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What is the maximum angle that can be contributed by a single ideal lead
A. 60
B. 90
C. 180
D. 45
2. Match the following
A. Lead compensator
B. Lag compensator
C. Lag-lead compensator

1. To improve transient and steady state

2. To improve transient response.
3. To improve steady state response.


Which type of compensation is generally not preferred?

Cascade Compensation.
Output Compensation.
Input Compensation.
Feedback Compensation.


Lag-Lead Compensator is which type of compensator?

Output Compensator.
Feedback Compensator.
Cascade Compensator.
Input Compensator.

5. What is the equation for the Lead angle?

A. [Sum of angles from all poles of compensated system to Dominant pole][Sum of angles from all zeros of uncompensated system to Dominant pole] +(n*180).
B. [Sum of angles from all poles of uncompensated system to Dominant pole][Sum of angles from all zeros of uncompensated system to Dominant pole] +(n*180).
C. [Sum of angles from all poles of uncompensated system to Dominant pole][Sum of angles from all zeros of compensated system to Dominant pole] +(n*180).
D. [Sum of angles from all poles of compensated system to Dominant pole][Sum of angles from all zeros of compensated system to Dominant pole] +(n*180).

What is the equation of ess for 1st order system?

1/Kv or 1/(1+Kp)

7. Which compensator will be used for the system having transfer function G(s)
= K/S2
A. Lag- Lead Compensator

B. Lead Compensator
C. Lag Compensator
D. None.

Root Locus of a system is drawn using ______________ of a system.

Closed Loop Transfer Function.
Open Loop Transfer Function.
Feedback Transfer Function.
Forward Path Transfer Function.


Bode Plot of a system is drawn using ________________ of a system.

Forward Path Transfer Function.
Closed Loop Transfer Function.
Feedback Transfer Function.
Open Loop Transfer Function.

10.Which value of zeta is the preferred value while designing a system?

A. 1
B. 1/2
C. (1/2)1/2
D. (1/2)3/2
11.A Lag-Lead Compensator will function as _________________ filter.
A. Low Pass Filter.
B. Band Pass Filter.
C. Band Stop Filter.
D. High Pass Filter.
12.A Lead Compensator will not improve ______________.
A. Rise Time.
B. Peak Time.
C. Error Constant.
D. Settling Time.
13.Lead Compensator will function similar too _______________.
A. PD Controller.
B. PID Controller.
C. PD Controller.
D. P Controller.
14.Poles of the closed loop transfer function of a system are equal too
A. Poles of the open loop transfer function of the system.
B. Roots of the characteristic equation of the system.
C. Roots of the auxiliary equation of the system.
D. None.
15.For a lead compensator which is the correct option.
A. Pole of the compensator is near to the origin as compared to zero.
B. Zero of the compensator is near to the origin as compared to pole.

C. Pole of the compensator is on the origin and not the zero.

D. Zero of the compensator is on the origin and not the pole.
16. Which condition is true for alpha (a variable of lead compensator)?
A. Alpha > 0.
B. Alpha > 1.
C. 0 < Alpha < 1.
D. Alpha > -1.
17.Which condition true for T ( a variable of lag compensator)?
A. T > 1.
B. T > 0.
C. 0 < T < 1.
D. T > -1.
18.What does variable T in lead compensator indicate?
A. Rise Time.
B. Setting Time.
C. Time Constant.
D. Peak Time.
19.Lead Compensator will amplify the noise signal.
A. True.
B. False.
C. Not Sure.
20.Introduction of a zero in to the system will improve which characteristics of
the systems response?
A. Maximum Peak Overshoot.
B. Rise Time.
C. Peak Time.
D. All.
21.Introduction of a pole in to the system will make the system more stable as
compared to its previous state.
A. True.
B. False.
C. Not Sure.
22.A unity feedback system has 3 poles and 1 zeros. What will be the angle of
the asymptote for the systems Root Locus?
A. 180.
B. 90 & 270.
C. 60, 180 & 300.
D. None.
23.A type 2 system is _________________.
A. Absolutely Stable.
B. Relatively Stable.
C. Marginally Stable.

D. Unstable.
24.An undamped system has the value of zeta as _________.
A. 0.
B. 0 < Zeta < 1.
C. 1.
D. Zeta > 1.
25.Match the following. Based on proper, strictly proper and improper transfer
function. Or which particular transfer function is practically unrealizable?

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