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Nu veni, Toamn drgu!

Ce m fac acum?
Iar ajung la furnicu,
i m-alung-n drum!
Cri, cri, cri, drag furnic
D-mi puin mncric
Cci la vara care vine
O s strng i eu ca tine.
Toat vara-am s muncesc
Hrana s-mi agonisesc.
Iar la iarn, dac vrei
Dau zpada la o parte
Fug n sat s cumpr lapte
i tai lemne, fac surcele
Poate fac i plcinele
Tu nimic n-ai s munceti
Fac eu tot ce-mi porunceti.

Toamn, mult te-am ndrgit,

Bine, bine ai venit!
Tu cu mreia ta,
Vrei s fii aleasa mea?
Crai frumos de Rsrit,
Cu drag mna i-o ntind,
Eu am fost aleasa ta
i alturi i voi sta
Cantec limba romana
September, October and November are the autumn months. During the autumn season it is cold and rainy.
In September we go to school again. We like autumn because there are a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Everything is red, brown and yellow and leaves are falling down on the ground.
What do you suppose?
What do you suppose?
A bee sat on my nose
And then what do you thing?
That bee gave me a wink.
Oh! What do you hear?
A bee sat on my ear
And then what do you think?
That bee gave me a wink.

Oh what do you see?

Yhat bee sat on my knee
And then what do you know?
That bee stung me on my toe!
No sunshine, lots of rain,
No warm days, snow again
No bugs or bees,
No leaves on trees
You must remember
This is November!

A flock of birds
Is flying along
Singing a song
Singing a song
They all like to sing,
Well see you again
When its spring, spring, spring
The leaves are yellow, red and brown
A showe sprinkles softly down,
The air is cool,
And once again Im stuck in school
December, January and February are the winter months. During the winter season it is very cold.
The days are short. In December we celebrate Christmas. We go on holiday and we enjoy playing outside
with snowballs, skiing and skating.
Come to the garden
And play in the snow,
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow!
What a nice snowman!The children will say.
What a fine game for a cold winter day!
One winters day,
When clouds hung low,
I made a snowman in the snow.
He stayed with me all next day
The sun came out he ran away!
Im a little snowflake,
Small and white

When the moon is shining

Im sparkly and bright
When you see me falling,
Come out and play
You can make a snowman
With me today
Snow, snow all around
On the trees and on the ground
Who can stay at home now?
Quickly, quickly go out!

V-a spune c mi doresc

Totul s ntinereasc,
S nu mai mbtrneasc.
S fim cu toii mugurai
Ghiocei i toporai.
- Vino, drag Primvar!
Rspndete peste ar
Ghiocei i brebenei,
Flori de mr i stnjenei
Sunt mndra Primvar
Ce-aduce soare-n ar,
Ghiocei i micunele,
Ciripit de psrele.
Iarb verde pe cmpii,
Bucurii pentru copii.
Pomii toi s nfloreasc,
Fructe bune s rodeasc.
S jucm cu bucurie
Hora mare n cmpie!
Cantec limba romana:
March, April and May are the Spring months. During the spring season it is neither hot nor cold. The days
are very pleasant. Trees and plants are full of fresh leaves and colorful flowers are in bloom. People enjoy
going for picnics in spring.
Spring spring is coming soon,
Grass is green and flowers bloom
Birds returning from the south,
Bees are buzzing all about
Leaves are falling everywhere,
Spring, spring is finally here!
I love spring

For every day

Theres something new
That comes to stay
Another bird
Another tree
Another leave
And happy me
The fields are rich with daffodils
A coat of clover cloaks the hills,
And I must dance, and I must sing
To see the beauty of the spring.
Here is my little garden,
Some seeds Im going to sow
Here is my rake to rake the ground,
Here is my handy hoe.
Here is the big round yellow sun,
The sun warms everything.
Here are the rain clouds in the sky
The birds will start to sing.
Little plants will wake up soon
And lift their sleepy heads;
Little plants will grow and grow
In their little warm earth beds.
CANTEC: Spring is here!
Tocmai de la rsrit!
Cu dragoste am venit!
S v-aduc urri de bine
Pentru vremea care vine.
Sincer v mrturisesc
Zna Var o iubesc!
E cald i luminoas,
Cred c e cea mai frumoas.

Stpnesc pmnt i mare

Sunt vestitul Prinul Soare
Fr mine-n univers,
Ar fi noapte de neters
Celor care m iubesc
Eu via druiesc,
Iar din bolta cea senin
Rspndesc n jur lumin.
Dup ploaie negreit
Soarele a rsrit
i e nsiit mereu
De frumosul Curcubeu.
Var drag, bun venit!
Tare mult te-am ndrgit!
Eti frumoas ca o stea,
Vrei s fi aleasa mea?
Crai frumos de Rsrit
Cu drag mna i-o ntind!
Eu am fost aleasa ta
i alturi i voi sta!
V-au fost astzi prezentate
Anotimpurile toate.
i cu toii ai aflat
Care-i cel mai minunat;
Primvara cns sosete
Toat ara nflorete.
Vara e strlucitoare
Coace grul pe ogoare.
Toamna, mbrcat vine
Cu livezile ei pline.
Iar iarna, alb stea,
Aduce covor de nea.
June, July and August are the summer months. During the summer season, it is very hot. The days are
longer and the sun is shining all day long. We go on holiday and we enjoy swimming and eating icecream.
Bright sun
Bright sun
Shining down,
Shining on the ground
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow, big and round.
Summer is here, summer is here
I love, I love this time of year.
Its hot today and sunny too
Im swimming and the waters blue

If you come with me today

We can run and we can play,
We can jump and we can walk,
We can sing and we can talk!
If you come with me today
Well be happy all the day!!!
The earth is warm, the suns ablaze,
It is a time od carefree days;
And bees abuzz that chance to pass
May see me snoozing in the grass.

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