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1. How to ensure the economic growth also benefit the lower classes?

(Economic Development)
To ensure that economic growth will benefit the low classes the
government should generate mass employment, and reduce poverty. And
they shall intend to pursue rapid and sustainable economic growth and
development, improve the quality of life of the Filipino, empower the poor
and marginalized and enhance our social cohesion as a nation. Our
strategic development policy framework thus focuses on improving
transparency and accountability in governance, strengthening the
macroeconomy, boosting the competitiveness of our industries,
facilitating infrastructure development, strengthening the financial sector
and capital mobilization, improving access to quality social services,
enhancing peace and security for development, and ensuring ecological
integrity. The government should enable to work systematically to give
the Filipino people a better chance of finally finding their way out of
poverty, inequality, and the poor state of human development.
2. How to ensure multi-ethnicity for religious and ethnic minority? (Ethnic

3. Better Governance-We definitely need better leaders to set examples,

implement laws correctly and justly, set the right environment for the
proper growth of the populace (economic, political, etc.) That's the
Problem is, we also need an electorate that's better educated and
motivated to put the right leaders in place. That's the egg.
Theoretically, without the right leadership, the environment will not be
conducive to breeding healthy eggs. Corrupt leaders simply keep the
environment contaminated by maintaining the masses' dependency on
them through bribes and the patronage system; by taking advantage of
regionalistic preferences (i.e., he may be a devil but he's OUR devil,,,and
our devil will always take care of his own); through fear and intimidation,
Because of this, the eggs, er, people, will always put into office the wrong

kinds of leaders. And the right kinds of leaders will be disillusioned and opt
out (e.g., the Monsods).
The process must be short-circuited by a force coming in from outside. This
force would include business leaders, educators, and everyone else willing
to contribute and actively participate in helping Philippine society.
The process of short-circuiting would involve (but would not be limited to)
the following:
1) Subsidizing education for the children, to train, equip, and support
capable teachers who would not only teach CORRECT skills (have you seen
the essays and answers to simple questions submitted in many job
interviews nowadays? these indicate how much our educational system has
deteriorated, and has been simply a huge collective diploma mill for many
years now), but also right and godly values.
2) Include ENTREPRENEURSHIP as a core subject in childrens' and youth's
education. For so long, our educational system has trained children to
aspire to be employees (a company prexy is still an employee). A
successful entrepreneur who has right godly values will have more positive
impact on society (not the least of which are providing income to more
people, and imparting godly values to many through his or her godly
3) For the older people, setting up businesses and cooperatives in the
provinces, and train the people in entrepreneurship. Hopefully, this would
have two effects: (a) encourage the people to stay in the provinces and
stop migration to the "dream" urban centers; and (b) teach them to fish,
and not just feed them with fish for the day.
4) IMPORTANT: The training in entrepreneurship should not be just the old
"Livelihood training programs" such as soap-making, candle-making,
detergent manufacture, etc. These have been tried for years and found
wanting, with very few exceptions. This is because the people who are
trained in these livelihood skills all start producing soap, or processed
meat, or candles, or whatever, all at the same time, and compete with each
other and ultimately kill each other's businesses quickly (while the NGO's
and mission organizations which conducted the livelihood programs feel

self-satisfied with finishing their targeted programs for the year and send
self-congratulatory reports to their foreign partners and supporters,
complete with numbers and photos, to ask for money for more programs
next year---while the people they have "trained", and who have killed each
other's businesses, look for other "skills" and other NGO's from whom they
can borrow capital again, to try again and again...). The help should include
the provision of solid and actual marketing contacts, establishment of
cooperatives, etc. Through cooperative ventures, the people band together
instead of killing each other (one possible setup would be for certain
persons or families to take care of the soap supplies, another of the
processed food supplies, another of the garments supplies, etc). Through
marketing contacts (if possible, marketing CONTRACTS), the people are
enabled to actually sell the products or services which they have been
trained to provide. A big problem with current livelihood trainings is that the
beneficiaries have no contacts, means, training, or skill to properly and
profitably market their products and services, and they all compete and kill
each other selling within the same community.
5) For big business to altruistically share in the improvement of the
community by providing marketing outlets and sharing their marketing
infrastructure with the small entrepreneurs; setting up scholarship
foundations for competent children from poor families; subsidizing
hospitals, health centers, and drugstores for the poor (usually, small
entrepreneurs are stopped dead in their tracks by illness in the family);
setting up housing programs in the provinces and opening marketing and
production ventures or small branches of their firms near these
settlements. These need not lead to losses for big business. It should be
possible to figure out population sizes which could be resettled in given
areas and where business branches could be set up profitably which would
provide marketing outlets and business and employment opportunities for
the resettled people.

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