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Canada withrdrew from kyoto treaty to reduce CO2 emissions to export oil sands
quebec consumes most energy but hydro is cheaper so they use a bunch
fixed sources-can deal with solids, burn mass, put things in sunny or windy places
mobile- dont have luxury
every time theres a recession, there is less driving so good for environment
long term aggregate decline on driving
possible cause: cost of gasoline has increased, so miles driven decrease
energy tax might be a good idea because will use less
liquid fuels: maybe we can make some that are replenished yearly- instead of burning
buried sunshine, maybe we can burn the plants
biofuels: ethanol helps with air pollution, reduces imported oil
take corn, allow fungi/yeast to process it into ethanol and use it as liquid fuel
makes price of meat and food more expending, bad plant to raise because fertilizer,
etc, uses more energy to process than it creates
cellulosic-stuff of the plant were throwing away anyways, but not more than 20% of
what we use
could use algae for fats/liquids but not perfected/economically competitive
area of US- anything not farmable = arable land
if you turn all of that into corn, can only offset 50% of energy use, so not viable
cellulose is hard to digest, bacteria dont like to eat it so its hard to bioengineer org that
will eat it
what about algae? things that area already turning thngs
in nature, biomass has to be buried and processed over geologic time so that you turn
the goo into octane, liquid that can be pumped and used into fuel
trying to energy by using sunshine where theres not really plae to farm
long chains they rotates in the sunshine, produce lipids
still doesnt really compete because its too expensive
indian car that allows people to have family car
taking people away from fuel efficient way to travel and putting them into cars
tesla, nissan, electric cars
not that many electric cars are being sold vs gasoline powered cars
electric batteries are using 40of worlds supply of Lithium batteries
getting into the lithium battery industry

gonna try to use the batteries to store cheap electricity at night and replacing it during
the peak periods
number estimates: light blue is disagreement amount
vehicle type vs cost of energy used in manufacturing vs amount of energy being used,
battery powered cars arent necessarily better over the lifetime of the car
same deal for CO2 emissions
how do we make energy thats transportable without CO2?
solar, hydro, wind, nuclear, delivering
to compare, 5 year plan
top 3 are co2 emitting fossil fuels
natural gas is cheapest atm because of fracking
middle: alternative. geothermal is only cheaper in places where theres a lot of heat
flow near the surface, near faults and volcanoes, but not in
hydro has a range of costs and it is co2 emitting in the tropics because of rotting
organic material produces methane, but not in quebec because just moss and stuff
bottom: burnign organic material and carbon capture. can we burn it and take the co2
and put it elsewhere? cheapest
_curve, increase of co2 in the atmosphere with a yearly oscilation
we have more land in northern hemisphere than southern, all the plants grow in the
spring, they suck all the CO2 out of the atmosphere and when they die in the fall it goes
back out to the atmosphere
we dont know the tipping point is
2 researchers analyzed situation and suggested if you look at CO2 emissions or
equivilent carbon tons, theres a trend that weve been increasing the emissions so in
the short term theres no suggestion that we can break this pattern between Co2
emissions and wealth
what do we do as far as policy? huge gap between what we need to do and what we
are doing
undoable, need to change the behaviors of everyone.
the proposal is to deal in smaller problem- wedges that are 1000000 tons per year
might make it more trakable
looking at technologies, can increase solar for a big amount that we can reduce a Gt of
breaking the problem into managable bits, but theres still a gap
gap could be met by burying the CO2
carbon capture and sequestration

big problem even though its a small wedge

also its expensive, increase electricity bill by 20%
CO2 will prolly leak out of the ground which will make the problem even worse
if you have a power plant flow that might have 20%, you ned to capture the CO2 so you
can try to spray a chemical that becomes a liquid, which gets thermaly heated and
releases the CO2 in a thermal processing wind, you compress it into a liquid and you
can put it in geologic structures
depleted oil and gas reservoir or deep aquifers
react with rock to make a solid
happening in North Sea, have a 50 carbon tax for companies that emit
problem is that the natural gas theyre producing is rich in CO2 and methane
gas rig would have been uneconomic, so what they decided to do was drill down the
production wells into the gas rich layers , pump it up to the surface, have a separation
facility on the platform, and drill another well underground into a diferent strata and
inject the liquid co2
the hope is that this formation theyre injecting the CO2 is well capped and the liquid
CO2 will stay underground for as long as we acn forsee
since it can be processed all on site, they can do it for about 15 bucks a ton, so more
expensive to produce, but theyre saving 50 a ton that theyd be charged by the
norwegian government
the best case scenario, still costs 15 bucks a ton, works for fixed sources
where would you put these things? the areas that have shown theyve been sealed as
long as we havent punched too many holes so hopefully they are stealed, reservoir
earth vs venus- earth has liquid water and plate tectonics

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