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Engaging With Social Research

1. Bryman, Alan (2008) (3rd edition) Social Research Methods, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
2. Gilbert, Nigel, ed. (2008) Researching Social Life, (3rd edition), London: Sage.
Accessing and Understanding Data for Criminologists (BA Criminology)
3. E. Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, (Most recent edition)
4. D. Dorling and S. Simpson, Statistics in Society. (London: Arnold, 1999) [This
collection of short and readable papers by members of the Radical Statistics Group
which takes a critical look at official statistics and their uses and abuses].
5. Martin Slattery, Official Statistics (London: Tavistock 1986). Copies in the library
(though may be out of print). [A brief and readable introduction to the issues covered
in the course}.
Philosophical Methods
6. Chris Daly Introduction to Philosophical Methods (Broadview Press, 2010)
The Etnographers Craft
7. Hammersley, M. and P. Atkinson. 1995. Ethnography: Principles in
Practice. London, Routledge.[3 edition, published in 2007, available as en e-book
through the Library].
8. Sanjek, Roger (ed.). 1990. Fieldnotes: the makings of anthropology. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press.
9. Paloma Gay y Blasco and Huon Wardle. 2007. How to read ethnography.
Routledge. Oxford.
10. Robben, Antonius and Jeffrey Sluka (eds). 2006. Ethnographic fieldwork: an
anthropological reader. Oxford: Blackwell.Behar, Ruth. 1996. The vulnerable
observer: anthropology that breaks your heart. Boston: Beacon Press.
11. Wolcott , Harry F. 1995. The Art of Fieldwork. Walnut Creek: Altimira
Qualitative Research Design&Methods
12. Atkinson, P., Coffey, A. and Delamont, S. (2003) Key Themes in Qualitative Research,
Oxford: AltaMira Press.
13. Babbie, E (2012) The Practice of Social Research, Wadsworth Publishing.
14. Berg, B. (2008) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Pearson.
15. Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press.
16. Corbin, J. and Strauss, A. (2008) Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and
Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory, London: Sage.
17. Ezzy, D (2002) Qualitative Analysis: Practice and Innovation, London: Routledge.
18. Gilbert, N (2008) Researching Social Life, London: Sage.
19. Mason, J. (2002) Qualitative Researching, London: Sage.
20. May, T. (2002) Qualitative Research in Action, London: Sage.
21. Silverman, D. (2010) Qualitative Research, London: Sage.

22. Silverman, D (2006) Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text
and Interaction, London: Sage.
Short Dissertation (BA Criminology)
23. Booth et al.2008. The Craft of Research, 3rd edition. Chicago University Press.
24. De Vaus. 2001. Research Design in Social Research. Sage.
25. Gorard. 2013. Research Design: Creating Robust Approaches for the Social
Sciences. Sage.
26. Hart, C. (1998) Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research
Imagination. Sage.
27. Maggetti et al. 2012. Designing Research in the Social Sciences. Sage.

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