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Proyecto URU/12/G61

Programa de eliminacin de consumo de HCFC en Uruguay

Trminos de Referencia para la contratacin de Consultor/a Nacional
El Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente (MVOTMA), a
travs de la Divisin Cambio Climtico (DCC) de la Direccin Nacional de Medio
Ambiente (DINAMA), solicita los servicios de un consultor nacional, para realizar la
Verificacin de las Metas Nacionales de Consumo de Hidroclorofluorocarbonos
(HCFC) y dems compromisos del Proyecto URU/12/G61: Programa de eliminacin de
consumo de HCFC en Uruguay, Fase 1, en el perodo 2014.
Estos Trminos de Referencia delimitan los criterios bajo los cuales el MVOTMA, a
travs de la DCC de la DINAMA, contratar los servicios de un profesional idneo para
la realizacin de la verificacin.
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) es uno de los cuatro
organismos de ejecucin designados por el Fondo Multilateral del Protocolo de
Montreal (FMPM) para asistir a los pases clasificados bajo el Artculo 5 a implementar
proyectos para la eliminacin de Sustancias Agotadoras de Ozono (SAO). El Gobierno
de Uruguay con la asistencia del PNUD prepar un Plan de Eliminacin de HCFC
(HPMP por sus siglas en ingls) el cual fue aprobado por el Comit Ejecutivo del
El Proyecto URU/12/G61 constituye la primera fase de la estrategia nacional de
Uruguay para la eliminacin de los HCFCs. La meta del mismo, acorde a lo establecido
por el Protocolo de Montreal, es lograr la congelacin del consumo de estas Sustancias
Agotadoras de la Capa de Ozono para el ao 2013 y la reduccin del 10% en su
consumo para el ao 2015. En Uruguay, esto ltimo se traduce en la eliminacin del
consumo de 4.18 t. PAO de HCFCs hacia el ao 2015. Dicha meta se busca alcanzar a
travs del desarrollo de instrumentos de polticas y de capacidades para eliminar
HCFCs, de un programa de apoyo al sector de mantenimiento de equipos de
refrigeracin, y de un programa de concientizacin.
Por otra parte, entre los compromisos de la firma del acuerdo entre el pas y el Comit
Ejecutivo del FMPM, est el desarrollo de un proceso de verificacin de las metas
nacionales de consumo, el cual debe ser realizado por una persona independiente del
Gobierno y del PNUD como agencia lder. En el Anexo I se podr encontrar una gua
preparada por la Secretara del Fondo Multilateral para la preparacin de los informes
de verificacin.

Producir un reporte de verificacin del cumplimiento de las metas de congelamiento del
consumo de HCFC acordadas en el Proyecto y especificadas en el acuerdo entre el
Gobierno de Uruguay y el Comit Ejecutivo del Fondo Multilateral.
Procedimiento de la Verificacin
1. Examinar la legislacin, las polticas y los procedimientos
nacionales relativos a las importaciones/exportaciones de HCFC,
teniendo en cuenta aspectos tales como:

Canales de comunicacin entre el Gobierno (la autoridad encargada de otorgar

las licencias y cuotas) y la aduana nacional;
Lista de importadores y exportadores de HCFC autorizados y si est disponible,
de distribuidores;
Mecanismos de funcionamiento de las licencias de importacin de HCFC;
Procedimientos administrativos y la documentacin relacionada con la
importacin/exportacin de HCFC;
Sistema de monitoreo y reporte de importacin/exportacin de HCFC;
Sanciones o penalidades impuestas por violacin de la ley;
Mecanismos y capacidad para sancionar y enjuiciar;
Sistema nacional de cdigos aduaneros armonizados para identificar HCFC y
sus mezclas;
Procedimientos a ser aplicados en caso de embarques sospechosos;
Sistemas de muestreo u otros mtodos de identificacin utilizados.

2. Examinar la informacin oficial de consumo nacional (registros de

importaciones/exportaciones de la entidad de aduanas) versus los permisos de
importacin establecidos por la DCC, de acuerdo con el sistema de cuotas
(cupos atribuidos vs. cupos realmente utilizados).
3. Revisar una muestra representativa de los permisos de importacin expedidos
por la DCC en aplicacin de las cuotas de importacin.
4. Examinar el seguimiento de las recomendaciones que se
hubiesen hecho en verificaciones previas.
5. Realizar un anlisis global del sistema de importacin/exportacin y presentar
conclusiones y recomendaciones al respecto.
Fuentes de informacin
La verificacin dispondr de los siguientes documentos, los cuales sern suministrados
por parte de la DCC del MVOTMA:
1- Marco Normativo:

importaciones/exportaciones de HCFC;




Resoluciones sobre el control de equipos que contengan HCFC;

Circulares y comunicaciones internas relacionadas con la reglamentacin de
importaciones/exportaciones de HCFC;
Decretos relacionados con la reglamentacin de importaciones/exportaciones de
Leyes relacionadas con la reglamentacin de importaciones/exportaciones de

2- Documentos de la DCC / MVOTMA para la verificacin de la operatividad del

sistema de control de importaciones:

Plan de Eliminacin de HCFC;

Listas de importadores;
Copias de registros de importacin aprobados y documentos soportes;
Datos de importacin/exportacin de HCFC y de importacin de equipos que
contienen HCFC, de las bases de datos de la Direccin Nacional de Aduanas
(DNA) del Ministerio de Economa y Finanzas (MEF);
Copias de comunicaciones DNA / MVOTMA - DCC;
Certificados electrnicos para la importacin, exportacin y trnsito de equipos
y sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono, transmitidos por la DINAMA a la
DNA a travs de la Ventanilla nica de Comercio Exterior (VUCE).
Certificados electrnicos con cdigo OZON.

Adems el consultor podr entrevistarse con funcionarios de la DNA, el MVOTMA y la

DCC que hacen operativo el sistema de control de importaciones.
Alcance de la verificacin
La verificacin revisar la implementacin del marco normativo sobre importacin
exportacin de HCFC, a la luz de los compromisos del pas. En cuanto a la revisin de
los datos de consumo, se centrar en los correspondientes al ao 2014.
La entidad verificadora deber contrastar la informacin de la DCC / MVOTMA en
cuanto a los datos de consumo del ao 2014, con la base datos de la DNA. Igualmente
deber revisar la informacin de soporte de la DCC tales como autorizaciones, cuotas,
copias de registros de importacin, licencias ambientales expedidas, etc., que ayuden a
evaluar el estado de implementacin del sistema de control de
importaciones/exportaciones de HCFC.
Igualmente deber entrevistarse con las personas responsables del control en el
MVOTMA, la DNA y la VUCE, y si considera necesario, con otras entidades
relacionadas con el tema.
Finalmente deber producir un informe final con un resumen de sus actividades, as
como de las conclusiones y recomendaciones.
Dado que los acuerdos plurianuales definen el cumplimiento de sus
objetivos nacionales mediante el consumo mximo anual de SAO

admisible, es preciso que para verificar el cumplimiento de los

objetivos de consumo nacional de los acuerdos plurianuales se utilice,
como base para dicha verificacin, la definicin de consumo del
Protocolo de Montreal (es decir, consumo = produccin +
importaciones exportaciones destrucciones). Para Uruguay que no
produce HCFC, la frmula puede simplificarse para que el consumo
sea igual a las importaciones (menos las exportaciones cuando
El consultor recibir su pago basado en la entrega de un solo producto.

Verificacin ejecutada y entrega del Informe Final de Verificacin de Consumo, ao 2014,
en ingls, en formato digital (CD), que incluya (pero no se limite a):
Describir en detalle las etapas y los procedimientos tenidos en cuenta para el
desarrollo de la verificacin
Resumir todos los aspectos de la legislacin nacional, polticas y procedimientos
utilizados para alcanzar las metas de congelamiento y reduccin de consumo del
Proveer un anlisis detallado de los datos, que pruebe y confirme que los
objetivos del congelamiento y la reduccin del consumo fueron alcanzados
Conclusiones y recomendaciones


Integridad y tica segn los valores estndares de Naciones Unidas;

Promover cultura de compartir conocimiento y cultura de aprendizaje;
Demostrar apertura a los cambios y habilidades para manejar situaciones de
Promover la cultura de gnero.

Perfil de consultor/a

Profesional universitario en reas relacionadas al objeto del llamado;

Experiencia profesional de por lo menos 5 aos;
Se valorar experiencia en consultora ambiental, auditoras ambientales, o
estudios de impacto ambiental; y en especial en la temtica que compete al
presente llamado
Capacidad para escribir y leer correctamente en ingls.
Capacidad de sntesis en la elaboracin de los informes, apuntando siempre a la
expresin de resultados cuantitativos.

Duracin de la consultora
El contrato se desarrollar por un perodo de un mes, contado a partir de la firma del
Remuneracin y forma de pago
La remuneracin ser de 80.000 pesos uruguayos ms IVA por todo concepto. El/La
consultor/a deber facturar. El IVA ser retenido por el MVOTMA. El pago se realizar

contra la entrega y aceptacin del Producto 1 aprobado por la Divisin Cambio

Climtico (DCC) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).
La persona a contratar deber ser ciudadano/a uruguayo/a (natural o legal), o
extranjero/a residente con domicilio constituido y nimo de permanecer en el territorio
de la Repblica Oriental del Uruguay durante todo el tiempo que las tareas implicadas
en el contrato lo requieran.
El Currculum Vitae deber presentarse en las oficinas del PNUD, ubicadas en J.
Barrios Amorn 870 piso 3. El plazo para la presentacin de los postulantes vencer el
da viernes 7 de agosto a las 12 horas.
La postulacin deber presentar:

El CV (mximo 5 hojas) y el formulario P11. Se podr requerir documentacin

probatoria; y
Una carta explicando el inters en el cargo.

Durante el plazo del contrato, la persona contratada no podr ser funcionario/a pblico/a
o mantener vnculos contractuales con organismos del Estado a excepcin de la
Universidad de la Repblica.
Los datos recabados en el marco de este Proyecto as como la informacin generada no
podrn ser utilizados en ningn tipo de medio oral o escrito, excepto previa
Toda la informacin recabada y generada es propiedad del Proyecto.

Anexo I
Since 1999, multi-year agreements (MYAs) have become a predominant funding modality of
the Multilateral Fund to assist Article 5 countries in achieving the ODS phase-out targets under
the Montreal Protocol. Under these agreements, the responsible implementing agencies are
required to submit a verification report on the achievement of the ODS reduction targets
specified in the agreements as a prerequisite for the release of the next tranche of funds. The
guidelines below are intended to achieve consistency and uniformity in the methodology for
carrying out these verifications. They cover, among other things, data requirements and the
procedure to be followed in carrying out the verification.
The purpose is to provide guidance for conducting verification of the national consumption
targets of the MYAs, bearing in mind the specific reporting requirements in each of the
The guidelines for verification of HCFC consumption are based on previously approved
guidelines for verification of CFCs, halons, CTC, TCA and methyl bromide consumption, and
do not apply to the HCFC production sector.
Basis for verification of the national consumption targets of the MYAs
The verification of the national consumption targets of the MYAs should use the Montreal
Protocol definition of consumption as the basis for the verification of the achievement of the
targets (i.e., consumption = production+imports-exports). For those Article 5 countries which
do not produce the ODS, the formula can be simplified to be consumption equals imports minus
exports where appropriate. For those countries where ODS is produced, the verification of
consumption should include the verification of production which was conducted following the
guidelines approved at the Executive Committees 32nd meeting.
Procedure for the verification
The verification should review national legislation, policies and procedures on ODS
imports/exports, such as:
Channel of communication between Government (the licensing authority) and customs;
Authorized list of importers/exporters and, where available, distributors;
Conditions of issuing licenses;
Administrative procedures and documentation;
System of monitoring and reporting on exports of ODS;
Sanctions or penalties to be imposed on violation of legal regulation;

Mechanisms and capacity for prosecution and enforcement

National system of harmonized custom codes in order to identify ODSs and ODS
Procedures to be applied in case of suspicious shipments; and
Sampling or other identification methods used.
The verification should review official statistics on imports/export. It should compare quotas
issued versus actual quotas used.
The verification should review a representative sample of reports from importers/exporters, and
where available of distributors.
The verification should review the follow up on the recommendations from previous
The verification should conclude the exercise by discussing conclusions and recommendations.
Data needed for the verification
The following information should be available for the purpose of the verification:
List of authorized importers/exporters, and where available, distributors;
ODS imports quotas and exports license issued;
Actual ODS imports and exports;
National policies and procedures on ODS imports and exports;
Government enforcement structure for ODS imports and exports; and
Documents such as licenses, trade names, code numbers, and labelling, to be presented
to customs by importers and exporters of ODS.
Verification document
The final verification document should:
Describe the detailed steps and procedures taken to conduct the verification;
Summarize all aspects of national legislation, policies and procedures designed to
ensure achievement of the consumption targets in the MYA; and
Provide detailed data demonstrating and confirming that the consumption target in the
MYA was achieved.

Institution/consultant to conduct the verification

The choice of the institution/consultant to conduct the verification should generate a reasonable
level of confidence that there is no conflict of interest in the process and that the results of the
verification are independent and objective.
The selection of the candidates for the verification should be made by the responsible
implementing agency. The final selection of the institution/consultant should follow the rules
and procedures of the Multilateral Fund and the operational guidance for the verification of
national consumption of MYAs for HCFCs.
Operational guidance for the verification of national consumption targets of MYAs for
Responsibility and selection of verifier
According to the Agreement between the country and the Executive Committee regarding the
phase-out of HCFC consumption (Agreement), the (lead) implementing agency is the sole entity
responsible to provide independent verification of compliance with the consumption targets
stipulated in the Agreement.
In its submission, the (lead) implementing agency should briefly describe the process for
selecting the institution/consultant(s) that conducted the verification, and why it believes its
selection is suitable for this task. Such information should include:
The Terms of Reference of the verification;
A brief CV showing the experience and qualifications of the verifier; and
A statement from the (lead) implementing agency about the independence of the
verifier, inter alia stating possible affiliations with stakeholders of the
implementation of the HPMP or ODS phase-out in the country concerned.
The verification report should name all persons involved in the verification, and the time during
which the verification was conducted. There has to be one clearly identified person responsible
for the verification (in case of a group: lead verifier), independently whether a related contract
or task was given to a consultant, a group of consultants, an enterprise or an institution. The
person responsible for the verification should include a signed statement to the effect that the
verification report contains a representation of the findings of the verification, that no relevant
information has been added or left out, and that the conclusions represent the best judgement of
the verifier.
Procedure and procedural clarifications
The substances which must be covered by the verification are those mentioned in Appendix 1-A
of the Agreement and include all HCFCs and HCFC-containing mixtures. In addition, all
imports of HCFC-141b contained in pre-blended polyols should also be verified if mentioned in
Appendix 1-A. It also has to verify whether HCFCs not listed in Appendix 1-A are not being
imported, or quantify the imports, if any, of HCFCs not listed.
The most recent year for which verification is required is the previous calendar year. In this
context the Secretariat would like to recall that an enforceable national system of quotas and
licenses is already in place in all supported Article 5 countries. For LVC countries only that
year of consumption needs to be verified. For non-LVC countries, the years for which a

verification of annual consumption is to be carried out are all years for which a target is set in
the Agreement up to the most recent year, except those years which have been verified before.
The institution/consultant must hold meetings with the relevant stakeholders, such as the
importers, customs officials, the NOU, and the officials of the entity responsible for issuing
licenses in order to establish the necessary information required.
The process of issuing licenses needs to be described. Issues to be addressed are, e.g., how is
the quota for a given year set; who can apply for a quota; who is responsible to grant or refuse
the application; what are the criteria to make such a decision; how is the decision communicated
to the applicant and other relevant stakeholders; is the process legally defined in a regulation. It
should be clarified whether there is only one or several authorities who can issue licenses. It
should be clear whether there is a legal basis to refuse licenses to ineligible applicants or to
eligible applicants once the quota is exhausted.
The information on administrative procedures should cover whether customs codes can
differentiate between the different HCFCs (pure and contained in blends) and HCFC-141b
contained in imported pre-blended polyols where applicable. It also should be verified whether
customs have been provided with a detailed list of HCFCs, HCFC blends and trade names, and
whether this list is available and used at the points of entry.
An assessment of the licensing, quota, import control and monitoring system should be carried
out. This should cover, e.g., whether current customs officers at the relevant ports of entry
possess the necessary information to enact the controls, whether importers do not ship
consignments to the country without having already obtained an import license and similar
issues. In countries where HCFC-141b contained in pre-blended polyols are included in the
Appendix 1-A, it should be verified whether customs officers have the capacity to identify these
imports, and whether they were trained to do so (training, reporting lines). Experience from
previous verification reports also showed problems with the ability of the licensing systems to
handle atypical events (use of still-valid previous-year licenses, imports deemed to take place at
year-end but actually taken place in a new year, etc.). The verification should clarify whether
such problems are covered by the regulatory set-up in the country.
The source of information should be provided for all data and information included in the
verification report.
Conclusions of the verification
The verification should compare the licenses issued with the imports against these licenses for
each license separately (the results can be given in a summary if required by stakeholders, but a
case-by-case comparison need to be carried out as a basis). The actual imports should be
compared with the reported data in both the country programme and Article 7 data reports (to
the degree relevant at the time of the verification), as well as with the consumption targets
specified in Appendix 2-A of the Agreement.
Each verification should include a section comparing data collected from different sources, e.g.,
amounts reported by importers, the NOU, customs department. Discrepancies, where found,
should be investigated and the reason for the discrepancy should be provided in the report. The
report should list perceived shortcomings and suggest improvements to the system.
The institution/consultant should provide statements on whether the country has met the
consumption targets specified in the Agreement between the country and the Executive
Committee (Appendix 2-A); the existence of an operational licensing and quota system for
HCFC imports and exports; and whether the system is capable of ensuring the country's
compliance with the Montreal Protocol HCFC phase-out schedule.

The final verification report should describe issues and problems encountered while
implementing the current import/export licensing in the country (e.g. deviations between data
from different sources, showing transfer errors, or establishing that reporting was referring to
licensed amounts where actual imports should have been reported, among others), and how they
could be addressed.

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