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Sample essay: Qualities of a good neighbour 1

All in all, a good neighbour is someone who has a good

Neighbours are the people who live near us, and their

living habit, is friendly and is willing to help others. Taking into

behaviour influences our daily life. Good neighbours can make us

account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that a

feel comfortable and give us many help, and everyone will benefit

good relationship among neighbours needs the maintenance from

from a good relationship among neighbours. In my point of view,


these are three conspicuous aspects of the qualities of a good

One of the most important characteristics of

Qualities of a good neighbour 2


Speaking of the word 'neighbour', it arouses different

neighbours is that they have a good living habit and are friendly to

responses among people. Some people may frown upon it, others

others. A person with bad habit will affect your daily life. For

might nod their heads at it with their wholehearted smile on their

example, children are most likely to be influenced by bad

faces. No matter which category you belong to, as a person,

neighbours and carry on bad habits. On the other hand, being

especially as a person who has to live next to a neighbour, the

friendly is also an important nature of good neighbours. If

concern on the qualities of a good neighbour is always a popular

neighbours are unfriendly, they are hard to approach and difficult to

issue to bring about and to desire for. In my opinion, a good

get along with.

neighbour must be a friendly person, while at the same time, a

Another important aspect of good neighbours is that they

person who is willing to offer help to you when you need the most.

should be willing to help others. In our daily life, emergency

As an important and fundamental quality of a good

situations may occur, and we may encounter difficulties that cannot

neighbour, she or he must be kind and nice. Neighbours are those

be resolved by ourselves. The quickest help we can get is probably

persons we meet in everyday life when we go in and out of the

from our neighbours. To some degree, neighbours are as important

building. They are usually the people we meet at the very beginning

as relatives to us, because they could provide the immediate help.

of the day, and whom again we will encounter at the end of the day.

In the same way, a neighbour who likes to help others will get help

A nice and sincere smile on their faces, or a simple 'hello' as a

in return. Help each others can form a friendly and harmonious

warm greeting on the way, may bring us a joyful mood for a start of

relationship among the neighbours.

a day. In a very same way, a caring 'how was your day?' on your

way home might be treated as a big comfort on your tiredness at

the end of your working day. As nice neighbours, they have
provided us a very cordial living environment through their care and
Other than that, being able to help you out when it is
necessary is also considered as a significant trait of a good
neighbour. Through our entire lives, there are numerous difficulties
or troublesome situations that we have to deal with. When those
particular moments come into life, the first person come into our
mind is often our best friend or one of the relatives.
However, most of the time, they cannot be the real person
who we can rely on at those hard times. We will soon realize they
are either too far away or they are unavailable right now. We all
have once had these similar experiences. Then here is the moment
where good neighbours should begin to play their helpful roles so
that we can immediately turn to them for help and useful advice for
dealing and solving the emergency, and so that we do not have to
lose our minds in trying to find everyone's phone number.
These are the precious and indispensable qualities of good
neighbours. They are friendly and nice, and they will always be
there ready for you when you need someone's help. Living with
such a neighbour, you may start to sway at your old image of
neighbour, and you may no longer frown upon that topic at the time
we talk about it.


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