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ENGLI!i; 1


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- Gateway
to England's
North Country


The Heartbeat
of Jamaica
Life of Plastic

A Ieep




p- cie~Iclk
M.Igorza ta

ZdOi girTlrlCIZjCll nY

egzamin y

Ksiqik PrzYgotowaflQzyJq Ucznjacj przystpujqy

do egzaminu
jaIneg0 Zjzyka ang/e/skjeg0


Przyblio uczniowiformq egzaminu i porno go w rozwijoniu

wyrnogonych no egzarninie urniejqtnoci.

przyk0d0 zestOWY

Zowierci cw,Czenhb
zgodflhe zform egzOm''

prograffb'' I standa


Pozycja zowierci sfowniczek angleisko-poiski oprctcowany w formie temcztycznej,


riemn: z.
Ksika do nabycia w ksigarniach Iingwistycznych i szkolnych na terene calego kraju.

This & That

r.M.TiRi1 r
I Narcolepsy
221 Scouting- "Service on the
Front Line of Compassion"
261 A man who's not Losing his
Grip - a Short Story of the
French Spiderman

11 I The Heartbeat of Jamaica
321 Hemingway's Ways
6J Life of Plastic

371 Manchester - Gateway to

England's North Country
141 Life is a Roller Coaster
261 The Little Brick that Made
it Big
291 Artur Boruc - The Hero
of Glasgow


When flamingos betoft, they are grey. After some time their
feathers tarn pick (or red or crimson, depending on the
species) because of their diet that is rich in beta carotene.
Dethe flamingos are often grey or pale pick because the
amount of beta carotene they are provided in their food is
quite different to what their wild colleagues fte.vo..uc.
to hatch - wyklud siq
species - gatunek
captive - trzymanywniewuli
pale - blady
to devour - poerad


Well.., ostriches DO NOT bury their heads in the sand. Nobody has ever seen them doing anything like that! This
i'nyth probably comes from Roman tftiufter, Pliny the Elder,
a react who was very inouieitive about the world around
him. He once wrote that when an ostrich sticks its head in
the sand, it feels safe thinking its whole body is concealed.
In fact, when frightened, ostriches run (very fast) or fight.
thinker - mydEciel
inquisitive - ciekawski
to stick -wntknqd
concealed - ukryty


Every country has its customs...

Farmers in England are r.e.q.ujred by law to provide their pigs with toys.
In India, people are legally allowed to marry a dog.
In Holland, you can be fined for not using a shopping basket at
In Haiti, only IL out of every 200
people own a car.
The number of births that occur in
India each year is higher than the

entire population of Australia.

In France, it is legal to marry a dead
to require - wpmagad
to provide - dostarczyh
tafne - ukaradmandatem
grocerystern - sklep spehpwczy


(Okcydent) - a broad
term referring to the Western world.
Whet the Western world precisely embraces can change depending on the
period in history. the place or the so
cial situation.
(Bruksizm) - the habit of
grinding of the teeth accompanies by
clenching of the jaw, typically at night.
It occurs in most humans at a certain
stage of their lives, usually while they
are under great stress.

taoccur - miecrniejscewystqpid

Did you know that...

lvi McDonald's salads contain
up to 60% more fat than their
Q Frozen lobsters can come
back to life when thawed.
fl Redheads require more
anesthesia to'go.uncle r than
people with other hair colors do.
vi Sheep can recognize other sheep
from pictures.
(fi Annually, the amount of garbage
that is dumped in the worlds
oceans is three times the weight
of fish that is caught from the
tIll People who ride on roller coasters
have a higher chance of having
a blood clot srthe bran
to contain - zawierad
to thaw - rozmraia6

to dump - wyrzuci6
blood clot - skrzep

enqliuh matters 122/2010


by Marta Buszkiew(cz
lastic bottles are used to
package a vast variety of
things: from juice to soft
drinks, and they play an omnipresant role in many consumers' lives,
along with other plastic products
such as plastic bags, plastic cups
and plastic wrappers. With the
growing awareness of the environmental issues which concern
plastics, a lot of people have become interested in its life cycle.
This is reel because being aware of the process behind
the production of plastics may encourage consumers to rethink the
way they use and dispose of them.
Plastic bottles are a very visible
form of plastic use and thus they
serve as a good example of how to
change attitudes towards plastic
in general.
The life cycle of a plastic bottle
starts, obviously, with the creation
of the plastic that is used to make
it. The majority of plastic bottles are
manufactured from petroleum (soculled bioplastics are another story
- they do exist, in small amounts,
but will not be mentioned here).
To produce petroleum, oil must
be extracted and then disfilluci- Oil
extraction taken piece all over the
world and it has a number of environmental impacts. In areas, where
oil is drilled from the seafloor, for
instance, oilspills are common,
and regions like the Middle East
are famous for dreaclfuitv eulluflog
fires on oh fields. Once oil has been

english matters 22/2010

extracted, it is usually moved into

container tuckers for shipping to
refinery facilities.
Most plastic bottles are made from
polyethylene tereohthalate (PET)
plastic and it is said that an estimated 30% of the world's PET goes into
plastic bottles. After production they
are sterilized, filled, capped labeled,
packed into cases, and prepared for
further fan(ppkig.At this stage in the
life cycle of a plastic bottle, it could
end up in any number of places,
from a prison to the shelf at a high
end organic shop. "One distinct
advantage to plastic bottles, in the
eyes of manufacturers", writes S.
E. Smith in his blog entry on http://, "in that they
are extremely atuccjyt making it
mach easier to ship beverages
in plastics than glass, cardboard,
metal, and other containers. Plastic bottles are also extremely jjbfiwujgh.t, with manufacturers constantly coming up with new ways to
use less plastic in their containers
to cut down on the cost of production and shipping, Shipping materials in lightweight materials is also
good for the environment, as it cuts
down on fuel costs,"
Once a PET plastic bottle ends up
in the hands of end consumers, it
has three possible fates after its
rante,cits have been drunk: itcan be
reused, recycled, or... thrown away.
lt is a fact that most plastic bottles
are made from PET plastic and
this plastic is biodegradable, but
recycling rates for plastic bottles
are actually very low, globally, Any-

plastic in each square kilometer of

where between 15-35% of plastic bottles make their way into recycling containers, depending on the region, with
the rest ending up in iacy,13flljs or as UUtar. Some Countries have attempted
to address the low recycling rate with
incentives, but because plastic bottles
are cheap and easily accessible, many
of these programs have not worked',
writes S. E. Smith.
Many ecologists believe that reusing,
followed by recycling, is the best and
the most ceo-friendly use for a plastic bottle. It can be easily reused, although people should avoid using it g
contain hot or corrosive fluids. Moreover, they should remember to wash
such bottles carefully before using for
they might contain bacteria, thereby
potentially becoming a health her-

ard for people who drink from them

repeatedly. After a plastic bottle has
been reused as many times as possible, it should be recycled. That's the
ideal situation, of course.
Once a plastic bottle enters a landfill,
it takes hundreds of years todeca,
and this can have a profound environmental impact. Unfortunately, not all
chJoeard.acl plastic bottles make their
way straight into landfills. The world
ocean plays iicxt to a stuadil growing collection of plastics. The most
common place for them is called
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We
don't actually know the size of the
garbage patch, but some people say
it could be 1300,000 square miles
which is twice the size of
France! There are 46,000 pieces of

the ocean. They come from rubbish,

poorly secured landfills, spilled shipping containers, undo variety of other
sources. The proliferation of plastics
in the world's oceans poses serious
tbras,t to many organisms living in
them. Some scientists are concerned
that, rather than breaking down entirely, plastics actually break down
into very small pieces which could potentially be consumed by microscopic
organisms. Worldwide there are Iota
of marine animals that have already
some plastic litter in their stomachs.
They vary from pieces of bottles or
toys, parts of fishing nets or from
ropes - almost any sort of plastics,
which is of course deadly for them
for they are not ecftuiopad ts_digsat it.
Come to that, neither are we.
So, the neat time you see a drink in
a plastic bottle in a shop, you should
think about the fact that it contains
substances which are billions of years
old (oil), that it may have travelled
across great distances to reach the
shelf, consuming lots of petrol and,
moreover, it will take hundreds of
years to break down. When the time

comes to dispose of that bottle, we

hope that you will turn to the recycling
bin, rather than the trash can. Or better, buy a glass bottle instead, or at

least reuse the ones you buy.

sastsariety - mnbstwo rudzajbw

poiyethyletete rep hthalate -tereftalat pslietylenu

omnipresent - wszecholtocny

to cap - eakorkowad

to contain - zawierad

to label - metkowad

thereby - wtso spusdb

crapper - spakawoole

accessible - dnstepny

case - skrzynka

repeatedly - ciqgle.wielokratnie

issue - tusestia, zagadnienie

shipping - wysylka

to decay- raokladadsip

progress - pestpp

advantage - zuleta, przewaga

profound - giphoki
to discard - pozbyd vip

to encourage - rachpcah

sturdy - macfly

to dispose ofsth - pozbyd sit ceegod

beverage - napdj

host - ywiciel

to manufacture - wytwaread

cardboard - kartonowy

steadily - stale

petroleum - ropa naftxxwa

lightweight - lekki

garbage patch - lacha dmieci

to come up with - wymydlid

square miles- mile kwadrotowe

to extract - wydobywad
to distil - destylsoad

to cut dawn no the cast - ograticzyd koset

pro iife ratio n - szybki worosl, ruzprzestrzenianie sip

to drill - prowadoid stlwierty

fate - las

to pose a throat - stanaoid zagrabenie

seafloor - dus mona

content - zawartodd

to husk dean - rnokladad sit

oil spill - wyciekropy

fishing net - sred ryloacka

common - pusseechny

landfill - slxladawanieadpaddw, to:skladswisko

dreadfully - okropnie

liner - dmied

equipped - tu:przygotnoaoy

to pollute - zanieczydcid, skaxid

to address - zajydsip

to digest -traoid

oil field - pixie naftowe

incentive - zachpta

trash can - dmietnik

rape - sonar

english matters 122/2010

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As we all know, sleeping is a ti.e.a.lcg
process that helps to regenerate our
body as well as our mind. After a long
day at work or school it is essential
to have at least eight hours' sleep.
A rico.pec process of sleeping should
include two basic stages. As research
has shown, the process Consists of
an NREM (non-rapid-eve-movement)
phase and as REM (rapid-eye-movemerit) phase. NFIEM appearsjustafter
we fall asleep. It prepares our body to
cost by lowering our temperature and
slowing down our heartbeat. Then, after approximately 40-90 minutes, we
enter the REM stage. Duringthis stage
our body can rest properly and our
mind can dealw)th all the stresses of
the day. Moreover, we can only dream
during the REM phase. If a person is
tie cixuecLof this stage and experiences only NREM, it is highly possible that
he or she will suffer from drowsiness,
stress or will even be more susceptible to illnesses. Hence. the REM stage
is essential and may appear senecal
times during the night.

Sleeping Disorders
The transition between all sleeping
stages is controlled by our brain. However, if the brain's chemistry is j[

turbed this brain function is broken.

This handicap may manifest itself in
many different ways.
Many people suffer from insomnia a lack of sleep caused, in majority of
cases, by stressful life situations (like
unemployment, a divorce, exams) or
extreme changes in our daily routines.
Periods of insomnia can happen to
everyone. However, if insomnia is connected with depression, addiction or
if it lasts longer than three weeks it
can be dangerous and lead to suicidal
At the other end of the spectrum there
is narcolepsy - a chronic sleep disorder
that manifests itself in irresistible sleepiness. We can say that we are narcoleptic
when ourbrain does not control the transition between sleep! ng stages. The first
symptoms of this illness may appear as
early as in adolescence. The 21 is usually
ocecodoti by some strong emotions like
fear or excitement. A narcoleptic person seems to fall asleep at the drop of
xisat. It may look like a loss of consciousness but in reality it is a sudden transition into a deep sleep, However, it is not
a normal sleeping process. The sufferer
switches from full consciousness to the
REM phase immediately without any
preparation phase. Without the NREM
phase and the minutes before it, the
narcoleptic cannot control the place
where he or she will have this fit of irresistible sleepiness. That is why many
narcoleptics are unable to drive a car 1110

healing - leozniczy

several- kilka

essential - niezbtdny

sleeping disorders - zabuezeeia son

proper- odpawieclni

transition - przojdcie

to Consist of - skla dad siz

to disturb - zaktdcid

NREM (non-rapid-eye-msaennentl - sen

ginboki (wolne rachy galek ocenych)
REM (rapid -eye-movement) - sen

handicap - upakledzenie
insomnia - bezsennodd
unemployment - bezrebacie

paradoksalny (szybkie rachy gate

to last - trwad


suicidal - samebdicey

to rest - odpoozywak

irresistible - niendparty

approximately - okolo

adolescence - dojrzeeanie

to deal with - radzid sob le

ho - napad, atak

moreover - ponadto

to precede - poproedrad

On he deprived olsth - bykcregod

at the drop eta hat - natychmiast

drowsiness - sennodd

loss of consciousness - atrata


susceptibly to - padatny na

sufferer - paojent

hence - stpd

to switch - utnieniad, pnzeohodztc


people & lifestyle

or to use certain electrical devices

without suoervimion. The fit may lust
a few minutes or even several hours.
During this time, it is impossible to
wake the sick person up. Apart from
osessuso daytime sleepiness, a narcoleptic additionally experiences stages of ct leruni sleep paralysis, and
hallucinations. Those phases normally
appear at night when a healthy person
enters the REM stage. Of course not
all symptoms have to occur at.once.
The most common is paralysis and the
most dangerous is cataplesy. Although
narcolepsy in not fatal, it can cause
numerous hazardous situations during which a narcoleptic person may be
Injured or even killed.

Causes and Treatment

There is no one particular source of
this illness. In the 20th century, scientists found a gene that seems to be
responsible for a high susceptibility to
narcolepsy. The gene is called HLA/
DR2 and is responsible for creating
a specific protein that is essential for
proper brain functioning. An interestingfact is that there are nations where
the range of people suffering from
narcolepsy in extremely high. In Japan
this is one in every 600 inhabitants. in the USA, it is one in every
1,200 citizens. The lowest number of
narcoleptics in in Israel (1/500000). If
we look at these numbers from a genetic perspective, it is no surprise as

10 englioh mcilleru 122/2010

Japan is a homogeneous country with

a low influx of new genetic material.
While Israel is a very young country
and its inhabitants come from allover
the world and, as a result, the gene
pool is highly heterogeneous.
The method of treatment is chosen
individually for every narcoleptic. If
narcolepsy is connected with catsplevy it is necessary to take drugs
that are able to improve control over
the fits however, there is no medicine
that can completely remove the symptoms). When narcolepsy is not connected with cataplevy and is benign, treatment is focused on controlled daytime
naps that reduce unexpected fits.





device - urzdzenie
supervision - nadzdr
recession - nadeierny
cataplexy - katupleksja
to occur - pojawidsi
at once - natychmiast
fatal - imiertelny
hazardous - niebezpieozny
protein - bixtivo
whereas - pnciczas gdy
homogenous -jednorodny
influx - naplyw
heterogeneous - niejedrorodny
benign - lagodry
nap - drzenoka

culture I


The Heartbeat
of Ja ica

by Marta LudwiczakOdziemska

When you hear reggae, you think Bob Marley. When you think Bob
Marley, you see dreadlocks and a gpjj.ff. And while this association
is absolutely true, reggae music, and Bob Marley himself, are about
a lot much more than just smoking pot and twisl!ng hair into dreads.
Reggae can be everything - music, culture, religion, life style and

verything started from mento

music which was born in Jamaica in the 19th century.
Mento - sometimes called the
grandfather of reggae - has never
become as popular outside Jamaica, though. In the 1950s and
1960s. Jamaican musicians started
to mix mento with American jazz and
R&B, as a result of which ska music
was created. After some time, the
rocknteady style appeared as a resuit of slowing down the skn tempo
and eventually, by 1988, reggae was
There is no consent as to the origin
of the word 'reggae. It was probably used for the first time in 1968
by Toots and the Maytalu in their hit
Do the Reggay the spelling has
slightly changed). According to some,
the word comes from the Ffegga tribe
from Lake Tanganyika. Others claim
that reggae is simply the dntclecf
word streggae which in a Jamaican
slang term for a prostitute. Bob MarIvy - the icon of reggae - believed
that the word d.erjse.cI from Spanish,
meaning 'the king's music'. Some
other musicians claim that it is simply a description of the beat of this
music. One way or another, the popularity and influence of reggae music
noon eggnded beyond Jamaica to
inspire musicians all over the world.
These days, we even have quite a few
Polish reggae bands. Although, do
not take it for granted- that their music - although genuine and sincutS
- will have this special spirit present
in Jamaica.
spliff - skryt
association - skojarzenie
to smoke put pal ldtrawk
totwlst - skrflcad
eventually - ostatecznie
consent - ugoda
origin - pochoduenie
jtribe - pIemlc
distorted - znieksztatcony
to derive -v6wadzidsif
toexpand - rozwiJadsi,szerzydsi
take sth for granted - brac cog za
genuine - autentyczny
sincere- szczery


english matters 122/2010


4 culture


Roots reggae - a type of music

strongly connected to the Rastafari
movement that carries along a religious message. Its representatives
include Burning Spear, Peter Tosh and
Horace Andy.
Rockers - a more romantic style,
featuring primarily love songs and ballads. It emerged in the late 1970s and
in performed by such crooners. as Gregory muses, Dennis Brown and Freddie McGregor.
Dancehall - originally called ragamuffin or ragga - evolved in the 1980s.
with artists such as Eek-A-Mouse, Yeliowmon or Super Cat, It consists in
chatting or speaking in rhyme over
stripped-down sounds, Modern dancehail DJ's include Sizzla, Elephant Man
or Buju Banton.
One important thing about reggae in
that it has kept evolving in new directions and styles practically ever since
it was born. The following varieties
(some call them styles, others - subgenres) can be distinguished within
reggae music:

Ska - as has already been mentioned,

she was e kind of forerunner of reggae or,
as some petit, attacbinerof this gc.nco.
It was developed in the 1950s-1960s.
The music is dominated by drums and
bass guitar. Among she performers
there are: Toots and the Maytals, The
Skataliten, Desmond Dekker, Two-tone,
The Mighty
- Mighty Bosstones.

as Delroy Wilson, Bob Andy or Phyllis

Dillon (Queen of Rocksteadp'(.

Dub - a type of music that is created by adding or removing voices,

instruments and sound effects on
existing recordings. The technique
originated in the 1970s and was
popularized by such artists as Lee
Scratch' Perry, King Tabby and Augustus Pablo. Currently, dub music has developed into a more independent style often related to
electronic music by artists such as
Adrian Sherwood, Zion Train, African
Heed Charge and Mad Professor.


Toasting (it later developed into

- e slower version of Deejaying) - talking or chatting over
ska which involves soulful artists such a riddim (rhythm(.
to evolve - ecowijaesip
variety - rndrai, be
to distinguish - wyrOfniad
within - a nbrbie
to mention - wspominad
forerunner - peekansor
harbinger - zepowieds, zwiastun
genre - gatunek
soulful - smutny, ssttay
to emerge - pejawid sq
crooner - piesenkorz w stylu sweet

12 english matters 122/2010

to consist in - polegad no
stripped-dewy - prosty
to intertwine - preeplatad sip
In keep in mind - pomiqtarf
inextricably linked with - nierozerwelrie
zwiqzary 0
creole - itzvk kreelski
slave trade - hanelel niewolnikarni
primarily - glbwnie
captivity - eiewnla

Many artists (including those mentioned above( perform a few varieties

of reggae music, which is quite natural
as these styles often intertwine with
one another and it is sometimes difficult even to draw a clear line between
them. One subgenre stems from another and all of them include certain
elements that are repeatable as well
asfeutures thatdistinguish them such
an, for instance, the language.
While some songs are performed in
Standard English, we must keep in
1ngi that reggae is inextricably linked
with Jamaican Patois, an EnglishAfrican creole language. A creole is
a language which develops on the basis of a colonists' language involving
elements of native language(s). The
emergence of a creole was often connected with the slave trade, Jamaican
Patois an a non-standard language
(and one that exists primaril ass spoken language( has no standardized
form of writing TItus, one word maybe
written in severol diffe re nt ways, which
makes it quite confusing and hard to
understand for foreigners. Apart from
Jamaican Patois, rasta artists use Jamaican English (a dialect of English
that involves both American English
and British English dialects) or a dialect of English which was modified by
Africans taken into captivity so that it

did not that closely resemble the imposed colonial language. Regardless
of which of these dialects is used,
you will have an unclear impression
of a certain familiarity of the words
you hear, but at the same time it may
be hard to understand what is being
said or sung. In extreme cases you will
need an English translation in order to
get the message. If you want to experience voice real Patois in genuine
contest, you can watch 'Thy Rockers'
movie (it is an,aJJJe on DVD, search
ovine).itwiii give you asdiiripic of the
language (English s.i,ibtittas will make
it possible to understand what is gong on) as well as rasta culture, philosophy and music (the soundtrack i ncl udes Bu mi ng Spear. Gregory Isaacs,
K dos I, Leroy Wallace and others).
A very interesting cultural eeperience!
When analyzing reggae music, it isimpossible not to mention the Rastafari
movement. This religious movement
emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s.
Rastafarians worship Haile Selassie
I who was the emperor of Ethiopia in
the years 1930-1936 and 1941-1974
as they believe he was incarnation
of the Christian God called Jah. The
name 'Rastafari' is taken from the
title of Hale Selassie I ('Ray' Ethiopia n equivalent of Oi.xke) and his given
name (Tafuri). The movement rejects
western society (and all the negative
qualities connected with it in particular) which is called 'Babylon and pow

warms Africa ('Zion') the birthplace of

mankind to which men will eventually
return. These issues are very often
raisad in reggae songs. The Rastafari
movement embraces, among many
other things, spiritual use of manivana which is to help meditation.
Many Rastafarians say that Rastafari
is more a way of livingthan a religion.
And they usually do not like it to be
called 'Rautafaransm' as they think
th 1 s name is offens ive. They see words
ending with 'lam' atones that aim at
dividing the children of Jab. They believe in the rule 'No ism, no schism'.
Among many symbols related to reggae and the Rastatari, there are colours. The original colours of Rastafarians include red, gold and green.
They are richly symbolic, referring to
rasta history and religion. There are
interpretations relating these colours
to the flues of the flags of Jamaica or
Ethiopia land they do appear on these
flags), but, in fact, their symbolism is
as follows:

Much more could be written about

reggae music, its roots, development,
influences and implications. But probably nothing will explain better its
grandness than Bob Manley's words
from one of his aintbainlo songs: 'One
good thing about music, when it hits
you feel no pain.
v www,potentbrew,com/skaregdu,htm

;kt po
tit AN

.1 11is



tile Is
a Roller


by MsrtaBuszkiewicz






Europa PT:
in German


Europa Park is located in Rust,






he greyness and dullness of

the everyday r
might sometimes be overwhelming, the
breakfast toast and morning coffee
start to taste a bit fif and even the
weekends do not let you take a good
deep breather. Thrills, adrenaline
boosts and opine-chilling adventures
are desperately needed to stop the
humdrum of the nine-to-five routine.
Here we are now, entertain us.
want to sing, together with Kurt
bsini from Nirvana. Therefore it is
rstarduble that many people all
around the world (I bet you are also
one of them!) are desperately looking for excitement and thrills. At the
same time, they wart to spend some
quality time with their families as well.
an they are very often neglected due
to the daily grind. Of course, the fun
should be safe and convenient, too.
Amusement and theme parks give
their visitors exactly what they are
looking for - sheer excitement, safe
entertainment and as electrifying adventure everyone can share together
with their children, opouiopo, friends
and even.., grand pa rents. Desgitia the

ups and downs throughout its history,
spending leisure time in amusement
parks is as popular as ever all over
the world. Each year new roller coast
em, often bigger and faster than the
old ores, are built, vast areas of new
amusement parks are opened to the
public and more and more people are
mesmerized by the fantastic worlds of
newly opened theme parks.

jj:s and pleasure


There is only a gijg)tt difference between

the terms amusement park and theme
park. TheJutLerisa newer invention and
is differentiated from an amusement
park by its various "ends" (sections,
parts) devoted to telling a particular
story. All the elements of one land', i.e.
architecture, landscaping, stores, rides,
and even food are supposed to support
one specific theme. There is a vast army of themes to be observed in theme
parks; ghost towns, the wild west, drag
on lands, European countries (especially attractive in American parks), Sesame
Street, Disney characters and many others. The original theme park, and archetype of the designation, is Disneyland in
California. In typical amusement parks,
in turn, the borders between its words
or themes are rather blurred and not
that distinctive. They all serve one purpose: to entertain and thrill the adrena
lirne-cranrtg crowds.

In Europe amusement parks evctvucl

from fairs and pleasure gardens,
which were created for people's recreation. The difference between the
latter and other public gardens is
in their additional entertainment to
the greenery, concert hello or bandstand , rides, zoos or menageries.
Marry of the first public pleasure
gardens, which were opened in London in the 18th and 19th centuries,
also contained large concert halls or
besIde promenade concerts. Caciosido
fairs, on the other hand, are said to
be the parent to modern amusement
parks. Unlike parks, fairs did not have
a fixed location as they took place
seasonally, due to the celebrations
and Esaute which were hefd during
the year. Seasonal festivals (Oktoberfest in Germany, annual good harvest
feasts and so on) were a natural environment for the development of
amusement attractions. These fairs
toalii,red esidQcia exft8Jts, baking and
cooking competitions. Among periodic
fairs, there was one more kind - the
exposition or World's Fairs. They were
held to demonstrate the economic
success and leadership of a particular
country. World's Fairs began in 1851

dullness - monotone

Amusement or theme?

with the construction of the landmark

Crystal Palace in London, England. In
this case its purpose was to celebrate
the industrial achievement of the nations of the wo'ld (of which Britain jest
happened to be the leader). Later on,
other World's Fairs took place, among
w 1 c one is especially Worth giefgtion
jag. Its the World's Co I umbian Expos i
tion (1893, Chicago). This fair was an
asuotoxed site that rnnngect entertain
ment, engineering and education to
entertain the crowds. To make sure
that the fair was a financial success, the planners included a dedicated amusement concessions area
called the Midway Plasance. Rides
from this fair esefiij:ed the imaginations of the vsitors, and of amusemeet parks around the world, such
as the first Ferris wheel, which was
found later in many other amusement areas. One of the wheels is
to be found in the Prater in Vienna,
Austria, erected in 1897 to celebrate
Emperor Franz Josef the First's GoIden Jubilee, and has an overall height
of 212.4 feet.

Trolley 'arks
and Coney island
American trolley parks were something
In between fairs and real amusement
parks they were the tent step in

vast area razlegly obszar

to contain zawiarac, obelnnewaf

eush - paspiech,pd

mesmerized - zafuscyrowany

to host - bye guspudarzem

overwhelming - pnoyttuozuivyry

night - ninenaceny

promenade concert - concert promenadawy

fiat - mdly nifuki

the latter - tee drug

periodic - ekresewy

to take a goad deep breather zrob 16 subie

to diff ere ntiate - odroanic

feast - swi5ts, nczta

devoted to poswicory cannon

to hold organizowac

thrill - dresecayk, emuclonu)pce przefycie

landscaping - krajnbraz

adrenaline boost - przypiyw adreaaiiuy

ride - finatrahnia)karuzela, ko I eikagornka itp.)

good harvest feast - ilezynk

spine -chill ng - mrozecy kres a zyiach

array - wybnr

to feature pnzedstuwiac

annual - duruczny

humdrum menotonia

designation - okredlenie

livestock - ywy inwentarz

entertain - zabaw uf

in turn zholei

exhibit wyntuwa

to bet - zoktoduc si

border - granica

andmark - charakterystycony abiekt

to neglect - zuniedhywac

blurred - niewyronry

achievement - esign ecie

to mention - aspomniec

the dully grind - cndzienny mlyn

distinctive - choeakteiystyczny

convenient blinks psisbary

craving- grid, prugnienie

enclosed site - agredeone miejuce

to share - doelif

fair wasole miastaczkv, targ, kivnnssz

to merge ycoyf

spouse - mulronek/mafzsnka

to evolve - rozwiiuc sit

to capture - zdsbyd

pleasure garden - park eatrakciaei

to erect - wzoiesc. obadowac

despite pomime


concert hail salakorcertowa

overall calknwity

ups and downs - waiuty 1 u pad k

bandstand - estrada

trolley park -

leisure time - cues woiny

menagerie - menuzena


USA. park razrywiii

zlokalizowaoy a olvolicach ytti i tramwajuwej

english matters 122/2010


the entertainment industry, The treed
started in the 19th century, in the U.S.
when electric trolley lines were developed in most of the larger American
cities. Trolley pals were created by
the streetcar companies to gi so people
a reason to use their services on weekends. These parks originally consisted
of picnic groves and povOons, and often held events such as dances, concerts and fireworks. Many later on added features such as swimming pools,
carousels, roller coasters, sports fields..
boat rides, restaurants and other resort fsnciifies to become real amuse
ment parks eventual y.
streetcar - tramwaj
to consist of skiadac sip
picnic grove miejsce p knikooe
pavilion - pawilon
resort - kurort
futility - obiekt
eventually - ostatecanie
admission ostpp
fee - uplata
to cut a longstoryshort- lnmtluomowuvlc
to settle down - usodowicsi
to flourish - kwitneit
omnipresent wsaechobecny
parallel - mwno egly
Gilded Age - Wick poelacany
wealthy - zannory
eager chgtoy
newfound - oowu orlkrytp
efficiency - wydajnotd
simultaneously - rownocresnie
toe nco u rage - sprzyjac
drop - spadek
to provide sb with sth - zopewnic cot

to decline - spadac, zmniejszac

attendance - obeurnost
affluent - zamauny
suburbs - preedmietcia
factor ceynnili
crime rate oskadnikprcestepczotci
urban decay - degrudacia miast
desegregation - desegregacfa
conglomerate - korglomerat(koncem)
to allow for uwzgldniab
to make up - twonzyii
violence - przemoc
to obscure odgrsddc, zaslonit
fence - ogroazenie
to reinforce - wzmoceid

16 english matters 22/2010

Many of these parks were bait in resort

locations, where people could go bath
ing, for instance atthe seaside. A perfect
example of that were the many amusement parks developed on Corey Island
in NYC. Between 1880 and World War
11 it was the largest amusement area in
the United States, affront ngseveral m I
lion visitors per year. At its height Coney
Island already contained three competing
amusement parks Luna Park.
Dreamland and Steeplechase Park.
as well as many independent amusements. It was also there, that the payment system was charged for the first
time. Usually the adminsri.p policy was
that visitors paid-as-they-went, so each
time they wanted to take a ride or use
another attraction in the park they had
to pay. However, another admission
policy called the 'pay-one-price" ticket
was first used by George Tlyou at Steeplechase Park on Coney Island in 1897.
The entrance fee was 25 cents for entrance to the park and visitors could
enjoy all of the attractions an much an
they wanted. To cot a long story short,
the amusement business settled down
for good in the United Staten and began to tiouc.u/u. The only threat to them
was posed by fl-u, chick was odrutplsa:
net in the era when all the rides were
built of wood. In 1911 Dreamland was
the fist Casey Island amusement park
to completely burn down. Some ethers
followed within the next few yearn until
better fire security methods were introduced and steel attractions were built.
Nevertheless, this did not stop people
stepping into the so-celled golden age
for amusement parks, running juacalle
with the Gilded Age in the U.S.

Gilded thrills before

Among with industrial and population
expanson. Americans became wealthier and more cogoc to spend their newtoured wealth on leisure activities and
entertainment. Moreover, they started
working fewer hours and finally had
time to go to the places that showed
the changes taking place around them.
The amusement parks could very well
reect the mechanizaton and efficien-

cy of industrialization while s rnultane

ously nerving as a source of fantasy
and escape from real life. The American Gilded Age was, in fact, the amusement parks golden age, lasting until
the late 1920s. By the end of the First
World War, peopleseemedtowanteven
more exciting entertainment, a need
met mainly by the roller counters. This
era saw the development of the new
innovations in toiler coasters that encouraged extreme drops and speeds
to thrill bored riders. Although the development of the automobile provided
people ivitbi more options for satisfying

Lets now take a closer look at some European parks; it you have not Planned
your holiday vet, it might be really helpful!
Legoland in Denmark



Walihi in Belgium
Walibi theme park is located in Wavre.
Walibi Park is said to be not for people who love their tislydo neatly set.
The roller coaster ride will raise their
hair in a few seconds. There are many
roller coasters whose names make
you shiver with fear: Turbine, Calans
itt Mine, Cobra, Coccinelle, Vampire
or Werewolf, but you shouldn't avoid
them,.. Werewolf is a wooden roller
coaster that is sure to take your
breath away. Looking for adventure?
What are you waitingfor? Walibi Park
is the number one choice!

to operate dzialart



to splash - och la pad

No need to introduce Legoland - the

Lego paradise in Denmark which
is known to every kid. The theme is
ased on historical events so you
can see Pirate Lagoon with foam and
waterfalls, and pirate battles. Pirate
Waterfalls Playground will gee your
children and you if you wish the op
porturitytobecomeapiratearacaptam. Something for people with imagi
nation or childhood nostalgia.


'' ..a


Siam Park on Tenerife, Spain

Siam Park is a water park on Tenerife in Spain and the theme of this park is
Thailand. It has been operating there since 2008 and offers its visitors namerova water attractions such as the Tower of Power, which is a verities! transparent slide, with 280 steps leading to the top (but visitors climb only 169 of them).
The Wave Palace is a pool with white sand beach, where some artificial three
meter high waves will splash you all over! So, if you and your family like water
vndenjoywatergames,v [sit SiumParkon Ten erife,

I leisure





by Anna Richards

A look into LEGO

ets start with a simple fact:
LEGO is everywhere. There are
actually more multicoloured
LEGO bricks on this lump of rock
we call the Earth than there are humans inhabiting its domain. Exactly
62 bricks for every person alive. Now
doesn't that make you think? And it is
not only kids that enjoy the pastirne
which building with LEGO offers. All
around the globe, adults have their
own bright ideas of what to do with
the stuff. LEGO clubs like the 'Bricknh Association in the UK are ypjpg
iilguju worldwide. All in the name of
building the most weird and wonderful things out of what in, on the face
of it, newJy a child's favourite toy.
You may never know if your nest door

18 english matters 2212010

neighbour doesn't happen to have

a 60,000-brick scale model of St. Pancras Station in his living room, as IT
consultant and company head Warren
Elsmore does, an Edinburgh-based
LEGO fanatic who recently spent 18
months designing an 11,000-brick
representation of Scotland's Forth
Railway Bridge. But LEGO isn't all
about fun. It can be used for serious
technical design too. It was the inspiration behind the creation of the
Falkirk Wheel, the world's only oGL
ing boat lift - also in Scotland. And to
think it all started with an idea...
Just imagine - it's Denmark in
the 1930s. Europe is not yet tfo
of the Great Depression, jobs are
scarce and reserves of cash are

nauka i powto"Aa
jqzyka dia kadego!

slowly running dry. Ole kirk Christiansen earns his daily bread making wooden toys for children in his
native town of Billund. By 1934 he
had established his own company,
and christened it LEGO, a strangesounding word which is a tacJuljjjg
of the Danish words leg' and 'godt',
together meaning, literally 'play
well" (a great coincidence being
that the word also means "I put together" in Latin). At this time Christiansen was still producing wooden
toys. This changed in 1947, when
be turned to the fashionable new
material plastic, all the rage in the
1940n, with all the exciting new opportunities it offered. 1949 marks
the date when LEGO produced its
first plastic bricks. This was the OSh
can.) moment in LEGO history.
Over the years the number of LEGO
employees has increased 1000-fold,
from a singularly unimpressive seven
employees in 1939, to the modern
army of 7,000 working in connection
with the company today.
The question which immediately
comes to mind at this point is: how on
earth did these little bricks become so
incredibly popular that every minute
313,000 of them are produced in Oillend, the epicentre of all things LEGO;
and each second seven whole LEGO
sets are sold to lucky people all over
the world? Not to mention the 5 BIL-

LION hours a year that children flowsdays spend playing with LEGO?
The first thing to consider has to be
the quality of the little things; treating
lii..rnintr that only 18 bricks in every
million tjj to come up to the corneany(.s exacting standards. Another fact
worth mentioning is the family aspect
ofa firm which has been naeainoreci
through the Christiansen line over
three generations. Whether its Ole,
Gotfred or Kjeld at the helm, the


.to earn
daily bread
to christen - ochrzci6
to be all



-iu krzykiem

singularly un impressive wyjiltkowo







company continues to thrive and grow.

Over the years it has also been importart that LEGO has kept producing its
wares in Billund, and not succumbed
too much to the pressure of oroosoing a cheap workforce abroad. Finally,
LEGO has never failed to keep up with
the times, always watching closely
what is fashionable and popular with
the young generation. Jienos LEGO
Star Wars, LEGO Indiana Jones. LEGO
Bob the Builder and finally LEGO Hurry Potter, complete with wand, scot,
glasses and all... Thus, no matter what
your field of interest, whether it be pirates, planes or princesses, yoti.cdn
bet your bottom dollar that LEGO has
something to tickle your toy-starved
Thsnkstotheneand many otherfocters,
LEGO has recently been deemed 'the
Toy of the Century' by the British Association of Toy Retailers, and has attained
the status of 'Producer of the Century',
accordingto Fortune magazine.

20 english matters 122/2010

Whereas LEGO is mostly restricted

to the ainpines of toy shops, there are
places is the world where architects
have allowed their imaginations to
roam free and created magical ministure towns, built entirely from the small
isterconnecting bricks that we are all
familiar with. The veryfirstoftheparks
known as LEGO LAN Ds was of course at
Billund. It comprises an astounding 50
million LEGO bricks, which are divided
between 7 specially-themed areas.
But even this great total cannot match
Britain's very own 55 million-brick
LEGOLAND Windsor (a store's throw
(ronnu Windsor Castle), which boasts
rides and serious other attractions
for children, but first and foremost
a whogpin 40 million of those bricks
all stacked atop one another to form
a perfect little LEGO world called "Mi
niland". There, it is like a world tour.
with ML Rushmore: the Space Shuttle
on the Iaunchnod at Cape Kennedy:
Hamlet's Elsinore Castle: the Windmills

of Holland; a worki
car in the LEGO vera
Alps; and the Parb
- all within walking
another. London is
sented, with a LEGO
Queen contemplatin

of the LEGO Guard ii

model of Backinghar
which a Royal Gard
swing with guests oh
shade of a refreshmr
boats host along a ti
rig a majestic lowe
so.aniiag skyscrapers
"Gherkin" et al. Bells
minster Abbey corn
experience, and th
then passes on to of
riosities of the UK,
spot-Avon (the birthi
Will Shakespeare), C
Wales, or Stonehengi
QwLciLto all these
many more besides,
nor was ttuflbocf "Wil
lar new attraction"
its opening in 1991
second LEGO Park ir
So LEGOLANID Parks illustrate how,
with a little imagination, and a LOT
of LEGO, it is possible to build anything that tomes to mind. The possibilities are endless, and the sky
- being a mere 40,000,000,000
bricks away (exactly the number you
would need to build a tower reeds
trig the Moon) - is no longer an acceptable limitl

english matters 22/2010






Sco14ti1 -"Service Oft f4e Fromi

18"he of C


by Maria Dasiewicz

For over a century, Scouting has fostered the personal development of young people, with the
express purpose of catering for the physical and social, as well as the intellectual and spiritual
aecsLs of youngsters. All this is achieved through "learning by doing", which means that young
people aged 6-25 work together in groups or teams, take risks within acceptable limits, shoulder responsibility for their actions, and learn to think for themselves. This in turn is conducive to
building a more responsible and conscientious youth within a society.
22 english matters 122/2010

people & lifestyle

oy Scouts daily strive to act according to the ideals stated in
the Scout Oath and the Scout
Low. The idea is to develop selfcontrol and determination in young
people. Scouts meet in small groups,
so-called patrols, where they learn
bow to co-operate and there responsibilities while doing various outctooc
tusks. At tr= meetings they practice
skills and activities which are later
tested in real life situations during
Outdoor Programs.
Scouting is all about advancement,
movement and growing in bSifrreli
same and self-confidence. In order to
do this, young people are faced with
a number of surmountable obstacles
and challenges. Each achievement is
rewarded accordingly. In recognition
of the newly acquired shills or participation in a given activity, Scouts
receive Activity Badges such as Artist,
Canoeist, Cover, Astronomer, Meteorologist, Hill Walker, Lifesaver, Navigator, and many others. To receive
a badge, a Scoot has to maul certain
requirements which are basically designed to test his skills and knowledge. Each Scout decides on what
badges he wants to achieve to develop his talents. There are 70 badges
that may be Mined by a Scout in the
UK. Apart from Activity Badges which
prove one's skills, a Scout may receive a special typo of award, such as
Awards for CeJJantrs for Meritorious

to obey proestnuegad
merntaltyawuke - przytxmny
compassion - wspdluzucie

to foster- popierad
express purpose - oyradny eel
to cater forth o needs - oaspokajad
to achieve - osiygnqc
to shoulder - oziyd na swoje baeki
con cluciveto - spnayjajqcy
conscientious - sumienny
to strive to do sth - uxilowac cod
patrol - zastqp
outdoor tasks - zadania no dwrebym

troop - oddzial
advancement - rnrzwbi
self-reliance - samodzietnndri
self-confidence - wianu w sinbie
to face oh with obstacles - stawiat pond
kimd przeszkody
surmountable - moil iwydo pokonania
obstacle - przesrkoda
challenge - wyzwarrie
accordingly - stosownie,
recognition - uznanie

uciciu.ct, or for Good Service. These

are given to those who gilugilayegi exceptional courage, endurance and
devotion to duty under conditions of
pressure and suffering. The most often earned merit badges are First Aid,
Swimming, Camping, Cooking, and
Citizenship in the Community.
Scout membership is determined
by one's age. There are Cub Scouts
(boys aged 7-11), Boy Scouts (11
through 17 years old), Varsity Scouting (14 through 17 years old), Venturing (aged 16.20) and Eagle Scouts.
Each type of Scouting has different
Activity Badges, mottos, slogans, and
awards. The most prominent group is
the Eagle Scouts (17-25), the highest
advancement rank in Boy Scooting.
To earn the rank a Boy Scout has to
progress through specially designed
ranks and earn 21 merit badges
which include Citizenship in the Community, Nation and World. Environmental Science, Camping, Personal
Fitness, Family Life, Hikjo , Swimming
or Cycling, and Emergency Prepared
rscaa of Lifesaving. Also, he has to be
a leader of a troop for xis months, and
has to come up with u plan of development or act as a leader for a service project for a given school, community or religious organization.
The constructive role of Scouting has
been complimented since its incupr
ti.ont. Former presidents of America
George W. Sash, William J. Clinton, 00to gain - zyskad
gallantry - watecznsdd, mqnbso
meritorious conduct - zacEoaarnie
zaslugojqce na wyrObsienie
to display - okazad
endurance - aytnzymalodb
devotion - podwiqoenie
merit - zusluga
cub scout - nuch
boy scout - harcerz
eagle scout - skaut-zdobywca
21 oprawnaici

to acquire - uzyskad

rank - stopieii

shills - sprawnoici

hiding - wqdrdwki

canoeist - kajakara

preparedness - pezygatowanie

caxen - grotolaz

to come up with sth - synydlid

badge - odenaka

to compliment - chwalib

to meet requirements - spelniad wymagania

inception - poastanie

english matters 122/2010


people & lifestyle

boys and young men. They became
deeply engrossed in his book, which
in truth was militarytrainingmanual
vised for soldiers and presented
techniques like tracking, initiative, or



J G1tt1L)IJ5



takes fourth piece in the all time best

sellers list, behind the Bible, the Koran, and Mao-Tse-Tung's Little Red
Originally, already existing groups of
boys were to adapt their rules according to Scouting for Boys. However, it




J Jin!J/Ei

transpired that boys outside youth

movements bought the book and set
about making their own Patrols of
Scouts. Soon people recognised the
necessity of starting an organisation
that would support the "first Scouts".
Baden-Powell himself stcuaasrl the
nature of Scouting as a movement,
rather than organisation. "As soon
as it stops moving, it becomes an Organisation, and is no longer Scouting."
In the beginning, the movement was
rather disorganized, with Scout Lead-




god ny za ufa n ia

courteous - upf'zejmy

of boys from London and Bournemouth. The book came out in 1908
and sold like hot cakes. [tin alleged

that Bodes-Powell's Scouting for Boys


Consequently, Baden-Powell was
persuaded by various youth movement officials to write such a book for
young boys. He even went camping on
Brownsea Island in Dorset in order to
try out his ideas on four larger groups


thrifty - oszczdny
referent - yobony


ers having a free hand, as long as

they stuck inthe "ideals of Scouting".

Soon, the Scout Association was set

no and in 1910 Baden Powell retired
from the Army and devoted his entire
time and resources to Scouting. From
that time Scouting has become an ex
tremely popular form of youth movement, spreading to other European
countries and taking root in the U.S.
Currently, Scouting is active in 218
countries and boasts over 28 million
members all over the world. There
are thousands of different Scouting
organizations, such as The Scout Association in the United Kingdom, Boy
Scouts of America in the U.S,, Order
of World Scouts, Confkdration Europenne de Scoutisme, or World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl

George H. W. Bush and many of their

predecessors expressed gW.titucLe and Scouting in their speeches.
For almost a century, the Boy Scouts
of America have helped to make volunteer service an American ideal.
With every act of kindness, you've
strengthened our nation's commitment to community and promoted
a sense of civic responsibility" (Clinton
Atthe 2005 National Scout Jamboree,
George W. Bush praised Scouts for
showing that "the greatest strength
of America lies in the hearts and

24 english mattes 1 2212010

souls of citizens", and for their giving

more than 1.4 million hours of volunteer service (year 2005 alone( and
thanked for their "service on the front
line of America's armies of compassion"

Now did it add start?

It all began with a man called Robert
Baden-Powell, a Lieutenant General in
the British Army, who, after his return
from the Bonn Wan to England, found
that his book Aids to Scouting had
quite a number of readers, especially

people & lifestyle

Scouts. Some of these, like The Scout
Association in the UK, promote international co-operation with other members of The World Organisation of the
Scout Movement, through organization of camps, projects and grantalt! for going abroad. Thus, groups of
Scouts come from various countries to
attend such world events as The World
Scout Moot and The World Scout Jamboree. A jamboree is a large, usually international gettier.iog of Scouts
which takes place every three or four
years. The first World Jamboree took
place in 1920 in London, with 8,000
Scouts from 34 countries and over
three hundred memberufrom the U.S..
Scout camps are usually organised
twice a year. Under supervision of
Guides, Scouts go walking and exploring their surroundings, such as
woods, and learn new skills like how
to make fire. They also learn how to
prepare food from what they gather in
the woods. In the evening they have
a meal at the canteen, after which
they gather together round the campfire and pass the time singing songs
and playing games, After that, they retire to their tents.
In 2008, over 1.1 million young people went to camps organised by Boy
Scouts of America. There are various
kinds of camps, depending on the
age of participants, the overall theme
of the camp, or skills to be acquired.
For instance, there are day camps and
family camps for Cub Scouts, longterm resident camps, high-adventure

camps, and high-adventure programs

for Boy Scouts and Venturers. For instance, Northern Tier National High
Adventure Program offers wilderness
canoe expeditions and cold-weather
camping in Canada and Minnesota,
whereas Philmont Scout Ranch, located in northern New Mexico, offers various "raggd activities' such as boone:
back cavalcades, backpacking treks

and service and training programs.

All in all, Scouting remains one of the
most thriving youth movements in the
world, with a gradually burgeoning
Scoot population. It has many ecintor
ontan among young and old alike, as
it is specifically aimed at young boys
and girls, and encourages each coluola
potato to spend his or her time out of

doors in a productive way.

predecessor - popreednik
gratitude - adziiczrofd

to sell like hstcakes - vprredawalisitjak

to praise - chwaliti

it is alleged that... - twierdal sip, se..

Intake place - adbyf

commitment - addanie, zaangazowanie

to transpire - ukaeadsip

canteen - stofdwka

ciepte tuteceki

to attend - uczestoiczyd
gathering - spotkanie


ionrheree - riot

to stress - pedkresiad

to retire - lv: udad siq na spoceynek

lieuten ant gen era l - general brnni

to stick to sth - trzymad six czegnk

to set up - atworryd

overall - egdiny

the Beer War - wuina barska

to be engrossed in sth - byd pachloraitynr

to retire - przeifd ea emerylur

horseback cavalcade - kawalkada konaa

manual - podrcznik

to spread - rorprrestrteeili sit

resources - frodki

rugged - twardy, surovry

backpacking trek - wtdrwka
r plexakiem

to devise - opracowat

Intake met - zakorrenic sip

thriving - doskonale rozwijajqcy sit

to persuade - przeksnaf

to beast sth - sacrycid sip czymf

toburgeor - rosrgd, rozkwitad

official - unoednik

advocate - zseleanik

to come out - ukurad sip

couch yaloto - eli

english matters 22/201 0




I it







Stojy of the

i4U Ifl51


byAgnieszka D dek



but we are all strong enough to aim higher,

Jp achieve ourl
.-~ie,ha7to4DjLf!nd such strength within


our vpJrnwtdevelop
Alain Robert


/ VI



people & lifestyle

rying to climb the Sears Towers
with one's bare hands can be fa
ta! Not for Alain Robert, though.
For him climbing up giant structures
is as important as eating or drinking,
it is ever more - a philosophy of life.
His feats earned him the name of the
French Sp derman, What is so special
aboatth sguy performing his daredev
ii stunts? Will he go down in history as
the best solo climber, a troublemaker in
urban areas nra showman flirttngwith
death for p.ubJjc(ty? Let's take a closer
look at this amazing personality.
Ala n's climbing career started role:
tivWy early and quite by accident.
Having forgotten the keys to his
apartment at the age of twelve, he
climbed up to the eighth floor without any ropes or other equipment.
Later be trained on the cliffs around
Valence, his home town in France. As
he grew up, he opted for more and
more challenging cQu5ns and taller
b u i I dingy. He has scaled over 50 aitte
secapch.te. The Eiffel Tower was
a niece of cake for him (313 m) - "After all, the Tour Eiffel is nothing but
a big ladder!' - he said. When asked
about Big Ben, Robert replied, " have
loosed at it, Out it is too small". Then
came the Sears Towers in Chicago (443 m), Jing Mao in Shanghai
(420 m(, the Petronan Twin Towers
in Koala Lumpur (452 m( and Taipei
101 (508 m( the tallest building on
Earth at the time, to name just the
most spectacular and challenging
ascents. He also achieved a world
record for the most extreme solo per
formance, in the gorge of the Verdon
(south of France(. Just to add a Polish
accent, Alain climbed the Marriott
Hotel in Warsaw (150 ni).
What is striking about Alain is that
he hardly ever uses any safety
equipment, instead, he relies on his
strength and technique as well as
any sijoport a building can offer, be it
a drain clue, w1indow ledge or frame
to hoist he body. Bare hand climbing is what distinguishes him. Ibis no
wonder that his autobiography was
titled With bare hands. 'I am a gambler and I like to gamble with my life"
- he says. 'I climb with my bare hands
and I absolutely refuse to wear safety

devices of any kind. If I make a mistake, then I am prepared to pay the

price the death penalty. I also know
that when you gamble so much, then
the chances are that one day you are
going to I one, But I cant he I p myself I need the fix, I need the climb". Alum
performs what is commonly known an
urban coo climbing; however, he also
occasionally gn.ou..(oi cliffs.
During a few of his yotWidres be bred
to call attention to public, in particular environmental issues. He climbed
Portland House located in Victoria
Street at the heart of London wearing
a T-shirt bearing the slogan '"
a website which
promotes energy saving. In this way
he drew attention to global warming.
While climbing the Tour ELF in Paris in
2003, he wore the slogan "No War" to
show his 0000nition to the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan. In Paris, the association ADT Quart Monde requested his

and eflccocl him mumiflo criminal tesor

g.s(ng. While trying to climb the Sinjuku Centre Building in Japan he was
arrested, jyvoLorinoner, and beaten
for five days. He was also remanded
in custody for 23 days, and released
after five days thanks to the intervention of the French Embassy. In Sydney
he was caught by the Rescue Police,
kept In jail for 24 hours, and ((see!
$1,500. However, he also climbs with
authorization. One of the most spectacular stunts was on the release of
the 5i.ockbuiuter Spider-Man - be 110-

talese one's grip - tracicgruntpod n ego mi

to set - wyonaczyc, wytyczyc
to achieve a goal osiqgnql cnl
with bare hands - golymi rkami
fatal - smieroelny
feat - wyczyn
to earn - zdebyf
daredevil stunts Imiale wyczyny kaskaderskie
troublemaker - wichrzvcinl
publicity - roughen
relatively - stosurkowa
rope - lina
equipment - sprzpt
challenging - wymagajycy
route - sziak, tram
to scale - wspiqc sif no
skyscraper - drapaco chmur
to date - dotejpory
a piece of cake - balka a rriasleni
ladder - drabina
ascent wspinaczka
gorge - prantom
striking - udernajqcy
hardy ever - prawie nigdy
to rely on - polegac na
support wsparcie, pomoc
drain pipe - rynna
window ledge - parapet
frame - rome
to hoist - podniest, dwigntc
to distinguish - wyrddniad

itisno wonder tyaf,,, - nicdziwn ego, be..

gambler - hacardzista
device - urza4annie
death penalty - kara Imierci
to - On: dawka adrenaliny
commonly - powsoechnie
togofnr - spribuwad
venture - przedsiewzincin
Os cal l attention On public - uwrocif uwagq
opinii yubliccnej
environmental issues - zagadnienia ochrony
to bear - nosib
to draw attention - przyciqgaf uwagq
opposition - sproeciw
to request- pnprosnc
rappel - zjazd na linie
frequently -czqsto
to handcuff- zakucwkajdanki
to charge with nnkadyc
trespassing - wtargnicie, narusoenie
On be keptprisoner - byctrzymanym
w wiozienlu
On be remanded in custody zostab
tymczasowo aresztoeanym
On release - wypuucic
On line- nkaracgrzywnq
authorization - zezwelenie
release - wejtcie na ekraey
blockbuster hit

presence for a cgepo(, to promote the

openingof the ernptyfatn oftlrecapital to the homeless.
Alain likes to disturb the public peace
from time to time and is frequently
stopped by the police. During his attempt to scale the One Houston
Center in Tenon he was pulled to the
ground by the cops having climbed
only two metres. They handcuffed him

englnfi matters 12212010


I people & lifestyle

prognosis was no joke at a I: "this guy
will never be able to climb aga ri
However he stood up. His numerous
fractures and uurio have not stopped
him from climbing yet. Every new ascent scans struggling with his limitations. He climbed Taipei 101 only six
days after emergency sorcery for an
arm injury. He completed the ascent
with 15 stitches in his left elbow.
Toying with death? Over-confident
about his skills? A father of three children performing death -defying feats?
He is often accused of doing so, how
ever, it must be added here than Alain
also sets realistic goals for himself
and refuses to take up challenges
which he deemstoo demanding. He is
therefore said to know his limits, Yet,
first ofal I beisuman who iu not a raid
to dream:"Winning is the feeling oftriumph. Of doing what I wart to do. I am
lucky enough to be able to otunstuc my
dream. If other people don't a.p.pnuoso
of it, that doesn't bother me it's not
their dream. Is it exciting to be close
to falling? Because this has happened
to ore hundreds of times. Not at the
time, no But afterwards, yes. It isay if
you are being reborn again and again
and again".
Many more happy rebirths for you,
Alan... Best ofluck!

had to climb the highest skyscraper in

Venezuela, dressed as Spidermar.
Alain is aware he is flirting with death.
His bold ascents have left him up to
66'tdj.y.ub.jgg. He had two serious ac-

28 english matters 122/2010

cdents in 1982. Especially a :15-mescm fall, head first which resulted in

his being in a coma for five days and
multiple fractures: skull, nose, wrists,
and heels. The doctors'

bold - fmialy, udwaSny

disabled - niepelnospruwny
headfrst - gfowewddl
coma - spiczka
multiple fractures licznezlamania
skull - ceusoka
wrist - nudgarstek
elbow - bnkiec
pelvis - miednica
heel pipta
ve rti go -oawrotyglowy
to struggle with - zmagucsiz
emergency surgery - ragla opera cja
stitch - scow
death-defying grajecyze Cmiorci
to take up - podjpd
to deem - ocean
to pursue dpycdo
to approve sfsth - popierad

to bother- mamowif przosakadzad

to be rebom- udrudzidsi
best ofluck! -pwwodzenia!


Warsaw. First, he was Ii2aOWci to

Dolcan Zgbki, but after several
months returned to Legia. He
played his first league match for
Legia in 2002. Soon he became
the best goalkeeper in the Polish
league. In 2004 his debut for
Poland took place (in a fniencii,e
rn.a.teis against Ireland). In 2005
be signed a contract with a famous Scottish club - Celtic. of

Glasgow. First, it was just a years

loan and then Celtic proposed
aermanent contract. In 2006
Boruc was the first-choice Polish
goalkeeper during the World Cup
tournament in Germany, where
he was going great guns (he
was named 'Spaceman' by the
Austrian and German press).

outline - zarys
scout - lowea talentOw
to loan - ypoyczyb
goalkeeper - bnamkarz
friendly match - mecztowarzyoki
permanent - staly
tournament - turniej
to go great guns - ooigadsukcesy,
iddjak burza
spaceman - kosmonauta

english mailers 22/2010



Boruc in Celtic
substitute - zastfpca
to replace - zastpiii
to win respect - zdobycszacunek
teammate - kolega odruzyny
poise - apanowanie
confidence - pewnoddsiebie
performance - wyniki
to worship - wielbit
supporter- kibic
to earn - zasfufyd
goalie - bnamkarz
to set up - atworoyc
to regard - pestrzogat
to display - wywioozad, eksponowab
a sense of belonging - poczucie
to mention - wspomnied
underprivileged - tu:peknzywdzony
te stir up emotions - wobudoademocje

Although the conch of Celtic - Gordon

Strachan - was very pleased with the
transfer - Artar Boruc was at first supposed to be a substitute. Yet he soon
cubooud "the greatest hope of Scottish football' - David Marshall - and
became the main Celtic goalkeeper.
He quickly won the r.espect of bistttrn
cloths. Roil Lennon says: "Hen the boot
goalkeeper I have ever played with."
and: "He always has so much oo(so
and confidence, is always ready to give
the highest-level performance." Ever
since he played some great matches
- like against Manchester United or Milan - he has been worshioped by the
Celtic supporters. He even socotid colt
status as "The Holy Goalie".

rivalry - nywalizacja
crusade - wyprawa knzyvowa

to stab - dtgai5
attachment - przywivzanie
discernible - zauwataley
arguably - zapewne
tolauech - zapncotknwad
to tackle - wzik siq za cod, stawld czemud
bigotry - dogmatyczoodd
firmly embedded - mocnozakorzeeioey
to harbour hatred - tywidnienawidit
taattract - pnzyciygaf
eager- chytny
I cross oneself/to bless oneself
- przezegnadsi
save - obrona (bnamki)
little won denthat... - nicdziwn ego, fe...
to seethe - kip led
to set an example - stunowld przyklad
deliberately - celewu, annydlole
to wind up - zdenerwowac
fixture - impmza sportowa
volatile - eieprzewidywalny
to caution - udnielid upomeienia
(pnzez sdziego)

there are pubs only for the fans of

Celtic or Rangers and it is better not
to openly show one's attachment to

either of the clubs in the street.

According to the Scottish government
'One of the most readily discernible
expressions of intolerance in Scot-

land today, and arguably one which is

Celtic was set up by a group of poor

Irish immigrants and is traditionally ec
gardieci as a Catholic club. That is why
at Celtic Park riot only green and white
flags can be seen, but also the Irish
tricolour flags are often displayed.
The club was supposed to help local
Catholics and give them a sense of beionlJtut It should be mentioned that
the Celtic supporters - living in the
poorer, eastern part of the city - are
believed to have been underprivileged
for a long time.
Celtic would not be what it is, if it were
not for its main rival, which is the other
local team - Glasgow Rangers (traditionally Protestant), For many years
experts and supporters have been discussing which club is better, although
it is Rangers that have won more titles. Celtic is a dab generally liked in
Poland, not only because it is Catholic,
but also because several Polish footboIlers played or play there (Wdowczyk,
Dzielvanowski, Zurawski, Boruc).

is the manifestation of sectarianism in

most often likely to result in violence,

bitter- zatanty

Glasgow Rivalry
- the Old Firm
There are not nnaey eve ots in Scotland
that stir oju such strong emotions as
matches between Celtic and Rangers.
The first derby match was played in
1888 (Celtic won 5:2). This n/veiny is

30 english matters 22/2010

about 100 fans were injured and in

the same year a lb-year-old Celtic
fan was stabbed to death, In Glasgow


sectarian - sekciarski
chant - skandowaeie

something exceptional in the history

of football. The matches - called Old
Firm games - are a sociological, political and cultural phenomenon. They
are also believed to be religious minicrusades with sectarian songs and
chants on both sides.
The flrstfights between thetwo groups
of supporters took place on the Glasgow streets in 1896. In 1971 about 60
supporters were killed, and in 1999

the rivalry of various football clubs in

And although both clubs have lately
ictarintied a project to tackle bigotry
and sectarianism, it seems fynmiyernbedded in Scottish football. It seems

that hiarbouring hatred is beneficial for

both clubs as it attracts many people
who are oegun to defend their ethnic

identity. Losing their extremist policy

would probably mean financial losses.
Crossing Oneself
- Provocation?

Artur Boruc made himself famous not

only by means of great secus, but also
blessing himself, which took place in
front of the Rangers' fans during Glasgow derby matches. Little wonder that
they were soothing with anger. According to Borne, it was not a provocation.
He says he always crosses himself before a match and will always dose.
Stephen Smith from the Rangers Supporters group said: "Professional footballers are meant to set an examine.
What he was, he was deliberately provocative and completely done to wind
tip the fans, as if the fixture isn'tsoaf,Le enough."
Boruc was cautioned, but this decision
stirred up a tattoo controversy. Many


people claim that gestures of religious

significance should not be considered
offensive. And such attacks could unferns rather than reduce religious antagonism. As Paul Kearney - a Catholic Church spokesman in Scotland said: 'It is extremely regrettable that
Scotland seems to have made itself
one of the few countries in the world
where this simple religious gesture is
considered an oifenss'
There were numerous reactions even
abroad. Jaroslaw Kaczyski, the then
Polish Prime Minister expressed his
anxiety and doubt whether crossing
oneself can be regarded as provocation and called what had happened
a form of restricting liberty.

Boruc Now
Boruc has lately had a period of weaker performances, including matches
both for Celtic and in the rational
team. One of the reasons might be
a tiutbiulend period in his private life
(he and his wife separated). His blunders have become more frequent.
His talent cannot be questioned, but
his mind and dedication to football
cartainly can be. According to some
experts, he '... isn't just error-prone
[ ... ] but looks in got jjas danger of
burning out.' in October 2009 he was
replaced in the Celtic goal by another
Polish goalkeeper - Zalusko - but
the fans still believe he can soon get
his bearings and regain the status of
a hero. Even some of the best goalkeepers in theworld have hada checkere history.
Boruc is still an ardent fan of Lagia
Warsaw, belongs to the Legia Warsaw
Supporters Association and has helped
the supporters in their conflict with the

club's authorities - the ITI group.

to inflame - podsycaf
spokesman - rreczoih
regrettable - niestety
offense - obraza
to restrict - ograniczad
turtaclent- burzliwy
blunder- bltd
error-prone - podatny no
popelnianie biddw

english matters 122/2010


by MARIA BuszKIEwIcz

32 english matters 122/2010

Ernest Hemingway was

one of the most famous
American writers, whose
cJcept.iyel simple,
succinct and clear prose
style has exerted a lot of
influence on world fiction
in the 20th century.

used on the rule of looking at
words as though seeing them
for the first time', he was able
to create unique, unforgettable works.
Hemingway was known both for the
intense gja5Lulinity of his writing and,
privately, for his adventurous and
widely oublicized life. 'An intelligent
man is sometimes forced to be drunk
to spend time with his fools", he once
The writer was born in 1899, in Oak
Park, Illinois. The place was a mainly
protestant, upper middle-class sn.tiy..rb
of Ch icago that Hemingwaywould later
refer to as a town of 'wide lawns and
narrow minds." His mother, Grace Hall
(whom he never forgave for dressing
him as a little girl in his youth) had 00=
orate aspirations before marrying Dr.
Clarence Edmonds Hemingway. The
ambition to teach her son the ecilo
became 'a source of conflict', but he
later admitted the music lessons were
useful while wr ting For Whom The Del
Tolls. On the other hand, Hemingway's
father taught his son to love the outdoor
The Hemingways had a summer house called Windemere on Walloon Lake in northern Michigan, where
young Ernest would sinner fish in the
different streamo that ran into the
lake, or would take a f sisset out to
do some fishing from there. He also
used to go sauirrel hunting in the cteai:.
W forests, discovering the eciwnife to

deceptively - pozemie
succinct- zwizly
to exert - wywrzec
masculinity- mqskosct
to publicize - naginsnic
tool -glupiec
suburb - przedmiescie
lawn - trawnik
nanowmind -owekooeankaorrydr horyznrrtach
operatic - operowy
cello- wiolonczela
to admit - pezyznaf
outdoorlife - zajpcia na dwiezym powietrzu
rowboat - thdzwiostowa
squirrel huniing polnwanie na wiewiinio
nearby- publish
serenity spokit
to wander wdrowac

be found while wanifri.yg alone in the

wilderness or yeacjitag across a river.

"It was something he could always go

back to throughout his life, wherever
he was", his biographers say, "Nature
would be the touchstone of Hemingway's life and work, and though he often found himself living in major cities
like Chicago, Toronto and Paris early in
his career, once he became successful he chose somewhat isolated places
to live like Key West, or San Francisco
de Paula, Cuba, or Ketchum, Idaho." In
fact, all these places were convenient
for huntingand fishing, which he could
not live without.
From 1913 until 1917 Ernest Hem
ingway attended public schools in
Oak Park. There he was involved with
sports such like boning, water polo
and football. He also showed some
talent in English classes and was on
the debating team. Moreover, it was
the school period where his gift for
writing started to develop. Young Ernest published his earliest stories and
poems for the high school papers Trapeze and Tabula, which he also partly
edited. After graduating, being hired
as a cub reporter for The Kansas City
Star, Hemingway learnt from the Star's
style guide: "Use short sentences. Use
short first paragraphs. Use
English. Be positive, not negative',
which he used as a foundation for
his further writing. Hemingway later
to wade - brodzic
touchstone - podstawa
somewhat niece
convenient - dogodny
to attend uczszczac
debatngteam - klub dyskusyj ny
to edit - redagowaf
to graduate skoriczyc szkolq/ u n i we rsytet
to hire - zatrudnif
cub reporter - poczpttiujqcy reporter
vigorous - eoergiczoy
unit - ednostka
iosuttera wound odnieticrant
mortar - mozdzierz
to run an errand - zaiatwiad spraw
canteen - kantyna
affair - romans
recuperation powmtdn zdrvwia
to provide - dostarcoyd
to cast shadow rzucic cien

said: 'Those were the best rules I ever

learned for the business of writing.
I've never forgotten them." Six months
later he joined a volunteer ambulance
unit in Italy during World War I. On July
8, 1918, only a few weeks after arriving, he suffered a severe leg wound by
moiiax tire as he ran an errand to the
Because of his serous wounds,
he had to spend six months in the
hospital, where he fell n love wth
a Red Cross nurse. Hemingway's at
faii: with Agnes von Kurowsky during
his hospital recuperation provided
the basis for the novel A Farewell To
Arms; fictionalized characters based
on the nurse appear also in his short
stories A Very Short Story and The
Snows of Kilimanjaro. The real relationship ended as a painful disappointment in love which is said to
caxtanih.aniow on the Hemingway's


english matters 122/201033


P to
love life and may have caused all the
turbulence In it.
As an es-soldier at home, Hemingway
could not find interest in anything his
parents wasted him to do. The war
experiences had matured him beyond
his years; while travelling to Europe,
he saw different countries, tasted
first love and so did not like the idea
of further education or regular work in
suddenly uticunlutin Oak Park. Hemingway's short story Soldier's Home
describes his feelings of frustration
and shame upon returning home to
a mundane town and to parents who
still had a romantic notion of war and
who did not really understand the psychological impact that the war had
had on their son. Having received
$1,000 dollars from insurance, the

young writer specs his time walking,

reading and speaking publicly about
his war exploits. Luckily, during one of
his speeches, Hemingway was noticed
by Harriett Connable, the wife ofan
eculiun for the Woolworth's company
in Toronto, who asked him for a favour.
He was to be a t.utor for her son.
Hemingway took the position, which
also allowed him to write and gave
him a chance to work for the Toronto
Star Weekly, the editorof which, Ralph
Connable, promised to introduce the
young writer to. Hemingway worked
for the Star Weekly even after moving
to Chicago in the full of 1920. While
living at a friend's house he met Hadley Richardson. The two quickly fell in
love and married in September 1921.
By November of the same year Hem-

turbulence - zawirowania
to mature - dojrzewad
toshnnk - skurczydsi
mundane - mary, nieciekawy
notion - pnjcie
euploit- wyczyn
executive - pracuwnikszczebla
favour- praystuga
tutor - korepetytor
to introduce - przedstawid
full - jesief
bode - panna rnfeda
the likesofsb - podobni konoab

rooveablefeast - lwito ruchome

totorge - nawizad
bittersweet - garzks-slsdki
prolific - ptodny
to cover - przygotowad rnlaclt na temat
convention - kongrcs, ijacd
piece - tu:arlykvt
to tackle - zajmuwac Si
bullfighting - walki bykhw
to tour - zwiedzad
to make a name for oneself -. wyrabiadsobie
reeumq, st aw 9 siq sfawnym
fledgling - raczkajcy, twiezo upieczony
to board a ship - wsiqdnt no statek

34 english matters 22/2010

ingway accepted as otter to work with

the Toronto Daily Star as its European
correspondent, Hemingway and his
new bride left for Paris where the
mainstream of literature was being
changed by the likes of Ezra Pound,
Gertrude Stein, James Joyce and Ford
Maddox Ford. Hemingway himself
would not miss his chance to change
it as well - later he wrote in A Moveable Feast: "If you are lucky enough
to have lived in Paris as a young man,
then wherever you go for the rest of
your life, it stays with you, for Paris is
a moveable feast"
It was the capital of France, where the
young writer forged important friendships for his career with people who
would be instrumental in his development as a writer and an artist - despite the fact, that many of these relationships were bittersweet.
During his first two years in Paris,
Hemingway's reporting was prolific;
he covered the Geneva Conference in
April of 1922, The Greco-Turkish War
in October, the Lausanne Conference
in November and the post-war coryzentJoti in the Ruhr Valley in early 1923.
Besides political pieces, he also wrote
lifestyle ones, tu.cisjjng such topics as
bullfighting, fishing, skiing, social life
in Europe and many others. When he
was not writing for the newspaper or
for himself, Hemingwaytotured France,
Switzerland, and Italy with his wife. In
1922 he went to Greece and Turkey
to report on the war between those
countries. In 1923 Hemingway made
two trips to Spain, the second to see
the famous bullfights at Pamplona's
annual festival.
Just as Hemingway was beginning to
make a name for himself as ajournalist and a fledgling fiction writer, and
just as he and his wife were travelling around Europe, the couple found
out that Hadley was pregnant with
their first child. John Hadley Nicanor
Hemingway was born on October 10,
1923 is Tororto, By January of 1924
the young family boarded aalnjp and
headed backto Paris, so that Hemingway could eventually continue making
a name for himself as a writer.
From 1925 to 1929 Hemingway was
already producing works that are said

to be significant for 20th century fiction. His first books, Three Stories
and Ten Poems, for which he received
no advance at al, and In Our Time,
were published in Paris. The Torrents
of Spring was satirical treatment of
pretentious writers. Hemingway's first
serious novel was The Sun Also Rises.
The book introduced the world to "the
lost generation" and was u critical and
commercial success. In 1927 came
Men Without Women and soon after
he began working on A Farewell To
Arms, which also ended up winning
critical acclaim.
In contrast with Hemingway's writing
career, his personal life had began
to show signs of wear. He and Hadley
divorced in 1927. In the same year
Hemingway married Pauline Pfeiffer,
a stianitby fashion editor. This resulted
in other changes the writer moved
with his second wife to Key West, Flor
ida in search of new surroundings and
look ingto turn over a new leaf. As re
suit, they lived there for nearly twelve
yearn, arid Hemingway found it a wonderful pace not only to work, but also
to fish: "It's the best plate I've ever
been anytime, anywhere,", he said,
flowers, tamarind trees, guava trees,
coconut palms... Got tight lust night
on absinthe and did knife tricky.' It is
also an interesting point that at this
place the writer raised a rare six toed
cat, culled Snowball. Nowadays its descendants still roam the grounds near
The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West.
In the 1930s Hemingway wrote his
major works. The first, Death in the
Afternoon, is a non-fiction acc,.Qiint of
Spanish bullfighting, where he inserts
observations on Spanish culture, writens, food, people, politics and history.
The second, Green Hills of Africa, is
a non-fiction story of a hunting safari
in East Africa, from which caries the
famous line: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark
Twain called Huckleberry Finn. In the
summer of 1933 the Hemingways and
their Key West friend Charles Thompson journeyed to Africa for a big game
safari, during which Hemingway wanted to test his hunting skills against
the biggest and most dangerous au

'a a on earth. Thus, be was able to

collect enough writing material for
two more short stories, The Snows of
Kilimanjaro and The Short Happy Life
of Francis Macomber. Unlike in Green
Hills..., in these short stores the main
heroes show their flaws and negative
attitudes, which are said to reveal
Hemingway's true ways. "Often in his
non-fiction work the truth is obscured
by Hemingway's need to promote his
public personality, his need to portray
himself as above fear, above nsttb
ness, above any negative quality that
would tarnish that image", says one
of his biographers. Wallace Stevens,
an American modernist poet, toucciad

Hemingway "the most significant of

living poets, so far as the subject of
extraordinary reality is concerned". By
"poet" Stevens referred probably to the
author's stylistic achievements in his
short fiction since Hemingway was not
stared to change and to experiment.
His much cicioteci iceberg theory was
that "if a writer of prose knows enough
about what he is writing about, be may
om it th i n gs that h e knows and the reader (...)will have a feeling of those things
as though the writer had stated them.'
In 1937 Hemingway observed the
Spanish Civil war firsthand. The civil
war caused a marital war in the the
writer's household as well. He had 10,

s i gnificant - znoczqcy
fiction - beletrystyka
advance - zuliczka
pretentious - pretensjonalny
"the lostgeneratier" - stracene
acclaim unnanie
wear - zmeczenie
wealthy - aumazey
surroundings - nteczenie
toturneorra new leaf- rnzpaczqc rawy
razdzial wzyciu
tamarind tree - tumuryndowiec
guava tree - guaiaoa
to get tight - wstawifsiq
to raise - hoduwac
descendant potamek
to roam - wluczydsip, przemierzad

account- epis, relacju

to insert wstawiak, zamieszczac
big game - gru ba zwierzyna
flaw - wad a
attitude nastawienie
to obscure - przesionld
pettiness - matostkowesd
to tarnish spiamul, asnargail
to toni - okmkiic
extraordinary - nadzwiczujny
achievement - osiqgniqcio
to quote - cytawak
to omit - pnminqd
to state - stwierddc, wyrazic
firsthand zpierwszoj ryki
marital - naalzenski
household - gnupudarstws domnwe

engliohrnattern 122/2010


met a young writer and war correspondent named Martha Gellhorn in
Key West. The two would have a secret
love affair for almost four years before
Hemingway divorced Pauline and finally married Martha in 1940. The first
years of this marriage were happy, but
soon Hemingway rae I iced that Gellhorn
was not a housewife, but an ambitious
journalist. Gellhorn called Hemingway
her "Unwilling Companion during her
travels. After returning from Spain and
divorcing Pauline, Hemingway and
Martha moved to a large house outside
Havana, Cuba, which was decorated
with huntingaropl'iies from African safaris. In addition to hunting exped tions in
Africa and Wyoming, Hemingway developed a passion for deep-sue fishing in
the waters off Key West, the Bahamas,
and Cuba.
The next ten years are described o ten
by biographers an a creatively fallow
period for Hemingway. This decade
included World War II as well as Hemingway's bitter divorce with Gellhorn
in 1945. Later Martha said that having 'I ved with a mythomaniac, I know
they believe everything they say, they
are not conscious liars, they invent to
increase everything about themselves
and their lives and believe it." In 1946
Hemingway, after returning to Cuba,
marred Mary Welsh, a correspondent
for Time magazine, whom he had met
in a London restaurant in 1944. She

unwilling Companion niepubqdane


published first in Life magazine in

1952, restored his fume again. The
protagonist is an old Cuban fisherman named Santiago, who eventu


was the opposite of Martha. Mary was

cafe, adorin , and complimentary,
while Martha did not care and had lost
all admiration for her man.
Hemingway's drinking had started already when he was a reporter, and he
could tolerate large amounts of alcohol.
For a long time, drinking did not affect
the quality of his writing. But with the
passing of time it just got worse and
worse. In the late 1940s he started to
hear voices in his head, he was overweight and the blood pressure was
high. He was also has 1 ng liver problems.
His ignorance of the dangers of alcohol
cvb.uau was revealed when be taught his
12yearod son Patrick to drink. The
same happened with his brothers.
Across the River and Into the Trees,
Hemingway's first novel in a decade,
was poorly received, but the allegorical story The Old Man and The Sea,



to enable - umoflieic

fallow - ekqcyodtngiem, murtwy

wanderlust - zamilowanie do podriby

mythomaniac: - imitomnu

to take in - pdiskna

conscious - swiaolnmy

to injure - zrani6

caring troskliwy
adoring - p0400 uwielbionlu
to be complimentary - wyruzac ai
toalfect - optywac
to be overweight m 1 cc nudwagq
nod pressure - citnien i e hrwi

second degree burns poparzenia drugiegu

front torso - proedulo cztsctuinwia
torooms - przedrumiq
polite - grnecony
delighted zachwycnny
to release - wypuseif

liver - whtrubu
alcohol abuse - noduzywanie alkoholu

electric shock tb era py - leezenie

to restate - przywrucic

to recall - przypumnied untie

protagonist bahuter

to commit su ici de popelnrdsumobdjstwo

eventually - ostatecznie

shotgun - wOowko


harbor - port

posthumously - posmierinie

to secure przymocnwad

depiction opis

36 engliahmcaltera 22/2010

catches a giant fish after weeks

of disappointments. As he returns to
the barber, the sharks eat the huh, secured to his boat.
Hemingway spent much of his time
in Cuba, until Fidel Castro's 1959
resolution, He supported Castro but
when the living became too difficult,
be moved buck to the United States.
A fhialo of money from The Old Man
and the Sea enabled Hemingway to
continue his wanderlust, He returned

to Europe to take in some bullfights in

Spain and then to Africa later in the

summer for another safari with his

wife Mary. While visiting Africa, two
flying accidents took place and the
writer, with his wife Mary, had to be
taken to a hospital. A month later he
was again badly injured in a bushfire
accident, which left him with second

degree burns on his legs, front torso,

lips, left hand and right forearm.
In October 1954 Hemingway received
the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was
c.oiute, but not greatly d.ojagtitej. In the
1950s. the writer was already seriously

ill and sufferings lot. In 1960 Hemingway was hospital i zed at the Mayo Clinic
in Rochester, Minnesota, for treatment
of depression, and released in 1961.
During this time he was given afo,ctrj.c

shock therapy for two months. One of

the sad side effects of shock therapy
is the loss of memory, and for Hemingway it was a catastrophic loss. Without
his memory he could no longer write,
could no longer recall the facts and images he required to create his works
Writing, which had already become
difficult, was now nearly impossible.
On July 2, 1961 Hemingway Committed suicide with his favourite attotgutt
at his home in Ketchum, Idaho, Several of Hemingway's novas have been
published oouthumously. True at First
Light, a depiction of a safari in Kenya,
appeared in July 1999. According to
the critics. however, Hemingway had
written better works than this one. U

Gateway to England's North Country
by Maria Tokarz
re of Englands largest industrial and financial cities is the truly cosmopolitan Manchester.
Situated in northwest England. Manchester was mentioned in the Domesday Book, and by the
13th century was already a centre for the wool trade. The city with a reputation for excellent
performing arts, shops and famous sporting traditions also bouts various international events. There
is a
that what Manchester does today, the world does tomorrow.

gateway- weifcie, brama

industrial - pruemysinwy


to mention - wspomnieC
Domesday Book - ksigfa katastralna
o czasw Wilhelma Zdobywcy
the wool trade - han del wen
to rest - bye gospndarzem
saying - pnwieutoenie


I travel


England's North West has tong been admired for its boundless artistic talent


and creativity, for the many poets, playwrights, comedians, actors and musi


nines who began their careers here. Manchester was one birthplace of the ppy



dramatnp sara


ectoriy movement and today is Britain's most important regional theatre certre,

continuous - stab

with more theatres than anywhere else outside London. Blockbusting West End

touring abjaidnwy

shows come next to the Palace Theatre. and the Opera House has a continuous



programme of opera and ballet performances by leading national and interna-

resident - no miejscu

tonal jgj,guj,g companies. The Royal Exchange and Library Theatre are major
venues, and each have their own professional resident theatre companies. The

committedto - nddany

Green Room is one of the only houses in the country committed to contempo

to stage


gpgy work, and the Contact Theatre stages experimental work of new writers
throughout the year.






to exhibit

Manchester is home to the prestigious Royal Northern Col lege of Max cand two
international orchestras, the Hale and the BBC Philharmonic.

togiveaninsight - poawoliczrozumien

Visual art thrives in Manchester, from the City Art Gallery's beautfu Pie-Rap

tngainaccess - ayskacdontep

hue ite collection to the contemporary work esii.j.ted at the Castlefield Gallery.
Textile and decorative arts at the Whitworth Art Gallery add to the artistic tress


uros of the city.

dressingruom - szatnia

privileged - upraywilejosany

to top



pruebid, prarwybsayf

to shred attableside
Anistto Manchester United football grou odat the Old Trafford and the Museum
why United are the most successful footba I ng empire in the world.
Manchester United 's Museum and Tour Centre will take you from the club's
small beginnings right up to the mighty footballing force it is today in words,
pictures, exhibits and ever a tour of the stadium. During the tour, you will gain
Qfinute,gcd access to the players' lounge, dressing room, the Press Centre and
even the players' tunnel.
Manchester U

ted were the first English football team to win the European Cup

szatkowaf praystole

itisamust-try - musisztegesprdbowac

wI makea great day out for fans both old and you ngalike and give an insight to


timber - drewno
railway stad ion

loads -

stacja kolejowa
d wodq


ordinary - zwyrzajny

-r- - - I
-11=1111p---in 1968 and the fist English club to do the double of winning the FA Cup and

the League Championship in the same year on two occasions, in 1993-94 and
in 1995-96. They then

both of those achievements in 1998/99, winning

the Champions League, FA Cup and League Championship all in the same year.
Wings restaurant situated in Lincoln Square i s a fanner ite with the city's footbul

players. The service and Chinese banquets are excellent, with roast duck, shrutL-

dod at tableside

a ywj,yyf/,r.

. .

38 englioh matters 12212010

1 I






la edzictwo


raslugi, udrial


Manchester's history began as far back as the Roman occupation of Britain,

when the fort of Marrcuminm was bui It in 79AD us pg f,jcf and fjojboa. This area
is now known as Cauheielu Britain's first lrrbdri Heritage Park. Here you have
the partial reconstruction of the original Roman Fort, plus the oldest tatway
station in the world, the first industrial canal and great waterside walks and
Loads of places to eat and drink. Nearby is The Pumphosse: People's History
Museum, which tells the story of the lives of onci.nocy working people in Manchester over the last 200 years. from Victorian Cotton workers to - what else
professional footballers of course!
Manchester's clamp climate and many
jjayay made it ideal for the production of cotton, introduced in the 16th century, and from the mid 18th century
onwards the Manchester area was a world Centre of manufacture, using cotton
imported from North America and India.
The Manchester Ship Canal.. opened in 1894 is 58 km long and it links the city
with the River Mersey and the Irish Sea.
The Museum of Science and Industry provides a unique insight into the industrial herltag and the development of Manchester as the world's first industrial
city, and the Experiment gallery shows children just how much fun science can
be. Better expect the unexpected, as you can stake hands with yourself, walk
away from your own shadow, hunt the alien and meet an intelligent pig at the
For its contribution to pop music. Manchester could be called the music capital city of the UK with such succenful acts as: Joy Division and New Order, The
Smiths. The BeeGees, Take That, Sim I h Red, The Stone Roses, Oasis. The Happy Mondays, Lisa Stansheld and Verne

english matters 122/2010


If ravel
FBeethem Tower

/ (Hilton Hotel)

One of the must-do things to consider when visiting Manchester is to gate the
Cloud 23 Bar at the new Hilton Hotel, Dearisgate. The city views once it gets
dark can only be compared to those is New York.
There is an excellent choice of places to stay, including Manchester Youth
Hostel in city centre Castletield, where Manchester's heritage comes to life in
a colourful mix of canals, railways and award-winnin.i3 attractions,

must-dothings - rzeczyobswigrkuwe
award-winning - nagrndzony
oibront - ttnigcyvyciem
unspoilt- zachtwanywnienawszanymstanie
border - grarica
tranquil - spakoiny

England's North Country

Manchester, one of Britain's most vjb
cities, is a gateway to the wide open
spaces of the North of England. The city, that in the 1720s was threw days'
travel from London, now with its international airport, has excellent transport
links by rail and road to all parts of the North. Just a few kilometren away from
the centre of Manchester, unspoilt scenery marks the b.o.nglann of the Peak Dintrict National Park.
Visitors to England's North Country can enjoy the very bent of everything, with
spectacular scenery in five National Parks located in this region. The coutryside offers ttsn.cj.uij lakes amongst tugged mountains, high iigggb.ou.tQJJufl
fertile green valleys, east limestone caverns with fantastic rock formations and
rolling hills. Some of England's finest stately homes and gardens are also to be
found there.
Manchester and the area around the city is ideal for day visits, short breaks, for
groups and families.
40 english matters 122/2010

rugged - posuarpany
heather moorlands
fertile - bony
vast - rozlegiy
limestone cavern - wapierro oshinia
rolling hills - pafalowane wzgdrza

fire - wspanialy
stately - ukazaly





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Y LOem


Recenzja dr Anny Turull:

- Julian

Wyprawa na wysp
angielskicb czasOw




Na Itanie, cc w nauce jpzyka sprawia naj-

laNe] gramatyki jeszcze

nie byo! iebeli pomimo
energii podwigccnej nouce ;tzyka angielskiego
cabal Np wahasz, JaNe-

patio somego Autora dia jgzyko angielskiego

liege gramatyki.

pada na pytanie ots, co jest nojnudniejsze

dr Anna Turola, adiunkt w Katedrze Angli-

a rzeczy nudnych na lekcji jpzpka obcego.

styki Wydziatu Humanistyczno-Spoleczne-

spp angielske]h coo

Kstyzka Wyprawa sopy
sdwiuliana Brudzewskiegc maszansp ernie-

go Akademil Technlczno-Humanlsiycznej

obiecuje, be gramatyka stone nip tatwa - bo

DOOATEK:iakWViIOIJyiten aHAlelsili cIiwk

przecieb weale taka ale jest; kniptsa jednak

ttsipzka zawiera jedyny w swoim rodza-

skutecznie pokazuje, be za pomoco roznyeh,

a instrukcjp skutecznie pokozujpcg, jak

jest wjaknie dia Ciebie.

ozasem bardzo niestandardowych technik,

uzyskiwad angleiskie ddwipki tab, beby

Nie ma tu regutek do

mama angielskie czasy osweid i zrozumied,

brzmiaty a angielska, nie oak z poiska.

wkucia, nie ma przera-

owlasocra jedli caledb wiedzy ukiada sip w

Warto sprbbewad!

biania czasOw, nie ma

przyjemny dia oka model gramatycznoj Wyspy. Natomiastjedli chodzi o uCzucie cody,
nie zazna go zytelnik no pewno, bo Wy-

zumied, o co tab naprawdy chodzi z tymi

prawp Czyto siq a prawdziwy przyjemnctcip.

Dzieje sip tab diatego, be ksipbka napisana

angielskimi czasami.

- 1000 idiomUw.
Jzyk angleiski
Kazdy, kto cozy

sic jo

Pp intetgeotn:zabawwyjptkowo podstppne.
O czym mowa? OczywideN - o idiomach.
Boo ich znajomodci nie
potowy diaWt
logow w senialach coy
ksigbkach lob zrozonniemy Jo calkiern
opacznie. Niestety, oby dobtze psznad
trazeologip jpzyka obcego, nalezatoby
spgdzid za granicu ladnych parp lot. Wy-


lestawv, zadania, wskazOwki
Poziom podstawowy

w Bielsku-Bia?ej.

nibobieteodpowiedzi. Nie znaczy to, ibAutor

tradycyjnegc wyktactu. Zamiast tego jest

btwym i, Co bardzo wane, zjej kart bije sym-

brzmi: gramatyka. Taka sama odpowiedb

niepowtarzalna szansa, by wreszcie zro-

jest jpzykiem przystppnym, miejscami darts-

wcej trudnodoi, zwyczajowa odpowiedb

Gwarancja kompleksowego psoygotowarnia do egzamino maturalnego

ERUNEKMATURAZezowki to nowa na rynko
wszystkie rodzaje 70dod, jaNe modna spotkad no matures, costa-

42 english matters 122/2010

Wydawnictwo KOS

dnny przez Langeescheidt sameaczek tanie z ksipbki utatwia indeks haset

1000 idiom6w. Jpzyk angiel5ki to alter- wjpzyku polskim.
natywa dla toga karkolomnego rszwipza- Chod ksitka dedykowana jest przede
wszyseoiin cyril, mercy aces sip alger1000 idiomw. Jpzyk angielski to proskiego samodzielnie, bpdzie dookonaty
pornscp rbwnieb dla korepetytorOw
pozycja dia pcczptkajpcych i zaawani nauczycieli. Przyda sip tez osoburn
sowanych. Kabde wyrazenie, prezontowone w ksipbce, zostaic przettumoczone wyjedajpcym za granicp.
eajpzyk peiski i opatresne przyklodem,
ktiry przedstawia tunkcjonowanie Wipcej nforrnocji 0 ksipce no
clanej konstrukcji w tekdcie. Zroeumiate wwwIangenscheidtpI
kwolifikatory wskozujp, do jakiego poor- Mozna tu tez szybko i wygocinie kupid
ornujpzyka naleby done wyrozenie - coy publikacjp.
marcy do czynienia cc secomatowaniern
kcrlckwialnym, slangowym, coy cube
- literackim. Dopelnieniem catodci
yc ilastracje, ktdre pcmagajp epic]
zaparniptorb znaczenie idiomu, honeysIL

wy egzaminacyjne oraz plytg z nagraniorni. lytut pnzogotcwoje do egzaminu

o jpzyka angielskiego no poziornie podstnwowynn. Pakiet (ksipzka + plyta CD
Audio) perlecany jest zwlaszcza osobom,
ktOre chcp sprawdzict i doskonalid swtje
omiejptnodci pried pnoystypieniem be
egoarninu, a taboo nauccycielom do wykorzystania w trakcie Iekcji.
Podrpcznik w formacie A4 256 str,)
abodowany jest identycznie job prowdziwy egoamin matoralny: sklada sip
o dwich czqci dotyczpcych egzaminu
pisemnego oraz ustnego. W podrozdololach znajclojp sip riwiczenba pojawiojpce sip on matures oraz proktyczne

wnknzOwkb be zadab w speojalnych

dymkacb). W Inteligentnym Kluczu
siczegOlowo omiwiont prawidlowe
rezwipzania. Dodatkowo zorniesocooro
pony zapis nagrad do cadad na 'coremienlo ze stochu.
Ceno 34,90 ci
Wydawnictwo Edgard
Wipcej informacji:


W nastpnym numerze:
O Jane Goodall & Her Chimps
O Seven Wonders of the World and More
O The Most Dangerous Cities of the World
0 Traditional British Pubs

Numer dwudziesty trzeci w sprzedazy od 15 czerwca!

Learn Languages
Living and Working



British Parliament

- Edinburgh
- Katie

v. RighI
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turner 19



Down in
a World Built for

- Christmas

- -

- Slowing

to Survive Winter
- NewYearsEve
- The Stages of Life
-Gincertuan Gogh
- Ens-terrorists
London According
to Bridget Jones
Nigetla Lawson
- How

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- Guy Fawkeis Day
- The


turner 2

turner 1
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ed Centre

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about British
Fearful Erioyrrterct
The Cure
- The Stony of
American Gangsters
-Edgar AltunlPoe
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Of S

Numery atrchiwalne CieSZ sic dulyrri zainteresorotartiem, diatego podajemy

najwaniejSze ir4ormacje na ich SemSt oraz Uvskazvvki, j ak je zamOwid.
Obecnie dost8pne SB! wybrane (1, 2, 8, 17, 19, 21) numery archiwalne.
Jak zamwi? Wystarozy wplaciO oclpowiedniq kwotc 55 nasze konto:


- Eco-Fastror
Martial Arts
- Samurai
i i J -htaske

Ceny numerw archialnych:

7,90zl 11 8110zl
15,80zl 12 8720z1




21,70z1 13 95,10z1
14 03,00 zl
29,60 zI
3750z1 16 L116 80 z1
51,50z1 17 24,70z1
1 8 30,80 zi
5940 zI
6530z1 19 38,70z4
7320z1 20 46,80zl

Prosiety pamila o podaniS adresJW

W polu .lytulem' naey zazaaczyO, ktdre numery mamy wyslad!
Wszystkie oplacone numery przeemy pocztq.
Numery archiwelne eio5sa zcnnbwiC razem o prenumerat.
Przy wplacie vs pvczcciw/w
na ed blankietu ZH
banku rnc2u46
strony 41 lob wypetnid blankiel
destypny vS PSCZCiE/W banrku.

Dzial preflumeratY
informacje na temat
numerW archiwalflYch

tel. 61833 63 28

e-mail: pEenunierata@cslorfuImKdaPl
wicSj interonach: WWW.coloEfulflledIaPt


do nauk
jQzY k'0w obcyc1



Eitht wa ys

' I lteJEyes new

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Tower If BW::;;




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Pt dps

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