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Navy Officials to Observe Day of the Seafarer

On the occasion of the Day of the Seafarer, which falls on Thursday, the Kerala Merchant Navy Officers
Association and the Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training will jointly conduct a
range of programmes. The programmes held as part of Seafarer Day observance will be inaugurated by
K V Thomas MP at 4:00 pm at a function to be held at Foreshore Road here. June 25, which is observed
as Day of the Seafarer, is a day to recognise the key contributions of seafarers to the everyday life of

Unchecked maritime carbon emissions may increase to 250% by 2050, says IMO
The IMOs assessment is highlighted in the fourth edition of the GSF (Global Shippers Forum) Maritime
Emissions policy briefing which was launched this month. It endorsed the assessment saying that though
the present carbon emissions from the maritime shipping represents up to 2.2% of the global total
emissions, it might escalate to 250% if it is left unchecked. In the latest briefing, it also referred to the new
developments within maritime emission policy and the role the sector has been playing in minimizing the
carbon emissions.

CDC issuance goes completely online

Director General of Shipping (DGS) has made Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) issuance a
completely online-based process, says a notification of DGS on 15 th June 15. As per the latest
notification, the existing form 1 and form 2 for an issuance of CDCs to trainees of the DGS, GOI approved
MTIs are further simplified and merged into one online form, namely form 1 in the same module. The
application for an issuance of a renewal CDC is also made online as per the notification. The instructions
for applicants, applying for such CDCs online, are made available in the module itself. Similar online
facility would be made available soon by end of August 15 for the applicants requesting for
duplicate/replacement CDCs. In the online regime, for an application towards issuance of CDCs in any
category, all the supporting documents can now be scanned and uploaded along with the application
forms. Henceforth, there would be no requirement for the same to be submitted in the offline/physical
mode at all.

News Digest 17/6/2015

ITF and SRI chart a course on maritime human rights

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Seafarers Rights International (SRI) report
progress being made on the urgent issue of the criminalisation of seafarers. This follows the positive
reception from the IMOs (International Maritime Organization) Legal Committee to a paper co-sponsored
by the ITF, the International Federation of Shipmasters Associations (IFSMA), the Comit Maritime
International (CMI) and InterManager. The paper analysed replies by member states to a survey
conducted by SRI on the implementation into their national laws of the IMO/ILO (International Labour
Organization) Guidelines on Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident. This
followed an SRI survey of 3,480 seafarers that suggested that the human and other legal rights of
seafarers contained in the Guidelines are often subject to violation, causing widespread concern among
seafarers. The paper was supported by 31 member states, as well as by the International Chamber of
Shipping, the Nautical Institute, the International Salvage Union, the Cruise Lines International
Association and the International Christian Maritime Association.

Dry Bulk Shipping: Lowest fleet growth in 10 years may not prove enough as demand is not keeping pace
The demand side of things in the dry bulk market seems unable to keep pace with even the slightest fleet
growth, a sign of the demise that the industry is suffering from. According to BIMCOs latest short-term
outlook, the BDI (Baltic Dry Index), started 2015 at 771 points, only to retreat to a historical low of 509
points on the 18th of February. Since then it has improved but only on a couple of occasions has it been
above 600. The market conditions are devastating and volume growth in 2015 on key trades is negative.
The lack of coal imports into China is taking centre stage, and lost volumes are difficult to make up
elsewhere. The (still) positive iron ore demand is overshadowed in significance as the negative coal
market makes headlines

1.8 Lakh Seafarers to Get Biometric IDs

To ensure a foolproof security system to ward off the potential risk of breach of security and possible
terrorist attacks via sea route, the Union Cabinet approved the Ratification of the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 185 on the Seafarers Identity Document (SID). The proposed SID has

provisions for bar coding of the biometrics based identity of seafarers and a centralized data base
maintained in the issuing country, which can be accessed globally through an inter-operable and standard
biometric template. Indian Seafarer holding SID will be able to have unrestrictive movement in foreign
shores during leave, get recognition as identified seafarers in the global market and will have easy access
to better job opportunities in the global maritime sector.

NUSI bags top seafarers award

Th e Na t ion a l Un ion of Se af are rs of I nd ia (NUS I ) h as ba g ged t he 'Be st W elf a re
O rga n isa t ion of th e Yea r Awa rd - 20 15 ' in st itu t ed b y t he In t e rn a t ion a l Se af a re rs W elf a re
a nd Assist an ce Ne t wo rk (I SW AN) in B rita in . The a wa rd wa s p re se nt e d t o NUS I G en e ra l
S e cre t a ry Abd u lga n i Y. S e ra n g b y In te rn a t io n a l Ma r it im e O rga n isa t io n (I MO )
S e cre t a ry-G en e ra l Ko ji S e kim i zu , in L on do n e a rlie r t h is we e k.
h tt p :/ / ne ws. we b in d ia1 23 . com / ne ws/ A rt icle s/B u sine ss/ 20 15 06 1 3/ 2 61 67 12 . h tm l

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