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are the different harmonics of personality that orchestrate the qualities of the personality in a
specific fashion. They are the sites of the cosmic tattvas and their qualities, so they also
represent centers of specific patterns of energy. Therefore Chakras have a specific sound
frequency (mantra) and a form (Yantra). So each of these mantras represent the energy of the
chakra. Through these mantras we evoke the energy of the tattvas through which Chakras
Our conditioned being does not manifest only on the physical and psychological levels but
the energetic patterns are also conditioned. The opening and the awakening of Chakras take
place when we free ourselves from these conditioned patterns of energy and the moment this
happens there is transformation in terms of psycho-physiological qualities.




Represented by the Yantra of the earth element which is rectangle representing the stability,
balance, staticity. Inside the rectangle there is a triangle with a lingam which has a boundary
that is ill-defined and there is serpent coiled around the lingam, which represents the three
guna and ego aspect of energy covering the consciousness of jiva. It is ill-defined because it
is covered/veiled by the mayik (illusory; Mayarupa) aspect energy of Shakti. This truly
represents our conditioned being or nature which responds to the instinctive levels of life
activity. But both possibilities are present in the chakra; the Brahma granthi present in the
chakra represent our limitations and conditionings with the most basic issues of life and when
ones energy is imbalanced at this level can cause extreme degree of pathology. Because this
centre deals with the issues of survival and security; any imbalance at this level can result in
the paranoid tendencies, unknown fear can direct itself for any specific objects or events in
the environment. The person may cut the feeling of the body (not grounded in the body). The
depletion of the energies of the earth element can manifest in the form of flighty, jumpy,
oscillating, spacing out tendencies of the behavior. This is the center of the most fundamental
fear; i.e. the fear of survival. Therefore it also governs the various facets of our behavioral
expressions. Restrictiveness, fixity or the lack of flexibility in our nature is also because of
the qualities of the earth element. The issues mainly deals with the issue of self preservation
and when it is rajasika can manifests in the form of selfishness or lack of empathy and
compassion but when it is in sattvika state it develops the quality of self reflection or self
awareness. And the same energy of the tattva when handled properly; once tattva is purified it
develops the quality of trust, security (when you are secured you can trust someone)
grounding and stability in the personality. Grounding is one such quality associated with this
chakra. It is the state of synchronicity with vibes/frequencies of the universe or immediate
contact with the reality. When awareness is grounded properly it can heighten the self
awareness or awareness of the body but when the energy is depressed can preoccupy the
mind with body and then coping with the reality will be difficult.
This is the second lowest most chakra characterized by six petalled lotus; signifying 6 nerve
endings, a Yantra constituted of crescent moon, representing the presence of water element and
an animal which is a crocodile. This is the fertile ground of creativity which is the reflection
of the flowing attribute of water element. This is the level where there is more freedom and
the opportunity of wider range of expression; energy concerns here with the issue of the
survival of species therefore it is less primitive than the fear of being annihilated. This is

signifies the movement of consciousness from self protection to the protection of species.
Swadhisthana is the centre deals with the pleasure principle. This is the centre of sensuality,
desires, and sexual drives. Located between the navel and the perineum it is pre rational,
subconscious plane of consciousness. In the Yantra of the chakra there are two rings of petals
in which outer layer or the ring of petal signifies the conscious aspect of mind and the inner
ring symbolizes the unconscious realm. In between these two yantras there is crocodile
floating which depicts the subterranean movement of samskaras. The animal itself is the
creature which has the field of activities both on the surface and inside the water (represents
here the deeper layers of mind). It is also the emblem of the sexual or the sensuous character
in the individual. Moon in the Yantra represents the main drive force of psychic life in the
individual as the gravitational pull of moon affects the energy of water on the surface it also
has the effects on the unconscious and the subconscious energies of the mind. It has been
observed by the mental health professionals that there are effects of moon on the moods and
the psychic energies of the mental patients. Therefore from the psychotherapeutic aspects of
From psychoanalytic point of view this centre is also very significant. According to this
school of psychotherapy sexuality (libidinal energy is the underlying force of all motivations.
In yoga also the same energy is used for creative, activity of self exploration and growth of
personality by sublimating the energy and expressing it through higher centers i.e. seva,
brahmacharya, and tapas. Tantrik manuals talk of direct channelizing of the energy of
Harmony at this chakra leads to the balanced emotional states, creativity, and ability to enjoy
feelings, ability to change (quality of water), flexible thinking, high level of motivation etc.
This is the centre of vitality, due to the fiery tejas of fire elment it is symbolizes as lustrous
gem, therefore it is known as manipura (city of jewel). This is symbolized as 10 petalled blue
lotus, here blue represent the most fiery/luminous part of the fire. This is the plane of self
esteem, self confidence, ambition, authority and achievements; also known as power center.
This is also the level where consciousness is entangled with the territory of power,
The element of fire is the main driving force here; directs the consciousness towards more
ego fulfilling activities. Therefore most of the problems related with the power and ego trips
are associated with this center. Swadhisthana is center of feelings of pleasure mainly centered
in ones own body or self but at this plane of consciousness one starts to direct this feeling
towards others. Interpersonal relationship finds expression through this centre of
consciousness. This is the centre of personal power and authority recognition. The drive for
self recognition also manifests in the form of spiritual pursuits and ultimately culminates into
the drive of self discovery. Concept of self identity, self discovery and self concept are dealt
here. Therefore consciousness here finds the possibility to stretch power consuming plane of
consciousness to the plane of self discovery that is nothing but the process to find ones
identity or better to say the true identity. The plane of ego is subtler than the levels of the first
Here at this level energy takes larger patterns from the focus on ego and its desires and
activities. This is a growth towards more refined form of expression. This is the seat of

balance; balancing the energies of both lower and the higher realms. Consciousness moves
from the personal self centered dimension to the transpersonal dimension of consciousness.
Symbolically speaking this chakra is presented as 12petallled lotus. This chakra is situated
between the 7 main Chakras, is also the centre of balance and harmony. Represented by a
hexagon signifying the harmonious movement of consciousness and this harmony expresses
itself in the form of some very refined qualities like universal unconditioned love and
compassion. This plane represents the shift or a departure from instinctual realm of
consciousness to more humane plane of existence. Here rationality of manipura is
transcended and hence is also the centre of intuitive mind (Buddhist tantra). Even Hindu
tantra studies this center as the centre of very refined feeling. Sensitivity also gets refined
here to the extent that is transcends the personal boundary and one gets attuned to the feelings
or suffering of others. The energies of the healer which heals others have also this chakra as
. Awakening of this centre helps one to get attuned with the feelings of others. Therefore self
oriented service finds expression as the selfless service (Nishkama seva). Vehicle of this
centre is antelope; signifies freedom in movement of energy, heightened sensitivity, purity,
This is also the centre of bliss and immense joy. Consciousness finds the source of
satisfaction inside (ananda kanda). Kalpataru; wishfulfilling tree is found here. Desires are
Literally this is the centre of purification. This is the centre of activities of the most subtle
tattva (Akasha). This is also the centre responsible for reception, assimilation and creative
expression of information. Reflective consciousness and the heightened receptivity find
expression here. Spaciousness of the ether expresses itself in the form of creativity in
thinking and behavior. Thoughts or the patterns of thinking are free from the ego-constricting
tendencies. Therefore here the individuals can move beyond the fixedness in thinking and
enjoy freedom and spontaneity. Ether is the field medium which wires the information which
is beyond the grasp of senses and the lower mind. Therefore after entraining oneself into the
vibrations of this chakra the wider range of connectivity is possible. This can happen only
after purification of the self. At the subtle level there is universal connectivity, having tuned
into that realm one can have uninterrupted flow of information and creativity. Synchronous
Unadulterated information (vibration) ----- symbolization of patterns ----- plane of concepts,
Awakening of Vishuddhi refers to tuning into the field/realm of unconditioned information.
The element of ether is represented by a sphere filled with the dots inside suggesting
Also known as guru chakra. As this is the chakra where the inner guru tattva is actualized and
the command is received. This is the point of confluence of two opposite forces, causing dual
experiences. This is also the realm where individuality is dropped and the individual

consciousness merge into the field of eternal consciousness. The illusory field of Maya is
weakened here resulting in the providence of knowledge that knows no boundaries. The third
eye associated with the centre signifies the added understanding of the causal realm of
existence. The lingam that is found here is Itarakhya/Itara with consolidated outline,
signifying the clear perception of reality as it exists. So the distortion of reality is absent here.
Rudra granthi stands for this state of consciousness where there is shedding of individuality
and attachment to life, therefore the last trace of conditioning is diluted here. Here one
established the person is free from the restrictiveness of tattva, also becomes the controller of
tattvas, known as the state of tattvatita. So the person, who is established here can have no
compulsion, is a liberated soul. The individual directly experience the reality and the only
idea that exists in relation to the reality is Iam That (Aham Idam). Because consciousness
flows in the causal realm, once being established here there is the knowledge of causality and
time .

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