3, et sacra ministeria peragendi,
servatis de iure servandis.
for clerical religious institutes to have a church, subject to the provisions of can. 1215 3, and to conduct the
sacred ministries, with due observance of the law.


Ut domus religiosa ad opera apostolica destinetur diversa ab illis pro quibus constituta est, requiritur consensus
Episcopi dioecesani; non vero, si agatur de conversione, quae, salvis fundationis legibus, ad internum regimen et
disciplinam dumtaxat referatur.
The consent of the diocesan Bishop is required if a religious house is to be used for apostolic works other than
those for which it was established. This permission is not required for a change which, while observing the laws of
the foundation, concerns only internal governance and discipline.


1 Domus religiosa canonicorum regularium et monachorum sub proprii Moderatoris regimine et cura sui iuris est, nisi
constitutiones aliter ferant.
1 A religious house of canons regular or of monks under the governance and care of their own Moderator is
autonomous, unless the constitutions decree otherwise.
2 Moderator domus sui iuris est de iure Superior maior.
2 The Moderator of an autonomous house is by law a major Superior.


Monasteria monialium cuidam virorum instituto consociata propriam vitae rationem et regimen iuxta constitutiones
obtinent. Mutua iura et obligationes ita definiantur ut ex consociatione spirituale bonum proficere possit.
Monasteries of cloistered nuns which are associated with an institute of men, have their own rule of life and
governance, in accordance with the constitutions. The mutual rights and obligations are to be defined in such a way
that spiritual good may come from the association.


Monasterium sui iuris, quod praeter proprium Moderatorem alium Superiorem maiorem non habet, neque alicui
religiosorum instituto ita consociatum est ut eiusdem Superior vera potestate constitutio constitutionibus determinata
in tale monasterium gaudeat, ad normam iuris peculiari vigilantiae Episcopi dioecesani comittitur.
If an autonomous monastery has no major Superior other than its own Moderator, and is not associated with any
institute of religious in such a way that the Superior of that institute has over the monastery a real authority
determined by the constitutions, it is entrusted, in accordance with the norms of law, to the special vigilance of the
diocesan Bishop.


1 Domus religiosa legitime erecta supprimi potest a supremo Moderatore ad normam constitutionum, consulto
Episcopo dioecesano. De bonis domus suppressae provideat ius proprium instituti, salvis fundatorum vel offerentium
voluntatibus et iuribus legitime quaesitis.
1 After consultation with the diocesan Bishop, a supreme Moderator can suppress a lawfully established religious
house, in accordance with the constitutions. The institute's own law is to make provision for the disposal of the
goods of the suppressed house, with due regard for the wishes of founders or benefactors and for lawfully acquired
2 Suppressio unicae domus instituti ad Sanctam Sedem pertinet, cui etiam reservatur de bonis in casu statuere.
2 The Holy See alone can suppress the sole house of an institute, in which case it is also reserved to the Holy See
to prescribe concerning the property of the house.
3 Supprimere domum sui iuris, de qua in can. 613, est capituli generalis, nisi constitutiones aliter ferant.
3 Unless the constitutions enact otherwise, the suppression of the autonomous houses mentioned in can. 613
belongs to the general chapter.
4 Monialium monasterium sui iuris supprimere ad Sedem Apostolicam pertinet, servatis ad bona quod attinet
praescriptis constitutionum.
4 The suppression of an autonomous monastery of cloistered nuns pertains to the Apostolic See; the provisions of
the constitutions are to be observed concerning the property of the monastery.

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Art. 1




Superiores suum munus adimpleant suamque potestatem exerceant ad normam iuris universalis et proprii.
Superiors are to fulfil their office and exercise their authority in accordance with the norms of the universal law and
of their own law.


Superiores in spiritu servitii suam potestatem a Deo per ministerium Ecclesiae receptam exerceant. Voluntati igitur Dei
in munere explendo dociles, ipsi subditos regant uti filios Dei, ac promoventes cum reverentia personae humanae
illorum voluntariam oboedientiam, libenter eos audiant necnon eorum conspirationem in bonum instituti et Ecclesiae
foveant, firma tamen ipsorum auctoritate decernendi et praecipiendi quae agenda sunt.
The authority which Superiors receive from God through the ministry of the Church is to be exercised by them in a
spirit of service. In fulfilling their office they are to be docile to the will of God, and are to govern those subject to
them as children of God. By their reverence for the human person, they are to promote voluntary obedience. They
are to listen willingly to their subjects and foster their cooperation for the good of the institute and the Church,
without prejudice however to their authority to decide and to command what is to be done.


Superiores suo officio sedulo incumbant et una cum sodalibus sibi commissis studeant aedificare fraternam in Christo
communitatem, in qua Deus ante omnia quaeratur et diligatur. Ipsi igitur nutriant sodales frequenti verbi Dei pabulo
eosque adducant ad sacrae liturgiae celebrationem. Eis exemplo sint in virtutibus colendis et in observantia legum et
traditionum proprii instituti; eorum necessitatibus personalibus convenienter subveniant, infirmos sollicite curent ac
visitent, corripiant inquietos, consolentur pusillamines, patientes sint erga omnes.
Superiors are to devote themselves to their office with diligence. Together with the members entrusted to them, they
are to strive to build in Christ a fraternal community, in which God is sought and loved above all. They are therefore
frequently to nourish their members with the food of God's word and lead them to the celebration of the liturgy.
They are to be an example to the members in cultivating virtue and in observing the laws and traditions proper to
the institute. They are to give the members opportune assistance in their personal needs. They are to be solicitous
in caring for and visiting the sick; they are to chide the restless, console the fainthearted and be patient with all.


Superiores maiores sunt, qui totum regunt institutum, vel eius provinciam, vel partem eidem aequiparatam, vel domum
sui iuris, itemque eorum vicarii. His accedunt Abbas Primas et Superior congregationis monasticae, qui tamen non
habent omnem potestatem, quam ius universale Superioribus maioribus tribuit.
Major Superiors are those who govern an entire institute, or a province or a part equivalent to a province, or an
autonomous house; the vicars of the above are also major Superiors. To these are added the Abbot Primate and
the Superior of a monastic congregation, though these do not have all the authority which the universal law gives to
major Superiors.


Plurium domorum coniunctio quae sub eodem Superiore partem immediatam eiusdem instituti constituat et ab
auctoritate legitima canonice erecta sit, nomine venit provinciae.
A province is a union of several houses which, under one superior, constitutes an immediate part of the same
institute, and is canonically established by lawful authority.


Supremus Moderator potestatem obtinet in omnes instituti provincias, domos et sodales, exercendam secundum ius
proprium; ceteri Superiores ea gaudent intra fines sui muneris.
The supreme Moderator has authority over all provinces, houses and members of the institute, to be exercised in
accordance with the institute's own law. Other Superiors have authority within the limits of their office.


Ut sodales ad munus Superioris valide nominentur aut eligantur, requiritur congruum tempus post professionem
perpetuam vel definitivam, a iure proprio vel, si agatur de Superioribus maioribus, a constitutionibus determinandum.
To be validly appointed or elected to the office of Superior, members must have been perpetually or definitively
professed for an appropriate period of time, to be determined by their own law or, for major Superiors, by the


1 Superiores ad certum et conveniens temporis spatium iuxte naturam et necessitatem instituti constituantur, nisi pro
supremo Moderatore et pro Superioribus domus sui iuris constitutiones aliter ferant.

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1 Superiors are to be constituted for a certain and appropriate period of time, according to the nature and needs of
the institute unless the constitutions establish otherwise for the supreme Moderator and for Superiors of an
autonomous house.
2 Ius proprium aptis normis provideat, ne Superiores, ad tempus definitum constituti, diutius sine intermissione in
regiminis officiis versentur.
2 An institute's own law is to make suitable provisions so that Superiors constituted for a defined time do not
continue in offices of governance for too long a period of time without an interval.
3 Possunt tamen durante munere ab officio amoveri vel in aliud transferri ob causas iure proprio statutas.
3 During their period in office, however, Superiors may be removed or transferred to another office, for reasons
prescribed in the institute's own law.

1 Supremus instituti Moderator electione canonica designetur ad normam constitutionum.

The supreme Moderator of the institute is to be designated by canonical election, in accordance with the
2 Electionibus Superioris monasterii sui iuris, de quo in can. 615, et supremi Moderatoris instituti iuris dioecesani
praeest Episcopus sedis principis.
2 The Bishop of the principal house of the institute presides at the election of the Superior of the autonomous
monastery mentioned in can. 615, and at the election of the supreme Moderator of an institute of diocesan right.
3 Ceteri Superiores ad normam constitutionum constituantur; ita tamen ut, si eligantur, confirmatione Superioris
maioris competentis indigeant; si vero a Superiore nominentur, apta consultatio praecedat.
3 Other Superiors are to be constituted in accordance with the constitutions, but in such a way that if they are
elected, they require the confirmation of the competent major Superior; if they are appointed by the Superior, the
appointment is to be preceded by suitable consultation.


Superiores in collatione officiorum et sodales in electionibus normas iuris universalis et proprii servent, abstineant a
quovis abusu et acceptione personarum, et, nihil praeter Deum et bonum instituti prae oculis habentes, nominent aut
eligant quos in Domino vere dignos et aptos sciant. Caveant praetera in electionibus a suffragiorum procuratione sive
directe sive indirecte, tam pro seipsis quam pro aliis.
Superiors in conferring offices, and members in electing to office, are to observe the norms of the universal law and
the institute's own law, avoiding any abuse or preference of persons. They are to have nothing but God and the
good of the institute before their eyes, and appoint or elect those whom, in the Lord, they know to be worthy and
fitting. In elections, besides, they are to avoid directly or indirectly lobbying for votes, either for themselves or for


1 Ad normam constitutionum, Superiores proprium habeant consilium, cuius opera in munere exercendo utantur
1 Superiors are to have their own council, in accordance with the constitutions, and they must make use of it in
the exercise of their office.
2 Praeter casus in iure universali praescriptos, ius proprium determinet casus in quibus consensus vel consilium ad
valide agendum requirantur ad normam can. 127 exquirendum.
2 Apart from the cases prescribed in the universal law, an institute's own law is to determine the cases in which
the validity of an act depends upon consent or advice being sought in accordance with can. 127.


1 Superiores qui iure proprio instituti ad hoc munus designatur, statis temporibus domos et sodales sibi commissios
iuxta normas eiusdem iuris proprii visitent.
1 Superiors who are designated for this office by the institute's own law are at stated times to visit the houses and
the members entrusted to them, in accordance with the norms of the same law.
2 Episcopi dioecesani ius et officium est visitare etiam quoad disciplinam religiosam:
2 The diocesan Bishop has the right and the duty to visit the following, even in respect of religious discipline:

monasteria sui iuris de quibus in can. 615;

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the autonomous monasteries mentioned in can. 615;


singulas domos instituti iuris dioecesani in proprio territorio sitas.

the individual houses of an institute of diocesan right situated in his territory.

3 Sodales fiducialiter agant cum visitatore, cui legitime interroganti respondere tenentur secundum veritatem in
caritate; nemini vero fas est quoquo modo sodales ab hac obligatione avertere, aut visitationis scopum aliter impedire.
3 The members are to act with confidence towards the visitator, to whom when lawfully questioning they are
bound to reply truthfully and with charity. It is not lawful for anyone in any way to divert the members from this
obligation or otherwise to hinder the scope of the visitation.

In sua quisque domo Superiores commorentur, nec ab eadem discedant, nisi ad normam iuris proprii.
Superiors are to reside each in his or her own house, and they are not to leave it except in accordance with the
institute's own law.


1 Superiores sodalibus debitam agnoscant libertatem circa paenitentiae sacramentum et conscientiae moderamen,
salva tamen instituti disciplina.
1 While safeguarding the discipline of the institute, Superiors are to acknowledge the freedom due to the
members concerning the sacrament of penance and the direction of conscience.
2 Solliciti sint Superiores ad normam iuris proprii, ut sodalibus idonei confessarii praesto sint, apud quos frequenter
confiteri possint.
2 Superiors are to take care, in accordance with the institute's own law, that the members have suitable
confessors available, to whom they may confess frequently.
3 In monasteriis monialium, in domibus formationis et in communitatibus numerosioribus laicalibus habeantur
confessarii ordinarii ab Ordinario loci probati, collatis consiliis cum communitate, nulla tamen acta obligatione ad illos
3 In monasteries of cloistered nuns, in houses of formation, and in large lay communities, there are to be ordinary
confessors, approved by the local Ordinary after consultation with the community. There is however, no obligation
to approach these confessors.
4 Subditorum confessiones Superiores ne audiant, nisi sponte sua sodales id petant.
4 Superiors are not to hear the confessions of their subjects unless the members spontaneously request them to
do so.
5 Sodales cum fiducia Superiores adeant, quibus animum suum libere ac sponte aperire possunt. Vetantur autem
Superiores eos quoquo modo inducere ad conscientiae manifestationem sibi peragendam.
5 The members are to approach their superiors with trust and be able to open their minds freely and
spontaneously to them. Superiors, however, are forbidden in any way to induce the members to make a
manifestation of conscience to themselves.

Art. 2

1 Capitulum generale, quod supremam auctoritatem ad normam constitutionum in instituto obtinet, ita efformetur ut
totum institutum repraesentans, verum signum eiusdem unitatis in caritate evadat. Eius praecipue est: patrimonium
instituti de quo in can. 578, tueri et accommodatam renovationem iuxta ipsum promovere, Moderatorem supremum
eligere, maiora negotia tractare, necnon normas edicere, quibus omnes parere tenentur.
1 In an institute the general chapter has supreme authority in accordance with the constitutions. It is to be
composed in such a way that it represents the whole institute and becomes a true sign of its unity in charity. Its
principal functions are to protect the patrimony of the institute mentioned in can. 578 and to foster appropriate
renewal in accord with that patrimony. It also elects the supreme Moderator, deals with matters of greater
importance, and issues norms which all are bound to obey.
2 Composito et ambitus potestatis capituli definiantur in constitutionibus; ius proprium ulterius determinet ordinem
servandum in celebratione capituli, praesertim quod ad electiones et rerum agendarum rationes attinet.

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2 The composition of the general chapter and the limits of its powers are to be defined in the constitutions. The
institute's own law is to determine in further detail the order to be observed in the celebration of the chapter,
especially regarding elections and the matters to be treated.
3 Iuxta normas in iure proprio determinatas, non modo provinciae et communitates locales, sed etiam quillibet sodalis
optata sua et suggestiones capitulo generali libere mittere potest.
3 According to the norms determined in the institute's own law, not only provinces and local communities, but also
any individual member may freely submit their wishes and suggestions to the general chapter.

Ius proprium accurate determinet quae pertineant ad alia instituti capitula et ad alias coadunationes, nempe ad eorum
naturam, auctoritatem, compositionem, modum procedendi et tempus celebrationis.
The institute's own law is to determine in greater detail matters concerning other chapters and other similar
assemblies of the institute, that is, concerning their nature, authority, composition, procedure and time of


1 Organa participationis vel consultationis munus sibi commissum fideliter expleant ad normam iuris universalis et
proprii, eademque suo modo curam et participationem omnium sodalium pro bono totius instituti vel communitatis
1 Participatory and consultative bodies are faithfully to carry out the task entrusted to them, in accordance with
the universal law and the institute's own law. In their own way they are to express the care and participation of all
the members for the good of the whole institute or community.
2 In his mediis participationis et consultationis instituendis et adhibendis sapiens servetur discretio, atque modus
eorum agendi indoli et fini instituti sit conformis.
2 In establishing and utilising these means of participation and consultation, a wise discernment is to be
observed, and the way in which they operate is to be in conformity with the character and purpose of the institute.

Art. 3



1 Instituta, provinciae et domus, utpote personae iuridicae ipso iure, capaces sunt acquirendi, possidendi,
administrandi et alienandi bona temporalia, nisi haec capacitas in constitutionibus excludatur vel coarctetur.
1 Since they are by virtue of the law juridical persons, institutes, provinces and houses have the capacity to
acquire, possess, administer and alienate temporal goods, unless this capacity is excluded or limited in the
2 Vitent tamen quamlibet speciem luxus, immoderati lucri et bonorum cummulationis.
2 They are, however, to avoid all appearance of luxury, excessive gain and the accumulation of goods.


1 Bona temporalia institutorum religiosorum, utpote ecclesiastica, reguntur praescriptis Libri V "De bonis Ecclesiae
temporalibus," nisi aliud expresse caveatur.
1 Since the temporal goods of religious institutes are ecclesiastical goods, they are governed by the provisions of
Book V on 'The Temporal Goods of the Church', unless there is express provision to the contrary.
2 Quodlibet tamen institutum aptas normas statuat de usu et administratione bonorum, quibus paupertas sibi propria
foveatur, defendatur et exprimatur.
2 Each institute, however, is to establish suitable norms for the use and administration of goods, so that the
poverty proper to the institute may be fostered, defended and expressed.


1 In quolibet instituti et similiter in qualibet provincia quae a Superiore maiore regitur, habeatur oeconomus, a
Superiore maiore distinctus et ad normam iuris proprii constitutus, qui administrationem bonorum gerat sub directione
respectivi Superioris. Etiam in communitatibus localibus instituatur, quantum fieri potest, oeconomus a Superiore
locali distinctus.
1 In each institute, and in each province ruled by a major Superior, there is to be a financial administrator, distinct
from the major Superior and constituted in accordance with the institute's own law. The financial administrator is to
administer the goods under the direction of the respective Superior. Even in local communities a financial
administrator, distinct from the local Superior, is in so far as possible to be constituted.

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2 Tempore et modo iure proprio statutis, oeconomi et alii administratores auctoritati competenti peractae
administrationis rationem reddant.
2 At the time and in the manner determined in the institute's own law the financial administrator and others with
financial responsibilities are to render an account of their administration to the competent authority.

Monasteria sui iuris, de quibus in can. 615, Ordinario loci rationem administrationis reddere debent semel in anno;
Loci Ordinario insuper ius esto cognoscendi de rationibus oeconomicis domus religiosae iuris dioecesani.
Once a year, the autonomous monasteries mentioned in can. 615 are to render an account of their administration
to the local Ordinary. The local Ordinary also has the right to be informed about the financial affairs of a religious
house of diocesan right.


1 Ad ius proprium pertinet, intra ambitum iuris universalis, determinare actus qui finem et modum ordinariae
administrationis excedant, atque ea statuere quae ad valide ponendum actum extraordinariae administrationis
necessaria sunt.
1 It is for an institute's own law, within the limits of the universal law, to define the acts which exceed the purpose
and the manner of ordinary administration, and to establish what is needed for the validity of an act of extraordinary
2 Expensas et actus iuridicos ordinariae administrationis valide, praeter Superiores, faciunt, intra fines sui muneris,
officiales quoque, qui in iure proprio ad hoc designantur.
2 Besides Superiors, other officials designated for this task in the institute's own law may, within the limits of their
office, validly make payments and perform juridical acts of ordinary administration.
3 Ad validitatem alienationis et cuiuslibet negotii in quo condicio patrimonalis personae iuridicae peior fieri potest,
requiritur licentia in scripto data Superioris competentis cum consensu sui consilii. Si tamen agatur de negotio quod
summam a Sancta Sede pro cuiusque regione definitam superet, itemque de rebus ex voto Ecclesiae donatis aut de rebus
pretiosis artis vel historiae causa, requiritur insuper ipsius Sanctae Sedis licentia.
3 For the validity of alienation, and of any transaction by which the patrimonial condition of the juridical person
could be adversely affected there is required the written permission of the competent Superior, given with the
consent of his or her council. Moreover, the permission of the Holy See is required if the transaction involves a sum
exceeding that which the Holy See has determined for each region, or if it concerns things donated to the Church
as a result of a vow, or objects which are precious by reason of their artistic or historical value.
4 Pro monasteriis sui iuris, de quibus in can. 615, et institutis iuris dioecesani accedat necesse est consensus Ordinarii
loci in scriptis praestitus.
4 For the autonomous monasteries mentioned in can. 615, and for institutes of diocesan right, the written consent
of the diocesan Bishop is necessary.


1 Si persona iuridica debita et obligationes contraxerit etiam cum Superiorem licentia, ipsa tenetur de eisdem
1 If a juridical person has contracted debts and obligations, even with the permission of the Superior, it is
responsible for them.
2 Si sodalis cum licentia Superioris contraxerit de suis bonis, ipse respondere debet, si vero de mandato Superioris
negotium instituti gesserit, institutum respondere debet.
2 If individual members have, with the permission of the Superior, entered into contracts concerning their own
property, they are responsible. If, however, they have conducted business for the institute on the mandate of a
Superior, the institute is responsible.
3 Si contraxerit religiosus sine ulla Superiorum licentia, ipse respondere debet, non autem persona iuridica.
3 If a religious has entered into a contract without any permission of Superiors, the religious is responsible, not
the juridical person.
4 Firmum tamen esto, contra eum, in cuius rem aliquid ex inito contractu verum est, semper posse actionem instituti.
4 However, an action can always be brought against a person who has gained from a contract entered into.

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5 Caveant Superiores religiosi ne debita contrahenda permittant, nisi certo constet ex consuetis reditibus posse debiti
foenus solvi et intra tempus non nimis longum per legitimam amortizationem reddi summam capitalem.
5 Superiors are to be careful not to allow debts to be contracted unless they are certain that normal income can
service the interest on the debt, and by lawful amortization repay the capital over a period which is not unduly

Instituta, ratione habita singulorum locorum, testimonium caritatis et paupertatis quasi collectivum reddere satagant
et pro viribus ex propriis bonis aliquid conferant ad Ecclesiae necessitatibus et egenorum sustentationi subveniendum.
Taking into account the circumstances of the individual places, institutes are to make a special effort to give, as it
were, a collective testimony of charity and poverty. They are to do all in their power to donate something from their
own resources to help the needs of the Church and the support of the poor.

Art. 1





Ius candidatos admittendi ad novitiatum pertinet ad Superiores maiores ad normam iuris proprii.
The right to admit candidates to the novitiate belongs to the major Superiors, in accordance with the norms of the
institute's own law.


Superiores vigilanti cura eos tantum admittant qui, praeter aetatem requisitam, habeant valetudinem, aptam indolem
et sufficientes maturitatis qualitates ad vitam instituti propriam amplectendam; quae valetudo, indoles et maturitas
comprobentur adhibitis etiam, si opus fuerit, peritis, firmo praescripto can. 220.
Superiors are to exercise a vigilant care to admit only those who, besides being of required age, are healthy, have a
suitable disposition, and have sufficient maturity to undertake the life which is proper to the institute. If necessary,
the health, disposition and maturity are to be established by experts, without prejudice to can. 220.


1 Invalide ad novitiatum admittitur:

1 The following are invalidly admitted to the novitiate:

qui decimum septimum aetatis annum nondum compleverit;

One who has not yet completed the seventeenth year of age;

coniux, durante matrimonio;

a spouse, while the marriage lasts;

qui sacro vinculo cum aliquo instituto vitae consecratae actu obstringitur vel in aliqua societate vitae apostolicae
incorporatus est, salvo praescripto can. 684;
one who is currently bound by a sacred bond to some institute of consecrated life, or is incorporated in some
society of apostolic life, without prejudice to can. 684;

qui institutum ingreditur vi, metu gravi aut dolo inductus, vel is quem Superior eodem modo inductus recipit;
one who enters the institute through force, fear or deceit, or whom the Superior accepts under the same

qui celaverit suam incorporationem in aliquo instituto vitae consecratae aut in aliqua societate vitae apostolicae.
one who has concealed his or her incorporation in an institute of consecrated life or society of apostolic life.

2 Ius proprium potest alia impedimenta etiam ad validitatem admissionis constituere vel condiciones apponere.
2 An institute's own law can constitute other impediments even for the validity of admission, or attach other

Superiores ad novitiatum ne admittant clericos saeculares inconsulto proprio ipsorum Ordinario, nec aere alieno
gravatos qui ad solvendum pares non sint.
Superiors are not to admit secular clerics to the novitiate without consulting their proper Ordinary; nor those who
have debts which they are unable to meet.

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1 Candidati, antequam ad novitiatum admittantur, testimonium baptismatis et confirmationis necnon status liberi
exhibere debent.
1 Before candidates are admitted to the novitiate they must produce proof of baptism and confirmation, and of
their free status.
2 Si agatur de admittendis clericis iisve qui in aliud institutum vitae consecratae, in societatem vitae apostolicae vel in
seminarium admissi fuerint, requiritur insuper testimonium respective Ordinarii loci vel Superioris maioris instituti,
vel societatis, vel rectoris seminarii.
2 The admission of clerics or others who had been admitted to another institute of consecrated life, to a society of
apostolic life, or to a seminary, requires in addition the testimony of, respectively, the local Ordinary, or the major
Superior of the institute or society, or the rector of the seminary.
3 Ius proprium exigere potest alia testimonia de requisita idoneitate candidatorum et de immunitate ab impedimentis.
3 An institute's own law can demand further proofs concerning the suitability of candidates and their freedom from
any impediment.
4 Superiores alias quoque informationes, etiam sub secreto, petere possunt, si ipsis necessarium visum fuerit.
4 The Superiors can seek other information, even under secrecy, if this seems necessary to them.

Art. 2




Novitiatus, quo vita in instituto incipitur, ad hoc ordinatur, ut novitii vocationem divinam, et quidem instituti propriam,
melius agnoscant, vivendi modum instituti experiantur eiusque spiritu mentem et cor informent, atque ipsorum
propositum et idoneitas comprobentur.
The purpose of the novitiate, by which life in an institute begins, is to give the novices a greater understanding of
their divine vocation, and of their vocation to that institute. During the novitiate the novices are to experience the
manner of life of the institute and form their minds and hearts in its spirit. At the same time their resolution and
suitability are to be tested.


1 Domus novitiatus erectio, translatio et suppressio fiant per decretum scripto datum supremi Moderatoris instituti de
consensu sui consilii.
1 The establishment, transfer and suppression of a novitiate house are to take place by a written decree of the
supreme Moderator of the institute, given with the consent of the council.
2 Novitiatus, ut validus sit, peragi debet in domo ad hoc rite designata. In casibus particularibus et ad modum
exceptionis, ex concessione Moderatoris supremi de consensu sui consilii, candidatus novitiatum peragere potest in alia
instituti domo sub moderamine alicuius probati religiosi, qui vices magistri novitiorum gerat.
2 To be valid, a novitiate must take place in a house which is duly designated for this purpose. In particular cases
and by way of exception and with the permission of the supreme Moderator given with the consent of the council, a
candidate can make the novitiate in another house of the institute, under the direction of an approved religious who
takes the place of the director of novices.
3 Superior maior permittere potest ut novitiorum coetus, per certa temporis spatia, in alia instituti domo, a se
designata, commoretur.
3 A major Superior can allow a group of novices to reside, for a certain period of time, in another specified house
of the institute.


1 Novitiatus, ut validus sit, duodecim menses in ipsa novitiatus communitate peragendos complecti debet, firmo
praescripto can. 647, 3.
1 For validity, the novitiate must comprise twelve months spent in the novitiate community, without prejudice to
the provision of can. 647 3.
2 Ad novitiorum institutionem perficiendam, constitutiones, praeter tempus de quo in, 1, unum vel plura
exercitationis apostolicae tempora extra novitiatus communitatem peragenda statuere possunt.
2 To complete the formation of the novices, the constitutions can prescribe, in addition to the time mentioned in
1, one or more periods of apostolic activity, to be performed outside the novitiate community.

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3 Novitiatus ultra biennium ne extendatur.

3 The novitiate is not to be extended beyond two years.

1 Salvis praescriptis can. 647, 3 et can. 648, 2, absentia a domo novitiatus quae tres menses, sive continuos sive
intermissos, superet, novitiatum invalidum reddit. Absentia quae quindecim dies superet, suppleri debet.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 647 3, and can. 648 2, a novitiate is invalidated by an absence
from the novitiate house of more than three months, continuous or broken. Any absence of more than fifteen days
must be made good.
2 De venia competentis Superioris maioris, prima professio anticipari potest, non ultra quindecim dies.
2 With the permission of the competent major Superior, first profession may be anticipated, though not by more
than fifteen days.


1 Scopus novitiatus exigit ut novitii sub directione magistri efformentur iuxta rationem institutionis iure proprio
1 The object of the novitiate demands that novices be formed under the supervision of the director of novices, in a
manner of formation to be defined by the institute's own law.
2 Regimen novitiorum, sub auctoritate Superiorum maiorum, uni magistro reservatur.
2 The governance of the novices is reserved to the director of novices alone, under the authority of the major


1 Novitiorum magister sit sodalis instituti qui vota perpetua professus sit et legitime designatus.
1 The director of novices is to be a member of the institute who has taken perpetual vows and has been lawfully
2 Magistro, si opus fuerit, cooperatores dari possunt, qui ei subsint quoad moderamen novitiatus et institutionis
2 If need be, directors of novices may be given assistants, who are subject to them in regard to the governance of
the novitiate and the manner of formation.
3 Novitiorum institutioni praeficiantur sodales sedulo praeparati qui, aliis oneribus non impediti, munus suum
fructose et stabili modo absolvere possint.
3 Those in charge of the formation of novices are to be members who have been carefully prepared, and who are
not burdened with other tasks, so that they may discharge their office fruitfully and in a stable fashion.


1 Magistri eiusque cooperatorum est novitiorum vocationem discernere et comprobare, eosque gradatim ad vitam
perfectionis instituti propriam rite ducendam efformare.
1 It is the responsibility of the directors of novices and their assistants to discern and test the vocation of the
novices, and gradually to form them to lead the life of perfection which is proper to the institute.
2 Novitii ad virtutes humanas et christianas excolendas adducantur; per orationem et sui abnegationem in pleniorem
perfectionis viam introducantur; ad mysterium salutis contemplandum et sacras Scripturas legendas et meditandas
instruantur; ad Dei cultum in sacra liturgia excolendum praeparentur; rationem addiscant vitam ducendi Deo
hominibusque in Christo per consilia evangelica consecratam; de instituti indole et spiritu, fine et disciplina, historia et
vita edoceantur atque amore erga Ecclesiam eiusque sacros Pastores imbuantur.
2 Novices are to be led to develop human and christian virtues. Through prayer and self-denial they are to be
introduced to a fuller way of perfection. They are to be instructed in contemplating the mystery of salvation, and in
reading and meditating on the sacred Scriptures. Their preparation is to enable them to develop their worship of
God in the sacred liturgy. They are to learn how to lead a life consecrated to God and their neighbour in Christ
through the evangelical counsels. They are to learn about the character and spirit of the institute, its purpose and
discipline, its history and life, and be imbued with a love for the Church and its sacred Pastors.
3 Novitii, propriae responsabilitatis conscii, ita cum magistro suo active collaborent ut gratiae divinae vocationis
fideliter respondeant.
3 Novices, conscious of their own responsibility, are to cooperate actively with the director of novices, so that they
may faithfully respond to the grace of their divine vocation.

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4 Curent instituti sodales, ut in opere institutionis novitiorum pro parte sua cooperentur vitae exemplo et oratione.
4 By the example of their lives and by prayer, the members of the institute are to ensure that they do their part in
assisting the work of formation of the novices.
5 Tempus novitiatus, de quo in can. 648, 1, in opus formationis proprie impendatur, ideoque novitii ne occupentur in
studiis et muniis, quae huic formationi non directe inserviunt.
5 The period of novitiate mentioned in can. 648 1, is to be set aside exclusively for the work of formation. The
novices are therefore not to be engaged in studies or duties which do not directly serve this formation.

1 Novitius institutum libere deserere potest; competens autem instituti auctoritas potest eum dimittere.
1 A novice may freely leave the institute. The competent authority of the institute may also dismiss a novice.
2 Exacto novitiatu, si idoneus iudicetur, novitius ad professionem temporariam admittatur, secus dimittatur; si
dubium supersit de eius idoneitate, potest probationis tempus a Superiore maiore ad normam iuris proprii, non tamen
ultra sex menses prorogari.
2 On the completion of the novitiate, a novice, if judged suitable, is to be admitted to temporary profession;
otherwise the novice is to be dismissed. If a doubt exists concerning suitability, the time of probation may be
prolonged by the major Superior, in accordance with the institute's own law, but for a period not exceeding six

Art. 3



Professione religiosa sodales tria consilia evangelica observanda voto publico assumunt, Deo per Ecclesiae ministerium
consecrantur et instituto incorporantur cum iuribus et officiis iure definitis.
By religious profession members make a public vow to observe the three evangelical counsels. Through the
ministry of the Church they are consecrated to God, and are incorporated into the institute, with the rights and
duties defined by law.


Professio temporaria ad tempus iure proprio definitum emittatur, quod neque triennio brevius neque sexennio longius
Temporary profession is to be made for the period defined by the institute's own law. This period may not be less
than three years nor longer than six years.


Ad validitatem professionis temporariae requiritur ut:

The validity of temporary profession requires:


qui eam emissurus est, decimum saltem octavum aetatis annum compleverit;
that the person making it has completed at least the eighteenth year of age;

novitiatus valide peractus sit;

that the novitiate has been made validly;

habeatur admissio a competenti Superiore cum voto sui consilii ad normam iuris libere facta;
that admission has been granted, freely and in accordance with the norms of law, by the competent Superior,
after a vote of his or her council;

sit expressa et absque vi, metu gravi aut dolo emissa;

that the profession be explicit and made without force, fear or deceit;

a legitimo Superiore per se vel per alium recipiatur.

that the profession be received by the lawful Superior, personally or through another.

1 Expleto tempore ad quod professio emissa fuerit, qui sponte petat et idoneus iudicetur, ad renovationem professionis
vel ad professionem perpetuam admittatur, secus discedat.
1 When the period of time for which the profession was made has been completed, a religious who freely asks,
and is judged suitable, is to be admitted to a renewal of profession or to perpetual profession; otherwise, the
religious is to leave.

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2 Si opportunum vero videatur, periodus professionis; temporariae a competenti Superiore, iuxta ius proprium,
prorogari potest, ita tamen ut totum tempus, quo sodalis votis temporariis adstringitur, non superet novennium.
2 If it seems opportune, the period of temporary profession can be extended by the competent Superior in
accordance with the institute's own law. The total time during which the member is bound by temporary vows may
not, however, extend beyond nine years.
3 Professio perpetua anticipari potest ex iusta causa, non tamen ultra trimestre.
3 Perpetual profession can for a just reason be anticipated, but not by more than three months.

Praeter condiciones de quibus in can. 656, nn. 2, 4 et 5 aliasque iure proprio appositas, ad validitatem professionis
perpetuae requiritur:
Besides the conditions mentioned in can. 656, nn. 3, 4 and 5, and others attached by the institute's own law, the
validity of perpetual profession requires:

vigesimus primus saltem aetatis annus completus;

that the person has completed at least the twenty-first year of age;

praevia professio temporaria saltem per triennium, salvo praescripto can. 657, 3.
that there has been previous temporary profession for at least three years, without prejudice to the provision
of can. 657 3.

Art. 4


1 In singulis institutis, post primam professionem omnium sodalium institutio perficiatur ad vitam instituti propriam
plenius ducendam et ad eius missionem aptius prosequendam.
1 After first profession, the formation of all members in each institute is to be completed, so that they may lead
the life proper to the institute more fully, and fulfil its mission more effectively.
2 Quapropter ius proprium rationem definire debet huius institutionis eiusdemque durationis, attentis Ecclesiae
necessitatibus atque hominum temporumque condicionibus, prout a fine est indole instituti exigitur.
2 The institute's own law is, therefore, to define the nature and duration of this formation. In this, the needs of the
Church and the conditions of people and times are to be kept in mind, insofar as this is required by the purpose
and the character of the institute.
3 Institutio sodalium, qui ad sacros ordines suscipiendos praeparantur, iure universali regitur et propria instituti
ratione studiorum.
3 The formation of members who are being prepared for sacred orders is governed by the universal law and the
institute's own program of studies.


1 Institutio sit systematica, captui sodalium accommodata, spiritualis et apostolica, doctrinalis simul ac practica,
titulis etiam congruentibus, tam ecclesiasticis quam civilibus, pro opportunitate obtentis.
1 Formation is to be systematic, adapted to the capacity of the members, spiritual and apostolic, both doctrinal
and practical. Suitable ecclesiastical and civil degrees are to be obtained as opportunity offers.
2 Perdurante tempore huius institutionis, sodalibus officia et opera ne committantur, quae eam impediant.
2 During the period of formation members are not to be given offices and undertakings which hinder their


Per totam vitam religiosi formationem suam spiritualem, doctrinalem et practicam sedulo prosequantur; Superiores
autem eis adiumenta et tempus ad hoc procurent.
Religious are to be diligent in continuing their spiritual, doctrinal and practical formation throughout their lives.
Superiors are to ensure that they have the assistance and the time to do this.




Religiosi sequelam Christi in Evangelio propositam et in constitutionibus proprii instituti expressam tamquam
supremam vitae regulam habeant.

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Religious are to find their supreme rule of life in the following of Christ as proposed in the Gospel and as expressed
in the constitutions of their own institute.

1 Rerum divinarum contemplatio et assidua cum Deo in oratione unio omnium religiosorum primum et praecipuum
sit officium.
1 The first and principal duty of all religious is to be the contemplation of things divine and constant union with
God in prayer.
2 Sodales cotidie pro viribus Sacrificium eucharisticum participent, sanctissimum Corpus Christi recipiant et ipsum
Dominum in Sacramento praesentem adorent.
2 Each day the members are to make every effort to participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice, receive the most holy
Body of Christ and adore the Lord himself present in the Sacrament.
3 Lectioni sacra iuris proprii praescripta liturgiam horarum digne celebrent, firma pro clericis obligatione de qua in
can. 276, 2, n. 3, et alia pietatis exercitia peragant.
3 They are to devote themselves to reading the sacred Scriptures and to mental prayer. In accordance with the
provisions of their own law, they are to celebrate the liturgy of the hours worthily, without prejudice to the obligation
of clerics mentioned in can. 276, 2, n.3. They are also to perform other exercises of piety.
4 Speciali cultu Virginem Deiparam, omnis vitae consecratae exemplum et tutamen, etiam per mariale rosarium
4 They are to have a special devotion to the Virgin Mother of God, the example and protectress of all consecrated
life, including by way of the rosary.
5 Annua sacri recessus tempora fideliter servent.
5 They are faithfully to observe the period of annual retreat.


In animi erga Deum conversione insistant religiosi, conscientiam etiam cotidie examinent et ad paenitentiae
sacramentum frequenter accedant.
Religious are earnestly to strive for the conversion of soul to God. They are to examine their consciences daily, and
to approach the sacrament of penance frequently


1 Religiosi in propria domo religiosa habitent vitam communem servantes, nec ab ea discedant nisi de licentia sui
Superioris. Si autem agatur de diuturna a domo absentia, Superior maior, de consensu sui consilii atque iusta de causa,
sodali concedere potest ut extra domum instituti degere possit, non tamen ultra annum, nisi causa infirmitatis
curandae, ratione studiorum aut apostolatus exercendi nomine instituti.
1 Religious are to reside in their own religious house and observe the common life; they are not to stay elsewhere
except with the permission of the Superior. For a lengthy absence from the religious house, the major Superior, for
a just reason and with the consent of the council, can authorise a member to live outside a house of the institute;
such an absence is not to exceed one year, unless it be for reasons of health, studies or an apostolate to be
exercised in the name of the institute.
2 Sodalis, qui e domo religiosa illegitime abest cum animo sese subducendi a potestate Superiorum, sollicite ab eisdem
quaeratur et adiuvetur ut redeat et in sua vocatione perseveret.
2 Members who unlawfully absent themselves from a religious house with the intention of withdrawing from the
authority of Superiors, are to be carefully sought out and helped to return and to persevere in their vocation.


In usu mediorum communicationis socialis servetur necessaria discretio atque vitentur quae sunt vocationi propriae
nociva et castitati personae consecratae periculosa.
In using the means of social communication, a necessary discretion is to be observed. Members are to avoid
whatever is harmful to their vocation and dangerous to the chastity of a consecrated person.


1 In omnibus domibus clausura indoli et missioni instituti accomodata servetur secundum determinationes proprii
iuris, aliqua parte domus religiosae solis sodalibus semper reservata.
1 In accordance with the institute's own law, there is to be in all houses an enclosure appropriate to the character
and mission of the institute. Some part of the house is always to be reserved to the members alone.

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2 Strictior disciplina clausurae in monsteriis ad vitam contemplativam ordinatis servanda est.

2 A stricter discipline of enclosure is to be observed in monasteries which are devoted to the contemplative life.
3 Monasteria monialium, quae integre ad vitam contemplativam ordinantur, clausuram papalem, iuxta normas scilicet
ab Apostolica Sede datas, observare debent. Cetera monialium monasteria clausuram propriae indoli accomodatam et
in constitutionibus definitam servent.
3 Monasteries of cloistered nuns who are wholly devoted to the contemplative life, must observe papal enclosure,
that is, in accordance with the norms given by the Apostolic See. Other monasteries of cloistered nuns are to
observe an enclosure which is appropriate to their nature and is defined in the constitutions.
4 Episcopus dioecesanus facultatem habet ingrediendi, iusta de causa, intra clausuram monasteriorum monialium,
quae sita sunt in sua dioecesi, atque permittendi, gravi de causa et assistente Antistita, ut alii in clausuram
admittantur, ac moniales ex ipsa egrediantur ad tempus vere necessarium.
4 The diocesan Bishop has the faculty of entering, for a just reason, the enclosure of cloistered nuns whose
monasteries are situated in his diocese. For a grave reason and with the assent of the Abbess, he can permit
others to be admitted to the enclosure, and permit the nuns to leave the enclosure for whatever time is truly

1 Sodales ante primam professionem suorum bonorum administrationem cedant cui maluerint et, nisi constitutiones
aliud ferant, de eorum usu et usufructu libere disponant. Testamentum autem, quod etiam in iure civili sit validum,
saltem ante professionem perpetuam condant.
1 Before their first profession, members are to cede the administration of their goods to whomsoever they wish
and, unless the constitutions provide otherwise, they are freely to make dispositions concerning the use and
enjoyment of these goods. At least before perpetual profession, they are to make a will which is valid also in civil
2 Ad has dispositiones iusta de causa mutandas et ad quemlibet actum ponendum circa bona temporalia, licentia
Superioris competentis ad normam iuris proprii indigent.
2 To change these dispositions for a just reason, and to take any action concerning temporal goods, there is
required the permission of the Superior who is competent in accordance with the institute's own law.
3 Quidquid religiosus propria acquirit industria vel ratione instituti, acquirit instituto. Quae ei ratione pensionis,
subventionis vel assecurationis quoquo modo obveniunt, instituto acquiruntur, nisi aliud iure proprio statuatur.
3 Whatever a religious acquires by personal labour, or on behalf of the institute, belongs to the institute. Whatever
comes to a religious in any way through pension, grant or insurance also passes to the institute, unless the
institute's own law decrees otherwise.
4 Qui ex instituti natura plene bonis suis renuntiare debet, illam renuntiationem, forma, quantum fieri potest, etiam
iure civili valida, ante professionem perpetuam faciat a die emissae professionis valituram. Idem faciat professus a votis
perpetuis, qui ad normam iuris proprii bonis suis pro parte vel totaliter de licentia supremi Moderatoris renuntiare
4 When the nature of an institute requires members to renounce their goods totally, this renunciation is to be
made before perpetual profession and, as far as possible, in a form that is valid also in civil law; it shall come into
effect from the day of profession. The same procedure is to be followed by a perpetually professed religious who, in
accordance with the norms of the institute's own law and with the permission of the supreme Moderator, wishes to
renounce goods, in whole or in part.
5 Professus, qui ob instituti naturam plene bonis suis renuntiaverit, capacitatem acquirendi et possidendi amittit,
ideoque actus voto paupertatis contrarios invalide ponit. Quae autem ei post renuntiationem obveniunt, instituto cedunt
ad normam iuris proprii.
5 Professed religious who, because of the nature of their institute, totally renounce their goods, lose the capacity
to acquire and possess goods; actions of theirs contrary to the vow of poverty are therefore invalid. Whatever they
acquire after renunciation belongs to the institute, in accordance with the institute's own law.


1 Religiosi habitum instituti deferant, ad normam iuris proprii confectum, in signum suae consecrationis et in
testimonium paupertatis.

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1 As a sign of their consecration and as a witness to poverty, religious are to wear the habit of their institute,
determined in accordance with the institute's own law.
2 Religiosi clerici instituti, quod proprium non habet habitum, vestem clericalem ad normam can. 284 assumant.
2 Religious of a clerical institute who do not have a special habit are to wear clerical dress, in accordance with
can. 284.

Institutum debet sodalibus suppeditare omnia quae ad normam constitutionum necessaria sunt ad suae vocationis
finem assequendum.
The institute must supply the members with everything that, in accordance with the constitutions, is necessary to
fulfil the purpose of their vocation.


Religiosus munera et officia extra proprium institutum ne recipiat absque licentia legitimi Superioris.
Religious are not to undertake tasks and offices outside their own institute without the permission of the lawful


Religiosi adstringuntur praescriptis cann. 277, 285, 286, 287 et 289, et religiosi clerici insuper praescriptis can. 279, 2
in institutis laicalibus iuris pontificii, licentia de qua in can. 285, 4, concedi potest a proprio Superiore maiore.
Religious are bound by the provisions of cann. 277,285, 286, 287 and 289. Religious who are clerics are also
bound by the provisions of can. 279 2. In lay institutes of pontifical right, the permission mentioned in can. 285 4
can be given by the major Superior.




Omnium religiosorum apostolatus primum in eorum vitae consecratae testimonio consistit, quod oratione et paenitentia
fovere tenentur.
The apostolate of all religious consists primarily in the witness of their consecrated life, which they are bound to
foster through prayer and penance.


Instituta, quae integre ad contemplationem ordinantur, in Corpore Christi mystico praeclaram semper partem
obtinent: Deo enim eximium laudis sacrificium offerunt, populum Dei uberrimis sanctitatis fructibus collustrant
eumque exemplo movent necnon arcana fecunditate apostolica dilatant. Qua de causa, quantumvis actuosi apostolatus
urgeat necessitas, sodales horum institutorum advocari nequeunt ut in variis ministeriis pastoralibus operam
adiutricem praestent.
Institutes which are wholly directed to contemplation always have an outstanding part in the mystical Body of
Christ. They offer to God an exceptional sacrifice of praise. They embellish the people of God with very rich fruits of
holiness, move them by their example, and give them increase by a hidden apostolic fruitfulness. Because of this,
no matter how urgent the needs of the active apostolate, the members of these institutes cannot be called upon to
assist in the various pastoral ministries.


1 In institutis operibus apostolatus deditis, apostolica actio ad ipsam eorundem naturam pertinet. Proinde, tota vita
sodalium spiritu apostolico imbuatur, tota vero actio apostolica spiritu religioso informetur.
1 Apostolic action is of the very nature of institutes dedicated to apostolic works. The whole life of the members is,
therefore, to be imbued with an apostolic spirit, and the whole of their apostolic action is to be animated by a
religious spirit.
2 Actio apostolica ex intima cum Deo unione semper procedat eandemque confirmet et foveat.
2 Apostolic action is always to proceed from intimate union with God, and is to confirm and foster this union.
3 Actio apostolica, nomine et mandato Ecclesiae exercenda, in eius communione peragatur.
3 Apostolic action exercised in the name of the Church and by its command is to be performed in communion with
the Church.


Laicalia instituta, tum virorum tum mulierum, per misericordiae opera spiritualia et corporalia munus pastorale
Ecclesiae eucharisticae est sacerdos vel diaconus; in peculiaribus adiuntis, in suae vocationis gratia fideliter

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Lay institutes of men and women participate in the pastoral mission of the Church through the spiritual and
corporal works of mercy, performing very many different services for people. They are therefore to remain faithful to
the grace of their vocation.

1 Superiores et sodales missionem et opera instituti propria sacerdoti summam maiorem expetere; ipsi tamen fas est
stipem necessitatibus, prudenter accommodent, novis etiam et opportunis mediis adhibitis.
1 Superiors and members are faithfully to hold fast to the mission and works which are proper to their institute.
According to the needs of time and place, however, they are prudently to adapt them, making use of new and
appropriate means.
2 Instituta autem, si quas habeant associationes christifidelium sibi coniunctas, speciali cura adiuvent, ut genuino
spiritu suae familiae imbuantur.
2 Institutes which have associations of Christ's faithful joined to them are to have a special care that these
associations are imbued with the genuine spirit of their family.


1 Religiosi subsunt potestati Episcoporum, quos devoto obsequio ac reverentia prosequi tenentur, in iis quae curam
animarum, exercitium publicum cultus divini et alia apostolatus opera respiciunt.
1 In matters concerning the care of souls, the public exercise of divine worship and other works of the apostolate,
religious are subject to the authority of the Bishops, whom they are bound to treat with sincere obedience and
2 In apostolatu externo religiosi propriis quoque Superioribus maiores; integram stipem receptam transmittere debet,
nisi certo obligationem ipsi Episcopi, si casus ferat, urgere ne omittant.
2 In the exercise of an apostolate towards persons outside the institute, religious are also subject to their own
Superiors and must remain faithful to the discipline of the institute. If the need arises, Bishops themselves are not
to fail to insist on this obligation.
3 In operibus apostolatus religiosorum ordinandis Episcopi dioecesani et Superiores religiosi collatis consiliis
procedant oportet.
3 In directing the apostolic works of religious, diocesan Bishops and religious Superiors must proceed by way of
mutual consultation.


Episcopus dioecesanus, urgente gravissima causa, sodali instituti religiosi prohibere potest quominus in dioecesi
commoretur, si eius Superior maior monitus prospicere neglexerit, re tamen ad Sanctam Sedem statim delata.
For a very grave reason a diocesan Bishop can forbid a member of a religious institute to remain in his diocese,
provided the person's major Superior has been informed and has failed to act; the matter must immediately be
reported to the Holy See.


Inter varia instituta, et etiam inter eadem et clerum saecularem, ordinata foveatur cooperatio necnon, sub moderamine
Episcopi dioecesani, omnium operum et actionum apostolicarum coordinatio, salvis indole, fine singulorum
institutorum et legibus fundationis.
Organised cooperation is to be fostered among different institutes, and between them and the secular clergy. Under
the direction of the Bishop, there is to be a coordination of all apostolic works and actions, with due respect for the
character and purpose of each institute and the laws of its foundation.


1 Opera quae ab Episcopo dioecesano committuntur religiosis, eiusdem Episcopi auctoritati et directioni subsunt,
firmo iure Superiorum religiosorum ad normam can. 678, 2 et 3.
1 Works which the diocesan Bishop entrusts to religious are under the authority and direction of the Bishop,
without prejudice to the rights of religious Superiors in accordance with can. 678 2 and 3.
2 In his casibus ineatur conventio scripta inter Episcopum dioecesanum et competentem instituti Superiorem, qua,
inter alia, expresse et accurate definiantur quae ad opus explendum, ad sodales eidem addicendos et ad oeconomicas
2 In these cases a written agreement is to be made between the diocesan Bishop and the competent Superior of
the institute. This agreement must expressly and accurately define, among other things, the work to be done, the
members to be assigned to it and the financial arrangements.

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1 Si de officio ecclesiastico in dioecesi alicui sodali religioso conferendo agatur, ab Episcopo dioecesano religiosus
nominatur, praesentante vel saltem assentiente competenti Superiore.
1 If an ecclesiastical office in a diocese is to be conferred on a member of a religious institute, the religious is
appointed by the diocesan Bishop on presentation by, or at least with the consent of, the competent Superior.
2 Religiosus ab officio commisso amoveri potest ad nutum sive auctoritatis committentis, monito Superiore religioso,
sive Superioris, monito committente, non requisito alterius consensu.
2 The religious can be removed from the office at the discretion of the authority who made the appointment, with
prior notice being given to the religious Superior; or by the religious Superior, with prior notice being given to the
appointing authority. Neither requires the other's consent.


1 Ecclesias et oratoria, quibus christifideles habitualiter accedunt, scholas aliaque opera religionis vel caritatis sive
spiritualis sive temporalis religiosis commissa, Episcopus dioecesanus visitare potest, sive per se sive per alium, tempore
visitationis pastoralis et etiam in casu necessitatis; non vero scholas, quae exclusive pateant propriis instituti alumnis.
1 Either personally or through a delegate, the diocesan Bishop can visit churches or oratories to which Christ's
faithful have habitual access, schools other than those open only to the institute's own members, and other works
of religion and charity entrusted to religious, whether these works be spiritual or temporal. He can do this at the
time of pastoral visitation, or in a case of necessity.
2 Quod si forte abusus deprehenderit, frustra Superiore religioso monito, propria auctoritate ipse per se providere
2 If the diocesan Bishop becomes aware of abuses, and a warning to the religious Superior having been in vain,
he can by his own authority deal with the matter.

Art. 1





1 Sodalis a votis perpetuis nequit a proprio ad aliud institutum religiosum transire, nisi ex concessione supremi
Moderatoris utriusque instituti et de consensu sui cuiusque consilii.
1 Perpetually professed members cannot transfer from their own religious institute to another, except by
permission of the supreme Moderators of both institutes, given with the consent of their respective councils.
2 Sodalis, post peractam probationem quae ad tres saltem annos protrahenda est, ad professionem perpetuam in novo
instituto admitti potest. Si autem sodalis hanc professionem emittere renuat vel ad eam emittendam a competentibus
Superioribus non admittatur, ad pristinum institutum redeat, nisi indultum saecularizationis obtinuerit.
2 On completion of a probationary period of at least three years, the member can be admitted to perpetual
profession in the new institute. A member who refuses to make this profession, or is not admitted to do so by the
competent Superiors, is to return to the original institute, unless an indult of secularisation has been obtained.
3 Ut religiosus a monasterio sui iuris ad aliud eiusdem instituti vel foederationis aut confoederationis transire possit,
requiritur et sufficit consensus Superioris maioris utriusque monasterii et capituli monasterii recipientis, salvis aliis
requisitis iure proprio statutis nova professio non requiritur.
3 For a religious to transfer from one autonomous monastery to another monastery of the same institute,
federation or confederation, the consent of the major Superior of both monasteries and of the chapter of the
receiving monastery is required and is sufficient, unless the institute's own law has established further conditions. A
new profession is not required.
4 Ius proprium determinet tempus et modum probationis, quae professioni sodalis in novo instituto praemittenda est.
4 The institute's own law is to determine the time and manner of the probation which must precede the member's
profession in the new institute.
5 Ut ad institutum saeculare aut ad societatem vitae apostolicae vel ex illis ad institutum religiosum fiat transitus,
requiritur licentia Sanctae Sedis, cuius mandatis standum est.
5 To transfer to a secular institute or to a society of apostolic life, or to transfer from these to a religious institute,
the permission of the Holy See is required and its instructions are to be followed.

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1 Usque ad emissionem professionis in novo instituto, manentibus votis, iura et obligationes quae sodalis in priore
instituto habebat, suspenduntur; ab incepta tamen probatione, ipse ad observantiam iuris proprii novi instituti tenetur.
1 Until profession is made in the new institute, the rights and obligations of the member in the previous institute
are suspended, but the vows remain. From the beginning of probation, the member is bound to observe the laws of
the new institute.
2 Per professionem in novo instituto sodalis eidem incorporatur, cessantibus votis, iuribus et obligationibus
2 By profession in the new institute the member is incorporated into it, and the earlier vows, rights and obligations

Art. 2


1 Supremus Moderator, de consensu sui consilii, sodali a votis perpetuis professo, gravi de causa concedere potest
indultum exclaustrationis, non tamen ultra triennium, praevio consensu Ordinarii loci in quo commorari debet, si
agitur de clerico. Indultum prorogare vel illud ultra triennium concedere Sanctae Sedi vel, si de institutis iuris
dioecesani agitur, Episcopo dioecesano reservatur.
1 With the consent of his or her council, the supreme Moderator can for a grave reason grant an indult of
exclaustration to a perpetually professed member for a period not exceeding three years. In the case of a cleric, the
indult requires the prior consent of the Ordinary of the place where the clerics must reside. To extend this indult, or
to grant one for more than three years, is reserved to the Holy See or, in an institute of diocesan right, to the
diocesan Bishop.
2 Pro monialibus indultum exclaustrationis concedere unius Apostolicae Sedis est.
2 Only the Apostolic See can grant an indult of exclaustration for cloistered nuns.
3 Petente supremo Moderatore de consensu sui consilii, exclaustratio imponi potest a Sancta Sede pro sodale instituti
iuris pontificii vel ab Episcopo dioecesano pro sodale instituti iuris dioecesani, ob graves causas, servata aequitate et
3 At the request of the supreme Moderator acting with the consent of his or her council, exclaustration can be
imposed by the Holy See on a member of an institute of pontifical right, or by a diocesan Bishop on a member of
an institute of diocesan right. In either case a grave reason is required, and equity and charity are to be observed.


Sodalis exclaustratus exoneratus habetur ab obligationibus, quae cum nova suae vitae condicione componi nequeunt,
itemque sub dependentia et cura manet suorum Superiorum et etiam Ordinarii loci, praesertim si de clerico agitur.
Habitum instituti deferre potest, nisi aliud in indulto statuatur. Voce tamen activa et passiva caret.
Members who are exclaustrated are considered as dispensed from those obligations which are incompatible with
their new condition of life. They remain dependent on and under the care of their Superiors and, particularly in the
case of a cleric, of the local Ordinary. They may wear the religious habit, unless the indult specifies otherwise, but
they lack active and passive voice.


1 Qui expleto professionis tempore ab instituto egredi voluerit, illud derelinquere potest.
1 A person who, on completion of the time of temporary profession, wishes to leave the institute, is free to do so.
2 Qui perdurante professione temporaria, gravi de causa, petit ut institutum derelinquat, indultum discendi consequi
potest in instituto iuris pontificii a supremo Moderatore de consensu sui consilii; in institutis autem iuris dioecesani et
in monasteriis, de quibus in can. 615, indultum, ut valeat, confirmari debet ab Episcopo domus assignationis.
2 A person who, during the time of temporary profession, for a grave reason asks to leave the institute, can obtain
an indult to leave. In an institute of pontifical right, this indult can be given by the supreme Moderator with the
consent of his or her council. In institutes of diocesan right and in the monasteries mentioned in can. 615, the indult
must, for validity, be confirmed by the Bishop in whose diocese is located the house to which the person is


1 Sodalis, expleta professione temporaria, si iustae causae affuerint a competenti Superiore maiore, audito suo
consilio, a subsequenti professione emittenda excludi potest.

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1 The competent major Superior, after consulting his or council, can for just reasons exclude a member from
making further profession on the completion of temporary profession.
2 Infirmitas physica vel psychica, etiam post professionem contracta, quae, de iudicio peritorum, sodalem, de quo in
1, reddit ineptum ad vitam in instituto ducendam, causam constituit eum non admittendi ad professionem renovendam
ad perpetuam emittendam, nisi ob neglentiam instituti vel ob laborem in instituto peractum infirmitas contracta fuerit.
2 Even though contracted after profession, a physical or psychological infirmity which, in the judgement of
experts, renders the member mentioned in 1 unsuited to lead a life in the institute, constitutes a reason for not
admitting the member to renewal of profession or to perpetual profession, unless the infirmity was contracted
through the negligence of the institute or because of work performed in the institute.
3 Si vero religiosus, perdurantibus votis temporariis, amens evaserit, etsi novam professionem emittere non valeat, ab
instituto tamen dimitti non potest.
3 A religious who becomes insane during the period of temporary vows cannot be dismissed from the institute,
even though unable to make a new profession.

1 Qui, expleto novitiatu vel post professionem, legitime ab instituto egressus fuerit, a Moderatore supremo de consensu
sui consilii rursus admitti potest sine onere repetendi erga sodales instituti amittit presbyter; revocata autem eadem
probationem praeviam professioni temporariae et tempus votorum ante professionem perpetuam praemittendum, ad
normam cann. 655 et 657.
1 A person who lawfully leaves the institute after completing the novitiate or after profession, can be re-admitted
by the supreme Moderator, with the consent of his or her council, without the obligation of repeating the novitiate.
The same Moderator is to determine an appropriate probation prior to temporary profession, and the length of time
in vows before making perpetual profession, in accordance with the norms of can. 655 and 657.
2 Eadem facultate gaudet Superior monasterii sui iuris cum consensu sui consilii.
2 The Superior of an autonomous monastery, acting with the consent of his or her council, has the same faculty.


1 Professus a votis perpetuis indultum discedendi ab instituto ne petat, nisi ob gravissimas causas coram Domino
perpensas; petitionem suam deferat supremo instituti Moderatori, qui eam una cum voto suo suique consilii auctoritati
competenti transmittat.
1 A perpetually professed religious is not to seek an indult to leave the institute, except for very grave reasons,
weighed before the Lord. The petition is to be presented to the supreme Moderator of the institute, who will forward
it to the competent authority with his or her own opinion and that of the council.
2 Huiusmodi indultum in institutis iuris pontificii Sedi Apostolicae reservatur; in institutis vero iuris dioecesani, id
etiam Episcopus dioecesis, in qua domus assignationis sita est, concedere potest.
2 In institutes of pontifical right this indult is reserved to the Apostolic See. In institutes of diocesan right the indult
can be granted by the Bishop in whose diocese is located the house to which the religious is assigned.


Indultum discedendi legitime concessum et sodali notificatum, nisi in actu notificationis ab ipso sodale reiectum fuerit,
ipso iure secumfert dispensationem a votis necnon ab omnibus obligationibus ex professione ortis.
An indult to leave the institute, which is lawfully granted and notified to the member, by virtue of the law itself
carries with it, unless it has been rejected by the member in the act of notification, a dispensation from the vows
and from all obligations arising from profession.


Si sodalis sit clericus, indultum non conceditur priusquam inveniat Episcopum qui eum in dioecesi incardinet vel
saltem ad experimentum recipiat. Si ad experimentum recipiatur, transacto quinquennio, ipso iure dioecesi
incardinatur, nisi Episcopus eum recusaverit.
If the member is a cleric, the indult is not granted until he has found a Bishop who will incardinate him in his
diocese or at least receive him there on probation. If he is received on probation, he is by virtue of the law itself
incardinated in the diocese after five years, unless the Bishop has rejected him.

Art. 3


1 Ipso facto dimissus ab instituto habendus est sodalis qui:

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1 A member is to be considered automatically dismissed if he or she:


a fide catholica notorie defecerit;

has notoriously defected from the catholic faith;

matrimonium contraxerit vel, etiam civiliter tantum, attentaverit.

has contracted marriage or attempted to do so, even civilly.

2 His in casibus Superior maior cum suo consilio, nulla mora interposita, collectis probationibus, declarationem facti
emittat, ut iuridice constet de dimissione.
2 In these cases the major Superior with his or her council must, after collecting the evidence, without delay make
a declaration of the fact, so that the dismissal is juridically established.

1 Sodalis dimitti debet ob delicta de quibus in cann. 1397, 1398 et 1395, nisi in delictis, de quibus in can. 1395, 2,
Superior censeat dimissionem non esse omnino necessariam et emendationi sodalis atque restitutioni iustitiae et
reparationi scandali satis alio modo consuli posse.
1 A member must be dismissed for the offences mentioned in cann. 1397, 1398 and 1395, unless, for the offences
mentioned in can. 1395 2, the Superior judges that dismissal is not absolutely necessary; and that sufficient
provision can be made in some other way for the amendment of the member, the restoration of justice and the
reparation of scandal.
2 Hisce in casibus, Superior maior, collectis probationibus circa facta et imputabilitatem, sodali dimittendo
accusationem atque probationes significet, data eidem facultate sese defendendi. Acta omnia a Superiore maiore et a
notario subscripta, una cum responsionibus sodalis scripto redactis et ab ipso sodale subscriptis, supremo Moderatori
2 In these cases the major Superior is to collect the evidence concerning the facts and the imputability of the
offence. The accusation and the evidence are then to be presented to the member, who shall be given the
opportunity for defence. All the acts, signed by the major Superior and the notary, are to be forwarded, together with
the written and signed replies of the member, to the supreme Moderator.


1 Sodalis dimitti etiam potest ob alias causas, dummodo sint graves, externae, imputabiles et iuridice comprobatae, uti
sunt: habitualis neglectus obligationum vitae consecratae; iteratae violationes sacrorum vinculorum; pertinax
inoboedientia legitimis praescriptis Superiorum in materia gravi; grave scandalum ex culpabili modo agendi sodalis
ortum; pertinax sustentatio vel diffusio doctrinarum ab Ecclesiae magisterio damnatarum; publica adhaesio ideologiis
materialismo vel atheismo infectis; illegitima absentia, de qua in can. 665, 2, per semestre protracta; aliae causae
similis gravitatis iure proprio instituti forte determinatae.
1 A member can be dismissed for other causes, provided they are grave, external, imputable and juridically
proven. Among such causes are: habitual neglect of the obligations of consecrated life; repeated violations of the
sacred bonds; obstinate disobedience to the lawful orders of Superiors in grave matters; grave scandal arising from
the culpable behaviour of the member; obstinate attachment to, or diffusion of, teachings condemned by the
magisterium of the Church; public adherence to materialistic or atheistic ideologies; the unlawful absence
mentioned in can. 665 2, if it extends for a period of six months; other reasons of similar gravity which are
perhaps defined in the institute's own law.
2 Ad dimissionem sodalis a votis temporariis, etiam causae minoris gravitatis in iure proprio statutae sufficiunt.
2 A member in temporary vows can be dismissed even for less grave reasons determined in the institute's own


In casibus de quibus in can. 696, si Superior maior, audito suo consilio, censuerit processum dimissionis esse
1 In the cases mentioned in can. 696, if the major Superior, after consulting his or her council, judges that the
process of dismissal should be commenced:

probationes colligat vel compleat;

the major Superior is to collect or complete the evidence;

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sodalem scripto vel coram duobus testibus moneat cum explicita comminatione subsecuturae dimissionis nisi
resipiscat, clare significata causa dimissionis et data sodali plena facultate sese defendendi quod si monitio
incassum cedat, ad alteram monitionem, spatio saltem quindecim dierum interposito, procedat;
the major Superior is to warn the member in writing, or before two witnesses, with an explicit caution that
dismissal will follow unless the member reforms. The reasons for dismissal are to be clearly expressed and
the member is to be given every opportunity for defence. If the warning has no effect, another warning is to be
given after an interval of at least fifteen days;

si haec quoque monitio incassum ceciderit et Superior maior cum suo consilio censuerit de incorrigibilitate satis
constare et defensiones sodalis insufficientes esse, post quindecim dies ab ultima monitione frustra elapsos, acta
omnia ab ipso Superiore maiore et a notario subscripta una cum responsionibus sodalis ab ipso sodale subscriptis
supremo Moderatori transmittat.
if this latter warning is also ineffectual, and the major Superior with his or her council judges that there is
sufficient proof of incorrigibility, and that the defence by the member is insufficient, after fifteen days from the
last warning have passed in vain all the acts, signed by the major Superior and the notary, are to be
forwarded, together with the signed replies of the member, to the supreme Moderator.


In omnibus casibus, de quibus in cann. 695 et 696, firmum semper manet ius sodalis cum supremo Moderatore
communicandi et illi directe suas defensiones exhibendi.
In all the cases mentioned in cann. 695 and 696, the member always retains the right to communicate with, and
send replies directly to, the supreme Moderator.


1 Supremus Moderator cum suo consilio, quod ad validitatem saltem quattuor membris constare debet, collegialiter
procedat ad probationes, argumenta et defensiones accurate perpendenda, et si per secretam suffragationem id decisum
fuerit, decretum dimissionis ferat, expressis ad validitatem saltem summarie motivis in iure et in facto.
1 The supreme Moderator and his or her council are to proceed in collegial fashion in accurately weighing the
evidence, the arguments, and the defence. For validity, the council must comprise at least four members. If by a
secret vote it is decided to dismiss the religious, a decree of dismissal is to be drawn up, which for validity must
express at least in summary form the reasons in law and in fact.
2 In monasteriis sui iuris, de quibus in can. 615, dimissionem decernere pertinet ad Episcopum dioecesanum, cui
Superior acta a consilio suo recognita submittat.
2 In the autonomous monasteries mentioned in can. 615, the judgement about dismissal belongs to the diocesan
Bishop. The Superior is to submit the acts to him after they have been reviewed by the council.


Decretum dimissionis vim non habet, nisi a Sancta Sede confirmatum fuerit, cui decretum et acta omnia transmittenda
sunt; si agatur de instituto iuris dioecesani, confirmatio spectat ad Episcopum dioecesis ubi sita est domus, cui
religiosus adscriptus est. Decretum vero, ut valeat, indicare debet ius, quo dimissus gaudet, recurrendi intra decem dies
a recepta notificatione ad auctoritatem competentem. Recursus effectum habet suspensivum.
The decree of dismissal has no effect unless it is confirmed by the Holy See, to whom the decree and all the acts
are to be forwarded. If the matter concerns an institute of diocesan right, the confirmation belongs to the Bishop in
whose diocese is located the house to which the religious belongs. For validity the decree must indicate the right of
the person dismissed to have recourse to the competent authority within ten days of receiving notification of the
decree. The recourse has a suspensive effect.


Legitima dimissione ipso facto cessant vota necnon iura et obligationes ex professione promanantia. Si tamen sodalis sit
clericus, sacros ordines exercere nequit, donec Episcopum inveniat qui eum post congruam probationem in dioecesi, ad
normam can. 693, recipiat vel saltem exercitium sacrorum ordinum permittat.
By lawful dismissal, both the vows and the rights and duties deriving from profession automatically cease. If the
member is a cleric, he may not exercise sacred orders until he finds a Bishop who will, after a suitable probation,
receive him into his diocese in accordance with can. 693, or who will at least allow him to exercise his sacred


1 Qui ex instituto religioso legitime egrediantur vel ab eo legitime dimissi fuerint, nihil ab eo eodem repetere possunt
ob quamlibet operam in eo praestitam.

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1 Whoever lawfully leaves a religious institute or is lawfully dismissed from one, cannot claim anything from the
institute for any work done in it.
2 Institutum tamen aequitatem et evangelicam caritatem servet erga sodalem, qui ab eo separatur.
2 The institute, however, is to show equity and evangelical charity towards the member who is separated from it.

In casu gravis scandali exteritoris vel gravissimi nocumenti instituto imminentis, sodalis statim a Superiore maiore vel,
si periculum sit in mora, a Superiore locali cum consensu sui consilii e domo religiosa eici potest. Superior maior, si
opus sit, dimissionis processum ad normam iuris instituendum curet, aut rem Sedi Apostolicae deferat.
1 In a case of grave external scandal, or of extremely grave and imminent harm to the institute, a member can be
expelled forthwith from the house by the major Superior. If there is danger in delay, this can be done by the local
Superior with the consent of his or her council. The major Superior, if need be, is to introduce a process of
dismissal in accordance with the norms of law, or refer the matter to the Apostolic See.


De sodalibus, qui ab instituto sunt quoquo modo separati, fiat mentio in relatione Sedi Apostolicae mittenda, de qua in
can. 592, 1.
In the report to be sent to the Apostolic See in accordance with can. 592, 1, mention is to be made of members
who have been separated in any way from the institute.





Religiosus ad episcopatum evectus instituti sui sodalis remanet, sed vi voti oboedientiae uni Romano Pontifici obnoxius
est, et obligationibus non adstringitur, quas ipse prudenter iudicet cum sua condicione componi non posse.
A religious who is raised to the episcopate remains a member of his institute, but is subject only to the Roman
Pontiff by his vow of obedience. He is not bound by obligations which he prudently judges are not compatible with
his condition.


Religiosus de quo supra:

In the case of the religious mentioned above:


si per professionem dominium bonorum amiserit, bonorum quae ipsi obveniant habet usum, usumfructum et
administrationem proprietatem vero Episcopus dioecesanus aliique, de quibus in can. 381, 2, acquirunt Ecclesiae
particulari; ceteri, instituto vel Sanctae Sedi, prout institutum capax est possidendi vel minus;
if he has lost the ownership of his goods through his profession he now has the use and enjoyment and the
administration of the goods which he acquires. In the case of a diocesan Bishop and of those mentioned in
can. 381 2, the particular Church acquires their ownership; in the case of others, they belong to the institute
or the Holy See, depending on whether the institute is or is not capable of possessing goods;

si per professionem dominium bonorum non amiserit, bonorum quae habebat, recuperat usum usumfructum et
administrationem; quae postea ipsi obveniant, sibi plene acquirit;
if he has not lost the ownership of his goods through his profession, he recovers the use and enjoyment and
the administration of the goods he possessed; what he obtains later, he acquires fully;

in utroque autem casu de bonis, quae ipsi obveniant non intuitu personae, disponere debet secundum offerentium
in both cases any goods he receives which are not personal gifts must be disposed of according to the
intention of the donors.

1 Religiosus Episcopus emeritus habitationis sedem sibi eligere potest etiam extra domos sui instituti, nisi aliud a Sede
Apostolica provisum fuerit.
1 A religious Bishop 'emeritus' may choose to reside outside the house of his institute, unless the Apostolic See
disposes otherwise.
2 Quoad eius congruam et dignam sustentationem, si cuidam dioecesi inserviverit, servetur can. 402, 2, nisi
institutum proprium talem sustentationem providere voluerit; secus Sedes Apostolica aliter provideat.

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2 If he has served a diocese, can. 402 2 is to be observed concerning his suitable and worthy maintenance,
unless his own institute wishes to provide such maintenance. Otherwise, the Apostolic See is to make other


Superiores maiores utiliter in conferentiis seu consiliis consociari possunt ut, collatis viribus, allaborent sive ad finem
singulorum institutorum plenius assequendum, salvis semper eorum autonomia, indole proprioque spiritu, sive ad
communia negotia pertractanda, sive ad congruam coordinationem et cooperationem cum Episcoporum conferentiis et
etiam cum singulis Episcopis instaurandam.
Major Superiors can usefully meet together in conferences and councils, so that by combined effort they may work
to achieve more fully the purpose of each institute, while respecting the autonomy, nature and spirit of each. They
can also deal with affairs which are common to all, and work to establish suitable coordination and cooperation
with Episcopal Conferences and with individual Bishops.


Conferentiae Superiorum maiorum sua habeant statuta a Sancta Sede approbata, a qua unice, etiam in personam
iuridicam, erigi possunt et sub cuius supremo moderamine manent.
Conferences of major Superiors are to have their own statutes, which must be approved by the Holy See. Only the
Holy See can establish them or give them juridical personality. They remain under the ultimate direction of the Holy




Institutum saeculare est institutum vitae consecratae, in quo christifideles in saeculo viventes ad caritatis perfectionem
contendunt atque ad mundi sanctificationem praesertim ab intus conferre student.
A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which Christ's faithful, living in the world, strive for the
perfection of charity and endeavour to contribute to the sanctification of the world, especially from within.


Instituti saecularis sodalis vi suae consecrationis propriam in populo Dei canonicam condicionem, sive laicalem sive
clericalem, non mutat, servatis iuris praescriptis quae instituta vitae consecratae respiciunt.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the law concerning institutes of consecrated life, consecration as a member
of a secular institute does not change the member's canonical status among the people of God, be it lay or clerical.


Firmis praescriptis cann. 598-601, constitutiones statuant vincula sacra, quibus evangelica consilia in instituto
assumuntur, et definiant obligationes quas eadem vincula inducunt, servata tamen in vitae ratione semper propria
instituti saecularitate.
Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 598--601, the constitutions are to establish the sacred bonds by which
the evangelical counsels are undertaken in the institute. They are to define the obligations which these bonds entail,
while always preserving in the manner of life the secular character proper to the institute.


1 Sodales horum institutorum propriam consecrationem in actuositate apostolica exprimunt et exercent, iidemque, ad
instar fermenti, omnia spiritu evangelico imbuere satagunt ad robur et incrementum Corporis Christi.
1 Members of these institutes express and exercise their special consecration in apostolic activity. Like a leaven,
they endeavour to permeate everything with an evangelical spirit for the strengthening and growth of the Body of
2 Sodales laici, munus Ecclesiae evangelizandi, in saeculo et ex saeculo, participant sive per testimonium vitae
christianae et fidelitatis erga suam consecrationem, sive per adiutricem quam praebent operam ad ordinandas
secundum Deus res temporales atque ad mundum virtute Evangelii informandum. Suam etiam cooperationem, iuxta
propriam vitae rationem saecularem, in communitatis ecclesialis servitium offerunt.
2 Lay members participate in the evangelising mission of the Church in the world and from within the world. They
do this by their witness of christian life and of fidelity to their consecration, and by the assistance they give in
directing temporal affairs to God and in animating the world by the power of the Gospel. They also offer their
cooperation to serve the ecclesial community in accordance with the secular manner of life proper to them.

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3 Sodales clerici per vitae consecratae testimonium, praesertim in presbyterio, peculiari caritate apostolica
confratribus adiutorio sunt, et in populo Dei mundi sanctificationem suo sacro ministerio perficiunt.
3 Clerical members, by the witness of their consecrated life, especially in the presbyterium, support their
colleagues by a distinctive apostolic charity, and in the people of God they further the sanctification of the world by
their sacred ministry.


Sodales vitam in ordinariis mundi condicionibus vel soli, vel in sua quisque familia, vel in vitae fraternae coetu, ad
normam constitutionum ducant.
Members are to live their lives in the ordinary conditions of the world, either alone, in their families or in fraternal
groups, in accordance with the constitutions.


1 Sodales clerici in dioecesi incardinati ab Episcopo dioecesano dependent, salvis iis quae vitam consecratam in
proprio instituto respiciunt.
1 Clerical members incardinated in a diocese are subject to the diocesan Bishop, except for whatever concerns
the consecrated life of their own institutes.
2 Qui vero ad normam can. 266, 3 instituto incardinantur, si ad opera instituti propria vel ad regimen instituti
destinentur, ad instar religiosorum ab Episcopo dependent.
2 Those who, in accordance with the norms of can. 266 3, are incardinated in the institute, and who are
appointed to works proper to the institute or to the governance of the institute, are subject to the Bishop in the same
way as religious.


1 Sodales omnes vitam instituti, secundum ius proprium, actuose participent.

1 All members are to take an active part in the life of the institute, in accordance with the institute's own law.
3 Eiusdem instituti sodales communionem inter se servent, sollicite curantes spiritus unitatem et genuinam
2 Members of the same institute are to preserve a rapport with one another, carefully fostering a unity of spirit and
a genuine fraternity.


1 Constitutiones proprium regiminis modum praescribant, tempus quo Moderatores suo officio fungantur et modum
quo iidem designantur definiant.
1 The constitutions are to determine the institute's own form of governance. They are to define the period of time
for which Moderators exercise their office and the manner in which they are to be designated.
2 Nemo in Moderatorem supremum designetur, qui non sit definitive incorporatus.
2 No one is to be designated supreme Moderator unless definitively incorporated into the institute.
3 Qui regimini instituti praepositi sunt, curent ut eiusdem spiritus unitas servetur et actuosa sodalium participatio
3 Those entrusted with the governance of the institute are to ensure that its unity of spirit is maintained, and that
the active participation of the members is developed.


Administratio bonorum instituti, quae paupertatem evangelicam exprimere et fovere debet, regitur normis Libri V "De
bonis Ecclesiae temporalibus" necnon iure proprio instituti. Item ius proprium definiat obligationes praesertim
oeconomicas instituti erga sodales, qui pro ipso operam impendunt.
The administration of the goods of the institute must express and foster evangelical poverty. It is governed by the
norms of Book V on 'The Temporal Goods of the Church', and by the institute's own law. This same law of the
institute is also to define the obligations, especially the financial obligations, of the institute towards the members
engaged in its work.


1 Sodales, ut vocationi suae fideliter respondeant eorumque actio apostolica ex ipsa unione cum Christo procedat,
sedulo orationi vacent, sacrarum Scripturarum lectioni apto modo incumbant, annua recessus tempora servent atque
alia spiritualia exercitia iuxta ius proprium peragant.

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1 Members are to respond faithfully to their vocation, and their apostolic action is to proceed from their union with
Christ. They are therefore to devote themselves assiduously to prayer and engage in a suitable way in the reading
of the sacred Scriptures. They are to make an annual retreat and perform other spiritual exercises in accordance
with their own law.
2 Eucharistiae celebratio, quantum fieri potest cotidiana, sit totius eorum vitae consecratae fons et robur.
2 The celebration of the Eucharist, daily where possible, is to be the source and strength of their whole
consecrated life.
3 Libere ad sacramentum paenitentiae accedant, quod frequenter recipiant.
3 They are to go freely to the sacrament of penance and receive it frequently.
4 Necessarium conscientiae moderamen libere obtineant atque huius generis consilia a suis etiam Moderatoribus, si
velint, requirant.
4 They are to be free to obtain the necessary spiritual direction. Should they so desire, they may seek such
counsel even from their Moderators.

Ius admittendi in institutum, vel ad probationem vel ad sacra vincula sive temporaria sive perpetua aut definitiva
assumenda ad Moderatores maiores cum suo consilio ad normam constitutionum pertinet.
The right of admitting a person to the institute, or to probation, or to the taking of sacred bonds, both temporary
and perpetual or definitive, belongs to the major Moderators with their council, in accordance with the constitutions.


1 Invalide admittitur ad initialem probationem:

1 The following are invalidly admitted to initial probation:

qui maiorem aetatem nondum attigerit;

one who has not yet attained majority;

qui sacro vinculo in aliquo instituto vitae consecratae actu obstringitur, aut in societate vitae apostolicae
incorporatus est;
one who is currently bound by a sacred bond in another institute of consecrated life, or incorporated in a
society of apostolic life;

coniux durante matrimonio.

a spouse, while the marriage lasts.

2 Constitutiones possunt alia admissionis impedimenta etiam ad validitatem statuere vel condiciones apponere.
2 The constitutions can establish other impediments to admission, even for validity, or attach conditions to it.
3 Praetera, ut quis recipiatur, habeat oportet maturitatem, quae ad vitam instituti propriam recte ducendam est
3 For a person to be received into the institute, that degree of maturity is required which is necessary to live the
life of the institute properly.

1 Probatio initialis eo ordinetur, ut candidati suam divinam vocationem et quidem instituti propriam aptius
cognoscant iidemque in spiritu et vivendi modo instituti exerceantur.
1 The initial probation is to be so arranged that the candidates can better recognise their divine vocation and their
vocation to that institute, and be trained in the spirit and manner of life of the institute.
2 Ad vitam secundum evangelica consilia ducendam candidati rite instituantur atque ad eandem integre in
apostolatum convertendam edoceantur, eas adhibentes evangelizationis formas, quae instituti fini, spiritui et indoli
magis respondeant.
2 Candidates are to be properly formed to live a life according to the evangelical counsels. They are to be taught
how to translate this life completely into their apostolate, applying those forms of evangelisation which best
correspond to the purpose, spirit and character of the institute.
3 Huius probationis modus et tempus ante sacra vincula in instituto primum suscipienda, biennio non brevius, in
constitutionibus definiantur.

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3 The constitutions are to define the manner and time of the probation to be made before the first sacred bonds
are undertaken in the institute; this time is to be not less than two years.

1 Elapso probationis initialis tempore, candidatus qui idoneus iudicetur, tria consilia evangelica, sacro vinculo firmata,
assumat vel ab instituto discedat.
1 When the time of the initial probation has been completed, a candidate who is judged suitable is either to
undertake the three evangelical counsels, sealed with a sacred bond, or to leave the institute.
2 Quae prima incorporatio, quinquennio non brevior, ad normam constitutionum temporaria sit.
2 This first incorporation is to be temporary, in accordance with the constitutions, but is to be for not less than five
3 Huius incorporationis tempore elapso, sodalis, qui idoneus iudicetur, admittatur ad incorporationem perpetuam vel
definitivam, vinculis scilicet temporariis semper renovandis.
3 When this period of incorporation has been completed, a member who is judged suitable is to be admitted to
perpetual, or definitive incorporation, that is, by temporary bonds always to be renewed.
4 Incorporatio definitiva, quoad certos effectus iuridicos in constitutionibus statuendos, perpetuae aequiparatur.
4 Definitive incorporation is equivalent to perpetual incorporation in respect of defined juridical effects, which are
to be established in the constitutions.


1 Institutio post vincula sacra primum assumpta iugiter secundum constitutiones est protrahenda.
1 After the first acceptance of the sacred bonds, formation is to continue without interruption in accordance with
the constitutions.
2 Sodales in rebus divines et humanis pari gressu instituantur de continua vero eorum spirituali formatione seriam
habeant curam instituti Moderatores.
2 Members are to be formed simultaneously in matters human and divine. The Moderators of the institute are to
have a serious concern for the continued spiritual formation of the members.


Institutum sibi associare potest, aliquo vinculo in constitutionibus determinato, alios christifideles, qui ad evangelicam
perfectionem secundum spiritum instituti contendant eiusdemque missionem participent.
The institute can associate with itself, by some form of bond determined in the constitutions, other members of
Christ's faithful who seek evangelical perfection according to the spirit of the institute and who share in its mission.


1 Elapso tempore incorporationis temporariae, sodalis institutum libere derelinquere valet vel a sacrorum vinculorum
renovatione iusta de causa a Moderatore maiore, audito suo consilio, excludi potest.
1 When the time of temporary incorporation is completed, the member can freely leave the institute, or can for a
just cause be excluded from renewing the sacred bonds by the major Moderator, after consultation with his or her
2 Sodalis temporariae incorporationis id sponte petens, indultum discedendi a supremo Moderatore de consensu sui
consilii gravi de causa obtinere valet.
2 A temporarily incorporated member who freely requests it, can for a grave reason be granted an indult to leave
the institute by the supreme Moderator, with the consent of the council.


1 Sodalis perpetue incorporatus, qui institutum derelinquere velit, indultum discedendi, re coram Domino serio
perpensa, a Sede Apostolica per Moderatorem supremum petat, si institutum est iuris pontifici secus etiam ab Episcopo
dioecesano, prout in constitutionibus definitur.
1 A perpetually incorporated member who wishes to leave the institute must, after seriously weighing the matter
before the Lord, petition the Apostolic See through the supreme Moderator, if the institute is of pontifical right;
otherwise, the indult can also be obtained from the diocesan Bishop, as determined in the constitutions.
2 Si agatur de clerico instituto incardinato, servetur praescriptum can. 693.
2 For a cleric who is incardinated in the institute, the provision of can. 693 is to be observed.


Indulto discedendi legitime concesso, cessant omnia vincula necnon iura et obligationes ab incorporatione promanantia.

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When an indult to leave the institute has been lawfully granted, all bonds, rights and obligations deriving from
incorporation cease.

Sodalis ab instituto dimittitur ad normam cann. 694 et 695 constitutiones praeterea determinent alias causas
dimissionis, dummodo sint proportionate graves, externae, imputabiles et iuridice comprobatae, atque modus
procedendi servetur in cann. 697-700 statutus. Dimisso applicatur praescriptum can. 701.
A member is dismissed from the institute in accordance with the norms of cann. 694 and 695. The constitutions are
also to determine other reasons for dismissal, provided they are proportionately grave, external, imputable and
juridically proven. The procedure established in cann. 697-700 is to be observed, and the provisions of can. 701
apply to the person who is dismissed.


Ut sodalis instituti saecularis ad aliud institutum saeculare transeat, serventur praescripta cann. 684, 1, 2, 4, et 685;
ut vero ad institutum religiosum vel ad societatem vitae apostolicae aut ex illis ad institutum saeculare fiat transitus,
licentia requiritur Sedis Apostolicae, cuius mandatis standum est.
For a member to transfer from one secular institute to another, the provisions of can. 684 1, 2, 4 and 685, are to
be observed. A transfer to or from another kind of institute of consecrated life requires the permission of the
Apostolic See, whose instructions must be followed.




1 Institutis vitae consecratae accedunt societates vitae apostolicae, quarum sodales, sine votis religiosis, finem
apostolicum societatis proprium prosequuntur et, vitam fraternam in communi ducentes, secundum propriam vitae
rationem, per observantiam constitutionum ad perfectionem caritatis tendunt.
1 Societies of apostolic life resemble institutes of consecrated life. Their members, without taking religious vows,
pursue the apostolic purpose proper to each society. Living a fraternal life in common in their own special manner,
they strive for the perfection of charity through the observance of the constitutions.
2 Inter has sunt societates in quibus sodales, aliquo vinculo constitutionibus definito, consilia evangelica assumunt.
2 Among these societies are some in which the members, through a bond defined in the constitutions, undertake
to live the evangelical counsels.


Quae in cann. 578-597, et 606 statuuntur, societatibus vitae apostolicae applicantur, salva tamen uniuscuiusque
societatis natura societatibus vero, de quibus in can. 731, 2, etiam cann. 598-602 applicantur.
Cann. 578-597 and 606 apply to societies of apostolic life, with due regard, however, for the nature of each society.
For the societies mentioned in can. 731 2, cann. 598-602 also apply.


1 Domus erigitur et communitas localis constituitur a competenti auctoritate societatis, praevio consensu Episcopi
dioecesani in scriptis dato, qui etiam consuli debet, cum agitur de eius suppressione.
1 A house is established and a local community is constituted by the competent authority of the society, with the
prior written consent of the diocesan Bishop. The Bishop must also be consulted when there is question of its
2 Consensus ad erigendam domum secumfert ius habendi saltem oratorium, in quo sanctissima Eucharistia celebretur
et asservetur.
2 Consent to establish a house carries with it the right to have at least an oratory in which the blessed Eucharist is
celebrated and reserved.


Regimen societatis a constitutionibus determinatur, servatis, iuxta naturam uniuscuiusque societatis, cann. 617-633.
The governance of the society is determined by the constitutions, without prejudice, in accordance with the nature
of each society, to cann. 617--633.


1 Sodalium admissio, probatio, incorporatio et institutio determinantur iure proprio cuiusque societatis.
1 The admission, probation, incorporation and formation of members are determined by each society's own law.
2 Ad admissionem in societatem quod attinet, serventur condiciones in cann. 642-645 statutae.

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2 For admission into the society, the conditions prescribed in cann. 642-645 are to be observed.
3 Ius proprium determinare debet rationem probationis et institutionis fini et indoli societatis accommodatam,
praesertim doctrinalem, spiritualem et apostolicam, ita ut sodales vocationem divinam agnoscentes ad missionem et
vitam societatis apte praeparentur.
3 The society's own law must determine a programme of doctrinal, spiritual and apostolic probation and formation
that is adapted to the purpose and character of the society. In this way members can recognise their divine
vocation and be suitably prepared for the mission and way of life of the society.

1 In societatibus clericalibus clerici ipsi societati incardinantur, nisi aliter ferant constitutiones.
1 In clerical societies, the clerics are incardinated into the society, unless the constitutions determine otherwise.
2 In iis quae ad rationem studiorum et ad ordines suscipiendos pertinent, serventur normae clericorum saecularium,
firma tamen 1.
2 The norms concerning the secular clergy apply to the programme of studies and reception of orders, without
prejudice to 1.


Incorporatio secumfert ex parte sodalium obligationes et iura in constitutionibus definita, ex parte autem societatis,
curam sodales ad finem propriae vocationis perducendi, iuxta constitutiones.
For the members, incorporation carries with it the rights and obligations defined in the constitutions. On the part of
the society, it implies a responsibility to lead the members towards the purpose of their vocation, in accordance
with the constitutions.


1 Sodales omnes subsunt propriis Moderatoribus ad normam constitutionum in iis quae vitam internam et disciplinam
societatis respiciunt.
1 All members are subject to their own Moderators in matters concerning the internal life and discipline of the
society, in accordance with the constitutions.
2 Subsunt quoque Episcopo dioecesano in iis quae cultum publicum, curam animarum aliaque apostolatus opera
respiciunt, attentis cann. 679-683.
2 They are also subject to the diocesan Bishop in matters concerning public worship, the care of souls and other
works of the apostolate, with due regard to cann. 679-683.
3 Relationes sodalis dioecesi incardinati cum Episcopo proprio constitutionibus vel particularibus conventionibus
3 The relationship between a member who is incardinated in a diocese and his proper Bishop is to be defined in
the constitutions or in particular agreements.


Sodales, praeter obligationes quibus, uti sodales, obnoxii sunt secundum constitutiones, communibus obligationibus
clericorum adstringuntur, nisi ex natura rei vel ex contextu sermonis aliud constet.
Apart from the obligations which derive from their constitutions, members are bound by the common obligations of
clerics, unless the nature of things or the context indicates otherwise.


Sodales habitare debent in domo vel in communitate legitime constituta et servare vitam communem, ad normam iuris
proprii, quo quidem etiam absentiae a domo vel communitate reguntur.
Members must live in a lawfully constituted house or community and observe a common life, in accordance with
their own law. This same law also governs their absence from the house or community.


1 Societates et, nisi aliter ferant constitutiones, earum partes et domus, personae sunt iuridicae et, qua tales, capaces
bona temporalia acquirendi, possidendi, administrandi et alienandi, ad normam praescriptorum Libri V "De bonis
Ecclesiae temporalibus," cann. 636, 638 et 639, necnon iuris proprii.
1 Societies and, unless the constitutions provide otherwise, their constituent parts and their houses, are juridical
persons. As such, they are capable of acquiring, possessing, administering and alienating temporal goods in
accordance with the provisions of Book V on 'The Temporal Goods of the Church', of cann. 636, 638 and 639, and
of their own law.

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2 Sodales capaces quoque sunt, ad normam iuris proprii, bona temporalia acquirendi, possidendi, administrandi de
iisque disponendi, sed quidquid ipsis instituto societatis obveniat, societati acquiritur.
2 Members are also capable, in accordance with their own law, of acquiring, possessing, administering and
disposing of temporal goods, but whatever comes to them in view of the society is acquired for the society.

Egressus et dimissio sodalis nondum definitive incorporati reguntur constitutionibus cuiusque societatis.
The departure and dismissal of a member who is not definitively incorporated are governed by the constitutions of
each society.


Indultum discedendi a societate, cessantibus iuribus et obligationibus ex incorporatione promanantibus, firmo

praescripto can. 693, sodalis definitive incorporatus a supremo Moderatore cum consensu eius consilii obtinere potest,
nisi id iuxta constitutiones Sanctae Sedi reservetur.
A member who is definitively incorporated can obtain an indult to leave the society from the supreme Moderator
with the consent of the council, unless the constitutions reserve this to the Apostolic See. This indult means that the
rights and obligations deriving from definitive incorporation cease, without prejudice to can. 693.


1 Supremo quoque Moderatori cum consensu sui consilii pariter reservatur licentiam concedere sodali definitive
incorporato ad aliam societatem vitae apostolicae transeundi, suspensis interim iuribus et obligationibus propriae
societatis, firmo tamen iure redeundi ante definitivam incorporationem in novam societatem.
1 Permission for a member who is definitively incorporated to transfer to another society of apostolic life is
likewise reserved to the supreme Moderator with the consent of his or her council. The rights and obligations of the
member's own society are suspended for the time being, but the member has the right to return to it before
definitive incorporation into the new society.
2 Ut transitus fiat ad institutum vitae consecratae vel ex eo ad societatem vitae apostolicae, licentia requiritur Sanctae
Sedis, cuius mandatis standum est.
2 To transfer to an institute of consecrated life or from such an institute to a society of apostolic life, the
permission of the Holy See is required, and its instructions are to be followed.


Supremus Moderator cum consensu sui consilii sodali definitive incorporato concedere potest indultum vivendi extra
societatem, non tamen ultra triennium, suspensis iuribus et obligationibus quae cum ipsius nova condicione componi
non possunt; permanet tamen sub cura Moderatorum. Si agitur de clerico, requiritur praetera consensus Ordinarii loci
in quo commorari debet, sub cuius cura et dependentia etiam manet.
The supreme Moderator, with the consent of his or her council, can grant a definitively incorporated member an
indult to live outside the society for a period not exceeding three years. Rights and obligations which are not
compatible with this new condition are suspended, but the member remains under the care of the Moderators. If the
member is a cleric, the consent of the Ordinary of the place where he must reside is also required, and the member
remains under the care of the Ordinary and dependent upon him.


Ad dimissionem sodalis definitive incorporati serventur, congrua congruis referendo, cann. 694-704.
For the dismissal of a member who is definitively incorporated, the provisions of cann. 694-704 are to be observed,
making the appropriate adjustments.

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1 Ecclesiae, cui Christus Dominus fidei depositum concredidit ut ipsa, Spiritu Sancto assistente, veritatem revelatam
sancte custodiret, intimius perscrutaretur, fideliter annuntiaret atque exponeret, officium est et ius nativum, etiam
mediis communicationis socialis sibi propriis adhibitis, a qualibet humana potestate independens, omnibus gentibus
Evangelium praedicandi.
1 It is the obligation and inherent right of the Church, independent of any human authority, to preach the Gospel to
all peoples, using for this purpose even its own means of social communication, for it is to the Church that Christ
the Lord entrusted the deposit of faith, so that by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, it might conscientiously guard
revealed truth, more intimately penetrate it, and faithfully proclaim and expound it.
2 Ecclesiae competit semper et ubique principia moralia etiam de ordine sociali annuntiare, necnon iudicium ferre de
quibuslibet rebus humanis, quatenus personae humanae iura fundamentalia aut animarum salus id exigant.
2 The Church has the right always and everywhere to proclaim moral principles, even in respect of the social
order, and to make judgements about any human matter in so far as this is required by fundamental human rights
or the salvation of souls.


1 Omnes homines veritatem in iis, quae Deum eiusque Ecclesiam respiciunt, quaerere tenentur eamque cognitam
amplectendi ac servandi obligatione vi legis divinae adstringuntur et iure gaudent.
1 All are bound to seek the truth in the matters which concern God and his Church; when they have found it, then
by divine law they are bound, and they have the right, to embrace and keep it.
2 Homines ad amplectendam fidem catholicam contra ipsorum conscientiam per coactionem adducere nemini
umquam fas est.
2 It is never lawful for anyone to force others to embrace the catholic faith against their conscience.


1 Infallibilitate in magisterio, vi muneris sui gaudet Summus Pontifex quando ut supremus omnium christifidelium
Pastor et Doctor, cuius est fratres suos in fide confirmare, doctrinam de fide vel de moribus tenendam definitivo actus
1 In virtue of his office the Supreme Pontiff is infallible in his teaching when, as chief Shepherd and Teacher of all
Christ's faithful, with the duty of strengthening his brethren in the faith, he proclaims by definitive act a doctrine to
be held concerning faith or morals.
2 Infallibilitate in magisterio pollet quoque Collegium Episcoporum quando magisterium exercent Episcopi in
Concilio Oecumenico coadunati, qui, ut fidei et morum doctores et iudices, pro universa Ecclesia doctrinam de fide vel
de moribus definitive tenendam declarant aut quando per orbem dispersi, communionis nexum inter se et cum Petri
successore servantes, una cum eodem Romano Pontifice authentice res fidei vel morum docentes, in unam sententiam
tamquam definitive tenendam conveniunt.
2 The College of Bishops also possesses infallibility in its teaching when the Bishops, gathered together in an
Ecumenical Council and exercising their magisterium as teachers and judges of faith and morals, definitively
declare for the universal Church a doctrine to be held concerning faith or morals; likewise, when the Bishops,
dispersed throughout the world but maintaining the bond of union among themselves and with the successor of
Peter, together with the same Roman Pontiff authentically teach matters of faith or morals, and are agreed that a
particular teaching is definitively to be held.
3 Infallibiliter definita nulla intellegitur doctrina, nisi id manifesto constiterit.
3 No doctrine is understood to be infallibly defined unless this is manifestly demonstrated.


Fide divina et catholica ea omnia credenda sunt quae verbo Dei scripto vel tradito, uno scilicet fidei deposito Ecclesiae
commisso, continentur, et insimul ut divinitus revelata proponuntur sive ab Ecclesiae magisterio sollemni, sive ab eius
magisterio ordinario et universali, quod quidem communi adhaesione christifidelium sub presbyteratum; qui ad
presbyteratum destinantur, ad diaconatus quascumque devitare doctrinas iisdem contrarias.
Those things are to be believed by divine and catholic faith which are contained in the word of God as it has been
written or handed down by tradition, that is, in the single deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and which are at

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the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church, or by its ordinary
and universal magisterium, which is manifested by the common adherence of Christ's faithful under the guidance
of the sacred magisterium. All are therefore bound to shun any contrary doctrines.

Dicitur haeresis, pertinax, post receptum baptismum, alicuius veritatis divina et catholica credendae denegatio, aut de
eadem pertinax dubitatio; apostasia, fidei christianae ex toto repudiatio; schisma, subiectionis Summo Pontifici aut
communionis cum Ecclesiae membris eidem subditis detrectatio.
Heresy is the obstinate denial or doubt, after baptism, of a truth which must be believed by divine and catholic faith.
Apostasy is the total repudiation of the christian faith. Schism is the withdrawal of submission to the Supreme
Pontiff or from communion with the members of the Church subject to him.


Non quidem fidei assensus, religiosum tamen intellectus et voluntatis obsequium praestandum est doctrinae, quam sive
Summus Pontifex sive Collegium Episcoporum de fide vel de moribus enuntiant, cum magisterium authenticum
exercent, etsi definitivo actu eandem proclamare non intendant christifideles ergo devitare curent quae cum eadem non
While the assent of faith is not required, a religious submission of intellect and will is to be given to any doctrine
which either the Supreme Pontiff or the College of Bishops, exercising their authentic magisterium, declare upon a
matter of faith or morals, even though they do not intend to proclaim that doctrine by definitive act. Christ's faithful
are therefore to ensure that they avoid whatever does not accord with that doctrine.


Episcopi, qui sunt in communione cum Collegii capite et membris, sive singuli sive in conferentiis Episcoporum aut in
conciliis particularibus congregati, licet infallibilitate in docendo non polleant, christifidelium suae curae commissorum
authentici sunt fidei doctores et magistri; cui authentico magisterio suorum Episcoporum christifideles religioso animi
obsequio adhaerere tenentur.
Whether they teach individually, or in Episcopal Conferences, or gathered together in particular councils, Bishops in
communion with the head and the members of the College, while not infallible in their teaching, are the authentic
instructors and teachers of the faith for Christ's faithful entrusted to their care. The faithful are bound to adhere,
with a religious submission of mind, to this authentic magisterium of their Bishops.


Omnes christifideles obligatione tenentur servandi constitutiones et decreta, quae ad doctrinam proponendam et
erroneas opiniones proscribendas fert legitima Ecclesiae auctoritas, speciali vero ratione, quae edit Romanus Pontifex
vel Collegium Episcoporum.
All Christ's faithful are obliged to observe the constitutions and decrees which lawful ecclesiastical authority issues
for the purpose of proposing doctrine or of proscribing erroneous opinions; this is particularly the case of those
published by the Roman Pontiff or by the College of Bishops.


1 Totius Collegii Episcoporum et Sedis Apostolicae imprimis est fovere et dirigere motum oecumenicum apud
catholicos, cuius finis est unitatis redintegratio inter universos christianos, ad quam promovendam Ecclesia ex
voluntate Christi tenetur.
1 It pertains especially to the entire College of Bishops and to the Apostolic See to foster and direct among
catholics the ecumenical movement, the purpose of which is the restoration of unity between all christians which,
by the will of Christ, the Church is bound to promote.
2 Episcoporum item est, et, ad normam iuris, Episcoporum conferentiarum, eandem unitatem promovere atque pro
variis adiunctorum necessitatibus vel opportunitatibus, normas practicas impertire, attentis praescriptis a suprema
Ecclesiae auctoritate latis.
2 It is a matter likewise for Bishops and, in accordance with the law, for Episcopal Conferences, to promote this
same unity and, in line with the various needs and opportunities of the circumstances, to issue practical norms
which accord with the provisions laid down by the supreme authority of the Church.




1 Quoad universam Ecclesiam munus Evangelii annuntiandi praecipue Romano Pontifici et Collegio Episcoporum
commissum est.

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1 The office of preaching the Gospel to the whole Church has been committed principally to the Roman Pontiff
and to the College of Bishops.
2 Quoad Ecclesiam particularem sibi concreditam illud munus exercent singuli Episcopi, qui quidem totius ministerii
verbi in eadem sunt moderatores; quandoque vero aliqui Episcopi coniunctim illud explent quoad diversas simul
Ecclesias, ad normam iuris.
2 For the particular Churches entrusted to them, that office is exercised by the individual Bishops, who are the
moderators of the entire ministry of the word in their Churches. Sometimes, however, in accordance with the law, a
number of Bishops simultaneously carry out that office together in respect of a number of different Churches.

Presbyterorum, qui quidem Episcoporum cooperatores sunt, proprium est Evangelium Dei annuntiare; praesertim hoc
officio tenentur, quoad populum sibi commissum, parochi aliique quibus cura animarum concreditur; diaconorum
etiam est in ministerio verbi populo Dei, in communione cum Episcopo eiusque presbyterio, inservire.
It belongs to priests, as co-operators of the Bishops, to proclaim the Gospel of God. For the people entrusted to
their care, this task rests especially on parish priests, and on other priests entrusted with the care of souls.
Deacons also are to serve the people of God in the ministry of the word, in union with the Bishop and his


Sodales institutorum vitae consecratae, vi propriae Deo consecrationis, peculiari modo Evangelii testimonium reddunt,
iidemque in Evangelio annuntiando ab Episcopo in auxilium convenienter assumuntur.
By reason of their consecration to God, members of institutes of consecrated life bear particular witness to the
Gospel, and so are fittingly called upon by the Bishop to help in proclaiming the Gospel.


Christifideles laici, vi baptismatis et confirmationis, verbo et vitae christianae exemplo evangelici nuntii sunt testes;
vocari etiam possunt ut in exercitio ministerii verbi cum Episcopo et presbyteris cooperantur.
The lay members of Christ's faithful, by reason of their baptism and confirmation, are witnesses to the good news
of the Gospel, by their words and by the example of their christian life. They can also be called upon to cooperate
with Bishops and priests in the exercise of the ministry of the word.


In ministerio verbi, quod sacra Scriptura, Traditione, liturgia, magisterio vitaque Ecclesiae innitatur oportet, Christi
mysterium integre ac fideliter proponatur.
The mystery of Christ is to be faithfully and fully presented in the ministry of the word, which must be founded upon
sacred Scripture, Tradition, liturgy and the magisterium and life of the Church.


Varia media ad doctrinam christianam annuntiandam adhibeantur quae praesto sunt, imprimis praedicatio atque
catechetica institutio, quae quidem semper principem locum tenent, sed et propositio doctrinae in scholis, in academiis,
conferentiis et coadunationibus omnis generis, necnon eiusdem diffusio per declarationes publicas a legitima
auctoritate occasione quorundam eventuum factas prelo aliisque instrumentis communicationis socialis.
While pride of place must always be given to preaching and catechetical instruction, all the available means of
proclaiming christian doctrine are to be used: the exposition of doctrine in schools, in institutes of higher learning,
at conferences and meetings of all kinds; public declarations by lawful authority on the occasion of certain events;
the printed word and other means of social communication.





Cum Dei populus primum coadunetur verbo Dei vivi, quod ex ore sacerdotum omnino fas est recipere, munus
praedicationis magni habeant sacri ministri, inter quorum praecipua officia sit Evangelium Dei omnibus annuntiare.
The people of God are first united through the word of the living God, and are fully entitled to seek this word from
their priests. For this reason sacred ministers are to consider the office of preaching as of great importance, since
proclaiming the Gospel of God to all is among their principal duties.


Episcopis ius est ubique, non exclusis ecclesiis et oratoriis institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii, Dei verbum
praedicare, nisi Episcopus loci in casibus particularibus expresse renuerit.
Bishops have the right to preach the word of God everywhere, even in churches and oratories of religious institutes
of pontifical right, unless the local Bishop has expressly forbidden it in particular cases.

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Salvo praescripto can. 765, facultate ubique praedicandi, de consensu saltem praesumpto rectoris ecclesiae exercendae,
gaudent presbyteri et diaconi, nisi ab Ordinario competenti eadem facultas restricta fuerit aut sublata, aut lege
particulari licentia expressa requiratur.
Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 765, priests and deacons, with the at least presumed consent of the
rector of a church, have the faculty to preach everywhere, unless this faculty has been restricted or removed by the
competent Ordinary, or unless particular law requires express permission.


Ad praedicandum religiosis in eorum ecclesiis vel oratoriis licentia requiritur Superioris ad normam constitutionum
To preach to religious in their churches or oratories, permission is required of the Superior who is competent
according to their constitutions.


Ad praedicandum in ecclesia vel oratorio admitti possunt laici, si certis in adiunctis necessitas id requirat aut in
casibus particularibus utilitas id suadeat, iuxta Episcoporum conferentiae praescripta, et salvo can. 767, 1.
The laity may be allowed to preach in a church or oratory if in certain circumstances it is necessary, or in particular
cases it would be advantageous, according to the provisions of the Episcopal Conference and without prejudice to
can. 767 1.


1 Inter praedicationis formas eminet homilia, quae est pars ipsius liturgiae et sacerdoti aut diacono reservatur; in
eadem per anni liturgici cursum ex textus sacro fidei mysteria et normae vitae christianae exponantur.
1 The most important form of preaching is the homily, which is part of the liturgy, and is reserved to a priest or
deacon. In the course of the liturgical year, the mysteries of faith and the rules of christian living are to be
expounded in the homily from the sacred text.
2 In omnibus Missis diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto, quae concursu populi celebrantur, homilia habenda est
nec omitti potest nisi gravi de causa.
2 At all Masses on Sundays and holydays of obligation, celebrated with a congregation, there is to be a homily
and, except for a grave reason, this may not be omitted.
3 Valde commendatur ut, si sufficiens detur populi concursus, homilia habeatur etiam in Missis quae infra
hebdomadam, praesertim tempore adventus et quadragesimae aut occasione alicuius festi vel luctuosi eventus,
3 It is strongly recommended that, if a sufficient number of people are present, there be a homily at weekday
Masses also, especially during Advent and Lent, or on a feast day or an occasion of grief.
4 Parochi aut ecclesiae rectoris est curare ut haec praescripta religiose serventur.
4 It is the responsibility of the parish priest or the rector of a church to ensure that these provisions are carefully


1 Divini verbi praecones christifidelibus imprimis proponant, quae ad Dei gloriam hominumque salutem credere et
facere oportet.
1 Those who announce the word of God to Christ's faithful are first and foremost to set out those things which it is
necessary to believe and to practise for the glory of God and the salvation of all.
2 Impertiant quoque fidelibus doctrinam, quam Ecclesiae magisterium proponit de personae humanae dignitate et
libertate, de familiae unitate et stabilitate eiusque muniis, de obligationibus quae ad homines in societate coniunctos
pertinent, necnon de rebus temporalibus iuxta ordinem a Deo statutum componendis.
2 They are also to explain to the faithful the teaching of the magisterium of the Church concerning the dignity and
freedom of the human person; the unity, stability and duties of the family; people's social obligations and the
ordering of temporal affairs according to the plan established by God.


Doctrina christiana proponatur modo auditorum condicioni accomodato atque ratione temporum necessitatibus aptata.
Christian teaching is to be explained in a manner that is suited to the condition of the hearers and adapted to the
circumstances of the times.


Parochi certis temporibus, iuxta Episcopi dioecesani praescripta, illas ordinent praedicationes, quas exercitia
spiritualia et sacras missiones vocant, vel alias formas necessitatibus aptatas.

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At certain times, according to the regulations of the diocesan Bishop, parish priests are to arrange for sermons in
the form of retreats and missions, as they are called, or in other forms adapted to requirements.

1 Solliciti sint animarum pastores, praesertim Episcopi et parochi, ut Dei verbum iis quoque fidelibus nuntietur, qui
ob vitae suae condicionem communi et ordinaria cura pastorali non satis fruantur aut eadem penitus careant.
1 Pastors of souls, especially Bishops and parish priests, are to be solicitous that the word of God is preached to
those also of the faithful who, because of the circumstances of their lives, cannot sufficiently avail themselves of
the ordinary pastoral care or are even totally deprived of it.
2 Provideant quoque, ut Evangelii nuntium perveniat ad non credentes in territorio degentes, quippe quos, non secus
ac fideles, animarum cura complecti debeat.
2 They are also to take care that the good news of the Gospel reaches those living in their territory who are nonbelievers, since these too, no less than the faithful, must be included in the care of souls.


1 Ad exercitium praedicationis quod attinet, ab omnibus praeterea serventur normae ab Episcopo dioecesano latae.
1 In the exercise of the office of preaching, everyone is moreover to observe the norms laid down by the Bishop of
the diocese.
2 Ad sermonem de doctrina christiana faciendum via radiophonica aut televisifica, serventur praescripta ab
Episcoporum conferentia statuta.
2 In expounding christian teaching on radio or television, the provisions of the Episcopal Conference are to be




Proprium et grave officium pastorum praesertim animarum est catechesim populi christiani curare, ut fidelium fides,
per doctrinae institutionem et vitae christianae experientiam, viva fiat explicita atque operosa.
It is pastors of souls especially who have the serious duty of attending to the catechesis of the christian people, so
that, through doctrinal formation and the experience of the christian life, the living faith of the people may be
manifest and active.


1 Sollicitudo catechesis, sub moderamine legitimae ecclesiasticae auctoritatis, ad omnia Ecclesiae membra pro sua
cuiusque parte pertinet.
1 The care for catechesis, under the direction of lawful ecclesiastical authority, extends to all members of the
Church, to each according to his or her role.
2 Prae ceteris parentes obligatione tenentur verbo et exemplo filios in fide et vitae christianae praxi efformandi; pari
obligatione adstringuntur, qui parentum locum tenent atque patrini.
2 Before all others, parents are bound to form their children, by word and example, in faith and in christian living.
The same obligation binds godparents and those who take the place of parents.


1 Servatis praescriptis ab Apostolica Sede latis, Episcopi dioecesani est normas de re catechetica edicere itemque
prospicere ut apta catechesis instrumenta praesto sint, catechismum etiam parando, si opportunum id videatur, necnon
incepta catechetica fovere atque coordinare.
1 While observing provisions made by the Apostolic See it is the responsibility of diocesan Bishops to issue
norms concerning catechetical matters; to ensure that appropriate means of catechesis are available, even by
preparing a catechism, if this seems opportune; to foster and to coordinate catechetical initiatives.
2 Episcoporum conferentiae est, si utile videatur, curare ut catechismi pro suo territorio, praevia Sedis Apostolicae
approbatione, edantur.
2 If it is thought to be useful, the Episcopal Conference may, with the prior approval of the Apostolic See, publish
catechisms for its territory.
3 Apud Episcoporum conferentiam institui potest officium catecheticum, cuius praecipuum munus sit singulis
dioecesibus in re catechetica auxilium praebere.
3 The Episcopal Conference may establish a catechetical office, whose principal purpose is to assist individual
dioceses in catechetical matters.

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Parochus, vi sui muneris, catecheticam efformationem adultorum, iuvenum et puerorum curare tenetur, quem in finem
sociam sibi operam adhibeat clericorum paroeciae addictorum, sodalium institutorum vitae consecratae necnon
societatum vitae apostolicae, habita ratione indolis uniuscuiusque instituti, necnon christifidelium laicorum, praesertim
catechistarum; hi omnes, nisi legitime impediti, operam suam libenter praestare ne renuant. Munus parentum, in
catechesi familiari, de quo in can. 774, 2, promoveat et foveat.
By virtue of his office, the parish priest is bound to ensure the catechetical formation of adults, young people and
children. To this end, he is to avail himself of the help of clerics attached to the parish, as well as of members of
institutes of consecrated life and of societies of apostolic life, being mindful of the character of each institute; and
the assistance of lay members of Christ's faithful, especially catechists. All of these, unless they are lawfully
impeded, are not to refuse to give their labours willingly. The parish priest is also to promote and to foster the role
of parents in the family catechesis mentioned in can. 774, 2.


Peculiari modo parochus, attentis normis ab Episcopo dioecesano statutis, curet:

In a special way, the parish priest is to ensure, in accordance with the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop,

ut apta catechesis impertiatur pro sacramentorum celebratione;

an adequate catechesis is given for the celebration of the sacraments;

ut pueri, ope catecheticae institutionis per congruum tempus impertitae, rite praeparentur ad primam
receptionem sacramentorum paenitentiae et sanctissimae Eucharistiae necnon ad sacramentum confirmationis;
children are properly prepared for first confession and first holy communion, and for the sacrament of
confirmation, by means of catechetical formation over an appropriate period of time;

ut iidem, prima communione recepta, uberius ac profundius catechetica efformatione excolantur;

children, after they have made their first holy communion, are given a richer and deeper catechetical

ut catechetica institutio iis etiam tradatur, quantum eorum condicio sinat, qui corpore vel mente sint praepediti;
as far as their condition allows, catechetical formation is given to the mentally and physically handicapped;

ut iuvenum et adultorum fides, variis formis et inceptis, muniatur, illuminetur atque evolvatur.
the faith of young people and of adults is strengthened, enlightened and developed by various catechetical
methods and initiatives.


Curent Superiores religiosi et societatum vitae apostolicae ut in suis ecclesiis, scholis aliisve operibus sibi quoquo modo
concreditis, catechetica institutio sedulo impertiatur.
Religious Superiors and Superiors of societies of apostolic life are to ensure that catechetical formation is diligently
given in their churches and schools, and in other works in any way entrusted to their care.


Institutio catechetica tradatur omnibus adhibitis auxiliis, subsidiis didacticis et communicationis socialis instrumentis,
quae efficaciora videantur ut fideles, ratione eorum indoli facultatibus et aetati necnon vitae condicionibus aptata,
plenius catholicam doctrinam ediscere eamque aptius in praxim deducere valeant.
Catechetical formation is to be given by employing all those aids, educational resources and means of
communication which seem the more effective in securing that the faithful, according to their character capability,
age and circumstances of life, may be more fully steeped in catholic teaching and prepared to put it into practice.


Curent locorum Ordinarii ut catechistae ad munus suum rite explendum debite praeparentur, ut nempe continua
formatio ipsis praebeatur, iidemque Ecclesiae doctrinam apte cognoscant atque normas disciplinis paedagogicis
proprias theoretice ac practice addiscant.
Local Ordinaries are to ensure that catechists are duly trained to carry out their office properly, namely, that
continuing formation is available to them, that they have an appropriate knowledge of the teaching of the Church,
and that they learn both the theory and the practice of the principles of pedagogy.

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Cum tota Ecclesia natura sua sit missionaria et opus evangelizationis habendum sit fundamentale officium populi Dei,
christifideles omnes, propriae responsabilitatis conscii, partem suam in opere missionali assumant.
Because the whole Church is of its nature missionary and the work of evangelisation is to be considered a
fundamental duty of the people of God, all Christ's faithful must be conscious of the responsibility to play their part
in missionary activity.


1 Suprema directio et coordinatio inceptorum et actionum quae ad opus missionale atque ad cooperationem
missionariam pertinent, competit Romano Pontifici et Collegio Episcoporum.
1 The Roman Pontiff and the College of Bishops have the responsibility for the overall direction and coordination
of the initiatives and activities which concern missionary work and cooperation.
2 Singuli Episcopi, utpote Ecclesiae universae atque omnium Ecclesiarum sponsores, operis missionalis peculiarem
sollicitudinem habeant, praesertim incepta missionalia in propria Ecclesia particulari suscitando, fovendo ac
2 As the sponsors of the universal Church and of all the Churches, all Bishops are to have a special solicitude for
missionary activity, especially by arousing, fostering and sustaining missionary initiatives in their own particular


Sodales institutorum vitae consecratae, cum vi ipsius consecrationis sese servitio Ecclesiae dedicent, obligatione
tenentur ad operam, ratione suo instituto propria, speciali modo in actione missionali navandam.
Members of institutes of consecrated life, because of the dedication to the service of the Church deriving from their
very consecration, have an obligation to play a zealous and special part in missionary activity, in a manner
appropriate to their institute.


Missionarii, qui scilicet a competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica ad opus missionale explendum mittuntur, eligi possunt
autochthoni vel non, sive clerici saeculares, sive institutorum vitae consecratae vel societatis vitae apostolicae sodales,
sive alii christifideles laici.
Missionaries, that is, those who have been sent by the competent ecclesiastical authority to engage in missionary
activity, may be chosen from the indigenous population or from others, be they secular clergy, or members of
institutes of consecrated life or of a society of apostolic life, or other lay members of Christ's faithful.


1 In opere missionali peragendo assumantur catechistae, christifideles nempe laici debite instructi et vita christiana
praestantes, qui, sub moderamine missionarii, doctrinae evangelicae proponendae et liturgicis exercitiis caritatisque
operibus ordinandis sese impendant.
1 Catechists are to be given a role in missionary work. These are lay members of Christ's faithful who have
received proper formation and are outstanding in their living of the christian life. Under the direction of
missionaries, they are to present the Gospel teaching and engage in liturgical worship and in works of charity.
2 Catechistae efformentur in scholis ad hoc destinatis vel, ubi desint, sub moderamine missionariorum.
2 Catechists are to receive their formation in schools founded for this purpose. If there are no such schools, they
are to be formed under the direction of the missionaries.


Actio proprie missionalis, qua Ecclesia implantatur in populis vel coetibus ubi nondum radicata est, ab Ecclesia
absolvitur praesertim mittendo Evangelii praecones donec novellae Ecclesiae plene constituantur, cum scilicet
instructae sint propriis viribus et sufficientibus mediis, quibus opus evangelizandi per se ipsae peragere valeant.
Missionary activity properly so called, whereby the Church is founded amongst peoples or groups where it has not
taken root before, is performed principally by the Church sending heralds of the Gospel, until such time as the new
Churches are fully constituted, that is, have their own resources and sufficient means, so that they themselves can
carry on the work of evangelisation.


1 Missionarii, vita ac verbi testimonio, dialogum sincerum cum non credentibus in Christum instituant, ut ipsis,
ratione eorundem ingenio et culturae aptata, aperiantur viae quibus ad evangelicum nuntium cognoscendum adduci

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1 By the testimony of their words and of their lives, missionaries are to establish a sincere dialogue with those
who do not believe in Christ, so that, taking their native character and culture into account, ways may be opened up
by which they can be led to know the good news of the Gospel.
2 Curent ut quos ad evangelicum nuntium recipiendum aestiment paratos, veritates fidei edoceant, ita quidem ut ipsi
ad baptismum recipiendum, libere id petentes, admitti possint.
2 Missionaries are to ensure that they teach the truths of the faith to those whom they judge to be ready to receive
the good news of the Gospel, so that, if they freely request it, they may be admitted to the reception of baptism.

1 Qui voluntatem amplectendi fidem in Christum manifestaverint, expleto tempore praecatechumenatus, liturgicis
caeremoniis admittantur ad catechumenatum, atque eorum nomina scribantur in libro ad hoc destinato.
1 Those who have expressed the wish to embrace faith in Christ, and who have completed the period of their
preliminary catechumenate, are to be admitted to the catechumenate proper in a liturgical ceremony; and their
names are to be inscribed in the book which is kept for this purpose.
2 Catechumeni, per vitae christianae institutionem et tirocinium, apte initientur mysterio salutis atque introducantur
in vitam fidei, liturgiae et caritatis populi Dei atque apostolatus.
2 By formation and their first steps in christian living, catechumens are to be initiated into the mysteries of
salvation, and introduced into the life of faith, liturgy and charity of the people of God, as well as into the
3 Conferentiae Episcoporum est statuta edere quibus catechumenatus ordinetur, determinando quaenam a
catechumenis sint praestanda, atque definiendo quaenam eis agnoscantur praerogativae.
3 It is the responsibility of the Episcopal Conference to establish norms concerning the arrangement of the
catechumenate, determining what should be done by catechumens and what should be their prerogatives.


Neophyti, apta institutione ad veritatem evangelicam penitius cognoscendam et officia per baptismum suscepta
implenda efformentur; sincero amore erga Christum eiusque Ecclesiam imbuantur.
By means of appropriate formation, neophytes are to be led to a deeper knowledge of the Gospel truths, and to the
fulfilment of the duties undertaken in baptism. They are also to be imbued with a sincere love of Christ and his


1 Episcopi dioecesani in territoriis missionis est:

1 In mission territories, it is the responsibility of the diocesan Bishop:

promovere, moderari et coordinare incepta et opera, quae ad actionem missionalem spectant;

to promote, regulate and coordinate both new initiatives and established works concerning missionary activity;

curare ut debitae ineantur conventiones cum Moderatoribus institutorum quae operi missionali se dedicant, utque
relationes cum iisdem in bonum cedant missionis.
to ensure that there are proper agreements with the Moderators of those institutes which dedicate themselves
to missionary activities, and that relationships with them are for the good of the mission.

2 Praescriptis ab Episcopo dioecesano de quibus in 1, n. 1 editis, subsunt omnes missionarii, etiam religiosi eorumque
auxiliares in eius dicione degentes.
2 The provisions made by the diocesan Bishop in accordance with 1, n. 1 are binding on all missionaries,
including religious and their helpers residing in his territory.

In singulis dioecesibus ad cooperationem missionalem fovendam:

In order to foster missionary cooperation, in each diocese:

promoveantur vocationes missionales;

vocations to the mission are to be promoted;

sacerdos deputetur ad incepta pro missionibus efficaciter promovenda, praesertim "Pontificia Opera
a priest is to be appointed to promote missionary initiatives, especially the 'Pontifical Missionary Works';

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celebretur dies annualis pro missionibus;

a day for the missions is to be celebrated annually;

solvatur quotannis congrua pro missionibus stips, Sanctae Sedi transmittenda.

each year an appropriate financial contribution for the missions is to be sent to the Holy See.

Episcoporum conferentiae opera instituant ac promoveant, quibus ii qui e terris missionum laboris aut studii causa ad
earundem territorium accedant, fraterne recipiantur et congruenti pastorali cura adiuventur.
The Episcopal Conference is to establish and promote means by which those who come to their territory from the
missions, for the purpose of work or study, are to be given a fraternal welcome and helped with suitable pastoral



1 Parentes, necnon qui eorum locum tenent, obligatione adstringuntur et iure gaudent prolem educandi; parentes
catholici officium quoque habent ea eligendi media et instituta quibus, iuxta locorum adiuncta, catholicae filiorum
educationi aptius prospicere queant.
1 Parents, and those who take their place, have both the obligation and the right to educate their children.
Catholic parents have also the duty and the right to choose those means and institutes which, in their local
circumstances, can best promote the catholic education of their children.
2 Parentibus ius et etiam iis fruendi auxiliis a societate civili praestandis, quibus in catholica educatione filiorum
procuranda indigeant.
2 Parents have moreover the right to avail themselves of that assistance from civil society which they need to
provide a catholic education for their children.


1 Singulari ratione officium et ius educandi spectat ad Ecclesiam, cui divinitus missio concredita est homines
adiuvandi, ut ad christianae vitae plenitudinem pervenire valeant.
1 The Church has in a special way the duty and the right of educating, for it has a divine mission of helping all to
arrive at the fullness of christian life.
2 Animarum pastoribus officium est omnia disponendi, ut educatione catholica omnes fideles fruantur.
2 Pastors of souls have the duty of making all possible arrangements so that all the faithful may avail themselves
of a catholic education.


Cum vera educatio integram persequi debeat personae humanae formationem, spectantem ad finem eius ultimum et
simul ad bonum commune societatum, pueri et iuvenes ita excolantur ut suas dotes physicas, morales et intellectuales
harmonice evolvere valeant, perfectiorem responsabilitatis sensum libertatisque rectum usum acquirant et ad vitam
socialem active participandam conformentur.
Education must pay regard to the formation of the whole person, so that all may attain their eternal destiny and at
the same time promote the common good of society. Children and young persons are therefore to be cared for in
such a way that their physical, moral and intellectual talents may develop in a harmonious manner, so that they
may attain a greater sense of responsibility and a right use of freedom, and be formed to take an active part in
social life.



1 Inter media ad excolendam educationem christifideles magni faciant scholas, quae quidem parentibus, in munere
educationis implendo, praecipuo auxilio sunt.
1 Among the means of advancing education, Christ's faithful are to consider schools as of great importance, since
they are the principal means of helping parents to fulfil their role in education.
2 Cum magistris scholarum, quibus filios educandos concredant, parentes arcte cooperentur oportet; magistri vero in
officio suo persolvendo intime collaborent cum parentibus, qui quidem libenter audiendi sunt eorumque consociationes
vel conventus instaurentur atque magni existimentur.

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2 There must be the closest cooperation between parents and the teachers to whom they entrust their children to
be educated. In fulfilling their task, teachers are to collaborate closely with the parents and willingly listen to them;
associations and meetings of parents are to be set up and held in high esteem.

Parentes in scholis eligendis vera libertate gaudeant oportet; quare christifideles solliciti esse debent ut societas civilis
hanc libertatem parentibus agnoscat atque, servata iustitia distributiva, etiam subsidiis tueatur.
Parents must have a real freedom in their choice of schools. For this reason Christ's faithful must be watchful that
the civil society acknowledges this freedom of parents and, in accordance with the requirements of distributive
justice, even provides them with assistance.


Parentes filios concredant illis scholis in quibus educationi catholicae provideatur; quod si facere non valeant,
obligatione tenentur curandi, ut extra scholas debitae eorundem educationi catholicae prospiciatur.
Parents are to send their children to those schools which will provide for their catholic education. If they cannot do
this, they are bound to ensure the proper catholic education of their children outside the school.


Christifideles enitantur ut in societate civili leges quae iuvenum formationem ordinant, educationi eorum religiosae et
morali quoque, iuxta parentum conscientiam, in ipsis scholis prospiciant.
Christ's faithful are to strive to secure that in the civil society the laws which regulate the formation of the young,
also provide a religious and moral education in the schools that is in accord with the conscience of the parents.


1 Ecclesiae ius est scholas cuiusvis disciplinae, generis et gradus condendi ac moderandi.
1 The Church has the right to establish and to direct schools for any field of study or of any kind and grade.
2 Christifideles scholas catholicas foveant, pro viribus adiutricem operam conferentes ad easdem condendas et
2 Christ's faithful are to promote catholic schools, doing everything possible to help in establishing and
maintaining them.


Instituta religiosa quibus missio educationis propria est, fideliter hanc suam missionem retinentes, satagant educationi
catholicae etiam per suas scholas, consentiente Episcopo dioecesano conditas, sese impendere.
Religious institutes which have education as their mission are to keep faithfully to this mission and earnestly strive
to devote themselves to catholic education, providing this also through their own schools which, with the consent of
the diocesan Bishop, they have established.


1 Si praesto non sint scholae in quibus educatio tradatur christiano spiritu imbuta, Episcopi dioecesani est curare ut
1 If there are no schools in which an education is provided that is imbued with a christian spirit, the diocesan
Bishop has the responsibility of ensuring that such schools are established.
2 Ubi id expediat, Episcopus dioecesanus provideat ut scholae quoque condantur professionales et technicae necnon
aliae quae specialibus necessitatibus requirantur.
2 Where it is suitable, the diocesan Bishop is to provide for the establishment of professional and technical
schools, and of other schools catering for special needs.


1 Schola catholica ea intellegitur quam auctoritas ecclesiastica competens aut persona iuridica ecclesiastica publica
moderatur, aut auctoritas ecclesiastica documento scripto uti talem agnoscit.
1 A catholic school is understood to be one which is under the control of the competent ecclesiastical authority or
of a public ecclesiastical juridical person, or one which in a written document is acknowledged as catholic by the
ecclesiastical authority.
2 Institutio et educatio in schola catholica principiis doctrinae catholicae nitatur oportet; magistri recta doctrina et
vitae probitate praestent.
2 Formation and education in a catholic school must be based on the principles of catholic doctrine, and the
teachers must be outstanding in true doctrine and uprightness of life.
3 Nulla schola, etsi reapse catholica, nomen scholae catholicae gerat, nisi de consensu competentis auctoritatis

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3 No school, even if it is in fact catholic, may bear the title 'catholic school' except by the consent of the competent
ecclesiastical authority.

1 Ecclesiae auctoritati subicitur institutio et educatio religiosa catholica quae in quibuslibet scholis impertitur aut
variis communicationis socialis instrumentis procuratur; Episcoporum conferentiae est de hoc actionis campo normas
generales edicere, atque Episcopi dioecesani est eundem ordinare et in eum invigilare.
1 The formation and education in the catholic religion provided in any school, and through various means of social
communication is subject to the authority of the Church. It is for the Episcopal Conference to issue general norms
concerning this field of activity and for the diocesan Bishop to regulate and watch over it.
2 Loci Ordinarius sollicitus sit, ut qui ad religionis institutionem in scholis, etiam non catholicis, deputentur magistri
recta doctrina, vitae christianae testimonio atque arte paedagogica sint praestantes.
2 The local Ordinary is to be careful that those who are appointed as teachers of religion in schools, even noncatholic ones, are outstanding in true doctrine, in the witness of their christian life, and in their teaching ability.


Loci Ordinario pro sua dioecesi ius est nominandi aut approbandi magistros religionis, itemque si religionis morumve
ratio id requirat, amovendi aut exigendi ut amoveantur.
In his own diocese, the local Ordinary has the right to appoint or to approve teachers of religion and, if religious or
moral considerations require it, the right to remove them or to demand that they be removed.


1 Episcopo dioecesano competit ius invigilandi et invisendi scholas catholicas in suo territorio sitas, eas etiam quae ab
institutorum religiosorum sodalibus conditae sint aut dirigantur; eidem item competit praescripta edere quae ad
generalem attinent ordinationem scholarum catholicarum: quae praescripta valent de scholis quoque quae ab iisdem
sodalibus diriguntur, salva quidem eorundem quoad internum earum scholarum moderamen autonomia.
1 The diocesan Bishop has the right to watch over and inspect the catholic schools situated in his territory, even
those established or directed by members of religious institutes. He has also the right to issue directives concerning
the general regulation of catholic schools these directives apply also to schools conducted by members of a
religious institute, although they retain their autonomy in the internal management of their schools.
2 Curent scholarum catholicarum Moderatores, advigilante loci Ordinario, ut institutio quae in iisdem traditur pari
saltem gradu ac in aliis scholis regionis, ratione scientifica sit praestans.
2 Those who are in charge of catholic schools are to ensure, under the supervision of the local Ordinary, that the
formation given in them is, in its academic standards, at least as outstanding as that in other schools in the area.





Ius est Ecclesiae erigendi et moderandi studiorum universitates, quae quidem ad altiorem hominum culturam et
pleniorem personae humanae promotionem necnon ad ipsius Ecclesiae munus docendi implendum conferant.
The Church has the right to establish and to govern universi-ties, which serve to promote the deeper culture and
fuller development of the human person, and to complement the Church's own teaching office.


Nulla studiorum universitas, etsi reapse catholica, titulum seu nomen universitatis catholicae gerat, nisi de consensu
competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae.
No university, even if it is in fact catholic, may bear the title 'catholic university' except by the consent of the
competent ecclesiastical authority.


Episcoporum conferentiae curent ut habeantur, si fieri possit et expediat, studiorum universitates aut saltem facultates,
in ipsarum territorio apte distributae, in quibus variae disciplinae, servata quidem earum scientifica autonomia,
investigentur et tradantur doctrinae catholicae ratione habita.
If it is possible and appropriate, Episcopal Conferences are to take care to have within their territories suitably
located universities or at least faculties, in which the various disciplines, while retaining their own scientific
autonomy, may be researched and taught in the light of catholic doctrine.

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1 Auctoritati iuxta statuta competenti officium est providendi ut in universitatibus catholicis nominentur docentes qui
praeterquam idoneitate scientifica et paedagogica, doctrinae integritate et vitae probitate praestent utque, deficientibus
his requisitis, servato modo procedendi in statutis definito, a munere removeantur.
1 In catholic universities it is the duty of the competent statutory authority to ensure that there be appointed
teachers who are not only qualified in scientific and pedagogical expertise, but are also outstanding in their integrity
of doctrine and uprightness of life. If these requirements are found to be lacking, it is also that authority's duty to
see to it that these teachers are removed from office, in accordance with the procedure determined in the statutes.
2 Episcoporum conferentiae et Episcopi dioecesani, quorum interest, officium habent et ius invigilandi, ut in iisdem
universitatibus principia doctrinae catholicae fideliter servantur.
2 The Episcopal Conference and the diocesan Bishops concerned have the duty and the right of seeing to it that,
in these universities, the principles of catholic doctrine are faithfully observed.


1 Curet auctoritas ecclesiastica competens ut in universitatibus catholicis erigatur facultas aut institutum aut saltem
cathedra theologiae, in qua lectiones laicis quoque studentibus tradantur.
1 The competent ecclesiastical authority is to ensure that in catholic universities there is established a faculty or
an institute or at least a chair of theology, in which lectures are given to lay students also.
2 In singulis universitatibus catholicis lectiones habeantur, inquibus eae praecipue tractentur quaestiones theologicae,
quae cum disciplinis earundem facultatum sunt conexae.
2 In every catholic university there are to be lectures which principally treat of those theological questions
connected with the studies of each faculty.


Qui in studiorum superiorum institutis quibuslibet disciplinas tradunt theologicas, auctoritatis ecclesiasticae
competentis mandatum habeant oportet.
Those who teach theological subjects in any institute of higher studies must have a mandate from the competent
ecclesiastical authority.


Episcopus dioecesanus impensam habeat curam pastoralem studentium, etiam per paroeciae erectione, vel saltem per
sacerdotes ad hoc stabiliter deputatos, et provideat ut apud universitates, etiam catholicas, centra habeantur
universitaria catholica, quae iuventuti adiutorio sint, praesertim spirituali.
The diocesan Bishop is to be zealous in his pastoral care of students, even by the creation of a special parish, or at
least by appointing priests with a stable assignment to this care. In all universities, even in those which are not
catholic, the diocesan Bishop is to provide catholic university centres, to be of assistance to the young people,
especially in spiritual matters.


Quae de universitatibus statuuntur praescripta, pari ratione applicantur aliis studiorum superiorum institutis.
The provisions which are laid down for universities apply equally to other institutes of higher studies.





Ecclesiae, vi muneris sui veritatem revelatam nuntiandi, propriae sunt universitates vel facultates ecclesiasticae ad
disciplinas sacras vel cum sacris conexas pervestigandas, atque studentes in iisdem disciplinis scientifice instituendos.
By virtue of its office to announce revealed truth, it belongs to the Church to have its own ecclesiastical universities
and faculties to study the sacred sciences and subjects related to them, and to teach these disciplines to students
in a scientific manner.


1 Universitates et facultates ecclesiasticae constitui tantum possunt erectione ab Apostolica Sede facta aut
approbatione ab eadem concessa; eidem competit etiam earundem superius moderamen.
1 Ecclesiastical universities and faculties may be constituted only by the Apostolic See or with its approval. Their
overall direction also belongs to the Apostolic See.
2 Singulae universitates et facultates ecclesiae sua habere debent statuta et studiorum rationem ab Apostolica Sede
2 Each ecclesiastical university and faculty must have its own statutes and program of studies, approved by the
Apostolic See.

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Gradus academicos, qui effectus canonicos in Ecclesia habeant, nulla universitas vel facultas conferre valet, quae non
sit ab Apostolica Sede erecta vel approbata.
Only a university or a faculty established or approved by the Apostolic See may confer academic degrees which
have canonical effects in the Church.


Quae de universitatibus catholicis in cann. 810, 812 et 813 statuuntur praescripta, de universitatibus facultatibusque
ecclesiasticis quoque valent.
The provisions of cann. 810,812 and 813 concerning catholic universities apply also to ecclesiastical universities
and faculties.


Quatenus dioecesis aut instituti religiosi immo vel ipsius Ecclesiae universae bonum id requirat, debent Episcopi
dioecesani aut institutorum Superiores competentes ad universitates vel facultates ecclesiasticas mittere iuvenes et
clericos et sodales indole, virtute et ingenio praestantes.
In so far as the good of a diocese or religious institute or indeed even of the universal Church requires it, young
persons, clerics and members of institutes, outstanding in character, intelligence and virtue, must be sent to
ecclesiastical universities or faculties by their diocesan Bishops or the Superiors of their institutes.


Curent universitatum et facultatum ecclesiasticarum Moderatores ac professores ut variae universitatis facultates

mutuam sibi, prout obiectum siverit, praestent operam, utque inter propriam universitatem vel facultatem et alias
universitates et facultates, etiam non ecclesiasticas, mutua habeatur cooperatio, qua nempe eaedem coniuncta opera,
conventibus, investigationibus scientificis coordinatis aliisque mediis, ad maius scientiarum incrementum conspirent.
Moderators and professors of ecclesiastical universities and faculties are to ensure that the various faculties of the
university cooperate with each other, to the extent that their aims permit. They are also to ensure that between their
own university or faculty and other universities and faculties, even non-ecclesiastical ones, there be a mutual
cooperation in which, through conferences, coordinated scientific research and other means, they work together for
the greater increase of scientific knowledge.


Provideant Episcoporum conferentia atque Episcopus dioecesanus ut, ubi fieri possit, condantur instituta superiora
scientiarum religiosarum, in quibus nempe edoceantur disciplinae theologicae aliaeque quae ad culturam christianam
Where it is possible, the Episcopal Conference and the diocesan Bishop are to provide for the establishment of
institutes for higher religious studies, in which are taught theological and other subjects pertaining to christian




1 Ecclesiae pastores, in suo munere explendo iure Ecclesiae proprio utentes, instrumenta communicationis socialis
adhibere satagant.
1 In exercising their office the pastors of the Church, availing themselves of a right which belongs to the Church,
are to make an ample use of the means of social communication.
2 Iisdem pastoribus curae sit fideles edocere se officio teneri cooperandi ut instrumentorum communicationis socialis
usus humano christianoque spiritu vivificetur.
2 Pastors are also to teach the faithful that they have the duty of working together so that the use of the means of
social communication may be imbued with a human and christian spirit.
3 Omnes christifideles, ii praesertim qui quoquo modo in eorundem instrumentorum ordinatione aut usu partem
habent, solliciti sint operam adiutricem actioni pastorali praestare, ita ut Ecclesia etiam his instrumentis munus suum
efficaciter exerceat.
3 All Christ's faithful, especially those who in any way take part in the management or use of the media, are to be
diligent in assisting pastoral action, so that the Church can more effectively exercise its office through these means.


1 Ut veritatum fidei morumque integritas servetur, officum et ius est Ecclesiae pastoribus invigilandi, ne scriptis aut
usu instrumentorum communicationis socialis christifidelium fidei aut moribus detrimentum afferatur; item exigendi,

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ut quae fidem moresve tangant a christifidelibus edenda suo iudicio subiciantur; necnon reprobandi scripta quae rectae
fidei aut bonis moribus noceant.
1 In order to safeguard the integrity of faith and morals, pastors of the Church have the duty and the right to
ensure that in writings or in the use of the means of social communication there should be no ill effect on the faith
and morals of Christ's faithful. They also have the duty and the right to demand that where writings of the faithful
touch upon matters of faith and morals, these be submitted to their judgement. Moreover, they have the duty and
the right to condemn writings which harm true faith or good morals.
2 Officium et ius, de quibus in 1, competunt Episcopis, tum singulis tum in conciliis particularibus vel Episcoporum
conferentiis adunatis quoad christifideles suae curae commissos, supremae autem Ecclesiae auctoritati quoad
universum Dei populum.
2 For Christ's faithful entrusted to their care, the duty and the right mentioned in 1 belong to the Bishops, both as
individuals and in particular councils or Episcopal Conferences; for the whole people of God, they belong to the
supreme authority in the Church.

1 Nisi aliud statuatur, loci Ordinarius, cuius licentia aut approbatio ad libros edendos iuxta canones huius tituli est
petenda, est loci Ordinarius proprius auctoris aut Ordinarius loci in quo libri publici iuris fient.
1 Unless it is otherwise provided, the local Ordinary whose permission or approval for publishing a book is to be
sought according to the canons of this title, is the author's proper local Ordinary, or the Ordinary of the place in
which the book is published.
2 Quae in canonibus huius tituli statuuntur de libris, quibuslibet scriptis divulgationi publicae destinatis applicanda
sunt, nisi aliud constet.
2 Unless the contrary is clear, what is said in the canons of this title about books, applies also to any writings
intended for publication.


1 Libri sacrarum Scripturarum edi non possunt nisi ab Apostolica Sede aut ab Episcoporum conferentia approbati
sint; itemque ut eorundem versiones in linguam vernaculam edi possint, requiritur ut ab eadem auctoritate sint
approbatae atque insimul necessariis et sufficientibus explicationibus sint instructae.
1 Books of the sacred Scriptures may not be published unless they are approved by the Apostolic See or the
Episcopal Conference. The publication of translations of the sacred Scriptures requires the approval of the same
authority, and they must have necessary and sufficient explanatory notes.
2 Versiones sacrarum Scripturarum convenientibus explicationibus instructas, communi etiam cum fratribus seiunctis
opera, parare atque edere possunt christifideles catholici de licentia Episcoporum conferentiae.
2 With the permission of the Episcopal Conference, catholic members of Christ's faithful, in cooperation with
separated brethren, may prepare and publish versions of the Scriptures, with appropriate explanatory notes.


1 Ad libros liturgicos quod attinet, serventur praescripta can. 838.

1 For liturgical books, the provisions of can. 838 are to be observed.
2 Ut iterum edantur libri liturgici necnon eorum versiones in linguam vernaculam eorumve partes, constare debet de
concordantia cum editione approbata ex attestatione Ordinarii loci in quo publici iuris fiunt.
2 To republish liturgical books or to publish translations of all or part of them, it must be established, by an
attestation of the Ordinary of the place in which they are published, that they accord with an approved edition.
3 Libri precum pro publico vel privato fidelium usu ne edantur nisi de licentia loci Ordinarii.
3 Prayer books, for either the public or the private use of the faithful, are not to be published except by permission
of the local Ordinary.


1 Catechismi necnon alia scripta ad institutionem catecheticam pertinentia eorumve versiones, ut edantur,
approbatione egent loci Ordinarii, firmo praescripto can. 775, 2.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 775 2, the publication of catechisms and other writings pertaining to
catechetical formation, as well as their translations, requires the approval of the local Ordinary.
2 Nisi cum approbatione competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae editi sint aut ab ea postea approbati, in scholis, sive
elementariis sive mediis sive superioribus, uti textus, quibus institutio nititur, adhiberi non possunt libri qui

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quaestiones recipiunt ad sacram Scripturam, ad theologiam, ius canonicum, historiam ecclesiasticam, et ad religiosas
aut morales disciplinas pertinentes.
2 Books dealing with matters concerning sacred Scripture, theology, canon law, church history, or religious or
moral subjects may not be used as textbooks on which the instruction is based, in elementary, intermediate or
higher schools, unless they were published with the approbation of the competent ecclesiastical authority or were
subsequently approved by that authority.
3 Commendatur ut libri materias de quibus in 2 tractantes, licet non adhibeantur uti textus in institutione tradenda,
itemque scripta in quibus aliquid habetur quod religionis aut morum honestatis peculiariter intersit, iudicio
subiciantur loci Ordinarii.
3 It is recommended that books dealing with the subjects mentioned in 2, even though not used as basic
textbooks, and any writings which specially concern religion or good morals, be submitted to the judgement of the
local Ordinary.
4 In ecclesiis oratoriisve exponi, vendi aut dari non possunt libri vel alia scripta de quaestionibus religionis aut morum
tractantia, nisi cum licentia competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae edita sint aut ab ea postea approbata.
4 Books or other written material dealing with religion or morals may not be displayed, sold or given away in
churches or oratories, unless they were published with the permission of the competent ecclesiastical authority or
were subsequently approved by that authority.

Collectiones decretorum aut actorum ab aliqua auctoritate ecclesiastica editas, iterum edere non licet, nisi impetrata
prius eiusdem auctoritatis licentia et servatis condicionibus ab eadem praescriptis.
Collections of decrees or acts published by any ecclesiastical authority may not be republished without first seeking
the permission of the same authority and observing the conditions which it lays down.


Approbatio vel licentia alicuius operis edendi pro textu originali valet, non vero pro eiusdem novis editionibus vel
Approval or permission to publish a work is valid only for the first edition, but not for new editions or translations.


1 Integro manente iure uniuscuiusque loci Ordinarii committendi personis sibi probatis iudicium de libris, ab
Episcoporum conferentia confici potest elenchus censorum, scientia, recta doctrina et prudentia praestantium, qui
curiis dioecesanis praesto sint, aut constitui etiam potest commissio censorum, quam loci Ordinarii consulere possint.
1 Every local Ordinary retains the right to appoint persons whom he considers competent to give a judgement
about books. The Episcopal Conference, however, may draw up a list of censors who are outstanding for their
knowledge, right doctrine and prudence, to be available to diocesan curias; it may even establish a commission of
censors whom the local Ordinary can consult.
2 Censor, in suo obeundo officio, omni personarum acceptatione seposita, prae oculis tantummodo habeat Ecclesiae de
fide et moribus doctrinam, uti a magisterio ecclesiastico proponitur.
2 In carrying out this task, a censor must put aside all preference of persons and look only to the teaching of the
Church concerning faith and morals, as declared by its magisterium.
3 Censor sententiam suam scripto dare debet; quae si faverit, Ordinarius pro suo prudenti iudicio licentiam concedat
ut editio fiat, expresso suo nomine necnon tempore ac loco concessae licentiae; quod si eam non concedat, rationes
denegationis cum operis scriptore Ordinarius communicet.
3 The censor must give an opinion in writing. If it is favourable, the Ordinary may, in his prudent judgement, give
his permission for the work to be published, adding his own name and the date and place of the permission. If he
does not give this permission, the Ordinary must inform the author of the reasons for the refusal.


1 In diariis, libellis aut foliis periodicis quae religionem catholicam aut bonos mores manifesto impetere solent, ne
quidpiam conscribant christifideles, nisi iusta et rationabili de causa; clerici autem et institutorum religiosorum
sodales, tantummodo de licentia loci Ordinarii.
1 Unless there is a just and reasonable cause, no member of Christ's faithful may write in newspapers, pamphlets
or periodicals which clearly are accustomed to attack the catholic religion or good morals. Clerics and members of
religious institutes may write in them only with the permission of the local Ordinary.

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2 Episcoporum conferentiae est normas statuere de requisitis ut clericis atque sodalibus institutorum religiosorum
partem habere liceat in tractandis via radiophonica aut televisifica quaestionibus, quae ad doctrinam catholicam aut
mores attineant.
2 It is for the Episcopal Conference to lay down norms determining the requirements for clerics and members of
religious institutes to take part in radio and television programmes which concern catholic doctrine or morals.

Institutorum religiosorum sodales ut scripta quaestiones religionis morumve tractantia edere possint, licentia quoque
egent sui Superioris maioris ad normam constitutionum.
To publish writings on matters of religion or morals, members of religious institutes require also the permission of
their major Superior, in accordance with the constitutions.



Obligatione emittendi personaliter professionem fidei, secundum formulam a Sede Apostolica probatam, tenetur:
The following are personally bound to make a profession of faith, according to the formula approved by the
Apostolic See:

coram praeside eiusve delegato, omnes qui Concilio Oecumenico vel particulari, synodo Episcoporum atque
synodo dioecesana intersunt cum voto sive deliberativo sive consultivo; praeses autem coram Concilio aut synodo;
in the presence of the president or his delegate: all who, with a deliberative or a consultative vote, take part in
an Ecumenical Council, a particular council, the synod of Bishops, or a diocesan synod; in the presence of the
council or synod: the president himself ;

promoti ad cardinalitiam dignitatem iuxta sacri Collegii statuta;

in accordance with the statutes of the sacred College: those promoted to the dignity of Cardinal;

coram delegato ab Apostolica Sede, omnes promoti ad episcopatum, itemque qui Episcopo dioecesano
in the presence of a delegate of the Apostolic See: all who are promoted to the episcopate, and all those who
are equivalent to a diocesan Bishop;

coram collegio consultorum, Administrator dioecesanus;

in the presence of the college of consultors: the diocesan Administrator;

coram Episcopo dioecesano eiusve delegato, Vicarii generales et Vicarii episcopales necnon Vicarii iudiciales;
in the presence of the diocesan Bishop or his delegate: Vicars general, episcopal Vicars and judicial Vicars;

coram loci Ordinario eiusve delegato, parochi, rector, magistri theologiae et philosophiae in seminariis, initio
suscepti muneris; promovendi ad ordinem diaconatus;
in the presence of the local Ordinary or his delegate: parish priests; the rector, professors of theology and
philosophy in seminaries, at the beginning of their term of office; and those who are to be promoted to the
order of diaconate;

coram Magno Cancellario eoque deficiente coram Ordinario loci eorumve delegatis, rector universitatis
ecclesiasticae vel catholicae, initio suscepti muneris; coram rectore, si sit sacerdos, vel coram loci Ordinario
eorumve delegatis, docentes qui disciplinas ad fidem vel mores pertinentes in quibusvis universitatibus tradunt,
initio suscepti muneris;
in the presence of the Chancellor or, in the absence of the Chancellor, the local Ordinary, or the delegates of
either: the rector of an ecclesiastical or catholic university, at the beginning of the term of office- in the
presence of the rector if he is a priest, or of the local Ordinary or the delegates of either: those who in any
universities teach subjects which deal with faith or morals, at the beginning of their term of office;

Superiores in institutis religiosis et societatibus vitae apostolicae clericalibus, ad normam constitutionum.

in accordance with the constitutions: Superiors in religious institutes and clerical societies of apostolic life.

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1 Munus sanctificandi Ecclesia peculiari modo adimplet per sacram liturgiam, quae quidem habetur ut Iesu Christi
muneris sacerdotalis exercitatio, in qua hominum sanctificatio per signa sensibilia significatur ac modo singulis proprio
efficitur, atque a mystico Iesu Christi Corpore, Capite nempe et membris, integer cultus Dei publicus exercetur.
1 The Church carries out its office of sanctifying in a special way in the sacred liturgy, which is an exercise of the
priestly office of Jesus Christ. In the liturgy, by the use of signs perceptible to the senses, our sanctification is
symbolised and, in a manner appropriate to each sign, is brought about. Through the liturgy a complete public
worship is offered to God by the head and members of the mystical body of Christ.
2 Huiusmodi cultus tunc habetur, cum defertur nomine Ecclesiae a personis legitime deputatis et per actus ab
Ecclesiae auctoritate probatos.
2 This worship takes place when it is offered in the name of the Church, by persons lawfully deputed and through
actions approved by ecclesiastical authority.


1 Munus sanctificandi exercent imprimis Episcopi, qui sunt magni sacerdotes, mysteriorum Dei praecipui
dispensatores atque totius vitae liturgicae in Ecclesia sibi commissa moderatores, promotores atque custodes.
1 The sanctifying office is exercised principally by Bishops, who are the high priests, the principal dispensers of
the mysteries of God and the moderators, promoters and guardians of the entire liturgical life in the Churches
entrusted to their care.
2 Illud quoque exercent presbyteri, qui nempe, et ipsi Christi sacerdotii participes, ut eius ministri sub Episcopi
auctoritate, ad cultum divinum celebrandum et populum sanctificandum consecrantur.
2 This office is also exercised by priests. They, too, share in the priesthood of Christ and, as his ministers under
the authority of the Bishop, are consecrated to celebrate divine worship and to sanctify the people.
3 Diaconi in cultu divino celebrando partem habent, ad normam iuris praescriptorum.
3 Deacons have a share in the celebration of divine worship in accordance with the provisions of law.
4 In munere sanctificandi propriam sibi partem habent ceteri quoque christifideles actuose liturgicas celebrationes,
eucharisticam praesertim, suo modo participando; peculiari modo idem munus participant parentes vitam coniugalem
spiritu christiano ducendo et educationem christianam filiorum procurando.
4 The other members of Christ's faithful have their own part in this sanctifying office, each in his or her own way
actively sharing in liturgical celebrations, particlarly in the Eucharist. Parents have a special share in this office
when they live their married lives in a christian spirit and provide for the christian education of their children.


Cum cultus christianus, in quo sacerdotium commune christifidelium exercetur, opus sit quod a fide procedit et eadem
innititur, ministri sacri eandem excitare et illustrare sedulo curent, ministerio praesertim verbi, quo fides nascitur et
Since christian worship, in which the common priesthood of Christ's faithful is exercised, must proceed from and
rest upon faith, sacred ministers are to strive diligently to arouse and enlighten this faith, especially by the ministry
of the word by which faith is born and nourished.


1 Actiones liturgicae non sunt actiones privatae, sed celebrationes Ecclesiae ipsius, quae est "unitatis sacramentum,"
scilicet plebs sancta sub Episcopis adunata et ordinata; quare ad universum corpus Ecclesiae pertinent illudque
manifestant et afficiunt; singula vero membra ipsius attingunt diverso modo, pro diversitate ordinum, munerum et
actualis participationis.
1 Liturgical actions are not private but are celebrations of the Church itself as the 'sacrament of unity', that is, the
holy people united and ordered under the Bishops. Accordingly, they concern the whole body of the Church, making
it known and influencing it. They affect individual members of the Church in ways that vary according to orders, role
and actual participation.
2 Actiones liturgicae, quatenus suapte natura celebrationem communem secumferant, ubi id fieri potest, cum
frequentia et actuosa participatione christifidelium celebrentur.

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2 Since liturgical matters by their very nature call for a community celebration, they are, as far as possible, to be
celebrated in the presence of Christ's faithful and with their active participation.

1 Sacrae liturgiae moderatio ab Ecclesiae auctoritate unice pendet: quae quidem est penes Apostolicam Sedem et, ad
normam iuris, penes Episcopum dioecesanum.
1 The ordering and guidance of the sacred liturgy depends solely upon the authority of the Church, namely, that of
the Apostolic See and, as provided by law, that of the diocesan Bishop.
2 Apostolicae Sedis est sacram liturgiam Ecclesiae universae ordinare, libros liturgicos edere eorumque versiones in
linguas vernaculas recognoscere, necnon advigilare ut ordinationes liturgicae ubique fideliter observentur.
2 It is the prerogative of the Apostolic See to regulate the sacred liturgy of the universal Church, to publish
liturgical books and review their vernacular translations, and to be watchful that liturgical regulations are
everywhere faithfully observed.
3 Ad Episcoporum conferentias spectat versiones librorum liturgicorum in linguas vernaculas, convenienter intra
limites in ipsis libris liturgicis definitos aptatas, parare, easque edere, praevia recognitione Sanctae Sedis.
3 It pertains to Episcopal Conferences to prepare vernacular translations of liturgical books, with appropriate
adaptations as allowed by the books themselves and, with the prior review of the Holy See, to publish these
4 Ad Episcopum dioecesanum in Ecclesia sibi commissa pertinet, intra limites suae competentiae, normas de re
liturgica dare, quibus omnes tenentur.
4 Within the limits of his competence, it belongs to the diocesan Bishop to lay down for the Church entrusted to
his care, liturgical regulations which are binding on all.


1 Aliisve quoque mediis munus sanctificationis peragit Ecclesia, sive orationibus, quibus Deum deprecatur ut
christifideles sanctificati sint in veritate, sive paenitentiae et caritatis operibus, quae quidem magnopere ad Regnum
Christi in animis radicandum et roborandum adiuvant et ad mundi salutem conferunt.
1 The Church carries out its sanctifying office by other means also, that is by prayer, in which it asks God to make
Christ's faithful holy in the truth, and by works of penance and charity, which play a large part in establishing and
strengthening in souls the Kingdom of Christ, and so contribute to the salvation of the world.
2 Curent locorum Ordinarii ut orationes necnon pia et sacra exercitia populi christiani normis Ecclesiae plene
2 Local Ordinaries are to ensure that the prayers and the pious and sacred practices of the christian people are in
full harmony with the laws of the Church.




Sacramenta Novi Testamenti, a Christo Domino instituta et Ecclesiae concredita, utpote actiones Christi et Ecclesiae,
signa exstant ac media quibus fides exprimitur et roboratur, cultus Deo redditur et hominum sanctificatio efficitur,
atque ideo ad communionem ecclesiasticam inducendam, firmandam et manifestandam summopere conferunt;
quapropter in iis celebrandis summa veneratione debitaque diligentia uti debent tum sacri ministri tum ceteri
The sacraments of the New Testament were instituted by Christ the Lord and entrusted to the Church. As actions of
Christ and of the Church, they are signs and means by which faith is expressed and strengthened, worship is
offered to God and our sanctification is brought about. Thus they contribute in the most effective manner to
establishing, strengthening and manifesting ecclesiastical communion. Accordingly, in the celebration of the
sacraments both the sacred ministers and all the other members of Christ's faithful must show great reverence and
due care.


Cum sacramenta eadem sint pro universa Ecclesia et ad divinum depositum pertineant, unius supremae Ecclesiae
auctoritatis est probare et definire quae ad eorum validitatem sunt requisita, atque eiusdem aliusve auctoritatis
competentis, ad normam can. 838, 3 et 4, est decernere quae ad eorum celebrationem, administrationem et
receptionem licitam necnon ad ordinem in eorum celebratione servandum spectant.

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Since the sacraments are the same throughout the universal Church, and belong to the divine deposit of faith, only
the supreme authority in the Church can approve or define what is needed for their validity. It belongs to the same
authority, or to another competent authority in accordance with can. 838 3 and 4, to determine what is required
for their lawful celebration, administration and reception and for the order to be observed in their celebration.

1 Ad cetera sacramenta valide admitti nequit, qui baptismum non recepit.

1 A person who has not received baptism cannot validly be admitted to the other sacraments.
2 Sacramenta baptismi, confirmationis et sanctissimae Eucharistiae ita inter se coalescunt, ut ad plenam initiationem
christianam requirantur.
2 The sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the blessed Eucharist so complement one another that all three
are required for full christian initiation.


1 Ministri sacri denegare non possunt sacramenta iis qui opportune eadem petant, rite sint dispositi, nec iure ab iis
recipiendis prohibeantur.
1 Sacred ministers may not deny the sacraments to those who opportunely ask for them, are properly disposed
and are not prohibited by law from receiving them.
2 Animarum pastores ceterique christifideles, pro suo quisque ecclesiastico munere, officium habent curandi ut qui
sacramenta petunt debita evangelizatione necnon catechetica institutione ad eadem recipienda praeparentur, attentis
normis a competenti auctoritate editis.
2 According to their respective offices in the Church, both pastors of souls and all other members of Christ's
faithful have a duty to ensure that those who ask for the sacraments are prepared for their reception. This should
be done through proper evangelisation and catechetical instruction, in accordance with the norms laid down by the
competent authority.


1 Ministri catholici sacramenta licite administrant solis christifidelibus catholicis, qui pariter eadem a solis ministris
catholicis licite recipiunt, salvis huius canonis 2, 3 et 4, atque can. 861, 2 praescriptis.
1 Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments only to catholic members of Christ's faithful, who
equally may lawfully receive them only from catholic ministers, except as provided in 2, 3 and 4 of this canon
and in can. 861 2.
2 Quoties necessitas id postulet aut vera spiritualis utilitas id suadeat, et dummodo periculum vitetur erroris vel
indifferentismi, licet christifidelibus quibus physice aut moraliter impossibile sit accedere ad ministrum catholicum,
sacramenta paenitentiae, Eucharistiae et unctionis infirmorum recipere a ministris non catholicis, in quorum Ecclesia
valida exsistunt praedicta sacramenta.
2 Whenever necessity requires or a genuine spiritual advantage commends it, and provided the danger of error or
indifferentism is avoided, Christ's faithful for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a catholic
minister, may lawfully receive the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick from non-catholic
ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid.
3 Ministri catholici licite sacramenta paenitentiae, Eucharistiae et unctionis infirmorum administrant membris
Ecclesiarum orientalium quae plenam cum Ecclesia catholica communionem non habent, si sponte id petant et rite sint
disposita; quod etiam valet quoad membra aliarum Ecclesiarum, quae iudicio Sedis Apostolicae, ad sacramenta quod
attinet, in pari condicione ac praedictae Ecclesiae orientales versantur.
3 Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick to
members of the eastern Churches not in full communion with the catholic Church, if they spontaneously ask for
them and are properly disposed. The same applies to members of other Churches which the Apostolic See judges
to be in the same position as the aforesaid eastern Churches so far as the sacraments are concerned.
4 Si adsit periculum mortis aut, iudicio Episcopi dioecesani aut Episcoporum conferentiae, alia urgeat gravis
necessitas, ministri catholici licite eadem sacramenta administrant ceteris quoque christianis plenam communionem
cum Ecclesia non habentibus, qui ad suae communitatis ministrum accedere nequeant atque sponte id petant,
dummodo quoad eadem sacramenta fidem catholicam manifestent et rite sint dispositi.
4 If there is a danger of death or if, in the judgement of the diocesan Bishop or of the Episcopal Conference, there
is some other grave and pressing need, catholic ministers may lawfully administer these same sacraments to other

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christians not in full communion with the catholic Church, who cannot approach a minister of their own community
and who spontaneously ask for them, provided that they demonstrate the catholic faith in respect of these
sacraments and are properly disposed.
5 Pro casibus de quo in 2, 3 et 4, Episcopus dioecesanus aut Episcoporum conferentia generales normas ne ferant,
nisi post consultationem cum auctoritate competenti saltem locali Ecclesiae vel communitatis non catholicae, cuius
5 In respect of the cases dealt with in 2, 3 and 4, the diocesan Bishop or the Episcopal Conference is not to
issue general norms except after consultation with the competent authority, at least at the local level, of the noncatholic Church or community concerned.

1 Sacramenta baptismi, confirmationis et ordinis, quippe quae characterem imprimant, iterari nequeunt.
1 Because they imprint a character, the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and order cannot be repeated.
2 Si, diligenti inquisitione peracta, prudens adhuc dubium supersit num sacramenta de quibus in 1 revera aut valide
collata fuerint, sub condicione conferantur.
2 If after diligent enquiry a prudent doubt remains as to whether the sacraments mentioned in 1 have been
conferred at all, or conferred validly, they are to be conferred conditionally.


1 In sacramentis celebrandis fideliter serventur libri liturgici a competenti auctoritate probati; quapropter nemo in
iisdem quidpiam proprio marte addat, demat aut mutet.
1 The liturgical books, approved by the competent authority, are to be faithfully followed in the celebration of the
sacraments. Accordingly, no one may on a personal initiative add to or omit or alter anything in those books.
2 Minister sacramenta celebret secundum proprium ritum.
2 The ministers are to celebrate the sacraments according to their own rite.


1 In administrandis sacramentis, in quibus sacra olea adhibenda sunt, minister uti debet oleis ex olivis aut aliis ex
plantis expressis atque, salvo praescripto can. 999, n. 2, ab Episcopo consecratis vel benedictis, et quidem, recenter;
veteribus ne utatur, nisi adsit necessitas.
1 In administering sacraments in which holy oils are to be used, the minister must use oil made from olives or
other plants, which, except as provided in can. 999, n. 2, has recently been consecrated or blessed by a Bishop.
Older oil is not to be used except in a case of necessity.
2 Parochus olea sacra a proprio Episcopo impetret eaque decenti custodia diligenter asservet.
2 The parish priest is to obtain the holy oils from his own Bishop and keep them carefully in fitting custody.


Minister, praeter oblationes a competenti auctoritate definitas, pro sacramentorum administratione nihil petat, cauto
semper ne egentes priventur auxilio sacramentorum ratione paupertatis.
For the administration of the sacraments the minister may not ask for anything beyond the offerings which are
determined by the competent authority, and he must always ensure that the needy are not deprived of the help of
the sacraments by reason of poverty.



Baptismus, ianua sacramentorum, in re vel saltem in voto ad salutem necessarius, quo homines a peccatis liberantur, in
Dei filios regenerantur atque indelebili charactere Christo configurati Ecclesiae incorporantur, valide confertur
tantummodo per lavacrum aquae verae cum debita verborum forma.
Baptism, the gateway to the sacraments, is necessary for salvation, either by actual reception or at least by desire.
By it people are freed from sins, are born again as children of God and, made like to Christ by an indelible
character, are incorporated into the Church. It is validly conferred only by a washing in real water with the proper
form of words.

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Baptismus minstratur secundum ordinem in probatis liturgicis libris praescriptum, excepto casu necessitatis urgentis,
in quo ea tantum observari debent, quae ad validitatem sacramenti requirantur.
Baptism is administered according to the rite prescribed in the approved liturgical books, except in a case of urgent
necessity when only those elements which are required for the validity of the sacrament must be observed.


Baptismi celebratio debite praeparetur oportet; itaque:

The celebration of baptism should be properly prepared. Accordingly:


adultus, qui baptismum recipere intendit, ad catechumenatum admittatur et, quatenus fieri potest, per varios
gradus ad initiationem sacramentalem perducatur, secundum ordinem initiationis ab Episcoporum conferentia
aptatum et peculiares normas ab eadem editas;
an adult who intends to receive baptism is to be admitted to the catechumenate and, as far as possible,
brought through the various stages to sacramental initiation, in accordance with the rite of initiation as
adapted by the Episcopal Conference and with the particular norms issued by it;

infantis baptizandi parentes, itemque qui munus patrini sunt suscepturi, de significatione huius sacramenti deque
obligationibus cum eo cohaerentibus rite edoceantur; parochus per se vel per alios curet ut ita pastoralibus
monitionibus, immo et communi precatione, debite parentes instruantur, plures adunando familias atque, ubi fieri
possit, eas visitando.
the parents of a child who is to be baptised, and those who are to undertake the office of sponsers, are to be
suitably instructed on the meaning of this sacrament and the obligations attaching to it. The parish priest is to
see to it that either he or others duly prepare the parents, by means of pastoral advice and indeed by prayer
together; a number of families might be brought together for this purpose and, where possible, each family

1 Quae in canonibus de baptismo adulti habentur praescripta, applicantur omnibus qui, infantia egressi, rationis
usum assecuti sunt.
1 The provisions of the canons on adult baptism apply to all those who, being no longer infants, have reached the
use of reason.
2 Infanti assimilatur, etiam ad baptismum quod attinet, qui non est sui compos.
2 One who is incapable of personal responsibility is regarded as an infant even in regard to baptism.


Aqua in baptismo conferendo adhibenda, extra casum necessitatis, benedicta sit oportet, secundum librorum
liturgicorum praescripta.
Apart from a case of necessity, the water to be used in conferring baptism is to be blessed, in accordance with the
provisions of the liturgical books.


Baptismus conferatur sive per immersionem sive per infusionem, servatis Episcoporum conferentiae praescriptis.
Baptism is to be conferred either by immersion or by pouring, in accordance with the provisions of the Episcopal


Curent parentes, patrini et parochus ne imponatur nomen a sensu christiano alienum.

Parents, sponsors and parish priests are to take care that a name is not given which is foreign to christian


Licet baptismus quolibet die celebrari possit, commendatur tamen ut ordinarie die dominica aut, si fieri possit, in
vigilia Paschatis, celebretur.
Though baptism may be celebrated on any day, it is recommended that normally it be celebrated on a Sunday or, if
possible, on the vigil of Easter.


1 Extra casum necessitatis, proprius baptismi locus est ecclesia aut oratorium.
1 Apart from a case of necessity, the proper place for baptism is a church or an oratory.

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2 Pro regula habeatur ut adultus baptizetur in propria ecclesia paroeciali, infans vero in ecclesia paroeciali parentum
propria, nisi iusta causa aliud suadeat.
2 As a rule and unless a just reason suggests otherwise, an adult is to be baptised in his or her proper parish
church, and an infant in the proper parish church of the parents.

1 Quaevis ecclesia paroecialis baptismalem fontem habeat, salvo iure cumulativo aliis ecclesiis iam quaesito.
1 Each parish church is to have a baptismal font, without prejudice to the same right already acquired by other
2 Loci Ordinarius, audito loci parocho, potest ad fidelium commoditatem permittere aut iubere, ut fons baptismalis
habeatur etiam in alia ecclesia aut oratorio intra paroeciae fines.
2 The local Ordinary, after consultation with the local parish priest, may for the convenience of the faithful permit
or order that a baptismal font be placed also in another church or oratory within the parish.


Si ad ecclesiam paroecialem aut ad aliam ecclesiam vel oratorium, de quo in can. 858, 2, baptizandus, propter locorum
distantiam aliave adiuncta, sine gravi incommodo accedere vel transferri nequeat, baptismus conferri potest et debet in
alia propinquiore ecclesia vel oratorio, aut etiam alio in loco decenti.
If, because of distance or other circumstances, the person to be baptised cannot without grave inconvenience go or
be brought to the parish church or the oratory mentioned in can. 858 2, baptism may and must be conferred in
some other church or oratory which is nearer, or even in some other fitting place.


1 Praeter casum necessitatis, baptismus ne conferatur in domibus privatis, nisi loci Ordinarius gravi de causa id
1 Apart from a case of necessity, baptism is not to be conferred in private houses, unless the local Ordinary
should for a grave reason permit it.
2 In valetudinariis, nisi aliter Episcopus dioecesanus statuerit, baptismus ne celebretur, nisi in casu necessitatis vel
alia ratione pastorali cogente.
2 Unless the diocesan Bishop has decreed otherwise, baptism is not to be conferred in hospital, except in a case
of necessity or for some other pressing pastoral reason.



1 Minister ordinarius baptismi est Episcopus, presbyter et diaconus, firmo praescripto can. 530, n. 1.
1 The ordinary minister of baptism is a Bishop, a priest or a deacon, without prejudice to the provision of can. 530,
n. 1.
2 Absente aut impedito ministro ordinario, licite baptismus confert catechista aliusve ad hoc munus ab Ordinario loci
deputatus, immo, in casu necessitatis, quilibet homo debita intentione motus solliciti sint animarum pastores,
praesertim parochus, ut christifideles de recto baptizandi modo edoceantur.
2 If the ordinary minister is absent or impeded, a catechist or some other person deputed to this office by the local
Ordinary, may lawfully confer baptism; indeed, in a case of necessity, any person who has the requisite intention
may do so. Pastors of souls, especially parish priests, are to be diligent in ensuring that Christ's faithful are taught
the correct way to baptise.


Excepto casu necessitatis, nemini licet, sine debita licentia, in alieno territorio baptismum conferre, ne suis quidem
Except in a case of necessity, it is unlawful for anyone without due permission to confer baptism outside his own
territory, not even upon his own subjects.


Baptismum adultorum, saltem eorum qui aetatem quattuordecim annorum expleverunt, ad Episcopum dioecesanum
deferatur ut, si id expedire iudicaverit, ab ipso administretur.
The baptism of adults, at least of those who have completed their fourteenth year, is to be referred to the Bishop,
so that he himself may confer it if he judges this appropriate.

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Baptismi capax est omnis et solus homo nondum baptizatus.

Every unbaptised person, and only such a person, can be baptised.


1 Ut adultus baptizari possit, oportet voluntatem baptismum recipiendi manifestaverit, de fidei veritatibus
obligationibusque christianis sufficienter sit instructus atque in vita christiana per catechumenatum sit probatus;
admoneatur etiam ut de peccatis suis doleat.
1 To be admitted to baptism, an adult must have manifested the intention to receive baptism, must be adequately
instructed in the truths of the faith and in the duties of a christian, and tested in the christian life over the course of
the catechumenate. The person must moreover be urged to have sorrow for personal sins.
2 Adultus, qui in periculo mortis versatur, baptizari potest si, aliquam de praecipuis fidei veritatibus cognitionem
habens, quovis modo intentionem suam baptismum recipiendi manifestaverit et promittat se christianae religionis
mandata esse servaturum.
2 An adult in danger of death may be baptised if, with some knowledge of the principal truths of the faith, he or
she has in some manner manifested the intention to receive baptism and promises to observe the requirements of
the christian religion.


Adultus qui baptizatur, nisi gravis obstet ratio, statim post baptismum confirmetur atque celebrationem eucharisticam,
communionem etiam recipiendo, participet.
Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, immediately after receiving baptism an adult is to be confirmed, to
participate in the celebration of the Eucharist and to receive holy communion.


1 Parentes obligatione tenentur curandi ut infantes intra priores hebdomadas baptizentur; quam primum post
nativitatem, immo iam ante eam, parochum adeant ut sacramentum pro filio petant et debite ad illud praeparentur.
1 Parents are obliged to see that their infants are baptised within the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the
birth, indeed even before it, they are to approach the parish priest to ask for the sacrament for their child, and to be
themselves duly prepared for it.
2 Si infans in periculo mortis versetur, sine ulla mora baptizetur.
2 If the infant is in danger of death, it is to be baptised without any delay.


1 Ut infans licite baptizetur, oportet:

1 For an infant to be baptised lawfully it is required:

parentes, saltem eorum unus aut qui legitime eorundem locum tenet, consentiant;
that the parents, or at least one of them, or the person who lawfully holds their place, give their consent;

spes habeatur fundata eum in religione catholica educatum iri quae si prorsus deficiat, baptismus secundum
praescripta iuris particularis differatur, monitis de ratione parentibus.
that there be a well-founded hope that the child will be brought up in the catholic religion. If such hope is truly
lacking, the baptism is, in accordance with the provisions of particular law, to be deferred and the parents
advised of the reason for this.

2 Infans parentum catholicorum, immo et non catholicorum, in periculo mortis licite baptizatur, etiam invitis
2 An infant of catholic parents, indeed even of non-catholic parents, may in danger of death be baptised even if
the parents are opposed to it.

1 Si dubitetur num quis baptizatus fuerit, aut baptismus valide collatus fuerit, dubio quidem post seriam
investigationem permanente, baptismus eidem sub condicione conferatur.
1 If there is doubt as to whether a person was baptised or whether a baptism was conferred validly, and after
serious enquiry this doubt persists, the person is to be baptised conditionally.

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2 Baptizati in communitate ecclesiali non catholica non sunt sub condicione baptizandi, nisi, inspecta materia et
verborum forma in baptismo collato adhibitis necnon attenta intentione baptizati adulti et ministri baptizantis, seria
ratio adsit de baptismi validitate dubitandi.
2 Those baptised in a non-catholic ecclesial community are not to be baptised conditionally unless there is a
serious reason for doubting the validity of their baptism, on the ground of the matter or the form of words used in
the baptism, or of the intention of the adult being baptised or of that of the baptising minister.
3 Quod si, in casibus de quibus in 1 et 2, dubia remaneat baptismi collatio aut validitas, baptismus ne conferatur
nisi postquam baptizando, si sit adultus, doctrina de baptismi sacramento exponatur, atque eidem aut, si de infante
agitur, eius parentibus rationes dubiae validitatis baptismi celebrati declarentur.
3 If in the cases mentioned in 1 and 2 a doubt remains about the conferring of the baptism or its validity,
baptism is not to be conferred until the doctrine of the sacrament of baptism is explained to the person to be
baptised, if that person is an adult. Moreover, the reasons for doubting the validity of the earlier baptism should be
given to the person or, where an infant is concerned, to the parents.

Infans expositus aut inventus, nisi re diligenter investigata de eius baptismo constet, baptizetur.
An abandoned infant or a foundling is to be baptised unless diligent enquiry establishes that it has already been


Fetus abortivi, si vivant, quatenus fieri potest, baptizentur.

Aborted foetuses, if they are alive, are to be baptised, in so far as this is possible.




Baptizando, quantum fieri potest, detur patrinus, cuius est baptizando adulto in initiatione christiana adstare, et
baptizandum infantem una cum parentibus ad baptismum praesentare itemque operam dare ut baptizatus vitam
christianam baptismo congruam ducat obligationesque eidem inhaerentes fideliter adimpleat.
In so far as possible, a person being baptised is to be assigned a sponsor. In the case of an adult baptism, the
sponsor's role is to assist the person in christian initiation. In the case of an infant baptism, the role is together with
the parents to present the child for baptism, and to help it to live a christian life befitting the baptised and faithfully
to fulfil the duties inherent in baptism.


Patrinus unus tantum vel matrina una vel etiam unus et una assumantur.
One sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex.


1 Ut quis ad munus patrini suscipiendum admittatur, oportet:

1 To be admitted to undertake the office of sponsor, a person must:

ab ipso baptizando eiusve parentibus aut ab eo qui eorum locum tenet aut, his deficientibus, a parocho vel
ministro sit designatus atque aptitudinem et intentionem habeat hoc munus gerendi;
be appointed by the candidate for baptism, or by the parents or whoever stands in their place, or failing these,
by the parish priest or the minister; to be appointed the person must be suitable for this role and have the
intention of fulfilling it;

decimum sextum aetatis annum expleverit, nisi alia aetas ab Episcopo dioecesano statuta fuerit vel exceptio iusta
de causa parocho aut ministro admittenda videatur;
be not less than sixteen years of age, unless a different age has been stipulated by the diocesan Bishop, or
unless the parish priest or the minister considers that there is a just reason for an exception to be made;

sit catholicus, confirmatus et sanctissimum Eucharistiae sacramentum iam receperit, idemque vitam ducat fidei
et muneri suscipiendo congruam;
be a catholic who has been confirmed and has received the blessed Eucharist, and who lives a life of faith
which befits the role to be undertaken;

nulla poena canonica legitime irrogata vel declarata sit innodatus;

not labour under a canonical penalty, whether imposed or declared;

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non sit pater aut mater baptizandi.

not be either the father or the mother of the person to be baptised.

2 Baptizatus ad communitatem ecclesialem non catholicam pertinens, nonnisi una cum patrino catholico, et quidem ut
testis tantum baptismi, admittatur.
2 A baptised person who belongs to a non-catholic ecclesial community may be admitted only in company with a
catholic sponsor, and then simply as a witness to the baptism.





Qui baptismum administrat curet ut, nisi adsit patrinus, habeatur saltem testis quo collatio baptismi probari possit.
Whoever administers baptism is to take care that if there is not a sponsor present, there is at least one witness who
can prove that the baptism was conferred.


Ad collatum baptismum comprobandum, si nemini fiat praeiudicium, sufficit declaratio unius testis omni exceptione
maioris, aut ipsius baptizati iusiurandum, si ipse in aetate adulta baptismum receperit.
To prove that baptism has been conferred, if there is no conflict of interest, it is sufficient to have either one
unexceptionable witness or, if the baptism was conferred upon an adult, the sworn testimony of the baptised


1 Parochus loci, in quo baptismus celebratur, debet nomina baptizatorum, mentione facta de ministro, parentibus,
patrinis necnon, si adsint, testibus, de loco ac die collati baptismi, in baptizatorum libro sedulo et sine ulla mora
referre, simul indicatis die et loco nativitatis.
1 The parish priest of the place in which the baptism was conferred must carefully and without delay record in the
register of baptism the names of the baptised, the minister, the parents, the sponsors and, if there were such, the
witnesses, and the place and date of baptism. He must also enter the date and place of birth.
2 Si de filio agatur e matre non nupta nato, matris nomen inserendum est, si publice de eius maternitate constet aut
ipsa sponte sua, Codex plerumque non definit ritus, qui in actionibus liturgicis inscribendum est, si eius paternitas
probatur aliquo publico documento aut ipsius declaratione coram parocho et duobus testibus facta; in ceteris casibus,
inscribatur baptizatus, nulla facta de patris aut parentum nomine indicatione.
2 In the case of a child of an unmarried mother, the mother's name is to be entered if her maternity is publicly
known or if, either in writing or before two witnesses, she freely asks that this be done. Similarly, the name of the
father is to be entered, if his paternity is established either by some public document or by his own declaration in
the presence of the parish priest and two witnesses. In all other cases, the name of the baptised person is to be
registered, without any indication of the name of the father or of the parents.
3 Si de filio adoptivo agitur, inscribantur nomina adoptantium necnon, saltem si ita fiat in actu civili regionis,
parentum naturalium ad normam 1 et 2, attentis Episcoporum conferentiae praescriptis.
3 In the case of an adopted child, the names of the adopting parents are to be registered and, at least if this is
done in the local civil registration, the names of the natural parents in accordance with 1 and 2 subject however
to the rulings of the Episcopal Conference.


Si baptismus neque a parocho neque eo praesente administratus fuerit, minister baptismi, quicumque est, de collato
baptismo certiorem facere debet parochum paroeciae in qua baptismus administratus est, ut baptismum adnotet ad
normam can. 877, 1.
If baptism was administered neither by the parish priest nor in his presence, the minister of baptism, whoever that
was, must notify the parish priest of the parish in which the baptism was administered, so that he may register the
baptism in accordance with can. 877 1.



Sacramentum confirmationis, quod characterem imprimit et quo baptizati, iter initiationis christianae prosequentes,
Spiritus Sancti dono ditantur atque perfectius Ecclesiae vinculantur, eosdem roborat arctiusque obligat ut verbo et
opere testes sint Christi fidemque diffundant et defendant.

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The sacrament of confirmation confers a character. By it the baptised continue their path of christian initiation. They
are enriched with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and are more closely linked to the Church. They are made strong and
more firmly obliged by word and deed to witness to Christ and to spread and defend the faith.



1 Sacramentum confirmationis confertur per unctionem chrismatis in fronte, quae fit manus impositione atque per
verba in probatis liturgicis libris praescripta.
1 The sacrament of confirmation is conferred by anointing with chrism on the forehead in a laying on of hands,
and by the words prescribed in the approved liturgical books.
2 Chrisma in sacramento confirmationis adhibendum debet esse ab Episcopo consecratum, etiamsi sacramentum a
presbytero ministretur.
2 The chrism to be used in the sacrament of confirmation must have been consecrated by a Bishop, even when
the sacrament is administered by a priest.


Expedit ut confirmationis sacramentum in ecclesia, et quidem intra Missam, celebretur; ex causa tamen iusta et
rationabili, extra Missam et quolibet loco digno celebrari potest.
It is desirable that the sacrament of confirmation be celebrated in a church and indeed during Mass. However, for a
just and reasonable cause it may be celebrated apart from Mass and in any fitting place.




Confirmationis minister ordinarius est Episcopus; valide hoc sacramentum confert presbyter quoque hac facultate vi
iuris universalis aut peculiaris concessionis competentis auctoritatis instructus.
The ordinary minister of confirmation is a Bishop. A priest can also validly confer this sacrament if he has the
faculty to do so, either from the general law or by way of a special grant from the competent authority.


Ipso iure facultate confirmationem ministrandi gaudent:

The following have, by law, the faculty to administer confirmation:


intra fines suae dicionis, qui iure Episcopo dioecesano aequiparantur;

within the confines of their jurisdiction, those who in law are equivalent to a diocesan Bishop;

quoad personam de qua agitur, presbyter qui, vi officii vel mandati Episcopi dioecesani, infantia egressum
baptizat aut iam baptizatum in plenam Ecclesiae catholicae communionem admittit;
in respect of the person to be confirmed, the priest who by virtue of his office or by mandate of the diocesan
Bishop baptises an adult or admits a baptised adult into full communion with the catholic Church;

quoad eos qui in periculo mortis versantur, parochus, immo quilibet presbyter.
in respect of those in danger of death, the parish priest or indeed any priest.

1 Episcopus dioecesanus confirmationem administret per se ipse aut curet ut per alium Episcopum administretur;
quod si necessitas id requirat, facultatem concedere potest uni vel pluribus determinatis presbyteris, qui hoc
sacramentum administrent.
1 The diocesan Bishop is himself to administer confirmation or to ensure that it is administered by another Bishop.
If necessity so requires, he may grant to one or several specified priests the faculty to administer this sacrament.
2 Gravi de causa, Episcopus itemque presbyter, vi iuris aut peculiaris concessionis competentis auctoritatis facultate
confirmandi donatus, possunt in singulis casibus presbyteros, ut et ipsi sacramentum administrent, sibi sociare.
2 For a grave reason the Bishop, or the priest who by law or by special grant of the competent authority has the
faculty to confirm, may in individual cases invite other priests to join with him in administering the sacrament.


1 Episcopus dioecesanus obligatione tenetur curandi ut sacramentum confirmationis subditis rite et rationabiliter
petentibus conferatur.

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1 The diocesan Bishop is bound to ensure that the sacrament of confirmation is conferred upon his subjects who
duly and reasonably request it.
2 Presbyter, qui hac facultate gaudet, eadem uti debet erga eos in quorum favorem facultas concessa est.
2 A priest who has this faculty must use it for those in whose favour it was granted.

1 Episcopus in sua dioecesi sacramentum confirmationis legitime administrat etiam fidelibus non subditis, nisi obstet
expressa proprii ipsorum Ordinarii prohibitio.
1 A Bishop in his own diocese may lawfully administer the sacrament of confirmation even to the faithful who are
not his subjects, unless there is an express prohibition by their own Ordinary.
2 Ut in aliena dioecesi confirmationem licite administret, Episcopus indiget, nisi agatur de suis subditis, licentia
saltem rationabiliter praesumpta Episcopi dioecesani.
2 In order lawfully to administer confirmation in another diocese, unless it be to his own subjects, a Bishop needs
the permission, at least reasonably presumed, of the diocesan Bishop.


Presbyter facultate confirmationem ministrandi gaudens, in territorio sibi designato hoc sacramentum extraneis
quoque licite confert, nisi obstet proprii eorum Ordinarii vetitum; illud vero in alieno territorio nemini valide confert,
salvo praescripto can. 883, n. 3.
A priest who has the faculty to administer confirmation may, within the territory assigned to him, lawfully administer
this sacrament even to those from outside the territory, unless there is a prohibition by their own Ordinary. He
cannot, however, validly confirm anyone in another territory, without prejudice to the provision of can. 883, n.3.


Intra territorium in quo confirmationem conferre valent, ministri in locis quoque exemptis eam ministrare possunt.
Within the territory in which they can confer confirmation, ministers may confirm even in exempt places.



1 Confirmationis recipiendae capax est omnis et solus baptizatus, non confirmatus.

1 Every baptised person who is not confirmed, and only such a person, is capable of receiving confirmation.
2 Extra periculum mortis, ut quis licite confirmationem recipiat, requiritur, si rationis usu polleat, ut sit apte
institutus, rite dispositus et promissiones baptismales renovare valeat.
2 Apart from the danger of death, to receive confirmation lawfully a person who has the use of reason must be
suitably instructed, properly disposed and able to renew the baptismal promises.


Fideles tenentur obligatione hoc sacramentum tempestive recipiendi; curent parentes, animarum pastores, praesertim
parochi, ut fideles ad illud recipiendum rite instruantur et opportuno tempore accedant.
The faithful are bound to receive this sacrament at the proper time. Parents and pastors of souls, especially parish
priests, are to see that the faithful are properly instructed to receive the sacrament and come to it at the opportune


Sacramentum confirmationis conferatur fidelibus circa aetatem discretionis, nisi Episcoporum conferentia aliam
aetatem determinaverit, aut adsit periculum mortis vel, de iudicio ministri, gravis causa aliud suadeat.
The sacrament of confirmation is to be conferred on the faithful at about the age of discretion, unless the Episcopal
Conference has decided on a different age, or there is a danger of death or, in the judgement of the minister, a
grave reason suggests otherwise.




Confirmando, quantum id fieri potest, adsit patrinus, cuius est curare ut confirmatus tamquam verus Christi testis se
gerat obligationesque eidem sacramento inhaerentes fideliter adimpleat.
As far as possible the person to be confirmed is to have a sponsor. The sponsor's function is to take care that the
person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfils the duties inherent in this sacrament.


1 Ut quis patrini munere fungatur, condiciones adimpleat oportet, de quibus in can. 874.

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1 A person who would undertake the office of sponsor must fulfil the conditions mentioned in can. 874.
2 Expedit ut tamquam patrinus assumatur qui idem munus in baptismo suscepit.
2 It is desirable that the sponsor chosen be the one who undertook this role at baptism.





Ad collatam confirmationem probandam serventur praescripta can. 876.

To establish that confirmation has been conferred, the provisions of can. 876 are to be observed.


Nomina confirmatorum, facta mentione ministri, parentum et patrinorum, loci et diei collatae confirmationis in librum
confirmatorum Curiae dioecesanae adnotentur, vel, ubi id praescripserit Episcoporum conferentia aut Episcopus
dioecesanus, in librum in archivo paroeciali conservandum; parochus debet de collata confirmatione monere parochum
loci baptismi, ut adnotatio fiat in libro baptizatorum, ad normam can. 535, 2.
The names of those confirmed, the minister, the parents, the sponsors and the place and date of the confirmation
are to be recorded in the confirmation register of the diocesan curia or, wherever this has been prescribed by the
Episcopal Conference or by the diocesan Bishop, in the register to be kept in the parochial archive. The parish
priest must notify the parish priest of the place of the baptism that the confirmation was conferred, so that it be
recorded in the baptismal register, in accordance with can. 535 2.


Si parochus loci praesens non fuerit, eundem de collata confirmatione minister per se vel per alium quam primum
certiorem faciat.
If the parish priest of the place was not present, the minister, personally or through someone else, is to notify him
as soon as possible that the confirmation was conferred.




Augustissimum Sacramentum est sanctissima Eucharistia, in qua ipsemet Christus Dominus continetur, offertur et
sumitur, et qua continuo vivit et crescit Ecclesia. Sacrificium eucharisticum, memoriale mortis et resurrectionis Domini,
in quo Sacrificium crucis in saecula perpetuatur, totius cultus et vitae christianae est culmen et fons, quo significatur et
efficitur unitas populi Dei et corporis Christi aedificatio perficitur. Cetera enim sacramenta et omnia ecclesiastica
apostolatus opera cum sanctissima Eucharistia cohaerent et ad eam ordinantur.
The most venerable sacrament is the blessed Eucharist, in which Christ the Lord himself is contained, offered and
received, and by which the Church continually lives and grows. The eucharistic Sacrifice, the memorial of the death
and resurrection of the Lord, in which the Sacrifice of the cross is forever perpetuated, is the summit and the
source of all worship and christian life. By means of it the unity of God's people is signified and brought about, and
the building up of the body of Christ is perfected. The other sacraments and all the apostolic works of Christ are
bound up with, and directed to, the blessed Eucharist.


Christifideles maximo in honore sanctissimam Eucharistiam habeant, actuosam in celebratione augustissimi Sacrificii
partem habentes, devotissime et frequenter hoc sacramentum recipientes, atque summa cum adoratione idem colentes;
animarum pastores doctrinam de hoc sacramento illustrantes, fideles hanc obligationem sedulo edoceant.
Christ's faithful are to hold the blessed Eucharist in the highest honour. They should take an active part in the
celebration of the most august Sacrifice of the Mass; they should receive the sacrament with great devotion and
frequently, and should reverence it with the greatest adoration. In explaining the doctrine of this sacrament, pastors
of souls are assiduously to instruct the faithful about their obligation in this regard.



1 Eucharistica celebratio actio est ipsius Christi et Ecclesiae, in qua Christus Dominus, ministerio sacerdotis,
semetipsum, sub speciebus panis et vini substantialiter praesentem, Deo Patri offert atque fidelibus in sua oblatione
sociatis se praebet ut cibum spiritualem.

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1 The celebration of the Eucharist is an action of Christ himself and of the Church. In it Christ the Lord, through
the ministry of the priest, offers himself, substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, to God the
Father, and gives himself as spiritual nourishment to the faithful who are associated with him in his offering.
2 In eucharistica Synaxi populus Dei in unum convocatur, Episcopo aut, sub eius auctoritate, presbytero praeside,
personam Christi gerente, atque omnes qui intersunt fideles, sive clerici sive laici, suo quisque modo pro ordinum et
liturgicorum munerum diversitate, participando concurrunt.
2 In the eucharistic assembly the people of God are called together under the presidency of the Bishop or of a
priest authorised by him, who acts in the person of Christ. All the faithful present, whether clerics or lay people,
unite to participate in their own way, according to their various orders and liturgical roles.
3 Celebratio eucharistica ita ordinetur, ut omnes participantes exinde plurimos capiant fructus, ad quos obtinendos
Christus Dominus Sacrificium eucharisticum instituit.
3 The eucharistic celebration is to be so ordered that all the participants derive from it the many fruits for which
Christ the Lord instituted the eucharistic Sacrifice.
Art. 1



1 Minister, qui in persona Christi sacramentum Eucharistiae conficere valet, est solus sacerdos valide ordinatus.
1 The only minister who, in the person of Christ, can bring into being the sacrament of the Eucharist, is a validly
ordained priest.
2 Licite Eucharistiam celebrat sacerdos lege canonica non impeditus, servatis praescriptis canonum qui sequuntur.
2 Any priest who is not debarred by canon law may lawfully celebrate the Eucharist, provided the provisions of the
following canons are observed.


Integrum est sacerdoti Missam applicare pro quibusvis, tum vivis tum defunctis.
A priest is entitled to offer Mass for anyone, living or dead.


Nisi utilitas christifidelium aliud requirat aut suadeat, sacerdotes Eucharistiam concelebrare possunt, integra tamen
pro singulis libertate manente Eucharistiam individuali modo celebrandi, non vero eo tempore, quo in eadem ecclesia
aut oratorio concelebratio habetur.
Unless the benefit of Christ's faithful requires or suggests otherwise, priests may concelebrate the Eucharist; they
are, however, fully entitled to celebrate the Eucharist individually, but not while a celebration is taking place in the
same church or oratory.


Sacerdos ad celebrandum admittatur etiamsi rectori ecclesiae sit ignotus, dummodo aut litteras commendatitias sui
Ordinarii vel sui Superioris, saltem intra annum datas, exhibeat, aut prudenter existimari possit eundem a
celebratione non esse impeditum.
A priest is to be permitted to celebrate the Eucharist, even if he is not known to the rector of the church, provided
either that he presents commendatory letters, not more than a year old, from his own Ordinary or Superior, or that
it can be prudently judged that he is not debarred from celebrating.


Sacerdotes, memoria semper tenentes in mysterio Sacrificii eucharistici opus redemptionis continuo exerceri,
frequenter celebrent; immo enixe commendatur celebratio cotidiana, quae quidem, etiam si praesentia fidelium haberi
non possit, actus est Christi et Ecclesiae, in quo peragendo munus suum praecipuum sacerdotes adimplent.
Remembering always that in the mystery of the eucharistic Sacrifice the work of redemption is continually being
carried out, priests are to celebrate frequently. Indeed, daily celebration is earnestly recommended, because, even
if it should not be possible to have the faithful present, it is an action of Christ and of the Church in which priests
fulfil their principal role.


1 Exceptis casibus in quibus ad normam iuris licitum est pluries eadem die Eucharistiam celebrare aut concelebrare,
non licet sacerdoti plus semel in die celebrare.
1 Apart from those cases in which the law allows him to celebrate or concelebrate the Eucharist a number of
times on the same day, a priest may not celebrate more than once a day.

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2 Si sacerdotum penuria habeatur, concedere potest loci Ordinarius ut sacerdotes, iusta de causa, bis in die, immo,
necessitate pastorali id postulante, etiam ter in diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto, celebrent.
2 If there is a scarcity of priests, the local Ordinary may for a good reason allow priests to celebrate twice in one
day or even, if pastoral need requires it, three times on Sundays or holydays of obligation.

Nisi iusta et rationabili de causa, sacerdos Sacrificium eucharisticum ne celebret sine participatione alicuius saltem
A priest may not celebrate the eucharistic Sacrifice without the participation of at least one of the faithful, unless
there is a good and reasonable cause for doing so.


In celebratione eucharistica diaconis et laicis non licet orationes, speciatim precem eucharisticam, proferre vel
actionibus fungi, quae sacerdotis celebrantis sunt propriae.
In the celebration of the Eucharist, deacons and lay persons are not permitted to say the prayers, especially the
eucharistic prayer, nor to perform the actions which are proper to the celebrating priest.


Sacerdotibus catholicis vetitum est una cum sacerdotibus vel ministris Ecclesiarum communitatumve ecclesialium
plenam communionem cum Ecclesia catholica non habentium, Eucharistiam concelebrare.
Catholic priests are forbidden to concelebrate the Eucharist with priests or ministers of Churches or ecclesial
communities which are not in full communion with the catholic Church.


Sacerdos ne omittat ad eucharistici Sacrificii celebrationem oratione debite se praeparare, eoque expleto Deo gratias
A priest is not to omit dutifully to prepare himself by prayer before the celebration of the Eucharist, nor afterwards
to omit to make thanksgiving to God.


1 Minister ordinarius sacrae communionis est Episcopus, presbyter et diaconus.

1 The ordinary minister of holy communion is a Bishop, a priest or a deacon.
2 Extraordinarius sacrae communionis minister est acolythus necnon alius christifidelis ad normam can. 230, 3
2 The extraordinary minister of holy communion is an acolyte, or another of Christ's faithful deputed in accordance
with can. 230 3.


1 Officium et ius sanctissimam Eucharistiam per modum Viatici ad infirmos deferendi habent parochus et vicarii
paroeciales, cappellani, necnon Superior communitatis in clericalibus institutis religiosis aut societatibus vitae
apostolicae quoad omnes in domo versantes.
1 The duty and right to bring the blessed Eucharist to the sick as Viaticum belongs to the parish priest, to
assistant priests, to chaplains and, in respect of all who are in the house, to the community Superior in clerical
religious institutes or societies of apostolic life.
2 In casu necessitatis aut de licentia saltem praesumpta parochi, cappellani vel Superioris, cui postea notitiam dari
oportet, hoc facere debet quilibet sacerdos vel alius sacrae communionis minister.
2 In a case of necessity, or with the permission at least presumed of the parish priest, chaplain or Superior, who
must subsequently be notified, any priest or other minister of holy communion must do this.

Art. 2

Quilibet baptizatus, qui iure non prohibeatur, admitti potest et debet ad sacram communionem.
Any baptised person who is not forbidden by law may and must be admitted to holy communion.


1 Ut sanctissima Eucharistia ministrari possit pueris, requiritur ut ipsi sufficienti cognitione et accurata
praeparatione gaudeant, ita ut mysterium Christi pro suo captu percipiant et Corpus Domini cum fide et devotione
sumere valeant.
1 For holy communion to be administered to children, it is required that they have sufficient knowledge and be
accurately prepared, so that according to their capacity they understand what the mystery of Christ means, and are
able to receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion.

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2 Pueris tamen in periculo mortis versantibus sanctissima Eucharistia ministrari potest, si Corpus Christi a communi
cibo discernere et communionem reverenter suscipere possint.
2 The blessed Eucharist may, however, be administered to children in danger of death if they can distinguish the
Body of Christ from ordinary food and receive communion with reverence.

Parentum imprimis atque eorum qui parentum locum tenent necnon parochi officium est curandi ut pueri usum
rationis assecuti debite praeparentur et quam primum, praemissa sacramentali confessione, hoc divino cibo reficiantur;
parochi etiam est advigilare ne ad sacram Synaxim accedant pueri, qui rationis usum non sint adepti aut quos non
sufficienter dispositos iudicaverit.
It is primarily the duty of parents and of those who take their place, as it is the duty of the parish priest, to ensure
that children who have reached the use of reason are properly prepared and, having made their sacramental
confession, are nourished by this divine food as soon as possible. It is also the duty of the parish priest to see that
children who have not reached the use of reason, or whom he has judged to be insufficiently disposed, do not come
to holy communion.


Ad sacram communionem ne admittantur excommunicati et interdicti post irrogationem vel declarationem poenae
aliique in manifesto gravi peccato obstinate perseverantes.
Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who
obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to holy communion.


Qui conscius est peccati gravis, sine praemissa sacramentali confessione Missam ne celebret neve Corpori Domini
communicet, nisi adsit gravis ratio et deficiat opportunitas confitendi; quo in casu meminerit se obligatione teneri ad
eliciendum actum perfectae contritionis, qui includit propositum quam primum confitendi.
Anyone who is conscious of grave sin may not celebrate Mass or receive the Body of the Lord without previously
having been to sacramental confession, unless there is a grave reason and there is no opportunity to confess; in
this case the person is to remember the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, which includes the resolve
to go to confession as soon as possible.


Qui sanctissimam Eucharistiam iam recepit, potest eam iterum eadem die suscipere solummodo intra eucharisticam
celebrationem cui participat, salvo praescripto can. 921, 2.
One who has received the blessed Eucharist may receive it again on the same day only within a eucharistic
celebration in which that person participates, without prejudice to the provision of can. 921 2.


Maxime commendatur ut fideles in ipsa eucharistica celebratione sacram communionem recipiant; ipsis tamen iusta de
causa petentibus extra Missam ministretur, servatis liturgicis ritibus.
It is most strongly recommended that the faithful receive holy communion in the course of a eucharistic celebration.
If, however, for good reason they ask for it apart from the Mass, it is to be administered to them, observing the
liturgical rites.


1 Sanctissimam Eucharistiam recepturus per spatium saltem unius horae ante sacram communionem abstineat a
quocumque cibo et potu, excepta tantummodo aqua atque medicina.
1 Whoever is to receive the blessed Eucharist is to abstain for at least one hour before holy communion from all
food and drink, with the sole exception of water and medicine.
2 Sacerdos, qui eadem die bis aut ter sanctissimam Eucharistiam celebrat, aliquid sumere potest ante secundam aut
tertiam celebrationem, etiamsi non intercesserit spatium unius horae.
2 A priest who, on the same day, celebrates the blessed Eucharist twice or three times may consume something
before the second or third celebration, even though there is not an hour's interval.
3 Aetate provecti et infirmitate quadam laborantes necnon eorum curae addicti, sanctissimam Eucharistiam accipere
possunt, etiamsi intra horam antecedentem aliquid sumpserint.
3 The elderly and those who are suffering from some illness, as well as those who care for them, may receive the
blessed Eucharist even if within the preceding hour they have consumed something.

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1 Omnis fidelis, postquam ad sanctissimam Eucharistiam initiatus sit, obligatione tenetur semel saltem in anno,
sacram communionem recipiendi.
1 Once admitted to the blessed Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once
a year.
2 Hoc praeceptum impleri debet tempore paschali, nisi iusta de causa alio tempore intra annum adimpleatur.
2 This precept must be fulfilled during paschal time, unless for a good reason it is fulfilled at another time during
the year.


1 Christifideles qui versantur in periculo mortis, quavis ex causa procedenti, sacra communione per modum Viatici
1 Christ's faithful who are in danger of death, from whatever cause, are to be strengthened by holy communion as
2 Etiamsi eadem die sacra communione refecti fuerint, valde tamen suadetur ut qui in vitae discrimen adducti sint,
denuo communicent.
2 Even if they have already received holy communion that same day, it is nevertheless strongly suggested that in
danger of death they should communicate again.
3 Perdurante mortis periculo, commendatur ut sacra communio pluries, distinctis diebus, administretur.
3 While the danger of death persists, it is recommended that holy communion be administered a number of times,
but on separate days.


Sanctum Viaticum infirmis ne nimium differatur; qui animarum curam gerunt sedulo advigilent, ut eodem infirmi
plene sui compotes reficiantur.
Holy Viaticum for the sick is not to be unduly delayed. Those who have the care of souls are to take assiduous care
that the sick are strengthened by it while they are in full possession of their faculties.


Christifideles Sacrificium eucharisticum participare et sacram communionem suscipere possunt quolibet ritu catholico,
firmo praescripto can. 844.
Christ's faithful may participate in the eucharistic Sacrifice and receive holy communion in any catholic rite, without
prejudice to the provisions of can. 844.

Art. 3



1 Sacrosanctum eucharisticum Sacrificium offerri debet ex pane et vino, cui modica aqua miscenda est.
1 The most holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist must be celebrated in bread, and in wine to which a small quantity of
water is to be added.
2 Panis debet esse mere triticeus et recenter confectus, ita ut nullum sit periculum corruptionis.
2 The bread must be wheaten only, and recently made, so that there is no danger of corruption.
3 Vinum debet esse naturale de genimine vitis et non corruptum.
3 The wine must be natural, made from grapes of the vine, and not corrupt.


Sacra communio conferatur sub sola specie panis aut, ad normam legum liturgicarum, sub utraque specie; in casu
autem necessitatis, etiam sub sola specie vini.
Holy communion is to be given under the species of bread alone or, in accordance with the liturgical laws, under
both species or, in case of necessity, even under the species of wine alone.


In eucharistica celebratione secundum antiquam Ecclesiae latinae traditionem sacerdos adhibeat panem azymum
ubicumque litat.
In the eucharistic celebration, in accordance with the ancient tradition of the latin Church, the priest is to use
unleavened bread wherever he celebrates Mass.


Nefas est, urgente etiam extrema necessitate, alteram materiam sine altera, aut etiam utramque extra eucharisticam
celebrationem, consecrare.

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It is absolutely wrong, even in urgent and extreme necessity, to consecrate one element without the other, or even
to consecrate both outside the eucharistic celebration.

Eucharistica celebratio peragatur lingua latina aut alia lingua, dummodo textus liturgici legitime approbati fuerint.
The eucharistic celebration is to be carried out either in the latin language or in another language, provided the
liturgical texts have been lawfully approved.


Sacerdotes et diaconi in Eucharistia celebranda et ministranda sacra ornamenta rubricis praescripta deferant.
In celebrating and administering the Eucharist, priests and deacons are to wear the sacred vestments prescribed
by the rubrics.


1 Sacerdos infirmus aut aetate provectus, si stare nequeat, Sacrificium eucharisticum celebrare potest sedens, servatis
quidem legibus liturgicis, non tamen coram populo, nisi de licentia loci Ordinarii.
1 A priest who is ill or elderly, if he is unable to stand, may celebrate the eucharistic Sacrifice sitting but otherwise
observing the liturgical laws; he may not, however, do so in public except by permission of the local Ordinary.
2 Sacerdos caecus aliave infirmitate laborans licite eucharisticum Sacrificium celebrat, adhibendo textum quemlibet
Missae ex probatis, adstante, si casus ferat, alio sacerdote vel diacono, aut etiam laico rite instructo, qui eundem
2 A priest who is blind or suffering from some other infirmity, may lawfully celebrate the eucharistic Sacrifice by
using the text of any approved Mass, with the assistance, if need be, of another priest or deacon or even a properly
instructed lay person.

Art. 4




Eucharistiae celebratio et distributio fieri potest qualibet die et hora, iis exceptis, quae secundum liturgicas normas
The celebration and distribution of the Eucharist may take place on any day and at any hour, except those which
are excluded by the liturgical laws.


1 Celebratio eucharistica peragatur in loco sacro, nisi in casu particulari necessitas aliud postulet; quo in casu, in loco
honesto celebratio fieri debet.
1 The eucharistic celebration is to be carried out in a sacred place, unless in a particular case necessity requires
otherwise; in which case the celebration must be in a fitting place.
2 Sacrificium eucharisticum peragendum est super altare dedicatum vel benedictum; extra locum sacrum adhiberi
potest mensa conveniens, retentis semper tobalea et corporali.
2 The eucharistic Sacrifice must be carried out at an altar that is dedicated or blessed. Outside a sacred place an
appropriate table may be used, but always with an altar cloth and a corporal.


Iusta de causa et de licentia expressa Ordinarii loci licet sacerdoti Eucharistiam celebrare in templo alicuius Ecclesiae
aut communitatis ecclesialis plenam communionem cum Ecclesia catholica non habentium, remoto scandalo.
For a good reason, with the express permission of the local Ordinary and provided scandal has been eliminated, a
priest may celebrate the Eucharist in a place of worship of any Church or ecclesial community which is not in full
communion with the catholic Church.




1 Sanctissima Eucharistia:
1 The blessed Eucharist:

asservari debet in ecclesia cathedrali aut eidem aequiparata, in qualibet ecclesia paroeciali necnon in ecclesia vel
oratorio domui instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae adnexo;
must be reserved in the cathedral church or its equivalent, in every parish church, and in the church or oratory
attached to the house of a religious institute or society of apostolic life

asservari potest in sacello Episcopi et, de licentia Ordinarii loci, in aliis ecclesiis, oratoriis et sacellis.

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may be reserved in a Bishop's chapel and, by permission of the local Ordinary, in other churches, oratories
and chapels.
2 In locis sacris ubi sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur, adesse semper debet qui eius curam habeat et, quantum fieri
potest, sacerdos saltem bis in mense Missam ibi celebret.
2 In sacred places where the blessed Eucharist is reserved there must always be someone who is responsible for
it, and as far as possible a priest is to celebrate Mass there at least twice a month.

Nemini licet sanctissimam Eucharistiam apud se retinere aut secum in itinere deferre, nisi necessitate pastorali urgente
et servatis Episcopi dioecesani praescriptis.
It is not lawful for anyone to keep the blessed Eucharist in personal custody or to carry it around, unless there is an
urgent pastoral need and the prescriptions of the diocesan Bishop are observed.


In domo instituti religiosi aliave pia domo, sanctissima Eucharistia asservetur tantummodo in ecclesia aut in oratorio
principali domui adnexo; potest tamen iusta de causa Ordinarius permittere, ut etiam in alio oratorio eiusdem domus
In a house of a religious institute or other house of piety, the blessed Eucharist is to be reserved only in the church
or principal oratory attached to the house. For a just reason, however, the Ordinary can permit it to be reserved
also in another oratory of the same house.


Nisi gravis obstet ratio, ecclesia in qua sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur, per aliquot saltem horas cotidie fidelibus
pateat, ut coram sanctissimo Sacramento orationi vacare possint.
Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, a church in which the blessed Eucharist is reserved is to be open to
the faithful for at least some hours every day, so that they can pray before the blessed Sacrament.


1 Sanctissima Eucharistia habitualiter in uno tantum ecclesiae vel oratorii tabernaculo asservetur.
1 The blessed Eucharist is to be reserved habitually in only one tabernacle of a church or oratory.
2 Tabernaculum, in quo sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur, situm sit in aliqua ecclesiae vel oratorii parte insigni,
conspicua, decore ornata, ad orationem apta.
2 The tabernacle in which the blessed Eucharist is reserved should be sited in a distinguished place in the church
or oratory, a place which is conspicuous, suitably adorned and conducive to prayer.
3 Tabernaculum, in quo habitualiter sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur, sit inamovibile, materia solida non
transparenti confectum, et ita clausum ut quam maxime periculum profanationis vitetur.
3 The tabernacle in which the blessed Eucharist is habitually reserved is to be immovable, made of solid and nontransparent material, and so locked as to give the greatest security against any danger of profanation.
4 Gravi de causa, licet sanctissimam Eucharistiam, nocturno praesertim tempore, alio in loco tutiore et decoro
4 For a grave reason, especially at night, it is permitted to reserve the blessed Eucharist in some other safer
place, provided it is fitting.
5 Qui ecclesiae vel oratorii curam habet, prospiciat ut clavis tabernaculi, in quo sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur,
diligentissime custodiatur.
5 The person in charge of a church or oratory is to see to it that the key of the tabernacle in which the blessed
Eucharist is reserved, is in maximum safe keeping.


Hostiae consecratae quantitate fidelium necessitatibus sufficienti in pyxide seu vasculo serventur, et frequenter,
veteribus rite consumptis, renoventur.
Consecrated hosts, in a quantity sufficient for the needs of the faithful, are to be kept in a pyx or ciborium, and are
to be renewed frequently, the older hosts having been duly consumed.


Coram tabernaculo, in quo sanctissima Eucharistia asservatur, peculiaris perenniter luceat lampas, qua indicetur et
honoretur Christi praesentia.
A special lamp is to burn continuously before the tabernacle in which the blessed Eucharist is reserved, to indicate
and to honour the presence of Christ.

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1 In ecclesiis aut oratoriis quibus datum est asservare sanctissimam Eucharistiam, fieri possunt expositiones sive cum
pyxide sive cum ostensorio, servatis normis in libris liturgicis praescriptis.
1 In churches or oratories which are allowed to reserve the blessed Eucharist, there may be exposition, either with
the pyx or with the monstrance, in accordance with the norms prescribed in the liturgical books.
2 Celebratione Missae durante, ne habeatur in eadem ecclesiae vel oratorii aula sanctissimi Sacramenti expositio.
2 Exposition of the blessed Sacrament may not take place while Mass is being celebrated in the same area of the
church or oratory.


Commendatur ut in iisdem ecclesiis et oratoriis quotannis fiat sollemnis sanctissimi Sacramenti expositio per congruum
tempus, etsi non continuum, protracta, ut communitas localis eucharisticum mysterium impensius meditetur et adoret;
huiusmodi tamen expositio fiat tantum si congruus praevideatur fidelium concursus et servatis normis statutis.
It is recommended that in these churches or oratories, there is to be each year a solemn exposition of the blessed
Sacrament for an appropriate, even if not for a continuous time, so that the local community may more attentively
meditate on and adore the eucharistic mystery. This exposition is to take place only if a fitting attendance of the
faithful is foreseen, and the prescribed norms are observed.


Minister expositionis sanctissimi Sacramenti et benedictionis eucharisticae est sacerdos vel diaconus; in peculiaribus
adiuntis, solius expositionis et repositionis, sine tamen benedictione, est acolythus, minister extraordinarius sacrae
communionis aliusve ab Ordinario loci deputatus, servatis Episcopi dioecesani praescriptis.
The minister of exposition of the blessed Sacrament and of the eucharistic blessing is a priest or deacon. In special
circumstances the minister of exposition and deposition alone, but without the blessing, is an acolyte, and
extraordinary minister of holy communion, or another person deputed by the local Ordinary, in accordance with the
regulations of the diocesan Bishop.


1 Ubi de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani fieri potest, in publicum erga sanctissimam Eucharistiam venerationis
testimonium, habeatur, praesertim in sollemnitate Corporis et Sanguinis Christi, processio per vias publicas ducta.
1 Wherever in the judgement of the diocesan Bishop it can be done, a procession through the streets is to be
held, especially on the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, as a public witness of veneration of the blessed
2 Episcopi dioecesani est de processionibus statuere ordinationes, quibus earum participationi et dignitati
2 It is for the diocesan Bishop to establish such regulations about processions as will provide for participation in
them and for their being carried out in a dignified manner.




1 Secundum probatum Ecclesiae morem, sacerdoti cuilibet Missam celebranti aut concelebranti licet stipem oblatam
recipere, ut iuxta certam intentionem Missam applicet.
1 In accordance with the approved custom of the Church, any priest who celebrates or concelebrates a Mass may
accept an offering to apply the Mass for a specific intention.
2 Enixe commendatur sacerdotibus ut, etiam nulla recepta stipe, Missam ad intentionem christifidelium praecipue
egentium celebrent.
2 It is earnestly recommended to priests that, even if they do not receive an offering, they celebrate Mass for the
intentions of Christ's faithful, especially of those in need.


Christifideles stipem offerentes ut ad suam intentionem Missa applicetur, ad bonum conferunt Ecclesiae atque eius
curam in ministris operibusque sustinendis ea oblatione participant.
The faithful who make an offering so that Mass can be celebrated for their intention, contribute to the good of the
Church, and by that offering they share in the Church's concern for the support of its ministers and its activities.


A stipe Missarum quaelibet etiam species negotiationis vel mercaturae omnino arceatur.
Even the semblance of trafficking or trading is to be entirely excluded from Mass offerings.


Distinctae applicandae sunt Missae ad eorum intentiones pro quibus singulis stips, licet exigua, oblata et acceptata est.

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Separate Masses must be applied for the intentions of those for whom an individual offering, even if small, has
been made and accepted.

Qui obligatione gravatur Missam celebrandi et applicandi ad intentionem eorum qui stipem obtulerunt, eadem
obligatione tenetur, etiamsi sine ipsius culpa stipes perceptae perierint.
One who is obliged to celebrate and apply Mass for the intentions of those who made an offering, is bound by this
obligation even if the offering received is lost through no fault of his.


Si pecuniae summa offertur pro Missarum applicatione, non indicato Missarum celebrandarum numero, hic
supputetur attenta stipe statuta in loco in quo oblator commoratur, nisi aliam fuisse eius intentionem legitime praesumi
If a sum of money is offered for the application of Masses, but with no indication of the number of Masses to be
celebrated, their number is to be calculated on the basis of the offering prescribed in the place where the donor
resides, unless the donor's intention must lawfully be presumed to have been otherwise.


1 Sacerdos plures eadem die Missas celebrans, singulas applicare potest ad intentionem pro qua stips oblata est, ea
tamen lege ut, praeterquam in die Nativitatis Domini, stipem pro una tantum Missa faciat suam, ceteras vero in fines
ab Ordinario praescriptos concredat, admissa quidem aliqua retributione ex titulo extrinseco.
1 A priest who celebrates a number of Masses on the same day may apply each Mass for the intention for which
an offering was made, subject however to the rule that, apart from Christmas Day, he may retain for himself the
offering for only one Mass; the others he is to transmit to purposes prescribed by the Ordinary, while allowing for
some compensation on the ground of an extrinsic title.
2 Sacerdos alteram Missam eadem die concelebrans, nullo titulo pro ea stipem recipere potest.
2 A priest who on the same day concelebrates a second Mass may not under any title accept an offering for that


1 Concilii provincialis aut conventus Episcoporum provinciae est pro universa provincia per decretum definire
quaenam pro celebratione et applicatione Missae sit offerenda stips, nec licet sacerdoti summam maiorem expetere; ipsi
tamen fas est stipem sponte oblatam definita maiorem pro Missae applicatione accipere, et etiam minorem.
1 The provincial council or the provincial Bishops' meeting is to determine by decree, for the whole of the
province, what offering is to be made for the celebration and application of Mass. Nonetheless, it is permitted to
accept, for the application of a Mass, an offering voluntarily made, which is greater, or even less, than that which
has been determined.
2 Ubi desit tale decretum, servetur consuetudo in dioecesi vigens.
2 Where there is no such decree, the custom existing in the diocese is to be observed.
3 Sodales quoque institutorum religiosorum quorumlibet stare debent eidem decreto aut consuetudini loci, de quibus
in 1 et 2.
3 Members of religious institutes of all kinds must abide by the decree or the local custom mentioned in 1 and


Nemini licet tot stipes Missarum per se applicandarum accipere, quibus intra annum satisfacere non potest.
No one may accept more offerings for Masses to be celebrated by himself than he can discharge within a year.


Si certis in ecclesiis aut oratoriis Missae petuntur celebrandae numero plures quam ut ibidem celebrari possint,
earundem celebratio alibi fieri licet, nisi contrariam voluntatem oblatores expresse manifestaverint.
If in certain churches or oratories more Masses are requested than can be celebrated there, these may be
celebrated elsewhere, unless the donors have expressly stipulated otherwise.


1 Qui celebrationem Missarum applicandarum aliis committere intendat, earum celebrationem quam primum
sacerdotibus sibi acceptis committat, dummodo ipsi constet eos esse omni exceptione maiores; integram stipem
receptam transmittere debet, nisi certo constet excessum supra summam in dioecesi debitam datum esse intuitu
personae; obligatione etiam tenetur Missarum celebrationem curandi, donec tum susceptae obligationis tum receptae
stipis testimonium acceperit.

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1 One who intends to transfer to others the celebration of Masses to be applied, is to transfer them as soon as
possible to priests of his own choice, provided he is certain that they are of proven integrity. He must transfer the
entire offering received, unless it is quite certain that an amount in excess of the diocesan offering was given as a
personal gift. Moreover, it is his obligation to see to the celebration of the Masses until such time as he has
received evidence that the obligation has been undertaken and the offering received.
2 Tempus intra quod Missae celebrandae sunt, initium habet a die quo sacerdos easdem celebraturus recepit, nisi
aliud constet.
2 Unless it is established otherwise, the time within which Masses are to be celebrated begins from the day the
priest who is to celebrate them receives them.
3 Qui aliis Missas celebrandas committunt, sine mora in librum referant tum Missas quas acceperunt, tum eas, quas
aliis tradiderunt, notatis etiam earundem stipibus.
3 Those who transfer to others Masses to be celebrated are without delay to record in a book both the Masses
which they have accepted and those which they have passed on, noting also the offerings for these Masses.
4 Quilibet sacerdos accurate notare debet Missas quas celebrandas acceperit, quibusque satisfecerit.
4 Each priest must accurately record the Masses which he has accepted to celebrate and those which he has in
fact celebrated.

Omnes et singuli administratores causarum piarum aut quoquo modo obligati ad Missarum celebrationem curandam,
sive clerici sive laici, onera Missarum quibus intra annum non fuerit satisfactum suis Ordinariis tradant, secundum
modum ab his definiendum.
Each and every administrator of pious causes and those, whether clerics or lay persons, who are in any way
obliged to provide for the celebration of Masses, are to transfer to their Ordinaries, in a manner to be determined by
the latter, such Mass obligations as have not been discharged within a year.


Officium et ius advigilandi ut Missarum onera adimpleantur, in ecclesiis cleri saecularis pertinet ad loci Ordinarium,
in ecclesiis institutorum religiosorum aut societatum vitae apostolicae ad eorum Superiores.
The duty and the right to see that Mass obligations are fulfilled belongs, in the case of churches of the secular
clergy, to the local Ordinary; in the case of churches of religious institutes or societies of apostolic life, to their


1 Parochus necnon rector ecclesiae aliusve pii loci, in quibus stipes Missarum recipi solent, peculiarem habeant
librum, in quo accurate adnotent Missarum celebrandarum numerum, intentionem, stipem oblatam, necnon
celebrationem peractam.
1 The parish priest, as well as the rector of a church or other pious place in which Mass offerings are usually
received, is to have a special book in which he is accurately to record the number, the intention and the offering of
the Masses to be celebrated, and the fact of their celebration.
2 Ordinarius obligatione tenetur singulis annis huiusmodi libros per se aut per alios recognoscendi.
2 The Ordinary is obliged to inspect these books each year, either personally or through others.



In sacramento paenitentiae fideles peccata legitimo ministro confitentes, de iisdem contriti atque propositum sese
emendandi habentes, per absolutionem ab eodem ministro impertitam, veniam peccatorum quae post baptismum
commiserint a Deo obtinent, simulque reconciliantur cum Ecclesia, quam peccando vulneraverunt.
In the sacrament of penance the faithful who confess their sins to a lawful minister, are sorry for those sins and
have a purpose of amendment, receive from God, through the absolution given by that minister, forgiveness of sins
they have committed after baptism, and at the same time they are reconciled with the Church, which by sinning
they wounded.

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Individualis et integra confessio atque absolutio unicum constituunt modum ordinarium, quo fidelis peccati gravis sibi
conscius cum Deo et Ecclesia reconciliatur; solummodo impossibilitas physica vel moralis ab huiusmodi confessione
excusat, quo in casu aliis quoque modis reconciliatio haberi potest.
Individual and integral confession and absolution constitute the sole ordinary means by which a member of the
faithful who is conscious of grave sin is reconciled with God and with the Church. Physical or moral impossibility
alone excuses from such confession, in which case reconciliation may be attained by other means also.


1 Absolutio pluribus insimul paenitentibus sine praevia individuali confessione, generali modo impertiri non potest,
1 General absolution, without prior individual confession, cannot be given to a number of penitents together,

immineat periculum mortis et tempus non suppetat sacerdoti vel sacerdotibus ad audiendas singulorum
paenitentium confessiones;
danger of death threatens and there is not time for the priest or priests to hear the confessions of the
individual penitents;

adsit gravis necessitas, videlicet quando, attento paenitentium numero, confessariorum copia praesto non est ad
rite audiendas singulorum confessiones intra congruum tempus, ita ut paenitentes, sine propria culpa, gratia
sacramentali aut sacra communione diu carere cogantur; necessitas vero non censetur sufficiens, cum confessarii
praesto esse non possunt, ratione solius magni concursus paenitentium, qualis haberi potest in magna aliqua
festivitate aut peregrinatione.
there exists a grave necessity, that is, given the number of penitents, there are not enough confessors
available properly to hear the individual confessions within an appropriate time, so that without fault of their
own the penitents are deprived of the sacramental grace or of holy communion for a lengthy period of time. A
sufficient necessity is not, however, considered to exist when confessors cannot be available merely because
of a great gathering of penitents, such as can occur on some major feastday or pilgrimage.

2 Iudicium ferre an dentur condiciones ad normam 1, n. 2 requisitae, pertinet ad Episcopum dioecesanum, qui,
attentis criteriis cum ceteris membris Episcoporum conferentiae concordatis, casus talis necessitatis determinare
2 It is for the diocesan Bishop to judge whether the conditions required in 1, n. 2 are present; mindful of the
criteria agreed with the other members of the Episcopal Conference, he can determine the cases of such necessity.

1 Ut christifidelis sacramentali absolutione una simul pluribus data valide fruatur, requiritur non tantum ut sit apte
dispositus, sed ut insimul sibi proponat singillatim debito tempore confiteri peccata gravia, quae in praesens ita
confiteri nequit.
1 For a member of Christ's faithful to benefit validly from a sacramental absolution given to a number of people
simultaneously, it is required not only that he or she be properly disposed, but be also at the same time personally
resolved to confess in due time each of the grave sins which cannot for the moment be thus confessed.
2 Christifideles, quantum fieri potest etiam occasione absolutionis generalis recipiendae, de requisitis ad normam 1
edoceantur et absolutioni generali, in casu quoque periculi mortis, si tempus suppetat, praemittatur exhortatio ut
actum contritionis quisque elicere curet.
2 Christ's faithful are to be instructed about the requirements set out in 1, as far as possible even on the
occasion of general absolution being received. An exhortation that each person should make an act of contrition is
to precede a general absolution, even in the case of danger of death if there is time.


Firma manente obligatione de qua in can. 989, is cui generali absolutione gravia peccata remittuntur, ad confessionem
individualem quam primum, occasione data, accedat, antequam aliam recipiat absolutionem generalem, nisi iusta
causa interveniat.
Without prejudice to the obligation mentioned in can. 989, a person whose grave sins are forgiven by a general
absolution, is as soon as possible, when the opportunity occurs, to make an individual confession before receiving
another general absolution, unless a just reason intervenes.

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1 Ad sacramentales confessiones excipiendas locus proprius est ecclesia aut oratorium.

1 The proper place for hearing sacramental confessions is a church or oratory.
2 Ad sedem confessionalem quod attinet, normae ab Episcoporum conferentia statuantur, cauto tamen ut semper
habeantur in loco patenti sedes confessionales crate fixa inter paenitentem et confessarium instructae, quibus libere uti
possint fideles, qui id desiderent.
2 As far as the confessional is concerned, norms are to be issued by the Episcopal Conference, with the proviso
however that confessionals, which the faithful who so wish may freely use, are located in an open place, and fitted
with a fixed grille between the penitent and the confessor.
3 Confessiones extra sedem confessionalem ne excipiantur, nisi iusta de causa.
3 Except for a just reason, confessions are not to be heard elsewhere than in a confessional.





Minister sacramenti paenitentiae est solus sacerdos.

Only a priest is the minister of the sacrament of penance.


1 Ad validam peccatorum absolutionem requiritur ut minister, praeterquam potestate ordinis, facultate gaudeat
eandem in fideles, quibus absolutionem impertitur, exercendi.
1 For the valid absolution of sins, it is required that, in addition to the power of order, the minister has the faculty
to exercise that power in respect of the faithful to whom he gives absolution.
2 Hac facultate donari potest sacerdos, sive ipso iure sive concessione ab auctoritate competenti facta ad normam can.
2 A priest can be given this faculty either by the law itself, or by a concession issued by the competent authority in
accordance with can. 969.


1 Praeter Romamum Pontificem, facultate christifidelium ubique terrarum confessiones excipiendi ipso iure gaudent
Cardinales itemque Episcopi, qui eadem et licite ubique utuntur, nisi Episcopus dioecesanus in casu particulari
1 Besides the Roman Pontiff, Cardinals by virtue of the law itself have the faculty to hear the confessions of
Christ's faithful everywhere. Likewise, Bishops have this faculty, which they may lawfully use everywhere, unless in
a particular case the diocesan Bishop has refused.
2 Qui facultate confessiones habitualiter excipiendi gaudent sive vi officii sive vi concessionis Ordinarii loci
incardinationis aut loci in quo domicilium habent, eadem facultatem ubique exercere possunt, nisi loci Ordinarius in
casu particulari renuerit, firmis praescriptis can. 974, 2 et 3.
2 Those who have the faculty habitually to hear confessions, whether by virtue of their office or by virtue of a
concession by the Ordinary of either the place of incardination or that in which they have a domicile, can exercise
that faculty everywhere, unless in a particular case the local Ordinary has refused, without prejudice to the
provisions of can. 974 2 and 3.
3 Ipso iure eadem facultate ubique potiuntur erga sodales aliosque in domo instituti aut societatis diu noctuque
degentes, qui vi officii aut concessionis Superioris competentis ad normam cann. 968, 2 et 969, 2 facultate
confessiones excipiendi sunt instructi; qui quidem eadem et licite utuntur, nisi aliquis Superior maior quoad proprios
subditos in casu particulari renuerit.
3 In respect of the members and of those others who live day and night in a house of an institute or society, this
same faculty is by virtue of the law itself possessed everywhere by those who have the faculty to hear confessions,
whether by virtue of their office or by virtue of a special concession of the competent Superior in accordance with
cann. 968 2 and 969 2. They may lawfully use this faculty, unless in a particular case some major Superior has,
in respect of his own subjects, refused.


1 Vi officii pro sua quisque dicione facultate ad confessiones excipiendas gaudent loci Ordinarius, canonicus
paenitentiarius, itemque parochus aliique qui loco parochi sunt.

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1 By virtue of his office, for each within the limits of his jurisdiction, the faculty to hear confessions belongs to the
local Ordinary, to the canon penitentiary, to the parish priest, and to those others who are in the place of the parish
2 Vi officii facultate gaudent confessiones excipiendi suorum subditorum aliorumque, in domo diu noctuque
degentium, Superiores instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae, si sint clericales iuris pontificii, ad normam
constitutionum potestate regiminis exsecutiva fruentes, firmo tamen praescripto can. 630, 4.
2 By virtue of their office, the faculty to hear the confessions of their own subjects and of those others who live day
and night in the house, belongs to the Superiors of religious institutes or of societies of apostolic life, if they are
clerical and of pontifical right, who in accordance with the constitutions have executive power of governance,
without prejudice however to the provision of can. 630 4.

1 Solus loci Ordinarius competens est qui facultatem ad confessiones quorumlibet fidelium excipiendas conferat
presbyteris quibuslibet; presbyteri autem qui sodales sunt institutorum religiosorum, eadem ne utantur sine licentia
saltem praesumpta sui Superioris.
1 Only the local Ordinary is competent to give to any priests whomsoever the faculty to hear the confessions of
any whomsoever of the faithful. Priests who are members of religious institutes may not, however, use this faculty
without the permission, at least presumed, of their Superior.
2 Superior instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae, de quo in can. 968, 2, competens est qui facultatem ad
excipiendas confessiones suorum subditorum aliorumque in domo diu noctuque degentium presbyteris quibuslibet
2 The Superior of a religious institute or of a society of apostolic life, mentioned in can. 968 2, is competent to
give to any priests whomsoever the faculty to hear the confessions of his own subjects and of those others who live
day and night in the house.


Facultas ad confessiones excipiendas ne concedatur nisi presbyteris qui idonei per examen reperti fuerint, aut de eorum
idoneitate aliunde constet.
The faculty to hear confessions is not to be given except to priests whose suitability has been established, either by
examination or by some other means.


Facultatem ad excipiendas habitualiter confessiones loci Ordinarius presbytero, etsi domicilium vel quasi-domicilium
in sua dicione habenti, ne concedat, nisi prius, quantum fieri potest, audito eiusdem presbyteri Ordinario.
The local Ordinary is not to give the faculty habitually to hear confessions to a priest, even to one who has a
domicile or quasi-domicile within his jurisdiction, without first, as far as possible, consulting that priest's own


Facultas ad confessiones excipiendas a competenti auctoritate, de qua in can. 969, concedi potest ad tempus sive
indeterminatum sive determinatum.
The faculty to hear confessions may be given by the competent authority mentioned in can. 969, for either an
indeterminate or a determinate period of time.


Facultas ad confessiones habitualiter excipiendas scripto concedatur.

The faculty habitually to hear confessions is to be given in writing.


1 Loci Ordinarius, itemque Superior competens, facultatem ad confessiones excipiendas habitualiter concessam ne
revocet nisi gravem ob causam.
1 Neither the local Ordinary nor the competent Superior may, except for a grave reason, revoke the grant of a
faculty habitually to hear confessions.
2 Revocata facultate ad confessiones excipiendas a loci Ordinario qui eam concessit, de quo in can. 967, 2, presbyter
eandem facultatem ubique amittit; revocata eadem facultate ab alio loci Ordinario, eandem amittit tantum in territorio
2 If the faculty to hear confessions granted by the local Ordinary mentioned in can. 967, 2, is revoked by that
Ordinary, the priest loses the faculty everywhere. If the faculty is revoked by another local Ordinary, the priest loses
it only in the territory of the Ordinary who revokes it.

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3 Quilibet loci Ordinarius qui alicui presbytero revocaverit facultatem ad confessiones excipiendas, certiorem reddat
Ordinarium qui ratione incardinationis est presbyteri proprius, aut, si agatur de sodali instituti religiosi, eiusdem
competentem Superiorem.
3 Any local Ordinary who has revoked a priest's faculty to hear confessions is to notify the Ordinary who is proper
to that priest by reason of incardination or, if the priest is a member of a religious institute, his competent Superior.
4 Revocata facultate ad confessiones excipiendas a proprio Superiore maiore, facultatem ad excipiendas confessiones
ubique erga sodales instituti amittit presbyter; revocata autem eadem facultate ab alio Superiore competenti, eandem
amittit erga solos in eiusdem dicione subditos.
4 If the faculty to hear confessions is revoked by his own major Superior, the priest loses everywhere the faculty to
hear the confessions of the members of the institute. But if the faculty is revoked by another competent Superior,
the priest loses it only in respect of those subjects who are in that Superior's jurisdiction.

Praeterquam revocatione, facultas de qua in can. 967, 2 cessat amissione officii vel excardinatione aut amissione
Apart from revocation, the faculty mentioned in can. 967 2 ceases by loss of office, by excardination, or by loss of


Quilibet sacerdos, licet ad confessiones excipiendas facultate careat, quoslibet paenitentes in periculo mortis versantes
valide et licite absolvit a quibusvis censuris et peccatis, etiamsi praesens sit sacerdos approbatus.
Any priest, even though he lacks the faculty to hear confessions, can validly and lawfully absolve any penitents who
are in danger of death, from any censures and sins, even if an approved priest is present.


Absolutio complicis in peccato contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum invalida est, praeterquam in periculo mortis.
The absolution of a partner in a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue is invalid, except in danger of


1 Meminerit sacerdos in audiendis confessionibus se iudicis pariter et medici personam sustinere ac divinae iustitiae
simul et misericordiae ministrum a Deo constitutum esse, ut honori divino et animarum saluti consulat.
1 In hearing confessions the priest is to remember that he is at once both judge and healer, and that he is
constituted by God as a minister of both divine justice and divine mercy, so that he may contribute to the honour of
God and the salvation of souls.
2 Confessarius, utpote minister Ecclesiae, in administrando sacramento, doctrinae Magisterii et normis a competenti
auctoritate latis fideliter adhaereat.
2 In administering the sacrament, the confessor, as a minister of the Church, is to adhere faithfully to the teaching
of the magisterium and to the norms laid down by the competent authority.


Sacerdos in quaestionibus ponendis cum prudentia et discretione procedat, attenta quidem condicione et aetate
paenitentis, abstineatque a nomine complicis inquirendo.
In asking questions the priest is to act with prudence and discretion, taking into account the condition and the age
of the penitent, and he is to refrain from enquiring the name of a partner in sin.


Si confessario dubium non est de paenitentis dispositione et hic absolutionem petat, absolutio ne denegetur nec
If the confessor is in no doubt about the penitent's disposition and the penitent asks for absolution, it is not to be
denied or delayed.


Pro qualitate et numero peccatorum, habita tamen ratione paenitentis condicionis, salutares et convenientes
satisfactiones confessarius iniungat; quas paenitens per se ipse implendi obligatione tenetur.
The confessor is to impose salutary and appropriate penances, in proportion to the kind and number of sins
confessed, taking into account, however, the condition of the penitent. The penitent is bound personally to fulfil
these penances.


Qui confitetur se falso confessarium innocentem apud auctoritatem ecclesiasticam denuntiasse de crimine sollicitationis
ad peccatum contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum, ne absolvatur nisi prius falsam denuntiationem formaliter
retractaverit et paratus sit ad damna, si quae habeantur, reparanda.

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A person who confesses to having falsely denounced to ecclesiastical authority a confessor innocent of the crime of
solicitation to a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, is not to be absolved unless that person has
first formally withdrawn the false denunciation and is prepared to make good whatever harm may have been done.

1 Sacramentale sigillum inviolabile est; quare nefas est confessario verbis vel alio quovis et quavis modo de causa
aliquatenus prodere paenitentem.
1 The sacramental seal is inviolable. Accordingly, it is absolutely wrong for a confessor in any way to betray the
penitent, for any reason whatsoever, whether by word or in any other fashion.
2 Obligatione secretum servandi tenentur quoque interpres, si detur, necnon omnes alii ad quos ex confessione notitia
peccatorum quoquo modo pervenerit.
2 An interpreter, if there is one, is also obliged to observe this secret, as are all others who in any way whatever
have come to a knowledge of sins from a confession.


1 Omnino confessario prohibetur scientiae ex confessione acquisitae usus cum paenitentis gravamine, etiam quovis
revelationis periculo excluso.
1 The confessor is wholly forbidden to use knowledge acquired in confession to the detriment of the penitent, even
when all danger of disclosure is excluded.
2 Qui in auctoritate est constitutus, notitia quam de peccatis in confessione quovis tempore excepta habuerit, ad
exteriorem gubernationem nullo modo uti potest.
2 A person who is in authority may not in any way, for the purpose of external governance, use knowledge about
sins which has at any time come to him from the hearing of confession.


Magister novitiorum eiusque socius, rector seminarii aliusve instituti educationis sacramentales confessiones suorum
alumnorum in eadem domo commorantium ne audiant, nisi alumni in casibus particularibus sponte id petant.
The director and assistant director of novices, and the rector of a seminary or of any other institute of education,
are not to hear the sacramental confessions of their students resident in the same house, unless in individual
instances the students of their own accord request it.


1 Omnis cui animarum cura vi muneris est demandata, obligatione tenetur providendi ut audiantur confessiones
fidelium sibi commissorum, qui rationabiliter audiri petant, utque iisdem opportunitas praebeatur ad confessionem
individualem, diebus ac horis in eorum commodum statutis, accedendi.
1 All to whom by virtue of office the care of souls is committed, are bound to provide for the hearing of the
confessions of the faithful entrusted to them, who reasonably request confession, and they are to provide these
faithful with an opportunity to make individual confession on days and at times arranged to suit them.
2 Urgente necessitate, quilibet confessarius obligatione tenetur confessiones christifidelium excipiendi, et in periculo
mortis quilibet sacerdos.
2 In an urgent necessity, every confessor is bound to hear the confessions of Christ's faithful, and in danger of
death every priest is so obliged.




Christifidelis, ut sacramenti paenitentiae remedium percipiat salutiferum, ita dispositus sit oportet ut, peccata quae
commiserit repudians et propositum sese emendandi habens, ad Deum convertatur.
In order that the faithful may receive the saving remedy of the sacrament of penance, they must be so disposed
that, repudiating the sins they have committed and having the purpose of amending their lives, they turn back to


1 Christifidelis obligatione tenetur in specie et numero confitendi omnia peccata gravia post baptismum perpetrata et
nondum per claves Ecclesiae directe remissa neque in confessione individuali accusata, quorum post diligentem sui
discussionem conscientiam habeat.
1 The faithful are bound to confess, in kind and in number, all grave sins committed after baptism, of which after
careful examination of conscience they are aware, which have not yet been directly pardoned by the keys of the
Church, and which have not been confessed in an individual confession.

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2 Commendatur christifidelibus ut etiam peccata venialia confiteantur.

2 The faithful are recommended to confess also venial sins.

Omnis fidelis, postquam ad annos discretionis pervenerit, obligatione tenetur peccata sua gravia, saltem semel in anno,
fideliter confitendi.
All the faithful who have reached the age of discretion are bound faithfully to confess their grave sins at least once
a year.


Nemo prohibetur quominus per interpretem confiteatur, vitatis quidem abusibus et scandalis atque firmo praescripto
can. 983, 2.
No one is forbidden to confess through an interpreter, provided however that abuse and scandal are avoided, and
without prejudice to the provision of can. 983 2.


Cuivis christifideli integrum est confessario legitime approbato etiam alius ritus, cui maluerit, peccata confiteri.
All Christ's faithful are free to confess their sins to lawfully approved confessors of their own choice, even to one of
another rite.




Indulgentia est remissio coram Deo poenae temporalis pro peccatis, ad culpam quod attinet iam deletis, quam
christifidelis, apte dispositus et certis ac definitis condicionibus, consequitur ope Ecclesiae quae, ut ministra
redemptionis, thesaurum satisfactionum Christi et Sanctorum auctoritative dispensat et applicat.
An indulgence is the remission in the sight of God of the temporal punishment due for sins, the guilt of which has
already been forgiven. A member of Christ's faithful who is properly disposed and who fulfils certain specific
conditions, may gain an indulgence by the help of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, authoritatively
dispenses and applies the treasury of the merits of Christ and the Saints.


Indulgentia est partialis aut plenaria, prout a poena temporali pro peccatis debita liberat ex parte aut ex toto.
An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it partially or wholly frees a person from the temporal punishment
due for sins.


Quivis fidelis potest indulgentias sive partiales sive plenarias, aut sibi ipsi lucrari, aut defunctis applicare ad modum
All members of the faithful can gain indulgences, partial or plenary, for themselves, or they can apply them by way
of suffrage to the dead.


1 Praeter supremam Ecclesiae auctoritatem ii tantum possunt indulgentias elargiri, quibus haec potestas iure
agnoscitur aut a Romano Pontifice conceditur.
1 Apart from the supreme authority in the Church, only those can grant indulgences to whom this power is either
acknowledged in the law, or given by the Roman Pontiff.
2 Nulla auctoritas infra Romanum Pontificem potest potestatem concedendi indulgentias aliis committere, nisi id ei a
Sede Apostolica expresse fuerit indultum.
2 No authority below the Roman Pontiff can give to others the faculty of granting indulgences, unless this authority
has been expressly given to the person by the Apostolic See.


1 Ut quis capax sit lucrandi indulgentias debet esse baptizatus, non excommunicatus, in statu gratiae saltem in fine
operum praescriptorum.
1 To be capable of gaining indulgences a person must be baptised, not excommunicated, and in the state of grace
at least on the completion of the prescribed work.
2 Ut vero subiectum capax eas lucretur, habere debet intentionem saltem generalem eas acquirendi et opera iniuncta
implere statuto tempore ac debito modo, secundum concessionis tenorem.
2 To gain them, however, the person who is capable must have at least the intention of gaining them, and must
fulfil the prescribed works at the time and in the manner determined by the terms of the grant.

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Ad indulgentiarum concessionem et usum quod attinet, servanda sunt insuper cetera praescripta quae in peculiaribus
Ecclesiae legibus continentur.
As far as the granting and the use of indulgences is concerned, the other provisions contained in the special laws of
the Church must also be observed.


Unctio infirmorum, qua Ecclesia fideles periculose aegrotantes Domino patienti et glorificato, ut eos allevet et salvet,
commendat, confertur eos liniendo oleo atque verba proferendo in liturgicis libris praescripta.
The anointing of the sick, by which the Church commends to the suffering and glorified Lord the faithful who are
dangerously ill so that he may support and save them, is conferred by anointing them with oil and pronouncing the
words prescribed in the liturgical books.






Praeter Episcopum, oleum in unctione infirmorum adhibendum benedicere possunt:

The oil to be used in the anointing of the sick can be blessed not only by a Bishop but also by:

qui iure Episcopo dioecesano aequiparantur;

those who are in law equivalent to the diocesan Bishop;

in casu necessitatis, quilibet presbyter in ipsa tamen celebratione sacramenti.

in a case of necessity, any priest but only in the actual celebration of the sacrament.

1 Unctiones verbis, ordine et modo praescriptis in liturgicis libris, accurate peragantur; in casu tamen necessitatis,
sufficit unctio unica in fronte vel etiam in alia corporis parte, integra formula prolata.
1 The anointings are to be carried out accurately, with the words and in the order and manner prescribed in the
liturgical books. In a case of necessity, however, a single anointing on the forehead, or even on another part of the
body, is sufficient while the full formula is recited.
2 Unctiones peragat minister propria manu, nisi gravis ratio usum instrumenti suadeat.
2 The minister is to anoint with his own hand, unless a grave reason indicates the use of an instrument.


Curent animarum pastores et infirmorum propinqui, ut tempore opportuno infirmi hoc sacramento subleventur.
Pastors of souls and those who are close to the sick are to ensure that the sick are helped by this sacrament in
good time.


Celebratio communis unctionis infirmorum, pro pluribus infirmis simul, qui apte sint praeparati et rite dispositi, iuxta
Episcopi dioecesani praescripta peragi potest.
The communal celebration of anointing of the sick, for a number of the sick together, who have been appropriately
prepared and are rightly disposed, may be held in accordance with the regulations of the diocesan Bishop.




1 Unctionem infirmorum valide administrat omnis et solus sacerdos.

1 Every priest, but only a priest, can validly administer the anointing of the sick.
2 Officium et ius unctionis infirmorum ministrandi habent omnes sacerdotes, quibus demandata est cura animarum,
erga fideles suo pastorali officio commissos; ex rationabili causa, quilibet alius sacerdos hoc sacramentum ministrare
potest de consensu saltem praesumpto sacerdotis de quo supra.
2 All priests to whom has been committed the care of souls, have the obligation and the right to administer the
anointing of the sick to those of the faithful entrusted to their pastoral care. For a reasonable cause, any other
priest may administer this sacrament if he has the consent, at least presumed, of the aforementioned priest.

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3 Cuilibet sacerdoti licet oleum benedictum secumferre ut, in casu necessitatis, sacramentum unctionis infirmorum
ministrare valeat.
3 Any priest may carry the holy oil with him, so that in a case of necessity he can administer the sacrament of
anointing of the sick.




1 Unctio infirmorum ministrari potest fideli qui, adepto rationis usu, ob infirmitatem vel senium in periculo incipit
1 The anointing of the sick can be administered to any member of the faithful who, having reached the use of
reason, begins to be in danger of death by reason of illness or old age.
2 Hoc sacramentum iterari potest, si infirmus, postquam convaluerit, denuo in gravem infirmitatem inciderit aut si,
eadem infirmitate perdurante, discrimen factum gravius sit.
2 This sacrament can be repeated if the sick person, having recovered, again becomes seriously ill or if, in the
same illness, the danger becomes more serious.


In dubio utrum infirmus rationis usum attigerit, an periculose aegrotet vel mortuus sit, hoc sacramentum ministretur.
If there is any doubt as to whether the sick person has reached the age of reason, or is dangerously ill, or is dead,
this sacrament is to be administered.


Infirmis qui, cum suae mentis compotes essent, hoc sacramentum implicite saltem petierint, conferatur.
This sacrament is to be administered to the sick who, when they were in possession of their faculties, at least
implicitly asked for it.


Unctio infirmorum ne conferatur illis, qui in manifesto gravi peccato obstinate perseverent.
The anointing of the sick is not to be conferred upon those who obstinately persist in a manifestly grave sin.




Sacramento ordinis ex divina institutione inter christifideles quidam, charactere indelebili quo signantur, constituuntur
sacri ministri, qui nempe consecrantur et deputantur ut, pro suo quisque gradu, in persona Christi Capitis munera
docendi, sanctificandi et regendi adimplentes, Dei populum pascant.
By divine institution some among Christ's faithful are, through the sacrament of order, marked with an indelible
character and are thus constituted sacred ministers; thereby they are consecrated and deputed so that, each
according to his own grade, they fulfil, in the person of Christ the Head, the offices of teaching, sanctifying and
ruling, and so they nourish the people of God.


1 Ordines sunt episcopatus, presbyteratus et diaconatus.

1 The orders are the episcopate, the priesthood and the diaconate.
2 Conferuntur manuum impositione et precatione consecratoria, quam pro singulis gradibus libri liturgici
2 They are conferred by the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration which the liturgical books
prescribe for each grade.





Ordinatio intra Missarum sollemnia celebretur, die dominico vel festo de praecepto, sed ob rationes pastorales aliis
etiam diebus, ferialibus non exceptis, fieri potest.
An ordination is to be celebrated during Mass, on a Sunday or holyday of obligation. For pastoral reasons,
however, it may take place on other days also, even on ferial days.


1 Ordinatio generaliter in cathedrali ecclesia celebretur; ob rationes tamen pastorales in alia ecclesia aut oratorio
celebrari potest.

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1 An ordination is normally to be celebrated in the cathedral church. For pastoral reasons, however, it may be
celebrated in another church or oratory.
2 Ad ordinationem invitandi sunt clerici aliique christifideles, ut quam maxima frequentia celebrationi intersint.
2 Clerics and other members of Christ's faithful are to be invited to attend an ordination, so that the greatest
possible number may be present at the celebration.

Sacrae ordinationis minister est Episcopus consecratus.

The minister of sacred ordination is a consecrated Bishop.


Nulli Episcopo licet quemquam consecrare in Episcopum, nisi prius constet de pontificio mandato.
No Bishop is permitted to consecrate anyone as Bishop, unless it is first established that a pontifical mandate has
been issued.


Nisi Sedis Apostolicae dispensatio intercesserit, Episcopus consecrator principalis in consecratione episcopali duos
saltem Episcopos consecrantes sibi adiungat; valde convenit autem, ut una cum iisdem omnes Episcopi praesentes
electum consecrent.
Unless a dispensation has been granted by the Apostolic See, the principal consecrating Bishop at an episcopal
consecration is to have at least two other consecrating Bishops with him. It is, however, entirely appropriate that all
the Bishops present should join with these in consecrating the Bishop-elect.


1 Unusquisque ad presbyteratum et ad diaconatum a proprio Episcopo ordinetur aut cum legitimis eiusdem litteris
1 Each candidate is to be ordained to the priesthood or to the diaconate by his proper Bishop, or with lawful
dimissorial letters granted by that Bishop.
2 Episcopus proprius, iusta de causa non impeditus, per se ipse suos subditos ordinet; sed subditum orientalis ritus,
sine apostolico indulto, licite ordinare non potest.
2 If not impeded from doing so by a just reason, a Bishop is himself to ordain his own subjects. He may not,
however, without an apostolic indult lawfully ordain a subject of an oriental rite.
3 Qui potest litteras dimissorias ad ordines recipiendos dare, potest quoque eosdem ordines per se ipse conferre, si
charactere episcopali polleat.
3 Anyone who is entitled to give dimissorial letters for the reception of orders may also himself confer these
orders, if he is a Bishop.


Episcopus proprius, quod attinet ad ordinationem diaconalem eorum qui clero saeculari se adscribi intendant, est
Episcopus dioecesis, in qua promovendus habet domicilium, aut dioecesis cui promovendus sese devovere statuit; quod
attinet ad ordinationem presbyteralem clericorum saecularium, est Episcopus dioecesis, cui promovendus per
diaconatum est incardinatus.
In what concerns the ordination to the diaconate of those who intend to enrol themselves in the secular clergy, the
proper Bishop is the Bishop of the diocese in which the aspirant has a domicile, or the Bishop of the diocese to
which he intends to devote himself. In what concerns the priestly ordination of the secular clergy, it is the Bishop of
the diocese in which the aspirant was incardinated by the diaconate.


Episcopus extra propriam dicionem nonnisi cum licentia Episcopi dioecesani ordines conferre potest.
A Bishop may not confer orders outside his own jurisdiction except with the permission of the diocesan Bishop.


1 Litteras dimissorias pro saecularibus dare possunt:

1 The following can give dimissorial letters for the secular clergy:

Episcopus proprius, de quo in can. 1016;

the proper Bishop mentioned in can. 1016;

Administrator apostolicus atque, de consensu collegii consultorum, Administrator dioecesanus; de consensu

consilii, de quo in can. 495, 2, Pro-vicarius et Pro-praefectus apostolicus.

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the apostolic Administrator; with the consent of the college of consultors, the diocesan Administrator; with the
consent of the council mentioned in can. 495 2, the Pro-vicar and Pro-prefect apostolic.
2 Administrator dioecesanus, Pro-vicarius et Pro-praefectus apostolicus litteras dimissorias ne iis concedant, quibus
ab Episcopo dioecesano aut a Vicario vel Praefecto apostolico accessus ad ordines denegatus fuerit.
2 The diocesan Administrator, the Pro-vicar and Pro-prefect apostolic are not to give dimissorial letters to those to
whom admission to orders was refused by the diocesan Bishop or by the Vicar or Prefect apostolic.

1 Superiori maiori instituti religiosi clericalis iuris pontificii aut societatis clericalis vitae apostolicae iuris pontificii
competit ut suis subditis, iuxta constitutiones perpetuo vel definitive instituto aut societati adscriptis, concedat litteras
dimissorias ad diaconatum et ad presbyteratum.
1 It belongs to the major Superior of a clerical religious institute of pontifical right or of a clerical society of
apostolic life of pontifical right to grant dimissorial letters for the diaconate and for the priesthood to his subjects
who are, in accordance with the constitutions, perpetually or definitively enrolled in the institute or society.
2 Ordinatio ceterorum omnium alumnorum cuiusvis instituti aut societatis regitur iure clericorum saecularium,
revocato quolibet indulto Superioribus concesso.
2 The ordination of all other candidates of whatever institute or society, is governed by the law applying to the
secular clergy, any indult whatsoever granted to Superiors being revoked.


Litterae dimissoriae ne concedantur, nisi habitis antea omnibus testimoniis et documentis, quae iure exiguntur ad
norma cann. 1050 et 1051.
Dimissorial letters are not to be granted unless all the testimonials and documents required by the law in
accordance with cann. 1050 and 1051 have first been obtained.


Litterae dimissoriae mitti possunt ad quemlibet Episcopum communionem cum Sede Apostolica habentem, excepto
tantum, citra apostolicum indultum, Episcopo ritus diversi a ritu promovendi.
Dimissorial letters may be sent to any Bishop in communion with the Apostolic See, but not to a Bishop of a rite
other than that of the ordinand, unless there is an apostolic indult.


Episcopus ordinans, acceptis legitimis litteris dimissoriis, ad ordinationem ne procedat, nisi de germana litterarum fide
plane constet.
When the ordaining Bishop has received the prescribed dimissorial letters, he may proceed to the ordination only
when the authenticity of these letters is established beyond any doubt whatever.


Litterae dimissoriae possunt ab ipso concedente aut ab eius successore limitibus circumscribi aut revocari, sed semel
concessae non extinguuntur resoluto iure concedentis.
Dimissorial letters can be limited or can be revoked by the person granting them or by his successor; once granted,
they do not lapse on the expiry of the grantor's authority.




Sacram ordinationem valide recipit solus vir baptizatus.

Only a baptised man can validly receive sacred ordination.


1 Ad licite ordines presbyteratus vel diaconatus conferendos requiritur ut candidatus, probatione ad normam iuris
peracta, debitis qualitatibus, iudicio proprii Episcopi aut Superioris maioris competentis, praeditus sit, nulla
detineatur irregularitate nulloque impedimento, atque praerequisita, ad normam cann. 1033-1039 adimpleverit;
praeterea documenta habeantur, de quibus in can. 1050, atque scrutinium peractum sit, de quo in can. 1051.
1 In order lawfully to confer the orders of priesthood or diaconate, it must have been established, in accordance
with the proofs laid down by law, that in the judgement of the proper Bishop or competent major Superior, the
candidate possesses the requisite qualities, that he is free of any irregularity or impediment, and that he has
fulfilled the requirements set out in can. 1033--1039. Moreover, the documents mentioned in can. 1050 must be to
hand, and the investigation mentioned in can. 1051 must have been carried out.
2 Insuper requiritur ut, iudicio eiusdem legitimi Superioris, ad Ecclesiae ministerium utilis habeatur.

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2 It is further required that, in the judgement of the same lawful Superior, the candidate is considered beneficial to
the ministry of the Church.
3 Episcopo ordinanti proprium subditum, qui servitio alius dioecesis destinetur, constare debet ordinandum huic
dioecesi addictum iri.
3 A Bishop ordaining his own subject who is destined for the service of another diocese, must be certain that the
ordinand will in fact be attached to that other diocese.
Art. 1



Ut quis ordinetur debita libertate gaudeat oportet; nefas est quemquam, quovis modo, ob quamlibet causam ad ordines
recipiendos cogere, vel canonice idoneum ab iisdem recipiendis avertere.
For a person to be ordained, he must enjoy the requisite freedom. It is absolutely wrong to compel anyone, in any
way or for any reason whatsoever, to receive orders, or to turn away from orders anyone who is canonically


Aspirantes ad diaconatum et presbyteratum accurata praeparatione efformentur, ad normam iuris.

Aspirants to the diaconate and the priesthood are to be formed by careful preparation in accordance with the law.


Curet Episcopus dioecesanus aut Superior competens ut candidati, antequam ad ordinem aliquem promoveantur, rite
edoceantur de iis, quae ad ordinem eiusque obligationes pertinent.
The diocesan Bishop or the competent Superior must ensure that before they are promoted to any order,
candidates are properly instructed concerning the order itself and its obligations.


Ad ordines ii soli promoveantur qui, prudenti iudicio Episcopi proprii aut Superioris maioris competentis, omnibus
perpensis, integram habent fidem, recta moventur intentione, debita pollent scientia, bona gaudent existimatione,
integris moribus probatisque virtutibus atque aliis qualitatibus physicis et psychicis ordini recipiendo congruentibus
sunt praediti.
Only those are to be promoted to orders who, in the prudent judgement of the proper Bishop or the competent
major Superior, all things considered, have sound faith, are motivated by the right intention, are endowed with the
requisite knowledge, enjoy a good reputation, and have moral probity, proven virtue and the other physical and
psychological qualities appropriate to the order to be received.


Nonnisi ex causa canonica, licet occulta, proprius Episcopus vel Superior maior competens diaconis ad presbyteratum
destinatis, sibi subditis, ascensum ad presbyteratum interdicere potest, salvo recursu ad normam iuris.
The proper Bishop or the competent major Superior may, but only for a canonical reason, even one which is occult,
forbid admission to the priesthood to deacons subject to them who were destined for the priesthood, without
prejudice to recourse in accordance with the law.


1 Presbyteratus ne conferatur nisi iis qui aetatis annum vigesimum quintum expleverint et sufficienti gaudeant
maturitate, servato insuper intervallo sex saltem mensium inter diaconatum et presbyteratum; qui ad presbyteratum
destinantur, ad diaconatus ordinem tantummodo post expletum aetatis annum vigesimum tertium admittantur.
1 The priesthood may be conferred only upon those who have completed their twenty-fifth year of age, and
possess a sufficient maturity; moreover, an interval of at least six months between the diaconate and the priesthood
must have been observed. Those who are destined for the priesthood are to be admitted to the order of diaconate
only when they have completed their twenty-third year.
2 Candidatus ad diaconatum permanentem qui non sit uxoratus ad eundem diaconatum ne admittatur, nisi post
expletum vigesimum quintum saltem aetatis annum; qui matrimonio coniunctus est, nonnisi post expletum trigesimum
quintum saltem aetatis annum, atque de uxoris consensu.
2 A candidate for the permanent diaconate who is not married may be admitted to the diaconate only when he has
completed at least his twenty-fifth year; if he is married, not until he has completed at least his thirty-fifth year, and
then with the consent of his wife.
3 Integrum est Episcoporum conferentiis normam statuere, qua provectior ad presbyteratum et ad diaconatum
permanentem requiratur aetas.

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3 Episcopal Conferences may issue a regulation which requires a later age for the priesthood and for the
permanent diaconate.
4 Dispensatio ultra annum super aetate requisita ad normam 1 et 2, Apostolicae Sedi reservatur.
4 A dispensation of more than a year from the age required by 1 and 2 is reserved to the Apostolic See.

1 Aspirantes ad presbyteratum promoveri possunt ad diaconatum solummodo post expletum quintum curriculi
studiorum philosophico-theologicorum annum.
1 Aspirants to the priesthood may be promoted to the diaconate only when they have completed the fifth year of
the curriculum of philosophical and theological studies.
2 Post expletum studiorum curriculum, diaconus per tempus congruum, ab Episcopo vel a Superiore maiore
competenti definiendum, in cura pastorali partem habeat, diaconalem exercens ordinem, antequam ad presbyteratum
2 After completing the curriculum of studies and before being promoted to the priesthood, deacons are to spend
an appropriate time, to be determined by the Bishop or by the competent major Superior, exercising the diaconal
order and taking part in the pastoral ministry.
3 Aspirans ad diaconatum permanentem, ad hunc ordinem ne promoveatur nisi post expletum formationis tempus.
3 An aspirant to the permanent diaconate is not to be promoted to this order until he has completed the period of

Art. 2



Licite ad ordines promovetur tantum qui recepit sacrae confirmationis sacramentum.

Only one who has received the sacrament of sacred confirmation may lawfully be promoted to orders.


1 Ad diaconatum vel presbyteratum aspirans ne ordinetur, nisi prius per liturgicum admissionis ritum ab auctoritate,
de qua in cann. 1016 et 1019, adscriptionem inter candidatos obtinuerit post praeviam suam petitionem propria manu
exaratam et subscriptam, atque ab eadem auctoritate in scriptis acceptatam.
1 An aspirant to the diaconate or to the priesthood is not to be ordained unless he has first, through the liturgical
rite of admission, secured enrolment as a candidate from the authority mentioned in cann. 1016 and 1019. He
must previously have submitted a petition in his own hand and signed by him, which has been accepted in writing
by the same authority.
2 Ad eandem admissionem obtinendam non tenetur, qui per vota in clericale institutum cooptatus est.
2 One who has by vows become a member of a clerical institute is not obliged to obtain this admission.


1 Antequam quis ad diaconatum sive permanentem sive transeuntem promoveatur, requiritur ut ministeria lectoris et
acolythi receperit et per congruum tempus exercuerit.
1 Before anyone may be promoted to the diaconate, whether permanent or transitory, he must have received the
ministries of lector and acolyte, and have exercised them for an appropriate time.
2 Inter acolythatus et diaconatus collationem intervallum intercedat sex saltem mensium.
2 Between the conferring of the ministry of acolyte and the diaconate there is to be an interval of at least six


Candidatus, ut ad ordinem diaconatus aut presbyteratus promoveri possit, Episcopo proprio aut Superiori maiori
competenti declarationem tradat propria manu exaratam et subscriptam, qua testificetur se sponte ac libere sacrum
ordinem suscepturum atque se ministerio ecclesiastico perpetuo mancipaturum esse, insimul petens ut ad ordinem
recipiendum admittatur.
For a candidate to be promoted to the order of diaconate or priesthood, he must submit to the proper Bishop or to
the competent major Superior a declaration written in his own hand and signed by him, in which he attests that he
will spontaneously and freely receive the sacred order and will devote himself permanently to the ecclesiastical
ministry, asking at the same time that he be admitted to receive the order.

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Promovendus ad diaconatum permanentem qui non sit uxoratus, itemque promovendus ad presbyteratum, ad ordinem
diaconatus ne admittantur, nisi ritu praescripto publice coram Deo et Ecclesia obligationem caelibatus assumpserint,
aut vota perpetua in instituto religioso emiserint.
A candidate for the permanent diaconate who is not married and likewise a candidate for the priesthood, is not to
be admitted to the order of diaconate unless he has, in the prescribed rite, publicly before God and the Church
undertaken the obligation of celibacy, or unless he has taken perpetual vows in a religious institute.


Diaconus, qui ad presbyteratum promoveri renuat, ab ordinis recepti exercitio prohiberi non potest, nisi impedimentum
detineatur canonico aliave gravi causa, de iudicio Episcopi dioecesani aut Superioris maioris competentis aestimanda.
A deacon who refuses to be promoted to the priesthood may not be forbidden the exercise of the order he has
received, unless he is constrained by a canonical impediment, or unless there is some other grave reason, to be
estimated by the diocesan Bishop or the competent major Superior


Omnes qui ad aliquem ordinem promovendi sunt, exercitiis spiritualibus vacent per quinque saltem dies, loco et modo
ab Ordinario determinatis; Episcopus, antequam ad ordinationem procedat, certior factus sit oportet candidatos rite
iisdem exercitiis vacasse.
All who are to be promoted to any order must make a retreat for at least five days, in a place and in the manner
determined by the Ordinary. Before he proceeds to the ordination, the Bishop must have assured himself that the
candidates have duly made the retreat.

Art. 3




A recipiendis ordinibus arcentur qui quovis impedimento afficiuntur sive perpetuo, quod venit nomine irregularitatis,
sive simplici; nullum autem impedimentum contrahitur, quod in canonibus qui sequuntur non contineatur.
Those bound by an impediment are to be barred from the reception of orders. An impediment may be simple; or it
may be perpetual, in which case it is called an irregularity. No impediment is contracted which is not contained in
the following canons.


Ad recipiendos ordines sunt irregulares:

The following persons are irregular for the reception of orders:

qui aliqua forma laborat amentiae aliusve psychicae infirmitatis, qua, consultis peritis, inhabilis iudicatur ad
ministerium rite implendum;
one who suffers from any form of insanity, or from any other psychological infirmity, because of which he is,
after experts have been consulted, judged incapable of being able to fulfil the ministry;

qui delictum apostasiae, haeresis aut schismatis commiserit;

one who has committed the offence of apostasy, heresy or schism;

qui matrimonium etiam civile tantum attentaverit, vel ipsemet vinculo matrimoniali aut ordine sacro aut voto
publico perpetuo castitatis a matrimonio ineundo impeditus, vel cum muliere matrimonio valido coniuncta aut
eodem voto adstricta;
one who has attempted marriage, even a civil marriage, either while himself prevented from entering marriage
whether by an existing marriage bond or by a sacred order or by a public and perpetual vow of chastity, or
with a woman who is validly married or is obliged by the same vow;

qui voluntarium homicidium perpetraverit aut abortum procuraverit, effectu secuto, omnesque positive
one who has committed wilful homicide, or one who has actually procured an abortion, and all who have
positively cooperated;

qui seipsum vel alium graviter et dolose mutilaverit vel sibi vitam adimere tentaverit;
one who has gravely and maliciously mutilated himself or another, or who has attempted suicide;

qui actum ordinis posuerit constitutis in ordine episcopatus vel presbyteratus reservatum, vel eodem carens, vel
ab eius exercitio poena aliqua canonica declarata vel irrogata prohibitus.

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one who has carried out an act of order which is reserved to those in the order of the episcopate or
priesthood, while himself either not possessing that order or being barred from its exercise by some canonical
penalty, declared or imposed.

Sunt a recipiendis ordinibus simpliciter impediti:

The following are simply impeded from receiving orders:

vir uxorem habens, nisi ad diaconatum permanentem legitime destinetur;

a man who has a wife, unless he is lawfully destined for the permanent diaconate;

qui officium vel administrationem gerit clericis ad normam cann. 285 et 286 vetitam cuius rationem reddere
debet, donec, depositis officio et administratione atque rationibus redditis, liber factus sit;
one who exercises an office or administration forbidden to clerics, in accordance with cann. 285 and 286, of
which he must render an account; the impediment binds until such time as, having relinquished the office and
administration and rendered the account, he has been freed;

neophytus, nisi, iudicio Ordinarii, sufficienter probatus fuerit.

a neophyte, unless, in the judgement of the Ordinary, he has been sufficiently tested.


Christifideles obligatione tenentur impedimenta ad sacros ordines, si qua norint, Ordinario vel parocho ante
ordinationem revelandi.
Christ's faithful are bound to reveal, before ordination, to the Ordinary or to the parish priest, such impediments to
sacred orders as they may know about.


1 Ad exercendos ordines receptos sunt irregulares:

1 The following are irregular for the exercise of orders already received:

qui irregularitate ad ordines recipiendos dum afficiebatur, illegitime ordines recepit;

one who, while bound by an irregularity for the reception of orders, unlawfully received orders;

qui delictum commisit, de quo in can. 1041, n. 2, si delictum est publicum;

one who committed the offence mentioned in can. 1041, n. 2, if the offence is public

qui delictum commisit, de quibus in can. 1041, nn. 3, 4, 5, 6.

one who committed any of the offences mentioned in can. 1041, nn. 3, 4,5,6.

2 Ab ordinibus exercendis impediuntur:

2 The following are impeded from the exercise of orders:

qui impedimento ad ordines recipiendos detentus, illegitime ordines recepit;

one who, while bound by an impediment to the reception of orders, unlawfully received orders;

qui amentia aliave infirmitate psychica de qua in can. 1041, n. 1, afficitur, donec Ordinarius, consulto perito,
eiusdem ordinis exercitium permiserit.
one who suffers from insanity or from some other psychological infirmity mentioned in can. 1041, n. 1, until
such time as the Ordinary, having consulted an expert, has allowed the exercise of the order in question.


Ignorantia irregularitatum atque impedimentorum ab eisdem non eximit.

Ignorance of irregularities and impediments does not exempt from them.


Irregularitates et impedimenta multiplicantur ex diversis eorundem causis, non autem ex repetita eadem causa, nisi
agatur de irregularitate ex homicidio voluntario aut ex procurato abortu, effectu secuto.
Irregularities and impediments are multiplied if they arise from different causes, not however from the repetition of
the same cause, unless it is a question of the irregularity arising from the commission of wilful homicide or from
having actually procured an abortion.


1 Uni Apostolicae Sedi reservatur dispensatio ab omnibus irregularitatibus, si factum quo innituntur ad forum
iudiciale deductum fuerit.

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1 If the fact on which they are based has been brought to the judicial forum, dispensation from all irregularities is
reserved to the Apostolic See alone.
2 Eidem etiam reservatur dispensatio ab irregularitatibus et impedimentis ad ordines recipiendos, quae sequuntur:
2 Dispensation from the following irregularities and impediments to the reception of orders is also reserved to the
Apostolic See:

ab irregularitatibus ex delictis publicis, de quibus in can. 1041, nn. 2 et 3;

irregularities arising from the offences mentioned in can. 1041, nn. 2 and 3, if they are public;

ab irregularitate ex delicto sive publico sive occulto, de quo in can. 1041, n. 4;

an irregularity arising from the offence, whether public or occult, mentioned in can. 1041, n. 4;

ab impedimento, de quo in can. 1042, n. 1.

the impediment mentioned in can. 1042, n. 1.

3 Apostolicae Sedi etiam reservatur dispensatio ab irregularitatibus ad exercitium ordinis suscepti, de quibus in can.
1041, n. 3, in casibus publicis tantum, atque in eodem canone, n. 4, etiam in casibus occultis.
3 To the Apostolic See is also reserved the dispensation from the irregularities for the exercise of an order received
mentioned in can. 1041, n.3 but only in public cases, and in n. 4 of the same canon even in occult cases.
4 Ab irregularitatibus et impedimentis Sanctae Sedi non reservatis dispensare valet Ordinarius.
4 The Ordinary can dispense from irregularities and impediments not reserved to the Holy See.

In casibus occultis urgentioribus, si adiri nequeat Ordinarius aut cum de irregularitatibus agatur de quibus in can.
1041, nn. 3 et 4, Paenitentiaria, et si periculum immineat gravis damni aut infamiae, potest qui irregularitate ab ordine
exercendo impeditur eundem exercere, firmo tamen manente onere quam primum recurrendi ad Ordinarium aut
Paenitentiariam, reticito nomine et per confessarium.
In the more urgent occult cases, if the Ordinary or, in the case of the irregularities mentioned in can. 1041, nn. 3
and 4, the Penitentiary cannot be approached, and if there is imminent danger of serious harm or loss of
reputation, the person who is irregular for the exercise of an order may exercise it. There remains, however, the
obligation of his having recourse as soon as possible to the Ordinary or the Penitentiary, without revealing his
name, and through a confessor.


1 In precibus ad obtinendam irregularitatum et impedimentorum dispensationem, omnes irregularitates et

impedimenta indicanda sunt; attamen, dispensatio generalis valet etiam pro reticitis bona fide, exceptis
irregularitatibus de quibus in can. 1041, n. 4, aliisve ad forum iudiciale deductis, non autem pro reticitis mala fide.
1 In a petition to obtain a dispensation from irregularities or impediments, all irregularities and impediments are to
be mentioned. However, a general dispensation is valid also for those omitted in good faith, with the exception of
the irregularities mentioned in can. 1041, n. 4, or of others which have been brought to the judicial forum; it is not,
however, valid for those concealed in bad faith.
2 Si agatur de irregularitate ex voluntario homicidio aut ex procurato abortu, etiam numerus delictorum ad
validitatem dispensationis exprimendus est.
2 If it is question of an irregularity arising from wilful homicide or from a procured abortion, for the validity of the
dispensation even the number of offences must be stated.
3 Dispensatio generalis ab irregularitatibus et impedimentis ad ordines recipiendos valet pro omnibus ordinibus.
3 A general dispensation from irregularities and impediments to the reception of orders is valid for all orders.

Art. 4



Ut quis ad sacros ordines promoveri possit, sequentia requiruntur documenta:

For a person to be promoted to sacred orders, the following documents are required:

testimonium de studiis rite peractis ad normam can. 1032;

a certificate of studies duly completed in accordance with can. 1032;

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si agatur de ordinandis ad presbyteratum, testimonium recepti diaconatus;

for those to be ordained to the priesthood, a certificate of the reception of the diaconate;

si agatur de promovendis ad diaconatum testimonium recepti baptismi et confirmationis, atque receptorum

ministeriorum de quibus in can. 1035 item testimonium factae declarationis de qua in can. 1036, necnon, si
ordinandus qui promovendus est ad diaconatum permanentem sit uxoratus, testimonia celebrati matrimonii et
consensus uxoris.
for those to be promoted to the diaconate, certificates of the reception of baptism, of confirmation and of the
ministries mentioned in can. 1035, and a certificate that the declaration mentioned in can. 1036 has been
made, if an ordinand to be promoted to the permanent diaconate is married, a certificate of his marriage and
testimony of his wife's consent.

Ad scrutinium de qualitatibus in ordinando requisitis quod attinet, serventur praescripta quae sequuntur:
In the investigation of the requisite qualities of one who is to be ordained, the following provisions are to be

habeatur testimonium rectoris seminarii vel domus formationis de qualitatibus ad ordinem recipiendum
requisitis, scilicet de candidati recta doctrina, genuina pietate, bonis moribus, aptitudine ad ministerium
exercendum; itemque, rite peracta inquisitione, de eius status valetudinis physicae et psychicae;
there is to be a certificate from the rector of the seminary or of the house of formation, concerning the
qualities required in the candidate for the reception of the order, namely sound doctrine, genuine piety, good
moral behaviour, fitness for the exercise of the ministry, likewise, after proper investigation, a certificate of the
candidate's state of physical and psychological health;

Episcopus dioecesanus aut Superior maior, ut scrutinium rite peragatur, potest alia adhibere media quae sibi, pro
temporis et loci adiunctis, utilia videantur, uti sunt litterae testimoniales, publicationes vel aliae informationes.
the diocesan Bishop or the major Superior may, in order properly to complete the investigation, use other
means which, taking into account the circumstances of time and place, may seem useful, such as testimonial
letters, public notices or other sources of information.

1 Ut Episcopus ordinationem iure proprio conferens ad eam procedere possit, ipsi constare debet documenta, de
quibus in can. 1050, praesto esse atque, scrutinio ad normam iuris peracto, idoneitatem candidati positivis argumentis
esse probatam.
1 For a Bishop to proceed to an ordination which he is to confer by his own right, he must be satisfied that the
documents mentioned in can. 1050 are at hand and that, as a result of the investigations prescribed by law, the
suitability of the candidate has been positively established.
2 Ut Episcopus ad ordinationem procedat alieni subditi, sufficit ut litterae dimissoriae referant eadem documenta
praesto esse, scrutinium ad normam iuris esse peractum atque de idoneitate candidati constare; quod si promovendus
sit sodalis instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae, eaedem litterae insuper testari debent ipsum in institutum
vel societatem definitive cooptatum fuisse et esse subditum Superioris qui dat litteras.
2 For a Bishop to proceed to the ordination of someone not his own subject, it is sufficient that the dimissorial
letters state that those documents are at hand, that the investigation has been conducted in accordance with the
law, and that the candidate's suitability has been established. If the ordinand is a member of a religious institute or
a society of apostolic life, these letters must also testify that he has been definitively enrolled in the institute or
society and that he is a subject of the Superior who gives the letters.
3 Si, his omnibus non obstantibus, ob certas rationes Episcopus dubitat num candidatus sit idoneus ad ordines
recipiendos, eundem ne promoveat.
3 If, not withstanding all this, the Bishop has definite reasons for doubting that the candidate is suitable to receive
orders, he is not to promote him.

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1 Expleta ordinatione, nomina singulorum ordinatorum ac ministri ordinantis, locus et dies ordinationis notentur in
peculiari libro apud curiam loci ordinationis diligenter custodiendo, et omnia singularum ordinationum documenta
accurate serventur.
1 After an ordination, the names of the individuals ordained, the name of the ordaining minister, and the place and
date of ordination are to be entered in a special register which is to be carefully kept in the curia of the place of
ordination. All the documents of each ordination are to be accurately preserved.
2 Singulis ordinatis det Episcopus ordinans authenticum ordinationis receptae testimonium; qui, si ab Episcopo
extraneo cum litteris dimissoriis promoti fuerint, illud proprio Ordinario exhibeant pro ordinationis adnotatione in
speciali libro in archivo servando.
2 The ordaining Bishop is to give to each person ordained an authentic certificate of the ordination received.
Those who, with dimissorial letters, have been promoted by a Bishop other than their own, are to submit the
certificate to their proper Ordinary for the registration of the ordination in a special register, to be kept in the


Loci Ordinarius, si agatur de saecularibus, aut Superior maior competens, si agatur de ipsius subditis, notitiam
uniuscuiusque celebratae ordinationis transmittat ad parochum loci baptismi, qui id adnotet in suo baptizatorum libro,
ad normam can. 535, 2.
The local Ordinary, if it concerns the secular clergy, or the competent major Superior, if it concerns his subjects, is
to send a notification of each ordination to the parish priest of the place of baptism. The parish priest is to record
the ordination in the baptismal register in accordance with can. 535 2.



1 Matrimoniale foedus, quo vir et mulier inter se totius vitae consortium constituunt, indole sua naturali ad bonum
coniugum atque ad prolis generationem et educationem ordinatum, a Christo Domino ad sacramenti dignitatem inter
baptizatos evectum est.
1 The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of their
whole life, and which of its own very nature is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and
upbringing of children, has, between the baptised, been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.
2 Quare inter baptizatos nequit matrimonialis contractus validus consistere, quin sit eo ipso sacramentum.
2 Consequently, a valid marriage contract cannot exist between baptised persons without its being by that very
fact a sacrament.


Essentiales matrimonii proprietates sunt unitas et indissolubilitas, quae in matrimonio christiano ratione sacramenti
peculiarem obtinent firmitatem.
The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility; in christian marriage they acquire a distinctive
firmness by reason of the sacrament.


1 Matrimonium facit partium consensus inter personas iure habiles legitime manifestatus, qui nulla humana potestate
suppleri valet.
1 A marriage is brought into being by the lawfully manifested consent of persons who are legally capable. This
consent cannot be supplied by any human power.
2 Consensus matrimonialis est actus voluntatis, quo vir et mulier foedere irrevocabili sese mutuo tradunt et accipiunt
ad constituendum matrimonium.
2 Matrimonial consent is an act of will by which a man and a woman by an irrevocable covenant mutually give
and accept one another for the purpose of establishing a marriage.


Omnes possunt matrimonium contrahere, qui iure non prohibentur.

All can contract marriage who are not prohibited by law.

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Matrimonium catholicorum, etsi una tantum pars sit catholica, regitur iure non solum divino, sed etiam canonico, salva
competentia civilis potestatis circa mere civiles eiusdem matrimonii effectus.
The marriage of catholics, even if only one party is baptised, is governed not only by divine law but also by canon
law, without prejudice to the competence of the civil authority in respect of the merely civil effects of the marriage.


Matrimonium gaudet favore iuris; quare in dubio standum est pro valore matrimonii, donec contrarium probetur.
Marriage enjoys the favour of law. Consequently, in doubt the validity of a marriage must be upheld until the
contrary is proven.


1 Matrimonium inter baptizatos validum dicitur ratum tantum, si non est consummatum; ratum et consummatum, si
coniuges inter se humano modo posuerunt coniugalem actum per se aptum ad prolis generationem, ad quem natura sua
ordinatur matrimonium, et quo coniuges fiunt una caro.
1 A valid marriage between baptised persons is said to be merely ratified, if it is not consummated; ratified and
consummated, if the spouses have in a human manner engaged together in a conjugal act in itself apt for the
generation of offspring. To this act marriage is by its nature ordered and by it the spouses become one flesh.
2 Celebrato matrimonio, si coniuges cohabitaverint, praesumitur consummatio, donec contrarium probetur.
2 If the spouses have lived together after the celebration of their marriage, consummation is presumed until the
contrary is proven.
3 Matrimonium invalidum dicitur putativum, si bona fide ab una saltem parte celebratum fuerit, donec utraque pars
de eiusdem nullitate certa evadat.
3 An invalid marriage is said to be putative if it has been celebrated in good faith by at least one party. It ceases to
be such when both parties become certain of its nullity.


1 Matrimonii promissio sive unilateralis sive bilateralis, quam sponsalia vocant, regitur iure particulari, quod ab
Episcoporum conferentia, habita ratione consuetudinum et legum civilium, si quae sint, statutum fuit.
1 A promise of marriage, whether unilateral or bilateral, called an engagement, is governed by the particular law
which the Episcopal Conference has enacted, after consideration of such customs and civil laws as may exist.
2 Ex matrimonii promissione non datur actio ad petendam matrimonii celebrationem; datur tamen ad reparationem
damnorum, si qua debeatur.
2 No right of action to request the celebration of marriage arises from a promise of marriage, but there does arise
an action for such reparation of damages as may be due.




Pastores animarum obligatione tenentur curandi ut propria ecclesiastica communitas christifidelibus assistentiam
praebeat, qua status matrimonialis in spiritu christiano servetur et in perfectione progrediatur. Haec assistentia
imprimis praebenda est:
Pastors of souls are obliged to ensure that their own church community provides for Christ's faithful the assistance
by which the married state is preserved in its christian character and develops in perfection. This assistance is to
be given principally:

praedicatione, catechesi minoribus, iuvenibus et adultis aptata, immo usu instrumentorum communicationis
socialis, quibus christifideles de significatione matrimonii christiani deque munere coniugum ac parentum
christianorum instituantur;
by preaching, by catechetical instruction adapted to children, young people and adults, indeed by the use of
the means of social communication, so that Christ's faithful are instructed in the meaning of christian
marriage and in the role of christian spouses and parents;

praeparatione personali ad matrimonium ineundum, qua sponsi ad novi sui status sanctitatem et officia
by personal preparation for entering marriage, so that the spouses are disposed to the holiness and the
obligations of their new state;

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fructuosa liturgica matrimonii celebratione, qua eluceat coniuges mysterium unitatis et fecundi amoris inter
Christum et Ecclesiam significare atque participare;
by the fruitful celebration of the marriage liturgy, so that it clearly emerges that the spouses manifest, and
participate in, the mystery of the unity and fruitful love between Christ and the Church;

auxilio coniugatis praestito, ut ipsi foedus coniugale fideliter servantes atque tuentes, ad sanctiorem in dies
plenioremque in familia vitam ducendam perveniant.
by the help given to those who have entered marriage, so that by faithfully observing and protecting their
conjugal covenant, they may day by day achieve a holier and a fuller family life.


Ordinarii loci est curare ut debite ordinetur eadem assistentia, auditis etiam, si opportunum videatur, viris et
mulieribus experientia et peritia probatis.
It is the responsibility of the local Ordinary to ensure that this assistance is duly organised. If it is considered
opportune, he should consult with men and women of proven experience and expertise.


1 Catholici qui sacramentum confirmationis nondum receperint, illud, antequam ad matrimonium admittantur,
recipiant, si id fieri possit sine gravi incommodo.
1 Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation are to receive it before being admitted to
marriage, if this can be done without grave inconvenience.
2 Ut fructuose sacramentum matrimonii recipiatur, enixe sponsis commendatur, ut ad sacramenta paenitentiae et
sanctissimae Eucharistiae accedant.
2 So that the sacrament of marriage may be fruitfully received, spouses are earnestly recommended that they
approach the sacraments of penance and the blessed Eucharist.


Antequam matrimonium celebretur, constare debet nihil eius validae ac licitae celebrationi obsistere.
Before a marriage takes place, it must be established that nothing stands in the way of its valid and lawful


Episcoporum conferentia statuat normas de examine sponsorum, necnon de publicationibus matrimonialibus aliisve
opportunis mediis ad investigationes peragendas, quae ante matrimonium necessaria sunt, quibus diligenter observatis,
parochus procedere possit ad matrimonio assistendum.
The Episcopal Conference is to lay down norms concerning the questions to be asked of the parties, the publication
of marriage banns, and the other appropriate means of enquiry to be carried out before marriage. Only when he
has carefully observed these norms may the parish priest assist at a marriage.


In periculo mortis, si aliae probationes haberi nequeant, sufficit, nisi contraria adsint indicia, affirmatio
contrahentium, si casus ferat etiam iurata, se baptizatos esse et nullo detineri impedimento.
In danger of death, if other proofs are not available, it suffices, unless there are contrary indications, to have the
assertion of the parties, sworn if need be, that they are baptised and free of any impediment.


Omnes fideles obligatione tenentur impedimenta, si quae norint, parocho aut loci Ordinario, ante matrimonii
celebrationem, revelandi.
Before the celebration of a marriage, all the faithful are bound to reveal to the parish priest or the local Ordinary
such impediments as they may know about.


Si alius quam parochus, cuius est assistere matrimonio, investigationes peregerit, de harum exitu quam primum per
authenticum documentum eundem parochum certiorem reddat.
If someone other than the parish priest whose function it is to assist at the marriage has made the investigations,
he is by an authentic document to inform that parish priest of the outcome of these enquiries as soon as possible.


1 Excepto casu necessitatis, sine licentia Ordinarii loci ne quis assistat:

1 Except in a case of necessity, no one is to assist without the permission of the local Ordinary at:

matrimonio vagorum;
a marriage of vagi;

matrimonio quod ad normam legis civilis agnosci vel celebrari nequeat;

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a marriage which cannot be recognised by the civil law or celebrated in accordance with it;

matrimonio eius qui obligationibus teneatur naturalibus erga aliam partem filiosve ex praecedenti unione ortis;
a marriage of a person for whom a previous union has created natural obligations towards a third party or
towards children;

matrimonio eius qui notorie catholicam fidem abiecerit;

a marriage of a person who has notoriously rejected the catholic faith;

matrimonio eius qui censura innodatus sit;

a marriage of a person who is under censure;

matrimonio filii familias minoris, insciis aut rationabiliter invitis parentibus;

a marriage of a minor whose parents are either unaware of it or are reasonably opposed to it;

matrimonio per procuratorem ineundo, de quo in can. 1105.

a marriage to be entered by proxy, as mentioned in can. 1105.

2 Ordinarius loci licentiam assistendi matrimonio eius qui notorie catholicam fidem abiecerit ne concedat, nisi
servatis normis de quibus in can. 1125, congrua congruis referendo.
2 The local Ordinary is not to give permission to assist at the marriage of a person who has notoriously rejected
the Catholic faith unless, with the appropriate adjustments, the norms of can. 1125 have been observed.

Curent animarum pastores a matrimonii celebratione avertere iuvenes ante aetatem, qua secundum regionis receptos
mores matrimonium iniri solet.
Pastors of souls are to see to it that they dissuade young people from entering marriage before the age customarily
accepted in the region.





Impedimentum dirimens personam inhabilem reddit ad matrimonium valide contrahendum.

A diriment impediment renders a person incapable of validly contracting a marriage.


Publicum censetur impedimentum, quod probari in foro externo potest; secus est occultum.
An impediment is said to be public, when it can be proved in the external forum; otherwise, it is occult.


1 Supremae tantum Ecclesiae auctoritatis est authentice declarare quandonam ius divinum matrimonium prohibeat
vel dirimat.
1 Only the supreme authority in the Church can authentically declare when the divine law prohibits or invalidates a
2 Uni quoque supremae auctoritati ius est alia impedimenta pro baptizatis constituere.
2 Only the same supreme authority has the right to establish other impediments for those who are baptised.


Consuetudo novum impedimentum inducens aut impedimentis exsistentibus contraria reprobatur.

A custom which introduces a new impediment, or is contrary to existing impediments, is to be reprobated.


1 Ordinarius loci propriis subditis ubique commorantibus et omnibus in proprio territorio actu degentibus vetare
potest matrimonium in casu peculiari, sed ad tempus tantum, gravi de causa eaque perdurante.
1 The local Ordinary can in a specific case forbid a marriage of his own subjects, wherever they are residing, or of
any person actually present in his territory; he can do this only for a time, for a grave reason and while that reason
2 Vetito clausulam dirimentem una suprema Ecclesiae auctoritas addere potest.
2 Only the supreme authority in the Church can attach an invalidating clause to a prohibition.


1 Ordinarius loci proprios subditos ubique commorantes et omnes in proprio territorio actu degentes ab omnibus
impedimentis iuris ecclesiastici dispensare potest, exceptis iis, quorum dispensatio Sedi Apostolicae reservatur.

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1 The local Ordinary can dispense his own subjects wherever they are residing, and all who are actually present in
his territory, from all impediments of ecclesiastical law, except for those whose dispensation is reserved to the
Apostolic See.
2 Impedimenta quorum dispensatio Sedi Apostolicae reservatur sunt:
2 The impediments whose dispensation is reserved to the Apostolic See are:

impedimentum ortum ex sacris ordinibus aut ex voto publico perpetuo castitatis in instituto religioso iuris
the impediment arising from sacred orders or from a public perpetual vow of chastity in a religious institute of
pontifical right

impedimentum criminis de quo in can. 1090.

the impediment of crime mentioned in can. 1090.

3 Numquam datur dispensatio ab impedimento consanguinitatis in linea recta aut in secundo gradu lineae collateralis.
3 A dispensation is never given from the impediment of consanguinity in the direct line or in the second degree of
the collateral line.

1 Urgente mortis periculo, loci Ordinarius potest tum super forma in matrimonii celebratione servanda, tum super
omnibus et singulis impedimentis iuris ecclesiastici sive publicis sive occultis, dispensare proprios subditos ubique
commorantes et omnes in proprio territorio actu degentes, excepto impedimento orto ex sacro ordine presbyteratus.
1 When danger of death threatens, the local Ordinary can dispense his own subjects, wherever they are residing,
and all who are actually present in his territory, both from the form to be observed in the celebration of marriage,
and from each and every impediment of ecclesiastical law, whether public or occult, with the exception of the
impediment arising from the sacred order of priesthood.
2 In eisdem rerum adiunctis, de quibus in 1, sed solum pro casibus in quibus ne loci quidem Ordinarius adiri possit,
eadem dispensandi potestate pollet tum parochus, tum minister sacer rite delegatus, tum sacerdos vel diaconus qui
matrimonio, ad normam can. 1116, 2, assistit.
2 In the same circumstances mentioned in 1, but only for cases in which not even the local Ordinary can be
approached, the same faculty of dispensation is possessed by the parish priest, by a properly delegated sacred
minister, and by the priest or deacon who assists at the marriage in accordance with can. 1116 2.
3 In periculo mortis confessarius gaudet potestate dispensandi ab impedimentis occultis pro foro interno sive intra sive
extra actum sacramentalis confessionis.
3 In danger of death, the confessor has the power to dispense from occult impediments for the internal forum,
whether within the act of sacramental confession or outside it.
4 In casu de quo in 2, loci Ordinarius censetur adiri non posse, si tantum per telegraphum vel telephonum id fieri
4 In the case mentioned in 2, the local Ordinary is considered unable to be approached if he can be reached only
by telegram or by telephone.


1 Quoties impedimentum detegatur cum iam omnia sunt parata ad nuptias, nec matrimonium sine probabili gravis
mali periculo differri possit usquedum a competenti auctoritate dispensatio obtineatur, potestate gaudent dispensandi
ab omnibus impedimentis, iis exceptis de quibus in can. 1078, 2, n. 1, loci Ordinarius et, dummodo casus sit occultus,
omnes de quibus in can. 1079, 2-3, servatis condicionibus ibidem praescriptis.
1 Whenever an impediment is discovered after everything has already been prepared for a wedding and the
marriage cannot without probable danger of grave harm be postponed until a dispensation is obtained from the
competent authority, the power to dispense from all impediments, except those mentioned in can. 1078 2, n. 1, is
possessed by the local Ordinary and, provided the case is occult, by all those mentioned in can. 1079 2-3, the
conditions prescribed therein having been observed.
2 Haec potestas valet etiam ad matrimonium convalidandum, si idem periculum sit in mora nec tempus suppetat
recurrendi ad Sedem Apostolicum vel ad loci Ordinarium, quod attinet ad impedimenta a quibus dispensare valet.

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2 This power applies also to the validation of a marriage when there is the same danger in delay and there is no
time to have recourse to the Apostolic See or, in the case of impediments from which he can dispense, to the local

Parochus aut sacerdos vel diaconus, de quibus in can. 1079, 2, de concessa dispensatione pro foro externo Ordinarium
loci statim certiorem faciat; eaque adnotetur in libro matrimoniorum.
The parish priest or the priest or deacon mentioned in can. 1079 2, should inform the local Ordinary immediately
of a dispensation granted for the external forum, and this dispensation is to be recorded in the marriage register.


Nisi aliud ferat Paenitentiariae rescriptum, dispensatio in foro interno non sacramentali concessa super impedimento
occulto, adnotetur in libro, qui in secreto curiae archivo asservandus est, nec alia dispensatio pro foro externo est
necessaria, si postea occultum impedimentum publicum evaserit.
Unless a rescript of the Penitentiary provides otherwise, a dispensation from an occult impediment granted in the
internal nonsacramental forum, is to be recorded in the book to be kept in the secret archive of the curia. No other
dispensation for the external forum is necessary if at a later stage the occult impediment becomes public.




1 Vir ante decimum sextum aetatis annum completum, mulier ante decimum quartum item completum, matrimonium
valide inire non possunt.
1 A man cannot validly enter marriage before the completion of his sixteenth year of age, nor a woman before the
completion of her fourteenth year.
2 Integrum est Episcoporum conferentiae aetatem superiorem ad licitam matrimonii celebrationem statuere.
2 The Episcopal Conference may establish a higher age for the lawful celebration of marriage.


1 Impotentia coeundi antecedens et perpetua, sive ex parte viri sive ex parte mulieris, sive absoluta sive relativa,
matrimonium ex ipsa eius natura dirimit.
1 Antecedent and perpetual impotence to have sexual intercourse, whether on the part of the man or on that of the
woman, whether absolute or relative, by its very nature invalidates marriage.
2 Si impedimentum impotentiae dubium sit, sive dubio iuris sive dubio facti, matrimonium non est impediendum nec,
stante dubio, nullum declarandum.
2 If the impediment of impotence is doubtful, whether the doubt be one of law or one of fact, the marriage is not to
be prevented nor, while the doubt persists, is it to be declared null.
3 Sterilitas matrimonium nec prohibet nec dirimit, firmo praescripto can. 1098.
3 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1098, sterility neither forbids nor invalidates a marriage.


1 Invalide matrimonium attentat qui vinculo tenetur prioris matrimonii, quamquam non consummati.
1 A person bound by the bond of a previous marriage, even if not consummated, invalidly attempts marriage.
2 Quamvis prius matrimonium sit irritum aut solutum qualibet ex causa, non ideo licet aliud contrahere, antequam de
prioris nullitate aut solutione legitime et certo constiterit.
2 Even though the previous marriage is invalid or for any reason dissolved, it is not thereby lawful to contract
another marriage before the nullity or the dissolution of the previous one has been established lawfully and with


1 Matrimonium inter duas personas, quarum altera sit baptizata in Ecclesia catholica vel in eandem recepta nec actu
formali ab ea defecerit, et altera non baptizata, invalidum est.
1 A marriage is invalid when one of the two persons was baptised in the catholic Church or received into it and
has not by a formal act defected from it, and the other was not baptised.
2 Ab hoc impedimento ne dispensetur, nisi impletis condicionibus de quibus in can. 1125 et 1126.
2 This impediment is not to be dispensed unless the conditions mentioned in cann. 1125 and 1126 have been

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3 Si pars tempore contracti matrimonii tamquam baptizata communiter habebatur aut eius baptismus erat dubius,
praesumenda est, ad normam can. 1060, validitas matrimonii, donec certo probetur alteram partem baptizatam esse,
alteram vero non baptizatam.
3 If at the time the marriage was contracted one party was commonly understood to be baptised, or if his or her
baptism was doubtful, the validity of the marriage is to be presumed in accordance with can. 1060, until it is
established with certainty that one party was baptised and the other was not.

Invalide matrimonium attentant, qui in sacris ordinibus sunt constituti.

Those who are in sacred orders invalidly attempt marriage.


Invalide matrimonium attentant, qui voto publico perpetuo castitatis in instituto religioso adstricti sunt.
Those who are bound by a public perpetual vow of chastity in a religious institute invalidly attempt marriage.


Inter virum et mulierem abductam vel saltem retentam intuitu matrimonii cum ea contrahendi, nullum matrimonium
consistere potest, nisi postea mulier a raptore separata et in loco tuto ac libero constituta, matrimonium sponte eligat.
No marriage can exist between a man and a woman who has been abducted, or at least detained, with a view to
contracting a marriage with her, unless the woman, after she has been separated from her abductor and
established in a safe and free place, chooses marriage of her own accord.


1 Qui intuitu matrimonii cum certa persona ineundi, huius coniugi vel proprio coniugi mortem intulerit, invalide hoc
matrimonium attentat.
1 One who, with a view to entering marriage with a particular person, has killed that person's spouse, or his or her
own spouse, invalidly attempts this marriage.
2 Invalide quoque matrimonium inter se attentant qui mutua opera physica vel morali mortem coniugi intulerunt.
2 They also invalidly attempt marriage with each other who, by mutual physical or moral action, brought about the
death of either's spouse.


1 In linea recta consanguinitatis matrimonium irritum est inter omnes ascendentes et descendentes tum legitimos tum
1 Marriage is invalid between those related by consanguinity in all degrees of the direct line, whether ascending or
descending, legitimate or natural.
2 In linea collaterali irritum est usque ad quartum gradum inclusive.
2 In the collateral line, it is invalid up to the fourth degree inclusive.
3 Impedimentum consanguinitatis non multiplicatur.
3 The impediment of consanguinity is not multiplied.
4 Numquam matrimonium permittatur, si quod subest dubium num partes sint consanguineae in aliquo gradu lineae
rectae aut in secundo gradu lineae collateralis.
4 A marriage is never to be permitted if a doubt exists as to whether the parties are related by consanguinity in
any degree of the direct line, or in the second degree of the collateral line.


Affinitas in linea recta dirimit matrimonium in quolibet gradu.

Affinity in any degree of the direct line invalidates marriage.


Impedimentum publicae honestatis oritur ex matrimonio invalido post instauratam vitam communem aut ex notorio vel
publico concubinatu; et nuptias dirimit in primo gradu lineae rectae inter virum et consanguineas mulieris, ac vice
The impediment of public propriety arises when a couple live together after an invalid marriage, or from a notorious
or public concubinage. It invalidates marriage in the first degree of the direct line between the man and those
related by consanguinity to the woman, and vice versa.


Matrimonium inter se valide contrahere nequeunt qui cognatione legali ex adoptione orta, in linea recta aut in secundo
gradu lineae collateralis, coniuncti sunt.
Those who are legally related by reason of adoption cannot validly marry each other if their relationship is in the
direct line or in the second degree of the collateral line.

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Sunt incapaces matrimonii contrahendi:

The following are incapable of contracting marriage:

qui sufficienti rationis usu carent;

those who lack sufficient use of reason;

qui laborant gravi defectu discretionis iudicii circa iura et officia matrimonialia essentialia mutuo tradenda et
those who suffer from a grave lack of discretionary judgement concerning the essential matrimonial rights and
obligations to be mutually given and accepted;

qui ob causas naturae psychicae obligationes matrimonii essentiales assumere non valent.
those who, because of causes of a psychological nature, are unable to assume the essential obligations of

1 Ut consensus matrimonialis haberi possit, necesse est ut contrahentes saltem non ignorent matrimonium esse
consortium permanens inter virum et mulierem ordinatum ad prolem, cooperatione aliqua sexuali, procreandam.
1 For matrimonial consent to exist, it is necessary that the contracting parties be at least not ignorant of the fact
that marriage is a permanent partnership between a man and a woman, ordered to the procreation of children
through some form of sexual cooperation.
2 Haec ignorantia post pubertatem non praesumitur.
2 This ignorance is not presumed after puberty.


1 Error in persona invalidum reddit matrimonium.

1 Error about a person renders a marriage invalid.
2 Error in qualitate personae, etsi det causam contractui, matrimonium irritum non reddit, nisi haec qualitas directe
et principaliter intendatur.
2 Error about a quality of the person, even though it be the reason for the contract, does not render a marriage
invalid unless this quality is directly and principally intended.


Qui matrimonium init deceptus dolo, ad obtinendum consensum patrato, circa aliquam alterius partis qualitatem, quae
suapte natura consortium vitae coniugalis graviter perturbare potest, invalide contrahit.
A person contracts invalidly who enters marriage inveigled by deceit, perpetrated in order to secure consent,
concerning some quality of the other party, which of its very nature can seriously disrupt the partnership of conjugal


Error circa matrimonii unitatem vel indissolubilitatem aut sacramentalem dignitatem, dummodo non determinet vel
voluntatem, non vitiat consensum matrimonialem.
Provided it does not determine the will, error concerning the unity or the indissolubility or the sacramental dignity of
marriage does not vitiate matrimonial consent.


Scientia aut opinio nullitatis matrimonii consensum matrimonialem non necessario excludit.
Knowledge of or opinion about the nullity of a marriage does not necessarily exclude matrimonial consent.


1 Internus animi consensus praesumitur conformis verbis vel signis in celebrando matrimonio adhibitis.
1 The internal consent of the mind is presumed to conform to the words or the signs used in the celebration of a
2 At si alterutra vel utraque pars positivo voluntatis actu excludat matrimonium ipsum vel matrimonii essentiale
aliquod elementum, vel essentialem aliquam proprietatem, invalide contrahit.
2 If, however, either or both of the parties should by a positive act of will exclude marriage itself or any essential
element of marriage or any essential property, such party contracts invalidly.


1 Matrimonium sub condicione de futuro valide contrahi nequit.

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1 Marriage cannot be validly contracted subject to a condition concerning the future.

2 Matrimonium sub condicione de praeterito vel de praesenti initum est validum vel non, prout id quod condicioni
subest, exsistit vel non.
2 Marriage entered into subject to a condition concerning the past or the present is valid or not, according as
whatever is the basis of the condition exists or not.
3 Condicio autem, de qua in 2, licite apponi nequit, nisi cum licentia Ordinarii loci scripto data.
3 However, a condition as mentioned in 2 may not lawfully be attached except with the written permission of the
local Ordinary.

Invalidum est matrimonium initum ob vim vel metum gravem ab extrinseco, etiam haud consulto incussum, a quo ut
quis se liberet, eligere cogatur matrimonium.
A marriage is invalid which was entered into by reason of force or of grave fear imposed from outside, even if not
purposely, from which the person has no escape other than by choosing marriage.


1 Ad matrimonium valide contrahendum necesse est ut contrahentes sint praesentes una simul sive per se ipsi, sive per
1 To contract marriage validly it is necessary that the contracting parties be present together, either personally or
by proxy.
2 Sponsi consensum matrimonialem verbis exprimant; si vero loqui non possunt, signis aequipollentibus.
2 The spouses are to express their matrimonial consent in words; if, however, they cannot speak, then by
equivalent signs.


1 Ad matrimonium per procuratorem valide ineundum requiritur:

1 For a marriage by proxy to be valid, it is required:

ut adsit mandatum speciale ad contrahendum cum certa persona;

that there be a special mandate to contract with a specific person;

ut procurator ab ipso mandante designetur, et munere suo per se ipse fungatur.

that the proxy be designated by the mandator and personally discharge this function.

2 Mandatum, ut valeat, subscribendum est a mandante et praeterea a parocho vel Ordinario loci in quo mandatum
datur, aut a sacerdote ab alterutro delegato, aut a duobus saltem testibus; aut confici debet per documentum ad
normam iuris civilis authenticum.
2 For the mandate to be valid, it is to be signed by the mandator, and also by the parish priest or local Ordinary of
the place in which the mandate is given or by a priest delegated by either of them or by at least two witnesses, or it
is to be drawn up in a document which is authentic according to the civil law.
3 Si mandans scribere nequeat, id in ipso mandato adnotetur et alius testis addatur qui scripturam ipse quoque
subsignet; secus mandatum irritum est.
3 If the mandator cannot write, this is to be recorded in the mandate and another witness added who is also to
sign the document; otherwise, the mandate is invalid.
4 Si mandans, antequam procurator eius nomine contrahat, mandatum revocaverit aut in amentiam inciderit,
invalidum est matrimonium, licet sive procurator sive altera pars contrahens haec ignoraverit.
4 If the mandator revokes the mandate, or becomes insane, before the proxy contracts in his or her name, the
marriage is invalid, even though the proxy or the other contracting party is unaware of the fact.

Matrimonium per interpretem contrahi potest; cui tamen parochus ne assistat, nisi de interpretis fide sibi constet.
Marriage can be contracted through an interpreter, but the parish priest may not assist at such a marriage unless
he is certain of the trustworthiness of the interpreter.


Etsi matrimonium invalide ratione impedimenti vel defectus formae initum fuerit, consensus praestitus praesumitur
perseverare, donec de eius revocatione constiterit.

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Even if a marriage has been entered into invalidly by reason of an impediment or defect of form, the consent given
is presumed to persist until its withdrawal has been established.




1 Ea tantum matrimonia valida sunt, quae contrahuntur coram loci Ordinario aut parocho aut sacerdote vel diacono
ab alterutro delegato qui assistant, necnon coram duobus testibus, secundum tamen regulas expressas in canonibus qui
sequuntur, et salvis exceptionibus de quibus in cann. 144, 1112, 1, 1116 et 1127, 1-2.
1 Only those marriages are valid which are contracted in the presence of the local Ordinary or parish priest or of
the priest or deacon delegated by either of them, who, in the presence of two witnesses, assists, in accordance
however with the rules set out in the following canons, and without prejudice to the exceptions mentioned in cann.
144, 1112 1, 1116 and 1127 2-3.
2 Assistens matrimonio intellegitur tantum qui praesens exquirit manifestationem contrahentium consensus eamque
nomine Ecclesiae recipit.
2 Only that person who, being present, asks the contracting parties to manifest their consent and in the name of
the Church receives it, is understood to assist at a marriage.


Loci Ordinarius et parochus, nisi per sententiam vel per decretum fuerint excommunicati vel interdicti vel suspensi ab
officio aut tales declarati, vi officii, intra fines sui territorii, valide matrimoniis assistunt non tantum subditorum, sed
etiam non subditorum, dummodo eorum alteruter sit ritus latini.
Within the limits of their territory, the local Ordinary and the parish priest by virtue of their office validly assist at the
marriages not only of their subjects, but also of non-subjects, provided one or other of the parties is of the latin rite.
They cannot assist if by sentence or decree they have been excommunicated, placed under interdict or suspended
from office, or been declared to be such.


Ordinarius et parochus personalis vi officii matrimonio solummodo eorum valide assistunt, quorum saltem alteruter
subditus sit intra fines suae dicionis.
A personal Ordinary and a personal parish priest by virtue of their office validly assist, within the confines of their
jurisdiction, at the marriages only of those of whom at least one party is their subject.


1 Loci Ordinarius et parochus, quamdiu valide officio funguntur, possunt facultatem intra fines sui territorii
matrimoniis assistendi, etiam generalem, sacerdotibus et diaconis delegare.
1 As long as they validly hold office, the local Ordinary and the parish priest can delegate to priests and deacons
the faculty, even the general faculty, to assist at marriages within the confines of their territory.
2 Ut valida sit delegatio facultatis assistendi matrimoniis, determinatis personis expresse dari debet; si agitur de
delegatione speciali, ad determinatum matrimonium danda est; si vero agitur de delegatione generali, scripto est
2 In order that the delegation of the faculty to assist at marriages be valid, it must be expressly given to specific
persons; if there is question of a special delegation, it is to be given for a specific marriage; if however there is
question of a general delegation, it is to be given in writing.


1 Ubi desunt sacerdotes et diaconi, potest Episcopus dioecesanus, praevio voto favorabili Episcoporum conferentiae et
obtenta licentia Sanctae Sedis, delegare laicos, qui matrimoniis assistant.
1 Where there are no priests and deacons, the diocesan Bishop can delegate lay persons to assist at marriages, if
the Episcopal Conference has given its prior approval and the permission of the Holy See has been obtained.
2 Laicus seligatur idoneus, ad institutionem nupturientibus tradendam capax et qui liturgiae matrimoniali rite
peragendae aptus sit.
2 A suitable lay person is to be selected, capable of giving instruction to those who are getting married, and fitted
to conduct the marriage liturgy properly.


Antequam delegatio concedatur specialis, omnia provideantur, quae ius statuit ad libertatem status comprobandam.
1 Before a special delegation is granted, provision is to be made for all those matters which the law prescribes to
establish the freedom to marry.

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Assistens matrimonio illicite agit, nisi ipsi constiterit de libero statu contrahentium ad normam iuris atque, si fieri
potest, de licentia parochi, quoties vi delegationis generalis assistit.
One who assists at a marriage acts unlawfully unless he has satisfied himself of the parties' freedom to marry in
accordance with the law and, whenever he assists by virtue of a general delegation, has satisfied himself of the
parish priest's permission, if this is possible.


Matrimonia celebrentur in paroecia ubi alterutra pars contrahentium habet domicilium vel quasi-domicilium vel
menstruam commorationem, aut, si de vagis agitur, in paroecia ubi actu commorantur; cum licentia proprii Ordinarii
aut parochi proprii, alibi celebrari possunt.
Marriages are to be celebrated in the parish in which either of the contracting parties has a domicile or a quasidomicile or a month's residence or, if there is question of vagi, in the parish in which they are actually residing.
With the permission of the proper Ordinary or the proper parish priest, marriages may be celebrated elsewhere.


1 Si haberi vel adiri nequeat sine gravi incommodo assistens ad normam iuris competens, qui intendunt verum
matrimonium inire, illud valide ac licite coram solis testibus contrahere possunt:
1 If one who, in accordance with the law, is competent to assist, cannot be present or be approached without
grave inconvenience, those who intend to enter a true marriage can validly and lawfully contract in the presence of
witnesses only:

in mortis periculo;
in danger of death;

extra mortis periculum, dummodo prudenter praevideatur earum rerum condicionem esse per mensem
apart from danger of death, provided it is prudently foreseen that this state of affairs will continue for a month.

2 In utroque casu, si praesto sit alius sacerdos vel diaconus qui adesse possit, vocari et, una cum testibus, matrimonii
celebrationi adesse debet, salva coniugii validitate coram solis testibus.
2 In either case, if another priest or deacon is at hand who can be present, he must be called upon and, together
with the witnesses, be present at the celebration of the marriage, without prejudice to the validity of the marriage in
the presence of only the witnesses.

Statuta superius forma servanda est, si saltem alterutra pars matrimonium contrahentium in Ecclesia catholica
baptizata vel in eandem recepta sit neque actu formali ab ea defecerit, salvis praescriptis can. 1127, 2.
The form prescribed above is to be observed if at least one of the parties contracting marriage was baptised in the
catholic Church or received into it and has not by a formal act defected from it, without prejudice to the provisions
of can. 1127 2.


1 Matrimonium inter catholicos vel inter partem catholicam et partem non catholicam baptizatam celebretur in
ecclesia paroeciali; in alia ecclesia aut oratorio celebrari poterit de licentia Ordinarii loci vel parochi.
1 A marriage between catholics, or between a catholic party and a baptised non-catholic, is to be celebrated in the
parish church. By permission of the local Ordinary or of the parish priest, it may be celebrated in another church or
2 Matrimonium in alio convenienti loco celebrari Ordinarius loci permittere potest.
2 The local Ordinary can allow a marriage to be celebrated in another suitable place.
3 Matrimonium inter partem catholicam et partem non baptizatam in ecclesia vel in alio convenienti loco celebrari
3 A marriage between a catholic party and an unbaptised party may be celebrated in a church or in another
suitable place.


Extra casum necessitatis, in matrimonii celebratione serventur ritus in libris liturgicis, ab Ecclesia probatis, praescripti
aut legitimis consuetudinibus recepti.
Apart from a case of necessity, in the celebration of marriage those rites are to be observed which are prescribed in
the liturgical books approved by the Church, or which are acknowledged by lawful customs.

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Episcoporum conferentia exarare potest ritum proprium matrimonii, a Sancta Sede recognoscendum, congruentem
locorum et populorum usibus ad spiritum christianum aptatis, firma tamen lege ut assistens matrimonio praesens
requirat manifestationem consensus contrahentium eamque recipiat.
The Episcopal Conference can draw up its own rite of marriage, in keeping with those usages of place and people
which accord with the christian spirit; it is to be reviewed by the Holy See, and it is without prejudice to the law that
the person who is present to assist at the marriage is to ask for and receive the expression of the consent of the
contracting parties.


1 Celebrato matrimonio, parochus loci celebrationis vel qui eius vices gerit, etsi neuter eidem astiterit, quam primum
adnotet in matrimoniorum regestis nomina coniugum, assistentis ac testium, locum et diem celebrationis matrimonii,
iuxta modum ab Episcoporum conferentia aut ab Episcopo dioecesano praescriptum.
1 As soon as possible after the celebration of a marriage, the parish priest of the place of celebration or whoever
takes his place, even if neither has assisted at the marriage, is to record in the marriage register the names of the
spouses, of the person who assisted and of the witnesses, and the place and date of the celebration of the
marriage; this is to be done in the manner prescribed by the Episcopal Conference or by the diocesan Bishop.
2 Quoties matrimonium ad normam can. 1116 contrahitur, sacerdos vel diaconus, si celebrationi adfuerit, secus testes
tenentur in solidum cum contrahentibus parochum aut Ordinarium loci de inito coniugio quam primum certiorem
2 Whenever a marriage is contracted in accordance with can. 1116, the priest or deacon, if he was present at the
celebration, otherwise the witnesses, are bound jointly with the contracting parties as soon as possible to inform
the parish priest or the local Ordinary about the marriage entered into.
3 Ad matrimonium quod attinet cum dispensatione a forma canonica contractum, loci Ordinarius, qui dispensationem
concessit, curet ut inscribatur dispensatio et celebratio in libro matrimoniorum tum curiae tum paroeciae propriae
partis catholicae, cuius parochus inquisitiones de statu libero peregit; de celebrato matrimonio eundem Ordinarium et
parochum quam primum certiorem reddere tenetur coniux catholicus, indicans etiam locum celebrationis necnon
formam publicam servatam.
3 In regard to a marriage contracted with a dispensation from the canonical form, the local Ordinary who granted
the dispensation is to see to it that the dispensation and the celebration are recorded in the marriage register both
of the curia, and of the proper parish of the catholic party whose parish priest carried out the inquiries concerning
the freedom to marry. The catholic spouse is obliged as soon as possible to notify that same Ordinary and parish
priest of the fact that the marriage was cele brated, indicating also the place of celebration and the public form
whichwas observed.


1 Matrimonium contractum adnotetur etiam in regestis baptizatorum, in quibus baptismus coniugum inscriptus est.
1 A marriage which has been contracted is to be recorded also in the baptismal registers in which the baptism of
the spouses was entered.
2 Si coniux matrimonium contraxerit non in paroecia in qua baptizatus est, parochus loci celebrationis notitiam initi
coniugii ad parochum loci collati baptismi quam primum transmittat.
2 If a spouse contracted marriage elsewhere than in the parish of baptism, the parish priest of the place of
celebration is to send a notification of the marriage as soon as possible to the parish priest of the place of baptism.


Quoties matrimonium vel convalidatur pro foro externo, vel nullum declaratur, vel legitime praeterquam morte solvitur,
parochus loci celebrationis matrimonii certior fieri debet, ut adnotatio in regestis matrimoniorum et baptizatorum rite
Whenever a marriage is validated for the external forum, or declared invalid, or lawfully dissolved other than by
death, the parish priest of the place of the celebration of the marriage must be informed, so that an entry may be
duly made in the registers of marriage and of baptism.



Matrimonium inter duas personas baptizatas, quarum altera sit in Ecclesia catholica baptizata vel in eandem post
baptismum recepta, quaeque nec ab ea actu formali defecerit, altera vero Ecclesiae vel communitati ecclesiali plenam

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communionem cum Ecclesia catholica non habenti adscripta, sine expressa auctoritatis competentis licentia prohibitum
Without the express permission of the competent authority, marriage is prohibited between two baptised persons,
one of whom was baptised in the catholic Church or received into it after baptism and has not defected from it by a
formal act, the other of whom belongs to a Church or ecclesial community not in full communion with the catholic

Huiusmodi licentiam concedere potest Ordinarius loci, si iusta et rationabilis causa habeatur; eam ne concedat, nisi
impletis condicionibus quae sequuntur:
The local Ordinary can grant this permission if there is a just and reasonable cause. He is not to grant it unless the
following conditions are fulfilled:

pars catholica declaret se paratam esse pericula a fide deficiendi removere atque sinceram promissionem praestet
se omnia pro viribus facturam esse, ut universa proles in Ecclesia catholica baptizetur et educetur;
the catholic party is to declare that he or she is prepared to remove dangers of defecting from the faith, and is
to make a sincere promise to do all in his or her power in order that all the children be baptised and brought
up in the catholic Church;

de his promissionibus a parte catholica faciendis altera pars tempestive certior fiat, adeo ut constet ipsam vere
consciam esse promissionis et obligationis partis catholicae;
the other party is to be informed in good time of these promises to be made by the catholic party, so that it is
certain that he or she is truly aware of the promise and of the obligation of the catholic party

ambae partes edoceantur de finibus et proprietatibus essentialibus matrimonii, a neutro contrahente excludendis.
both parties are to be instructed about the purposes and essential properties of marriage, which are not to be
excluded by either contractant.


Episcoporum conferentiae est tum modum statuere, quo hae declarationes et promissiones, quae semper requiruntur,
faciendae sint, tum rationem definire, qua de ipsis et in foro externo constet et pars non catholica certior reddatur.
It is for the Episcopal Conference to prescribe the manner in which these declarations and promises, which are
always required, are to be made, and to determine how they are to be established in the external forum, and how
the non-catholic party is to be informed of them.


1 Ad formam quod attinet in matrimonio mixto adhibendam, serventur praescripta can. 1108; si tamen pars catholica
matrimonium contrahit cum parte non catholica ritus orientalis, forma canonica celebrationis servanda est ad
liceitatem tantum; ad validitatem autem requiritur interventus ministri sacri, servatis aliis de iure servandis.
1 The provisions of can. 1108 are to be observed in regard to the form to be used in a mixed marriage. If,
however, the catholic party contracts marriage with a non-catholic party of oriental rite, the canonical form of
celebration is to be observed for lawfulness only; for validity, however, the intervention of a sacred minister is
required, while observing the other requirements of law.
2 Si graves difficultates formae canonicae servandae obstent, Ordinario loci partis catholicae ius est ab eadem in
singulis casibus dispensandi, consulto tamen Ordinario loci in quo matrimonium celebratur, et salva ad validitatem
aliqua publica forma celebrationis; Episcoporum conferentiae est normas statuere, quibus praedicta dispensatio
concordi ratione concedatur.
2 If there are grave difficulties in the way of observing the canonical form, the local Ordinary of the catholic party
has the right to dispense from it in individual cases, having however consulted the Ordinary of the place of the
celebration of the marriage; for validity, however, some public form of celebration is required. It is for the Episcopal
Conference to establish norms whereby this dispensation may be granted in a uniform manner.
3 Vetatur, ne ante vel post canonicam celebrationem ad normam 1, alia habeatur eiusdem matrimonii celebratio
religiosa ad matrimonialem consensum praestandum vel renovandum; item ne fiat celebratio religiosa, in qua assistens
catholicus et minister non catholicus insimul, suum quisque ritum peragens, partium consensum exquirant.
3 It is forbidden to have, either before or after the canonical celebration in accordance with 1, another religious
celebration of the same marriage for the purpose of giving or renewing matrimonial consent. Likewise, there is not

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to be a religious celebration in which the catholic assistant and a non-catholic minister, each performing his own
rite, ask for the consent of the parties.

Locorum Ordinarii aliique animarum pastores curent, ne coniugi catholico et filiis e matrimonio mixto natis auxilium
spirituale desit ad eorum obligationes adimplendas atque coniuges adiuvent ad vitae coniugalis et familiaris fovendam
Local Ordinaries and other pastors of souls are to see to it that the catholic spouse and the children born of a
mixed marriage are not without the spiritual help needed to fulfil their obligations; they are also to assist the
spouses to foster the unity of conjugal and family life.


Praescripta can. 1127 et 1128 applicanda sunt quoque matrimoniis, quibus obstat impedimentum disparitatis cultus, de
quo in can. 1086, 1.
The provisions of cann. 1127 and 1128 are to be applied also to marriages which are impeded by the impediment of
disparity of worship mentioned in can. 1086 1.





Ex gravi et urgenti causa loci Ordinarius permittere potest, ut matrimonium secreto celebretur.
For a grave and urgent reason, the local Ordinary may permit that a marriage be celebrated in secret.


Permissio matrimonium secreto celebrandi secumfert:

Permission to celebrate a marriage in secret involves:

ut secreto fiant investigationes quae ante matrimonium peragendae sunt;

that the investigations to be made before the marriage are carried out in secret;

ut secretum de matrimonio celebrato servetur ab Ordinario loci, assistente, testibus, coniugibus.

that the secret in regard to the marriage which has been celebrated is observed by the local Ordinary, by
whoever assists, by the witnesses and by the spouses.


Obligatio secretum servandi, de qua in can. 1131, n. 2, ex parte Ordinarii loci cessat si grave scandalum aut gravis erga
matrimonii sanctitatem iniuria ex secreti observantia immineat, idque notum fiat partibus ante matrimonii
The obligation of observing the secret mentioned in can. 1131 n. 2 ceases for the local Ordinary if from its
observance a threat arises of grave scandal or of grave harm to the sanctity of marriage. This fact is to be made
known to the parties before the celebration of the marriage.


Matrimonium secreto celebratum in peculiari tantummodo regesto, servando in secreto curiae archivo, adnotetur.
A marriage celebrated in secret is to be recorded only in a special register which is to be kept in the secret archive
of the curia.


Ex valido matrimonio enascitur inter coniuges vinculum natura sua perpetuum et exclusivum; in matrimonio praeterea
christiano coniuges ad sui status officia et dignitatem peculiari sacramento roborantur et veluti consecrantur.
From a valid marriage there arises between the spouses a bond which of its own nature is permanent and
exclusive. Moreover, in christian marriage the spouses are by a special sacrament strengthened and, as it were,
consecrated for the duties and the dignity of their state.


Utrique coniugi aequum officium et ius est ad ea quae pertinent ad consortium vitae coniugalis.
Each spouse has an equal obligation and right to whatever pertains to the partnership of conjugal life.


Parentes officium gravissimum et ius primarium habent prolis educationem tum physicam, socialem et culturalem, tum
moralem et religiosam pro viribus curandi.
Parents have the most grave obligation and the primary right to do all in their power to ensure their children's
physical, social, cultural, moral and religious upbringing.

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Legitimi sunt filii concepti aut nati ex matrimonio valido vel putativo.
Children who are conceived or born of a valid or of a putative marriage are legitimate.


1 Pater is est, quem iustae nuptiae demonstrant, nisi evidentibus argumentis contrarium probetur.
1 The father is he who is identified by a lawful marriage, unless by clear arguments the contrary is proven.
2 Legitimi praesumuntur filii, qui nati sunt saltem post dies 180 a die celebrati matrimonii, vel infra dies 300 a die
dissolutae vitae coniugalis.
2 Children are presumed legitimate who are born at least 180 days after the date the marriage was celebrated, or
within 300 days from the date of the dissolution of conjugal life.


Filii illegitimi legitimantur per subsequens matrimonium parentum sive validum sive putativum, vel per rescriptum
Sanctae Sedis.
Illegitimate children are legitimated by the subsequent marriage of their parents, whether valid or putative, or by a
rescript of the Holy See.


Filii legitimati, ad effectus canonicos quod attinet, in omnibus aequiparantur legitimis, nisi aliud expresse iure cautum
As far as canonical effects are concerned, legitimated children are equivalent to legitimate children in all respects,
unless it is otherwise expressly provided by the law.

Art. 1




Matrimonium ratum et consummatum nulla humana potestate nullaque causa, praeterquam morte, dissolvi potest.
A marriage which is ratified and consummated cannot be dissolved by any human power or by any cause other
than death.


Matrimonium non consummatum inter baptizatos vel inter partem baptizatam et partem non baptizatam a Romano
Pontifice dissolvi potest iusta de causa, utraque parte rogante vel alterutra, etsi altera pars sit invita.
A non-consummated marriage between baptised persons or between a baptised party and an unbaptised party can
be dissolved by the Roman Pontiff for a just reason, at the request of both parties or of either party, even if the
other is unwilling.


1 Matrimonium initum a duobus non baptizatis solvitur ex privilegio paulino in favorem fidei partis quae baptismum
recepit, ipso facto quo novum matrimonium ab eadem parte contrahitur, dummodo pars non baptizata discedat.
1 In virtue of the pauline privilege, a marriage entered into by two unbaptised persons is dissolved in favour of the
faith of the party who received baptism, by the very fact that a new marriage is contracted by that same party,
provided the unbaptised party departs.
2 Discedere censetur pars non baptizata, si nolit cum parte baptizata cohabitare vel cohabitare sine contumelia
Creatoris, nisi haec post baptismum receptum iustam illi dederit discedendi causam.
2 The unbaptised party is considered to depart if he or she is unwilling to live with the baptised party, or to live
peacefully without offence to the Creator, unless the baptised party has, after the reception of baptism, given the
other just cause to depart.


1 Ut pars baptizata novum matrimonium valide contrahat, pars non baptizata semper interpellari debet an:
1 For the baptised person validly to contract a new marriage, the unbaptised party must always be interpellated

velit et ipsa baptismum recipere;

he or she also wishes to receive baptism;

saltem velit cum parte baptizata pacifice cohabitare, sine contumelia Creatoris.
he or she at least is willing to live peacefully with the baptised party without offence to the Creator.

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2 Haec interpellatio post baptismum fieri debet; at loci Ordinarius, gravi de causa, permittere potest ut interpellatio
ante baptismum fiat, immo et ab interpellatione dispensare, sive ante sive post baptismum, dummodo constet modo
procedendi saltem summario et extraiudiciali eam fieri non posse aut fore inutilem.
2 This interpellation is to be done after baptism. However, the local Ordinary can for a grave reason permit that
the interpellation be done before baptism; indeed he can dispense from it, either before or after baptism, provided it
is established, by at least a summary and extrajudicial procedure, that it cannot be made or that it would be

1 Interpellatio fiat regulariter de auctoritate loci Ordinarii partis conversae; a quo Ordinario concedendae sunt alteri
coniugi, si quidem eas petierit, induciae ad respondendum, eodem tamen monito ut, si induciae inutiliter
praeterlabantur, eius silentium pro responsione negativa habeatur.
As a rule, the interpellation is to be done on the authority of the local Ordinary of the converted party. A period of
time for reply is to be allowed by this Ordinary to the other party, if indeed he or she asks for it, warning the person
however that if the period passes without any reply, silence will be taken as a negative response.
2 Interpellatio etiam privatim facta ab ipsa parte conversa valet, immo est licita, si forma superius praescripta servari
2 Even an interpellation made privately by the converted party is valid, and indeed it is lawful if the form
prescribed above cannot be observed.
3 In utroque casu de interpellatione facta deque eiusdem exitu in foro externo legitime constare debet.
3 In both cases there must be lawful proof in the external forum of the interpellation having been done and of its


Pars baptizata ius habet novas nuptias contrahendi cum parte catholica:
The baptised party has the right to contract a new marriage with a catholic:

si altera pars negative interpellationi responderit, aut si interpellatio legitime omissa fuerit;
if the other party has replied in the negative to the interpellation, or if the interpellation has been lawfully

si pars non baptizata, sive iam interpellata sive non, prius perseverans in pacifica cohabitatione sine contumelia
Creatoris, postea sine iusta causa discesserit, firmis praescriptis cann. 1144 et 1145.
if the unbaptised person, whether already interpellated or not, who at first persevered in peaceful cohabitation
without offence to the Creator, has subsequently departed without just cause, without prejudice to the
provisions of cann. 1144 and 1145.


Ordinarius loci tamen, gravi de causa, concedere potest ut pars baptizata, utens privilegio paulino, contrahat
matrimonium cum parte non catholica sive baptizata sive non baptizata, servatis etiam praescriptis canonum de
matrimoniis mixtis.
However, the local Ordinary can for a grave reason allow the baptised party, using the pauline privilege, to contract
marriage with a non-catholic party, whether baptised or unbaptised; in this case, the provisions of the canons on
mixed marriages must also be observed.


1 Non baptizatus, qui plures uxores non baptizatas simul habeat, recepto in Ecclesia catholica baptismo, si durum ei
sit cum earum prima permanere, unam ex illis, ceteris dimissis, retinere potest. Idem valet de muliere non baptizata,
quae plures maritos non baptizatos simul habeat.
1 When an unbaptised man who simultaneously has a number of unbaptised wives, has received baptism in the
catholic Church, if it would be a hardship for him to remain with the first of the wives, he may retain one of them,
having dismissed the others. The same applies to an unbaptised woman who simultaneously has a number of
unbaptised husbands.
2 In casibus de quibus in 1, matrimonium, recepto baptismo, forma legitima contrahendum est, servatis etiam, si
opus sit, praescriptis de matrimoniis mixtis et aliis de iure servandis.
2 In the cases mentioned in 1, when baptism has been received, the marriage is to be contracted in the legal
form, with due observance, if need be, of the provisions concerning mixed marriages and of other provisions of law.

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3 Ordinarius loci, prae oculis habita condicione morali, sociali, oeconomica locorum et personarum, curet ut primae
uxoris ceterarumque dimissarum necessitatibus satis provisum sit, iuxta normas iustitiae, christianae caritatis et
naturalis aequitatis.
3 In the light of the moral, social and economic circumstances of place and person, the local Ordinary is to ensure
that adequate provision is made, in accordance with the norms of justice, christian charity and natural equity, for
the needs of the first wife and of the others who have been dismissed.

Non baptizatus qui, recepto in Ecclesia catholica baptismo, cum coniuge non baptizato ratione captivitatis vel
persecutionis cohabitationem restaurare nequeat, aliud matrimonium contrahere potest, etiamsi altera pars baptismum
interea receperit, firmo praescripto can. 1141.
An unbaptised person who, having received baptism in the catholic Church, cannot re-establish cohabitation with
his or her unbaptised spouse by reason of captivity or persecution, can contract another marriage, even if the other
party has in the meantime received baptism, without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1141.


In re dubia privilegium fidei gaudet favore iuris.

In a doubtful matter the privilege of the faith enjoys the favour of law.

Art. 2




Coniuges habent officium et ius servandi convictum coniugalem, nisi legitima causa eos excuset.
Spouses have the obligation and the right to maintain their common conjugal life, unless a lawful reason excuses


1 Licet enixe commendetur ut coniux, caritate christiana motus et boni familiae sollicitus, veniam non abnuat
comparti adulterae atque vitam coniugalem non disrumpat, si tamen eiusdem culpam expresse aut tacite non
condonaverit, ius ipsi est solvendi coniugalem convictum, nisi in adulterium consenserit aut eidem causam dederit aut
ipse quoque adulterium commiserit.
1 It is earnestly recommended that a spouse, motivated by christian charity and solicitous for the good of the
family, should not refuse to pardon an adulterous partner and should not sunder the conjugal life. Nevertheless, if
that spouse has not either expressly or tacitly condoned the other's fault, he or she has the right to sever the
common conjugal life, provided he or she has not consented to the adultery, nor been the cause of it, nor also
committed adultery.
2 Tacita condonatio habetur si coniux innocens, postquam de adulterio certior factus est, sponte cum altero coniuge
maritali affectu conversatus fuerit; praesumitur vero, si per sex menses coniugalem convictum servaverit, neque
recursum apud auctoritatem ecclesiasticam vel civilem fecerit.
2 Tacit condonation occurs if the innocent spouse, after becoming aware of the adultery, has willingly engaged in a
marital relationship with the other spouse; it is presumed, however, if the innocent spouse has maintained the
common conjugal life for six months, and has not had recourse to ecclesiastical or to civil authority.
3 Si coniux innocens sponte convictum coniugalem solverit, intra sex menses causam separationis deferat ad
competentem auctoritatem ecclesiasticam, quae, omnibus inspectis adiunctis, perpendat si coniux innocens adduci
possit ad culpam condonandam et ad separationem in perpetuum non protrahendam.
3 Within six months of having spontaneously terminated the common conjugal life, the innocent spouse is to bring
a case for separation to the competent ecclesiastical authority. Having examined all the circumstances, this
authority is to consider whether the innocent spouse can be brought to condone the fault and not prolong the
separation permanently.


1 Si alteruter coniugum grave seu animi seu corporis periculum alteri aut proli facessat, vel aliter vitam communem
nimis duram reddat, alteri legitimam praebet causam discedendi, decreto Ordinarii loci et, si periculum sit in mora,
etiam propria auctoritate.
1 A spouse who occasions grave danger of soul or body to the other or to the children, or otherwise makes the
common life unduly difficult, provides the other spouse with a reason to leave, either by a decree of the local
Ordinary or, if there is danger in delay, even on his or her own authority.

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2 In omnibus casibus, causa separationis cessante, coniugalis convictus restaurandus est, nisi ab auctoritate
ecclesiastica aliter statuatur.
2 In all cases, when the reason for separation ceases, the common conjugal life is to be restored, unless
otherwise provided by ecclesiastical authority.

Instituta separatione coniugum, opportune semper cavendum est debitae filiorum sustentationi et educationi.
When a separation of spouses has taken place, provision is always, and in good time, to be made for the due
maintenance and upbringing of the children.


Coniux innocens laudabiliter alterum coniugem ad vitam coniugalem rursus admittere potest, quo in casu iuri
separationis renuntiat.
The innocent spouse may laudably readmit the other spouse to the conjugal life, in which case he or she renounces
the right to separation.

Art. 1



1 Ad convalidandum matrimonium irritum ob impedimentum dirimens, requiritur ut cesset impedimentum vel ab

eodem dispensetur, et consensum renovet saltem pars impedimenti conscia.
1 To validate a marriage which is invalid because of a diriment impediment, it is required that the impediment
cease or be dispensed, and that at least the party aware of the impediment renews consent.
2 Haec renovatio iure ecclesiastico requiritur ad validitatem convalidationis, etiamsi initio utraque pars consensum
praestiterit nec postea revocaverit.
2 This renewal is required by ecclesiastical law for the validity of the validation, even if at the beginning both
parties had given consent and had not afterwards withdrawn it.


Renovatio consensus debet esse novus voluntatis actus in matrimonium, quod pars renovans scit aut opinatur ab initio
nullum fuisse.
The renewal of consent must be a new act of will consenting to a marriage which the renewing party knows or
thinks was invalid from the beginning.


1 Si impedimentum sit publicum, consensus ab utraque parte renovandus est forma canonica, salvo praescripto can.
1127, 2.
1 If the impediment is public, consent is to be renewed by both parties in the canonical form, without prejudice to
the provision of 1127 3.
2 Si impedimentum probari nequeat, satis est ut consensus renovetur privatim et secreto, et quidem a parte
impedimenti conscia, dummodo altera in consensu praestito perseveret, aut ab utraque parte, si impedimentum sit
utrique parti notum.
2 If the impediment cannot be proved, it is sufficient that consent be renewed privately and in secret, specifically
by the party who is aware of the impediment provided the other party persists in the consent given, or by both
parties if the impediment is known to both.


1 Matrimonium irritum ob defectum consensus convalidatur, si pars quae non consenserat, iam consentiat, dummodo
consensus ab altera parte praestitus perseveret.
1 A marriage invalid because of a defect of consent is validated if the party who did not consent, now does
consent, provided the consent given by the other party persists.
2 Si defectus consensus probari nequeat, satis est ut pars, quae non consenserat, privatim et secreto consensum
2 If the defect of the consent cannot be proven, it is sufficient that the party who did not consent, gives consent
privately and in secret.
3 Si defectus consensus probari potest, necesse est ut consensus forma canonica praestetur.

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3 If the defect of consent can be proven, it is necessary that consent be given in the canonical form.

Matrimonium nullum ob defectum formae, ut validum fiat, contrahi denuo debet forma canonica, salvo praescripto
can. 1127, 2.
For a marriage which is invalid because of defect of form to become valid, it must be contracted anew in the
canonical form, without prejudice to the provisions of 1127 3[4 ].

Art. 2

Retroactive Validation

1 Matrimonii irriti sanatio in radice est eiusdem, sine renovatione consensus, convalidatio, a competenti auctoritate
concessa, secumferens dispensationem ab impedimento, si adsit, atque a forma canonica, si servata non fuerit, necnon
retrotractionem effectuum canonicorum ad praeteritum.
1 The retroactive validation of an invalid marriage is its validation without the renewal of consent, granted by the
competent authority. It involves a dispensation from an impediment if there is one and from the canonical form if it
had not been observed, as well as a referral back to the past of the canonical effects.
2 Convalidatio fit a momento concessionis gratiae; retrotractio vero intellegitur facta ad momentum celebrationis
matrimonii, nisi aliud expresse caveatur.
2 The validation takes place from the moment the favour is granted; the referral back, however, is understood to
have been made to the moment the marriage was celebrated, unless it is otherwise expressly provided.
3 Sanatio in radice ne concedatur, nisi probabile sit partes in vita coniugali perseverare velle.
3 A retroactive validation is not to be granted unless it is probable that the parties intend to persevere in conjugal


1 Si in utraque vel alterutra parte deficiat consensus, matrimonium nequit sanari in radice, sive consensus ab initio
defuerit, sive ab initio praestitus, postea fuerit revocatus.
1 If consent is lacking in either or both of the parties, a marriage cannot be rectified by a retroactive validation,
whether consent was absent from the beginning or, though given at the beginning, was subsequently revoked.
2 Quod si consensus ab initio quidem defuerat, sed postea praestitus est, sanatio concedi potest a momenti praestiti
2 If the consent was indeed absent from the beginning but was subsequently given, a retroactive validation can be
granted from the moment the consent was given.


1 Matrimonium irritum ob impedimentum vel ob defectum legitimae formae sanari potest, dummodo consensus
utriusque partis perseveret.
1 A marriage which is invalid because of an impediment or because of defect of the legal form, can be validated
retroactively, provided the consent of both parties persists.
2 Matrimonium irritum ob impedimentum iuris naturalis aut divini positivi sanari potest solummodo postquam
impedimentum cessavit.
2 A marriage which is invalid because of an impediment of the natural law or of the divine positive law, can be
validated retroactively only after the impediment has ceased.


Sanatio valide concedi potest etiam alterutra vel utraque parte inscia; ne autem concedatur nisi ob gravem causam.
A retroactive validation may validly be granted even if one or both of the parties is unaware of it; it is not, however,
to be granted except for a grave reason.


1 Sanatio in radice concedi potest ab Apostolica Sede.

1 Retroactive validation can be granted by the Apostolic See.
2 Concedi potest ab Episcopo dioecesano in singulis casibus, etiam si plures nullitatis rationes in eodem matrimonio
concurrant, impletis condicionibus, de quibus in can. 1125, pro sanatione matrimonii mixti; concedi autem ab eodem
nequit, si adsit impedimentum cuius dispensatio Sedi Apostolicae reservatur ad normam can. 1078, 2, aut agatur de
impedimento iuris naturalis aut divini positivi quod iam cessavit.

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2 It can be granted by the diocesan Bishop in individual cases, even if a number of reasons for nullity occur
together in the same marriage, assuming that for a retroactive validation of a mixed marriage the conditions of
1125 will have been fulfilled. It cannot, however, be granted by him if there is an impediment whose dispensation is
reserved to the Apostolic See in accordance with 1078 2, or if there is question of an impediment of the natural
law or of the divine positive law which has now ceased.







Sacramentalia sunt signa sacra, quibus, ad aliquam sacramentorum imitationem, effectus praesertim spirituales
significantur et ex Ecclesiae impetratione obtinentur.
Sacramentals are sacred signs which in a sense imitate the sacraments. They signify certain effects, especially
spiritual ones, and they achieve these effects through the intercession of the Church.


1 Nova sacramentalia constituere aut recepta authentice interpretari, ex eis aliqua abolere aut mutare, sola potest
Sedes Apostolica.
1 Only the Apostolic See can establish new sacramentals, or authentically interpret, suppress or change existing
2 In sacramentalibus conficiendis seu administrandis accurate serventur ritus et formulae ab Ecclesiae auctoritate
2 The rites and the formulae approved by ecclesiastical authority are to be accurately observed when celebrating
or administering sacramentals.


Sacramentalium minister est clericus debita potestate instructus; quaedam sacramentalia, ad normam librorum
liturgicorum, de iudicio loci Ordinarii, a laicis quoque, congruis qualitatibus praeditis, administrari possunt.
The minister of the sacramentals is a cleric who has the requisite power. In accordance with the liturgical books
and subject to the judgement of the local Ordinary, certain sacramentals can also be administered by lay people
who possess the appropriate qualities.


1 Consecrationes et dedicationes valide peragere possunt qui charactere episcopali insigniti sunt, necnon presbyteri
quibus iure vel legitima concessione id permittitur.
1 Consecrations and dedications can be validly carried out by those who are invested with the episcopal
character, and by priests who are permitted to do so by law or by legitimate grant.
2 Benedictiones, exceptis iis quae Romano Pontifici aut Episcopis reservantur, impertire potest quilibet presbyter.
2 Any priest can impart blessings, except for those reserved to the Roman Pontiff or to Bishops.
3 Diaconus illas tantum benedictiones impertire potest, quae ipsi expresse iure permittuntur.
3 A deacon can impart only those blessings which are expressly permitted to him by law.


Benedictiones, imprimis impertiendae catholicis, dari possunt catechumenis quoque, immo, nisi obstet Ecclesiae
prohibitio, etiam non catholicis.
While blessings are to be imparted primarily to catholics, they may be given also to catechumens and, unless there
is a prohibition by the Church, even to non-catholics.


Res sacrae, quae dedicatione vel benedictione ad divinum cultum destinatae sunt, reverenter tractentur nec ad usum
profanum vel non proprium adhibeantur, etiamsi in dominio sint privatorum.
Sacred objects, set aside for divine worship by dedication or blessing, are to be treated with reverence. They are
not to be made over to secular or inappropriate use, even though they may belong to private persons.


1 Nemo exorcismos in obsessos proferre legitime potest, nisi ab Ordinario loci peculiarem et expressam licentiam

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1 No one may lawfully exorcise the possessed without the special and express permission of the local Ordinary.
2 Haec licentia ab Ordinario loci concedatur tantummodo presbytero pietate, scientia, prudentia ac vitae integritate
2 This permission is to be granted by the local Ordinary only to a priest who is endowed with piety, knowledge,
prudence and integrity of life.




Ecclesia, sacerdotale munus Christi adimplens, liturgiam horarum celebrat, qua Deum ad populum suum loquentem
audiens et memoriam mysterii salutis agens, Ipsum sine intermissione, cantu et oratione, laudat atque interpellat pro
totius mundi salute.
In fulfilment of the priestly office of Christ, the Church celebrates the liturgy of the hours, wherein it listens to God
speaking to his people and recalls the mystery of salvation. In this way, the Church praises God without ceasing, in
song and prayer, and it intercedes with him for the salvation of the whole world.


1 Obligatione liturgiae horarum persolvendae adstringuntur clerici, ad normam can. 276, 2, n. 3; sodales vero
institutorum vitae consecratae necnon societatum vitae apostolicae, ad normam suarum constitutionum.
1 Clerics are obliged to recite the liturgy of the hours, in accordance with 276, 2, n. 3; members of institutes of
consecrated life and of societies of apostolic life are obliged in accordance with their constitutions.
2 Ad participandam liturgiam horarum, utpote actionem Ecclesiae, etiam ceteri christifideles, pro adiunctis, enixe
2 Others also of Christ's faithful are earnestly invited, according to circumstances, to take part in the liturgy of the
hours as an action of the Church.


In liturgia horarum persolvenda, quantum fieri potest, verum tempus servetur uniuscuiusque horae.
In carrying out the liturgy of the hours, each particular hour is, as far as possible, to be recited at the time assigned
to it.



1 Christifideles defuncti exequiis ecclesiasticis ad normam iuris donandi sunt.

1 Christ's faithful who have died are to be given a Church funeral according to the norms of law.
2 Exequiae ecclesiasticae, quibus Ecclesia defunctis spiritualem opem impetrat eorumque corpora honorat ac simul
vivis spei solacium affert, celebrandae sunt ad normam legum liturgicarum.
2 Church funerals are to be celebrated according to the norms of the liturgical books. In these funeral rites the
Church prays for the spiritual support of the dead, it honours their bodies, and at the same time it brings to the
living the comfort of hope.
3 Enixe commendat Ecclesia, ut pia consuetudo defunctorum corpora sepeliendi servetur; non tamen prohibet
cremationem, nisi ob rationes christianae doctrinae contrarias electa fuerit.
3 The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burial be retained; but it does not forbid cremation,
unless this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to christian teaching.



1 Exequiae pro quolibet fideli defuncto generatim in propriae paroeciae ecclesia celebrari debent.
1 The funeral of any deceased member of the faithful should normally be celebrated in the church of that person's
proper parish.
2 Fas est autem cuilibet fideli, vel iis quibus fidelis defuncti exequias curare competit, aliam ecclesiam funeris eligere
de consensu eius, qui eam regit, et monito defuncti parocho proprio.

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2 However, any member of the faithful, or those in charge of the deceased person's funeral, may choose another
church; this requires the consent of whoever is in charge of that church and a notification to the proper parish priest
of the deceased.
3 Si extra propriam paroeciam mors acciderit, neque cadaver ad eam translatum fuerit, neque aliqua ecclesia funeris
legitime electa, exequiae celebrentur in ecclesia paroeciae ubi mors accidit, nisi alia iure particulari designata sit.
3 When death has occurred outside the person's proper parish, and the body is not returned there, and another
church has not been chosen, the funeral rites are to be celebrated in the church of the parish where the death
occurred, unless another church is determined by particular law.

Exequiae Episcopi dioecesani in propria ecclesia cathedrali celebrentur, nisi ipse aliam ecclesiam elegerit.
The funeral ceremonies of a diocesan Bishop are to be celebrated in his own cathedral church, unless he himself
has chosen another church.


Exequiae religiosorum aut sodalium societatis vitae apostolicae generatim celebrantur in propria ecclesia aut oratorio a
Superiore, si institutum aut societas sint clericalia, secus a cappellano.
Normally, the funerals of religious or of members of a society of apostolic life are to be celebrated in their proper
church or oratory: by the Superior, if the institute or society is a clerical one; otherwise, by the chaplain.


1 Si paroecia proprium habeat coemeterium, in eo tumulandi sunt fideles defuncti, nisi aliud coemeterium legitime
electum fuerit ab ipso defuncto vel ab iis quibus defuncti sepulturam curare competit.
1 If a parish has its own cemetery, the deceased faithful are to be buried there, unless another cemetery has
lawfully been chosen by the deceased person, or by those in charge of that person's burial.
2 Omnibus autem licet, nisi iure prohibeantur, eligere coemeterium sepulturae.
2 All may, however, choose their cemetery of burial unless prohibited by law from doing so.


Ad oblationes occasione funerum quod attinet, serventur praescripta can. 1264, cauto tamen ne ulla fiat in exequiis
personarum acceptio neve pauperes debitis exequiis priventur.
The provisions of 1264 are to be observed in whatever concerns the offerings made on the occasion of funerals.
Moreover, care is to be taken that at funerals there is to be no preference of persons, and that the poor are not
deprived of proper funeral rites.


Expleta tumulatione, inscriptio in librum defunctorum fiat ad normam iuris particularis.

After the burial an entry is to be made in the register of the dead, in accordance with particular law.


1 Ad exequias quod attinet, christifidelibus catechumeni accensendi sunt.

1 As far as funeral rites are concerned, catechumens are to be reckoned among Christ's faithful.
2 Ordinarius loci permittere potest ut parvuli, quos parentes baptizare intendebant quique autem ante baptismum
mortui sunt, exequiis ecclesiasticis donentur.
2 Children whose parents had intended to have them baptised but who died before baptism, may be allowed
Church funeral rites by the local Ordinary.
3 Baptizatis alicui Ecclesiae aut communitati ecclesiali non catholicae adscriptis, exequiae ecclesiasticae concedi
possunt de prudenti Ordinarii loci iudicio, nisi constet de contraria eorum voluntate et dummodo minister proprius
haberi nequeat.
3 Provided their own minister is not available, baptised persons belonging to a non-catholic Church or ecclesial
community may, in accordance with the prudent judgement of the local Ordinary, be allowed Church funeral rites,
unless it is established that they did not wish this.


1 Exequiis ecclesiasticis privandi sunt, nisi ante mortem aliqua dederint paenitentiae signa:
1 Church funeral rites are to be denied to the following, unless they gave some signs of repentance before death:

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notorie apostatae, haeretici et schismatici;

notorious apostates, heretics and schismatics;

qui proprii corporis cremationem elegerint ob rationes fidei christianae adversas;

those who for anti-christian motives chose that their bodies be cremated;

alii peccatores manifesti, quibus exequiae ecclesiasticae non sine publico fidelium scandalo concedi possunt.
other manifest sinners to whom a Church funeral could not be granted without public scandal to the faithful.

2 Occurrente aliquo dubio, consulatur loci Ordinarius, cuius iudicio standum est.
2 If any doubt occurs, the local Ordinary is to be consulted and his judgement followed.

Excluso ab ecclesiasticis exequiis deneganda quoque est quaelibet Missa exequialis.

Any form of funeral Mass is also to be denied to a person who has been excluded from a Church funeral.





Ad sanctificationem populi Dei fovendam, Ecclesia peculiari et filiali christifidelium venerationi commendat Beatam
Mariam semper Virginem, Dei Matrem, quam Christus hominum omnium Matrem constituit, atque verum et
authenticum promovet cultum aliorum Sanctorum, quorum quidem exemplo christifideles aedificantur et intercessione
To foster the sanctification of the people of God, the Church commends to the special and filial veneration of
Christ's faithful the Blessed Mary ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, whom Christ constituted the Mother of all. The
Church also promotes the true and authentic cult of the other Saints, by whose example the faithful are edified and
by whose intercession they are supported.


Cultu publico eos tantum Dei servos venerari licet, qui auctoritate Ecclesiae in album Sanctorum vel Beatorum relati
Only those servants of God may be venerated by public cult who have been numbered by ecclesiastical authority
among the Saints or the Blessed.


Firma maneat praxis in ecclesiis sacras imagines fidelium venerationi proponendi; attamen moderato numero et
congruo ordine exponantur, ne populi christiani admiratio excitetur, neve devotioni minus rectae ansa praebeatur.
The practice of exposing sacred images in churches for the veneration of the faithful is to be retained. However,
these images are to be displayed in moderate numbers and in suitable fashion, so that the christian people are not
disturbed, nor is occasion given for less than appropriate devotion.


Imagines pretiosae, idest vetustate, arte, aut cultu praestantes, in ecclesiis vel oratoriis fidelium venerationi expositae,
si quando reparatione indigeant, numquam restaurentur sine data scripto licentia ab Ordinario; qui, antequam eam
concedat, peritos consulat.
The written permission of the Ordinary is required to restore precious images needing repair: that is, those
distinguished by reason of age, art or cult, which are exposed in churches and oratories to the veneration of the
faithful. Before giving such permission, the Ordinary is to seek the advice of experts.


1 Sacras reliquias vendere nefas est.

1 It is absolutely wrong to sell sacred relics.
2 Insignes reliquiae itemque aliae, quae magna populi veneratione honorantur, nequeunt quoquo modo valide alienari
neque perpetuo transferri sine Apostolicae Sedis licentia.
2 Distinguished relics, and others which are held in great veneration by the people, may not validly be in any way
alienated nor transferred on a permanent basis, without the permission of the Apostolic See.
3 Praescriptum 2 valet etiam pro imaginibus, quae in aliqua ecclesia magna populi veneratione honorantur.
3 The provision of 2 applies to images which are greatly venerated in any church by the people.

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1 Votum, idest promissio deliberata ac libera Deo facta de bono possibili et meliore, ex virtute religionis impleri debet.
1 A vow is a deliberate and free promise made to God, concerning some good which is possible and better. The
virtue of religion requires that it be fulfilled.
2 Nisi iure prohibeantur, omnes congruenti rationis usu pollentes, sunt voti capaces.
2 Unless they are prohibited by law, all who have an appropriate use of reason are capable of making a vow.
3 Votum metu gravi et iniusto vel dolo emissum ipso iure nullum est.
3 A vow made as a result of grave and unjust fear or of deceit is by virtue of the law itself invalid.


1 Votum est publicum, si nomine Ecclesiae a legitimo Superiore acceptetur; secus privatim.
1 A vow is public if it is accepted in the name of the Church by a lawful Superior; otherwise, it is private.
2 Sollemne, si ab Ecclesia uti tale fuerit agnitum; secus simplex.
2 It is solemn if it is recognised by the Church as such; otherwise, it is simple.
3 Personale, quo actio voventis promittitur; reale, quo promittitur res aliqua; mixtum, quod personalis et realis
naturam participat.
3 It is personal if it promises an action by the person making the vow; real, if it promises some thing; mixed, if it
has both a personal and a real aspect.


Votum non obligat, ratione sui, nisi emittentem.

Of its nature a vow obliges only the person who makes it.


Cessat votum lapsu temporis ad finiendam obligationem appositi, mutatione substantiali materiae promissae, deficiente
condicione a qua votum pendet aut eiusdem causa finali, dispensatione, commutatione.
A vow ceases by lapse of the time specified for the fulfilment of the obligation, or by a substantial change in the
matter promised, or by cessation of a condition upon which the vow depended or of the purpose of the vow, or by
dispensation, or by commutation.


Qui potestatem in voti materiam habet, potest voti obligationem tamdiu suspendere, quamdiu voti adimpletio sibi
praeiudicium afferat.
A person who has power over the matter of a vow can suspend the obligation of the vow for such time as the
fulfilment of the vow would affect that person adversely.


Praeter Romanum Pontificem, vota privata possunt iusta de causa dispensare, dummodo dispensatio ne laedat ius aliis
Besides the Roman Pontiff, the following can dispense from private vows, provided the dispensation does not injure
the acquired rights of others;


loci Ordinarius et parochus, quod attinet ad omnes ipsorum subditos atque etiam peregrinos;
the local Ordinary and the parish priest, in respect of all their own subjects and also of peregrini;

Superior instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae, si sint clericalia iuris pontificii, quod attinet ad sodales,
novitios atque personas, quae diu noctuque in domo instituti aut societatis degunt;
the Superior of a religious institute or of a society of apostolic life, if these are clerical and of pontifical right, in
respect of members, novices and those who reside day and night in a house of the institute or society;

ii quibus ab Apostolica Sede vel ab Ordinario loci delegata fuerit dispensandi potestas.
those to whom the faculty of dispensing has been delegated by the Apostolic See or by the local Ordinary.

Opus voto privato promissum potest in maius vel in aequale bonum ab ipso vovente commutari; in minus vero bonum,
ab illo cui potestas est dispensandi ad normam can. 1196.

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What has been promised by private vow can be commuted into something better or equally good by the person
who made the vow. It can be commuted into something less good by one who has authority to dispense in
accordance with 1196.

Vota ante professionem religiosam emissa suspenduntur, donec vovens in instituto religioso permanserit.
Vows taken before religious profession are suspended as long as the person who made the vow remains in the
religious institute.



1 Iusiurandum, idest invocatio Nominis divini in testem veritatis, praestari nequit, nisi in veritate, in iudicio et in
1 An oath is the invocation of the divine Name as witness to the truth. It cannot be taken except in truth,
judgement and justice.
2 Iusiurandum quod canones exigunt vel admittunt, per procuratorem praestari valide nequit.
2 An oath which is required or accepted by the canons cannot validly be taken by proxy.


1 Qui libere iurat se aliquid facturum, peculiari religionis obligatione tenetur implendi, quod iureiurando firmaverit.
1 A person who freely swears on oath to do something is specially obliged by the virtue of religion to fulfil that
which he or she asserted by the oath.
2 Iusiurandum dolo, vi aut metu gravi extortum, ipso iure nullum est.
2 An oath extorted by deceit, force or grave fear is by virtue of the law itself invalid.


1 Iusiurandum promissorium sequitur naturam et condiciones actus cui adicitur.

1 A promissory oath is determined by the nature and condition of the act to which it is attached.
2 Si actui directe vergenti in damnum aliorum aut in praeiudicium boni publici vel salutis aeternae iusiurandum
adiciatur, nullam exinde actus consequitur firmitatem.
2 An act which directly threatens harm to others or is prejudicial to the public good or to eternal salvation, is in no
way reinforced by an oath sworn to do that act.



Obligatio iureiurando promissorio inducta desinit:

1 The obligation of a promissory oath ceases:

si remittatur ab eo in cuius commodum iusiurandum emissum fuerat;

if it is remitted by the person in whose favour the oath was sworn;

si res iurata substantialiter mutetur, aut, mutatis adiunctis, fiat vel mala vel omnino indifferens, vel denique
maius bonum impediat;
if what was sworn is substantially changed or, because of altered circumstances, becomes evil or completely
irrelevant, or hinders a greater good;

deficiente causa finali aut condicione sub qua forte iusiurandum datum est;
if the purpose or the condition ceases under which the oath may have been made;

dispensatione, commutatione, ad normam can. 1203.

by dispensation or commutation in accordance with 1203.

Qui suspendere, dispensare, commutare possunt votum, eandem potestatem eademque ratione habent circa
iusiurandum promissorium; sed si iurisiurandi dispensatio vergat in praeiudicium aliorum qui obligationem remittere
recusent, una Apostolica Sedes potest iusiurandum dispensare.
Those who can suspend, dispense or commute a vow have, in the same measure, the same power over a
promissory oath. But if dispensation from an oath would tend to harm others and they refuse to remit the
obligation, only the Apostolic See can dispense the oath.

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Iusiurandum stricte est interpretandum secundum ius et secundum intentionem iurantis aut, si hic dolo agat,
secundum intentionem illius cui iusiurandum praestatur.
An oath is subject to strict interpretation, in accordance with the law and with the intention of the person taking the
oath or, if that person acts deceitfully, in accordance with the intention of the person in whose presence the oath is







Loca sacra ea sunt quae divino cultui fideliumve sepulturae deputantur dedicatione vel benedictione, quam liturgici
libri ad hoc praescribunt.
Sacred places are those which are assigned to divine worship or to the burial of the faithful by the dedication or
blessing which the liturgical books prescribe for this purpose.


Dedicatio alicuius loci spectat ad Episcopum dioecesanum et ad eos qui ipsi iure aequiparantur; iidem possunt cuilibet
Episcopo vel, in casibus exceptionalibus, presbytero munus committere dedicationem peragendi in suo territorio.
The dedication of a place belongs to the diocesan Bishop and to those equivalent to him in law. For a dedication in
their own territory they can depute any Bishop or, in exceptional cases, a priest.


Loca sacra benedicuntur ab Ordinario; benedictio tamen ecclesiarum reservatur Episcopo dioecesano; uterque vero
potest alium sacerdotem ad hoc delegare.
Sacred places are blessed by the Ordinary, but the blessing of churches is reserved to the diocesan Bishop. Both
may, however, delegate another priest for the purpose.


De peracta dedicatione vel benedictione ecclesiae, itemque de benedictione coemeterii redigatur documentum, cuius
alterum exemplar in curia dioecesana, alterum in ecclesiae archivo servetur.
A document is to be drawn up to record the dedication or blessing of a church, or the blessing of a cemetery. One
copy is to be kept in the diocesan curia, the other in the archive of the church.


Dedicatio vel benedictio alicuius loci, modo nemini damnum fiat, satis probatur etiam per unum testem omni exceptione
The dedication or the blessing of a place is sufficiently established even by a single unexceptionable witness,
provided no one is harmed thereby.


In loco sacra ea tantum admittantur quae cultui, pietati, religioni exercendis vel promovendis inserviunt, ac vetatur
quidquid a loci sanctitate absonum sit. Ordinarius vero per modum actus alios usus, sanctitati tamen loci non
contrarios, permittere potest.
In a sacred place only those things are to be permitted which serve to exercise or promote worship, piety and
religion. Anything out of harmony with the holiness of the place is forbidden. The Ordinary may however, for
individual cases, permit other uses, provided they are not contrary to the sacred character of the place.


Loca sacra violantur per actiones graviter iniuriosas cum scandalo fidelium ibi positas, quae, de iudicio Ordinarii loci,
ita graves et sanctitati loci contrariae sunt ut non liceat in eis cultum exercere, donec ritu paenitentiali ad normam
librorum liturgicorum iniuria reparetur.
Sacred places are desecrated by acts done in them which are gravely injurious and give scandal to the faithful
when, in the judgement of the local Ordinary, these acts are so serious and so contrary to the sacred character of
the place that worship may not be held there until the harm is repaired by means of the penitential rite which is
prescribed in the liturgical books.


Dedicationem vel benedictionem amittunt loca sacra, si magna ex parte destructa fuerint, vel ad usus profanos
permanenter decreto competentis Ordinarii vel de facto reducta.

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Sacred places lose their dedication or blessing if they have been in great measure destroyed, or if they have been
permanently made over to secular usage, whether by decree of the competent Ordinary or simply in fact.

Potestates suas et munera auctoritas ecclesiastica in locis sacris libere exercet.

Ecclesiastical authority freely exercises its powers and functions in sacred places.




Ecclesiae nomine intellegitur aedes sacra divino cultui destinata, ad quam fidelibus ius est adeundi ad divinum cultum
praesertim publice exercendum.
The term church means a sacred building intended for divine worship, to which the faithful have right of access for
the exercise, especially the public exercise, of divine worship.


1 Nulla ecclesia aedificetur sine expresso Episcopi dioecesani consensu scriptis dato.
1 No church is to be built without the express and written consent of the diocesan Bishop.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus consensum ne praebeat nisi, audito consilio presbyterali et vicinarum ecclesiarum rectoribus,
censeat novam ecclesiam bono animarum inservire posse, et media ad ecclesiae aedificationem et ad cultum divinum
necessaria non esse defutura.
2 The diocesan Bishop is not to give his consent until he has consulted the council of priests and the rectors of
neighbouring churches, and then decides that the new church can serve the good of souls and that the necessary
means will be available to build the church and to provide for divine worship.
3 Etiam instituta religiosa, licet consensum constituendae novae domus in dioecesi vel civitate ab Episcopo dioecesano
rettulerint, antequam tamen ecclesiam in certo ac determinato loco aedificent, eiusdem licentiam obtinere debent.
3 Even though they have received the diocesan Bishop's consent to establish a new house in a diocese or city,
religious institutes must obtain the same Bishop's permission before they may build a church in a specific and
determined place.


In ecclesiarum aedificatione et refectione, adhibito peritorum consilio, serventur principia et normae liturgiae et artis
In the building and restoration of churches the advice of experts is to be used, and the principles and norms of
liturgy and of sacred art are to be observed.


1 Aedificatione rite peracta, nova ecclesia quam primum dedicetur aut saltem benedicatur, sacrae liturgiae legibus
1 As soon as possible after completion of the building the new church is to be dedicated or at least blessed,
following the laws of the sacred liturgy.
2 Sollemni ritu dedicentur ecclesiae, praesertim cathedrales et paroeciales.
2 Churches, especially cathedrals and parish churches, are to be dedicated by a solemn rite.


Unaquaeque ecclesia suum habeat titulum qui, peracta ecclesiae dedicatione, mutari nequit.
Each church is to have its own title. Once the church has been dedicated this title cannot be changed.


In ecclesia legitime dedicata vel benedicta omnes actus cultus divini perfici possunt, salvis iuribus paroecialibus.
All acts of divine worship may be carried out in a church which has been lawfully dedicated or blessed, without
prejudice to parochial rights.


1 Curent omnes ad quos res pertinet, ut in ecclesiis illa munditia ac decor serventur, quae domum Dei addeceant, et ab
iisdem arceatur quidquid a sanctitate loci absonum sit.
1 Those responsible are to ensure that there is in churches such cleanliness and ornamentation as befits the
house of God, and that anything which is discordant with the sacred character of the place is excluded.
2 Ad bona sacra et pretiosa tuenda ordinaria conservationis cura et opportuna securitatis media adhibeantur.
2 Ordinary concern for preservation and appropriate means of security are to be employed to safeguard sacred
and precious goods.

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Ingressus in ecclesiam tempore sacrarum celebrationum sit liber et gratuitus.

Entry to a church at the hours of sacred functions is to be open and free of charge.


1 Si qua ecclesia nullo modo ad cultum divinum adhiberi queat et possibilitas non detur eam reficiendi, in usum
profanum non sordidum ab Episcopo dioecesano redigi potest.
1 If a church cannot in any way be used for divine worship and there is no possibility of its being restored, the
diocesan Bishop may allow it to be used for some secular but not unbecoming purpose.
2 Ubi aliae graves causae suadeant ut aliqua ecclesia ad divinum cultum amplius non adhibeatur, eam Episcopus
dioecesanus, audito consilio presbyterali, in usum profanum non sordidum redigere potest, de consensu eorum qui iura
in eadem sibi legitime vindicent, et dummodo animarum bonum nullum inde detrimentum capiat.
2 Where other grave reasons suggest that a particular church should no longer be used for divine worship, the
diocesan Bishop may allow it to be used for a secular but not unbecoming purpose. Before doing so, he must
consult the council of priests; he must also have the consent of those who could lawfully claim rights over that
church, and be sure that the good of souls would not be harmed by the transfer.





Oratorii nomine intellegitur locus divino cultui, in commodum alicuius communitatis vel coetus fidelium eo
convenientium de licentia Ordinarii destinatus, ad quem etiam alii fideles de consensu Superioris competentis accedere
An oratory means a place which, by permission of the Ordinary, is set aside for divine worship, for the convenience
of some community or group of the faithful who assemble there, to which however other members of the faithful
may, with the consent of the competent Superior, have access.


1 Ordinarius licentiam ad constituendum oratorium requisitam ne concedat, nisi prius per se vel per alium locum ad
oratorium destinatum visitaverit et decenter instructum reppererit.
1 The Ordinary is not to give the permission required for setting up an oratory unless he has first, personally or
through another, inspected the place destined for the oratory and found it to be becomingly arranged.
2 Data autem licentia, oratorium ad usus profanos converti nequit sine eiusdem Ordinarii auctoritate.
2 Once this permission has been given, the oratory cannot be converted to a secular usage without the authority
of the same Ordinary.


In oratoriis legitime constitutis omnes celebrationes sacrae peragi possunt, nisi quae iure aut Ordinarii loci praescripto
excipiantur, aut obstent normae liturgicae.
All sacred services may be celebrated in a lawfully constituted oratory, apart from those which are excluded by the
law, by a provision of the local Ordinary, or by liturgical laws.


Nomine sacelli privati intellegitur locus divino cultui, in commodum unius vel plurium personarum physicarum, de
licentia Ordinarii loci destinatus.
The term private chapel means a place which, by permission of the local Ordinary, is set aside for divine worship,
for the convenience of one or more individuals.


Episcopi sacellum privatum sibi constituere possunt, quod iisdem iuribus ac oratorium gaudet.
Bishops can set up for their own use a private chapel which enjoys the same rights as an oratory.


Firmo praescripto can. 1227, ad Missam aliasve sacras celebrationes in aliquo sacello privato peragendas requiritur
Ordinarii loci licentia.
Without prejudice to the provision of 1227, the permission of the local Ordinary is required for the celebration of
Mass and of other sacred functions in any private chapel.


Oratoria et sacella privata benedici convenit secundum ritum in libris liturgicis praescriptum; debent autem esse
divino tantum cultui reservata et ab omnibus domesticis usibus libera.
It is appropriate that oratories and private chapels be blessed according to the rite prescribed in the liturgical books.
They must, however, be reserved for divine worship only and be freed from all domestic use.

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Sanctuarii nomine intelleguntur ecclesia vel alius locus sacer ad quos, ob peculiarem pietatis causam, fideles frequentes,
approbante Ordinario loci, peregrinantur.
The term shrine means a church or other sacred place which, with the approval of the local Ordinary, is by reason
of special devotion frequented by the faithful as pilgrims.


Ut sanctuarium dici possit nationale, accedere debet approbatio Episcoporum conferentiae; ut dici possit
internationale, requiritur approbatio Sanctae Sedis.
For a shrine to be described as national, the approval of the Episcopal Conference is necessary. For it to be
described as international, the approval of the Holy See is required.


1 Ad approbanda statuta sanctuarii dioecesani, competens est Ordinarius loci; ad statuta sanctuarii nationalis,
Episcoporum conferentia; ad statuta sanctuarii internationalis, sola Sancta Sedes.
1 The local Ordinary is competent to approve the statutes of a diocesan shrine; the Episcopal Conference, those
of a national shrine; the Holy See alone, those of an international shrine.
2 In statutis determinentur praesertim finis, auctoritas rectoris, dominium et administratio bonorum.
2 The statutes of a shrine are to determine principally its purpose, the authority of the rector, and the ownership
and administration of its property.


Sanctuariis quaedam privilegia concedi poterunt, quoties locorum circumstantiae, peregrinantium frequentia et
praesertim fidelium bonum id suadere videantur.
Certain privileges may be granted to shrines when the local circumstances, the number of pilgrims and especially
the good of the faithful would seem to make this advisable.


1 In sanctuariis abundantius fidelibus suppeditentur media salutis, verbum Dei sedulo annuntiando, vitam liturgicam
praesertim per Eucharistiae et paenitentiae celebrationem apte fovendo, necnon probatas pietatis popularis formas
1 At shrines the means of salvation are to be more abundantly made available to the faithful: by sedulous
proclamation of the word of God, by suitable encouragement of liturgical life, especially by the celebration of the
Eucharist and penance, and by the fostering of approved forms of popular devotion.
2 Votiva artis popularis et pietatis documenta in sanctuariis aut locis adiacentibus spectabilia serventur atque secure
2 In shrines or in places adjacent to them, votive offerings of popular art and devotion are to be displayed and
carefully safeguarded.



1 Altare, seu mensa super quam Sacrificium eucharisticum celebratur, fixum dicitur, si ita exstruatur ut cum
pavimento cohaereat ideoque amoveri nequeat; mobile vero, si transferri possit.
1 The altar or table on which the eucharistic Sacrifice is celebrated is termed fixed if it is so constructed that it is
attached to the floor and therefore cannot be moved; it is termed movable, if it can be removed.
2 Expedit in omni ecclesia altare fixum inesse; ceteris vero in locis, sacris celebrationibus destinatis, altare fixum vel
2 It is proper that in every church there should be a fixed altar. In other places which are intended for the
celebration of sacred functions, the altar may be either fixed or movable.


1 Iuxta traditum Ecclesiae morem mensa altaris fixi sit lapidea, et quidem ex unico lapide naturali; attamen etiam
alia materia digna et solida, de iudicio Episcoporum conferentiae, adhiberi potest. Stipites vero seu basis ex qualibet
materia confici possunt.
1 In accordance with the traditional practice of the Church, the table of a fixed altar is to be of stone, indeed of a
single natural stone. However, even some other worthy and solid material may be used, if the Episcopal
Conference so judges. The support or the base can be made from any material.

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2 Altare mobile ex qualibet materia solida, usui liturgico congruenti, exstrui potest.
2 A movable altar can be made of any solid material which is suitable for liturgical use.

1 Altaria fixa dedicanda sunt, mobilia vero dedicanda aut benedicenda, iuxta ritus in liturgicis libris praescriptos.
1 Fixed altars are to be dedicated, movable ones either dedicated or blessed, according to the rites prescribed in
the liturgical books.
2 Antiqua traditio Martyrum aliorumve Sanctorum reliquias sub altari fixo condendi servetur, iuxta normas in libris
liturgicis traditas.
2 The ancient tradition of placing relics of Martyrs or of other Saints within a fixed altar is to be retained, in
accordance with the rites prescribed in the liturgical books.


1 Altare dedicationem vel benedictionem amittit ad normam can. 1212.

1 An altar loses its dedication or blessing in accordance with 1212.
2 Per reductionem ecclesiae vel alius loci sacri ad usus profanos, altaria sive fixa sive mobilia non amittunt
dedicationem vel benedictionem.
2 Altars, whether fixed or movable, do not lose their dedication or blessing as a result of a church or other sacred
place being made over to secular usage.


1 Altare tum fixum tum mobile divino dumtaxat cultui reservandum est, quolibet profano usu prorsus excluso.
1 An altar, whether fixed or movable, is to be reserved for divine worship alone, to the exclusion of any secular
2 Subtus altare nullum sit reconditum cadaver; secus Missam super illud celebrare non licet.
2 No corpse is to be buried beneath an altar; otherwise, it is not lawful to celebrate Mass at that altar.



1 Coemeteria Ecclesiae propria, ubi fieri potest, habeantur, vel saltem spatia in coemeteriis civilibus fidelibus
defunctis destinata, rite benedicenda.
1 Where possible, the Church is to have its own cemeteries, or at least an area in public cemeteries which is duly
blessed and reserved for the deceased faithful.
2 Si vero hoc obtineri nequeat, toties quoties singuli tumuli rite benedicantur.
2 If, however, this is not possible, then individual graves are to be blessed in due form on each occasion.


1 Paroeciae et instituta religiosa coemeterium proprium habere possunt.

1 Parishes and religious institutes may each have their own cemetery.
2 Etiam aliae personae iuridicae vel familiae habere possunt peculiare coemeterium seu sepulcrum, de iudicio
Ordinarii loci benedicendum.
2 Other juridical persons or families may each have their own special cemetery or burial place which, if the local
Ordinary judges accordingly, is to be blessed.


In ecclesiis cadavera ne sepeliantur, nisi agatur de Romano Pontifice aut Cardinalibus vel Episcopis dioecesanis etiam
emeritis in propria ecclesia sepeliendis.
Bodies are not to be buried in churches, unless it is a question of the Roman Pontiff or of Cardinals or, in their
proper Churches, of diocesan Bishops even retired.


Opportunae normae de disciplina in coemeteriis servanda, praesertim ad eorum indolem sacram tuendam et fovendam
quod attinet, iure particulari statuantur.
Appropriate norms are to be enacted by particular law for the management of cemeteries, especially in what
concerns the protection and the fostering of their sacred character.

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1 Dies festos itemque dies paenitentiae, universae Ecclesiae communes, constituere, transferre, abolere, unius est
supremae ecclesiasticae auctoritatis, firmo praescripto can. 1246, 2.
1 Only the supreme ecclesiastical authority can establish, transfer or suppress holydays or days of penance which
are applicable to the universal Church, without prejudice to the provisions of 1246 2.
2 Episcopi dioecesani peculiares suis dioecesibus seu locis dies festos aut dies paenitentiae possunt, per modum tantum
actus, indicere.
2 Diocesan Bishops can proclaim special holydays or days of penance for their own dioceses or territories, but
only for individual occasions.


Firmo iure Episcoporum dioecesanorum de quo in can. 87, parochus, iusta de causa et secundum Episcopi dioecesani
praescripta, singulis in casibus concedere potest dispensationem ab obligatione servandi diem festum vel diem
paenitentiae aut commutationem eiusdem in alia pia opera; idque potest etiam Superior instituti religiosi aut societatis
vitae apostolicae, si sint clericalia iuris pontificii, quoad proprios subditos aliosque in domo diu noctuque degentes.
Without prejudice to the right of diocesan Bishops as in 87, a parish priest, in individual cases, for a just reason
and in accordance with the prescriptions of the diocesan Bishop, can give a dispensation from the obligation of
observing a holyday or day of penance, or commute the obligation into some other pious works. The Superior of a
pontifical clerical religious institute or society of apostolic life has the same power in respect of his own subjects
and of those who reside day and night in a house of the institute or society.



1 Dies dominica in qua mysterium paschale celebratur, ex apostolica traditione, in universa Ecclesia uti primordialis
dies festus de praecepto servanda est. Itemque servari debent dies Nativitatis Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, Epiphaniae,
Ascensionis et sanctissimi Corporis et Sanguinis Christi, Sanctae Genetricis Mariae, eiusdem Immaculatae
Conceptionis et Assumptionis, sancti Ioseph, sanctorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum, omnium denique Sanctorum.
1 The Lord's Day, on which the paschal mystery is celebrated, is by apostolic tradition to be observed in the
universal Church as the primary holyday of obligation. In the same way the following holydays are to be observed:
the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Epiphany, the Ascension of Christ, the feast of the Body and Blood of
Christ, the feast of Mary the Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception, her Assumption, the feast of St Joseph,
the feast of the Apostles SS Peter and Paul, and the feast of All Saints.
2 Episcoporum conferentia tamen potest, praevia Apostolicae Sedis approbatione, quosdam ex diebus festis de
praecepto abolere vel ad diem dominicam transferre.
2 However, the Episcopal Conference may, with the prior approval of the Apostolic See, suppress certain holydays
of obligation or transfer them to a Sunday.


Die dominica aliisque diebus festis de praecepto fideles obligatione tenentur Missam participandi; abstineant insuper
ab illis operibus et negotiis quae cultum Deo reddendum, laetitiam diei Domini propriam, aut debitam mentis ac
corporis relaxationem impediant.
On Sundays and other holydays of obligation, the faithful are obliged to assist at Mass. They are also to abstain
from such work or business that would inhibit the worship to be given to God, the joy proper to the Lord's Day, or
the due relaxation of mind and body.


1 Praecepto de Missa participanda satisfacit qui Missae assistit ubicumque celebratur ritu catholico vel ipso die festo
vel vespere diei praecedentis.
1 The obligation of assisting at Mass is satisfied wherever Mass is celebrated in a catholic rite either on a holyday
itself or on the evening of the previous day.
2 Si deficiente ministro sacro aliave gravi de causa participatio eucharisticae celebrationis impossibilis evadat, valde
commendatur ut fideles in liturgia Verbi, si quae sit in ecclesia paroeciali aliove sacro loco, iuxta Episcopi dioecesani
praescripta celebrata, partem habeant, aut orationi per debitum tempus personaliter aut in familia vel pro
opportunitate in familiarum coetibus vacent.

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2 If it is impossible to assist at a eucharistic celebration, either because no sacred minister is available or for
some other grave reason, the faithful are strongly recommended to take part in a liturgy of the Word, if there be
such in the parish church or some other sacred place, which is celebrated in accordance with the provisions laid
down by the diocesan Bishop; or to spend an appropriate time in prayer, whether personally or as a family or, as
occasion presents, in a group of families.




Omnes christifideles, suo quisque modo, paenitentiam agere ex lege divina tenentur; ut vero cuncti communi quadam
paenitentiae observatione inter se coniungantur, dies paenitentiales praescribuntur, in quibus christifideles speciali
modo orationi vacent, opera pietatis et caritatis exerceant, se ipsos abnegent, proprias obligationes fidelius adimplendo
et praesertim ieiunium et abstinentiam, ad normam canonum qui sequuntur, observando.
All Christ's faithful are obliged by divine law, each in his or her own way, to do penance. However, so that all may
be joined together in a certain common practice of penance, days of penance are prescribed. On these days the
faithful are in a special manner to devote themselves to prayer, to engage in works of piety and charity, and to deny
themselves, by fulfilling their obligations more faithfully and especially by observing the fast and abstinence which
the following canons prescribe.


Dies et tempora paenitentialia in universa Ecclesia sunt singulae feriae sextae totius anni et tempus quadragesimae.
The days and times of penance for the universal Church are each Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent.


Abstinentia a carnis comestione vel ab alio cibo iuxta conferentiae Episcoporum praescripta, servetur singulis anni
sextis feriis, nisi cum aliquo die inter sollemnitates recensito occurrant; abstinentia vero et ieiunium, feria quarta
Cinerum et feria sexta in Passione et Morte Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.
Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on
all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday.


Lege abstinentiae tenentur qui decimum quartum aetatis annum expleverint; lege vero ieiunii adstringuntur omnes
aetate maiores usque ad annum inceptum sexagesimum. Curent tamen animarum pastores et parentes ut etiam ii qui,
ratione minoris aetatis ad legem ieiunii et abstinentiae non tenentur, ad genuinum paenitentiae sensum informentur.
The law of abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth year. The law of fasting binds those who
have attained their majority, until the beginning of their sixtieth year. Pastors of souls and parents are to ensure that
even those who by reason of their age are not bound by the law of fasting and abstinence, are taught the true
meaning of penance.


Episcoporum conferentia potest pressius determinare observantiam ieiunii et abstinentiae, necnon alias formas
paenitentiae, praesertim opera caritatis et exercitationes pietatis, ex toto vel ex parte pro abstinentia et ieiunio
The Episcopal Conference can determine more particular ways in which fasting and abstinence are to be observed.
In place of abstinence or fasting it can substitute, in whole or in part, other forms of penance, especially works of
charity and exercises of piety.

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1 Ecclesia catholica bona temporalia iure nativo, independenter a civili potestate, acquirere, retinere, administrare et
alienare valet ad fines sibi proprios prosequendos.
1 The catholic Church has the inherent right, independently of any secular power, to acquire, retain, administer
and alienate temporal goods, in pursuit of its proper objectives.
2 Fines vero proprii praecipue sunt: cultus divinus ordinandus, honesta cleri aliorumque ministrorum sustentatio
procuranda, opera sacri apostolatus et caritatis, praesertim erga egenos, exercenda.
2 These proper objectives are principally the regulation of divine worship, the provision of fitting support for the
clergy and other ministers, and the carrying out of works of the sacred apostolate and of charity, especially for the


Ecclesia universa atque Apostolica Sedes, Ecclesiae particulares necnon alia quaevis persona iuridica, sive publica sive
privata, subiecta sunt capacia bona temporalia acquirendi, retinendi, administrandi et alienandi ad normam iuris.
The universal Church, as well as the Apostolic See, particular Churches and all other public and private juridical
persons are capable of acquiring, retaining, administering and alienating temporal goods, in accordance with the


Dominium bonorum, sub suprema auctoritate Romani Pontificis, ad eam pertinet iuridicam personam, quae eadem
bona legitime acquisiverit.
Under the supreme authority of the Roman Pontiff, ownership of goods belongs to that juridical person which has
lawfully acquired them.


1 Bona temporalia omnia quae ad Ecclesiam universam, Apostolicam Sedem aliasve in Ecclesia personas iuridicas
publicas pertinent, sunt bona ecclesiastica et reguntur canonibus qui sequuntur, necnon propriis statutis.
1 All temporal goods belonging to the universal Church, to the Apostolic See or to other public juridical persons in
the Church, are ecclesiastical goods and are regulated by the canons which follow, as well as by their own statutes.
2 Bona temporalia personae iuridicae privatae reguntur propriis statutis, non autem hisce canonibus, nisi expresse
aliud caveatur.
2 Unless it is otherwise expressly provided, temporal goods belonging to a private juridical person are regulated
by its own statutes, not by these canons.


In canonibus qui sequuntur nomine Ecclesiae significatur non solum Ecclesia universa aut Sedes Apostolica, sed etiam
quaelibet persona iuridica publica in Ecclesia, nisi ex contextu sermonis vel ex natura rei aliud appareat.
In the canons which follow, the term Church signifies not only the universal Church or the Apostolic See, but also
any public juridical person in the Church, unless the contrary is clear from the context or from the nature of the




Ecclesia acquirere bona temporalia potest omnibus iustis modis iuris sive naturalis sive positivi, quibus aliis licet.
The Church may acquire temporal goods in any way in which, by either natural or positive law, it is lawful for others
to do this.


Ecclesiae nativum ius est exigendi a christifidelibus, quae ad fines sibi proprios sint necessaria.
The Church has the inherent right to require from the faithful whatever is necessary for its proper objectives.


1 Integrum est christifidelibus bona temporalia in favorem Ecclesiae conferre.

1 The faithful have the right to donate temporal goods for the benefit of the Church.
2 Episcopus dioecesanus fideles de obligatione, de qua in can. 222, 1, monere tenetur et opportuno modo eam urgere.

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2 The diocesan Bishop is bound to remind the faithful of the obligation mentioned in 222 1, and in an appropriate
manner to urge it.

Fideles subsidia Ecclesiae conferant per subventiones rogatas et iuxta normas ab Episcoporum conferentia latas.
The faithful are to give their support to the Church in response to appeals and in accordance with the norms laid
down by the Episcopal Conference.


Ius est Episcopo dioecesano, auditis consilio a rebus oeconomicis et consilio presbyterali, pro dioecesis necessitatibus,
personis iuridicis publicis suo regimini subiectis moderatum tributum, earum redditibus proportionatum, imponendi;
ceteris personis physicis et iuridicis ipsi licet tantum, in casu gravis necessitatis et sub iisdem condicionibus,
extraordinariam et moderatam exactionem imponere, salvis legibus et consuetudinibus particularibus quae eidem
potiora iura tribuant.
The diocesan Bishop, after consulting the finance committee and the council of priests, has the right to levy on
public juridical persons subject to his authority a tax for the needs of the diocese. This tax must be moderate and
proportionate to their income. He may impose an extraordinary and moderate tax on other physical and juridical
persons only in a grave necessity and under the same conditions, but without prejudice to particular laws and
customs which may give him greater rights.


Nisi aliud iure cautum sit, conventus Episcoporum provinciae est:

Unless the law prescribes otherwise, it is for the provincial Bishops' meeting to:


praefinire taxas pro actibus potestatis exsecutivae gratiosae vel pro exsecutione rescriptorum Sedis Apostolicae, ad
ipsa Sede Apostolica approbandas;
determine the taxes, to be approved by the Apostolic See, for acts of executive authority which grant a favour,
or for the execution of rescripts from the Apostolic See;

definire oblationes occasione ministrationis sacramentorum et sacramentalium.

determine the offerings on the occasion of the administration of the sacraments and sacramentals.

1 Salvo iure religiosorum mendicantium, vetatur persona quaevis privata, sive physica sive iuridica, sine proprii
Ordinarii et Ordinarii loci licentia, in scriptis data, stipem cogere pro quolibet pio aut ecclesiastico instituto vel fine.
1 Without prejudice to the right of mendicant religious, all private juridical or physical persons are forbidden to
make a collection for any pious or ecclesiastical institute or purpose without the written permission of their proper
Ordinary and of the local Ordinary.
2 Episcoporum conferentia potest normas de stipe quaeritanda statuere, quae ab omnibus servari debent, iis non
exclusis, qui ex institutione mendicantes vocantur et sunt.
2 The Episcopal Conference can draw up rules regarding collections, which must be observed by all, including
those who from their foundation are called and are 'mendicants'.


In omnibus ecclesiis et oratoriis, etiam ad instituta religiosa pertinentibus, quae de facto habitualiter christifidelibus
pateant, Ordinarius loci praecipere potest ut specialis stips colligatur pro determinatis inceptis paroecialibus,
dioecesanis, nationalibus vel universalibus, ad curiam dioecesanam postea sedulo mittenda.
1 In all churches and oratories regularly open to Christ's faithful, including those belonging to religious institutes,
the local Ordinary may order that a special collection be taken up for specified parochial, diocesan, national or
universal initiatives. The collection must afterwards be carefully forwarded to the diocesan curia.


1 Nisi contrarium constet, oblationes quae fiunt Superioribus vel administratoribus cuiusvis personae iuridicae
ecclesiasticae, etiam privatae, praesumuntur ipsi personae iuridicae factae.
1 Unless the contrary is clear, offerings made to Superiors or administrators of any ecclesiastical juridical person,
even a private one, are presumed to have been made to the juridical person itself.
2 Oblationes, de quibus in 1, repudiari nequeunt nisi iusta de causa et, in rebus maioris momenti, de licentia
Ordinarii, si agitur de persona iuridica publica; eiusdem Ordinarii licentia requiritur ut acceptentur quae onere
modali vel condicione gravantur, firmo praescripto can. 1295.
2 If there is question of a public juridical person, the offerings mentioned in 1 cannot be refused except for a just
reason and, in matters of greater importance, with the permission of the Ordinary. Without prejudice to the

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provisions of 1295, the permission of the Ordinary is also required for the acceptance of offerings to which are
attached some qualifying obligation or condition.
3 Oblationes a fidelibus ad certum finem factae, nonnisi ad eundem finem destinari possunt.
3 Offerings given by the faithful for a specified purpose may be used only for that purpose.

Praescriptionem, tamquam acquirendi et se liberandi modum, Ecclesia pro bonis temporalibus recipit, ad normam
cann. 197-199.
The Church recognises prescription, in accordance with cann. 197-199, as a means both of acquiring temporal
goods and of being freed from their obligations.


Res sacrae, si in dominio privatorum sunt, praescriptione acquiri a privatis personis possunt, sed eas adhibere ad usus
profanos non licet, nisi dedicationem vel benedictionem amiserint; si vero ad personam iuridicam ecclesiasticam
publicam pertinent, tantum ab alia persona iuridica ecclesiastica publica acquiri possunt.
Sacred objects in private ownership may be acquired by private persons by prescription, but they may not be used
for secular purposes unless they have lost their dedication or blessing. If, however, they belong to a public
ecclesiastical juridical person, they may be acquired only by another public ecclesiastical juridical person.


Res immobiles, mobiles pretiosae, iura et actiones sive personales sive reales, quae pertinent ad Sedem Apostolicam,
spatio centum annorum praescribuntur; quae ad aliam personam iuridicam publicam ecclesiasticam pertinent, spatio
triginta annorum.
Immovable goods, precious movable goods, rights and legal claims, whether personal or real, which belong to the
Apostolic See, are prescribed after a period of one hundred years. For those goods which belong to another public
ecclesiastical juridical person, the period for prescription is thirty years.


Episcopi, ratione vinculi unitatis et caritatis, pro suae dioecesis facultatibus, conferant ad media procuranda, quibus
Sedes Apostolica secundum temporum condiciones indiget, ut servitium erga Ecclesiam universam rite praestare valeat.
By reason of their bond of unity and charity, and according to the resources of their dioceses, Bishops are to join
together to produce those means which the Apostolic See may from time to time need to exercise properly its
service of the universal Church.


In regionibus ubi beneficia proprie dicta adhuc exsistunt, Episcoporum conferentiae est, opportunis normis cum
Apostolica Sede concordatis et ab ea approbatis, huiusmodi beneficiorum regimen moderari, ita ut reditus, immo
quatenus possibile sit ipsa dos beneficiorum ad institutum, de quo in can. 1274, 1, paulatim deferatur.
In those regions where benefices properly so called still exist, it is for the Episcopal Conference to regulate such
benefices by appropriate norms, agreed with and approved by the Apostolic See. The purpose of these norms is
that the income and as far as possible the capital itself of the benefice should by degrees be transferred to the fund
mentioned in 1274 1.




Romanus Pontifex, vi primatus regiminis, est omnium bonorum ecclesiasticorum supremus administrator et
The Roman Pontiff, by virtue of his primacy of governance, is the supreme administrator and steward of all
ecclesiastical goods.


1 Habeatur in singulis dioecesibus speciale institutum, quod bona vel oblationes colligat eum in finem ut sustentationi
clericorum, qui in favorem dioecesis servitium praestant, ad normam can. 281 provideatur, nisi aliter eisdem provisum
1 In every diocese there is to be a special fund which collects offerings and temporal goods for the purpose of
providing, in accordance with 281, for the support of the clergy who serve the diocese, unless they are otherwise
catered for.
2 Ubi praevidentia socialis in favorem cleri nondum apte ordinata est, curet Episcoporum conferentia ut habeatur
institutum, quo securitati sociali clericorum satis provideatur.

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2 Where there is as yet no properly organised system of social provision for the clergy, the Episcopal Conference
is to see that a fund is established which will furnish adequate social security for them.
3 In singulis dioecesibus constituatur, quatenus opus sit, massa communis qua valeant Episcopi obligationibus erga
alias personas Ecclesiae deservientes satisfacere variisque dioecesis necessitatibus occurrere, quaque etiam dioeceses
divitiores possint pauperioribus subvenire.
3 To the extent that it is required, a common reserve is to be established in every diocese by which the Bishop is
enabled to fulfil his obligations towards other persons who serve the Church and to meet various needs of the
diocese, this can also be the means by which wealthier dioceses may help poorer ones.
4 Pro diversis locorum adiunctis, fines de quibus in 2 et 3 aptius obtineri possunt per instituta dioecesana inter se
foederata, vel per cooperationem aut etiam per convenientem consociationem pro variis dioecesibus, immo et pro toto
territorio ipsius Episcoporum conferentiae constitutam.
4 Depending on differing local circumstances, the purposes described in 2 and 3 might better be achieved by
amalgamating various diocesan funds, or by cooperation between various dioceses, or even by setting up a
suitable association for them, or indeed for the whole territory of the Episcopal Conference itself.
5 Haec instituta, si fieri possit, ita constituenda sunt, ut efficaciam quoque in iure civili obtineant.
5 If possible, these funds are to be established in such a manner that they will have standing also in the civil law.

Massa bonorum ex diversis dioecesibus provenientium administratur secundum normas ab Episcopis, quorum interest,
opportune concordatas.
A reserve set up by a number of different dioceses is to be administered according to norms opportunely agreed
upon by the Bishops concerned.


1 Ordinarii est sedulo advigilare administrationi omnium bonorum, quae ad personas iuridicas publicas sibi subiectas
pertinent, salvis legitimis titulis quibus eidem Ordinario potiora iura tribuantur.
1 Ordinaries must carefully supervise the administration of all the goods which belong to public juridical persons
subject to them, without prejudice to lawful titles which may give the Ordinary greater rights.
2 Habita ratione iurium, legitimarum consuetudinum et circumstantiarum, Ordinarii, editis pecularibus
instructionibus intra fines iuris universalis et particularis, universum administrationis bonorum ecclesiasticorum
negotium ordinandum curent.
2 Taking into account rights, lawful customs and the circumstances, Ordinaries are to regulate the whole matter of
the administration of ecclesiastical goods by issuing special instructions, within the limits of universal and particular


Episcopus dioecesanus quod attinet ad actus administrationis ponendos, qui, attento statu oeconomico dioecesis, sunt
maioris momenti, consilium a rebus oeconomicis et collegium consultorum audire debet; eiusdem tamen consilii atque
etiam collegii consultorum consensu eget, praeterquam in casibus iure universali vel tabulis fundationis specialiter
expressis, ad ponendos actus extraordinariae administrationis. Conferentiae autem Episcoporum est definire quinam
actus habendi sint extraordinariae administrationis.
In carrying out acts of administration which, in the light of the financial situation of the diocese, are of major
importance, the diocesan Bishop must consult the finance committee and the college of consultors. For acts of
extraordinary administration, except in cases expressly provided for in the universal law or stated in the documents
of foundation, the diocesan Bishop needs the consent of the committee and of the college of consultors. It is for the
Episcopal Conference to determine what are to be regarded as acts of extraordinary administration.


Praeter munera de quibus in can. 494, 3 et 4, oeconomo committi possunt ab Episcopo dioecesano munera de quibus
in cann. 1276, 1 et 1279, 2.
Besides the duties mentioned in 494 3 and 4, the diocesan Bishop may also entrust to the financial administrator
the duties mentioned in 1276 1 and 1279 2.


1 Administratio bonorum ecclesiasticorum ei competit, qui immediate regit personam ad quam eadem bona pertinent,
nisi aliud ferant ius particulare, statuta aut legitima consuetudo, et salvo iure Ordinarii interveniendi in casu
neglegentiae administratoris.

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1 The administration of ecclesiastical goods pertains to the one with direct power of governance over the person
to whom the goods belong, unless particular law or statutes or legitimate custom state otherwise, and without
prejudice to the right of the Ordinary to intervene where there is negligence on the part of the administrator.
2 In administratione bonorum personae iuridicae publicae, quae ex iure vel tabulis fundationis aut propriis statutis
suos non habeat administratores, Ordinarius, cui eadem subiecta est, personas idoneas ad triennium assumat; eaedem
ab Ordinario iterum nominari possunt.
2 Where no administrators are appointed for a public juridical person by law or by the documents of foundation or
by its own statutes, the Ordinary to which it is subject is to appoint suitable persons as administrators for a threeyear term. The same persons can be re-appointed by the Ordinary.

Quaevis persona iuridica suum habeat consilium a rebus oeconomicis vel saltem duos consiliarios, qui administratorem,
ad normam statutorum, in munere adimplendo adiuvent.
Every juridical person is to have its own finance committee, or at least two counsellors, who are to assist in the
performance of the administrator's duties, in accordance with the statutes.


1 Firmis statutorum praescriptis, administratores invalide ponunt actus qui fines modumque ordinariae
administrationis excedunt, nisi prius ab Ordinario facultatem scripto datam obtinuerint.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the statutes administrators act invalidly when they go beyond the limits
and manner of ordinary administration, unless they have first received in writing from the Ordinary the faculty to do
2 In statutis definiantur actus qui finem et modum ordinariae administrationis excedunt; si vero de hac re sileant
statuta, competit Episcopo dioecesano, audito consilio a rebus oeconomicis, huiusmodi actus pro personis sibi subiectis
2 The statutes are to determine what acts go beyond the limits and manner of ordinary administration. If the
statutes are silent on this point, it is for the diocesan Bishop, after consulting the finance committee, to determine
these acts for the persons subject to him.
3 Nisi quando et quatenus in rem suam versum sit, persona iuridica non tenetur respondere de actibus ab
administratoribus invalide positis; de actibus autem ab administratoribus illegitime sed valide positis respondebit ipsa
persona iuridica, salva eius actione seu recursu adversus administratores qui damna eidem intulerint.
3 Except and insofar as it is to its benefit, a juridical person is not held responsible for the invalid actions of its
administrators. The juridical person is, however, responsible when such actions are valid but unlawful, without
prejudice to its right to bring an action or have recourse against the administrators who have caused it damage.


Omnes, sive clerici sive laici, qui legitimo titulo partes habent in administratione bonorum ecclesiasticorum, munera
sua adimplere tenentur nomine Ecclesiae, ad normam iuris.
All persons, whether clerics or laity, who lawfully take part in the administration of ecclesiastical goods, are bound
to fulfil their duties in the name of the Church, in accordance with the law.


Antequam administratores suum munus ineant:

Before administrators undertake their duties:

debent se bene et fideliter administraturos coram Ordinario vel eius delegato iureiurando spondere;
they must take an oath, in the presence of the Ordinary or his delegate, that they will well and truly perform
their office;

accuratum ac distinctum inventarium, ab ipsis subscribendum, rerum immobilium, rerum mobilium sive
pretiosarum sive utcumque ad bona culturalia pertinentium aliarumve cum descriptione atque aestimatione
earundem redigatur, redactumque recognoscatur;
they are to draw up a clear and accurate inventory, to be signed by themselves, of all immovable goods, of
those movable goods which are precious or of a high cultural value, and of all other goods, with a description
and an estimate of their value; when this has been compiled, it is to be certified as correct;

huius inventarii alterum exemplar conservetur in tabulario administrationis, alterum in archivo curiae; et in
utroque quaelibet immutatio adnotetur, quam patrimonium subire contingat.

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one copy of this inventory is to be kept in the administration office and another in the curial archive; any
change which takes place in the property is to be noted on both copies.

1 Omnes administratores diligentia boni patrisfamilias suum munus implere tenentur.

1 All administrators are to perform their duties with the diligence of a good householder.
2 Exinde debent:
2 Therefore they must:

vigilare ne bona suae curae concredita quoquo modo pereant aut detrimentum capiant, initis in hunc finem,
quatenus opus sit, contractibus assecurationis;
be vigilant that no goods placed in their care in any way perish or suffer damage; to this end they are, to the
extent necessary, to arrange insurance contracts;

curare ut proprietas bonorum ecclesiasticorum modis civiliter validis in tuto ponatur;

ensure that the ownership of ecclesiastical goods is safeguarded in ways which are valid in civil law;

praescripta servare iuris tam canonici quam civilis, aut quae a fundatore vel donatore vel legitima auctoritate
imposita sint, ac praesertim cavere ne ex legum civilium inobservantia damnum Ecclesiae obveniat;
observe the provisions of canon and civil law, and the stipulations of the founder or donor or lawful authority;
they are to take special care that damage will not be suffered by the Church through the non-observance of
the civil law;

reditus bonorum ac proventus accurate et iusto tempore exigere exactosque tuto servare et secundum fundatoris
mentem aut legitimas normas impendere;
seek accurately and at the proper time the income and produce of the goods, guard them securely and
expend them in accordance with the wishes of the founder or lawful norms;

foenus vel mutui vel hypothecae causa solvendum, statuto tempore solvere, ipsamque debiti summam capitalem
opportune reddendam curare;
at the proper time pay the interest which is due by reason of a loan or pledge, and take care that in due time
the capital is repaid;

pecuniam, quae de expensis supersit et utiliter collocari possit, de consensu Ordinarii in fines personae iuridicae
with the consent of the Ordinary make use of money which is surplus after payment of expenses and which
can be profitably invested for the purposes of the juridical person;

accepti et expensi libros bene ordinatos habere;

keep accurate records of income and expenditure;

rationem administrationis singulis exeuntibus annis componere;

draw up an account of their administration at the end of each year;

documenta et instrumenta, quibus Ecclesiae aut instituti iura in bona nituntur, rite ordinare et in archivo
convenienti et apto custodire; authentica vero eorum exemplaria, ubi commode fieri potest, in archivo curiae
keep in order and preserve in a convenient and suitable archive the documents and records establishing the
rights of the Church or institute to its goods; where conveniently possible, authentic copies must be placed in
the curial archives.

3 Provisiones accepti et expensi, ut ab administratoribus quotannis componantur, enixe commendatur; iuri autem
particulari relinquitur eas praecipere et pressius determinare modos quibus exhibendae sint.
3 It is earnestly recommended that administrators draw up each year a budget of income and expenditure.
However, it is left to particular law to make this an obligation and to determine more precisely how it is to be

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Intra limites dumtaxat ordinariae administrationis fas est administratoribus de bonis mobilibus, quae ad patrimonium
stabile non pertinent, donationes ad fines pietatis aut christianae caritatis facere.
Solely within the limits of ordinary administration, administrators are allowed to make gifts for pious purposes or
christian charity out of the movable goods which do not form part of the stable patrimony.


Administratores bonorum:
Administrators of temporal goods:


in operarum locatione leges etiam civiles, quae ad laborem et vitam socialem attinent, adamussim servent, iuxta
principia ab Ecclesia tradita;
in making contracts of employment, are accurately to observe also, according to the principles taught by the
Church, the civil laws relating to labour and social life

iis, qui operam ex condicto praestant, iustam et honestam mercedem tribuant, ita ut iidem suis et suorum
necessitatibus convenienter providere valeant.
are to pay to those who work for them under contract a just and honest wage which will be sufficient to
provide for their needs and those of their dependents.

1 Reprobata contraria consuetudine, administratores tam clerici quam laici quorumvis bonorum ecclesiasticorum,
quae ab Episcopi dioecesani potestate regiminis non sint legitime subducta, singulis annis officio tenentur rationes
Ordinario loci exhibendi, qui eas consilio a rebus oeconomicis examinandas committat.
1 Where ecclesiastical goods of any kind are not lawfully withdrawn from the power of governance of the diocesan
Bishop, their administrators, both clerical and lay, are bound to submit each year to the local Ordinary an account
of their administration, which he is to pass on to his finance committee for examination. Any contrary custom is
2 De bonis, quae a fidelibus Ecclesiae offeruntur, administratores rationes fidelibus reddant iuxta normas iure
particulari statuendas.
2 Administrators are to render accounts to the faithful concerning the goods they have given to the Church, in
accordance with the norms to be laid down by particular law.


Administratores litem nomine personae iuridicae publicae ne inchoent neve contestentur in foro civili, nisi licentiam
scripto datam Ordinarii proprii obtinuerint.
Administrators are not to begin legal proceedings in the name of a public juridical person, nor are they to contest
them in a secular court, without first obtaining the written permission of their proper Ordinary.


Quamvis ad administrationem non teneantur titulo officii ecclesiastici, administratores munus suspectum arbitratu suo
dimittere nequeunt; quod si ex arbitraria dimissione damnum Ecclesiae obveniat, ad restitutionem tenentur.
Although they may not be bound to the work of administration by virtue of an ecclesiastical office, administrators
may not arbitrarily relinquish the work they have undertaken. If they do so, and this occasions damage to the
Church, they are bound to restitution.





Quae ius civile in territorio statuit de contractibus tam in genere, quam in specie et de solutionibus, eadem iure
canonico quoad res potestati regiminis Ecclesiae subiectas iisdem cum effectibus serventur, nisi iuri divino contraria
sint aut aliud iure canonico caveatur, et firmo iure canonico caveatur, et firmo praescripto can. 1547.
Without prejudice to 1547[5 ], whatever the local civil law decrees about contracts, both generally and specifically,
and about the voiding of contracts, is to be observed regarding goods which are subject to the power of governance
of the Church, and with the same effect, provided that the civil law is not contrary to divine law, and that canon law
does not provide otherwise.


Ad valide alienanda bona, quae personae iuridicae publicae ex legitima assignatione patrimonium stabile constituunt et
quorum valor summam iure definitam excedit, requiritur licentia auctoritatis ad normam iuris competentis.

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The permission of the authority competent by law is required for the valid alienation of goods which, by lawful
assignment, constitute the stable patrimony of a public juridical person, whenever their value exceeds the sum
determined by law.

1 Salvo praescripto can. 638, 3, cum valor bonorum, quorum alienatio proponitur, continetur intra summam
minimam et summam maximam ab Episcoporum conferentia pro sua cuiusque regione definiendas, auctoritas
competens, si agatur de personis iuridicis Episcopo dioecesano non subiectis, propriis determinatur statutis secus,
auctoritas competens est Episcopus dioecesanus cum consensu consilii a rebus oeconomicis et collegii consultorum
necnon eorum quorum interest. Eorundem quoque consensu eget ipse Episcopus dioecesanus ad bona dioecesis
1 Without prejudice to the provision of 638 3, when the amount of the goods to be alienated is between the
minimum and maximum sums to be established by the Episcopal Conference for its region, the competent
authority in the case of juridical persons not subject to the diocesan Bishop is determined by the juridical person's
own statutes. In other cases, the competent authority is the diocesan Bishop acting with the consent of the finance
committee, of the college of consultors, and of any interested parties. The diocesan Bishop needs the consent of
these same persons to alienate goods which belong to the diocese itself.
2 Si tamen agatur de rebus quarum valor summam maximam excedit, vel de rebus ex voto Ecclesiae donatis, vel de
rebus pretiosis artis vel historiae causa, ad validitatem alienationis requiritur insuper licentia Sanctae Sedis.
2 The permission of the Holy See also is required for the valid alienation of goods whose value exceeds the
maximum sum, or if it is a question of the alienation of something given to the Church by reason of a vow, or of
objects which are precious by reason of their artistic or historical significance.
3 Si res alienanda sit divisibilis, in petenda licentia pro alienatione exprimi debent partes antea alienatae; secus
licentia irrita est.
3 When a request is made to alienate goods which are divisible, the request must state what parts have already
been alienated; otherwise, the permission is invalid.
4 Ii, qui in alienandis bonis consilio vel consensu partem habere debent, ne praebeant consilium vel consensum nisi
prius exacte fuerint edocti tam de statu oeconomico personae iuridicae cuius bona alienanda proponuntur, quam de
alienationibus iam peractis.
4 Those who must give advice about or consent to the alienation of goods are not to give this advice or consent
until they have first been informed precisely both about the economic situation of the juridical person whose goods
it is proposed to alienate and about alienations which have already taken place.


1 Ad alienanda bona, quorum valor summam minimam definitam excedit, requiritur insuper:
1 To alienate goods whose value exceeds the determined minimum sum, it is also required that there be:

iusta causa, veluti urgens necessitas, evidens utilitas, pietas, caritas vel gravis alia ratio pastoralis;
a just reason, such as urgent necessity, evident advantage, or a religious, charitable or other grave pastoral

aestimatio rei alienandae a peritis scripto facta.

a written expert valuation of the goods to be alienated.

2 Aliae quoque cautelae a legitima auctoritate praescriptae serventur, ut Ecclesiae damnum vitetur.
2 To avoid harm to the Church, any other precautions drawn up by lawful authority are also to be followed.

1 Res alienari minore pretio ordinarie non debet, quam quod in aestimatione indicatur.
1 Normally goods must not be alienated for a price lower than that given in the valuation.
2 Pecunia ex alienatione percepta vel in commodum Ecclesiae caute collocetur vel, iuxta alienationis fines, prudenter
2 The money obtained from alienation must be carefully invested for the benefit of the Church, or prudently
expended according to the purposes of the alienation.

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Requisita ad normam cann. 1291-1294, quibus etiam statuta personarum iuridicarum conformanda sunt, servari
debent non solum in alienatione, sed etiam in quolibet negotio, quo condicio patrimonialis personae iuridicae peior fieri
The provisions of cann. 1291-1294, to which the statutes of juridical persons are to conform, must be observed not
only in alienation, but also in any dealings in which the patrimonial condition of the juridical person may be


Si quando bona ecclesiastica sine debitis quidem sollemnitatibus canonicis alienata fuerint, sed alienatio sit civiliter
valida, auctoritatis competentis est decernere, omnibus mature perpensis, an et qualis actio, personalis scilicet vel
realis, a quonam et contra quemnam instituenda sit ad Ecclesiae iura vindicanda.
When alienation has taken place without-the prescribed canonical formalities, but is valid in civil law, the competent
authority must carefully weigh all the circumstances and decide whether, and if so what, action is to be taken,
namely personal or real, by whom and against whom, to vindicate the rights of the Church.


Conferentiae Episcoporum est, attentis locorum adiunctis, normas statuere de bonis Ecclesiae locandis, praesertim de
licentia a competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica obtinenda.
It is the duty of the Episcopal Conference, taking into account the local circumstances, to determine norms about
the leasing of ecclesiastical goods, especially about permission to be obtained from the competent ecclesiastical


Nisi res sit minimi momenti, bona ecclesiastica propriis administratoribus eorumve propinquis usque ad quartum
consanguinitatis vel affinitatis gradum non sunt vendenda aut locanda sine speciali competentis auctoritatis licentia
scripto data.
Unless they are of little value, ecclesiastical goods are not to be sold or leased to the administrators themselves or
to their relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, without the special written permission of the
competent authority.




1 Qui ex iure naturae et canonico libere valet de suis bonis statuere, potest ad causas pias, sive per actum inter vivos
sive per actum mortis causa, bona relinquere.
1 Those who by the natural law and by canon law can freely dispose of their goods may leave them to pious
causes either by an act inter vivos or by an act mortis causa.
2 In dispositionibus mortis causa in bonum Ecclesiae serventur, si fieri possit, sollemnitates iuris civilis; quae si
omissae fuerint, heredes moneri debent de obligatione, qua tenentur, adimplendi testatoris voluntatem.
2 In arrangements mortis causa in favour of the Church, the formalities of the civil law are as far as possible to be
observed. If these formalities have been omitted, the heirs must be advised of their obligation to fulfil the intention
of the testator.


Voluntates fidelium facultates suas in pias causas donantium vel relinquentium, sive per actum inter vivos sive per
actum mortis causa, legitime acceptatae, diligentissime impleantur etiam circa modum administrationis et erogationis
bonorum, firmo praescripto can. 1301, 3.
The intentions of the faithful who give or leave goods to pious causes, whether by an act inter vivos or by an act
mortis causa, once lawfully accepted, are to be most carefully observed, even in the manner of the administration
and the expending of the goods, without prejudice to the provisions of 1301 3.


1 Ordinarius omnium piarum voluntatum tam mortis causa quam inter vivos exsecutor est.
1 The Ordinary is the executor of all pious dispositions whether made mortis causa or inter vivos.
2 Hoc ex iure Ordinarius vigilare potest ac debet, etiam per visitationem, ut piae voluntates impleantur, eique ceteri
exsecutores, perfuncti munere, reddere rationem tenentur.
2 By this right the Ordinary can and must ensure, even by making a visitation, that pious dispositions are fulfilled.
Other executors are to render him an account when they have finished their task.

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3 Clausulae huic Ordinarii iuri contrariae, ultimis voluntatibus adiectae, tamquam non appositae habeantur.
3 Any clause contrary to this right of the Ordinary which is added to a last will, is to be regarded as non-existent.

1 Qui bona ad pias causas sive per actum inter vivos sive ex testamento fiduciarie accepit, debet de sua fiducia
Ordinarium certiorem reddere, eique omnia istiusmodi bona mobilia vel immobilia cum oneribus adiunctis indicare;
quod si donator id expresse et omnino prohibuerit, fiduciam ne acceptet.
1 Anyone who receives goods in trust for pious causes, whether by an act inter vivos or by last will, must inform
the Ordinary about the trust, as well as about the goods in question, both movable and immovable, and about any
obligations attached to them. If the donor has expressly and totally forbidden this, the trust is not to be accepted.
2 Ordinarius debet exigere ut bona fiduciaria in tuto collocentur, itemque vigilare pro exsecutione piae voluntatis ad
normam can. 1301.
2 The Ordinary must demand that goods left in trust be safely preserved and, in accordance with 1301, he must
ensure that the pious disposition is executed.
3 Bonis fiduciariis alicui sodali instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae commissis, si quidem bona sint
attributa loco seu dioecesi eorumve incolis aut piis causis iuvandis, Ordinarius, de quo in 1 et 2, est loci Ordinarius;
secus est Superior maior in instituto clericali iuris pontificii et in clericalibus societatibus vitae apostolicae iuris
pontificii, aut Ordinarius eiusdem sodalis proprius in aliis institutis religiosis.
3 When goods given in trust to a member of a religious institute or society of apostolic life, are destined for a
particular place or diocese or their inhabitants, or for pious causes, the Ordinary mentioned in 1 and 2 is the
local Ordinary. Otherwise, when the person is a member of a pontifical clerical institute or of a pontifical clerical
society of apostolic life, it is the major Superior; when of other religious institutes, it is the member's proper


1 Nomine piarum fundationum in iure veniunt:

1 In law the term pious foundation comprises:

piae fundationes autonomae, scilicet universitates rerum ad fines de quibus in can. 114, 2 destinatae et a
competenti auctoritate ecclesiastica in personam iuridicam erectae;
autonomous pious foundations, that is, aggregates of things destined for the purposes described in 114 2,
and established as juridical persons by the competent ecclesiastical authority.

piae fundationes non autonomae, scilicet bona temporalia alicui personae iuridicae publicae quoquo modo data
cum onere in diuturnum tempus, iure particulari determinandum, ex reditibus annuis Missas celebrandi aliasque
praefinitas functiones ecclesiasticas peragendi, aut fines de quibus in can. 114, 2 aliter persequendi.
non-autonomous pious foundations, that is, temporal goods given in any way to a public juridical person and
carrying with them a long-term obligation, such period to be determined by particular law. The obligation is for
the juridical person, from the annual income, to celebrate Masses, or to perform other determined
ecclesiastical functions, or in some other way to fulfil the purposes mentioned in 114 2.

2 Bona piae fundationis non autonomae, si concredita fuerint personae iuridicae Episcopo dioecesano subiectae,
expleto tempore, ad institutum de quo in can. 1274, 1, destinari debent, nisi alia fuerit fundatoris voluntas expresse
manifestata; secus ipsi personae iuridicae cedunt.
2 If the goods of a non-autonomous pious foundation are entrusted to a juridical person subject to the diocesan
Bishop, they are, on the expiry of the time, to be sent to the fund mentioned in 1274 1, unless some other
intention was expressly manifested by the donor. Otherwise, the goods fall to the juridical person itself.

1 Ut fundatio a persona iuridica valide acceptari possit, requiritur licentia Ordinarii in scriptis data; qui eam ne
praebeat, antequam legitime compererit personam iuridicam tum novo oneri suscipiendo, tum iam susceptis satisfacere
posse; maximeque caveat ut reditus omnino respondeant oneribus adiunctis, secundum cuiusque loci vel regionis
1 For the valid acceptance of a pious foundation by a juridical person, the written permission of the Ordinary is
required. He is not to give this permission until he has lawfully established that the juridical person can satisfy not
only the new obligations to be undertaken, but also any already undertaken. The Ordinary is to take special care

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that the revenue fully corresponds to the obligations laid down, taking into account the customs of the region or
2 Ulteriores condiciones ad constitutionem et acceptationem fundationum quod attinet, iure particulari definiantur.
2 Other conditions for the establishment or acceptance of a pious foundation are to be determined by particular

Pecunia et bona mobilia, dotationis nomine assignata, statim in loco tuto ab Ordinario approbando deponantur eum in
finem, ut eadem pecunia vel bonorum mobilium pretium custodiantur et quam primum caute et utiliter secundum
prudens eiusdem Ordinarii iudicium, auditis et iis quorum interest et proprio a rebus oeconomicis consilio, collocentur
in commodum eiusdem fundationis cum expressa et individua mentione oneris.
Money and movable goods which are assigned as a dowry are immediately to be put in a safe place approved by
the Ordinary, so that the money or the value of the movable goods is safeguarded; as soon as possible, they are to
be carefully and profitably invested for the good of the foundation, with an express and individual mention of the
obligation undertaken, in accordance with the prudent judgement of the Ordinary when he has consulted those
concerned and his own finance committee.


1 Fundationes, etiam viva voce factae, scripto consignentur.

1 All foundations, even if made orally, are to be recorded in writing.
2 Alterum tabularum exemplar in curiae archivo, alterum in archivo personae iuridicae ad quam fundatio spectat,
tuto asserventur.
2 One copy of the document is to be carefully preserved in the curial archive and another copy in the archive of
the juridical person to which the foundation pertains.


1 Servatis praescriptis cann. 1300-1302, et 1287, onerum ex piis fundationibus incumbentium tabella conficiatur, quae
in loco patenti exponatur, ne obligationes adimplendae in oblivionem cadant.
1 When the provisions of cann. 13001302 and 1287 have been observed, a document showing the obligations
arising from the pious foundations is to be drawn up. This is to be displayed in a conspicuous place, so that the
obligations to be fulfilled are not forgotten.
2 Praeter librum de quo in can. 958, 1, alter liber retineatur et apud parochum vel rectorem servetur, in quo singula
onera eorumque adimpletio et eleemosynae adnotentur.
2 Apart from the book mentioned in 958 1, another book is to be kept by the parish priest or rector, in which each
of the obligations, their fulfilment and the offering given, is to be recorded.


1 Reductio onerum Missarum, ex iusta tantum et necessaria causa facienda, reservatur Sedi Apostolicae, salvis
praescriptis quae sequuntur.
1 The reduction of Mass obligations, for a just and necessary reason, is reserved to the Apostolic See, without
prejudice to the provisions which follow.
2 Sibi in tabulis fundationum id expresse caveatur, Ordinarius ob imminutos reditus onera Missarum reducere valet.
2 If this is expressly provided for in the document of foundation, the Ordinary may reduce Mass obligations on the
ground of reduced income.
3 Episcopo dioecesano competit potestas reducendi ob deminutionem redituum, quamdiu causa perduret, ad rationem
eleemosynae in dioecesi legitime vigentis, Missas legatorum vel quoquo modo fundatas, quae sint per se stantia,
dummodo nemo sit qui obligatione teneatur et utiliter cogi possit ad eleemosynae augmentum faciendum.
3 In the cases of Masses given in legacies or in foundations of any kind, which are solely for the purpose of
Masses, the diocesan Bishop has the power, because of the diminution of income and for as long as this persists,
to reduce the obligations to the level of the offering lawfully current in the diocese. He may do this, however, only if
there is no one who has an obligation to increase the offering and can actually be made to do so.
4 Eidem competit potestas reducendi onera seu legata Missarum gravantia institutum ecclesiasticum, si reditus
insufficientes evaserint ad finem proprium eiusdem instituti congruenter consequendum.
4 The diocesan Bishop has the power to reduce the obligations or legacies of Masses which bind an ecclesiastical
institute, if the revenue has become insufficient to achieve in a fitting manner the proper purpose of the institute.

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5 Iisdem potestatibus, de quibus in 3 et 4, gaudet supremus Moderator instituti religiosi clericalis iuris pontificii.
5 The supreme Moderator of a clerical religious institute of pontifical right has the powers given in 3 and 4.

Iisdem auctoritatibus, de quibus in can. 1308, potestas insuper competit transferendi, congrua de causa, onera
Missarum in dies, ecclesias vel altaria diversa ab illis, quae in fundationibus sunt statuta.
Where a fitting reason exists, the authorities mentioned in 1308 have the power to transfer Mass obligations to
days, churches or altars other than those determined in the foundation.


1 Fidelium voluntatum pro piis causis reductio, moderatio, commutatio, si fundator potestatem hanc Ordinario
expresse concesserit, potest ab eodem fieri ex iusta tantum et necessaria causa.
1 The intentions of the faithful in pious cases may be reduced, directed or changed by the Ordinary, if the donor
has expressly conceded this power to him, but only for a just and necessary reason.
2 Si exsecutio onerum impositorum, ob imminutos reditus aliamve causam, nulla administratorum culpa, impossibilis
evaserit, Ordinarius, auditis iis quorum interest et proprio consilio a rebus oeconomicis atque servata, meliore quo fieri
potest modo, fundatoris voluntate, poterit eadem onera aeque imminuere, excepta Missarum reductione, quae
praescriptis can. 1308 regitur.
2 If it has become impossible to carry out the obligations because of reduced income, or for any other reason
arising without fault on the part of the administrators, the Ordinary can diminish these obligations in an equitable
manner, with the exception of the reduction of Masses, which is governed by the provisions of 1308. He may do so
only after consulting those concerned and his own finance committee, keeping in the best way possible to the
intention of the donor.
3 In ceteris casibus recurrendum est ad Sedem Apostolicam.
3 In all other cases, the Apostolic See is to be approached.

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Nativum et proprium Ecclesiae ius est christifideles delinquentes poenalibus sanctionibus coercere.
The Church has its own inherent right to constrain with penal sanctions Christ's faithful who commit offences.


1 Sanctiones poenales in Ecclesia sunt:

1 The penal sanctions in the Church are:

poenae medicinales seu censurae, quae in cann. 1331-1333 recensentur;

medicinal penalties or censures, which are listed in cann. 1331-1333;

poenae expiatoriae, de quibus in can. 1336.

expiatory penalties, mentioned in 1336.

2 Lex alias poenas expiatorias constituere potest, quae christifidelem aliquo bono spirituali vel temporali privent et
supernaturali Ecclesiae fini sint consentaneae.
2 The law may determine other expiatory penalties which deprive a member of Christ's faithful of some spiritual or
temporal good, and are consistent with the Church's supernatural purpose.
3 Praeterea remedia poenalia et paenitentiae adhibentur, illa quidem praesertim ad delicta praecavenda, hae potius
ad poenam substituendam vel augendam.
3 Use is also made of penal remedies and penances: the former primarily to prevent offences, the latter rather to
substitute for or to augment a penalty.




1 Si post delictum commissum lex mutetur, applicanda est lex reo favorabilior.
1 If a law is changed after an offence has been committed, the law more favourable to the offender is to be
2 Quod si lex posterior tollat legem vel saltem poenam, haec statim cessat.
2 If a later law removes a law, or at least a penalty, the penalty immediately lapses.


Poena plerumque est ferendae sententiae, ita ut reum non teneat, nisi postquam irrogata sit; est autem latae sententiae,
ita ut in eam incurratur ipso facto commissi delicti, si lex vel praeceptum id expresse statuat.
A penalty is for the most part ferendae sententiae, that is, not binding upon the offender until it has been imposed.
It is, however, latae sententiae, so that it is incurred automatically upon the commission of an offence, if a law or
precept expressly lays this down.


1 Qui legislativam habet potestatem, potest etiam poenales leges ferre; potest autem suis legibus etiam legem divinam
vel legem ecclesiasticam, a superiore auctoritate latam, congrua poena munire, servatis suae competentiae limitibus
ratione territorii vel personarum.
1 Whoever has legislative power can also make penal laws. A legislator can, however, by laws of his own,
reinforce with a fitting penalty a divine law or an ecclesiastical law of a higher authority, observing the limits of his
competence in respect of territory or persons.
2 Lex ipsa potest poenam determinare vel prudenti iudicis aestimatione determinandam relinquere.

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2 A law can either itself determine the penalty or leave its determination to the prudent decision of a judge.
3 Lex particularis potest etiam poenis universali lege constitutis in aliquod delictum alias addere; id autem ne faciat,
nisi ex gravissima necessitate. Quod si lex universalis indeterminatam vel facultativam poenam comminetur, lex
particularis potest etiam in illius locum poenam determinatam vel obligatoriam constituere.
3 A particular law can also add other penalties to those laid down for a certain offence in a universal law; this is
not to be done, however, except for the gravest necessity. If a universal law threatens an undetermined penalty or a
discretionary penalty, a particular law can establish in its place a determined or an obligatory penalty.

Curent Episcopi dioecesani ut, quatenus fieri potest, in eadem civitate vel regione uniformes ferantur, si quae ferendae
sint, poenales leges.
Diocesan Bishops are to take care that as far as possible any penalties which are to be imposed by law are uniform
within the same city or region.


Poenae eatenus constituantur, quatenus vere necessariae sint ad aptius providendum ecclesiasticae disciplinae. Dimissio
autem e statu clericali lege particulari constitui nequit.
Penalties are to be established only in so far as they are really necessary for the better maintenance of
ecclesiastical discipline. Dismissal from the clerical state, however, cannot be laid down by particular law.


Latae sententiae poenas ne comminetur legislator, nisi forte in singularia quaedam delicta dolosa, quae vel graviori esse
possint scandalo vel efficaciter puniri poenis ferendae sententiae non possint; censuras autem, praesertim
excommunicationem, ne constituat, nisi maxima cum moderatione et in sola delicta graviora.
A legislator is not to threaten latae sententiae penalties, except perhaps for some outstanding and malicious
offences which may be either more grave by reason of scandal or such that they cannot be effectively punished by
ferendae sententiae penalties. He is not, however, to constitute censures, especially excommunication, except with
the greatest moderation, and only for the more grave offences.


1 Quatenus quis potest vi potestatis regiminis in foro externo praecepta imponere, eatenus potest etiam poenas
determinatas, exceptis expiatoriis perpetuis, per praeceptum comminari.
1 To the extent to which a legislator can impose precepts by virtue of the power of governance in the external
forum, to that extent can he also by precept threaten a determined penalty, other than a perpetual expiatory penalty.
2 Praeceptum poenale ne feratur, nisi re mature perpensa, et iis servatis, quae in cann. 1317 et 1318 de legibus
particularibus statuuntur.
2 A precept to which a penalty is attached is not to be issued unless the matter has been very carefully
considered, and unless the provisions of 1317 and 1318 concerning particular laws have been observed.


In omnibus in quibus religiosi subsunt Ordinario loci, possunt ab eodem poenis coerceri.
In all matters in which they come under the authority of the local Ordinary, religious can be constrained by him with




1 Nemo punitur, nisi externa legis vel praecepti violatio, ab eo commissa, sit graviter imputabilis ex dolo vel ex culpa.
1 No one can be punished for the commission of an external violation of a law or precept unless it is gravely
imputable by reason of malice or of culpability.
2 Poena lege vel praecepto statuta is tenetur, qui legem vel praeceptum deliberate violavit; qui vero id egit ex
omissione debitae diligentiae, non punitur, nisi lex vel praeceptum aliter caveat.
2 A person who deliberately violated a law or precept is bound by the penalty prescribed in that law or precept. If,
however, the violation was due to the omission of due diligence, the person is not punished unless the law or
precept provides otherwise.
3 Posita externa violatione, imputabilitas praesumitur, nisi aliud appareat.
3 Where there has been an external violation, imputability is presumed, unless it appears otherwise.

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Qui habitualiter rationis usu carent, etsi legem vel praeceptum violaverint dum sani videbantur, delicti in incapaces
Those who habitually lack the use of reason, even though they appeared sane when they violated a law or precept,
are deemed incapable of committing an offence.


Nulli poenae est obnoxius qui, cum legem vel praeceptum violavit:
No one is liable to a penalty who, when violating a law or precept:


sextum decimum aetatis annum nondum explevit;

has not completed the sixteenth year of age;

sine culpa ignoravit se legem vel praeceptum violare; ignorantiae autem inadvertentia et error aequiparantur
was, without fault, ignorant of violating the law or precept; inadvertence and error are equivalent to ignorance

egit ex vi physica vel ex casu fortuito, quem praevidere vel cui praeviso occurrere non potuit;
acted under physical force, or under the impetus of a chanceoccurrence which the person could not foresee or
if foreseen could not avoid;

metu gravi, quamvis relative tantum, coactus egit, aut ex necessitate vel gravi incommodo, nisi tamen actus sit
intrinsece malus aut vergat in animarum damnum;
acted under the compulsion of grave fear, even if only relative, or by reason of necessity or grave
inconvenience, unless, however, the act is intrinsically evil or tends to be harmful to souls;

legitimae tutelae causa contra iniustum sui vel alterius aggressorem egit, debitum servans moderamen;
acted, within the limits of due moderation, in lawful self-defence or defence of another against an unjust

rationis usu carebat, firmis praescriptis cann. 1324, 1, n. 2 et 1325;

lacked the use of reason, without prejudice to the provisions of cann. 1324, 1, n. 2 and 1325;

sine culpa putavit aliquam adesse ex circumstantiis, de quibus in nn. 4 vel 5.

thought, through no personal fault, that some one of the circumstances existed which are mentioned in nn. 4
or 5.

1 Violationis auctor non eximitur a poena, sed poena lege vel praecepto statuta temperari debet vel in eius locum
paenitentia adhiberi,si delictum patratum sit:
1 The perpretrator of a violation is not exempted from penalty, but the penalty prescribed in the law or precept
must be diminished, or a penance substituted in its place, if the offence was committed by:

ab eo, qui rationis usum imperfectum tantum habuerit;

one who had only an imperfect use of reason;

ab eo qui rationis usu carebat propter ebrietatem aliamve similem mentis perturbationem, quae culpabilis fuerit;
one who was lacking the use of reason because of culpable drunkenness or other mental disturbance of a
similar kind;

ex gravi passionis aestu, qui non omnem tamen mentis deliberationem et voluntatis consensum praecesserit et
impedierit, et dummodo passio ipsa ne fuerit voluntarie excitata vel nutrita;
one who acted in the heat of passion which, while serious, nevertheless did not precede or hinder all mental
deliberation and consent of the will, provided that the passion itself had not been deliberately stimulated or

a minore, qui aetatem sedecim annorum explevit;

a minor who has completed the sixteenth year of age;

ab eo, qui metu gravi, quamvis relative tantum, coactus est, aut ex necessitate vel gravi incommodo, si delictum sit
intrinsece malum vel in animarum damnum vergat;

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one who was compelled by grave fear, even if only relative, or byreason of necessity or grave inconvenience,
if the act is intrinsically evil or tends to be harmful to souls;

ab eo, qui legitimae tutelae causa contra iniustum sui vel alterius aggressorem egit, nec tamen debitum servavit
one who acted in lawful self-defence or defence of another against an unjust aggressor, but did not observe
due moderation;

adversus aliquem graviter et iniuste provocantem;

one who acted against another person who was gravely and unjustly provocative;

ab eo, qui per errorem, ex sua tamen culpa, putavit aliquam adesse ex circumstantiis, de quibus in can. 1323, nn.
4 vel 5;
one who erroneously, but culpably, thought that some one of the circumstances existed which are mentioned
in 1323, nn. 4 or 5;

ab eo, qui sine culpa ignoravit poenam legi vel praecepto esse adnexam; 1
one who through no personal fault was unaware that a penalty was attached to the law or precept; 1

10 ab eo, qui egit sine plena imputabilitate, dummodo haec gravis permanserit.
one who acted without full imputability, provided it remained grave.
2 Idem potest iudex facere, si qua alia adsit circumstantia, quae delicti gravitatem deminuat.
2 A judge can do the same if there is any other circumstance present which would reduce the gravity of the
3 In circumstantiis, de quibus in 1, reus poena latae sententiae non tenetur.
3 In the circumstances mentioned in 1, the offender is not bound by a latae sententiae penalty.

Ignorantia crassa vel supina vel affectata numquam considerari potest in applicandis praescriptis cann. 1323 et 1324;
item ebrietas aliaeve mentis perturbationes, si sint de industria ad delictum patrandum vel excusandum quaesitae, et
passio, quae voluntarie excitata vel nutrita sit.
Ignorance which is crass or supine or affected can never be taken into account when applying the provisions of
cann. 1323 and 1324. Likewise, drunkenness or other mental disturbances cannot be taken into account if these
have been deliberately sought so as to commit the offence or to excuse it; nor can passion which has been
deliberately stimulated or nourished.


1 Iudex gravius punire potest quam lex vel praeceptum statuit:

1 A judge may inflict a more serious punishment than that prescribed in the law or precept when:

eum, qui post condemnationem vel poenae declarationem ita delinquere pergit, ut ex adiunctis prudenter eius
pertinacia in mala voluntate conici possit;
a person, after being condemned, or after the penalty has been declared, continues so to offend that obstinate
ill-will may prudently be concluded from the circumstances;

eum, qui in dignitate aliqua constitutus est, vel qui auctoritate aut officio abusus est ad delictum patrandum
a person who is established in some position of dignity, or who has abused a position of authority or an office,
in order to commit a crime;

reum, qui, cum poena in delictum culposum constituta sit, eventum praevidit et nihilominus cautiones ad eum
vitandum omisit, quas diligens quilibet adhibuisset.
an offender who, after a penalty for a culpable offence was constituted, foresaw the event but nevertheless
omitted to take the precautions to avoid it which any careful person would have taken.

2 In casibus, de quibus in 1, si poena constituta sit latae sententiae, alia poena addi potest vel paenitentia.
2 In the cases mentioned in 1, if the penalty constituted is latae sententiae, another penalty or a penance may be

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Lex particularis potest alias circumstantias eximentes, attenuantes vel aggravantes, praeter casus in cann. 1323-1326,
statuere, sive generali norma, sive pro singulis delictis. Item in praecepto possunt circumstantiae statui, quae a poena
praecepto constituta eximant, vel eam attenuent vel aggravent.
A particular law may, either as a general rule or for individual offences, determine excusing, attenuating or
aggravating circumstances, over and above the cases mentioned in cann. 1323--1326. Likewise, circumstances
may be determined in a precept which excuse from, attenuate or aggravate the penalty constituted in the precept.


1 Qui aliquid ad delictum patrandum egit vel omisit, nec tamen, praeter suam voluntatem, delictum consummavit,
non tenetur poena in delictum consummatum statuta, nisi lex vel praeceptum aliter caveat.
1 One who in furtherance of an offence did something or failed to do something but then, involuntarily, did not
complete the offence, is not bound by the penalty prescribed for the completed offence, unless the law or a precept
provides otherwise.
2 Quod si actus vel omissiones natura sua ad delicti exsecutionem conducant, auctor potest paenitentiae vel remedio
poenali subici, nisi sponte ab incepta delicti exsecutione destiterit. Si autem scandalum aliudve grave damnum vel
periculum evenerit, auctor, etsi sponte destiterit, iusta potest poena puniri, leviore tamen quam quae in delictum
consummatum constituta est.
2 If the acts or the omissions of their nature lead to the carrying out of the offence, the person responsible may be
subjected to a penance or to a penal remedy, unless he or she had spontaneously desisted from the offence which
had been initiated. However, if scandal or other serious harm or danger has resulted, the perpetrator, even though
spontaneously desisting, may be punished by a just penalty, but of a lesser kind than that determined for the
completed crime.


1 Qui communi delinquendi consilio in delictum concurrunt, neque in lege vel praecepto expresse nominantur, si
poenae ferendae sententiae in auctorem principalem constitutae sint, iisdem poenis subiciuntur vel aliis eiusdem vel
minoris gravitatis.
1 Where a number of persons conspire together to commit an offence, and accomplices are not expressly
mentioned in the law or precept, if ferendae sententiae penalties were constituted for the principal offender, then the
others are subject to the same penalties or to other penalties of the same or a lesser gravity.
2 In poenam latae sententiae delicto adnexam incurrunt complices,qui in lege vel praecepto non nominantur, si sine
eorum opera delictum patratum non esset, et poena sit talis naturae, ut ipsos afficere possit; secus poenis ferendae
sententiae puniri possunt.
2 In the case of a latae sententiae penalty attached to an offence, accomplices, even though not mentioned in the
law or precept, incur the same penalty if, without their assistance, the crime would not have been committed, and if
the penalty is of such a nature as to be able to affect them; otherwise, they can be punished with ferendae
sententiae penalties.


Delictum quod in declaratione consistat vel in alia voluntatis vel doctrinae vel scientiae manifestatione, tamquam non
consummatum censendum est, si nemo eam declarationem vel manifestationem percipiat.
1 An offence which consists in a declaration or in some other manifestation of doctrine or knowledge, is not to be
regarded as effected if no one actually perceives the declaration or manifestation.




1 Excommunicatus vetatur:
1 An excommunicated person is forbidden:

ullam habere participationem ministerialem in celebrandis Eucharistiae Sacrificio vel quibuslibet aliis cultus
to have any ministerial part in the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist or in any other ceremonies of
public worship;

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sacramenta vel sacramentalia celebrare et sacramenta recipere;

to celebrate the sacraments or sacramentals and to receive the sacraments ;

ecclesiasticis officiis vel ministeriis vel muneribus quibuslibet fungi vel actus regiminis ponere.
to exercise any ecclesiastical offices, ministries, functions or acts of governance.

2 Quod si excommunicatio irrogata vel declarata sit, reus:

2 If the excommunication has been imposed or declared, the offender:

si agere velit contra praescriptum 1, n. 1, est arcendus aut a liturgica actione est cessandum, nisi gravis obstet
proposing to act in defiance of the provision of 1, n. 1 is to be removed, or else the liturgical action is to be
suspended, unless there is a grave reason to the contrary

invalide ponit actus regiminis, qui ad normam 1, n. 3, sunt illiciti;

invalidly exercises any acts of governance which, in accordance with 1, n.3, are unlawful;

vetatur frui privilegiis antea concessis;

is forbidden to benefit from privileges already granted;

nequit valide consequi dignitatem, officium aliudve munus in Ecclesia

cannot validly assume any dignity, office or other function in the Church

fructus dignitatis, officii, muneris cuiuslibet, pensionis, quam quidem habeat in Ecclesia, non facit suos.
loses the title to the benefits of any dignity, office, function or pension held in the Church.


Interdictus tenetur vetitis, de quibus in can. 1331, 1 nn. 1 et 2; quod si interdictum irrogatum vel declaratum sit,
praescriptum can. 1331, 2, n. 1 servandum est.
One who is under interdict is obliged by the prohibition of 1331 1, nn. 1 and 2- if the interdict was imposed or
declared, the provision of 1331 2, n. 1 is to be observed.


1 Suspensio, quae clericos tantum afficere potest, vetat:

1 Suspension, which can affect only clerics, prohibits:

vel omnes vel aliquos actus potestatis ordinis;

all or some of the acts of the power of order

vel omnes vel aliquos actus potestatis regiminis;

all or some of the acts of the power of governance;

exercitium vel omnium vel aliquorum iurium vel munerum officio inhaerentium.
the exercise of all or some of the rights or functions attaching toan office.

2 In lege vel praecepto statui potest, ut post sententiam condemnatoriam vel declaratoriam actus regiminis suspensus
valide ponere nequeat.
2 In a law or a precept it may be prescribed that, after a judgement which imposes or declares the penalty, a
suspended person cannot validly perform acts of the power of governance.
3 Vetitum numquam afficit:
3 The prohibition never affects:

officia vel regiminis potestatem, quae non sint sub potestate Superioris poenam constituentis;
any offices or power of governance which are not within the control of the Superior who establishes the

ius habitandi, si quod reus ratione officii habeat;

a right of residence which the offender may have by virtue of office;

ius administrandi bona, quae ad ipsius suspensi officium forte pertineant, si poena sit latae sententiae.

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the right to administer goods which may belong to an office held by the person suspended, if the penalty is
latae sententiae.
4 Suspensio vetans fructus, stipendium, pensiones aliave eiusmodi percipere, obligationem secumfert restituendi
quidquid illegitime, quamvis bona fide, perceptum sit.
4 A suspension prohibiting the receipt of benefits, stipends, pensions or other such things, carries with it the
obligation of restitution of whatever has been unlawfully received, even though this was in good faith.

1 Suspensionis ambitus, intra limites canone praecedenti statutos, aut ipsa lege vel praecepto definitur, aut sententia
vel decreto quo poena irrogatur.
1 The extent of a suspension, within the limits laid down in the preceding canon, is defined either by the law or
precept, or by the judgement or decree whereby the penalty is imposed.
2 Lex, non autem praeceptum, potest latae sententiae suspensionem, nulla addita determinatione vel limitatione,
constituere; eiusmodi autem poena omnes effectus habet, qui in can. 1333, 1 recensentur.
2 A law, but not a precept, can establish a latae sententiae suspension without an added determination or
limitation; such a penalty has all the effects enumerated in 1333 1.


Si censura vetet celebrare sacramenta vel sacramentalia vel ponere actum regiminis, vetitum suspenditur, quoties id
necessarium sit ad consulendum fidelibus in mortis periculo constitutis; quod si censura latae sententiae non sit
declarata, vetitum praeterea suspenditur, quoties fidelis petit sacramentum vel sacramentale vel actum regiminis; id
autem petere ex qualibet iusta causa licet.
If a censure prohibits the celebration of the sacraments or sacramentals or the exercise of a power of governance,
the prohibition is suspended whenever this is necessary to provide for the faithful who are in danger of death. If a
latae sententiae censure has not been declared, the prohibition is also suspended whenever one of the faithful
requests a sacrament or sacramental or an act of the power of governance; for any just reason it is lawful to make
such a request.



1 Poenae expiatoriae, quae delinquentem afficere possunt aut in perpetuum aut in tempus praefinitum aut in tempus
indeterminatum, praeter alias, quas forte lex constituerit, hae sunt:
1 Expiatory penalties can affect the offender either forever or for a determinate or an indeterminate period. Apart
from others which the law may perhaps establish, these penalties are as follows:

prohibitio vel praescriptio commorandi in certo loco vel territorio;

a prohibition against residence, or an order to reside, in a certain place or territory;

privatio potestatis, officii, muneris, iuris, privilegii, facultatis, gratiae, tituli, insignis, etiam mere honorifici;
deprivation of power, office, function, right, privilege, faculty, favour, title or insignia, even of a merely honorary

prohibitio ea exercendi, quae sub n. 2 recensentur, vel prohibitio ea in certo loco vel extra certum locum
exercendi; quae prohibitiones numquam sunt sub poena nullitatis;
a prohibition on the exercise of those things enumerated in n. 2, or a prohibition on their exercise inside or
outside a certain place; such a prohibition is never under pain of nullity;

translatio poenalis ad aliud officium;

a penal transfer to another office;

dimissio e statu clericali.

dismissal from the clerical state.

2 Latae sententiae eae tantum poenae expiatoriae esse possunt, quae in 1, n. 3 recensentur.
2 Only those expiatory penalties may be latae sententiae which are enumerated in 1, n. 3.

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1 Prohibitio commorandi in certo loco vel territorio sive clericos sive religiosos afficere potest; praescriptio autem
commorandi, clericos saeculares et, intra limites constitutionum, religiosos.
1 A prohibition against residing in a certain place or territory can affect both clerics and religious. An order to
reside in a certain place can affect secular clerics and, within the limits of their constitutions, religious.
2 Ut praescriptio commorandi in certo loco vel territorio irrogetur, accedat oportet consensus Ordinarii illius loci, nisi
agatur de domo extradioecesanis quoque clericis paenitentibus vel emendandis destinata.
2 An order imposing residence in a certain place or territory must have the consent of the Ordinary of that place,
unless there is question of a house set up for penance or rehabilitation of clerics, including extradiocesans.


1 Privationes et prohibitiones, quae in can. 1336, 1 nn. 2 et 3 recensentur, numquam afficiunt potestates, officia,
munera, iura, privilegia, facultates, gratias, titulos, insignia, quae non sint sub potestate Superioris poenam
1 The deprivations and prohibitions enumerated in 1336 1, nn. 2 and 3 never affect powers, offices, functions,
rights, privileges, faculties, favours, titles or insignia, which are not within the control of the Superior who
establishes the penalty.
2 Potestatis ordinis privatio dari nequit, sed tantum prohibitio eam vel aliquos eius actus exercendi; item dari nequit
privatio graduum academicorum.
2 There can be no deprivation of the power of order, but only a prohibition against the exercise of it or of some of
its acts; neither can there be a deprivation of academic degrees.
3 De prohibitionibus, quae in can. 1336, 1, n. 3 indicantur, norma servanda est, quae de censuris datur in can. 1335.
3 The norm laid down for censures in 1335 is to be observed in regard to the prohibitions mentioned in 1336 1,
n. 3.




1 Eum, qui versatur in proxima delinquendi occasione, vel in quem, ex investigatione peracta, gravis cadit suspicio
delicti commissi, Ordinarius per se vel per alium monere potest.
1 When someone is in a proximate occasion of committing an offence or when, after an investigation, there is a
serious suspicion that an offence has been committed, the Ordinary either personally or through another can give
that person warning.
2 Eum vero, ex cuius conversatione scandalum vel gravis ordinis perturbatio oriatur, etiam corripere potest, modo
peculiaribus personae et facti condicionibus accommodato.
2 In the case of behaviour which gives rise to scandal or serious disturbance of public order, the Ordinary can also
correct the person, in a way appropriate to the particular conditions of the person and of what has been done.
3 De monitione et correptione constare semper debet saltem ex aliquo documento, quod in secreto curiae archivo
3 The fact that there has been a warning or a correction must always be proven, at least from some document to
be kept in the secret archive of the curia.


1 Paenitentia, quae imponi potest in foro externo, est aliquod religionis vel pietatis vel caritatis opus peragendum.
1 A penance, which is imposed in the external forum, is the performance of some work of religion or piety or
2 Ob transgressionem occultam numquam publica imponatur paenitentia.
2 A public penance is never to be imposed for an occult transgression.
3 Paenitentias Ordinarius pro sua prudentia addere potest poenali remedio monitionis vel correptionis.
3 According to his prudent judgement, the Ordinary may add penances to the penal remedy of warning or

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Ordinarius proceduram iudicialem vel administrativam ad poenas irrogandas vel declarandas tunc tantum
promovendam curet, cum perspexerit neque fraterna correctione neque correptione neque aliis pastoralis sollicitudinis
viis satis posse scandalum reparari, iustitiam restitui, reum emendari.
The Ordinary is to start a judicial or an administrative procedure for the imposition or the declaration of penalties
only when he perceives that neither by fraternal correction or reproof, nor by any methods of pastoral care, can the
scandal be sufficiently repaired, justice restored and the offender reformed.


1 Quoties iustae obstent causae ne iudicialis processus fiat, poena irrogari vel declarari potest per decretum extra
iudicium; remedia poenalia autem et paenitentiae applicari possunt per decretum in quolibet casu.
1 Whenever there are just reasons against the use of a judicial procedure, a penalty can be imposed or declared
by means of an extra-judicial decree; in every case, penal remedies and penances may be applied by a decree.
2 Per decretum irrogari vel declarari non possunt poenae perpetuae, neque poenae quas lex vel praeceptum eas
constituens vetet per decretum applicare.
2 Perpetual penalties cannot be imposed or declared by means of a decree; nor can penalties which the law or
precept establishing them forbids to be applied by decree.
3 Quae in lege vel praecepto dicuntur de iudice, quod attinet ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam in iudicio,
applicanda sunt ad Superiorem, qui per decretum extra iudicium poenam irroget vel declaret, nisi aliter constet neque
agatur de praescriptis quae ad procedendi tantum rationem attineant.
3 What the law or decree says of a judge in regard to the imposition or declaration of a penalty in a trial, is to be
applied also to a Superior who imposes or declares a penalty by an extra-judicial decree, unless it is otherwise
clear, or unless there is question of provisions which concern only procedural matters.


Si lex vel praeceptum iudici det potestatem applicandi vel non applicandi poenam, iudex potest etiam, pro sua
conscientia et prudentia, poenam temperare vel in eius locum paenitentiam imponere.
If a law or precept gives the judge the power to apply or not to apply a penalty, the judge may also, according to his
own conscience and prudence, modify the penalty or in its place impose a penance.


Etiamsi lex utatur verbis praeceptivis, iudex pro sua conscientia et prudentia potest:
Even though the law may use obligatory words, the judge may, according to his own conscience and prudence:

poenae irrogationem in tempus magis opportunum differre, si ex praepropera rei punitione maiora mala eventura
defer the imposition of the penalty to a more opportune time, if it is foreseen that greater evils may arise from
a too hasty punishment of the offender;

a poena irroganda abstinere vel poenam mitiorem irrogare aut paenitentiam adhibere, si reus emendatus sit et
scandalum reparaverit, aut si ipse satis a civili auctoritate punitus sit vel punitum iri praevideatur;
abstain from imposing the penalty or substitute a milder penalty or a penance, if the offender has repented
and repaired the scandal, or if the offender has been or foreseeably will be sufficiently punished by the civil

si reus primum post vitam laudabiliter peractam deliquerit neque necessitas urgeat reparandi scandalum,
obligationem servandi poenam expiatoriam suspendere, ita tamen ut, si reus intra tempus ab ipso iudice
determinatum rursus deliquerit, poenam utrique delicto debitam luat, nisi interim tempus decurrerit ad actionis
poenalis pro priore delicto praescriptionem.
may suspend the obligation of observing an expiatory penalty, if the person is a first-offender after a hitherto
blameless life, and there is no urgent need to repair scandal; this is, however, to be done in such a way that if
the person again commits an offence within a time laid down by the judge, then that person must pay the
penalty for both offences, unless in the meanwhile the time for prescription of a penal action in respect of the
former offence has expired.

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Quoties delinquens vel usum rationis imperfectum tantum habuerit, vel delictum ex metu vel necessitate vel passionis
aestu vel in ebrietate aliave simili mentis perturbatione patraverit, iudex potest etiam a qualibet punitione irroganda
abstinere, si censeat aliter posse melius consuli eius emendationi.
Whenever the offender had only an imperfect use of reason, or committed the offence out of fear or necessity or in
the heat of passion or with a mind disturbed by drunkenness or a similar cause, the judge can refrain from inflicting
any punishment if he considers that the person's reform may be better accomplished in some other way.


Quoties reus plura delicta patraverit, si nimius videatur poenarum ferendae sententiae cumulus, prudenti iudicis
arbitrio relinquitur poenas intra aequos terminos moderari.
Whenever the offender has committed a number of offences and the sum of penalties which should be imposed
seems excessive, it is left to the prudent decision of the judge to moderate the penalties in an equitable fashion.


1 Censura irrogari valide nequit, nisi antea reus semel saltem monitus sit ut a contumacia recedat, dato congruo ad
resipiscentiam tempore.
1 A censure cannot validly be imposed unless the offender has beforehand received at least one warning to purge
the contempt, and has been allowed suitable time to do so.
2 A contumacia recessisse dicendus est reus, quem delicti vere paenituerit, quique praetera congruam damnorum et
scandali reparationem dederit vel saltem serio promiserit.
2 The offender is said to have purged the contempt if he or she has truly repented of the offence and has made, or
at least seriously promised to make, reparation for the damage and scandal.


Cum reus ab accusatione absolvitur vel nulla poena ei irrogatur, Ordinarius potest opportunis monitis aliisque
pastoralis sollicitudinis viis, vel etiam, si res ferat, poenalibus remediis eius utilitati et publico bono consulere.
When the person has been found not guilty of an accusation, or where no penalty has been imposed, the Ordinary
may provide for the person's welfare or for the common good by opportune warnings or other solicitous means,
and even, if the case calls for it, by the use of penal remedies.


Si poena sit indeterminata neque aliud lex caveat, iudex poenas graviores, praesertim censuras, ne irroget, nisi casus
gravitas id omnino postulet; perpetuas autem poenas irrogare non potest.
If a penalty is indeterminate, and if the law does not provide otherwise, the judge is not to impose graver penalties,
especially censures, unless the seriousness of the case really demands it. He may not impose penalties which are


1 In poenis clerico irrogandis semper cavendum est, ne iis quae ad honestam sustentationem sunt necessaria ipse
careat, nisi agatur de dimissione e statu clericali.
1 In imposing penalties on a cleric, except in the case of dismissal from the clerical state, care must always be
taken that he does not lack what is necessary for his worthy support.
2 Dimissio autem e statu clericali, qui propter poenam vere indigeat, Ordinarius meliore quo fieri potest modo
providere curet.
2 If a person is truly in need because he has been dismissed from the clerical state, the Ordinary is to provide in
the best way possible.


Poena reum ubique tenet, etiam resoluto iure eius qui poenam constituit vel irrogavit, nisi aliud expresse caveatur.
A penalty binds an offender everywhere, even when the one who established or imposed it has ceased from office,
unless it is otherwise expressly provided.


1 Si poena vetet recipere sacramenta vel sacramentalia, vetitum suspenditur, quamdiu reus in mortis periculo
1 If a penalty prohibits the reception of the sacraments or sacramentals, the prohibition is suspended for as long
as the offender is in danger of death.
2 Obligatio servandi poenam latae sententiae, quae neque declarata sit neque sit notoria in loco ubi delinquens
versatur, eatenus ex toto vel ex parte suspenditur, quatenus reus eam servare nequeat sine periculo gravis scandali vel

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2 The obligation of observing a latae sententiae penalty which has not been declared, and is not notorious in the
place where the offender actually is, is suspended either in whole or in part to the extent that the offender cannot
observe it without the danger of grave scandal or loss of good name.

Appellatio vel recursus a sententiis iudicialibus vel a decretis, quae poenam quamlibet irrogent vel declarent, habent
effectum suspensivum.
An appeal or a recourse against judgements of a court or against decrees which impose or declare any penalty, has
a suspensive effect.



1 Praeter eos, qui in cann. 1355-1356 recensentur, omnes, qui a lege, quae poena munita est, dispensare possunt vel a
praecepto poenam comminanti eximere, possunt etiam eam poenam remittere.
1 Besides those who are enumerated in cann. 1355--56, all who can dispense from a law which is supported by a
penalty, can also remit the penalty itself.
2 Potest praeterea lex vel praeceptum, poenam constituens, aliis quoque potestatem facere remittendi.
2 Moreover, a law or precept which establishes a penalty can also grant to others the power of remitting the
3 Si Apostolica Sedes poenae remissionem sibi vel aliis reservaverit, reservatio stricte est interpretanda.
3 If the Apostolic See has reserved the remission of a penalty to itself or to others, the reservation is to be strictly


1 Poenam lege constitutam, si sit irrogata vel declarata, remittere possunt, dummodo non sit Apostolicae Sedi
1 Provided it is not reserved to the Apostolic See, a penalty which is established by law and has been imposed or
declared, can be remitted by the following:

Ordinarius, qui iudicium ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam promovit vel decreto eam per se vel per alium
irrogavit vel declaravit;
the Ordinary who initiated the judicial proceedings to impose or declare the penalty, or who by a decree, either
personally or through another, imposed or declared it;

Ordinarius loci in quo delinquens versatur, consulto tamen, nisi propter extraordinarias circumstantias
impossibile sit, Ordinario, de quo sub n. 1.
the Ordinary of the place where the offender actually is, after consulting the Ordinary mentioned in n. 1,
unless because of extraordinary circumstances this is impossible.

2 Poenam latae sententiae nondum declaratam lege constitutam, si Sedi Apostolicae non sit reservata, potest
Ordinarius remittere suis subditis et iis qui in ipsius territorio versantur vel ibi deliquerint, et etiam quilibet Episcopus
in actu tamen sacramentalis confessionis.
2 Provided it is not reserved to the Apostolic See, a latae sententiae penalty established by law but not yet
declared, can be remitted by the Ordinary in respect of his subjects and of those actually in his territory or of those
who committed the offence in his territory. Moreover, any Bishop can do this, but only in the course of sacramental

1 Poenam ferendae vel latae sententiae constitutam praecepto quod non sit ab Apostolica Sede latum, remittere
1 A ferendae or a latae sententiae penalty established in a precept not issued by the Apostolic See, can be
remitted by the following:

Ordinarius loci, in quo delinquens versatur;

the Ordinary of the place where the offender actually is;

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si poena sit irrogata vel declarata, etiam Ordinarius qui iudicium ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam
promovit vel decreto eam per se vel per alium irrogavit vel declaravit.
if the penalty has been imposed or declared, the Ordinary who initiated the judicial proceedings to impose or
declare the penalty, or who by a decree, either personally or through another, imposed or declared it.

2 Antequam remissio fiat, consulendus est, nisi propter extraordinarias circumstantias impossibile sit, praecepti
2 Before the remission is granted, the author of the precept is to be consulted, unless because of extraordinary
circumstance this is impossible.

1 Firmis praescriptis cann. 508 et 976, censuram latae sententiae excommunicationis vel interdicti non declaratam
confessarius remittere potest in foro interno sacramentali, si paenitenti durum sit in statu gravis peccati permanere per
tempus necessarium ut Superior competens provideat.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of cann. 508 and 976, a confessor can in the internal sacramental forum
remit a latae sententiae censure of excommunication or interdict which has not been declared, if it is difficult for the
penitent to remain in a state of grave sin for the time necessary for the competent Superior to provide.
2 In remissione concedenda confessarius paenitenti onus iniungat recurrendi intra mensem sub poena reincidentiae ad
Superiorem competentem vel ad sacerdotem facultate praeditum, et standi huius mandatis; interim imponat congruam
paenitentiam et, quatenus urgeat, scandali et damni reparationem; recursus autem fieri potest etiam per confessarium,
sine nominis mentione.
2 In granting the remission, the confessor is to impose upon the penitent, under pain of again incurring the
censure, the obligation to have recourse within one month to the competent Superior or to a priest having the
requisite faculty, and to abide by his instructions. In the meantime, the confessor is to impose an appropriate
penance and, to the extent demanded, to require reparation of scandal and damage. The recourse, however, may
be made even through the confessor, without mention of a name.
3 Eodem onere recurrendi tenentur, postquam convaluerint, ii quibus ad normam can. 976 remissa est censura
irrogata vel declarata vel Sedi Apostolicae reservata.
3 The same duty of recourse, when they have recovered, binds those who in accordance with 976 have had
remitted an imposed or declared censure or one reserved to the Holy See.


1 Remissio censurae dari non potest nisi delinquenti qui a contumacia, ad normam can. 1347, 2, recesserit; recedenti
autem denegari nequit.
1 The remission of a censure cannot be granted except to an offender whose contempt has been purged in
accordance with 1347 2. However, once the contempt has been purged, the remission cannot be refused.
2 Qui censuram remittit, potest ad normam can. 1348 providere vel etiam paenitentiam imponere.
2 The one who remits a censure can make provision in accordance with 1348, and can also impose a penance.


Si quis pluribus poenis detineatur, remissio valet tantummodo pro poenis in ipsa expressis; generalis autem remissio
omnes aufert poenas, iis exceptis quas in petitione reus mala fide reticuerit.
If one is bound by a number of penalties, a remission is valid only for those penalties expressed in it. A general
remission, however, removes all penalties, except those which in the petition have been concealed in bad faith.


Poenae remissio metu gravi extorta irrita est.

The remission of a penalty extorted by grave fear is invalid


1 Remissio dari potest etiam absenti vel sub condicione.

1 A remission can be granted even to a person who is not present, or conditionally.
2 Remissio in foro externo detur scripto, nisi gravis causa aliud suadeat.
2 A remission in the external forum is to be granted in writing, unless a grave reason suggests otherwise.
3 Caveatur ne remissionis petitio vel ipsa remissio divulgetur, nisi quatenus id vel utile sit ad rei famam tuendam vel
necessarium ad scandalum reparandum.

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3 Care is to be taken that the petition for remission or the remission itself is not made public, except insofar as
this would either be useful for the protection of the good name of the offender, or be necessary to repair scandal.

1 Actio criminalis praescriptione extinguitur triennio, nisi agatur:

1 A criminal action is extinguished by prescription after three years, except for:

de delictis Congregationi pro Doctrina Fidei reservatis;

offences reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith;

de actione ob delicta de quibus in cann. 1394, 1395, 1397, 1398, quae quinquennio praescribitur;
an action arising from any of the offences mentioned in cann. 1394, 1395, 1397, 1398, which is extinguished
after five years;

de delictis quae non sunt iure communi punita, si lex particularis alium praescriptionis terminum statuerit.
offences not punished by the universal law, where a particular law has prescribed a different period of

2 Praescriptio decurrit ex die quo delictum patratum est, vel, si delictum sit permanens vel habituale, ex die quo
2 Prescription runs from the day the offence was committed or, if the offence was enduring or habitual, from the
day it ceased.

1 Si intra terminos de quibus in can. 1362, ex die quo sententia condemnatoria in rem iudicatam transierit
computandos, non sit reo notificatum exsecutorium iudicis decretum de quo in can. 1651, actio ad poenam
exsequendam praescriptione extinguitur.
1 An action to execute a penalty is extinguished by prescription if the judge's decree of execution mentioned in
1651 was not notified to the offender within the periods mentioned in 1362; these periods are to be reckoned from
the day the condemnatory judgement became an adjudged matter.
2 Idem valet, servatis servandis, si poena per decretum extra iudicium irrogata sit.
2 The same applies, with the necessary adjustments, if the penalty was imposed by an extra-judicial decree.








1 Apostata a fide, haereticus vel schismaticus in excommunicationem latae sententiae incurrit, firmo praescripto can.
194, 1, n. 2; clericus praeterea potest poenis, de quibus in can. 1336, 1, nn. 1, 2 et 3, puniri.
1 An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication, without
prejudice to the provision of 194 1, n. 2; a cleric, moreover, may be punished with the penalties mentioned in 1336
1, nn. 1, 2 and 3.
2 Si diuturna contumacia vel scandali gravitas postulet, aliae poenae addi possunt, non excepta dimissione e statu
2 If a longstanding contempt or the gravity of scandal calls for it, other penalties may be added, not excluding
dismissal from the clerical state.


Reus vetitae communicationis in sacris iusta poena puniatur.

One who is guilty of prohibited participation in religious rites is to be punished with a just penalty.


Parentes vel parentum locum tenentes, qui liberos in religione acatholica baptizandos vel educandos tradunt, censura
aliave iusta poena puniantur.
Parents, and those taking the place of parents, who hand over their children to be baptised or brought up in a noncatholic religion, are to be punished with a censure or other just penalty.

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Qui species consecratas abicit aut in sacrilegum finem abducit vel retinet, in excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi
Apostolicae reservatam incurrit; clericus praeterea alia poena, non exclusa dimissione e statu clericali, puniri potest.
One who throws away the consecrated species or, for a sacrilegious purpose, takes them away or keeps them,
incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; a cleric, moreover, may be punished with
some other penalty, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state.


Si quis, asserens vel promittens aliquid coram ecclesiastica auctoritate, periurium committit, iusta poena puniatur.
A person who, in asserting or promising something before an ecclesiastical authority, commits perjury, is to be
punished with a just penalty.


Qui in publico spectaculo vel concione, vel in scripto publice evulgato, vel aliter instrumentis communicationis socialis
utens, blasphemiam profert, aut bonos mores graviter laedit, aut in religionem vel Ecclesiam iniurias exprimit vel
odium contemptumve excitat, iusta poena puniatur.
A person is to be punished with a just penalty, who, at a public event or assembly, or in a published writing, or by
otherwise using the means of social communication, utters blasphemy, or gravely harms public morals, or rails at
or excites hatred of or contempt for religion or the Church.


1 Qui vim physicam in Romanum Pontificem adhibet, in excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi Apostolicae
reservatam incurrit, cui, si clericus sit, alia poena, non exclusa dimissione e statu clericali, pro delicti gravitate addi
1 A person who uses physical force against the Roman Pontiff incurs a latae sententiae excommunication
reserved to the Apostolic See; if the offender is a cleric, another penalty, not excluding dismissal from the clerical
state, may be added according to the gravity of the crime.
2 Qui id agit in eum qui episcopali charactere pollet, in interdictum latae sententiae et, si sit clericus, etiam in
suspensionem latae sententiae incurrit.
2 One who does this against a Bishop incurs a latae sententiae interdict and, if a cleric, he incurs also a latae
sententiae suspension.
3 Qui vim physicam in clericum vel religiosum adhibet in fidei vel Ecclesiae vel ecclesiasticae potestatis vel ministerii
contemptum, iusta poena puniatur.
3 A person who uses physical force against a cleric or religious out of contempt for the faith, or the Church, or
ecclesiastical authority or the ministry, is to be punished with a just penalty.



Iusta poena puniatur:

The following are to be punished with a just penalty:

qui, praeter casum de quo in can. 1364, 1, doctrinam a Romano Pontifice vel a Concilio Oecumenico damnatam
docet vel doctrinam, de qua in can. 752, pertinaciter respuit, et ab Apostolica Sede vel ab Ordinario admonitus
non retractat;
a person who, apart from the case mentioned in 1364 1, teaches a doctrine condemned by the Roman
Pontiff, or by an Ecumenical Council, or obstinately rejects the teaching mentioned in 752 and, when warned
by the Apostolic See or by the Ordinary, does not retract;

qui aliter Sedi Apostolicae, Ordinario, vel Superiori legitime praecipienti vel prohibenti non obtemperat, et post
monitum in inoboedientia persistit.
a person who in any other way does not obey the lawful command or prohibition of the Apostolic See or the
Ordinary or Superior and, after being warned, persists in disobedience.

Qui contra Romani Pontificis actum ad Concilium Oecumenicum vel ad Episcoporum collegium recurrit censura

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A person who appeals from an act of the Roman Pontiff to an Ecumenical Council or to the College of Bishops, is
to be punished with a censure.

Qui publice aut subditorum simultates vel odia adversus Sedem Apostolicam vel Ordinarium excitat propter aliquem
potestatis vel ministerii ecclesiastici actum, aut subditos ad inoboedientiam in eos provocat, interdicto vel aliis iustis
poenis puniatur.
A person who publicly incites his or her subjects to hatred or animosity against the Apostolic See or the Ordinary
because of some act of ecclesiastical authority or ministry, or who provokes the subjects to disobedience against
them, is to be punished by interdict or other just penalties.


Qui nomen dat consociationi, quae contra Ecclesiam machinatur, iusta poena puniatur; qui autem eiusmodi
consociationem promovet vel moderatur, interdicto puniatur.
A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty- one who
promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict.


Qui impediunt libertatem ministerii vel electionis vel potestatis ecclesiasticae aut legitimum bonorum sacrorum
aliorumve ecclesiasticorum bonorum usum, aut perterrent electorem vel electum vel eum qui potestatem vel
ministerium ecclesiasticum exercuit, iusta poena puniri possunt.
Those who hinder the freedom of the ministry or of an election or of the exercise of ecclesiastical power, or the
lawful use of sacred or other ecclesiastical goods, or who intimidate either an elector or one who is elected or one
who exercises ecclesiastical power or ministry, may be punished with a just penalty.


Qui rem sacram, mobilem vel immobilem, profanat iusta poena puniatur.
A person who profanes a sacred object, moveable or immovable, is to be punished with a just penalty.


Qui sine praescripta licentia bona ecclesiastica alienat, iusta poena puniatur.
A person who without the prescribed permission alienates ecclesiastical goods, is to be punished with a just


1 Sacerdos qui contra praescriptum can. 977 agit, in excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi Apostolicae reservatam
1 A priest who acts against the prescription of 977 incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the
Apostolic See.
2 In poenam latae sententiae interdicti vel, si sit clericus, suspensionis incurrit:
2 The following incur a latae sententiae interdict or, if a cleric, a latae sententiae suspension:

qui ad ordinem sacerdotalem non promotus liturgicam eucharistici Sacrificii actionem attentat;
a person who, not being an ordained priest, attempts to celebrate Mass

qui, praeter casum de quo in 1, cum sacramentalem absolutionem dare valide nequeat, eam impertire attentat,
vel sacramentalem confessionem audit.
a person who, apart from the case mentioned in 1, though unable to give valid sacramental absolution,
attempts to do so, or hears a sacramental confession.

3 In casibus de quibus in 2, pro delicti gravitate, aliae poenae, non exclusa excommunicatione, addi possunt.
3 In the cases mentioned in 2, other penalties, not excluding excommunication, can be added, according to the
gravity of the offence.

Qui, praeter casus de quibus in can. 1378, sacramentum se administrare simulat, iusta poena puniatur.
A person who, apart from the cases mentioned in 1378, pretends to administer a sacrament, is to be punished with
a just penalty.

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Qui per simoniam sacramentum celebrat vel recipit, interdicto vel suspensione puniatur.
A person who through simony celebrates or receives a sacrament, is to be punished with an interdict or


1 Quicumque officium ecclesiasticum usurpat, iusta poena puniatur.

1 Anyone who usurps an ecclesiastical office is to be punished with a just penalty.
2 Usurpationi aequiparatur illegitima, post privationem vel cessationem a munere, eiusdem retentio.
2 The unlawful retention of an ecclesiastical office after being deprived of it, or ceasing from it, is equivalent to


Episcopus qui sine pontificio mandato aliquem consecrat in Episcopum, itemque qui ab eo consecrationem recipit, in
excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi Apostolicae reservatam incurrunt.
Both the Bishop who, without a pontifical mandate, consecrates a person a Bishop, and the one who receives the
consecration from him, incur a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See.


Episcopus qui, contra praescriptum can. 1015, alienum subditum sine legitimis litteris dimissoriis ordinavit, prohibetur
per annum ordinem conferre. Qui vero ordinationem recepit, est ipso facto a recepto ordine suspensus.
A Bishop who, contrary to the provision of 1015, ordained someone else's subject without the lawful dimissorial
letters, is prohibited from conferring orders for one year. The person who received the order is ipso facto suspended
from the order received.


Qui, praeter casus, de quibus in cann. 1378-1383, sacerdotale munus vel aliud sacrum ministerium illegitime
exsequitur, iusta poena puniri potest.
A person who, apart from the cases mentioned in cann. 1378-1383, unlawfully exercises the office of a priest or
another sacred ministry, may be punished with a just penalty.


Qui quaestum illegitime facit ex Missae stipe, censura vel alia iusta poena puniatur.
A person who unlawfully traffics in Mass offerings is to be punished with a censure or other just penalty.


Qui quidvis donat vel pollicetur ut quis, munus in Ecclesia exercens, illegitime quid agat vel omittat, iusta poena
puniatur; item qui ea dona vel pollicitationes acceptat.
A person who gives or promises something so that some one who exercises an office in the Church would
unlawfully act or fail to act, is to be punished with a just penalty; likewise, the person who accepts such gifts or


Sacerdos, qui in actu vel occasione vel praetextu confessionis paenitentem ad peccatum contra sextum Decalogi
praeceptum sollicitat, pro delicti gravitate, suspensione, prohibitionibus, privationibus puniatur, et in casibus
gravioribus dimittatur e statu clericali.
A priest who in confession, or on the occasion or under the pretext of confession, solicits a penitent to commit a sin
against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, is to be punished, according to the gravity of the offence, with
suspension, prohibitions and deprivations; in the more serious cases he is to be dismissed from the clerical state.


1 Confessarius, qui sacramentale sigillum directe violat, in excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi Apostolicae
reservatam incurrit; qui vero indirecte tantum, pro delicti gravitate puniatur.
1 A confessor who directly violates the sacramental seal, incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to
the Apostolic See; he who does so only indirectly is to be punished according to the gravity of the offence.
2 Interpres aliique, de quibus in can. 983, 2, qui secretum violant, iusta poena puniantur, non exclusa
2 Interpreters and the others mentioned in can. 983 2, who violate the secret, are to be punished with a just
penalty, not excluding excommunication.


1 Ecclesiastica potestate vel munere abutens pro actus vel omissionis gravitate puniatur, non exclusa officii privatione,
nisi in eum abusum iam poena sit lege vel praecepto constituta.

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1 A person who abuses ecclesiastical power or an office, is to be punished according to the gravity of the act or
the omission, not excluding by deprivation of the office, unless a penalty for that abuse is already established by
law or precept.
2 Qui vero, ex culpabili neglegentia, ecclesiasticae potestatis vel ministerii vel muneris actum illegitime cum damno
alieno ponit vel omittit, iusta poena puniatur.
2 A person who, through culpable negligence, unlawfully and with harm to another, performs or omits an act of
ecclesiastical power or ministry or office, is to be punished with a just penalty.



1 Qui confessarium de delicto, de quo in can. 1387, apud ecclesiasticum Superiorem falso denuntiat, in interdictum
latae sententiae incurrit et, si sit clericus, etiam in suspensionem.
1 A person who falsely denounces a confessor of the offence mentioned in can. 1387 to an ecclesiastical Superior,
incurs a latae sententiae interdict and, if a cleric, he incurs also a suspension.
2 Qui aliam ecclesiastico Superiori calumniosam praebet delicti denuntiationem, vel aliter alterius bonam famam
laedit, iusta poena, non exclusa censura, puniri potest.
2 A person who calumniously denounces an offence to an ecclesiastical Superior, or otherwise injures the good
name of another, can be punished with a just penalty, not excluding a censure.
3 Calumniator potest cogi etiam ad congruam satisfactionem praestandam.
3 The calumniator can also be compelled to make appropriate amends.


Iusta poena pro delicti gravitate puniri potest:

The following can be punished with a just penalty, according to the gravity of the offence:

qui ecclesiasticum documentum publicum falsum conficit, vel verum mutat, destruit, occultat, vel falso vel mutato
a person who composes a false public ecclesiastical document, or who changes or conceals a genuine one,
or who uses a false or altered one

qui alio falso vel mutato documento utitur in re ecclesiastica;

a person who in an ecclesiastical matter uses some other false oraltered document;

qui in publico ecclesiastico documento falsum asserit.

a person who, in a public ecclesiastical document, asserts something false.





Clerici vel religiosi mercaturam vel negotiationem contra canonum praescripta exercentes pro delicti gravitate
Clerics or religious who engage in trading or business contrary to the provisions of the canons, are to be punished
according to the gravity of the offence.


Qui obligationes sibi ex poena impositas violat, iusta poena puniri potest.
A person who violates obligations imposed by a penalty, can be punished with a just penalty.


1 Firmo praescripto can. 194, 1, n. 3, clericus matrimonium, etiam civiliter tantum, attentans, in suspensionem latae
sententiae incurrit; quod si monitus non resipuerit et scandalum dare perrexerit, gradatim privationibus ac vel etiam
dimissione e statu clericali puniri potest.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 194, 1, n. 3, a cleric who attempts marriage, even if only civilly,
incurs a latae sententiae suspension. If, after warning, he has not reformed and continues to give scandal, he can
be progressively punished by deprivations, or even by dismissal from the clerical state.

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2 Religiosus a votis perpetuis, qui non sit clericus, matrimonium etiam civiliter tantum attentans, in interdictum latae
sententiae incurrit, firmo praescripto can. 694.
2 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 694, a religious in perpetual vows who is not a cleric but who
attempts marriage, even if only civilly, incurs a latae sententiae interdict.

1 Clericus concubinarius, praeter casum de quo in can. 1394, et clericus in alio peccato externo contra sextum
Decalogi praeceptum cum scandalo permanens, suspensione puniantur, cui persistente post monitionem delicto, aliae
poenae gradatim addi possunt usque ad dimissionem e statu clericali.
1 Apart from the case mentioned in can. 1394, a cleric living in concubinage, and a cleric who continues in some
other external sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue which causes scandal, is to be punished with
suspension. To this, other penalties can progressively be added if after a warning he persists in the offence, until
eventually he can be dismissed from the clerical state.
2 Clericus qui aliter contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum deliquerit, si quidem delictum vi vel minis vel publice vel
cum minore infra aetatem sedecim annorum patratum sit, iustis poenis puniatur, non exclusa, si casus ferat, dimissione
e statu clericali.
2 A cleric who has offended in other ways against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, if the crime was
committed by force, or by threats, or in public, or with a minor under the age of sixteen years, is to be punished
with just penalties, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state if the case so warrants.


Qui graviter violat residentiae obligationem cui ratione ecclesiastici officii tenetur, iusta poena puniatur, non exclusa,
post monitionem, officii privatione.
A person who gravely violates the obligation of residence to which he is bound by reason of an ecclesiastical office,
is to be punished with a just penalty, not excluding, after a warning, deprivation of the office.





Qui homicidium patrat, vel hominem vi aut fraude rapit vel detinet vel mutilat vel graviter vulnerat, privationibus et
prohibitionibus, de quibus in can. 1336, pro delicti gravitate puniatur; homicidium autem in personas de quibus in can.
1370, poenis ibi statutis punitur.
One who commits murder, or who by force or by fraud abducts, imprisons, mutilates or gravely wounds a person,
is to be punished, according to the gravity of the offence, with the deprivations and prohibitions mentioned in can.
1336. In the case of the murder of one of those persons mentioned in can. 1370, the offender is punished with the
penalties there prescribed.


Qui abortum procurat, effectu secuto, in excommunicationem latae sententiae incurrit.

A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.



Praeter casus hac vel aliis legibus statutos, divinae vel canonicae legis externa violatio tunc tantum potest iusta quidem
poena puniri, cum specialis violationis gravitas punitionem postulat, et necessitas urget scandala praeveniendi vel
Besides the cases prescribed in this or in other laws, the external violation of divine or canon law can be punished,
and with a just penalty, only when the special gravity of the violation requires it and necessity demands that
scandals be prevented or repaired.

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1 Obiectum iudicii sunt:

1 The objects of a trial are:

personarum physicarum vel iuridicarum iura persequenda aut vindicanda, vel facta iuridica declaranda;
to pursue or vindicate the rights of physical or juridical persons, or to declare juridical facts;

delicta, quod spectat ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam.

to impose or to declare penalties in regard to offences.

2 Attamen controversiae ortae ex actu potestatis administrativae deferri possunt solummodo ad Superiorem vel ad
tribunal administrativum.
2 Disputes arising from an act of administrative power, however, can be referred only to the Superior or to an
administrative tribunal.

Ecclesia iure proprio et exclusivo cognoscit:

The Church has its own and exclusive right to judge:

de causis quae respiciunt res spirituales et spiritualibus adnexas;

cases which refer to matters which are spiritual or linked with the spiritual;

de violatione legum ecclesiasticarum deque omnibus in quibus inest ratio peccati, quod attinet ad culpae
definitionem et poenarum ecclesiasticarum irrogationem.
the violation of ecclesiastical laws and whatever contains an element of sin, to determine guilt and impose
ecclesiastical penalties.


Omnia Ecclesiae tribunalia reguntur canonibus qui sequuntur, salvis normis tribunalium Apostolicae Sedis.
All tribunals of the Church are governed by the canons which follow, without prejudice to the norms of the tribunals
of the Apostolic See.


1 Causae canonizationis Servorum Dei reguntur peculiari lege pontificia.

1 Cases for the canonisation of the Servants of God are governed by special pontifical law.
2 Iisdem causis applicantur praeterea praescripta huius Codicis, quoties in eadem lege ad ius universale remissio fit
vel de normis agitur quae, ex ipsa rei natura, easdem quoque causas afficiunt.
2 The provisions of this Code are also applied to these cases whenever the special pontifical law remits an issue
to the universal law, or whenever norms are involved which of their very nature apply also to these cases.




Prima Sedes a nemine iudicatur.

The First See is judged by no one.


1 Ipsius Romani Pontificis dumtaxat ius est iudicandi in causis de quibus in can. 1401:
1 In the cases mentioned in can. 1401, the Roman Pontiff alone has the right to judge:

eos qui supremum tenent civitatis magistratum;

Heads of State;

Patres Cardinales;

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Legatos Sedis Apostolicae, et in causis poenalibus Episcopos;

Legates of the Apostolic See and, in penal cases, Bishops

alias causas quas ipse ad suum advocaverit iudicium.

other cases which he has reserved to himself.

2 Iudex de actu vel instrumento a Romano Pontifice in forma specifica confirmato videre non potest, nisi ipsius
praecesserit mandatum.
2 A judge cannot review an act or instrument which the RomanPontiff has specifically confirmed, except by his
prior mandate.
3 Rotae Romanae reservatur iudicare:
3 It is reserved to the Roman Rota to judge:


Episcopos in contentiosis, firmo praescripto can. 1419, 2;

Bishops in contentious cases, without prejudice to can. 1419 2;

Abbatem primatem, vel Abbatem superiorem congregationis monasticae, et supremum Moderatorem institutorum
religiosorum iuris pontificii;
the Abbot primate or the Abbot superior of a monastic congregation, and the supreme Moderator of a religious
institute of pontifical right;

dioeceses aliasve personas ecclesiasticas, sive physicas sive iuridicas, quae Superiorem infra Romanum Pontificem
non habent.
dioceses and other ecclesiastical persons, physical or juridical, which have no Superior other than the Roman

1 Violato praescripto can. 1404, acta et decisiones pro infectis habentur.

1 If the provision of can. 1404 is violated, the acts and decisions are invalid.
2 In causis, de quibus in can. 1405, aliorum iudicum incompetentia est absoluta.
2 In the cases mentioned in can. 1405, the non-competence of other judges is absolute.


1 Nemo in prima instantia conveniri potest, nisi coram iudice ecclesiastico qui competens sit ob unum ex titulis qui in
cann. 1408-1414 determinantur.
1 No one can be brought to trial in first instance except before a judge who is competent on the basis of one of the
titles determined in cann. 1408--1414.
2 Incompetentia iudicis, cui nullus ex his titulis suffragatur, dicitur relativa.
2 The non-competence of a judge who has none of these titles is described as relative.
3 Actor sequitur forum partis conventae; quod si pars conventa multiplex forum habet, optio fori actori conceditur.
3 The plaintiff follows the forum of the respondent. If the respondent has more than one forum, the plaintiff may
opt for any one of them.


Quilibet conveniri potest coram tribunali domicilii vel quasi-domicilii.

Anyone can be brought to trial before the tribunal of domicile or quasi-domicile.


1 Vagus forum habet in loco ubi actu commoratur.

1 A person who has not even a quasi-domicile has a forum in the place of actual residence.
2 Is, cuius neque domicilium aut quasi-domicilium neque locus commorationis nota sint, conveniri potest in foro
actoris, dummodo aliud forum legitimum non suppetat.
2 A person whose domicile, quasi-domicile or place of actual residence is unknown, can be brought to trial in the
forum of the plaintiff, provided no other lawful forum is available.

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Ratione rei sitae, pars conveniri potest coram tribunali loci, ubi res litigiosa sita est, quoties actio in rem directa sit, aut
de spolio agatur.
Competence by reason of subject matter means that a party can be brought to trial before the tribunal of the place
where the subject matter of the litigation is located, whenever the action concerns that subject matter directly, or
when it is an action for the recovery of possession.


1 Ratione contractus pars conveniri potest coram tribunali loci in quo contractus initus est vel adimpleri debet, nisi
partes concorditer aliud tribunal elegerint.
1 Competence by reason of contract means that a party can be brought to trial before the tribunal of the place in
which the contract was made or must be fulfilled, unless the parties mutually agree to choose another tribunal.
2 Si causa versetur circa obligationes quae ex alio titulo proveniant, pars conveniri potest coram tribunali loci, in quo
obligatio vel orta est vel est adimplenda.
2 If the case concerns obligations which arise from some other title, the party can be brought to trial before the
tribunal of the place in which the obligation arose or in which it is to be fulfilled.


In causis poenalibus accusatus, licet absens, conveniri potest coram tribunali loci, in quo delictum patratum est.
A person accused in a penal case can, even though absent, be brought to trial before the tribunal of the place in
which the offence was committed.


Pars conveniri potest:

A party can be brought to trial:

in causis quae circa administrationem versantur, coram tribunali loci ubi administratio gesta est;
in cases concerning administration, before the tribunal of the place in which the administration was exercised;

in causis quae respiciunt hereditates vel legata pia, coram tribunali ultimi domicilii vel quasi-domicilii vel
commorationis, ad normam cann. 1408-1409, illius de cuius hereditate vel legato pio agitur, nisi agatur de mera
exsecutione legati, quae videnda est secundum ordinarias competentiae normas.
in cases concerning inheritances or pious legacies, before the tribunal of the last domicile or quasi-domicile or
residence of the person whose inheritance or pious legacy is at issue, in accordance with the norms of cann.
1408-1409. If, however, only the execution of the legacy is involved, the ordinary norms of competence are to
be followed.


Ratione conexionis, ab uno eodemque tribunali et in eodem processu cognoscendae sunt causae inter se conexae, nisi
legis praescriptum obstet.
Competence by reason of connection means that cases which are inter-connected can be heard by one and the
same tribunal and in the same process, unless this is prevented by a provision of the law.


Ratione praeventionis, si duo vel plura tribunalia aeque competentia sunt, ei ius est causam cognoscendi, quod prius
partem conventam legitime citaverit.
Competence by reason of prior summons means that, if two or more tribunals are equally competent, the tribunal
which has first lawfully summoned the respondent has the right to hear the case.


Conflictus competentiae inter tribunalia eidem tribunali appellationis subiecta, ab hoc tribunali solvuntur; a Signatura
Apostolica, si eidem tribunali appellationis non subsunt.
A conflict of competence between tribunals subject to the same appeal tribunal is to be resolved by the latter
tribunal. If they are not subject to the same appeal tribunal, the conflict is to be settled by the Apostolic Signatura.




1 Ob primatum Romani Pontificis integrum est cuilibet fideli causam suam sive contentiosam sive poenalem, in quovis
iudicii gradu et in quovis litis statu, cognoscendam ad Sanctam Sedem deferre vel apud eandem introducere.
1 Because of the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, any of the faithful may either refer their case to, or introduce it
before, the Holy See, whether the case be contentious or penal. They may do so at any grade of trial or at any
stage of the suit.

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2 Provocatio tamen ad Sedem Apostolicam interposita non suspendit, praeter casum appellationis, exercitium
iurisdictionis in iudice qui causam iam cognoscere coepit; quique idcirco poterit iudicium prosequi usque ad
definitivam sententiam, nisi Sedes Apostolica iudici significaverit se causam advocasse.
2 Apart from the case of an appeal, a referral to the Apostolic See does not suspend the exercise of jurisdiction of
a judge who has already begun to hear a case. The judge can, therefore, continue with the trial up to the definitive
judgement, unless the Apostolic See has indicated to him that it has reserved the case to itself.

Quodlibet tribunal ius habet in auxilium vocandi aliud tribunal ad causam instruendam vel ad actus intimandos.
Every tribunal has the right to call on other tribunals for assistance in instructing a case or in communicating acts.

Art. 1



1 In unaquaque dioecesi et pro omnibus causis iure expresse non exceptis, iudex primae instantiae est Episcopus
dioecesanus, qui iudicialem potestatem exercere potest per se ipse vel per alios, secundum canones qui sequuntur.
1 In each diocese and for all cases which are not expressly excepted in law, the judge of first instance is the
diocesan Bishop. He can exercise his judicial power either personally or through others, in accordance with the
following canons.
2 Si vero agatur de iuribus aut bonis temporalibus personae iuridicae ab Episcopo repraesentatae, iudicat in primo
gradu tribunal appellationis.
2 If the case concerns the rights or temporal goods of a juridical person represented by the Bishop, the appeal
tribunal is to judge in first instance.


1 Quilibet Episcopus dioecesanus tenetur Vicarium iudicialem seu Officialem constituere cum potestate ordinaria
iudicandi, a Vicario generali distinctum, nisi parvitas dioecesis aut paucitas causarum aliud suadeat.
1 Each diocesan Bishop is obliged to appoint a judicial Vicar, or 'Officialis', with ordinary power to judge. The
judicial Vicar is to be a person distinct from the Vicar general, unless the smallness of the diocese or the limited
number of cases suggests otherwise.
2 Vicarius iudicialis unum constituit tribunal cum Episcopo, sed nequit iudicare causas quas Episcopus sibi reservat.
2 The judicial Vicar constitutes one tribunal with the Bishop, but cannot judge cases which the Bishop reserves to
3 Vicario iudiciali dari possunt adiutores, quibus nomen est Vicariorum iudicialium adiunctorum seu Vice-officialium.
3 The judicial Vicar can be given assistants, who are called associate judicial Vicars or 'Vice-officiales'.
4 Tum Vicarius iudicialis tum Vicarii iudiciales adiuncti esse debent sacerdotes, integrae famae, in iure canonico
doctores vel saltem licentiati, annos nati non minus triginta.
4 The judicial Vicar and the associate judicial Vicars must be priests of good repute, with a doctorate or at least a
licentiate in canon law, and not less than thirty years of age.
5 Ipsi, sede vacante, a munere non cessant nec ab Administratore dioecesano amoveri possunt; adveniente autem novo
Episcopo, indigent confirmatione.
5 When the see is vacant, they do not cease from office, nor can they be removed by the diocesan Administrator.
On the coming of the new Bishop, however, they need to be confirmed in office.


1 In dioecesi constituantur ab Episcopo iudices dioecesani, qui sint clerici.

1 In each diocese the Bishop is to appoint diocesan judges, who are to be clerics.
2 Episcoporum conferentia permittere potest ut etiam laici iudices constituantur, e quibus, suadente necessitate, unus
assumi potest ad collegium efformandum.
2 The Episcopal Conference can permit that lay persons also be appointed judges. Where necessity suggests,
one of these can be chosen in forming a college of Judges.
3 Iudices sint integrae famae et in iure canonico doctores vel saltem licentiati.

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3 Judges are to be of good repute, and possess a doctorate, or at least a licentiate, in canon law.

Vicarius iudicialis, Vicarii iudiciales adiuncti et ceteri iudices nominantur ad definitum tempus, firmo praescripto can.
1420, 5, nec removeri possunt nisi ex legitima gravique causa.
The judicial Vicar, the associate judicial Vicars and the other judges are appointed for a specified period of time,
without prejudice to the provision of can. 1420 5. They cannot be removed from office except for a lawful and
grave reason.


1 Plures dioecesani Episcopi, probante Sede Apostolica, possunt concordes, in locum tribunalium dioecesanorum de
quibus in cann. 1419-1421, unicum constituere in suis dioecesibus tribunal primae instantiae; quo in casu ipsorum
Episcoporum coetui vel Episcopo ab eisdem designato omnes competunt potestates, quas Episcopus dioecesanus habet
circa suum tribunal.
1 With the approval of the Apostolic See, several diocesan Bishops can agree to establish one tribunal of first
instance in their dioceses, in place of the diocesan tribunals mentioned in cann. 1419-1421. In this case the group
of Bishops, or a Bishop designated by them, has all the powers which the diocesan Bishop has for his tribunal.
2 Tribunalia, de quibus in 1, constitui possunt vel ad causas quaslibet vel ad aliqua tantum causarum genera.
2 The tribunals mentioned in 1 can be established for all cases, or for some types of cases only.


Unicus iudex in quolibet iudicio duos assessores, clericos vel laicos probatae vitae, sibi consulentes asciscere potest.
In any trial a sole judge can associate with himself two assessors as advisers; they may be clerics or lay persons of
good repute.


1 Reprobata contraria consuetudine, tribunali collegiali trium iudicum reservantur:

1 The following matters are reserved to a collegiate tribunal of three judges, any contrary custom being

causae contentiosae: a) de vinculo sacrae ordinationis; b) de vinculo matrimonii, firmis praescriptis cann. 1686 et
contentious cases: a) concerning the bond of sacred ordination; b) concerning the bond of marriage, without
prejudice to the provisions of cann. 1686 and 1688;

causae poenales: a) de delictis quae poenam dimissionis e statu clericali secumferre possunt; b) de irroganda vel
declaranda excommunicatione.
penal cases: a) for offences which can carry the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state; b) concerning the
imposition or declaration of an excommunication.

2 Episcopus causas difficiliores vel maioris momenti committere potest iudicio trium vel quinque iudicum.
2 The Bishop can entrust the more difficult cases or those of greater importance to the judgement of three or of
five judges.
3 Vicarius iudicialis ad singulas causas cognoscendas iudices ex ordine per turnum advocet, nisi Episcopus in singulis
casibus aliter statuerit.
3 The judicial Vicar is to assign judges in order by rotation to hear the individual cases, unless in particular cases
the Bishop has decided otherwise.
4 In primo iudicii gradu, si forte collegium constitui nequeat, Episcoporum conferentia, quamdiu huiusmodi
impossibilitas perduret, permittere potest ut Episcopus causas unico iudici clerico committat, qui, ubi fieri possit,
assessorem et auditorem sibi asciscat.
4 In a trial at first instance, if it should happen that it is impossible to constitute a college of judges, the Episcopal
Conference can for as long as the impossibility persists, permit the Bishop to entrust cases to a sole clerical judge.
Where possible, the sole judge is to associate with himself an assessor and an auditor.
5 Iudices semel designatos ne subroget Vicarius iudicialis, nisi ex gravissima causa in decreto exprimenda.
5 Once judges have been designated, the judicial Vicar is not to replace them, except for a very grave reason,
which must be expressed in a decree.

1 Tribunal collegiale collegialiter procedere debet, et per maiorem suffragiorum partem sententias ferre.

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1 A collegiate tribunal must proceed in a collegiate fashion and give its judgement by majority vote.
2 Eidem praeesse debet, quatenus fieri potest, Vicarius iudicialis vel Vicarius iudicialis adiunctus.
2 As far as possible, the judicial Vicar or an associate judicial Vicar must preside over the collegiate tribunal.

1 Si controversia sit inter religiosos vel domos eiusdem instituti religiosi clericalis iuris pontificii, iudex primae
instantiae, nisi aliud in constitutionibus caveatur, est Superior provincialis, aut, si monasterium sit sui iuris, Abbas
1 If there is a controversy between religious, or houses of the same clerical religious institute of pontifical right, the
judge at first instance, unless the constitutions provide otherwise, is the provincial Superior or, if an autonomous
monastery is concerned, the local Abbot.
2 Salvo diverso constitutionum praescripto, si res contentiosa agatur inter duas provincias, in prima instantia iudicabit
per se ipse vel per delegatum supremus Moderator; si inter duo monasteria, Abbas superior congregationis monasticae.
2 Without prejudice to a different provision in the constitutions, when a contentious matter arises between two
provinces, the supreme Moderator, either personally or through a delegate, will be the judge at first instance. If the
controversy is between two monasteries, the Abbot superior of the monastic congregation will be the judge.
3 Si demum controversia enascatur inter religiosas personas physicas vel iuridicas diversorum institutorum
religiosorum, aut etiam eiusdem instituti clericalis iuris dioecesani vel laicalis, aut inter personam religiosam et
clericum saecularem vel laicum vel personam iuridicam non religiosam, iudicat in prima instantia tribunal
3 Finally, if a controversy arises between physical or juridical persons of different religious institutes or even of the
same clerical institute of diocesan right or of the same lay institute, or between a religious person and a secular
cleric or a lay person or a non-religious juridical person, it is the diocesan tribunal which judges at first instance.

Art. 2


1 Iudex vel tribunalis collegialis praeses possunt auditorem designare ad causae instructionem peragendam, eum
seligentes aut ex tribunalis iudicibus aut ex personis ab Episcopo ad hoc munus approbatis.
1 The judge or, in the case of a collegiate tribunal, the presiding judge, can designate an auditor to instruct the
case. The auditor may be chosen from the tribunal judges, or from persons approved by the Bishop for this office.
2 Episcopus potest ad auditoris munus approbare clericos vel laicos, qui bonis moribus, prudentia et doctrina
2 The Bishop can approve clerics or lay persons for the role of auditor. They are to be persons conspicuous for
their good conduct, prudence and learning.
3 Auditoris est, secundum iudicis mandatum, probationes tantum colligere easque collectas iudici tradere; potest
autem, nisi iudicis mandatum obstet, interim decidere quae et quomodo probationes colligendae sint, si forte de hac re
quaestio oriatur, dum ipse munus suum exercet.
3 The task of the auditor is solely to gather the evidence in accordance with the judge's commission and, when
gathered, to submit it to the judge. Unless the judge determines otherwise, however, an auditor can in the
meantime decide what evidence is to be collected and the manner of its collection, should any question arise about
these matters while the auditor is carrying out his role.


Tribunalis collegialis praeses debet unum ex iudicibus collegii ponentem seu relatorem designare, qui in coetu iudicum
de causa referat et sententias in scriptis redigat; in ipsius locum idem praeses alium ex iusta causa substituere potest.
The presiding judge of a collegiate tribunal is to designate one of the judges of the college as 'ponens' or 'relator'.
This person is to present the case at the meeting of the judges and set out the judgement in writing. For a just
reason the presiding judge can substitute another person in the place of the 'ponens'.

Art. 3



Ad causas contentiosas, in quibus bonum publicum in discrimen vocari potest, et ad causas poenales constituatur in
dioecesi promotor iustitiae, qui officio tenetur providendi bono publico.

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A promotor of justice is to be appointed in the diocese for penal cases, and for contentious cases in which the
public good may be at stake. The promotor is bound by office to safeguard the public good.

1 In causis contentiosis, Episcopi dioecesani est iudicare utrum bonum publicum in discrimen vocari possit necne, nisi
interventus promotoris iustitiae lege praecipiatur vel ex natura rei evidenter necessarius sit.
1 In contentious cases it is for the diocesan Bishop to decide whether the public good is at stake or not, unless the
law prescribes the intervention of the promotor of justice, or this is clearly necessary from the nature of things.
2 Si in praecedenti instantia intervenerit promotor iustitiae, in ulteriore gradu huius interventus praesumitur
2 If the promotor of justice has intervened at an earlier instance of a trial, this intervention is presumed to be
necessary at a subsequent instance.


Ad causas, in quibus agitur de nullitate sacrae ordinationis aut de nullitate vel solutione matrimonii, constituatur in
dioecesi defensor vinculi, qui officio tenetur proponendi et exponendi omnia quae rationabiliter adduci possint adversus
nullitatem vel solutionem.
A defender of the bond is to be appointed in the diocese for cases which deal with the nullity of ordination or the
nullity or dissolution of marriage. The defender of the bond is bound by office to present and expound all that can
reasonably be argued against the nullity or dissolution.


In causis in quibus promotoris iustitiae aut defensoris vinculi praesentia requiritur, iis non citatis, acta irrita sunt, nisi
ipsi, etsi non citati, revera interfuerint, aut saltem ante sententiam, actis inspectis, munere suo fungi potuerint.
In cases in which the presence of the promotor of justice or of the defender of the bond is required, the acts are
invalid if they were not summoned. This does not apply if, although not summoned, they were in fact present or,
having studied the acts, able to fulfil their role at least before the judgement.


Nisi aliud expresse caveatur:

Unless otherwise expressly provided:

quoties lex praecipit ut iudex partes earumve alteram audiat, etiam promotor iustitiae et vinculi defensor, si
iudicio intersint, audiendi sunt;
whenever the law directs that the judge is to hear the parties or either of them, the promotor of justice and the
defender of the bond are also to be heard if they are present;

quoties instantia partis requiritur ut iudex aliquid decernere possit, instantia promotoris iustitiae vel vinculi
defensoris, qui iudicio intersint, eandem vim habet.
whenever, at the submission of a party, the judge is required to decide some matter, the submission of the
promotor of justice or of the defender of the bond engaged in the trial has equal weight.


Episcopi est promotorem iustitiae et vinculi defensorem nominare, qui sint clerici vel laici, integrae famae, in iure
canonico doctores vel licentiati, ac prudentia et iustitiae zelo probati.
It is the Bishop's responsibility to appoint the promotor of justice and defender of the bond. They are to be clerics or
lay persons of good repute, with a doctorate or a licentiate in canon law, and of proven prudence and zeal for


1 Eadem persona, non autem in eadem causa, officium promotoris iustitiae et defensoris vinculi gerere potest.
1 The same person can hold the office of promotor of justice and defender of the bond, although not in the same
2 Promotor et defensor constitui possunt tum ad universitatem causarum tum ad singulas causas; possunt autem ab
Episcopo, iusta de causa, removeri.
2 The promotor of justice and the defender of the bond can be appointed for all cases, or for individual cases.
They can be removed by the Bishop for a just reason.


1 Cuilibet processui intersit notarius, adeo ut nulla habeantur acta, si non fuerint ab eo subscripta.
1 A notary is to be present at every hearing, so much so that the acts are null unless signed by the notary.
2 Acta, quae notarii conficiunt, publicam fidem faciunt.

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2 Acts drawn up by notaries constitute public proof.





Firmo praescripto can. 1444, 1, n. 1:

Without prejudice to the provision of can. 1444 1, n. 1:

a tribunali Episcopi suffraganei appellatur ad tribunal Metropolitae, salvo praescripto can. 1439;
an appeal from the tribunal of a suffragan Bishop is to the metropolitan tribunal, without prejudice to the
provisions of can. 1439.

in causis in prima instantia pertractatis coram Metropolita fit appellatio ad tribunal quod ipse, probante Sede
Apostolica, stabiliter designaverit;
in cases heard at first instance in the tribunal of the Metropolitan, the appeal is to a tribunal which the
Metropolitan, with the approval of the Apostolic See, has designated in a stable fashion;

pro causis coram Superiore provinciali actis tribunal secundae instantiae est penes supremum Moderatorem; pro
causis actis coram Abbate locali, penes Abbatem superiorem congregationis monasticae.
for cases dealt with before a provincial Superior, the tribunal of second instance is that of the supreme
Moderator; for cases heard before the local Abbot, the second instance court is that of the Abbot superior of
the monastic congregation.

1 Si quod tribunal primae instantiae unicum pro pluribus dioecesibus, ad normam can. 1423, constitutum sit,
Episcoporum conferentia debet tribunal secundae instantiae, probante Sede Apostolica, constituere, nisi dioeceses sint
omnes eiusdem archidioecesis suffraganeae.
1 If a single tribunal of first instance has been constituted for several dioceses, in accordance with the norm of
can. 1423, the Episcopal Conference must, with the approval of the Holy See, constitute a tribunal of second
instance, unless the dioceses are all suffragans of the same archdiocese.
2 Episcoporum conferentia potest, probante Sede Apostolica, unum vel plura tribunalia secundae instantiae
constituere, etiam praeter casus de quibus in 1.
2 Even apart from the cases mentioned in 1, the Episcopal Conference can, with the approval of the Apostolic
See, constitute one or more tribunals of second instance.
3 Quod attinet ad tribunalia secundae instantiae, de quibus in 1-2, Episcoporum conferentia vel Episcopus ab ea
designatus omnes habent potestates, quae Episcopo dioecesano competunt circa suum tribunal.
3 In respect of the second instance tribunals mentioned in 1-2, the Episcopal Conference, or the Bishop
designated by it, has all the powers that belong to a diocesan Bishop in respect of his own tribunal.


Si competentia ratione gradus, ad normam cann. 1438 et 1439 non servetur, incompetentia iudicis est absoluta.
If competence by reason of the grade of trial, in accordance with the provisions of cann. 1438 and 1439, is not
observed, then the non-competence of the judge is absolute.


Tribunal secundae instantiae eodem modo quo tribunal primae instantiae constitui debet. Si tamen in primo iudicii
gradu, secundum can. 1425, 4, iudex unicus sententiam tulit, tribunal secundae instantiae collegialiter procedat.
The tribunal of second instance is to be constituted in the same way as the tribunal of first instance. However, if a
sole judge has given a judgement in first instance in accordance with can. 1425 4, the second instance tribunal is
to act collegially.




Romanus Pontifex pro toto orbe catholico iudex est supremus, qui vel per se ipse ius dicit, vel per ordinaria Sedis
Apostolicae tribunalia, vel per iudices a se delegatos.
The Roman Pontiff is the supreme judge for the whole catholic world. He gives judgement either personally, or
through the ordinary tribunals of the Apostolic See, or through judges whom he delegates.

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Tribunal ordinarium a Romano Pontifice constitutum appellationibus recipiendis est Rota Romana.
The ordinary tribunal constituted by the Roman Pontiff to receive appeals is the Roman Rota.


1 Rota Romana iudicat:

The Roman Rota judges:

in secunda instantia, causas quae ab ordinariis tribunalibus primae instantiae diiudicatae fuerint et ad Sanctam
Sedem per appellationem legitimam deferantur;
in second instance, cases which have been judged by ordinary tribunals of first instance and have been
referred to the Holy See by a lawful appeal;

in tertia vel ulteriore instantia, causas ab ipsa Rota Romana et ab aliis quibusvis tribunalibus iam cognitas, nisi
res iudicata habeatur.
in third or further instance, cases which have been processed by the Roman Rota itself or by any other
tribunal, unless there is question of an adjudged matter.

2 Hoc tribunal iudicat etiam in prima instantia causas de quibus in can. 1405, 3, aliasve quas Romanus Pontifex sive
motu proprio, sive ad instantiam partium ad suum tribunal advocaverit et Rotae Romanae commiserit; easque, nisi
aliud cautum sit in commissi muneris rescripto, ipsa Rota iudicat etiam in secunda et ulteriore instantia.
2 This tribunal also judges in first instance the cases mentioned in can. 1405 3, and any others which the Roman
Pontiff, either on his own initiative or at the request of the parties, has reserved to his tribunal and has entrusted to
the Roman Rota. These cases are judged by the Rota also in second or further instances, unless the rescript
entrusting the task provides otherwise.

1 Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal cognoscit:

1 The supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura hears:

querelas nullitatis et petititones restitutionis in integrum et alios recursus contra sententias rotales;
plaints of nullity, petitions for total reinstatement and other recourses against rotal judgements;

recursus in causis de statu personarum, quas ad novum examen Rota Romana admittere renuit;
recourses in cases affecting the status of persons, which the Roman Rota has refused to admit to a new

exceptiones suspicionis aliasque causas contra Auditores Rotae Romanae propter acta in exercitio ipsorum
exceptions of suspicion and other cases against Auditors of the Roman Rota by reason of things done in the
exercise of their office;

conflictus competentiae de quibus in can. 1416.

the conflicts of competence mentioned in can. 1416.

2 Ipsum Tribunal videt de contentionibus ortis ex actu potestatis administrativae ecclesiasticae ad eam legitime
delatis, de aliis controversiis administrativis quae a Romano Pontifice vel a Romanae Curiae dicasteriis ipsi deferantur,
et de conflictu competentiae inter eadem dicasteria.
2 This same Tribunal deals with controversies which arise from an act of ecclesiastical administrative power, and
which are lawfully referred to it. It also deals with other administrative controversies referred to it by the Roman
Pontiff or by departments of the Roman Curia, and with conflicts of competence among these departments.
3 Supremi huius Tribunalis praeterea est:
3 This Supreme Tribunal is also competent:

rectae administrationi iustitiae invigilare et in advocatos vel procuratores, si opus sit, animadvertere;
to oversee the proper administration of justice and, should the need arise, to take notice of advocates and

tribunalium competentiam prorogare;

to extend the competence of tribunals;

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promovere et approbare erectionem tribunalium, de quibus in cann. 1423 et 1439.

to promote and approve the establishment of the tribunals mentioned in cann. 1423 and 1439.




1 Christifideles omnes, in primis autem Episcopi, sedulo annitantur ut, salva iustitia, lites in populo Dei, quantum
fieri possit, vitentur et pacifice quam primum componantur.
1 All Christ's faithful, and especially Bishops, are to strive earnestly, with due regard for justice, to ensure that
disputes among the people of God are as far as possible avoided, and are settled promptly and without rancour.
2 Iudex in limine litis, et etiam quolibet alio momento, quotiescumque spem aliquam boni exitus perspicit, partes
hortari et adiuvare ne omittat, ut de aequa controversiae solutione quaerenda communi consilio curent, viasque ad hoc
propositum idoneas ipsis indicet, gravibus quoque hominibus ad mediationem adhibitis.
2 In the early stages of litigation, and indeed at any other time as often as he discerns any hope of a successful
outcome, the judge is not to fail to exhort and assist the parties to seek an equitable solution to their controversy in
discussions with one another. He is to indicate to them suitable means to this end and avail himself of seriousminded persons to mediate.
3 Quod si circa privatum partium bonum lis versetur, dispiciat iudex num transactione vel arbitrorum iudicio, ad
normam cann. 1713-1716, controversia finem habere utiliter possit.
3 If the issue is about the private good of the parties, the judge is to discern whether an agreement or a judgement
by an arbitrator, in accordance with the norms of cann. 1717-1720[6 ], might usefully serve to resolve the


Qui causae interfuit tamquam iudex, promotor iustitiae, defensor vinculi, procurator, advocatus, testis aut peritus,
nequit postea valide eandem causam in alia instantia tamquam iudex definire aut in eadem munus assessoris sustinere.
Any person involved in a case as judge, promotor of justice, defender of the bond, procurator, advocate, witness or
expert cannot subsequently, in another instance, validly determine the same case as a judge or exercise the role of
assessor in it.


1 Iudex cognoscendam ne suscipiat causam, in qua ratione consanguinitatis vel affinitatis in quolibet gradu lineae
rectae et usque ad quartum gradum lineae collateralis, vel ratione tutelae et curatelae, intimae vitae consuetudinis,
magnae simultatis, vel lucri faciendi aut damni vitandi, aliquid ipsius intersit.
1 The judge is not to undertake the hearing of a case in which any personal interest may be involved by reason of
consanguinity or affinity in any degree of the direct line and up to the fourth degree of the collateral line, or by
reason of guardianship or tutelage, or of close acquaintanceship or marked hostility or possible financial profit or
2 In iisdem adiunctis ab officio suo abstinere debent iustitiae promotor, defensor vinculi, assessor et auditor.
2 The promotor of justice, the defender of the bond, the assessor and the auditor must likewise refrain from
exercising their offices in these circumstances.


1 In casibus, de quibus in can. 1448, nisi iudex ipse abstineat, pars potest eum recusare.
1 In the cases mentioned in can. 1448, if the judge himself does not refrain from exercising his office, a party may
object to him.
2 De recusatione videt Vicarius iudicialis; si ipse recusetur, videt Episcopus qui tribunali praeest.
2 The judicial Vicar is to deal with this objection. If the objection is directed against the judicial Vicar himself, the
Bishop in charge of the tribunal is to deal with the matter.
3 Si Episcopus sit iudex et contra eum recusatio opponatur, ipse abstineat a iudicando.

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3 If the Bishop is the judge and the objection is directed against him, he is to refrain from judging.
4 Si recusatio opponatur contra promotorem iustitiae, defensorem vinculi aut alios tribunalis administros, de hac
exceptione videt praeses in tribunali collegiali vel ipse iudex, si unicus sit.
4 If the objection is directed against the promotor of justice, the defender of the bond or any other officer of the
tribunal, it is to be dealt with by the presiding judge of a collegial tribunal, or by the sole judge if there is only one.

Recusatione admissa, personae mutari debent, non vero iudicii gradus.

If the objection is upheld, the persons in question are to be changed, but not the grade of trial.


1 Quaestio de recusatione expeditissime definienda est, auditis partibus, promotore iustitiae vel vinculi defensore, si
intersint, neque ipsi recusati sint.
1 The objection is to be decided with maximum expedition, after hearing the parties, the promotor of justice or the
defender of the bond, if they are engaged in the trial and the objection is not directed against them.
2 Actus positi a iudice antequam recusetur, validi sunt; qui autem positi sunt post propositam recusationem, rescindi
debent, si pars petat intra decem dies ab admissa recusatione.
2 Acts performed by a judge before being objected to are valid. Acts performed after the objection has been
lodged must be rescinded if a party requests this within ten days of the admission of the objection.


1 In negotio quod privatorum solummodo interest, iudex procedere potest dumtaxat ad instantiam partis. Causa
autem legitime introducta, iudex procedere potest et debet etiam ex officio in causis poenalibus aliisque, quae publicum
Ecclesiae bonum aut animarum salutem respiciunt.
1 In a matter which concerns private persons exclusively, a judge can proceed only at the request of a party. In
penal cases, however, and in other cases which affect the public good of the Church or the salvation of souls, once
the case has been lawfully introduced, the judge can and must proceed ex officio.
2 Potest autem praeterea iudex partium neglegentiam in probationibus afferendis vel in exceptionibus opponendis
supplere, quoties id necessarium censeat ad vitandam graviter iniustam sententiam, firmis praescriptis can. 1600.
2 The judge can also supply for the negligence of the parties in bringing forward evidence or in opposing
exceptions, whenever this is considered necessary in order to avoid a gravely unjust judgement, without prejudice
to the provisions of can. 1600.


Iudices et tribunalia curent ut quam primum, salva iustitia, causae omnes terminentur, utque in tribunali primae
instantiae ultra annum ne protrahantur, in tribunali vero secundae instantiae, ultra sex menses.
Judges and tribunals are to ensure that, within the bounds of justice, all cases are brought to a conclusion as
quickly as possible. They are to see to it that in the tribunal of first instance cases are not protracted beyond a year,
and in the tribunal of second instance not beyond six months.


Omnes qui tribunal constituunt aut eidem opem ferunt, iusiurandum de munere rite et fideliter implendo praestare
All who constitute a tribunal or assist in it must take an oath to exercise their office properly and faithfully.


1 In iudicio poenali semper, in contentioso autem si ex revelatione alicuius actus processualis praeiudicium partibus
obvenire possit, iudices et tribunalis adiutores tenentur ad secretum officii servandum.
1 In a penal trial, the judges and tribunal assistants are bound to observe always the secret of the office; in a
contentious trial, they are bound to observe it if the revelation of any part of the acts of the process could be
prejudicial to the parties.
2 Tenentur etiam semper ad secretum servandum de discussione quae inter iudices in tribunali collegiali ante
ferendam sententiam habetur, tum etiam de variis suffragiis et opinionibus ibidem prolatis, firmo praescripto can.
1609, 4.
2 They are also obliged to maintain permanent secrecy concerning the discussion held by the judges before giving
their judgement, and concerning the various votes and opinions expressed there, without prejudice to the provisions
of can. 1609 4.

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3 Immo, quoties natura causae vel probationum talis sit ut ex actorum vel probationum evulgatione aliorum fama
periclitetur, vel praebeatur ansa dissidiis, aut scandalum aliudve id genus incommodum oriatur, iudex poterit testes,
peritos, partes earumque advocatos vel procuratores iureiurando astringere ad secretum servandum.
3 Indeed, the judge can oblige witnesses, experts, and the parties and their advocates or procurators, to swear an
oath to observe secrecy. This may be done if the nature of the case or of the evidence is such that revelation of the
acts or evidence would put at risk the reputation of others, or give rise to quarrels, or cause scandal or have any
similar untoward consequence.

Iudex et omnes tribunalis administri, occasione agendi iudicii, dona quaevis acceptare prohibentur.
The judge and all who work in the tribunal are forbidden to accept any gifts on the occasion of a trial.


1 Iudices qui, cum certe et evidenter competentes sint, ius reddere recusent, vel nullo suffragante iuris praescripto se
competentes declarent atque causas cognoscant ac definiant, vel secreti legem violent, vel ex dolo aut gravi neglegentia
aliud litigantibus damnum inferant, congruis poenis a competenti auctoritate puniri possunt, non exclusa officii
1 Judges can be punished by the competent authority with appropriate penalties, not excluding the loss of office,
if, though certainly and manifestly competent, they refuse to give judgement; if, with no legal support, they declare
themselves competent and hear and determine cases; if they breach the law of secrecy; or if, through deceit or
serious negligence, they cause harm to the litigants.
2 Iisdem sanctionibus subsunt tribunalis ministri et adiutores, si officio suo, ut supra, defuerint; quos omnes etiam
iudex punire potest.
2 Tribunal officers and assistants are subject to the same penalties if they fail in their duty as above. The judge
also has the power to punish them.




Causae cognoscendae sunt eo ordine quo fuerunt propositae et in albo inscriptae, nisi ex iis aliqua celerem prae ceteris
expeditionem exigat, quod quidem peculiari decreto, rationibus suffulto, statuendum est.
Cases are to be heard in the order in which they were received and entered in the register, unless some case from
among them needs to be dealt with more quickly than others. This is to be stated in a special decree which gives
supporting reasons.


1 Vitia, quibus sententiae nullitas haberi potest, in quolibet iudicii statu vel gradu excipi possunt itemque a iudice ex
officio declarari.
1 Defects which can render the judgement invalid can be proposed as exceptions at any stage or grade of trial;
likewise, the judge can declare such exceptions ex officio.
2 Praeter casus de quibus in 1, exceptiones dilatoriae, eae praesertim quae respiciunt personas et modum iudicii,
proponendae sunt ante contestationem litis, nisi contestata iam lite emerserint, et quam primum definiendae.
2 Apart from the cases mentioned in 1, exceptions seeking a delay especially those which concern persons and
the manner of trial, are to be proposed before the joinder of the issue, unless they emerge only after it. They are to
be decided as soon as possible.


1 Si exceptio proponatur contra iudicis competentiam, hac de re ipse iudex videre debet.
1 If an exception is proposed against the competence of the judge, the judge himself must deal with the matter.
2 In casu exceptionis de incompetentia relativa, si iudex se competentem pronuntiet, eius decisio non admittit
appellationem, at non prohibentur querela nullitatis et restitutio in integrum.
2 Where the exception concerns relative non-competence and the judge pronounces himself competent, his
decision does not admit of appeal. However, a plaint of nullity and a total reinstatement are not prohibited.
3 Quod si iudex se incompetentem declaret, pars qua se gravatam reputat, potest intra quindecim dies utiles provocare
ad tribunal appellationis.
3 If the judge declares himself non-competent, a party who complains of being adversely affected can refer the
matter within fifteen canonical days to the appeal tribunal.

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Iudex in quovis stadio causae se absolute incompetentem agnoscens, suam incompetentiam declarare debet.
A judge who becomes aware at any stage of the case that he is absolutely non-competent, is bound to declare his


1 Exceptiones rei iudicatae, transactionis et aliae peremptoriae quae dicuntur litis finitae, proponi et cognosci debent
ante contestationem litis; qui serius eas opposuerit, non est reiciendus, sed condemnetur ad expensas, nisi probet se
oppositionem malitiose non distulisse.
1 Exceptions to the effect that an issue has become an adjudged matter or has been agreed between the parties,
and those other peremptory exceptions which are said to put an end to the suit, are to be proposed and examined
before the joinder of the issue. Whoever raises them subsequently is not to be rejected, but will be ordered to pay
the costs unless it can be shown that the objection was not maliciously delayed.
2 Aliae exceptiones peremptoriae proponantur in contestatione litis, et suo tempore tractandae sunt secundum regulas
circa quaestiones incidentes.
2 Other peremptory exceptions are to be proposed in the joinder of the issue and treated at the appropriate time
under the rules governing incidental questions.


1 Actiones reconventionales proponi valide nequeunt, nisi intra triginta dies a lite contestata.
1 Counter actions can validly be proposed only within thirty days of the joinder of the issue.
2 Eaedem autem cognoscantur simul cum conventionali actione, hoc est pari gradu cum ea, nisi eas separatim
cognoscere necessarium sit aut iudex id opportunius existimaverit.
2 Such counter actions are to be dealt with at the same grade of trial and simultaneously with the principal action,
unless it is necessary to deal with them separately or the judge considers this procedure more opportune.


Quaestiones de cautione pro expensis iudicialibus praestanda aut de concessione gratuiti patrocinii, quod statim ab
initio postulatum fuerit, et aliae huiusmodi regulariter videndae sunt ante litis contestationem.
Questions concerning the guarantee of judicial expenses or the grant of free legal aid which has been requested
from the very beginning of the process, and other similar matters, are normally to be settled before the joinder of
the issue.



1 Fatalia legis quae dicuntur, id est termini perimendis iuribus lege constituti, prorogari non possunt, neque valide,
nisi petentibus partibus, coarctari.
1 The so-called canonical time limits are fixed times beyond which rights cease in law. They cannot be extended,
nor can they validly be shortened except at the request of the parties.
2 Termini autem iudiciales et conventionales, ante eorum lapsum, poterunt, iusta intercedente causa, a iudice, auditis
vel petentibus partibus, prorogari, numquam autem, nisi partibus consentientibus, valide coarctari.
2 After hearing the parties, or at their request, the judge can, for a just reason, extend before they expire times
fixed by himself or agreed by the parties. These times can never validly be shortened without the consent of the
3 Caveat tamen iudex ne nimis diuturna lis fiat ex prorogatione.
3 The judge is to ensure that litigation is not unduly prolonged by reason of postponement.


Ubi lex terminos haud statuat ad actus processuales peragendos, iudex illos praefinire debet, habita ratione naturae
uniuscuiusque actus.
Where the law does not establish fixed times for concluding procedural actions, the judge is to define them, taking
into consideration the nature of each act.


Si die ad actum iudicialem indicto vacaverit tribunal, terminus intellegitur prorogatus ad primum sequentem diem non
If the day appointed for a judicial action is a holiday, the fixed term is considered to be postponed to the first
subsequent day which is not a holiday.

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Uniuscuiusque tribunalis sedes sit, quantum fieri potest, stabilis, quae statutis horis pateat.
As far as possible, the place where each tribunal sits is to be an established office which is open at stated times.


1 Iudex e territorio suo vi expulsus vel a iurisdictione ibi exercenda impeditus, potest extra territorium iurisdictionem
suam exercere et sententiam ferre, certiore tamen hac de re facto Episcopo dioecesano.
1 A judge who is forcibly expelled from his territory or prevented from exercising jurisdiction there, can exercise his
jurisdiction and deliver judgement outside the territory. The diocesan Bishop is, however, to be informed of the
2 Praeter casum de quo in 1, iudex, ex iusta causa et auditis partibus, potest ad probationes acquirendas etiam extra
proprium territorium se conferre, de licentia tamen Episcopi dioecesani loci adeundi et in sede ab eodem designata.
2 Apart from the circumstances mentioned in 1, the judge, for a just reason and after hearing the parties, can go
outside his own territory to gather evidence. This is to be done with the permission of, and in a place designated by,
the diocesan Bishop of the place to which he goes.


1 Nisi aliter lex particularis caveat, dum causae coram tribunali aguntur, ii tantummodo adsint in aula quos lex aut
iudex ad processum expediendum necessarios esse statuerit.
1 Unless particular law prescribes otherwise, when cases are being heard before the tribunal, only those persons
are to be present whom the law or the judge decides are necessary for the hearing of the case.
2 Omnes iudicio assistentes, qui reverentiae et oboedientiae tribunali debitae graviter defuerint, iudex potest congruis
poenis ad officium reducere, advocatos praeterea et procuratores etiam a munere apud tribunalia ecclesiastica
exercendo suspendere.
2 The judge can with appropriate penalties take to task all who, while present at a trial, are gravely lacking in the
reverence and obedience due to the tribunal. He can, moreover, suspend advocates and procurators from
exercising their office in ecclesiastical tribunals.


Si qua persona interroganda utatur lingua iudici vel partibus ignota, adhibeatur interpres iuratus a iudice designatus.
Declarationes tamen scripto redigantur lingua originaria et translatio addatur. Interpres etiam adhibeatur si surdus vel
mutus interrogari debet, nisi forte malit iudex quaestionibus a se datis scripto respondeatur.
If a person to be interrogated uses a language unknown to the judge or the parties, an interpreter, appointed by the
judge and duly sworn, can be employed in the case. Declarations are to be committed to writing in the original
language, and a translation is to be added. An interpreter is also to be used if a deaf and dumb person must be
interrogated, unless the judge prefers that replies to the questions he has asked be given in writing.


1 Acta iudicialia, tum quae meritum quaestionis respiciunt, seu acta causae, tum quae ad formam procedendi
pertinent, seu acta processus, scripto redacta esse debent.
1 Judicial acts must be in writing, both those which refer to the merits of the case, that is, the acts of the case,
and those which refer to the procedure, that is, the procedural acts.
2 Singula folia actorum numerentur et authenticitatis signo muniantur.
2 Each page of the acts is to be numbered and bear a seal of authenticity.


Quoties in actis iudicialibus partium aut testium subscriptio requiritur, si pars aut testis subscribere nequeat vel nolit,
id in ipsis actis adnotetur, simulque iudex et notarius fidem faciant actum ipsum de verbo ad verbum parti aut testi
perlectum fuisse, et partem aut testem vel non potuisse vel noluisse subscribere.
Whenever the signature of parties or witnesses is required in judicial acts, and the party or witness is unable or
unwilling to sign, this is to be noted in the acts. At the same time the judge and the notary are to certify that the act
was read verbatim to the party or witness, and that the party or witness was either unable or unwilling to sign.


1 In casu appellationis, actorum exemplar, fide facta a notario de eius authenticitate, ad tribunal superius mittatur.

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1 In the case of an appeal, a copy of the acts is to be sent to the higher tribunal, with a certification by the notary
of its authenticity.
2 Si acta exarata fuerint lingua tribunali superiori ignota, transferantur in aliam eidem tribunali cognitam, cautelis
adhibitis, ut de fideli translatione constet.
2 If the acts are in a language unknown to the higher tribunal, they are to be translated into another language
known to it. Suitable precautions are to be taken to ensure that the translation is accurate.

1 Iudicio expleto, documenta quae in privatorum dominio sunt, restitui debent, retento tamen eorum exemplari.
1 When the trial has been completed, documents which belong to private individuals must be returned to them,
though a copy of them is to be retained.
2 Notarii et cancellarius sine iudicis mandato tradere prohibentur exemplar actorum iudicialium et documentorum,
quae sunt processui acquisita.
2 Without an order from the judge, notaries and the chancellor are forbidden to hand over to anyone a copy of the
judicial acts and documents obtained in the process.




Quilibet, sive baptizatus sive non baptizatus, potest in iudicio agere; pars autem legitime conventa respondere debet.
Any person, baptised or unbaptised, can plead before a court. A person lawfully brought to trial must respond.


Licet actor vel pars conventa procuratorem vel advocatum constituerit, semper tamen tenetur in iudicio ipsemet adesse
ad praescriptum iuris vel iudicis.
Even though the plaintiff or the respondent has appointed a procurator or advocate, each is always bound to be
present in person at the trial when the law or the judge so prescribes.


1 Minores et ii, qui rationis usu destituti sunt, stare in iudicio tantummodo possunt per eorum parentes aut tutores vel
curatores, salvo praescripto 3.
1 Minors and those who lack the use of reason can stand before the court only through their parents, guardians or
curators, subject to the provisions of 3.
2 Si iudex existimet minorum iura esse in conflictu cum iuribus parentum vel tutorum vel curatorum, aut hos non
satis tueri posse ipsorum iura, tunc stent in iudicio per tutorem vel curatorem a iudice datum.
2 If the judge considers that the rights of minors are in conflict with the rights of the parents, guardians or
curators, or that these cannot sufficiently protect the rights of the minors, the minors are to stand before the court
through a guardian or curator assigned by the judge.
3 Sed in causis spiritualibus et cum spiritualibus conexis, si minores usum rationis assecuti sint, agere et respondere
queunt sine parentum vel tutoris consensu, et quidem per se ipsi, si aetatem quattuordecim annorum expleverint; secus
per curatorem a iudice constitutum.
3 However, in cases concerning spiritual matters and matters linked with the spiritual, if the minors have the use
of reason, they can plead and respond without the consent of parents or guardians; indeed, if they have completed
their fourteenth year, they can stand before the court on their own behalf; otherwise, they do so through a curator
appointed by the judge.
4 Bonis interdicti, et ii qui minus firmae mentis sunt, stare in iudicio per se ipsi possunt tantummodo ut de propriis
delictis respondeant, aut ad praescriptum iudicis; in ceteris agere et respondere debent per suos curatores.
4 Those barred from the administration of their goods and those of infirm mind can themselves stand before the
court only to respond concerning their own offences, or by order of the judge. In other matters they must plead and
respond through their curators.

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Quoties adest tutor aut curator ab auctoritate civili constitutus, idem potest a iudice ecclesiastico admitti, audito, si
fieri potest, Episcopo dioecesano eius cui datus est; quod si non adsit aut non videatur admittendus, ipse iudex tutorem
aut curatorem pro causa designabit.
A guardian or curator appointed by a civil authority can be admitted by an ecclesiastical judge, after he has
consulted, if possible, the diocesan Bishop of the person to whom the guardian or curator has been given. If there
is no such guardian or curator, or it is not seen fit to admit the one appointed, the judge is to appoint a guardian or
curator for the case.


1 Personae iuridicae in iudicio stant per suos legitimos repraesentantes.

1 Judicial persons stand before the court through their lawful representatives.
2 In casu vero defectus vel neglegentiae repraesentantis, potest ipse Ordinarius per se vel per alium stare in iudicio
nomine personarum iuridicarum, quae sub eius potestate sunt.
2 In a case of absence or negligence of the representative, the Ordinary himself, either personally or through
another, can stand before the court in the name of juridicial persons subject to his authority.




1 Pars libere potest advocatum et procuratorem sibi constituere; sed praeter casus in 2 et 3 statutos, potest etiam
per se ipsa agere et respondere, nisi iudex procuratoris vel advocati ministerium necessarium existimaverit.
1 A party can freely appoint an advocate and procurator for him or herself. Apart from the cases stated in 2 and
3, however, a party can plead and respond personally, unless the judge considers the services of a procurator or
advocate to be necessary.
2 In iudicio poenali accusatus aut a se constitutum aut a iudice datum semper habere debet advocatum.
2 In a penal trial the accused must always have an advocate, either appointed personally or allocated by the
3 In iudicio contentioso, si agatur de minoribus aut de iudicio in quo bonum publicum vertitur, exceptis causis
matrimonialibus, iudex parti carenti defensorem ex officio constituat.
3 In a contentious trial which concerns minors or the public good, the judge is ex officio to appoint a legal
representative for a party who lacks one; matrimonial cases are excepted.


1 Unicum sibi quisque potest constituere procuratorem, qui nequit alium sibimet substituere, nisi expressa facultas
eidem facta fuerit.
1 A person can appoint only one procurator; the latter cannot appoint a substitute, unless this faculty has been
expressly conceded.
2 Quod si tamen, iusta causa suadente, plures ab eodem constituantur, hi ita designentur, ut detur inter ipsos locus
2 If, however, several procurators have for a just reason been appointed by the same person, these are to be so
designated that there is the right of prior claim among them.
3 Advocati autem plures simul constitui queunt.
3 Several advocates can, however, be appointed together.


Procurator et advocatus esse debent aetate maiores et bonae famae; advocatus debet praeterea esse catholicus, nisi
Episcopus dioecesanus aliter permittat, et doctor in iure canonico, vel alioquin vere peritus et ab eodem Episcopo
The procurator and advocate must have attained their majority and be of good repute. The advocate is also to be a
catholic unless the diocesan Bishop permits otherwise, a doctor in canon law or otherwise well qualified, and
approved by the same Bishop.


1 Procurator et advocatus antequam munus suscipiant, mandatum authenticum apud tribunal deponere debent.
1 Prior to undertaking their office, the procurator and the advocate must deposit an authentic mandate with the

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2 Ad iuris tamen extinctionem impediendam iudex potest procuratorem admittere etiam non exhibito mandato,
praestita, si res ferat, idonea cautione; actus autem qualibet vi caret, si intra terminum peremptorium a iudice
statuendum, procurator mandatum rite non exhibeat.
2 To prevent the extinction of a right, however, the judge can admit a procurator even though a mandate has not
been presented; in an appropriate case, a suitable guarantee is to be given. However, the act lacks all force if the
procurator does not present a mandate within the peremptory time-limit to be prescribed by the judge.

Nisi speciale mandatum habuerit, procurator non potest valide renuntiare actioni, instantiae vel actis iudicialibus, nec
transigere, pacisci, compromittere in arbitros et generatim ea agere pro quibus ius requirit mandatum speciale.
Without a special mandate, a procurator cannot validly renounce a case, an instance or any judicial act; nor can a
procurator settle an action, bargain, promise to abide by an arbitrator's award, or in general do anything for which
the law requires a special mandate.


1 Ut procuratoris vel advocati remotio effectum sortiatur, necesse est ipsis intimetur, et, si lis iam contestata fuerit,
iudex et adversa pars certiores facti sint de remotione.
1 For the dismissal of a procurator or advocate to have effect, it must be notified to them and, if the joinder of the
issue has taken place, the judge and the other party must be notified of the dismissal.
2 Lata definitiva sententia, ius et officium appellandi, si mandans non renuat, procuratori manet.
2 When a definitive judgement has been given, the right and duty to appeal lie with the procurator, unless the
mandating party refuses.


Tum procurator tum advocatus possunt a iudice, dato decreto, repelli sive ex officio sive ad instantiam partis, gravi
tamen de causa.
For a grave reason, the procurator and the advocate can be removed from office by a decree of the judge given
either ex officio or at the request of the party.


1 Vetatur uterque emere litem, aut sibi de immodico emolumento vel rei litigiosae parte vindicata pacisci. Quae si
fecerint, nulla est pactio, et a iudice poterunt poena pecuniaria mulctari. Advocatus praeterea tum ab officio suspendi,
tum etiam si recidivus sit, ab Episcopo, qui tribunali praeest, ex albo advocatorum expungi potest.
1 Both the procurator and the advocate are forbidden to influence a suit by bribery, seek immoderate payment, or
bargain with the successful party for a share of the matter in dispute. If they do so, any such agreement is invalid
and they can be fined by the judge. Moreover, the advocate can be suspended from office and, if this is not a first
offence, can be removed from the register of advocates by the Bishop in charge of the tribunal.
2 Eodem modo puniri possunt advocati et procuratores qui a competentibus tribunalibus causas, in fraudem legis,
subtrahunt ut ab aliis favorabilius definiantur.
2 The same sanctions can be imposed on advocates and procurators who fraudulently exploit the law by
withdrawing cases from tribunals which are competent, so that they may be judged more favourably by other


Advocati ac procuratores qui ob dona aut pollicitationes aut quamlibet aliam rationem suum officium prodiderint, a
patrocinio exercendo suspendantur, et mulcta pecuniaria aliisve congruis poenis plectantur.
Advocates and procurators who betray their office because of gifts or promises, or any other consideration, are to
be suspended from the exercise of their profession, and be fined or punished with other suitable penalties.


In unoquoque tribunali, quatenus fieri possit, stabiles patroni constituantur, ab ipso tribunali stipendium recipientes,
qui munus advocati vel procuratoris in causis praesertim matrimonialibus pro partibus quae eos seligere malint,
As far as possible, permanent advocates and procurators are to be appointed in each tribunal and to receive a
salary from the tribunal. They are to exercise their office, especially in matrimonial cases, for parties who may wish
to choose them.

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Quodlibet ius non solum actione munitur, nisi aliud expresse cautum sit, sed etiam exceptione.
Every right is reinforced not only by an action, unless otherwise expressly provided, but also by an exception.


1 Quaevis actio extinguitur praescriptione ad normam iuris aliove legitimo modo, exceptis actionibus de statu
personarum, quae numquam extinguuntur.
1 Every action is extinguished by prescription in accordance with the law, or in any other lawful way, with the
exception of actions bearing on personal status, which are never extinguished.
2 Exceptio, salvo praescripto can. 1462, semper competit et est suapte natura perpetua.
2 Without prejudice to the provision of can. 1462, an exception is always possible, and is of its nature perpetual.


Actor pluribus simul actionibus, quae tamen inter se non confligant, sive de eadem re sive de diversis, aliquem
convenire potest, si aditi tribunalis competentiam non egrediantur.
A plaintiff can bring several exceptions simultaneously against another person, concerning either the same matter
or different matters, provided they are not in conflict with one another, and do not go beyond the competence of the
tribunal that has been approached.


1 Pars conventa potest coram eodem iudice in eodem iudicio contra actorem vel propter causae nexum cum actione
principali vel ad submovendam vel ad minuendam actoris petitionem, actionem reconventionalem instituere.
1 A respondent can institute a counter action against a plaintiff before the same judge and in the same trial, either
by reason of the case's connection with the principal action, or with a view to removing or mitigating the plaintiff's
2 Reconventio reconventionis non admittitur.
2 A counter action to a counter action is not admitted.


Actio reconventionalis proponenda est iudici coram quo actio prior instituta est, licet ad unam causam dumtaxat
delegato vel alioquin relative incompetenti.
The counter action is to be proposed to the judge before whom the original action was initiated, even though he has
been delegated for one case only, or is otherwise relatively non-competent.




1 Qui probabilibus saltem argumentis ostenderit super aliqua re ab alio detenta ius se habere, sibique damnum
imminere nisi res ipsa custodienda tradatur, ius habet obtinendi a iudice eiusdem rei sequestrationem.
1 A person who advances arguments, which are at least probable, to support a right to something held by another,
and to indicate an imminent danger of loss of the object unless it is handed over for safekeeping, has a right to
obtain from the judge the sequestration of the object in question.
2 In similibus rerum adiunctis obtinere potest, ut iuris exercitium alicui inhibeatur.
2 In similar circumstances, a person can obtain a restraint on another person's exercise of a right.


1 Ad crediti quoque securitatem sequestratio rei admittitur, dummodo de creditoris iure satis constet.
1 The sequestration of an object is also allowed for the security of a loan, provided there is sufficient evidence of
the creditor's right.
2 Sequestratio extendi potest etiam ad res debitoris quae quolibet titulo apud alias personas reperiantur, et ad
debitoris credita.
2 Sequestration can also extend to the assets of a debtor which, on whatever title, are in the keeping of others, as
well as to the loans of the debtor.

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Sequestratio rei et inhibitio exercitii iuris decerni nullatenus possunt, si damnum quod timetur possit aliter reparari et
idonea cautio de eo reparando offeratur.
The sequestration of an object, and restraint on the exercise of a right, can in no way be decreed if the loss which is
feared can be otherwise repaired, and a suitable guarantee is given that it will be repaired.


Iudex potest ei, cui sequestrationem rei vel inhibitionem exercitii iuris concedit, praeviam imponere cautionem de
damnis, si ius suum non probaverit, resarciendis.
The judge who grants the sequestration of an object, or the restraint on the exercise of a right, can first impose on
the person to whom the grant is made an undertaking to repay any loss if the right is not proven.


Ad naturam et vim actionis possessoriae quod attinet, serventur praescripta iuris civilis loci ubi sita est res de cuius
possessione agitur.
In matters concerning the nature and effect of an action for possession, the provisions of the civil law of the place
where the thing to be possessed is situated, are to be observed.












Iudex nullam causam cognoscere potest, nisi petitio, ad normam canonum, proposita sit ab eo cuius interest, vel a
promotore iustitiae.
A judge cannot investigate any case unless a plea, drawn up in accordance with canon law, is submitted either by a
person whose interest is involved, or by the promotor of justice.


Qui aliquem convenire vult, debet libellum competenti iudici exhibere, in quo controversiae obiectum proponatur, et
ministerium iudicis expostuletur.
A person who wishes to sue another must present a petition to a judge who is lawfully competent. In this petition
the matter in dispute is to be set out and the intervention of the judge requested.


1 Petitionem oralem iudex admittere potest, quoties vel actor libellum exhibere impediatur vel causa sit facilis
investigationis et minoris momenti.
1 A judge can admit an oral plea whenever the plaintiff is impeded from presenting a petition or when the case can
be easily investigated and is of minor significance.
2 In utroque tamen casu iudex notarium iubeat scriptis actum redigere qui actori legendus est et ab eo probandus,
quique locum tenet libelli ab actore scripti ad omnes iuris effectus.
2 In both cases, however, the judge is to direct a notary to record the matter in writing. This written record is to be
read to, and approved by, the plaintiff, and it takes the place of a petition written by the plaintiff as far as all effects
of law are concerned.


Libellus, quo lis introducitur, debet:

The petition by which a suit is introduced must:

exprimere coram quo iudice causa introducatur, quid petatur et a quo petatur;
state the judge before whom the case is being introduced, what is being sought and from whom it is being

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indicare quo iure innitatur actor et generatim saltem quibus factis et probationibus ad evincenda ea quae
indicate on what right the plaintiff bases the case and, at least in general terms, the facts and evidence to be
submitted in support of the allegations made;

subscribi ab actore vel eius procuratore, appositis die, mense et anno, necnon loco in quo actor vel eius procurator
habitant, aut residere se dixerint actorum recipiendorum gratia;
be signed by the plaintiff or the plaintiff's procurator, and bear the day, the month and the year, as well as the
address at which the plaintiff or the procurator resides, or at which they say they reside for the purpose of
receiving the acts;

indicare domicilium vel quasi-domicilium partis conventae.

indicate the domicile or quasi-domicile of the respondent.

1 Iudex unicus vel tribunalis collegialis praeses, postquam viderint et rem esse suae competentiae et actori legitimam
personam standi in iudicio non deesse, debent suo decreto quam primum libellum aut admittere aut reicere.
1 Once he has satisfied himself that the matter is within his competence and the plaintiff has the right to stand
before the court, the sole judge, or the presiding judge of a collegiate tribunal, must as soon as possible by his
decree either admit or reject the petition.
2 Libellus reici potest tantum:
2 A petition can be rejected only if:

si iudex vel tribunal incompetens sit;

the judge or the tribunal is not legally competent;

si sine dubio constet actori legitimam deesse personam standi in iudicio;

it is established beyond doubt that the plaintiff lacks the right to stand before the court;

si non servata sint praescripta can. 1504, nn. 1-3;

the provisions of can. 1504 nn. 1-3 have not been observed

si certo pateat ex ipso libello petitionem quolibet carere fundamento, neque fieri posse, ut aliquod ex processu
fundamentum appareat.
it is certainly clear from the petition that the plea lacks any foundation, and that there is no possibility that a
foundation will emerge from a process.

3 Si libellus reiectus fuerit ob vitia quae emendari possunt, actor novum libellum rite confectum potest eidem iudici
denuo exhibere.
3 If a petition has been rejected by reason of defects which can be corrected, the plaintiff can draw up a new
petition correctly and present it again to the same judge.
4 Adversus libelli reiectionem integrum semper est parti intra tempus utile decem dierum recursum rationibus
suffultum interponere vel ad tribunal appellationis vel ad collegium, si libellus reiectus fuerit a praeside; quaestio
autem reiectionis expeditissime definienda est.
4 A party is always entitled, within ten canonical days, to have recourse, based upon stated reasons, against the
rejection of a petition. This recourse is to be made either to the tribunal of appeal or, if the petition was rejected by
the presiding judge, to the collegiate tribunal. A question of rejection is to be determined with maximum expedition.

Si iudex intra mensem ab exhibito libello decretum non ediderit, quo libellum admittit vel reicit ad normam can. 1505,
pars, cuius interest, instare potest ut iudex suo munere fungatur; quod si nihilominus iudex sileat, inutiliter lapsis
decem diebus a facta instantia, libellus pro admisso habeatur.
If within a month of the presentation of a petition, the judge has not issued a decree admitting or rejecting it in
accordance with can. 1505, the interested party can insist that the judge perform his duty. If, notwithstanding this,
the judge does not respond within ten days of the party's request, the petition is to be taken as having been

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1 In decreto, quo actoris libellus admittitur, debet iudex vel praeses ceteras partes in iudicium vocare seu citare ad
litem contestandam, statuens utrum eae scripto respondere debeant an coram ipso se sistere ad dubia concordanda.
Quod si ex scriptis responsionibus perspiciat necessitatem partes convocandi, id potest novo decreto statuere.
1 In the decree by which a plaintiff's petition is admitted, the judge or the presiding judge must call or summon the
other parties to court to effect the joinder of the issue; he must prescribe whether, in order to agree the point at
issue, they are to reply in writing or to appear before him. If, from their written replies, he perceives the need to
convene the parties, he can determine this by a new decree.
2 Si libellus pro admisso habetur ad normam can. 1506, decretum citationis in iudicium fieri debet intra viginti dies a
facta instantia, de qua in eo canone.
2 If a petition is deemed admitted in accordance with the provisions of can. 1506, the decree of summons to the
trial must be issued within twenty days of the request of which that canon speaks.
3 Quod si partes litigantes de facto coram iudice se sistant ad causam agendam, opus non est citatione, sed actuarius
significet in actis partes iudicio adfuisse.
3 If the litigants in fact present themselves before the judge to pursue the case, there is no need for a summons;
the notary, however, is to record in the acts that the parties were present at the trial.


1 Decretum citationis in iudicium debet statim parti conventae notificari, et simul ceteris, qui comparere debent,
notum fieri.
1 The decree of summons to the trial must be notified at once to the respondent, and at the same time to any
others who are obliged to appear.
2 Citationi libellus litis introductorius adiungatur, nisi iudex propter graves causas censeat libellum significandum non
esse parti, antequam haec deposuerit in iudicio.
2 The petition introducing the suit is to be attached to the summons, unless for grave reasons the judge considers
that the petition is not to be communicated to the other party before he or she gives evidence.
3 Si lis moveatur adversus eum qui non habet liberum exercitium suorum iurium, vel liberam administrationem
rerum de quibus disceptatur, citatio denuntianda est, prout casus ferat, tutori, curatori, procuratori speciali, seu ei qui
ipsius nomine iudicium suscipere tenetur ad normam iuris.
3 If a suit is brought against a person who does not have the free exercise of personal rights, or the free
administration of the matters in dispute, the summons is to be notified to, as the case may be, the guardian, the
curator, the special procurator, or the one who according to law is obliged to undertake legal proceedings in the
name of such a person.


1 Citationum, decretorum, sententiarum aliorumque iudicialium actorum notificatio facienda est per publicos
tabellarios vel alio modo qui tutissimus sit, servatis normis lege particulari statutis.
1 With due regard to the norms laid down by particular law, the notification of summonses, decrees, judgements
and other judicial acts is to be done by means of the public postal service, or by some other particularly secure
2 De facto notificationis et de eius modo constare debet in actis.
2 The fact and the manner of notification must be shown in the acts.


Conventus, qui citatoriam schedam recipere recuset, vel qui impedit quominus citatio ad se perveniat, legitime citatus
A respondent who refuses to accept a document of summons, or who circumvents the delivery of a summons, is to
be regarded as lawfully summoned.


Si citatio non fuerit legitime notificata, nulla sunt acta processus, salvo praescripto can. 1507, 3.
Without prejudice to the provision of can. 1507 3, if a summons has not been lawfully communicated, the acts of
the process are null.


Cum citatio legitime notificata fuerit aut partes coram iudice steterint ad causam agendam:

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Once a summons has been lawfully communicated, or the parties have presented themselves before a judge to
pursue the case:

res desinit esse integra;

the matter ceases to be a neutral one;

causa fit propria iudicis illius aut tribunalis ceteroquin competentis, coram quo actio instituta est;
the case becomes that of the judge or of the tribunal, in other respects lawfully competent, before whom the
action was brought;

in iudice delegato firma redditur iurisdictio, ita ut non expiret resoluto iure delegantis;
the jurisdiction of a delegated judge is established in such a way that it does not lapse on the expiry of the
authority of the person who delegated;

interrumpitur praescriptio, nisi aliud cautum sit;

prescription is interrupted, unless otherwise provided;

lis pendere incipit; et ideo statim locum habet principium "lite pendente, nihil innovetur".
the suit begins to be a pending one, and therefore the principle immediately applies 'while a suit is pending, no
new element is to be introduced'.



1 Contestatio litis habetur cum per iudicis decretum controversiae termini, ex partium petitionibus et responsionibus
desumpti, definiuntur.
1 The joinder of the issue occurs when the terms of the controversy, as derived from the pleas and the replies of
the parties, are determined by a decree of the judge.
2 Partium petitiones responsionesque, praeterquam in libello litis introductorio, possunt vel in responsione ad
citationem exprimi vel in declarationibus ore coram iudice factis; in causis autem difficilioribus partes convocandae
sunt a iudice ad dubium vel dubia concordanda, quibus in sententia respondendum sit.
2 The pleas and the replies of the parties may be expressed not only in the petition introducing the suit, but also
either in the response to the summons, or in statements made orally before the judge. In more difficult cases,
however, the parties are to be convened by the judge, so as to agree the question or questions to which the
judgement must respond.
3 Decretum iudicis partibus notificandum est; quae nisi iam consenserint, possunt intra decem dies ad ipsum iudicem
recurrere, ut mutetur; quaestio autem expeditissime ipsius iudicis decreto dirimenda est.
3 The decree of the judge is to be notified to the parties. Unless they have already agreed on the terms, they may
within ten days have recourse to the same judge to request that the decree be altered. This question, however, is to
be decided with maximum expedition by a decree of the judge.


Controversiae termini semel statuti mutari valide nequeunt, nisi novo decreto, ex gravi causa, ad instantiam partis et
auditis reliquis partibus earumque rationibus perpensis.
Once determined, the terms of the controversy cannot validly be altered except by a new decree, issued for a grave
reason, at the request of the party, and after the other parties have been consulted and their observations


Lite contestata, possessor rei alienae desinit esse bonae fidei; ideoque, si damnatur ut rem restituat, fructus quoque a
contestationis die reddere debet et damna sarcire.
Once the joinder of the issue has occurred, the possessor of another's property ceases to be in good faith. If,
therefore, the judgement is that he or she return the property, the possessor must return also any profits accruing
from the date of the joinder, and must compensate for damages.


Lite contestata, iudex congruum tempus partibus praestituat probationibus proponendis et explendis.

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Once the joinder of the issue has occurred, the judge is to prescribe an appropriate time within which the parties
are to present and to complete the evidence.




Instantiae initium fit citatione; finis autem non solum pronuntiatione sententiae definitivae, sed etiam aliis modis iure
The trial of the issue is initiated by the summons. It is concluded not only by the pronouncement of the definitive
judgement, but also by other means determined by law.


Si pars litigans moriatur aut statum mutet aut cesset ab officio cuius ratione agit:
If a litigant dies, or undergoes a change in status, or ceases from the office in virtue of which he or she was acting:


causa nondum conclusa, instantia suspenditur donec heres defuncti aut successor aut is, cuius intersit, litem
if the case has not yet been concluded, the trial is suspended until the heir of the deceased, or the successor,
or a person whose interest is involved, resumes the suit

causa conclusa, iudex procedere debet ad ulteriora, citato procuratore, si adsit, secus defuncti herede vel
if the case has been concluded, the judge must proceed to theremaining steps of the case, having first
summoned the procurator, if there is one, or else the heir or the successor of the deceased.

1 Si a munere cesset tutor vel curator vel procurator, qui sit ad normam can. 1481, 1 et 3 necessarius, instantia
interim suspenditur.
1 If the guardian or the curator or the procurator required in accordance with can. 1481 1 and 3, ceases from
office, the trial is suspended for the time being.
2 Alium autem tutorem vel curatorem iudex quam primum constituat; procuratorem vero ad litem constituere potest,
si pars neglexerit intra brevem terminum ab ipso iudice statutum.
2 However, the judge is to appoint another guardian or curator as soon as possible. He can appoint a procurator
ad litem if the party has neglected to do so within the brief time prescribed by the judge himself.


Si nullus actus processualis, nullo obstante impedimento, ponatur a partibus per sex menses, instantia perimitur. Lex
particularis alios peremptionis terminos statuere potest.
If over a period of six months, no procedural act is performed by the parties, and they have not been impeded from
doing so, the trial is abated. Particular law may prescribe other time limits for abatement.


Peremptio obtinet ipso iure et adversus omnes, minores quoque aliosve minoribus aequiparatos, atque etiam ex officio
declarari debet, salvo iure petendi indemnitatem adversus tutores, curatores, administratores, procuratores, qui culpa
se caruisse non probaverint.
Abatement takes effect by virtue of the law itself, and it is effective against everyone, even minors and those
equivalent to minors; moreover, it must be declared even ex officio. This, however, is without prejudice to the right
to claim compensation against those guardians, curators, administrators and procurators who have not proved that
they were without fault.


Peremptio exstinguit acta processus, non vero acta causae; immo haec vim habere possunt etiam in alia instantia,
dummodo causa inter easdem personas et super eadem re intercedat; sed ad extraneos quod attinet, non aliam vim
obtinent nisi documentorum.
Abatement extinguishes the acts of the process, but not the acts of the case. The acts of the case may indeed be
employed in another instance, provided the case is between the same persons and about the same matter. As far
as those outside the case are concerned, however these acts have no standing other than as documents.


Perempti iudicii expensas, quas quisque ex litigantibus fecerit, ipse ferat.

When a trial has been abated, the litigants are to bear the expenses which each has incurred.

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1 In quolibet statu et gradu iudicii potest actor instantiae renuntiare; item tum actor tum pars conventa possunt
processus actis renuntiare sive omnibus sive nonnullis tantum.
1 The plaintiff may renounce a trial at any stage or at any grade. Likewise, both the plaintiff and the respondent
may renounce the acts of the process either in whole or only in part.
2 Tutores et administratores personarum iuridicarum, ut renuntiare possint instantiae, egent consilio vel consensu
eorum, quorum concursus requiritur ad ponendos actus, qui ordinariae administrationis fines excedunt.
2 To renounce the trial of an issue, guardians and administrators of juridical persons must have the advice or the
consent of those whose agreement is required to conduct negotiations which exceed the limits of ordinary
3 Renuntiatio, ut valeat, peragenda est scripto, eademque a parte vel ab eius procuratore, speciali tamen mandato
munito, debet subscribi, cum altera parte communicari, ab eaque acceptari vel saltem non impugnari, et a iudice
3 To be valid, a renunciation must be in writing, and must be signed either by the party, or by a procurator who
has been given a special mandate for this purpose; it must be communicated to the other party, who must accept
or at least not oppose it; and it must be admitted by the judge.


Renuntiatio a iudice admissa, pro actis quibus renuntiatum est, eosdem parit effectus ac peremptio instantiae, itemque
obligat renuntiantem ad solvendas expensas actorum, quibus renuntiatum fuit.
Once a renunciation has been admitted by the judge, it has the same effects for the acts which have been
renounced as has an abatement of the trial. Likewise, it obliges the person renouncing to pay the expenses of those
acts which have been renounced.



1 Onus probandi incumbit ei qui asserit.

1 The onus of proof rests upon the person who makes an allegation.
2 Non indigent probatione:
2 The following matters do not require proof:


quae ab ipsa lege praesumuntur;

matters which are presumed by the law itself;

facta ab uno ex contendentibus asserta et ab altero admissa, nisi iure vel a iudice probatio nihilominus exigatur.
facts alleged by one of the litigants and admitted by the other, unless their proof is nevertheless required
either by law or by the judge.

1 Probationes cuiuslibet generis, quae ad causam cognoscendam utiles videantur et sint licitae, adduci possunt.
1 Any type of proof which seems useful for the investigation of the case and is lawful, may be admitted.
2 Si pars instet ut probatio a iudice reiecta admittatur, ipse iudex rem expeditissime definiat.
2 If a party submits that proof, which has been rejected by the judge, should be admitted, the judge is to
determine the matter with maximum expedition.


Si pars vel testis se sistere ad respondendum coram iudice renuant, licet eos audire etiam per laicum a iudice
designatum aut requirere eorum declarationem coram publico notario vel quovis alio legitimo modo.
If a party or a witness refuses to testify before the judge, that person may lawfully be heard by another, even a lay
person, appointed by the judge, or asked to make a declaration either before a public notary or in any other lawful


Iudex ad probationes colligendas ne procedat ante litis contestationem nisi ob gravem causam.
Unless there is a grave reason, the judge is not to proceed to collect the proofs before the joinder of the issue.

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Iudex ad veritatem aptius eruendam partes interrogare semper potest, immo debet, ad instantiam partis vel ad
probandum factum quod publice interest extra dubium poni.
The judge may always question the parties the more closely to elicit the truth. He must do so if requested by one of
the parties, or in order to prove a fact which the public interest requires to be placed beyond doubt.


1 Pars legitime interrogata respondere debet et veritatem integre fateri.

1 A party who is lawfully questioned is obliged to respond and to tell the whole truth.
2 Quod si respondere recusaverit, iudicis est aestimare quid ad factorum probationem exinde erui possit.
2 If a party has refused to reply, it is for the judge to evaluate what, as far as the proof of the facts is concerned,
can be deduced therefrom.


In casibus, in quibus bonum publicum in causa est, iudex partibus iusiurandum de veritate dicenda aut saltem de
veritate dictorum deferat, nisi gravis causa aliud suadeat; in aliis casibus, potest pro sua prudentia.
Unless a grave reason suggests otherwise, in cases in which the public good is at stake the judge is to administer
to the parties an oath that they will tell the truth, or at least that what they have said is the truth. In other cases, it is
left to the prudent discretion of the judge to determine whether an oath is to be administered.


Partes, promotor iustitiae et defensor vinculi possunt iudici exhibere articulos, super quibus pars interrogetur.
The parties, the promotor of justice and the defender of the bond may submit to the judge propositions upon which
a party is to be questioned.


Circa partium interrogationem cum proportione serventur, quae in cann. 1548, 2, n. 1, 1552 et 1558-1565 de testibus
The provisions of cann. 15482, n. 1, 1552 and 1558-1565 concerning witnesses are to be observed, with the
appropriate qualifications, in the questioning of the parties.


Assertio de aliquo facto, scripto vel ore, coram iudice competenti, ab aliqua parte circa ipsam iudicii materiam, sive
sponte sive iudice interrogante, contra se peracta, est confessio iudicialis.
A judicial confession is an assertion of fact against oneself, concerning a matter relevant to the trial, which is made
by a party before a judge who is legally competent; this is so whether the assertion is made in writing or orally,
whether spontaneously or in response to the judge's questioning.


1 Confessio iudicialis unius partis, si agatur de negotio aliquo privato et in causa non sit bonum publicum, ceteras
relevat ab onere probandi.
1 In a private matter and where the public good is not at stake, a judicial confession of one party relieves the other
parties of the onus of proof.
2 In causis autem quae respiciunt bonum publicum, confessio iudicialis et partium declarationes, quae non sint
confessiones, vim probandi habere possunt, a iudice aestimandam una cum ceteris causae adiunctis, at vis plenae
probationis ipsis tribui nequit, nisi alia accedant elementa quae eas omnino corroborent.
2 In cases which concern the public good, however, a judicial confession, and declarations by the parties which
are not confessions, can have a probative value that is to be weighed by the judge in association with the other
circumstances of the case, but the force of full proof cannot be attributed to them unless there are other elements
which wholly corroborate them.


Quoad extraiudicialem confessionem in iudicium deductam, iudicis est, perpensis omnibus adiunctis, aestimare quanti
ea sit facienda.
It is for the judge, having considered all the circumstances, to evaluate the weight to be given to an extra-judicial
confession which is introduced into the trial.


Confessio vel alia quaevis partis declaratio qualibet vi caret, si constet eam ex errore facti esse prolatam, aut vi vel metu
gravi extortam.
A confession, or any other declaration of a party, is devoid of all force if clearly shown to be based on an error of
fact or to have been extracted by force or grave fear.

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In quolibet iudicii genere admittitur probatio per documenta tum publica tum privata.
In every type of trial documentary proof is admitted, whether the documents be public or private.

Art. 1





1 Documenta publica ecclesiastica ea sunt, quae persona publica in exercitio sui muneris in Ecclesia confecit, servatis
sollemnitatibus iure praescriptis.
1 Public ecclesiastical documents are those which an official person draws up in the exercise of his or her function
in the Church and in which the formalities required by law have been observed.
2 Documenta publica civilia ea sunt, quae secundum uniuscuiusque loci leges talia iure censentur.
2 Public civil documents are those which are legally regarded as such in accordance with the laws of each place.
3 Cetera documenta sunt privata.
3 All other documents are private.


Nisi contrariis et evidentibus argumentis aliud evincatur, documenta publica fidem faciunt de omnibus quae directe et
principaliter in iis affirmantur.
Unless it is otherwise established by contrary and clear arguments, public documents constitute acceptable
evidence of those matters which are directly and principally affirmed in them.


Documentum privatum, sive agnitum a parte sive recognitum a iudice, eandem probandi vim habet adversus auctorem
vel subscriptorem et causam ab iis habentes, ac confessio extra iudicium facta; adversus extraneos eandem vim habet
ac partium declarationes quae non sint confessiones, ad normam can. 1536, 2.
A private document, whether acknowledged by a party or admitted by a judge, has the same probative force as an
extra-judicial confession, against its author or the person who has signed it and against persons whose case rests
on that of the author or signatory. Against others it has the same force as have declarations by the parties which
are not confessions, in accordance with can. 1536 2.


Si abrasa, correcta, interpolata aliove vitio documenta infecta demonstrentur, iudicis est aestimare an et quanti
huiusmodi documenta sint facienda.
If documents are shown to have been erased, amended, falsified or otherwise tampered with, it is for the judge to
evaluate to what extent, if any, they are to be given credence.

Art. 2



Documenta vim probandi in iudicio non habent, nisi originalia sint aut in exemplari authentico exhibita et penes
tribunalis cancellariam deposita, ut a iudice et ab adversario examinari possint.
Documents do not have probative force at a trial unless they are submitted in original form or in authentic copy and
are lodged in the office of the tribunal, so that they may be inspected by the judge and by the opposing party.


Iudex praecipere potest ut documentum utrique parti commune exhibeatur in processu.

The judge can direct that a document common to each of the parties is to be submitted in the process.


1 Nemo exhibere tenetur documenta, etsi communia, quae communicari nequeunt sine periculo damni ad normam
can. 1548, 2, n. 2 aut sine periculo violationis secreti servandi.
1 No one is obliged to exhibit documents, even if they are common, which cannot be communicated without
danger of the harm mentioned in can. 1548 2, n. 2, or without the danger of violating a secret which is to be
2 Attamen si qua saltem documenti particula describi possit et in exemplari exhiberi sine memoratis incommodis,
iudex decernere potest ut eadem producatur.
2 If, however, at least an extract from a document can be transcribed and submitted in copy without the
disadvantages mentioned, the judge can direct that it be produced in that form.

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Probatio per testes in quibuslibet causis admittitur, sub iudicis moderatione.

Proof by means of witnesses is admitted in all cases, under the direction of the judge.


1 Testes iudici legitime interroganti veritatem fateri debent.

1 Witnesses must tell the truth to a judge who lawfully questions them.
2 Salvo praescripto can. 1550, 2, n. 2, ab obligatione respondendi eximuntur:
2 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1550 2, n. 2 the following are exempted from the obligation of
replying to questions:

clerici, quod attinet ad ea quae ipsis manifestata sunt ratione sacri ministerii; civitatum magistratus, medici,
obstetrices, advocati, notarii aliique qui ad secretum officii etiam ratione praestiti consilii tenentur, quod attinet
ad negotia huic secreto obnoxia;
clerics, in those matters revealed to them by reason of their sacred ministry; civil officials, doctors, midwives,
advocates, notaries and others who are bound by the secret of their office, even on the ground of having
offered advice, in respect of matters subject to this secret;

qui ex testificatione sua sibi aut coniugi aut proximis consanguineis vel affinibus infamiam, periculosas
vexationes, aliave mala gravia obventura timent.
those who fear that, as a result of giving evidence, a loss of reputation, dangerous harassment or some other
grave evil will arise for themselves, their spouses, or those related to them by consanguinity or affinity.

Art. 1




Omnes possunt esse testes, nisi expresse iure repellantur vel in totum vel ex parte.
Everyone can be a witness, unless expressly excluded, whether wholly or in part, by the law.


1 Ne admittantur ad testimonium ferendum minores infra decimum quartum aetatis annum et mente debiles; audiri
tamen poterunt ex decreto iudicis, quo id expedire declaretur.
1 Minors under the age of fourteen years and those who are of feeble mind are not admitted to give evidence.
They can, however, be heard if the judge declares by a decree that it would be appropriate to do so.
2 Incapaces habentur:
2 The following are deemed incapable of being witnesses:

qui partes sunt in causa, aut partium nomine in iudicio consistunt, iudex eiusve assistentes, advocatus aliique qui
partibus in eadem causa assistunt vel astiterunt;
the parties in the case or those who appear at the trial in the name of the parties; the judge and his assistant;
the advocate and those others who in the same case assist or have assisted the parties;

sacerdotes, quod attinet ad ea omnia quae ipsis ex confessione sacramentali innotuerunt, etsi poenitens eorum
manifestationem petierit; immo audita a quovis et quoquo modo occasione confessionis, ne ut indicium quidem
veritatis recipi possunt.
priests, in respect of everything which has become known to them in sacramental confession, even if the
penitent has asked that these things be made known. Moreover, anything that may in any way have been
heard by anyone on the occasion of confession, cannot be accepted even as an indication of the truth.

Art. 2




Pars, quae testem induxit, potest eius examini renuntiare; sed adversa pars postulare potest ut nihilominus testis
A party who has introduced a witness may forego the examination of that witness, but the opposing party may ask
that the witness nevertheless be examined.


1 Cum probatio per testes postulatur, eorum nomina et domicilium tribunali indicentur.

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1 When proof by means of witnesses is sought, the names and addresses of the witnesses are to be
communicated to the tribunal.
2 Exhibeantur, intra terminum a iudice praestitutum, articuli argumentorum super quibus petitur testium
interrogatio; alioquin petitio censeatur deserta.
2 The propositions on which the interrogation of the witnesses is requested, are to be submitted within the timelimit determined by the judge; otherwise, the request is to be deemed abandoned.

Iudicis est nimiam multitudinem testium refrenare.

It is for the judge to curb an excessive number of witnesses.


Antequam testes examinentur, eorum nomina cum partibus communicentur; quod si id, prudenti iudicis existimatione,
fieri sine gravi difficultate nequeat, saltem ante testimoniorum publicationem fiat.
Before witnesses are examined, their names are to be communicated to the parties. If, in the prudent opinion of the
judge, this cannot be done without great difficulty, it is to be done at least before the publication of the evidence.


Firmo praescripto can. 1550, pars petere potest ut testis excludatur, si iusta exclusionis causa demonstretur ante testis
Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1550, a party may request that a witness be excluded, provided a just
reason for exclusion is established before the witness is examined.


Citatio testis fit decreto iudicis testi legitime notificato.

The summons of a witness is effected by a decree of the judge lawfully notified to the witness.


Testis rite citatus pareat aut causam suae absentiae iudici notam faciat.
A properly summoned witness is to appear, or to make known to the judge the reason for being absent.

Art. 3


1 Testes sunt examini subiciendi in ipsa tribunalis sede, nisi aliud iudici videatur.
1 Witnesses are to be examined at the office of the tribunal unless the judge deems otherwise.
2 Cardinales, Patriarchae, Episcopi et ii qui, suae civitatis iure, simili favore gaudent, audiantur in loco ab ipsis
2 Cardinals, Patriarchs, Bishops, and those who in their own civil law enjoy a similar favour, are to be heard at the
place selected by themselves.
3 Iudex decernat ubi audiendi sint ii, quibus propter distantiam, morbum aliudve impedimentum impossibile vel
difficile sit tribunalis sedem adire, firmis praescriptis cann. 1418 et 1469, 2.
3 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1418 and 1469 2, the judge is to decide where witnesses are to be
heard for whom, by reason of distance, illness or other impediment, it is impossible or difficult to come to the office
of the tribunal.


Examini testium partes assistere nequeunt, nisi iudex, praesertim cum res est de bono privato, eas admittendas
censuerit. Assistere tamen possunt earum advocati vel procuratores, nisi iudex propter rerum et personarum adiuncta
censuerit secreto esse procedendum.
The parties cannot be present at the examination of the witnesses unless, especially when there is question of a
private interest, the judge has determined that they are to be admitted. Their advocates or procurators, however,
may attend, unless by reason of the circumstances of matter and persons, the judge has determined that the
proceedings are to be in secret.


1 Testes seorsim singuli examinandi sunt.

1 The witnesses are to be examined individually and separately.
2 Si testes inter se aut cum parte in re gravi dissentiant, iudex discrepantes inter se conferre seu comparare potest,
remotis, quantum fieri poterit, dissidiis et scandalo.

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2 If in a grave matter the witnesses disagree either among themselves or with one of the parties, the judge may
arrange for those who differ to meet or to confront one another, but must, in so far as possible, eliminate discord
and scandal.

Examen testis fit a iudice, vel ab eius delegato aut auditore, cui assistat oportet notarius; quapropter partes, vel
promotor iustitiae, vel defensor vinculi, vel advocati qui examini intersint, si alias interrogationes testi faciendas
habeant, has non testi, sed iudici vel eius locum tenenti proponant, ut eas ipse deferat, nisi aliter lex particularis caveat.
The examination of a witness is conducted by the judge, or by his delegate or an auditor, who is to be attended by a
notary. Accordingly, unless particular law provides otherwise, if the parties or the promotor of justice or the defender
of the bond or the advocates who are present at the hearing have additional questions to put to the witness, they
are to propose these not to the witness, but to the judge, or to the one who is taking the judge's place, so that he or
she may put them.


1 Iudex testi in mentem revocet gravem obligationem dicendi totam et solam veritatem.
1 The judge is to remind the witness of the grave obligation to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
2 Iudex testi deferat iuramentum iuxta can. 1532; quod si testis renuat illud emittere, iniuratus audiatur.
2 The judge is to administer an oath to the witness in accordance with can. 1532. If, however, a witness refuses to
take an oath, he or she is to be heard unsworn.


Iudex imprimis testis identitatem comprobet; exquirat quaenam sit ipsi cum partibus necessitudo et, cum ipsi
interrogationes specificas circa causam defert, sciscitetur quoque fontes eius scientiae et quo definito tempore ea, quae
asserit, cognoverit.
The judge is first of all to establish the identity of the witness. The relationship which the witness has with the
parties is to be probed, and when specific questions concerning the case are asked of the witness enquiry is to be
made into the sources of his or her knowledge and the precise time the witness came to know the matters which
are asserted.


Interrogationes breves sunto, interrogandi captui accommodatae, non plura simul complectentes, non captiosae, non
subdolae, non suggerentes responsionem, remotae a cuiusvis offensione et pertinentes ad causam quae agitur.
The questions are to be brief, and appropriate to the understanding of the person being examined. They are not to
encompass a number of matters at the same time, nor be captious or deceptive. They are not to be leading
questions, nor give any form of offence. They are to be relevant to the case in question.


1 Interrogationes non sunt cum testibus antea communicandae.

1 The questions are not to be made known in advance to the witnesses.
2 Attamen si ea quae testificanda sunt ita a memoria sint remota, ut nisi prius recolantur certo affirmari nequeant,
poterit iudex nonnulla testem praemonere, si id sine periculo fieri posse censeat.
2 If, however, the matters about which evidence is to be given are so remote in memory that they cannot be
affirmed with certainty unless they are recalled beforehand, the judge may, if he thinks this can safely be done,
advise the witness in advance about certain aspects of the matter.


Testes ore testimonium dicant, et scriptum ne legant, nisi de calculo et rationibus agatur; hoc enim in casu,
adnotationes, quas secum attulerint, consulere poterunt.
The witnesses are to give evidence orally. They are not to read from a script, except where there is a question of
calculations or accounts; in this case, they may consult notes which they have brought with them.


1 Responsio statim redigenda est scripto a notario et referre debet ipsa editi testimonii verba, saltem quod attinet ad
ea quae iudicii materiam directe attingunt.
1 The replies are to be written down at once by the notary. The record must show the very words of the evidence
given, at least in what concerns those things which bear directly on the matter of the trial.
2 Admitti potest usus machinae magnetophonicae, dummodo dein responsiones scripto consignentur et subscribantur,
si fieri potest, a deponentibus.
2 The use of a tape-recorder is allowed, provided the replies are subsequently committed to writing and, if
possible, signed by the deponents.

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Notarius in actis mentionem faciat de praestito, remisso aut recusato iureiurando, de partium aliorumque praesentia,
de interrogationibus ex officio additis et generatim de omnibus memoria dignis quae forte acciderint, cum testes
The notary is to mention in the acts whether the oath was taken or excused or refused; who were present, parties
and others; the questions added ex officio; and in general, everything worthy of record which may have occurred
while the witnesses were being examined.


1 In fine examinis, testi legi debent quae notarius de eius depositione scripto redegit, vel ipsi audita facere quae ope
magnetophonii de eius depositione incisa sunt, data eidem testi facultate addendi, supprimendi, corrigendi, variandi.
1 At the conclusion of the examination, the record of the evidence, either as written down by the notary or as
played back from the tape-recording, must be communicated to the witness, who is to be given the opportunity of
adding to, omitting from, correcting or varying it.
2 Denique actui subscribere debent testis, iudex et notarius.
2 Finally, the witness, the judge and the notary must sign the record.


Testes, quamvis iam excussi, poterunt parte postulante aut ex officio, antequam acta seu testificationes publici iuris
fiant, denuo ad examen vocari, si iudex id necessarium vel utile ducat, dummodo collusionis vel corruptelae quodvis
absit periculum.
Before the acts or the testimony are published, witnesses, even though already examined, may be called for reexamination, either at the request of a party or ex officio. This may be done if the judge considers it either
necessary or useful, provided there is no danger whatever of collusion or of inducement.


Testibus, iuxta aequam iudicis taxationem, refundi debent tum expensae, quas fecerint, tum lucrum, quod amiserint,
testificationis reddendae causa.
Witnesses must be refunded both the expenses they incurred and the losses they sustained by reason of their
giving evidence, in accordance with the equitable assessment of the judge.

Art. 4



In aestimandis testimoniis iudex, requisitis, si opus sit, testimonialibus litteris, consideret:

In weighing evidence the judge may, if it is necessary, seek testimonial letters, and is to take into account:

quae condicio sit personae, quaeve honestas;

the condition and uprightness of the witness

utrum de scientia propria, praesertim de visu et auditu proprio testificetur, an de sua opinione, de fama, aut de
auditu ab aliis;
whether the knowledge was acquired at first hand, particularly ifit was something seen or heard personally, or
whether it was opinion, rumour or hearsay;

utrum testis constans sit et firmiter sibi cohaereat, an varius, incertus vel vacillans;
whether the witness is constant and consistent, or varies, is uncertain or vacillating;

utrum testimonii contestes habeat, aliisve probationis elementis confirmetur necne.

whether there is corroboration of the testimony, and whether it is confirmed or not by other items of evidence.

Unius testis depositio plenam fidem facere non potest, nisi agatur de teste qualificato qui deponat de rebus ex officio
gestis, aut rerum et personarum adiuncta aliud suadeant.
The deposition of one witness cannot amount to full proof, unless the witness is a qualified one who gives evidence
on matters carried out in an official capacity, or unless the circumstances of persons and things persuade



Peritorum opera utendum est quoties ex iuris vel iudicis praescripto eorum examen et votum, praeceptis artis vel
scientiae innixum, requiruntur ad factum aliquod comprobandum vel ad veram alicuius rei naturam dignoscendam.

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The services of experts are to be used whenever, by a provision of the law or of the judge, their study and opinion,
based upon their art or science, are required to establish some fact or to ascertain the true nature of some matter.

Iudicis est peritos nominare, auditis vel proponentibus partibus, aut, si casus ferat, relationes ab aliis peritis iam factas
It is for the judge, after hearing the opinions or suggestions of the parties, to appoint the experts or, if such is the
case, to accept reports already made by other experts.


Easdem ob causas quibus testis, etiam periti excluduntur aut recusari possunt.
Experts can be excluded or objected to for the same reasons as witnesses.


1 Iudex, attentis iis quae a litigantibus forte deducantur, singula capita decreto suo definiat circa quae periti opera
versari debeat.
1 The judge in his decree must define the specific terms of reference to be considered in the expert's task, taking
into account whatever may have been gathered from the litigants.
2 Perito remittenda sunt acta causae aliaque documenta et subsidia quibus egere potest ad suum munus rite et
fideliter exsequendum.
2 The expert is to be given the acts of the case, and any documents and other material needed for the proper and
faithful discharge of his or her duty.
3 Iudex, ipso perito audito, tempus praefiniat intra quod examen perficiendum est et relatio proferenda.
3 The judge, after discussion with the expert, is to determine a time for the completion of the examination and the
submission of the report.


1 Periti suam quisque relationem a ceteris distinctam conficiant, nisi iudex unam a singulis subscribendam fieri
iubeat: quod si fiat, sententiarum discrimina, si qua fuerint, diligenter adnotentur.
1 Each expert is to complete a report distinct from that of the others, unless the judge orders that one report be
drawn up and signed by all of them. In this case, differences of opinion, if there are such, are to be faithfully noted.
2 Periti debent indicare perspicue quibus documentis vel aliis idoneis modis certiores facti sint de personarum vel
rerum vel locorum identitate, qua via et ratione processerint in explendo munere sibi demandato et quibus potissimum
argumentis suae conclusiones nitantur.
2 Experts must clearly indicate the documents or other appropriate means by which they have verified the identity
of persons, places or things. They are also to state the manner and method followed in fulfilling the task assigned
to them, and the principal arguments upon which their conclusions are based.
3 Peritus accersiri potest a iudice ut explicationes, quae ulterius necessariae videantur, suppeditet.
3 If necessary, the expert may be summoned by the judge to supply further explanations.


1 Iudex non peritorum tantum conclusiones, etsi concordes, sed cetera quoque causae adiuncta attente perpendat.
1 The judge is to weigh carefully not only the expert's conclusions, even when they agree, but also all the other
circumstances of the case.
2 Cum reddit rationes decidendi, exprimere debet quibus motus argumentis peritorum conclusiones aut admiserit aut
2 When he is giving the reasons for his decision, the judge must state on what grounds he accepts or rejects the
conclusions of the experts.


Peritis solvenda sunt expensae et honoraria a iudice ex bono et aequo determinanda, servato iure particulari.
Experts are to be paid their expenses and honorariums. These are to be determined by the judge in a proper and
equitable manner, with due observance of particular law.


1 Partes possunt peritos privatos, a iudice probandos, designare.

1 Parties can designate their own experts, to be approved by the judge.
2 Hi, si iudex admittat, possunt acta causae, quatenus opus sit, inspicere, peritiae exsecutioni interesse; semper autem
possunt suam relationem exhibere.

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2 If the judge admits them, these experts can inspect the acts of the case, in so far as required for the discharge
of their duty, and can be present when the appointed experts fulfil their role. They can always submit their reports.





Si ad definitionem causae iudex opportunum duxerit ad aliquem locum accedere vel aliquam rem inspicere, decreto id
praestituat, quo ea quae in accessu praestanda sint, auditis partibus, summatim describat.
If, in order to decide the case, the judge considers it opportune to visit some place, or inspect some thing, he is to
set this out in a decree. After he has heard the parties, the decree is to give a brief description of what is to be
made available for this access.


Peractae recognitionis instrumentum conficiatur.

After the inspection has been carried out, a document concerning it is to be drawn up.




Praesumptio est rei incertae probabilis coniectura; eaque alia est iuris, quae ab ipsa lege statuitur; alia hominis, quae a
iudice conicitur.
A presumption is a probable conjecture about something which is uncertain. Presumptions of law are those stated
in the law; human presumptions are those made by a judge.


Qui habet pro se iuris praesumptionem, liberatur ab onore probandi, quod recidit in partem adversam.
A person with a presumption of law in his or her favour is freed from the onus of proof, which then falls on the other


Praesumptiones, quae non statuuntur a iure, iudex ne coniciat, nisi ex facto certo et determinato, quod cum eo, de quo
controversia est, directe cohaereat.
The judge is not to make presumptions which are not stated in the law, other than on the basis of a certain and
determinate fact directly connected to the matter in dispute.




Causa incidens habetur, quoties, incepto per citationem iudicio, quaestio proponitur quae, tametsi libello, quo lis
introducitur, non contineatur expresse, nihilominus ita ad causam pertinet ut resolvi plerumque debeat ante
quaestionem principalem.
An incidental matter arises when, after the case has begun by the summons, a question is proposed which, even
though not expressly raised in the petition which introduced the case, is yet so relevant to the case that it needs to
be settled before the principal question.


Causa incidens proponitur scripto vel ore, indicato nexu qui intercedit inter ipsam et causam principalem, coram iudice
competenti ad causam principalem definiendam.
An incidental matter is proposed before the judge who is competent to decide the principal case. It is raised in
writing or orally, indicating the connection between it and the principal case.


1 Iudex, recepta petitione et auditis partibus, expeditissime decernat utrum proposita incidens quaestio fundamentum
habere videatur et nexum cum principali iudicio, an vero sit in limine reicienda; et, si eam admittat, utrum talis sit
gravitatis, ut solvi debeat per sententiam interlocutoriam vel per decretum.
1 When the judge has received the petition and heard the parties, he is to decide with maximum expedition
whether the proposed incidental matter has a foundation in, and a connection with, the principal matter, or whether
it is to be rejected from the outset. If he admits it he must decide whether it is of such gravity that it needs to be
determined by an interlocutory judgement or by a decree.
2 Si vero iudicet quaestionem incidentem non esse resolvendam ante sententiam definitivam, decernat ut eiusdem ratio
habeatur, cum causa principalis definietur.

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2 If, however, he concludes that the incidental matter is not to be decided before the definitive judgement, he is to
determine that account be taken of it when the principal matter is decided.

1 Si quaestio incidens solvi debeat per sententiam, serventur normae de processu contentioso orali, nisi, attenta rei
gravitate, aliud iudici videatur.
1 If the incidental matter is to be decided by judgement, the norms for a contentious oral process are to be
observed unless, because of the gravity of the issue, the judge deems otherwise.
2 Si vero solvi debeat per decretum, tribunal potest rem committere auditori vel praesidi.
2 If it is to be decided by decree, the tribunal can entrust the matter to an auditor or to the presiding judge.


Antequam finiatur causa principalis, iudex vel tribunal potest decretum vel sententiam interlocutoriam, iusta
intercedente ratione, revocare aut reformare, sive ad partis instantiam, sive ex officio, auditis partibus.
Before the principal matter is concluded, the judge or the tribunal may for a just reason revoke or alter an
interlocutory judgement or decree. This can be done either at the request of a party or ex officio by the judge after
he has heard the parties.




1 Si pars conventa citata non comparuerit nec idoneam absentiae excusationem attulerit aut non responderit ad
normam can. 1507, 1, iudex eam a iudicio absentem declaret et decernat ut causa, servatis servandis, usque ad
sententiam definitivam eiusque exsecutionem procedat.
1 If a respondent is summoned but does not appear, and either does not offer an adequate excuse for absence or
has not replied in accordance with can. 1507 1, the judge is to declare the person absent from the process, and
decree that the case is to proceed to the definitive judgement and to its execution, with due observance of the
proper norms.
2 Antequam decretum, de quo in 1, feratur, debet, etiam per novam citationem si opus fuerit, constare citationem,
legitime factam, ad partem conventam tempore utili pervenisse.
2 Before issuing the decree mentioned in 1, the judge must make sure, if necessary by means of another
summons, that a lawful summons did reach the respondent within the canonical time.


1 Si pars conventa dein in iudicio se sistat aut responsum dederit ante causae definitionem, conclusiones
probationesque afferre potest, firmo praescripto can. 1600; caveat autem iudex, ne de industria in longiores et non
necessarias moras iudicium protrahatur.
1 If the respondent thereafter appears before the judge, or replies before the trial is concluded, he or she can bring
forward conclusions and proofs, without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1600; the judge is to take care, however,
that the process is not deliberately prolonged by lengthy and unnecessary delays.
2 Etsi non comparuerit aut responsum non dederit ante causae definitionem, impugnationibus uti potest adversus
sententiam; quod si probet se legitimo impedimento fuisse detentam, quod sine sua culpa antea demonstrare non
potuerit, querela nullitatis uti potest.
2 Even if the respondent has neither appeared nor given a reply before the case is decided, he or she can
challenge the judgement; if the person can show that there was a just reason for being absent, and that there was
no fault involved in not intimating this earlier, a plaint of nullity can be lodged.


Si die et hora ad litis contestationem praestitutis actor neque comparuerit neque idoneam excusationem attulerit:
If the plaintiff does not appear on the day and at the hour arranged for the joinder of the issue, and does not offer a
suitable excuse:

iudex eum citet iterum;

the judge is to summon the plaintiff again;

si actor novae citationi non paruerit, praesumitur instantiae renuntiasse ad normam cann. 1524-1525;
if the plaintiff does not obey the new summons, it is presumed that the case has been abandoned in
accordance with cann. 1524--1525;

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quod si postea in processu intervenire velit, servetur can. 1593.

if the plaintiff should want to intervene at a subsequent stage in the process, the provisions of can. 1593 are to
be observed.

1 Pars absens a iudicio, sive actor sive pars conventa, quae iustum impedimentum non comprobaverit, tenetur
obligatione tum solvendi litis expensas, quae ob ipsius absentiam factae sunt, tum etiam, si opus sit, indemnitatem
alteri parti praestandi.
1 A party, whether plaintiff or respondent, who is absent from the trial, and who does not establish the existence of
a just impediment, is bound to pay the expenses which have been incurred in the case because of this absence,
and also, if need be, to indemnify the other party.
2 Si tum actor tum pars conventa fuerint absentes a iudicio, ipsi obligatione expensas litis solvendi tenentur in
2 If both the plaintiff and the respondent were absent from the trial, they are jointly bound to pay the expenses of
the case.




1 Is cuius interest admitti potest ad interveniendum in causa, in qualibet litis instantia, sive ut pars quae proprium ius
defendit, sive accessorie ad aliquem litigantem adiuvandum.
1 Any person with a legitimate interest can be allowed to intervene in a case in any instance of the suit, either as a
party defending his or her own right or, in an accessory role, to help one of the litigants.
2 Sed ut admittatur, debet ante conclusionem in causa libellum iudici exhibere, in quo breviter suum ius interveniendi
2 To be admitted, however, the person must, before the conclusion of the case, produce to the judge a petition
which briefly establishes the right to intervene.
3 Qui intervenit in causa, admittendus est in eo statu in quo causa reperitur, assignato eidem brevi ac peremptorio
termino ad probationes suas exhibendas, si causa ad periodum probatoriam pervenerit.
3 A person who intervenes in a case is to be admitted at that stage which the case has reached. If the case has
reached the evidence stage, a brief and peremptory time-limit is to be assigned within which to bring forward


Tertium, cuius interventus videatur necessarius, iudex, auditis partibus, debet in iudicium vocare.
A third party whose intervention is seen to be necessary must be called into the case by the judge, after he has
consulted the parties.


1 Acquisitis probationibus, iudex decreto partibus et earum advocatis permittere debet, sub poena nullitatis, ut acta
nondum eis nota apud tribunalis cancellariam inspiciant; quin etiam advocatis id petentibus dari potest actorum
exemplar; in causis vero ad bonum publicum spectantibus iudex ad gravissima pericula evitanda aliquod actum nemini
manifestandum esse decernere potest, cauto tamen ut ius defensionis semper integrum maneat.
1 When the evidence has been assembled, the judge must, under pain of nullity, by a decree permit the parties
and their advocates to inspect at the tribunal office those acts which are not yet known to them. Indeed, if the
advocates so request, a copy of the acts can be given to them. In cases which concern the public good, however,
the judge can decide that, in order to avoid very serious dangers, some part or parts of the acts are not to be
shown to anyone; he must take care, however, that the right of defence always remains intact.
2 Ad probationes complendas partes possunt alias iudici proponere; quibus acquisitis, si iudex necessarium duxerit,
iterum est locus decreto de quo in 1.

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2 To complete the evidence, the parties can propose other items of proof to the judge. When these have been
assembled the judge can, if he deems it appropriate, again issue a decree as in 1.

1 Expletis omnibus quae ad probationes producendas pertinent, ad conclusionem in causa devenitur.

1 When everything concerned with the production of evidence has been completed, the conclusion of the case is
2 Haec conclusio habetur quoties aut partes declarent se nihil aliud adducendum habere, aut utile proponendis
probationibus tempus a iudice praestitutum elapsum sit, aut iudex declaret se satis instructam causam habere.
2 This conclusion occurs when the parties declare that they have nothing further to add, or when the canonical
time allotted by the judge for the production of evidence has elapsed, or when the judge declares that he considers
the case to be sufficiently instructed.
3 De peracta conclusione in causa, quocumque modo ea acciderit, iudex decretum ferat.
3 By whichever way the case has come to its conclusion, the judge is to issue a decree declaring that it is


1 Post conclusionem in causa iudex potest adhuc eosdem testes vel alios vocare aut alias probationes, quae antea non
fuerint petitae, disponere tantummodo:
Only in the following situations can the judge, after the conclusion of the case, still recall earlier witnesses or call
new ones, or make provision for other evidence not previously requested:

in causis, in quibus agitur de solo privato partium bono, si omnes partes consentiant;
in cases in which only the private good of the parties is involved if all the parties agree;

in ceteris causis, auditis partibus et dummodo gravis exstet ratio itemque quodlibet fraudis vel subornationis
periculum removeatur;
in other cases, provided that the parties have been consulted, that a grave reason exists, and that all danger
of fraud or subornation is removed;

in omnibus causis, quoties verisimile est, nisi probatio nova admittatur, sententiam iniustam futuram esse propter
rationes, de quibus in can. 1645, 2, nn. 1-3.
in all cases, whenever it is probable that, unless new evidence is admitted, the judgement will be unjust for
any of the reasons mentioned in can. 1645 2, nn. 1-3.

2 Potest autem iudex iubere vel admittere ut exhibeatur documentum, quod forte antea sine culpa eius cuius interest,
exhiberi non potuit.
2 The judge can, however, command or permit the presentation of a document which, even without fault of the
interested party, could not be presented earlier.
3 Novae probationes publicentur, servato can. 1598, 1.
3 New evidence is to be published according to can. 1598 1.

Facta conclusione in causa, iudex congruum temporis spatium praestituat ad defensiones vel animadversiones
When the case has been concluded, the judge is to determine a suitable period of time for the presentation of
pleadings and observations.


1 Defensiones et animadversiones scriptae sint, nisi disputationem pro tribunali sedente iudex, consentientibus
partibus, satis esse censeat.
1 Pleadings and observations are to be in writing unless the judge, with the consent of the parties, considers it
sufficient to have a discussion before the tribunal in session.
2 Si defensiones cum praecipuis documentis typis imprimantur, praevia iudicis licentia requiritur, salva secreti
obligatione, si qua sit.
2 If the pleadings and the principal documents are to be printed, the prior permission of the judge is required, and
the obligation of secrecy, where it exists, is still to be observed.

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3 Quoad extensionem defensionum, numerum exemplarium, aliaque huiusmodi adiuncta, servetur ordinatio
3 The directions of the tribunal are to be observed in questions concerning the length of the pleadings, the number
of copies and other similar matters.

1 Communicatis vicissim defensionibus atque animadversionibus, utrique parti responsiones exhibere licet, intra
breve tempus a iudice praestitutum.
1 When the pleadings and observations have been exchanged, each party can make reply within a brief period of
time determined by the judge.
2 Hoc ius partibus semel tantum esto, nisi iudici gravi ex causa iterum videatur concedendum; tunc autem concessio,
uni parti facta, alteri quoque data censeatur.
2 This right is given to the parties once only, unless for a grave reason the judge considers that the right to a
second reply is to be given; if this right is given to one party, it is to be considered as given to the other as well.
3 Promotor iustitiae et defensor vinculi ius habent iterum replicandi partium responsionibus.
3 The promotor of justice and the defender of the bond have the right to respond to every reply of the parties.


1 Omnino prohibentur partium vel advocatorum vel etiam aliorum informationes iudici datae, quae maneant extra
acta causae.
1 It is absolutely forbidden that any information given to the judge by the parties or the advocates, or by any other
persons, be excluded from the acts of the case.
2 Si causae discussio scripto facta sit, iudex potest statuere ut moderata disputatio fiat ore pro tribunali sedente, ad
quaestiones nonnullas illustrandas.
2 If the pleadings in the case are made in writing, the judge may, in order to clarify any outstanding issues, order
that a moderate oral discussion be held before the tribunal in session.


Disputationi orali, de qua in cann. 1602, 1 et 1604, 2, assistat notarius ad hoc ut, si iudex praecipiat aut pars postulet
et iudex consentiat, de disceptatis et conclusis scripto statim referre possit.
The notary is to be present at the oral discussion mentioned in cann. 1602 1 and 1604 2, so that, if the judge so
orders, or the parties so request and the judge consents, the notary can immediately make a written report of what
has been discussed and concluded.


Si partes parare sibi tempore utili defensionem neglexerint, aut se remittant iudicis scientiae et conscientiae, iudex, si
ex actis et probatis rem habeat plane perspectam, poterit statim sententiam pronuntiare, requisitis tamen
animadversionibus promotoris iustitiae et defensoris vinculi, si iudicio intersint.
If the parties neglect to prepare their pleadings within the time allotted to them, or if they entrust themselves to the
knowledge and conscience of the judge, and if at the same time the judge perceives the matter quite clearly from
the acts and the proofs, he can pronounce judgement at once. He must, however, seek the observations of the
promotor of justice and the defender of the bond if they were engaged in the trial.




Causa iudiciali modo pertractata, si sit principalis, definitur a iudice per sententiam definitivam; si sit incidens, per
sententiam interlocutoriam, firmo praescripto can. 1589, 1.
A principal case which has been dealt with in judicial fashion is decided by the judge by a definitive judgement. An
incidental matter is decided by an interlocutory judgement, without prejudice to can. 1589


1 Ad pronuntiationem cuiuslibet sententiae requiritur in iudicis animo moralis certitudo circa rem sententia
1 To give any judgement, the judge must have in his mind moral certainty about the matter to be decided in the
2 Hanc certitudinem iudex haurire debet ex actis et probatis.
2 The judge must derive this certainty from the acts of the case and from the proofs.

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3 Probationes autem aestimare iudex debet ex sua conscientia, firmis praescriptis legis de quarundam probationum
3 The judge must conscientiously weigh the evidence, with due regard for the provisions of law about the efficacy
of certain evidence.
4 Iudex qui eam certitudinem adipisci non potuit, pronuntiet non constare de iure actoris et conventum absolutum
dimittat, nisi agatur de causa iuris favore fruente, quo in casu pro ipsa pronuntiandum est.
4 A judge who cannot arrive at such certainty is to pronounce that the right of the plaintiff is not established and is
to find for the respondent except in a case which enjoys the favour of law, when he is to pronounce in its favour.

1 In tribunali collegiali, qua die et hora iudices ad deliberandum conveniant, collegii praeses statuat, et nisi peculiaris
causa aliud suadeat, in ipsa tribunalis sede conventus habeatur.
1 The presiding judge of a collegiate tribunal decides the day and time when it is to meet for discussion. Unless a
special reason requires otherwise, the meeting is to be at the tribunal office.
2 Assignata conventui die, singuli iudices scriptas afferant conclusiones suas in merito causae, et rationes tam in iure
quam in facto, quibus ad conclusionem suam venerint; quae conclusiones actis causae adiungantur, secreto servandae.
2 On the day appointed for the meeting, the individual judges are to bring their written conclusions on the merits
of the case, with the reasons in law and in fact for reaching their conclusions. These conclusions are to be added to
the acts of the case and to be kept in secrecy.
3 Post divini Nominis invocationem, prolatis ex ordine singulorum conclusionibus secundum praecedentiam, ita tamen
ut semper a causae ponente seu relatore initium fiat, habeatur discussio sub tribunalis praesidis ductu, praesertim ut
constabiliatur quid statuendum sit in parte dispositiva sententiae.
3 Having invoked the divine Name, they are to offer their conclusions in order, beginning always with the 'ponens'
or 'relator' in the case, and then in order of precedence. Under the chairmanship of the presiding judge, they are to
hold their discussion principally with a view to establishing what is to be stated in the dispositive part of the
4 In discussione autem fas unicuique est a pristina sua conclusione recedere. Iudex vero qui ad decisionem aliorum
accedere noluit, exigere potest ut, si fiat appellatio, suae conclusiones ad tribunal superius transmittantur.
4 In the discussion, each one is permitted to depart from an original conclusion. A judge who does not wish to
accede to the decision of the others can demand that, if there is an appeal, his or her conclusions be forwarded to
the higher tribunal.
5 Quod si iudices in prima discussione ad sententiam devenire aut nolint aut nequeant, differri poterit decisio ad
novum conventum, non tamen ultra hebdomadam, nisi ad normam can. 1600 complenda sit causae instructio.
5 If the judges do not wish, or are unable, to reach a decision in the first discussion, they can defer their decision
to another meeting, but not beyond one week, unless the instruction of the case has to be completed in accordance
with can. 1600.


1 Si iudex sit unicus, ipse sententiam exarabit.

1 If there is a sole judge, he will draw up the judgement.
2 In tribunali collegiali, ponentis seu relatoris est exarare sententiam, desumendo motiva ex iis quae singuli iudices in
discussione attulerunt, nisi a maiore numero iudicium praefinita fuerint motiva praeferenda; sententia dein singulorum
iudicium subicienda est approbationi.
2 In a collegiate tribunal, the 'ponens' or 'relator' is to draw up the judgement, using as reasons those tendered by
the individual judges in their discussion, unless the reasons to be preferred have been defined by a majority of the
judges. The judgement must then be submitted to the individual judges for their approval.
3 Sententia edenda est non ultra mensem a die quo causa definita est, nisi, in tribunali collegiali, iudices gravi ex
ratione longius tempus praestituerint.
3 The judgement is to be issued not later than one month from the day on which the case was decided, unless in
a collegiate tribunal the judges have for grave reasons stipulated a longer time.


Sententia debet:

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The judgement must:


definire controversiam coram tribunali agitatam, data singulis dubiis congrua responsione;
define the controversy raised before the tribunal, giving appropriate answers to the individual questions;

determinare quae sint partium obligationes ex iudicio ortae et quomodo implendae sint;
determine the obligations of the parties arising from the trial and the manner in which these are to be fulfilled

exponere rationes seu motiva, tam in iure quam in facto, quibus dispositiva sententiae pars innititur;
set out the reasons or motives, both in law and in fact, upon which the dispositive part of the judgement is

statuere de litis expensis.

apportion the expenses of the suit.

1 Sententia, post divini Nominis invocationem, exprimat oportet ex ordine qui sit iudex aut tribunal; qui sit actor, pars
conventa, procurator, nominibus et domiciliis rite designatis, promotor iustitiae, defensor vinculi, si partem in iudicio
1 The judgement, after the invocation of the divine Name must state in order the judge or tribunal, and the plaintiff,
respondent and procurator, with names and domiciles duly indicated. It is also to name the promotor of justice and
the defender of the bond if they were engaged in the trial.
2 Referre postea debet breviter facti speciem cum partium conclusionibus et formula dubiorum.
2 It must then briefly set out the alleged facts, with the conclusions of the parties and the formulation of the doubt.
3 Hisce subsequatur pars dispositiva sententiae, praemissis rationibus quibus innititur.
3 Then follows the dispositive part of the judgement, prefaced by the reasons which support it.
4 Claudatur cum indicatione diei et loci in quibus prolata est et cum subscriptione iudicis vel, si de tribunali collegiali
agatur, omnium iudicum et notarii.
4 It ends with the date and the place in which it was given, and with the signature of the judge or, in the case of a
collegiate tribunal, of all the judges, and of the notary.


Regulae superius positae de sententia definitiva, sententiae quoque interlocutoriae aptandae sunt.
The rules set out above for a definitive judgement are to be adapted also to interlocutory judgements.


Sententia quam primum publicetur, indicatis modis quibus impugnari potest; neque ante publicationem vim ullam
habet, etiamsi dispositiva pars, iudice permittente, partibus significata sit.
A judgement is to be published as soon as possible, with an indication of the ways in which it can be challenged.
Before publication it has no effect, even if the dispositive part may, with the permission of the judge, have been
notified to the parties.


Publicatio seu intimatio sententiae fieri potest vel tradendo exemplar sententiae partibus aut earum procuratoribus, vel
eisdem transmittendo idem exemplar ad normam can. 1509.
The publication or notification of the judgement can be effected by giving a copy of the judgement to the parties or
to their procurators, or by sending them a copy of it in accordance with can. 1509.


1 Si in sententiae textu vel error irrepserit in calculis, vel error materialis acciderit in transcribenda parte dispositiva
aut in factis vel partium petitionibus referendis, vel omissa sint quae can. 1612, 4 requirit, sententia ab ipso tribunali,
quod eam tulit, corrigi vel compleri debet sive ad partis instantiam sive ex officio, semper tamen auditis partibus et
decreto ad calcem sententiae apposito.
1 A judgement must be corrected or completed by the tribunal which gave it if, in the text of a judgement, there is
an error in calculations, or a material error in the transcription of either the dispositive part or the presentation of
the facts or the pleadings of the parties, or if any of the items required by can. 1612, 4 are omitted. This is to be
done either at the request of the parties or ex officio, but always after having consulted the parties and by a decree
appended to the foot of the judgement.
2 Si qua pars refragetur, quaestio incidens decreto definiatur.

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2 If one party is opposed, an incidental question is to be decided by a decree.


Ceterae iudicis pronuntiationes, praeter sententiam, sunt decreta quae si mere ordinatoria non sint, vim non habent,
nisi saltem summarie motiva exprimant, vel ad motiva in alio actu expressa remittant.
Other pronouncements of a judge apart from the judgement, are decrees. If they are more than mere directions
about procedure, they have no effect unless they give at least a summary of their reasons or refer to motives
expressed in another act.


Sententia interlocutoria vel decretum vim sententiae definitivae habent, si iudicium impediunt vel ipsi iudicio aut alicui
ipsius gradui finem ponunt, quod attinet ad aliquam saltem partem in causa.
An interlocutory judgement or a decree has the force of a definitive judgement if, in respect of at least one of the
parties, it prevents the trial, or brings to an end the trial itself or any instance of it.




Firmis cann. 1622 et 1623, nullitates actuum, positivo iure statutae, quae, cum essent notae parti querelam proponenti,
non sint ante sententiam iudici denuntiatae, per ipsam sententiam sanantur, quoties agitur de causa ad privatorum
bonum attinenti.
Without prejudice to cann. 1622 and 1623, whenever a case concerns the good of private individuals, acts which
are null with a nullity established by positive law are validated by the judgement itself, if the nullity was known to
the party making the plaint and was not raised with the judge before the judgement.


Sententia vitio insanabilis nullitatis laborat, si:

A judgement is null with a nullity which cannot be remedied,


lata est a iudice absolute incompetenti;

it was given by a judge who was absolutely non-competent;

lata est ab eo, qui careat potestate iudicandi in tribunali in quo causa definita est;
it was given by a person who has no power to judge in the tribunal in which the case was decided;

iudex vi vel metu gravi coactus sententiam tulit;

the judge was compelled by force or grave fear to deliver judgement;

iudicium factum est sine iudiciali petitione, de qua in can. 1501, vel non institutum fuit adversus aliquam partem
the trial took place without the judicial plea mentioned in can. 1501, or was not brought against some party as

lata est inter partes, quarum altera saltem non habeat personam standi in iudicio;
it was given between parties of whom at least one has no right to stand before the court;

nomine alterius quis egit sine legitimo mandato;

someone acted in another's name without a lawful mandate;

ius defensionis alterutri parti denegatum fuit;

the right of defence was denied to one or other party;

controversia ne ex parte quidem definita est.

the controversy has not been even partially decided.

Querela nullitatis, de qua in can. 1620, proponi potest per modum exceptionis in perpetuum, per modum vero actionis
coram iudice qui sententiam tulit intra decem annos a die publicationis sententiae.

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In respect of the nullity mentioned in can. 1620, a plaint of nullity can be made in perpetuity by means of an
exception, or within ten years of the date of publication of the judgement by means of an action before the judge
who delivered the judgement.

Sententia vitio sanabilis nullitatis dumtaxat laborat, si:

A judgement is null with a nullity which is simply remediable, if:

lata est a non legitimo numero iudicum, contra praescriptum can. 1425, 1;
contrary to the requirements of can. 1425, 1, it was not given by the lawful number of judges;

motiva seu rationes decidendi non continet;

it does not contain the motives or reasons for the decision;

subscriptionibus caret iure praescriptis;

it lacks the signatures prescribed by the law;

non refert indicationem anni, mensis, diei et loci in quo prolata fuit;
it does not contain an indication of the year, month, day and place it was given;

acta iudiciali nullo innititur, cuius nullitas non sit ad normam can. 1619 sanata;
it is founded on a judicial act which is null and whose nullity has not been remedied in accordance with can.

lata est contra partem legitime absentem, iuxta can. 1593, 2.

it was given against a party who, in accordance with can. 1593, 2, was lawfully absent.


Querela nullitatis in casibus, de quibus in can. 1622, proponi potest intra tres menses a notitia publicationis sententiae.
In the cases mentioned in can. 1622, a plaint of nullity can be proposed within three months of notification of the
publication of the judgement.


De querela nullitatis videt ipse iudex qui sententiam tulit; quod si pars vereatur ne iudex, qui sententiam querela
nullitatis impugnatam tulit, praeoccupatum animum habeat ideoque eum suspectum existimet, exigere potest ut alius
iudex in eius locum subrogetur ad normam can. 1450.
The judge who gave the judgement is to consider the plaint of its nullity. If the party fears that the judge who gave
the judgement is biased, and consequently considers him suspect, he or she can demand that another judge take
his place in accordance with can. 1450.


Querela nullitatis proponi potest una cum appellatione, intra terminum ad appellationem statutum.
Within the time limit established for appeal, a plaint of nullity can be proposed together with the appeal.


1 Querelam nullitatis interponere possunt non solum partes, quae se gravatas putant, sed etiam promotor iustitiae aut
defensor vinculi, quoties ipsis ius est interveniendi.
1 A plaint of nullity can be made not only by parties who regard themselves as injured, but also by the promotor of
justice and the defender of the bond, whenever they have a right to intervene.
2 Ipse iudex potest ex officio sententiam nullam a se latam retractare vel emendare intra terminum ad agendum can.
1623 statutum, nisi interea appellatio una cum querela nullitatis interposita fuerit, aut nullitas sanata sit per decursum
termini de quo in can. 1623.
2 Within the time-limit established in can. 1623, the judge himself can retract or correct an invalid judgement he
has given, unless in the meantime an appeal joined to a plaint of nullity has been lodged, or the nullity has been
remedied by the expiry of the time-limit mentioned in can. 1623.


Causae de querela nullitatis secundum normas de processu contentioso orali tractari possunt.
Cases concerning a plaint of nullity can be dealt with in accordance with the norms for an oral contentious process.

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Pars quae aliqua sententia se gravatam putat, itemque promotor iustitiae et defensor vinculi in causis in quibus eorum
praesentia requiritur, ius habent a sententia appellandi ad iudicem superiorem, salvo praescripto can. 1629.
Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1629, a party who considers him or herself to be injured by a judgement
has a right to appeal from the judgement to a higher judge; in cases in which their presence is required, the
promotor of justice and the defender of the bond have likewise the right to appeal.


Non est locus appellationi:

No appeal is possible against:


a sententia ipsius Summi Pontificis vel Signaturae Apostolicae;

a judgement of the Supreme Pontiff himself, or a judgement of the Apostolic Signatura;

a sententia vitio nullitatis infecta, nisi cumuletur cum querela nullitatis ad normam can. 1625;
a judgement which is null, unless the appeal is lodged together with a plaint of nullity, in accordance with can.

a sententia quae in rem iudicatam transiit;

a judgement which has become an adjudged matter

a iudicis decreto vel a sententia interlocutoria, quae non habeant vim sententiae definitivae, nisi cumuletur cum
appellatione a sententia definitiva;
a decree of the judge or an interlocutory judgement, which doesnot have the force of a definitive judgement,
unless the appeal is lodged together with an appeal against the definitive judgement;

a sententia vel a decreto in causa de qua ius cavet expeditissime rem esse definiendam.
a judgement or a decree in a case in which the law requires that the matter be settled with maximum

1 Appellatio interponi debet coram iudice a quo sententia prolata sit, intra peremptorium terminum quindecim
dierum utilium a notitia publicationis sententiae.
1 The appeal must be lodged with the judge who delivered the judgement, within a peremptory time-limit of fifteen
canonical days from notification of the publication of the judgement.
2 Si ore fiat, notarius eam scripto coram ipso appellante redigat.
2 If it is made orally, the notary is to draw up the appeal in writing in the presence of the appellant.


Si quaestio oriatur de iure appellandi, de ea videat expeditissime tribunal appellationis iuxta normas processus
contentiosi oralis.
If a question arises about the right of appeal, the appeal tribunal is to determine it with maximum expedition, in
accordance with the norms for an oral contentious process.


1 Si in appellatione non indicetur ad quod tribunal ipsa dirigatur, praesumitur facta tribunali de quo in cann. 1438 et
1 If there is no indication of the tribunal to which the appeal is directed, it is presumed to be made of the tribunal
mentioned in cann. 1438 and 1439.
2 Si alia pars ad aliud tribunal appellationis provocaverit, de causa videt tribunal quod superioris est gradus, salvo
can. 1415.
2 If the other party has resorted to some other appeal tribunal, the tribunal which is of the higher grade is to
determine the case, without prejudice to can. 1415.


Appellatio prosequenda est coram iudice ad quem dirigitur intra mensem ab eius interpositione, nisi iudex a quo
longius tempus ad eam prosequendam parti praestituerit.
The appeal is to be pursued before the appeal judge within one month of its being forwarded, unless the originating
judge allows the party a longer time to pursue it.

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1 Ad prosequendam appellationem requiritur et sufficit ut pars ministerium invocet iudicis superioris ad impugnatae
sententiae emendationem, adiuncto exemplari huius sententiae et indicatis appellationis rationibus.
1 To pursue the appeal, it is required and is sufficient that the party request the assistance of the higher judge to
amend the judgement which is challenged, enclosing a copy of the judgement and indicating the reasons for the
2 Quod si pars exemplar impugnatae sententiae intra utile tempus a tribunali a quo obtinere nequeat, interim termini
non decurrunt, et impedimentum significandum est iudici appellationis, qui iudicem a quo praecepto obstringat officio
suo quam primum satisfaciendi.
2 If the party is unable to obtain a copy of the appealed judgement from the originating tribunal within the
canonical time-limit, this timelimit is in the meantime suspended. The problem is to be made known to the appeal
judge, who is to oblige the originating judge by precept to fulfil his duty as soon as possible.
3 Interea iudex a quo debet acta ad normam can. 1474 iudici appellationis transmittere.
3 In the meantime, the originating judge must forward the acts to the appeal court in accordance with can. 1474.


Inutiliter elapsis fatalibus appellatoriis sive coram iudice a quo sive coram iudice ad quem, deserta censetur appellatio.
The appeal is considered to be abandoned if the time-limits for an appeal before either the originating judge or the
appeal judge have expired without action being taken.


1 Appellans potest appellationi renuntiare cum effectibus, de quibus in can. 1525.

1 The appellant can renounce the appeal, with the effects mentioned in can. 1525.
2 Si appellatio proposita sit a vinculi defensore vel a promotore iustitiae, renuntiatio fieri potest, nisi lex aliter caveat,
a vinculi defensore vel promotore iustitiae tribunalis appellationis.
2 Unless the law provides otherwise, an appeal made by the defender of the bond or the promotor of justice, can
be renounced by the defender of the bond or the promotor of justice of the appeal tribunal.


1 Appellatio facta ab actore prodest etiam convento, et vicissim.

1 An appeal made by the plaintiff benefits the respondent, and vice versa.
2 Si plures sunt conventi vel actores et ab uno vel contra unum tantum ex ipsis sententia impugnetur, impugnatio
censetur ab omnibus et contra omnes facta, quoties res petita est individua aut obligatio solidalis.
2 If there are several respondents or plaintiffs, and the judgement is challenged by only one of them, or is made
against only one of them, the challenge is considered to be made by all and against all whenever the thing
requested is an individual one or the obligation is a joint one.
3 Si interponatur ab una parte super aliquo sententiae capite, pars adversa, etsi fatalia appellationis fuerint transacta,
potest super aliis capitibus incidenter appellare intra terminum peremptorium quindecim dierum a die, quo ipsi
appellatio principalis notificata est.
3 If one party challenges a judgement in regard to one ground, the other party can appeal incidentally on the other
grounds, even if the canonical time-limit for the appeal has expired. This incidental case is to be appealed within a
peremptory time-limit of fifteen days from the day of notification of the principal appeal.
4 Nisi aliud constet, appellatio praesumitur facta contra omnia sententiae capita.
4 Unless the contrary is clear, an appeal is presumed to be against all the grounds of the judgement.


Appellatio exsecutionem sententiae suspendit.

An appeal suspends the execution of the judgement.


1 Salvo praescripto can. 1683, in gradu appellationis non potest admitti nova petendi causa, ne per modum quidem
utilis cumulationis; ideoque litis contestatio in eo tantum versari potest, ut prior sententia vel confirmetur vel
reformetur sive ex toto sive ex parte.
1 Without prejudice to the provision of can. 1683, a new ground cannot be introduced at the appeal grade, not
even by way of the useful accumulation of grounds. So the joinder of the issue can concern itself only with the
confirmation or the reform of the first judgement, either in part or in whole.
2 Novae autem probationes admittuntur tantum ad normam can. 1600.

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2 New evidence is admitted only in accordance with can. 1600.


In gradu appellationis eodem modo, quo in prima instantia, congrua congruis referendo, procedendum est; sed, nisi
forte complendae sint probationes, statim post litem ad normam can. 1513, 1 et can. 1639, 1 contestatam, ad causae
discussionem deveniatur et ad sententiam.
With the appropriate adjustments, the procedure at the appeal grade is to be the same as in first instance. Unless
the evidence is to be supplemented, however, once the issue has been joined in accordance with can. 1513 1 and
can. 1639 1, the judges are to proceed immediately to the discussion of the case and the judgement.





Firmo praescripto can. 1643, res iudicata habetur:

Without prejudice to can. 1643, an adjudged matter occurs when:

si duplex intercesserit inter easdem partes sententia conformis de eodem petito et ex eadem causa petendi;
there are two conforming judgements between the same parties about the same matter and on the same

si appellatio adversus sententiam non fuerit intra tempus utile proposita;

no appeal was made against the judgement within the canonical time-limit;

si, in gradu appellationis, instantia perempta sit vel eidem renuntiatum fuerit;
the trial has been abated or renounced in the appeal grade;

si lata sit sententia definitiva, a qua non datur appellatio ad normam can. 1629.
a definitive judgement has been given from which, in accordance with can. 1629, there is no appeal.

1 Res iudicata firmitate iuris gaudet nec impugnari potest directe, nisi ad normam can. 1645, 1.
1 An adjudged matter has the force of law and cannot be challenged directly, except in accordance with can. 1645
2 Eadem facit ius inter partes et dat actionem iudicati atque exceptionem rei iudicatae, quam iudex ex officio quoque
declarare potest ad impediendam novam eiusdem causae introductionem.
2 It has the effect of law between the parties; it gives the right to an action arising from the judgement and to an
exception of an adjudged matter; to prevent a new introduction of the same case, the judge can even declare such
an exception ex officio.


Numquam transeunt in rem iudicatam causae de statu personarum, haud exceptis causis de coniugum separatione.
Cases concerning the status of persons never become an adjudged matter, not excepting cases which concern the
separation of spouses.


1 Si duplex sententia conformis in causa de statu personarum prolata sit, potest quovis tempore ad tribunal
appellationis provocari, novis iisque gravibus probationibus vel argumentis intra peremptorium terminum triginta
dierum a proposita impugnatione allatis. Tribunal autem appellationis intra mensem ab exhibitis novis probationibus et
argumentis debet decreto statuere utrum nova causae propositio admitti debeat necne.
1 If two conforming sentences have been given in cases concerning the status of persons, recourse to a tribunal
of appeal can be made at any time, to be supported by new and serious evidence or arguments which are to be
submitted within a peremptory time-limit of thirty days from the time the challenge was made. Within one month of
receiving the new evidence and arguments, the appeal tribunal must declare by a decree whether or not a new
presentation of the case is to be admitted.
2 Provocatio ad superius tribunal ut nova causae propositio obtineatur, exsecutionem sententiae non suspendit, nisi
aut lex aliter caveat aut tribunal appellationis ad normam can. 1650, 3 suspensionem iubeat.

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2 Recourse to a higher tribunal to obtain a new presentation of the case does not suspend the execution of the
judgement, unless the law provides otherwise or the appeal tribunal orders a suspension in accordance with can.
1650 3.



1, Adversus sententiam quae transierit in rem iudicatam, dummodo de eius iniustitia manifesto constet, datur
restitutio in integrum.
1 Against a judgement which has become an adjudged matter there can be a total reinstatement, provided it is
clearly established that the judgement was unjust.
2 De iniustitia autem manifesto constare non censetur, nisi:
2 Injustice is not, however, considered clearly established unless:


sententia ita probationibus innitatur, quae postea falsae deprehensae sint, ut sine illis probationibus pars
sententiae dispositiva non sustineatur;
the judgement is so based on evidence which is subsequently shown to be false, that without this evidence the
dispositive part of the judgement could not be sustained;

postea detecta fuerint documenta, quae facta nova et contrariam decisionem exigentia indubitanter probent;
documents are subsequently discovered by which new facts demanding a contrary decision are undoubtedly

sententia ex dolo partis prolata fuerit in damnum alterius;

the judgement was given through the deceit of one party to the harm of the other;

legis non mere processualis praescriptum evidenter neglectum fuerit;

a provision of a law which was not merely procedural was evidently neglected;

sententia adversetur praecedenti decisioni, quae in rem iudicatam transierit.

the judgement runs counter to a preceding decision which has become an adjudged matter.

1 Restitutio in integrum propter motiva, de quibus in can. 1645, 2, nn. 1- 3, petenda est a iudice qui sententiam tulit
intra tres menses a die cognitionis eorundem motivorum computandos.
1 Total reinstatement based on the reasons mentioned in can. 1645 2, nn. 1-3, is to be requested from the judge
who delivered the judgement within three months from the day on which these reasons became known.
2 Restitutio in integrum propter motiva, de quibus in can. 1645, 2, nn. 4 et 5, petenda est a tribunali appellationis,
intra tres menses a notitia publicationis sententiae; quod si in casu, de quo in can. 1645, 2, n. 5, notitia praecedentis
decisionis serius habeatur, terminus ab hac notitia decurrit.
2 Total reinstatement based on the reasons mentioned in can. 1645 2, nn. 4 and 5, is to be requested from the
appeal tribunal within three months of notification of the publication of the judgement. In the case mentioned in can.
1645 2, n. 5, if the preceding decision is not known until later, the time-limit begins at the time the knowledge was
3 Termini de quibus supra non decurrunt, quamdiu laesus minoris sit aetatis.
3 The time-limits mentioned above do not apply for as long as the aggrieved party is a minor.


1 Petitio restitutionis in integrum sententiae exsecutionem nondum inceptam suspendit.

1 A plea for total reinstatement suspends the execution of a judgements which has not yet begun.
2 Si tamen ex probabilibus indiciis suspicio sit petitionem factam esse ad moras exsecutioni nectendas, iudex
decernere potest ut sententia exsecutioni demandetur, assignata tamen restitutionem petenti idonea cautione ut, si
restituatur in integrum, indemnis fiat.
2 If there are probable indications leading the judge to suspect that the plea was made to cause delays in
execution, he may decide that the judgement be executed. The person seeking total reinstatement is, however, to
be given suitable guarantees that, if it is granted, he or she will be indemnified.

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Concessa restitutione in integrum, iudex pronuntiare debet de merito causae.

Where total reinstatement is granted, the judge must pronounce judgement of the merits of the case.




1 Episcopus, cuius est tribunal moderari, statuat normas:

1 The Bishop who is responsible for governing the tribunal is to establish norms concerning:

de partibus damnandis ad expensas iudiciales solvendas vel compensandas;

declarations that parties are liable for the payment or reimbursement of judicial expenses;

de procuratorum, advocatorum, peritorum et interpretum honorariis deque testium indemnitate;

the honorariums for advocates, experts and interpreters, and the expenses of witnesses;

de gratuito patrocinio vel expensarum deminutione concedendis;

the granting of free legal aid and the reduction of expenses;

de damnorum refectione quae debetur ab eo qui non solum in iudicio succubuit, sed temere litigavit;
the payment of damages owed by a person who not merely lost the case, but was rash in having recourse to

de pecuniae deposito vel cautione praestanda circa expensas solvendas et damna reficienda.
the money to be deposited, or the guarantee to be given, for the payment of expenses and the compensation
of damages.

2 A pronuntiatione circa expensas, honoraria et damna reficienda non datur distincta appellatio, sed pars recurrere
potest intra quindecim dies ad eundem iudicem, qui poterit taxationem emendare.
2 No distinct appeal exists from a pronouncement concerning expenses, honorariums and damages. The parties
can, however, have recourse within ten days to the same judge, who can change the sum involved.



1 Sententia quae transiit in rem iudicatam, exsecutioni mandari potest, salvo praescripto can. 1647.
1 A judgement which becomes adjudged matter can be executed, without prejudice to the provision of can. 1647.
2 Iudex qui sententiam tulit et, si appellatio proposita sit, etiam iudex appellationis, sententiae, quae nondum
transierit in rem iudicatam, provisoriam exsecutionem iubere possunt ex officio vel ad instantiam partis, idoneis, si
casus ferat, praestitis cautionibus, si agatur de provisionibus seu praestationibus ad necessariam sustentationem
ordinatis, vel alia iusta causa urgeat.
2 The judge who delivered the judgement and, if there has been an appeal, the appeal judge, can either ex officio
or at the request of a party order the provisional execution of a judgement which has not yet become an adjudged
matter, adding if need be appropriate guarantees when it is a matter of provisions or payments concerning
necessary support. They can also do so for some other just and urgent reason.
3 Quod si sententia, de qua in 2, impugnetur, iudex qui de impugnatione cognoscere debet, si videt hanc probabiliter
fundatam esse et irreparabile damnum ex exsecutione oriri posse, potest vel exsecutionem ipsam suspendere vel eam
cautioni subicere.
3 If the judgement mentioned in 2 is challenged, the judge who must deal with the challenge can suspend the
execution or subject it to a guarantee, if he sees that the challenge is probably well founded and that irreparable
harm could result from execution.


Non antea exsecutioni locus esse poterit, quam exsecutorium iudicis decretum habeatur, quo edicatur sententiam ipsam
exsecutioni mandari debere; quod decretum pro diversa causarum natura vel in ipso sententiae tenore includatur vel
separatim edatur.

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Execution cannot take place before there is issued the judge's executing decree directing that the judgement be
executed. Depending on the nature of the case, this decree is to be either included in the judgement itself or issued

Si sententiae exsecutio praeviam rationum redditionem exigat, quaestio incidens habetur, ab illo ipso iudice decidenda,
qui tulit sententiam exsecutioni mandandam.
If the execution of the judgement requires a prior statement of reasons, this is to be treated as an incidental
question, to be decided by the judge who gave the judgement which is to be executed.


1 Nisi lex particularis aliud statuat, sententiam exsecutioni mandare debet per se vel per alium Episcopus dioecesis, in
qua sententia primi gradus lata est.
1 Unless particular law provides otherwise, the Bishop of the diocese in which the first instance judgement was
given must, either personally or through another, execute the judgement.
2 Quod si hic renuat vel neglegat, parte cuius interest instante vel etiam ex officio, exsecutio spectat ad auctoritatem
cui tribunal appellationis ad normam can. 1439, 3 subicitur.
2 If he refuses or neglects to do so, the execution of the judgement, at the request of an interested party or ex
officio, belongs to the authority to which the appeal tribunal is subject in accordance with can. 1439 3.
3 Inter religiosos exsecutio sententiae spectat ad Superiorem qui sententiam exsecutioni mandandam tulit aut iudicem
3 Between religious, the execution of the judgement is the responsibility of the Superior who gave the judgement
which is to be executed, or who delegated the judge.


1 Exsecutor, nisi quid eius arbitrio in ipso sententiae tenore fuerit permissum, debet sententiam ipsam, secundum
obvium verborum sensum, exsecutioni mandare.
1 The executor must execute the judgement according to the obvious sense of the words, unless in the judgement
itself something is left to his discretion.
2 Licet ei videre de exceptionibus circa modum et vim exsecutionis, non autem de merito causae; quod si habeat
aliunde compertum sententiam esse nullam vel manifeste iniustam ad normam cann. 1620, 1622, 1645, abstineat ab
exsecutione, et rem ad tribunal a quo lata est sententia remittat, partibus certioribus factis.
2 He can deal with exceptions concerning the manner and the force of the execution, but not with the merits of the
case. If he has ascertained from some other source that the judgement is null or manifestly unjust according to
cann. 1620, 1622 and 1645, he is to refrain from executing the judgement, and is instead to refer the matter to the
tribunal which delivered the judgement and to notify the parties.


1 Quod attinet ad reales actiones, quoties adiudicata actori res aliqua est, haec actori tradenda est statim ac res
iudicata habetur.
1 In real actions, whenever it is decided that a thing belongs to the plaintiff, it is to be handed over to the plaintiff
as soon as the matter has become an adjudged matter.
2 Quod vero attinet ad actiones personales, cum reus damnatus est ad rem mobilem praestandam, vel ad solvendam
pecuniam, vel ad aliud dandum aut faciendum, iudex in ipso tenore sententiae vel exsecutor pro suo arbitrio et
prudentia terminum statuat ad implendam obligationem, qui tamen neque infra quindecim dies coarctetur neque sex
menses excedat.
2 In personal actions, when a guilty person is condemned to hand over a movable possession or to pay money, or
to give or do something, the judge in the judgement itself, or the executor according to his discretion and prudence,
is to assign a time limit for the fulfilment of the obligation. This time-limit is to be not less than fifteen days nor
more than six months.




1 Processu contentioso orali, de quo in hac sectione, tractari possunt omnes causae a iure non exclusae, nisi pars
processum contentiosum ordinarium petat.

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1 The oral contentious process dealt with in this section can be used in all cases which are not excluded by law,
unless a party requests an ordinary contentious process.
2 Si processus oralis adhibeatur extra casus iure permissos, actus iudiciales sunt nulli.
2 If the oral process is used in cases other than those permitted by the law, the judicial acts are null.

Processus contentiosus oralis fit in primo gradu coram iudice unico, ad normam can. 1424.
An oral contentious process in first instance is made before a sole judge, in accordance with can. 1424.


1 Libellus quo lis introducitur, praeter ea quae in can. 1504 recensentur, debet:
1 In addition to the matters enumerated in can. 1504, the petition which introduces the suit must:

facta quibus actoris petitiones innitantur, breviter, integre et perspicue exponere;

set forth briefly, fully and clearly the facts on which the plaintiff's pleas are based;

probationes quibus actor facta demonstrare intendit, quasque simul afferre nequit, ita indicare ut statim colligi a
iudice possint.
indicate the evidence by which the plaintiff intends to demonstrate the facts and which cannot be brought
forward with the petition; this is to be done in such a way that the evidence can immediately be gathered by
the judge.

2 Libello adnecti debent, saltem in exemplari authentico, documenta quibus petitio innititur.
2 Documents which support the plea must be added to the petition, at least in authentic copy.

1 Si conamen conciliationis ad normam can. 1446, 2 inutile cesserit, iudex, si aestimet libellum aliquo fundamento
niti, intra tres dies, decreto ad calcem ipsius libelli apposito, praecipiat ut exemplar petitionis notificetur parti
conventae, facta huic facultate mittendi, intra quindecim dies, ad cancellariam tribunalis scriptam responsionem.
1 If an attempt at mediation in accordance with can. 1446 2 has proven fruitless, the judge, if he deems that the
petition has some foundation, is within three days to add a decree at the foot of the petition. In this decree he is to
order that a copy of the plea be notified to the respondent, with the right to send a written reply to the tribunal office
within fifteen days.
2 Haec notificatio effectus habet citationis iudicialis, de quibus in can. 1512.
2 This notification has the effects of a judicial summons that are as mentioned in can. 1512.


Si exceptiones partis conventae id exigant, iudex parti actrici praefiniat terminum ad respondendum, ita ut ex allatis
utriusque partis elementis ipse controversiae obiectum perspectum habeat.
If the exceptions raised by the respondent so require, the judge is to assign the plaintiff a time-limit for a reply, so
that from the material advanced by each he can clearly discern the object of the controversy.


1 Elapsis terminis, de quibus in cann. 1659 et 1660, iudex, perspectis actis, formulam dubii determinet; dein ad
audientiam, non ultra triginta dies celebrandam, omnes citet qui in ea interesse debent, addita pro partibus dubii
1 When the time-limits mentioned in cann. 1659 and 1660 have expired, the judge, after examining the acts, is to
determine the point at issue. He is then to summon all who must be present to a hearing, which is to be held within
thirty days; for the parties, he is to add the formulation of the point at issue.
2 In citatione partes certiores fiant se posse, tres saltem ante audientiam dies, aliquod breve scriptum tribunali
exhibere ad sua asserta comprobanda.
2 In the summons the parties are to be informed that, to support their assertions, they can submit a short written
statement to the tribunal at least three days before the hearing.


In audientia primum tractantur quaestiones de quibus in cann. 1459-1464.

In the hearing, the questions mentioned in cann. 1459--1464 are considered first.


. 1 Probationes colliguntur in audientia, salvo praescripto can. 1418.

1 The evidence is assembled during the hearing, without prejudice to the provision of can. 1418.

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2 Pars eiusque advocatus assistere possunt excussioni ceterarum partium, testium et peritorum.
2 A party and his or her advocate can assist at the examination of the other parties, of the witnesses and of the

Responsiones partium, testium, peritorum, petitiones et exceptiones advocatorum, redigendae sunt scripto a notario,
sed summatim et in iis tantummodo quae pertinent ad substantiam rei controversae, et a deponentibus subsignandae.
The replies of the parties, witnesses and experts, and the pleas and exceptions of the advocates, are to be written
down by the notary in summary fashion, restricting the record to those things which bear on the substance of the
controversy. This record is to be signed by the persons testifying.


Probationes, quae non sint in petitione vel responsione allatae aut petitae, potest iudex admittere tantum ad normam
can. 1452; postquam autem vel unus testis auditus est, iudex potest tantummodo ad normam can. 1600 novas
probationes decernere.
The judge can admit evidence which is not alleged or sought in the plea or the reply, but only in accordance with
can. 1452. After the hearing of even one witness, however, the judge can admit new evidence only in accordance
with can. 1600.


Si in audientia probationes omnes colligi non potuerint, altera statuatur audientia.

If all the evidence cannot be collected during the hearing, a further hearing is to be set.


Probationibus collectis, fit in eadem audientia discussio oralis.

When the evidence has been collected, an oral discussion is to take place at the same hearing.


1 Nisi ex discussione aliquid supplendum in causae instructione comperiatur, vel aliud exsistat quod impediat
sententiam rite proferri, iudex illico, expleta audientia, causam seorsum decidat; dispositiva sententiae pars statim
coram partibus praesentibus legatur.
1 At the conclusion of the hearing, the judge can decide the case forthwith, unless it emerges from the discussion
that something needs to be added to the instruction of the case, or that there is something which prevents a
judgement being correctly delivered. The dispositive part of the judgement is to be read immediately in the
presence of the parties.
2 Potest autem tribunal propter rei difficultatem vel aliam iustam causam usque ad quintum utilem diem decisionem
2 Because of the difficulty of the matter, or for some other just reason the decision of the tribunal can be deferred
for up to five canonical days.
3 Integer sententiae textus, motivis expressis, quam primum, ordinarie non ultra quindecim dies, partibus notificetur.
3 The full text of the judgement, including the reasons for it, is to be notified to the parties as soon as possible,
normally within fifteen days.


Si tribunal appellationis perspiciat in inferiore iudicii gradu processum contentiosum oralem esse adhibitum in casibus
a iure exclusis, nullitatem sententiae declaret et causam remittat tribunali quod sententiam tulit.
If the appeal tribunal discerns that a lower tribunal has used the oral contentious procedure in cases which are
excluded by law, it is to declare the judgement invalid and refer the case back to the tribunal which delivered the


In ceteris quae ad rationem procedendi attinent, serventur praescripta canonum de iudicio contentioso ordinario.
Tribunal autem potest suo decreto, motivis praedito, normis processualibus, quae non sint ad validitatem statutae,
derogare, ut celeritati, salva iustitia, consulat.
In all other matters concerning procedure, the provisions of the canons on ordinary contentious trials are to be
followed. In order to expedite matters, however, while safeguarding justice, the tribunal can, by a decree and for
stated reasons, derogate from procedural norms which are not prescribed for validity.

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Art. 1




Causae matrimoniales baptizatorum iure proprio ad iudicem ecclesiasticum spectant.

Matrimonial cases of the baptised belong by their own right to the ecclesiastical judge.


Causae de effectibus matrimonii mere civilibus pertinent ad civilem magistratum, nisi ius particulare statuat easdem
causas, si incidenter et accessorie agantur, posse a iudice ecclesiastico cognosci ac definiri.
Cases concerning the merely civil effects of marriage pertain to the civil courts, unless particular law lays down
that, if such cases are raised as incidental and accessory matters, they may be heard and decided by an
ecclesiastical judge.


In causis de matrimonii nullitate, quae non sint Sedi Apostolicae reservatae, competentia sunt:
The following tribunals are competent in cases concerning the nullity of marriage which are not reserved to the
Apostolic See:

tribunal loci in quo matrimonium celebratum est;

the tribunal of the place where the marriage was celebrated;

tribunal loci in quo pars conventa domicilium vel quasi-domicilium habet;

the tribunal of the place where the respondent has a domicile or quasi-domicile;

tribunal loci in quo pars actrix domicilium habet, dummodo utraque pars in territorio eiusdem Episcoporum
conferentiae degat et Vicarius iudicialis domicilii partis conventae, ipsa audita, consentiat;
the tribunal of the place where the plaintiff has a domicile, provided that both parties live within the territory of
the same Episcopal Conference, and that the judicial Vicar of the domicile of the respondent, after
consultation with the respondent, gives consent;

tribunal loci in quo de facto colligendae sunt pleraeque probationes, dummodo accedat consensus Vicarii
iudicialis domicilii partis conventae, qui prius ipsam interroget, num quid excipiendum habeat.
the tribunal of the place in which in fact most of the evidence is to be collected, provided that consent is given
by the judicial Vicar of the domicile of the respondent, who must first ask the respondent whether he or she
has any objection to raise.

Art. 2




Habiles sunt ad matrimonium impugnandum:

The following are able to challenge the validity of a marriage:

the spouses themselves;

promotor iustitiae, cum nullitas iam divulgata est, si matrimonium convalidari nequeat aut non expediat.
the promotor of justice, when the nullity of the marriage has already been made public, and the marriage
cannot be validated or it is not expedient to do so.

1 Matrimonium quod, utroque coniuge vivente, non fuit accusatum, post mortem alterutrius vel utriusque coniugis
accusari non potest, nisi quaestio de validitate sit praeiudicialis ad aliam solvendam controversiam sive in foro canonico
sive in foro civili.

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1 A marriage which was not challenged while both parties were alive, cannot be challenged after the death of
either or both, unless the question of validity is a necessary preliminary to the resolution of another controversy in
either the canonical or the civil forum.
2 Si autem coniux moriatur pendente causa, servetur can. 1518.
2 If a spouse should die during the course of a case, can. 1518 is to be observed.
Art. 3



Iudex, antequam causam acceptet et quotiescumque spem boni exitus perspicit, pastoralia media adhibeat, ut coniuges,
si fieri potest, ad matrimonium forte convalidandum et ad coniugalem convictum restaurandum inducantur.
Before he accepts a case and whenever there appears to be hope of success, the judge is to use pastoral means to
persuade the spouses that, if it is possible, they should perhaps validate their marriage and resume their conjugal


1 Libello acceptato, praeses vel ponens procedat ad notificationem decreti citationis ad normam can. 1508.
1 When the petition has been accepted, the presiding judge or the 'ponens' is to proceed to the notification of the
decree of summons, in accordance with can. 1508.
2 Transacto termino quindecim dierum a notificatione, praeses vel ponens, nisi alterutra pars sessionem ad litem
contestandam petierit, intra decem dies formulam dubii vel dubiorum decreto suo statuat ex officio et partibus
2 If, within fifteen days of the notification, neither party has requested a session to contest the suit, then within the
following ten days the presiding judge or 'ponens' is, by a decree, to decide ex officio the formulation of the doubt or
doubts and to notify the parties accordingly.
3 Formula dubii non tantum quaerat an constet de nullitate matrimonii in casu, sed determinare etiam debet quo
capite vel quibus capitibus nuptiarum validitas impugnetur.
3 The formulation of the doubt is not only to ask whether the nullity of the particular marriage is proven, but also
to determine the ground or grounds upon which the validity of the marriage is being challenged.
4 Post decem dies a notificatione decreti, si partes nihil opposuerint, praeses vel ponens novo decreto causae
instructionem disponat.
4 If the parties have not objected to this decree within ten days of being notified, the presiding judge or 'ponens' is,
by a new decree, to arrange for the hearing of the case.

Art. 4


1 Defensori vinculi, partium patronis et, si in iudicio sit, etiam promotori iustitiae ius est:
1 The defender of the bond, the advocates of the parties and, if engaged in the process, the promotor of justice,
have the right:

examini partium, testium et peritorum adesse, salvo praescripto can. 1559;

to be present at the examination of the parties, the witnesses and the experts, without prejudice to can. 1559;

acta iudicialia, etsi nondum publicata, invisere et documenta a partibus producta recognoscere.
to see the judicial acts, even if they are not yet published, and to inspect documents produced by the parties.

2 Examini, de quo in 1, n. 1, partes assistere nequeunt.

2 The parties themselves cannot be present at the sessions mentioned in 1, n. 1.

Nisi probationes aliunde plenae habeantur, iudex, ad partium depositiones ad normam can. 1536 aestimandas, testes de
ipsarum partium credibilitate, si fieri potest, adhibeat, praeter alia indicia et adminicula.
Unless the evidence brought forward is otherwise complete, in order to weigh the depositions of the parties in
accordance with can. 1536, the judge is, if possible, to hear witnesses to the credibility of the parties, as well as to
gather other indications and supportive elements.

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In causis de impotentia vel de consensus defectu propter mentis morbum iudex unius periti vel plurium opera utatur,
nisi ex adiunctis inutilis evidenter appareat; in ceteris causis servetur praescriptum can. 1574.
In cases concerning impotence or defect of consent by reason of mental illness, the judge is to use the services of
one or more experts, unless from the circumstances this would obviously serve no purpose. In other cases, the
provision of can. 1574 is to be observed.

Art. 5



Quoties in instructione causae dubium valde probabile emerserit de non secuta matrimonii consummatione, tribunal
potest, suspensa de consensu partium causa nullitatis, instructionem complere pro dispensatione super rato, ac tandem
acta transmittere ad Sedem Apostolicam una cum petitione dispensationis ab alterutro vel utroque coniuge et cum voto
tribunalis et Episcopi.
Whenever in the course of the hearing of a case a doubt of a high degree of probability arises that the marriage has
not been consummated, the tribunal can, with the consent of the parties, suspend the nullity case and complete the
instruction of a case for a dispensation from a non-consummated marriage; eventually it can forward the acts to
the Apostolic See, together with a petition, from either or both of the parties for a dispensation, and with the
Opinions of the tribunal and of the Bishop.


1 Sententia, quae matrimonii nullitatem primum declaraverit, una cum appellationibus, si quae sint, et ceteris iudicii
actis, intra viginti dies a sententiae publicatione ad tribunal appellationis ex officio transmittatur.
1 The judgement which has first declared the nullity of a marriage, together with the appeals, if there are any, and
the judicial acts, are to be sent ex officio to the appeal tribunal within twenty days of the publication of the
2 Si sententia pro matrimonii nullitate prolata sit in primo iudicii gradu, tribunal appellationis, perpensis
animadversionibus defensoris vinculi et, si quae sint, etiam partium, suo decreto vel decisionem continenter confirmet
vel ad ordinarium examen novi gradus causam admittat.
2 If the judgement given in first instance was in favour of the nullity of the marriage, the appeal tribunal, after
weighing the observations of the defender of the bond and, if there are any, of the parties, is by its decree either to
ratify the decision at once, or to admit the case to ordinary examination in the new instance.


Si in gradu appellationis novum nullitatis matrimonii caput afferatur, tribunal potest, tamquam in prima instantia,
illud admittere et de eo iudicare.
If a new ground of nullity of marriage is advanced in the appeal grade, the tribunal can admit it and give judgement
on it as at first instance.


1 Postquam sententia, quae matrimonii nullitatem primum declaraverit, in gradu appellationis confirmata est vel
decreto vel altera sententia, ii, quorum matrimonium declaratum est nullum, possunt novas nuptias contrahere statim
ac decretum vel altera sententia ipsis notificata est, nisi vetito ipsi sententiae aut decreto apposito vel ab Ordinario loci
statuto id prohibeatur.
1 After the judgement which first declared the nullity of the marriage has been confirmed on appeal either by
decree or by another judgement, those whose marriage has been declared invalid may contract a new marriage as
soon as the decree or the second judgement has been notified to them, unless there is a prohibition appended to
the judgement or decree itself, or imposed by the local Ordinary.
2 Praescripta can. 1644 servanda sunt, etiam si sententia, quae matrimonii nullitatem declaraverit, non altera
sententia sed decreto confirmata sit.
2 The provisions of can. 1644 are to be observed even if the judgement which declared the nullity of the marriage
is confirmed not by a second judgement, but by a decree.


Statim ac sententia facta est exsecutiva, Vicarius iudicialis debet eandem notificare Ordinario loci in quo matrimonium
celebratum est. Is autem curare debet ut quam primum de decreta nullitate matrimonii et de vetitis forte statutis in
matrimoniorum et baptizatorum libris mentio fiat.
As soon as the sentence is executed, the judicial Vicar must notify the Ordinary of the place where the marriage
was celebrated. This Ordinary must ensure that a record of the decree of nullity of the marriage, and of any
prohibition imposed, is as soon as possible entered in the registers of marriage and baptism.

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Art. 6



Recepta petitione ad normam can. 1677 proposita, Vicarius iudicialis vel iudex ab ipso designatus potest, praetermissis
sollemnitatibus ordinarii processus sed citatis partibus et cum interventu defensoris vinculi, matrimonii nullitatem
sententia declarare, si ex documento, quod nulli contradictioni vel exceptioni sit obnoxium, certo constet de exsistentia
impedimenti dirimentis vel de defectu legitimae formae, dummodo pari certitudine pateat dispensationem datam non
esse, aut de defectu validi mandati procuratoris.
A marriage can be declared invalid on the basis of a document which proves with certainty the existence of a
diriment impediment a defect of lawful form or the lack of a valid proxy mandate; the document must not be open
to any contradiction or exception. It must be equally certain that no dispensation has been given. When a petition in
accordance with can. 1677 has been received alleging such invalidity, the judicial Vicar, or a judge designated by
him, can omit the formalities of the ordinary procedure and, having summoned the parties, and with the
intervention of the defender of the bond, declare the nullity of the marriage by a judgement.


1 Adversus hanc declarationem defensor vinculi, si prudenter existimaverit vel vitia de quibus in can. 1686 vel
dispensationis defectum non esse certa, appellare debet ad iudicem secundae instantiae, ad quem acta sunt
transmittenda quique scripto monendus est agi de processu documentali.
1 If the defender of the bond prudently judges that the defects mentioned in can. 1686, or the lack of dispensation,
are not certain, he must appeal to the judge of second instance. The acts must be sent to the appeal judge and he
is to be informed in writing that it is a documentary process.
2 Integrum manet parti, quae se gravatam putet, ius appellandi.
2 A party who considers him or herself injured retains the right of appeal.


Iudex alterius instantiae, cum interventu defensoris vinculi et auditis partibus, decernet eodem modo, de quo in can.
1686, utrum sententia sit confirmanda, an potius procedendum in causa sit iuxta ordinarium tramitem iuris; quo in
casu eam remittit ad tribunal primae instantiae.
The judge of second instance, with the intervention of the defender of the bond and after consulting the parties, is
to decide in the same way as in can. 1686 whether the judgement is to be ratified, or whether the case should
rather proceed according to the ordinary course of law, in which event he is to send the case back to the tribunal of
first instance.

Art. 7



In sententia partes moneantur de obligationibus moralibus vel etiam civilibus, quibus forte teneantur, altera erga
alteram et erga prolem, ad sustentationem et educationem praestandam.
In the judgement the parties are to be reminded of the moral, and also the civil, obligations by which they may be
bound, both towards one another and in regard to the support and upbringing of their children.


Causae ad matrimonii nullitatem declarandam nequeunt processu contentioso orali tractari.

Cases for the declaration of nullity of marriage cannot be dealt with by the oral contentious process.


In ceteris quae ad rationem procedendi attinent, applicandi sunt, nisi rei natura obstet, canones de iudiciis in genere et
de iudicio contentioso ordinario, servatis specialibus normis circa causas de statu personarum et causas ad bonum
publicum spectantes.
In other matters concerning the conduct of the process, the canons concerning judicial powers in general and
concerning the ordinary contentious process are to be applied, unless the nature of the case demands otherwise;
the special norms concerning cases dealing with the status of persons and cases pertaining to the public good are
also to be observed.




1 Separatio personalis coniugum baptizatorum, nisi aliter pro locis particularibus legitime provisum sit, decerni potest
Episcopi dioecesani decreto vel iudicis sententia ad normam canonum qui sequuntur.

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1 Unless lawfully provided otherwise in particular places, the personal separation of baptised spouses can be
decided by a decree of the diocesan Bishop, or by the judgement of a judge in accordance with the following
2 Ubi decisio ecclesiastica effectus civiles non sortitur, vel si sententia civilis praevidetur non contraria iuri divino,
Episcopus dioecesis commorationis coniugum poterit, perpensis peculiaribus adiunctis, licentiam concedere adeundi
forum civile.
2 Where the ecclesiastical decision does not produce civil effects, or if it is foreseen that there will be a civil
judgement not contrary to the divine law, the Bishop of the diocese in which the spouses are living can, in the light
of their particular circumstances, give them permission to approach the civil courts.
3 Si causa versetur etiam circa effectus mere civiles matrimonii, satagat iudex ut, servato praescripto 2, causa inde
ab initio ad forum civile deferatur.
3 If the case is also concerned with the merely civil effects of marriage, the judge is to endeavour, without
prejudice to the provision of 2, to have the case brought before the civil court from the very beginning.

1 Nisi qua pars vel promotor iustitiae processum contentiosum ordinarium petant, processus contentiosus oralis
1 The oral contentious process is to be used, unless either party or the promotor of justice requests the ordinary
contentious process.
2 Si processus contentiosus ordinarius adhibitus sit et appellatio proponatur, tribunal secundi gradus ad normam can.
1682, 2 procedat, servatis servandis.
2 If the ordinary contentious process is used and there is an appeal, the tribunal of second instance is to proceed
in accordance with can. 1682 2, observing what has to be observed.


Quod attinet ad tribunalis competentiam, serventur praescripta can. 1673.

In matters concerning the competence of the tribunal, the provisions of can. 1673 are to be observed.


Iudex, antequam causam acceptet et quotiescumque spem boni exitus perspicit, pastoralia media adhibeat, ut coniuges
concilientur et ad coniugalem convictum restaurandum inducantur.
Before he accepts the case, and whenever there appears to be hope of success, the judge is to use pastoral means
to induce the parties to be reconciled and to resume their conjugal life.


Causae de coniugum separatione ad publicum quoque bonum spectant; ideoque iis interesse semper debet promotor
iustitiae, ad normam can. 1433.
Cases of separation of spouses also concern the public good; the promotor of justice must, therefore, always
intervene, in accordance with can. 1433.


Soli coniuges, vel alteruter, quamvis altero invito, ius habent petendi gratiam dispensationis super matrimonio rato et
non consummato.
The parties alone, or indeed one of them even if the other is unwilling, have the right to seek the favour of a
dispensation from a ratified and non-consummated marriage.


1 Una Sedes Apostolica cognoscit de facto inconsummationis matrimonii et de exsistentia iustae causae ad
dispensationem concedendam.
1 Only the Apostolic See gives judgement on the fact of the non-consummation of a marriage and on the
existence of a just reason for granting the dispensation.
2 Dispensatio vero ab uno Romano Pontifice conceditur.
2 The dispensation, however, is given by the Roman Pontiff alone.

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1 Competens ad accipiendum libellum, quo petitur dispensatio, est Episcopus dioecesanus domicilii vel quasi-domicilii
oratoris, qui, si constiterit de fundamento precum, processus instructionem disponere debet.
1 The diocesan Bishop of the place of domicile or quasidomicile of the petitioner is competent to accept the
petition seeking the dispensation. If the request is well founded, he must arrange for the instruction of the process.
2 Si tamen casus propositus speciales habeat difficultates ordinis iuridici vel moralis, Episcopus dioecesanus consulat
Sedem Apostolicam.
2 If, however, the proposed case has special difficulties of a juridical or moral order, the diocesan Bishop is to
consult the Apostolic See.
3 Adversus decretum quo Episcopus libellum reicit, patet recursus ad Sedem Apostolicam.
3 Recourse to the Apostolic See is available against the decree of a Bishop who rejects the petition.


1 Firmo praescripto can. 1681, horum processuum instructionem committat Episcopus, stabiliter vel in singulis
casibus, tribunali suae vel alienae dioecesis aut idoneo sacerdoti.
1 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1681, the Bishop is to assign the instruction of these processes, in a
stable manner or case by case, to his own tribunal or to that of another diocese, or to a suitable priest.
2 Quod si introducta sit petitio iudicialis ad declarandam nullitatem eiusdem matrimonii, instructio ad idem tribunal
2 If, however, a judicial plea has been introduced to declare the nullity of the same marriage, the instruction of the
process is to be assigned to the same tribunal.


1 In his processibus semper intervenire debet vinculi defensor.

1 In these processes the defender of the bond must always intervene.
2 Patronus non admittitur, sed, propter casus difficultatem, Episcopus permittere potest ut iurisperiti opera orator vel
pars conventa iuvetur.
2 An advocate is not admitted, but the Bishop can, because of the difficulty of a case, allow the petitioner or
respondent to have the assistance of an expert in the law.


In instructione uterque coniux audiatur et serventur, quatenus fieri possit, canones de probationibus colligendis in
iudicio contentioso ordinario et in causis de matrimonii nullitate, dummodo cum horum processum indole componi
In the instruction of the process both parties are to be heard. As far as possible, and provided they can be
reconciled with the nature of these processes, the canons concerning the collection of evidence in the ordinary
contentious process and in cases of nullity of marriage are to be followed.


1 Non fit publicatio actorum; iudex tamen, si conspiciat petitioni partis oratricis vel exceptioni partis conventae grave
obstaculum obvenire ob adductas probationes, id parti cuius interest prudenter patefaciat.
1 There is no publication of the acts, but if the judge sees that, because of the evidence tendered, a serious
obstacle stands in the way of the plea of the petitioner or the exception of the respondent, he can prudently make it
known to the party concerned.
2 Parti instanti documentum allatum vel testimonium receptum iudex ostendere poterit et tempus praefinire ad
deductiones exhibendas.
2 To the party requesting it the judge can show a document which has been presented or evidence which has been
received, and he can set a time for the production of arguments.


1 Instructor, peracta instructione, omnia acta cum apta relatione deferat ad Episcopum, qui votum pro rei veritate
promat tum super facto inconsummationis tum super iusta causa ad dispensandum et gratiae opportunitate.
1 When the instruction is completed, the judge instructor is to give all the acts, together with a suitable report, to
the Bishop. The Bishop is to express his Opinion on the merits of the case in relation to the alleged fact of nonconsummation, the adequacy of the reason for dispensation, and the opportuneness of the favour.

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2 Si instructio processus commissa sit alieno tribunali ad normam can. 1700, animadversiones pro vinculo in eodem
foro conficiantur, sed votum de quo in 1 spectat ad Episcopum committentem, cui instructor simul cum actis aptam
relationem tradat.
2 If the instruction of the process has been entrusted to another tribunal in accordance with 1700, the
observations in favour of the bond of marriage are to be prepared in that same tribunal. The Opinion spoken of in
1 is, however, the province of the Bishop who gave the commission and the judge instructor is to give him,
together with the acts, a suitable report on the case.

1 Acta omnia Episcopus una cum suo voto et animadversionibus defensoris vinculi transmittat ad Sedem Apostolicam.
1 The Bishop is to transmit all the acts to the Apostolic See together with his Opinion and the observations of the
defender of the bond.
2 Si, iudicio Apostolicae Sedis, requiratur supplementum instructionis, id Episcopo significabitur, indicatis elementis
circa quae instructio complenda est.
2 If, in the judgement of the Apostolic See, a supplementary instruction is required, this will be notified to the
Bishop, with a statement of the items on which the acts are to be supplemented.
3 Quod si Apostolica Sedes rescripserit ex deductis non constare de inconsummatione, tunc iurisperitus de quo in can.
1701, 2 potest acta processus, non vero votum Episcopi, invisere in sede tribunalis ad perpendendum num quid grave
adduci possit ad petitionem denuo proponendam.
3 If, however, the answer of the Apostolic See is that the non-consummation is not proven from the evidence
produced, then the expert in law mentioned in 1701 2 can inspect the acts of the case, though not the Opinion of
the Bishop, in the tribunal office, in order to decide whether anything further of importance can be brought forward
to justify another submission of the petition.


Rescriptum dispensationis a Sede Apostolica transmittitur ad Episcopum; is vero rescriptum partibus notificabit et
praeterea parocho tum loci contracti matrimonii tum suscepti baptismi quam primum mandabit, ut in libris
matrimoniorum et baptizatorum de concessa dispensatione mentio fiat.
The rescript of dispensation is sent by the Apostolic See to the Bishop. He is to notify the parties of the rescript,
and also as soon as possible direct the parish priests of the place where the marriage was contracted and of the
place where baptism was received, to make a note of the granting of the dispensation in the registers of marriage
and baptism.




1 Quoties coniugis mors authentico documento ecclesiastico vel civili comprobari nequit, alter coniux a vinculo
matrimonii solutus non habeatur, nisi post declarationem de morte praesumpta ab Episcopo dioecesano prolatam.
1 Whenever the death of a spouse cannot be proven by an authentic ecclesiastical or civil document, the other
spouse is not regarded as free from the bond of marriage until the diocesan Bishop has issued a declaration that
death is presumed.
2 Declarationem, de qua in 1, Episcopus dioecesanus tantummodo proferre valet si, peractis opportunis
investigationibus, ex testium depositionibus, ex fama aut ex indiciis moralem certitudinem de coniugis obitu obtinuerit.
Sola coniugis absentia, quamvis diuturna, non sufficit.
2 The diocesan Bishop can give the declaration mentioned in 1 only if, after making suitable investigations, he
has reached moral certainty concerning the death of the spouse from the depositions of witnesses, from hearsay
and from other indications. The mere absence of the spouse, no matter for how long a period, is not sufficient.
3 In casibus incertis et implexis Episcopus Sedem Apostolicam consulat.
3 In uncertain and involved cases, the Bishop is to consult the Apostolic See.




Validitatem sacrae ordinationis ius habent accusandi sive ipse clericus sive Ordinarius, cui clericus subest vel in cuius
dioecesi ordinatus est.

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The right to impugn the validity of sacred ordination is held by the cleric himself, or by the Ordinary to whom the
cleric is subject, or by the Ordinary in whose diocese he was ordained.

1 Libellus mitti debet ad competentem Congregationem, quae decernet utrum causa ab ipsa Curiae Romanae
Congregatione an a tribunali ab ea designato sit agenda.
1 The petition must be sent to the competent Congregation, which will decide whether the case is to be
determined by the Congregation of the Roman Curia, or by a tribunal designated by it.
2 Misso libello, clericus ordines exercere ipso iure vetatur.
2 Once the petition has been sent, the cleric is by the law itself forbidden to exercise orders.


Si Congregatio causam ad tribunal remiserit, serventur, nisi rei natura obstet, canones de iudiciis in genere et de iudicio
contentioso ordinario, salvis praescriptis huius tituli.
If the Congregation remits the case to a tribunal, the canons concerning trials in general and the ordinary
contentious trial are to be observed, unless the nature of the matter requires otherwise and without prejudice to the
provisions of this title.


In his causis defensor vinculi iisdem gaudet iuribus iisdemque tenetur officiis, quibus defensor vinculi matrimonialis.
In these cases the defender of the bond has the same rights and is bound by the same duties as the defender of
the bond of marriage.


Post secundam sententiam, quae nullitatem sacrae ordinationis confirmavit, clericus omnia iura statui clericali propria
amittit et ab omnibus obligationibus liberatur.
After a second judgement confirming the nullity of the sacred ordination, the cleric loses all rights proper to the
clerical state and is freed from all its obligations.





Ad evitandas iudiciales contentiones transactio seu reconciliatio utiliter adhibetur, aut controversia iudicio unius vel
plurium arbitrorum committi potest.
In order to avoid judicial disputes, agreement or reconciliation can profitably be adopted, or the controversy can be
submitted to the judgement of one or more arbiters.


De transactione, de compromisso, deque iudicio arbitrali serventur normae a partibus selectae vel, si partes nullas
selegerint, lex ab Episcoporum conferentia lata, si qua sit, vel lex civilis vigens in loco ubi conventio initur.
The norms for agreements, for mutual promises to abide by an arbiter's award, and for arbitral judgements are to
be selected by the parties. If the parties have not chosen any, they are to use the law established by the Episcopal
Conference, if such exists, or the civil law in force in the place where the pact is made.


1 Nequit transactio aut compromissum valide fieri circa ea quae ad bonum publicum pertinent, aliaque de quibus
libere disponere partes non possunt.
1 Agreements and mutual promises to abide by an arbiter's award cannot validly be employed in matters which
pertain to the public good, and in other matters in which the parties are not free to make such arrangements.
2 Si agitur de bonis ecclesiasticis temporalibus, serventur, quoties materia id postulat, sollemnitates iure statutae pro
rerum ecclesiasticarum alienatione.
2 Whenever the matter concerned demands it, in questions concerning temporal ecclesiastical goods the
formalities established by the law for the alienation of ecclesiastical goods are to be observed.


1 Si lex civilis arbitrali sententiae vim non agnoscat, nisi a iudice confirmetur, sententia arbitralis de controversia
ecclesiastica, ut vim habeat in foro canonico, confirmatione indiget iudicis ecclesiastici loci, in quo lata est.
1 If the civil law does not recognise the force of an arbitral judgement unless it is confirmed by a judge, an arbitral
judgement in an ecclesiastical controversy has no force in the canonical forum unless it is confirmed by an
ecclesiastical judge of the place in which it was given.

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2 Si autem lex civilis admittat sententiae arbitralis coram civili iudice impugnationem, in foro canonico eadem
impugnatio proponi potest coram iudice ecclesiastico, qui in primo gradu competens est ad controversiam iudicandam.
2 If, however, the civil law admits of a challenge to an arbitral judgement before a civil judge, the same challenge
may be brought in the canonical forum before an ecclesiastical judge who is competent to judge the controversy at
first instance.



1 Quoties Ordinarius notitiam, saltem veri similem, habet de delicto, caute inquirat, per se vel per aliam idoneam
personam, circa facta et circumstantias et circa imputabilitatem, nisi haec inquisito omnino superflua videatur.
1 Whenever the Ordinary receives information, which has at least the semblance of truth, about an offence, he is
to enquire carefully, either personally or through some suitable person, about the facts and circumstances, and
about the imputability of the offence, unless this enquiry would appear to be entirely superfluous.
2 Cavendum est ne ex hac investigatione bonum cuiusquam nomen in discrimen vocetur.
2 Care is to be taken that this investigation does not call into question anyone's good name.
3 Qui investigationem agit, easdem habet, quas auditor in processu, potestates et obligationes; idemque nequit, si
postea iudicialis processus promoveatur, in eo iudicem agere.
3 The one who performs this investigation has the same powers and obligations as an auditor in a process. If,
later, a judicial process is initiated, this person may not take part in it as a judge.


1 Cum satis collecta videantur elementa, decernat Ordinarius:

1 When the facts have been assembled, the Ordinary is to decide:

num processus ad poenam irrogandam vel declarandam promoveri possit;

whether a process to impose or declare a penalty can be initiated;

num id, attento can. 1341, expediat;

whether this would be expedient, bearing in mind 1341;

utrum processus iudicialis sit adhibendus an, nisi lex vetet, sit procedendum per decretum extra iudicium.
whether a judicial process is to be used or, unless the law forbids it, whether the matter is to proceed by
means of an extra-judicial decree.

2 Ordinarius decretum, de quo in 1, revocet vel mutet, quoties ex novis elementis aliud sibi decernendum videtur.
2 The Ordinary is to revoke or change the decree mentioned in 1 whenever new facts indicate to him that a
different decision should be made.
3 In ferendis decretis, de quibus in 1 et 2, audiat Ordinarius, si prudenter censeat, duos iudices aliosve iuris peritos.
3 In making the decrees referred to in 1 and 2, the Ordinary, if he considers it prudent, is to consult two judges
or other legal experts.
4 Antequam ad normam 1 decernat, consideret Ordinarius num, ad vitanda inutilia iudicia, expediat ut, partibus
consentientibus, vel ipse vel investigator quaestionem de damnis ex bono et aequo dirimat.
4 Before making a decision in accordance with 1, the Ordinary is to consider whether, to avoid useless trials, it
would be expedient, with the parties' consent, for himself or the investigator to make a decision, according to what
is good and equitable, about the question of harm.

Investigationis acta et Ordinarii decreta, quibus investigatio initur vel clauditur, eaque omnia quae investigationem
praecedunt, si necessaria non sint ad poenalem processum, in secreto curiae archivo custodiantur.

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The acts of the investigation, the decrees of the Ordinary by which the investigation was opened and closed, and all
those matters which preceded the investigation, are to be kept in the secret curial archive, unless they are
necessary for the penal process.




Si Ordinarius censuerit per decretum extra iudicium esse procedendum:

If the Ordinary believes that the matter should proceed by way of an extra-judicial decree:

reo accusationem atque probationes, data facultate sese defendendi, significet, nisi reus, rite vocatus, comparere
he is to notify the accused of the allegation and the evidence, and give an opportunity for defence, unless the
accused, having been lawfully summoned, has failed to appear;

probationes et argumenta omnia cum duobus assessoribus accurate perpendat;

together with two assessors, he is accurately to weigh all the evidence and arguments;

si de delicto certo constet neque actio criminalis sit extincta, decretum ferat ad normam cann. 1342-1350,
expositis, breviter saltem, rationibus in iure et in facto.
if the offence is certainly proven and the time for criminal action has not elapsed, he is to issue a decree in
accordance with cann. 1342-1350, outlining at least in summary form the reasons in law and in fact.

1 Si Ordinarius decreverit processum poenalem iudicialem esse ineundum, acta investigationis promotori iustitiae
tradat, qui accusationis libellum iudici ad normam cann. 1502 et 1504 exhibeat.
1 If the Ordinary decrees that a judicial penal process is to be initiated, he is to pass the acts of the investigation
to the promotor of justice, who is to present to the judge a petition of accusation in accordance with cann. 1502 and
2 Coram tribunali superiore partes actoris gerit promotor iustitiae apud illud tribunal constitutus.
2 Before a higher tribunal, the promotor of justice constituted for that tribunal adopts the role of plaintiff.


Ad scandala praevenienda, ad testium libertatem protegendam et ad iustitiae cursum tutandum, potest Ordinarius,
audito promotore iustitiae et citato ipso accusato, in quolibet processus stadio accusatum a sacro ministerio vel ab
aliquo officio et munere ecclesiastico arcere, ei imponere vel interdicere commorationem in aliquo loco vel territorio, vel
etiam publicam sanctissimae Eucharistiae participationem prohibere; quae omnia, causa cessante, sunt revocanda,
eaque ipso iure finem habent, cessante processu poenali.
At any stage of the process, in order to prevent scandal, protect the freedom of the witnesses and safeguard the
course of justice, the Ordinary can, after consulting the promotor of justice and summoning the accused person to
appear, prohibit the accused from the exercise of the sacred ministry or of some ecclesiastical office and position,
or impose or forbid residence in a certain place or territory, or even prohibit public participation in the blessed
Eucharist. If, however, the reason ceases, all these restrictions are to be revoked; they cease by virtue of the law
itself as soon as the penal process ceases.


1 Iudex reum citans debet eum invitare ad advocatum, ad normam can. 1481, 1, intra terminum ab ipso iudice
praefinitum, sibi constituendum.
1 When the judge summons the accused, he must invite the latter to engage an advocate, in accordance with
1481 1, but within the time laid down by the judge.
2 Quod si reus non providerit, iudex ante litis contestationem advocatum ipse nominet, tamdiu in munere mansurum
quamdiu reus sibi advocatum non constituerit.
2 If the accused does not do this, the judge himself is to appoint an advocate before the joinder of the issue, and
this advocate will remain in office for as long as the accused has not engaged an advocate.


1 In quolibet iudicii gradu renuntiatio instantiae fieri potest a promotore iustitiae, mandante vel consentiente
Ordinario, ex cuius deliberatione processus promotus est.
1 At the direction or with the consent of the Ordinary who decided that the process should be initiated, the
promotor of justice in any grade of the trial can resign from the case.

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2 Renuntiatio, ut valeat, debet a reo acceptari, nisi ipse sit a iudicio absens declaratus.
2 For validity, this resignation must be accepted by the accused person, unless he or she has been declared
absent from the trial.

In causae discussione, sive scripto haec fit sive ore, accusatus semper ius habeat ut ipse vel eius advocatus vel
procurator postremus scribat vel loquatur.
In the argumentation of the case, whether done in writing or orally, the accused person or the advocate or
procurator of the accused, always has the right to write or speak last.


In quolibet poenalis iudicii gradu et stadio, si evidenter constet delictum non esse a reo patratum, iudex debet id
sententia declarare et reum absolvere, etiamsi simul constet actionem criminalem esse extinctam.
If in any grade or at any stage of a penal trial, it becomes quite evident that the offence has not been committed by
the accused, the judge must declare this in a judgement and acquit the accused, even if it is at the same time clear
that the period for criminal proceedings has elapsed.


1 Appellationem proponere potest reus, etiam si sententia ipsum ideo tantum dimiserit, quia poena erat facultativa, vel
quia iudex potestate usus est, de qua in cann. 1344 et 1345.
1 The offender can appeal, even if discharged in the judgement only because the penalty was facultative, or
because the judge used the power mentioned in cann. 1344 and 1345.
2 Promotor iustitiae appellare potest quoties censet scandali reparationi vel iustitiae restitutioni satis provisum non
2 The promotor of justice can appeal whenever he considers that the reparation of scandal or the restitution of
justice has not been sufficiently provided for.


1 Salvis praescriptis canonum huius tituli, in iudicio poenali applicandi sunt, nisi rei natura obstet, canones de iudiciis
in genere et de iudicio contentioso ordinario, servatis specialibus normis de causis quae ad bonum publicum spectant.
1 Without prejudice to the canons of this title, and unless the nature of the case requires otherwise, in a penal trial
the judge is to observe the canons concerning judicial procedures in general, those concerning the ordinary
contentious process, and the special norms about cases which concern the public good.
2 Accusatus ad confitendum delictum non tenetur, nec ipsi iusiurandum deferri potest.
2 The accused person is not bound to admit to an offence, nor may the oath be administered to the accused.




1 Pars laesa potest actionem contentiosam ad damna reparanda ex delicto sibi illata in ipso poenali iudicio exercere,
ad normam can. 1596.
1 In accordance with 1596, a party who has suffered harm from an offence can bring a contentious action for
making good the harm in the actual penal case itself.
2 Interventus partis laesae, de quo in 1, non amplius admittitur, si factus non sit in primo iudicii poenalis gradu.
2 The intervention of the harmed party mentioned in 1 is no longer admitted if the intervention was not made in
the first instance of the penal trial.
3 Appellatio in causa de damnis fit ad normam cann. 1628-1640, etiamsi appellatio in poenali iudicio fieri non possit;
quod si utraque appellatio, licet a diversis partibus, proponatur, unicum fiat iudicium appellationis, salvo praescripto
can. 1730.
3 An appeal in a case concerning harm is made in accordance with cann. 1628--1640, even if an appeal cannot
be made in the penal case itself. If, however, there is an appeal on both headings, there is to be only one trial, even
though the appeals are made by different persons, without prejudice to the provision of 1734[7 ].


1 Ad nimias poenalis iudicii moras vitandas potest iudex iudicium de damnis differre usque dum sententiam
definitivam in iudicio poenali protulerit.
1 To avoid excessive delays in a penal trial, the judge can postpone the trial concerning harm until he has given a
definitive judgement in the penal trial.

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2 Iudex, qui ita egerit, debet, postquam sententiam tulerit in poenali iudicio, de damnis cognoscere, etiamsi iudicium
poenale propter propositam impugnationem adhuc pendeat, vel reus absolutus sit propter causam quae non auferat
obligationem reparandi damna.
2 When the judge does this he must, after giving judgement in the penal trial, hear the case concerning harm,
even though the penal trial is still pending because of a proposed challenge to it, or even though the accused has
been acquitted, when the reason for the acquittal does not take away the obligation to make good the harm.

Sententia lata in poenali iudicio, etiamsi in rem iudicatam transierit, nullo modo ius facit erga partem laesam, nisi haec
intervenerit ad normam can. 1729.
A judgement given in a penal trial, even though it has become an adjudged matter, in no way creates a right for a
party who has suffered harm, unless this party has intervened in accordance with can. 1733 [8 ]





Quae in canonibus huius sectionis de decretis statuuntur, eadem applicanda sunt ad omnes administrativos actus
singulares, qui in foro externo extra iudicium dantur, iis exceptis, qui ab ipso Romano Pontifice vel ab ipso Concilio
Oecumenico ferantur.
Whatever is laid down in the canons of this section concerning decrees, is also to be applied to all singular
administrative acts given in the external forum outside a judicial trial, except for those given by the Roman Pontiff
himself or by an Ecumenical Council.


1 Valde optandum est ut, quoties quis gravatum se decreto putet, vitetur inter ipsum et decreti auctorem contentio
atque inter eos de aequa solutione quaerenda communi consilio curetur, gravibus quoque personis ad mediationem et
studium forte adhibitis, ita ut per idoneam viam controversia praecaveatur vel dirimatur.
1 When a person believes that he or she has been injured by a decree, it is greatly to be desired that contention
between that person and the author of the decree be avoided, and that care be taken to reach an equitable solution
by mutual consultation, possibly using the assistance of serious-minded persons to mediate and study the matter.
In this way, the controversy may by some suitable method be avoided or brought to an end.
2 Episcoporum conferentia statuere potest ut in unaquaque dioecesi officium quoddam vel consilium stabiliter
constituatur, cui, secundum normas ab ipsa conferentia statuendas, munus sit aequas solutiones quaerere et suggerere;
quod si conferentia id non iusserit, potest Episcopus eiusmodi consilium vel officium constituere.
2 The Episcopal Conference can prescribe that in each diocese there be established a permanent office or council
which would have the duty, in accordance with the norms laid down by the Conference, of seeking and suggesting
equitable solutions. Even if the Conference has not demanded this, the Bishop may establish such an office or
3 Officium vel consilium, de quo in 2, tunc praecipue operam navet, cum revocatio decreti petita est ad normam can.
1734, neque termini ad recurrendum sunt elapsi; quod si adversus decretum recursus propositus sit, ipse Superior, qui
de recursu videt, recurrentem et decreti auctorem hortetur, quotiescumque spem boni exitus perspicit, ad eiusmodi
solutiones quaerendas.
3 The office or council mentioned in 2 is to be diligent in its work principally when the revocation of a decree is
sought in accordance with 1734 and the time-limit for recourse has not elapsed. If recourse is proposed against a
decree, the Superior who would have to decide the recourse is to encourage both the person having recourse and
the author of the decree to seek this type of solution, whenever the prospect of a satisfactory outcome is discerned.


1 Antequam quis recursum proponat, debet decreti revocationem vel emendationem scripto ab ipsius auctore petere;
qua petitione proposita, etiam suspensio exsecutionis eo ipso petita intellegitur.

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1 Before having recourse, the person must seek in writing from its author the revocation or amendment of the
decree. Once this petition has been lodged, it is by that very fact understood that the suspension of the execution of
the decree is also being sought.
2 Petitio fieri debet intra peremptorium terminum decem dierum utilium a decreto legitime intimato.
2 The petition must be made within the peremptory time-limit of ten canonical days from the time the decree was
lawfully notified.
3 Normae 1 et 2 non valent:
3 The norms in 1 and 2 do not apply:

de recursu proponendo ad Episcopum adversus decreta lata ab auctoritatibus, quae ei subsunt;

in having recourse to the Bishop against decrees given by authorities who are subject to him;

de recursu proponendo adversus decretum, quo recursus hierarchicus deciditur, nisi decisio data sit ab Episcopo;
in having recourse against the decree by which a hierarchical recourse is decided, unless the decision was
given by the Bishop himself ;

de recursibus proponendis ad normam cann. 57 et 1735.

in having recourse in accordance with cann. 57 and 1735.


Si intra triginta dies, ex quo petitio, de qua in can. 1734, ad auctorem decreti pervenit, is novum decretum intimet, quo
vel prius emendet vel petitionem reiciendam esse decernat, termini ad recurrendum decurrunt ex novi decreti
intimatione; si autem intra triginta dies nihil decernat, termini decurrunt ex tricesimo die.
If, within thirty days from the time the petition mentioned in 1734 reaches the author of the decree, the latter
communicates a new decree by which either the earlier decree is amended or it is determined that the petition is to
be rejected, the period within which to have recourse begins from the notification of the new decree. If, however, the
author of the decree makes no decision within thirty days, the time-limit begins to run from the thirtieth day.


1 In iis materiis, in quibus recursus hierarchicus suspendit decreti exsecutionem, idem efficit etiam petitio, de qua in
can. 1734.
1 In those matters in which hierarchical recourse suspends the execution of a decree, even the petition mentioned
in 1734 has the same effect.
2 In ceteris casibus, nisi intra decem dies, ex quo petitio de qua in can. 1734 ad ipsum auctorem decreti pervenit, is
exsecutionem suspendendam decreverit, potest suspensio interim peti ab eius Superiore hierarchico, qui eam decernere
potest gravibus tantum de causis et cauto semper ne quid salus animarum detrimenti capiat.
2 In other cases, unless within ten days of receiving the petition mentioned in 1734 the author of the decree has
decreed its suspension, an interim suspension can be sought from the author's hierarchical Superior. This Superior
can decree the suspension only for serious reasons and must always take care that the salvation of souls suffers
no harm.
3 Suspensa decreti exsecutione ad normam 2, si postea recursus proponatur, is qui de recursu videre debet, ad
normam can. 1737, 3 decernat utrum suspensio sit confirmanda an revocanda.
3 If the execution of the decree is suspended in accordance with 2 and recourse is subsequently proposed, the
person who must decide the recourse is to determine, in accordance with 1737 3, whether the suspension is to be
confirmed or revoked.
4 Si nullus recursus intra statutum terminum adversus decretum proponatur, suspensio exsecutionis, ad normam 1
vel 2 interim effecta, eo ipso cessat.
4 If no recourse is proposed against the decree within the time-limit established, an interim suspension of
execution in accordance with 1 and 2 automatically lapses.


1 Qui se decreto gravatum esse contendit, potest ad Superiorem hierarchicum eius, qui decretum tulit, propter
quodlibet iustum motivum recurrere; recursus proponi potest coram ipso decreti auctore, qui eum statim ad
competentem Superiorem hierarchicum transmittere debet.

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1 A person who contends that he or she has been injured by a decree, can for any just motive have recourse to
the hierarchical Superior of the one who issued the decree. The recourse can be proposed before the author of the
decree, who must immediately forward it to the competent hierarchical Superior.
2 Recursus proponendus est intra peremptorium terminum quindecim dierum utilium, qui in casibus de quibus in
can. 1734, 3 decurrunt ex die quo decretum intimatum est, in ceteris autem casibus decurrunt ad normam can. 1735.
2 The recourse is to be proposed within the peremptory time-limit of fifteen canonical days. In the cases
mentioned in 1734 3, the timelimit begins to run from the day the decree was notified; in other cases, it runs in
accordance with 1735.
3 Etiam in casibus, in quibus recursus non suspendit ipso iure decreti exsecutionem neque suspensio ad normam can.
1736, 2 decreta est, potest tamen gravi de causa Superior iubere ut exsecutio suspendatur, cauto tamen ne quid salus
animarum detrimenti capiat.
3 Even in those cases in which recourse does not by law suspend the execution of the decree, or in which the
suspension is decreed in accordance with 1736 2, the Superior can for a serious reason order that the execution
be suspended, but is to take care that the salvation of souls suffers no harm.

Recurrens semper ius habet advocatum vel procuratorem adhibendi, vitatis inutilibus moris; immo vero patronus ex
officio constituatur, si recurrens patrono careat et Superior id necessarium censeat; semper tamen potest Superior
iubere ut recurrens ipse compareat ut interrogetur.
The person having recourse always has the right to the services of an advocate or procurator, but is to avoid futile
delays. Indeed, an advocate is to be appointed ex officio if the person does not have one and the Superior
considers it necessary. The Superior, however, can always order that the one having recourse appear in person to
answer questions.


Superiori, qui de recursu videt, licet, prout casus ferat, non solum decretum confirmare vel irritum declarare, sed etiam
rescindere, revocare, vel si id Superiori magis expedire videatur, emendare, subrogare, ei obrogare.
In so far as the case demands, it is lawful for the Superior who must decide the recourse, not only to confirm the
decree or declare that it is invalid, but also to rescind or revoke it or, if it seems to the Superior to be more
expedient, to amend it, to substitute for it, or to obrogate it.





Cum alicuius parochi ministerium ob aliquam causam, etiam citra gravem ipsius culpam, noxium aut saltem inefficax
evadat, potest ipse ab Episcopo dioecesano a paroecia amoveri.
When the ministry of any parish priest has for some reason become harmful or at least ineffective, even though this
occurs without any serious fault on his part, he can be removed from the parish by the diocesan Bishop.


Causae, ob quas parochus a sua paroecia legitime amoveri potest, hae praesertim sunt:
The reasons for which a parish priest can lawfully be removed from his parish are principally:

modus agendi qui ecclesiasticae communioni grave detrimentum vel perturbationem afferat;
a manner of acting which causes grave harm or disturbance to ecclesiastical communion;

imperitia aut permanens mentis vel corporis infirmitas, quae parochum suis muneribus utiliter obeundis imparem
ineptitude or permanent illness of mind or body, which makes the parish priest unequal to the task of fulfilling
his duties satisfactorily;

bonae existimationis amissio penes probos et graves paroecianos vel aversio in parochum, quae praevideantur non
brevi cessaturae;

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the loss of the parish priest's good name among upright and serious-minded parishioners, or aversion to him,
when it can be foreseen that these factors will not quickly come to an end


gravis neglectus vel violatio officiorum paroecialium quae post monitionem persistat;
grave neglect or violation of parochial duties, which persistsafter a warning;

mala rerum temporalium administratio cum gravi Ecclesiae damno, quoties huic malo aliud remedium afferi
bad administration of temporal goods with grave harm to the Church, when no other remedy can be found to
eliminate this harm.

1 Si ex instructione peracta constiterit adesse causam de qua in can. 1740, Episcopus rem discutiat cum duobus
parochis e coetu ad hoc stabiliter, a consilio presbyterali constituto, Episcopo proponente, selectis; quod si exinde
censeat ad amotionem esse deveniendum, causa et argumentis ad validitatem indicatis, parocho paterne suadeat ut
intra tempus quindecim dierum renuntiet.
1 If an investigation shows that there exists a reason mentioned in 1740, the Bishop is to discuss the matter with
two parish priests from a group stably chosen for this purpose by the council of priests, at the proposal of the
Bishop. If he then believes that he should proceed with the removal, the Bishop must, for validity, indicate to the
parish priest the reason and the arguments, and persuade him in a fatherly manner to resign his parish within
fifteen days.
2 De parochis qui sunt sodales instituti religiosi aut societatis vitae apostolicae, servetur praescriptum can. 682, 2.
2 For parish priests who are members of a religious institute or a society of apostolic life, the provision of 682 2
is to be observed.


Renuntiatio a parocho fieri potest non solum pure et simpliciter, sed etiam sub condicione, dummodo haec ab Episcopo
legitime acceptari possit et reapse acceptetur.
The resignation of the parish priest can be given not only purely and simply, but even upon a condition, provided
the condition is one which the Bishop can lawfully accept and does in fact accept.


1 Si parochus intra praestitutos dies non responderit, Episcopus iteret invitationem prorogando tempus utile ad
1 If the parish priest has not replied within the days prescribed, the Bishop is to renew his invitation and extend
the canonical time within which a reply is to be made.
2 Si Episcopo constiterit parochum alteram invitationem recepisse, non autem respondisse etsi nullo impedimento
detentum, aut si parochus renuntiationem nullis adductis motivis recuset, Episcopus decretum amotionis ferat.
2 If it is clear to the Bishop that the parish priest has received this second invitation but has not replied, even
though not prevented from doing so by any impediment, or if the parish priest refuses to resign and gives no
reasons for this, the Bishop is to issue a decree of removal.


Si vero parochus causam adductam eiusque rationes oppugnet, motiva allegans quae insufficientia Episcopo videantur,
hic ut valide agat:
If, however, the parish priest opposes the case put forward and the reasons given in it, but advances arguments
which seem to the Bishop to be insufficient, to act validly the Bishop must:

invitet illum ut, inspectis actis, suas impugnationes in relatione scripta colligat, immo probationes in contrarium,
si quas habeat, afferat;
invite him to inspect the acts of the case and put together his objections in a written answer, indeed to
produce contrary evidence if he has any;

deinde, completa, si opus sit, instructione, una cum iisdem parochis de quibus in can. 1742, 1, nisi alii propter
illorum impossibilitatem sint designandi, rem perpendat;
after this, complete the instruction of the case, if this is necessary, and weigh the matter with the same parish
priests mentioned in 1742 1, unless, because of some impossibility on their part, others are to be

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tandem statuat utrum parochus sit amovendus necne, et mox decretum de re ferat.
finally, decide whether or not the parish priest is to be removed, and without delay issue the appropriate


Amoto parocho, Episcopus consulat sive assignatione alius officii, si ad hoc idoneus sit, sive pensione, prout casus ferat
et adiuncta permittant.
When the parish priest has been removed, the Bishop is to ensure that he is either assigned to another office, if he
is suitable for one, or is given a pension in so far as the case requires this and the circumstances permit.


1 Parochus amotus debet a parochi munere exercendo abstinere, quam primum liberam relinquere paroecialem
domum, et omnia quae ad paroeciam pertinent ei tradere, cui Episcopus paroeciam commiserit.
1 A parish priest who has been removed must abstain from exercising the function of a parish priest, leave the
parochial house free as soon as possible, and hand over everything pertaining to the parish to the person to whom
the Bishop has entrusted it.
2 Si autem de infirmo agatur, qui e paroeciali domo sine incommodo nequeat alio transferri, Episcopus eidem
relinquat eius usum etiam exclusivum, eadem necessitate durante.
2 If, however, it is a question of a sick man who cannot be transferred elsewhere from the parochial house without
inconvenience, the Bishop is to leave to him the use, even the exclusive use, of the parochial house for as long as
this necessity lasts.
3 Pendente recursu adversus amotionis decretum, Episcopus non potest novum parochum nominare, sed per
administratorem paroecialem interim provideat.
3 While recourse against a decree of removal is pending, the Bishop cannot appoint a new parish priest, but is to
make provision in the meantime by way of a parochial administrator.





Si bonum animarum vel Ecclesiae necessitas aut utilitas postulet, ut parochus a sua, quam utiliter regit, ad aliam
paroeciam aut ad aliud officium transferatur, Episcopus eidem translationem scripto proponat ac suadeat ut pro Dei
atque animarum amore consentiat.
The good of souls or the necessity or advantage of the Church may demand that a parish priest be transferred from
his own parish, which he governs satisfactorily, to another parish or another office. In these circumstances, the
Bishop is to propose the transfer to him in writing and persuade him to consent, for the love of God and of souls.


Si parochus consilio ac suasionibus Episcopi obsequi non intendat, rationes in scriptis exponat.
If the parish priest proposes not to acquiesce in the Bishop's advice and persuasion, he is to give his reasons in


Episcopus, si, non obstantibus allatis rationibus, iudicet a proposito non esse recedendum, cum duobus parochis ad
normam can. 1742, 1 selectis, rationes perpendat quae translationi faveant vel obstent; quod si exinde translationem
peragendam censeat, paternas exhortationes parocho iteret.
Despite the reasons put forward, the Bishop may judge that he should not withdraw from his proposal. In this case,
together with two parish priests chosen in accordance with 1742 1, he is to weigh the reasons which favour and
those which oppose the transfer. If the Bishop still considers that the transfer should proceed, he is again to renew
his fatherly exhortation to the parish priest.


1 His peractis, si adhuc et parochus renuat et Episcopus putet translationem esse faciendam, hic decretum
translationis ferat, statuens paroeciam, elapso praefinito tempore, esse vacaturam.
1 If, when these things have been done, the parish priest still refuses and the Bishop still believes that a transfer
ought to take place, the Bishop is to issue a decree of transfer stating that, when a prescribed time has elapsed, the
parish shall be vacant.
2 Hoc tempore inutiliter transacto, paroeciam vacantem declaret.
2 When this time has elapsed without result, he is to declare the parish vacant.

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In causis translationis applicentur praescripta canonis 1747, servata aequitate canonica et prae oculis habita salute
animarum, quae in Ecclesia suprema semper lex esse debet.
In cases of transfer, the provisions of 1747 are to be applied, always observing canonical equity and keeping in
mind the salvation of souls, which in the Church must always be the supreme law.

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