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Parte 4: de Put through a Zoom in on

151. Put through

pt ru

Pasar a alguien (telfono)

Could you put me through Mr. Smith, please?
Me podra pasar con el seor Smith, por favor?

152. Reach out for

rit at f

Tratar de alcanzar

Try to reach out for the easiest solution.

Trata de encontrar la solucin ms sencilla.

153. Read out

rid at

Leer en voz alta

She read the tale out to the children.

Ley el cuento a los nios en voz alta.

154. Run away

rn we


He ran away before the police could catch him.

Escap antes de que la polica pudiera atraparlo.

155. Run into


rn nt smwn

Encontrar por casualidad

I ran into my cousin yesterday at the market.

Ayer me top con mi primo en el mercado.

Pgina 1

156. Run out

rn at

Quedarse sin algo

I ran out of flour so I couldnt bake a cake.

Me qued sin harina as que no pude hacer una

157. Run over


rn v smwn


I accidentally ran over your dog.

Atropell accidentalmente tu perro.

158. Save up

sev p

Ahorrar dinero (para algo

en concreto)

Im saving up money for a new car.

Estoy ahorrando dinero para comprarme un coche

159. See off

si f


We all went to see Sandra off and wish her good

Todos fuimos a despedir a Sandra y desearle buena

160. Sell out

sel at


I couldnt get tickets for the concert. They had sold

No pude conseguir entradas para el concierto.
Estaban agotadas.

Pgina 2

161. Send something back

send sm bk


My letter got sent back to me because I used the

wrong stamp.
Mi carta me fue devuelta porque us el sello

162. Set aside

set sad


Set those invoices aside, we will check them

Aparta esas facturas, maana las revisaremos

163. Set something up

set sm p

(un negocio)

Two manufacturing companies were set up in my

Se han fundado dos fbricas en mi ciudad.

164. Settle down

setl dan

Establecerse/sentar la

I finally found a man whos ready to settle down.

Finalmente he encontrado a un hombre preparado
para sentar cabeza.

165. Shop around

p rand

Comparar precios

She was shopping around looking for the perfect

pair of boots.
Ella estuvo comparando los precios de las botas
para encontrar el perfecto par.

Pgina 3

166. Show off


She was always showing off in front of the whole

Siempre estaba presumiendo delante de toda la

167. Sign in

san n


We must sign in when we arrive.

Tenemos que registrarnos a la llegada.

168. Sign out

san at

Salir (cerrar sesin)/fichar

a la salida

The visitors have to sign out before they leave.

Los visitantes tienen que firmar a la salida.

169. Sit back

st bk

Sentarse (de manera


Just sit back and relax.

Simplemente sintate y reljate.

170. Sleep in

slip n

Levantarse ms tarde (de

lo habitual)

On Sunday I can sleep in because I dont have to go

to work.
Los domingos me puedo levantar ms tarde porque
no tengo que ir a trabajar.

Pgina 4

171. Sleep over

slip v

Stay somewhere for the

night (informal)

Mum, can my friend sleep over tonight?

Mam, se puede quedar a dormir mi amiga?

172. Slow down

sl dan

Disminuir velocidad

Drivers need to slow down and be careful on

slippery roads.
Los conductores necesitan reducir la velocidad y
tener cuidado en las carreteras resbaladizas.

173. Sort something out

st sm at

Poner en orden

I must sort all this mess out.

Tengo que poner en orden todo este caos.

174. Speak up

spik p

Hablar en voz (ms) alta

I cant hear. Can you speak up?

No te oigo, puedes hablar ms alto?

175. Split up

splt p


My parents split up when I was just a baby.

Mis padres se separaron cuando yo era tan solo un

Pgina 5

176. Stand out

stnd at


I need to create a visual CV which stands out

Necesito crear un CV visual que destaque (sobre el

177. Stick to something

stk t sm

Limitarse a hacer algo

If you stick to my instructions, everything will be fine.

Si te limitas a seguir mis instrucciones, todo ir bien.

178. Switch something off

swt sm f


Can I switch off the light?

Puedo apagar la luz?

179. Switch something on

swt sm n


I switched the telly on to watch the news.

Encend la tele para ver las noticias.

180. Take after someone

tek ft smwn

Parecerse a un pariente

He takes after his dad. Both are stubborn.

Sali a su padre. Ambos son testarudos.

181. Take off

tek f


My plane took off later than it was scheduled.

Mi vuelo despeg ms tarde de lo previsto.

182. Take something off

tek sm f

Quitar(pieza de ropa)

Take off your coat and come in.

Qutate el abrigo y pasa.

Pgina 6

183. Think something over

k sm v


I'll have to think over what you have said and then,
well see.
Tendr que pensar detenidamente en lo que me has
dicho y luego ya veremos.

184. Throw up

r p


I was so dizzy that I threw up.

Estaba tan mareada que vomit.

185. Throw something away

r sm we

Deshacerse de/tirar

I threw away all my school books.

Tir todos los libros de la escuela.

186. Tidy up

tadi p


If you want to go out with your friends, you must tidy

up your room first.
Si quieres salir con tus amigos, primero recoge tu

187. Try something on

tra sm n

Probarse (ropa)

You should try that shirt on. It is beautiful!

Deberas probarte esa camisa. Es preciosa!

188. Try something out

tra sm at

Probar (producto)

Try our new biscuits! They are delicious!

Pruebe nuestras nuevas galletas. Estn riqusimas!

Pgina 7

189. Turn someone on

tn smwn n

Poner (cachondo) a

His sexy voice turns me on.

Su voz me pone caliente.

190. Turn up

tn p

Aparecer de repente

All of a sudden, he turned up at my house.

De repente se present en mi casa.

191. Turn something down

tn sm dan

Bajar volumen

Please turn the volume down. Im trying to sleep!

Por favor, baja el volumen, estoy intentando dormir!

192. Turn something off

tn sm f


Turn the TV off if you are not watching it.

Si no ests viendo la tele, apgala.

193. Turn something on

tn sm n


Can you turn on the lights, please?

Puedes encender la luz, por favor?

194. Wake up

wek p


I hate waking up early!

Odio madrugar!

195. Warm up

wm p


Its important to warm up your body before any

physical activity.
Es importante hacer calentamiento antes de
cualquier ejercicio fsico.

Pgina 8

196. Wear off

wer f

Desaparecer/dejar de
hacer efecto

The painkiller will wear off after a few hours.

El calmante dejar de hacer efecto en un par de

197. Work out

wk at


I work out every morning.

Hago ejercicio todas las maanas.

198. Work something out

wk sm at


Work out how much cooperation is required.

Calcula cunta cooperacin se necesita.

199. Write down

rat dan

Tomar notas/anotar

Write down all your answers.

Escriban todas sus respuestas.

200. Zoom in on

zum n n

Centrar (atencin) en algo/

ampliar imagen

Click here to zoom in on the object.

Hacer click aqu para ampliar la imagen.

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Pgina 9

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