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10 Must Know Linux Admin Commands

We bring you certain essential Linux commands that are important for
you as a developer.
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Thursday, December 05, 2013: For anyone who is working

on Linux, there are certain commands that can prove to be
handy and are necessary to know. For this very purpose, we
are bringing some Linux Admin Commands for you.

As stated on, this tutorial is been based on Ubuntu 8.04.2. Putty.

Please see cited below the Linux commands
cat /etc/issue - This will inform you about the Linux distribution and versions and is
especially useful with so many distributions available like RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu etc.
ifconfig - This is used by everybody to know the IP address of the system along with
other network related information. The inet addr key speaks about IP address and the
command resides in /sbin. If this is not in path, you have to execute /sbin/ifconfig
command to get there.
ps - This will give you information about currently running processes in Linux system.
ps -e shows all processes as every process in Linux is identified by a unique
identification number. Processes may have parent process id where each process
originated. For optional information about parent process just type ps ef and hit enter.
kill - This is to stop a process immediately. It works with ps command where you get
process id. The syntax of kill command is give as follows. kill . Just a word of caution, if
you kill parent process, all child processes are killed.
free - This shows detailed memory usage, free memory available, memory used for
buffering, caching etc and information about swap space. Swap space is disk area
allocated for memory usage in case memory requirement exceeds RAM.
df - This is used to show information regarding available disk space. It prints
information regarding mount point, used disk apace, remaining space etc. Type df -m
in the command prompt and hit enter. -m attribute shows space in MB.
top - If your system runs out of memory or show slow responses, you can investigate
which process is taking too much memory and CPU. And this command helps you in
that. Once top window is running, you may execute interactive commands.
tar - As a developer, you may face situations where you need to install applications

on your Linux system. As almost all installers are packaged as compressed archive
files, tar helps you to decompress and compress archive files and extract the files to
mysql directory.
scp - With multiple Linux systems in your network, when you want to copy some files
from one host to another. scp command helps you achieve this. This copies file from
current system to another system.
chown - This will change the ownership of files and directories in Linux system. If you
want to allow full access to a directory for another user, you can use this command.

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