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Phillip John TampusBS IT 3 History 3

1. Do you agree/disagree of the MOA-AD? Why?

Long ago, I have a best friend whose religion is Islam. He asked me if I would
agree if the Muslims will take the whole Mindanao and make it a new nation. I did
not answer him, for in my mind, my side was on the current status of the country,
and that I could not disagree to him also. But now, this question is reborn, after
about almost a decade. This was the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral
Domain, commonly known as MOA-AD.

As I have read through the memorandum, I can flatly say that I disagree. There
are some few points I would like to address on why this has been my choice, and I
also disregard the fact that I am one-sided because I am a Christian, for I tried my
best to see this matter on a general perspective. First, this MOA AD conjures the
darkness of the past, as it says: “200 years before the Spaniards came” or “before
time immemorial”. I can say that this is natural, like the saying, Finders keepers.
That is true, since the Islam came here on these islands way before Christianity did.
But come to think of it as before time immemorial. Had it occur to the Bangsamoro
people that they are really not the real owners of the land? For in the beginning, it
was God who created everything. There were then changes in powers to this lands
which led to many conflicts, and are impossible to remember. From that time, until
now, through all the years, so many blood had been shed, and life that is not
suppose to stop. It is right that there had been chaos in those old times, but it is
their fight, should the next generations also carry what is in those old hatreds? I
don’t think so. Also, in those times, only the literate has the power to manipulate,
own, and deceive. It is true, but that was the past, and now that we are all here in
this position, Christians, Muslims, and Lumads. We should not crumble because of
the burdens and agonies of the past. Now, that those who were oppressed have got
education, have realized about the cruelties of the past, cries out for what the
ancestors have passed into them, but what for? Vengeance? It is far more extreme.
We are the people of this new world, we should not be selfish, sputtering about who
owns this or that. We should think of ourselves as humans, as equals, no matter
how painful we all have come from. Not to be only on one side, but to be as a
whole, that is, for the common good.

Second, it is that MOA AD expresses majority about resources, disposition,

exploitation, and exploration, etc. It says that the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity will be
the one to manage its resources to stop poverty. But what if it is done, and they’re
wrong? Remember, that when you make changes, it always has impact on your
lives, and this ain’t no ordinary change. It is the change of the multitude of people.
With emphasis on “what if they’re wrong?” and there could be hidden strings on this
scenario that emanates from a person or from a group of people whose love is not
for the love of the people but for the love of greed, selfishness, and evil. To be able
to have power tends to make one to be corrupt, and so much power makes even
one to be more corrupted. It is true that anomalies in the present administration are
present that is continuously being enforced, for there is always a bad side, but in
my own honest opinion, to make these national treasures susceptible be in a
separate leadership could only make things worse.

Finally, the most important point of all, is the spirit of unity. In this MOA AD there
had been so many emphasis about the Bangsamoro people as distinct social group,
or as dominating community and the like. But to say this is ironic. One has to value
the essence of what time has brought changes into our lives, and of us to realize of
what we had become. Bangsamoro people are not distinct from Christians, not even
the Lumad is distinct, or any other tramp walking in the streets. Me and my moro
best friend are no different. We are altogether living in this land for so many
decades now, and one must respect that. What for is the pride? For violence? For
vengeance? No, we must not be antagonistic. This MOA AD describes clearly
enough that the Bangsamoro should be way be elevated. To harness the whole
lands’ riches, and to have their own governance, but also to ask for protection from
the present administration, which the MOA termed as “Central Government”, and to
have the Bangsamoros businesses like taxes more favorable to them, this is a
straightforward irony of what the MOA is referring as the Human Rights, equality
among all men, maybe it is more righteous to say selfishness. Having a different
government with different peoples shall only drag the whole Philippines into the
realm of chaos, for it is not impossible to have disagreements that will likely lead to
serious fights, even war. Take the picture of some western countries, like Lebanon
and Israel. I could only pray this MOA AD will not be the root for that. I could not
have my best friend to be my enemy at the wake of my sleep. May God deliver us
from all evil. We are to be united, counted as one people, one Republic. I know this
next quotation is over used, but it is still the quotation that should be remembered
for the rest of eternity: “United we stand, but divided we fall.”

2. What should be the best solution in this problem about the MOA AD?

Simple, we talk.

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