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Jessica Rodriguez

AP US Outline

 Cleveland and Special Interest (5)

 The Tariff (5)
 Republican Reform Under Harrison (10)
 The Populist Party and the Election of 1892 (5)
 The Economy and the Silver Solution (5)
 Depression of 1893(5)
 Election of 1896(5)
 A new Era (5)

Cleveland and Special Interests

1. Cleveland was also hostile to the Spoils System
2. Stated, “The people should support the government, but the
government should not support the people.”
3. He supported the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
4. Extended the number of federal jobs subject to civil service
regulation to almost the double to what had been
5. Satisfied neither mugwumps or spoils men
6. In Cleveland’s first terms around 81 million acres of public land
were resorted to the federal government due to corruption
7. Although he signed many pension bills, he vetoed many due to
the corruption it was upholding, it had become a refuge for
8. Created Interstate Commerce Commission – 1st federal
independent regulation commission
9. The CICC ensured freight rates were reasonable and just
10. ICC conflicted with his fear of big government

The Tariff
1. Cleveland’s paramount manifestation layer in a tariff reform
2. People in the Ninetieth century had associated prosperity with
3. Critics complained big business boomed due to the trusts it
created and it survived at the expense of small businesses
4. Since foreign competition had been eliminated tariff prices
5. The lack of competition enabled the businesses to raise the
prices as they pleased
6. In the election of 1888, Cleveland’s chief issues were the
protective tariff and generous pensions to veterans
7. Although Cleveland’s issues favored the people the Republicans
held a huge advantage when it came to financial campaigning
8. After an unscrupulous scandal the Democrats created stating
Cleveland was linked to British free trade, Harrison won the

Republican Reform Under Harrison

1. Despite his hostile statements towards the spoils system-
Harrison appointed a wealthy merchant as his postmaster
2. Appointed Theodore Roosevelt to Civil Service Commerce
3. To comply with his large debt to the Civil War veterans, Harrison
named an officer of the Grand Army of the Republic to pension
4. This officer gave pensions so bluntly he was quickly removed
after spending several millions of dollars
5. Congress and the President approved the Sherman Ant Trust Act,
The Sherman Silver purchase act, the McKinley Tariff Act, and
the admission of a variety of states
6. Republicans saw their victory over Cleveland as a way to raise
the protective tariff
7. The McKinley tariff old 1890 raised duties on manufactured
goods to their highest level ever
8. Democrats outnumbered Republicans by a vast majority in the
New House
9. Republican attempts to prohibit alcohol increased the
Democratic vote
10.Republicans attempts to stop funding state supported schools
also raised Democratic votes
11.Immigrants despised the Republican party and became
Democratic activists

The Populist Party and the Election of 1892

1. A meeting in Cincinnati brought together delegates to discuss
forming a third party – people’s party
2. Although many southerners were not present at the meeting
they agreed with the third party idea
3. A meeting in St. Louis in 1892 called for an establishment of a
platform and a candidate
4. The platform concentrated on finance, transportation, and land
5. The candidate was James B Weaver

The Economy and the Silver Solution

1. The money supply lacked to grow with the expanding economy

2. From 1865 – 1890 the currency circulation decreased 10%
3. From the Mint Act the amount of precious metal in silver dollar
weighed 15 as much as the gold dollar
4. Free and Unlimited coinage meant the owners of the precious
metals could have any quantity of their gold or silver coined free
5. The Bland Allison Act and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act gave
some silver coinage but not enough for the population and the
growing economy

The Depression of 1893

1. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad declared bankruptcy in
2. Caused great panic all throughout wall street
3. Business and Farm regions were greatly affected
4. Banks closed and many workers lost their jobs
5. By 1894 the Economy of the country has plummeted
6. Workers went on strike demanding work – Coxey Army

Election of 1896
1. The Republicans chose McKinley
2. The “money question” would determine the election
3. The Democrats chose William Jennings Bryan
4. Jennings had previously paraded throughout the south
denouncing Cleveland’s “ do nothing “ response to depression
5. McKinley raised a fortune to get an army of speakers to talk on
his behalf all over the country
6. McKinley won both popular and electoral vote

The New Era

1. McKinley got Congress to reestablish the tariff
2. The Dingley Tariff became the highest tariff ever
3. Gold rushed boomed throughout the world
4. In 1900 Congress passed a Gold Standard Act that put and end
to the silver movement
5. New issue like the Spanish American war robbed the attention of
currency and tariffs
6. The new century emphasized a national government in society
and the economy

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