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Your Mornings
By Kat @

What Youll Get From This E-book

Here are the things that Ill cover in this ebook:
- Learn why getting up early is so important.
- How to get out of bed - tips to make it easier to crawl out of
your cozy bed.
- How to develop a doable Prayer and Bible Study plan.
- How to find an exercise plan that works for you.
- How to plan your day so that you actually get things done.
- Learn the key to developing a great morning routine.
- Download forms and charts to help you plan and stay on
How To Use This eBook:
- Complete the Action Plan eWorkbook.
- Print out the forms and calendars and use them. Daily.
Coming soon, youll also get these helpful tools:
- A podcast version of the e-book so you can listen on the go.
- Community support - join us on Twitter and Facebook.

Do you feel like you work all day without getting anything
significant done? Do you feel like you dont have time for yourself to pray, exercise and dream? Do you want to squeeze the most out
of every day?
You can.
In fact, you can accomplish more in an hour than most people
accomplish in an entire day.

How? Maximize your mornings.

Professional athletes dont roll out of bed and stumble into the
game. They warm up, talk to their coach and get mentally focused
for what is ahead. We need to do the same thing.
By getting up early and making the most of the morning we can:
1. Do The Important Stu!. Exercise, prayer and planning are things
everyone WANTS to do, but not many ACTUALLY do. By making
these important activities part of our morning routine, we ensure
they arent sacrificed for the sake of the urgent yet unimportant
things that daily come our way.
2. Be Consistent. A mothers day can be crazy and unpredictable.
By getting up early, we are most likely to consistently HAVE this
personal time.
3. Inertia. Inertia is a law of physics that states, An object in motion
tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.
Get in motion. Theres nothing like starting the day with your kids
knowing that youve already exercised, prayed, and planned. And it
makes you want to continue being focused and intentional.
Its easy to get blown o! course by the chaos of the day. But by
getting up early, accomplishing the most important tasks, and
planning our attack for the day, we will feel grounded and prepared.
I've been waking up at 5:30am for almost two years and it's been
incredible. I spend time praying, reading the Bible, exercising and
planning my day. By the time I need to get the kids dressed for
school, I'm refreshed and envisioned. And I feel great because I've
already accomplished so much.
Are you convinced that getting up early is for you? Next well cover
how to make it happen.

Step 1: How To Get Out Of Bed

When you start waking up early, you only have one goal. Yes, one
goal. This is the foundation for everything else.
Goal #1 - Get. Out. Of. Bed.
This is vital. Tell yourself that's all you have to do. Thats it. You can
even get right back in bed after you get out.
When I first started getting up early, as soon as my alarm went o! I
prayed - really deep theological prayers like, God, please help me
get out of bed. I spent a minute or two just praying for grace to be
consistent and faithful to get out of bed on time. I had no delusions
of Beth Moore-like Bible Study times or running 4 minute miles. I
just wanted the will power to exit my warm, cozy bed.
Never underestimate the power of a low goal. Our purpose here is to
develop a habit - to practice faithfulness.
Success is most often a by-product of faithfulness.
Every decision you make matters. Just choosing to get out of bed
daily can be the pebble that starts an avalanche of change.
Now? I actually look forward to getting up early...No really. I do.
Tip #1: How To Find The Time
1. Arrange for your spouse to take care of the kids during your
personal time, if they wake up. I get up at 5:30am and Jimmy takes
care of any early risers so that my time is guaranteed and

2. If option 1 isnt actually an option for you and your kids wake up
early, let them watch a video. Its okay, really. Besides, if they see
you exercising and reading the word they will come to value it as
well. You could even play a Bible based video and tell your kids
theyre learning to have a quiet time too.
No matter what, though, try to do it as early as possible so that you
have the best chance of consistently having that time alone.
Tip #2: Be Prepared
If you are going to get up early, its important that you prepare
everything you can the night before. Decide where and what youll
read, how youll exercise and what you need to plan the day. Put all
your gear together so that you dont have to search your house for
your Bible at 5:32 in the morning.
Tip #3: Adjust Your Internal Clock
If youre having trouble waking up earlier, set your alarm clock back
in 5 minute increments each day/week until you reach your goal
time. Increase your prayer, Bible study and exercise times as you
move the clock back.
Tip #4: Getting Up Early Starts At Night
Dont forget that in order wake up early, we need to go to bed early.
Tip #5: Find an accountability partner.
Text each other at a certain time to make sure youre both up and at
*Action Steps
1. What time will you wake up? ________________
2. What time do you need to go to bed to make sure you still get
enough sleep? ________________
3. Collect all the items you need for your morning time:
- Bible

- Journal
- Music player
- Exercise clothes
- Water bottle
4. Set your alarm clock (and a backup clock, if necessary.)
5. Find an accountability partner. ______________________

Step 2: Create A Quiet Time Schedule

My morning time with God consists of three things:
1. Worship
2. Bible study
3. Prayer/Listening
After I wake up and walk to the room where I read, I spend a couple
minutes thanking God for the day, my family, and whatever else
comes to mind. I turn on a worship song and spend some time
focusing on Him. Here are some songs that I enjoy during my
morning time.
My Favorite Morning Worship Songs
1. Invade by Watermark
This song DEEPLY inspires me as a mom to pray over my home and
my family. I listen to it almost every single morning.
2. Faithful by Brooke Fraser
I love the idea that just by showing up, even when I feel at my
weakest, Hes making me more faithful every day.

3. Day is Dimming by Brooke Fraser

Just a wonderful worship song.
4. Captivate Us by Watermark
Christy Nockels voice is simply stunning and the lyrics are the cry of
my heart.
(Yes, there is a distinct Christy Nockel/Brooke Fraser pattern here.
Buy their music. You wont regret it.)
5. Yearn by Shane and Shane
I want to be consistently passionate about the Lord and this song
gives voice to that desire.
6. Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman
It gives me the perspective I desperately need each day.reminding
me of what is important and fleeting.
7. How He Loves by David Crowder Band
Love this song.
8. Awake by David Crowder Band
The alarm clock in the bridge always perks me up a bit.
9. Singalong by Phil Wickham
This is normally what I listen to on Saturday mornings as I write and
plan for the week. Its one of my favorite albums from the last
couple years. Its amazing how one voice and one guitar can
captivate for an hour.
10. When the Saints by Sara Groves
This is another perspective aligning song. I always thought the song
When the Saints Go Marching In was about going to heaven. It
probably is, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Saras twist on it. It moves me
more than almost any song and makes me want to live for so much

more than the suburban life I live. Whether by action or prayer I

want to be one of them.
These songs remind me that my life isnt about me. The whole
purpose of my existence is to bring Him glory. Not because Hes
vain, but because He. Is. Worth. It. He is needed. I cant save, heal or
restore. I need to point to the One who can. The One who has. The
One who will.
So first thing in the morning, I put my eyes on Him.
Bible Study
Im not a scholar. Ive never read through the whole Bible (Im
working on it this year.) Frankly, its often a challenge for me to sit
down and read the Bible. That sounds awful, but its the cold, hard
So I need structure. I cant do the old Magic 8 Ball - Close Your
Eyes and Pick A Spot Bible study. I need a goal and a plan. This
year Im working on reading through the Bible. It has been
fascinating and has really built in me a desire to learn more.
There are a number of di!erent approaches you can take toward
your Bible Study time. Here are some examples:
1. Read through the Bible - there are 1 year plans, 2 year plan and
even 3 year plans. In the past, Ive found these plans overwhelming,
but this time I made an important choice. I decided that while I
would try as hard as possible to do my reading every day, if I do
miss a day, I wont try to catch up. I read a favorite short verse/
passage instead. This has really helped me to stick with it. Yes, Ive
missed a few chapters here and there, but it has definitely helped
me stay committed and not just fall o! the wagon.
2. Bible Study Books- There are studies on every book of the Bible,

nearly every Bible character and on thousands and thousands of

topics. Get recommendations from friends or visit your local
Christian bookstore to find one that inspires you. Ive always
enjoyed Beth Moores books.
3. Topical Study - Pick a topic and then use a Bible concordance to
find all the Bible verses related to it. Grab a journal, write down the
verses and the truths you glean from them as you read.
4. Character study - Select a Bible Character that inspires you. Study
all the verses related to him and grab a Study Bible for a bit more
insight into his life. Journal about the things you can learn from his
(or her) life and experiences.
5. Book study - Study a particular book of the Bible verse by verse writing down what you are learning as you go. Again a study Bible
will provide an abundance of additional information.
Just do it. Whatever plan you choose, just make sure you do
something. Keep it simple. Keep it short. Whatever you need to do
to develop the habit.
I have a di!erent prayer focus each day: Jimmy, the children, our
church, friends and family, etc. I also have a prayer calendar for the
kids that highlights one important topic each day.
Each day has a prayer topic and verse. Its just the inspiration and
direction I need to get me going. Youll find a copy of the calendar
in the resources section of this e-book.
No one likes a one sided conversation. I dont imagine God is any
di!erent. He has dreams for you and people He wants you to love
on. Its important that we take the time to listen. Since Im HIGHLY
distractable and rarely sit still, the best time for me to listen is while


I run. Some of my sweetest times with God have come while out on
a run. He gets my undivided attention and what amazing things He
Never overlook the power of listening.
*Action Steps
1. Select morning worship music.
2. Create or select a Bible study plan.
3. Create or print a prayer calendar.
4. Be quiet and listen.

Step 3: Develop An Exercise Plan

(You know the drill - check with your doctor before starting any
exercise program.)
We all know that exercise is important, but most of us find it hard to
do consistently. The key to a regular workout is to keep it simple.
The goal is to make fitness a habit.
Too often we put developing a fit body before developing a fitness
habit. If we dont develop the habit first, were setting ourselves up
for failure. So as you plan your workout, keep it simple and fun. Yes,
1. Pick a Workout
List all the types of exercise that you might enjoy. Be sure to include
strength training with your cardio workout or alternate between the
two during the week.
Cardio Training
- Walking
- Running


Fitness class at the gym
Workout video

Strength Training
- Weight machines at the gym
- Pushups
- Crunches
- Squats
- Pull ups (no, I cant do these either. Just thought Id list them
for fun. Goals, people.)
- Small weights to do bicep and tricep exercises
2. Make It Fun
If you you think fun exercise is an oxymoron, then try combining
your workout with meeting another need.
For example, Jimmy teases me that my love language is quality time.
With myself.
While Im energized by people, I absolutely thrive on time alone to
think and process. Running not only keeps me fit and healthy, it
gives me my much needed time of solitude.
I never liked running. I only liked to run when there was a ball or a
racquet involved, but just runningaloneBOOOORING.
However, for a 34 year old woman with 3 small kids, there arent
many opportunities for time alone. So running has become my
The good news: Ive actually come to love running. I love the
solitude. I know that I will not be interrupted. I can think complete


thoughts, listen to MY music (as much as I love the choo-choo song

and all), and enjoy an audiobook or podcast.
What about you? Do you need alone time or do you need to connect?
How can you combine exercise with something else you enjoy?
- Run with a friend
- Listen to music
- Read a book (treadmill or exercise bike)
- Catch up on your favorite podcast
- Listen to an audiobook
- Workout to a video
- Workout with a friend (in person or via Skype)
- Watch a movie (preferably something that doesnt undo the
quiet time you just had)
- Worship, pray and listen
Above all, make it simple, sustainable and fun.

The Habit Workout

If I wake up late, dont have time for a shower or just dont want to
do much, I do my 5 minute workout. Its a simple way to get good
exercise and no matter how busy my day is, I can usually fit it in.
Heres what it looks like:
I set my watch timer for 5 minutes. I must complete my workout
within that time. This keeps me from falling asleep on the floor after
doing my situps. Dont laugh. Ive done it.
As soon as the timer starts, I do 10 pushups, roll over for 30 bicycle
crunches, and stand up for 10 squats. That takes about a minute
and I do it 5 times. If Im doing my exercises well, my arms, back,
legs and tummy are burning by the end. Then I collapse in a heap
and bask in my sense of accomplishment.
And it only took 5 minutes.


Obviously, this routine can be tweaked for any fitness level. If youre
Jillian Michaels, you can do finger tip pushups and squat your sofa
or small car. Or if youre human and just starting your fitness
routine, you can do knee or wall pushups, basic crunches and easy
You could also try to do fewer or more reps each cycle. 8 or 15
pushups, crunches or squats.
However you do it, I promise it feels great when you finish and,
again, it only takes 5 minutes.

The Absolute-Bottom Line Key to Developing An Exercise

I really cant say this enough. Figure out a way to do SOMETHING
everyday. There are many days when I just dont want to run. So I
just jog around the block for 5 minutes. Or I walk. Ive even been
known to just go to the mailbox and back.
But the main goal is to build the habit so I make sure to get out
there and do something.
Set A Goal
Whether its to go faster, farther, lose pounds or inches, its
important to set a goal. Post your goal on your mirror, fridge or car
dashboard - where you and others will see it. Accountability always
helps. Keep it simple. Dont burn yourself out.
Every year I run in a local race. It helps me to run harder the rest of
the year because I dont want to be the last one across the finish
Your goal should be something attainable that youll truly be proud
to accomplish.


5 of My Favorite Workout Songs/Artists

Here are some of my current favorite workout songs:
1. Its On by SuperChick - This song removes all my excuses and
makes me run fast. Sometimes? I pump my fist.
2. Andrea Bocelli or Yo-Yo Ma - they make me feel like Im running
through the European countryside. I also like running to their music
because it doesnt mess with my running rhythm like faster songs
3. Jesus Freak by DC Talk - Old school and fun.
4. Good To Me by Cory Asbury - I first heard this song when I was
a counselor at my daughters summer camp. I have to make a
conscious e!ort to resist doing the hand motions while I run.
Theoretically, that could make one trip, fall and look goofy in front
of the neighbors. Theoretically.
5. Anything by Robbie Seay, Phil Wickham, Bethany Dillon or Brooke
Fraser. Brilliant lyrics, brilliant music, gorgeous voices. Makes me
worship while I run.

*Action Steps:
1. List all the ways you could possibly exercise.
- Run outside
- Run on a treadmill
- Stationary bike
- Rollerblading
- Bicycling
- Workout video
- Gym
- Weightlifting


2. Specifically Plan Your Workout - Pick the video you want to work
out with. Decide how long you will ride the stationary bike. If youre
running in your neighborhood, pick your route.


3. Create Your Habit - What is the 1 thing youll try to do
EVERYDAY? Mine is my 5 minute workout. Yours could be walking
around your block or 50 jumping jacks. Anything that will help you
to develop the fitness habit. Remember to keep it simple.
Habit Workout
4. Set A Goal - Why are your exercising? How will you measure your
progress? A race? Pounds/inches lost? Consecutive workout days?
My goal


Step 4: Create A Planning Routine

The last thing I do in the morning is plan my day. This consists of:
1. Reviewing my calendar.
2. Reviewing my to-do list.
3. Planning dinner.
With 3 little kids in some level of school, I MUST review my calendar
daily. I do this first thing in the morning and jot down every event
and responsibility I have for the day. I plan the rest of the day
To Do List
I have a big to do list where I jot EVERYTHING I think of that I need
to do. I separate the list into two groups:
1. Active items - things I really need to do sometime soon.
2. Someday items - things I want to do, but arent urgent.
Every morning I review my Active items and select 3 things that I will
do that day. Three things - thats it. These cant be mundane things
like laundry or dishes. These must be tasks that will help me move
closer to reaching a goal or completing a project.
Today my goals are:
1. Finish this ebook.
2. Send out an invitation to an upcoming event were hosting.
3. Register my girls for a class theyll be taking in the Spring.
Of course, I still do all the mundane stu!, laundry, dishes etc. But
the mundane can take over our life and drown out the miraculous.


I also plan what Im making for dinner and when I need to start
I write my daily plan on a little card and carry it with me. The
template for this card (also available in notecard and full page size)
is in the resources section.
Its ridiculously helpful to have my day completely planned out and
available at a glance. If I dont, I am easily distracted and end up
running around doing a lot yet accomplishing nothing. By taking a
few minutes each morning to plan things out, I dont miss important
events, I get important tasks done each day and Im not scrambling
at 5pm to figure out what to make for dinner.
Action Steps:
1. Create a Master Calendar with all your events and responsibilites.
2. Make a Master To Do List - get your to do list out of your brain
and onto paper (or pixel). Separate your tasks into Active and
Someday lists.
3. Select 3-5 recipes to make each week.
4. Print out the Daily Overview ( or make your own) and fill it out
each day.

5 Extra Tips For A Great Morning

Tip #1 Start simple.
Tip #2 No Excuses - While I was developing the habit of getting up
early, I didn't allow myself any excuses. I didn't sleep in on the
weekends (I still dont). I didn't sleep in if I went to bed at 1:00am. I
got up at 5:30am. Period.
Knowing that I didn't have an option helped me to be consistent.


Once it was a habit, I actually WANTED to get out of bed at 5:30 and
I had to force myself to stay in bed if I was sick or whatnot.
Tip #3 Prepare - I set everything out that I need the night before. I
set out my journal, Bible, ipod and laptop. I hang up my running
clothes. If I have everything ready, it maximizes my time and it
reduces the obstacles to prayer, exercise and planning.
Tip #4 Get Uncomfortable - My ideal morning devotion time would
involve a cup of tea, a warm fire, soothing music and a soft cozy
chair. And I would be asleep in 6 seconds. I've learned that getting
comfy early in the morning isn't a good idea. In our old house (we
moved in August) I spent my morning quiet time in the grandeur of
my garage. It wasnt comfy. There were bugs. It was cold. But it
helped me stay focused and intentional about my time.
Tip #5 Plan, Plan, Plan - Decide how much time you're going to
spend reading, praying, working out and planning your day. Plan
what you're going to do during each section. What book of the Bible
will you study? Who will you pray for each day? What exercises will
you do? Plan it out, because the less you have to think at 5:30am the better.

Remember, the simple goal is to just get up and out. Don't make it
more complicated than that. Sometimes my Bible study times are
less than stellar. Sometimes my workouts are lame. But by simply
getting out of bed, I'm being made more faithful every day.
The goal is faithfulness and balance - NOT perfection.
So take a few minutes today, fill out the workbook and set your


Your Mornings
By Kat @


Your Action Plan

Now that youve read the information you need to take time to
create an action plan.
Step 1: Decide Whether Waking Up Early Is For You.
It might sound like a good idea - something you should do, but is it
really something that you can commit to at this time of your life? If
youre not truly interested in it, dont discourage yourself by giving
a half hearted attempt. Instead, look at your calendar and pick
another day, month or year when you can start.
If you are ready to make the most of your mornings, then
consciously make the decision. Write it down. Tell someone. Blog
about it. Set your alarm.
Still with me? Here we go.
Step 2: Take The Time To Plan
Youve heard the old adage, To fail to plan, is to plan to fail.
So, did you fill out the action steps as you read through the book?
Yeah, probably not. Most people read and THEN go back to fill out
forms. Except they skip the going back and filling out forms part.
Thats why I compiled the Action Steps in this workbook.
Were going to take time RIGHT NOW to plan your morning routine.
Ill walk you step by step through the process. We can do this in as
little as 10 minutes, but the more thorough you are, the better.
It might be helpful to do this at a computer so that you can really
get EVERYTHING done. Here we go.


Worship Action Plan

1. Select morning worship music. (Select 1-5 songs or use the
ones I mentioned in the ebook.)




Create a playlist in iTunes and load it onto your mp3 player.

Simple option: Just pick a favorite worship cd and put it in a player
where youll spend your time.

2. Create or select a Bible study plan.

Choose one:
- Bible Study book (i.e. Kay Arthur, Beth Moore)
- Read through the Bible
- In depth book study
- Word study
Here is a link to a list of di!erent Bible Reading Plan options:


Here is a link to a list of highly regarded Bible Study Books:

Now print out your Bible Study plan or purchase your Bible Study
Book (try buying it online so that you can get it right now) and put it
with your Bible.

3. Create or print a prayer calendar. (Located at the end of this

Print and put with your Bible and Bible study plan. Write in any
additional prayer topics.

4. Be quiet and listen.

Make sure you plan in enough time for listening.


Exercise Action Plan

1. List all the ways you could possibly exercise.
- Run outside
- Run on a treadmill
- Stationary bike
- Rollerblading
- Bicycling
- Workout video
- Gym
- Weightlifting
2. Specifically Plan Your Workout
Pick the video you want to workout with. Decide how long you will
ride the stationary bike. If youre running in your neighborhood,
pick your route.


3. Create Your Habit
What is the one thing youll try to do EVERYDAY? Mine is my 5
minute workout. Yours could be walking around your block or 50
jumping jacks. Anything that will help you to develop the fitness


habit. Remember to keep it simple.

Habit Workout
4. Set A Goal
Why are your exercising? How will you measure your progress? A
race? Pounds/inches lost? Consecutive workout days?
My goal
Here is a link to a Couch to 5k Running Program.
My favorite running website - it allows you to map out a running
route, determine distance, speed, calories burned and time. No
more driving around the neighborhood in my car trying to see how
far I ran. I can even just go for a random jog and plug in the street
names when I get home to see how far it was. I love this site.
Info from the MayoClinic on starting an exercise program.
A social website that helps you track your workouts and stay


Planning Action Plan

Tools: Daily Overview, Master To Do List, Weekly Overview
1. Create a Master Calendar with all your events and responsibilites.
2. Fill out the Master To Do List (print as many copies of each page
as you need) - get your to do list out of your brain and onto paper
(or pixel). Separate your tasks into Active and Someday lists.
3. Select 3-5 recipes to make each week. Make shopping list
accordingly. Save recipes and shopping list to use again next
4. Print out the Daily or Weekly Overview and and use it consistently.


Printable Resources
Here are all the forms Ive referenced.
1. Progress Chart - print this out to keep track of your progress as
you develop the habit of getting up early.
2. Prayer Calendar - print and place with your Bible.
3. Master To Do List - print out as many of each page as needed.
Write down EVERY task filed away in your brain. Be sure to divide
them into Active and Someday lists.
4. Daily Overview - Print out on business cards or card stock. Cut,
fill out and carry with you for your day at a glance.
5. Weekly Overview - You can use this in addition to the Daily
Overview or in lieu of it.



























































































































































































My Weekly Overview
Daily Checklist







Bible Study

Bible Study Plan/Notes

















To Do Lists








Maximize Your Mornings Progress Chart

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Week 1








Week 2








Week 3








Week 4









Inspired To Action Prayer Calendar for Mothers

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