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Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.



Satellite Data Spatial Based Reconstruction and Discovery of the Ancient

Coastaline, Coral-fringing Reef and Mollusc Fossils at the Muria Strait - Central
Java, Indonesia
(A New Paradigm for Marine Palaentology and Paleo-meteorology)
A.Hartoko*, Hariyadi**, Petrus Subardjo**, J.T.Srisumantyo***.
*Marine Geomatic Center & Post Graduate Program - Coastal Resources Management.
**Dept of Marine Scince Fac.of Fisheries and Marine Science. Diponegoro University
***Center for Environmental Remote Sensing. CHIBA University-Japan
e-mail :

The Indonesian islands formation was began at the era of Oligosen 50 30 million years,
where Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Kalimantan islands plate met with the Australian and Pacific
plate to form Sulawesi, Mollucas and Papua islands. The research aims to reconstruct based on
the concept on the presence of Muria strait. Satellite data were used to reconstruct and
analise the phase of sedimentation and geological up-lift processes on the original coastal line
up to the unification to become the existing Java condition.
The research were classified into 3-phase. Phase-1 in Pliosen era 2 million years ago
with the uplift of south Java lead to the formation of Sangiran-dome and back-swamp palaentoecology zone. Field validation had found variety of a massive marine Mollusc fossils such as
Turritella sp, Strobus.sp, Murex.sp, Ostrea.sp, Orthaulax.sp, Natica vitellus and the Bukuran
village (bukur in Javanese means as gastropods). The mollusc dome was characterised with
a dark high organic clay sediment. The phase-2, aims to discover the fringing-reef and Mollusc
fossils found at Bendung Klambu and continued to the trapped ancient seawater locally
known as Bleduk-Kuwu where a mud-blow, salt and Mollusc fossils. The zone known as the
north Kendeng lime-stone mountain or the front-arch formation was assumed as the ancient
coastal-line of the Muria strait and recognised as marine-palaentological zone. Phase-3,
Patiayam dome at Kudus had discover the vertical eco-geological layers of freshwater and
marine Mollusc fossils such as Tridacna.sp, Cassis tuberosa, Tonna allium, Haliotis asinine., high
organic freshwater and coraline marine sediment.
Keywods : remote-sensing, marine, fossils, palaentology, spatial-database


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


The formation of Indonesian islands was began at the era of Oligosen 50
30 million years, where Indo-Asian with the formation of Sumatera-Java and
Borneo/Kalimantan islands

plate met with the Australian and Pacific plate to

form Sulawesi, Mollucas and Papua islands (Hall, 2001). The formation of Java
then was continued with the up-lift of the southern Java mountain with the
subduction by the Australian plate and ultimately to become a new land at the
north coast of Java.

Geological up-lift processes by subduction of Australian

plate into the Indo-asian plate Sumatra-Java-Kalimantan at the era of Pliosen

2-million years ago to the original coastal line up to the unification become the
existing Java condition (Bemmelen., 1970).
The anthropological study by De Graaf and

Pigeaud (1985), France

historian Lombard (1996) assumed that Muria mountain was before a separated
island from Java.

Espescially in the periode before the 17th century that was

separated by a strait. Lombard (1996), Kistanto et.all,.(2009)

describes that

old cities of Demak, Jepara, Kudus, Pati, Juwana and Rembang were important
key harbours along the north coastal zones of

Muria strait that separated of

Java and Muria. In the periode of 16th century these harbour cities were the
short cut sailing that conect Demak at the west part of Muria to Pati-Juwana at
the easter part of Muria, and plays important roles for economic, politics and
relegion issues in the era of Prince Trenggana (1504-1546). Furthermore De
Graaf and Pigeaud (1985), speculate that Lusi or Serang River estuary was
located to a very shallow Muria strait along Demak, Pati and Juwana that
separated Java and Muria.

Furtehrmore Lombard (1996) describe the Muria

mountain (1,602m height) as an island.

To this date Sangiran had been widely known with the discovery site of Homo
erectus or the man from Java (Bettis, et.all. 2004; Bettis, et.all. 2009).


study with fundamental concept was to discover that Muria mountain was before
separated from the main Java island by Muria strait and Sangiran dome was
before also a marine environment. The study focuses in spatial reconstruction,
field validation and discovery expeditions and recovering the least studied of
marine fossils and paleo-oceanographic along the ancient coastal line at the
south Muria mountain (Patiayam dome),

north carbonate arch of Grobogan,

Bleduk Kuwu mud basin up to Sangiran dome of early Pleistocene (ca. 1.60


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5

1.02 Ma) as marine environments.



The expedition also reconstruct spatially,

the coordinates of the ancient river and supported with the field

discovery on the last form of sedimentation processes of Muria strait as ancient

river from Welahan-Demak at the west part of Muria and Juwono river at Pati at
the east of Muria mountain. The theory that Welahan and Juwono river was the
last ancient river was supported

with the presence of the oldest Welahan and

Juwono chinese shrine next to this

anthropological evidence


Based on the maritime

Old manuscript mention that this ancient river was

lastly can be used for boat sailing from Welahan (west part) to Juwono (east
part) along the the Muria strait at 14th century (HJ.De Graaf and Th G Pigeaud.
1985; Ananta Toer. 2005; Lombard. 1996). Also the name of Sunan Muria as
Pangeran Sebrang Lor (The Prince at the North) means that Muria mountain at
that time was separated by the Muria strait (Sutejo Kuat Widodo - personal
communication, 2012).

With the discovery, it is hoped as a new marine

palaentological paradigm can be used to develop the past marine ecosystem or a

new site for paleo-oceanographic and marine-paleometeorological studies.
Satellite Data. An Altimetric satellite and ALOS PALSAR data were used
to be processed and for the analysis on the position of the ancient original
coastline of north Java, Muria strait and coastline of Muria and the sea of
Sangiran. The spatial analysis involving a spectral signature analyisis and
classification based on the the wetness of soil. Radar data (Sinthetic Aperture
Radar) was processed using interferometry method to extract the interferogram
image which has the information of earth deformation, topography and flat earth
using licenced-user ROI_PAC software (Sumantyo and Bayuaji, 2012). The data
was used specifically to identify the type of area of freshwater, brakhishwater
and sea environments and its movements. This spatial models was then used
for analysis and reconstruct the sedimentation phases of the Muria Strait and
the position of the Sangiran sea.

The spatial model of the Muria strait and

Sangiran coastline was then overlied with the recent riverine system. Then field
sampling site and coordinates were specified based on the position of the ancient
coastline coordinates. Stratigraphic analysis using Quarternary Environmental


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Geologic Map of Kudus, Ngawi (Sangiran) and Rembang (Source : Badan

Geologi. Pusat Survei Geologi,2013)
Field Sampling. Based on the spatial Muria strait model, with its position of the
original coastal line, then was used as guide for the field marine fossil collection
coordinates. The field GPS guided expedition was focused on the collection of
three marine fossil type.

These are marine molusc fossils (Gastrophods and

Bivalvia), coral, diatom and foraminifers fossils. Sampling sites were located at
Patiayam-Kudus (the south ancient coastal line of Muria mountain),


Klambu and Bleduk Kuwu at Grobogan and Sangiran dome.

Laboratory Analysis. Foraminifers and diatom fossil sampels were identified
using a stereoscopic microscope. Further analysis using SEM and TEM as well
as carbon dating on the samples of coral, mollusc, diatoms and foramninifers
would be conducted at Chiba University, and thus could not be discussed in this


The spatial reconstruction of satellite data was done

by clusterring the

digital nubers of digital elevation model data. The result of the digital elevation
spatial model for the reconstruction and analysis of the Muria strait and overlay
with the recent coastal and riverine system were presented as in the Figure 1
and Figure 2.

Figure 1. The old map by De Graaf (above-left) and the satellite data spatial
reconstruction model and the sedimentation phases of the Muria strait and the
ancient coastal lines (below-right)


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Result of spatial reconstruction of the ancient original north coast of Java

and Muria mountain was indicated by the blue color coastal delineation.


sedimentation phases were indicated with three major phases that are the
green, brown and orange zones. Then for further spatial guidance of the field
sampling coordinates, the spatial model was then overlaid with the recent
riverine the district (kecamatan) border system.

The result of spatial

reconstruction model can graphically be comparred with the old map of De Graaf
as in Fig.1

Figure 2. Overlay of recent coastal, district border and riverine system on the
spatial reconstruction of ancient coastal line of Muria strait

Geographically De Graaf and Pigeaud (1985) describes that Demak distric

was located at a coast of a strait that separated of Java and Muria mountain.
Before 17th century that the strait was wide and deep so that many merchant
sailing boat from Semarang sails to Demak and Rembang through this strait.
The two Dutsch historian describes that Jepara at that time was a big harbour at
the western art of Muria mountain, protected

with three islands.

With the

possibility to sail through Muria strait had give advantage for bigger merchant
sailing boats to sails from Java to Malucas and back.


After 17th century the

Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Muria strait was getting shallower so that sail boat can not get though anymore.
Only during rainy season small boat still can get through from Demak to Pati
Juwana. The only river left for sailing boat was Serang river with its estuary at
Jepara coast untill the 18th century, where sailing boat can sail up to Godong
district (now known as Grobogan regency).

In 1657 the Tumenggung of Pati

had a plann to rehabilitates the old sailing river from Demak to Juwana as

Lombard (1996) explain that Orsoy de Flines 1940 had a sistematic

observations in some hill area of Grobogan between Semarang and Blora which
was formed by a tertiary sediment.

Furthermore Lobard speculate that there

was a trap seawater from Muria strait known as Kuwu (Bledug Kuwu Grobogan
Stratigraphic analysis based on Quarternary Environmental Geologic Map
of the Solo-Madiun area explain that Sangiran area were started with Kalibeng
formation (Pliocene) with alternation of limestone, marl and marly limestone,
silt, tuffeous silt and sandstone. Puren formation with bluish gray silt, limestone,
sandy tuff layers moluscs. Karangrejo formation with black clay, tuffaceous silt
sand, bone, foram and molluscan fossils. Ngrejeng formation with breccia,
alternation of limestone and siltfine sand, conglomerate and silt-fine sand,
conglomeratetic sandstone. Gondang formation with sand, tuffaceous silt, thin
alternation of sandstone and siltstone. Followed with early pleistocene of







pleistocene with Kabuh formation, Bapang formation, Ngarum formation. Lower

Notopuro formation, Pohjajar formation, Sidolayu formation, Mlandong member
formation, Sugih member formation, Dungus member formation.


Notopuro formation, upper Notopuro, upper Sidolayu, Mandang formation.

Nglakar formation and Basaltic still. Late Pleistocene, with Setri formation and
finished with Holcene with alluvium and tambak formation, alluvium and
Sambirejo formation and alluvium and Maron formation.
Stratigraphic analysis based on Quarternary Environmental Geologic Map of the
Solo-Madiun, Kudus, Ngawi and Rembang

area, supported with spatial

reconstruction database (Figure 3) and followed by field validation sampels had

confirmed that Sangiran and Patiayam-Kudus were the same as pliocene with
the oldest formation of blue-mud and Sambungmacan as the deep sea zone.
While in between of the above formation was found as the late miocene at


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Bleduk Kuwu and Bendung Klambu with limestone and identified as shallow

Figure 3. Spatial ancient seas reconstuction of Muria (A), Kendeng (BBendungklambu), Bleduk-Kuwu (C) Sangiran (D) and Ngawi (E) overlaid with
Bengawan Solo and Java riverine system (Hartoko, 2012)

Phase-1 Sangiran.
Stratigraphic study.

The Pliosen era about 2 million years the south Java

mountainaeus zone was uplifted the north section of Java and lead to the
formation of Sangiran-dome and back-swamp palaento-ecological zone. Vertical
stratigraphy was strarted from the lowest layer with Kalibeng formation which is
marine environment (1.8 milion year) contains with the blue-clay and followed
with foraminiferal limestone. Folowed with Pucangan formation (1.8 0.9
million) contains of laharic breccia, black clay, molusca sandy claystone and
ditomic clay. Then Grendsbank formation (0.9 0.25 million) contains with
polimix conglomerates, crossbedding sandstone, tufaceous sandstone, laharic
breccia, tufaceous sandstone and mud vocano deposits.
The important findings at Sangiran dome as the ancient marine environment
were the presence of 1). salt-water capilar (locally called as Banyuasin site) at
Pablengan village, 2) marine Diatome dome at Pablengan village, 3) coral reef
fossils and its associated organisms at Sambungmacan village and Ngawi such
as tube-worm Polychaeta, 4)


Mollusc-dome at Bukuran village (bukur in

Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Javanese language means as gastropods). The field validation had found variety











Ostrea.sp, Orthaulax.sp, Polinices.sp (Naticidae) which was also

confirmed with the collection of Sangiran Museum, Telescopium telescopium,

Coniscala.sp (Superfamily: Epitonacea).

The mollusc dome of Bukuran

considered as freshwater was characterised with a dark high organic clay

sediment (Fig.4). Bettis et.all., (2004; 2009) define the overlaying sediments as
black-clay includes siltstones and mudstones that accumulated in shallowmarine, brakishwater and marsh environments.

While at Puren formation on a

recent small riverine system abundance of marine genera of mollusc such as








Volutispina sp, Astarte.sp, Malea.sp, Zaria.sp, Vermicularia.sp, Inoceramus.sp,

Levitusia.sp (Superfamily : Productacea) and Nerinea.sp (Nerineaceae) and
many other sampels of Gastropod and Bivalvia that are still unidentified had
been found. Rare freshwater species Brotia testudina (Scalaroidea), Corbicula.
sp (Myacea), and Surprisingly a 2m length giant tube-worm (still unidentified)
and Gyroceratites.sp (Mimocerataceae) and Nautilus.sp had been found at
Sambungmacan village (Figure 5), Balanus.sp and several genus of


(Echinus.sp; Nucleolites.sp) (identification book using Murray. 1986, De Bruyne.

2003, Dane. 2002, MacDonald. 1986) at Tanon district, which all confirm that
Sangiran dome as the truth of ancient marine environment. Nautilus javanus of
upper Miocene is the only cephalopod fossil that has been described from Java.
The most important of Sangiran dome was that this lower and middle
pleistocene layers bears the most rich of both vertebrate and invertebrate fauna
could be assembled (Bemelen, 1970). Good exposure of strata underlying the
sub-zone at Sangiran dome (Figure 3, Hartoko. 2012) which has been cut by
Tjemoro river was began with bluish gray marine clays and argillaceous sands
with marine fossil Turritella bantamensis of the upper pliocene.

The marine

facies terminates with a horizon of Balanus limestone, followed by a freshwater

mollusc Turritella - Corbicula beds of Ngawi.

Lower breccias of Sangiran and

west Ngawi sub-zone asfreshwater lake with intercalation of black clays which
contain of diatomaceous beds and yellow marine clay horizon with only half
meter thickness proves an invasion of the sea of short duration (Bemmelen,


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Figure 4. Mollusc-dome of Bukuran and Polinices.sp (Naticidae)

Figure 5. Tube-worm 2m length (unidentified), Echinoids (Unidentified;

Echinus.sp; Nucleolites.sp), Gyroceratites.sp (Mimocerataceae), Murex.sp and
Balanus.sp from Tanon and Sambungmacan village - Sangiran

Several coral fossils had been found at Kalibeng formation such as

Gablonzeria.sp (Subclass Zoantharia, order Scleractinia - Ident Book : Murray,
1986) and many of these coral sampels collected upto east of Kendeng at Ngawi
were still unidentified (Figure 6).


Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Figure 6. Coral boulder from Kalibeng Sambungmacan - Sangiran

A massive marine diatoms fossil had been found at Diatome-dome

Pablengan village (Fig.7) with about 4m depth deposit which were dominated by
Coscinodiscuss.sp, Diploneis.sp and blue-green algae. The biostratigraphy of
silicius nanoplankton fossils in the upper Puren and Pablengan lower Sangiran
formations is between nannozones NN-16 and NN-18 ( 1.65 3.25 Ma) that
supporting the long chronology of the area (Sartono et.all., 1981; Seisser et.all.,

Figure 7. Diatome-dome at Pablengan (southern Sangiran), Coscinodiscuss.sp,

Diploneis.sp and blue-green algae



Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


The phase-2, the expedition to discover the old fringing-reef and mollusc
fossils of Kendeng (Figure 8 and 9) found at Bendung Klambu and the trapped
ancient seawater locally known as Bleduk-Kuwu where a mud-blow, salt and
mollusc fossils where found.

The zone was known in geological term as the

north Kendeng lime-stone/ carbonate mountain or the front-arch formation

consisting with the denundation of Globigerina limestone (Bemmelen, 1970).
Which was assumed as the ancient coastal-line of the Muria strait that in the
past time separate between Muria mountain and Java and recognised as marinepalaentological zone. The field validation on the coordinate position of Bleduk
Kuwu had discover sampels of salt, brakishwater sediment and mollusc fossils
(see Fig.8).

Bendung-klambu site at the west part of Kendeng Pucangan

formation zone upto the east part at Kabuh Jombang East Java. Based on the
palaecological analysis of molusc fossils association with its sedimentology
phases (Pandita, 2003; Pandita and Zaim, 2014).
There were two main molusc association had been detected was
association of Corbula- Ostrea. Moderate abundance of Corbula socialis found
and followed with Ostrea


Ostrea lingula, Nuculana bantamensis and

Pecten sp. The ecological environment was caracterized with salinity between
0.5 30.0 (Ager,1 9 6 3 ) w i t h s u s p e n s io n o f c l a y - s t o n e s a n d f i n e s a n d a n d sedimentation process affcted by tide (Altena, C. O. van R. 1938).
The mollusc association of
occurence of

Arca Ostrea which were dominated with the

Arca, Ostrea, Venus, and Laevidentalium eburneum as

marine environment. While the occurence of Tarebia sp indicates as freshbrackish water environment nearby or interdistributary bay (Coleman. 1981,
in Boggs. 1995).

Mollusc association of Arca Corbula was developed at the upper

part of II Mollusc Horizon Pucangan formation which indicates a Marine Lower Deltaic
Plain environment.

This ecology was characterized

with salinity more than 30 .

Sedimentation history of Pucangan formation was began with Plio-Pleistocene

era in a tidal zone of Brackish-marine lower deltaic ecology and marine lower
deltaic plain.

Most of pliosen molluscan fauna of Kendeng was distinguish by

Van R Altena (1938,1941,1942,1943 in Bemmelen, 1970).



Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Figure 8. Mud-blows, salt and mollusc fossils at Bleduk-Kuwu Grobogan

Figure 9. Brain coral fossil and mollusc at Bendung Klambu - Grobogan

Phase-3, Patiayam dome at Kudus had discover a more clear vertical ecogeological layer of high organic freshwater and coraline marine sediments with
freshwater and marine Mollusc fossils.

The zone was recognised as the north

part of Muria strait where fringing-reef fossil and more variety of mollusc fossils
had been found such as Tridacna.sp,

Cassis tuberosa, Tonna allium, Haliotis

asinine (Figure 10, as also confirmed by collection of Patiayam Museum).

Figure 10. Mollusc fossil asemblages at the blue-marine layer and coral fossils at
Patiayam dome



Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


The south foot of Muria volcano which was active during younger
Pleistocene has been domed up, forming Patiayam dome (van Es, 1931 in
Bemmelen, 1970). Where argillaceous marine sediments are exposed and can










Marly limestone inclusions with smaller foraminifera, mollusc,

echinoids, corals (porides), gastropods and algae were found (Bemmelen, 1970).
Sampels of foraminifera collected from Sangiran, Ngawi, KendengGrobogan and Muria were identified using Murray (2006), Cushman (1928) and
Hallock, et.all, (2003) as in Figure 11.

Larger foraminifera, Echinoida and

Anthozoa were corelated with molluscan beds of Nanggulan (Umbgrove.1929,

Van Der Vlerk. 1924 in Bemmelen, 1970).

Figure 11. Several genera of foraminifera found at Bendung-Klambu, Patiayam

and Jepara coast

The authors would like very much to thanks to Master Program Coastal
Resopurces Management. Fac of Fiheries and Marine Science. Diponegoro
University, Semarang - Indonesia for the local funding. Also special thanks to










Proceeding 6th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.ISBN:978-979-8786-52-5


Resources Management - Undip for field samples collection and Prof. Josaphat
the Chiba University-Japan for the SEM, TEM and carbon dating laboratory
facilities support.

A sincere thanks to Prof.Dr. Supriharyono for coral fossils,

Prof. Norma Afiati for mollusc fossils identification and all Sangiran museum staff
and local villagers at Sangiran (Mr Bambang and Mr Tanto), Bendung Klambu,
Bleduk Kuwu and Patiayam (Mr. Takim, Ms. Siti) - Muria.

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